hit modification on counter level

Flag for modification of hits on counter level (flip local x & y)


   octet  detectorModFlag[108];  // flag for hit modification on counter level (1: flip local x & y, 2: flip local x, 3: flip local y, 4&5 : rotate by +- 90°)


once per hardware replacement (about once per year)

index name:

*table is not indexed


  108 bytes per entry

write access:

ysoehngen --  Yannick Soehngen   ( Heidelberg University )
weidenkaff  --  Philipp Weidenkaff   ( Heidelberg University )


/* etofModCounter.idl
* table: etofModCounter
* description: flag to modify Hits on Counter

*                    0: no modification, 1: flip local X & Y position            
*                    2: flip local X, 3: flip local Y, 4&5: rotate by +-90°

* author: Yannick Söhngen (Universität Heidelberg)

struct etofModCounter {
    octet detectorModFlag[108];  /* flag for hit-modifications on counter level  */
/* end etofModCounter.idl */