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Updated on Wed, 2015-05-20 14:29. Originally created by didenko on 2014-01-02 14:11.
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS May 20 2015 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL13c (SL13c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13d (SL13d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 old-> SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production. days 76-126 SL14b (SL14b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14c (SL14c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14d (SL14d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 auau 15GeV run 2014 preview production SL14e (SL14e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14f (SL14f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pro-> SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14h (SL14h_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 new-> SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 -------------------------------------------------
Release History
SL14a library
SL14b library
SL14c library
SL14d library
SL14e library
SL14f library
SL14g library
SL14h library
SL14i library
- April 30, 2015
SL14i library was updated with next codes needed for embedding production:
StRoot/StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.44 - to provide correct dEdx information in MiniMc ;
StRoot/StEmbeddingUtilities/StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, r.1.35 - to fix wrong particle name;
StRoot/macros/embedding/get_embedding_xml_rcf.pl, get_embedding_xml.pl
StarVMC/Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml, MutdGeo5.xml - updated hit definition for MTD, to improve timing resolution (update was done on May 20);
Library was retagged as SL14i_2 and rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms.
- November 18, 2014
SL14i library was updated with geometry corrections, bug fixing codes and new implementation for StarGenerator codes. Library was retagged as SL14i_1 and rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms.
Library was tested and released on November 20.
Next codes have been updated:
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h, StarDecayManager.cxx, StarDecayManager.h - added new interface between starsim (or VMC) and user-specified decay handlers;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - added new implementation of Pythia 8.162 decayer;
StarLight/gammaavm.cpp, randomgenerator.cpp - modified to ensure that generator uses StarRandom;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - modified to save accumulated number of steps in each tracking step;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added method to retrieve particle by Geant 3 id;
macros/starsim.decayer.C - added example of custom decayer in starsim ;
BigFullChain.h - added options for full IST hits reconstruction;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to check the validity of the matched MTD hit;
StIstDbMaker.cxx - replaced 'endl' in STAR Logger messages with 'endm';
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - modified do not destruct StIstDb object as the ownership is passed to the framework;
coding style clean-up; removed unconstructive comments;
modified to return fatal if database tables are not found;
modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StIstDbMaker.h - updated to set class version to 0 in order to avoid IO dictionary generation by ROOT's CINT;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to cleanup the matching information when running on StEvent in afterburner mode;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiNodePars.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - fixed problem with zero magnetic filed, bug #2940;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - added fixes to the SSD geometry; changed SFLM to tube seg; removed one unneeded level; fixed overlaps;
idl/fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - changed all 'uchars' to 'ushorts' for FPS tables;
- November 4, 2014
new library SL14i tagged as SL14i has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on November 6.
Main features:
- improved energy loss calculations in the detector's material;
- implemented methods to calculate weight and volume size of detectors in Sti;
- optimized Sti tracking for HFT;
- first release of StMtdQAMaker for MTD QA analysis;
- first release of StMtdCalibMaker for MTD calibrations;
- updated and improved IST code and geometry;
- PXL & SSD geometry corrected to eliminate overlaps and extrusions;
- improved Sti description of PXL, SSD & IST volumes;
- few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxuser.age - added warning when user invokes GEXE in such a way that inconsistent library may be linked/compiled;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added material density (dens), atomic mass and number (A&Z) at each tracking step;
increased default rmin,rmax; added zmax; track is stopped when exiting ROI; added verbose option;
Hijing1_383/ starsim.hijing.pHe3.C - new macro: added He3 to hijing interface;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - added He3 to StarLight interface;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - added He3 to UrQMD interface;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to let SpaceCharge code know about EastOff and WestOff;
BigFullChain.h - added 'MtdCalib' option; removed redundant option dependancies for PXL by taking advantage of chain options; the options depend on each other like this: PxlHit -> PxlCluster -> PxlRaw -> pxlDb -> PxlUtil;
StDbDefs.hh, StDbManagerImpl.cc - added FPS to the database domain list;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed old bug related to double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug; dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added cosCA = cos() when |cosCA| > 1 ;
fixed bug #2903; x0,x0o,x0Gas initialized to 1e11; fabs(cos()) added to avoid rare negative length;
StiShape.h, StiPlanarShape.h, - comments added;
StiNodePars.h - added methods 'phi()' & 'rxy()'; 'operator=()' added; numerical constants ==> enum;
auxiliary StiELoss class is added, to keep ELoss info for tests;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - modified to save calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed old bug double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug: dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added print of rxy and direction of track, outside +ve, inside -ve; bug fixed in printing global coordinates; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
modified to use new 'cylCross()' method; fixed bug #2903; x0,x0p,x0Gas initialized to 1e11;
for zero field defined minimum non zero field, fixes for bug #2937;
StiMaterial.h, StiDetectorGroup.h, StiGenericDetectorGroup.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiElossCalculator.cxx - temporary added flag to set energy loss =0 for debug;
StiDetector.cxx - deleted detector replaced by 'Factory::free' ; replaced floats in loop to integers to avoid calculation inaccuracy; added sanity check 'originalWeight = nSplit*splitedWeight';
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added method 'del()' for removing old detector;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed switch for assert() of clash of detectors;
modified to make StiDetectorAver calls split for all shapes;
eigen2 bug fixed and assert inside added;
StiHit.cxx - updated ;
StiPlacement.cxx - added tolerance in method 'setLayerRadius()' to avoid two objeck with slightly different layer radius to be in different layers; modified to decrease step in 'setLayerRadius' by 10 times; fixed min radius; granularity back to 1/1000;
StiPlacement.h - modified due to implementation of 'setLayerRadius()' moved to StiPlacement.cxx;
StiCylindricalShape.h - added method to calculate volume;
StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - methods 'getVolume()' & 'getWeight()' added; 'insideL()' method added;
StiPlanarShape.h - modified to make 'getHalfWidth()' & 'getOpeningAngle()' accessible for base class; 'getVolume()' added;
StiPlanarShape.cxx - method 'getVolume()' added;
StiShape.h - methods 'getOpeningAngle()' & 'getOuterRadius()' added;
StiTrackNode.cxx - function 'recov()' rewritten and simplified; introduced more accurate selection the correct solution in 'cylCross';
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - 'cylCross' rewritten & interface changed; updated to avoid sign() overflow;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to replace check cos>=1 to cos>=.99;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - methods 'insideL()' & 'nudge()' added, method 'locate()' rewritten;
StiMaterial.h, StiMaterial.cxx - modified to remove not used 'radLength', made to use X0 instead;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup. h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StIstDb.h - cleaned up;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - cleaned up;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - added Print() methods to print out properties of StIstCluster and StIstRawHit objects and their respective collections;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - modified to make methods accessing static data member static;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - all unsgined char was updated to integer type;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added delete (del()) of replaced detectors; added print of of size of TGeo and Sti volumes; removed useless assignments;
StiMaker.cxx - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup; fixed StiSsdDetectorGroup ==> StiSstDetectorGroup;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSsdDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSsdDetectorGroup.h, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - update thickness of STI ladder shape the same size of sensitive silicon;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.h, StiSvtDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSvtDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.h, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h, StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelDetectorGroup.h, StiPixelDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiDebug.cxx, StiDebug.h - added method Count() for technical histograms;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx, laserino.h - activated CORRECT_RAFT_DIRECTION;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - fixed bug in fit logic, bug #2901;
StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, StMtdCalibMaker.h - first revision of calibration code for MTD;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to read both MC hits and real hits during embedding;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to use the constants from StMtdUtil/StMtdConstants.h; applied trigger time window cuts; removed automatic print out hit information to log file when running on muDst;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added new maker for MTD QA analysis; added histograms for LocalY, LocalZ, DeltaY, DeltaZ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added assert() statement to abort if the loaded geometry is wrong; removed default geometry tag;
modified to assign matching information to all the primary tracks;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - modified to fill the expected time-of-flight calculated via track extrapolation;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - updated to initialize data members in the default constructor;
StMtdConstants.h - added header file to contain MTD constants; added gMtdNModulesAll;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - disabled retrieving table geant2backlegID for year 2012 and before; the default geometry tag is set to yYYYYa ; fliped localY for cells in modules 4 and 5;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - removed recovery of pt tracks;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - added GridLeak-by-sector codes, East/WestOff handling, and some code reformatting;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - changeed pxlRowColumnStatus to pxlBadRowColumns to decrease DB szie; modified to collect all debugging print statements into a single Print();
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx, StSsdFastSimMaker.h - modified to remove pointer to StSsdDbMaker; use of StSsdBarrel instead;
fixed bug found by gcc 4.8.2 ;
include/rtsSystems.h - fixed some FPS things;
RC_Config.h - updated;
include/UNIX/ThreadsMsgQueue.hh - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - fixed bug which causes the wrong pedestal to be saved during pedestal runs if the channel was dynamically bad;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - fixed endianess issue for LE data; added some more checks for 2014 run;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - added new file which is copy of DefaultTrack ingParameters.20010312.000011.C;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcEffectiveGeomB.20091215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.20101215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeom B.20101315.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C - removed files;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffset.20000601.000001.C - added file to increment time stamp by 1 second in order to put in MySQL;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20041030.000000.C, TpcPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcPosition.20041030.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - removed files;
idl/mtdModuleToQTmap.idl, mtdSlewingCorr.idl, mtdT0Offset.idl, mtdTriggerTimeCut.idl - added new files for MTD calibrations and initial tables;
tpcElectronicsB.idl - added new TPC table;
fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - added new FPS tables;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
updated to force recompile of xgeometry to pickup changes to pixel and pixel support eliminating overlaps and extrusions; updated to eliminate overlaps in SisdGeo7;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Geometry/IstGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - volumes IBAT, IECW, IECE, ISCM, IBRS, ICFA..C, IRSA,B,L placed with MANY to avoid overlap issues shadowing approx 300g of material;
IBMO mother volume inner radius was set too large at 11.84 cm, this clipped part of the ladder volumes IBAM and may cause material discrepancies;
inner radius of IBMO moved to avoid overlap with PTSM/APTS ;
reorganized IBAM to simplify and reduce overlap issues; verified that daughters of IBAM are placed at the same position, w/in roundoff errors;
IBMO shape changed to PCON to avoid overlap / tighter integration;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml - corrected error in pixel geometry which resulted in backing material extruding the ladder mother volume;
PsupGeo.xml - eliminated overlaps and extrusions in pixel support geometry;
PixlGeo6.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps in PixlGeo6;
PixlGeo6.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - removed small overlaps and extrusions ;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps;
g2Root/g2Root.F - introduced TpcRefSys;
OnlTools Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ppBuilder.cxx - fixed memory leak;
- August 7, 2014
new library SL14h tagged as SL14h_1 has been created and built on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on August 11.
Main features:
- added new TPC alignment schema and corrections due to new TPC survey;
- added new Pythia versions : Pythia v.8.1.62; v.8.1.86;
- more modifications to MTD code;
- updated Ist DB method and code;
- added SST code to StSsdDbMaker and StiSsd;
- added MTD plots for offline QA;
- compilation options switched to use the C++11 standard; codes updated;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed type conversion error thrown by c++11 compiler in AgSTAR reader and removed unused variable in primary maker;
Pythia8_1_62/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.62;
Pythia8_1_86/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.86;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - updated to save the ROOT/TGeo path in each tracking step. i.e, it saves the volume and copy numbers in the arrays vnums and cnums; rmin and rmax static members added to restrict range where steps are saved ;
AgUStep.cxx - fixed order of arguments in initialization list; removed unused variable;
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - modified for new TPC alignment and added switch between new and old schema;
StarMagField.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StarChairDefs.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
BFC.C, Bfc.h, BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added flag for new TPC alignment; removed 'fpd' and 'l0' options;
BigFullChain.h - added option 'CorrX' to switch to new TPC alignment schema; fixed sstDb option;
StDbBroker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h, StTpcCoordinateTransform.cc, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - m odified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - fixed old correction with 2D and 3D magnetic field ;
StMagUtilities.cxx - added extra cast for CXX11;
St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcDriftVelocityC.h, St_tpcEffectiveGeomC.h, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified for new TPC alignment;
St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h - added new file to switch between new and old schema of alignment;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - modified to add no-killer detectors;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StTpcSurveyC.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added residuals (dz,dy) between matched track-hit pairs nd access functions;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to get rid of compiler warning;
StFtpcTrack.cc - fixed for C++11 compliance;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to return TVector3 instead of integer;
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - updated to improve doxygen documentation; modified to separate IST DB dataset from ISTDb maker
c++ format style improvements; virtual keyword added for destructor;
added destructor and deallocated the mIstDb; c++ formatting style improved and formatted with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f ;
updated to primt out mIstDb geometry matrices when Debug2 enabled;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - added new files; modified to make class getters const; removed unused header includes; reduced the scope of the using namespace;
added several simple getters and data members for sub-level geometry matrices obtain; added Print() function which print out all IST geometry matrices;
StIstDb.cxx - replaced LOG_INFO with LOG_DEBUG to slim the log file; minor updates on the ladder/sensor ID check;
StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.h - modified to set class version to 1 as version 0 has a special meaning in root cint world;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx - updated Print() function to PrintGeoHMatrices(); modified to replace assert statement for gStTpcDb with normal variable check;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - fixed wrong Xi2 for 5-hits short tracks;
StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx - fixed bug #2882 to avoid clash of detectors with the same Rxy & Phi ; hangWhere() parameter added;
StiHit.cxx - modified to improve hit test;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated with c++11 fix;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - updated to switch to the new way of accessing DB information for IST, instead of using the maker we access an object filled by the maker with data from DB;
added extra protection for a valid pointer;
adjusted indentation with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to reoder variable initialization; updated StIstDb method;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - modified to switch default to non-ideal positioning of PXL volumes (currently this affects active layers only); this change assumes that the user runs StPxlDbMaker to create the dataset with appropriate transformations;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx StiSstDetectorGroup.h - adde Sst code to SSD directory;
StiSsdLinkDef.h - adjusted to Sst ;
StMcHit.cc, StMcTrack.cc - updated to get rid of compiler warning;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added explicit casts from (double) to (float) to satisfy c++ 11 compiler;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use mMtdGeom->SetLockBField(); initialized trgTime;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - updated to set DeltaY and DeltaZ in PidTraits;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to remove dependency on "StarGenerator/StarLight/starlightconstants.h";
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to move the initialization of the GEANT-to-Backleg map using the database to InitRun(); added return value for function FastCellResponse();
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added an option to lock bfield to FF; added protection for reading magnetic field in case of track projection position is (nan,nan,nan);
fixed a minor inconsistency in using the fNExtraCells;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added changes to StMuMtdPidTraits;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - implemented machinery for sector-by-sector Gaps (GridLeak) measurements;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.h - updated for minor style changes;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - fixed bug in creating a new StPxlHitCollection; random seed is set to default; DB geometry is set to default;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h, StSsdLinkDef.h - updated; set positions of TGeoHMatrix;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcDb.cxx - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcMixerMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - added cast for c++11 option;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to read in HCAL hits;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_Reco.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added MTD plots for offline QA;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx, StTpcFastSimMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added J/Psi --> mu+mu- 100% branching ratio with geant ID 168;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F - modified to enable saving of x,y,z in HCAL g2t hits;
g2t_volume_id.g - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
sim/idl/g2t_emc_hit.idl - modified to extend EMC hit to include hit position ;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h - fixed bug #2894 which caused overwriting daq file by the cached geometry file;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcTimeBucketCor.C, tpcPadrowT0B.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2012.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C, tpcElectronicsB.C - added new file for new TPC alignment schema;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140220.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20000601.000000.C - added new files for new TPC alignment schema;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcInnerSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.C, TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000421.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.001107.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment and updated TPC survey;
TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.001107.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20120101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.001112.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment schema and updated TPC survey;
TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
TpcPosition.20140101.000300.C - removed;
StMagF/MagFieldRotation.y2013.C, MagFieldRotation.y2014.C, StarFieldZ.root - added new magnetic filedcorrection;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of xgeometry to pickup y2014b definition;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
idl/ Survey.idl, tpcElectronics.idl - modified, added comments;
tpcEffectiveGeom.idl, trgTimeOffset.idl - added extra offset for West TPC;
pxlBadRowColumns.idl - added new Pixel table for bad columns;
- April 30, 2015
SL14g library was updated with next codes needed for embedding production:
StRoot/StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.44 - to provide correct dEdx information in MiniMc ;
StRoot/StEmbeddingUtilities/StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, r.1.35 - to fix wrong particle name;
StRoot/macros/embedding/get_embedding_xml_rcf.pl, get_embedding_xml.pl
StarVMC/Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml, MutdGeo5.xml - updated hit definition for MTD, to improve timing resolution;
Library was retagged as SL14g_3 and rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms.
- September 5, 2014
SL14g library has been updated with geometry correction for year 2013 data and MTD code to make it ready for pp 500GeV run 2013 second part production. Library was retagged with tag SL14g_2, rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms.
Next codes have been updated:
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, r.1.18; StMtdHitMaker.h, r.1.10;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, r.1.9; StMtdSimMaker.h, r.1.8;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, r.1.20; StMtdMatchMaker.h, r.1.9;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, r.1.7; StMtdGeometry.h, r.1.6;
StMuMtdPidTraits.h, r.1.4; StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.1.3;
StEvent/StMtdPidTraits.h, r.2.3; StMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.2.3;
StarVMC/Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r.1.38;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml, r.1.9;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r.1.7;
- July 11, 2014
new library SL14g tagged as SL14g has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on July 18.
Main features:
- added modifications for PXL & IST Sti geometry code;
- added Psi(2s)->e+e- decay channel to gstar;
- made few modifications to MTD code;
- removed flush() destroying IO performance in number of codes ;
- added zerobias triggers and updated event summary in StPeCMaker code;
- further updates of OnlTools event builder for eemc, tof & ist detectors;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - removed restriction for the decay products of a particle with geant ID <= 99 or <= 999 ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - removed flush();
FTPC/FTPV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush();
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx - removed flush();
PMD/PMD_Reader.cxx - removed flush() ;
SVT/SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
TPC/TPCV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
examples/client_svt.cxx - removed flush() ;
MysqlDb.cc - removed DELAYED keyword in the INSERT command in DB API;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - added missing const attribute to fix -std=c++0x error;
StFssSectorReader.cc - mandatory removed fflush();
StGenParticle.cxx - removed cout and flush from StGenParticle; fixed compiler warning in a for loop which was using a non-obvious termination condition;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed an issue of reading SL12d production data; added expTof for MTD pidtraits;
changed 'dca < 10' to 'dca2Beam_R < 10' ;
modified to use new MTD geometry class created to load geometry volume from GEANT ; choose closest one for multi-tracks which associated with same hit;
implemented multi-tracks to 1 hit matching algorithm; set neighbour module matching and 3 extra cells as default;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to process Run 2012 UU muDst where only the muMtdCollection is stored;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to set the timing for MC hits according to time-of-flight and z posistion;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - created new geometry class for MTD to load geometry volume from GEANT, needed gGeoManager;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - updated StMuDst::setMtdArray() and reset the MTD header, needed for Run12 UU data where only the muMtdCollection is available;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added zerobias trigger; reset trg_... for every event;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added more variables to event summary;
StPeCMaker.cxx - modified to ignore flag from StPeCEvent and writes all events with a summary;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - PXL DB dataset name has been changed to pxl_db;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - updated in accordance with the nee pileup trees stucture;
modified to revert the changes made for the pikeup adder;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - Check if StPxlHitCollection exists in StEvent and add simulated hits to it. Otherwise, create a new collection.
StPsi2s.cc, StPsi2s.hh - added new files for Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;
StParticleTable.cc, StParticleTypes.hh - modified to add Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - removed unused dependency on TDatabasePDG; fixed logic for defining event record;
StarLight.cxx, StarLight.h - modified to make StarLight setters public;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added custom AgUStep class, which saves a TTree containing the particle navigation history; specifically, the energy lost in each tracking step is saved for each track; the idTruth of the track is also saved, so that comparisons with track reconstruction software can be performed; by default there is a cut which terminates history at R=50 cm from the beamline;
macros/starsim.stepper.C - added new macro to handle custom AgUStep class;
TMDFParameters.cxx - removed flush() ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - implemented auto-segmentation of radially oriented volumes;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - fixed bug in energy loss;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to add flag for ideal IST geometry;
modified to set the current gGeometry path before extracting any info about current volume position;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added some more inactive material close to the silicon layers;
set protection not to proceed if DB information is not available:
modified to get rid of redundant char array holding the volume's name; it also helped to have Sti volume names as close to the original TGeo ones as possible;
implemented averaging procedure that can create separate Sti volumes for all volume occupancies in TGeo;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added conditions to read none-NULL onbits and offbits in database, compatible with early run9 trigger definitions;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2gammaAlgo.cxx - removed flush();
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel; added (pnXi-) "dibaryon" and it's antiparticle to gstar_part.g ; required modification of gdecay.F in order to accept arbitrary geant IDs for decay;
idl/istChipConfig.idl - added new IST table;
vpdTriggerToTofMap.idl - added new TOF/VPD table ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - updated vertex selection for IST builder; corrected errors of fit to MIP data;
eemcBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.cxx - updated to stop crashing in cosmic run;
l4Builder.cxx - modified to change the AxisX range of hVertexZ;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - modified setting of ranges for tofmult hists, it's now set in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - modified to set ranges of tofmult hists in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
- June 6, 2014
new library SL14f tagged as SL14f has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on June 7.
Main features:
- added geometry prototype for HCAL (test) for run 2014 and geometry for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
- added geometry for proposed FMS preshower upgrade for run 2015;
- few modifications of MTD codes;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - updated year 2013 geometry options ;
StBFChain.cxx - bug fixed ;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added new member mExpTimeOfFlight and referring access methods;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - added cvs tag;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to obtain the Tdig <-> Tray <-> Tdigboard map from the database;
modified to obtain the MTD hits directly from the muDst instead of the hit array;
added capability to run on muDst in afterburner mode;
automatically swaped backlegs 25 & 26 when running bfc chain; a flag with default value of "kFALSE" is added to control the s wapping in the afterburner mode when running on muDst ;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - modified to add setMtdArray function;
StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added a new data member (mExpTimeOfFlight) to store the expected time-of-flight obtained from track extrapolation;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified TrackInfo mode;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to print error messages for wrong rows / columns and deserialization errors only when debug > 2;
THelixTrack.cxx - modified to check XX and YY for non zero error matrix;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - reduced visibility of inactive materials;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to avoid name truncation;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added MTD;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - updated; implemented flags into daq reader;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - updated;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - removed misc;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxPed.cxx - modified;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - implemented flags into daq reader;
geometry/geometrygeometry.g - modified to add support for FMS preshower in dev15a; support for HCAL test iny2014b; support for HCAL proposal in dev15b;
geometry/hcalgeo/HcalGeo.g - added AgSTAR stub HCAL prototype for run 2014;
sim/g2t/g2t_fpd.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified for HCAL prototype and FMS preshower support;
g2t_hca.F, g2t_hca.idl - addde new files to provide HCAL prototype support;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified to provide HCAL and FMS preshower support;
StarAgmlLib/StarAgmlStacker.h, StarAgmlStacker.cxx - modified to expose method to obtain real name from nickname, and made it static;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade for run 2015 (dev15 a); HCAL prototype for run 2014 (y2014b) and HCAL upgrage for run 2015 (dev15b);
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml - new module added for HCAL for run 2014;
HcalGeo1.xml - added new module for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - added new module for proposed FMS plus preshower upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - corrected bug which set vpddgeo instead of vpddgeo2 module in y2007;
modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
AgMLChecksum/y2006/ChecksumSet.y2006.root - added y2006 geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006h/ChecksumSet.y2006h.root - added y2006h geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006g/ChecksumSet.y2006g.root - added y2006g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006c/ChecksumSet.y2006c.root - added y2006c geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007g/ChecksumSet.y2007g.root - added y2007g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007h/ChecksumSet.y2007h.root - added y2007h geometry checksum for nightly test;
idl/mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl - modified to change data type from char to short;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated setting for MIP non-ZS and max time bin fraction;
updated fit range for MIP MPV distribution of center sections;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for for dimuon trigger; added MTD plots;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - improved display setting;
- May 7, 2014
new library SL14e tagged as SL14e has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on May 9.
Main features:
- improved PXL & IST geometry implementaion;
- first release of StPxlClusterMaker and StPxlHitMaker codes ;
- few modifications for StMtdMatchMaker code and MTD hits array in MuDst;
- first release of StFmsFastSimulatorMaker code;
- added AgML checksums for different geometres to perform nightly library test;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added 'fmsSim' option; added pxl's options;
StFmsDbMaker.h - changed default name to fmsDb to match BFC;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - released of first version for FMS fast simulator;
StiMaker.cxx - inverted ssd <-> sst now corrected; removed RnD as old approach;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to switch to PXL sensitive layer geometry with one Sti volume per ladder centered at z=0; the loop over sensors removed and the indexing of the volumes changed accordingly;
inner loop indentation adjusted;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added two more cylindrical volumes from the pixel support tube mother volume (PSTM)y;
added some material between the PXL layers;
modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slowdown due to unnecessary conditional checks
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to append includes with explicitly specified sub-directories for easier reference; added a check to make sure DB transformations exist when user requests a DB-base geometry;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - added option to StiPixelDetectorBuilder/Group to switch between ideal and DB-based geometries;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slow down due to unnessary conditional checks; modified to decrease thickness of inactive material tube, and enable sensitive silicon layers;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h - modified to hide static member inherited from StIstHit base class and assign a new value relevant for StIstDigiHit; redefined static operators new and delete "inherited" from the base StIstHit class;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed a bug of un-initialized variable nDedxPts in MtdTrack construction function;
reorganized project2Mtd function, made it more readable; saved pathlengths of extrapolated tracks;
added hits <-> track index association in mMuDstIn=true mode;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - modified to automatically correct Backleg ID from GEANT hits by using mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap in DB;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - modified to change mtdArray[muBTofHit] to mtdArrays[muMTDHit] in StMuDst.cxx in function fixMtdTrackIndices;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to get TrackInfo mode with pile-up tracks too;
StPeCTrigger.h, StPeCTrigger.cxx - added more triggers for run 2014;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlCluster.cxx, StPxlCluster.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx, StPxlClusterMaker.h - added new code for pixel raw hits clustering;
StPxlDbMaker.h - changed pxl_db -> pxlDb;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx, StPxlHitMaker.h - maker to add PxlHitCollection of hits in the event to be used in tracking algorithms;the hits are formed from the clusters containing in the event's StPxlClusterCollection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to rename PXL DB dataset to avoid conflict with StPxlDbMaker's name;
include/rc.h, rtsLog.h, rtsSystems.h - modified to prepare states. New TRG_TCD_NEW - inptroduced;
RC_Config.h - updated;
rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - added stuff for TCD_LX;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h, sstPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/LOG/Makefile - updated;
src/DAQ_TPX/Makefile, tpxPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr; some user I/O redirected to StMessMgr;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalGeo6.xml - modified to compute p[ositions and lengths of SMD strips in double precision, though still will be returned in single precision; this was implemented to reduce roundoff errors in the results which are introduced by the compiler under different compiler optimizations;
Geometry/macros/loadStarGeometry.C - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
loadStarGeometry.C, viewStarGeometry.C - updated to use standard geometry loader;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - introduced a decimal-point shift and truncation for mate rial/mixture paramters, to make checksum algorithm less sensitive to compiler optimization; updated for normalization;
updated to proper handle of negative numbers in decimal normalization;
implemented roundoff scheme; all values which go into the checksum are first normalized, then rounded off to a given precision;
added asserts on assumed data type sizes; added blacklist for volumes in checksum dataset, entire tree beneath specified volumes will be skipped;
StarAgmlLib/AgStructure.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.cxx- cleanup compiler warning;
AgAttribute.cxx, AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, AgCreate.cxx, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMedium.cxx, AgModule.cxx, AgShape.cxx, AgStructure.cxx, StarNoStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
AgMath.h - updated to compute sin, cos, tan, and exp with highest precision possible in order to minimize introduction of round off error in results;
AgMLChecksum/y2008a/ChecksumSet.y2008a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008b/ChecksumSet.y2008b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008c/ChecksumSet.y2008c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008d/ChecksumSet.y2008d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008e/ChecksumSet.y2008e.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009/ChecksumSet.y2009.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009a/ChecksumSet.y2009a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009b/ChecksumSet.y2009b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009c/ChecksumSet.y2009c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009d/ChecksumSet.y2009d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010/ChecksumSet.y2010.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010a/ChecksumSet.y2010a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010b/ChecksumSet.y2010b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010c/ChecksumSet.y2010c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011/ChecksumSet.y2011.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011a/ChecksumSet.y2011a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012/ChecksumSet.y2012.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012a/ChecksumSet.y2012a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012b/ChecksumSet.y2012b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1/ChecksumSet.y2013_1.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1a/ChecksumSet.y2013_1a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1b/ChecksumSet.y2013_1b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1c/ChecksumSet.y2013_1c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2a/ChecksumSet.y2013_2a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2b/ChecksumSet.y2013_2b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2c/ChecksumSet.y2013_2c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014/ChecksumSet.y2014.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014a/ChecksumSet.y2014a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
idl/mtdTdigIdMap.idl, mtdTrayIdMap.idl, mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl, mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap.idl - added new MTD tables to DB
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to separate decoder from builder code; several bugs fixed;
pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - added new files to separate decoder from builder code;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h, pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - updated to use bitset2D for the pixel data container; added additional histogram for Serdes Errors;
l4Builder.cxx - few plots updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added hit map for ZS data and fix missing chip trigger alarm issue; set minimum statistics for MIP trigger alarm set-off; updated trigger alarm for IST builder;
RunStatus.cxx - updated;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
- April 11, 2014
new library SL14d tagged as SL14d has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on April 14.
Main features:
- released production geometry y2014a for run 2014 data;
- added production chain for run 2014 and options to process data for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
- added new PXL module StPxlRawHitMaker to read pixel raw hits from daq format and create hits collec tion;
- added next new modules for PXL & IST detectors: StiPxl, StiIst, StIstDbMak er, StIstUtil ;
- added Sti geometry for new detectors PXL, IST, SST (first release) ;
- added IST hits collection and structure to StEvent;
- added new StarAgmlChecker module to produce detector's material plots in (eta,phi)-space;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - introduced P2014a option with production geometry y2014a;
added StiPxl, StiIst, PxlIT, IstIT and SstIT options for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
StDAQMaker.cxx - modified to check that TPCReader exists before accessing it;
StEnumerations.h - added IST constants;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h, StPxlHit.h - updated to include IST structure;
StIstHit.h, StIstHit.cxx, StIstHitCollection.cxx, StIstHitCollection.h - added hits collection for IST;
StIstLadderHitCollection.cxx, StIstLadderHitCollection.h, StIstSensorHitCollection.cxx StIstSensorHitCollection.h - added new files to include IST hits and structure;
StEventHitIter.cxx - modified to include IST structure;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added code to support reading new MTD active layers;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added single hot pixel masking;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHit.h, StPxlRawHit.cxx, StPxlRawHitMa ker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added new PXL maker to read pixel raw hits from daq files and create hit collection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added Jtag file version print-out and some more warnings for data format errors;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - modified to protect resetting to default tracking parameters, if these parameters have been already set;
StiDetector.cxx StiDetectorBuilder.cxx StiMaterial.cxx, StiPlacement.h, StiPlacement.cxx, StiShape.cxx - updated to inc lude geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST, SST;
StiMaker.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.cxx - added PXL, IST & SST detectors;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorBuilder.h - changed TpcRefSys to TpcRefSys_1 in path;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to include geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST & SST;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx , StiIstHitLoader.h, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.h - added new code to process IST detector data;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - added new code to handle IST offline database;
StIstClusterCollection.cxx,StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollec tion.h, StIstConsts.h, StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, St IstRawHit.h - added new code for IST detector;
StiPxlChairs.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, S tiPxlHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.h, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.h, StiPxlTrac kingParameters.h - added new code to process PXL detector data;
include/cmds.h, iccp.h - updated;
src/rtsmakefile.def - added REAL_DAQMAN;
src/LOG/rtsLog.C - added few more arguments;
src/DAQ_SST/sstPed.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added canonical pedestal handling;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
sim/idl/g2t_mtd_hit.idl - modified to save MTD local and gloal coordinates;
sim/g2t/g2t_mtd.F - updated to setup y2014a production geometry; modified to save MTD local and global coordinates;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - updated to setup production geometry y2014a ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - added new file to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - renamed structure MTB --> MTBP to conform to starsim standards;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to setup y2014a production geometry for run 2014;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - initial revision of code to produce material plots in (eta,phi)-space and volume checksums (md5) which can be used to detect changes in geometry;
fixed bug which ignores children of assemblies, reduce sensitivity to parameter changes;
modified to make checksum sensitive to shape type as well as parameters;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h, Geometry.y2014a.C - updated to release y2014a production geometry;
Jevp/ level.source - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - minor updates on IST builder to get the real number of time bin;
bbcBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.cxx - updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added alarm and major updates;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to get proper filling of runlength histos, minor fixes;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - added TRG TF00X plots;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - updated plots for AuAu 200GeV, run 2014; modified to make a new directory in client;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - fixed few bugs; solved some plots display problem;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
- March 18, 2014
new library SL14c tagged as SL14c has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5 .3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on March 20.
Main features:
- OnlTools - more updates for new detectors: PXL, MTD, IST, SSD;
- added base chain for run 2014 data;
- StMuDSTMaker modified for MTD trackes;
- updated run 2014 geometry for PXL;
- defined reference geometry tags for run 2013;
- added new files for DAQ_FPS & DAQ_SST;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/StarGenerator.cxx, StarGenerator.h - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame cod e to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame code to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
macros/starsim.beampipe.C - added example of macro for generating fixed-target Hijing events fro m an arbitrary vertex distribution... in this case, the beam pipe;
StMultiKeyMap.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed bug;
xTCL.cxx xTCL.h - modified to add eigen2 copy of THelix one;
BigFullChain.h - added base chain options for run 2014;
GeometryDbAliases.h - defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c fre eze the y2013_1x and y2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a, they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 dat a production;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added two gaus fit for Oxygen monitoring histograms;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTrackTopologyMap.h - updated for HFT;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - updated for HFT;
LaserEvent.cxx, LaserEvent.h, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added protection against cycling in fitting;
added cluster position in Local Sector Coordinate System;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - adjusted dEdx slope hist range, handled ROOT change for 2D polar plots;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - introduced run 2014 map; this mapping allows fastoffline to run while the database implementa tion continues;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to protect against potentially non-existing primary vertex in StEvent ; corrected primary vertex retrieval in StEvent environment;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.h - modified StMuTrack; added setMtdPidTraits, StMuMtdPidTr aits; removed mtdHit(), MtdHit(), setMtdHit();
StMuDst.cxx, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h - modified to get the actual pointer to the MTD matched track with more convenient method;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - added check on ssd_hits.size();
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlISim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - modified to implement methods to switch between ideal geometry and DB geometry; the default is ideal;
modified to switch on random seed for StRandom generatos in simulators;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to change returning error to warnning;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
rtsSystems.h - added FPS;
RC_Config.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
rtsmakefile.def - added RTS_HOST_NAME; added RTS_REAL_DAQMAN define;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added bad channels from the files;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added new files for FPS;
added reserved & meta;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - modified to add pedestal calculation; added RTS_HOST_NAME; added ZS data checker & reader; added pedestal handling;
sstPed.cxx, sstPed.h - added new files for pedestal calculation; added pedestal handling;
src/DAQ_SFS/sfs_index.cxx - fixed retries;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added helper functions for IST 7 SST pedestal; added FPS; added meta printouts for FPS;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified to replace kOnly --> konly;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y 2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a; they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 data production;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g - added stub for pixel support;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system ; added option for test TpceGeo4 geometry;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompelation to pickup correct y2014 definiti on; defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y2013_2 x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeo3.xml, FgtdGeoV.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubGeo1.xml PsupGeo.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
PixlGeo6.xml - modified to change positions of subvolumes at the single micron level;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml - added new TpceGeo4 module reorganized the TPC volumes; TPC padro ws moved down into a TPMV (TPAD mother volume); G10 layer and some AL supports moved into the TPMV, allowing to make a clea n separation between the active TPC gas volume and the TPC support wheel. This enables to flag the active gas volume as co mpletely non overlapping;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - implemented asymptotic geometries for y2010 to present use th e test TpceGeo4 geometry in AgML (e.g. y2010x). AgSTAR asymptotic geometries are unchanged ;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags ;
pixel support was taken OFF in y2013_2* geometries;
modified to ensure that inner detectors show up in all 2013 geometries where needed;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - modified to change AgBlock and stacker to permit declaration of assembly volumes;
StarAgmlViewer/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - replaced kOnly --> konly;
StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - added R and Z cuts to enable simple way to plot material budget "in fron t of" detectors;
mkBudgetSet.C - added example macro for plotting material budget in front of the TPC;
StarAgmlViewer/macros/viewAgml.C - replaced kOnly --> konly;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2013_2a.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C - added definitions for 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c geometries;
Geometry.y2010x.C - new test geometry added;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.132748.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.150916.C, tpcDrif tVelocity.20140216.042002.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.103202.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.195307.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140 216.224730.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.014847.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.040929.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.084236.C, t pcDriftVelocity.20140217.113342.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.142449.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.160900.C, tpcDriftVelocity .20140217.203531.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.230053.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.010413.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.03385 6.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.063552.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.092131.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.133013.C, tpcDriftVe locity.20140218.154508.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.174945.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.224107.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219 .022051.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.074415.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.092332.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.120531.C, tpcD riftVelocity.20140219.170855.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.172943.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.053153.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20 140220.120923.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.143113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.155822.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140221.035015.C - added new TPC drift velocity files;
idl/pxlHotPixels.idl - added new hot pixel table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for besMonitor, FixedTarget and Fix edTargetMonitor ; added tabs for RunControl; added two more plots for BesGood; added a new table for HLTGood2 trigger and three plots for the FixedTarget and FixedTargetMonitor; modified to store the paras data file in the l4evp;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - added VPD mapping and trigger windows for Run 2014; updated TOFmult range and adde d two 1Ds; updated windows and plot ranges for Run14 AuAu 200;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - updated for run 2014; modified to reads tray masks from config file;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - updated for run 2014;
tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h - modified to save lasers for l4;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated IST mapping table and added a new plot: ladder vs. chip;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - first version added for SSD event builder;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - fixed bug with tags;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated indexing; fixed bug with tags;
l4HistoMother, jevpHistoMother - added new files;
WritePDFToDB.C - updated;
- February 6, 2014
new library SL14b tagged as SL14b has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on February 7.
Main features:
- added extra HFT dead material to y2013b geometry near east poletip;
- y2014 geometry updated with latest versions for IST & SSD;
- added HFT support structures;
- first release of new HFT codes: StPxlDbMaker, StPxlUtil ;
- OnlTools modified to add IST event builder;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to add TPC histogram for monitoring gas contamination;
BigFullChain.h - added Pxl base makers chains;
StParticleTable.cc - added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0 (bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - modified to set z-vertex prior to beamline retation;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - updated for K0/K0bar;
macros/starsim.hijing.hypertriton.C - added example of macro for generating a particle (e.g. hypernucleus) and adding it to a minbias hijing event;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed size of stack increasing ;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx - added (printed) warning when StCloseFileOnTerminate is created;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - new code for Pxl DB;
StPxlConstants.h, StThinPlateSpline.cxx, StThinPlateSpline.h - new PXL code;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added TPC histograms for monitoring gas contamination;
include/rtsLog.h - added user specific log level;
include/SUNRT/ipcQLib.hh - added queue remove function;
src/rtsmakefile.def - modified to use canononical update.sh;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - added hack for RD06;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added Misc features for IST; added misc pedestal and timebin hacks;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - modified to take out some checks;
daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - added SST ADC reader and more checks in get_l ;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added handling of U_;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - fixed RDO count bug for IST example;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to fill SpaceCharge info in StRunInfo;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C - added chain for run 2012 pp 200GeV to process embedding data;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2013b production geometry with extra HFT dead material near eastpoletip; modified y2014 first cut; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
sim/g2t/g2t_ist.F - updated to use local coordinates for IST g2t structures;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - corrected charge states for two hypernuclei; added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0(bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added HFT support structures ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of y2013b & y2014; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - updated for latest version of IST;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated for latest version of SSD for HFT;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - added support for HFT; removed failed debugging attempt;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to define y2013b production series with extra dead material in new east poletip; defined y2014 geometry first cut;
StarAgmlLib/AgMaterial.cxx - added debugging output; code will now report which module/volume is at fault when an undeclared material has been referenced;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcAltroParams.y2014.C, TpcdCharge.y2014.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2014.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2014.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2014.C, tpcGainCorrection.y201.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2014.C, tpcGas.y2014.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2014.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2014.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2014.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2014.C, tpcPressureB.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcRowQ.y2014.C, TpcSecRowB.y2014.C, tpcSlewing.y2014.C, tpcWaterOut.y2014.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2014.C - added y2014 calibrations tables for TPC simulation (ideal);
tpcDriftVelocity.20140131.222231.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.000826.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.001047.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.044318.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.010902.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.061700.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.103224.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.144248.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185546.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185646.C,tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.230511.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.032113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.074422.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.104950.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.144647.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.210036.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.020127.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.060636.C - added drift velocities files for Run 2014 cosmics;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2014.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2014.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2014.C - added y2014 TPC geometry tables for simulation(ideal);
RunLog/MagFactor.y2011.C, MagFactor.y2012.C, MagFactor.y2013.C, MagFactor.y2014.C - added new files for TPC;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.y2014.C - added new file for y2014 TPC simulation (ideal);
starClockOnl.y2013.C, starClockOnl.y2014.C - added new files as default local clock for year 2013 & 2014;
idl/pxlControl.idl, istControl.idl, istMapping.idl - added new Geometry_pxl & IST tables;
istControl.idl - added extra column;
Jevp/level.source - modified for IST;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added new IST event builder files;
hltBuilder.h - small modification;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - modified for IST builder;
- April 30, 2015
SL14a library was updated with next codes needed for embedding production:
StRoot/StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.44 - to provide correct dEdx information in MiniMc ;
StRoot/StEmbeddingUtilities/StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, r.1.35 - to fix wrong particle name;
StRoot/macros/embedding/get_embedding_xml_rcf.pl, get_embedding_xml.pl
StarVMC/Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml, MutdGeo5.xml - updated hit definition for MTD, to improve timing resolution (update was done on May 20);
Library was retagged as SL14a_2 and rebuilt on SL6.4 and SL5.3 platforms.
- May 21, 2014
library SL14a has been updated with geometry codes to defined reference geometry tags for run 2013. Library was retagged with tag SL14a_1, rebuilt on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms and tested with standard tests suite.
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, r. ;
Sti/StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.25; StiDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.20;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.26; StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.7 ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g, r. 1.275;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g, r. 1.1 :
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, r. 1.46 ;
Geometry/Geometry.h, r. 1.16 ;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml, r.1.4 ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r. 1.32;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C, r. 1.53 ;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r. 1.4 ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml, r.1.1 ;
StChain/GeometryDbAliases.h, r.1.4 ;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2010x.C - all r. 1.1;
- January 16, 2014
new library SL14a tagged as SL14a has been created and built on SL6.4 (32bits & 64bits) and SL5.3 platforms;
default compiler on SL6.4 is gcc 4.4.7 . Library was tested and released on January 21.
Main features:
- implemented event filtering by trigger ID for reconstruction processing;
- added new schema for dX calculation in dEdX for large distortions in TPC for pp 500GeV, run 2013;
- added new method to calculate nSigma for fitted dE/dx; the values added in MuDst; the default values calculated using truncated mean are saved in MuDst as well;
- StPeCMaker modified to add track extrapolation to TOF for peripheral events;
- StMagUtilities.cxx/h modified to account for GG voltage errors; improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
macros/standalone.pythia6.C, starsim.addparticle.C, starsim.filter.C, starsim.herwig6.C, starsim.hijing.C, starsim.kinematics.C, starsim.pythia6.C, starsim.pythia8.C, starsim.starlight.C - modified to add RNG seed to example macros;
StMultyKeyMap.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.h - added new files; modified to speedup;
KFParticleBase.h - modified to promote fID to Int; increment class version;
StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - introduced chain options FiltTrg* for filtering by trigger ID;
StarChairDefs.h - added MakeChairOptionalInstance2;
StV0TofCorrection.cxx, StV0TofCorrection.h - fixed memory leak; modified to switch from a custom closest-points-of-approach-finder to the StHelix::pathLengths(); added a public helper function calcM2() to calculate mass^2 after TOF correction;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to account for GG voltage error + shifts in UndoGGVoltErrorDistortion(); improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections by reducing calls to DB; avoided unnecessary cartesian/cylindrical coordinate conversions;
StTpcSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h - added new rotation matrices for TPC;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - added new instance from StEvent;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added new set of TPC rotation matrices (B), St_trigDetSumsC::instance constractor from StEvent; modified to move chair under top maker;
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - modified to keep St_trigDetSumsC in .data; modified to move chair under top maker;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modified to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h - new files added to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StTpcHit.h - added transient data members for upper and lower pad positons;
StProbPidTraits.h, StPidParticleDefinition.h - modified to take out StPidParticleDefinition in a separate h-file;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added numberOfSigma() for kLikelihoodFitId method;
StEventMaker.cxx - copied trigDetSums table to StEvent; added event filtering by trigger ID (offline id) for reconstruction;
modified to move St_trigDetSumsC under the top maker for consistency with StDetectorDbMaker;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - modified to remove unnecessary writing histos/objects, bug #2750;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx - updated for run 2013;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added nSigma values calculated for fitted dEdx;
StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added extrapolation of tracks to TOF, StBTofGeometry and St_geant_Maker;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added a set method setTOFgeometry to pass pointer to StBTofGeometry;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - added a input argument StBTofGeometry to fill method (StMuDst + StEvent) and x y z coordinates of intercept to TOF cylinder;
StPeCTrigger.cxx, StPeCTrigger.h - added a set method to select a trigger;
include/tasks.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h - updated directory sizes
sfs_header.C - updated;
src/DAQ_BSMD/bsmdPed.cxx, bsmdPed.h - modified to add phase scanning support; more info in pedestal runs;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added more logging, pedestal support;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/Makefile - clean target;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx - modified pedestal file comments;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - removed restriction that track_id >= 10000'
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified to add transformations for Upper and Lower tpc hits postions (new dX calculation in dE/dx);
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to use new database node "db04.star.bnl.gov"
Calibrations/tracker/StvKonst.C - modified tracking volume to 220x220; set max radius before TOF;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcAnodeHVavg.y2014.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2014.C - added default TPC Anode Voltages for y2014;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20130305.000000.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20130305.000013.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.20130305.000011.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20130305.000000.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC calibrations;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2013.C - added default ADC corrections;
TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2012.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2013.C - added default correction;
TpcPadCorrection.y2012.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2013.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2012.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2013.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2013.C, TpcRowQ.20130305.000014.C, TpcRowQ.y2012.C, TpcRowQ.y2013.C, TpcSecRowB.20130305.000014.root, TpcSecRowB.y2012.C, TpcSecRowB.y2013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20130305.000013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcdCharge.20130305.000000.C, TpcdCharge.y2012.C, TpcdCharge.y2013.C, TpcdEdxCor.20130305.000000.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2012.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2013.C, tpcAltroParams.20130305.000000.C, tpcAltroParams.y2012.C, tpcAltroParams.y2013.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20130305.000000.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2012.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2013.C, tpcGainCorrection.20130305.000008.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2012.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2013.C, tpcGas.20130305.000000.C, tpcGas.y2012.C tpcGas.y2013.C, tpcGasTemperature.20130305.000000.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2012.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2013.C, tpcMethaneIn.20130305.000000.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2012.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2013.C, tpcPressureB.20130305.000009.C, tpcPressureB.y2012.C, tpcPressureB.y2013.C, tpcSlewing.20130305.000000.C, tpcSlewing.y2012.C, tpcSlewing.y2013.C, tpcWaterOut.20130305.000000.C, tpcWaterOut.y2012.C, tpcWaterOut.y2013.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC data calibrations;
TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C - modified;
CaveGeo2.xml - modified for better definition of concrete;
idl/Survey.idl - added comments;
tpcCorrection.idl - added description;
tpcGlobalPosition.idl - added comments;
trgOfflineFilter.idl - added new file for trigger ID filterring;
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