jwebb's blog - pp 2008 pi0 spectrum day 65 - February 6., 2009
- ZDC polarimetry using trigger data - February 12., 2009
- Accessing Trigger Data Files w/in StRoot - February 18., 2009
- Stupid mysql tricks - February 21., 2009
- Access spin pattern from CDEV database - February 23., 2009
- ZDC Polarimetry Runs since 3/19 - March 21., 2009
- Notes on pp2006 pi0 production for conversion rate estimation - June 3., 2009
- QA for 05/12/09 - 05/18/2009 - June 4., 2009
- Remarks on the EEMC calibration in 2006 - June 7., 2009
- Comparison of conversion rates in MC to data, take 1 - June 9., 2009
- Comparison of conversion rates in MC to data, take 2 - June 13., 2009
- Comparison of conversion rates in MC to data, take 3 - June 15., 2009
- More remarks on the EEMC calibration in 2006 - June 15., 2009
- Potential for use of kmeans-clustering for pi0/gamma discrimination - June 30., 2009
- Data / MC comparisons for isolation cut - July 6., 2009
- Data / MC comparisons for isolation cut, take 2 - July 9., 2009
- Physics parameters set in MC - July 14., 2009
- Comparison of muon energy deposit in 1st layers of EEMC and BEMC in gstar - July 16., 2009
- Sanity check for tracking media in EEMC - July 17., 2009
- List of small, almost trivial, problems with the Monte Carlo - July 18., 2009
- Recent simulation studies in the EEMC and BEMC - July 19., 2009
- Comparison of muon energy deposit in 1st layers of EEMC and BEMC in gstar, take 2 - July 25., 2009
- Energy deposition in EEMC for an e- induced shower vs incident energy at eta=1.45 - July 27., 2009
- Energy and pseudorapidity dependence of sampling fraction in the EEMC - July 30., 2009
- EEMC simulation studies - July 30., 2009