Cuts and Parameters

Here I will detail the some general information about my analysis; topics that aren't substantial enough to warrant their own page but need to be documented.  I will try to be as thorough as I can.


Run 6 PP Long 2 Only.

Run Range: 7131043 - 7156040

Fill Range:  7847 - 7957

Days: 131 - 156 (May 11 - June 5, 2006)

HTTP L2gamma triggered data (IDs 5, 137611)

Run List

Trees using StSkimPionMaker (found in StRoot/StSpinPool/) and Murad's spin analysis chain macro

Trees located in /star/institutions/mit/ahoffman/Pi0Analysis/Murads_Production_1_08/


Cluster Finding Conditions

Detector     Seed         Add

BEMC         0.4 GeV     0.05 GeV 

SMDe/p      0.4 GeV     0.005 GeV


Pion Finding Cuts

Event passes online and software trigger for L2gamma

Energy asymmetry (Zgg) <= 0.8

Charged track veto (no photon can have a charged track pointing to its tower)

BBC timebins 6,7,8,9 (in lieu of a z vertex cut)

At least one good SMD strip exists in each plane

-0.95 <= eta <= .95

Z vertex found


Pt Bins for ALL

All reconstructed pion candidates are separated by Pt into four bins:

  5.20 - 6.75

  6.75 - 8.25

  8.25 - 10.5

  10.5 - 16.0



Full pythia (5 to 45 GeV/c in partonic Pt,  weighted)

Single pion, photon, and eta simulations (2 - 25 GeV/c in particle Pt, unweighted)

EMC simulator settings:

  15% Tower Spread

  25% SMD Spread

  SMD Max ADC: 700

  SMD Max ADC spread: 70

  (see this link for explanation of SMD Max ADC parameters)

Four representative timestamps used:

  20060516, 062000 (40%)

  20060525, 190000 (25%)

  20060530, 113500 (25%)

  20060603, 130500 (10%)

Full pythia trees located in /star/institutions/mit/ahoffman/Pi0Analysis/MC_Production_2_08/

Single particle trees located in /star/institutions/mit/ahoffman/Pi0Analysis/single_particle_simulations/