EEMC Gains - corrected for mis-set TCD phase


EEMC TCD Phase and Effective Gains

During Run 9 the TCD phase was set incorrectly for ETOW (run < 10114054) and ESMD (run < 10140030).  A study (shown here) found the slope ratio for the 2 TCD phases which was used to calculate new gain tables for ETOW and ESMD.   These "mis-set" TCD phase timing settings are not optimal for the vast majority of channels, thus the data taken during these periods are more suspect to issues such as timing jitter, vertex position dependencies, etc.  To account for these issues, we have set gain=-1 for these time periods for the standard "ofl" flavor of the DB.  The new gains (calculated with the slope ratios) have been uploaded to the DB for the same timestamps but with a flavor of "missetTCD", so that this data is permanently flagged as having issues that data taken with optimal timing (hopefully) do not. 

As a reminder, here are a few lines of code for how to read these "missetTCD" flavor tables from the DB instead of the default "ofl" tables:

stDb = new St_db_Maker("StarDb", "MySQL:StarDb");
stDb->SetFlavor("missetTCD","eemcPMTcal");  //sets flavor for ETOW gains
stDb->SetFlavor("missetTCD","eemcPIXcal");  //sets flavor for ESMD (mampt) gains

Note: the "missetTCD" flavor is valid only for Run 9 during the time periods given above, so it will return gain<0 for any other times.