Express stream data approval agreement

This document outlines the agreement made with management and PWGC for the potential for the relevant PWG conveners to approve to preliminary status the following analyses performed on the STAR authorized express stream production of the BES-II datasets:

FXT Mode:
2019 - 4.59 AGeV, 7.3 AGeV with TFG19e;
2020 - 5.75 AGeV, 7.3 AGeV, 9.8 AGeV, 13.5 AGeV, 19.5 AGeV, 31.2 AGeV with TFG20a;
2021 - 3.85 AGeV with TFG21e, TFG21g, TFG21g.B; 44.5 AGeV, 100AGeV with TFG21e;

Collider Mode:
2020 - 9.2 GeV with TFG20a; 11.5 GeV with TFG19m, TFG20a;
2021 - 7.7 GeV with TFG21c.B; 17.3 GeV with TFG21e;

which are located at:
RCF:  /gpfs01/star/pwg_tasks/tfg02
HLT:  /hlt/cephfs/Pico/
HPSS: /home/fisyak/reco/Pico

1. Observation of He4L, He5L, H4L->tppi

2. Probing hypernuclei structure with Dalitz plot

3. Binding energy vs mass of hypernuclei

The process by which these express stream results are approved for preliminary status will be the same as for all other analyses from the official productions as outlined in our publications policies. This includes a rigorous check of any corrections applied, including verification of the quality of the embedding used. 

Express stream results must be clearly labeled as both “STAR Preliminary” and “Express Stream Production”.

It must be clear during each presentation of these results (either talks or proceedings) that the express stream calibrations are not the final calibrations, and hence some results and conclusions may change after the final calibrations and reproduction are performed.

No second preliminary for any of these results will be approved from either the express stream or the official production. The next release of updated results will be at publication.

The final published results must be derived from the final official production of each dataset.

No other preliminary results will be approved from analyses of the express stream datasets.

Presentations including these results must also be approved by STAR as per our publication policies.