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Collider-Accelerator Hazard Identification Tool

BNL shift accounting, Run 10

Authors: Timothy Hallman, Lijuan Ruan, Leslie Bland, Bill

absolute cross section notes 7

I've updated the plots to now list the cross section value from the fit.

For run 10097097:

First Raw Collins Asymmetries & Relevant Kinematics

 .pdf file attached

first mid rapidity STAR Ws from Run 9

Entry 3


TPC prompt hit reality check

In my opinion, You do not have access to view this node examining the so-called "prompt hits" in the TPC (hits reconstructed at essentially no drift, i.e.

FGT Safety Review Presentation - Mechanical Design

FGT Safety Review Presentation - Overview

absolute cross section notes 6

I don't have closure on the source of the bht3 background yet.