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Updated on Thu, 2015-12-10 14:15. Originally created by didenko on 2015-01-08 13:31.
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 10, 2015 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009 SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 62GeV year 2006 reproduction SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14h (SL14h_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 200GeV st_hcal data run 2014 preview production SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15b (SL15b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production old-> SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15d (SL15d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pro-> SL15e (SL15e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 st_mtd data production SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15f (SL15f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15g (SL15g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15h (SL15h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15i (SL15i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15j (SL15j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15k (SL15k_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production new-> SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
Release History
SL15a library
SL15b library
SL15c library
SL15d library
SL15e library
SL15f library
SL15g library
SL15h library
SL15i library
SL15j library
SL15k library
SL15l library
- December 8, 2015
new library SL15l tagged as SL15l has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested, found bugs fixed, library was released on December 10.
Main features:
- added new version of PYTHIA v. 6.4.28;
- StSstDaqMaker, added pedestal subtraction and CMN suppression algorithm;
- added new version of trigger structure for run 2016;
- added y2016 base geometry version for run 2016;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
macros/starsim.hijing.dalitz.C - added example macro for adding single pi0 dalitz decay to a hijing event;
BigFullChain.h - added Akio correction to bypass instantiation of StTpcDb maker in MakeEvent;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2016 geometry initial version for run2016;
TRG/trgStructures2016.h - added new version of trigger structure for run 2016;
StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - added new files for trigger data run 2016;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - added fields for StTriggerData2016;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to add fmsTimeDepCorr for LED gain correction based on event number;
fixed backward compatbility; fixed logic ;
getCellPosition2015pA.cxx, getCellPosition2015pp.cxx - added missing break statement;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - added extra protection against token=0 event;
StFixedVertexFinder.h - added method 'IsFixed()' ;
StGenericVertexFinder.h - added method 'IsFixed()' ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - added 0,0,0 fixed vertex ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to remove unnecessary printout of number of FTS hits;
CorrFctn/MinvLikeSignCorrFctn_Minv_vs_Phi.cxx, StHbtCorrFctnDirectYlm.cxx - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
Infrastructure/StHbtParticle.cc - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
Reader/StHbtAssociationReader.cxx - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - removed redundant message: 'GTrack error: mFlag is Negative' ;
StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - added destructor to comply with new compiler ;
StGenParticle.cxx - removed ROOT dependences on library intended to be loaded into starsim;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to add a new data member: mMaxVtxDz ;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - modified to insert the MC MTD hits into the MtdCollection after real hits are reconstructed ;
COMMON/StMuFilter.cxx, StMuFilter.h - added changable constants and FTS data;
StMuFilter.h - adjusted to new members;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - added pedestal subtraction and CMN suppression algorithm;
StSstWafer.cc - reverted back the cut on signal strip: using DB entry, not constants;
StSstBarrel.cc - modified, move cout to LOG_DEBUG;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added new trigger data for run 2016;RTS
include/daqFormats.h - updated for run 2016;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2016;
src/DAQ_TRG/trgReader10.cxx - updated for run 2016;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated for run 2016; updated to change 'ifdef' to 'ifndef' linux;
trgDataDefs_42.h, trgDataDefs_43.h - added new files for trigger data, run 2016;pams
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
gen/Pythia6_4_28s/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.4.28.F - added Pythia version 6.4.28 for starsim;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2016.C - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;StarVMC
StarAgmlLib/AgPlacement.cxx, AgPlacement.h - added support for specifying rotation matrix;
AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - added new files to support for general transformation in AgML (multiple translations / rotations per placement);
AgParameterList.cxx - added parameter list (and block, mother, group, ...) to support AgBlock, AgModule, AgShape;
StarAgmlLib/macros/TestAgTransform.C - support for general transformation in AgML ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdGeo.xml - updated active layer thickness to 0.03744cm ;
Geometry/macros/loadStarGeometry.C - added support for general transformation in AgML (multiple translations/rotations per placement);
StarGeometryDb.C - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
StDb/idl/TpcAvgPowerSupply.idl - added new MySQL table;
tofTotbCorr.idl, tofZbCorr.idl, vpdTotCorr.idl - added number of used array elements;
tpcDriftVelocity.idl - updated;mgr/Dyson/Export/AgROOT.py, Mortran.py - added support for specifying rotation matrix;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - updated online plots for Run 2016; changed the binning of onloine plots; fixed jevpplots setting bug, and removed some useless histograms;
ssdBuilder.cxx - removed global display settings; added OFFSET and keep the y-axis scale in Run 2016 the same as Run 2014 and Run 2015; fixed Y axias scale error; - November 7, 2015
SL15k library has been updated with FMS & Roman Pot codes to fix the bugs and MuDst structure. Also year 2015 geometry has been updated with corrected MTD geometry (tag y2015b).
Library was retagged with tag SL15k_1 and rebuilt on SL6.4 platform;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added production chain for run 2015 data with geometry option 'ry2015b';
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2015b geometry tag with corrected MTD geometry;
StFmsCollection.h - added 4 new inline functions;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - adjusted debug prints;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - fixed small scale differebce for small cells when converting coordinates while mMergeSmallToLarge is on;
fixed overwrting detectorId for some StFmsPoint near large/small gap when top cell in the cluster and the photon are in different detector;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - added setScaleShowerShape() option for scaling up shower shape function for large cell;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - increased max number of clusters; fixed bug in valley tower association;
fixed parameters initialization; added new cluster categorization method;
StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - added option to scale up shower shape function for large cells;
COMMON/StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - fixed StMuRpsCollection double writing StMuRpsTrackPoints;
fixed the 'StMuRpsTrack::type' from being always undefined, added helpher methods to StMuRpsCollection to return number of Tracks/TrackPoints;
modified StMuRpsCollection to write TrackPoints and Tracks without writing the TrackPoints more than once;
StMuFmsInfo.cxx, StMuFmsInfo.h - added StMuFmsInfo.{h,cxx} as a new branch for storing event-by-event FMS paramters;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuTypes.hh - modified to adjust to adding new branch;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - corrected a couple of bugs in readSkewParameter to read skew parameters into the mSkew_param[s][ipmt][ipar] correctly; added Rafal's latest code with multi-track algorithm; modified to use Bogdan's alignment constants;
minor addition to StRpsHit structure (mPlanesUsed variable added); corrected bug which resulted in reconstructing too many track-points (and therefore also tracks) for some particular combination of cluster multiplicity;
corrected formula for \theta_{x}, \theta_{y} and \xi to properly account for alignment parameters like e.g. tilt of the beam;
refined calculation of the z coordinate of hits;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo7.xml - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
StarDb/AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015b.C - adeded MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
StDb/idl/fmsTimeDepCorr.idl - added new FMS table;
- October 23, 2015
new library SL15k tagged as SL15k has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits );
default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested, found bugs fixed, library was released on October 27.
Main features:
- further development of FMS code; initial revision of FMS point pair code;
- StEvent was updated with new files and containers for RPS tracks and points;
- St_pp2pp_Maker code updated to use StRpsTrackPoint and StRpsTrack objects;
- StMinuitVertexFinder modified to use new vertex-finding parameters ZMin, ZMax ;
- implemented initial version of dev2020 geometry tag with Forward Tracking System (prototype);
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - added dev2020 geometry tag;
StFmsPointPair.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h - initial revision of FMS point pair; added methods x() and y();
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h - added StFmsPointPair collection; added new member and methods;
StEnumerations.h - added items for StFmsDetectorId enumeration;
StEventLinkDef.h - added pragma for vector ;
StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - added comments and modified print out;
StFpsSlat.h - modified to move 7 members out of the schema ;
StRpsTrack.cxx, StRpsTrack.h, StRpsTrackPoint.cxx, StRpsTrackPoint.h - added new files for RPS tracks and points ;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h - modified to add RPS tracks and points;
StRpsCluster.cxx, StRpsCluster.h - added mPositionRMS and accessors;
StRpsCollection.cxx, StRpsCollection.h - added containers for tracks and points;
StRpsTrack.cxx, StRpsTrack.h, StRpsTrackPoint.h - modified to change 'const' to 'enums' and related changes;
StHit.cxx, StHit.h, StMtdHit.cxx, StMtdHit.h, StTpcPixel.cxx, StTpcPixel.h, StTrack.h, StVertex.cxx, StVertex.h, StEvent.cxx - changed type of mIdTruth from 'ushort' to 'int' ;
StTrackFitTraits.h - fixed schema evolution;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added 'getStarXYZfromColumnRow()' to convert from local grid space [cell width unit, not cm];
added protection for fmsGain and fmsGainCorrection when table length get shorter and can be overwritten by old values;
added 'distanceFromEdge()' for fiducial volume cut; added 'readRecParamFromFile()';
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - modified to use StEnumeration;
modified setFmsZS(int v) and if ADC < v, drop the hit (default=2); added poisson distribution for FPS, with setFpsNPhotonPerMIP(float v);
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - set default for mFpsNPhotonPerMIP to 100.0;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - modified to move energy sum check for killing LED tail event to whole FMS; make it not dependent on beam energy, so that it runs on simulation as well;
added 3 options to control how reconstruction works: setGlobalRefit(int v=1); setMergeSmallToLarge(int v=1); setTry1PhotonFit(int v=1);
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - fixed small scale difference for small cells when converting coordinates while mMergeSmallToLarge is on ;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - changed some LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - added warning if removing cluster with too many towers;
StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified ;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsTower.cxx, StFmsTower.h, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified to speed up code (~x2) by optimizing minimization fuctions and showershape function; added option to merge small cells to large, so that it finds cluster at border; added option to perform 1 photon fit when 2 photons fit failed; added option to turn on/off global refit; modified to get moment analysis done without ECUTOFF when no tower in cluster exceed ECUTOFF=0.5GeV ;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - modified to increase max number of clusters; fixed bug in valley tower association ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated to make VFPPVev == VFPPV with StEvent input;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h, St_VertexCutsC.h - modified to use new vertex-finding parameters ZMin, ZMax ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - modified to remove filling trees;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added histogram for global T0 alignment calibration using primary tracks;
added mMaxVtxDz to cut on vz difference between TPC and VPD;
COMMON/StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsPoint.h - updated for StMuFmsCollection and StMuFmsPoint;
StMuRpsTrack.cxx, StMuRpsTrack.h, StMuRpsTrackPoint.cxx, StMuRpsTrackPoint.h - added new files to handle the new pp2pp tracks;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - updated StMuRpsCollection to copy it from StEvent version;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added 2E trigger;
StiToolkit.h, StiTrackFinder.h - added virtual dtors to StiToolkit and StiTrackFinder to fix compilation warning;
StiTrackNode.cxx - removed Vector3 from cylCross to save cost of ctor/dtor;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - added requirement for Check Plots for TTree file;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added HCAL preshower to readout in St_geant_Maker;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - added 'positionRMS' to each cluster;
changed: Int_t MakeTracks(const StRpsCollection &RpsColl) -> Int_t MakeTracks( StRpsCollection &RpsColl, float blue_beamenergy, float yellow_beamenergy);
created 3 private constant pitch_4svx, pitch_4svx2 and pitch_6svx so that both MakeClusters and MakeTracks can use;
updated to set the xy position for each cluster according to Bogdan's offset scheme/constants and reading LVDT position ;
added Rafal's new code in forming StRpsTrackPoint and StRpsTrack objects;
added two functions/variables related to reading from database the AcceleratorParameters and PMTSkewConstants;
added 'mconversion_TAC_time' ;
corrected a couple bugs in readSkewParameter to read skew parameters into the mSkew_param[s][ipmt][ipar] correctly;
updated Rafal's latest code with multi-track algorithm;
modified to use Bogdan's alignment constants ;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx - modified to use: DB = GetDataBase("Calibrations/pp2pp/pp2ppPMTSkewConstants") instead of
DB = GetDataBase("Calibrations/pp2pp");
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - added the CM mode;pams
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F, g2t_volume_id.g - g2t updated to readout preshower in HCAL;
g2t_fts.F, g2t_fts.idl - added new files for Forward Tracking System;
sim/idl/g2t_fts_hit.idl - added new file for Forward Tracking System;
g2t_track.idl - modified to add hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.dev2020.C - added dev2020 geometry tag;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20150131.000008.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000008.C, tpcPressureB.2 0150131.000002.C TpcRowQ.20150131.000007.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000007.root - added the first version of dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV data;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20150131.000013.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000016.C, TpcRowQ.20150131.000015.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000015.root - added next verison of dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV data;
Calibrations/tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2014.C - updated tracking parameters for run 2014: allowed any 3-layer combination of HFT hits to be classified as an HFT track, otherwise hits are stripped and track is fit as TPC only;
KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2015.C - updated tracking parameters for run 2015: allowed any 3-layer combination of HFT hits to be classified as an HFT track, otherwise hits are stripped and track is fit as TPC only;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffsetB.20150101.000000.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20150609.063000.C - added trigger T0 for run 2015;
StDb/idl/VertexCuts.idl - added ZMin, ZMax fields for vertex cut ;
pp2ppPMTSkewConstants.idl, pp2ppAcceleratorParameters.idl - added new Roman Pots tables;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated for HCAL study geometry;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdGeo.xml - added Forward Tracking System prototype geometry;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
implemented version 3 for Forward Tracking System: first 4 disks are at same positions as version 1; next two disks evenly spaced;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.cxx - updated;
- September 10, 2015
new library SL15j tagged as SL15j has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms; default compiler is gcc 4.8.2 .
Library was tested, found bugs fixed, library was released on September 1.
Main features:
- first release of StFmsPointMaker & StFmsUtil makers to process with FMS data ;
- StEvent & StMuDstMaker updated to process FMS & FPS data;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - modified to use an unsigned 'int' in the loop if compiler under optimization;
StMultyKeyMap.cxx - removed unused variables;
StObject.cxx, StObject.h - added specific copy constructor to StObject; this constructor set to zero for bit 1<<22 to fix the bug #3134;
BigFullChain.h - corrected options for FMS/FPS ;
StEtrFastSimMaker.h - updated to adjust to gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - major updates for FMS detector;
StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCluster.h, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h - added print out function and operator;
StFpsSlat.cxx, StFpsSlat.h - initial revision of codes for FPS slats;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventTypes.h, StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - modified due to adding StFpsSlat and interconnection between slats and points;
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsHit.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - changed in naming of data members;
StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx - adjusted to new compiler (::isnan);
getCellPosition2015pA.cxx, getCellPosition2015pA.h, getCellPosition2015pp.cxx, getCellPosition2015pp.h - added new files with new functions for un-uniform grid cell positions, switched based on DB fmsPositionModel;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to use for un-uniform grid cell positions;
macros/fmsPositionModel_db.C, fms_db_ChannelGeometry_akio.C, fms_db_recpar.C, fpsChannelGeometry_db.C, fpsConstant_db.C, fpsGain_db.C, fpsMap_db.C, fpsPosition_db.C, fpsSlatId_db.C, fpsStatus_db.C, loadlib.C, table_reupload.C - added new macros to write/read DB tables for FPS;
fms_db_ChannelGeometry.C, fms_db_detectorposition.C, fms_db_fmsgain.C, fms_db_fmsgaincorr.C, fms_db_map.C, fms_db_patchpanelmap.C, fms_db_qtmap.C - modified to read/write DB tables for FPS;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - added SetReadMuDst() to give options for reading back from MuDst, reading hits only and rerun clustering, or reading hit+cluster+point;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - first revision of StFmsPointMaker; added readMuDst() to give options when reading back from mudst;
StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsDbConfig.h, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsFittedPhoton.h, StFmsGeometry.h, StFmsTowerCluster.h, StFmsTower.h, StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsDbConfig.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsGeometry.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTower.cxx - first revision of StFmsUtil code;
StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified to uses StFmsDbMaker to get appropriate geometry parameters;
StFmsGeometry.cxx, StFmsGeometry.h - removed StFmsGeometry class, now it will use StFmsDbMaker to get appropriate parameters;
StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - modified to work with StFmsDbMaker;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - corrected print statement bemc->eemc ;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to avoid call of deprecated function;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed unused local variable; updated doxygen;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - removed unused code's lines;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated doxygen;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated doxygen;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed empty destructor;
tree/StjTreeIndex.h - changed _major and _minor compile errors;
StjTreeReader.h - modified to match changes in StjTreeIndex.h;
StMcQaMaker.h - updated to adjust to gcc 4.8.2;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsHit.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to add FMS detector data;
StMuFmsCluster.cxx, StMuFmsCluster.h, StMuFmsPoint.cxx, StMuFmsPoint.h - added new files to handle FMS MuDst data;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - added chi and beamwidth to BLpars ntuple;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - modified to account non trigger events;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - modified to change the orientations, skeleton to read new DB and MakeTracks(...);
StSstDaqMaker.h - removed unused and unimplemented class members;
include/rtsSystems.h - added STRXXX;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx, daq_tpx.h - added TPX altrobank;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150520.135123.C, TpcRowQ.20150520.135122.C, TpcSecRowB.20150520.135122.root - added run 2015 dEdx calibrations for FixedTarget2015 dataset;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2015.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2015.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2015.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2015.C, TpcRowQ.y2015.C, TpcSecRowB.y2015.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcdCharge.y2015.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2015.C, tpcAltroParams.y2015.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2015.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2015.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2015.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2015.C, tpcGas.y2015.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2015.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2015.C, tpcPressureB.20150520.135122.C, tpcPressureB.y2015.C, tpcSlewing.y2015.C, tpcWaterOut.y2015.C - added new files to reset TPC pressure dependence for FixedTarget2015 dataset;
TpcAvCurrent.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20150121.180611.C - removed files;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C - modified;
StDb/idl/fmsPositionModel.idl - added new table (geometry switch) for FMS;
- August 15, 2015
new library SL15i tagged as SL15i has been created and built on SL6.4 (32 bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.8.2 . Library was tested, found bugs fixed, library was released on August 18.
Main features:
- new compiler gcc 4.8.2 and codes modification ;
- added new version of Pythia 6.4.28 ;
- changed the way of initialization of MTD geometry;
- StPeCMaker modified to give more flexibility in writing output for upc events ;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxuser.age - modified to disable building geometry via makefile;
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h - added messages (print out) for for Sst, Gmt, pp2pp;
StHelix.cc - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
phys_constants.h, math_constants.h - added files removed from StHbtMaker;
StParticleTable.cc - updated to propagate PDG id for antideuteron;
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, Pythia6_4_28LinkDef.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, address.F, pythia-6.4.28.F - new version of PYTHIA;
FILT/StarFilterMaker.cxx - fixed compiler warning;
StarLight/nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.cpp - modified to use 'std::isnan' for gcc 4.8.2;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx - fixed compile warning;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - fixed compiler warning;
1fluid.F - modified to declare return type for CHEM to match function declaration;
macros/starsim.pythia6.C - macro to run Pythia 6.4.28;
StWsLogger.cxx - added unistd.h header where 'geteuid()' and 'gethostname()' are defined to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StBFChain.cxx - removed numbers;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modify to initialize static constants outside of class definition to comply with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StBTofHitCollection.h, StBTofRawHitCollection.h - removed size_t ambiguity by adding cstddef; added cstddef C++ header defining size_t type;
StTofCellCollection.h, StTofDataCollection.h, StTofHitCollection.h, StTofRawDataCollection.h, StTofSlatCollection.h - added cstddef C++ header defining size_t type to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMaker.cxx - removed numbers from lsMakers;
L3/L3_Reader.hh - added space between literal and identifier to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
TRG/code2008.cxx - fixed spacing for gcc 4.8.2;
MysqlDb.cc - fixed warning: MYSQL_RES pointer is not supposed to be deleted by client in destructor;
StMagUtilities.cxx - modified to allow call of 'UndoDistortion()' for a (dummy) initialization;
StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc - added recalculation of padrow during transformation;
StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.h - modified to expand to 4 regions, added protection for this;
StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - updated to add StEventHitIter ==> ROOT dictionary;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - fixed string literal spacing for C++11 compliance ;
StFtpcClusterFinder.cc - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StFtpcVertex.hh - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - updated to reuse variable defined in if condition part to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StGammaCandidate.cxx - removed unused chunk of code;
StGammaTrack.cxx, StGammaTreeMaker.cxx - added parenthesis to resolve possible ambiguity in logical expressions for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StIstClusterMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StIstHitMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstRawHitMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f'; removed unused variable;
StIstFastSimMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to use by default geometry tables from StIstDb instead of building ideal geometry; added useful debug level messages; minor changes in output messages;
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx, StIstFastSimMaker.h - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StIstCluster.cxx - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StiDetectorContainer.h - empty method 'clear()' added ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - methods 'SaveGeometry()' and 'Print()' implemented; in method 'Built()' added saving all the volumes in StiDetectorVolume format; method operator<<(ostream& os, const DetectorMapPair & detMapEntry) implemented ;
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added added methods Print() & SaveGeometry; the last one saves Sti geometry in the form of StiDetectorVolume for visualization;
StiKNNSeedFinder.h, StiKNNSeedFinder.cxx - added interface for KNN seed finder from Stv;
StiKNNSeedFinder.h - added non empty 'clear()';
StiKNNSeedFinder.cxx - added 'Clear()' & 'clear()' methods ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - cleanup mess of 'reset()' and 'clear()' methods ;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - modified to put back assert for hit usage;
StiTrackNode.cxx - removed non used array;
StiTrackFinder.h - added 'FeedBack()' method for debugging only;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - added call to 'FeedBack()';
StiElossCalculator.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - replaced isnan -> 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for isnan in gcc 4.8.2 compiler; also switched to standard c++ header;
StiMasterHitLoader.h - added 'this ->' to templated base class method to help gcc 4.8.2 to resolve the dependent name;
StiMaker.cxx - cleanup mess of 'reset()' and 'clear()' methods ;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - added StiKNNSeedFinder ;
StiPullEvent.cxx - cleanup;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for isnan with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
removed defined but not unused local typedefs;
StMcMtdHit.cc - fixed BUG in the code which hid the path length; the line declaring kNCell was terminated with a comma (,) not a semi-colon (;), which means that mPathLength was declared as a local, const static variable, rather than setting the member variable in the class;
StMcEtrHit.cc - fixed bug in StMcEtrHit; was returning an uninitialized variable (iLayer) but the variable ilayer should be returned instead;
StMcHit.cc, StMcPxlSectorHitCollection.cc, StMcTrack.cc - fixed compiler warning;
StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.h - added space between user-defined and string literals required by gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added the distance along radius to the calculation of the distance between a MTD hit and a projected track position;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to initialize static constants outside of class definition to comply with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdConstants.h - added the constant difference in radius between adjacent modules;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - remove calling a macro in Init() to create geometry, It should be done within the maker that uses this utility class;
added the TGeoManager parameter to the default constructor to force the existance of the geometry when using this utility class ;
modified to simplify the code for getting the pointer to the magnetic field;
modified to initialize static constants outside of class definition to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - added class scope to static members;
StEvtTrigDetSumsMaker.cxx - modified ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use an initialization call for StMagUtilities for each event;
StPeCGeant.cxx, StPeCGeant.h - added StMuMcVertex information and calculate invariant mass only for pion pairs;
StPeCMaker.cxx - added choice to skip writting the tree to output file and added summary histograms;
StPeCMaker.h - added flag to suppress tree to output and include summary histograms;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - modified to remove RP container copy to output;
StPeCPair.cxx - modified to stop extrapolation to TOF, now copy information from StMuBTofPidTraits;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added trigger for pA part of run 15;
doMuEvent_picoFromEmbedding.C - added macro to produce UPC pico dsts from embedding MuDst;
StKinkMaker.cxx, StV0FinderMaker.cxx - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - modified 'getSstDimensions()' to return the table data, not the structure;
StSsdEmbeddingMaker.cxx, St_sls_Maker.cxx - removed unused local variables ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - removed unused local variables;
StSpaListNoise.cc, StSsdBarrel.cc, StSsdWafer.cc, StSstWafer.cc - removed unused local variables ;
StStrangeMuDstPlayer.cxx, StStrangeMuDstPlayer.h - removed references to topoMapFixer;
StSvtSignal.cc - added 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - cleaned up __PAD_BLOCK__; recalculated no. of real hits in g2t_track n_tpc_hit (exc luding pseudo pad row); added current and accumulated charge in dE/dx correction ;
StTpcRSMaker.h - fixed cvs message;
StMultiH2F.cxx - fixed minor bug with 'SavePrimitive';
StMessTypeList.h - modified to include stdlib to get size_t;
EventTracker/FtfGeneral.h - removed local preprocessor macros for min and max; modified to use standard c++ te mplated functions std::min and std::max ;
eventTracker.cxx - removed unused variables ;
gl3Event.cxx - moved variable definition to the place where it is initialized;
include/RC_Config.h - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added some pedestal variables;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - removed unused variables;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - updated to propagate a PDG id for antideuteron;StarVMC
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - modified to improve timing and energy resolution of MTD;
GeoTestMaker/GeoTestMaker.h, StMCConstructGeometry.cxx - fixed __DATE__ ;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - removed unused variable; made 'dtor' virtual;
StarAgmlViewer/StarAgmlViewer.cxx- fixed compiler warning; removed unused x ;
StarBASE/StarBASE.h - fixed __DATE__ ;
StarVMCApplication/StarMCHits.cxx - improved const-ness; removed unused structure;
StVMCMaker/TGeoDrawHelper.cxx - modified to switch to double so as not to hide method on base class;
idl/HitError.idl - added comments;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - modify to initialize static constants outside of class definition to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler ;
StOnlineDisplay/StDataReadModule.h, StEvpReader.h, StSteeringModule.h - added space between user-defined and string literals to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
gl3Data.cxx - modified to resolve function by explicit call to std::min to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
- August 10, 2015
SL15h library was updated with codes below to provide y2015a production geometry version for run 2015 calibration production. Updated codes have been retagged with the same tag SL15h .
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added bfc options with y2015a production geometry;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to load y2015a geometry when it is required, not y2015;
MutdGeo5.xml - modified to improve timing and energy resolution of MTD;
- July 22, 2015
new library SL15h tagged as SL15h has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested, found bugs fixed, library was released on July 23.
Main features:
- new ROOT 5.34.30 version;
- few codes modifications to adjust to new ROOT version;
- added y2015a production geometry;
- added StiSstHitLoader and QA plots for SST detector;
- removed next makers: StHbtMaker, StFlowMaker, StPidAmpMaker, StFlowAnalysisMaker, StStrangeMuDstMaker because there are no person to support them but needed an updates due to necessary adjustment to new ROOT version ;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - Hbt, Flow and derivative chain options made obsolete because StHbtMaker are not supported by anyone but need update to make it consistent with new ROOT version;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - fixed wrong initialization of TVector3;
StMuDSTMakerLinkDef.h - commented out pragma;
StMuEvent.h - modified to adjust missing includes from the removed makers;
StiSstHitLoader.h, StiSstHitLoader.cxx - added SstHitLoader to load SST hits ; straight copy of StiSsdHitLoader;
StiSstDetectorGroup.cx - modified to change call to StiSstHitLoader;
StSstPointMaker.h - inserted blank to to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StSpaNoise.hh, StSstClusterControl.cxx, StSstClusterList.cc, StSstConfig.hh, StSstDynamicControl.cxx, StSstLadder.cc, StSstPackage.cc, StSstStripList.cc, StSstWafer.cc - updated to include headers with path to submodule;
StSstBarrel.cc, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstWafer.hh - removed obsolete libraries : ssdConfiguration, ssdDimensions, ssdWafersPosition ; fixed static StSstBarrel name;
StSstLadder.cc, StSstBarrel.cc - removed unused variable;
StSstWafer.cc, StSstWafer.hh - removed unused variable; Int_t doLorentzShiftSide moved to void();
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - modified to copy SSD to SST; HFT histogams now use SST;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to replace isnan => std::isnan to satisfy C++11 standards ;pams
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015a.C - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
geant3/TGeant3/TGeant3.h, TGeant3TGeo.h - added stubs to TGeant3 (etc...) to handle additional pure virtua l functions added to the base class in latest ROOT;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
- June 24, 2015
new library SL15g tagged as SL15g has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested with standard test suite, found bugs fixed, and library was released on July 14.
Main features:
- first revision of StSstDaqMaker, SST daq reader code;
- first revision of StSstUtil & StSstPointMaker created from SSD code and reshaped to support SST;
- added FTBF version of HCAL setup;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
StParticleTable.cc - modified to correct mapping between G3 id and pdg id; the G3 is the key and must be unique;
JPsi (id=168, dimuon channel) added to particle table;
StH0Strangelet.cc, StH0Strangelet.hh - added new files to support H0 dibaryon;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - minor bug fixed to enable cut on max rapidity of particles; added z-vertex cut, with wide default;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - set default to store full particle record; fixed mother-daughter relationship tracking; assert statement added to verify that mother particle created before daughters;
modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
Hijing1_383LinkDef.h - added new file to expose commons to CINT;
Hijing.cxx, Hijing.h, StarHijing.cxx, StarHijing.h - added access to lund compressed particle codes (KC); restored default particle decays mistakenly switched off ;
Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.cxx - modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
macros/starsim.hijing.C, starsim.hijing.D0.C, starsim.hijing.hypertriton.C, starsim.hijing.pHe3.C - modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
starsim.hijing.C - added access to lund compressed particle codes (KC); restored default particle decays mistakenly switched off;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added multiple options to support SST;
StBFChain.cxx - corrected logic for for blacklisting;
StDbTable.cc - fixed char type: null-terminator assignment;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added hits for FTBF version of HCAL;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - added data member mWriteHisto to control the output of histograms;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - updated to enable MC hits in embedding;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - first revision of SST daq reader code;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - modified to move to SST tables;
StSstPointMaker.cxx, StSstPointMaker.h - first revision of SstPointMaker code created from SSD code and reshaped;
StSpaListNoise.hh, StSpaNoise.hh, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstClusterControl.h, StSstCluster.hh, StSstClusterList.hh, StSstConfig.hh, StSstConsts.h, StSstDynamicControl.h, StSstLadder.hh, StSstPackage.hh, StSstPackageList.hh, StSstPoint.hh, StSstPointList.hh, StSstStrip.hh, StSstStripList.hh, StSstWafer.hh, StSpaListNoise.cc, StSpaNoise.cc, StSstBarrel.cc, StSstCluster.cc, StSstClusterControl.cxx, StSstClusterList.cc, StSstConfig.cc, StSstDynamicControl.cxx, StSstLadder.cc, StSstPackage.cc, StSstPackageList.cc, StSstPoint.cc, StSstPointList.cc, StSstStrip.cc, StSstStripList.cc, StSstWafer.cc - first reversion of SST code created from the SSD code and reshaped;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - enabled secondary tracking (hit association) for PIXEL and FGT ;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F - added readout for FTBF version of the HCAL test module;
added HCAL test configuration;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added H0 strangelet (m=2210 MeV) with 100% BR to Sigma- proton ;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added configuration of HcalGeoF module;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - enabled secondary tracking (hit association) for PIXEL and FGT;
added HCAL test configuration;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeoF.xml - added FTBF version of HCAL setup; updated with active material for BBC and Ledg;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added configuration of HcalGeoF module;
idl/spaceChargeCor.idl - fixed for comments;
- May 28, 2015
new library SL15f tagged as SL15f has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested and released on May 29.
Main features:
- initial revision of SST hits collection and SST interfaces in StEvent;
- added new constructors for setting local hit positions, modified existing constructors in StEvent/StPxlHit ; StPxlHitMaker and StPxlUtil modified accordingly to changes in StEvent;
- added new DB domain for SST detector and final set of SST tables;
- implemented StarGenEventReader code as a root-file event reader which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
- codes cleanup as preparation for c++11 compiling standards, few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
rexe/TGeant3/TGiant3.cxx - fixed typo in obscure, unused method;
PhysicalConstants.h - removed warning;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - added LOG_INFO when kinematic cuts are changed from default;
StarGenerator.cxx, StarGenerator.h - modified to add a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.h - added access to py1ent and pycomp subroutines, and set access to common blocks through static member functions;
StarGenEventReader/StarGenEventReader.cxx, StarGenEventReader.h - added a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
macros/starsim.reader.C - modified to add a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
TRArray.cxx - removed senseless 'if' statement ;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.cxx, THelixTrack.cxx, TTreeIter.cxx - fixed syntax noted by CheckCpp;
TRVector.cxx - fixed bug and removed 'Assert' ;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx - updated an error in if-statement syntax;
BigFullChain.h - added 'geant3vmc' option, which loads the VMC library early and suppresses xgeometry ;
StTree.cxx, StTree.h - slightly modified logic, added braces into logical expressions;
StRtsTable.cxx - fixed clumsy cast, adjusted to new gcc, bug #3108 ;
StDbDefs.hh, StDbManagerImpl.cc - added new db domain: SST;
StDbModifier.cxx - modified to deallocate memory in destructor of StDbModifier; cleanup;
MysqlDb.cc - redundant pointer check removed; fixed false positive uninitialized use of memory;
StDbSql.cc - modified to assign zero to the pointer after 'delete';
StDbXmlReader.cc - fixed small memory leak;
StDbXmlWriter.cc, StHyperLock.cpp, StHyperLock.h - fixed type issue;
MysqlDb.cc, StDbModifier.cxx - proper 'delete' added before overwrite;
StDbBuffer.h - fixed unused internal pseudotype access considered as array out of bounds access;
StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - fixed dangerous use of strncopy;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - fixed for uninitialized memory warning;
DbRead.cxx, StDbBroker.cxx - fixed small memory leak and type conversion warnings;
StDbBroker.cxx- modified to avoid memleak by moving check to the entrance of the function;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #3101; removed old commented code;
StEventTypes.h - added SST;
StSstHit.cxx, StSstHit.h, StSstHitCollection.cxx, StSstHitCollection.h, StSstLadderHitCollection.cxx, StSstLadderHitCollection.h, StSstWaferHitCollection.cxx, StSstWaferHitCollection.h - initial revision of SST hits collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StDetectorName.cxx, StDetectorName.h, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventScavenger.h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx, StTrackFitTraits.h, StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - added hooks and interfaces for SST detector;
StPxlHit.cxx, StPxlHit.h - added new constructors for setting local hit position; made proper initialization of all data member; modified existing constructor, new getter and setter for local hit coordinates;
StSstHit.cxx, StSstHit.h - ahanged 'mADC' from int to unsigned short;
StL3EventSummary.cxx - fixed nonsense if() statement in constructor;
StTrackDetectorInfo.h, StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx - added IST & PXL;
StEnumerations.cxx - modified to make method 'detectorIdByName' more flexible;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2004.cxx - corrected logic in 'if' statement;
StEventHitIter.cxx - added IST & PXL;
geometry/StFgtGeom.cxx - fixed memory leak;
StFtpcDisplay.cc - fixed memory leak;
StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - bug #3102 fixed; change type: unsigned char maxTb = -1 to char maxTb = -1 ;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstClusterMaker.h, StIstIClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - modified to set default value of unsigned variables in a more explicit way ;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - removed a priori true condition without changing the logic;
StIstFastSimMaker.h - default of random seed changed to false;
StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollection.h, StIstConsts.h - modified to change type for the number of time bins for consistency and to avoid explicit type conversions ;
StMcPxlHit.hh - changed return uchar ==> int ;
COMMONStMuEvent.h - fixed class version for added class 'mNHitsHFT';
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added z position of VPD vertex; code cleanup in preparation for C++11;
updated to include prompt hits and post-crossing tracks, simplified detmap packing;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - fixed incorrect memset usage, bug #3093);
StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - updated to use HFT hits; modified to make more rapid chi2 convergence; modified make Ntuples attached to files not to be deleted;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - added more vertex selection criteria: PCT daughters, and VPD Z agreement;
StPxlDb.cxx - modified to set name of resulting matrix after copying from a temporary matrix object;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx - updated hit's Y coordinate only when hit is identified as coming from real data otherwise do nothing; modified to streamline creation of PXL hits by making use of StPxlUtil/StPxlDigiHit;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx, StPxlHitMaker.h - removed unused members and local variables, these values are set now internaly in the new version of StEvent/StPxlHit ;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlISim.h - modified to switch to using constants from 'StPxlUtil';
StPxlFastSim.cxx - modified to streamline creation of PXL hits by making use of StPxlUtil/StPxlDigiHit;
StPxlConstants.h - modified to defined dimensional constants for PXL sensitive sensor area; modified to move the constants into the namespace and get rid of those defined in the global space;
StPxlDigiHit.cxx, StPxlDigiHit.h - new files created for helper to manipulate local hit position in StPxlHit;
MySQLAppender.cxx - fixed bug in macro expansion;
StSstDbMaker.h - added space around literals to make g++ compiler (4.8.2) happy;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx -possible infinite loop fixed ; fixed memory leak, bug #3105; fixed arrayIndex out of bounds;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed bug #3096 , missing break;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h - fixed bug #3094;
StTreeMaker.cxx - added braces in logical expressions, fixed bug #3095;
StTpcDb.cxx - removed duplicated line;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - fixed array out of bound; comment out tpcGlobalPosition field dependence;
StMessageManager.cxx - fixed memory leak: unnecessary char array in FindMessageList() ;
StMultiH1F.cxx - modified to set min/maxima;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.h - removed unnecessary structures and defines;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - fixed memory leak in pedrms;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxGain.cxx - fixed small fopen leak;
tpxPed.cxx - modified to add more special pedestal test features;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx - fixed possible memory leak;
sfs_index.cxx - fixed small memory leak;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrected configuration error in VPD in y2015/agml/agstar geometry; implemented an extra flag to handle call the right geometry module;
updated to associate hits on secondary tracks to the global track, not the primary track which initiates decay/shower, bug #3092;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20120515.120002.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20120515.120002.C, TpcRowQ.20120515.120001.C, TpcSecRowB.20120515.120001.root - added preliminary dE/dx calibrations for cuAu 200GeV run 2012;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2015.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2015.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2015 .C, tpcPadPlanes.devTY.C - added new files for ideal year 2015 geometry;
StarVMCApplication/St_g2t_Chair.cxx - commented out BEMC/EEMC calorimeter hit codes, it was not used in production;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - corrected configuration error in VPD in y2015/agml/agstar geometry; implemented an extra flag to handle call the right geometry module;
updated to associate hits on secondary tracks to the global track, not the primary track which initiates decay/shower, bug #3092;
idl/sstMaskChip.idl, sstStripCalib.idl, sstWafersPosition.idl - added final set of SST tables;
fpsStatus.idl - added new FPS status table;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx - modified;
zdc_smd.h - removed;
- May 4, 2015
all codes tagged with SL15c tag have been checked out in new area and updated with MTD event filtering codes and related changes necessary to proceed with MTD run 2014 production.
Also some fixes needed to embedding production have been added to the library, see below for list of updates;
New library has been retagged as SL15e and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested and released on May 5.
Main features:
- further development of MTD code for events filtering ;
- modification to StHelix to change the minimum step size and provide better precision for D0 reconstrution;
- corrected dEdx information in MiniMc needed for embedding;
Next codes have been updated:
StHelix.cc, StHelix.hh - added two default argument to dca of two helices for HFT which gives users the option to change the minStepSize and the search range of 'StHelix::pathLengths(StHelix&)';
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - modified to change the minimum step size in two helices, number of iterations, now point nearest to two helices calculated iteratively by two strait lines;
BigFullChain.h - added basic chain for pAu run 2015 fastoffline; introduced 'mtdFilt' option for MTD events filtering;
StBFChain.cxx - updated for prepasses before implementations of StTagFilterMaker, changed tags.root => pretags.root;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - modified to throttle LB connections activity if 3+ good hosts found;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to handle dynamic DB disconnects, keep connection if less than 30 sec passed since last data retrieval;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - fixed wrong particle name in ::getParticleName();
StMtdHeader.cxx, StMtdHeader.h - added data member 'mTpcSectorMask' and 'mShouldHaveRejectEvent';
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - the default dEdx method in StMuDSTmaker has been changed from 'kTruncatedMeanId' to 'kLikelihoodFitId'; with 'kTruncatedMeanId' we are using only 70% of available dE/dx measurements and this is reflected in nHitsDedx; with 'kLikelihoodFitId' all available dE/dx measurements will be used;
StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - added print-out in reconstruction;
StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h - modified to remove dz and pTlead cuts in the filtering by default;
changed the number scheme for 'shouldHaveRejectEvent()';
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to fill the two new data members 'mShouldHaveRejectEvent' and 'mTpcSectorMask' in MTD header for MTD event filtering;
updated to use 'AddData()' to pass the information from event filtering stage;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added a member function 'cleanUpMtdPidTraits()' to clean up the MTD pidTraits for all global and primary tracks before the matching process. This is needed when running MuDst in afterburner mode;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - fixed the geometry of shifted backleg 8 and 24;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - fixed the geometry of shifted backleg 8 and 24;
COMMON/StMuMtdHeader.cxx, StMuMtdHeader.h - 'StMuMtdHeader.{h,cxx}' modified to add two new data members to 'StMtdHeader' and 'StMuMtdHeader' to save the information from the two-pass reconstruction that will be used for Run14;StDb
idl/mtdEventFilterCuts.idl, mtdQTSlewingCorr.idl - added new MTD tables;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml - updated hit definition for MTD, to improve timing resolution;
- April 13, 2015
new library SL15d tagged as SL15d has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested and released on April 15.
Main features:
- initial revision of StFpsRawHitMaker, FPS reader for raw data;
- initial revision of StMtdEvtFilterMaker for filtering of MTD data;
- implemented new PYTHIA 8.1.86 version of Decayer;
- OnlTools: FMS & IST event builder updated for run 2015;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated: >br>
Pythia8_1_86/ StarPythia8Decayer.h, StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - added first working version of Pythia 8.1.86 Decayer;
BigFullChain.h - added 'fpsDat' option to process with FPS raw data;
added options 'mtdEvtFilt' & 'mtdTrkMask' to process MTD events filtering;
moved 'MtdTrackingMask' before TPC, and include MTD dependence on MuDst libs;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed 'delete' which crashed running bfc.C;
StEnumerations.cxx - added new implementation of detectorNameById(StDetectorId id) for automated update of new detector id;
added 'break' when file is found in detectorIdInit();
StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - added new files to process with FPS raw data;
StMcIstLadderHitCollection.cc, StMcIstLadderHitCollection.hh, StMcIstSensorHitCollection.cc, StMcIstSensorHitCollection.hh - added new IST hit collections;
MtdTrackFilterTag.idl, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.h, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - new maker for filtering MTD data;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use the constants defined in 'StMtdConstants' ;
modified to use global coordinates, instead of local ones, to calculate the distances between projected track positions and MTD hits. Using local coordinates causes an unphysical shoulder at large DeltaZ ;
fixed the following bug: if a track can be projected to two adjacent modules, the position in the module with a smaller module number gets dropped before matching. This caused an asymmetry in the local z distribution of matched tracks ;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to use 'gMtdCellDriftV' from StMtdConstants.h ;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - modified to use the constants defined in 'StMtdConstants' ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - updated to make sure there no tracks with PXL or IST hits in calibration ;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added run 2015 RP triggers;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to save SSD geant hits in local coordinates : removed the 1st GlobalToLocal transformation and added correction for smearing the proper local coordinates;
StiHitTest.cxx, StiHitTest.h - added debug class StiHftHits. It creates histogram of selected HFT hits;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to call hftHits before & after refit();
removed non used method 'StiKalmanTrackFinder::extendTracks(double rMin)'; added calls of 'StiHftHits::hftHist';
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - introduced member 'mCombUsed' to memorize combination of seleceted hits;
added Enum 'keepHit' and 'kGoodHir' instead of using 1 & 2; added new parameter StiTrackNode *near;
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - updated for debuging;
StiHitContainer.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h - removed redundant printouts;
StiMasterHitLoader.h - added printouts of number hits for all detector hit loaders;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to take care of singular matrix;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - implemented new method 'evaluateChi2Info' to recalculate Xi2 ;
StiStEventFiller.cxx, StiStEventFiller.h - added print out of number of PXL, IST & SSD hits used in tracking in every event;
added print out of GOOD HFT hits associated with tracks;
StiDebug.cxx - modified for debuging;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiDebug.cxx, StiDebug.h - modified to make method 'StiDebug::Debug()' not inline to provide right loading order for StiUtilities.so;
added to summary number of histograms per canvas;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - introduced sector masking (only MTD-based) ;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to move some messages from LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;
QAhlist_logy.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - introduced Roman Pots histograms;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_logx.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h - TPC dE/dx changes: Bethe-Bloch => Bichsel, and implemented tighter cuts against pile-up tracks;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - fixed memory leak;
sim/g2t/g2t_ssd.F - changed SSD hits to use local coordinates;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcCurrentCorrection.20140315.000047.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20140315.000051.C, TpcRowQ.201403 15.000046.C, TpcSecRowB.20140315.000044.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20140315.000045.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.20130412.153000.C, tpcDriftVelocity.201 50121.180611.C, tpcPressureB.20140315.000047.C - added new dEdx calibrations files for Run 2014, AuAu 200GeV;
StarAgmlLib/G3Commons.h - added new file;
AgBlock.h AgModule.cxx, AgModule.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.h - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
AgModule.cxx - reduced logfile spam;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo3.xml - removed the east/west reference system so that beam pipe is correctly constructed by Sti without modification, bug #3031;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/ BbcmGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/HcalGeo/ HcalGeo1.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/EcalGeo/ EcalGeo.xml, EcalGeo6.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo1.xml, FpdmGeo2.xml, FpdmGeo.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/FsceGeo/FsceGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo3a.xml, TpceGeo4.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
Geometry/TpcxGeo/TpcxGeo1.xml, TpcxGeo2.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
idl/mtdEventFilterCuts.idl - added new table for MTD event filterring;
sstClusterControl.idl, sstConfiguration.idl, sstDimensions.idl, sstSlsCtrl.idl, sstChipCorrect.idl, sstGainCalibWafer.idl, sstNoise.idl, sstWaferConfiguration.idl- added new SST tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx - modified to change weight for FMS critical plots;
PREPOST changed, set basic threshold for matching;
fmsBuilder.cxx, fmsBuilder.h - added FMS critical plots and changed draw options;
istBuilder.cxx - added ist_bad_channels.txt to remove bad chips; added ist_noisy_chips.txt to identify noisy chips and apply higher cut (10*rms) on adc for those chips;
modified to zero out hits < 3 ; modified to mask out zerobias; separated non-zs and zs;
istBuilder.h - added noisy chip identifier;
trgBuilder.cxx - updated to adjust plots for pp 200GeV run 2015;
ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - modified to add the average hits-per-bunch histogram;
daqBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.cxx - fixed memory leak;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated; fixed memory leak;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.h, JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - fixed memory leak;
- March 16, 2015
library SL15c has been updated with codes below by request of HFT group for run 2014 production:
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - modified to add 4 unsigned shorts to StMuEvent;
Updated code was retagged with tag SL15c;
- March 4, 2015
new library SL15c tagged as SL15c has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested and released on March 6.
Main features:
- further tunning of Sti tracking with HFT;
- initial revision of StFmsCluster & StFmsPoint in StEvent structure;
- initial revision of new simulation maker for IST StIstSimMaker;
- installed new version of PYTHIA 6.2.22 for forward processes studies;
- added new TPC SC&GL DB table to handle sector-by-sector GridLeak distortions;
- QA maker updated with initial revision of HFT histograms;
- added FPS & pp2pp pedestal bank to RTS structure;
- added new tables for PP2PP pedestals and roman pot positions, code updated accordingly;
- added FPS plots to OnlTools;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to provide histogram normalization;
BigFullChain.h - added placeholder for the FMS incoming review;
setup base chain for run 2015; added option to call on StIstFastSimMaker;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added options 'NoPxlIT, NoIstIT, NoSstIT' to enable HFT calibration with hits not on track;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - updated for year 2014 dEdx corrections;
Pythia6_2_22/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, Pythia6_2_22LinkDef.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, address.F, pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.2.22.F, pytune.F - new version of PYTHIA 6.2.22 for forward studies;
StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCluster.h, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - initial revision of FMS clusters and points;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventTypes.h, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection - modified due adding StFmPoint and StFmsCluster;
database/StBemcTables.cxx, StBemcTables.h - updated to include new DB table "bemcTriggerPed4" for BEMC online trigger monitoring for year 2015;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx - updated to store "bemcTriggerPed4" values in database;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added fps functionalities and interface to fms_rec table; updated for FPS tables to use;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - updated for run 2015;
StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - inside() added ;
added method insideL() to account discrepancy between alligned hits and not alligned geometry;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - modified to account more accurate zero magnetic field; removed redundant hit->subTimesUsed();
updated to restore inversion of hh because it is used in multiple places;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinder.h - removed not used method 'extendTracksToVetrtex(...)' ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - removed redundant call to StTrack::reserveHits;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - new member '_wallx' added; added inside();
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed small angle approximation; commented out an assert causing bfc.C crash reported in ticket #3007;
added lines to check that all crossings are outside of the volume;
method 'propagate(StiKalmanTrackNode *,StiDetector *,int dir)' was rewritten, for case cyl propagate(xk...) is not called anymore due to problem with accuracy;
modified to replace all Asserts for sign() with zign() for speedup;
fixed bug #3034 caused 'Assertion failed' and #3048 which caused missing primary tracks in pp collisions;
some outdated asserts and debug lines removed; modified to call recov() in propagateError(): when length is big recov(1) is called, otherwice recov(0);
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.h - rolled back all changes related to nudge problem ;
StiNodePars.h - 'rotate()' added;
updated to define constants related to mag field;mMethod 'nan()' added to check 'NaN' in StiNodePars;rRemoved logic with zero magnetic field in 'ready()' (wrong place); replaced Double_t ==> double ;
StiTrackNode.h - 'StiNodeErrs::rotate' added; methods 'nan()' added for debugging;
modified to call recov(1) in StiKalmanTrackNode::propagateError() when length is bigger than kBigLen;
StiTrackNode.cxx - minimal value for angle errors decreased to 1e-5; MaxPars increased;
redundant call to TCL::trasat(...) removed;
modified to calculate distance in cylCross along track now; this distance was made signed;
'StiNodeErrs::rotate' & 'StiNodePars::rotate' are implemented ;
methods 'nan()' added for debugging; added check sin < 1 ;
changed the cut 0.1 radial ==> 0.01 radian ;
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - added method to calculate sign of error matrix zign(), which is more correct than sign();
new implementation of the method : recov() ==> recov(int force=0); force=1 means strong checking, using method sign() which is rather slow; force=0 weak check, used zign() which is fast but not too reliable;
StiTrackNodeHelper.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - member 'mwallx' added; all simple named members renamed (like a ==> mA) ;
rotation in code replaced by call 'StiNodePars::rotate' ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - removed redundant 'rotPars.check()'; fixed small angle approximation; modified numbers ==> constants;
method 'StiTrackNodeHelper::pathIn(...)' rewritten to account that for cylinder shape crossing angle is not the same as for planar shape;
modified to call recov(0) or recov(1) in updateNode() and propagateErrs() if length < kBigLen ;
StiHit.cxx, StiHit.h - added reusing hits; method insideL() added to check hit in loading;
StiHitContainer.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - renamed timesUsed() ==> isUsed();
StiMapUtilities.cxx - replaced setTimesUsed() ==> addTimesUsed();
StiMaker.cxx - removed redundant inputFile parameter; added comments about treeSearch On/Off; removed BTof ;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx - added check for empty container of to-be-merged proto-clusters, fixed bug #3056; This is done to avoid a situation when we run out of column-wise clusters in the current (happens when all clusters are merged and removed from the temporary container) column but the next one still has some cluster left.
StIstDbMaker.cxx - reverted "Move ToWhiteBoard() to Make". Will implement a different solution to avoid losing istDb from this maker's data container;
changed 'ToWhiteBoard()' to 'ToWhiteConst()' because we don't want to loose the StIstDb object at every call to StMaker::Clear();
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - created StIstDb object in constructor and pass it to the framework in Init();
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx, StIstFastSimMaker.h - added new simulation maker for IST;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - modified to let StiIstHit to be reused 5 times;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - modified to allow tracks to share IST and PXL hits by up to 5 times;
StIstRawHit.cxx - fixed a bug for the print() to list all time bin's charges and noises;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
modified to build geo path to PXL sensor by actually using the sensor number;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to allow tracks to share IST and PXL hits by up to 5 times;
StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - updated to get rid of local variable 'ladder' shadowing the loop's counter having the same name;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
switched to StiPlacement constructor when positioning active IST sensors;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiDebug.cxx - call to Sumary() removed in Finish() ;
LanaTrees.C - added new laser drift velocity calculator; modified to check fit status;
modified to force East == West drift velocities for Run XIV, because of bad East part;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added protection against zero dcaGeometry pointer;
LanaTrees.C, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - adjusted split style for ROOT_VERSION_CODE ;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added new histogramms to store the run indices; changed the titles of some histograms for better readability;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - fixed an overlook in extracting geometry for 2015 during bfc chain running;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added trigger information for Roman Pot triggers 2015 pp200GeV;
StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added a setter to select writing Roman Pot Collection to output tree;
StPeCEnumerations.h - fixed StPeCnMaxTracks =6;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added copy of the Roman Pot StMuRpsCollection to output tree;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h - modified for minor refactoring of 'StPxlFastSim::distortHit()' to include a new warning for unphysical hit position;
StPxlFastSim.cxx - modified to set idTruth of StPxlHit to -999 if parentTrack of mcHit does not exist;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - updated to create StPxlDb object in constructor and pass it to the framework via ToWhiteConst() in Init();
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - fixed pad and timebucket sanity units ( were off by x64), bug #3057;
QAhlist_logy.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - updated for initial version of HFT histogram;
StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified to protect from missing data/histograms;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - fixed missing run 2014 cases, remove unused 'firstEventClass', re-work normalizations with StHistUtil;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - modified to read the new "Calibrations/pp2pp/pp2ppPedestal160" database ;
modified to keep code backward-compatible so that it works for both 2009 and >=2015 data; also introduced "mVersion" to deal with it; added a check, in case "trace==2" it quits thmodified to use e event;
modified to use the pedestal subtracted bank "adc_ped_sub" and so don't need to subtract pedestals for every ADC;
changed the mapping of VH/UDOI to VH2/UDOI as the relationship of W2U (~WVU) / W2D (~WVD) and the sequencer nos
have reversed: in 2009, WVD is sequencer 7 and W2U is sequencer 8 whereas in 2015, W2U is sequencer 7 and W2D is sequencer 8 ;
include/rtsSystems.h - removed RPII ;
src/rtsmakefile.def, rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added FPS pedestal bank;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx, daq_pp2pp.h - added PP2PP PEDRMS; implemented the ped_sub bank;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx - fixed bug;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added PP2PP PEDRMS; added FPS pedestal bank; implemented the ped_sub bank;
sim/g2t/g2t_fgt.F - updated to export FgtdGeoV hits to ROOT;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.y2013.C, ist1HitError.20050101.000001.C - updated for hit errors;
KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2014.C - added new file for Y2014 selection of HFT hits;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeoV.xml - updated length of FGTM based on versioning, so that we may stretch it out for larger eta;
idl/tpcSCGL.idl - added new TPC Space Charge and Grid Leak table to modify the database as suggested to handle sector-by-sector GridLeak distortions;
pp2ppPedestal160.idl, pp2ppRPpositions.idl - added new tables for PP2PP pedestals and roman pot positions;
bemcTriggerPed4.idl - added new EMC table;
tpcCorrection.idl - updated for year 2014 dEdx carrections;OnlTools
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx - added LED input plots for fmsBuilder;
fpsBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.cxx - first draft for FPS online plots;
tofBuilder.cxx - fixed mapping for run 2015, added new hist limits, adjusted trigger windows;
ppBuilder.cxx - corrected the mapping and also set SVX_ID 7 => 3 ;
istBuilder.cxx - modified to include a local pedestals file initialization method; moved initialization to startrun() ;
added misconfigured apv mask;
ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - modified to use "adc_ped_sub" instead of "adc"; modified the title-offset and margin to avoid titles being obstructed by labels;
vpdBuilder.cxx - fixed earliest channel plots, improved hist binning;
- February 5 - 9, 2015
library SL15b has been updated with MTD codes fixes to process with MTD calibration during production and codes to fix problem with laser data processing.
Library was retagged with tag SL15b_1 and rebuilt;
Next codes have been updated:
StMtdCalibMaker/StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, r.1.3 ;
StMtdHitMaker/StMtdHitMaker.cxx, r.1.22, StMtdHitMaker.h, r.1.13 ;
StLaserAnalysisMaker/StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx, r.1.22;
Sti/StiNodePars.h, r. ;
Sti/StiKalmanTrack.cxx, r. :
- January 16, 2015
new library SL15b tagged as SL15b has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 .Library was tested, found bugs fixed and library was released on January 26.
Main features:
- new IST codes released: StIstRawHitMaker, StIstClusterMaker and StIstHitMaker;
- few modifications for PXL & IST codes related to ladder position preventing tracks from propagating back to Sti volumes at larger radii;
- several bugs fixed;Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated with dev2016 geometry setting;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to support FMS preshower detector in HCAL;
updated to read out sensitive layer from FgtdGeoV.xml;
StiPlacement.cxx, StiPlacement.h - added new constructor with TGeo;
StiHit.cxx - minor bug fixes;
StiShape.h - added shape type 'kSector' ;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - added method test() for debug only;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - changed getNormal...() to getLayer...() in search of volumes; double active/nonactive loop added;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - method locate() simplified;
StiTrackNode.cxx - update max correlation to .99999 ; fixed problem with zero magnetic field and embedding primary trackes, bug #2996 & #2981
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed some 2nd order inaccuracy;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to switch to new 'StiPlacement' constructor when positioning sensor halves;
modified to split sensor layers in two halves;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated 'getActiveDetector()' to include sensor half when selecting appropriate Sti layer; made corresponding switch in StIstHitLoader;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - removed private 'createPlacement' because we now have an equivalent 'StiPlacement' constructor; updated doxygen documentation;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated to get rid of unused variables;
StIstHitMaker.cxx, StIstHitMaker.h - new maker added calculates hit global position, and writes IST hits to StIstHitCollection;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - new code added to reads and unpack a DAQ or SFS file; accesses calibration DBs;
marks out bad channels and chips; creates and fills the IST containers;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstClusterMaker.h - new maker added to build clusters from raw IST hits;
StIstIClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.h - added interface for concrete implementations of IST clustering algorithms to creates a cluster collection from a raw hit collection for each IST ladder;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstScanClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - new maker added for concrete implementation of a simple algorithm for clustering of the raw hits registered by the 2D IST sensors. The maker does: - reads all raw hits per ladder (six sensors) and groups into vectors;
- does clustering in individual column;
- does clustering in neighboring columns;
- fill hit collections;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to switch to new 'StiPlacement' constructor when positioning sensor halves; modified to split sensor layers in two halves;
updated doxygen documentation;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - updated doxygen documentation;
StPeCGeant.cxx, StPeCGeant.h,StPeCParticle.cxx, StPeCParticle.h - modified to include information from StMuMcTrack (this is not backward compatible);
StSstDbMaker.cxx - updated to validate input values to the accessor of individual sensor transformations;
StSstDbMaker.h - added overlooked header include with SST constants;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified to support FMS preshower detector in HCAL;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.dev2016.C - added new files for dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/tpc/tpcPadPlanes.devTX.C - added final configuration for iTPC;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to increase max elos from 50 GeV to 250 GeV in FMS;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - modified to put in reverse order of SST ladders and flip sensitive layers about z ;
- January 8, 2015
new library SL15a tagged as SL15a has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits ) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on January 9.
Main features:
- implemented another iteration on the SST geometry in Sti;
- made optimization of IST/PXL/SST geometry in Sti to provide reasonable consensus between speed of processing and tracking quality;
- implemented first cut for year 2015 geometry;
- implemented dev2016 geometry with HCAL & FGT ;
- few modifications in MTD code: added an option to load trigger time window cuts;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to define y2015 geometry with 20141215.000000 timestamp;
StiPlacement.cxx, StiPlacement.h - new constructor added, it defines ALL variables of the class, directly, indirectly or by default. If radius is negative, it becames positive with modification of angle +=PI. In normal case user doesn't need to define all other parameters but he still can do it;
set default values for layer radius, layer angle & region voved from 'setNormalRep' to constructor to provide backward compatibility, fixes for bug #2943;
StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - added new 'setter()' method;
StiMaker.h, StiMaker.cxx - implemented new method 'finishTracks'; In this method:
- arranged loop over nodes;
- moved node to the center volume along x or r local;
- if StiDebug::mgGlobal >1 created a set of technical histogramms;
StiMaker.cxx - updated for temporary supress of 'inside()';
StAnneling.cxx, StAnneling.h, StKFTrack.cxx, StKFTrack.h, StKFVertex.cxx, StKFVertex.h, StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StKFVertexMaker.h, StKFVerticesCollection.cxx, StKFVerticesCollection.h, StPhiEtaHitList.cxx, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to add access to TMVA ranking;
StKFVertexMaker.flow - added new file;
StKFEvent.cxx, StKFEvent.h, StMuDstVtxT.cxx, StMuDstVtxT.h, StVertexP.h, StVertexT.h - removed files;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global tranformation unrolled all the way to the top node instead of local tranformation to the first mother volume;
minor edits for consistency across StXXXDetectorBuilders:
- switched to the same names as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
- switched to the natural numbering scheme as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density;
removed debugging function used for testing of manually modified volumes;
modified to access transformation matrices directly via StIstDb object;
modified to remove useless assignments and redundant variables; removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
set detector group Id at detector builder level. The detector Id-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
modified to get sensitive IST volumes from the global TGeoManager in a manner similar to PXL and SST detector builders;
renamed a bunch of local variables just to be consistent with the other detector builders;
removed pointless check for valid gas surrounding detectors in this builder;
modified to append new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots;
removed warning for extremely unlikely exception when a new StiDetector is not constructed by Sti detector factory. Such situations need to be treated in a way other than simply issuing a warning;
removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
modified to define placement for sensitive IST layers in a way consistent with PXL and SSD detector builders;
fixed loop over ladders since we use human friendly numbering starting with 1;
implemented simplified Sti geometry for inactive material in IST;
modified to increase density of manually constructed IST brackets in Sti;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to make 'buildInactiveVolumes()' method inheritable;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere ;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
added parameter to choose IST detector builder. This is justified by the requirement of backward compatibility. The user can choose the appropriate option in case there is a need to reconstruct the data using an older detector builder;
removed methods which will not be used by the new builder;
added a couple of helper methods to ease manual construction and placement of inactive volumes;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector update (method 'setter()' ), the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiIstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder1.h - added new files to save current version of StiIstDetectorBuilder in order to by maintain 100% backward compatibility. The user may choose to construct the IST detector with the older version by simply propagating an option to StiIstDetectorGroup. StiIstDetectorBuilder1 inherits from StiIstDetectoBuilder to avoid duplicate code. Removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.h - removed useless data members;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters; removed excessive print statements;
modified to use the accessor for sensitive Sti detector/volumes;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global transformation enrolled all the way to the top node instead of local transformation to the first mother volume;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
set detector group ID at detector builder level. The detector ID-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
removed unutilized code;
removed warning for extremely unlikely exception when a new StiDetector is not constructed by Sti detector factory. Such situations need to be treated in a way other than simply issuing a warning;
removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
attempted to make a clear translation between the natural (sector/ladder/sensor) and Sti numbering schemas;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector; the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
switched to method that converts geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to split PXL sensitive layers in two halves. The change should help to avoid track backward steps in Sti due to ill ordered volumes in r and phi;
modified to avoid setting StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
re-implemented segmentation of PXL sensor to two halves: in the sensor's local coordinate system the first half is for x<0 and the second one is for x>0. The notion of inner and outer halves is not critical and in fact confusing because it depends on the original rotation around the z axis;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added a private method to convert natural/geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to use local x rahter than row number to distribute hits into different half ladders;
simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters; removed excessive print statements;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
refactored 'useVMCGeometry()' to build sensitive Sti layers in the same way as in PXL and IST detectors;
created model of SST inactive material using the mother volume;
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
redefined StiMaterial for the segmented SST mother volume (SFMO) ;
modified to use transformation matrices for sensitive layers from database when non-ideal geometry is requested ;
modified to adjust material properties for the modified SFMO volume. Scaled the density to match the increase in the inner radius (to avoid overlap with sensitive layers);
modified to use different names for SFMO end tube volumes;
modified to avoid using the material averaging routine as the inactive material is entirely constructed by hand;
created 9 tubes (Sti detectors) to describe the material distribution in SST;
increased the inner radius of the central tube by 0.85 cm to avoid overlap with sensitive layers. Scaled the density of this volume accordingly by keeping mass constant;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
set detector group Id at detector builder level. The detector Id-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to append new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
modified to avoid setting of StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
changed helper function declaration to static;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added a private method to split the SST mother volume into three tubes;
modified to use object with direct access to database (mSstDb) instead of StSsdBarrel similar to PXL and IST detector builders;
removed deprecated method and calls to dummy methods;
added parameter to choose SST detector builder;
removed method 'segmentSFMOVolume' because the inactive material is now built manually in 'buildInactiveVolumes';
added a private helper function hopefully as a temporary solution before StiDetector is modified;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector, the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h - aded flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiSstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder1.h - added new files to save current StiSstDetectorBuilder in order to maintain 100% backward compatibility; removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
modified to make class inherit from StiSstDetectoBuilder and removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to make auxiliary methods available in derived classes;
StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - cleanup;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - updated for doxygen-style comments;
renamed 'printGeoHMatrices' to customary 'Print' as that what users of ROOT framework normally expected;
added method to access transformation matrix for a given IST ladder/sensor pair;
StIstDb.cxx - modified 'getter()' for sensors transformation matrix to accept ladder and sensor id-s using human friendly numbering starting with 1. The input values outside of possible ranges will return a null pointer;
corrected mapping of ladder/sensor to global aggregate sensor id (The global sensor index (id) used in the 'istSensorOnLadder' DB table spans the range from 1001 to 1144. This bug was reported by Michael Lomnitz and fixed now);
StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.h - updated doxygen-style comments;
coding style clean-up; removed unconstructive comments;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - added an option to load trigger time window cuts from local files for cosmic ray data.This is motivated by the fact that the cuts are different for cosmic ray and collision data;
the time of a MTD hit is calculated as(mLeadingEdgeTime.first+mLeadingEdgeTime.second)/2;
added the scheme to swap backlegs 25 & 26 for the second part of Run13 data when running MuDst in afterburner mode. Note that the scheme is different for the first part of Run13 data. Different schemes can be select using function 'setSwapBacklegInRun13(Int_t swap)';
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - modified to use (leadTimeW+leadTimeE)/2 instead of 'leadTimeW' for MTD hit time;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to use localz and time-of-flight information from GEANT to determine the leading times on east and west sides for MC MTD hits. With this change, the localz of the MC hits can be calculated exactly the same as the regular hits;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - modified to reflect change for year 2015 geometry file: MTD modules placed under directory MagRefSys_1;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - modified to copy the fill functionality of method with both inputs to the one with MuDst input. This gives TOF extrapolation in the pPairs branch;
StPeCEvent.cxx - modified instantiation of 'StPeCPair' when using MuDst input to get TOF extrapolation in the pPairs branch;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - added method to access transformation matrix for a given SST ladder/sensor pair;
modified to use different name to access transformation matrices;
fine tuned the accessor to transformation matrices for IST sensitive layers;
added flag to keep track of this maker status in the standard way. The status flag gets invalidated if there is a problem reading data from DB ;
removed pointless framework methods, consolidated debug log messages;
StSstDbMaker.cxx - initialized mode data member in constructor initialization list;
added basic check to trigger on invalid DB results and fail the maker if none is returned;
set the readiness flag in Init instead of 'CalculateWafersPosition' helper function;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx, StSsdDbMaker.h, StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - fixed styler;
StSstConsts.h - added new header with SST constants similar to what we already have for PXL and IST;
StSsdBarrel.cc - removed commented code; deleted pointless print statement;
StTrsMaker.cxx - in Maker() added SetSeed() call for StTrsRand; Input seed now taken from 'g2t_event::ge_rndm2]';
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added FMS preshower to data readout;
GeomBrowser.h, GeomBrowser.cxx, StGeomBrowser.cxx - updated to work with AgML for years 2012+ ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - dev2016 geometry implemented in starsim; added HCAL to dev2016;
added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
corrected version of VPD in 2015;
sim/g2t/geometry/g2t_volume_id.g - updated g2t volume ID for FMS preshower;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015.C - added year 2015 geometry file to enable y2015 geometry tag in BFC;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
implemented y2015 1st cut geometry and dev2016 development geometry; added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmGeo.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo3.xml - added new Cave Geometry file to define alignment groups for subsystem s;
Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbGeo2.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015;
dev2016 geometry implemented in starsim; added HCAL to dev2016 geometry; added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalGeo6.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to place into appropriate group; updated to year 2015 FMS/preshower geometry model;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeoV.xml - added 6-disk forward tracking variant of the FGT / y2016 fwd tracking studies;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify We st beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015; added FMS preshower to HCAL;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2.xml - set tighter Rmax to fit through inner radius of BBC ;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpGeo.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
reduced outer radius of magnet mother volume to eliminate sub-mm overlap with mtd;
modified to place MAGP with 'ONLY' now, as it doesn't overlap with neighbors;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstGeo.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddGeo2.xml - updated to place into appropriate group;
VpddGeo3.xml - added new file to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
modified to limit mother volume to tube segment; placed as 'ONLY' as it no longer overlaps with support structures;
fixed overlap issue and place east VPD in east ref sys;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalGeo.xml - updated to place into appropriate group;
reduced radius of mother volume to avoid overlap with shielding;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated for West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
StarAgmlLib/StarTGeoStacker.cxx - added warning for placing *MANY* volume in volume group (assembly);
added shape debug option; modified to inspect shape rather than print on debug;StDb
idl/fmsRec.idl - added new FMS constants table;OnlTools
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - added new histograms for run 2015;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, Makefile - updated for year 2015;
JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - implemented logging for builder crashes;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - implemented logging for builder crashes;
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