iTPC closeout review May 2, 2019

Final report and experts from the review were received on August 1, 2019
The three documents have been attached 
cover letter
Review report  
Excerpts from reviewers


The material for the closeout review including talks are all on

On this page I added the 3 final documents: close-out report, lessons learned, and the transitions to ops.
 The close out review for STAR has been scheduled for May 2. The notice from DOE is enclosed here
This page will be used for the preliminary material, Final talks and material will be put on a BNL indico page
as we did for the previous reviews.

As the iTPC project is neither an MIE no a project for the CD process, I believe the requested closeout and transition to ops documents
can be fairly brief.

-- notes from DOE NP

As you know, the dates for the STAR iTPC Project Closeout/Transition to Operations Review has been confirmed for May 2, 2019. Attached, please find a list of the reviewer panel and anticipated DOE participants. For your information, the web-conference info is included below for distribution to the panel via the review website.


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:


And/or join by phone:


    +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) or +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 737 668 005


Note: with the ZOOM web-conference, if the equipment you are using is not equipped with a microphone, you will need to use the link to log into the meeting to share/view presentations, as well as call-in via phone for voice participation.


Please draft an agenda and a list of proposed documents to be sent to the review panel prior to the review  (for example, previous review report, response to DOE Review Recommendations, etc.). Please note: background documents should also include a draft Project Closeout Report, draft Transition to Operations Report, as well as a draft lessons learned document.  Once the draft agenda and the list of proposed documents have been prepared please send this input to me for comments – I will collect comments from all applicable individuals within the NP office and will iterate with you on the agendas to ensure all topics are covered. Once the materials have been finalized, please make the background materials, as well as presentations, available to review participants in electronic form as soon as possible but no later than two weeks prior to the review (presentations can be made available at a later date, however, we request no later than 5 days prior to the review).

The panel members are in the attached document

-- as previous e-mail the charge for review content is

Please hold May 2, 2019 for the Project Closeout/Transition to Operations Review of the STAR iTPC. We are happy to schedule the meeting as early as possible, however, this is likely to be one-day starting no earlier than 9:00 am ET with an executive session, 9:30 am ET for presentations to start. For your information, suggested topics for talks and the schedule for the one day close out meeting would be as follows:


-              Project status and deliverables

-              Project commissioning results 

-              Cost and Schedule

-              Management and Safety issues

-              Transition to operations

-              Working lunch and executive session to write a few page report

-              Close out   (early afternoon, between 2-3 pm)

I should point out all t6he charge bullets is what any project from 5M$ and up is subject to.