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investigation : dca sigma from THelix

  •  real data year 7 : day 149 : Production2

StEmcMixerMaker and (electron) embedding

For Heavy Flavor phone meeting, August 11, 2009.

GEM Foil meeting with Tech-Etch at MIT, Monday, August 10, 2009

 GEM Foil meeting with Tech-Etch at MIT, Monday, August 10, 2009

Calculation of correction factor for calculation of kt


Wrapping Up

So, the bulk of my work was inserting the C Macro CMeansFinder.C into the runGammaTreeReader.C program. My code can be found at ~bbarber/work/07-24-2009-Run-Comparison/submit-mchist/.

Neutral Pion Tests



Determination of BSMD Relative Gains

BSMD relative gains from VPDMB events from fill 10471 of the 2009 pp500 run.

Pi0 Accuracy Testing


3rd Quarterly Review Presentation / FGT Project - BNL

 3rd Quarterly Review Presentation / F
