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pixel geometry - code changes

chain working in starnew (SL08d):


BFC:WARN  - StBFChain::Setup

QA :INFO  - ==============================================

PPV Revision 1.29 +low pt- high luminosity fmsslow trigger evaluation

daq files are at:


MuDst files are at:


Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> L2 Trigger 2


Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> L0 Trigger

Ignoring the problems with the acceptance efficiency, I can still calculate trigger efficiencies.  The L0 trigger requirement is: a 3 tower cluster > 4 GeV.  In my code, I use the L2 s

Data Jet Distributions in Eta and Pt with Vertex Cut ( |vz| < 60 cm) for Fill 7847

Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> Acceptance 2

Geometric acceptance was originally found to be much higher, ~0.5

EMC calib accuracy for W program

 My thoughts about necessary calibration accuracy for a successful W program at STAR

BTOW calib 2008 w/ pi0 (by Alan)



  • Run=9047029
  • ideal gains
  • db status tables, peds
  • trigID=220520 = bht2-mb

Pio selection cuts:

Study of ET Correction Factor Gaussian Fit

ET Correction Factor Study using Gaussian Fits


Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> L2 Trigger

There are 40482 Events in this analysis.  These are only the Upsilon 1S files and combine both trigger 117602 and 137602 together.  Since the L0 trigger has to have fired for the L2 trigg