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Writing and Editing Guidelines

A former classmate of mine from 6th Form College (equivalent to final two years of high school) is now a professional writer and editor.

data volume (strips)

 Number of strips fired per wafer and per side :

PPV Revision 1.29 - A closer look at unmatched PPV vpd Events

Further details to follow when I'm someplace with civilized internet access.

triggers are: bbc+bh1-mb+etot-mb-l2+jpt-mb-l2+bh2-mb-slow


PPV Revision 1.29 Z radius change evaluation

I will fill in further details once I get to a place with real internet access.

Definition of match |vpd - vz rank 0| < 20 cm

Follow-up on ticket 1285

Following on this ticket, can I reproduce the problem by cut-and-paste from an Email?

BTOW/BSMD Geometry Changes


Jan Balewski noticed many problems with the GSTAR implementation of BTOW/BSMDBPRS


2008 Status Tables

Stephen noticed something peculiar in some spectra I sent him which led me to discover what looks like a problem in the status tables.

Calorimeter tower calibration history

 In preparation for the upcoming calorimeter calibration workshop, I wanted to organize a bit the history of past calorimeter calibration work.

Upsilon Trigger Efficiency Calculation for pp2006 triggers-> Upsilon 400 series

I have switched to running over the upsilon 400 series for this analysis until the new embeded set is available.