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Updated on Mon, 2011-04-11 15:01. Originally created by didenko on 2010-01-13 17:12.
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS April 11, 2011 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4, MC production for TUP SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08b (SL08b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL09b (SL09b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 500GeV W preproduction SL09d (SL09d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09e (SL09e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL5, last library with old pams SL09g (SL09g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL10a (SL10a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10b (SL10b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10d (SL10d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10e (SL10e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10f (SL10f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10g (SL10g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 old-> SL10h (SL10h_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 auau 7.7-39GeV embedding production SL10i (SL10i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pro-> SL10j (SL10j_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 new-> SL10k (SL10k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 -------------------------------------------------
Release History
SL10a library
SL10b library
SL10c library
SL10d library
SL10e library
SL10f library
SL10g library
SL10h library
SL10i library
SL10j library
SL10k library
- December 18 , 2010
new library SL10k tagged as SL10k has been created and built on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms. Library was tested and released on December 20.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agdummy.age - subroutine gcalor micset added;
Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agrot.F - modified to switch off AGROTF_TEST;
StMaker.cxx - added y2008c, y2009b, y2010b geometry tags;
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - patched for BSMDe mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StBemcRaw.h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - patched for BSMDe mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
database/StEmcDecoder.cxx, StEmcDecoder.h - patched for BSMDE mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to make the energy assignments of the newly created strips happen before they are added to the mEmcMcHits collection; the cross talk leakage is now proportional to the difference of energies of two neighbor strips;
StGammaPythiaEventMaker.cxx - modified to move the StMcEvent check to the beginning of Make() to avoid crashing when the instance is not present ;
StGammaRawMaker.h - added mutator to exclude BEMC towers; set excluded BEMC towers in StGammaRawMaker;
StGammaRawMaker.cxx - excluded desired BEMC towers; bug fixed in tower exclusion code;
/geometry/geometry/geometry.g - defined TPCE04r (reduced TPC envelope radius) and BTOF67 (btof sensitive volume size fix) and incorporated them into Y2011 tag; added tags:Y2008c, Y2009c, y2010b;
/geometry/geometry/btofgeo/gbtofgeo7.g - reverted to previous version of btofgeo6 code; fixes in TOF geometry are applied now in btofgeo7 ;
/geometry/geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - reverted max radius to previous value; reduced radius is set by TPCE04r flag in geometry.g;
VmcGeometry/y2011.h - modified MUTD geometry: 27 backlegs changed with 28 backlegs ;
Geometry.y2008c.C, Geometry.y2009c.C, Geometry.y2010b.C, Geometry.y2008b.C, Geometry.y2009b.C, Geometry.y2010a.C, y2008c.h, y2009c.h, y2010b.h - added new files for tags y2008b, y2008c, y2009b, y2009c, y2010a and y2010b;
- November 22, 2010
SL10j library has been updated with codes below to fix the bug and code updates needed to proceed with MC and embedding production.
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx - modified for embedding chain to use GetTopChain() to check existance of db-makers ; StEvent
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - bug fixed nSigma definition;
StMaker - added y2008b geometry tag;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - removed special treatment for delta-electrons, this will cause that IdTruth for cluster will be degradated because charge from delta-electrons will be accounted with delta-electons track Id but not with original particle Id as was before;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2008b geometry tag with most recent models of the TPC, ECAL and CALB;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added omega(728) w/ 100% decay to e+e ;
VmcGeometry/y2008b.h - latest version of TPC, ECAL, CALB
SL10j library has been retagged with tag SL10j_2 .
- November 3, 2010
SL10j library has been updated with codes below needed to proceed with auau 200GeV run 2010 production.
Updates includes:
- updates for usage of GG Voltage Error and tpcHVPlanes position;
- updates for TOF cell-based TOF calibrations;
- fixes for SVT related material for years 2009 & year2010;
- fixes for TPX response simulatator needed for run 2009, run 2010 embedding productions (proper t0 offset for Altro chip);
- updates for year 2011 geometry;
Library was retagged with tag SL10j_1 and rebuilt on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - introduced GG Voltage Error switch;
StBTofCalibMaker.h - fixed array dimensions to accomodate cell-based calibrations;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - fixed module index range for read in loop for BOARD (TDIG) based calibration;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to provide usage of tpcHVPlanes positions and GG Voltage Error;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - set proper t0 offset for Altro chip;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - introduced tpcHVPlanes;
St_tpcHVPlanesC.h - added new table to introduce tpcHVPlanes;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilderto StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations configurations without SVT detector installed;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced GG Voltage Error switch;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - set proper t0 offset for Altro chip; bug fixed for embedding;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - modified to apply outlier truncation to all energies, keep at 20% level;
geometry/geometry.g - modified to switch PHMD on and to add last version of MUTD configuration for run 2011;
mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - MUTD geometry modified to set 28 backlegs and 118 trays for run 2011;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - modified to set proper t0 offset for run 2009, 2010 and 2011;
TpcResponseSimulator.idl - modified to set proper t0 offset for Altro chip;
tpcHVPlanes.idl - new table added for
- October 13, 2010
new library SL10j tagged as SL10j has been created and built on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms. Library was tested and released on October 15.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/dblib.cxx - added stdio.h for gcc 4.5 ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - removed 'find_if' due to bug in logic;
StBFChain.cxx - fixed DbV with Sdt timestamps;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added useBTOF4Vtx chain option for inclusion of BTOF in vertex ranking;
StParticleTable.cc - modified to provide LambdaBar(1520) in particle table with Geant ID=996;
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - modified to include methods in StBTofNode and StBTofGeometry that calculate local theta;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modified to include local theta calculation in CellHit structure. Pass LocalTheta info on to TOF PID traits;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modified to look for geant data in bfc ("geant") or geant.root ("geantBranch"); Protect storing BTofMcHitCollection in case McEvent is NULL;
StBTofGeometry.cxx - modified to protect Init() and InitFromStar() against non-initialized database/geant ;
StMaker.cxx - added y2011 geometry tag;
St_svtRDOstrippedC.cxx - added const to Char_t*;
St_tss_tssparC.h, StiHitErrorCalculator.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add new chairs;
St_TpcPadCorrectionC.h St_tpcGainCorrectionC.h - added new chairs;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - added more histograms for calibrations;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - modified to give access to MIP dE/dx to other makers;
database/ StEEmcDb.cxx, StEEmcDb.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.cxx, EEmcGeomSimple.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx, EEmcMCData.h - modified to improve constness ;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx, EEmcSmdGeom.h, StEEmcSmdGeom.cxx, StEEmcSmdGeom.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.cxx, EEmcSmdMap.h - modified to improve constness ;
StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h - modified to remove SoftwareMonitors ;
StFtpcSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StFtpcSoftwareMonitor.h, StRichSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StRichSoftwareMonitor.h, StSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StSoftwareMonitor.h - removed;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h, StEventScavenger.cxx, StEventScavenger.h - modified to remove SoftwareMonitors ;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - modified to add mSeedQuality;
StTpcHit.h - modified to fix no. of padsInHit;
StDcaGeometry.cxx - fixed format ;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx, StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.h - cleanup;
StFmsPi0Filter.h, StFmsPi0Filter.cxx - added filter for neutral pions incident on the FMS;
StGammaScheduleMaker.h - added accessor for total number of timestamps;
StGammaEventMaker.cxx - modified to overwrite event number only if timestamps have been added to the StGammaScheduleMaker instance;
StGammaCandidate.cxx, StGammaCandidate.h - added thresholds to most sum methods;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added function UseBOTF and bool mUseBtof to switch the use of the TOF on and off in vertex finding, default value is off (false);
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - modified to add useBTOF4Vtx chain option for inclusion of BTOF in vertex ranking;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - modified to add function UseBOTF and bool mUseBtof to switch the use of the TOF on and off in vertex finding; default value is off (false);
BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h - added functions, and variables necessary to use the TOF in PPV for vertex finding;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - added initialization of starsim parameter tables after opening zebra-file;
StJetMaker2009.cxx - added neutral jets for events with no good TPC vertex, i.e. ranking <= 0, using (0,0,0) as vertex;
StAnaPars.h - fixed setTowerEnergyCorrection() bug; updated destructor;
mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx, StjBEMCMuDst.h, StjEEMCMuDst.cxx, StjEEMCMuDst.h - added neutral jets for events with no good TPC vertex, i.e. ranking <= 0, using (0,0,0) as vertex;
StMagFMaker.cxx - removed dependence on St_geant_Maker;
StMcEventMaker.cxx, StMcEventMaker.h - replaced 'useBtof' with 'useTof';
StTinyMcTrack.cxx, StTinyRcTrack.cxx - fixed format;
StTinyRcTrack.cxx - added track seedQuality;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - added track seedQuality;
COMMON/StMuEmcCluster.cxx/h, StMuEmcCollection.cxx/h, StMuEmcHit.cxx/h, StMuEmcPoint.cxx/h, StMuEmcTowerData.cxx/h, StMuEmcUtil.cxx/h - modified to insure const correctness;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - cleanup unused variables;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - modified to disable sim flavor, now sim parameters is coming via DB associated with simulation time stamp;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx - modified to disable sim flavor, now sim parameters is coming via DB associated with simulation time stamp;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to add iteration to transformation routines so local -> wafer followed by wafer->local come to same point needed because of dirft velocity assumptions;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to use Mag.field flavor besides simu flag ;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - fixed format;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to add codes for S-shape correction (disactivated);
StTpcHitMaker.cxx StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - slightly better arrangement for limiting excessive TPC events;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added debug print outs;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modified to take out __ClusterProfile__ ;
StTriggerDefinition.h, StTriggerThreshold.h - added support structures for migration from online to offline DB for trigger definitions and thresholds; added inline to avoid multiple definitions of print() by linker;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - changed back to checking decision of individual simulators;
StTriggerSimuResult.cxx/h - modified to change the PIG+2 address from BEMC to EEMC based on structure in StTriggerData2005::isL2Trigger();
StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to move from online to offline DB; added onbits1-3 and offbits1-3;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to change trigger DB query for more appropiate "select max(idx_rn) from triggers where beginTime <='%s'", which selects the begin time right before the time stamp and hence the actual current run;
StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to include ability to test if trigger is defined in trigger code ;
StDSMUtilities/ TCU.cc, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - modified to add onbits1-3 and offbits1-3;
DSM.hh - added stdio.h for ROOT > 4.26 ;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to revert to 'kDontCare';
L2Emulator/StL2_2006EmulatorMaker.cxx - modified to add PIG+2 to EEMC mL2algo;
StarMagField.cxx - modified to lock mag.field if it was initialized from GEANT;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to save coordinates in TpcLocalCoordinate;
StiNodePars.h - fixed problem with parameters alignment for gcc 4.5.1; fixed union; removed GNUC dependence;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinderFilter.cxx, StiTrackFinderFilter.h, StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to add TPCCATracker;
StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx, StiTPCCATrackerInterface.h - added new files for TPCCATracker;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to switch from direct access to public members to methods;
StiRootSimpleTrackFilter.cxx - removed;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move out StiVMCToolKit::GetVMC() from assert, protected from NDEBUG cpp-flag;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
logging/Main.cxx TxUCMCollector.cxx - added stdio.h for gcc4.5; improved query;
TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogFile.h, TxEventLogWeb.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMCollector.h - added method to query job id by broker task and job id provided;
TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogCollector.h, testUcm.csh, testUcm.java - fixed Java Collector interface;
TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogCollector.h, TxEventLogFile.h, TxEventLogWeb.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMCollector.h, testUcm.csh, testUcm.java - added the requester name to the getJobId interface, fix the Db init;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - modified to use REG_EXTENDED syntax;
Main.cxx, Makefile, TxEventLogFactory.cxx, TxEventLogFactory.h - added TxEventLogFactory::main method and stand-alone ulog utitility;
KFParticleBase.h, KFParticle.h, KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticle.cxx - updates for CA from ALICE;
StarRootLinkDef.h - modified to make KFParticleBase and KFParticle to be TObject;
TRDiagMatrix.h, TRMatrix.cxx, TRMatrix.h, TRSymMatrix.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h, TRVector.cxx, TRVector.h - added interface to TVector3;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h - added ID;
TTreeIter.h - added accessor to Tree;
include/rtsSystems.h- added MTD; added Checkpoint;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added detector size functions;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF.cxx - modified to add protection that the cluster charge > 0, it happens sometimes in simulation; small optimization in fcf_decode; added CHOPPED flag;
tpxFCF.h - removed u_int for easier inclusion ;
tpxFCF.cxx - added Checkpoint;
tpxFCF_flags.h - added to move flag to a separate include;
tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h - added more clock features ;
src/DAQ_MTDdaq_mtd.cxx, daq_mtd.h - added new code for MTD daq reader;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h - added detector size functions;
ctf/cts/cts.cc - disabled consistency check on volume ids, fixed bug #1715;
gen/Pythia6_2_20/pythia-6.2.20.F - added new version of Pythia;
pytune.F - added dummy pytune to resolve dependency in bpythia;
geometry/calbgeo/calbgeo2.g - modified to inserte an ENDFILl statement required by AgML;
ecalgeo6.g - modified to remove stray comma from EMCS fill statement;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added development/baseline y2011 geometry tag;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - added 4th version of the muon telescope detector;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - increased size of array to prevent an out-of-bounds condition ;
tpcegeo3.g - modified to reduce size of TPC envelope to accommodate TOF;
geometry/wallgeo/wallgeo.g - modified to make the cave walls invisible so the detector can be more easily viewed;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - fixed unknown TOFr choice for year2007 (btog_choice=10); fixed wrong TOFr tray position ID for run 5 (btog_choice=8);
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - modified to increase the precision of the lambda and lambdabar masses in gstar_part.g; added XiMinus, XiMinusBar, XiZero and XiZeroBar;
Calibrations/tracker/PrimaryVertexCuts.20100424.040001.C - added parameters for Run 2010 AuAu 7.7 and AuAu 11; files moved to DB;
PrimaryVertexCuts.y2011.C - added provisional set of parameters for year 2011;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.y2011.C - added new files with provisional values for year 2011;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcGas.y2011.C, TpcSecRowB.y2011.C, tpcPressureB.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2011.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2011.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2011.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2011.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2011.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2011.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2011.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2011.C, tpcWaterOut.y2011.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2011.C, TpcdCharge.y2011.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2011.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2011.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2011.C, tpcSlewing.y2011.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2011.C, tpcAltroParams.y2011.C - added new files with provisional values for year 2011;
TpcPadCorrection.C - added new default pad correction table ;
tpcGainCorrection.20100101.000028.C, tpcGainCorrection.C, TpcAvCurrent.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2010.C, TpcZDC.C - added new table;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.20100101.000012.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100101.000033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100103.000033.C,
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100204.180033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100318.200033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100409.000033.C,
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100424.040033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100527.020033.C,
TpcRowQ.20100101.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100103.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100204.180032.C, TpcRowQ.20100318.200032.C,
TpcRowQ.20100409.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100424.040032.C, TpcRowQ.20100527.020032.C, TpcSecRowB.20100101.000032.root,
TpcSecRowB.20100103.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100103.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100318.200032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100409.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100424.040032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100527.020032.root,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100101.000030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100103.000032.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100204.180030.C,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100318.200030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100409.000030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100424.040030.C,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100527.020030.C, TpcZDC.20100103.000025.C,TpcZDC.20100204.180025.C, TpcZDC.20100318.200025.C, TpcZDC.20100409.000025.C TpcZDC.20100424.040025.C - updated dEdx calibartions for run 2010;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011;
Sector_01 to Sector_24/tpcSectorPosition.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011 for each sector;
RunLog/onl/starClockOnl.y2011.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2011.C y2011.h - added year 2011 geometry tag;
idl/TpcPadCorrection.idl - added table for correction to reconstructed cluster position in pads;
triggerDefinition.idl, triggerThreshold.idl - added new trigger simulator tables; modified to add size parameter;
qt/src/TQtWidget.cxx - fixed ROOT Bug #4319;
GQtGUI.cxx, TGQt.cxx - fixed small memory leak for QFont object;
- September 2, 2010
SL10i library has been updated with codes limited number of TPC hits used for tracking to skip events with excessive hit occupancy. Library was retagged with tag SL10i_2 and rebuilt on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms.
Next codes have been updated:
St_tpcMaxHitsC.h - new file to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - implemented Lower bound on reduced hit maxima;
idl/tpcMaxHits.idl - new table to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
- August 11, 2010
SL10i library has been updated with MC Filter codes to proceed with EemcGammaFilter simulation production. Library was retagged with tag SL10i_1 and rebuilt on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms.
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added FiltEemcGamma option to proceed with Eemc gamma filter in reconstruction;
StGammaFilterMaker.h, StGammaFilterMaker.cxx - updated with final 2009 parameters and utilities;
StEemcGammaFilterMaker.cxx, StEemcGammaFilterMaker.h, eemcGammaFilterMakerParams.idl - added new files to implement original Endcap EMC gamma-filter; modified to get sampling fraction from Fast simulator, db settings movied to Init;
StEemcGammaFilter.cxx, StEemcGammaFilter.h - new code added to implement original Endcap EMC gamma-filter;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx, StEEmcFastMaker.h, StEEmcSlowMaker.h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx - updated Eemc fast and slow simulattion codes; sampling fraction changed to 4.8%;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to change the check on valid towers during clustering to suppress the non-error issued by StEmcGeom;
- July 19, 2010
new library SL10i tagged as SL10i has been created and built on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms. Library was tested and released on July 21.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/geant321/gcons/gppart.F - modified to allow geant IDs > 9999 will be displayed ;
Simulation/starsim/geantgpdcay.F - added the ids of the decay daughters to the output;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx, StEmcAssociationMaker.h - modified to remove the compile-time redundant dependency;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - removed explicit call to mBTofSortRawHit->setVpdDelay(runnumber). This is now part of mBTofSortRawHit->Init();
StBTofHitMaker.cxx, StBTofHitMaker.h - modified to intoduce GetNextRaw(int sec) ;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - introduced switch to enable ideal MC geometry, without alignment updates. Default: disabled;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to initialize mUseIdealGeometry to be kFALSE in ctor;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - removed geometry initialization (not used); corrected application of vpd resolution smearing: the original values in the db (or ParSim) are in ps [Xin];
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx, StBTofSortRawHit.h - modified to retrieve VPD delay parameters from database; removed explicit setVpdDelay() and integrate its functionality with Init();
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - introduced switch to enable ideal MC geometry, without alignment updates. Default: disabled;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified for GridLeak studies: more knobs to adjust GL and SC in Predict() functions;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - added parameterization for sigma ver row;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - modified to use TString::KIgnoreCase;
StEmbeddingQADraw.h - added particle name functions;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - added legend for each page;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx - modified to change member debug to mDebug;
StGammaEvent.h - added primary vertx rank member/mutator/accessor ;
StGammaEventMaker.cxx - added store of primary vertex rank;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - modified to synchronize magnetic field, can use now InitRun for mag. field;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h - modified to set rapidity +/-10 in gkine/phasespace for spectrum option in order to avoid acceptance cuts;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - implemented spectrum option by gstar_micky;
Reader/StHbtAssociationReader.cxx - fixed StMcTrack usage ;
Cut/ParityEventCut.cxx, ParityEventCut.h - modified to get rid of the compilation warnings;
StProtoJetCut.h, StProtoJetCutEta.h, StProtoJetCutPt.h, StProtoJetListCut.cxx,,StProtoJetListCut.h - added new files to support run 2009 production version;
StConeJetFinder.cxx, StConeJetFinderBase.cxx, StEtaPhiGrid.cxx, StEtaPhiGrid.h - fixed memory leak;
StProtoJet.h - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h - new files added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StjBEMCTowerMaker.cxx, StjTPCTrackMaker.cxx - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StJetMaker.cxx, StJetMaker.h - added getStJetEvent() ;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added protection against null pointer ;
emulator/StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx, StjeBemcEnergySumCalculatorBuilder.cxx, StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx- modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx, StjBEMCMuDst.h, StjEEMCMuDst.cxx, StjEEMCMuDst.h, StjTPCMuDst.cxx, StjTPCMuDst.h, StjTPCRandomMuDst.cxx - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StjBEMCMuDst.cxx/h - modified for simulation;
towers/StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.h - modified to proceed with 2009 production ;
StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksNull.h - added new file;
StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.cxx, StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksNull.h - added new files with alternative classes for tower energy correction for tracks;
tracks/StjTrackCutPt.h - added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StjTPC.h - modified for run 2009;
StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h - bug fixed;
vertex/StjPrimaryVertex.h - added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - implemented the correct const StMcTarck * pointer cast;
StBemcGammaFilter.h, StBemcGammaFilter.cxx - BEMC Photon Filter implemented;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx - added pointer protection to StTriggerData member ;
StMuTrack.cxx - fixed bug to fill properly global tracks with pt and eta in case if vertex has not been found;
StMcEvent.hh - fixed bug which had eprsCollection returning btow hits if called using the const version;
logging/TxEventLogWeb.cpp - modified to allow the wget log message to trace the cybersecurity issue; added timestampt t diagnostic to trace the cybersecurity case;
TxUCMCollector.cxx - modified to count events of the selected job only;
TxEventLog.cpp, TxEventLog.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx - modified to dicrement the job counter for the finished tasks;
StarMagField.cxx - set assert when magnetic field is not initialized;
THelixTrack.cxx - modified to acount HZ correlation;
THelixTrack.h, THelixTrack.cxx - added TestMtx;
TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - added multydimensioane random vector;
StBiTree.cxx - modified to reduce the test suite;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified interface to allow EMC and TOF matching requirements; added TOF matching;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added option for using all triggers;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - implement new interface for pad t0;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to take out flavoring by 'sim' for tpcGlobalPosition,tpcSectorPosition and starClockOnl tables; removed usage of tpcISTimeOffsets and tpcOSTimeOffsets tables;
StRTpcT0.cxx, StRTpcT0.h, StTpcT0I.h - removed;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to discontinue usage of FullMagF geometry flavors, now just use 'ofl' with appropriate timestamp;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h - modified ;
TF1F.cxx, TF1F.h - added new files;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to adjust for new TpcDb interface; removed pseudo pad rows;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database ;
Bbc/StBbcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to set year from DB maker to StBbcTrigggerDetector container;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - added Run 6 jpsi-mb trigger;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - modified to get J/psi topology trigger candidates; A=added more access functions for J/psi candidates;
added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
modified to fill trigger simulator in the StEmcTriggerDetector structure same as data for MC;
StBemcTriggerSimu.h - fixed HT6bit to TP6bit;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
modified to fill trigger simulator in the StEmcTriggerDetector structure same as data for MC;
added a bunch of eemc-http triggers ; modified to change triggerDecision from kDoNotCare to kNo;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified geometry.g so that seperate particle transport cuts can be used in the BEMC and EEMC, this is needed for the spin/dijet simulation ;
defined the Y2009b tag to apply the 10keV default tracking cuts in the BEMC, and revert the EEMC to the 80kev/1MeV (photon/electron) cuts;
added y2005i tag to provide up-to-date version of ecal in y2005 geometry and to provide 10 keV transport cuts in calorimeters;
geometry/btofgeo/tofgeo2.g, btofgeo3.g, btofgeo4.g, btofgeo5.g, btofgeo6.g - fixed minor bug in the cooling tubes for the tofThe inner radii of the cooling tubes are passed to the block creating the water volume, but the shape operator indicated that it should inherit its parameters from the mother volume. This resulted in the outer radius of the water volume being set equal to the outer radius of the cooling tube;
gen/Pythia6_4_23/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.4.23.F - added latest version of pythia, with bug fixes for the perugia tunes;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g, gstar_part.kumac - added Geant id's for 100% Phi to K+K- and to e+e- decay channels;
corrected mistake in Omega+- definition and forced daughter lamda to decay to specific channel; got rid of Mortran90 definition;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcEffectiveGeom.y2006.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2007.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2008.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2009.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2010.C - removed;
tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C - replaced 'sim' value with 'ofl';
tpcElectronics.y2006.C, tpcElectronics.y2007.C, tpcElectronics.y2008.C - moved tZero from -1.05995 us (used to be in simulation) to real data value = 0 us;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - modified;
Calibrations/tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - decreased hits gates; set max Xi2=20 to be the same as in the original;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added parameterization for sigma versus row;
qt4ged/src/TQtLineEditor.cxx - modified to replace the obsolete interface with the standard Qt4; removed error prone Qt3 CPP flags;
qt/qt.pro - merged with CERN version; added TQtCanvasPainter.h to the list of depedencies;
qt/src/TQtWidget.cxx - modified to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
qt/inc/ TQtCanvasPainter.h - added new file to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
TQtWidget.h - modified to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
qtgui/src/TQtCanvasImp.cxx - fixed the ambiguous shortcut overload;
- April 7, 2011
new library SL10h_embed tagged as SL10h_3 has been created to fix the problem in P10ih embedding production. Library was tested and released on April 11.
Next codes have been updated:
StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.54;
StAssociationMaker.h, r.1.24;
StTrackPairInfo.cc, r.1.8;
StTrackPairInfo.hh, r.1.8;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.13;
StEmcAssociationMaker.h, r.1.10;
BigFullChain.h, r.1.125; StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570;
StMaker.cxx, r.1.234;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.24; St_TpcPadCorrectionC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, r.1.3; St_tpcGainCorrectionC.h, r.1.1; St_tpcHVPlanesC.h, r.1.1; St_tss_tssparC.h, r.1.5;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, r. 1.39;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, r. 1.25;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r. 1.44; StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.18; TF1F.cxx, r. 1.3; TF1F.h, r.1.3; TpcRS.C, r.1.21;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.h,r.1.6; TPolynomial.cxx, r.1.2;
St_geant_Maker.h, r. 1.50;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, r. 1.135;
StMagFMaker.cxx, r. 1.16;
StarMagField.cxx r. 1.17;
Calibrations/tpc TpcRowQ.20090301.000102.C
- September 3, 2010
SL10h library has been updated with codes limited number of TPC hits used for tracking to skip events with excessive hit occupancy. Library was retagged with tag SL10h_2 and rebuilt on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms.
Next codes have been updated:
St_tpcMaxHitsC.h - new file to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - implemented Lower bound on reduced hit maxima;
idl/tpcMaxHits.idl - new table to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
- July 7, 2010
SL10h library was updated with StRoot/StPmdReadMaker fixes to read old daq data and proceed with run 2010 calibrations
Library was retagged with tag SL10h_1
- May 26, 2010
new library SL10h tagged as SL10h has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested found bugs fixed, library was released on June 1 and will be used for run 2010 production.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
StParticleTable.cc, StKaonZeroMode0809.cc, StKaonZeroMode0809.hh - added StKaonZeroMode0809 to represent the k0 --> pi+ pi- w/ 100% br in gstar_part.g ;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - modified to allow to switch off main Star Cint Db by NoStarCintDb option; removed the logger destruction side effect;
BigFullChain.h - modified to put StBTofSimMaker before StBTofMatchMaker;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - implemented self-calibration method; improved database handling and reduced log output; modified to pick up the default primary vertex (for mUseEventVertex); additional cuts in selecting the vertex for tstart() have been removed;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - improved database handling and reduced log output;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to keep BTofMatchMaker from crashing ungracefully when no mEvent or BTOF Collection is found; improved database handling and reduced log output;
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx - updated vpd delay settings for run 2010;
StBTofDaqMap.cxx, StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofINLCorr.cxx, StBTofSortRawHit.cxx - improved database handling and reduced log output;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx - removed the logger destruction side effect;
StMaker.cxx - bug #1911 fixed, implemented protection against of the died pointer; alias time stamp for y2010 moved from 20091214 to 20091215;
added y2009b and y2010a geometry tags to support simulation requests:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, St_tpcAltroParamsC.h, St_tpcAvCurrentC.h - added new files for St_tpcPadGainT0C;protection;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - implemented new method to save snapshot+one subsequent dataset for each table in db; refactored snapshot code to include saving of .root files; modified to save single datasets; fixed check for db broker in file mode;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - code cleanup;
SlowSimUtil.cxx, SlowSimUtil.h - removed;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.h - removed the redundant dependancy;
StBTofHeader.cxx, StBTofHeader.h - added member mNTzero and access methods;
StFtpcTrackToStEvent.cc - fixed extrapolation of momentum vector to last point on track;
StFtpcConfMapper.cc, StFtpcConfMapper.hh - fixed bug #1939 - variables with the same name were defined twice; the names of the StFtpcConfMapper variables have been changed to make them unique;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h - modified to set rapidity +/-10 in gkine/phasespace for spectrum option in order to avoid acceptance cuts;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - implemented spectrum option by gstar_micky;
GeomBrowser.cxx - adjusted to meet the new ROOT requerement;
QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx - modified to pick up material from TGeoMedium rather from TGeoMaterial ;
StarGeomTreeWidget.cxx - added std prefix for vector;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - modified to preserve backward compatibility with reading of Run 6 skim trees;
StBET4pMaker.cxx - modified to save current vertex index before vertex loop and restore current vertex index after vertex loop;
StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StPythiaFourPMaker.h - updated simulation tools;
mudst/StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
emulator/StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - modified to calculate nBTOFMatch for year >= 2009;
tracks/StjTrackList.h, StjTrackCutLastPoint.h - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - added CPP macro to separate McTracks; fixed bug #1932 ;
StEventObject.h, StMcHitC.cxx, StMcHitC.hh, StMcHitI.cxx, StMcHitI.h, StMcHitT.cxx, StMcHitT.hh - implemented new OO model for Mc event components;
StMcVertexC.cxx, StMcVertexC.h - added Mc vertex, and EMC models;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added extra functions for matching BEMC towers to TPC tracks;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - modified to add StTriggerData arrays in muevent and fixed an issue with PMD arrays being read;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdClustering.h - added a call to new clustering routines in StPmdClustering;
StPmdClustering.cxx - modified to use Edep() instead of Adc() of PmdHit in new clustering routine; mOptCalibrate Flag set to kTRUE;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to hold calibrated ADC by Edep of Pmdhit;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx - fixed an array for nSmChainBoards;
StPmdHit.cxx, StPmdHit.h - added sorting routine;
StPmdDetector.cxx - modified to return correct number of Hits in a module;
StPmdCluster.cxx - added initialization of mCluSigma in constructor;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - changed absolute path for mysql.h to relative path; mysql.h include path fixed;
StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h - modified to preserve backward compatibility with reading of Run 6 skim trees;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx - removed mysql.h include;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - returned back to time simulation for each pad, organized parameters into TpcResponseSimulator table;
include/RC_Config.h - RHIC TRG updated ;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
Makefile, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h, daq_test.C - added support for readahead ;
src/DAQ_READER/cfgutil.cxx, daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added support for readahead, removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
src/DAQ_SSD/ssd_reader.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
src/DAQ_SVT/svt_reader.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h - removed slower hits (outliers) in VPD timing calculations; implemented self-calibration method; improved database handling and reduced log output;
StLoggerManager.cxx - removed the logger destruction side effect ;
MySQLAppender.h - fixed include path for mysql.h ;
logging/TxUCMCollector.h - fixed include path for mysql.h ;
StDraw3D.cxx - added delay to animate 3D under gdb and get rid of 100 CPU consumption;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - y2010a geometry tag added.Tag is identical to y2010, except dependency on y2009a is removed
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added K0S->Pi+ Pi;
sim/idl/g2t_tpc_hit.idl - added adc, pad and timebucket data member to allow tuning up digitization;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100409.000000.C, TpcRowQ.20100409.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20100409.000000.root - dEdx calibrations for auau 39GeV run 2010;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - fixed ;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2001.C tpcAnodeHVavg.y2002.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2003.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2004.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2005.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2006.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2007.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2008.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.Cl tpcAnodeHVavg.y2010.C - added default tables;
tpcAnodeHV.C tpcAnodeHV.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters ;
tpcDriftVelocity.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2001.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2003.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2004.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2005.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2006.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2007.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2008.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2009.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC drift velocity;
tpcEffectiveGeom.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2001.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2003.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2004.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2006.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2007.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2008.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2009.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC;
tpcElectronics.C, tpcElectronics.y2001.C, tpcElectronics.y2003.C, tpcElectronics.y2004.C, tpcElectronics.y2005.C, tpcElectronics.y2006.C, tpcElectronics.y2007.C, tpcElectronics.y2008.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC electronics;
tpcSlewing.C tpcSlewing.y2009.C tpcSlewing.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC ;
tpcAvCurrent.C - added initail tabel with default parameters for average anode inner/outer currents;
tpcPadGainT0.y2009.C - added ideal version;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2009.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2010.C,
TpcMultiplicity.y2009.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2010.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2009.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2010.C,
TpcSecRowB.y2009.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcdCharge.y2009.C, TpcdCharge.y2010.C,
TpcdEdxCor.y2009.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2010.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2009.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2010.C, tpcAltroParams.20080219.143436.C;
tpcAltroParams.C, tpcAltroParams.y2008.C, tpcAltroParams.y2009.C, tpcAltroParams.y2010.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2009.C,
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2009.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2010.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2009.C,
tpcMethaneIn.y2010.C, tpcPressureB.y2009.C, tpcWaterOut.y2009.C, tpcWaterOut.y2010.C - added default dE/dx calibration tables, replaced TpcAltroParameters and asic_thresholds_tpx by tpcAltroParam;
tpcGas.C, tpcGas.y2003.C, tpcGas.y2004.C, tpcGas.y2005.C, tpcGas.y2006.C, tpcGas.y2007.C, tpcGas.y2008.C, tpcGas.y2009.C, tpcGas.y2010.C - added nominal gas tables;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2001.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2002.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2003.C ,tpcAnodeHVavg.y2004.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2005.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2006.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2007.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2008.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.C - removed;
TpcAltroParameters.20071115.000000.C,TpcAltroParameters.20080128.000000.C,TpcAltroParameters.20080623.000000.C, TpcAltroParameters.20080624.000000.C, TpcAltroParameters.C,TpcAltroParameters.y2010.C, TpcLengthCorrection.C, TpcdXCorrection.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2008.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2009.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2010.C, tpcGain.C - removed files;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnShell.C, LadderOnShell.y2005.C, LadderOnShell.y2006.C, LadderOnShell.y2007.C, WaferOnLadder.y2001.C, WaferOnLadder.y2005.C, WaferOnLadder.y2006.C, WaferOnLadder.y2007.C,ShellOnGlobal.y2001.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2005.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2006.C ShellOnGlobal.y2007.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2001.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2005.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2006.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2007.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2001.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2005.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2006.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2007.C - added default (ideal) simulation position for SVT;
Geometry/ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2005.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2006.C SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2007.C, SsdOnGlobal.C SsdOnGlobal.y2005.C SsdOnGlobal.y2006.C, SsdOnGlobal.y2007.C SsdSectorsOnGlobal.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2005.C SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2006.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2007.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2005.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2006.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2007.C - added default (simulation) tables for SSD;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2001.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2003.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2004.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2005.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2006.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2007.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2008.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2009.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) global parameters TPC;
Geometry/tpc/Sector_01/ tpcSectorPosition.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2001.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2003.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2004.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2005.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2006.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2007.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2008.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2009.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for each TPC sector;
... up to Sector 24
Geometry/tpc/Sector_24 tpcSectorPosition.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2001.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2003.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2004.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2005.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2006.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2007.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2008.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2009.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for each TPC sector;
VmcGeometry/ y2009b.h y2010a.h - added new geometry versions to support simulation requests;
starClockOnl.y2001.C, starClockOnl.y2003.C, starClockOnl.y2004.C, starClockOnl.y2005.C, starClockOnl.y2006.C, starClockOnl.y2007.C, starClockOnl.y2008.C, starClockOnl.y2009.C, starClockOnl.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC starClock;
tpcRDOMasks.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2003.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2004.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2005.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2006.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2007.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2008.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2009.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC RDO masks;
idl/tpcAvCurrent.idl - added table for average anode inner/outer currents and accumulated charge;
tpcAltroParams.idl - added new file to reformat Altro parameters;
qtgui/Module.mk, qtgui.pro - merged with the ROOT CERN version;
qtgui/inc/TQtRootCommandCombo.h - modified to adjust RootCommand to meet the new ROOT requerement;
TQtRootCommandCombo.h - set the horizontal size policy to Ignore;
TQtCommandPlugin.h, TQtRedirectOutputGuard.h, TQtTextEditor.h, TRedirectGuardInterface.h - added files to merge with ROOT CERN version;
qtgui/src/TQtRootCommandCombo.cxx - modified to adjust RootCommand to meet the new ROOT requirement;
TQtRootCommandCombo.cxx - set the horizontal size policy to Ignore;
TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtGui.cxx, TQtRootAction.cxx - modified to merge with the ROOT CERN version;
TQtCommandPlugin.cxx, TQtRootCommand.ui, TQtTextEditor.cxx, TRedirectGuardInterface.cxx - added new files to merge with the ROOT CERN version;
qt/inc/TQtRootSlot.h - added end-of-line method;
qt/src/TQtRootSlot.cxx - added end-of-line method;
trunk/qt/ Module.mk Module.root.5.11.mk - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
trunk/qt/inc/LinkDef.h, TGQt.h, TGQtGL.h, TObjectExecute.h, TQMimeTypes.h, TQtApplication.h, TQtBrush.h, TQtClientFilter.h, TQtClientGuard.h, TQtClientWidget.h, TQtEmitter.h, TQtEvent.h, TQtEventQueue.h, TQtLock.h, TQtMarker.h, TQtPadFont.h, TQtPen.h, TQtRConfig.h, TQtRootApplication.h, TQtRootSlot.h, TQtSymbolCodec.h, TQtTimer.h, TQtUtil.h, TQtWidget.h, TVirtualX.interface.h, TWaitCondition.h, rootcint.pri - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
trunk/qt/src/GQtGUI.cxx, TGQt.cxx, TGQtDummy.cxx, TGQtGL.cxx, TQMimeTypes.cxx, TQtApplication.cxx, TQtBrush.cxx, TQtClientFilter.cxx, TQtClientGuard.cxx, TQtClientWidget.cxx, TQtEvent.cxx, TQtEventQueue.cxx, TQtMarker.cxx, TQtPadFont.cxx, TQtPen.cxx, TQtRootApplication.cxx, TQtRootSlot.cxx, TQtSymbolCodec.cxx, TQtTimer.cxx, TQtWidget.cxx - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
- April 27, 2010
new library SL10g tagged as SL10g has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on April 28.
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to use hobj pointer to ensure proper handling with reference hists; fixed bug with AddHists when some files are missing hists;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added option UseEventVertex in order to use primary vertex in StBTofCalibMaker; replaced UseEventVertex to UseProjectedVertex for StBTofCalibMaker;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to close the local logger at Finish, bug fixed #1911;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - modified to change the default to use event vertex for start position for Run10 AuAu;
introduced "UseProjectedVertex" maker attribute to allow selection of the standard event vertex or one determined by track extrapolation;
StBTofGeometry.cxx - modified to include X0 (radial offset) in the tray alignment;
StMaker.cxx - shift y2010 tag from 20091215 to 20091214 because beginTime for the first tpcPadGainT0 for run 2010 was set 20091214.215645;
dst_bfc_status.idl - removed;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx - modified to close the local logger at Finish, bug #1911 fixed;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h - modified to break infinite loop if happenes; corrected propagation of error status for StDbServiceBroker;
St_db_Maker.h - method 'drop' added ; set time StMaker::SetDateTime;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to expand time for Run 2010;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2009;
StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - added streamer and new access function for BBC large tile earliest TAC;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h - added new access function for BBC large tile earliest TAC;
StEventLinkDef.h - changed for Trigger Data;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.h - added ftpcHits method to render Ftpc hos from StEvent;
StFtpcClusterFinder.cc, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, StFtpcDbReader.cc/hh - modified to swap data for RDO6,RDO7 FTPC East when Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcElectronics->swapRDO6RDO7East=1;
StFtpcGasUtilities.cc - modified to use the default temperatures for all runs taken in the period of time from "2010-04-13 00:20:01" to "2010-04-19 20:39:00";
StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added nBTOFMatch ; modified to calculate nBTOFMatch for year >= 2009;
StJetReader.h, StJetReader.cxx - reshaped; added sanity checks;
StBET4pMaker.cxx, StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StJetMaker.cxx, StJetMaker.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.cxx - corrected calculation of EEMC tower IDs;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx, StjTPCMuDst.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
emulator/StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - corrected tower momentum for z-vertex;
StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx, StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.h, StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, vertex and use2009Cuts() for chi2 cut;
StBET4pMakerImp.cxx/h, StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeParticleCollector.cxx/h, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StjeTreeWriter.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - added pointer to parent vertex in jets ;
tracks/StjTrackCut.h, StjTrackCutDca.h, StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h, StjTrackCutEta.h, StjTrackCutFlag.h, StjTrackCutNHits.h, StjTrackCutPossibleHitRatio.h, StjTrackList.h - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StjTrackCutChi2.h - added new file ;
StjTrackList.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
StGammaMaker.cxx - added EEMC cluster maker cuts;
Embed/ StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h - moved from St_geant_Maker for embedding;
dijet.cnf - added dijet filter configuration file;
StDijetFilter.cxx, StDijetFilter.h - new dijet filter code ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - added corrections for AppendMCDaughterTrack ;
StPmdClusterMaker StPmdClustering.h, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdClusterMaker.h, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx - implemented Clustering with option to turn calibration refineclustering on/off;
StPmdClustering.cxx - removed refinedcluidet2.dat; no refined clusters in 2010 data;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx, StPmdReadMaker.h - modified for new DAQ;
StPmdGeom.h, StPmdGeom.cxx - introduced functions to draw XY and eta/phi coverage & modifcations to mapping;
StarClassLibrary StAntiLambda1520.cc, StLambda1520.cc, StParticleTable.cc, StarPDGEncoding.hh - redefined the geant ID of the lambda(1520) from 706 to 995, to make consistent with usage in embedding group ;
StUCMAppender.cxx - modified to add the extra protection and remove the redundant variable; turned on Web service for the nightly library jobs; fixed bug #1911;
StLoggerManager.cxx, StLoggerManager.h, StUCMAppender.h - fixed bug #1911, improved interface for log4cxx;
logging/Makefile, TxEventLog.cpp/h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp/h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogMain.C, TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h, TxUCMCollector.cxx/h, testUcm.C, testUcm.csh - modified to add Web service interface ;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - bug fixed;
TxEventLogWeb.cpp - added newtask message delay ;
TxEventLogFile.cpp - added assert to watch the wrong method;
TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogFile.cpp, TxEventLogWeb.cpp, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMConstants.h - added 240 msec delay to record the task;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h, KFParticle.cxx, KFParticle.h, KFParticleLinkDef.h, KFVertex.cxx, KFVertex.h, MTrack.cxx, MTrack.h, MVertex.cxx, MVertex.h, VVertex.cxx, VVertex.h - added new files for cellular automation tack seeding codes, KFParticle;
StarRootLinkDef.h - modified for implemented KFParticle;
TPolynomial.cxx, TPolynomial.h - added TPolynomial ;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - added method 'Move' with derivatives ;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultiKeyMap.h - added method 'Update', random_shuffle used now;
StiTrackNode.cxx - modified to make minimal error for ptin =0 ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiNodePars.h - modified for mag filed = 0;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - fixed an improper if-statement to turn off sequence adjusting; added Pedestal adjustment variable;
StSvtElectronCloud.cc - fixed a problem for SVT hits near eta=0;
StTreeMaker.cxx, StTreeMaker.h - modified to move table dst_bfc_status from StChain to StTreeMaker;
StTreeMakerLinkDef.h - new file added;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - included triggers before 2009; modified;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.h - implemented barrelHighTowerAdc(); included triggers before 2009;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerHisto.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - included triggers before 2009;
L2Emulator/StGenericL2Emulator2009.h, StGenericL2Emulator2009.cxx, StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx, StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.h- added new files for run 2009 jet tree production;
StL2TriggerSimu.cxx, StL2TriggerSimu.h - modified for for run 2009 jet tree production;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/ L2VirtualAlgo2009.h, L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx, L2EmcGeom.h, L2Histo.cxx, L2Histo.h, L2btowCalAlgo09.cxx, L2btowCalAlgo09.h - updated for run 2009 jet tree production;
L2etowCalAlgo09.cxx, L2etowCalAlgo09.h - added new files;
L2Emulator/L2jetAlgo/L2jetAlgo2009.h, L2jetAlgo2009.h-1D, L2jetResults2009.h, L2jetAlgo2009.cxx, L2jetAlgo2009.cxx-1D added new files for run 2009 jet tree production ;
L2pedAlgo09.cxx, L2pedAlgo09.h, L2pedResults2009.h - added new files ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C modified to use eV now; switched off __ClusterProfile__;
sim/gstar/gstar_micky.g - modified to add uniform Y;
gstar_part.g - redefined the geant ID of the lambda(1520) from 706 to 995, to make consistent with usage in embedding group;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added PHMD to y2010 geometry ; restored code to save geometry tag and field setting in the FZD file;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added Row Correction;
TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2010.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100101.000000.C, TpcRowQ.20100101.000000.C TpcSecRowB.20100101.000000.root, tpcPressureB.20100101.000000.C - added preliminary dEdx calibrations for run 2010 based on HLT sample;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added for TPC response simulator;
idl/vpdTotCorr.idl - added algoritm flag to differentiate between vpd and non-vpd algos;
servers/Catalog.xml - removed;
dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml, dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_LBL.xml - removed, moved to STAR_PATH/conf;
dbLoadBalancerConfig.new - removed;
StOnlineDisplay/ TEmcSizeProvider.cxx, gl3Data.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/BESHistogramGroup.cxx, BESHistogramGroup.h - added new code for Beam Energy Scan plots;
L2UpsilonMassHistogramGroup.cxx, L2UpsilonTowersHistogramGroup.cxx - initialized L2UpsilonResult;
BESHistogramGroup.cxx, FMSHistogramGroup.cxx, L2UpsilonCountsHistogramGroup.cxx, MTDtriggerinfoHistogramGroup.cxx, TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx, pp2ppHistogramGroup.cxx - modified to use linear for plots with no entries;
BESHistogramGroup.cxx - histogram range and legend updated;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - inroduced plots for Beam Energy Scan;
EvpUtil.cxx - modified to use linear for plots with no entries;
OnlinePlots/Scripts/EndOfRunScript, ServerLoop - updated scripts for Qt4 ;
qt/inc/TVirtualX.interface.h - modified to synchronize TVirtualX interface with ROOT;
TQtMarker.h - added the connected marker option;
qt/src/GQtGUI.cxx - modified to synchronize TVirtualX interface with ROOT;
TQtWidget.cxx - modified to eliminate the Q3SUPPORT depricated API ;
TQtMarker.cxx - added the connected marker option; reduced lineFactor to 10000 to fit Short_t type;
GQtGUI.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
qtgl/qtcoin/ qtcoin.pro - added qtgui header path;
qtgui/inc/TQtMarkerSelectButton.h, TQtObjectListItem.h, TQtTabValidator.h - fixed compilation warnings;
qtgui/src/TQtBrowserImp.cxx, TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtRootBrowserImp.cxx, TQtToolBar.cxx, TQtZoomPadWidget.cxx, TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtRootBrowserImp.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
- April 2, 2010
new library SL10f tagged as SL10f has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on April 5.
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - bug fixed;
Simulation/starsim/atmain/qnext.age - modified to move guoute after filter; account number of events by filter;
gukine.age, guout.age, qnext.age - modified to set max rejects to 1e6;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - fixed bug in setting index2Primary in processMuDst;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - modified to add chair for table with TpcRS parameters;
StTpcHit.cxx, StTpcHit.h - added methods to modify hit content;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed the geometry leak;
GeomBrowser.cxx - fixed bug ;
tracks/StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h - fixed bug in pt-dependent DCA cut logic;
include/RC_Config.h, iccp2k.h - added extended payloads;
logger/StDataException.cxx/h, StDbFieldI.cxx/h, StRecord.cxx/h, StUCMException.cxx/h,
TxEventLog.cpp/h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp/h, TxEventLogFactory.h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h,
TxUCMCollector.cxx/h, TxUCMConstants.h, logging.i, txLoggingTest.java - modified to propagate new version of UCM;
FieldList.cxx/h, RecordList.cxx/h, StDbFieldIIterator.cxx/h, StRecordIterator.cxx/h, StUcmEvent.cxx/h, StUcmEvents.cxx/h, StUcmJob.cxx/h, StUcmTask.cxx/h, testUcm.C, testUcm.csh, testUcm.java added new files for ne version of UCM;
StBiTree.cxx, StBiTree.h, StDraw3D.cxx - fixe the vector population bug;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed zero field problem;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - modified to turn online sequence adjusting back on in anticipation of setting up a database;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h - added to restore export of gStTpcDb to Cint;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added AfterBurner;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified due to implemented new parameters table; added checking for TPC if it is switched off at all;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - added parameters for TpcRS ;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - modified ;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added new file ;
TpcSecRowX.C, TpcSecRowX.y2005.C, TpcSecRowX.y2009.C - removed;
tpcAnodeHVavg.C - added nominal anode voltages for old runs;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added new table with TpcRS parameters;
idl/ftpcElectronics.idl - added flag to determine if RDO6,RDO7 in Ftpc East should be swapped;
OnlinePlots/QEvpClient/PresenterConnect.h/cxx, PresenterGui.h/cxx - bug fixed to adjust to Q4 API application;
ServerInfo.h, ServerInfoUi.ui - adjust ServerInfo panel to Q4 API;
TriggerDetectorBitsInfo.h, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui - modified to make TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui Qt4 API compliant;
EventInfoUi.ui.qt3, ServerInfoUi.ui.qt3, uilink.qt3, uilink.qt4 - removed;
EventInfoUi.ui.Qt4, PresenterGui.h.Qt4, PresenterGui.h.qt3, ServerInfoUi.ui.Qt4, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui.Qt4, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui.qt3 - removed;
PresenterGui.cxx, PresenterGui.h - modified to adjust to Q4 API; corrected tooltip API; added stretch space above the progress bar;
PresenterConnect.cxx, PresenterGui.cxx - added Qt4 compliant ascii interface;
- March 21, 2010
new library SL10e tagged as SL10e has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on March 23.
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - for year < 2009 added PI0 Daltz decay switches;
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to Include analysis score/result on plots;
StHistUtil.cxx/h - added additional capability for saving images of each pad;
BigFullChain.h - modified to add StDetectorDbMaker in StTpcDb due to changes in StDetectorDbMaker; added tag for StUtilities; added dependence StTpcRSMaker on StdEdxY2Maker;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - added cleanup for PID variables in MuBTofPidTraits when processing MuDst:
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to remove primary check for globals at projection in accessing MuDst function to improved speed of processing; addition in the initial clean up for the primary tracks;
StBTofMatchMaker.h/cxx - added getBTofGeom() function for outside use; removed AddConst(btofGeometry) to avoid crash due to duplication; TOT selection window opened to 40 ns; added CPU timer printouts for processStEvent() function;
StChain.cxx - modified to terminate StChain::EventLoop with the extrenal TERM 15 signal; simplified to Close/Terminate interface;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx - fixed bug #1880;
St_tpcRDOMasksC.h, St_TpcSecRowCorC.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified ;
St_tpcCorrectionC.h, St_TpcdChargeC.h, St_TpcdEdxCorC.h, St_TpcDriftDistOxygenC.h, St_TpcdXCorrectionBC.h, St_tpcGasTemperatureC.h, St_TpcLengthCorrectionBC.h, St_tpcMethaneInC.h, St_TpcMultiplicityC.h, St_TpcPhiDirectionC.h, St_tpcPressureBC.h, St_TpcRowQC.h, St_tpcSecRowBC.h, St_TpcSecRowBC.h, St_tpcSecRowCC.h, St_TpcSecRowCC.h, St_tpcSecRowXC.h, St_TpcSecRowXC.h, St_TpcSpaceChargeC.h, St_tpcWaterOutC.h, St_TpcZCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcZDCC.h, St_tpcWaterOutC.h, St_TpcZCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcZDCC.h - new files added;
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - modified to use sector number for better handle of post-membrane hits, preparation for sector-by-sector GL, and GGVoltage errors;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxTrackY2.h - modified to move StTpcdEdxCorrection to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker ;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - added new files ;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx,StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx/h - modified to add constraint on z-vertex cut, MC vertices QA plots separated into 2 pages;
StTpcHit.cxx - added hit id;
StFlowMaker.h, StFlowSelection.h - adjusted to ROOT 5.22 ;
StFlowMaker.cxx, StFlowTrack.h, StFlowConstants.h - modified to add StFlowDirectCumulantMaker ;
StFlowDirectCumulantMaker.h, StFlowDirectCumulantMaker.cxx - added new files;
StGammaScheduleMaker.cxx - fixed default behavior when no timestamp is given;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #1860 by replacing skip => trig;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - updated for run 2009 ; addeded protection against null pointers: trigSimu->bemc, trigSimu->eemc and trigSimu->emc;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - updated for L2;
emulator/StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - updated for run 2009;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.cxx - updated;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added dcaX and dcaY;
tracks/StjTrackList.h - added dcaX and dcaY;
tree/StjTrackListReader.cxx, StjTrackListReader.h, StjTrackListWriter.cxx, StjTrackListWriter.h - added dcaX and dcaY;
StAntiLambda1520.cc, StAntiLambda1520.hh, StLambda1520.cc, StLambda1520.hh - added the Lambda 1520 and antiparticle;
StAntiLambda1520.cc, StLambda1520.cc, StParticleTable.cc - added set the pdg ID to geant ID mapping;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - replaced St_tpcAnodeHVC by St_tpcAnodeHVavgC;
StStrangeControllerBase.cxx - fixed bug#1869; remove ROOT 3.x related workaround;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added hit Id;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to switch from St_tpcAnodeHVC => St_tpcAnodeHVavgC ;
St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.h - removed;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - modified to eliminate double TpcSecRowB;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to move StTpcdEdxCorrection to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - removed files ;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to pass sector number to StMagUtilities;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified to take longitudinal Diffusion from Laser track fit, added Gating Grid; modified to make aware about TpcRDOMasks; moved diffusion and sec/row correction in DB;
StTpcRSMaker.h - StTpcdEdxCorrection moved to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx/h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009; fixed jet patch id bug;
Eemc/EemcTrigUtil.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
StDSMUtilities/DSMLayer.hh, StDSM2009Utilities.hh, TCU.cc, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - updated for run 2009;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuTrack.cxx - modified to fill global tracks with an index to primary at birth; added StMuDst::fixTrackIndicesG(), which is used for matching the primary track indices to global tracks;
StMuDst.cxx - added null point protection in StMuDst::fixTrackIndicesG(int mult);
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to reduce positional biases in GridLeak measurement; modified to pass sector number to StMagUtilities, corrected unsigned int usage;
StPmdGeom.cxx - modified to include year 2011 as year number and also changed in mapping after day 48;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx/h - added online version checking;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxStat.cxx, tpxStat.h - modified;
src/DAQ_PMD/daq_pmd.h, pmd.h - modified to make DAQ_PMD offline framework compilant with new DAQ reader;
StDraw3D.cxx - modified to hide the redundant TCanvas; cleanup the ROOT matrix list to improve performance; fixed the memory leak;
StDraw3D.cxx, StDraw3D.h - changed gdb option;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx/h - new class created to close all open ROOT files as soon as job is about to be killed by batch; modified to terminate StChain::EventLoop with the extrenal TERM 15 signal; Simplified Close/Terminate interface;
StBiTree.cxx/h, StBiTreeIter.cxx/h - added new files to implement Binary Tree container for quick space point sorting/searching; modified quick bi-tree for multi-dimensional points sorting
gen/herwig/herwig6507_tupl.mk - modified to compile herwig using gfortran;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - Lambda1520 added;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcSecRowX.C, TpcSecRowX.y2005.C, TpcSecRowX.y2009.C - added new tables for simulation;
TpcSecRowB.y2010.C, TpcSecRowB.C - modified;
qtRoot.pro - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qt/inc/TQtMarker.h - added the capability to draw the bold markers;
qt/src/TGQt.cxx, TQtMarker.cxx - added the capability to draw the bold markers;
qtgl/qtgl/qtgl.pro - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TQtGLViewerWidget.cxx, TQtGLViewerImp.cxx - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - added method to scale the geometry by demand;
TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx - added gROOT->Interrupt menu; fixed signal name;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - added method to scale the geometry by demand;
TQtCoinViewerImp.h - added gROOT->Interrupt menu;
qtExamples/HelloOpenGL/HelloOpenGL.pro - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
StOnlineDisplay/OnlineDisplay.C, StDataReadModule.cxx/h, StSteeringModule.cxx - added some optimization;
StSteeringModule.cxx - changed the delay default;
StDataReadModule.cxx, StSteeringModule.cxx/h - added SetDrawOption ;
- February 18, 2010
new library SL10d tagged as SL10d has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on February 19.
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added dependence of tpcDB on magF ;
StBFChain.cxx - added options accumulation for siglenton makers; modified to ignore request for 2-nd St_geant_Maker call to fix embedding chain bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd.C ;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - bug #1819 causes missing bbc info was fixed;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to remove GetValidity; replaced with St_db_Maker::GetValidity();
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx, StRTSBaseMaker.h - modified to add method GetNextLegacy(int);
MysqlDb.cc - indirect log info added;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to make GetValidity static;
StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx - modified to use "Form" to get around deprecated conversion from string constant to char *;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - added an option to shift EEMC gains in the slow simulator;
Added eventid, runid and number of particles per event for event-wise QA; fixed bugs for delta pt vs pt histogram ;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - added TStyle date attributes;
StEmbeddingQATrack.h, StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx, StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added parent-parent geantid ;
StEmbeddingQADraw.h, StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - modified to print PDF file only for all QA plots;
database/StBemcTables.cxx, StEmcMappingDb.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
StBemcTablesWriter.cxx, StEmcDbHandler.cxx, StEmcDbHandler.h, StEmcDecoder.cxx, StEmcMappingDb.cxx - updated to protect against NULL pointers ;
StEventHelper.cxx/h - StEventHitIter development;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to change mHistCTBvsZDC2D from filling with ZDC_e + ZDC_e to filling with ZDC_e + ZDC_w;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to protect against StEmcPosition::getNextId returning 0 for non-existent strips;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - modified to change default setting of mSpreadMode to kFALSE; modified logic when looking up vertex errors; added backward compatibility for embedding mode;
COMMON/StuDraw3DMuEvent.cxx/h - added EmcHit method; removed the redundant header files; added the default parameter; added EmcHits;
include/iccp2k.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated for for evbx;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx/h - added trigger ids to daqFileChopper; fixed bug where reading from directory never got EOR if no token 0;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added buffer overflow protection in cmd;
StWMinusBoson.cc/hh, StWPlusBoson.cc/hh, StZZeroBoson.cc/hh - added the W and Z bosons to the particles in the StarClassLibrary; this makes the particles available by name and by PDG id from the StParticleTable;
StAntiDStarMesonZero.cc/hh, StDStarMesonMinus.cc/hh, StDStarMesonPlus.cc/hh, StDStarMesonZero.cc/hh - added the D* mesons (D^{*\pm} and D^{0}/\bar{D^{0}}^{*}; this makes the particles available in the StParticleTable;
StUpsilon.cc/hh, StUpsilon2S.cc/hh, StUpsilon3S.cc/hh - added the upsilon resonances to the StarClassLibrary; this makes the particles available by name and by PDG id in StParticleTable;
StHyperTriton.hh/cc, StDalitz.hh/cc, StarPDGEncoding.hh - added two 'STAR' particle classes; the (fake) Dalitz particle, which is really just a pi0 with its Dalitz decay branch at 100%; tt is added so the embedding team can access it by the geant ID defined in gstar_part.g; the hypertriton is also added;
StParticleTable.cc - modified to add the 'new' particle classes described above to the table; add the existing J/Psi and B mesons to the table;
StAntiSigmaMinus1385.cc/hh, StAntiSigmaPlus1385.cc/hh, StSigmaMinus1385.cc/hh, StSigmaPlus1385.cc/hh - added the Sigma(1385) baryons;
StUCMAppender.cxx - fixed the logger v.10 append interface;
logging/StDbFieldI.cxx, StDbFieldI.h - modified to generilize list of data-types ; fixed the missed global variable; added StRecord class;<
StRecord.cxx, StRecord.h - added StRecord class;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - added const/non-const style method;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - added _nPrimTracks for case of fit err;
StiDetectorContainer.cxx - fixed for 64bit;
StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h -added TPC seed finder;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiTrack.h, StiTrackFinder.h - added seed quality information;
StiMaker.cxx/h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - added _nPrimTracks;
StiPullEvent.cxx - initialization fixed ;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
StTpcEval.C, StTpcEvalEvent.cxx/h, StTpcEvalHistograms.cxx/h, StTpcEvalMaker.cxx/h, StTpcEvalOutput.cxx/h - removed;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - modified to speed up by a factor 3.5 by ignoring individual pad T0;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.h - added access functions to get 6-bit DSM ADC for each tower and 6-bit DSM ADC patch sum for each trigger patch ;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to account prompt hits;
geometry/cavegeo/cavegeo.g - new version of the CAVE is implmented;
shape changed to 4-sided PGON; size of the PGON corresponds to the distance from the beam pipe to the most distant wall in the cave or tunnel;
geometry/wallgeo/wallgeo.g - added new file for walls implementaion, ceiling and floor of the cave and beam tunnels; also implemented a *draft* of the shielding blocks in the beam tunnels;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g - modified to define all material locally, so that changes to medium properties do not affect other detectors;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcInnerHitError.20090301.000001.C, tpcInnerHitError.20090415.000001.C, tpcOuterHitError.20090301.000001.C,tpcOuterHitError.20090415.000001.C, svtHitError.C - added run 2009 hit errors for pp 500 & 200GeV ; later moved to MySql;
tpcInnerHitError.C, tpcOuterHitError.C, tpcTrackingParameters.C - removed from CVS, moved to MySql;
VmcGeometry/ y2010.h - further development;
geant3/gbase/gzebra.F - added compile time switch so that zebra initializes silently;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - fixed the tray rotation from the keyboard; modify to make the decoartion mode unpickable; added the selected 3D point coordinate to the system clipboard; added AutoRedraw to boos the ControlRoom display performance; modified to replace the immediate render with the scheduleRedraw;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - modify to make the decoration mode unpickable;
qt/inc/TQtClientFilter.h, TQtTimer.h - fixed bug #1852;
qt/src/TQtClientFilter.cxx, TQtTimer.cxx - fixed bug #1852;
OnlinePlots/local/ListOfHistograms.txt - restored PMD histograms;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - modified to skip testBits;
EvpUtil.cxx - updates for different default account;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx, TOFtrayHistogramGroup.cxx, TOFupvpdHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHiHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHiHistogramGroup.h, VPDHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHistogramGroup.h - TOF updates;
OnlinePlots/Scripts/CompileOnlinePlots.csh, ServerLoop, memstat.pl - updates for different default account;
- March 1, 2010
SL10c has been updated with StBTofMatchMaker/StBTofMatchMaker.cxx code to move geometry initalization from Init() to InitRun() in order to provide correct TOF DB calibrations data reading;
Library was retagged with tag SL10c_2 .
- February 7, 2010
new library SL10c has been updated with codes below, retagged with tag SL10c_1, and rebuilt on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms.Next codes have been updated:
StRpsCollection.cxx, StRpsCollection.h - added new member mSiliconBunch and referring access methods;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - added functionality to read silicon_bunch data from StEvent;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - added StMuEvent::btofTrayMultiplicity() to return only TOF hits from trays. Should be looked at instead of ctbSum for run 9 and beyond;
added function StMuEvent::nearestVertexZ(int vtx_id) which returns the z distance of the nearest vertex in relation to vertex vtx_id;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - added StMuRpsCollection::siliconBunch();
- January 28, 2010
new library SL10c tagged as SL10c has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested, missing codes and bug fixes updated. Library was released on February 4 .
Main features:
- pp2pp code added to processed with writing pp2pp data in MuDst;
- new FMS code added;
- code updates for dEdx calibrations for pp 200GeV run 2009;
- implemented dEdx and distorsion correction for embedding simulation;
Next codes have been updated:
StAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to use dca print out ;
StStreamFile.h - removed redundant RecordSize method;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to use attributes instead of bit masks; restored fcf for tpcI option;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - bug #1819 fixed caused missing BBC infor in MuDst in simulation;
StDAQReader.cxx - removed redundant RecordSize method;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h - added enum;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to switch back St_tpcAnodeHVC => St_tpcAnodeHVavgC for gain versus Voltage dependence;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added new tables;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h - added runid function;
StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added histograms for eventid, runnumber, and number of particles;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - modified to fix geantidFound to match the correct geant id; added QA for eventid, runid and number of particles per event;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx - modified;
StTriggerData2009.cxx - fixed for 64 bit;
StDcaGeometry.cxx/h - added conversion from DCA to x,y,z,px,py,pz;
StEventHelper.cxx - modified to use LongKey_t to avoid dependence on ROOT version ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to switch from bit mask to attributes;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to switch from bit mask to attributes; fixed vertex bracket;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - first release of FMS code;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuEvent.h - modified to add FMS and Roman pot arrays;
StMuFmsCollection.cxx/h, StMuFmsHit.cxx/h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx/h - added new files to proceed with FMS data;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - added new files to proceed with pp2pp data ;
StMuTypes.hh - added pp2pp and FMS headers;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use StMagUtilities::Instance instead of using tpcHitMoverMaker; eliminate access to StTpcDbMaker, use directly gStTpcDb;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx/h - modified to set the status of Roman Pot to be ~ [ silicon_bunch - bunchId7Bit() ];
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - implemented dE/dx calibration and distortion correction for the embedding simulation;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added new dE/dx calibration tables: TpcRowQ, tpcMethaneIn, tpcWaterOut, TpcZDC;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx/h - modified for new StMagUtilities;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - fixed bug in vzVpdFinder outlier bookkeeping;
logging/StDataException.cxx, StDataException.h, StDbFieldI.cxx, StDbFieldI.h, StUCMException.cxx, StUCMException.h - added ucm components;
TAttr.cxx - removed duplication of tags;
tpc/idl/tpg_detector.idl, tpg_pad_plane.idl, tss_tsspar.idl - removed, moved to StDb/idl;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcDriftDistOxygen.20090301.000058.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20090415.000057.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090301.000060.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090415.000059.C, TpcRowQ.20090301.000060.C, TpcRowQ.20090415.000057.C, TpcRowQ.C, TpcSecRowB.20090301.000060.root, TpcSecRowB.20090415.000057.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20090301.000051.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20090415.000056.C, TpcZCorrectionB.C, TpcZDC.C, tpcMethaneIn.20090301.000047.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090301.000102.C, TpcRowQ.20090301.000102.C, TpcSecRowB.20090301.000102.root - added new tables for run 2009 dEdx calibration; moved to MySql later;
tpcPressure.20030601.000000.C, tpcPressure.C - removed tables used by dead StdEdxMaker;
TpcZDC.C, tpcPressureB.C - removed from CVS, moved to MySql;
idl/ tpg_detector.idl, tpg_pad_plane.idl, tss_tsspar.idl - added files, moved from pams/tpc/idl;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFcheckHistogramGroup.cxx - modified to skipp checking the errors of first event; updated for TOF;
- January 22, 2010
new library SL10b Tagged as SL10b has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on January 25 .
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx/h - modified to fix ROOT quirk with 1 page print; fixed string/char conversions; protected LOG calls;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - temporary fixes to allow MTD data to be decoded in StBTofRawHits;
StBTofSortRawHit.h - temporary fixes to allow MTD data to be decoded in StBTofRawHits;
StStreamFile.h - fixed for bug #1816;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - fixed bug #1803;
TRG/L2jetResults2006.h - fixed for get rid of compilation warnings;
StDAQMaker.cxx - fixed bug #1803;
StDAQReader.cxx - fixed for bug #1816;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h - new clearFlag() for mudst reading implemented;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - modified for better mErrorFlags, abort, and debug flag handling; updated MTD DSM access function for run 2010;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - fixed for bug #1813 related to emc data not present in the file;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx/h - added reversed map and other minor updates;
StFtpcLaserCalib.cc - improved LOG_DEBUG output;
StFtpcLaserTrafo.cc - modified to change padtrans so that the code is the same as StFtpcClusterFinder::padtrans;
StFtpcDbReader.cc - modified for laser run to be reconstructed with the laser tZero;
QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx - fixed for bug #1817; added Material name from TGeo objects to browse;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h - modified to fix bug #1803; restored the broken MakeRead/MakeWrite interface to fix Skip event method;
src/DAQ_PMD/pmd_reader.cxx - added some initializers ;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - fixed for evp ;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx/h - modified for RDO caching ;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxStat.cxx - updated;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - propagate flags from online clustering into StEvent;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - added minimum cluster charge in ADC for <= 20090101;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - new clearFlag() for mudst reading implemented ;
StTrgDatReader.cxx/f - fixed for bug #1816;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - updated for TOF ;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFL1multHistogramGroup.cxx/h, TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx/h - updated for TOF ;
OnlinePlots/QEvpClient/PresenterGui.cx - updated for TOF ;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TObjectCoinViewFactory.h, TQtCoin3DDefInterface.h - modified to restore STAR Control animation;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TObjectCoinViewFactory.cxx, TQtCoin3DDefInterface.cxx, TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified to restore STAR Control animation;
- January 11, 2010
new library SL10a Tagged as SL10a has been created and built on SL4.4 and SL5.3 platforms. Library was tested and released on January 12 .
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added 'trgd' to 'B2010' chain and corrected issue with EmbeddingShortCut (renamed EmbedShortCut) formatting; added P2010a and pp2010a as startup chains for Year 2010;
StBFChain.cxx - corrected logic for for laser treatment and corrected output file name;
StStreamFile.h - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug; introduced closeFileSignal to process several DAT files at once
StDAQReader.cxx - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug ;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h - fixed uninitialized std::vector::iterator in Load Balancer;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - modified to reduce dependencies; trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - modified to trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsHit.cxx, StFmsHit.h - added new files for FMS hits collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h - updated to add StFmsCollection and related classes;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx, StFmsTriggerDetector.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - updated to add StFmsCollection and related classes;
StGammaEvent.cxx/h - added simulation trigger mutators;
StGammaMaker.cxx/h, StGammaEventMaker.cxx/h - stored simulated triggers ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx/h, navigate.g - mArgs for agvolume was set to 9; added material name to the volume name;
GeomBrowser.cxx/h - added the ctor with the extrernal viewer ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - removed V0s from QA shift set, revert to large multiplicity ranges;
StBET4pMaker.cxx, StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx/h - modified to to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
StJetSkimEventMaker.h - added missing implementation of function tree(); added access function event();
StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx/h - moved #include from .h to .cxx;
St_pythia_Maker.cxx/h - added new files to run jet finder on Pythia record;
mudst/StjMCMuDst.cxx - modified to remove dependency on MuDst, use GEANT record only;
several updates to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
emulator/StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h - changed use of const string& to const char* and string to TString;
StMuTrackFourVec.h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StMcTrackEmu.h - modified to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
mcparticles/StjMC.h - modified to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx StMuPrimaryVertex.h - added StMuPrimaryVertex::nBTOFMatch();
StPmdGeom.cxx - made year 2010 mapping;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to require that pad gain strictly > 0, use whole sector for cluster recnstruction ; added switch for Run 2010;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
StTrgDatReader.cxx/h - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug ; adjusted file pattern;
introduced closeFileSignal to process several DAT files at once; fixed regexp to match the Akio filename format;
StVirtualTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" for all subdetectors;
Bbc/ StBbcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" in constructor, for all subdetectors;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - removed dependency on hard-coded maker's name;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added support for StEvent when running in BFC ;
added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" in constructor, for all subdetectors;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - modified to provide access to output of EMC layer 2 DSM;
added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
StTrsMaker src/StTrsParameterizedAnalogSignalGenerator.cc - modified to count proper he space between anode wires and pad plane;
src/rtsmakefile.def, iccp.h - modified for 64 bits ;
rtsmakefile.def - modified to provide easier user option USRCCFLAGS USRCXXFLAGS and USRCFLAGS;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - adeed Misc tweaks for realtime; increased temp buff space for ZS to account for bad ZS;
bsmdPed.cxx, daq_bsmd.cxx - added the chaser event;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx - added interspersed laser as allowed;
tpxStat.cxx - Added stripes check;
tpxGain.cxx - modified for run 2010;
tpxPed.cxx/h - added rhic clock and shortened the pedestal format ;
src/DAQ_HLT/daq_hlt.cxx/h - added new FY2010+ HLT data format; fixed of the double destructor; added mod to gl3 reader;
hlt_gl3.h - added new file to make DAQ_HLT STAR offline compliant;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx - added support for HLT;
daqReader.cxx - fixed lack of detector destructors and memory leak;
include/rtsSystems.h - added GL3_NODE_COUNT;
daq100Decision.h - moved HLT decision around;
rtsSystems.h - increased GL3_NODE_COUNT to 5; moved TCD_SSD to TCD_MTD;
include/DAQ1000/ddl_lib.hh, rb.hh - added new get_priority;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - modified for evb;
StMCTruth.cxx/h - adjusted to signature changes in root 5.24;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - fixes the coordinate vector size; modified to allow TPad-less view; added the ctor with the extrernal viewer;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx/h - modified to simplify all the logic into shuffle;
VmcGeometry/y2009.h y2010.h - modified to fix the bug #1807;
Geometry.y2000.C, Geometry.y2001.C, Geometry.y2002.C, Geometry.y2003.C, y2000.h, y2001.h, y2002.h, y2003.h - added new files;
Geometry.year2000.C, Geometry.year2001.C, Geometry.year2002.C, Geometry.year2003.C, year2000.h, year2001.h, year2002.h, year2003.h - removed files ;
pvpdCalib.idl, toftotCalib.idl, tofzCalib.idl - modified for HLT;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified to store the last selected volume with the Widget tool tip;
TQtCoinWidget.cxx - introduced psedio-stylesheet; modified to provide better start from control room; added Select3DPoint signal;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - added Select3DPoint signal;
first release of module for online data QA;
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