Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
Single Cluster and Jettier Cluster A_LL Cross-Check for Runs 12 and 13
A referee report has asked if we looked at single-cluster events and jettier events.
-- here are the single-photon cone-clusters' asymmetries
GPC Meeting Updates
GPC Update I -- 2/16/18
Code review intro, impact of including N_{\gamma}>2 cone-clusters
Paper Proposal -----------------------------------------> Jets A_{LL} 2013
Title: Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry for inclusive jet and dijet production in polarized proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=510$ GeV
Note on BG correction dependence on Pion Purity Variations
The following figure shows the pion purity for each pT bin used in the A_LL analysis; this was copied from the analysis note.
A_LL Analysis Code
Repository Name: main asymmetry analysis is in "spinlong"