pulser tot peak

parameters for ToT used to find the pulsers in the events


octet  pulserTot[ 216 ]    // ToT peak position (bin between 0 and 255) of pulsers for each side of the RPC counters


once (or up to a few times) per year if RHIC running

index name:

*table is not indexed


the size per entry is 216 bytes

write access:

fseck          --    Florian Seck          ( TU Darmstadt )
weidenkaff  --    Philipp Weidenkaff  ( Heidelberg University )

/* etofPulserTotPeak.idl


* table: etofPulserTotPeak


* description: parameters for ToT used to find the pulsers in the events


* author: Florian Seck ( TU Darmstadt )



struct etofPulserTotPeak{
octet pulserTot[216]; /*ToT peak position (bin: 0-255) of pulsers per side*/

/* end etofPulserTotPeak.idl */