Spin PWG
This is a feed of Drupal items targeting the "Spin" Audience.
Preliminary Presentation (8/27/09)
The link below has the presentation for preliminary cross section result.
Cockcroft-Walton HV system
Updated on Mon, 2009-08-31 22:53 by leun. Originally created by jeromel on 2009-08-24 13:35.Speaker : Leonard Eun ( PSU )
Talk time : 11:20, Duration : 00:20
Linearity Check in fixed ecalgeo.g, take II
Abstract: The EEMC geometry (ecalgeo.g) has been modified to remove a bug which resulted in approximately 1 radiation length of lead being inserted at the shower-maximum depth. In this blog entry, the response of the modified geometry to various particles is determined over a range in energy from 0.5 to 200 GeV. For photons we find that the linearity of the simulated EEMC sampling fraction is good to better than 1% over the range of energies studied. Electrons above 2 GeV and neutral pions above 7 GeV exhibit similar linearities.
Linearity Check in fixed ecalgeo.g
Abstract: A bug in the EEMC geometry has been identified. Lines such as "Material Air isvol=0" have an unexpected (read undocumented) behavior: they create a new materi
2009.08.17 Direct photon - charge particle correlation paper GPC
proposed modification ot the title/abstract
Extracting gamma-jet cross section at forward rapidity from pp@200GeV collisions
Analysis overview
- Data samples, event selection, luminosity determination
- Isolating photon-jet events
- Transverse shower shape analysis
Mistake in Endcap simulation (ecalgeo.g) causing iron to be inserted in air gaps!!
Note added Aug.13
EEMC simulation study: mockup of CDF testbeam experiment
Abstract: The EEMC is similar in construction to the CDF endplug calorimeters. CDF performed extensive testbeam measurements, demonstrating a linear (~1%) response for electrons between 10 and ~400 GeV, but only after making a correction for the preshower response. In this study, we examine a slightly modified EEMC geometry in order to compare linearity achieved with the GEANT model of the EEMC with the CDF test setup.
Hadron shower transverse profile study for FHC
I study the pion+, pion-, neutron, anti-neutron with 60 GeV energy transverse profile in FHC. The particles are shot from (0, 0, 0) to the center of FHC.
Hadron shower transverse profile study for FHC
I study the pion+, pion-, neutron, anti-neutron with 60 GeV energy transverse profile in FHC.
photon energy deposit compare using different vertex
I use two different vertexs to shoot photon with same energy through FMS and FHC, and study the differences between these two cases.