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iff update 7/23


trigger bias update


I got those pictures using a script /star/u/pusheax/GMT/my_ver/run_test_0.csh.

HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/07/23

2011 Fragmentation Function: First Look

Target Physics

Kaufmann, Mukherjee, and Vogelsang have posted a new paper on fragmentation functions of pions within jets.

PWG Update: Collins Simulation Discussion


Time Dependent Corrections in Simulations :

/////////  SIMULATIONS ////////////
Calculating energy_chaned/energy for time dependent corrections.


Collins working directory :



NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Xin - 2015/07/17

1) Data - Kunsu

Chamindu Amarasinge - DNP CEU Abstract 2015