09 BPRS swaps, IGNORING Rory's finding from 2007, take 1


This page is kept only for the record- information here is obsolete.

This analysis does not accounts for BPRS swaps discovered by Rory's in 2007, default a2e maker did not worked properly 

  • INPUT: ~4 days of fmsslow-triggered events, days 65-69
    • private  BPRS peds(cap,softID) for every run,
    • private status table, the same , based on one run from day 67
    • event-by-event capID corruption detection and correction
    • use vertex with min{|Z|}, ignore ranking to compensate for PPV problem
    • select prim tracks with pr>0.4 GeV, dEdX in [1.5,3.7] keV, |eta|<1.2
    • require track enters tower 1cm from the edge and exists tower at any distance to the edge
    • tower ADC is NOT used (yet)
  • 2 histograms of rawADC-ped were accumulated: for all events (top plot) and for BPRS tiles pointed by TPC track (middle plot w/ my mapping   & lower plot with default mapping)

There are large section of 'miples' BPRS tiles if default mapping is used: 3x80 tiles + 2x40 tiles=320 tiles, plus there is a lot of small mapping problems. Plots below are divided according to 4 BPRS crates - I assumed the bulk of mapping problems should be contained within single crate. 


Fig 1, crate=0, Middle plot is after swap - was cured for soft id [1861-1900]

   if(softID>=1861 && softID<=1880) softID+=20;
    else if(softID>=1881 && softID<=1900) softID-=20;



Fig2, crate=1, Middle plot is after swap - was cured for soft id [661-740]

  if(softID>=661 && softID<=700) softID+=40;
    else if(softID>=701 && softID<=740) softID-=40;

Fig3, crate=2, Middle plot is after swap - was cured for soft id [4181-4220].

But swap in [2821-2900] is not that trivial - suggestions are welcome?

 if(softID>=4181 && softID<=4220) softID+=40;
    else if(softID>=4221 && softID<=4260) softID-=40;


Fig4, crate=3, swap in [3781-3800] is not that trivial - suggestions are welcome?