HFT Review July 12 , 2013

 It has been decided in view of the amount of work ongoing instead of the July OPA review to have an BNL lead informal review on the
project. It is tentatively scheduled for July 12. The charge is in the attached file

As more information becomes available it will be added to this page

 1.30 (30) Overview F.Videbæk
 2.30 (30) SSD status J.Thomas
 3.00 (30) IST status G.vanNieuwenhuizen
 3.30 (30) PXL Leo Greiner

Reviewers and instructions

The charge for this review and the report from the Feb. 15 review are also posted.  In the interest of keeping this review short, we have not scheduled an opening executive session.  With the exception of Laur Littenberg, all of you were present at the February review, and the three charge elements for this review follow directly from that.  We will follow the same assignments for leading the discussion and preparing the (brief) review report:


D. Lynn:  Pixel Detector

R. Lipton:  IST and SSD Detectors

R. Van Berg: Electronics

J. Lajoie:  Integration/installation/commissioning

L. Littenberg:  Management, schedule, cost

The report form the commitee was issued on July and is available in the list below.