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- 2009.10.16 Jason geometry file: Full STAR simulations
- 2009.10.20 Sampling fraction problem: full STAr vs. EEMC stand alone geometry
- 2009.10.26 Jason vs. CVS EEMC: removed SMD layers
- 2009.10.27 Jason EEMC geometry: effect of removing new SMD layers
- 2009.10.27: Jason EEMC geometry: comparison without LOW_EM option
- 2009.10.30: Jason EEMC geometry: Jason with ELED block from CVS file
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ecalgeo.g geometry file (Jason edits, g23)
Updated on Mon, 2009-10-05 10:40. Originally created by seluzhen on 2009-10-05 10:39.
ecalgeo.g geometry file (Jason Webb edits, g23)
c***************************************************************************** Module ECALGEO is the EM EndCap Calorimeter GEOmetry c-- Created 26 jan 1996 Author Rashid Mehdiyev c-- c Version 1.1, W.J. Llope c - changed sensitive medium names... c c Version 2.0, R.R. Mehdiyev 16.04.97 c - Support walls included c - intercell and intermodule gaps width updated c - G10 layers inserted c Version 2.1, R.R. Mehdiyev 23.04.97 c - Shower Max Detector geometry added c - Variable eta grid step size introduced c Version 2.2, R.R. Mehdiyev 03.12.97 c - Eta grid corrected c - Several changes in volumes dimensions c - Material changes in SMD c c Version 3.0, O. Rogachevsky 28.11.99 c - New proposal for calorimeter SN 0401 c c Version 4.1, O.Akio 3 Jan 01 c - Include forward pion detectors c c Version 5.0, O. Rogachevsky 20.11.01 c - FPD is eliminated in this version c - More closed to proposal description c of calorimeter and SMD structure c c***************************************************************************** +CDE,AGECOM,GCONST,GCUNIT. * Content EAGA,EALP,ECAL,ECHC,ECVO,ECGH,EFLP,EHMS, ELED,EMGT,EMOD,EPER,EPSB,ERAD,ERCM,ERSM, ESHM,ESEC,ESCI,ESGH,ESPL,ESSP,EMSS,ETAR, EXGT,EXSG,EXPS,EFLS,EBLS Structure EMCG { Version, int Onoff, int fillMode} Structure EMCS { Version,Type,zorg,zend,EtaMin,EtaMax, PhiMin,PhiMax,Offset, Nsupsec,Nsector,Nsection,Nslices, Front,AlinCell,Frplast,Bkplast,PbPlate,LamPlate, BckPlate,Hub,Rmshift,SMShift,GapPlt,GapCel, GapSMD,SMDcentr,TieRod(2),Bckfrnt,GapHalf,Cover, Rtie,slop} Structure EETR { Type,Etagr,Phigr,Neta,EtaBin(13)} Structure ESEC { Isect, FPlmat, Cell, Scint, Nlayer, deltaz, Jiggle(18) } Structure EMXG {Version,Sapex,Sbase,Rin,Rout,F4} Structure EXSE {Jsect,Zshift,Sectype(6)} Structure ESMD {Version, front_layer, back_layer, spacer_layer, base, apex } Integer I_section,J_section,Ie,is,isec,istrip,Nstr,Type,ii,jj, cut,fsect,lsect,ihalf,filled,i,j,k,i_sector Real center,Plate,Cell,G10,halfi, tan_low,tan_upp,Tanf,RBot,Rtop,Deta,etax,sq2,sq3, dup,dd,d2,d3,rshift,dphi,radiator Real maxcnt,msecwd,mxgten,curr,Secwid,Section, curcl,EtaTop,EtaBot,zwidth,zslice,Gap,megatile, xleft,xright,yleft,yright,current, rth,length,p,xc,yc,xx,yy,rdel,dxy,ddn,ddup Real myPhi Integer N Parameter (N=12) Tanf(etax) = tan(2*atan(exp(-etax))) c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Data c c FillMode =1 only 2-5 sectors (in the first half) filled with scintillators c FillMode =2 all sectors filled (still only one half of one side) c FillMode =3 both halves (ie all 12 sectors are filled) c c OnOff =0 Do not build geometry c OnOff =1 Build West Endcap c OnOff =2 Build East Endcap (disabled) c OnOff =3 Build Both Endcaps (east disabled) c c Note: Fill EMCG ! EM EndCAp Calorimeter basic data Version = 5.0 ! Geometry version OnOff = 3 ! Configurations 0-no, 1-west 2-east 3-both FillMode = 3 ! sectors fill mode c-- Fill EMCS ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry Version = 1 ! Versioning Type = 1 ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype ZOrg = 268.763 ! calorimeter origin in z ZEnd = 310.007 ! Calorimeter end in z EtaMin = 1.086 ! upper feducial eta cut EtaMax = 2.0, ! lower feducial eta cut PhiMin = -90 ! Min phi PhiMax = 90 ! Max phi Offset = 0.0 ! offset in x Nsupsec = 6 ! Number of azimuthal supersectors Nsector = 30 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity) Nslices = 5 ! number of phi slices in supersector Nsection = 4 ! Number of readout sections Front = 0.953 ! thickness of the front AL plates AlinCell = 0.02 ! Aluminim plate in cell Frplast = 0.015 ! Front plastic in megatile Bkplast = 0.155 ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic Pbplate = 0.457 ! Lead radiator thickness LamPlate = 0.05 ! Laminated SS plate thickness BckPlate = 3.175 ! Back SS plate thickness Hub = 3.81 ! thickness of EndCap hub Rmshift = 2.121 ! radial shift of module smshift = 0.12 ! radial shift of steel support walls GapPlt = 0.3/2 ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi GapCel = 0.03/2 ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap GapSMD = 3.400 ! space for SMD detector << version 2 -- 3.600 >> SMDcentr = 279.542 ! SMD position TieRod = {160.,195} ! Radial position of tie rods Bckfrnt = 306.832 ! Backplate front Z GapHalf = 0.4 ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel Cover = 0.075 ! Cover of wheel half Rtie = 1.0425 ! Radius of tie rod Slop = 0.1400 ! Added to cell containing radiator 6 (formerly hardcoded in geom) c-- Fill EMCS ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry Version = 2 ! Versioning Type = 1 ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype ZOrg = 268.763 ! calorimeter origin in z ZEnd = 310.007 ! Calorimeter end in z EtaMin = 1.086 ! upper feducial eta cut EtaMax = 2.0, ! lower feducial eta cut PhiMin = -90 ! Min phi PhiMax = 90 ! Max phi Offset = 0.0 ! offset in x Nsupsec = 6 ! Number of azimuthal supersectors Nsector = 30 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity) Nslices = 5 ! number of phi slices in supersector Nsection = 4 ! Number of readout sections Front = 0.953 ! thickness of the front AL plates AlinCell = 0.02 ! Aluminim plate in cell Frplast = 0.015 ! Front plastic in megatile Bkplast = 0.155 ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic Pbplate = 0.457 ! Lead radiator thickness LamPlate = 0.05 ! Laminated SS plate thickness BckPlate = 3.175 ! Back SS plate thickness Hub = 3.81 ! thickness of EndCap hub Rmshift = 2.121 ! radial shift of module smshift = 0.12 ! radial shift of steel support walls GapPlt = 0.3/2 ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi GapCel = 0.03/2 ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap GapSMD = 3.600 ! space for SMD detector (* from master_geom_bmp.xls *) SMDcentr = 279.542 ! SMD position TieRod = {160.,195} ! Radial position of tie rods Bckfrnt = 306.832 ! Backplate front Z GapHalf = 0.4 ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel Cover = 0.075 ! Cover of wheel half Rtie = 0.75 ! Radius of tie rod Slop = 0.0000 ! Added to cell containing radiator 6 (formerly hardcoded in geom) c-- c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- c-- Supporting documentation: c-- http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/SMD_module_stack.pdf c-- Fill ESMD ! shower maximum detector information Version = 1 ! versioning information front_layer = 0.161 ! thickness of front layer back_layer = 0.210 ! thickness of back layer base = 1.0 ! base of the SMD strip apex = 0.7 ! apex of the SMD strip spacer_layer = 1.2 ! spacer layer c-- Fill EETR ! Eta and Phi grid values Type = 1 ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd EtaGr = 1.0536 ! eta_top/eta_bot tower granularity PhiGr = 0.0981747 ! Phi granularity (radians) NEta = 12 ! Eta granularity EtaBin = {2.0,1.9008,1.8065,1.7168,1.6317,1.5507,1.4738, 1.4007,1.3312,1.2651,1.2023,1.1427,1.086}! Eta rapidities c-- c--------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Fill ESEC ! Preshower 1 / Radiator 1 ISect = 1 ! Section number Nlayer = 1 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.475 ! Sci layer thickness (4.75mm Bicron) deltaz = -0.014 ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers Jiggle = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer c-- c-- Note: Jiggle allows one to shift each megatile by Jiggle(i) degrees, where c-- i indicates the layer within the section of the calorimeter. This feature c-- has only been crudely tested... i.e. it compiles and creates a reasonable c-- set of pictures, but I have not verified that every scintillator shows up... c-- There could be volume conflicts and this would need to be checked. --JW c-- Fill ESEC ! Preshower 2 / Radiator 2 ISect = 2 ! Section number Nlayer = 1 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.475 ! Sci layer thickness (4.75mm Bicron) deltaz = -0.0182 ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers Jiggle = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer c-- Fill ESEC ! Megatiles 3-6 / Radiators 3-5 ISect = 3 ! Section number Nlayer = 4 ! Number of Sci layers along z Cell = 1.405 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.4 ! Sci layer thickness deltaz = -0.0145 ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers Jiggle = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer c-- Fill ESEC ! Megatiles 7-23 / Radiators 6-23 ISect = 4 ! Section Nlayer = 18 ! Number of layers along z Cell = 1.405 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.4 ! Sci layer thickness deltaz = +0.0336 ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers Jiggle = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer c-- Fill ESEC ! Postshower ISect = 5 ! Section Nlayer = 1 ! Number of layers along z Cell = 1.505 ! Cell full width in z Scint = 0.5 ! Sci layer thickness (5.0mm Kurarary) deltaz = +0.036 ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers Jiggle = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Fill EMXG ! EM Endcap SMD basic data Version = 1 ! Geometry version Sapex = 0.7 ! Scintillator strip apex Sbase = 1.0 ! Scintillator strip base Rin = 77.41 ! inner radius of SMD plane Rout = 213.922 ! outer radius of SMD plane F4 = .15 ! F4 thickness c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Fill EXSE ! First SMD section JSect = 1 ! Section number Zshift = -1.215 ! Section width sectype = {4,1,0,2,1,0} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU c-- Fill EXSE ! Second SMD section JSect = 2 ! Section number Zshift = 0. ! Section width sectype = {0,2,1,0,2,3} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU c-- Fill EXSE ! Third SMD section JSect = 3 ! Section number Zshift = 1.215 ! Section width sectype = {1,0,2,1,0,2} ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Materials c-- c-- PVC used in the SMD spacer layers c-- Component H A=1 Z=1 W=3.0*1.0/62.453 Component C A=12 Z=6 W=2.0*12.0/62.453 Component Cl A=35.453 Z=17 W=1.0*35.453/62.453 Mixture PVC_Spacer Dens=1.390*(1.20/1.00) c-- c-- Lead alloy used in the radiators c-- Component Sn A=118.710 Z=50 W=0.014 Component Ca A=40.0780 Z=20 W=0.00075 Component Al A=26.9815 Z=13 W=0.0003 Component Pb A=207.190 Z=82 W=0.98495 Mixture PbAlloy DENS=11.35 c-- c-- Stainless Steel used in various places c-- Component Cr A=51.9960 Z=24 W=0.19 Component Ni A=58.6934 Z=28 W=0.09 Component Fe A=55.8450 Z=26 W=0.72 Mixture Steel DENS=8.03 c-- c-- Aluminized mylar. According to information which I dug up on a google c-- search, this is typically mylar coated with a thin (1000 angstrom) layer c-- of aluminium on each side. c-- c-- http://www.eljentechnology.com/datasheets/EJ590-B10HH%20data%20sheet.pdf c-- Component Mylar A=12.875 Z=6.4580 w=0.999 Component Al A=26.980 Z=13.000 w=0.001 Mixture AlMylar dens=1.390 c-- c-- G10 Epoxy used in various places c-- Component Si A=28.08 Z=14 W=0.6*1*28./60. Component O A=16 Z=8 W=0.6*2*16./60. Component C A=12 Z=6 W=0.4*8*12./174. Component H A=1 Z=1 W=0.4*14*1./174. Component O A=16 Z=8 W=0.4*4*16./174. Mixture G10 Dens=1.7 c-- c-- Fibreglass cloth used in SMD stackup. I googled this one too... a self- c-- described expert quotes typical densities and percent by volume c-- http://en.allexperts.com/q/Composite-Materials-2430/fiberglass-1.htm c-- c-- glass fiber: 2.6 g/cm3 (17.6%) resin: 1.3 g/cm3 (82.4%) c-- c-- Fiberglass density = 1.529 g/cm3 c-- c-- I will assume that G10 epoxy is close enough to the typical resins c-- used, at least in terms of chemical composition. Then c-- Component G10 A=18.017 Z=9.013 W=1.3*0.824/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176) Component Si A=28.08 Z=14 W=2.6*0.176/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176)*28.08/60.08 Component O A=16 Z=8 W=2.6*0.176/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176)*32.00/60.08 Mixture Fiberglass dens=1.53 c-- c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Select versions of various geometry data c-- Use EMCG Use EMCS Version=2 Use EETR c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- Calculate frequently used quantities c-- sq3 = sqrt(3.) ! 1/tan(30deg) = sq3 sq2 = sqrt(2.) c-- c-- center = (emcs_zorg+emcs_zend)/2 ! center of the calorimeter tan_upp = tanf(emcs_etamin) ! think this is angle pointing to top of calo tan_low = tanf(emcs_etamax) ! think this is angle pointing to bot of calo rth = sqrt(1. + tan_low*tan_low) ! ?? rshift = emcs_hub * rth ! ?? dup = emcs_rmshift*tan_upp ! dd = emcs_rmshift*rth ! d2 = rshift + dd ! radiator = emcs_pbplate + 2*emcs_lamplate ! thickness of radiator assembly dphi = (emcs_phimax-emcs_phimin)/emcs_nsector ! single endcap sector c-- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- BEGIN Prin1 emcg_version ('ecalgeo version: ',F4.2) c-- IF (emcg_OnOff>0) THEN c-- c-- Build the EEMC geometry for one half wheel c-- Create ECAL c-- c-- Position the two halves. Bottom half installed in 2003, top c-- half in 2004... so we allow logic to allow for the time c-- evolution of the calorimeter c-- c-- c-- West Endcap c-- IF (emcg_OnOff==1 | emcg_OnOff==3) THEN Position ECAL in CAVE z=+center ENDIF IF (section > emcs_zend) THEN Prin1 section, emcs_zend (' ECALGEO error: sum of sections exceeds maximum ',2F12.4) ENDIF IF (emcg_OnOff==2 ) THEN Prin1 ('East Endcap has been removed from the geometry' ) ENDIF c-- EndIF! emcg_OnOff c-- Prin1 ('ECALGEO finished') c-- c-- END c---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECAL -- c-- Block ECAL is one EMC EndCap wheel c-- c-- The EEMC is built from two 180 degree half-wheels tilted at an angle c-- with respect to zero in the STAR reference frame. This block is serves c-- as a logical volume which creates the two half wheels. c-- c-- Creates: c-- + EAGA c-- Material Air Attribute ECAL seen=0 colo=7 ! lightblue c-- Shape CONE dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2, rmn1=emcs_zorg*tan_low-d2, rmn2=emcs_zend*tan_low-d2, rmx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup c-- c-- DO ihalf=1,2 c-- filled = 1 halfi = -105 + (ihalf-1)*180 if (ihalf=2 & emcg_FillMode<3) filled = 0 c-- Create and Position EAGA AlphaZ=halfi c-- ENDDO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EAGA -- c-- Block EAGA IS HALF OF WHEEL AIR VOLUME FOR THE ENDCAP MODULE c-- c-- The eemc is divided into two halves. one half installed for 2003 run, c-- second half added for 2004 and beyond. the eaga block represents one c-- of these half-wheels. it is an air volume which will be filled in c-- with additional detector components. c-- c-- Creates: c-- + EMSS -- steel support block c-- + ECGH -- air gap between the two halves c-- C-- Material AIR Attribute EAGA seen=0 colo=1 serial=FILLED ! BLACK C-- Shape CONS dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2, rmn1=emcs_zorg*tan_low-d2 rmn2=emcs_zend*tan_low-d2, rmx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup rmx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax c-- c-- IF ( FILLED .EQ. 1 ) THEN c-- Create AND Position EMSS konly='MANY' c-- curr = emcs_zorg curcl = emcs_zend c-- Create AND Position ECGH alphaz=90 kOnly='ONLY' c-- ENDIF c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMSS -- c-- Block EMSS is the steel support of the endcap module c-- c-- Creates: c-- + EFLP -- ALUMINIUM FRONT PLATE c-- + ECVO -- VOLUMES TO CONTAIN RADIATORS AND MEGATILES c-- + ESHM -- SHOWER MAX DETECTOR VOLUME c-- + ESSP -- STAINLESS STEEL BACKPLATE c-- + ERCM -- STAINLESS STEEL TIE-RODS PENETRATING ECVO c-- c-- Material Steel c-- Attribute EMSS seen=1 colo=1 ! BLACK Shape CONS dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2, rmn1=emcs_zorg*tan_low-d2 rmn2=emcs_zend*tan_low-d2, rmx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup rmx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax c-- c-- Aluminium front plate C-- zslice = emcs_zorg zwidth = emcs_front c-- Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2 (' Front Al plate centered at: ', F12.4 ) c-- Create AND Position EFLP z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 zslice = zslice + zwidth C-- Prin1 zslice (' FIRST CALORIMETER STARTS AT: ',F12.4) c-- c-- Preshower 1, preshower 2, and calorimeter tiles up to c-- megatile number six. c-- fsect = 1 ! first section lsect = 3 ! last section c-- zwidth = emcs_smdcentr - emcs_gapsmd/2 - zslice ! width of current slice c-- Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2 ('Sections 1-3 positioned at: ', F12.4 ) c-- Create AND Position ECVO z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 c-- zwidth = emcs_gapsmd zslice = emcs_smdcentr - emcs_gapsmd/2 c-- Prin1 section, zslice (' 1st calorimeter ends, smd starts at: ',2f10.5) Prin1 zwidth (' smd width = ',f10.5 ) c-- Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2 ('SMD section centered at: ', F12.4 ) c-- Do not kill neighbors Create AND Position ESHM z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 kOnly='MANY' zslice = zslice + zwidth c-- Prin1 zslice (' SMD ends at: ',f10.5) c-- c-- fsect = 4 ! first section lsect = 5 ! last section c-- c-- Calculate the width of the last two calorimeter sections c-- zwidth = 0 DO i_section = fsect,lsect c-- USE ESEC isect=i_section zwidth = zwidth + esec_cell*esec_nlayer c-- ENDDO c-- c-- ============================================================= c-- c-- Total width will be between the back plate and the current c-- position... this effectively turns the geometry into an c-- accordian... whatever was defined earlier will compress c-- / expand this section. so correcting the smd gap will c-- result in some small, sub-mm shifts of radiators and c-- megatiles... one would like to actually place these c-- into their absolute positions. c-- c-- ============================================================== c-- zwidth = emcs_bckfrnt - zslice c-- Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2 ('Sections 4-5 positioned at: ', F12.4 ) c-- Create AND Position ECVO z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 c-- zslice = emcs_bckfrnt c-- Prin1 section,zslice (' 2nd calorimeter ends, back plate starts at: ',2f10.5) c-- zwidth = emcs_bckplate c-- Create AND Position ESSP z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 c-- zslice = zslice + zwidth c-- Prin1 zslice ('EEMC Al backplate ends at: ',F12.4 ) c-- c-- Done with the calorimeter stackup. now go back and cut through the c-- calorimeter stack with the tie rods c-- c-- slice width will be full calorimeter depth zwidth = emcs_zend-emcs_zorg c-- Create ERCM c-- DO i = 1,2 ! two tie rods along DO j = 1,5 ! each gap between sectors (5 gaps) xx = emcs_phimin + j*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*emcs_tierod(i) yc = sin(yy)*emcs_tierod(i) Position ERCM z=0 x=xc y=yc ENDDO ENDDO c-- c-- Now add in projective steel bars which form part of the support c-- structure of the eemc c-- rth = emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup + 2.5/2 xc = (emcs_zend - emcs_zorg)*tan_upp length = .5*(emcs_zend + emcs_zorg)*tan_upp + dup + 2.5/2 yc = emcs_zend-emcs_zorg p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad c-- Create EPSB DO i = 1,6 c-- xx = -75 + (i-1)*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*length yc = sin(yy)*length c-- Position EPSB X=XC Y=YC ALPHAZ=XX c-- ENDDO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECVO -- c-- Block ECVO is one of endcap volume with megatiles and radiators c-- c-- CreateS: c-- + EMOD -- Responsible for creating esec which, in a glorious example c-- of spaghetti code, turns around and creates esec, which is c-- responsible for creating the radiators before and after the c-- smd layers. C-- Material AIR Attribute ECVO seen=1 colo=3 ! GREEN Shape CONS dz=zwidth/2, rmn1=zslice*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=zslice*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_upp+dup c-- c-- Loop over the SIX SECTORS in the current half-wheel. determine c-- whether the sector is filled or not, and create the "module". c-- By "module", we really mean endcap sector. (Lots of code in the c-- EEMC borrows from the barrel, and so barrel modlues get mapped c-- to EEMC sectors). c-- DO i_sector = 1,6 c-- IF (1 < I_SECTOR < 6 | EMCG_FILLMODE > 1) THEN filled = 1 ELSE filled = 0 ENDIF c-- d3 = 75 - (i_sector-1)*30 Create AND Position EMOD alphaz=d3 ncopy=i_sector c-- ENDDO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESHM -- c-- Block ESHM is the shower max section c-- c-- CreateS: c-- + ESPL -- SHOWER MAXIMUM DETECTOR PLANES c-- + ERSM -- TIE RODS W/IN THE SHOWER MAXIMUM DETECTOR c-- Material AIR Attribute ESHM seen=1 colo=4 ! BLUE c-- Shape CONS dz=zwidth/2, rmn1=(zslice*tan_low)-dd, rmn2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=(zslice)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax c-- USE EMXG c-- maxcnt = emcs_smdcentr Prin1 zslice, section, center (' === z start for smd,section: ',3f12.4) c-- c-- Loop over the three possible locations for the smd planes and c-- create them. note that code w/in espl will decide which of c-- 5 types of smd planes are created... u, v, cutu,cutv or spacer. c-- DO j_section = 1,3 c-- USE EXSE jsect=j_section c-- current = exse_zshift secwid = emxg_sapex + 2.*emxg_f4 section = maxcnt + exse_zshift c-- Prin1 j_section,current,section,secwid (' layer, z, width : ',i3,3f12.4) c-- rbot=section*tan_low rtop=section*tan_upp c-- Prin1 j_section,rbot,rtop (' layer, rbot,rtop : ',i3,2f12.4) c-- Prin1 j_section, center+current (' smd layer=',I1,' z=',F12.4 ) c-- Do not kill neighbors Create and Position ESPL z=current kOnly='MANY' c-- ENDDO c-- c-- Add in the tie rods which penetrate the SMD layers c-- Create ERSM c-- DO i = 1,2 DO j = 1,5 xx = emcs_phimin + j*30 yy = xx*degrad xc = cos(yy)*emcs_tierod(i) yc = sin(yy)*emcs_tierod(i) Position ERSM Z=0 X=XC Y=YC END DO END DO C-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECGH -- c-- Block ECGH is air gap between endcap half wheels c-- c-- Creates: c-- + ECHC -- THE STAINLESS STEEL COVER FOR 1/2 OF THE EEMC. c-- Material AIR Medium standard Attribute ECGH seen=0 colo=7 ! LIGHTBLUE Shape TRD1 dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2, dy =(emcs_gaphalf+emcs_cover)/2, dx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup, dx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup c-- c-- rth = emcs_gaphalf + emcs_cover xx=curr*tan_low-d2 xleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth) yy=curr*tan_upp+dup xright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth) secwid = yy - xx xx=curcl*tan_low-d2 yleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth) yy=curcl*tan_upp+dup yright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth) zwidth = yy - xx xx=(xleft+xright)/2 yy=(yleft + yright)/2 xc = yy - xx length = (xx+yy)/2 yc = curcl - curr p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad rth = -(emcs_gaphalf + emcs_cover)/2 c-- Create ECHC c-- Position ECHC X=+LENGTH Y=RTH Position ECHC X=-LENGTH Y=RTH ALPHAZ=180 c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECHC -- c-- Block ECHC is steel endcap half cover c-- Material steel Attribute ECHC seen=1 colo=1 ! BLACK c-- Shape TRAP dz=(curcl-curr)/2, thet=p, bl1=secwid/2, tl1=secwid/2, bl2=zwidth/2, tl2=zwidth/2, h1=emcs_cover/2, h2=emcs_cover/2, phi=0, alp1=0, alp2=0 c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESSP -- c-- Block ESSP is stainless steel back plate c-- Material steel Attribute ESSP seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 Shape CONS dz=emcs_bckplate/2, rmn1=zslice*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=zslice*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin, phi2=emcs_phimax c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPSB -- c-- Block EPSB IS A PROJECTILE STAINLESS STEEL BAR C-- Material Steel Attribute EPSB seen=1 colo=6 FILL=1 Shape TRAP dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2, thet=p, bl1=2.5/2, tl1=2.5/2, bl2=2.5/2, tl2=2.5/2, h1=2.0/2, h2=2.0/2, phi=0, alp1=0, alp2=0 c-- c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERCM -- c-- Block ERCM is stainless steel tie rod in calorimeter sections c-- Material Steel Attribute ERSM seen=1 colo=6 FILL=1 c-- Shape TUBE dz=zwidth/2, rmin=0, rmax=emcs_rtie c-- c-- Looks like the tie rods are meant to engage the 1.525 cm diameter holes c-- piercing the ears of the smd spacer... 1.5 cm may be a better approximation c-- here. c-- c-- http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/star/system/files/smd_spacer_drawings.pdf c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERSM -- c-- Block ERSM is stainless steel tie rod in shower max c-- Material Steel Attribute ERSM seen=1 colo=6 FILL=1 c-- Shape TUBE dz=zwidth/2, rmin=0, rmax=emcs_rtie c-- c-- see comments above c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMOD -- c-- Block EMOD (fsect,lsect) IS ONE MODULE OF THE EM ENDCAP c-- c-- Arguements: (do be defined prior to the creation of this block) c-- c-- fsect -- first section to create c-- lsect -- last section to create c-- Attribute EMOD seen=1 colo=3 serial=FILLED ! GREEN Material Air Shape CONS dz=zwidth/2, phi1=emcs_phimin/emcs_nsupsec, phi2=emcs_phimax/emcs_nsupsec, rmn1=zslice*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=zslice*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_upp+dup c-- c-- Running parameter 'section' contains the position of the current section c-- it should not be modified in daughters, use 'current' variable instead. c-- secwid is used in all 'cons' daughters to define dimensions. c-- section = zslice curr = zslice + zwidth/2 c-- c-- DO i_section = fsect, lsect USE ESEC isect=i_section c-- secwid = esec_cell*esec_nlayer c-- c-- Section 3 precedes the smd. section 5 is the post shower. in c-- both cases these sections end with a scintillator layer and no c-- radiator. c-- IF (I_SECTION = 3 | I_SECTION = 5) THEN secwid = secwid - radiator ELSE IF (I_SECTION = 4) THEN ! add one more radiator secwid = secwid - esec_cell + radiator ENDIF c-- Prin1 i_section, section-curr+secwid/2 ('+ ECVO isection=',I1,' zcenter=', F12.4) c-- Create AND Position ESEC z=section-curr+secwid/2 c-- section = section + secwid c-- ENDDO! Loop over sections c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESEC -- c-- Block ESEC is a single em section Material AIR Medium standard Attribute ESEC seen=1 colo=1 serial=filled lsty=2 c-- Shape CONS dz=secwid/2, rmn1=(section)*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(section+secwid)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=(section)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(section+secwid)*tan_upp+dup c-- length = -secwid/2 current = section c-- megatile = esec_scint+emcs_alincell+emcs_frplast+emcs_bkplast c-- gap = esec_cell - radiator - megatile Prin2 i_section,section (' ESEC:i_section,section',i3,f12.4) c-- c-- Loop over all layers in this section c-- DO is = 1,esec_nlayer c-- c-- Define actual cell thickness: cell = esec_cell plate = radiator c-- IF (is=nint(esec_nlayer) & (i_section = 3 | i_section = 5)) THEN c-- cell = megatile + gap plate=0 c-- ELSE IF (i_section = 4 & is = 1) THEN ! RADIATOR ONLY c-- cell = radiator c-- ENDIF c-- Prin2 i_section,is,length,cell,current (' esec:i_section,is,length,cell,current ',2i3,3f12.4) C-- C-- This handles the special case in the section after the smd. c-- this section begins with a lead radiator. the previous section c-- ended with a plastic scintillator c-- IF (i_section = 4 & is = 1) THEN ! radiator only c-- c$$$ cell = radiator + .14 cell = radiator + emcs_slop ! ^^^^ probably the fiber router layer... but is this needed here? c-- Prin1 is, current + cell/2+esec_deltaz ( ' + ESEC radiator ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4 ) Create AND Position ERAD z=length+(cell)/2+esec_deltaz c-- length = length + cell current = current + cell c-- c-- All other cases are standard radiator followed by scintillator c-- ELSE c-- cell = megatile IF (FILLED = 1) THEN c-- Create AND Position EMGT z=length+(gap+cell)/2+esec_deltaz c-- xx = current + (gap+cell)/2+esec_deltaz prin2 i_section,is,xx (' mega i_section,is ',2i3,f10.4) Prin1 is, xx (' + ESEC megatile ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4) c-- ENDIF c-- length = length + cell + gap current = current + cell + gap c-- IF (PLATE>0) THEN c-- cell = radiator Prin1 is, current + cell/2+esec_deltaz ( ' + ESEC radiator ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4 ) Create AND Position ERAD z=length+cell/2+esec_deltaz c-- length = length + cell current = current + cell c-- ENDIF c-- ENDIF c-- ENDDO c-- c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMGT -- c-- Block EMGT is a 30 degree megatile c-- Material Air Medium Standard Attribute EMGT seen=1 colo=1 lsty=2 c-- Shape CONS dz=megatile/2, rmn1=(current)*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(current+megatile)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=(current)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(current+megatile)*tan_upp+dup c-- c-- DO isec=1,nint(emcs_nslices) c-- myPhi = (emcs_nslices/2-isec+0.5)*dphi + esec_jiggle(is) c-- Create AND Position EPER alphaz=myPhi c-- END DO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPER -- c-- Block EPER is a 5 degree slice of a 30 degree megatile (subsector) c-- c-- Creates: c-- + ETAR -- The pseudo-rapidity divivisions in the megatiles c-- Material Polystyren Attribute EPER seen=1 colo=1 lsty=1 c-- c-- c-- Shape CONS dz=megatile/2, phi1=emcs_phimin/emcs_nsector, phi2=emcs_phimax/emcs_nsector, rmn1=(current)*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(current+megatile)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=(current)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(current+megatile)*tan_upp+dup c-- curcl = current+megatile/2 DO ie = 1, nint(eetr_neta) c-- etabot = eetr_etabin(ie) etatop = eetr_etabin(ie+1) rbot=(curcl)*tanf(etabot) rtop=min((curcl)*tanf(etatop), ((current)*tan_upp+dup)) c-- check rbot<rtop c-- xx=tan(pi*emcs_phimax/180.0/emcs_nsector) yy=cos(pi*emcs_phimax/180.0/emcs_nsector) Create and Position ETAR x=(rbot+rtop)/2 ort=yzx prin2 ie,etatop,etabot,rbot,rtop (' EPER : ie,etatop,etabot,rbot,rtop ',i3,4f12.4) c-- ENDDO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ETAR -- c-- c-- ETAR is a single cell of scintillator, including fiber router, plastic, c-- etc... c-- c-- local z is radially outward in star c-- local y is the thickness of the layer c-- Block ETAR is a single calorimeter cell, containing scintillator, fiber router, etc... c-- Material POLYSTYREN Attribute ETAR seen=1 colo=4 lsty=1 ! BLUE c-- Shape TRD1 dy=megatile/2 dz=(rtop-rbot)/2, dx1=rbot*xx-emcs_gapcel/yy, dx2=rtop*xx-emcs_gapcel/yy c-- Create AND Position EALP y=(-megatile+emcs_alincell)/2 g10 = esec_scint Create AND Position ESCI y=(-megatile+g10)/2+emcs_alincell _ +emcs_frplast c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESCI -- c-- Block ESCI is the active scintillator (polystyrene) layer c-- c-- Obtain the definition of polystyrene on this line, next line clones Material Polystyren Material Ecal_scint isvol=1 Medium Ecal_active isvol=1 c-- Attribute ESCI seen=1 colo=7 fill=0 lsty=1 ! LIGHTBLUE c-- local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness Shape TRD1 dy=esec_scint/2, dz=(rtop-rbot)/2-emcs_gapcel c-- c-- Call ecal_set_cuts( ag_imed, 'detector' ) c-- c-- HITS ESCI BIRK:0:(0,10) c-- c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERAD -- c-- Block ERAD is the lead radiator with stainless steel cladding c-- c-- Creates: c-- + ELED -- the business end of the calorimeter... c-- Material STEEL c-- Attribute ERAD seen=1 colo=6 fill=1 lsty=1 ! VIOLET Shape CONS dz=radiator/2, rmn1=(current)*tan_low-dd, rmn2=(current+cell)*tan_low-dd, rmx1=(current)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(current+radiator)*tan_upp+dup c-- Create AND Position ELED c-- EndBlock c------------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ELED -- c-- Block ELED is a lead absorber plate c-- c-- Material PbAlloy Medium Ecal_lead Attribute ELED seen=1 colo=4 fill=1 lsty=1 c-- Shape TUBS dz=emcs_pbplate/2, rmin=(current)*tan_low, rmax=(current+emcs_pbplate)*tan_upp, c-- Call ecal_set_cuts( ag_imed, 'radiator' ) c-- EndBlock c-- c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EFLP -- c-- Block EFLP is the aluminum (aluminium) front plate of the endcap c-- Material ALUMINIUM Attribute EFLP seen=1 colo=3 fill=1 lsty=1 ! GREEN Shape CONS dz=emcs_front/2, rmn1=68.813 rmn2=68.813, rmx1=(zslice)*tan_upp+dup, rmx2=(zslice+zwidth)*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EALP -- c-- Block EALP is the thin aluminium plate in calorimeter cell c-- c-- Material Aluminium Attribute EALP seen=1 colo=1 lsty=1 c-- c-- Shape TRD1 dy=emcs_alincell/2 dz=(rtop-rbot)/2 c-- c-- Thin aluminium plate in each calorimeter cell. The energy-loss c-- fluctuations are restricted in this thin material. c-- CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'CUTGAM',0.00001) CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'CUTELE',0.00001) CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'LOSS',1.) CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'STRA',1.) c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESPL -- c-- Block ESPL is the logical volume containing an SMD plane c-- Material Air Attribute ESPL seen=1 colo=4 lsty=4 Shape TUBS dz=emcs_gapsmd/3/2, rmin=section*tan_low-1.526, rmax=(section-secwid/2)*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax c-- USE EMXG version=1 msecwd = (emxg_sapex+emxg_f4)/2 c-- ^^^^^^ what is this used for? --jw c-- looks like the g10 layer which we are retiring c-- c-- loop over the six sectors in an endcap half wheel c-- DO isec=1,6 cut=1 d3 = 75 - (isec-1)*30 c-- IF (exse_sectype(isec)=0|(emcg_fillmode=1&(isec=6|isec=1))) THEN cut = 0 c -- come back and build spacers -- ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 1) then ! v c-- Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY' c-- ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 2) then ! u c-- Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY' c-- ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 3) then ! cut v c-- cut=2 Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY' c-- ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 4) then ! cut u c-- cut=2 Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY' c-- EndIF c-- EndDO! loop over six sectors in eemc half wheel c-- c-- repeat the loop and add in the spacer layers c-- DO isec=1,6 d3=75 - (isec-1)*30 IF (exse_sectype(isec)=0|(emcg_fillmode=1&(isec=6|isec=1))) then cut = 0 c-- Do not kill neighbors Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY' c ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ c potential side effect... may screw up the mapping c of the smd strips into the tables? c EndIF EndDO c-- EndBlock c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXSG -- c-- Block EXSG Is another logical volume... this one acutally creates the planes c-- c-- Creates: c-- + EHMS -- shower max strips c-- + EFLS -- front cover for SMD planes c-- + EBLS -- back cover for SMD planes c-- Attribute EXSG seen=1 colo=7 serial=cut lsty=3 ! MEH Material Air c$$$ Medium TMED_EXSG stemax=0.01 Shape TUBS dz=emcs_gapsmd/3/2, rmin=section*tan_low-1.526, rmax=(section-secwid/2)*tan_upp+dup, phi1=emcs_phimin/emcs_nsupsec-5, phi2=emcs_phimax/emcs_nsupsec+5 c-- rbot = emxg_rin rtop = emxg_rout c-- c-- Code to handle smd spacers c-- IF ( cut .eq. 0 ) THEN Create and Position EXPS kONLY='MANY' ENDIF c-- c-- Code to handle smd planes c-- IF (cut > 0) THEN c-- c-- setup which plane we are utilizing c-- IF (cut = 1) THEN nstr = 288 ELSE nstr = 285 ENDIF c-- c-- loop over all smd strips and place them w/in this smd plane c-- DO istrip = 1,nstr c-- Call ecal_get_strip( section, cut, istrip, xc, yc, length ) c-- IF (mod(istrip,2) != 0 ) THEN Create and Position EHMS x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY' Create and Position EBLS x=xc y=yc z=(+esmd_apex/2+esmd_back_layer/2) alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY' ELSE Create and Position EHMS x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY' Create and Position EFLS x=xc y=yc z=(-esmd_apex/2-esmd_front_layer/2) alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY' ENDIF c-- Prin1 istrip, xc, yc, length ( 'SMD Plane: strip=',I3,' xc=',F5.1,' yc=,'F5.1,' length=',F5.1 ) c-- ENDDO c-- ENDIF c-- c-- * dcut exsg z 0 0 10 0.1 0.1 * dcut exsg y 0 10 -50 0.7 0.7 c-- EndBlock c-- c-- c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EHMS -- c-- Block EHMS defines the triangular SMD strips c-- Material Ecal_scint Medium Ecal_active isvol=1 Attribute EHMS seen=1 colo=2 serial=cut lsty=1 ! red c-- Shape TRD1 dx1=0 dx2=emxg_Sbase/2 dy=length/2 dz=emxg_Sapex/2 c-- HITS EHMS Birk:0:(0,10) c-- Endblock! EHMS c----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c--- c-- Several thin layers of material are applied to the front and back of the c-- SMD planes to provide structural support. We combine these layers into c-- a single effective volume, which is affixed to the base of the SMD c-- strips. As with the SMD strips, z along the depth, y is length c-- c-- http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/SMD_module_stack.pdf c-- c-- 1.19 mm G10 c-- 0.25 mm Fiberglass and epoxy c-- 0.17 mm Aluminized mylar c-- c-- Weight in mixture by mass = (depth)*(Area) c-- c-- Weighted density is given by sum (density)_i * (depth)_i / sum (depth)_i c-- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EFLS -- c-- Block EFLS is the layer of material on the front of the SMD planes c-- c-- Component G10 A=18.017 Z=9.013 w=1.19*1.700/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390) Component Fiberglass A=19.103 Z=9.549 w=0.25*1.530/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390) Component AlMylar A=12.889 Z=6.465 w=0.17*1.390/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390) Mixture EFLS dens=(1.19*1.7+0.25*1.53+0.17*1.39)/(1.19+0.25+0.17) Attribute EFLS seen=1 colo=22 lsty=1 Shape TRD1 dz=esmd_front_layer/2 dy=length/2 dx1=esmd_base/2 dx2=esmd_base/2 c-- EndBlock! EFLS c-- c-- see link above for documentation c-- c-- 0.10 mm aluminized mylar c-- 0.25 mm fiberglass and epoxy c-- 1.50 mm WLS fiber router layer (polystyrene) c-- 0.25 mm aluminum c-- c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EBLS -- c-- Block EBLS is the layer of material on the back of the SMD planes c-- Component AlMylar A=12.889 Z=6.465 w=0.10*1.390/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699) Component Fiberglass A=19.103 Z=9.549 w=0.25*1.530/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699) Component Polystyren A=11.154 Z=5.615 w=1.50*1.032/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699) Component Al A=28.08 Z=14.00 w=0.25*2.699/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699) Mixture EBLS dens=(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)/(0.10+0.25+1.50+0.25) c-- Attribute EFLS seen=1 colo=22 lsty=1 Shape TRD1 dz=esmd_back_layer/2 dy=length/2 dx1=esmd_base/2 dx2=esmd_base/2 c-- EndBlock! EFLS c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXPS -- c-- Block EXPS is the plastic spacer in the shower maximum section c-- c-- Simple implementation of the spacer in the shwoer maximum detector. c-- This implmentation neglects the ears and the source tube. c-- c-- n.b. There may be a side effect in the way this gets created... c-- it could overwrite SMD strips which extend into this plane. c-- Probably need to go with a different approach here. c-- c-- Scanned Drawings: c-- + http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/system/files/SMD_spacer_drawings.pdf c-- c-- thickness is 1.2 cm, as given by detail B and C... but I do not want c-- to do alot of complicated recoding of the geometry. So I am limiting c-- it to be the same width as a normal SMD volume. c-- Material PVC_Spacer Attribute EXPS seen=1 colo=6 lsty=1 lwid=2 c-- c-- Spacer layers are extended by +/- 5 degrees into the adjacent sectors. c-- The kONLY='Many' option at creation time should mean that conflicts c-- in volume will be resolved in favor of the SMD strips. c-- Shape TUBS dz=esmd_apex/2, rmin=(section)*Tan_Low-1.526, rmax=(section+msecwd)*Tan_Upp, phi1=emcs_PhiMin/emcs_Nsupsec, phi2=emcs_PhiMax/emcs_Nsupsec c-- EndBlock c-- END c----------------------------------------------------------------- End Module -- c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c-- Helper subroutines and functions c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c-- c-- Subroutine ecal_set_cuts(id, medium) c-- c-- id -- integer ID idetifying the current tracking medium c-- medium -- character switch selecting the type of cuts to be c-- used in this tracking volumne c-- c------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subroutine ecal_set_cuts(id,medium) c-- Implicit NONE Integer id Character medium*(*) c-- Integer radiator, megatile, detector Save radiator, megatile, detector c-- IF ( medium == 'print' ) THEN c-- Write (*,400) radiator Write (*,401) megatile Write (*,402) detector c-- Call GpTMed( +radiator ) Call GpTMed( -megatile ) Call GpTMed( -detector ) c-- Return c-- ENDIF c-- 400 Format('radiator cuts set for ag_imed=',I3) 401 Format('megatile cuts set for ag_imed=',I3) 402 Format('detector cuts set for ag_imed=',I3) c-- c-- c-- Setup common cuts for neutrons, hadrons and muons c-- Call GsTPar (id,'CUTNEU',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTHAD',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTMUO',0.001) c-- IF ( medium == 'radiator' ) THEN Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001) radiator = id C-- c-- ELSEIF ( medium == 'megatile' ) THEN Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001) megatile = id c-- c-- ELSEIF ( medium == 'detector' ) THEN Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001) c-- Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK1',1.) Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK2',0.0130) Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK3',9.6E-6) detector = id c-- c-- ELSE Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008) Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001) Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001) Write(*,300) 300 Format('Warning: unknown medium[',A20,'] in ecal_set_cuts') c-- c-- ENDIF c-- Return End c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- c-- Subroutine ecal_get_strip( section, cut, istrip, xcenter, ycenter, length ) c-- in in in out out out Implicit NONE c-- Real section Integer cut ! 0=no plane 1=normal plane 2=cut plane Integer istrip ! strip index Real xcenter ! output Real ycenter ! output Real length ! output c-- Integer nstrips Real rdel ! shift in radius (?) Real rth Real ddn, ddup Real megatile, p c-- Real xleft, yleft, xright, yright Real dxy, xx, yy Real sqrt2, sqrt3 c-- c-- SMD data copied from data structures above c-- Real base, apex Data base, apex / 1.0, 0.7/ !cm c-- Real Rbot, Rtop Data Rbot, Rtop / 77.41, 213.922 / c-- Real EtaMin, EtaMax Data EtaMin, EtaMax / 1.086, 2.000 / c-- Real tan_theta_min, tan_theta_max c-- Real tanf, eta tanf(eta) = tan(2*atan(exp(-eta))) c-- tan_theta_min = tanf( EtaMax ) tan_theta_max = tanf( EtaMin ) c-- IF (cut = 1) THEN rdel = 3.938 nstrips = 288 ELSE rdel = -.475 nstrips = 285 ENDIF c-- xcenter=0. ycenter=0. length=0. c-- IF ( cut = 0 ) THEN RETURN ENDIF c-- sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0) sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0) c-- rth = .53*rdel ! .53 --- tentatavily jcw-- wtf? ddn = sqrt(3.0)*1.713 + rdel ddup = .5*1.846 + 1.713 megatile = base + .01 c-- p = .5*(istrip-1)*megatile + 41.3655 IF (p <= (.5*rbot*sqrt3 + rth)) THEN dxy = 1.9375*sqrt2 xleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 + 1.) - dxy yleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 - 1.) - dxy yright = .5*sqrt2*(sqrt( rbot*rbot - p*p) - p) xright = sqrt2*p + yright ELSEIF ((.5*rbot*sqrt3 + rth) < p <= (.5*rtop + 1.5)) THEN dxy = 1.9375*sqrt2 xleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 + 1.) - dxy yleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 - 1.) - dxy dxy = rdel*sqrt2/sqrt3 yright = .5*sqrt2*p*(1.- 1./sqrt3) xright = sqrt2*p - yright - dxy yright = -yright - dxy ELSEIF (p > (.5*rtop +1.5)) THEN yleft = (sqrt(rtop*rtop - p*p) - p)/sqrt2 xleft = sqrt2*p + yleft dxy = rdel*sqrt2/sqrt3 yright = .5*sqrt2*p*(1.- 1./sqrt3) xright = sqrt2*p - yright - dxy yright = -yright - dxy dxy = 0. c-- IF ((.5*sqrt3*160.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sqrt3*160.+ ddup) ) THEN xcenter = .5*(sqrt3*160.+1.846) ycenter = xcenter - .5*sqrt3*1.713 IF (p > ycenter) THEN dxy = .5*sqrt2*(2/sqrt3*rdel + .5*sqrt3*1.846 +_ sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xcenter)*(p-xcenter))) ELSE dxy = sqrt2/sqrt3*(p - .5*sqrt3* 160. + ddn) ENDIF ELSEIF ((.5*sqrt3*195.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sqrt3*195. + ddup) ) THEN xcenter = .5*(sqrt3*195.+1.846) ycenter = xcenter - .5*sqrt3*1.713 IF (p > ycenter) THEN dxy = .5*sqrt2*(2/sqrt3*rdel + .5*sqrt3*1.846 +_ sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xcenter)*(p-xcenter))) ELSE dxy = sqrt2/sqrt3*(p - .5*sqrt3*195. + ddn) ENDIF ENDIF xright = xright + dxy yright = yright + dxy ENDIF dxy = section*tan_theta_max - rtop xcenter = .5*(xright+xleft) + dxy ycenter = .5*(yright+yleft) xx = .5*sqrt2*(xleft+yleft) yy = .5*sqrt2*(xright+yright) length = xx-yy c-- c-- Return c-- End! Subroutine smd_strip c-- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ECAL nice views: dcut ecvo x 1 10 -5 .5 .1 * draw emdi 105 0 160 2 13 .2 .1 * draw emdi 120 180 150 1 14 .12 .12 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- c-- examples of HITS * HITS EHMS Birk:0:(0,10) * xx:16:SH(-250,250) yy:16:(-250,250) zz:16:(-350,350), * px:16:(-100,100) py:16:(-100,100) pz:16:(-100,100), * Slen:16:(0,1.e4) Tof:16:(0,1.e-6) Step:16:(0,100), * none:16: Eloss:0:(0,10) *
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