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Updated on Mon, 2008-01-21 18:11 by testadmin. Originally created by didenko on 2008-01-03 13:53.
SL07e library
SL07d library
SL07c library
SL07b library
SL07a library
SL02e (SL02e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.02.07 pp and AuAu 200GeV real data production
SL03f (SL03f) ROOT_LEVEL 3.05.04 ppMinBias 2001/2002 rerun, pp200 Pythia
SL03h (SL03h) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu and pp data reproduction
SL04d (SL04d) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 62 GeV production (continue with SL04e)
SL04e (SL04e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 AuAu 200 & 62 GeV Hijing production
SL04f (SL04f_a) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu 200GeV reproduction
SL05a (SL05a) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200, productionMinBias
SL05c (SL05c) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200 production
SL05d (SL05d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 CuCu 200&62 Gev production
SL05e (SL05e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 pp200 MC production
SL05f (SL05f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp run 2005 production
SL05h (SL05h) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 SL 3.0.5
SL06b (SL06b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 cucu 200GeV production
SL06d (SL06d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC prod for SVT&SSD review
SL06e (SL06e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp 2006 production
SL06f (SL06f_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC production for TUP
SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production for TUP, SL4.4
SL07a (SL07a_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production, SL4.4
old-> SL07b (SL07b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, SL4.4
pro-> SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, pp200 pythia,SL4.4
SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4
new-> SL07e (SL07e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4
dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4
.dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00
General documents
- Release organization and policy: dev -> new -> pro + frozen -> old
Release History
SL07e library
SL07d library
SL07c library
SL07b library
SL07a library
- December 21, 2007
new library SL07e (tagged as SL07e) has been created, build on SL4.4, SL3.02 and SL3.05 platforms, tested and released on January 3 to proceed with AuAu 200GeV, run 2007, production with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking.
Main features:
- final tunning of SVT/SSD calibrations and alignment and code adjustment for auau 200GeV, run 2007 production;
- triggers, daq reader, EMC and TOF codes adjustment for run 2008;
- EMC simulator completely rewritten;
Next codes have been updated:
agetof/agetof.def - definition of inch and mil added;
starsim/include/commons/agecom.inc - definition of inch and mil added;
summarizeEvent.cc - removed use of obsolete detector enums; job tracking messages adjusted for the new tracking schema from TxCorp;
StBFChain.cxx - added SetMode(1) for St_geant_Maker for embedding with PrepEmbed; added fixes for dEdx embedding; added option NoSsd to switch off SSD geometry in Sti;
BigFullChain.h - chain for run y2008 implemented;
StFileIter.cxx/h - added new files, custom version of the TFileIter to navigate the multi-TDirectrory ROOT files ;
StMaker.cxx - upgrade geometries upgr20, upgr21 & upgr14 added; y2008 geometry added;
StChain.cxx - new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemneted;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added code to fix preshower swaps in 2006 and beyond;
EMC/PreshowerBug2007.txt - added code to fix preshower swaps in 2006 and beyond;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added two extra support functions for TP <=> DSM module mapping; SMD crate mapping fixed for Run 7 and beyond; modified to look in EMCP first, then TrgTowerTrnfer to avoid breaking year < 2008 reading;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx/hh, EMC_Reader.cxx/hh - updated to get tower data from TRGP in 2008++; protections against a NULL Bank_TRGP added;
modified to protect against NULL pointer dereference for data run 2008, BTOW-only data; added a version check for TTT block ;
EVP/daqFormats.h, emcReader.cxx - updated for run 2008 ;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - updated for run 2008 BEMC;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/hh - modified to read rigger data 2008;
TRG/code2008.cxx, trgStructures2008.h - new files added for trigger data 2008;
StTRGReader.cxx/h - updated for trigger data 2008 ;
StDbBroker.cxx/h - StDbBroker::Release added ;
MysqlDb.cc - fixed fallback from LoadBalancer (PDSF problem with missing Config File) ;
MysqlDb.cc/h, StDbServiceBroker.h - abstracted load balancer call from connect to own function called from reconnect, removed extraneuos methods from header ;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - added checking Threads_running (from show status) as opposed to show processist for load balancer ;
St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx, St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.h - modified to add new meaning for dtmin and dtmax ;
St_db_Maker.cxx/h - modified to use StDbBroker::Release;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - modified to use dEdx for embedding ;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - added the following features: user may specify the sampling fraction; Tower and SMD gain spreads;
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - added code to fix preshower swaps for 2006 and beyond;
StBemcTables mode now matched adc2e mode w.r.t. tower/prs swaps;
rewritten version of maker, next codes are modified: StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h, StEmcVirtualSimulator.cxx/h, StPmtSignal.cxx/h - complete overhaul of the BEMC simulator; setMaximumAdc(Spread) methods allow for better simulation of BSMD ADC response;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.h - added method to access StBemcTables;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h - modified for embedding needs; changed defaults so makeFullDetector is false and so zero suppression is turned off for BTOW;
StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx - modified to make calibration spread only on ped-subtracted ADCs, not raw data; fixed bug so channels with zero calibrations still get a simulated pedestal;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to push_back detector hits manually instead of using addHit to save time;
modified to make full pedestal simulation as default for BTOW;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified to support for new BPRS swap fixes; StBemcTables now matches map fixes;
EEmcSmdMap.h - fixed uninitialized constructor;
EEdsm/EemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - added time-dependent DSM thresholds;
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - specified kTRUE as 2nd ctor argument to implement swapping corrections for 06/07 BPRS DB; added an optional argument to status methods to get status for calib, pedestal, and gain tables; bug fixed in trigger DB methods that used StEmcDecoder;
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - modified;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx/h - added to provide common interface for inserting DB tables; modified to allow uploading of bemcTrigger* tables;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx/h - modified to allow direct setting of void * table;
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx - small fix to use new BEMC simulator code ;
Run2006SimuTriggerMaker.C - modified to switch order of libraries; updated StEmcSimulator gain spread conrol functions;
Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C - modified to switch order of libraries;
2006_Trigger_Map - added start and end times for each period;
StEventSummary.h - removed obsolete method setNumberOfNegativeTracks();
StRichPidTraits.h - removed obsolete == operator ;
StPhmdDetector.cxx - added missing const version of method module();
StSvtHit.cxx/h - added new members to hold and access the number of anodes and of pixels;
StTofCell.cxx/h - added new members (mLeadingEdgeTime, mTrailingEdgeTime) and related functions;
StTpcHit.cxx/h - added several new member to hold hit length info;
StEnumerations.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h - added new enums for PXL and IST detectors;
StTrack.cxx/h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx/h - added new member to handle number of possible points for PXL and IST;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx/h - added PXL and IST;
StEventLinkDef.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added class StTriggerData2008 ;
StTriggerData2008.cxx/h - initial revision of trigger data 2008 ;
StTofRawData.cxx/h - added new data member mTray plus access functions, new overloaded constructor;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StTriggerData2008.cxx - fixed bug in QT decoding;
StEventControlPanel.cxx, StEventDisplayMaker.cxx - added GEANT volume to represent SSD;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - added filling from PXL and IST;
StFtpcTrackingParams.cc - added code which enables testing rotation values without changing the database;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - modified to use the first primary vertex if any primary vertex exists; multiple primary vertices have been ordered in StEvent;
StFtpcTrackToStEvent.cc, StFtpcTrackingParams.cc - standardized logger messages;
StFtpcDbReader.cc - added code to mask out Ftpc East sectors 1,3 and 5, necessary for calculating rotation offset values when one sector is turned off as was the case for the 2007 RFF runs;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - standardized logger messages;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified not to use field set from GEANT;
GeomBrowser.ui.h, GeomBrowser.ui - changed gPAd to force 3d view update; introduced multiply selection mode; changed visibility by group;
added color/file dialog tochnage the color attributes and save the new object into the ROOT file;
StLaserEvent.h - added default AddTrack;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - modified to Make laser tree splitted;
CheckMirrors.C, LaserEvent.h, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified and freez version for run VII;
LASERINO.h, Laser.C, LaserEvent.cxx/h, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, RaftMirror.C, laserino.h - modified to add Id and Log and spelling;
StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - added setUse2005Cuts to reject east barrel tower hits in jet finding;
StarMagField.cxx/h - added mag.field in steel; removed root dependecies; removed ClassDef and ClassImp;
StMcEmcHitCollection.cc, StMcEmcModuleHitCollection.cc/hh - modified to include a EMC hit collection that does not care about parent tracks, so that now there are two collections. This new collection will be useful to compare all the deposited energy in a hit tower in a given event. The information about the track parentage is still kept in the original collection unchanged ;
StMcContainers.hh, StMcEvent.cc/hh, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, StMcTrack.cc/hh - modified to rename Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
removed files: StMcFstHit.cc/hh, StMcFstHitCollection.cc/hh, StMcFstLayerHitCollection.cc/hh, StMcHpdHit.cc/hh, StMcHpdHitCollection.cc/hh, StMcHpdLayerHitCollection.cc/hh,StMcIgtHit.cc/hh, StMcIgtHitCollection.cc/hh, StMcIgtLayerHitCollection.cc/hh ;
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - modified to rename Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
StMiniEmbed.C - modified to use bfc.C for loading shared libraries;
COMMON/StMuEmcTowerData.h - removed declaration of unimplemented DeleteThis function;
COMMON/StMuEmcUtil.cxx - changed to avoid 'static initialisation order fiasco';
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - added calibrated VPD info from StTofCollection (run-8 prep);
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx/h - added basic printing functionality for convenience and to assist data consistency checks;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - added Ist and Pixel hits to mNPossInner and mNFitInner ;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - modified to Move valid triggers from code to DB ;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst; modified for pileup hit read in;
digitized Pixel, removed all hit smearing, and implemented idTruth;
fixed bug causing pixel fast simulator to crash when there were no pixel and/or ist hits in the event;
fixed a bug that put hits with local x or z position between -30 and 0 microns in the pixel corresponding to local x or z position between 0 and 30 microns;
fixed problem with assigning keys and IdTruth values to StRndHits;
StPreEclMaker.cxx - small changes to use new BEMC simulator code ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - modified to fill size of cluster and local coordinate in StTpcHit;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - added m_Mode to constructor;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - modified to use m_Mode to switch between pedestals used in real data/simulation ;
StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to save out number of pixels and hits into StEvent hits; added reject for hits for invalid drift regions;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/h - added routines to move SVT hits from GEANT geometry to real geometry;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed tdcId in tofZCorr for tofZCorr; tdcId is not defined in db, and removed from idl definition ;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx, StTofrMatchMaker.h - updated for run 2008;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - added trayId for vpd in StTofCell: 901 (E), 902 (W), dataIndex for vpd in StTofData: use 121 and 122 as trayId;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - changed vpd trayId definition to 121 (East) and 122 (West);
StSortTofRawData.cxx/h, StTofrDaqMap.cxx/h - updated for run 2008:added trayId member in RawData; added new Daq map table for run8++; new StTofINLCorr class for inl correction ;
StTofINLCorr.cxx, StTofINLCorr.h - first release for run 2008++;
StTofrDaqMap.cxx, StTofrDaqMap.h - added ValidTrays() for multi-tray system;
StTofINLCorr.h - vpd trayId changed to 121 (East) and 122 (West);
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for trigger data 2008;
new module implemented to proceed with L2 trigger simulation and analysis, first release;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added fixes for for dEdx embedding;
StTpcDb.cxx - added protection from laserDriftVelocity and cathodeDriftVelocity mixing;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use highest rank primary vertex;
StEventQAMaker.cxx/h, StQABookHist.cxx/h, StQAMakerBase.cxx/h - modified for Run 2008, mostly silicon removal, TOF addition;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx - updated for trigger words, run 2008;
St_srs_Maker.cxx/h - modified to syncronize srs parameters with Calibrations/tracker/svtHitError ;
TDirIter.cxx - error messages added;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - distance to helix & circle added;
TCFit.cxx/h - added class with Fit+Constrains; added mode TCFitV0::Test(mode);
StiHit.cxx - fixed bug related to Z rotation must change xz yz in error matrix;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - member mgMaxRefiter added;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiTrackFinder.h - modified to change combinatorics handle;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - timer introduced; renamed Hft->Pxl, removed Hpd;
StiMaker.cxx - attribute useTreeSearch added ;
StiMaker.cxx/h - timer introduced;
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl ;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst;
removed files: StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiHpdDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiHpdHitLoader.cxx/h, StiHpdIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h ;
StiRnDLinkDef.h - renamed Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to activate hit errors from DB;
Hpd - code removed;
StiPullEvent.cxx/h - added pull entries for Pxl and Ist ;
MySQLAppender.cxx - further development; new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemented;
DumpMessages.csh, dumpUCMDB.csh - new files added;
mysql/CreateUCMDB.sql, NetLogger.xml, StarJobs.csh, bfc_bnl.xml - further development; new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemented;
mysql/ConsTx.csh - added script to complile Tx stuf ;
ucm/UCMBuild.csh - added script to build UCM systemn with cons;
geometry/bbcmgeo/bbcmgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo.g - modified;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo2.g, mutdgeo3.g - added new mtd geometries;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added upgr20, upgr21 & upgr14 upgrade geometries; y2008 TOFr geometry updated; y2008 geometry; btofgeo6 added; pipeFlag and Nsi==7 added;
geometry/fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo1.g, fgtdgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo3.g - some corrections from E.Braidot;
geometry/mfldgeo/mflddat.g, mfldgeo.g, mfldmap.g - modified to hide magnetic field;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo5.g - updates for y2008 TOFr geometry;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - added;
geometry/igtdgeo/igtdgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/itspgeo/itspgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo.g - material ALKAP fixed and lengths of shields swapped; MLI=3MIL mylar + 1.5MIL alum defined;
geometry/scongeo/scongeo.g - y2008 geometry implemented ;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo.g, svttgeo1.g, svttgeo2.g, svttgeo3.g, svttgeo10.g, svttgeo4.g, svttgeo5.g, svttgeo6.g, svttgeo7.g,svttgeo9.g - material ALKAP fixed and innermost radius increased;
tpc/idl/tcl_tphit.idl - added local coordinates;
qtgui/src/TQtCanvasWidget.cxx, TQtGuiFactory.cxx - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtgui/inc/TQtCanvasWidget.h, TQtGuiFactory.h - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TQGLViewerImp.h - modified to change the signal signature for the multithread env;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx - modified to change the signal signature for the multithread env;
qtgui/Module.mk - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtroot/inc/TQtRootGuiFactory.h - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000041.C, TpcSecRowB.20070321.000040.root, tpcPressureB.20070321.000002.C - new files added, later moved to mysql and removed from AFS; needed for runVII, FullField dE/dx calibrations;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcSecRowB.20070524.000044.root - adjusted for ReversedFullField, later moved to mysql and removed from AFS;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000041.C, TpcSecRowB.20070321.000040.root, tpcPressureB.20070321.000002.C - restored these tables because in MySQL they are appeared with beginTime = 0 ;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000042.C - added min/max for error estimations. later moved to Mysql and removed from AFS;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcEdge.20010924.000005.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20010924.000004.C, tpcPressureB.20010701.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20010924.000000.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20010924.000003.root - added dE/dx calibration for Run II AuAu20, later moved to Mysql;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.upgr01.C, PixelTrackingParameters.upgr01.C - added new files;
Calibrations/tracker/PrimaryVertexCuts.20011125.120000.C,PrimaryVertexCuts.20011127.000000.C - added files to open cuts for 20GeV AuAu data, and back to default after;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.upgr01.C, PixelTrackingParameters.upgr01.C - added new files;
Calibrations/tracker/hftHitError.upgr01.C hftTrackingParameters.upgr01.C, hpdHitError.20050101.000000.C - removed ;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcInnerHitError.20070524.000210.C, tpcOuterHitError.20070524.000210.C, svtHitError.20070321.000212.C - added new files with the errors for Run 2007 RFF;
Calibrations/tracker/ssdHitError.20070321.000211.C, svtHitError.20070321.000211.C, svtHitError.20070524.000211.C - added new files with the errors for run 2007;
svtHitError.20070524.000210.C - removed ;
Calibrations/svt/svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070524.000201.C - added first version of SVT drift velocity for run 2007 RFF;
Calibrations/svt/svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070524.000210.C, svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070321.000209.C - more drift velocities for Run 2007;
Geometry/svt/ShellOnGlobal.20070524.000038.C, SvtOnGlobal.20070524.000031.C - added first version of SVT alignment for run 2007 RFF;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnShell.20070524.000209.C, LadderOnShell.20070321.000206.C - added new files for SVT ladder position for Run 2007;
Geometry/svt/ShellOnGlobal.20070321.000032.C, SvtOnGlobal.20070321.000031.C - added final version for alignment, run 2007;
Geometry/ssd/SsdOnGlobal.20070524.000031.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20070524.000038.C - added first version of SSD alignment for run 2007 RFF;
Geometry/ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.20070524.000209.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20070321.000207.C - added SSD ladder positions for run 2007;
Geometry/ssd/SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20070321.000032.C, SsdOnGlobal.20070321.000031.C - added last version for alignment, run 2007;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.dev2005.C, tpcRDOMasks.upgr13.C, tpcRDOMasks.upgr14.C - added special tpcRDOMasks for upgr13, keep all other upgrade versions IDEAL;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.20071128.13225.C - added default RDO mask for y2008;
svt/srspars/srs_direct.C - removed ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr20.C, Geometry.upgr21.C, upgr20.h upgr21.h - new upgrade geometries added;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr14.C, upgr14.h - upgr14 geometry files added ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2008.C, y2008.h - added files for year 2008 geometry ;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml - added dev node to analysis; modified to keep DB01 night only for all - day for developers; added db10; added a machine power reducing the general usage of db10; added db06 replacement; added additional server db11;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_LBL.xml - added config for PDS;
idl/tofDaqMap.idl, tofINLCorr.idl, tofTDIGOnTray.idl - added new TOF tables;
idl/vertexSeedTriggers.idl - introduced vertexSeedTriggers table;
idl/tofZCorr.idl - removed tcdId column;
idl/svtHybridDriftVelocity.idl - modified to add new meaning for dtmin and dtmax;
- December 3, 2007
SL07d library was updated with code
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to change SMChain_GNF from MPVFactor to MeanFactor to proceed with PMD production.
Library was retagged with tag SL07d_3
- November 2, 2007
SL07d library was updated with next codes below to proceed with veterx reconstruction for UPC data and improved PMD code:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - min2trkVtx option implemented to process with min 2 trackd for vetex finding;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - modified to allow 2 min tracks vertex-finding with option in bfc.c;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - modified to allow 2 min tracks vertex-finding;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx,StPmdClustering.cxx/h - modified for applying hit calibrations;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to store gains with hits, not applying gain calibration;
StPmdGeom.h/cxx - public GetPmdZ added to get PMD z position;
StPmdHit.h - members and setters cellgain, smchaingain, cellstatus added;
All library was retagged with tag SL07d_2
- October 12, 2007
SL07d library was updated with next codes below to fix bugs in EMC & SSD codes caused memory ovewriting and BSMD mapping bug for run 2007.
Modification to StEvent added to save number of pixels and SVT hits.
Next codes have been updated:
EVP/ssdReader.cxx/h,emcReader.cxx/h, scReader.cxx/h, daqFormats.h, evpSupport.cxx;
StSvtHit.cxx/h ;
StSvtHitMaker.cxx ;
Updated SL07d library was retagged with tag SL07d_1 and rebuild.
- September 1, 2007
new library SL07d (tagged as SL07d) has been created, build on SL4.4, SL3.02 and SL3.05 platforms, tested, found bugs have been fixed.
Library was released at September 12 for AuAu 200GeV, run 2007, production.
Main features:
- last tunning, improvements, bug fixes to process with auau 200GeV, run 2007 production;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx/h - EventLoop(...) added; 2nd EventLoop() method added;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx/h, StBFChainLinkDef.h - added options for LaserAnalysis;
modified SetGeantOptions and SetDbOptions;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - removed requirement to skip1row from P2007 chains, StMaker will take of it;
Track.cc - added include TMath.h for ROOT 5.16;
StMaker.cxx/h - added fTopChain: a pointer to TopChain (for embedding); added method GetMakerInheritsFrom;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - updated to fix panitkin plot compile; scalers added;
SC/SC_Reader.cxx/hh - scalers added;
SVT/SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - scalers added;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - scalers added;
EVP/daqFormats.h, ssdReader.cxx,scReader.cxx/h - scalers added;
StDAQMaker.cxx, StDAQReader.cxx/h, StSCReader.cxx/h - scalers added;
StDbBuffer.cc - bug fixed for unsigned datatypes;
StDbManagerImpl.cc - modified ;
MysqlDb.cc - modified to increased the number of allowed elements in a comma delimeted text field from 100 to 1024 to allow for the 768 ssd strips;
New version of Load Balancer created, next files are modified:
ChapiDbHost.cxx/h, ChapiStringUtilities.h, Makefile, MysqlDb.cc, StDbBuffer.cc, StDbManagerImpl.cc/hh,
StDbModifier.cxx/h, StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h, StDbSql.cc, StDbTable.cc, StDbXmlReader.cc, StlXmlTree.cxx/h, rules.make
StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc/hh - modified to make TPC drift velocity dependent on West/East half;
StMagUtilities.cxx/hh - modification for StDetectorDbSpaceChargeR2;
number of codes modified:
StDetectorDbBeamInfo.h, StDetectorDbClock.h, StDetectorDbFTPCGas.h, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltage.h, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltageStatus.h,
StDetectorDbGridLeak.h, StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID.h, StDetectorDbMagnet.h, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx/h,
StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, StDetectorDbSpaceCharge.h, StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.h, StDetectorDbTpcRDOMasks.h, StDetectorDbTpcVoltages.h, StDetectorDbTriggerID.h ;
new codes added:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_L0TriggerInfoC.h, St_additionalTriggerIDC.h, St_beamInfoC.h, St_defaultTrgLvlC.h,
St_dsmPrescalesC.h, St_ftpcGasOutC.h, St_ftpcGasSystemC.h, St_ftpcVoltageC.h, St_ftpcVoltageStatusC.h, St_richvoltagesC.h,
St_spaceChargeCorC.h, St_starClockOnlC.h, St_starMagOnlC.h, St_tpcGasC.h, St_tpcGridLeakC.h, St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h,
St_tpcGasC.h St_tpcGridLeakC.h St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h St_tpcOmegaTauC.h St_tpcRDOMasksC.h St_trigDetSumsC.h,
St_trigL3ExpandedC.h, St_trigPrescalesC.h, St_triggerIDC.h, t_triggerInfoC.h, St_y1MultC.h ;
to provide access to Db tables by demand only;
St_MagFactorC.h, St_TpcSecRowCorC.h, St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcDriftVelocityC.h, St_tpcEffectiveGeomC.h ;
St_tpcElectronicsC.h, St_tpcFieldCageC.h, St_tpcFieldCageShortC.h, St_tpcGainMonitorC.h, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h;
St_tpcOSTimeOffsetsC.h,St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcPadResponseC.h, St_tpcPedestalC.h ;
St_tpcSectorPositionC.h, St_tpcSlowControlSimC.h, St_tpcWirePlanesC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h, St_tss_tssparC.h;
to make access to tables trigL3Expanded,dsmPrescales,additionalTriggerID,trigPrescales optional, i.e. if the table does not exist for this time then it is created empty table with 0 no. of rows ;
removed files:
StDetectorDbBeamInfo.cxx, StDetectorDbClock.cxx, StDetectorDbFTPCGas.cxx, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltag.cxx;
StDetectorDbFTPCVoltageStatus.cxx, StDetectorDbGridLeak.cxx, StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID.cxx, StDetectorDbMagnet.cxx ;
StDetectorDbRichScalers.cxx, StDetectorDbSpaceCharge.cxx, StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.cxx, StDetectorDbTpcRDOMasks.cxx ;
StDetectorDbTpcVoltages.cxx, StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx;
StSvtCoordinateTransform.cc - bug fixed in local to wafer transform that meant we only ever converted hits with positions 0,0,0 rather than their true local coordinate;
EEdsm/BemcTrigUtil.cxx, EEdsm0.cxx/h, EEdsm1.cxx/h, EEdsm3.cxx/h, EEmapTP.h - modified ;
EEdsm/BEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm0Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm1Tree.cxx/h, EEfeeTP.cxx/h, EEfeeTPTree.cxx - new files added for Endcap trigger simulation ;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to delete mEmcCollection if set mEmbed; fixed a logic error in logging
projection/StEmcPosition.cxx - modified to use outerGeometry() instead of geometry() for StTrack projections;
geometry/StEmcGeom.h - added projection against sub == -1 case in getId(phi,eta,softId);
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - modified to make trigger DB tables accessible by softId; validity range of each new DB table is logged; wrapper methods using return values instead of pass-by-reference);
added methods to get beginTime / endTime of a given DB table;
StPointCollection.cxx - bug fixed;
StEstMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StEventTypes.h - added FMS and MTD trigger detector classes;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h, StTriggerData.h - added two new members mtdAdc() and mtdTdc();
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added new code for FMS trigger detector;
StMtdTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added new code for MTD trigger;
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx/h - added FMS and MTD;
StTofCollection.cxx - fixed problem in numberOfVpdEast() and numberOfVpdWest();
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h - modified to to allow selection one event by event id;
BetheBlochFunction.hh, StEventHelper.cxx - changed includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StFlowMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - method chi() revised to improve resolution;
StFtpcLaser.cc - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to define initial values as 0 for local variables;
StJet.cxx/h - added data members for zVertex and geometric trigger associations, plus methods for detEta (barrel only);
StJetSkimEvent.cxx - modified to reorder initializations to comply with gcc compiler;
Laser.C, LaserEvent.cxx/h, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to process with data for run 2007;
CheckLasers.C, CheckMirrors.C, ConverL.C, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, laserino.h - added new files to process with data from run 2007;
StMcEventMaker.cxx - fixed bug in assigning parents to event-generator particles;
EZTREE/EztEventHeader.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
COMMON/StMuProbPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
COMMON/StMuChainMaker.cxx - modified to avoid reading all input files on initialisation: if the number of events is 0'for a given file, set it to TChain::kBigNumber;
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx - modified to switch off Q-vector branhces in StMuDstMaker and increase version number in StMuEvent to avoid warning when reading P07ib data with more recent libraries;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx - added protection against corrupted files by checking for return code -1 from TTree:GetEntry().StMuDstMaker will silently skip these events;
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuEvent.cxx - added StMtdTriggerDetector info;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx- added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
PIDFitter.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdCalibConstMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdClustering.cxx/h - modified to set cutoff from SetAdcCutOff(); default cutoff=7;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx/h - modified to include ReadCalibration to read PMD_MIP value from DB ;
StPmdCleanConstants.cxx/h - added new class to hold Badchains/BadRuns and limiting values for analysis;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx/h - added routines to read badchains,HotCells,Cell_GNF,SMChain_GNF ; modified VMEcondition&ApplyMapping; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx - changed initialization of channelOR,CR,chainR to -1; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdGeom.cxx - removed a warning on chtemp ondate 31/08/07; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StL3RareTrack.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StRichTrack.cxx, TreeEntryClasses.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Drift velocity depending on sector;
StppGeant.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - modified not to read whole database but only the table requested;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - modified not to read whole database but only the table requested ;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx/h - new module for SSD fast simulation;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added method to evaluate the reconstruction efficiency;
added 0's to Timestamp which size is less than 6 digits;
added switch to read old ssdStripCalib Table and new ssdNoise Table ;
added a normalization for the reconstruction efficiency histograms;
added method to fill with default pedestal/noise values if no table is found;
modified to use ssdStripCalib table for simulation;
StSsdWafer.cc/hh - added method to remove strips which signal < 3*rms ; protection against died objects added
added protection against division 0/0;
StSsdBarrel.cc/hh - added method to decode new ssdNoise Table;
StSsdBarrel.cc/hh - added default pedestal/noise ; noise value is 60/16 = 3.75 adc ;
StSsdPoint.cc - modified to make Gain calibration using the mapping method instead of the rotating vector;
DcaService.cxx, StStrangeControllerInclude.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx/h, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to move initialization to IntRun from Init;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to move access of Db tables by demand; modified to make request for SvtGeometry from GetRotations;
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.h - added forward declaration for ROOT 5.16;
StSvtEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h,StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to read DB by demand;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - modified to ensure that number of anodes and timebins is set properly;
St_dst_trackC.cxx/h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - made drift velocity depends on TPC half, use online RHIC clock;
StRTpcElectronics.cxx, StTpcDb.cxx/h - modified to use separated East/West drift velocities only for year >= 2007, for backward compartibility;
StTpcHitFilterMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added option to not move Simulated hits ;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight, fixed cluster shape ;
include/StTrsDigitalSector.hh - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight;
src/StTrsFastDigitalSignalGenerator.cc, StTrsParameterizedAnalogSignalGenerator.cc, StTrsSector.cc, StTrsSlowAnalogSignalGenerator.cc - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight, fixed cluster shape ;
StVeloMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StMultiH1F.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
TAttr.cxx/h, TH1Helper.cxx, TPolinom.cxx, xTCL.cxx/h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - TCircleFitter::Fit modified logic; removed member fMax from THelixTrack;
St_db_Maker.cxx/h - added parameter currenTime (== requested time) in FindLeft ;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - new maker for embedding added ;
St_geant_Maker.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - added some calls for GEANT simulation of embedded particles;
GeomBrowser.ui, GeomBrowser.ui.h - added protection for viwer pointer ;
StGeomBrowser.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
St_l3t_Maker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx/h - modified to move hit with time of flight ;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - bug fixed in getPt(); modified to use normal radius instead of layer one;
StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - argument added to approx();
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - new better THelix fit developed; path to hit implemented in 2dim space only;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - initialization of _sinCA and _cosCA ;
StiTrackNode.cxx - wrong sign in correlation fixed;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - modified to use West/East depending drift velocity;
new modules created for triggers simulation study:
- Bbc;
- Bemc;
- Eemc;
- TrgEmulatorEMC;
bfcMixer_P07ib.C - added macro to run embedding for P07ib production;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo9.g - added new file as first approximation of the SVT-less configuration in year 2008 ;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo10.g - added newest correction from Dave Lynn -- the water channels were eventually manufactured from Carbon as opposed to the originally proposed Beryllium;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added the following geometry tags: Y2008, UPGR14 (UPGR13 without IST), DEV2007 (sandbox for what-if studies); modified for newest SVT geometry corrections; new tag Y2007A implemented;
Calibrations/ftpc - added ftpcVoltage.C, ftpcVoltageStatus.C;
Calibrations/tpc - added tpcGridLeak.C, tpcOmegaTau.C;
Calibrations/rich - added richvoltages.C, spaceChargeCor.C, spaceChargeCorR2.C, trigDetSums.C;
Calibrations/tracker - added PrimaryVertexCuts.20070101.000000.C;
StMagF/steel_magfieldmap.dat - added file for mag. field map in steel;
idl/pmdSMChain_GNF.idl - added table for PMD gain normalization factor; added _factor to column names;
idl/ssdNoise.idl - ssdNoise Table added;
- October 3, 2007
SL07c library was updated with codes below to fix bugs in EMC & SSD codes caused memory ovewriting.
Next codes have been updated:
EVP/ssdReader.cxx/h,emcReader.cxx/h, scReader.cxx/h, daqFormats.h, evpSupport.cxx;
SL07c librray was retagged with tag SL07c_3 and rebuild.
- August 10, 2007
SL07c library has been updated with codes below to make patches for SL4.4 platform:
- StDbBroker
StDbWrappedMessenger.cc ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h,
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07c library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07c_2.
- August 2, 2007
library SL07c was updated with codes below to switch off Q-vector branhces in StMuDstMaker to avoid warnings when reading P07ib data which has Q-vector information stored :
- StMuDstMaker
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx
Updated codes were retagged as SL07c_1
- June 1, 2007
new library SL07c (tagged as SL07c) has been created, tested and released.
Main features:
- library has new version of pythia 6.410 will be used for pp 200GeV pythia production for SPIN group request;
- trigger 2007 data are added;
- EMC trigger code reshaped ;
- number of codes modified to replace print statements with Logger LOG_INFO/LOG_ERROR;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - added SSD hits;
StBFChain.cxx/h - implemented StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency;
StBFChainOpt.cxx/h, StChainOpt.h - added to implement StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency ;
StTree.cxx - fixed special case basename for daq & fz;
StChain.h - modified to implement StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency;
StChain.h - removed non implemented GetChainOpt method;
StMaker.cxx/h - implemented new WhiteBoard methods; modified to reset to zero m_DataSet after deletion;
StChargeStepMaker.cxx - modified to remove redundant GetMaker();
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx, code2007.cxx - corrected byte swapping issue;
TRG/code2007.cxx - bug fixed for checking the last QT word; added protection against NULL pTRGP;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx - uninitialized pointer to class accessed to call method fixed and protected against NULL argument;
TRG/TRG_Reader.hh - added cleanup of initialized pTRGD;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx, EventReader.cxx - pointer to method returns FALSE instead of NULL fixed;
StDAQReader.cxx - corrected byte swapping issue;
StDAQMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx/h - added the additionalTriggerID table;
EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - added error handling to EEmcSmdGeom::getIntersection();
StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h - updated to save crate pedestals with two digit precision only;
Run2006TriggerMaker.C - added example Macro on how to access new trigger interface for 2006;
2006_Trigger_Map - added map of triggers in time and thresholds for 2006;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - updated new trigger interface;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - updated to loop over all 6 trigger periods for 2006 ; added decoder wrapper method that correlates tower and trigger patch;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h, StBemcTrigger.h, Run2006TriggerMaker.C - added decoder wrapper method that correlates tower and trigger patch;
Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C - added macro to run over data;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h, Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C, Run2006SimuTriggerMaker.C - added BHT2 for 2003; new access scheme extended back to 2003+2004; removed all access to StEmcPedestal tables;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - updated JPSI trigger to include JP#ing from decoder - E/W thresholds set ;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - fixed bug in VPD unpacking;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - fixed bug in BBC unpacking;
StTriggerData.h - added virtual function mtdAtAddress();
StEventDstMaker.cxxh - removed ;
StEventMaker.cxx - addition of random trigger;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx/h, StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h, StJetReader.cxx - modified to store trigger simulation info in SkimTrig; trigger prescales and thresholds saved once per run using SkimTrigHeader;
modified to save triggers that fired or should have fired in each event; various space savers (ignore TObject data members if possible, use TRef for mBestVert, etc.);
StJets.cxx/h - added Murad's dca update;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - more precise Chi2 calculation; implemented slightly tighter quality cuts on tracks: npoint>=20, radial dca < 1; widened the cut on close vertices to be mDcaZMax (3 cm);
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to hide StBFChain dependency;
StMiniMcEvent.h - increamented ClassDef;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to use the bfc option "debug" to create and fill the FTPC cluster tuning histograms;
StFtpcSlowSimField.cc, StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - updated to be compatible with changes made to StFtpcTrackParams.cc; modified to use default microsecondsPerTimebin value from database if no RHIC clock info available ;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - modified for FTPC vertex hists; database initialization moved from Init to InitRun; redefined m_nrec_track histogram and only fill if debug option is on;
StFtpcTrackingParams.cc/hh - replaced StMagUtilities with StarMagField ;
StLaserEventMaker.h - modified to unuse m_clockNominal class Data memeber;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - fixed m_clock unu-initialized, Float_t m_clockNominal replaced class DM naming changed to l_clockNominal;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - Removed Q-vector flag;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx - Removed Q-vector flag, added VPD info ;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - removed Q-vector calculation; added protection against StEvent::triggerData() == 0 in EZTREE;
EZTREE/StMuEzTree.cxx - added protection against StEvent::triggerData() == 0 in EZTREE;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - modified PatchMap so that TP->Tower is accessed via StEmcDecoder; East Barrel Mapping fixed;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - added new interface methods to get trigger thresholds and decisions based on trigId;
StPmdCalibConstMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdAbsClustering.cxx, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdDiscriminator.cxx, StPmdDiscriminatorMaker.cxx, StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdDiscriminatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdDiscriminatorNN.cxx - - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - corrected time of flight calculation, added time of flight corrrection for Laser;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - added protection in assert if hitPars has not been defined;
StiMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency; added time of flight corrrection for Laser;
StTagsMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH2F.cxx - patched for problems with limited axis ranges ;
St_db_Maker.cxx - added StMaker::Init() into Init;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency; moved creation of TGiant3 in ctor; improved handling of the Pythia event header translation;
StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified for PMD hists ;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx/h - added SSD hists ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - added SVT plots ;
TTreeIter.cxx/h - Double32_t added;
THelixTrack.cxx/h,TPolinom.cxx/h - some improvements;
xTCL.cxx/h - added extended TCL class xTCL;
gen/pythia_6410 - new version of pythia 6.410 added;
gen/bpythia/apytuser.age, bpythia.F, bpythia.cdf, hepevt61.inc, pyth_header.g - added;
gen/bpythia/pyth_header.g - added MSTU72, MSTU73, MSTP111;
sim/g2t/g2t_get_event.F, mheadrd.g - added MSTU72, MSTU73, MSTP111; separated error codes for the generic and Pythia-specific header read;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - disabled introduction of the Dalitz particle (pi0 with special decay);
sim/idl/g2t_pythia.idl - added three more Pythia variables ;
sim/g2t/g2t_get_pythia.F - added three kinematic variables to be propagated from Pythia ;
pmdHotCells.idl - added new table with bit masks for pmdHotCells ;
additionalTriggerID.idl - added new trigger tables RunNumber and EventNumber ;
- August 10, 2007
SL07b library has been updated with codes below to make patches for SL4.4 platform:
- StDbBroker
StDbWrappedMessenger.cc ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h,
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07b library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07b_2.
- May 18, 2007
library SL07b has been updated with codes below, retagged as SL07b_1 and rebuilt. Updates were needed for CuCu reproduction.
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h;
StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx/h ;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx, StPmdGeom.cxx;
VmcGeometry - number of files ;
- April 18, 2007
new library SL07b (tagged as SL07b) has been created, tested, and released on April 23.
Main features:
- last codes and calibrations/alignment adjustment for cucu reproduction with SVT & SSD tracking;
- codes and calibration updates for run 2007;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - SVT drift velocity historamm utility added ; added Svt list, simplified hlist include files, handle StMultiH2F, stored dirName;
BigFullChain.h - new Corr5, the correction chain option for run 2007; new chain for run 2007;
added P2007a and P2007b for startup chains ;
StBFChainLinkDef.h - added new file to enlarge size for chain option fields, added options EvOutOnly & NoOutput , EastOff & WestOff for Sti, UseNewLDV ;
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to enlarge size for chain option fields, added options EvOutOnly & NoOutput , EastOff & WestOff for Sti, UseNewLDV ;
StBFChain.cxx - checking for VMC input file added;
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
dEdxParameterization.cxx - added TMath.h;
StMaker.cxx/h - new signature of GetDataBase() added ;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - reverting back to state in revision 2.41; updated GetTowerBin to be aware of mapping bug;
StDbSql.cc - minor changes;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - added machine weighting factor "machinePower" to load balancer ;
StDbManagerImpl.cc - minor changes to allow load balancer to be backward compatible with online migration code;
StDbConfigNodeImpl.cc - fixed small memory leak in removeTable ;
ChapiDbHost.cxx/h, MysqlDb.cc - Load Balancer adjustments for machinePower features;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added methods GetCrateFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTriggerPatchFromTowerId, GetJetPatchFromTowerId, and GetTowerIdFromBin;
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability ;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx - modified to change the decoding LDate and add the mapping from DaqLadders to RealLadders for year2007;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/hh, code2007.cxx - bug fixed for offsets;
StDetectorDbRichScalers.cxx - modified to use RichScalers from data stream;
modified to use mode=1 for DB values;
StMagUtilities.cxx - added zero field = 1G;
St_svtRDOstrippedC.cxx/h - added more strict wafer definition ;
St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx/h - drift velocity definition added by Ivan Kotov;
StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc/hh - TpcCoordinate transformation via TGeoHMatrix added ;
StSvtLocalCoordinate.hh - added usage of Ivan Kotov's drift velocities ;
StSvtCoordinateTransform.cc/hh, St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx/h - added dependence of drift velocity on anode;
StValiSet.cxx/h, St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to allow request by user defined;
St_db_Maker.cxx - bypassed bug in TTable::New; assert improved;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx - bug fixed ;
EEdsm/BemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - new files added for run 2007;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2007 ;
StGlobalTrack.cxx - memory leak fixed, StDcaGeometry was not deleted ;
StTriggerData2007.cxx - new map for ZDC-SMD implemented;
StTofCollection.cxx/h - added new data members and methods in preperation for new ToF;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - added access function for VPD data;
StVpdTriggerDetector.cxx/h - modified for actual VPD used in 2007;
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx - added setup of VPD data to constructor;
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx/h, StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx/h, StEmcEqualMaker.cxx StEmcMipMaker.cxx/h, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h - reshaped the infrastructure, provided the setup script to install the monitoring on a fresh machine,provided the configuration file to change the settings without touching code;
fixed the DB tables handling, now uses table based containers.
StEemcRaw.cxx - drop token checked ;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - disabled RawEndcap hits filtering;
StEemcRaw.cxx, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified to bring endcap code in default configuration;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak of StMcCalorimeterHit;
StBemcTrigger.cxx - JJSI changes for 2006 entire barrel;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - added access to L1 2x1 patch ADC for L2 emulator;
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - added methods from Pibero to access trigger database information;
projection/StEmcPosition.cxx/h - implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method decl arations to improve readability ;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx/h - added softId-based versions of getEta, getTheta, and getPhi; added getId(phi,eta,&softId);
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability;
others/StEmcMath.cxx - added methods GetCrateFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTriggerPatchFromTowerId,GetJetPatchFromTowerId and GetTowerIdFromBin;
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability ;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StFlowMaker.cxx - west ZDCSMD H7 (readout as 26 in the trigger array) was swapped with LED (readout as 24 in trigger array), to avoid abnormal pedestal in the electronic channel associated with 26 in the trigger array ;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - bug fixes ;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - extended validity of PPV for 2007 data taking ;
StMagFMaker.cxx- Zero Field defined as 1G;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - added keys for switch off Tpc, Svt and Ssd NTuples; GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StMcCtbHit.cc - added filling of g2t_ctf_hit.ds into StMcCtbHit ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuEvent.cxx/h - added Q-vectors in StMuEvent;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - removed the forcing of the Ghost loop to be "off" by checking the filename;
now the check only displays a message in the log saying that the Ghost loop is turned on;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - Shift of HFT hits to face of ladder;
added IST simulation (digitization but no clustering);
StPmdGeom.cxx - new mapping (run7) added and DrawPmd function for viewing PMD Geometry ;
BoardDetail of access on 29/03/07 added;
StPmdGeom.cxx/h - chain19 mapping corrected, functions to return nboards in a chain/SMs added;
StMcQaMaker.cxx/h - new maker added for side by side comparision of GEANT and VMC simulations ;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - added more precise histograms for the particular status of strips: count the number of strips perwafer where pedestal = 0 or 255 (adc) and rms = 0 or 255 (adc);
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - added a method to fill pedestal and noise of the strips in a tuple;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation, eliminate ssdWafersPostion ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added a method WriteMatchedClusters instead of WriteScfTuple() method that fill all the reconstructed clusters, this one store the clusters associated to the hits;
added WriteMatchedStrips() method : fill the characteristics of the strips from matched clusters;
added a protection when ssdStripCalib is filled with empty values;
modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation, eliminate ssdWafersPostion;
added a switch to use the gain calibration ;
modified for GetTFile()==>StMaker;
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx/h - modified use new StSsdBarrel;
StSsdWafer.cc - bug fixed : fill the StSsdPointList with space points with the higher configuration probability;
StSsdBarrel.cc/hh, StSsdLadder.cc/hh, StSsdWafer.cc/hh - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StSsdBarrel.cc/hh, StSsdPoint.cc/hh, StSsdWafer.cc/hh - added a method to use the gain calibration for the Charge Matching between pulse of p and n sides;
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx, StSvtClusterMaker.cxx, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StSvtDbReader.cc/hh, StSvtDbWriter.cc/hh, St_SvtDb_Reader.cc/hh - removed files;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx - added StSvtGeometry to const area;
StSvtElectronCloud.cc, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StTagsMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - updated for Run V CuCu calibration:
- INL correction moved in this maker
- Tot Corr and Z Corr use new tables in data base;
- pVPD calibration information modified;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed breaking of failure on number of return rows during db I/O for tofTotCorr and tofZCorr;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - modified to complete Run V matching;
- trailing tdc and leading tdc stored as adc and tdc in StTofCell;
- multi-hit association cases use hit position priority;
StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation; change mode for switching drift velocities implemented;
StTpcDb.cxx - added drift velocity interpolation between two measurement in time;
added protection from infinit endTime ;
StTofMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofGeometry.cxx, StTofSimParam.cxx, StTofrDaqMap.cxx, StTofrGeometry.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers
StTofSimMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofSimMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
St_trg_Maker.cxx - added protection from use if data version > 2007;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx/h - SVT drift velocity histogramm added;
QAH.cxx/h - added StMultiH2F support;
QAhlist_Svt.h - added new files;
StQABookHist.cxx/h, StEventQAMaker.cxx - added Svt Laser Diff;
St_srs_Maker.cxx - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StThreeVector.hh - added xyz() method ;
StMultiH2F.cxx/h - introduced StMultiH2F class ;
StSvtHybridObject.cc/hh, StSvtHybridPixelsD.cc, StSvtWaferCollection.hh, StSvtWaferGeometry.cc/hh - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities, use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation ;
StSvtHybrid.h - new files added;
TRArray.cxx/h, TRMatrix.cxx/h, TRSymMatrix.cxx/h, TRVector.h, StarRootLinkDef.h - added new method for matrix inversion;
TRDiagMatrix.cxx/h - new files added for matrix inversion ;
TAttr.cxx/h - adjusted for ROOT 5.14 ;
THelixTrack.cxx - replaced 'complex' by 'TComplex';
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - added TMath.h;
StiHit.h- modified to count Time of Flight; set 30 degree hit angle limit;
StiHitLoader.h - added Riostream.h;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - modified to add Time of Flight;
StiTrackNode.cxx - replaced 'complex' by 'TComplex';
StiHitTest.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiTrackFinder.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
Base/StiFactory.h - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - adjusted for ROOT 5.14;
StiMaker.cxx/h - added option for EastOff and WestOff, FindDataSet for Sti Geometry;
modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StiRnDLinkDef.h - added LinkDef for Sti RnD;
StiSsdLinkDef.h - added new files to use new StSsdBarrel;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use new StSsdBarrel;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx/h - added hint for EastOff and WestOff options;
StiPullEvent.cxx - adjusted for ROOT 5.14;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified for alignment;
StiSvtLinkDef.h = new files added to adjust for alignment;
StVMCMaker.cxx - checking for input file added ;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo6.g - TUP-inspired version of the SSD, the structural support parts on the rim are constructed of Carbon as opposed to Aluminum, to reflect the possible reedesign ;
geometry.g - added modifications: (a) FSTD is out (b) modified SSD with carbon parts,for R&D purposes (c) modified IST with single sided inner layer;
provided version for the thicker active Si layer in pixlgeo3, via setting the structure elements;
istbgeo/istbgeo6.g - geometry with Inner layer with sensors only on the inside ;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo3.g - added a useful diagnostic printout about the thicknesses of the Si layers;
modified backward-compatible version with (a) refactoring of the data structures for better modification support (b) switchable "thick" active layer configuration (c);
gstar_part.g - corrected B decay definitions;
added particle "DALITZ", which is identical to pi0 except that it goes into gamma gamma, needed for electron background simulation;
Geometry/ssd/SsdOnGlobal.20050101.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20050120.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20050217.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20 050310.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.C, SsdOnGlobal.y2005e.C ;
SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050120.000007.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050217.000007.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050310.000000.C, Ssd LaddersOnSectors.y2005e.C;
SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050120.000003.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050217.000003.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2005e.C;
SsdWafersOnLadders.20050101.000000.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2005e.C;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnSurvey.y2005e.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2005e.C, WaferOnLadder.y2005e.C;
LadderOnShell.20050101.000000.C, LadderOnShell.20050310.000000.C LadderOnSurvey.20050101.000000.C ShellOnGlobal.20050101.001001.C ShellOnGlobal.20050120.000003.C ShellOnGlobal.20050217.000003.C ShellOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050101.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050120.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050217.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.C WaferOnLadder.20050101.000000.C ;
idl/svtHybridDriftVelocity.idl - new Svt Drift velocity table added, combination of charge step and correction due to nonlinearity;
idl/ssdGainCalibWafer.idl - gain calibration table for ssd wafers added ;
servers/dbLoadBalancerConfig.new - xml file for db loadbalancing added ;
- August 10, 2007
SL07a library has been updated with codes below to make patches for SL4.4 platform:
- StDbBroker
StDbWrappedMessenger.cc ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx;
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07a library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07a_3.
- May 11, 2007
library SL07a has been updated with codes below, retagged as SL07a_2 and rebuilt.
Updates have been needed to fix the codes problems and process with production for tracking upgrades proposal;
- StPixelFastSimMaker
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h ;
- StiRnD
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx;
- StarDb
Geometry/ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.upgr01.C, SsdOnGlobal.upgr01.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.upgr01.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.upgr01.C;
Calibrations/tracker/ist2HitError.20050101.000000.C, st1HitError.20050101.000000.C;
- April 6, 2007
library SL07a has been updated with codes below, retagged as SL07a_1 and rebuilt.
Updates have been needed to process with production for tracking upgrades and remove unneeded messages from the log files;
- StAnalysisMaker
- StPixelFastSimMaker
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h ;
- StMcEvent
StMcEmcHitCollection.cc, StMcCtbHit.cc;
- StiRnD
- pams/sim
g2t_volume_id.g, g2t_pix.F, g2t_gem.F;
- February 22, 2007
new library SL07a (tagged as SL07a) has been created, tested, found bugs fixed. Library was released on March 19 .
Main features:
- geometry for year 2007 has been set and codes updated;
- added dead material to SSD and created new geometry tags Y2005F and Y2006B;
- trigger data updated for year 2007 run;
- improved global dca values on MuDst;
- EEmc slow simulator upgraded, for detailes look at the email ;
- developed new version of the STAR "Geometry Browser" and "Offline Event display";
Next codes have been updated:
geant/gparmp.F - added magnetic monopole tracking;
geant/grktmp.F - added stepping routine for the magnetic monopole;
geant/guswmp.F - added logical switch for the magnetic field calculation;
geant/gtrack.F - added ITRTYP=9 (monopole);
geant/gtmonp.F - added tracking the monopole;
StMessMgr.h - added the new StMess abstarct interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel; modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
StMaker.cxx - added geometry tags Y2007, Y2006a ;
added geometry tags: Y2005F and Y2006B needed due to the added dead area in the SSD, and also incorporating the updated Barrel EMC code;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
SVT/SVTV1P0.cxx, SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - modified: zero suppressed reader no longer uses adcx, only seqd;
TRG/trgStructures2005.h - modified;
TRG/trgStructures2007.h - added for run 2007; added year for L2RESULTS_OFFSET;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/h - updated reader for run 2007 data;
TRG/L2gammaResult2007.h, code2007.cxx, trgStructures2007.h - new files added for run 2007;
StTRGReader.cxx/h - updated reader for run 2007 data;
MysqlDb.cc/h, StDbManagerImpl.cc/hh, StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h, StlXmlTree.cxx/h - updated for load balancing;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - time converted to GMT ;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h - calculation of ideal gains moved into static member function getTowerGains() to allow slow simulator to access them;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - the slow eemc simulatore upgraded. The following changes have been made:
- towers will always be masked out when a "fail" bit is set in the database;
previously this only happened if pedestals were being added, smeared;
- tower, preshower and postshower ADC values will be simulated using the GEANT energy loss stored in StEmcHit and StMuEmcHit;
previously, ADC values from the fast simulator were used and energy loss recovered using gains, resulting in roundoff errors ;
- tower simulation now accounts for the different light yields provided by the brighter scintillator and two-fiber readout in the preshower and postshower layers;
previously, only the difference in thickness was accounted for by the GEANT simulation;
SlowSimUtil.cxx/h, StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcTrigSimuMaker.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx - bug fixed: adc was not limitted to [0,4095], fixed for all layers;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h, StEEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h - new simpler to use method calculating dca for track to strip;
StEEmcGeom/EEmcGeomDefs.h - new simpler to use method calculating dca for track to strip;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h - fixed applied to eliminate parralax error in the EEmcSmdGeom::getIntersection() method;
bug fixed in getDca2Strip(), make more methodhs public;
dca initialized in getDcaStripPtr();
EEmcSmdGeom::getDca2Strip(..) simplified;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h, EEmcDbItem.cxx/h, StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - new Logger implemented ;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - modified to use new logger only;
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx, StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h, StPmtSignal.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - added code in Init() to automatically set embedding mode controlTable flags in StEmcADCtoEMaker and/or StEmcMixerMaker;
StEpcMaker.cxx/h, StPointCollection.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - modifed ::getDbTable( ) to use DB APIs instead of a whereClause; ::getTimeStampList ( ) turned off temporary due to seg-faulted during testing;
voltageCalib/LinearFit.h, PowerLawFit.h - fixed inheritance for gcc 3.4.6 compliance;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - initial revision of year 2007 triggers;
StTriggerData2007.cxx - Changed L2RESULTS_... to L2RESULTS_2007_ ;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2007;
StEventLinkDef.h - added 2007 trigger structure pragmas ;
StEnumerations.h - added l2DisplacedVertex to StL2AlgorithmId;
StEmcRawHit.cxx - changes to modEtaSub() and sub() implemented;
StEventControlPanel.cxx, StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h, StSimplePanel.cxx/h, St_PolyLine3D.cxx - added an extra control to choose between G3 and Sti detectors geometries;
StVirtualEventFilter.cxx/h - new files adde to adjust for ROOT 5.15/03 API;
StPadControlPanel.cxx, St_PolyLine3D.cxx, TEmcTower.cxx - adjusted for for ROOT 5.15/03 API;
StFlowConstants.cxx/h, StFlowCutEvent.cxx, StFlowCutTrack.cxx, StFlowEvent.cxx/h, StFlowMaker.cxx/h - introduced recentering of Q vector in Lee Yang Zeros method;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx, StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx/h, doFlowSumAll.C, minBias.C, plotCumulant.C, plotLYZ.C -introduced recentering of Q vector in Lee Yang Zeros method;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx, StFtpcLaser.cc, StFtpcLaserCalib.cc, StFtpcLaserTrafo.cc - replaced printf, cout, gMessMgr with Logger ;
StFtpcClusterFinder.cc, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, StFtpcDbReader.cc, StFtpcGasUtilities.cc - modified to move unessential output from INFO to DEBUG;
StFtpcParamReader.cc - replaced //LOG_INFO with LOG_DEBUG;
replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes;
StFtpcMixerMaker.cxx, StFtpcSequencer.cc - replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger ;
StFssSectorReader.cc, StFtpcRawWriter.cc, StFtpcSlowSimCluster.cc, StFtpcSlowSimLibs.cc, StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx, StFtpcSlowSimReadout.cc, StFtpcSlowSimulator.cc - replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes ;
StFtpcConfMapper.cc, StFtpcTracker.cc, StFtpcTrackingParams.cc - moved unessential output messages from INFO to DEBUG;
replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added storing of the MuDst filename in StJetSkimEvent;
StJetReader.cxx, StJets.cxx, StJets.h - added StMuTrack info on track charge, dedx, and hit information to StJets.h; updated exampleFastJetAna() accordingly;
St_l3_Coordinate_Transformer.cxx - fixed for gcc4,added usage of StMultiArray class;
StMuTrack.cxx/h - updated to use StDcaGeometry for global DCA and momentum; added helper functions for radial and Z component: dcaD and dcaZ; uncertainties on those are stored in sigmaDcaD and sigmaDcaZ; dcaD and dcaZ only work for the primary vertex to which the track belongs ;
StMuUtilities.h - removed templates for min() and max(), which conflict with STL;
StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - added SetEventList function to read only pre-selected events;
StMiniMcEvent.cxx/h, StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.cxx/h, StTinyRcTrack.cxx/h - modified to add Ssd and DCA ;
StMiniMcHelper.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.cxx/h, dominatrackInfo.cc - bug fixed;
StMiniMcPair.cxx - removed;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - GMT conversion fixed;
StEmcOldFinder.cxx, StEmcVirtualFinder.cxx/h, StPreEclMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - modified to use new Logger instead of cout, printf;
new logger updated and addition of Finish() function done;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - WriteStripTuple method added, WriteScmTuple method updated ; few changes for the new Logger
replaced printf,cout,gMessMgr with LOGGER statements ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added control histograms and updated the Cluster and Point Tuple;
St_sls_Maker.cxx St_spa_Maker.cxx - replaced printf, cout statements with Logger;
StSsdClusterList.cc/h - made correction in the clusters splitting;
StThreeVector.hh - added non-const version of xyz();
StMultiArray.cxx - added class StMultiArray;
StLoggerManager.h - modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
StLoggerManager.h - added the new StMess abstarct interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel ;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for run 2007 triggers ;
StMessageManager.cxx/h - added the new StMess abstract interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel;
modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
TUnixTime.cxx - convertion to GMT fixed;
TDirIter.cxx - modified to fix files > 2GB;
StiMasterHitLoader.h - fixed for gcc4;
Base/StiFactory.h - fixed for gcc4;
St_dst_Maker.cxx - GMT conversion fixed ;
GeomBrowser.ui.h - modified to allow multiply Zebra file to be read;
GeomBrowser.ui - added new geometry tags;
geometry/geometry.g - added Y2007 geometry tag ;
added steering for new code and settings for TOF, upVPD and FPD/FMS for Y2007;
added logic to include the updated SSD code for year 2007;
added Y2005F and Y2006B geometry tags which includes recent correction for the dead material in the SSD ;
IST1 tag retired;
FMS code (fpdgeo) updated to make more space at the end of the cave;
replace the IGT by the FGT in the UPGRXX tags;
added R&D geometry tag UPGR13;
removed the prototype support cone on the East side for UPGR13 geometry;
modified to put in the dead material version of SSD into UPGR13;
Corrected the steering logic for the new FGT (former IGT) to integrate the newer code;
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo1.g - removed the hit declaration just to make sure there is no confusion downstream;
replaced a dummy version (a placeholder) of the FGT (formerly known as IGT) code with a piece that supposedly works, and has 6 GEM disks;
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo3.g - updated ;
vpddgeo/vpddgeo2.g - added the new cut of the code, to be used in year 2007 run ;
code improvements aimed at a better code structure readability and removal of hardcoded values;
btofgeo/btofgeo5.g - updated the new cut of TOF code for Y2007 geometry;
code improvements aimed at a better code structure readability and removal of hardcoded values;
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo3.g - code improvments aimed at eliminating the hardcoded values and better code structure;
cavegeo/cavegeo.g - changed the cave size by Akio and Ermes request to make it larger ;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo5.g - modified to make an active area in Silicon wafers smaller than the total size of the wafer, corrected;
gphysdata/xsneut96.dat - updated neutron cross section file to make it compatible with starsim ;
gstar/gstar_part.g - modified to bring the particle definitions up to date with new Upsilon levels and strange lambda plus ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2006b.C, Geometry.y2005f.C, Geometry.y2006a.C, Geometry.upgr13.C, y2006b.h, y2005f.h, upgr13.h - added new files;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.y2007.root, y2007.h, Geometry.y2007.C, geom.y2007.root - added new files for year 2007 geometry;
idl/tofTotCorr.idl, tofZCorr.idl - correction Values for TOF calibrations added;
StarMCHit.cxx/h - a prototype of VMC hit implemented; introduced a "legacy mode" for backward compatibility ;
StarMCHits.cxx - updated the McHits class to support new way to traverse the hierarchy of volumes while collecting hits;
StarMCSimplePrimaryGenerator.cxx - added a facility to read the phase space parameters from a file and generate kinematic tracks correspondingly;
StarMCSimplePrimaryGenerator.h - added a constructor which takes a filename;
StarMCHitCollection.h - added a stub for the hit collection;
StarMCRootPrimaryGenerator.cxx/h - added header file for the ROOT-format event reader;
StVMCMaker.cxx/h - added new methods;
more development for "Geometry Browser";
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