
This tree will contain information pertaining to run 8.

Run preparation meetings are held on Friday between 3-4 PM (room reserved up to 5 PM). The following groups are invited to join:

  • The S&C core support as appropriate
  • The online "Run Time System" people
    • DAQ - Jeff Landgraf
    • Slow Control - Will Waggoner
    • Trigger - Jon Engelage
  • All software coordinators as listed on the Organization page

The goal of the meetings are to discuss any issues with the infrastructure, networking, code readiness, resource and needs or any other computing and related issues relevant to the smooth running of online operations. The forum and meeting also serves as a vehicule for passing information on time constraints and requirements to and through the diverse group in a structured and cohesive manner.

In Run VII, the forum was used to discuss the security plan and several key reshape of the online computing structure to achieve minimum cyber-security accreditation.

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