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absolute cross section notes 4

 Angelika has given me the timing for the fill 10507 vernier scan, and I have begun fitting.

Update on global analysis task force - SPIN PWG Meeting, 08/06/09

Run 9 EEMC TCD Phase and Effective Gains

EEMC TCD Phase and Effective Gains

2009 Run QA: Days 160-166

2009 Run QA


Verify that the fast simulator sees all of the energy deposited in geant

Verififcation that the EEMC fast simulator sees the correct energy deposit registered by geant.

Beamline determination pp500 GeV W triggered events pt 2

code is at:


bfc options to generate log files:

Data/Simulation Comparison

So, I have a ton of graphs generated from a cmeans cluster of data and simulation. Left column is Simulation, right column is the corresponding data graph.


Kinematics plots for charged pions

 .pdf file attached

BSMD Relative Gains Update for August 3 EMC Meeting

RD51 meeting - Photographs on Assembly techniques

 RD51 meeting - Photographs on Assembl