StGammaJetAna (maker which does the shower shape analysis)
StGammaJetAna is the main maker which actually do the shower shape analysis.
StGammaJetAna.h / StGammaJetAna.cxx
- CheckNeighbors.h - short method to get the adjacent towers
- Cluster.h -
- Constants.h - parameters
- CreateHistLists.h -
- Cuts.h
- FillAnaTree.h
- FillHists.h
- FindMaxEnergySector.h
- FindSmdCluster.h - redundant
- FindSmdGammaCluster.h
- FitSMDstripsGaus.h - redundant
- FitSMDstripsSidedResidual.h
- GetEemcEnergiesForMaxTower.h
- GetPolarization.h
- Init.h
- Make.h
- SetPreshowerBin.h
- getNextEemcTowerId.h
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