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Atmospheric pressure in 2009

In addition to what I reported here:

here is more data on 2009 (attached).

Using StRandomSelector to Artificially Reduce Track Efficiency

In order to better estimate the error in the jet energy scales arising from Tpc efficiency error, we have been looking into the possibility of examining the effects of reducing jet efficiency artif

absolute cross section notes 5

Here is the procedure I'm using to compute the absolute cross section:


Entry 2`

With the first couple files completed, and the findBXoff.C run over them, it was time to begin analysis to ensure that everything was working just fine.

Linearity Check in fixed ecalgeo.g

Abstract:  A bug in the EEMC geometry has been identified.  Lines such as "Material Air isvol=0" have an unexpected (read undocumented) behavior: they create a new materi

Entry 1

Objective: to determine the Beam Crossing Offsets for all of the runs in the testSummaryClean.txt file and upload it to the SpinDB.

HFT CDR version 18

The HFT technical group have been working on this document for a while.

Comments are most welcome; The can be send to the Hans Georg editor of the document (HGritter @ lbl . gov )

Spin Task Force Meeting - 08/19/09

PPV 500 GeV test run QA

Code is at:


compiled in SL09b

Info to be filled in here....

DIS 2009 Proceedings - Final Version

 DIS 2009 Proceedings - Final Version