jwebb's blog - Isolation cut, data vs. MC, take 3 - August 5., 2008
- Isolation cut, data vs. MC, take 1 - August 4., 2008
- Checking the isolation cut vs pythia events - July 28., 2008
- pT dependence of the isolation cut - July 26., 2008
- Improving the Isolation Cut, part III - July 26., 2008
- Improving the Isolation Cut, part II - July 25., 2008
- Improving the Isolation Cut - July 20., 2008
- StGammaMaker Status/Issues - July 16., 2008
- Optimization of cluter size for gamma ID in the endcap - July 10., 2008
- Comparison of 2x1 clusters to 3x3 clusters - July 8., 2008
- Update to StGammaMaker code to improve reproducability - June 30., 2008
- Checking Recent Gamma Maker Changes - June 29., 2008
- Conversion Rates for Gammas Identified in pi0 Decays and Isolated w/in a Single Tower - June 9., 2008
- SMD Sector Edge Effects - June 8., 2008
- RHIC/AGS Workshop Talk - May 21., 2008
- Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample, take 2 - May 12., 2008
- Using the pi0 sample to estimate the amount of material in front of the endcap - May 9., 2008
- Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample - May 7., 2008
- Extraction of SMD shower-shape information using conversion method - April 28., 2008
- Determining efficiencies, yields for signal and background, take 1 - April 27., 2008
- Status Report on Extracting Gammas using the Conversion Method - April 24., 2008
- List of prompt-gamma papers - April 19., 2008
- Energy in preshower-1 vs gamma candidate position - April 14., 2008
- Compare conversion and chi^2 methods for extracting yields - April 11., 2008
- Gamma tree production - April 9., 2008