- BEMC Detector Operator Manual
- Calibrations
- 1) DATA: 2008 BSMD Calibration
- 01) raw spectra
- 02) relative BSMD-E gains from 1M dAu events
- 03) more details , answering Will
- 04) bad CAP 123
- 05) BSMDE saturation, dAu, 500K minB eve
- 06) QAed relative gains BSMDE, 3M d-Au events , ver1.0
- 07) QA method for SMD-E, slopes , ver1.1
- 08) SMD-E gain equalization , ver 1.1
- 09) QA of SMD-P slopes, ver1.1
- 10) SMD-P gain equalization , ver 1.1
- 12) investigating status of P-strips
- 13) ver 1.2 : SMD-E, -P, status & relative gains, no Crate4
- 14 Eval of BSMDE status tables for pp 2008, day 49,50
- 15 stability of BSDM peds, day 47 is good
- 15a ped stability day 47, take 2
- 16) Time stability by fill of BSMD pedestals
- 17) Absolute gains , take1
- 18 Absolute gains, take 2
- 19) Absolute BSMD Calibration, table ver2.0, Isolated Gamma Algo description
- 20 BSMD saturation
- 1) M-C : response of BSMD , single particles (Jan)
- BSMD 2005 energy scale uncertainty
- Definition of absolute BSMD calibration
- Mapping, strip to tower distance
- Run 10 BSMD Calibrations
- Run 9 BSMD Calibration
- details about known hardware problems
- details of SMD simulator, simu shower zoom-in
- one cluster topology , definition of 'barrel cell'
- 1) DATA: 2008 BSMD Calibration
- BTOW - Calibration Procedure
- Run 12 BTOW Calibration
- Run 3 BTOW Calibration
- Run 4 BTOW Calibration
- Run 5 BTOW Calibration
- Run 6 BTOW Calibration
- Run 7 BTOW Calibration
- Run 8 BTOW Calibration (2008)
- Run 9 BTOW Calibration
- Database
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- Mapping
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- Useful Documents
- L3
- Roman Pot Phase II*
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- Trigger Detectors
- test
01) raw spectra
Updated on Mon, 2008-07-21 11:28. Originally created by balewski on 2008-07-08 14:22.
- verify pedestals loaded to DB are reasonable for 2008 pp data
- estimate stats needed to find slopes of individual strips for minB events
- look at pedestal residua for individual strips, exclude caps 1 & 2, use only status==1
- fit gauss & compare with histo mean
- find integrals of individual strips, sum over 20 ADC channels starting from ped+5*sig
To obtain muDst w/o zero suppression I run privately the following production chain:
chain="DbV20080703 B2008a ITTF IAna ppOpt VFPPV l3onl emcDY2 fpd ftpc trgd ZDCvtx NosvtIT NossdIT analysis Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine BEmcDebug"
Fig 1
Examples of single strip pedestal residua, based on ~80K minB events from days 47-65, 30 runs. (1223 is # of bins, ignore it).
Left is typical good spectrum, see Fig2.3. Middle is also reasonable, but peds is 8 channels wide vs. typical 4 channels.
The strip shown on the right plot is probably broken.
Fig 2
Detailed view on first 500 strips. X=stripID for all plots.
- Y=mean of the gauss fit to pedestal residuum, in ADC channels, error=sigma of the gauss.
- Y=integral of over 20 ADC channels starting from ped+5*sig.
- Raw spectra, Y=ADC-ped, exclude caps 1 & 2, use only status==1
Fig 3
Broader view of ... problems in BSMD-E plane. Note, status flag was taken in to account.
Top plot is sum of 30 runs from days 47-65, 80K events. Bottom plot is just 1 run, 3K events. You can't distinguish individual channels, but scatter plot works like a sum of channels, so it is clear the slopes are there, we need just more data.
- DB peds for BSMDE look good on average.
- with 1M eve we will start to see gains for individual strip relativewith ~20% error. Production will finish tomorrow.
- there are portions of SMDE masked out (empty area in fig 3.2, id=1000) - do why know what broke? Will it be fixed in 2009 run
- there are portions of SMDE not masked but dead (solid line in fig 3.2, id=1400) - worth to go after those
- there are portions of SMDE not masked with unstable (or wrong) pedestal, (fig 3.1 id=15000)
- for most channels there is one or more caps with different ped not accounted for in DB ( thin line below pedestal in fig 2.3)
- One gets a taste of gain variation from fig 2.2
- Question: what width of pedestal is tolerable. Fig 2.1 shows width as error bars. Should I kill channel ID=152?
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