Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
STAR Collaboration Meeting -- Spring 2015
(note: this blog entry posted few weeks after actual collaboration meeting)
Three talks given:
pAu/pp A_N ratio
This is an analysis of ~211 million pAu STAR triggers compared to ~52% of the pp transverse data (82% of the data beyond iteration 8);
High Mass Distributions
Trigger-by-trigger mass distributions with the following cuts:
- 2 photons
- Z<0.5
Kinematic Distributions before and i8
There was a noticeable change in kinematic distributions after i8, the last iteration. Some of the differences are attributed to prescale changes.
For all plots below:
Kinematic Correlations for Different Triggers
first plot is distribution of triggers
FMS Maps
Mapping Tables:
These are tables of FMS cell coordinates, channel numbers, patch panel coordinates, QT coordinates, and HV coordinates
Run 15 FMS Readiness Update (day37)
Sum of ADC counts for all events taken during an LED run on the last official day of access before the pp run.
HV set points:
Large Cells: -1300 V
Small Cells: 0xA0
Run 15 LED Signal Resolutions -- PART 1
Yearly Tasks
This page will serve as documentation for several yearly tasks. Not all of these are spin-pwg related tasks, but should be documented somewhere public, and then can be linked elsewhere if necessary.
Jet Finding
-Jet algorithms
-Trigger Bias studies (can be links to specific analysis)
Relevant Links
Jet Trees
This page should give
-documentation of branches
-example code (MC/Data)
2011 Pions in Jets A_UT @ 500 GeV
What Is Measured?
- The azimuthal transverse single-spin asymmetries in the production of jets and of pions within jets from p+p collisions at 500 GeV
- Inclusive jet