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Hard-pT 3to4 events in 2005 pT Shifts


GEANT tricks

Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> Acceptance

Using file list found here:


2005 Inclusive Jet pT Shifts and Trigger/Reconstruction Bias TAKE 2


Study of ET correction factor Calorimeter only geometry

ET Correction Factor Calorimeter Only Geometry


Early look at 2008 MIP peak

The following plot shows the location in ADCs (pedestal subtracted) of the mip peak for each eta ring using pp data from day 47. The attached PDF shows the spectra for each ring and the fits.

Heavy Flavor meeting

 09 September : update

2006 Inclusive Jet pT Shifts and Trigger and Reconstruction Bias - TAKE 2


pixel geometry

  • test of upgr15 with DEV library 

Chain used :

Like-sign and unlike-sign asymmetry

In the ongoing effort to figure out what's wrong with my calculated 2005 asymmetries, the like-sign (A_ls) and unlike-sign (A_us) asymmetries, as defined