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EEMC simulation studies

Energy and pseudorapidity dependence of sampling fraction in the EEMC

Figure 1 -- Sampling fraction vs. incident energy for an electron normally incident on the EEMC.  The fit is to a 3rd degree polynomial in x=log(E).

2005 Dijet Cross Section Figure

Attached to this post is a copy of the 2005 Dijet Cross Section Figure. The systematic analysis is not quite complete, but this figure shows approximately what it will look like.

FGT thermal model

I've just completed the first set of thermal model measurements, which have included two new channels:  temperature measurements of the input and exhaust.

Polarizations for each fill

July 24 Comparison of C Means Weights

I ran a quick comparison study of C means weighting methods. I changed the weighting from being (|Dist|2+.1) to (|Dist|3+.1).



T0 Calibration Update

July 23 Monte Carlo Clustering Jet/Gamma Breakdown

Yesterday's graphs didn't show the split between the gamma signal and the background. So, here are those new graphs. If someone needs to see more of the cuts, just let me know.

July 23 Run on Data

Here are the output graphs for a run of the clusterer over the data Professor Webb asked me to run it over.