match param

parameters used in the eTOF MatchMaker


float   matchRadius              // maximum distance between eTOF hit and track intersection
octet  trackCutNHitsFit         // cut for tracks to be used in the matching: nHitsFit in TPC
float   trackCutNHitsRatio     // cut for tracks to be used in the matching: nHitsFit to nHitsPoss ratio in TPC
float   trackCutLowPt            // cut for tracks to be used in the matching: low pt


once per dataset

index name:

*table is not indexed


16 bytes per entry

write access:

fseck          --  Florian Seck           ( TU Darmstadt )
weidenkaff  --  Philipp Weidenkaff   ( Heidelberg University )


/* etofMatchParam.idl


* table: etofMatchParam


* description: parameters used in the etof matchmaker



* author: Florian Seck ( TU Darmstadt )



struct etofMatchParam{

float  matchRadius;         /* maximum distance etof hit to track intersection */
octet  trackCutNHitsFit;    /* track cut nHitsFit in TPC */
float  trackCutNHitsRatio;  /* track cut nHitsFit to nHitsPoss ratio in TPC */
float  trackCutLowPt;       /* track cut low pt */


/* end etofMatchParam.idl */