
In order to join this group, you must login or register a new account. After you have successfully done so, you will need to request membership again.
Group Description Managersort icon Posts Members Join Link
Physics Working Group

Physics Working Group internal information

bedanga 92 5 Request membership
FMS Calibration Taskforce

this group looks into the calibration of the FMS

eca 16 27 Join

Prof. Joern Putschke's group at Wayne State

elayavalli 7 5 Request membership
Spin PWG

Spin Physics Working Group pages

gagliard 500 158 Join

STAR News Letter

genevb 21 1 Request membership


iraklic 82 23 Join
Council members

The STAR council document

jbielcik 117 54 Request membership
Software and Computing

Software and computing protected documents

jeromel 923 60 Join
SSD group

SSD Group Pages

levine 12 13 Join
STAR BES Review Paper

Documents from the STAR BES Review Paper writing team

nxu 1 Request membership
FMS Analysis/Calibration

Subgroup of FMS users for analysis discussion

oleg 195 37 Request membership
Tracking Efficiency Uncertainty

Tracking Efficiency Uncertainty tak force page

petrchal 235 8 Join
Event Structure

Event structure focus group Pages

porter 9 3 Request membership

pp2pp - Diffractive Physics at STAR

rgill 87 69 Join
Heavy Flavor

Analysis of data related to charm and bottom production and observables in STAR.

rksooraj 284 208 Join
Event by Event

Event by Event is a focus actib=vity part of the Bulk-correlations PWG

testadmin 6 32 Join

Strangeness (PWG pre-2008) is part of the Light flavor Spectra PWG

testadmin 10 2 Closed
Site administrators

Site administrators

testadmin 11 2 Invite only

Spectra PWG is now part of the Light Flavor Spectra PWG

testadmin 32 34 Join
Peripheral Collisions

Ultra Peripheral Collisions

testadmin 142 9 Request membership
High pT

High Pt is a focus activity group of Jet-like correlations PWG

testadmin 16 96 Join

FMS Hardware/Analysis Group Meeting

trent 24 67 Join
STAR Juniors

STAR Juniors pages

veprbl 79 312 Request membership

LFS-UPC physics working group

wlodek 71 77 Join
BES Strangeness Paper Draft

paper draft

xzb 7 32 Join

an Upgrade to Inner Sectors of STAR Time Projection Chamber

xzb 52 72 Join
STAR Jet Finding Discussion

Topics related to jet finding at STAR

zchang 1 19 Join