Instructions on HepData submission

 This page collects resources regarding how to prepare YAML data tables and upload them to HepData. 

Guidance on significant digits:
 guidanceexample code

A custom C++
 class to convert the ROOT TGraphErrors/TGraphAsymmErrors to YAML: CODES [credit to Yicheng Feng (]


Strongly recommended: Inclusion of “Image file” and “Thumbnail image file”).  (EXAMPLE)
Those fields really give a nice connection to the relevant figure from the paper. (To be obtained from STAR’s png plots are on the paper website or directly cropped from the paper.) In the submission.yaml file you can add these through these lines:
- {description: Image file, location: Fig2.png}
- {description: Thumbnail image file, location: thumb_Fig2.png}
Data_file: figure_2.yaml

Submission procedure: