hit param

parameters used in the eTOF HitMaker


float  maxLocalY               // maximum absolute local Y matching of digis of different sids of a strip
float  clusterMergeRadius  // maximum distance for hits on adjacent strips to be clustered together


once per dataset

index name:

*table is not indexed


8 bytes per entry

write access:

fseck          --  Florian Seck           ( TU Darmstadt )
weidenkaff  --  Philipp Weidenkaff   ( Heidelberg University )


/* etofHitParam.idl


* table: etofHitParam


* description: parameters used in the etof hitmaker for clustering



* author: Florian Seck ( TU Darmstadt )



struct etofHitParam{

float  maxLocalY;           /* maximum absolute local Y for matching of digis */
float  clusterMergeRadius;  /* maximum distance for clustering of hits */


/* end etofHitParam.idl */