Photon-jet with the Endcap (Ilya Selyuzhenkov)




Year 2008 posts


01 Jan

January 2008 posts


2008.01.30 Selecting gamma-jet candidates out of the jet trees

Ilya Selyuzhenkov January 30, 2008

Data set

jet trees by Murad Sarsour for pp2006 run, runId=7136022 (~60K events, no triggerId cuts yet)

Jets gross features

  • Figure 1: Distribution of number of jets per event. Same data on a log scale is here.

  • Figure 2: Distribution of electromagnetic energy (EM) fraction, R_EM, for di-jet events (number of jets/event = 2).
    R_EM = [E_t(endcap)+E_t(barrel)]/E_t(total).
    Black histogram is for R_EM1 = max(Ra, Rb), red is for R_EM2 = min(Ra, Rb).
    Ra and Rb are EM fraction for jets in the di-jet event.
    Same data on a log scale is here.


Gamma-jet isolation cuts list:

  1. selecting di-jet events with one of the jet dominated by EM energy,
    and another one with more hadronic energy:

    R_EM1 >0.9 and R_EM2 < 0.9

  2. selecting di-jet events with jets pointing opposite in azimuth:

    cos(phi1 - phi2) < -0.9

  3. requiring the number of associated charged tracks with a first jet (with maximum EM fraction) to be less than 2:

    nChargeTracks1 < 2

  4. requiring the number of fired EEMC towers associated with a first jet (with maximum EM fraction) to be 1 or 2:

    0 < nEEMCtowers1 < 3


Applying gamma-jet isolation cuts

  • Figure 3: Distribution of eta vs number of EEMC towers for the first jet (with maximum EM fraction).
    Cuts:1-3 applied (no 0 < nEEMCtowers1 < 3 cut).

  • Figure 4: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 5: Distribution of mean transverse momentum, < pt1 >, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 6: Distribution of pseudorapidity, eta1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs pseudorapidity, eta2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 7: Distribution of azimuthal angle, phi1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs azimuthal angle, phi2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 8: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse energy sum for the EEMC towers associated with this jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 9: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 + Et(EEMC) > 3.0 GeV


02 Feb

February 2008 posts


2008.02.13 Gamma-jet candidates: EEMC response

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 13, 2008

Data sample

Gamma-jet selection cuts are discussed here. There are 278 candidates found for runId=7136022.
Transverse momentum distribution for the gamma-jet candidates can be found here.

Vertex z distribution for di-jet and gamma-jet events

  • Figure 1: Vertex z distribution.

    Red line presents gamma-jet candidates (scaled by x50). Black is for all di-jet events.
    Same data on a log scale is here.

  • Figure 2: Average vertex z as a function of transverse momentum of the fist jet (with a largest EM energy fraction).
    Red is for gamma-jet candidates. Black is for all di-jet events.
    Strong deviation from zero for gamma-jet candidates at pt < 5GeV?


EEMC response for the gamma-jet candidate

EEMC response event by event for all 278 gamma-jet candidate can be found in this pdf file.
Each page shows SMD/Tower energy distribution for a given event:

  1. First row on each page shows SMD response
    for the sector which has a maximum energy deposited in the EEMC Tower
    (u-plane is on the left, v-plane is on the right).

  2. In the left plot (u-plane energy distribution) numerical values for
    pt of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction) and the second jet are given.

  3. In addition, fit results assuming gamma (single Gaussian, red line) or
    neutral pion (double Gaussian, blue line ~ red+green) hypotheses are given.

  4. m_{gamma gamma} value (it is shown in the right plot for v-plane).

    If m_{gamma gamma} value is negative, then the reconstruction procedure has failed
    (for example, no uv-strips intersection found, or tower energy and uv-strips intersection point mismatch, etc).
    EEMC response for these "bad" events can be found in this pdf file.

    If reconstruction procedure succeded, then
    m_{gamma gamma} gives reconstructed invariant mass assuming that two gammas hit the calorimeter.

    Figure 3: invariant mass distribution (assuming pi0 hypothesis).

    Note, that I'm still working on my fitting algorithm (which is not explained here),
    and fit results and the invariant mass distribution will be updated.


  5. It is also shown the ratio for each u/v plane
    of the integrated single Gaussian fit (red line) to the total energy in the plane
    (look for "gamma U/V " values on the right v-plane plot).

  6. Second and third rows on each page show the energy deposition in the
    tower, pre-shower1, pre-shower2, and post-shower as a function of eta:phi (etaBin:phiBin).

  7. Last row shows the hit distribution in the SMD for all sectors
    (u-plane on the left, v-plane of the right).

Playing with a different cuts

Trying to isolate the real gammas which hits the calorimeter,
I have sorted events into different subsets based on the following set of cuts:

  1. EEMC gamma-jet cuts (energetic photon hits EEMC with pt similar or greater to that of the opposite jet)

    if (invMass < 0) reject
    if (jet2_pt > jet1_pt) reject
    if (jet1_pt < 7) reject
    if (minFraction < 0.75) reject
    (minFraction = gamma U/V - is a fraction of the integrated single Gaussian peak to the total energy in the uv-plane)

    Figure 4: Sample gamma-jet candidate EEMC response
    (all gamma-jet candidates selected according to these conditions can be found in this pdf file):

  2. EEMC pi0 cuts:

    if (invMass < 0) reject
    if (jet2_pt < jet1_pt) reject
    if (jet2_pt < 7) reject
    if (minFraction < 0.75) reject

    Event by event EEMC response for pi0 (di-jet) candidates
    selected according to these conditions can be found in this pdf file.


2008.02.20 Gamma-jet candidates: more statistics from jet-trees

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 20, 2008

Short summary

After processing all available jet-trees for pp2006 (ppProductionLong),
and applying all "gamma-jet" cuts (which are described below):

  • there are 47K di-jet events selected

  • for pt1>7GeV there are 5,4K gamma-jet candidates (3,7K with an additional cut of pt1>pt2)

  • Figure 1: 2,4K events with both pt1, pt2 > 7GeV

  • 721 candidates within a range of pt1>pt2 and both pt1, pt2 > 7 GeV

Data set

jet trees by Murad Sarsour for pp2006 run, number of runs processed: 323
4.7M di-jet events found (no triggerId cuts yet)

Di-jets gross features

  • Figure 2: Distribution of electromagnetic energy (EM) fraction, R_EM, for di-jet events (number of jets/event = 2).
    R_EM = [E_t(endcap)+E_t(barrel)]/E_t(total).
    Black histogram is for R_EM1 = max(Ra, Rb), red is for R_EM2 = min(Ra, Rb).
    Ra and Rb are EM fraction for jets in the di-jet event.
    Same data on a log scale is here.


Gamma-jet isolation cuts:

  1. selecting di-jet events with one of the jet dominated by EM energy,
    and another one with more hadronic energy:

    R_EM1 >0.9 and R_EM2 < 0.9

  2. selecting di-jet events with jets pointing opposite in azimuth:

    cos(phi1 - phi2) < -0.9

  3. requiring the number of associated charged tracks with a first jet (with maximum EM fraction) to be less than 2:

    nChargeTracks1 < 2

  4. requiring the number of fired EEMC towers associated with a first jet (with maximum EM fraction) to be 1 or 2:

    0 < nEEMCtowers1 < 3


Applying gamma-jet isolation cuts

  • Figure 3: Distribution of eta vs number of EEMC towers for the first jet (with maximum EM fraction).
    Cuts:1-3 applied (no 0 < nEEMCtowers1 < 3 cut).

  • Figure 4: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 5: Distribution of mean transverse momentum, < pt1 >, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 6: Distribution of pseudorapidity, eta1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs pseudorapidity, eta2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 7: Distribution of azimuthal angle, phi1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs azimuthal angle, phi2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 8: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse energy sum for the EEMC towers associated with this jet.
    Cuts:1-4 applied

  • Figure 9: Distribution of transverse momentum, pt1, of the first jet (with maximum EM fraction)
    vs transverse momentum, pt2, of the second jet.
    Cuts:1-4 + Et(EEMC) > 3.0 GeV


2008.02.27 Tower based clustering algorithm, and EEMC/BEMC candidates

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 27, 2008

Gamma-jet candidates before applying clustering algorithm

Gamma-jet isolation cuts:

  1. selecting di-jet events with the first jet dominated by EM energy,
    and the second one with a large fraction of hadronic energy:

    R_EM1 >0.9 and R_EM2 < 0.9

  2. selecting di-jet events with jets pointing opposite in azimuth:

    cos(phi1 - phi2) < -0.8

  3. requiring no charge tracks associated with a first jet (jet with a maximum EM fraction):

    nCharge1 = 0

Figure 1: Transverse momentum

Figure 2: Pseudorapidity

Figure 3: Azimuthal angle

Tower based clustering algorithm

  • for each gamma-jet candidate finding a tower with a maximum energy
    associated with a jet1 (jet with a maximum EM fraction).

  • Calculating energy of the cluster by finding all adjacent towers and adding their energy together.

  • Implementing a cut based on cluster energy fraction, R_cluster, where

    R_cluster is defined as a ratio of the cluster energy
    to the total energy in the calorimeter associated with a jet1.
    Note, that with a cut Ncharge1 =0, energy in the calorimeter is equal to the jet energy.


Distribution of cluster energy vs number of towers fired in EEMC/BEMC

Figure 4: R_cluster vs number of towers fired in EEMC (left) and BEMC (right). No pt cuts.

Figure 5: R_cluster vs number of towers fired in EEMC (left) and BEMC (right). Additional cut: pt1>7GeV

Figure 6: jet1 pseudorapidity vs number of towers fired in EEMC (left) and BEMC (right).


R_cluster>0.9 cut: EEMC vs BEMC gamma-jet candidates

EEMC candidates: nTowerFiredBEMC=0
BEMC candidates: nTowerFiredEEMC=0

Figure 7: Pseudorapidity (left EEMC, right BEMC candidates)

Figure 8: Azimuthal angle (left EEMC, right BEMC candidates)

Figure 9: Transverse momentum (left EEMC, right BEMC candidates)


Number of gamma-jet candidates with an addition pt cuts

Figure 10: Transverse momentum (left EEMC, right BEMC candidates): pt1>7GeV

Figure 11: Transverse momentum (left EEMC, right BEMC candidates): pt1>7 and pt2>7

03 Mar

March 2008 posts


2008.03.03 EEMC SMD: u/v-strip energy distribution

Ilya Selyuzhenkov March 03, 2008

Data set: ppLongitudinal, runId = 7136033.

Some observations/questions:

  1. In general distributions look clean and good

  2. Sectors 7 and 9 for v-plane and sector 7 for u-plane are noise.

  3. Sector 9 has a hot strip (id ~ 120)

  4. In sector 3, strips id=0-5 in v-plane are hot (see figure 2 right, bottom)

  5. Sectors 2 and 8 in u-plane and sectors 3 and 9 in v-plane have missing strips id=283-288?

  6. Strips 288 are always empty?

Figure 1:Average energy E in the strip vs sector and strip number (max < E > = 0.0027)
same figure on a log scale

Figure 2: Average energy E for E>0.02 (max < E > = 0.0682)
Same figure on a log scale

2008.03.12 Gamma-jet candidates: 2-gammas invariant mass and Eemc response

Ilya Selyuzhenkov March 12, 2008

Gamma-jet candidates: 2-gammas invariant

Note: Di-jet transverse momentum distribution for these candidates can be found on figure 11 at this page

Figure 1:Invariant mass distribution for gamma-jet candidates assuming pi0 (2-gammas) hypothesys

Figure 2:Invariant mass distribution for gamma-jet candidates assuming pi0 (2-gammas) hypothesys
with an additional SMD isolation cut: gammaFraction >0.75
GammaFraction is defined as ratio of the integral
other SMD strips for the first peak to the total energy in the sector


EEMC response for the gamma-jet candidates (gammaFraction >0.75)

  1. pdf file (first 100 events) with event by event EEMC response for the candidates reconstructed into pion mass (gammaFraction >0.75)

  2. pdf file with event by event EEMC response for the candidates not reconstructed into pion mass
    (second peak not found), but has a first peak with gammaFraction >0.75.


2008.03.20 Sided residual and chi2 distribution for gamma-jet candidates

Ilya Selyuzhenkov March 20, 2008

Side residual (no pt cut on gamma jet-candidates)

The procedure to discriminate gamma candidate from pions (and other background)
based on the SMD response is described at Pibero's web page.


Figure 1: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting
no energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
(within a 3x3 clusters around tower with a maximum energy).

Black line is defined from MC simulations (see Jason's simulation web page, or Pibero's page above).


Figure 2: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting requesting
no energy deposited in pre-shower 1 cluster and
no energy deposited in post-shower cluster (this cut is not really essential in demonstrating the main idea)


Figure 3: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting requesting
non-zero energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2


Side residual: first and second jet pt are greater than 7GeV

Event by event EEMC response for gamma-jet candidates for the case of
no energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2 can be found in this pdf file


Figure 4: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting
no energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2


Figure 5: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting requesting
no energy deposited in pre-shower 1 cluster and
no energy deposited in post-shower cluster


Figure 6: Fit integral vs maximum residual for gamma-jet candidates requesting requesting
non-zero energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2


Chi2 distribution for gamma-jet candidates

Monte Carlo shape

Event Monte Carlo shape allows to distinguish gammas from background by cutting at chi2/ndf < 0.5
(although the distribution looks wider than for the case of Will's shape).


Figure 7: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape requesting
no energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2


Figure 8: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape requesting
non-zero energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2


Will''s shape

Less clear where to cut on chi2?


Figure 9: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape requesting
no energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2


Figure 10: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape requesting
non-zero energy deposited in both clusters of pre-shower 1 and 2 


2008.03.26 Sided residual and chi2 distribution for gamma-jet candidates (pre1,2 sorted)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov March 26, 2008

gamma-jet candidates (no pt cut)


  • F_peak - integral for a fit within [-2,2] strips around SMD u/v peak
  • D_peak - integral over the data within [-2,2] strips around SMD u/v peak
  • D_tail^max (D_tail^min) - maximum (minimum) integral over the data tail within +-[3,30] strips from a SMD u/v peak
  • F_tail is the integral over the fit tail within [3,30] strips from a SMD u/v peak.
  • Maximum residual = D_tail^max - F_tail

All results are for combined distributions from u and v planes: ([u]+[v])/2
Gamma-jet isolation cuts described here
Additional quality cuts:

  1. Matching between 3x3 tower cluster and u-v high strip intersection
  2. At least 4 strips fired within [-2,2] strips from a peak

Figure 1: F_peak vs maximum residual
for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
(within a 3x3 clusters around tower with a maximum energy).


Figure 2: F_data vs D_tail^max
Note:This plot is fit independend (only the peak position is defined based on the fit)


Figure 3: F_data vs D_tail^max-D_tail^max


Figure 4: Gamma transverse momentum vs jet transverse momentum


gamma-jet candidates: pt > 7GeV

Figure 5: F_peak vs maximum residual
for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
(within a 3x3 clusters around tower with a maximum energy).

Figure 6: F_data vs D_tail^max
Note:This plot is fit independend (only the peak position is defined based on the fit)

Figure 7: F_data vs D_tail^max-D_tail^max

Figure 8: Gamma transverse momentum vs jet transverse momentum


gamma-jet candidates: eta, phi, and max[u,v] strip distributions (no pt cuts)

Figure 9: Gamma pseudorapidity vs jet pseudorapidity


Figure 10: Gamma azimuthal angle vs jet azimuthal angle
Note: for the case of Pre1>1 && Pre2==0 there is an enhancement around phi_gamma = 0?


Figure 11: maximum strip in v-plane vs maximum strip in u-plane


Chi2 distribution for gamma-jet candidates (no pt cuts)

Figure 12:Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape (combined for [u+v]/2 plane )

Figure 13:Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates (combined for [u+v]/2 plane ) using Will's shape


2008.03.28 EEMC SMD shapes: gamma's from gamma-jets (data), MC, and eta-meson analysis

Ilya Selyuzhenkov March 28, 2008

Some observations:

  1. SMD data-driven shapes from different analysis are in a good agreement (Figure 1, upper left plot)
  2. Overall MC shape is too narrow compared to the data shapes (Figure 1, upper left plot)
  3. Shapes are similar with or without gamma-jet 7GeV pt cut (compare Figures 1 and 2),
    what may indicate that shape is independent on energy (at least within our kinematic limits).
  4. Data-driven and MC shapes are getting close to each other (Figure 4, upper left plot)
    when requiring no energy above threshold in both preshower layers and
    with suppressed contribution from pi0 background.
    The latter is achieved by using the information on
    reconstructed invariant mass of 2gamma candidates (compare Figure 3 and 4).

    One interpretation of this can be that in Monte Carlo simulations
    the contribution from the material in front of the detector is underestimated

  5. Energy distribution for each strip in the SMD peak does not looks like a Gaussian (Figure 5),
    what makes very difficult to interpret results obtained from chi2 analysis (Figure 6-8).
  6. Triple Gaussian fit gives a better description of the data shapes,
    compared to the double Gaussian function (compare red and black lines on Figure 1-4)


Figure 1: EEMC SMD shape comparison for various preshower cuts
(black points shows u-plane shape only, v-plane results can be found here)


Figure 2: EEMC SMD shape comparison for various preshower cuts with gamma-jet pt cut of 7GeV
(black points shows u-plane shape only, v-plane results can be found here)


Figure 3: Shapes with an additional cut on 2-gamma candidates within pi0 invariant mass range.
Sample invariant mass distribution using "simple" pi0 finder can be found here
(black points shows u-plane shape only, v-plane results can be found here)


Figure 4: Shapes for the candidates when "simple" pi0 finder failed to find a second peak
(black points shows u-plane shape only, v-plane results can be found here)


Figure 5: Strip by strip SMD energy distribution.
Only 12 strips from the right side of the maximum are shown.
Zero strip (first upper left plot) corresponds to the high strip in the shape
Note, that already at the 3rd strip from a peak,
RMS values are comparable to those for a mean, and for a higher strips numbers RMS starts to be bigger that mean.
(results for u-plane only, v-plane results can be found here)


Comparing chi2 distributions for gamma-jet candidates using MC, Will, and Pibero's shapes

Results for side residual (together with pt, eta, phi distributions) for gamma-jet candidates can be found at this web page

Red histograms on Figures 6-8 shows chi2 distribution from MC-photons (normalized at chi2=1.4)
Blue histograms on Figures 6-8 shows chi2 distribution from MC-pions (normalized at chi2=1.4)

Figure 6: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Monte Carlo shape


Figure 7: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Will's shape (derived from eta candidates based on Weihong's pi0-finder)

Figure 8: Chi2/ndf for gamma-jet candidates using Pibero's shape (derived from eta candidates)


04 Apr

April 2008 posts


2008.04.02 EEMC SMD shapes: data-driven (eta, gamma-jet) vs Monte Carlo (single gamma, gamma-jet)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 02, 2008

Some observations:

  1. SMD data-driven shapes from eta-meson and gamma-jet studies
    are in a good agreement for different preshower conditions
    (compage Fig.1 green circles/triangles in upper-left/bottom-right plots)
  2. single gamma MC shapes show preshower dependance,
    but they are still narrower compared to the data shapes
    (compare Fig.1 green circles vs blue open squares)
  3. MC shapes for gamma-jet and single gamma are consistent (Fig.1, bottom right plot)


Figure 1: EEMC SMD shape comparison for various preshower cuts
Note:Only MC gamma-jet shape (open red squares) is the same on all plots

2008.04.02 Sided residual: Using data driven gamma-jet shape (3 gaussian fit)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 02, 2008

Figure 1: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
No EEMC SMD based cuts


Figure 2: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
"Simple" pi0 finder can not find a second peak


Figure 3: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
"Simple" pi0 finder reconstruct the invarian mass within [0.1,0.18] range


Figure 4: Side residual distribution (Projection for side residual in Figs.1-3 on vertical axis)


Figure 5: Signal (green: m < 0) vs background (black, red) separation

2008.04.02 Sided residual: single gamma Monte-Carlo simulations

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 02, 2008

Side residual: single gamma Monte-Carlo simulations

Figure 1: Side residual for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
No EEMC SMD based cuts

2008.04.03 chi2-shape subtraction for different Preshower conditions

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 03, 2008

Request from Hal Spinka:

Hi Ilya,

I think you gave up on the chi-squared method too quickly, and am sorry I missed the phone meeting last week. So, I would like to make a request that will hopefully take a minimal amount of your time to show that all is okay. Then, if there is a delay in getting the sided residual information out and into the beam use request, you can still fall back on the chi-squared method.

In your March 28 posting, Figure 8 at the bottom, I would like to get numerical values for the events per bin for the black curves. I won't use the preshower1>0 and preshower2=0 data, so those you don't need to send. Also, I won't use the red or blue curve information.

I think your problem has been that you normalized your curves at chi-squared/ndf = 1.4 instead of the peak. What I plan to do is to normalize the (pre1=0, pre2=0) to the (pre1=0, pre2>0) data in the peak and subtract. The (pre1=0, pre2=0) set should have some single photons, but also some multiple photons. The (pre1=0, pre2>0) should also have single photons, and more multiple photons, since the chance that one of them will convert is larger. The difference should look roughly like your blue curve, though perhaps not exactly if Pibero's mean shower shape is not perfect (which it isn't). I will do the same thing with taking the difference between (pre1>0, pre2>0) and (pre1=0, pre2=0), and again the difference should look roughly like your blue curve. The (pre1>0, pre2>0) data should have even larger fraction of multiple photons than either of the other two data sets. I would expect the two difference curves to look approximately the same.

Hope this is possible for you to do. Since our reduced chi-squared curve looks so much like the one from CDF, I am pretty confident that we are okay, but this should be checked to convince people that we are not doing anything terribly wrong.

Reply by Ilya:

Dear Hal,

I have tried to implement your idea and produce a figure attached.

There are 4 plots in it:

1. Upper left plot shows normalized to unity (at maximum) chi2 distribution (obtained with Pibero shape for gamma-jet candidates) for a different pre1, pre2 conditions

2. Upper right plot shows bin-by-bin difference: a) between normalized chi2 for pre1=0, pre2>0 and pre1=0, pre2=0 (red) and b) between normalized chi2 for pre1>0, pre2>0 and pre1=0, pre2=0 (blue)

3. Bottom left Same as upper right, but normalization were done based on the integral within [-4,4] bins around maximum.

4. Bottom right Same as for upper right, but with a different normalization ([-4,4] bins around maximum)

I have also tried to normalized by the total integral, but the results looks similar.


Figure 1: See description above


Figure 2: Same without log scale (See description above)

2008.04.09 Applying gamma-jet reconstruction algorithm for gamma-jet simulated events

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 09, 2008

Data sample:
Monte-Carlo gamma-jet sample for partonic pt range of 5-7, 7-9, 9-11,11-15, 15-25, 25-35 GeV.

Analysis: Simulated MuDst files were first processed through jet finder algorithm (thanks to Renee Fatemi),
and later analyzed by applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (see this link for details) and studying EEMC SMD response (see below).
To test the algorithm, Geant records were not used in this analysis.
Further studies based on Geant records (yield estimates, etc) are ongoing.

EESMD shapes comparison

Figure 1:Comparison between shower shape profile for data and MC.
Black circles shows results for MC gamma-jet sample (all partonic pt).
For v-plane results see this figure


Correlation between gamma and jet pt, eta, phi

Figure 2:Gamma vs jet transverse momentum.


Figure 3:Gamma vs jet azimuthal angle.


Figure 4:Gamma vs jet pseudo-rapidity.


Results from maximum sided residua study

Definitions for F_peak, D_peak, D_tail^max (D_tail^min) can be found here

Figure 5:F_peak vs maximum residual
for various cuts on energy deposited in the EEMC pre-shower 1 and 2
(within a 3x3 clusters around tower with a maximum energy).
Shower shape used to fit data is fixed to the shape from the previous gamma-jet study of real events
(see black point on Fig.1 [upper left plot] at this page)


Figure 6: F_peak vs D_tail^max: click here
Figure 7: F_peak vs D_tail^max-D_tail^min: click here

Postshower to SMD[uv] energy ratio

Figure 8:Logarithmic fraction of energy in post shower (3x3 cluster) to the total energy in SMD u- and v-planes


Figure 8a:
Same as figure 8, but for gamma-jet candidates from the real data (no pt cuts).
Logarithmic fraction of energy in post shower (3x3 cluster) to the total energy in SMD u- and v-planes


Figure 8b:
Comparison between gamma-jet candidates from data with different preshower conditions.
Points are normalized in peak to the case of pre1 > 0, pre2 > 0

Logarithmic fraction of energy in post shower (3x3 cluster) to the total energy in SMD u- and v-planes


Figure 8c:
Comparison between gamma-jet candidates from Monte-Carlo simulations with different preshower conditions.
Points are normalized in peak to the case of pre1 > 0, pre2 > 0

Logarithmic fraction of energy in post shower (3x3 cluster) to the total energy in SMD u- and v-planes


Additional QA plots

Figure 9: Jet neutral energy fraction
Figure 10: High v-strip vs u-strip
Figure 11: energy post shower (3x3 cluster)
Figure 12: Peak energy SMD-u
Figure 13: Peak energy SMD-v
Figure 14: Gamma phi
Figure 15: Gamma pt
Figure 16: Gamma eta
Figure 17: Delta gamma-jet pt
Figure 18: Delta gamma-jet eta
Figure 19: Delta gamma-jet phi


chi2 distributions

Figure 20:chi2 distribution using "standard" MC shape


Figure 21:chi2 distribution using Pibero shape

2008.04.16 Sided residual: Data Driven MC vs raw MC vs 2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 16, 2008

Figure 1: Sided residual for raw MC (partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 2: Sided residual for data-driven MC (partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 3: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Different analysis cuts vs number of events which passed the cut

  1. N_events : total number of di-jet events found by the jet-finder for gamma in eta region [1,2]
    (Geant record is used to get this number)
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_{3x3cluster} > 0.9 : Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy.
  4. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for on away side jet
  5. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  6. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  7. N_(5-strip clusler)^u > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  8. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  9. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  10. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluser

Figure 4: Number of events which passed various cuts (MC data, partonic pt 9-11)


2008.04.17 Sided residual: Data Driven MC vs raw MC (partonic pt=5-35) vs 2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 17, 2008

MC data for different pt weigted according to Michael Betancourt web page:
weight = xSection[ptBin] / xSection[max] / nFiles

Figure 1: Sided residual for raw MC (partonic pt 5-35)
(same plot for partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 2: Sided residual for data-driven MC (partonic pt 5-35)
(same plot for partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 3: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 4: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 5: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 6: pt(gamma) from geant record vs
pt(gamma) from energy in 3x3 tower cluster and position for uv-intersection wrt vertex
(same on a linear scale)


Figure 7: pt(gamma) from geant record vs
pt(jet) as found by the jet-finder


Figure 8: gamma pt distribution:
data-driven MC (red) vs gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 longitudinal run (black).
MC distribution normalized to data at maximum for each preshower condition


Different analysis cuts vs number of events which passed the cut

  1. N_events : total number of di-jet events found by the jet-finder for gamma in eta region [1,2]
    (Geant record is used to get this number)
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_{3x3cluster} > 0.9 : Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy.
  4. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for on away side jet
  5. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  6. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  7. N_(5-strip clusler)^u > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  8. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  9. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  10. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluser

Figure 9: Number of events which passed various cuts (MC data, partonic pt 5-35)
Red: cuts applied independent
Black: cuts applied sequential from left to right


2008.04.23 Gamma-jet candidates: pp2006 data vs data-driven MC (gamma-jet and bg:jet-jet)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 23, 2008

Sided residual: pp2006 data vs data-driven MC (gamma-jet and bg:jet-jet)

MC data for different partonic pt are weigted according to Michael Betancourt web page:
weight = xSection[ptBin] / xSection[max] / nFiles

Figure 1:Sided residual for data-driven gamma-jet MC events (partonic pt 5-35)


Figure 2:Sided residual for data-driven jet-jet MC events (partonic pt 3-55)


Figure 3:Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 4:pt(gamma) vs pt(jet) for data-driven gamma-jet MC events (partonic pt 5-35)


Figure 5:pt(gamma) vs pt(jet) for data-driven jet-jet MC events (partonic pt 3-55)


Figure 6:pt(gamma) vs pt(jet) for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)

05 May

May 2008 posts


2008.05.05 pt-distributions, sided residual (data vs dd-MC g-jet and bg di-jet)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 05, 2008

Data samples:

  • pp2006(long) - 2006 pp production longitudinal data after applying gamma-jet aisolation cuts
    (jet-tree sample: 4.114pb^-1 from Jamie script, 3.164 pb^1 analyses).
  • gamma-jet - Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV
  • bg jets - Pythia di-jet sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV

Figure 1:pt distribution. MC data are scaled to the same luminosity as data
(Normalization factor: Luminosity * sigma / N_events).



Figure 2:Integrated gamma yield vs pt.
For each pt bin yield is defined as the integral from this pt up to the maximum available pt.
MC data are scaled to the same luminosity as data.


Figure 3:Signal to background ratio (all results divided by the data)


Sided residual: pp2006 data vs data-driven MC (gamma-jet and bg:jet-jet)

You can find sided residual 2-D plots here

Figure 4:Maximum sided residual for pt_gamma>7GeV; pt_jet>7GeV


Figure 5:Fitted peak for pt_gamma>7GeV; pt_jet>7GeV


Figure 6:Max data tail for pt_gamma>7GeV; pt_jet>7GeV


Figure 7:Max minus min data tails for pt_gamma>7GeV; pt_jet>7GeV


Figure 8:Shower shapes pt_gamma>7GeV; pt_jet>7GeV

2008.05.08 y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 08, 2008

y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates

Figure 1:y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates:
Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.


Figure 2:y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates:
Pythia QCD bg sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.


Figure 3:y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates:
pp2006 (long) data [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:137641 trigger]


Figure 3b:y:x EEMC position for gamma-jet candidates:
pp2006 (long) data [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:137641 trigger]
pt cut of 7 GeV for gamma and 5GeV for the away side jet has been applied.

high u vs. v strip for gamma-jet candidates


Figure 4:High v-strip vs high u-strip.
Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.

Figure 5:High v-strip vs high u-strip:
Pythia QCD bg sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.


Figure 6:High v-strip vs high u-strip:
pp2006 (long) data [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:137641 trigger]


Figure 6b:High v-strip vs high u-strip:
pp2006 (long) data [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:137641 trigger]
pt cut of 7 GeV for gamma and 5GeV for the away side jet has been applied.


2008.05.09 Gamma-jet candidates pt-distributions and TPC tracking

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 09, 2008

Detector eta cut study (1< eta < 1.4):

Figure 1:Gamma pt distribution. MC data are scaled to the same luminosity as data
(Normalization factor: Luminosity * sigma / N_events).


Figure 2:Gamma yield vs pt. MC data are scaled to the same luminosity as data.


Figure 3:Signal to background ratio (MC results are normalized to the data)

2008.05.14 Gamma-cluster to jet energy ratio and away side jet pt matching

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 14, 2008

Gamma-cluster to jet1 energy ratio

  • Correlation between gamma-candidate 3x3 cluster energy ratio (R_cluster) and
    number of EEMC towers in a jet1 can be found here (Fig. 4).

  • Gamma pt distribution, yield and signal to background ratio plots
    for a cut of R_cluster >0.9 can be found here (Figs. 1-3).

  • Gamma pt distribution, yield and signal to background ratio plots
    for a cut of R_cluster >0.99 are shown below in Figs. 1-3.
    One can see that by going from R_cluster>0.9 to R_cluster>0.99
    improves signal to background ratio from ~ 1:10 to ~ 1:5 for gamma pt>10 GeV

Figure 1:Gamma pt distribution for R_cluster >0.99.
MC results scaled to the same luminosity as data
(Normalization factor: Luminosity * sigma / N_events).


Figure 2:Integrated gamma yield vs pt for R_cluster >0.99
For each pt bin yield is defined as the integral from this pt up to the maximum available pt.
MC results scaled to the same luminosity as data.


Figure 3:Signal to background ratio for R_cluster >0.99 (all results divided by the data)
Compare this figure with that for R_cluster>0.9 (Fig. 3 at this link)


Gamma and the away side jet pt matching

Figure 4: pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet (R_cluster >0.9)
for a three data samples (pp2006[long] data, gamma-jet MC, QCD jets background).
pt cut of 7 GeV for both gamma and jet has been applied.

Figure 5: signal to background ratio (R_cluster >0.9)
as a function of pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet
pt cut of 7 GeV for both gamma and jet has been applied.



Figure 6: pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet (R_cluster >0.99)
for a three data samples (pp2006[long] data, gamma-jet MC, QCD jets background).
pt cut of 7 GeV for both gamma and jet has been applied.

Figure 7: signal to background ratio
as a functio of pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet (R_cluster >0.99)
pt cut of 7 GeV for both gamma and jet has been applied.



Figure 8: pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet (R_cluster >0.99)
for a three data samples (pp2006[long] data, gamma-jet MC, QCD jets background).
pt cut of 7 GeV for gamma and 5GeV for the away side jet has been applied.

Figure 9: signal to background ratio
as a function of pt asymmetry between gamma and the away side jet (R_cluster >0.99)
pt cut of 7 GeV for gamma and 5GeV for the away side jet has been applied.


2008.05.15 Vertex z distribution for pp2006 data, MC gamma-jet and QCD jets events

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 15, 2008

Figure 1:Vertex z distribution for pp2006 (long) data [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:137641 trigger]
Note: In the upper right plot (pre1=0, pre2>0) one can see
a hole in the acceptance in the range bweeeen z_vertex -10 to 30 cm (probably due to SVT construction)


Figure 1b:Vertex z distribution for pp2006 (same as Fig. 1, but on a linear scale)


Figure 2:Vertex z distribution for three different data samples
MC results scaled to the same luminosity as data


Figure 3:Vertex z distribution for three different data samples
pt cut of 7 GeV for gamma and 5GeV for the away side jet has been applied.

2008.05.20 Shower shapes sorted by pre-shower, z-vertex and gamma's eta, phi, pt

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 20, 2008

Gamma-jet algorithm and isolation cuts:

  1. Selecting only di-jet events identified by the STAR jet finder algorithm,
    with jets pointing opposite in azimuth:
    cos(phi_jet1 - phi_jet2) < -0.8

  2. Select jet1 with a maximum neutral energy fraction (R_EM1).
    This is our gamma candidate, for which we further require:
    • No charge tracks associated with jet1 (default jet radius is 0.7):
      nChargeTracks_jet1 = 0
      Note, that this charge track veto only works
      in the EEMC region where we do have TPC tracking
    • No barrel towers associated with jet1 (pure EEMC jet):
      nBarrelTowers_jet1 = 0
    • Ratio of the energy in the 3x3 EEMC high tower cluster
      to the total jet energy to be:
      R_cluster>0.99 (previous, softer, cut was 0.9)


  3. For the second jet2 (away side jet) we require:
    • That jet2 has at least ~10% of hadronic energy:


  4. Additional gamma candidate QA requirements:
    • Matching between EEMC SMD uv-strip cluster with a 3x3 cluster of EEMC towers.
      (in addition reject events for which we can not idetify uv-strip intersection)
    • Minimum number of strips in 5-strip EEMC SMD uv-plane clusters to be greater that 3.

Data sample:

  • pp2006(long) - 2006 pp production longitudinal data after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts
    (note the new R_cluster>0.99 cut)

Shower shapes sorted by pre-shower, z-vertex and gamma's eta, phi, pt

Note, that all shapes are normalized at peak to unity

Figure 1:Shower shapes for different detector eta bins


Figure 2:Shower shapes for different detector phi bins


Figure 3:Shower shapes for different gamma pt bins


Figure 4:Shower shapes for different z-vertex bins


2008.05.21 EEMC SMD data-driven library: some eta-meson QA plots

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 21, 2008

EEMC SMD data-driven library: some eta-meson QA plots

Data sample:

  • Subset of 441 eta-meson candidates from Will's analysis.

  • additional QA info (detector eta, pre1, pre2, etc)
    has been added to pi0-tree reader script:

  • pi0 trees from this RCF directory has been used to regenerate etas NTuple:

Some observations:

  • eta-meson purity within the invariant mass region [0.5, 0.65] is about 72%

  • Most of the eta-candidates has detector pseudorapidity less or about 1.4,
    what may limits applicability of data-driven shower shapes
    derived from these candidates for higher pseudo-rapidity region,
    where we have most of the background for the gamma-jet
    analysis due to lack of TPC tracking

  • z-vertex distribution is very asymmetric, and peaked around -50cm.
    Only a few candidates has a positive z-vertex values.

Figure 1: Eta-meson invariant mass with signal and background fits and ratio (upper left).
Pseudorapidity [detector and wrt vertex] distributions (right top and bottom plots),
vertex z distributions (bottom left)


Figure 2:2D plots for the eta-meson invariant mass vs
azimuthal angle (upper left), pseudorapidity (upper right),
z-vertex (bottom right), and detector pseudorapidity (bottom right)


2008.05.27 Shower shapes: pp2006 data, MC gamma-jet and QCD jets, gammas from eta

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 27, 2008

Shower shapes and triple Gaussian fits for gammas from eta-meson

Figure 1: Shower shapes and triple Gaussian fits for photons from eta-meson
sorted by different conditions of EEMC 1st and 2nd pre-shower layers.
Note: All shapes have been normalized at peak to unity


Triple Gaussian fit parameters:
Pre1=0 Pre2=0
Pre1=0 Pre2>0
Pre1>0 Pre2>0


Shower shapes: pp2006, MC gamma-jet and QCD jets, gammas from eta

Shower shapes comparison between different data sets:

  • gammas from eta-meson decay. Obtained from Will's eta-meson analysis
  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Some observations:

  • Shapes for gammas from eta-meson decay
    are in a good agreement with those from MC gamma-jet sample
    (compare red squares with blue triangle in Fig. 2 and 3).

    MC gamma-jet shapes obtained by running a full gamma-jet reconstruction algorithm,
    and this agreement indicates that we are able to reconstruct gamma shapes
    which we put in with data-driven shower shape library.

  • MC gamma-jet shapes match pp2006 data shapes
    for pre1=0 condition, where we expect to be very efficient in background rejection
    (compare red squares with black circles in upper plots of Fig. 2 and 3).

    This indicates that we are able to reproduce EEMC SMD of direct photons with data-driven Monte-Carlo.

  • There is no match between Monte-Carlo QCD background jets and pp2006 data
    for the case when both pre-shower layer fired (pre1>0 and pre2>0).
    (compare green triangles with black circes in bottom right plots of Fig.2 and 3).
    This is the region where we know background dominates our gamma-jet candidates.

    This shows that we still do not reproduce SMD response for our background events
    in our data-driven Monte-Carlo simulations
    (note, that in Monte-Carlo we replace SMD response with real shapes for all background photons
    the same way we do it for direct gammas).

Figure 2: Shower shapes comparison between different data sets.
Shapes for gamma-jet candidates obtained with the same gamma-jet reconstruction algorithm
for three different data samples (pp2006, gamma-jet and QCD jets MC).
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 3:Same as Fig. 2, but with no cuts on gamma and jet pt.
All shapes are similar to those in Fig. 2 with an additional pt cuts.
Note, that blue triangles are the same as in Fig. 2.


2008.05.30 Eta, phi, and pt distributions for gamma and jet from MC and pp2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov May 30, 2008

Three data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Figure 1: Gamma eta distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 2: Gamma pt distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 3: Gamma phi distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 4: Away side jet eta distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 5: Away side jet pt distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 6: Gamma-jet delta pt distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 7: Gamma-jet delta eta distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 8: Gamma-jet delta phi distribution.
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.

06 Jun

June 2008 posts


2008.06.04 Gamma cluster energy in various EEMC layers: data vs MC

Ilya Selyuzhenkov June 04, 2008

Gamma cluster energy in various EEMC layers: data vs MC

Three data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Figure 1: Gamma candidate EEMC pre-shower 1 energy (3x3 cluster).
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 2: Gamma candidate EEMC pre-shower 2 energy (3x3 cluster).
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 3: Gamma candidate EEMC tower energy (3x3 cluster).
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 4: Gamma candidate EEMC post-shower energy (3x3 cluster).
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 5: Gamma candidate EEMC SMD u-plane energy [5-strip cluster] (Figure for v-plane)
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Difference between total and gamma candidate cluster energy for various EEMC layers

Figure 6: Total minus gamma candidate (3x3 cluster) energy in EEMC pre-shower 1 layer
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 7: Total minus gamma candidate (3x3 cluster) energy in EEMC pre-shower 2 layer
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 8: Total minus gamma candidate (3x3 cluster) energy in EEMC tower
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 9: Total minus gamma candidate (3x3 cluster) energy in EEMC post-shower layer
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.


Figure 10: Total (sector) energy minus gamma candidate (5-strip cluster) energy in EEMC SMD[u-v] layer
pt cuts of 7GeV for the gamma and of 5 GeV for the away side jet have been applied.

2008.06.09 STAR White paper plots (pt distribution: R_cluster 0.99 and 0.9 cuts)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov June 09, 2008

Gamma pt distribution: data vs MC (R_cluster 0.99 and 0.9 cuts)

Three data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Numerical values for different pt-bins from Fig. 1-2

Figure 1: Gamma pt distribution for R_cluster >0.9.
No energy in both pre-shower layer (left plot), and
No energy in pre-shower1 and non-zero energy in pre-shower2 (right plot)
Same figure for R_cluster>0.99 can be found here


Figure 2: Gamma pt distribution for R_cluster >0.9.
No energy in first EEMC pre-shower1 layer (left plot), and
non-zero energy in pre-shower1 (right plot)
For more details (yield, ratios, all pre12 four conditions, etc) see figures 1-3 here.


Figure 3: Gamma pt distribution for R_cluster >0.99.
For more details (yield, ratios, all pre12 four conditions, etc) see figures 1-3 here.

2008.06.10 Gamma-jet candidate longitudinal double spin asymmetry

Ilya Selyuzhenkov June 10, 2008

Note: No background subtraction has been done yet

The case of pre-shower1=0 (left plots) roughly has 1:1 signal to background ratio,
while pre-shower1>0 (right plots) have 1:10 ratio (See MC to data comparison for details).

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts,
    plus two additional vertex QA cuts:
    a) |z_vertex| < 100 and
    b) 180 < bbcTimeBin < 300
  • Polarization fill by fill: blue and yellow
  • Relative luminosity by polarization fills and runs: relLumi06_070614.txt.gz
  • Equations used to calculate A_LL from the data: pdf file

Figure 1: Gamma-jet candidate A_LL vs gamma pt.
Figures for related epsilon_LL and 1/Lum scaled by a factor 10^7
(see pdf/html links above for epsilon_LL and 1/Lum definitions)


Figure 2: Gamma-jet candidate A_LL vs x_gluon.
Figures for related epsilon_LL and 1/Lum scaled by a factor 10^7


Figure 3: Gamma-jet candidate A_LL vs x_quark.
Figures for related epsilon_LL and 1/Lum scaled by a factor 10^7


Figure 4: Gamma-jet candidate A_LL vs away side jet pt.
Figures for related epsilon_LL and 1/Lum scaled by a factor 10^7

2008.06.18 Photon-jet reconstruction with the EEMC detector (talk at the STAR Collaboration meeting)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov June 18, 2008


Photon-jet reconstruction with the EEMC detector - Part 1: pdf or odp

Talk outline (preliminary)

  1. Introduction and motivation
  2. Data samples (pp2006, MC gJet, MC QCD bg)
    and gamma-jet reconstruction algorithm:

  3. Comparing pp2006 with Monte-Carlo simulations scaled to the same luminosity
    (EEMC pre-shower sorting):

  4. EEMC SMD shower shapes from different data samples
    (pp2006 and data-driven Monte-Carlo):

  5. Sided residual plots: pp2006 vs data-driven Monte-Carlo
    (gammas from eta meson: 3 gaussian fits)

  6. Various cuts study:

  7. Some QA plots:

  8. A_LL reconstruction technique:

  9. Work in progress... To do list:

    • Understading MC background and pp2006 data shower shapes discrepancy
    • Implementing sided residual technique with shapes sorted by pre1&2 (eta, sector, etc?)
    • Tuning analysis cuts
    • Quantifying signal to background ratio
    • Background subtraction for A_LL, ...
    • What else?
  10. Talk summary


07 Jul

July 2008 posts


2008.07.07 Pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut study

Ilya Selyuzhenkov July 07, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Figure 1: Correlation between 3x3 cluster energy in pre-shower2 vs. pre-shower1 layers


Figure 1a: Distribution of the 3x3 cluster energy in pre-shower1 layer (zoom in for Epre1<0.03 region)
(pp2006 data vs. MC gamma-jet and QCD events)


Figure 2: Shower shapes after pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut.
Shapes are narrower than those without pre1 cut (see Fig. 2)



Figure 3: Gamma pt distribution with pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut.
Compare with distribution withoud pre-shower1 (Fig. 3)


Sided residual (before and after pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut)

Figure 4: Fitted peak vs. maximum sided residual (no pre-shower1 cuts)
Only points for pp2006 data are shown.


Figure 5: Fitted peak vs. maximum sided residual (after pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut).
Only points for pp2006 data are shown.
Note that distribution for pre1>0,pre2>0 case are narrower
compared to that in Fig.4 (without pre-shower1 cuts).


Figure 6: Distribution of maximum sided residual with pre-shower1 < 5MeV cut.

2008.07.16 Gamma-gamma invariant mass cut study

Ilya Selyuzhenkov July 16, 2008

Three data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

My simple gamma-gamma finder is trying to
find a second peaks (clusters) in each SMD u and v planes,
match u and v plane high strip intersections,
and calculate the invaraint mass from associated tower energies (3x3 cluster)
according to the energy sharing between SMD clusters.

Figure 1: Gamma-gamma invariant mass plot.
Only pp2006 data are shown: black: no pt cuts, red: gamma pt>7GeV and jet pt>5 GeV.
Clear pi0 peak in the [0.1,0.2] invariant mass region.
Same data on the log scale


Gamma pt distributions

Figure 2: Gamma pt distribution (no inv mass cuts).


Figure 3: Gamma pt distribution (m_invMass<0.11 or no second peak found).
This cut improves signal to background ratio.


Figure 4: Gamma pt distribution (m_invMass>0.11).
Mostly background events.


Shower shapes

Figure 5: Shower shapes (no pre1 and no invMass cuts).
Good match between shapes in case of no energy in pre-shower1 layer (pre1=0 case).


Figure 6: Shower shapes (pre1<5MeV, no invMass cuts).
For pre1&2>0 case shapes getting closer to ech other, but still do not match.


Figure 7: Shower shapes (cuts: pre1<5MeV, invMass<0.11 or no second peak found).
Note, the surprising agreement between eta-meson shapes (blue) and data (black).


Gamma-gamma invariant mass plots

Figure 8: Invariant mass distribution (MC vs. pp2006 data): no pre1 cut


Figure 9: Invariant mass distribution (MC vs. pp2006 data): pre1<5MeV
Left side is the same as in Figure 8


Figure 10: Invariant mass distribution (MC vs. pp2006 data): pre1>5MeV
Left side plot is empty, since there is no events with [pre1=0 and pre1>5MeV]

2008.07.22 Photons from eta-meson: library QA

Ilya Selyuzhenkov July 22, 2008

Shower shapes

Figure 1: Shower shapes: no energy cuts, only 12 strips from peak (left u-plane, right v-plane).

Figure 1a: Shower shapes: no energy cuts, 150 strips from peak (left u-plane, right v-plane).


Figure 2: Shower shapes Energy>8GeV (left u-plane, right v-plane).


Figure 3: Shower shapes Energy<=8GeV (left u-plane, right v-plane).


One dimensional distributions

Figure 4: Tower energy.


Figure 5: Post-shower energy.


Figure 6: Pre-shower1 energy.


Figure 7: Pre-shower2 energy.


Figure 8: Number of library candidates per sector.


Correlation plots

Figure 9: Transverse momentum vs. energy.


Figure 10: Distance from center of the detector vs. energy.


Figure 11: x:y position.


Figure 12: u- vs. v-plane position.

2008.07.29 Shower shape comparison with new dd-library bins

Ilya Selyuzhenkov July 29, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.


Latest data-driven shower shape replacement library:

  • Four pre-shower bins: pre1,2=0, pre1=0,pre2>0 pre1<4MeV, pre1>=4MeV
  • plus two energy bins (E<8GeV, E>=8GeV)


Figure 1: Shower shapes for u-plane [12 strips]
Shower shapes for the library are for the E>8GeV bin.


Figure 2: Shower shapes for v-plane [12 strips]


Figure 3: Shower shapes for u-plane [expanded to 40 strips]


Figure 4: Shower shapes for v-plane [expanded to 40 strips]


08 Aug

August 2008 posts


2008.08.14 Shower shape with bug fixed dd-library

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 14, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.


Data-driven maker with bug fixed multi-shape replacement:

  • Four pre-shower bins: pre1,2=0, pre1=0,pre2>0 pre1<4MeV, pre1>=4MeV
  • plus two energy bins (E<8GeV, E>=8GeV)


Figure 1: Shower shapes for u-plane [12 strips]
Shower shapes for the library are for the E>8GeV bin.
Open squares and triangles represents raw [without dd-maker]
MC gamma-jet and QCD background shower shapes respectively


Figure 2: Shower shapes for v-plane [12 strips]


Figure 3: Shower shapes for u-plane [expanded to 40 strips]
Dashed red and green lines represents raw [without dd-maker]
MC gamma-jet and QCD background shower shapes respectively


Figure 4: Shower shapes for v-plane [expanded to 40 strips]


2008.08.19 Shower shape from pp2008 vs pp2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 19, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 ppProductionLong data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    "eemc-http-mb-l2gamma" trigger after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • pp2008 - STAR ppProduction2008 (~ 5.9M events)
    "fmsslow" trigger after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
    [Only ~13 candidates has been selected before pt-cuts]
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Note: Due to lack of statistics for 2008 data, no pt cuts applied on gamma-jet candidates for both 2006 and 2008 date.

Figure 1: Shower shapes for u-plane [pp2006 data: eemc-http-mb-l2gamma trigger]


Figure 2: Shower shapes for v-plane [pp2006 data: eemc-http-mb-l2gamma trigger]


Figure 3: Shower shapes for u-plane [pp2008 data: fmsslow trigger]


Figure 4: Shower shapes for v-plane [pp2008 data: fmsslow trigger]


2008.08.25 di-jets from pp2008 vs pp2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 25, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - ppProductionLong [triggerId:137213] (day 136 only)
  • pp2008 - ppProduction2008 [triggerId:220520] (Jan's set of MuDst from day 047)

Event selection:

  • Run jet finder and select only di-jet events [adopt jet-finder script from Murad's analysis]
  • Define jet1 as the jet with largest neutral energy fraction (NEF), and jet2 - the jet with a smaller NEF
  • Require no EEMC towers associated with jet1
  • Select trigger (see above) and require vertex to be found

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution (left: pp2008; right: 2006 data)

Figure 2: eta vs. phi distribution for the jet1 (jet with largest NEF) .

Figure 3: eta vs. z-vertex distribution for the jet1 (jet with largest NEF) .

Figure 4: eta vs. z-vertex distribution for the second jet.

Figure 5: Transverse momentum distribution for jet1.

Figure 6: Number of barrel towers associated with jet1.

Figure 7: Number of charge tracks associated with jet1.

2008.08.26 Shower shape: more constrains for pre1>4E-3 bin

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 26, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.


Data-driven library:

  • Four pre-shower bins: pre1,2=0, pre1=0,pre2>0 pre1<4MeV, pre1>=4MeV
  • plus two energy bins (E<8GeV, E>=8GeV)


Figure 1: Pre-shower1 energy distribution for Pre1>4 MeV:
Eta meson library for E>8GeV bin [left] and data vs. MC results [right].


Figure 2: Shower shapes for v-plane [Pre1<10MeV cut]

Figure 3: Shower shapes for u-plane [Pre1<10MeV cut]

Maximum side residual plots

Definitions for side residual plot (F_peak, F_tal, D_tail) can be found here
For a moment same 3-gaussian shape is used to fit SMD response for all pre-shower bins.
Algo needs to be updated with a new shapes sorted by pre-shower bins.

Figure 4: Sided residual plot for pp2006 data only [Pre1<10MeV cut]

Figure 5: Sided residual projection on "Fitted Peak" axis [Pre1<10MeV cut]

Figure 6: Sided residual projection on "tail difference" axis [Pre1<10MeV cut]

2008.08.27 Gamma-jet candidates detector position for different pre-shower conditions

Ilya Selyuzhenkov August 27, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Figure 1: High u vs. v strip id distribution for different pre-shower conditions.
Left column: QCD jets, middle column: gamma-jet, right columnt: pp2006 data

Figure 2: x vs. y position of the gamma-candidate within EEMC detector
for different pre-shower conditions.
Left column: QCD jets, middle column: gamma-jet, right columnt: pp2006 data

Figure 3:Reconstructed vs. generated (from geant record) gamma pt for the MC gamma-jet sample.
Pre-shower1<10MeV cut applied.

Figure 4:Reconstructed vs. generated (from geant record) gamma eta for the MC gamma-jet sample.
Pre-shower1<10MeV cut applied.

Figure 5:Reconstructed vs. generated (from geant record) gamma phi for the MC gamma-jet sample.
Pre-shower1<10MeV cut applied.

09 Sep

September 2008 posts


2008.09.02 Shower shape fits

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 02, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Shower shape fitting procedure:

  1. Fit with single Gaussian shape using 3 highest strips
  2. Fit with double Gaussian using 5 strips from each side of the peak [11 strips total]
    First Gaussian parameters are fixed from the step above
  3. Re-fit with double Gaussian with initial parameters from step 2 above
  4. Fit with triple Gaussian [fit range varies from 9 to 15 strips, default is 12 strips, see below]
    Initial parameters for the first two Gaussian are fixed from step 3 above
  5. Fit with triple Gaussian with initial parameters from step 4 above
    (releasing all parameters except mean values)

Fitting function "[0]*(exp ( -0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2 )+[3]*exp ( -0.5*((x-[4])/[5])**2 )+[6]*exp ( -0.5*((x-[7])/[8])**2 ))"

Fit results for MC gamma-jet data sample

Figure 1: MC gamma-jet shower shapes and fits for u-plane
Results from single, double and triple Gaussian fits (using from 9 to 15 strips) are shown.

Figure 2: Same as figure 1. but from v-plane

Figure 3: MC gamma-jet results using triple Gaussian fits within 12 strips from a peak.
Left: u-plane. Right: v-plane

Figure 4: Combined fit results from MC gamma-jet sample

Figure 5: Fitting parameters [see equation for the fit function above].
Note, that parameters 1, 4, and 7 (peak position) has the same value.

Numerical fit results:

  1. pre1=0 pre2=0 [u]: 0.602039*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.491324)/0.605927))+(0.578161*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.491324)/2.05454))))+(0.0937517*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.491324)/6.37656))))
  2. pre1=0 pre2=0 [v]: 0.729744*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.480945)/0.621631))+(0.327792*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.480945)/2.01717))))+(0.0410935*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.480945)/6.49599))))
  3. pre1=0 pre2>0 [u]: 0.725212*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.474451)/0.560416))+(0.3332*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.474451)/1.91957))))+(0.0611053*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.474451)/5.34357))))
  4. pre1=0 pre2>0 [v]: 0.686446*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.536662)/0.650485))+(0.388429*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.536662)/1.99118))))+(0.0712328*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.536662)/5.64637))))
  5. 0 <4MeV [u]: 0.612486*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.485717)/0.592415))+(0.55846*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.485717)/1.87214))))+(0.0749598*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.485717)/6.12462))))
  6. 0 <4MeV [v]: 0.651584*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.486876)/0.652023))+(0.450767*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.486876)/2.07667))))+(0.0864232*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.486876)/5.84357))))
  7. 4 <10MeV [u]: 0.621905*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.496841)/0.632917))+(0.512575*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.496841)/1.97482))))+(0.0927374*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.496841)/6.10844))))
  8. 4 <10MeV [v]: 0.634943*((exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.505378)/0.660763))+(0.480929*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.505378)/2.17312))))+(0.0788037*exp(-0.5*sq((x-0.505378)/6.21667))))

Fit results for pp2006 gamma-jet candidates

Figure 6: Same as Fig. 3, but for gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 data

Figure 7: Same as Fig. 5, but for gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 data

2008.09.09 Maximum sided residual with shower shapes sorted by uv- and pre-shower bins

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Procedure to calculate maximum sided residual:

  1. For each event fit SMD u and v energy distributions with
    triple Gaussian functions from shower shapes analysis:


    Fit parameters sorted by various pre-shower conditions and u and v-planes can be found here
    There are only two free parameters in a final fit: overall amplitude [0] and mean value [1]
    Fit range is +-2 strips from the high strip (5 strips total).

  2. Integrate energy from a fit within +-2 strips from high strip.
    This is our peak energy from fit, F_peak.

  3. Calculate tail energies on left and right sides from the peak for both data, D_tail, and fit, F_tail.
    Tails are integrated up to 30 strips excluding 5 highest strips.
    Determine maximum difference between D_tail and F_tail:
    max(D_tail-F_tail). This is our maximum sided residual.

  4. Plot F_peak vs. max(D_tail-F_tail). This is sided residual plot.

  5. (implementation for this item is in progress)
    Based on MC gamma-jet sided residual plot find a line (some polynomial function)
    which will serve as a cut to separate signal and background.
    Use that cut line to calculate signal to background ratio
    and apply it for the real data analysis.

Figure 1: Maximum sided residual plots for different data sets and various pre-shower condition.
Columns [data sets]: 1. MC QCD background; 2. gamma-jet; 3. pp2006 data
Rows [pre-shower bins]: 1. pre1=0 pre2=0; 2. pre1=0, pre2>0; 3. 0<pre1<4MeV; 4. 4<pre1<10MeV
Results from u and v plane are combined as [U+V]/2

Figure 2: max(D_tail-F_tail) distribution (projection on horizontal axis from Fig.1)
Some observations:
Results for pp2006 and MC gamma-jet are consistent for pre1=0 pre2=0 case (upper left plot)
Results for pp2006 and MC QCD background jets are also in agrees for pre1>0 case (lower left and right plots)

Figure 3: F_peak distribution (projection on vertical axis from Fig.1)

2008.09.16 QA plots for maximum sided residual (obsolete)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 16, 2008

These results are obsolete.
Please use this link instead

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Notations used in the plots:

  • Fit peak energy:
    F_peak - integral within +-2 strips from maximum strip
    Maximum strip determined by fitting procedure.
    Float value converted ("cutted") to integer value.
  • Data peak energy:
    D_peak - energy sum within +-2 strips from maximum strip (the same strip Id as for F_peak).
  • Data tails:
    D_tail^left and D_tail^right.
    Energy sum from 3rd strip up to 30 strips on the
    left and right sides from maximum strip (excludes strips which contributes to D_peak)
  • Fit tails:
    F_tail^left and F_tail^right.
    Same definition as for D_tail, but integrals are calculated from a fit function.
  • Maximum sided residual:
    Maximum of the data minus fit energy on the left and right sides from the peak.

Figure 1: D_peak from [U+V]/2.

Figure 2: U/V asymmetry for D_peak: [U-V]/[U+V]

Figure 3: F_peak from [U+V]/2.

Figure 4: U/V asymmetry for F_peak: [U-V]/[U+V]

Figure 5: (D_peak - F_peak)/D_peak asymmetry

Figure 6: Maximum sided residual from V vs. U plane.

Figure 7: (D_tail-F_tail)^right vs. (D_tail-F_tail)^left

2008.09.23 QA plots for maximum sided residual (bug fixed update)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 23, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (note: R_cluster > 0.9 is used below).
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Notations used in the plots:

  • Fit peak energy:
    F_peak - integral within +-2 strips from maximum strip
    Maximum strip determined by fitting procedure.
    Float value converted ("cutted") to integer value.
  • Data peak energy:
    D_peak - energy sum within +-2 strips from maximum strip (the same strip Id as for F_peak).
  • Data tails:
    D_tail^left and D_tail^right.
    Energy sum from 3rd strip up to 30 strips on the
    left and right sides from maximum strip (excludes strips which contributes to D_peak)
  • Fit tails:
    F_tail^left and F_tail^right.
    Same definition as for D_tail, but integrals are calculated from a fit function.
  • Maximum sided residual:
    Maximum of the data minus fit energy on the left and right sides from the peak.

Figure 1: D_peak from [U+V]/2.

Figure 2: (D_peak - F_peak)/D_peak asymmetry

Figure 3: Maximum sided residual from V vs. U plane.

Figure 4: (D_tail-F_tail)^right. (D_tail-F_tail)^left

2008.09.23 Right-left SMD tail asymmetries

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 23, 2008

Figure 1: D_peak vs. [right-left] D_tail

Figure 2: [right-left]/[right-+left] D_tail

2008.09.23 Sided residual plot projection: toward s/b efficency/rejection plot

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 23, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (note: R_cluster > 0.9 is used below).
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Notations used in the plots:

  • Fit peak energy:
    F_peak - integral within +-2 strips from maximum strip
    Maximum strip determined by fitting procedure.
    Float value converted ("cutted") to integer value.
  • Data peak energy:
    D_peak - energy sum within +-2 strips from maximum strip (the same strip Id as for F_peak).
  • Data tails:
    D_tail^left and D_tail^right.
    Energy sum from 3rd strip up to 30 strips on the
    left and right sides from maximum strip (excludes strips which contributes to D_peak)
  • Fit tails:
    F_tail^left and F_tail^right.
    Same definition as for D_tail, but integrals are calculated from a fit function.
  • Maximum sided residual:
    Maximum of the data minus fit energy on the left and right sides from the peak.

Maximum sided residual: MC vs. data comparison

Figure 1: Maximum sided residual plot
Top get more statistics for MC QCD sample plot is redone with a softer R_cluster > 0.9 cut

Figure 2: D_peak (projection on vertical axis for Fig. 1)
Upper left plot (no pre-shower fired case) reveals some difference
between MC gamma-jet and pp2006 data at lower D_peak values.
This difference could be due to background contribution at low energies.
Still needs more statistics for MC QCD jet sample to confirm that statement.

Figure 3: max(D_tail-F_tail) (projection on horisontal axis for Fig. 1)
One can get an idea of signal/background separation (red vs. black) depending on pre-shower condition.

Figure 4: Mean < max(D_tail-F_tail) > vs. D_peak (profile on vertical axis from Fig. 1)
For gamma-jet sample average sided residual is independent on D_peak energy
and has a slight positive shift for all pre-shower>0 conditions.
For large D_peak values (D_peak>0.16) MC gamma-jet and pp2006 data results are getting close to each other.
This corresponds to higher energy gammas, where we have a better signal/background ratio,
and thus more real gammas among gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 data.
(Note: legend's color coding is wrong, colors scheme is the same as in Fig. 3)

Figure 5: Mean < D_peak > vs. max(D_tail-F_tail) (profile on horisontal axis from Fig. 1)
For "no-preshower fired" case MC gamma-jet sample has a large average values than that from pp2006 data.
This reflects the same difference between pp2006 and MC gamma-jet sample at small D_peak values (see Fig. 2, upper left plot).
(Note: legend's color coding is wrong, colors scheme is the same as in Fig. 3)

Figure 6: D_peak vs. gamma pt

Figure 7: D_peak vs. gamma 3x3 tower cluster energy

Figure 8: 3x3 cluster tower energy distribution

Figure 9: Gamma pt distribution

Signal/background separation

The simplest way to get signal/background separation is to draw a straight line
on sided residual plot (Fig. 1) in such a way that
it will contains most of the counts (signal) on the left side,
and use a distance to that line for both MC and pp2006 data samples
as a discriminant for signal/background separation.
To get the distance to the straight line one can rotate sided residual plot
by the angle which corresponds to the slope of this line,
and then project it on "rotated" max(D_tail-F_tail) axis.

Figure 10: Shows "rotated" sided residual plot by "5/6*(pi/2)" angle (this angle has been picked by eye).
One can see that now most of the counts for gamma-jet sample (middle column)
are on the left side from vertical axis.

Figure 11: "Rotated" max(D_tail-F_tail) [projection on horizontal axis for Fig. 10]
Cut on "Rotated" max(D_tail-F_tail) can be used for signal/background separation.
From figure below one can see much better signal/background separation than in Fig. 3

Figure 12: "Rotated" D_peak [projection on vertical axis for Fig. 10]

Optimizing the shape of s/bg separation line

Ideally, instead of straight line one needs to use
an actual shape of side residual distribution for MC gamma-jet sample.
This shape can be extracted and parametrized by the following procedure:

  1. Get slices from sided residual plot for different D_peak values
  2. From each slice get max(D_tail-F_tail) value
    for which most of the counts appears on its left side (for example 80%),
  3. Fit these set of points {D_peak slice, max(D_tail-F_tail)} with a polynomial function

The distance to that polynomial function can be used to determine our signal/background rejection efficiency.

This work is in progress...
Just last one figure showing shapes for 6 slices from sided plot.

Figure 13: max(D_tail-F_tail) for different slices in D_peak (scaled by the integral for each slice)

2008.09.30 Sided residual: purity, efficiency, and background rejection

Ilya Selyuzhenkov September 30, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (note: R_cluster > 0.9 is used below).
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Notations used in the plots:

  • Fit peak energy:
    F_peak - integral within +-2 strips from maximum strip
    Maximum strip determined by fitting procedure.
    Float value converted ("cutted") to integer value.
  • Data peak energy:
    D_peak - energy sum within +-2 strips from maximum strip (the same strip Id as for F_peak).
  • Data tails:
    D_tail^left and D_tail^right.
    Energy sum from 3rd strip up to 30 strips on the
    left and right sides from maximum strip (excludes strips which contributes to D_peak)
  • Fit tails:
    F_tail^left and F_tail^right.
    Same definition as for D_tail, but integrals are calculated from a fit function.
  • Maximum sided residual:
    Maximum of the data minus fit energy on the left and right sides from the peak.

Determining cut line based on sided residual plot

Figure 1: Sided residual plot: D_peak vs. max(D_tail-F_tail)
Red lines show 4th order polynomial functions, a*x^4,
which have 80% of MC gamma-jet counts on the left side.
These lines are obtained independently for each of pre-shower condition
based on fit procedure shown in Fig. 3 below.

Figure 2: max(D_tail-F_tail) distribution
(projection on horizontal axis from sided residual plot, see Fig. 1 above)

Figure 3: max(D_tail-F_tail) [at 80%] vs. D_peak.
For each slice (bin) in D_peak variable, the max(D_tail-F_tail) value
which has 80% of gamma-jet candidates on the left side are plotted.

Lines represent fits to MC gamma-jet points (shown in red) using different fit functions
(linear, 2nd, 4th order polynomials: see legend for color coding).
Note, that in this plot D_peak values are shown on horizontal axis.
Consequently, to get 2nd order polynomial fit on sided residual plot (Fig. 1),
one needs to use sqrt(D_peak) function.
The same apply to 4th order polynomial function.

Figure 4: D_peak vs. horisontal distance from 4th order polinomial function to max(D_tail-F_tail) values.
(compare with Fig. 1: Now 80% of MC gamma-jet counts are on the left side from vertical axis)

Figure 5: Horizontal distance from 4th order polynomial function to max(D_tail-F_tail)
[Projection on horizontal axis from Fig. 4]
Based on this plot one can obtain purity, efficiency, and rejection plots (see Fig. 6 below)

Gamma-jet purity, efficiency, and QCD background rejection

Horizontal distance plotted in Fig. 5 can be used as a cut
separating gamma-jet signal and QCD-jets background,
and for each value of this distance one can define
gamma-jet purity, efficiency, and QCD-background rejection:

  • gamma-jet purity is defined as the ratio of
    the integral on the left for MC gamma-jet data sample, N[g-jet]_left,
    to the sum of the integrals on the left for MC gamma-jet and QCD jets, N[QCD]_left, data samples:
    Purity[gamma-jet] = N[g-jet]_left/(N[g-jet]_left+N[QCD]_left)

  • gamma-jet efficiency is defined as the ratio of
    the integral on the left side for MC gamma-jet data sample, N[g-jet]_left,
    to the total integral for MC gamma-jet data sample, N[g-jet]:
    Efficiency[gamma-jet] = N[g-jet]_left/N[g-jet]

  • QCD background rejection is defined as the ratio of
    the integral on the right side for MC QCD jets data sample, N[QCD]_right,
    to the total integral for MC QCD jets data sample, N[QCD]:
    Rejection[QCD] = N[QCD]_right/N[QCD]

Figure 6: Shows:
purity[g-jet] vs. efficiency[g-jet] (upper left);
rejection[QCD] vs. efficiency[g-jet] (upper right);
purity[g-jet] vs. rejection[QCD] (lower left);
pp2006 to MC ratio, N[pp2006]/(N[g-jet]+N[QCD]), vs. horizontal distance from Fig. 5 (lower right)

10 Oct

October 2008 posts


2008.10.13 Jet trees for Michael's gamma filtered events

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 13, 2008

I have finished production of jet trees for Michael's gamma filtered events

You can find jet and skim file lists in my directory at IUCF disk (RCF):

  • Jet trees: /star/institutions/iucf/IlyaSelyuzhenkov/simu/JetTrees/JetTrees.list
  • Skim trees: /star/institutions/iucf/IlyaSelyuzhenkov/simu/JetTrees/SkimTrees.list
  • Log files: /star/institutions/iucf/IlyaSelyuzhenkov/simu/JetTrees/LogFiles.list

Number of jet events is 1284581 (1020 files).
Production size, including archived log files, is 4.0G.


The script to run jet finder:


JetFinder and JetMaker code:


For more details see these threads of discussions:


2008.10.14 Purity, efficiency, and background rejection: R_cluster > 0.98

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 14, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (note: R_cluster > 0.98 is used below).
  • gamma-jet - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Figure 1: Horizontal distance from 4th order polynomial function to max(D_tail-F_tail)
See this page for definition and more details

Figure 2:
purity[g-jet] vs. efficiency[g-jet] (upper left);
rejection[QCD] vs. efficiency[g-jet] (upper right);
purity[g-jet] vs. rejection[QCD] (lower left);
pp2006 to MC ratio, N[pp2006]/(N[g-jet]+N[QCD]), vs. horizontal distance (lower right)

2008.10.15 Comparison of gamma-jets from Michael's filtered events vs. old MC samples

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 15, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts (note: R_cluster > 0.9 is used below).
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • gamma-jet [old] - data-driven Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events).
    Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
    Details on jet trees production for Michael's gamma filtered events can be found here.
  • QCD jets [old] - data-driven Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events).
    Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Some observations:

  • Both Fig. 1a vs. Fig. 1b shows good statistics for old and new (gamma-filtered) MC gamma-jet samples
  • Fig. 1c shows poor statistics for QCD background sample
    within partonic pt range 5-10GeV (only 3 counts for "pre1=0 & pre2=0" condition).
    Fig. 1d (new QCD sample) has much more counts in the same region,
    but it is still only 20-25 entries for the case when
    none of EEMC pre-shower layers fired (upper left corner - our purest gamma-jet sample).
    This may be still insufficient for a various cuts systematic study.
  • Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 shows nice agreement between data and MC
    for both old and new (gamma-filtered) MC samples.
    For pre-shower1>0 case this agreement persists across full range of gamma's pt (7GeV and above).
    Upper plots in Fig. 3 shows some difference between data and Monte-Carlo,
    what could be effect from l2gamma trigger,
    which has not been yet applied for MC events.

Figure 1a: partonic pt for gamma-jet [old] events
after analysis cuts and partonic pt bin weighting
(Note:Arbitrary absolute scale)

Figure 1b: partonic pt for gamma-jet [gamma-filtered] events after analysis cuts.
Michael's StBetaWeightCalculator has been used to caclulate partonic pt weights

Figure 1c: partonic pt for QCD jets [old] events
after analysis cuts and partonic pt bin weighting
(Note:Arbitrary absolute scale)

Figure 1d: partonic pt for QCD jets [gamma-filtered] events after analysis cuts.
Michael's StBetaWeightCalculator has been used to caclulate partonic pt weights

Figure 2: reconstructed gamma pt: old MC vs. pp2006 data (scaled to the same luminosity)

Figure 3: reconstructed gamma pt: gamma-filtered MC vs. pp2006 data (scaled to the same luminosity)

2008.10.15 Purity vs. efficiency from gamma-filtered events: R_cluster > 0.9 vs. R_cluster > 0.98

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 15, 2008

Data sets:

Gamma-jet candidates from MC gamma filtered events: R_cluster > 0.9

Figure 1: Horizontal distance from sided residual plot: R_cluster > 0.9
(see Figs. 1-5 from this post for horizontal distance definition)

Figure 2: Purity/efficiency/rejection, and data to MC[gamma-jet+QCD] ratio plots: R_cluster > 0.9
(see text above Fig. 6 from this post for purity, efficiency, and background rejection definition)


Gamma-jet candidates from MC gamma filtered events: R_cluster > 0.98

Figure 3: Reconstructed gamma pt: R_cluster > 0.98

Figure 4: Horizontal distance from sided residual plot: R_cluster > 0.98

Figure 5: Purity/efficiency/rejection, and data to MC[gamma-jet+QCD] ratio plots: R_cluster > 0.98

2008.10.21 Shower shapes, 5/25 strips cluster energy, raw vs. data-driven MC

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 21, 2008

Data sets:

Some comments:

  • Overall comment: effect of data-driven shower shape replacement procedure
    on QCD background events is small, except probably pre1=0 pre2=0 case.
  • Fig. 1-3, upper left plots (pre1=0 pre2=0) show that
    average energy per strip in data-driven gamma-jet MC (i.e. solid red square in Fig. 3)
    is systematically higher than that for pp2006 data (black circles in Fig. 3).

    Note, that there is an agreement between SMD shower shapes
    for pp2006 data and data-driven gamma-jet simulations
    if one scales them to the same peak value
    (Compare red vs. black in upper left plot from Fig. 1 at this link)

  • Fig. 4, upper left plot (pre1=0 pre2=0):
    Integrated SMD energy from 25 strips
    in raw gamma-jet simulations (red line) match pp2006 data (black line)
    in the region where signal to background ratio is high, E_smd(25-strips)>0.1GeV.
    This indicates that raw MC does a good job in
    reproducing total energy deposited by direct photon.

  • Fig. 5, upper left plot (pre1=0 pre2=0):
    There is mismatch between distributions of energy in 25 strips cluster
    from data-driven gamma-jet simulations and pp2006 data.
    This probably reflects the way we scale our library shower shapes
    in data-driven shower shape replacement procedure.
    Currently, the scaling factor for the library shape is calculated based on the ratio
    of direct photon energy from Geant record to the energy of the library photon.
    Our library is build out of photons from eta-meson decay,
    which has been reconstructed by running pi0 finder.
    The purity of the library is about 70% (see Fig. 1 at this post for more details).

    The improvement of scaling procedure could be to
    preserve total SMD energy deposited within 25 strips from raw MC,
    and use that energy to scale shower shapes from the library.

  • Fig. 6, upper left plot (pre1=0 pre2=0):
    Mismatch between integrated 5-strip energy for raw MC and pp2006 in Fig. 6
    corresponds to "known" difference in shower shapes from raw Monte-Carlo and real data.

Figure 1: SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (40 strips).
Vertical axis shows average energy per strip (no overall shower shapes scaling)

Figure 2: Shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (12 strips)

Figure 3: Shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (5 strips)

Figure 4: 25 strips SMD cluster energy for raw Monte-Carlo
(Note: type in x-axis lables, should be "25 strip peak" instead of 5)

Figure 5: 25 strips SMD cluster energy for data-driven Monte-Carlo

Figure 6: 5 strips SMD peak energy for raw Monte-Carlo

Figure 7: 5 strips SMD peak energy for data-driven Monte-Carlo

Figure 8:Energy from the right tail (up to 30 strips) for raw Monte-Carlo

Figure 9:Energy from the right tail (up to 30 strips) for data-driven Monte-Carlo

2008.10.27 SMD-based shower shape scaling: 25 strips cluster energy, raw vs. data-driven MC

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 27, 2008

Data sets:

Shower shapes scaling options in data-driven maker:

  1. scale = E_smd^geant / E_smd^library (default)
    E_smd^geant is SMD energy associated with given photon
    integrated over +/- 12 strips from raw Monte-Carlo,
    and E_smd^library is SMD energy from +/- 12 strips for the library photon.
  2. scale = E_Geant / E_library (used before in all posts)
    E_Geant is thrown photon energy from Geant record,
    and E_library is stand for energy of the library photon.


In all figures below (exept for pp2006 data and raw Monte-Carlo)
the SMD based shower shape scaling has been used.

Figure 1: SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (40 strips).
Vertical axis shows average energy per strip (no overall shower shapes scaling)

Figure 2: Shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (12 strips)

Figure 3: Shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (5 strips)

Figure 4: 25 strips SMD cluster energy for data-driven Monte-Carlo
(SMD based shower shape scaling)

Figure 5: 25 strips SMD cluster energy for raw Monte-Carlo
Note, the difference between results in Fig. 4 and 5. for MC gamma-jets (shown in red)
at low energy (Esmd < 0.04) for pre1=0 pre2=0 case.
This effect is due to the "Number of strips fired in 5-strips cluster > 3" cut.
In data-driven Monte-Carlo we may have shower shapes
with small number of strips fired (rejected in raw Monte-Carlo)
to be replaced by library shape with different (bigger) number of strips fired.
This mostly affects photons which starts to shower
later in the detector and only fires few strips (pre1=0 pre2=0 case)

2008.10.30 Various cuts study (pt, Esmd, 8 strips replaced)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov October 30, 2008

Below are links to drupal pages
with various SMD energy distributions and shower shapes
for the following set of cuts/conditions:

  • Case A: pt > 7 GeV, +/- 12 strips replaced
  • Case B: pt > 7 GeV, +/- 8 strips replaced
  • Case C: pt > 7 GeV, +/- 12 strips replaced, E_smd(25strips) > 0.1
  • Case D: pt > 8.5 GeV, +/- 12 strips replaced


2008.10.30 Distance to cut line from sided residual

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (12 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 SMD shower shapes: data, raw, and data-driven MC (30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2: Case B

Figure 3: Case C

Figure 4: Case D

2008.10.30 Sided residual

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 Smd emergy for left tail (-3 to -30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 Smd emergy for right tail (3 to 30 strips)

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 Smd energy for 25 central strips

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

2008.10.30 Smd energy for 5 central strips

Figure 1: Case A

Figure 2:Case B

Figure 3:Case C

Figure 4:Case D

11 Nov

November 2008 posts


2008.11.06 Gamma-jet reconstruction with the Endcap EMC (Analysis status update)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 06, 2008

Gamma-jet reconstruction with the Endcap EMC (Analysis status update for Spin PWG)


2008.11.11 Yields vs. analysis cuts

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 11, 2008

Data sets:

Figure 1: Reconstructed gamma pt for di-jet events and
Geant cuts: pt_gamma[Geant] > 7GeV and 1.05 < eta_gamma[Geant] < 2.0
Total integral for the histogram is: N_total = 5284
(after weighting different partonic pt bins and scaled to 3.164pb^-1).
Compare with number from Jim Sowinski study for
Endcap East+West gamma-jet and pt>7 GeV: N_Jim = 5472
( Jim's numbers are scaled to 3.164pb^-1 : [2539+5936]*3.164/4.9)

Figure 2: Reconstructed jet pt for di-jet events and the same cuts as in Fig. 1

Yield vs. various analysis cuts

List of cuts (sorted by bin number in Figs. 2 and 3):

  1. N_events : total number of di-jet events found by the jet-finder
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_{3x3cluster} > 0.9 : Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy
  4. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for on away side jet
  5. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  6. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  8. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  9. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  10. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster

Figure 3: Number of accepted events vs. various analysis cuts
The starting number of events (shown in first bin of the plots) is
the number of di-jets with reconstructed gamma_pt>7 GeV and jet_pt>5 GeV
upper left: cuts applied independently
upper right: cuts applied sequentially
lower left: ratio of pp2006 data vs. MC sum of gamma-jet and QCD-jets events (cuts applied independently)
lower right:ratio of pp2006 data vs. MC sum of gamma-jet and QCD jets events (cuts applied sequentially)

Figure 4: Number of accepted events vs. various analysis cuts
Data from Fig. 3 (upper plots) scaled to the initial number of events from first bin:
left: cuts applied independently
right: cuts applied sequentially

2008.11.18 Cluster isolation cuts: 2x1 vs. 2x2 vs. 3x3

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 18, 2008

Data sets:

2x1, 2x2, and 3x3 clusters definition:

  • 3x3 cluster: tower energy sum for 3x3 patch around highest tower
  • 2x2 cluster: tower energy sum for 2x2 patch
    which are closest to 3x3 tower patch centroid.
    3x3 tower patch centroid is defined based
    on tower energies weighted wrt tower centers:
    centroid = sum{E_tow * r_tow} / sum{E_tow}.
    Here r_tow=(x_tow, y_tow) denotes tower center.
  • 2x1 cluster: tower energy sum for high tower plus second highest tower in 3x3 patch
  • r=0.7 energy is calculated based on towers
    within a radius of 0.7 (in delta phi and eta) from high tower

Cuts applied

all gamma-jet candidate selection cuts except 3x3/r=0.7 energy isolation cut


Results for 2x1, 2x2, and 3x3 clusters

  1. Energy fraction in NxN cluster in r=0.7 radius
    2x1, 2x2, 3x3 patch to jet radius of 0.7 energy ratios
  2. Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
    For a given cluster energy fraction yield is defined as an integral on the right
  3. Efficiency vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7
    For a given cluster energy fraction
    efficiency is defined as the yield (on the right)
    normalized by the total integral (total yield)


Efficiency vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7

Efficiency vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7

Figure 1b: 2x1/0.7 ratio

Figure 2b: 2x2/0.7 ratio

Figure 3b: 3x3/0.7 ratio

Figure 4b: 3x3/0.7 ratio but only using towers which passed jet finder threshold

Energy fraction in NxN cluster within r=0.7 radius

Energy fraction in NxN cluster within r=0.7 radius

Figure 1a: 2x1/0.7 ratio

Figure 2a: 2x2/0.7 ratio

Figure 3a: 3x3/0.7 ratio

Figure 4a: 3x3/0.7 ratio but only using towers which passed jet finder threshold

Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7

Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in r=0.7

Figure 1c: 2x1/0.7 ratio

Figure 2c: 2x2/0.7 ratio

Figure 3c: 3x3/0.7 ratio

Figure 4c: 3x3/0.7 ratio but only using towers which passed jet finder threshold

2008.11.21 Energy fraction from 2x1 vs. 2x2 vs. 3x3 or 0.7 radius: rapidity dependence

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 21, 2008

Data sets:

2x1, 2x2, and 3x3 clusters definition:

  • 3x3 cluster: tower energy sum for 3x3 patch around highest tower
  • 2x2 cluster: tower energy sum for 2x2 patch
    which are closest to 3x3 tower patch centroid.
    3x3 tower patch centroid is defined based
    on tower energies weighted wrt tower centers:
    centroid = sum{E_tow * r_tow} / sum{E_tow}.
    Here r_tow=(x_tow, y_tow) denotes tower center.
  • 2x1 cluster: tower energy sum for high tower plus second highest tower in 3x3 patch
  • r=0.7 energy is calculated based on towers
    within a radius of 0.7 (in delta phi and eta) from high tower

Cuts applied

all gamma-jet candidate selection cuts except 3x3/r=0.7 energy isolation cut


There are two sets of figures in links below:

  • Number of counts for a given energy fraction
  • Yield above given energy fraction
    [figures with right integral in the caption]

    Yield is defined as the integral above given energy fraction
    up to the maximum value of 1

Gamma candidate detector eta < 1.5
(eta region where we do have most of the TPC tracking):

  1. Cluster energy fraction in 0.7 radius
  2. 2x1 and 2x2 cluster energy fraction in 3x3 patch

Gamma candidate detector eta > 1.5:
(smaller tower size)

  1. Cluster energy fraction in 0.7 radius
  2. 2x1 and 2x2 cluster energy fraction in 3x3 patch

Some observation

  • For pre1>0 condition (contains most of events)
    yield in Monte-Carlo for eta > 1.5 case
    is about factor of two different than that from pp2006 data,
    while for eta < 1.5 Monte-Carlo yield agrees with data within 10-15%.
    This could be due to trigger effect?
  • For pre1=0 case yiled for both eta > 1.5 and eta < 1.5 are different in data and MC
    This could be due to migration of counts from pre1=0 to pre1>0
    in pp2006 data due to more material budget than it is Monte-Carlo
  • For pre1=0 condition pp2006 data shapes are not reproduced by gamma-jet Monte-Carlo.
    With a larger cluster size (2x1 -> 3x3) the pp2006 and MC gamma-jet shapes
    are getting closer to each other.
  • For pre1>0 condition (with statistics available),
    pp2006 data shapes are consistent with QCD Monte-Carlo.


Cluster energy fraction in 3x3 patch: detector eta > 1.5

Energy fraction from NxN cluster in 3x3 patch: detector eta > 1.5

Figure 1a: 2x1/3x3 energy fraction [number of counts per given fraction]

Figure 2a: 2x2/3x3 energy fraction [number of counts per given fraction]

Yield vs. NxN cluster energy fraction in 3x3 patch: detector eta > 1.5

Figure 4a: 2x1/3x3 energy fraction [yield]

Figure 5a: 2x2/3x3 energy fraction [yield]

2008.11.25 Yiled vs. analysis cuts: eta dependence

Ilya Selyuzhenkov November 25, 2008

Data sets:

Some observation

  • Fig. 1 [upper&lower left, 3rd bin] indicates that
    cluster energy isolation is the most important cut
    for signal/background separation
  • Fig.1 [lower right, 3rd bin] shows that
    R_cluster cut is independent from (or orthogonal to) other cuts
  • Fig.1 [upper&lower left 4th bin] shows that
    cut on neutral energy fraction for the away side jet
    rejects more signal that background events

    We probably need to reconsider that cut
  • Fig.2 [lower left, 5th bin] shows that
    charge particle veto significantly improves
    signal to background ratio
  • Fig.2 [lower right, 5th bin] shows that
    charge particle veto also independent from other cuts

  • Fig.3 [lower left, 5th bin] shows that
    in the region were we do not have TPC tracking (photon eta > 1.5)
    charge particle veto is not efficient
    although there is still some improvement from this cut.
    This probably due to tracks with eta <1.5
    which fall into large isolation radius r=0.7.

Yield vs. various analysis cuts

List of cuts (sorted according to bin number in Figs. 1-3. [No SMD sided residual cuts]):

  1. N_events : total number of di-jet events found by the jet-finder
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy
    R_{3x3cluster}>0.9 for Fig. 1, and it is disabled in Fig. 2 and 3
  4. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for on away side jet
  5. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  6. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  8. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  9. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  10. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster

Figure 1: Number of accepted events vs. various analysis cuts
The starting number of events (shown in first bin of the plots) is
the number of di-jets with reconstructed gamma_pt>7 GeV and jet_pt>5 GeV
upper left: cuts applied independently
upper right: expept this cut fired
(event passed all other cuts and being rejected by this cut)
lower left: "cuts applied independently" normalized by the total number of events
lower right: "expept this cut fired" normalized by the total number of events

Figure 2: Same as Fig.1 except: no R_cluster cut and photon detector eta < 1.5
(eta region where we do have most of the TPC tracking)

Figure 3: Same as Fig.1 except: no R_cluster cut and photon detector eta > 1.5

12 Dec

December 2008 posts


2008.12.08 Run 8 EEMC QA

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 08, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Detector subsystems involved in analysis:

  1. TPC (vertex, jets, charge particle veto)
  2. Endcap EMC (triggering, photon candidate reconstruction)
  3. Barrel EMC (away side jet reconstruction)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Figure 1: EEMC x vs. y position of photon candidate for 2008 data sample
Problem with pre-shower layer in Sector 10 can been seen in the upper left corner

Figure 2: EEMC x vs. y position of photon candidate for 2006 data sample

Figure 3: Average < E_pre1 * E_pre2 > for 3x3 cluster around high tower
vs run number for sectors 9, 10 and 11
Note, zero pre-shower energy for sector 10 (black points) for days 61, 62, 64, and 67.
All di-jet events for pp2008 data are shown (no gamma-jet cuts)

Figure 3a: Same as Fig.3, zoom into day 61

Figure 3b: Same as Fig.3, zoom into day 62
Figure 3c: Same as Fig.3, zoom into day 64
Figure 3d: Same as Fig.3, zoom into day 67

Figure 4: EEMC x vs. y position of photon candidate for 2008 data sample
Same as Fig. 1, but excluding days: 61, 62, 64, and 67

Conclusion on QA:

No problem with pp2008 data have been found,
except that for some runs (mostly on days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
EEMC pre-shower layer for sector 10 was off.

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 5: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 6: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 5):

Figure 7: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 5, no scaling):

2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 SMD shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)


2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 SMD shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 2: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 1):

Figure 3: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 1, no scaling):

2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 SMD shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 2: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 1):

Figure 3: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 1, no scaling):

2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 SMD shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 2: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 1):

Figure 3: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 1, no scaling):

2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 SMD shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 2: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 1):

Figure 3: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 1, no scaling):



2008.12.09 pp Run 8 vs. Run 6 shower shapes

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 09, 2008

Data sets:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]
    Days: 53-70; ~0.5M triggered events (1/3 of available statistics)

Gamma-jet analysis cuts:

  1. Select only di-jet events
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for the away side jet
  4. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  5. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  6. N_(5-strip cluster)^u > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  7. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 2 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  8. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  9. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluster
  10. R_{3x3cluster}: Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy (not applied here)

Comparison between 2006 and 2008 data

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution:
All gamma-jet cuts applied, plus pt_gamma>7 and pt_jet > 5 GeV (exlcuding days 61, 62, 64, and 67)
Results are shown for pp2008 data sample (black), vs. pp2006 data (red).
pp2008 data scaled to the same total number of candidates as in pp2006 data.

Figure 2: Shower shapes within +/- 30 strips from high strip (same cuts as in Fig. 1):

Figure 3: Shower shapes within +/- 5 strips from high strip
(same cuts as in Fig. 1, no scaling):

2008.12.11 Run 8 EEMC QA (presentation for Spin PWG)

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 11, 2008

Run 8 QA with EEMC gamma-jet candidates

Presentation in pdf or open office file format

2008.12.16 Effect of L2gamma trigger in simulations

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 16, 2008

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

Gamma-jet isolation cuts except 3x3/r=0.7 energy isolation cut

Data driven shower shape replacement maker fix

Figure 1: (reproducing old results with dd-maker fix)
transverse momentum and vertex z distributions
before (with ideal gains/pedestals) and
after (with realistic gains/pedestal tables) dd-maker fix are in a good agreement.
For details on "dd-maker problem", read these hyper news threads:
emc2:2905, emc2:2900, and phana:294
Now we can run L2gamma trigger emulation and Eemc SMD ddMaker
in the same analysis chain.

l2-gamma trigger effect in simulation

Figure 2: Vertex z distribution with and without trigger condition in simulations
(emulated trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]).
Solid red/green symbols show results with l2gamma condition applied,
while red/green lines show results for the same analysis cuts but without trigger condition.
Note, good agreement between MC QCD jets with trigger condition on (green solid squared)
and pp2006 data (black solid circles) for pre-shower1>0 case.

Figure 3: pt distribution with/without trigger condition in simulations.
Same color coding as in Fig. 2

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 3 just on a log scale
One can clearly see large trigger effect when applied for QCD jet events,
and a little effect for direct gammas.

Figure 5: gamma candidate pt QCD (right) and prompt photon (left) Monte-Carlo:
no (upper) with (lower) L2e-gamma trigger condition
No photon pt and no jet pt cuts

Figure 6: gamma candidate pt for QCD Monte-Carlo: no L2e-gamma trigger condition
No photon pt and no jet pt cuts

Figure 7: gamma candidate pt for QCD Monte-Carlo: L2e-gamma trigger condition applied (id:137641)
No photon pt and no jet pt cuts

2008.12.19 Parton pt distribution for Pythia QCD and gamma-jet events

Ilya Selyuzhenkov December 19, 2008

Data sets

Cuts applied

Gamma-jet isolation cuts except 3x3/r=0.7 energy isolation cut

Figure 1: Parton pt distibution for gamma-jet candidates from Pythia QCD sample
with various pt and l2gamma trigger conditions

Figure 2: Parton pt distibution for gamma-jet candidates from Pythia prompt photon sample
with various pt and l2gamma trigger conditions


Year 2009 posts


01 Jan

January 2009 posts


2009.01.08 Away side jet pt vs. photon pt

Ilya Selyuzhenkov January 08, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events


(concentrated on pre-shower1>0 case
which has better statistics for QCD Monte-Carlo):

  • Fig.1, lower plots
    Vertex z distributions from QCD MC and pp2006 data are different in the negative region
  • Fig.2, lower plots
    For the away side jet pt < 8GeV region
    QCD Monte-Carlo underestimates the data.
  • Fig.4, lower plots
    gamma-jet pt asymmetry plot shows
    that in QCD MC photon and jet pt's are better correlated than in the data
  • Fig.5, lower plots
    Most of the differences between QCD MC and pp2006 data for pre-shower1>0 case
    are probably from the lower gamma and jet pt region


Figure 1: Vertex z distribution

Figure 2: Away side jet pt

Figure 3: Photon pt

Figure 4: gamma-jet pt asymmetry: (pt_gamma - pt_jet)/pt_gamma

Figure 5: gamma pt vs. away side jet pt
1st column: triggered pp2006 data
2nd column: gamma-jet MC (l2gamma trigger on)
3rd column: QCD background MC (l2gamma trigger on)

2009.01.20 Away side jet pt vs. photon pt: more stats for QCD pt_parton 9-15GeV

Ilya Selyuzhenkov January 20, 2009

this is an update with 10x more statitstics for QCD 9-15GeV parton pt bin.
See this post for old results.

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events


  • Vertex z distributions from QCD MC and pp2006 data
    are different in the negative region (see Fig.1)
  • pp2006 data to Monte-Carlo ratio
    does not depends on reconstructed photon pt,
    but it has some vertex z dependence
    (see data to MC ratio in Fig.6 for pre-shower1 > 4MeV case)


Figure 1: Vertex z distribution

Figure 2: Away side jet pt

Figure 3: Photon pt

Figure 4: gamma-jet pt asymmetry: (pt_gamma - pt_jet)/pt_gamma

Figure 5: gamma pt vs. away side jet pt
1st column: triggered pp2006 data
2nd column: gamma-jet MC (l2gamma trigger on)
3rd column: QCD background MC (l2gamma trigger on)

Data to Monte_Carlo normalization

Figure 6: pp2006 data to Monte -Carlo sum [QCD + gamma-jet] ratio
for pre-shower1>4MeV (most of statistics)
Left: data to MC ratio vs. reconstructed gamma pt.
Solid line shows constant line fit (p0 ~ 1.3)
Right: data to MC ratio vs. reconstructed vertex position

2009.01.27 gamma and jet pt plots with detector |eta|_jet < 0.8, pt_jet > 7

Ilya Selyuzhenkov January 27, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • jet pt > 7GeV
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV or no pt cuts
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


All figures:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, pre1<10MeV
  • Left plots: no gamma pt cut
    Right plots: pt_gamma >7GeV
  • Thick blue line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
  • Thin solid color lines shows distributions from various partonic pt bins for QCD MC
    See figures legend for color coding

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution

Figure 2: Photon eta

Figure 3: Away side jet eta

Figure 4:Photon pt

Figure 5: Away side jet pt

Figure 6: Away side jet detector eta

2009.01.27 gamma and jet pt plots with |eta|_jet < 0.7

Ilya Selyuzhenkov January 27, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV or no pt cuts
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • |eta_jet|< 0.7
  • |v_z| < 100


All figures:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, pre1<10MeV
  • Left plots: no gamma pt cut
    Right plots: pt_gamma >7GeV
  • Thick blue line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
  • Thin solid color lines shows distributions from various partonic pt bins for QCD MC
    See figures legend for color coding

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution

Figure 2: Photon eta

Figure 3: Away side jet eta

Figure 4:Photon pt

Same as in Fig.4 on a log scale: no gamma pt cut and pt>7GeV

Figure 5: Away side jet pt

Same as in Fig.5 on a log scale: no gamma pt cut and pt>7GeV

02 Feb

February 2009 posts


2009.02.02 No pre-shower cuts, Normalization fudge factor 1.24

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 02, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


All figures:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, No pre-shower cuts
  • Thick blue line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
  • Black solid circles: pp2006 data
  • Monte-Carlo results first scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity
    and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 has been applied.
    Fudge factor is defined as the yields ratio from data to scaled with Pythia luminosity Monte-Carlo
    for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution with pt_jet>7 cut (left) and without pt_jet cut (rigth)

Figure 2: Photon (left) and away side jet (right) pt

Figure 3: Photon detector eta (left) and corrected for vertex eta (right)

Figure 4: Away side jet detector eta (left) and corrected for vertex eta (right)

Figure 5: Preshower 1 (left) and Pre-shower2 (right) energy

2009.02.03 No pre-shower cuts, pt_jet >7 vs. No pt_jet cuts

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 03, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • gamma-jet[gamma-filtered] - data-driven Prompt Photon [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.
  • QCD jets[gamma-filtered] - data-driven QCD [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered pp2006 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


Each figure has:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, No pre-shower cuts
  • Thick blue line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
  • Black solid circles shows pp2006 data
  • Left plots: pt_jet>7GeV
    Right plots: no cuts on pt_jet
  • Monte-Carlo results for QCD and gamma-jet samples are first
    scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity,
    added together, and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 applied.
    Fudge factor is defined as pp2006 to Monte-Carlo sum ratio
    for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates

Figure 1: Vertex z distribution

Figure 2: Photon detector eta

Figure 3: Corrected for vetrex photon eta

Figure 4: Away side jet detector eta

Figure 5: Corrected for vetrex away side jet eta

Figure 6:Photon pt

Figure 7: Away side jet pt

Figure 8: Pre-shower 1 energy

Figure 9: Pre-shower 2 energy

2009.02.06 Pre-shower energy distribution Run6 vs. Run8 geometry

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 06, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • mc2006: gamma-jet+QCD jets [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
  • Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV, jet pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered for pp2006 and pp2008 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


Each figure has:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, No pre-shower cuts
  • Red circles show pp2006 data
  • Black triangles show pp2008 data
    Data scaled to match the integraled yield from pp2006 data
  • Green line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
    Monte-Carlo results for QCD and gamma-jet samples are first
    scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity,
    added together, and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 applied.
    Fudge factor is defined as pp2006 to Monte-Carlo sum ratio
    for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates


  • Pre-shower energy distributions from pp2008 data set
    are narrower than that for pp2006 data.
    This corresponds to smaller amount of material budget in y2008 STAR geometry.
  • Pre-shower energy distribution from Monte-Carlo with y2006 geometry
    closer follows the distribution from pp2008 data set, rather than that from pp2006 data.
    This indicates the lack of material budget in y2006 Monte-Carlo.

Note: There is a "pre-shower sector 10 problem" for pp2008 data,
which results in migration of small fraction of events with pre-shower>0 into
pre-shower=0 bin (first zero bins in Fig.1 and 2. below).
For pre-shower>0 case this only affects overall normalization of pp2008 data,
but not the shape of pre-shower energy distributions.
I'm running jet-finder+my software to get more statistics from pp2008 data set,
and after more QA will produce list of runs with "pre-shower sector 10 problem",
so to exclude them in the next iteration of my plots.

Figure 1: Pre-shower1 energy distribution

Figure 2: Pre-shower2 energy distribution

2009.02.09 pp2006, pp2008, amd mc2006 comparison

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 06, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • mc2006: gamma-jet+QCD jets [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
  • Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV, jet pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered for pp2006 and pp2008 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


Each figure has:

  • All pre-shower conditions combined, No pre-shower cuts
  • Red circles show pp2006 data
  • Black triangles show pp2008 data
    Data scaled to match the integraled yield from pp2006 data
  • Green line shows MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
    Monte-Carlo results for QCD and gamma-jet samples are first
    scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity,
    added together, and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 applied.
    Fudge factor is defined as pp2006 to Monte-Carlo sum ratio
    for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates


Figure 1: vertex z

Figure 2: photon detector eta

Figure 3: jet detector eta

Figure 4: photon pt

Figure 5: jet pt

Figure 6: gamma-jet pt balance

Figure 7: Photon neutral energy fraction

Figure 8: Jet neutral energy fraction

Figure 9: cos(phi_gamma-phi_jet)

Photon candidate's 2x1, 2x2, and 3x3 tower cluser energy

Figure 10: 3x3 cluster energy

Figure 11: 2x1 cluster energy

Figure 12: 2x2 cluster energy

Number of charge tracks, Barrel and Endcap towers within r=0.7 for photon and gamma

Figure 13: Number of charged track associated with photon candidate

Figure 14: Number of Barrel towers associated with photon candidate

Figure 15: Number of Endcap towers associated with photon candidate

Jet energy composition

Figure 16: Jet energy part from Barrel towers

Figure 17: Jet energy part from charge tracks

2009.02.16 pt_jet>5GeV: pre-shower sorting with new normalization

Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 16, 2009

Data sets

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1)
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641]
  • mc2006: gamma-jet+QCD jets [p6410EemcGammaFilter] events.
  • Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

  • pp2008 - STAR 2008 pp data
    Trigger: etot-mb-l2 [id:7]

Cuts applied

  • Di-jet events
  • Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
  • Gamma pt > 7GeV, jet pt > 7GeV
  • L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
  • L2gamma triggered for pp2006 and pp2008 events
  • cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
  • detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
  • |v_z| < 100


Each figure has:

  • pp2008 data scaled to match the integraled yield from pp2006 data
  • mc2006 stand for MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
    Monte-Carlo results for QCD and gamma-jet samples are first
    scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity,
    added together, and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 applied.
    Fudge factor is defined as pp2006 to Monte-Carlo sum ratio
    for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates

plots for pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV

  1. All pre-shower combined: 1D distributions
  2. All pre-shower combined: 2D correlations
  3. Pre-shower sorting 1D distributions


2009.02.19 Photon-jet analysis status update for Spin PWG

Photon-jet analysis status update for Spin PWG (February 19, 2009)

Slides: download pdf

Previous versions: v1, v2

Link for CIPANP abstract



CIPANP 2009 abstract on photon-jet measurement

CIPANP 2009 abstract on photon-jet study

"Photon-jet coincidence measurements
in polarized pp collisions at sqrt{s}=200GeV
with the STAR Endcap Calorimeter"

Abstract: download pdf

Previous versions: v1, v2, v3, v4

Conference link: CIPANP 2009

03 Mar

March 2009 posts


2009.03.02 Application of the neural network for the cut optimization (zero try)

Multilayer perceptron (feedforward neural networks)

Multilayer perceptron (MLP) is feedforward neural networks
trained with the standard backpropagation algorithm.
They are supervised networks so they require a desired response to be trained.
They learn how to transform input data into a desired response,
so they are widely used for pattern classification.
With one or two hidden layers, they can approximate virtually any input-output map.
They have been shown to approximate the performance of optimal statistical classifiers in difficult problems.

ROOT implementation for Multilayer perceptron

TMultiLayerPerceptron class in ROOT
mlpHiggs.C example

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

Netwrok structure:
r3x3, (pt_gamma-pt_jet)/pt_gamma, nCharge, bBtow, eTow2x1: 10 hidden layers: one output later

Figure 1:

  • Upper left: Learning curve (error vs. number of training)
    Learing method is: Steepest descent with fixed step size (batch learning)
  • Upper right: Differences (how important are initial variableles for signal/background separation)
  • Lower left: Network structure (ling thinkness corresponds to relative weight value)
  • Lower right: Network output. Red - MC gamma-jets, blue QCD background, black pp2006 data


Figure 2: Input parameters vs. network output
Row: 1: MC QCD, 2: gamma-jet, 3 pp2006 data
Vertical axis: r3x3, (pt_gamma-pt_jet)/pt_gamma, nCharge, bBtow, eTow2x1
Horisontal axis: network output

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 2 on a linear scale

2009.03.09 Application of the LDA and MLP classifiers for the cut optimization

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA and MLP (neural network) classifiers

ROOT implementation for LDA and MLP:

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

LDA configuration: default

MLP configuration:

  • 2 hidden layers [N+1:N neural network configuration, N is number of input parameters]
  • Learning method: stochastic minimization (1000 learning cycles)

Input parameters (same for both LDA and MLP):

  1. Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius: r3x3
  2. Photon-jet pt balance: [pt_gamma-pt_jet]/pt_gamma
  3. Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  4. Number of Endcap towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  5. Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate

Figure 1: Signal efficiency and purity, background rejection (left),
and significance: Sig/sqrt[Sig+Bg] (right) vs. LDA (upper plots) and MLP (lower plots) classifier discriminants

Figure 2:

  1. Upper left: Rejection vs. efficiency
  2. Upper right: Purity vs. efficiency
  3. Lower left: Purity vs. Rejection
  4. Lower right: Significance vs. efficiency


Figure 3: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison for LDA (upper plots) and MLP (lower plots)
Good (within ~ 10%) match between data nad Monte-Carlo
a) up to 0.8 for LDA discriminant, and b) up to -0.7 for MLP.

Figure 4: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison for input parameters
from left to right
1) pt_gamma 2) pt_jet 3) r3x3 4) gamma-jet pt balance 5) N_ch[gamma] 6) N_eTow[gamma] 7) N_bTow[gamma]
Colour coding: black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD

Figure 5: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison:
correlations between input variables (in the same order as in Fig. 4)
and LDA classifier discriminant (horizontal axis).
1st raw: QCD MC; 2nd: gamma-jet MC; 3rd: pp2006 data; 4th: QCD+gamma-jet MC

Figure 6: Same as Fig. 6 for MLP discriminant

2009.03.26 Endcap photon-jet update at the STAR Collaboration meeting

Endcap photon-jet update at the STAR Collaboration meeting

04 Apr

April 2009 posts

2009.04.17 WSU nuclear seminar

The STAR spin program with longitudinally polarized proton beams

2009.04.21 Adding SMD info to the LDA

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

LDA configuration: default

LDA input parameters:

  1. Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius: r3x3
  2. Photon-jet pt balance: [pt_gamma-pt_jet]/pt_gamma
  3. Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  4. Number of Endcap towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  5. Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate

Figure 1: LDA discriminant (no SMD involved in training)

Figure 2: LDA (no SMD): Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. discriminant

Figure 3: SMD energy in 25 central strips (LDA-dsicriminant>0, no pre-shower1 cut)

Figure 4: SMD energy in 25 central strips (LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)

Figure 5: Maximum residual (LDA-dsicriminant>0, no pre-shower1 cut)

Figure 6: Maximum residual (LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)

LDA+ SMD analysis

SMD info added:
a) energy in 5 central srtips
b) maximum sided residual

Figure 7:LDA with SMD: Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. LDA discriminant

Figure 8: LDA discriminant with SMD

Figure 9: Maximum residual (SMD LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)

LDA with and without SMD comparison

Figure 10:LDA (no SMD): Efficiency, rejection, purity plots

Figure 11: LDA with SMD: Efficiency, rejection, purity plots

2009.04.28 LDA plus SMD analysis with pre-shower sorting

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

LDA configuration: default

LDA input parameters (includes SMD inromation of the distance from max sided residual plot):

  1. Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius: r3x3
  2. Photon-jet pt balance: [pt_gamma-pt_jet]/pt_gamma
  3. Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  4. Number of Endcap towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  5. Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  6. Distance to 80% cut line (see this link for more details)

The number of strips in SMD u or v planes is required to be greater than 3

Figure 1: SMD energy in 25 central strips sorted by pre-shower energy

  1. Upper left: pre1=0, pre2=0
  2. Upper right: pre1=0, pre2>0
  3. Lower left: 0<4MeV
  4. Lower right: 4<10MeV

Right plot for each pre-shower condition shows the ratio of pp2006 data to sum of the Monte-Carlo samples
Colour coding:
black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD
(combined plot for all pre-shoer bins can be found here)


Figure 2: SMD energy in 5 central strips sorted by pre-shower energy
(combined plot can be found here)

Figure 3: Maximum residual sorted by pre-shower energy
(combined plot can be found here)

Figure 4: LDA discriminant. Note: LDA algo trained for each pre-shower condition independently

Figure 5: LDA: Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. discriminant, sorted by pre-shower energy

Figure 6: LDA: Efficiency, rejection, purity plots sorted by pre-shower energy
For each pre-shower condition each plot has 4 figures:

  1. u-left: rejection vs. efficiency
  2. u-right: purity vs. efficiency
  3. l-left: purity vs. rejection
  4. l-right: significance (signal/sqrt{signal+background}) vs. efficiency


05 May

May 2009 posts


2009.05.03 LDA: varying pt and eta cut

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

LDA configuration: default

LDA input parameters Set0:

  1. Set0:
    • Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius:
    • Photon-jet pt balance:
    • Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate:
    • Number of Endcap towersL fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate:
    • Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
  2. Set1:
  3. Set2:
    • All from Set1
    • Energy fraction in E_2x1 and E_2x2 witin E_3x3:
      E_2x1/E_2x2 and E_2x2/E_3x3
  4. Set3:
    • All from Set2
    • Energy in post-shower layer under 3x3 tower patch:

The number of strips in SMD u or v planes is required to be greater than 3

Pre-shower sorting (energy in tiles under 3x3 tower patch):

  1. pre1=0, pre2=0
  2. pre1=0, pre2>0
  3. 0 < pre1 < 0.004
  4. 0.004 < pre1 < 0.01
  5. pre1 < 0.01
  6. pre1 >= 0.01

Photon pt and rapidity cuts:

  1. pt>7GeV
  2. pt>8GeV
  3. pt>9GeV
  4. pt>10GeV
  5. detector eta <1.4 (pt>7GeV)
  6. detector eta > 1.4 (pt>7GeV)

Figure 0: photon pt distribution for pre-shower1<0.01
Colour coding:
black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD

LDA Set0

Figure 1: LDA discriminant with Set0: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison (pt>7GeV cut)

Right plot for each pre-shower condition shows the ratio of pp2006 data to sum of the Monte-Carlo samples
Colour coding:
black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD

Figure 2: efficiency, purity, rejection vs. LDA discriminant (pt>7GeV cut)

Figure 3: rejection vs. efficiency

Figure 4: purity vs. efficiency

Figure 5: purity vs. rejection

LDA Set1

Figure 6: LDA discriminant with Set1: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison

Figure 7: rejection vs. efficiency

Figure 8: purity vs. efficiency

Figure 9: purity vs. rejection (click link to see the figure)

LDA Set2

Figure 10: rejection vs. efficiency (click link to see the figure)

Figure 11: purity vs. efficiency

Figure 12: purity vs. rejection (click link to see the figure)

LDA Set3

Figure 13: rejection vs. efficiency (click link to see the figure)

Figure 14: purity vs. efficiency

Figure 15: purity vs. rejection (click link to see the figure)

2009.05.04 LDA: More SMD info, 3x3 tower energy, correlation matrix

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

ROOT implementation for LDA:

Application for cuts optimization in the gamma-jet analysis

LDA configuration: default

LDA input parameters Set0:

  1. Set4 (link for results with LDA Set0-Set3):
    • Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius:
    • Photon-jet pt balance:
    • Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate:
    • Number of Endcap towersL fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate:
    • Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
    • Shower shape analysis: distance to 80% cut line:
      distance to cut line
    • Energy fraction in E_2x1 and E_2x2 witin E_3x3:
      E_2x1/E_2x2 and E_2x2/E_3x3
    • Energy in post-shower layer under 3x3 tower patch:
    • Tower energy in 3x3 patch:
    • SMD-u energy in 25 central strips:
    • SMD-v energy in 25 central strips:
    • SMD-v peak energy (in 5 central strips):

The number of strips in SMD u or v planes is required to be greater than 3

Pre-shower sorting (energy in tiles under 3x3 tower patch):

  1. pre1=0, pre2=0
  2. pre1=0, pre2>0
  3. 0 < pre1 < 0.004
  4. 0.004 < pre1 < 0.01
  5. pre1 < 0.01
  6. pre1 >= 0.01

Integrated yields per pre-shower bin:

sample total integral pre1=0,pre2=0 pre1=0, pre2>0 0 < pre1 < 0.004 0.004 < pre1 < 0.01 pre1 < 0.01 pre1 >= 0.01
photon-jet 2.5640e+03 3.5034e+02 5.2041e+02 5.6741e+02 5.2619e+02 1.9644e+03 5.9994e+02
QCD 5.6345e+04 1.3515e+03 4.3010e+03 1.2289e+04 1.5759e+04 3.3701e+04 2.2644e+04
pp2006 6.2811e+04 6.8000e+02 2.4310e+03 1.2195e+04 1.6766e+04 3.2072e+04 3.0739e+04

Photon pt and rapidity cuts:

  1. pt>7GeV
  2. pt>8GeV
  3. pt>9GeV
  4. pt>10GeV
  5. detector eta <1.4 (pt>7GeV)
  6. detector eta > 1.4 (pt>7GeV)

LDA Set4

Figure 1: LDA discriminant with Set0: Data to Monte-Carlo comparison (pt>7GeV cut)

Right plot for each pre-shower condition shows the ratio of pp2006 data to sum of the Monte-Carlo samples
Colour coding:
black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD

Figure 2: rejection vs. efficiency

Figure 3: purity vs. efficiency

Figure 4: purity vs. rejection

Figure 5: Correlation matrix (pt>7GeV cut)
pre1=0, pre2=0

pre1=0, pre2>0

0 < pre1 < 0.004

0.004 < pre1 < 0.01

pre1 < 0.01

pre1 >= 0.01

2009.05.06 Applying cuts on LDA: request minimum purity or efficiency

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

For this post LDA input parameters Set4 has been used

LDA for various pre-shower bins is trained independetly,
and later results with pre-shower1<0.01 are combined.

There are a set of plots for various photon pt cuts (pt> 7, 8, 9 10 GeV)
and with different selection of cutoff for LDA
(either based on purity or efficiency).
Number in brackets shows the total yield for the sample.

Link to all plots (16 total) as a single pdf file

pt > 7GeV

Figure 1: pt > 7GeV, efficiency@70

Figure 2: pt > 7GeV, purity@35


Figure 3: pt > 7GeV, purity@40


Figure 4: pt > 7GeV, purity@25 (Note: very similar to results with efficiency@70)


pt > 9GeV

Figure 5: pt > 9GeV, efficiency@70


Figure 6: pt > 9GeV, purity@35


pt > 10GeV

Figure 7: pt > 10GeV, efficiency@70


Figure 8: pt > 10GeV, purity@40


2009.05.07 Photon-jets analysis with the Endcap Calorimeter

Photon-jets with the Endcap Calorimeter

(analysis status update for Spin PWG)

Slides in pdf format:


2009.05.12 Variable distributions after LDA at 70% efficiency

Cut optimization with Fisher's LDA classifier

For this post LDA results with Set1 and Set2 has been used
Note, that LDA for various pre-shower bins is trained independetly

pdf-links with results for pre1=0 and pre2=0 (pre-shower bin 1):

Figures below are for 0.004<pre-shower1<0.01 (pre-shower bin 4).

Photon pt cut: pt> 7, pre-shower bin: 0.004 < pre1 < 0.01
LDA cut with efficiency @ 70%

Set1 vs. Set2

What is added in Set2 compared to Set1:
smaller cluster size information (r2x1, r2x2), post-shower energy

Figure 1: r2x1
before LDA cut

LDA cut for Set1

LDA cut for Set2

Figure 2: r2x2
before LDA cut

LDA cut for Set1

LDA cut for Set2

Figure 3: r3x3
before LDA cut

LDA cut for Set1

LDA cut for Set2

Figure 4: Residual distance
before LDA cut

LDA cut for Set1

LDA cut for Set2

Other variables with LDA Set2 cut

Note: Only plos for LDA cut @70 efficiency for Set2 are shown

Figure : number of charge particles around photon


Figure 5: number of EEMC tower around photon


Figure 6: number of BEMC tower around photon


Figure 7: photon-jet pt balance


Figure 8: SMD energy in 5 centrapl strips


Figure 9: SMD energy in 25 central strips: u and v plane separately (plot for V plane)


Figure 10: 2x1 cluster energy


Figure 11: 2x2 cluster energy


Figure 12: 3x3 cluster energy


Figure 13: tower energy in r=0.7 radius


Figure 14: 3x3 pre-shower1 energy


Figure 15: 3x3 pre-shower2 energy


Figure 16: 3x3 post-shower energy


Figure 17: photon pt


Figure 18: jet pt


Figure 19: z vertex

2009.05.31 CIPANP 2009 photon-jet presentation

CIPANP 2009 presentation on photon-jet study

"Photon-jet coincidence measurements
in polarized pp collisions at sqrt{s}=200GeV
with the STAR Endcap Calorimeter"

06 Jun

June 2009 posts


2009.06.22 CIPANP 2009 photon-jet proceedings

CIPANP 2009 proceedings on photon-jet study

"Photon-jet coincidence measurements
in polarized pp collisions at sqrt{s}=200 GeV
with the STAR Endcap Calorimeter"

07 Jul

July 2009 posts


2009.07.21 EEMC tower response in Monte-Carlo

Data set and cuts:

  1. gamma-jet filtered Monte-Carlo
  2. Di-jet events from the jet finder (jets threshold: 3.5 GeV)
  3. parton pt bin 3-4 GeV (see pt_gamma distributions for various parton pt bins)
  4. Thrown photon pseudo-rapidity: eta in [1-2] range
  5. Requires to reconstruct photon candidate in the EEMC

Figure 1: Average ratio: pt_true / (pt_reco/1.3) vs. pt_reco (GeV/c)

  • Introduce 1.3 factor here to remove the effect of the fudge factor in slow simulator
  • Since a limited partonic pt range (3-4 GeV) is used for this study,
    there is an "artificial" increase of the plotted ratio in pt_gamma > 6 GeV range
  • Fig. 1 reflects similar features (over a limited pt range) as those found by Hal
    in his single photon study (see slide 6 of SimulationStudies.ppt presentation)


Figure 2:
Average momentum difference: pt_true - (pt_reco/1.3) vs. pt_reco (GeV/c)

  • Fig. 2 shows that on average in GEANT Monte-Carlo we miss ~1GeV independent on the photon pt.
    EEMC detector response can be still linear even if the ratio in Fig. 1 is not flat.
  • Usage of fixed 1.3 (or others, like 1.25) fudge factors are not justified.
  • It seems that using pt-dependent fudge factor (like it is done in this Jason's study)
    is also unjustified, since the same effects (flat ratio of pt_reco/pt_true ~ 1)
    can be reached by subtracting 1 GeV from the cluster energy (See Fig. 3).


Figure 3: Average ratio: (pt_true -1.06) (pt_reco/1.3) vs. pt_reco (GeV/c)
Similar to Fig. 1, but with the true photon pt reduced by 1.06 GeV
Resulting true/reco pt ratio is flat in 4-6 GeV range.

Before further pursuing our efforts in tuning the tower energy response in the Monte-Carlo,
needs to address the observed energy loss difference in the fisrt layer of the BEMC/EEMC detector.
See Jason's blog post from 2009.07.16 for more details:
Comparison muon energy deposit in the 1st BEMC/EEMC layers

08 Aug

August 2009 posts


2009.08.24 Test of corrected EEMC geometry

Test of corrected EEMC geometry (bug 1618)

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One particle per event (photons, electrons, and pions)
  • Full STAR 2006 geometry.
    In Kumac file: detp geom y2006g; gexec $STAR_LIB/
  • Flat in eta (1.08-2.0), phi (0,2pi), and pt (3-30 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
    what assumes fixed sampling fraction of 0.05 (5%)

Some definitions:

  • Et correction factor : average p_T^thrown / E_T^{reco}.
    E_T^{reco} is the total energy in the Endcap Calorimeter (from A2Emaker)
  • Sampling fraction: average 0.05 * Energy^{reco} / Energy^thrown.
  • SMD energy: average energy in all strips fired (u-plane used for this post)
  • Number of SMD strips fired: average total number of strips fired (u-plane used for this post)

Notations used in the plots:

  • Left plots: no cAir fix
  • Right plots: cAir-fixed
  • Photons: black
  • Electrons: red
  • Pions: green

Et correction

Note: compare "Left" plots with Brians old results

Figure 1a: Et correction factor vs. pt thrown

Figure 1b: Et correction factor vs. eta thrown

Figure 1c: Et correction factor vs. phi thrown

Sampling fraction

Note: compare "Right" plots with Jason results with EEMC only geometry

Figure 2a: Sampling fraction vs. pt thrown

Figure 2b: Sampling fraction vs. energy thrown

Figure 2c: Sampling fraction vs. eta thrown

Figure 2d: Sampling fraction vs. phi thrown

SMD energy

Figure 3a: SMD energy vs. energy thrown

Figure 3b: SMD energy vs. eta thrown

Number of SMD strips fired

Figure 4a: Number of SMD strips fired vs. energy thrown

Figure 4b: Number of SMD strips fired vs. eta thrown

2009.08.25 Test of corrected EEMC geometry: shower shapes

Test of corrected EEMC geometry (bug 1618)

Monte-Carlo setup is desribed here

  • One particle per event (photons, electrons, and pions)
  • Full STAR 2006 geometry.
    In Kumac file: detp geom y2006g; gexec $STAR_LIB/
  • Flat in eta (1.08-2.0), phi (0,2pi), and pt (3-30 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
    what assumes fixed sampling fraction of 0.05 (5%)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Figure 1:Single photon shower shape before (red) and after (black) EEMC cAir bug fixed
pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4 (left), eta=1.6-1.8 (right)

Figure 2: Single photon shower shape vs. data
Monte-Carlo: pt=7-10GeV, eta=1.6-1.8
data: no pre-shower1,2; pt_photon>7, pt_jet>5. no eta cuts.
(see Fig. 1 from here for other pre-shower conditions)

2009.08.27 fixed EEMC geometry: pre-shower sorted shower shapes & eta-meson comparison

Test of corrected EEMC geometry: shower shapes (bug 1618)

Monte-Carlo setup is desribed here

  • One particle per event (photons, electrons, and pions)
  • Full STAR 2006 geometry.
    In Kumac file: detp geom y2006g; gexec $STAR_LIB/
  • Flat in eta (1.08-2.0), phi (0,2pi), and pt (3-30 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
    what assumes fixed sampling fraction of 0.05 (5%)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Color coding:

  • Black - photon (single particle/event MC)
  • Red - electron (single particle/event MC)
  • Green - neutral pion (single particle/event MC)
  • Blue - photons from eta-meson decay (real data)

Single particle shower shape before (left) and after (right) EEMC cAir bug fixed
Single particle kinematic cuts: pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4
Eta-meson shower shapes (blue) taken from Fig. 1 from here of this post
All shapes are normalized to 1 at peak (central strip).

Figure 1: Pre-shower bin 0: E_pre1=0; E_pre2=0

Figure 2: Pre-shower bin 1: E_pre1=0; E_pre2>0

Figure 3: Pre-shower bin 2: E_pre1>0; E_pre1<0.004

Figure 4: Pre-shower bin 3: E_pre1>0.004; E_pre1<0.01

Shower shape ratios

Results only for corrected EEMC geometry
All shapes are divided by MC single-photon shower shape.

Figure 5a: Pre-shower bin 0: E_pre1=0; E_pre2=0

Figure 5b: Pre-shower bin 1: E_pre1=0; E_pre2>0

Figure 5c: Pre-shower bin 2: E_pre1>0; E_pre1<0.004

Figure 5d: Pre-shower bin 3: E_pre1>0.004; E_pre1<0.01

Figure 6: Single photon to eta-meson shape ratios only (with error bars):
Pre-shower bins 0 (upper-left),1 (upper-right),2 (lower-left), and 3 (lower-right)

Extracting gamma-jet cross section at forward rapidity from pp@200GeV collisions

Analysis overview

  1. Data samples, event selection, luminosity determination
  2. Isolating photon-jet events
    • Transverse shower shape analysis
    • Isolation cuts
    • Cut optimization
  3. Trigger effects study
  4. Data to Monte-Carlo comparison/normalization and raw yields
  5. Acceptance/efficiency corrections
  6. Corrected yields
  7. Background subtraction
  8. Systematic uncertainties
  9. Comparison with theory

Data samples, event selection, luminosity determination

Real data, and signal/background Monte-Carlo samples:

  • pp@200GeV collisions, STAR produnctionLong.
    Trigger: eemc-http-mb-L2gamma [id:137641] (L ~ 3.164 pb^1)

  • Pythia prompt photon (signal) Monte-Carlo sample.
    Filtered Prompt Photon p6410EemcGammaFilter.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

  • Pythia 2->2 hard QCD processes (background) Monte-Carlo sample.
    Filtered QCD p6410EemcGammaFilter.
    Partonic pt range 2-25 GeV.

Isolating photon-jet events

  1. Shower shape analysis
  2. Isolation cuts
  3. Cut optimization with LDA.
    Input variables (list can be expanded):
    • Energy fraction in 3x3 cluster within a r=0.7 radius, E_3x3/E_0.7
    • Photon-jet pt balance, [pt_gamma-pt_jet]/pt_gamma
    • Number of charge tracks within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
    • Number of Endcap towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
    • Number of Barrel towers fired within r=0.7 around gamma candidate
    • Shower shape analysis: distance to 80% cut line
    • Energy fraction in E_2x1 and E_2x2 witin E_3x3
    • Energy in post-shower layer under 3x3 tower patch
    • Tower energy in 3x3 patch
    • SMD-u/v energy in 25 central strips
    • SMD-u/v peak energy (in 5 central strips)

Trigger effects study

No studies yet

  • Trigger effects vs pt
  • Trigger effects vs eta
  • What else?

Data to Monte-Carlo comparison/normalization and raw yields

  • Overall data to MC normalization based on vertex z distribution
  • Data to MC comparison of raw yield in various detector subsystems
  • Uncorrected yields optimized with different efficiency/purity

Acceptance/efficiency corrections

No studies yet

  • What needs to be studied for acceptance/efficiency effects?
  • Converting reconstructed photon (jet) energy/momentum to the true one
  • Reconstruction efficiency vs. rapidity, pt, etc

Corrected yields

No studies yet

  • Produce acceptance/efficiency corrected yields

Background subtraction

No studies yet

  • Statistical background subtraction based on Pythia+GEANT Monte-Carlo
  • Estimate systematic uncertainties due to background subtraction

Systematic uncertainties

No studies yet

  • Calorimeter energy resolution
  • Trigger bias
  • Other effects

Comparison with theory

No comparison yet

  • Request for pQCD calculations at forward rapidity

09 Sep

September 2009 posts

2009.09.04 Test of corrected EEMC geometry: SVT, slow-simulator on/off, pre-shower migration

Test of corrected EEMC geometry: shower shapes (bug 1618)

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One particle per event (photons, electrons, pions, and eta-meson)
  • Full STAR 2006 geometry (with/without SVT)
    In Kumac file: detp geom y2006g; gexec $STAR_LIB/ (remove SVT with SVTT_OFF option)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (with/without EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Color coding:

  • Photon (single particle MC)
  • Electron (single particle MC)
  • Neutral pion (single particle MC)
  • Eta-meson (single particle MC)
  • Eta-meson [pp2006 data] (single photons from eta-meson decay)

Pre-shower bins:

  1. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 = 0 (no energy in both EEMC pre-shower layers)
  2. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 > 0
  3. 0 < Ep1 < 4 MeV
  4. 4 < Ep1 < 10 MeV
  5. Ep1 > 10 MeV
  6. All pre-shower bins combined

Ep1/Ep2 is the energy deposited in the 1st/2nd EEMC pre-shower layer.
For a single particle MC it is a sum over
all pre-shower tiles in the EEMC with energy of 3 sigma above pedestal.
For eta-meson from pp2006 data the sum is over 3x3 tower patch

Shower shapes

Single particle kinematic cuts: pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4
Eta-meson shower shapes (blue) taken from Fig. 1 from here of this post
All shapes are normalized to 1 at peak (central strip)

Figure 1: Shower shape sorted by pre-shower conditions.
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (NO slow simulator, WITH SVT)
Ratio plot

Figure 2: Shower shape sorted by pre-shower conditions.
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (NO slow simulator, NO SVT)
Ratio plot

Figure 3: Shower shape sorted by pre-shower conditions.
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITH slow simulator, WITH SVT)
Ratio plot

Figure 4: Shower shape sorted by pre-shower conditions.
Old cAir-bug EEMC geometry (NO slow simulator, WITH SVT)
Click here to see the plot

Pre-shower migration with/without SVT

Starting with a fixed (50K events) for each type of particle.
Change in number of counts for a given pre-shower bin
with different detector configuration shows pre-shower migration

Figure 5: Pre-shower migration.
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITH SVT)

Figure 6: Pre-shower migration.
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITHOUT SVT)

Sampling fraction with/without Slow-simulator

Figure 7: Sampling fraction (0.05 E_reco / E_thrown).
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITHOUT Slow-simulator)

Figure 8: Sampling fraction (0.05 E_reco / E_thrown).
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITH Slow-simulator)
Slow simulator introduce some non-linearity in the sampling fraction

Figure 9: Sampling fraction (0.05 E_reco / E_thrown).
cAir-Fixed EEMC geometry (WITHOUT SVT, WITHOUT Slow-simulator)
Click here to see the plot

Figure 10: Sampling fraction (0.05 E_reco / E_thrown).
Old cAir-bug EEMC geometry (NO slow simulator, WITH SVT)
Click here to see the plot

2009.09.11 Test of corrected EEMC geometry: LOW_EM cuts

Test of corrected EEMC geometry: SVT and LOW_EM cuts

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One particle per event (only photons in this post)
  • Full STAR 2006 geometry (with/without SVT, LOW_EM cuts)
    In Kumac file: detp geom y2006g; gexec $STAR_LIB/ (vary SVTT_OFF, LOW_EM)
    LOW_EM cut definition is given at the end of this page
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.2, 1.9), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (this post: no EEMC SlowSimulator)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per iteration
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Color coding:

  • SVT, LOW_EM marked in legend as LowEM (single photon MC)
  • STV, no-LOW_EM marked in legend as default (single photon MC)
  • no-SVT, no-LOW_EM marked in legend as no-SVT (single photon MC)
  • photon-jet candidates [pp2006] (used data points from this post)
  • photons from eta-meson [pp2006]

Pre-shower bins:

  1. Ep1 = Ep2 = 0 (no energy in both EEMC pre-shower layers)
  2. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 > 0
  3. 0 < Ep1 < 4 MeV
  4. 4 < Ep1 < 10 MeV
  5. Ep1 > 10 MeV
  6. All pre-shower bins combined

Note: Ep1/Ep2 is the energy deposited in the 1st/2nd EEMC pre-shower layer.
For a single photon MC it is a sum over
all pre-shower tiles in the EEMC with energy of 3 sigma above pedestal.
For eta-meson/gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 data the sum is over 3x3 tower patch

Shower shapes

Single particle kinematic cuts: pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4
Eta-meson shower shapes (blue) taken from Fig. 1 from here of this post
All shapes are normalized to 1 at peak (central strip)

Figure 1: Shower shape sorted by pre-shower conditions.

Figure 2: Shower shape ratio. All shapes in Fig. 1 are divided by single photon shape
for "SVT+LOW_EM" configuration (black circles in Fig. 1)

Sampling fraction

Figure 3: Sampling fraction (0.05 * E_reco/ E_thrown)

Pre/post-shower energy and migration

Figure 4: Pre-shower1 energy (all tiles)

Figure 5: Pre-shower2 energy (all tiles)

Figure 6: Post-shower energy (all tiles)

Figure 7: Pre-shower bin photon migration

Tower energy profile

Figure 8a: Energy ratio in 2x1 to 3x3 cluster
For the first 4 pre-shower bins total yield in MC is normalized to that of the data
Blue circles indicate photon-jet candidates [pp2006] (points from this post)
Same data on a linear scale

Figure 8b: Energy ratio in 2x1 to 3x3 cluster: 7 < pt < 8 and 1.2 < eta < 1.4


Figure 8c: Energy ratio in 2x1 to 3x3 cluster: 7 < pt < 8 and 1.6 < eta < 1.8

Figure 9: Average energy ratio in 2x1 to 3x3 cluster vs. thrown energy

Figure 10: Average energy ratio in 2x1 to 3x3 cluster vs. thrown energy

LOW_EM cut definition

LOW_EM option for the STAR geometry (Low cuts on Electro-Magnetic processes)
is equivalent to the following set of GEANT cuts:

  • CUTGAM=0.00001
  • CUTELE=0.00001
  • BCUTE =0.00001
  • BCUTM =0.00001
  • DCUTE =0.00001
  • DCUTM =0.00001

All these values are for kinetic energy in GeV.


Cut meaning and GEANT default values:

  • CUTGAM threshold for gamma transport (0.001);
  • CUTELE threshold for electron and positron transport (0.001);
  • BCUTE threshold for photons produced by electron bremsstrahlung (-1,);
  • BCUTM threshold for photons produced by muon bremsstrahlung (-1);
  • DCUTE threshold for electrons produced by electron delta-rays (-1);
  • DCUTM threshold for electrons produced by muon or hadron delta-rays (-1);

Some details can be found at this link and in the GEANT manual


10 Oct

October 2009 posts

2009.10.02 Jason vs. CVS EEMC geometry: sampling fraction and shower shapes

Tests with Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • EEMC only geometry with LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Color coding:

  • Photon with Jason geometry (single particle MC)
  • Photon with CVS (cAir fix) geometry (single particle MC)
  • Eta-meson [pp2006 data] (single photons from eta-meson decay)

Sampling fraction

Figure 1: Sampling fraction vs. thrown energy (upper plot)
and vs. azimuthal angle (lower left) and rapidity (lower right)

Shower shapes

Single particle kinematic cuts: pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4
Eta-meson shower shapes (blue) taken from Fig. 1 from here of this post
All shapes are normalized to 1 at peak (central strip)

Figure 2: Shower shapes

Shower shapes sorted by pre-shower energy

Pre-shower bins:

  1. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 = 0 (no energy in both EEMC pre-shower layers)
  2. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 > 0
  3. 0 < Ep1 < 4 MeV
  4. 4 < Ep1 < 10 MeV
  5. Ep1 > 10 MeV
  6. All pre-shower bins combined

Ep1/Ep2 is the energy deposited in the 1st/2nd EEMC pre-shower layer.
For a single particle MC it is a sum over
all pre-shower tiles in the EEMC with energy of 3 sigma above pedestal.
For eta-meson from pp2006 data the sum is over 3x3 tower patch

Figure 3: Shower shapes (left) and their ratio (right)

Figure 4: Shower shape ratios

2009.10.05 Fix to the Jason geometry file

Why volume numbers has changed in Jason geometry file?

The number of nested volumes (nv),
is the total number of parent volumes for the sensitive volume
(sensitive volume is indicated by the HITS in the tree structure below).

For the Jason and CVS files this nv number seems to be the same
(see block tree structures below).
Then why volume ids id in g2t tables has changed?

The answer I found (which seems trivial to me know)
is that in the original (CVS) file ECAL
block has been instantiated (positioned) twice.
The second appearance is the prototype (East) version of the Endcap
(Original ecalgeo.g from CVS)

        if (emcg_OnOff==1 | emcg_OnOff==3) then
             Position ECAL in CAVE z=+center
        if (emcg_OnOff==2 | emcg_OnOff==3) then
             Position ECAL in CAVE z=-center ThetaZ=180

In Jason version the second appearance has been removed
(what seems natural and it should not have any effect)
(ecalgeo.g Jason edits, g23):

        IF (emcg_OnOff>0) THEN
           Create ECAL


        IF (emcg_OnOff==2 ) THEN
             ('East Endcap has been removed from the geometry' )
        ENDIF               EndIF! emcg_OnOff

Unfortunately, this affects the way GEANT counts nested volumes


(effectively the total number was reduced by 1, from 8 to 7)


and this is the reason why the volume numbering scheme


in g2t tables has been affected.


I propose to put back these East Endcap line back,


since in this case it  will not require any additional


changes to the EEMC decoder and g2t tables.



Block tree of the geometry file

blue - added volumes in Jason file
red - G10 volume removed in Jason file
HITS - sensitive volumes

 ---- Jason file ----

  |  -EFLP
  |  |ECVO
  |  |  |EMOD
  |  |  |  |ESEC
  |  |  |  |  |ERAD
  |  |  |  |  | -ELED
  |  |  |  |  |EMGT
  |  |  |  |  |  |EPER
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |ETAR
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  -EALP
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  -ESCI -> HITS
  |  |ESHM
  |  |  |ESPL
  |  |  |  |EXSG
  |  |  |  |  -EXPS
  |  |  |  |  -EHMS -> HITS
  |  |  |  |  -EBLS
  |  |  |  |  -EFLS
  |  |  |ERSM
  |  -ESSP
  |  -ERCM
  |  -EPSB
  |  -ECHC

---- CVS file ----
  |  -EFLP
  |  |ECVO
  |  |  |EMOD
  |  |  |  |ESEC
  |  |  |  |  |ERAD
  |  |  |  |  | -ELED
  |  |  |  |  |EMGT
  |  |  |  |  |  |EPER
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |ETAR
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  -EALP
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  -ESCI -> HITS
  |  |ESHM
  |  |  |ESPL
  |  |  |  |EXSG
  |  |  |  |  -EHMS -> HITS
  |  |  |  -EXGT
  |  |  -ERSM
  |  -ESSP
  |  -ERCM
  |  -EPSB
  |  -ECHC



Block definitions

Jason geometry file 

Create ECAL

Block ECAL is one EMC EndCap wheel
  Create and Position EAGA AlphaZ=halfi

  Create AND Position EMSS konly='MANY'
  Create AND Position ECGH alphaz=90 kOnly='ONLY'

Block EMSS is the steel support of the endcap module
  Create AND Position EFLP z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
  Create AND Position ECVO z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
  Create AND Position ESHM z=zslice-center+zwidth/2 kOnly='MANY'
  Create AND Position ECVO z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
  Create AND Position ESSP z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
  Create ERCM
  Create EPSB

Block ECVO is one of endcap volume with megatiles and radiators
  Create AND Position EMOD alphaz=d3 ncopy=i_sector

Block ESHM is the shower maxsection
  Create and Position ESPL z=currentk Only='MANY'
  Create ERSM

Block ECGH is air gap between endcap half wheels
  Create ECHC

Block ECHC is steel endcap half cover

Block ESSP is stainless steelback plate 


Block ERCM is stainless steel tie rod in calorimeter sections

Block ERSM is stainless steel tie rod in shower max

  Create AND Position ESEC z=section-curr+secwid/2

Block ESEC is a single em section
  Create AND Position ERAD z=length+(cell)/2+esec_deltaz
  Create AND Position EMGT z=length+(gap+cell)/2+esec_deltaz
  Create AND Position ERAD z=length+cell/2+esec_deltaz

Block EMGT is a 30 degree megatile
  Create AND Position EPER alphaz=myPhi

Block EPER is a 5 degree slice of a 30 degree megatile (subsector)
  Create and Position ETAR x=(rbot+rtop)/2ort=yzx

Block ETAR is a single calorimeter cell, containing scintillator, fiber router, etc...
  Create AND Position EALP y=(-megatile+emcs_alincell)/2
  Create AND Position ESCI y=(-megatile+g10)/2+emcs_alincell _

Block ESCI is the active scintillator (polystyrene) layer

Block ERAD is the lead radiator with stainless steel cladding
  Create AND Position ELED 

Block ELED is a lead absorber plate

Block EFLP is the aluminum (aluminium) front plate of the endcap

Block EALP is the thin aluminium plate in calorimeter cell

Block ESPL is the logical volume containing an SMD plane
  Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY'
  Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY'
  Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY'
  Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY'
  Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec kOnly='MANY'

Block EXSG Is another logical volume... this one acutally creates the planes
  Create and Position EXPS kONLY='MANY'
  Create and Position EHMS x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY'
  Create and Position EBLS x=xc y=yc z=(+esmd_apex/2+esmd_back_layer/2) alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY'
  Create and Position EHMS x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY'
  Create and Position EFLS x=xc y=yc z=(-esmd_apex/2-esmd_front_layer/2) alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY'

Block EHMS defines the triangular SMD strips
Endblock! EHMS

Block EFLS is the layer of material on the front of the SMD planes
EndBlock! EFLS

Block EBLS is the layer of material on the back of the SMD planes
EndBlock! EFLS

Block EXPS is the plastic spacer in the shower maximum section


CVS geometry file 

Create ECAL

Block ECAL is one EMC EndCap wheel
  Create and Position EAGA AlphaZ=halfi

Block EAGA is half of wheel air volume forthe EndCap module
  Create and Position EMSS konly='MANY'
  Create and Position ECGH AlphaZ=90 konly='ONLY'

Block EMSS is steel support of the EndCap module
  Create and Position EFLP z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
  Create and Position ECVO z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
  Create and Position ESHM z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
  Create and Position ECVO z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
  Create and Position ESSP z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
  Create ERCM
  Create EPSB

Block ECVO is one of EndCap Volume with megatiles and radiators
  Create and Position EMOD AlphaZ=d3 Ncopy=J_section

Block ESHM is the SHower Maxsection
  Create and Position ESPL z=current
  Create ERSM

Block ECGH is air Gap between endcap Half wheels
  Create ECHC

Block ECHC is steel EndCap Half Cover

Block ESSP is Stainless Steelback Plate 

Block EPSB is Projectile Stainless steel Bar

Block ERCM is stainless steel tie Rod in CaloriMeter sections

Block ERSM is stainless steel tie Rod in Shower Max

Block EMOD is one moduleof the EM EndCap
  Create and Position ESEC z=section-curr+secwid/2

Block ESEC is a single EM section
  Create and Position ERAD z=len + (cell)/2
  Create and Position EMGT z=len +(gap+cell)/2
  Create and Position ERAD z=len + cell/2

Block EMGT is a megatile EM section
  Create and Position EPER AlphaZ=(emcs_Nslices/2-isec+0.5)*dphi

Block EPER is a EM subsection period (super layer)
  Create and Position ETAR x=(RBot+RTop)/2ORT=YZX

Block ETAR is one CELL of scintillator, fiber and plastic
  Create and Position EALP y=(-mgt+emcs_AlinCell)/2
  Create and Position ESCI y=(-mgt+G10)/2+emcs_AlinCell _

Block ESCI is the active scintillator (polystyren) layer

Block ERAD is radiator 
  Create and PositionELED 

Block ELED is lead absorber Plate 

Block EFLP is First Aluminium plate 

Block EALP is ALuminiumPlate in calorimeter cell

Block ESPL is one of the Shower maxPLanes
  Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3Ncopy=isec
  Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3Ncopy=isec
  Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3
  Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z Ncopy=isec
  Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3
  Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3Ncopy=isec
  Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3
  Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z Ncopy=isec
  Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3

Block EXSG is the Shower maxGap for scintillator strips
  Create EHMS

Block EHMS is sHower Max Strip

Block EXGT is the G10 layer in the Shower Max


Original (ecalgeo.g) file from CVS

Original (ecalgeo.g) file from CVS

Module ECALGEO is the EM EndCap Calorimeter GEOmetry
Created   26 jan 1996
Author    Rashid Mehdiyev
* Version 1.1, W.J. Llope
*               - changed sensitive medium names...
* Version 2.0, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  16.04.97
*               - Support walls included
*               - intercell and intermodule gaps width updated
*               - G10 layers inserted
* Version 2.1, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  23.04.97
*               - Shower Max Detector geometry added          
*               - Variable eta grid step size introduced 
* Version 2.2, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  03.12.97
*               - Eta grid corrected 
*               - Several changes in volume's dimensions
*               - Material changes in SMD
* Version 3.0, O. Rogachevsky                                 28.11.99
*               - New proposal for calorimeter SN 0401
* Version 4.1, O.Akio                                          3 Jan 01
*               - Include forward pion detectors

* Version 5.0, O. Rogachevsky                                 20.11.01
*               - FPD is eliminated in this version
*               - More closed to proposal description
*                 of calorimeter and SMD structure
      Structure  EMCG { Version, int Onoff, int fillMode}

      Structure  EMCS { Type,ZOrig,ZEnd,EtaMin,EtaMax,
      Structure  EETR { Type,Etagr,Phigr,Neta,EtaBin(13)}
      Structure  ESEC { Isect, FPlmat, Cell, Scint, Nlayer }
      Structure  EMXG {Version,Sapex,Sbase,Rin,Rout,F4}
      Structure  EXSE {Jsect,Zshift,Sectype(6)}
      Integer    I_section,J_section,Ie,is,isec,i_str,Nstr,Type,ii,jj,
      Real       center,Plate,Cell,G10,diff,halfi,
      Real       maxcnt,msecwd,mxgten,curr,Secwid,Section,
    Integer    N
    Parameter (N=12)
    Tanf(etax) = tan(2*atan(exp(-etax)))
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* FillMode =1 only 2-5 sectors (in the first half) filled with scintillators 
* FillMode =2 all sectors filled (still only one half of one side)
* FillMode =3 both halves (ie all 12 sectors are filled)

Fill  EMCG                          ! EM EndCAp Calorimeter basic data 
      Version  = 5.0                ! Geometry version 
      OnOff    = 3                  ! Configurations 0-no, 1-west 2-east 3-both
      FillMode = 3                  ! sectors fill mode 

Fill  EMCS                          ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry
      Type     = 1                  ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype
      ZOrig    = 268.763            ! calorimeter origin in z
      ZEnd     = 310.007            ! Calorimeter end in z
      EtaMin   = 1.086              ! upper feducial eta cut 
      EtaMax   = 2.0,               ! lower feducial eta cut
      PhiMin   = -90                ! Min phi 
      PhiMax   = 90                 ! Max phi
      Offset   = 0.0                ! offset in x
      Nsupsec  = 6                  ! Number of azimuthal supersectors        
      Nsector  = 30                 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity)
      Nslices  = 5                  ! number of phi slices in supersector
      Nsection = 4                  ! Number of readout sections
      Front    = 0.953              ! thickness of the front AL plates
      AlinCell   = 0.02             ! Aluminim plate in cell
      Frplast  = 0.015              ! Front plastic in megatile
      Bkplast  = 0.155              ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic
      Pbplate  = 0.457              ! Lead radiator thickness
      LamPlate  = 0.05              ! Laminated SS plate thickness
      BckPlate = 3.175              ! Back SS plate thickness
      Hub      = 3.81               ! thickness of EndCap hub
      Rmshift  = 2.121              ! radial shift of module
      smshift  = 0.12               ! radial shift of steel support walls
      GapPlt   = 0.3/2              ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi
      GapCel   = 0.03/2             ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap
      GapSMD   = 3.400              ! space for SMD detector
      SMDcentr = 279.542            ! SMD position
      TieRod   = {160.,195}         ! Radial position of tie rods
      Bckfrnt  = 306.832            ! Backplate front Z
      GapHalf  = 0.4                ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel
      Cover    = 0.075              ! Cover of wheel half
*      Rmshift  = 2.121              ! radial shift of module
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fill EETR                      ! Eta and Phi grid values
      Type     = 1             ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd
      EtaGr    = 1.0536        ! eta_top/eta_bot tower granularity
      PhiGr    = 0.0981747     ! Phi granularity (radians)
      NEta     = 12            ! Eta granularity
      EtaBin   = {2.0,1.9008,1.8065,1.7168,1.6317,1.5507,1.4738,
                  1.4007,1.3312,1.2651,1.2023,1.1427,1.086}! Eta rapidities
Fill ESEC           ! First EM section
      ISect    = 1                           ! Section number   
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.5                         ! Sci layer thickness
Fill ESEC           ! First EM section
      ISect    = 2                           ! Section number   
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.5                         ! Sci layer thickness
Fill ESEC           ! Second EM section
      ISect    = 3                           ! Section number
      Nlayer   = 4                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.405                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.4                         ! Sci layer thickness
Fill ESEC           ! Third EM section
      ISect    = 4                           ! Section
      Nlayer   = 18                          ! Number of layers along z
      Cell     = 1.405                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.4                         ! Sci layer thickness
Fill ESEC           ! 4th EM section
      ISect    = 5                           ! Section
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of  layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.5                         ! Sci layer thickness
Fill EMXG           ! EM Endcap SMD basic data
      Version   = 1                         ! Geometry version
      Sapex     = 0.7                       ! Scintillator strip apex
      Sbase     = 1.0                       ! Scintillator strip base
      Rin = 77.41                           ! inner radius of SMD plane  
      Rout = 213.922                        ! outer radius of SMD plane
      F4 = .15                              ! F4 thickness
Fill EXSE           ! First SMD section
      JSect    = 1                           ! Section number
      Zshift   = -1.215                      ! Section width
      sectype  = {4,1,0,2,1,0}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    
Fill EXSE           ! Second SMD section
      JSect    = 2                           ! Section number   
      Zshift   = 0.                          ! Section width
      sectype  = {0,2,1,0,2,3}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    
Fill EXSE           ! Third SMD section
      JSect    = 3                           ! Section number   
      Zshift   = 1.215                       ! Section width
      sectype  = {1,0,2,1,0,2}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    

      Use    EMCG
      sq3 = sqrt(3.)
      sq2 = sqrt(2.)

      prin1 emcg_version 
        ('ECALGEO version ', F4.2)

* Endcap
      USE EMCS type=1
      USE EETR type=1
      orgkeep =  emcs_ZOrig
      endkeep =  emcs_ZEnd
      if(emcg_OnOff>0) then
        diff = 0.0
        center  = (emcs_ZOrig+emcs_ZEnd)/2
        Tan_Upp = tanf(emcs_EtaMin)
        Tan_Low = tanf(emcs_EtaMax)
        rth  = sqrt(1. + Tan_Low*Tan_Low)
        rshift  = emcs_Hub * rth
        d2=rshift + dd
        radiator  = emcs_Pbplate + 2*emcs_LamPlate
*       d3=emcs_Rmshift-2*emcs_smshift
        dphi = (emcs_PhiMax-emcs_PhiMin)/emcs_Nsector
        Create ECAL
        if (emcg_OnOff==1 | emcg_OnOff==3) then
             Position ECAL in CAVE z=+center
        if (emcg_OnOff==2 | emcg_OnOff==3) then
             Position ECAL in CAVE z=-center ThetaZ=180

        if(section > emcs_Zend) then
          prin0 section,emcs_Zend
          (' ECALGEO error: sum of sections exceeds maximum ',2F12.4)
        prin1 section
        (' EndCap calorimeter total depth ',F12.4)
        ('ECALGEO finished')
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ECAL is one EMC EndCap wheel
      Material  Air
      Medium    standard
      Attribute ECAL   seen=1 colo=7                            !  lightblue
      shape     CONE   dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2,
                Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2,
                Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup

      do ihalf=1,2
	 halfi = -105 + (ihalf-1)*180
         if (ihalf=2 & emcg_FillMode<3) filled = 0	

         Create and Position EAGA  AlphaZ=halfi

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EAGA is half of wheel air volume for  the EndCap module
      Attribute EAGA      seen=1    colo=1   serial=filled           ! black
      Material  Air
      shape     CONS   dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2,
                Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2,
                Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax

        if (filled=1) then
          Create and Position EMSS  konly='MANY'
      		curr = orgkeep ; curcl = endkeep
      		Create and position ECGH  AlphaZ=90 konly='ONLY'


* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EMSS is steel support of the EndCap module
      Attribute EMSS      seen=1    colo=1              ! black
      Material  Iron
      shape     CONS   dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2,
                Rmn1=orgkeep*Tan_Low-d2 Rmn2=endkeep*Tan_Low-d2,
                Rmx1=orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=endkeep*Tan_Upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax

      zslice = emcs_ZOrig
      prin1 zslice
      (' Front Al plane starts at:  ',F12.4)
      slcwid  = emcs_Front
      Create and Position EFLP  z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
      zslice = zslice + slcwid
      prin1 zslice
      (' First calorimeter starts at:  ',F12.4)

      fsect = 1; lsect = 3

			slcwid = emcs_SMDcentr - emcs_GapSMD/2 - zslice
       Create and Position ECVO  z=zslice-center+slcwid/2

      slcwid  = emcs_GapSMD
      zslice = emcs_SMDcentr - emcs_GapSMD/2

			prin1 section,zslice
      (' 1st calorimeter ends, SMD starts at:  ',2F10.5)

      Create and Position ESHM  z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
      zslice = zslice + slcwid

      prin1 zslice
      ('  SMD ends at:  ',F10.5)
      slcwid = 0
      fsect = 4; lsect = 5
      do I_section =fsect,lsect
        USE ESEC Isect=I_section  
        Slcwid  = slcwid + esec_cell*esec_Nlayer

			slcwid = emcs_bckfrnt - zslice

      Create and Position ECVO  z = zslice-center+slcwid/2

      zslice = emcs_bckfrnt

			prin1 section,zslice
      (' 2nd calorimeter ends, Back plate starts at:  ',2F10.5)

      slcwid  = emcs_BckPlate
         Create and Position ESSP    z=zslice-center+slcwid/2
         zslice = zslice + slcwid
      prin1 zslice
      (' BackPlate ends at:  ',F10.5)

        slcwid = emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig
        Create ERCM

				do i_str = 1,2
					do is = 1,5
				  	xx = emcs_phimin + is*30
						yy = xx*degrad
						xc = cos(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str)
						yc = sin(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str)
        		Position ERCM z=0 x=xc y=yc  

        rth = orgkeep*Tan_Upp+dup + 2.5/2
				xc = (endkeep - orgkeep)*Tan_Upp
				len = .5*(endkeep + orgkeep)*Tan_Upp + dup + 2.5/2
				yc = emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig
				p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad

				Create EPSB
				do is = 1,6
				  xx = -75 + (is-1)*30
					yy = xx*degrad
					xc = cos(yy)*len
					yc = sin(yy)*len
        	Position EPSB x=xc y=yc  AlphaZ=xx

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ECVO is one of EndCap Volume with megatiles and radiators
      Material  Air
      Attribute ECVO   seen=1 colo=3                            ! green
      shape     CONS   dz=slcwid/2,
                Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd,
                Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup

      do J_section = 1,6
			if (1 < J_section < 6 | emcg_FillMode > 1)then
			 filled = 1
			 filled = 0
			d3 = 75 - (J_section-1)*30
      Create and Position EMOD AlphaZ=d3   Ncopy=J_section


* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ESHM  is the SHower Max  section
      Material  Air 
      Attribute ESHM   seen=1   colo=4                  !  blue
      Shape     CONS   dz=SlcWid/2,
          phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax

      USE EMXG Version=1
      maxcnt = emcs_SMDcentr
          prin1 zslice,section,center
          (' Z start for SMD,section:  ',3F12.4)
        do J_section = 1,3
         USE EXSE Jsect=J_section
          current = exse_Zshift
          secwid  = emxg_Sapex + 2.*emxg_F4
          section = maxcnt + exse_zshift
          prin1 j_section,current,section,secwid
          (' layer, Z, width :  ',i3,3F12.4)
          prin1 j_section,rbot,rtop
          (' layer, rbot,rtop :  ',i3,2F12.4)
          Create and position ESPL z=current
        end do

        Create ERSM
				do i_str = 1,2
					do is = 1,5
				  	xx = emcs_phimin + (is)*30
						yy = xx*degrad
						xc = cos(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str)
						yc = sin(yy)*emcs_TieRod(i_str)
        		Position ERSM z=0 x=xc y=yc  

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ECGH is air Gap between endcap Half wheels
      Material  Air
      Medium    standard
      Attribute ECGH   seen=0 colo=7                            !  lightblue
      shape     TRD1   dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2,
                dy =(emcs_gaphalf+emcs_cover)/2,

      rth = emcs_GapHalf + emcs_cover
			xleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth)
			xright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth)
			secwid = yy - xx
			yleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth)
			yright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth)
			slcwid = yy - xx
      yy=(yleft + yright)/2
			xc = yy - xx
			len = (xx+yy)/2
			yc = curcl - curr
			p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad
      rth = -(emcs_GapHalf + emcs_cover)/2
      Create  ECHC
      Position ECHC  x=len y=rth
      Position ECHC  x=-len y=rth AlphaZ=180

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ECHC is steel EndCap Half Cover
      Attribute ECHC      seen=1    colo=1              ! black
      Material  Iron
      shape     TRAP   dz=(curcl-curr)/2,
                h1=emcs_cover/2 h2=emcs_cover/2,
                phi=0  alp1=0 alp2=0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ESSP  is Stainless Steel  back Plate 
      Material  Iron      
      Attribute ESSP   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    
      shape     CONS   dz=emcs_BckPlate/2,
                Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd,
                Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EPSB  is Projectile Stainless steel Bar
      Material  Iron      
      Attribute EPSB   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    
      shape     TRAP   dz=(emcs_Zend-emcs_ZOrig)/2,
                h1=2.0/2  h2=2.0/2,
                phi=0  alp1=0 alp2=0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ERCM  is stainless steel tie Rod in CaloriMeter sections
      Material  Iron      
      Attribute ERSM   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    
      shape     TUBE   dz=slcwid/2,
                rmax=1.0425  !    nobody knows exactly
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ERSM  is stainless steel tie Rod in Shower Max
      Material  Iron      
      Attribute ERSM   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    
      shape     TUBE   dz=slcwid/2,
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EMOD is one module  of the EM EndCap
      Attribute EMOD      seen=1    colo=3  serial=filled         ! green
      Material  Air
      Shape     CONS   dz=slcwid/2,
           Rmn1=zslice*Tan_Low-dd  Rmn2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Low-dd,
           Rmx1=zslice*Tan_Upp+dup Rmx2=(zslice+slcwid)*Tan_Upp+dup
*    Running parameter 'section' contains the position of the current section
*     It should not be modified in daughters, use 'current' variable instead.
*     SecWid is used in all 'CONS' daughters to define dimensions.
        section = zslice
        curr = zslice + slcwid/2

        Do I_section =fsect,lsect

         USE ESEC Isect=I_section  
         Secwid  = esec_cell*esec_Nlayer
         if (I_section = 3 | I_section = 5) then   ! no last radiator 
           Secwid  = Secwid - radiator
         else if (I_section = 4) then         ! add one more radiator 
           Secwid  = Secwid - esec_cell + radiator
         Create and position ESEC      z=section-curr+secwid/2
         section = section + secwid
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ESEC is a single EM section
      Attribute ESEC   seen=1    colo=1 serial=filled
      Material Air
      Medium standard
      Shape     CONS  dz=secwid/2,  
			len = -secwid/2
      current = section
			mgt = esec_scint + emcs_AlinCell _
			       + emcs_FrPlast + emcs_BkPlast
      gap = esec_cell - radiator - mgt
      prin2 I_section,section
      (' ESEC:I_section,section',i3,F12.4)

      Do is = 1,esec_Nlayer
* define actual  cell thickness:         
        Cell = esec_cell
				plate = radiator
        if (is=nint(esec_Nlayer) & (I_section = 3 | I_section = 5)) then  
         Cell = mgt + gap
        else if (I_section = 4 & is = 1) then    ! radiator only
         Cell = radiator  
        prin2 I_section,is,len,cell,current
        (' ESEC:I_section,is,len,cell,current  ',2i3,3F12.4)

      	if (I_section = 4 & is = 1) then       ! radiator only
			  	cell = radiator + .14
     			Create and Position    ERAD     z=len + (cell)/2
        	len = len + cell
        	current = current + cell
          cell = mgt
					if(filled = 1) then
          	Create and Position EMGT	z=len +(gap+cell)/2
            xx = current + (gap+cell)/2
            prin2 I_section,is,xx
            (' MEGA  I_section,is ',2i3,F10.4)						
        	len = len + cell + gap
        	current = current + cell + gap

      		if (Plate>0) then
				  	cell = radiator
      			Create and Position    ERAD     z=len + cell/2
          	len = len + cell
          	current = current + cell
      		end if
        end if
      end do 
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EMGT is a megatile EM section
      Attribute EMGT   seen=1  colo=1 
      Material Air
      Medium standard
      Shape     CONS  dz=mgt/2,
      rmn1=(current-diff)*Tan_Low-dd,  rmn2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Low-dd,
      rmx1=(current-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup, rmx2=(current+mgt-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup

      if (I_section=1 | I_section=2 | I_section=5) then
         Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001)
         Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001)
         Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
         Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001)
         Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001)
      end if
      Do isec=1,nint(emcs_Nslices)
         Create and Position EPER AlphaZ=(emcs_Nslices/2-isec+0.5)*dphi
      End Do 
Block EPER  is a EM subsection period (super layer)
      Material  POLYSTYREN
      Attribute EPER   seen=1  colo=1
      Shape     CONS  dz=mgt/2, 
      curcl = current+mgt/2 
      Do ie = 1,nint(eetr_NEta)
        EtaBot  = eetr_EtaBin(ie)
        EtaTop  = eetr_EtaBin(ie+1)

        if(Plate > 0) then         ! Ordinary Sci layer
         RTop=min((curcl-diff)*Tanf(EtaTop), _
        else                     ! last Sci layer in section
         RTop=min((curcl-diff)*Tanf(EtaTop), _
        check RBot<RTop

        Create and Position  ETAR    x=(RBot+RTop)/2  ORT=YZX
        prin2 ie,EtaTop,EtaBot,rbot,rtop
        (' EPER : ie,EtaTop,EtaBot,rbot,rtop ',i3,4F12.4)
*  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Block ETAR is one CELL of scintillator, fiber and plastic
      Attribute ETAR   seen=1  colo=4                           ! blue
*     local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness
      Shape     TRD1   dy=mgt/2   dz=(RTop-RBot)/2,
        Create and Position EALP          y=(-mgt+emcs_AlinCell)/2
      	G10 = esec_scint
      	Create and Position    ESCI       y=(-mgt+G10)/2+emcs_AlinCell _
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Block ESCI  is the active scintillator (polystyren) layer  
  Material  POLYSTYREN
      Material  Cpolystyren   Isvol=1
      Attribute ESCI   seen=1   colo=7   fill=0         ! lightblue
*     local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness
      Shape     TRD1   dy=esec_scint/2,
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTNEU',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTHAD',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTMUO',0.001)
* define Birks law parameters
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK1',1.)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK2',0.013)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK3',9.6E-6)
       HITS ESCI   Birk:0:(0,10)  
*                  xx:16:H(-250,250)   yy:16:(-250,250)   zz:16:(-350,350),
*                  px:16:(-100,100)    py:16:(-100,100)   pz:16:(-100,100),
*                  Slen:16:(0,1.e4)    Tof:16:(0,1.e-6)   Step:16:(0,100),
*                  none:16:         
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ERAD  is radiator 
      Material  Iron
      Attribute ERAD   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1            ! violet
      Shape     CONS  dz=radiator/2, 

      		Create and Position    ELED     

* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Block ELED  is lead absorber Plate 
      Material  Lead
      Attribute ELED   seen=1   colo=4  fill=1
      Shape     TUBS  dz=emcs_Pbplate/2,  

      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTNEU',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTHAD',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTMUO',0.001)

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EFLP  is First Aluminium plate 
      Material  Aluminium
      Attribute EFLP   seen=1  colo=3 fill=1                    ! green
      shape     CONS   dz=emcs_Front/2,
                Rmn1=68.813 Rmn2=68.813,
								Rmx2=(zslice + slcwid-diff)*Tan_Upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EALP  is ALuminium  Plate in calorimeter cell
      Material  Aluminium
      Material  StrAluminium isvol=0
      Attribute EALP   seen=1  colo=1
      Shape     TRD1   dy=emcs_AlinCell/2  dz=(RTop-RBot)/2
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'LOSS',1.)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'STRA',1.)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block ESPL  is one of the Shower max  PLanes
      Material  Air 
      Attribute ESPL   seen=1   colo=3                  !  blue
      Shape     TUBS   dz=SecWid/2,
                phi1=emcs_PhiMin phi2=emcs_PhiMax

      USE EMXG Version=1
      msecwd = (emxg_Sapex+emxg_F4)/2
      do isec=1,6
  	 d3 = 75 - (isec-1)*30
	 if (exse_sectype(isec) = 0 | (emcg_FillMode=1 & (isec=6 | isec=1))) then
 	    cut = 0
            Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3              Ncopy=isec
	 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 1) then               !   V
            Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3              Ncopy=isec
            Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3
	 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 2) then               !   U
            Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z   Ncopy=isec
            Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3
	 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 3) then               !  cut V
            Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3              Ncopy=isec
            Create and position EXGT z=msecwd AlphaZ=d3
	 else if(exse_sectype(isec) = 4) then               !  cut U 
            Create and position EXSG AlphaZ=d3 ORT=X-Y-Z   Ncopy=isec
            Create and position EXGT z=-msecwd AlphaZ=d3

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EXSG  is the Shower max  Gap for scintillator strips
      Attribute EXSG   seen=1   colo=7   serial=cut     ! black
      Material  Air   
      Shape     TUBS   dz=SecWid/2,
      Rbot = emxg_Rin
      Rtop = emxg_Rout

      if(cut > 0) then
      if(cut = 1) then
      	Rdel = 3.938
       	Nstr = 288
      	Rdel = -.475
       	Nstr = 285
			rth = .53*rdel        ! .53 --- tentatavily
    	ddn = sq3*1.713 + Rdel  
    	ddup = .5*1.846 + 1.713 
       prin2 Rbot,Rtop,Nstr
       (' EXSG: Rbot,Rtop,Nstr',2F12.4,I5)
			 mgt = emxg_Sbase + .01
    	do i_str = 1,nstr
        p = .5*(i_str-1)*mgt + 41.3655
        if (p <= (.5*rbot*sq3 + rth)) then
           dxy = 1.9375*sq2
           xleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 + 1.) - dxy
           yleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 - 1.) - dxy 
           yright = .5*sq2*(sqrt( rbot*rbot - p*p) - p)
           xright = sq2*p + yright
        else if ((.5*rbot*sq3  + rth) < p <= (.5*Rtop + 1.5)) then 
           prin2 i_str,p
           (' EXSG: 2 - -i_str,p:',i3,F12.4)
           dxy = 1.9375*sq2
           xleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 + 1.) - dxy
           yleft = .5*sq2*p*(sq3 - 1.) - dxy 
					 dxy = rdel*sq2/sq3
           yright = .5*sq2*p*(1.- 1./sq3)
           xright = sq2*p - yright - dxy
           yright = -yright - dxy
        else if (p > (.5*rtop +1.5)) then
           prin2 i_str,p
           (' EXSG: 3 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4)
           yleft = (sqrt(rtop*rtop - p*p) - p)/sq2
           xleft = sq2*p + yleft
					 dxy = rdel*sq2/sq3
           yright = .5*sq2*p*(1.- 1./sq3)
           xright = sq2*p - yright - dxy
           yright = -yright - dxy
           dxy = 0. 
           if ((.5*sq3*160.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sq3*160.+ ddup) ) then
             prin2 i_str,p
             (' EXSG: 4 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4)
						 xc = .5*(sq3*160.+1.846)
						 yc = xc - .5*sq3*1.713
           if (p > yc) then
             dxy = .5*sq2*(2/sq3*rdel + .5*sq3*1.846 +_
								   sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xc)*(p-xc)))
             dxy = sq2/sq3*(p - .5*sq3* 160. + ddn)
           else if ((.5*sq3*195.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sq3*195. + ddup) ) then
             prin2 i_str,p
             (' EXSG: 5 - - i_str,p:',i3,F12.4)
						 xc = .5*(sq3*195.+1.846)
						 yc = xc - .5*sq3*1.713
           if (p > yc) then
             dxy = .5*sq2*(2/sq3*rdel + .5*sq3*1.846 +_
								   sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xc)*(p-xc)))
             dxy = sq2/sq3*(p - .5*sq3*195. + ddn)
             xright = xright + dxy
             yright = yright + dxy

          dxy = section*Tan_Upp - Rtop
          xc = .5*(xright+xleft) + dxy
          yc = .5*(yright+yleft)
          xx = .5*sq2*(xleft+yleft)
          yy = .5*sq2*(xright+yright)
          len = xx-yy
           prin2 i_str,p,yy,xx,len,xc,yc
           (' EXSG: i_str,x,y1,y2,len,xc,yc:',i3,6F12.4)
       	 Create  EHMS
      	 if (mod(i_str,2) != 0 ) then                     
          	 Position EHMS  x=xc y=yc AlphaZ=-45
          	 Position EHMS  x=xc y=yc AlphaZ=-45 ORT=X-Y-Z
        end do

*     dcut exsg z 0 0 10 0.1 0.1
*     dcut exsg y 0 10 -50 0.7 0.7

* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EHMS is  sHower Max Strip
      Material  POLYSTYREN
      Material  Cpolystyren   Isvol=1
      Attribute EHMS      seen=1    colo=2  serial=cut          ! red
      Shape     TRD1 dx1=0 dx2=emxg_Sbase/2 dy=len/2 dz=emxg_Sapex/2
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BCUTE',0.0001)
* define Birks law parameters
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK1',1.)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK2',0.0130)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'BIRK3',9.6E-6)
       HITS EHMS     Birk:0:(0,10)  
*                     xx:16:SH(-250,250)  yy:16:(-250,250)  zz:16:(-350,350),
*                     px:16:(-100,100)    py:16:(-100,100)  pz:16:(-100,100),
*                     Slen:16:(0,1.e4)    Tof:16:(0,1.e-6)  Step:16:(0,100),
*                     none:16:            Eloss:0:(0,10)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Block EXGT  is the G10 layer in the Shower Max  
*     G10 is about 60% SiO2 and 40% epoxy
      Component Si    A=28.08  Z=14   W=0.6*1*28./60.
      Component O     A=16     Z=8    W=0.6*2*16./60.
      Component C     A=12     Z=6    W=0.4*8*12./174.
      Component H     A=1      Z=1    W=0.4*14*1./174.
      Component O     A=16     Z=8    W=0.4*4*16./174.
      Mixture   g10   Dens=1.7
      Attribute EXGT   seen=1   colo=7
      Shape     TUBS   dz=emxg_F4/2,
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTGAM',0.00001)
      Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CUTELE',0.00001)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ECAL nice views: dcut ecvo x 1       10 -5  .5 .1
*                  draw emdi 105 0 160  2 13  .2 .1
*                  draw emdi 120 180 150  1 14  .12 .12
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

ecalgeo.g geometry file (Jason edits, g23)

ecalgeo.g geometry file (Jason Webb edits, g23)



Module ECALGEO is the EM EndCap Calorimeter GEOmetry
Created   26 jan 1996
Author    Rashid Mehdiyev
c Version 1.1, W.J. Llope
c               - changed sensitive medium names...
c Version 2.0, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  16.04.97
c               - Support walls included
c               - intercell and intermodule gaps width updated
c               - G10 layers inserted
c Version 2.1, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  23.04.97
c               - Shower Max Detector geometry added          
c               - Variable eta grid step size introduced 
c Version 2.2, R.R. Mehdiyev                                  03.12.97
c               - Eta grid corrected 
c               - Several changes in volumes dimensions
c               - Material changes in SMD
c Version 3.0, O. Rogachevsky                                 28.11.99
c               - New proposal for calorimeter SN 0401
c Version 4.1, O.Akio                                          3 Jan 01
c               - Include forward pion detectors
c Version 5.0, O. Rogachevsky                                 20.11.01
c               - FPD is eliminated in this version
c               - More closed to proposal description
c                 of calorimeter and SMD structure

      Structure  EMCG { Version, int Onoff, int fillMode}

      Structure  EMCS { Version,Type,zorg,zend,EtaMin,EtaMax,

      Structure  EETR { Type,Etagr,Phigr,Neta,EtaBin(13)}

      Structure  ESEC { Isect, FPlmat, Cell, Scint, Nlayer, deltaz, Jiggle(18) }

      Structure  EMXG {Version,Sapex,Sbase,Rin,Rout,F4}

      Structure  EXSE {Jsect,Zshift,Sectype(6)}

      Structure  ESMD {Version, front_layer, back_layer, spacer_layer, base, apex }

      Integer    I_section,J_section,Ie,is,isec,istrip,Nstr,Type,ii,jj,
      Real       center,Plate,Cell,G10,halfi,
      Real       maxcnt,msecwd,mxgten,curr,Secwid,Section,

      Real       myPhi
      Integer    N
      Parameter (N=12)

      Tanf(etax) = tan(2*atan(exp(-etax)))
c                                                                            Data
c FillMode =1 only 2-5 sectors (in the first half) filled with scintillators 
c FillMode =2 all sectors filled (still only one half of one side)
c FillMode =3 both halves (ie all 12 sectors are filled)
c OnOff    =0 Do not build geometry
c OnOff    =1 Build West Endcap
c OnOff    =2 Build East Endcap (disabled)
c OnOff    =3 Build Both Endcaps (east disabled)
c Note: 

Fill  EMCG                          ! EM EndCAp Calorimeter basic data 
      Version  = 5.0                ! Geometry version 
      OnOff    = 3                  ! Configurations 0-no, 1-west 2-east 3-both
      FillMode = 3                  ! sectors fill mode 
Fill  EMCS                          ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry
      Version  = 1                  ! Versioning
      Type     = 1                  ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype
      ZOrg     = 268.763            ! calorimeter origin in z
      ZEnd     = 310.007            ! Calorimeter end in z
      EtaMin   = 1.086              ! upper feducial eta cut 
      EtaMax   = 2.0,               ! lower feducial eta cut
      PhiMin   = -90                ! Min phi 
      PhiMax   = 90                 ! Max phi
      Offset   = 0.0                ! offset in x
      Nsupsec  = 6                  ! Number of azimuthal supersectors        
      Nsector  = 30                 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity)
      Nslices  = 5                  ! number of phi slices in supersector
      Nsection = 4                  ! Number of readout sections
      Front    = 0.953              ! thickness of the front AL plates
      AlinCell   = 0.02             ! Aluminim plate in cell
      Frplast  = 0.015              ! Front plastic in megatile
      Bkplast  = 0.155              ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic
      Pbplate  = 0.457              ! Lead radiator thickness
      LamPlate  = 0.05              ! Laminated SS plate thickness
      BckPlate = 3.175              ! Back SS plate thickness
      Hub      = 3.81               ! thickness of EndCap hub
      Rmshift  = 2.121              ! radial shift of module
      smshift  = 0.12               ! radial shift of steel support walls
      GapPlt   = 0.3/2              ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi
      GapCel   = 0.03/2             ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap
      GapSMD   = 3.400              ! space for SMD detector                << version 2 -- 3.600 >>
      SMDcentr = 279.542            ! SMD position
      TieRod   = {160.,195}         ! Radial position of tie rods
      Bckfrnt  = 306.832            ! Backplate front Z
      GapHalf  = 0.4                ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel
      Cover    = 0.075              ! Cover of wheel half
      Rtie     = 1.0425             ! Radius of tie rod
      Slop     = 0.1400             ! Added to cell containing radiator 6 (formerly hardcoded in geom)
Fill  EMCS                          ! EM Endcap Calorimeter geometry
      Version  = 2                  ! Versioning
      Type     = 1                  ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd edcap prototype
      ZOrg     = 268.763            ! calorimeter origin in z
      ZEnd     = 310.007            ! Calorimeter end in z
      EtaMin   = 1.086              ! upper feducial eta cut 
      EtaMax   = 2.0,               ! lower feducial eta cut
      PhiMin   = -90                ! Min phi 
      PhiMax   = 90                 ! Max phi
      Offset   = 0.0                ! offset in x
      Nsupsec  = 6                  ! Number of azimuthal supersectors        
      Nsector  = 30                 ! Number of azimutal sectors (Phi granularity)
      Nslices  = 5                  ! number of phi slices in supersector
      Nsection = 4                  ! Number of readout sections
      Front    = 0.953              ! thickness of the front AL plates
      AlinCell   = 0.02             ! Aluminim plate in cell
      Frplast  = 0.015              ! Front plastic in megatile
      Bkplast  = 0.155              ! Fiber routing guides and back plastic
      Pbplate  = 0.457              ! Lead radiator thickness
      LamPlate  = 0.05              ! Laminated SS plate thickness
      BckPlate = 3.175              ! Back SS plate thickness
      Hub      = 3.81               ! thickness of EndCap hub
      Rmshift  = 2.121              ! radial shift of module
      smshift  = 0.12               ! radial shift of steel support walls
      GapPlt   = 0.3/2              ! HALF of the inter-plate gap in phi
      GapCel   = 0.03/2             ! HALF of the radial inter-cell gap
      GapSMD   = 3.600              ! space for SMD detector              (* from master_geom_bmp.xls *)
      SMDcentr = 279.542            ! SMD position
      TieRod   = {160.,195}         ! Radial position of tie rods
      Bckfrnt  = 306.832            ! Backplate front Z
      GapHalf  = 0.4                ! 1/2 Gap between halves of endcap wheel
      Cover    = 0.075              ! Cover of wheel half
      Rtie     = 0.75               ! Radius of tie rod
      Slop     = 0.0000             ! Added to cell containing radiator 6 (formerly hardcoded in geom)
c-- Supporting documentation:
Fill  ESMD                     ! shower maximum detector information
      Version  = 1             ! versioning information
      front_layer  = 0.161     ! thickness of front layer 
      back_layer   = 0.210     ! thickness of back layer
      base         = 1.0       ! base of the SMD strip
      apex         = 0.7       ! apex of the SMD strip
      spacer_layer = 1.2       ! spacer layer
Fill EETR                      ! Eta and Phi grid values
      Type     = 1             ! =1 endcap, =2 fpd
      EtaGr    = 1.0536        ! eta_top/eta_bot tower granularity
      PhiGr    = 0.0981747     ! Phi granularity (radians)
      NEta     = 12            ! Eta granularity
      EtaBin   = {2.0,1.9008,1.8065,1.7168,1.6317,1.5507,1.4738,
                  1.4007,1.3312,1.2651,1.2023,1.1427,1.086}! Eta rapidities
Fill ESEC        ! Preshower 1 / Radiator 1
      ISect    = 1                           ! Section number   
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.475                       ! Sci layer thickness (4.75mm Bicron)
      deltaz   = -0.014                      ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers
      Jiggle   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer
c-- Note: Jiggle allows one to shift each megatile by Jiggle(i) degrees, where
c-- i indicates the layer within the section of the calorimeter.  This feature
c-- has only been crudely tested... i.e. it compiles and creates a reasonable
c-- set of pictures, but I have not verified that every scintillator shows up...
c-- There could be volume conflicts and this would need to be checked.  --JW
Fill ESEC      ! Preshower 2 / Radiator 2
      ISect    = 2                           ! Section number   
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.475                       ! Sci layer thickness (4.75mm Bicron)
      deltaz   = -0.0182                     ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers
      Jiggle   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer
Fill ESEC      ! Megatiles 3-6 / Radiators 3-5
      ISect    = 3                           ! Section number
      Nlayer   = 4                           ! Number of Sci layers along z
      Cell     = 1.405                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.4                         ! Sci layer thickness
      deltaz   = -0.0145                     ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers
      Jiggle   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer
Fill ESEC      ! Megatiles 7-23 / Radiators 6-23
      ISect    = 4                           ! Section
      Nlayer   = 18                          ! Number of layers along z
      Cell     = 1.405                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.4                         ! Sci layer thickness
      deltaz   = +0.0336                     ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers
      Jiggle   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer
Fill ESEC      ! Postshower
      ISect    = 5                           ! Section
      Nlayer   = 1                           ! Number of  layers along z
      Cell     = 1.505                       ! Cell full width in z
      Scint    = 0.5                         ! Sci layer thickness (5.0mm Kurarary)
      deltaz   = +0.036                      ! Amount to shift section in z to align with as-built numbers
      Jiggle   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ! Degrees to shift EPER in each layer
Fill EMXG           ! EM Endcap SMD basic data
      Version   = 1                          ! Geometry version
      Sapex     = 0.7                        ! Scintillator strip apex
      Sbase     = 1.0                        ! Scintillator strip base
      Rin       = 77.41                      ! inner radius of SMD plane  
      Rout      = 213.922                    ! outer radius of SMD plane
      F4        = .15                        ! F4 thickness
Fill EXSE           ! First SMD section
      JSect    = 1                           ! Section number
      Zshift   = -1.215                      ! Section width
      sectype  = {4,1,0,2,1,0}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    
Fill EXSE           ! Second SMD section
      JSect    = 2                           ! Section number   
      Zshift   = 0.                          ! Section width
      sectype  = {0,2,1,0,2,3}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    
Fill EXSE           ! Third SMD section
      JSect    = 3                           ! Section number   
      Zshift   = 1.215                       ! Section width
      sectype  = {1,0,2,1,0,2}               ! 1-V,2-U,3-cutV,4-cutU    
c--                                                                 Materials
c--  PVC used in the SMD spacer layers
     Component H  A=1       Z=1   W=3.0*1.0/62.453
     Component C  A=12      Z=6   W=2.0*12.0/62.453
     Component Cl A=35.453  Z=17  W=1.0*35.453/62.453
     Mixture   PVC_Spacer   Dens=1.390*(1.20/1.00)
c--  Lead alloy used in the radiators
     Component  Sn        A=118.710  Z=50  W=0.014
     Component  Ca        A=40.0780  Z=20  W=0.00075
     Component  Al        A=26.9815  Z=13  W=0.0003
     Component  Pb        A=207.190  Z=82  W=0.98495
     Mixture    PbAlloy   DENS=11.35
c-- Stainless Steel used in various places
      Component  Cr      A=51.9960  Z=24  W=0.19
      Component  Ni      A=58.6934  Z=28  W=0.09
      Component  Fe      A=55.8450  Z=26  W=0.72
      Mixture    Steel   DENS=8.03
c-- Aluminized mylar.  According to information which I dug up on a google
c-- search, this is typically mylar coated with a thin (1000 angstrom) layer
c-- of aluminium on each side.
      Component Mylar   A=12.875 Z=6.4580 w=0.999
      Component Al      A=26.980 Z=13.000 w=0.001
      Mixture   AlMylar dens=1.390
c-- G10 Epoxy used in various places
      Component Si    A=28.08  Z=14   W=0.6*1*28./60.
      Component O     A=16     Z=8    W=0.6*2*16./60.
      Component C     A=12     Z=6    W=0.4*8*12./174.
      Component H     A=1      Z=1    W=0.4*14*1./174.
      Component O     A=16     Z=8    W=0.4*4*16./174.
      Mixture   G10   Dens=1.7
c-- Fibreglass cloth used in SMD stackup.  I googled this one too... a self-
c-- described expert quotes typical densities and percent by volume
c-- glass fiber: 2.6 g/cm3 (17.6%)   resin: 1.3 g/cm3 (82.4%)
c-- Fiberglass density = 1.529 g/cm3
c-- I will assume that G10 epoxy is close enough to the typical resins
c-- used, at least in terms of chemical composition. Then
        Component G10   A=18.017     Z=9.013    W=1.3*0.824/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176)
        Component Si    A=28.08      Z=14       W=2.6*0.176/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176)*28.08/60.08
        Component O     A=16         Z=8        W=2.6*0.176/(1.3*0.824+2.6*0.176)*32.00/60.08
        Mixture   Fiberglass         dens=1.53
c-- Select versions of various geometry data
      Use    EMCG    
      Use    EMCS   Version=2   
      Use    EETR    
c-- Calculate frequently used quantities
      sq3 = sqrt(3.)                                ! 1/tan(30deg) = sq3
      sq2 = sqrt(2.)
      center  = (emcs_zorg+emcs_zend)/2             ! center of the calorimeter
      tan_upp = tanf(emcs_etamin)                   ! think this is angle pointing to top of calo
      tan_low = tanf(emcs_etamax)                   ! think this is angle pointing to bot of calo
      rth     = sqrt(1. + tan_low*tan_low)          ! ??
      rshift  = emcs_hub * rth                      ! ??
      dup     = emcs_rmshift*tan_upp                !
      dd      = emcs_rmshift*rth                    !
      d2      = rshift + dd                         !
      radiator  = emcs_pbplate + 2*emcs_lamplate    ! thickness of radiator assembly
      dphi = (emcs_phimax-emcs_phimin)/emcs_nsector ! single endcap sector

c--                                                                     BEGIN
      Prin1 emcg_version
        ('ecalgeo version: ',F4.2) 
      IF (emcg_OnOff>0) THEN
c--     Build the EEMC geometry for one half wheel
        Create ECAL
c--     Position the two halves.  Bottom half installed in 2003, top
c--     half in 2004... so we allow logic to allow for the time
c--     evolution of the calorimeter

c--     West Endcap
        IF (emcg_OnOff==1 | emcg_OnOff==3) THEN
           Position ECAL in CAVE z=+center
        IF (section > emcs_zend) THEN
          Prin1 section, emcs_zend
            (' ECALGEO error: sum of sections exceeds maximum ',2F12.4)

        IF (emcg_OnOff==2 ) THEN
             ('East Endcap has been removed from the geometry' )
      EndIF! emcg_OnOff
        ('ECALGEO finished')

c--                                                                       END

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECAL --
Block ECAL    is one EMC EndCap wheel
c-- The EEMC is built from two 180 degree half-wheels tilted at an angle
c-- with respect to zero in the STAR reference frame.  This block is serves
c-- as a logical volume which creates the two half wheels.  
c-- Creates:
c-- + EAGA
      Material  Air
      Attribute ECAL   seen=0 colo=7                           !  lightblue
      Shape     CONE   dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2,
      DO ihalf=1,2
	     filled = 1
	     halfi  = -105 + (ihalf-1)*180
         if (ihalf=2 & emcg_FillMode<3) filled = 0	
         Create and Position EAGA  AlphaZ=halfi

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EAGA --
c-- The eemc is divided into two halves.  one half installed for 2003 run,
c-- second half added for 2004 and beyond.  the eaga block represents one
c-- of these half-wheels.  it is an air volume which will be filled in 
c-- with additional detector components.
c-- Creates:
c-- + EMSS -- steel support block
c-- + ECGH -- air gap between the two halves
      Material  AIR
      Attribute EAGA      seen=0    colo=1   serial=FILLED           ! BLACK
      Shape     CONS   dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2,
                rmn1=emcs_zorg*tan_low-d2 rmn2=emcs_zend*tan_low-d2,
                rmx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup rmx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax
      IF ( FILLED .EQ. 1 ) THEN
          Create AND Position EMSS konly='MANY'
          curr  = emcs_zorg 
          curcl = emcs_zend
          Create AND Position ECGH alphaz=90 kOnly='ONLY'

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMSS --
Block EMSS                             is the steel support of the endcap module
c-- Creates:
      Material  Steel
      Attribute EMSS      seen=1    colo=1              ! BLACK
      Shape     CONS   dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2,
                rmn1=emcs_zorg*tan_low-d2 rmn2=emcs_zend*tan_low-d2,
                rmx1=emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup rmx2=emcs_zend*tan_upp+dup,
                phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax
c--   Aluminium front plate 
      zslice = emcs_zorg
      zwidth = emcs_front
      Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2
        (' Front Al plate centered at: ', F12.4 )
      Create AND Position EFLP z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
      zslice = zslice + zwidth
      Prin1 zslice
         (' FIRST CALORIMETER STARTS AT:  ',F12.4)
c--   Preshower 1, preshower 2, and calorimeter tiles up to
c--   megatile number six.
      fsect = 1                                          ! first section 
      lsect = 3                                          ! last section
      zwidth = emcs_smdcentr - emcs_gapsmd/2 - zslice    ! width of current slice
      Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2
        ('Sections 1-3 positioned at: ', F12.4 )
      Create AND Position ECVO  z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
      zwidth  = emcs_gapsmd
      zslice  = emcs_smdcentr - emcs_gapsmd/2
      Prin1 section, zslice
        (' 1st calorimeter ends, smd starts at:  ',2f10.5)
      Prin1 zwidth
        (' smd width = ',f10.5 )
      Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2
         ('SMD section centered at:  ', F12.4 )
c--                                                             Do not kill neighbors
      Create AND Position ESHM  z=zslice-center+zwidth/2        kOnly='MANY'
      zslice = zslice + zwidth
      Prin1 zslice
        ('  SMD ends at:  ',f10.5)
      fsect = 4                                             ! first section
      lsect = 5                                             ! last section
c--   Calculate the width of  the last two calorimeter sections
      zwidth = 0
      DO i_section = fsect,lsect
        USE ESEC isect=i_section  
        zwidth  = zwidth + esec_cell*esec_nlayer
c--   =============================================================
c--   Total width will be between the back plate and the current
c--   position... this effectively turns the geometry into an
c--   accordian... whatever was defined earlier will compress
c--   / expand this section.  so correcting the smd gap will 
c--   result in some small, sub-mm shifts of radiators and 
c--   megatiles... one would like to actually place these 
c--   into their absolute positions.
c--   ==============================================================
      zwidth = emcs_bckfrnt - zslice
      Prin1 zslice+zwidth/2
        ('Sections 4-5 positioned at: ', F12.4 )
      Create AND Position ECVO  z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
      zslice = emcs_bckfrnt
      Prin1 section,zslice
        (' 2nd calorimeter ends, back plate starts at:  ',2f10.5)
      zwidth  = emcs_bckplate
      Create AND Position ESSP    z=zslice-center+zwidth/2
      zslice = zslice + zwidth
      Prin1 zslice
        ('EEMC Al backplate ends at: ',F12.4 )
c-- Done with the calorimeter stackup.  now go back and cut through the
c-- calorimeter stack with the tie rods
c--   slice width will be full calorimeter depth
      zwidth = emcs_zend-emcs_zorg
      Create ERCM
      DO i = 1,2               ! two tie rods along 
         DO j = 1,5            ! each gap between sectors (5 gaps)
            xx = emcs_phimin + j*30
            yy = xx*degrad
            xc = cos(yy)*emcs_tierod(i)
            yc = sin(yy)*emcs_tierod(i)
            Position ERCM z=0 x=xc y=yc  
c--   Now add in projective steel bars which form part of the support
c--   structure of the eemc
      rth = emcs_zorg*tan_upp+dup + 2.5/2
      xc = (emcs_zend - emcs_zorg)*tan_upp
      length = .5*(emcs_zend + emcs_zorg)*tan_upp + dup + 2.5/2
      yc = emcs_zend-emcs_zorg
      p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad
      Create EPSB
      DO i = 1,6
         xx = -75 + (i-1)*30
         yy = xx*degrad
         xc = cos(yy)*length
         yc = sin(yy)*length
         Position EPSB X=XC Y=YC  ALPHAZ=XX

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECVO --
Block ECVO                  is one of endcap volume with megatiles and radiators
c-- CreateS:
c-- + EMOD -- Responsible for creating esec which, in a glorious example
c--           of spaghetti code, turns around and creates esec, which is
c--           responsible for creating the radiators before and after the
c--           smd layers.
      Material  AIR
      Attribute ECVO   seen=1 colo=3                            ! GREEN
      Shape     CONS   dz=zwidth/2,
c--   Loop over the SIX SECTORS in the current half-wheel.  determine
c--   whether the sector is filled or not, and create the "module".
c--   By "module", we really mean endcap sector.  (Lots of code in the
c--   EEMC borrows from the barrel, and so barrel modlues get mapped
c--   to EEMC sectors).
      DO i_sector = 1,6
         IF (1 < I_SECTOR < 6 | EMCG_FILLMODE > 1) THEN
			 filled = 1
			 filled = 0
         d3 = 75 - (i_sector-1)*30
         Create AND Position EMOD alphaz=d3   ncopy=i_sector

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESHM --
Block ESHM                                            is the shower max  section
c-- CreateS:
      Material  AIR 
      Attribute ESHM   seen=1   colo=4           !  BLUE
      Shape     CONS   dz=zwidth/2,
                phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax
      USE EMXG 
      maxcnt = emcs_smdcentr
      Prin1 zslice, section, center
        (' === z start for smd,section:  ',3f12.4)
c--   Loop over the three possible locations for the smd planes and
c--   create them.  note that code w/in espl will decide which of
c--   5 types of smd planes are created... u, v, cutu,cutv or spacer.
       DO j_section = 1,3
          USE EXSE jsect=j_section
          current = exse_zshift
          secwid  = emxg_sapex + 2.*emxg_f4
          section = maxcnt + exse_zshift
          Prin1 j_section,current,section,secwid
            (' layer, z, width :  ',i3,3f12.4)
          Prin1 j_section,rbot,rtop
            (' layer, rbot,rtop :  ',i3,2f12.4)
          Prin1 j_section, center+current
            (' smd layer=',I1,' z=',F12.4 )
c--                                                           Do not kill neighbors
          Create and Position ESPL z=current                  kOnly='MANY'
c--    Add in the tie rods which penetrate the SMD layers
       Create ERSM
       DO i = 1,2
		  DO j = 1,5
		  	xx = emcs_phimin + j*30
			yy = xx*degrad
			xc = cos(yy)*emcs_tierod(i)
			yc = sin(yy)*emcs_tierod(i)
            Position ERSM Z=0 X=XC Y=YC  
          END DO
       END DO

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECGH --
Block ECGH                                is air gap between endcap half wheels
c-- Creates:
      Material  AIR
      Medium    standard
      Attribute ECGH   seen=0 colo=7                            !  LIGHTBLUE
      Shape     TRD1   dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2,
                dy =(emcs_gaphalf+emcs_cover)/2,
      rth = emcs_gaphalf + emcs_cover
      xleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth)
      xright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth)
      secwid = yy - xx
      yleft = sqrt(xx*xx - rth*rth)
      yright = sqrt(yy*yy - rth*rth)
      zwidth = yy - xx
      yy=(yleft + yright)/2
      xc = yy - xx
      length = (xx+yy)/2
      yc = curcl - curr
      p = atan(xc/yc)/degrad
      rth = -(emcs_gaphalf + emcs_cover)/2
      Create  ECHC
      Position ECHC  X=+LENGTH Y=RTH
      Position ECHC  X=-LENGTH Y=RTH ALPHAZ=180

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ECHC --
Block ECHC                                            is steel endcap half cover
      Material  steel
      Attribute ECHC      seen=1    colo=1              ! BLACK
      Shape     TRAP   dz=(curcl-curr)/2,

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESSP --
Block ESSP                                        is stainless steel  back plate 
      Material  steel
      Attribute ESSP   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    
      Shape     CONS   dz=emcs_bckplate/2,

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPSB --
      Material  Steel
      Attribute EPSB   seen=1  colo=6 FILL=1    
      Shape     TRAP   dz=(emcs_zend-emcs_zorg)/2,

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERCM --
Block ERCM                    is stainless steel tie rod in calorimeter sections
      Material  Steel
      Attribute ERSM     seen=1  colo=6 FILL=1    
      Shape     TUBE   dz=zwidth/2,
c-- Looks like the tie rods are meant to engage the 1.525 cm diameter holes 
c-- piercing the ears of the smd spacer... 1.5 cm may be a better approximation
c-- here.

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERSM --
Block ERSM                             is stainless steel tie rod in shower max
      Material  Steel
      Attribute ERSM       seen=1  colo=6 FILL=1    
      Shape     TUBE dz=zwidth/2,
c-- see comments above

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMOD --
Block EMOD   (fsect,lsect)  IS ONE MODULE  OF THE EM ENDCAP
c-- Arguements: (do be defined prior to the creation of this block)
c--   fsect -- first section to create
c--   lsect -- last section to create
      Attribute EMOD      seen=1    colo=3  serial=FILLED         ! GREEN
      Material  Air
      Shape     CONS   dz=zwidth/2,
c--  Running parameter 'section' contains the position of the current section
c--   it should not be modified in daughters, use 'current' variable instead.
c--   secwid is used in all 'cons' daughters to define dimensions.
        section = zslice
        curr = zslice + zwidth/2
        DO i_section = fsect, lsect

        USE ESEC isect=i_section  
        secwid  = esec_cell*esec_nlayer
c--     Section 3 precedes the smd.  section 5 is the post shower.  in
c--     both cases these sections end with a scintillator layer and no
c--     radiator.
        IF (I_SECTION = 3 | I_SECTION = 5) THEN   
           secwid  = secwid - radiator
        ELSE IF (I_SECTION = 4) THEN                     ! add one more radiator 
           secwid  = secwid - esec_cell + radiator
        Prin1 i_section, section-curr+secwid/2
          ('+ ECVO isection=',I1,' zcenter=', F12.4)
        Create AND Position ESEC z=section-curr+secwid/2
        section = section + secwid
      ENDDO! Loop over sections

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESEC --
Block ESEC                                              is a single em section

      Material  AIR
      Medium    standard
      Attribute ESEC seen=1 colo=1 serial=filled  lsty=2
      Shape     CONS  dz=secwid/2,  
      length = -secwid/2
      current = section
      megatile = esec_scint+emcs_alincell+emcs_frplast+emcs_bkplast
      gap = esec_cell - radiator - megatile
      Prin2 i_section,section
        (' ESEC:i_section,section',i3,f12.4)
c--   Loop over all layers in this section
      DO is = 1,esec_nlayer
c--	    Define actual  cell thickness:         
        cell  = esec_cell
        plate = radiator
        IF (is=nint(esec_nlayer) & (i_section = 3 | i_section = 5)) THEN
           cell = megatile + gap
        ELSE IF (i_section = 4 & is = 1) THEN    ! RADIATOR ONLY
           cell = radiator  
        Prin2 i_section,is,length,cell,current
          (' esec:i_section,is,length,cell,current  ',2i3,3f12.4)
C--     This handles the special case in the section after the smd.
c--     this section begins with a lead radiator.  the previous section
c--     ended with a plastic scintillator
      	IF (i_section = 4 & is = 1) THEN       ! radiator only
c$$$           cell = radiator + .14
           cell = radiator + emcs_slop
                          ! ^^^^ probably the fiber router layer... but is this needed here?
           Prin1 is, current + cell/2+esec_deltaz
              ( '  + ESEC radiator ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4 )
           Create AND Position ERAD z=length+(cell)/2+esec_deltaz
           length  = length + cell
           current = current + cell
c--     All other cases are standard radiator followed by scintillator
           cell = megatile
           IF (FILLED = 1) THEN
              Create AND Position EMGT z=length+(gap+cell)/2+esec_deltaz
              xx = current + (gap+cell)/2+esec_deltaz
              prin2 i_section,is,xx
                (' mega  i_section,is ',2i3,f10.4)
              Prin1 is, xx
                 ('  + ESEC megatile ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4)
           length  = length  + cell + gap
           current = current + cell + gap
           IF (PLATE>0) THEN
              cell = radiator
              Prin1 is, current + cell/2+esec_deltaz
                 ( '  + ESEC radiator ilayer=',I2,' z=',F12.4 )
              Create AND Position ERAD z=length+cell/2+esec_deltaz
              length  = length  + cell
          	  current = current + cell

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EMGT --
Block EMGT                                               is a 30 degree megatile
      Material  Air
      Medium    Standard
      Attribute EMGT   seen=1  colo=1    lsty=2
      Shape     CONS  dz=megatile/2,
      DO isec=1,nint(emcs_nslices)
         myPhi = (emcs_nslices/2-isec+0.5)*dphi + esec_jiggle(is)
         Create AND Position EPER alphaz=myPhi
      END DO 

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EPER --
Block EPER               is a 5 degree slice of a 30 degree megatile (subsector)
c--   Creates:
c--   + ETAR -- The pseudo-rapidity divivisions in the megatiles
      Material  Polystyren
      Attribute EPER       seen=1  colo=1   lsty=1
      Shape     CONS  dz=megatile/2, 
      curcl = current+megatile/2 
      DO ie = 1, nint(eetr_neta)
        etabot  = eetr_etabin(ie)
        etatop  = eetr_etabin(ie+1)

        rtop=min((curcl)*tanf(etatop), ((current)*tan_upp+dup))
        check rbot<rtop

        Create and Position  ETAR    x=(rbot+rtop)/2  ort=yzx
        prin2 ie,etatop,etabot,rbot,rtop
          (' EPER : ie,etatop,etabot,rbot,rtop ',i3,4f12.4)

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ETAR --
c-- ETAR is a single cell of scintillator, including fiber router, plastic,
c-- etc...
c-- local z is radially outward in star
c-- local y is the thickness of the layer
Block ETAR is a single calorimeter cell, containing scintillator, fiber router, etc...
      Material  POLYSTYREN
      Attribute ETAR   seen=1  colo=4  lsty=1                         ! BLUE
      Shape TRD1 dy=megatile/2 dz=(rtop-rbot)/2,
        Create AND Position EALP y=(-megatile+emcs_alincell)/2
      	g10 = esec_scint
      	Create AND Position ESCI y=(-megatile+g10)/2+emcs_alincell _

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESCI --
Block ESCI                        is the active scintillator (polystyrene) layer  
c--   Obtain the definition of polystyrene on this line, next line clones
      Material  Polystyren 
      Material  Ecal_scint   isvol=1
      Medium    Ecal_active  isvol=1
      Attribute ESCI   seen=1   colo=7   fill=0    lsty=1     ! LIGHTBLUE
c--   local z goes along the radius, y is the thickness
      Shape     TRD1   dy=esec_scint/2,
      Call ecal_set_cuts( ag_imed, 'detector' )
      HITS ESCI   BIRK:0:(0,10)  

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ERAD --
Block ERAD                   is the lead radiator with stainless steel cladding
c-- Creates:
c-- + ELED -- the business end of the calorimeter...
      Material STEEL
      Attribute ERAD   seen=1  colo=6 fill=1    lsty=1        ! VIOLET
      Shape     CONS  dz=radiator/2, 
      Create AND Position ELED     

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ELED --
Block ELED                                              is a lead absorber plate
      Material  PbAlloy
      Medium    Ecal_lead
      Attribute ELED   seen=1 colo=4 fill=1 lsty=1
      Shape     TUBS  dz=emcs_pbplate/2,  
      Call ecal_set_cuts( ag_imed, 'radiator' )

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EFLP --
Block EFLP                 is the aluminum (aluminium) front plate of the endcap
      Material  ALUMINIUM
      Attribute EFLP   seen=1  colo=3  fill=1   lsty=1                   ! GREEN
      Shape     CONS   dz=emcs_front/2,
                rmn1=68.813 rmn2=68.813,
                phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EALP --
Block EALP                       is the thin aluminium plate in calorimeter cell
      Material  Aluminium
      Attribute EALP seen=1 colo=1 lsty=1
      Shape     TRD1   dy=emcs_alincell/2  dz=(rtop-rbot)/2
c--   Thin aluminium plate in each calorimeter cell.  The energy-loss
c--   fluctuations are restricted in this thin material.
      CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'CUTGAM',0.00001)
      CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'CUTELE',0.00001)
      CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'LOSS',1.)
      CALL GsTPar (AG_IMED,'STRA',1.)

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block ESPL --
Block ESPL                         is the logical volume containing an SMD plane
      Material  Air 
      Attribute ESPL   seen=1   colo=4   lsty=4
      Shape     TUBS   dz=emcs_gapsmd/3/2,
                phi1=emcs_phimin phi2=emcs_phimax
      USE EMXG version=1
      msecwd = (emxg_sapex+emxg_f4)/2		
c--   ^^^^^^ what is this used for?  --jw
c--          looks like the g10 layer which we are retiring
c--   loop over the six sectors in an endcap half wheel
      DO isec=1,6
         d3 = 75 - (isec-1)*30
         IF (exse_sectype(isec)=0|(emcg_fillmode=1&(isec=6|isec=1))) THEN
            cut = 0
c        -- come back and build spacers --
	     ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 1) then !   v
            Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec              kOnly='MANY'
	     ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 2) then               !   u
            Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec    kOnly='MANY'
	     ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 3) then               !  cut v
            Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec              kOnly='MANY'
	     ElseIF (exse_sectype(isec) = 4) then               !  cut u 
            Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ort=x-y-z ncopy=isec    kOnly='MANY'
      EndDO! loop over six sectors in eemc half wheel
c--   repeat the loop and add in the spacer layers
      DO isec=1,6
         d3=75 - (isec-1)*30
         IF (exse_sectype(isec)=0|(emcg_fillmode=1&(isec=6|isec=1))) then                                                                               
            cut = 0         
c--                                                                 Do not kill neighbors
            Create and Position EXSG alphaz=d3 ncopy=isec           kOnly='MANY'
c           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
c           potential side effect... may screw up the mapping
c           of the smd strips into the tables?

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXSG --
Block EXSG   Is another logical volume... this one acutally creates the planes
c-- Creates:
c-- + EHMS -- shower max strips
c-- + EFLS -- front cover for SMD planes
c-- + EBLS -- back cover for SMD planes
      Attribute EXSG   seen=1   colo=7   serial=cut   lsty=3   ! MEH
      Material  Air
c$$$      Medium    TMED_EXSG stemax=0.01
      Shape     TUBS   dz=emcs_gapsmd/3/2,
      rbot = emxg_rin
      rtop = emxg_rout
c--   Code to handle smd spacers
      IF ( cut .eq. 0 ) THEN
         Create and Position EXPS kONLY='MANY'
c--   Code to handle smd planes
      IF (cut > 0) THEN
c--     setup which plane we are utilizing
        IF (cut = 1) THEN
           nstr = 288
           nstr = 285

c--    loop over all smd strips and place them w/in this smd plane
    	DO istrip = 1,nstr
          Call ecal_get_strip( section, cut, istrip, xc, yc, length )
          IF (mod(istrip,2) != 0 ) THEN
             Create and Position EHMS  x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY'
             Create and Position EBLS  x=xc y=yc z=(+esmd_apex/2+esmd_back_layer/2) alphaz=-45 kOnly='ONLY'
             Create and Position EHMS  x=xc y=yc alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY'
             Create and Position EFLS  x=xc y=yc z=(-esmd_apex/2-esmd_front_layer/2) alphaz=-45 ort=x-y-z kOnly='ONLY'
          Prin1 istrip, xc, yc, length
            ( 'SMD Plane: strip=',I3,' xc=',F5.1,' yc=,'F5.1,' length=',F5.1 )
*     dcut exsg z 0 0 10 0.1 0.1
*     dcut exsg y 0 10 -50 0.7 0.7

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EHMS --
Block EHMS                                     defines the triangular SMD strips
      Material  Ecal_scint
      Medium    Ecal_active isvol=1
      Attribute EHMS      seen=1    colo=2  serial=cut  lsty=1        ! red
      Shape     TRD1 dx1=0 dx2=emxg_Sbase/2 dy=length/2 dz=emxg_Sapex/2
      HITS EHMS     Birk:0:(0,10)  
Endblock! EHMS

c-- Several thin layers of material are applied to the front and back of the 
c-- SMD planes to provide structural support.  We combine these layers into
c-- a single effective volume, which is affixed to the base of the SMD
c-- strips.  As with the SMD strips, z along the depth, y is length
c-- 1.19 mm G10
c-- 0.25 mm Fiberglass and epoxy
c-- 0.17 mm Aluminized mylar
c-- Weight in mixture by mass = (depth)*(Area)
c-- Weighted density is given by sum (density)_i * (depth)_i / sum (depth)_i

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EFLS --
Block EFLS               is the layer of material on the front of the SMD planes
      Component G10        A=18.017 Z=9.013 w=1.19*1.700/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390)
      Component Fiberglass A=19.103 Z=9.549 w=0.25*1.530/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390) 
      Component AlMylar    A=12.889 Z=6.465 w=0.17*1.390/(1.19*1.700+0.25*1.530+0.17*1.390) 
      Mixture   EFLS       dens=(1.19*1.7+0.25*1.53+0.17*1.39)/(1.19+0.25+0.17)

      Attribute EFLS seen=1 colo=22 lsty=1
      Shape     TRD1 dz=esmd_front_layer/2 dy=length/2 dx1=esmd_base/2 dx2=esmd_base/2 
EndBlock! EFLS

c-- see link above for documentation
c-- 0.10 mm aluminized mylar
c-- 0.25 mm fiberglass and epoxy
c-- 1.50 mm WLS fiber router layer (polystyrene)
c-- 0.25 mm aluminum

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EBLS --
Block EBLS                is the layer of material on the back of the SMD planes
      Component AlMylar    A=12.889 Z=6.465   w=0.10*1.390/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)  
      Component Fiberglass A=19.103 Z=9.549   w=0.25*1.530/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)  
      Component Polystyren A=11.154 Z=5.615   w=1.50*1.032/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)  
      Component Al         A=28.08  Z=14.00   w=0.25*2.699/(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)  
      Mixture   EBLS       dens=(0.10*1.390+0.25*1.530+1.50*1.032+0.25*2.699)/(0.10+0.25+1.50+0.25)
      Attribute EFLS seen=1 colo=22 lsty=1
      Shape     TRD1 dz=esmd_back_layer/2 dy=length/2 dx1=esmd_base/2 dx2=esmd_base/2 
EndBlock! EFLS

c----------------------------------------------------------------- Block EXPS --
Block EXPS                   is the plastic spacer in the shower maximum section
c--   Simple implementation of the spacer in the shwoer maximum detector.
c--   This implmentation neglects the ears and the source tube.
c--      n.b.  There may be a side effect in the way this gets created...
c--            it could overwrite SMD strips which extend into this plane.
c--            Probably need to go with a different approach here.
c--   Scanned Drawings:
c--   +
c--     thickness is 1.2 cm, as given by detail B and C... but I do not want
c--     to do alot of complicated recoding of the geometry.  So I am limiting
c--     it to be the same width as a normal SMD volume.
      Material  PVC_Spacer
      Attribute EXPS   seen=1   colo=6    lsty=1    lwid=2
c--   Spacer layers are extended by +/- 5 degrees into the adjacent sectors.
c--   The kONLY='Many' option at creation time should mean that conflicts
c--   in volume will be resolved in favor of the SMD strips.
      Shape   TUBS   dz=esmd_apex/2,
c----------------------------------------------------------------- End Module --

c--                                           Helper subroutines and functions

c-- Subroutine ecal_set_cuts(id, medium)
c--   id -- integer ID idetifying the current tracking medium
c--   medium -- character switch selecting the type of cuts to be
c--             used in this tracking volumne
        Subroutine ecal_set_cuts(id,medium)         
          Implicit NONE
          Integer    id
          Character  medium*(*)
          Integer radiator, megatile, detector
          Save    radiator, megatile, detector
          IF ( medium == 'print' ) THEN
            Write (*,400) radiator
            Write (*,401) megatile
            Write (*,402) detector
            Call GpTMed( +radiator )
            Call GpTMed( -megatile )
            Call GpTMed( -detector )
  400     Format('radiator cuts set for ag_imed=',I3)
  401     Format('megatile cuts set for ag_imed=',I3)
  402     Format('detector cuts set for ag_imed=',I3)

c--       Setup common cuts for neutrons, hadrons and muons
          Call GsTPar (id,'CUTNEU',0.001)
          Call GsTPar (id,'CUTHAD',0.001)
          Call GsTPar (id,'CUTMUO',0.001)
          IF ( medium == 'radiator' ) THEN
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001)
               radiator = id
          ELSEIF ( medium == 'megatile' ) THEN
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001)
               megatile = id
          ELSEIF ( medium == 'detector' ) THEN
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK1',1.)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK2',0.0130)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BIRK3',9.6E-6)
               detector = id
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTGAM',0.00008)
               Call GsTPar (id,'CUTELE',0.001)
               Call GsTPar (id,'BCUTE' ,0.0001)
  300          Format('Warning: unknown medium[',A20,'] in ecal_set_cuts')
        Subroutine ecal_get_strip( section, cut, istrip, xcenter, ycenter, length )
c--                                in       in   in      out      out      out
          Implicit NONE
          Real     section
          Integer  cut         ! 0=no plane  1=normal plane  2=cut plane
          Integer  istrip      ! strip index
          Real     xcenter     ! output
          Real     ycenter     ! output
          Real     length      ! output
          Integer  nstrips     
          Real     rdel        ! shift in radius (?)
          Real     rth
          Real     ddn, ddup   
          Real     megatile, p
          Real     xleft, yleft, xright, yright 
          Real     dxy, xx, yy
          Real     sqrt2, sqrt3
c--       SMD data copied from data structures above
          Real base, apex
          Data base, apex / 1.0, 0.7/ !cm
          Real Rbot, Rtop
          Data Rbot, Rtop / 77.41, 213.922 /
          Real EtaMin, EtaMax
          Data EtaMin, EtaMax / 1.086, 2.000 /
          Real tan_theta_min, tan_theta_max
          Real tanf, eta
          tanf(eta) = tan(2*atan(exp(-eta)))
          tan_theta_min = tanf( EtaMax )
          tan_theta_max = tanf( EtaMin )
          IF (cut    = 1) THEN                                                                                                       
             rdel    = 3.938                                                                                                         
             nstrips = 288                                                                                                           
             rdel    = -.475                                                                                                         
             nstrips = 285                                                                                                           
          IF ( cut = 0 ) THEN
          sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0)
          sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0)
          rth = .53*rdel        ! .53 --- tentatavily    jcw-- wtf?                                                               
          ddn = sqrt(3.0)*1.713 + rdel                                                                                                  
          ddup = .5*1.846 + 1.713             
          megatile = base + .01
          p = .5*(istrip-1)*megatile + 41.3655  

          IF (p <= (.5*rbot*sqrt3 + rth)) THEN
          dxy     = 1.9375*sqrt2
          xleft  = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 + 1.) - dxy
          yleft  = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 - 1.) - dxy 
          yright = .5*sqrt2*(sqrt( rbot*rbot - p*p) - p)
          xright = sqrt2*p + yright
          ELSEIF ((.5*rbot*sqrt3  + rth) < p <= (.5*rtop + 1.5)) THEN
          dxy = 1.9375*sqrt2
          xleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 + 1.) - dxy
          yleft = .5*sqrt2*p*(sqrt3 - 1.) - dxy 
          dxy = rdel*sqrt2/sqrt3
          yright = .5*sqrt2*p*(1.- 1./sqrt3)
          xright = sqrt2*p - yright - dxy
          yright = -yright - dxy
          ELSEIF (p > (.5*rtop +1.5)) THEN
          yleft = (sqrt(rtop*rtop - p*p) - p)/sqrt2
          xleft = sqrt2*p + yleft
          dxy = rdel*sqrt2/sqrt3
          yright = .5*sqrt2*p*(1.- 1./sqrt3)
          xright = sqrt2*p - yright - dxy
          yright = -yright - dxy
          dxy = 0. 
          IF ((.5*sqrt3*160.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sqrt3*160.+ ddup) ) THEN
          xcenter = .5*(sqrt3*160.+1.846)
          ycenter = xcenter - .5*sqrt3*1.713
          IF (p > ycenter) THEN
              dxy = .5*sqrt2*(2/sqrt3*rdel + .5*sqrt3*1.846 +_
              sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xcenter)*(p-xcenter)))
              dxy = sqrt2/sqrt3*(p - .5*sqrt3* 160. + ddn)
          ELSEIF ((.5*sqrt3*195.- ddn) < p <= (.5*sqrt3*195. + ddup) ) THEN
          xcenter = .5*(sqrt3*195.+1.846)
          ycenter = xcenter - .5*sqrt3*1.713
          IF (p > ycenter) THEN
             dxy = .5*sqrt2*(2/sqrt3*rdel + .5*sqrt3*1.846 +_
             sqrt(1.713*1.713 - (p-xcenter)*(p-xcenter)))
             dxy = sqrt2/sqrt3*(p - .5*sqrt3*195. + ddn)
             xright = xright + dxy
             yright = yright + dxy

          dxy     =  section*tan_theta_max - rtop                                                                                                            
          xcenter = .5*(xright+xleft) + dxy                                                                                                            
          ycenter = .5*(yright+yleft)                                                                                                                  
          xx = .5*sqrt2*(xleft+yleft)                                                                                                               
          yy = .5*sqrt2*(xright+yright)                                                                                                             
          length = xx-yy                              
        End! Subroutine smd_strip
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ECAL nice views: dcut ecvo x 1       10 -5  .5 .1
*                  draw emdi 105 0 160  2 13  .2 .1
*                  draw emdi 120 180 150  1 14  .12 .12
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

c-- examples of HITS
*      HITS EHMS     Birk:0:(0,10)  
*                     xx:16:SH(-250,250)  yy:16:(-250,250)  zz:16:(-350,350),
*                     px:16:(-100,100)    py:16:(-100,100)  pz:16:(-100,100),
*                     Slen:16:(0,1.e4)    Tof:16:(0,1.e-6)  Step:16:(0,100),
*                     none:16:            Eloss:0:(0,10)

2009.10.12 Jason EEMC geometry: effects of adding layers

Effect of added layers in Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • EEMC only geometry with LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Cuts for shower shapes:
Single particle kinematic cuts: pt=7-8GeV, eta=1.2-1.4
All shapes are normalized to 1 at peak (central strip)

Added layer definition from Jason file:

  • EXPS is the plastic spacer in the shower maximum section
  • EBLS is the layer of material on the back of the SMD planes
  • EFLS is the layer of material on the front of the SMD planes

Some comments:

  1. Figs. 1-2 show that I can reproduce
    sampling fraction and shower shapes
    which I see with geometry file from CVS
    if I disable all three added layers in Jason geometry file
    (this assumes/shows that G10 layer have tiny effect).
    This a good starting point, since it indicate that
    all other (cosmetic) code modifications
    are most probably done correctly and has no
    effect on simulated detector response.
  2. Fig. 3 shows effect of each added layer
    (plastic spacers and layers in front/back of SMD)
    on the sampling fraction and 2x1/3x3 energy profile:

    • Each layer contributes more or less equally to the sampling fraction.
    • Energy profile (E2x1 / E3x3) does not affected by the added layers
  3. Fig. 4 shows effect of each added layer on the shower shapes:
    • Back SMD layer does not contribute much (as expected).
    • Front and spacers introduce equal amount of "shape narrowing".
  4. Figs. 5-6 show pre-shower sorted shower shapes
    and comparison with eta-meson shapes.

No layers and G10 removed

Figure 1: Sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

Figure 2: Shower shapes

Adding new laters (spacer, front, back)

Figure 3: Sampling fraction vs. thrown energy (left), 2x1/3x3 energy ratio (right)
See legend for details

Figure 4: Shower shapes. See legend for details

Shower shapes sorted by pre-shower energy

Pre-shower bins:

  1. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 = 0 (no energy in both EEMC pre-shower layers)
  2. Ep1 = 0, Ep2 > 0
  3. 0 < Ep1 < 4 MeV
  4. 4 < Ep1 < 10 MeV
  5. Ep1 > 10 MeV
  6. All pre-shower bins combined

Ep1/Ep2 is the energy deposited in the 1st/2nd EEMC pre-shower layer.
For a single particle MC it is a sum over
all pre-shower tiles in the EEMC with energy of 3 sigma above pedestal.
For eta-meson from pp2006 data the sum is over 3x3 tower patch

Figure 5: Shower shapes (left) and their ratio (right)

Figure 6: Shower shape ratios

2009.10.13 Jason EEMC geometry: position correlations

Effect of added layers in Jason geometry file (ecalgeo.g23)

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • EEMC only geometry with LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Added layer definition from Jason file:

  • EXPS is the plastic spacer in the shower maximum section
  • EBLS is the layer of material on the back (routing layers) of the SMD planes
  • EFLS is the layer of material on the front (G10, etc) of the SMD planes

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. j-noLayers: Jason geometry: no EXPS, EBLS, EFLS
  2. j-back: Jason geometry, EBLS only
  3. j-front: Jason geometry, EFLS only
  4. j-spacer: Jason geometry, EXPS only
  5. j-all: Jason geometry, all new layers included
  6. geom-cvs geometry file from CVS after cAir bug fixed

cross section of 1st SMD plane labeled with "SUV" ordering

Note: u-v ordering scheme can be found here (Fig. 9-11)

Figure 1: Average number of SMD u-strip fired vs. thrown photon's (x,y)

Figure 2:Average number of SMD v-strip fired vs. thrown photon's (x,y)

Figure 3:Average SMD u-energy vs. thrown photon's (x,y)

Figure 4:Average SMD v-energy vs. thrown photon's (x,y)

2009.10.16 Jason geometry file: Full STAR simulations

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • EEMC only and Full STAR geometry configurations with LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. eemc-cvs: EEMC only with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  2. full-cvs: Full STAR with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  3. eemc-j: EEMC only with Jason geometry file
  4. full-j: Full STAR with Jason geometry file

Figure 1: Sampling fraction

Figure 2: Total energy distribution

Figure 3: Shower shapes (left) and shape ratios (right) for 0 < pre-shower1 < 4MeV

Pre-shower sorted shapes (for completeness)

Figure 4: Shower shapes (all pre-shower bins)

Figure 5: Shower shapes ratio (all pre-shower bins)


2009.10.20 Sampling fraction problem: full STAr vs. EEMC stand alone geometry

For the previous study click here

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • EEMC only and Full STAR geometry configurations with LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. eemc-cvs: EEMC only with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  2. full-cvs: Full STAR with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  3. eemc-j: EEMC only with Jason geometry file
  4. full-j: Full STAR with Jason geometry file

Figure 1: Average energy in SMD-u plane vs. position of the thrown photon

SMD v (left) and u (right) sampling fraction (E_smd/E_thrown) vs. E_thrown

Figure 2: Sampling fraction (E_tower^total/E_thrown) vs. position of the thrown photon

Sampling fraction (E_tower^total/E_thrown) vs. E_thrown

Figure 3: Number of towers above threshold vs. position of the thrown photon

Number of towers above threshold vs. E_thrown

Other EEMC layers: pre-shower, postshower

Figure 4: (left) Pre-shower1 and (right) Pre-shower2 sampling fraction vs. E_thrown

Figure 5: (left) High tower sampling fraction and (right) residual energy, [E_tot-E_3x3]/E_thrown, vs. E_thrown

2009.10.26 Jason vs. CVS EEMC: removed SMD layers

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled new SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • EEMC only and Full STAR geometry configurations with LOW_EM option
    Note: LOW_EM option seems not to work for EEMC only configuration (double checking)
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. eemc-cvs: EEMC only with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  2. full-cvs: Full STAR with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  3. eemc-j-noL: EEMC only with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)
  4. full-j-noL: Full STAR with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)

Figure 1: number of post-shower tiles

Figure 2: number of pre-1-shower tiles

Figure 3: number of pre-2-shower tiles

Figure 4: number of towers


Figure 5: Average pre-shower1 energy

Figure 6: Average pre-shower2 energy

Figure 7: Average number of SMD-u strips

Figure 8: Average number of SMD-v strips

Figure 9: Average post-shower energy

Sampling fraction

Figure 10: Sampling fraction 1x1 vs. thrown energy

Figure 11: Sampling fraction 2x1 vs. thrown energy

Figure 12: Sampling fraction 3x3 vs. thrown energy

Figure 13: Sampling fraction (total energy) vs. thrown energy

Figure 14: Sampling fraction 1x1

Figure 15: Sampling fraction 2x1

Figure 16: Sampling fraction 3x3

SMD shower shapes

Figure 17: SMD shower shape (v-plane)

2009.10.27 Jason EEMC geometry: effect of removing new SMD layers

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled/Enabled new SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • EEMC only and Full STAR geometry configurations with LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. eemc-j: EEMC only with Jason geometry file
  2. full-j: Full STAR with Jason geometry file
  3. eemc-j-noL: EEMC only with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)
  4. full-j-noL: Full STAR with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)

Effect of removing SMD layers on SMD strips

Figure 1: Average number of SMD-u strips

Figure 2: Average number of SMD-v strips

Effect of removing SMD layers on sampling fraction

Figure 3: distribution of 1x1 sampling fraction

Figure 4: distribution of 2x1 sampling fraction

Figure 5: distribution of 3x3 sampling fraction

Figure 6: 1x1 sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

Figure 7: 2x1 sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

Figure 8: 3x3 sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

2009.10.27: Jason EEMC geometry: comparison without LOW_EM option

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled new SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • EEMC only and Full STAR geometry configurations without LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. eemc-cvs: EEMC only with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  2. full-cvs: Full STAR with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  3. eemc-j-noL: EEMC only with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)
  4. full-j-noL: Full STAR with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers)

Figure 1: Sampling fraction 1x1

Figure 2: Sampling fraction 2x1

Figure 3: Sampling fraction 3x3

Figure 4: Sampling fraction total energy

Figure 5: Sampling fraction pre1-shower

Figure 6: Sampling fraction pre2-shower

Figure 7: Sampling fraction smd-u

Figure 8: Sampling fraction smd-v

Figure 9: Sampling fraction post-shower

Sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

Figure 10: Sampling fraction 1x1 vs. thrown energy

Figure 11: Sampling fraction 2x1 vs. thrown energy

Figure 12: Sampling fraction 3x3 vs. thrown energy

Figure 13: Sampling fraction (tatal energy) vs. thrown energy

2009.10.30: Jason EEMC geometry: Jason with ELED block from CVS file

FYI: Alice blog on ELED block study

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • Put ELED block from CVS file into Jason geometry
  • geometry configurations without LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. full-cvs: Full STAR with geometry file from CVS (cAir-fixed)
  2. full-j: EEMC only with Jason geometry file (disabled 3-new SMD layers, ELED block replaced with that from CVS)

Figure 1: Sampling fraction 1x1 (up-left), 2x1 (up-right), 3x3 (low-left), total energy (low-right)

Figure 2: Sampling fraction pre1 (up-left), pre2 (up-right), SMD-u (low-left), post (low-right)

Figure 3: Shower shapes (left) and shower shape ratio (right)

11 Nov

November 2009 posts

2009.11.02 Jason EEMC geometry: results with and without LOW_EM options

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations and notations (shown in the center of the plot):

  1. full-cvs-noEM (dashed): CVS geometry (cAir-fixed) without LOW_EM option
  2. full-cvs-EM (solid): CVS geometry (cAir-fixed) with LOW_EM option
  3. full-j-NoEM-noL: Jason geometry (disabled 3-new SMD layers) without LOW_EM option
  4. full-j-EM-noL: Jason geometry (disabled 3-new SMD layers) with LOW_EM option

Figure 1: Distribution of the sampling fraction (total energy in EEMC)

Figure 2: Sampling fraction (total energy in EEMC) vs. thrown energy

Figure 3: Sampling fraction (total energy in EEMC) vs. position of the thrown photon

2009.11.03 BEMC sampling fraction: with and without LOW_EM option

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR geometry (y2006g) configurations with and without LOW_EM option.
    Note: LOW_EM cuts are listed at the bottom of this page,
    and some related discussion can be found in this phana thread
  • Throw particles flat in eta (-1,1), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (30 +/- 0.5 GeV)
  • Vertex z=0
  • 50K/per particle type

Geometry configurations and notations:

  1. BEMC-noLOW_EM: Full STAR y2006g without LOW_EM option
  2. BEMC-LOW_EM: Full STAR y2006g with LOW_EM option

data base settings (same settings in bfc.C (Jan's trick) and in my MuDst reader):




Note: for BEMC ideal pedSigma set to 0, so effectively
there is no effect when I apply 3-sigma threshold above pedestal.

Figure 1: E_reco/E_thrown distribution.
E_reco is the total energy in the BEMC towers from mMuDstMaker->muDst()->muEmcCollection()
E_thrown energy of the thrown photon from tne GEant record
No cut (yet) applied to exclude otliers in the average
Outliers in E_reco/E_thrown

Figure 2: Average E_reco/E_thrown vs. thrown photon eta (left) and phi (right)
Average is taken over a slice in eta or phi (no gaussian fits)

Figure 3: Average E_reco/E_thrown vs. thrown position (eta and phi)
Left: without LOW_EM option; right: with LOW_EM option
No cut applied to exclude otliers

2009.11.03 Jason EEMC geometry: Effect of ELED block change

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • Alter the ELED block (lead absorber plate) in Jason geometry file
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Figure 1: Sampling fraction (total energy in EEMC)

  • Solid symbols and lines present results with LOW_EM option
    Note: the black are the same in left and right plots
  • Open/dashed symbols and lines - results without LOW_EM option
  • Upper plots - distribution of the sampling fcation
  • Lower plots - Sampling fcation vs. thrown photon energy
  1. Left plots: CVS geometry vs. Jason with removed extra SMD layers.
    ELED block is the same in all 4 cases, and is taken from CVS file.
    in red: CVS geometry, in black - Jason geometry
  2. Right plots:
    Jason with new ELED block (in red) vs. Jason with ELED block from CVS (in black)
    Extra SMD layers are removed in all 4 cases

Figure 2: Sampling fraction (total energy in EEMC)
black: same black as in Fig. 1, upper plots
red: EEMC geometry with Material PbAlloy isvol=0
(modification suggested by Jason in this post)

2009.11.06 new EEMC geometry: Pure lead and new SMD layers

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • One photon per event
  • Disabled/Enabled SMD layers (EXPS EBLS EFLS) in Jason geometry
  • Alter the ELED block with pure lead
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
    (using Victor's geometry fix)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy
    (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations

  1. dashed/open red (j-noEM,noL,Pb):
    full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, Jason EEMC geometry without new SMD layers, pure lead in ELED block
  2. solid red (j-EM,noL,Pb):
    full STAR y2006, LOW_EM, Jason EEMC geometry without new SMD layers, pure lead in ELED block
  3. dashed/open black (j-noEM,Pb):
    full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, Jason EEMC geometry with new SMD layers, pure lead in ELED block
  4. solid black (j-EM,Pb):
    full STAR y2006, LOW_EM, Jason EEMC geometry with new SMD layers, pure lead in ELED block

Sampling fraction of various EEMC layers (tower, SMD, pre1-,pre2-, post- shower)

Figure 1: Tower sampling fraction distribution

Figure 2: Tower sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

Figure 3: Tower sampling fraction vs. position of the thrown photon

Figure 4: Pre1, pre2, post and SMD sampling fraction distribution

Figure 5: Pre1, pre2, post and SMD sampling fraction vs. thrown energy

SMD shower shapes

Figure 6: SMD-v shower shapes

Figure 7: SMD-v shower shape ratios

Figure 8: Number of SMD-u strips

Figure 9: Number of SMD-v strips

Tower energy profile

Figure 10: Energy ractio of 2x1 to 3x3 cluster vs. gamma-jet data

Energy deposition in various EEMC layers vs. position of the thrown photon

Figure 11: Pre-shower1 energy

Figure 12: Pre-shower2 energy

Figure 13: Post-shower energy

Figure 14: SMD-v energy

Figure 15: Number of towers

LOW_EM option and pre-shower migration

Figure 16: Tower Sampling fraction: LOW_EM option and pre-shower migration

2009.11.10 BEMC sampling fraction and clustering

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full y2009 STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option.
    Note: LOW_EM cuts are listed at the bottom of this page,
    and some related discussion can be found in this phana thread
  • Throw particles flat in eta (-0.95,0.05) amd (0.05, 0.95), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (30 +/- 0.5 GeV)
  • bfc.C options:
  • Use fixed (7%) sampling fraction in StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx
    mSF[0] = 1/0.07;
    mSF[1] = 0.;
    mSF[2] = 0.;
  • Vertex z=0
  • 50K/per particle type

Geometry configurations and notations:

  1. BEMC-noLOW_EM: Full STAR y2009 without LOW_EM option
  2. BEMC-LOW_EM: Full STAR y2009 with LOW_EM option

data base settings (same settings in bfc.C (Jan's trick) and in my MuDst reader):

Note: for BEMC ideal pedSigma set to 0, so effectively
there is no effect when I apply 3-sigma threshold above pedestal.

Figure 1: Sampling fraction (0.07*E_reco/E_thrown) distribution: average vs. gaussian fit
E_reco is the total energy in the BEMC towers from mMuDstMaker->muDst()->muEmcCollection()
E_thrown energy of the thrown photon from tne GEant record
The difference between fit and using average values is < 0.7%

Figure 2: Otliers vs. eta and phi: (left) no energy reconstrycted, (right) s.f. < 55%
Most outlier are at eta = 0, -1, +1

Figure 3: Sampling fraction (0.07*E_reco/E_thrown) distribution
Effect of LOW_EM cuts

Figure 4: Sampling fraction vs. thrown photon eta (left) and phi (right)
Average is taken over a slice in eta or phi with cut on outliers (events with s.f. < 5.5% rejected)

Figure 5: Sampling fraction vs. thrown position (eta and phi)
Average is taken over a slice in eta or phi with cut on outliers (events with s.f. < 5.5% rejected)

Figure 6: (left) Single tower sampling fraction
and (right) energy ratio of 1x1 cluster to the total BEMC energy
Not much of the effect from LOW_EM cuts on the 1x1 clustering. Need to look at other (2x1, 2x2 clusters)

2009.11.11 Tests of EEMC geometry, version 6.1

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Compare EEMC geometry v6.0 (pure lead) vs. v6.1
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

FYI: tests with v6.1 by Alice

Geometry configurations

  1. dashed/open red: full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1
  2. solid red: full STAR y2006, with LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1
  3. dashed/open black: full STAR y2006, full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.0
  4. solid black: full STAR y2006, full STAR y2006, with LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.0

Sampling fraction of various EEMC layers (tower, SMD, pre1-,pre2-, post- shower)

Figure 1: Sampling fraction of various EEMC layers vs. thrown photon energy:
(a) tower s.f.; (b) tower s.f. distribution; (c) pre-shower1; (d) pre-shower2; (e) SMD, (f) post-shower

Figure 2: (left) Shower shapes and (right) shower shape ratios

2009.11.16 Tests of EEMC geometry, version 6.1: lead vs. mixture

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Compare EEMC geometry v6.1 with pure lead vs. mixture
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and pt (6-10 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations

  1. dashed/open red: full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1 with pure lead
  2. solid red: full STAR y2006, with LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1 with pure lead
  3. dashed/open black: full STAR y2006, full STAR y2006, no LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1 with lead-ally mixture
  4. solid black: full STAR y2006, full STAR y2006, with LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1 with lead-ally mixture

Figure 1: EEMC sampling fraction vs. thrown photon energy:

2009.11.17 BEMC sampling fraction: energy dependence

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full y2009 STAR geometry configurations with LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (-1,1), phi (0, 2pi),
    with energy steps: 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 GeV with flat (+/-0.5 GeV) spread
  • bfc.C options:
  • Use fixed (7%) sampling fraction in StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx
    mSF[0] = 1/0.07;
    mSF[1] = 0.;
    mSF[2] = 0.;
  • Vertex z=0
  • 50K/per particle type

data base settings (same settings in bfc.C (Jan's trick) and in my MuDst reader):

Note: for BEMC ideal pedSigma set to 0, so effectively
there is no effect when I apply 3-sigma threshold above pedestal.

Figure 1: Rapidity cuts study (no eta cuts, no cuts on otliers in this figure)

Figure 2: Sampling fraction (0.07*E_reco/E_thrown) distribution
E_reco is the total energy in the BEMC towers from mMuDstMaker->muDst()->muEmcCollection()
E_thrown energy of the thrown photon from tne Geant record
Cuts: |eta| < 0.97 && |eta|>0.01 && s.f. > 0.055
s.f. distribution on the log scale

2009.11.19 LOW_EM and EEMC time/event in starsim

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon/electron per event
  • y2009 geometry tag (EEMC geometry v6.1)
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
  • Throwing particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • ~50K/per particle type, 250 events per job, 200 jobs

Geometry configurations

  1. red: without LOW_EM option
  2. black: with LOW_EM option
  3. circles - electrons, squares - photons

Figure 1: (left) time/event distribution, (right) average time for the particle type

Conclusion: for single particle Monte-Carlo required time in starsim
with LOW_EM option is ~ 2.6 times higher.

2009.11.23 New EEMC geometry (CVS v6.1): y2006 vs. y2009 STAR configurations

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Compare new EEMC geometry in CVS for y2006 and 2009 configurations
  • Full STAR geometry configurations with and without LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations

  1. red: full STAR y2009, with/without LOW_EM, EEMC geometry
  2. black: full STAR y2006, with/without LOW_EM, EEMC geometry v6.1

Figure 1: EEMC sampling fraction (left) distribution (right) vs. thrown photon energy (1.2 < eta < 1.9; no pt cuts)

Figure 2: EEMC sampling fraction (left) distribution (right) vs. thrown photon energy (1.2 < eta < 1.9; pt > 7GeV cut)

Figure 3: 2x1/3x3 clustering

Figure 4: Shower shapes

Figure 5: Shower shape ratios (v plane)

Figure 6: Shower shape ratios (u plane)

Figure 7: Pre-shower migration (1.2 < eta < 1.9; no pt cuts)

12 Dec

December 2009 posts

2009.12.01 BEMC 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 3x3 clustering

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full y2009 STAR geometry configurations with/without LOW_EM option
  • Throw particles flat in eta (-1,1), phi (0, 2pi),
    with energy: 30GeV with flat (+/-0.5 GeV) spread
  • bfc.C options:
  • Use fixed (7%) sampling fraction in StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx
    mSF[0] = 1/0.07;
    mSF[1] = 0.;
    mSF[2] = 0.;
  • Vertex z=0
  • 50K/per particle type

data base settings (same settings in bfc.C (Jan's trick) and in my MuDst reader):

Note: for BEMC ideal pedSigma set to 0, so effectively
there is no effect when I apply 3-sigma threshold above pedestal.

Figure 1: Energy sampling of various cluster in the Barrel EMC
E_reco is the total energy in the BEMC towers from mMuDstMaker->muDst()->muEmcCollection()
eta_thrown - rapidity of the thrown photon from the Geant record
Cuts: |eta| < 0.97 && |eta|>0.01 && total energy s.f. > 0.055

Figure 2: Various cluster energy ratios


2009.12.07 Low EM study: LOW_EM option, 100KeV cuts, and DCUTE=100KeV

Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC, v6.1 and TPC, v04 geometries)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

GEANT EM cuts list (default values in GeV)

  • CUTGAM - cut for gammas (GEANT default = 0.001)
  • CUTELE - cut for electrons (GEANT default = 0.001)
  • CUTHAD - cut for charged hadrons (GEANT default = 0.01)
  • CUTNEU - cut for neutral hadrons (GEANT default = 0.01)
  • CUTMUO - cut for muons (GEANT default = 0.01)
  • BCUTE - cut for electron brems (GEANT default = CUTGAM)
  • BCUTM - cut for muon brems (GEANT default = CUTGAM)
  • DCUTE - cut for electron delta-rays (GEANT default = 10^4)
  • DCUTM - cut for muon delta-rays (GEANT default = 10^4)
  • LOSS - energy loss
  • STRA - energy fluctuation model
  • Birks law parameters (Tracking Parameters)

Low EM cut configurations (values in GeV)

  1. NoCuts: Default STAR geometry EM cuts

    Endcap EMC setup is quite non-uniform
    (all cuts are set via "Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CutName', Value)":

    • Block EMGT: 30 degree megatile

      CUTGAM = 0.00001
      CUTELE = 0.00001

    • Block ESCI: active scintillator (polystyrene) layer

      CUTGAM = 0.00008
      CUTELE = 0.001
      BCUTE = 0.0001
      CUTNEU = 0.001
      CUTHAD = 0.001
      CUTMUO = 0.001
      c-- Define Birks law parameters
      BIRK1 = 1.
      BIRK2 = 0.013
      BIRK3 = 9.6E-6

    • Block ELED : lead absorber plate

      CUTGAM = 0.00008
      CUTELE = 0.001
      BCUTE = 0.0001
      CUTNEU = 0.001
      CUTHAD = 0.001
      CUTMUO = 0.001

    • Block EALP: thin aluminium plate in calorimeter cell

      CUTGAM = 0.00001
      CUTELE = 0.00001
      LOSS = 1.
      STRA = 1.

    • Block EHMS: defines the triangular SMD strips

      CUTGAM = 0.00008
      CUTELE = 0.001
      BCUTE = 0.0001
      c-- Define Birks law parameters
      BIRK1 = 1.
      BIRK2 = 0.0130
      BIRK3 = 9.6E-6

  2. 100KeV: All cuts are set to 100KeV

    CUTGAM = 0.0001
    CUTELE = 0.0001
    BCUTE = 0.0001
    BCUTM = 0.0001
    DCUTE = 0.0001
    DCUTM = 0.0001

  3. DCUTE: All cuts are set to 10KeV, except electron delta-rays (DCUTE = 100KeV)

    CUTGAM = 0.00001
    CUTELE = 0.00001
    BCUTE = 0.00001
    BCUTM = 0.00001
    DCUTE = 0.0001
    DCUTM = 0.00001

  4. LOW_EM: All cuts are set to 10KeV

    CUTGAM = 0.00001
    CUTELE = 0.00001
    BCUTE = 0.00001
    BCUTM = 0.00001
    DCUTE = 0.00001
    DCUTM = 0.00001

Figure 1: Endcap EMC sampling fraction for different cluster sizes:
1x1, 2x1, 3x3, and total energy in the EEMC
Lower right plot shows total s.f. vs. photon thrown energy

Figure 2: Endcap EMC shower shapes

Figure 3: Endcap EMC shower shape ratios

2009.12.08 Low EM timing study: 10KeV vs. 100KeV cut settings

Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew:

List of LOW_EM cuts and defaults

Low EM cut configurations (values in GeV)

  1. NoCuts: Default STAR geometry EM cuts
  2. LOW_EM:100KeV: All LOW_EM cuts are set to 100KeV
  3. LOW_EM:10KeV: (default) LOW_EM cuts (10KeV)
  4. DCUTE: All cuts are set to 10KeV, except for electron delta-rays DCUTE = 100KeV

QCD hard processes timing

Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo:

  • Pythia pp@500GeV 2->2 hard QCD processes for parton pt>15GeV
  • Full STAR y2009a (latest EEMC, v6.1 and TPC, v04 geometries)
  • 50 events per file, 100 jobs
  • BFC options and kumac details are here

Figure 1: QCD Total (GEANT/GSTAR+bfc) timing (seconds/event)

Figure 2: QCD GEANT/GSTAR timing (seconds/event)

Figure 3: QCD bfc.C timing (seconds/event)

EEMC single photon timing

EEMC single photons Monte-Carlo

  • One photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC, v6.1 and TPC, v04 geometries)
  • flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • 250 events per file, 200 jobs

Figure 4: EEMC single photon Total (GEANT/GSTAR+bfc) timing (seconds/event)

Figure 5: EEMC single photon GEANT/GSTAR timing (seconds/event)

Figure 6: EEMC single photon bfc.C timing (seconds/event)

2009.12.17 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts in the calorimeter geometry

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Figure 1: (left) Endcap EMC sampling fraction (total calorimeter energy), (right) SMD-u sampling fraction
Red: (previous) ecalgeo-v6.1 with global LOW_EM option
(Note: same points as in this post, Fig. 1 lower left, label y6:LOW_EM)
Black: (new) ecalgeo-v6.2 (embedded LOW_EM cuts), no global LOW_EM option

Figure 2: Pre-shower migrations
There is only a few events with pre1>4MeV with new simulations: potential problem with TPC geometry?

2009.12.20 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts after TPC/EEMC overlap fix

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Results: Update for the previous tests of EMC v6.2 geometry after fixing TPC/EEMC overlap

Figure 1: Endcap EMC sampling fraction: total calorimeter energy, pre1-, pre2-, post- shower layers, and SMD-u energy
Red: (previous) ecalgeo-v6.1 with global LOW_EM option
(Note: same points as in this post, Fig. 1 lower left, label y6:LOW_EM)
Black: (new) ecalgeo-v6.2 (embedded LOW_EM cuts), no global LOW_EM option

Figure 2: Pre-shower migrations
Change in TPC geometry seems to introduce a reasonable (small) change in pre-shower migration

Photon-jet simulation request

Simulation needs with y2006/y2009 geometry
specific to the photon-jet analysis

* Update version of the previous simulation
request from December 18, 2008 (see Ref. [1])

Understanding effects of trigger, material budget differences,
and throughout comparison between 2006 and 2009 data
requires to have dedicated Monte-Carlo
data samples with both y2006 and y2009 geometries.

Requested samples

We request to produce the following set of
Monte-Carlo samples for the photon-jet analysis:

  • S1: 1st priority

    Dedicated (gamma filtered, Refs. [2-5]) data sample
    for Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon processes
    with y2006 STAR geometry configuration
    and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.

    Simulations configured with:

    • LOW_EM option in starsim (Ref. [6]).
      Low cuts on electromagnetic processes in GSTAR

    • y2006h geometry tag, which includes
      latest Endcap EMC (v6.1) and TPC (v4) geometry fixes.

    • Pythia 6.4 CDF Tune A or Perugia tunes (6.4.22)?

  • S2: 1st priority

    Dedicated (gamma filtered, Refs. [2-5]) data sample
    for Pythia pp@200GeV hard QCD processes
    with y2006 STAR geometry configuration
    and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.

    Same simulation setup as for the sample S1.

  • S3: 2nd priority

    Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon and hard QCD
    processes with y2009 STAR geometry configuration
    and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.

    Same simulation setup as for the sample S1
    but with y2009a geometry tag.

  • S4: 3rd priority

    Pythia pp@500GeV prompt photon and hard QCD
    processes with y2009 STAR geometry configuration
    and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.

    Same simulation setup as for the sample S1
    but with y2009a geometry tag.

Event number, CPU time, and disk space estimates

Below I provide some estimates of CPU and disk space
which are required to produce the data samples listed above.
These estimates are based on the previous (private)
production of the MC gamma-filtered events with y2006
geometry which was done at MIT computer cluster
by Michael Betancourt (Ref. [2,4-5]):

  • E1 (prompt photons)

    Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon simulations
    with ~7 pb^-1 luminosity:

    • ~60 days running time on a single CPU

    • ~17Gb of disk space to store MuDst/geant files

    • Number of (filtered) events:
      ~ 30K for pt range 6-9GeV
      ~ 15K for pt range 9-15GeV

  • E2 (QCD hard process)

    Pythia pp@200 QCD hard process simulations
    with (at least) 1 pb^-1 luminosity:

    • ~ 620 days running on a single CPU
      (less than a week on a cluster with 100 CPUs)

    • ~ 150Gb of disk space to store MuDst/geant files

    • Number of (filtered) events:
      ~ 650K for pt range 6-9GeV
      ~ 300K for pt range 9-15GeV

Notes on the estimates:

  • N1

    Enabling LOW_EM option in GSTAR increases
    the time estimates by ~40% (Ref. [7]).

  • N2

    Additional production of jet trees will
    require a disk space on the order of < 2%
    of the total size of the MuDst/geant files.

  • N3

    Additional production of gamma trees will also
    require a disk space on the order of a few percents
    of the total size of the MuDst/geant files.


  1. Previous simulation request (Date: 2008, Dec 18):

  2. Michael's document on
    "Targeted MC procedure for the gamma-jet program at STAR":

  3. simulations with filtering readiness:

  4. Filtered photon production with y2006 geometry:

  5. More details on statistics needed and disk space estimates:

  6. LOW_EM option in GSTAR:

  7. Time estimates with and without LOW_EM option:


Year 2010 posts

01 Jan

January 2010 posts

2010.01.04 y2006 vs y2009 EEMC pre-shower migration

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h/y2009a
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations:

Note: results are with CVS before "15Deg rotated volume" bug being fixed

Figure 1:Pre-shower migration: y2006h (red - CVS:2009/12/17) vs. y2006h (black - CVS:2009/12/29)

Figure 2: Pre-shower migration: y2006h (red) vs. y2009a (black) all with CVS:2009/12/29

2010.01.07 EEMC response to single photons with y2006h vs y2009a geometries

Monte-Carlo setup

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h/y2009a configurations
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations:

  • y6h:10KeV (black) - y2006h with emc_10KeV
  • y9a:10KeV (red) - y2009a with emc_10KeV

STAR geometry includes the latest "15Deg rotated volume" bug bug fix

Figure 1: EEMC sampling fraction
(left) vs. thrown photon energy (with 1.2 < eta < 1.9 cut)
(right) vs. thrown photon eta

Figure 2: 2x1/3x3 clustering

Figure 3: Shower shapes (u plane)

Figure 4: Shower shape ratios (u plane)

Figure 5: Pre-shower migration (1.2 < eta < 1.9)

Figure 6: Average pre-shower1 energy vs. thown photon position in EEMC
(left) y2009a with emc_10KeV
(right) y2006h with emc_10KeV

2010.01.08 EEMC response 2006 vs. 2009: phi cuts

EEMC migration plots with cuts on TPC sector boundaries

Click here for results before phi cuts

Monte-Carlo setup

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h/y2009a configurations
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Geometry configurations:

  • y6h:10KeV (black) - y2006h with emc_10KeV option
  • y9a:10KeV (red) - y2009a with emc_10KeV option

Figure 1: Average pre-shower1 energy vs. thown photon position in EEMC
with cuts on TPC sector boundaries: cos(12*(phi-Pi/6.)) < -0.65 (similar plot before phi cuts)
(left) y2009a with emc_10KeV
(right) y2006h with emc_10KeV

Figure 2: Pre-shower 1 sampling fraction (E_pre1/E_thrown) vs. thrown eta

Figure 3: EEMC sampling fraction
(left) vs. thrown photon energy (with 1.2 < eta < 1.9 cut)
(right) vs. thrown photon eta

Figure 4: Pre-shower migration (1.2 < eta < 1.9)

2010.01.12 W test sample QA

All plost from second (with vertex distribution) test W-sample from Lidia/Jason.
generated files are from /star/rcf/test/Wprod_test2/

The previous sample with fixed (zero) vertex can be found was announced here:

Figure 1: Electron from W decay (a) eta, (b) phi, (c) pt and (d) energy distributions
from geant record (no kinematic cuts)

Figure 2: Reconstructed vs. geant vertex (Cuts: abs(geant_eta_electron) < 1)
(left) difference, (right) ratio

Figure 3:
(left) Correlation between thrown and reconsructed energy: abs(geant_eta_electron) < 1
(right) ratio of the reconsructed to thrown energy (Bemc_Etow > 25)
Reconstructed energy is the total energy in all Barrel towers

Data base setup

The follwoing DB tables are used to read MuDst (dbMk->SetDateTime(20090325,0)):

StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcPed table with beginTime 2009-03-24 22:16:13 and endTime 2009-03-26 06:03:44
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcStatus table with beginTime 2009-03-24 02:16:58 and endTime 2009-03-26 04:07:02
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcCalib table with beginTime 2008-12-15 00:00:02 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcGain table with beginTime 1999-01-01 00:08:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bprsPed table with beginTime 2008-03-04 10:30:56 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bprsStatus table with beginTime 2008-12-15 00:00:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bprsCalib table with beginTime 1999-01-01 00:10:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bprsGain table with beginTime 1999-01-01 00:08:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdePed table with beginTime 2009-03-24 15:42:29 and endTime 2009-03-25 11:24:55
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdeStatus table with beginTime 2009-03-24 15:42:29 and endTime 2009-03-25 11:24:55
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdeCalib table with beginTime 2002-11-14 00:01:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdeGain table with beginTime 1999-01-01 00:08:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdpPed table with beginTime 2009-03-24 15:42:29 and endTime 2009-03-25 11:24:55
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdpStatus table with beginTime 2009-03-24 15:42:29 and endTime 2009-03-25 11:24:55
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdpCalib table with beginTime 2002-11-14 00:01:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bsmdpGain table with beginTime 1999-01-01 00:08:00 and endTime 2037-12-31 12:00:00
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcTriggerStatus table with beginTime 2009-03-23 07:50:04 and endTime 2009-04-01 18:10:03
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcTriggerPed table with beginTime 2009-03-20 04:11:43 and endTime 2009-03-30 20:00:05
StEmcSimulatorMaker:INFO - loaded a new bemcTriggerLUT table with beginTime 2009-03-23 07:50:04 and endTime 2009-04-03 22:08:11

2010.01.13 W test sample QA: Pass 2

QA of the test W-sample from Lidia/Jason.
generated MuDst are from /star/simu/jwebb/01-11-2010-w-test-production/

QA plots for the previous pass can be found here

Two channels being analyzed:

  • wtest10000 W+ --> e+ nu (shown by black line)
  • wtest10001 W- --> e- nu (shown by red line)

Cuts: |geant_eta_lepton| < 1

Discussions can be found here:

Figure 1: (left) Reconstructed vertex z distribution
(right) reconstructed minus geant z-vertex

Figure 2: E2x2/E_geant energy ratio
Black: positron from W+, mean value= 0.972973;
Red - electron from W- mean value = 0.969773

Figure 3: E1x1/E_geant (highest tower) energy ratio
Black: positron from W+, mean value= 0.815287;
Red - electron from W- mean value = 0.812098

Update on Jan 14, 2010

Figure 4: Lepton E2x2/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 1.60709e+01 , err=3.08565e+00 1.56834e+01 , err=4.71967e+00
gaus-Mean 9.85514e-01 , err=4.94309e-03 9.86118e-01 , err=5.43577e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.15205e-02 , err=3.73952e-03 2.52009e-02 , err=6.57793e-03
Hist-Mean 0.972973 0.969773

Figure 5: Lepton E3x3/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 1.48719e+01 , err=2.82186e+00 1.35741e+01 , err=3.36776e+00
gaus-Mean 9.89924e-01 , err=5.72959e-03 9.83056e-01 , err=6.28736e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.37758e-02 , err=4.24983e-03 3.00597e-02 , err=6.06841e-03
Hist-Mean 0.975662 0.974163

2010.01.15 W test sample QA: Pass 3

QA of the test W-sample from Lidia/Jason.
generated MuDst are from /star/data08/users/starreco/recowtest/

QA plots for the previous pass 2 can be found here

QA plots for the previous pass 1 can be found here

Two channels being analyzed:

  • wtest10000 W+ --> e+ nu (shown by black line)
  • wtest10001 W- --> e- nu (shown by red line)

Cuts: |geant_eta_lepton| < 1

Discussions can be found here:

Figure 1: Reconstructed minus geant z-vertex

Figure 2: Lepton E2x2/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 6.24023e+01 , err=3.46979e+00 4.73536e+01 , err=3.16029e+00
gaus-Mean 9.79982e-01 , err=1.69854e-03 9.79787e-01 , err=1.68813e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.52892e-02 , err=1.40963e-03 3.15336e-02 , err=1.40759e-03
Hist-Mean 0.972122 0.975073

Figure 3: Lepton E3x3/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 6.33596e+01 , err=3.58862e+00 4.72335e+01 , err=3.19552e+00
gaus-Mean 9.83287e-01 , err=1.72276e-03 9.83632e-01 , err=1.67661e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.45514e-02 , err=1.48019e-03 3.05224e-02 , err=1.38944e-03
Hist-Mean 0.974372 0.977858

2010.01.18 EEMC response 2006 vs. 2009: typo in TPC volume size bug fix

Click here for previous study before TPC typo fix

Monte-Carlo setup

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h/y2009a configurations
  • Throw particles flat in eta (1.08, 2.0), phi (0, 2pi), and energy (5-35 GeV)
  • Using A2Emaker to get reconstructed Tower/SMD energy (no EEMC SlowSimulator in chain)
  • Vertex z=0
  • ~50K/per particle type
  • Non-zero energy: 3 sigma above pedestal

Before and after the fix comparison

Geometry configurations:

  • y6h:10KeV:old (red) - y2006h with emc_10KeV option
  • y6h:10KeV (black) - y2006h with emc_10KeV option, after TPC typo fixed

Figure 1: Pre-shower migration (1.2 < eta < 1.9)

y2006h vs. y2009a comparison after a TPC typo fix

Geometry configurations:

  • y9a:10KeV (red) - y2009a with emc_10KeV option
  • y6h:10KeV (black) - y2006h with emc_10KeV option

Figure 2: Pre-shower migration (1.2 < eta < 1.9): y2006h vs. y2009a

2010.01.18 W test sample: Cluster ratios and skewed gaussian fits

W test sample from Lidia/Jason. MuDst's from /star/data08/users/starreco/recowtest/

Two channels being analyzed:

  • wtest10000 W+  -> e+ nu
  • wtest10001 W-   -> e- nu

Figure 1: Lepton yield vs. rapidity (no cuts)

Figure 2: Lepton yield vs. pt and energy
(left) no rapidity cuts
(right) |lepton_eta| < 1

Cluster energy vs. original lepton energy

All plots below with |lepton_eta| < 1

Skewed gaussian fits: [const]*exp(-0.5*((x-[mean])/([sigma]*(1+[skewness]*(x-[mean]))))**2)

Figure 3: Lepton E1x1/E_geant energy ratio

Figure 4: Lepton E2x2/E_geant energy ratio

Figure 5: Lepton E3x3/E_geant energy ratio

2010.01.26 Endcap/Barrel clustering with official W-MC

Simulations: official pp 500GeV pythia W production

Two channels being analyzed:

  • W+ -> e+ nu (rcf10010*.root)
  • W-  -> e- nu (rcf10011*.root)

Lepton from W in the Endcap: 1.2 < eta_lepton < 1.9

Figure 1: Lepton yield vs. energy

Figure 2: Lepton (left) E1x1/E_thrown and (right) E2x2/E_thrown energy ratio
Skewed gaussian fits: [const]*exp(-0.5*((x-[mean])/([sigma]*(1+[skewness]*(x-[mean]))))**2)

Figure 3: Endcap EMC lepton E3x3/E_thrown energy ratio

Figure 4: Endcap 2x2 sampling fraction (s.f.) vs. thrown lepton (left) energy and (right) eta
S.f. is defined as an average E_2x2/E_thrown for E_2x2/E_thrown>0.8

Figure 5: Endcap 3x3 sampling fraction (s.f.) vs. thrown lepton (left) energy and (right) eta
S.f. is defined as an average E_3x3/E_thrown for E_3x3/E_thrown>0.8

Lepton from W in the Barrel: |eta_lepton| <1

Figure 6: Lepton yield vs. energy

Figure 7: Lepton (left) E1x1/E_thrown and (right) E2x2/E_thrown energy ratio

Figure 8: Barrel EMC lepton E3x3/E_thrown energy ratio

Figure 9: Barrel 2x2 s.f. vs. thrown lepton (left) energy and (right) eta
S.f. is defined as an average E_2x2/E_thrown for E_2x2/E_thrown>0.8

Figure 10: Barrel 3x3 s.f. vs. thrown lepton (left) energy and (right) eta
S.f. is defined as an average E_3x3/E_thrown for E_3x3/E_thrown>0.8

02 Feb

February 2010 posts

2010.02.08 StEemcGammaFilterMaker QA: QCD vs. gamma-jet ccept/reject rates

StEemcGammaFilterMaker QA

Pythia generated processes

Pythia gamma-jet Pythia QCD 2->2 processes
14 f + fbar -> g + gamma 11 f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)
18 f + fbar -> gamma + gamma 12 f + fbar -> f' + fbar'
29 f + g -> f + gamma 13 f + fbar -> g + g
114 g + g -> gamma + gamma 28 f + g -> f + g
115 g + g -> g + gamma 53 g + g -> f + fbar
  68 g + g -> g + g

Number of generated events per parton pt bin

  Number of generated events
Parton pt range (GeV) 2-3 3-4 4-6 6-9 9-15 15-25
Pythia gamma-jet 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K
Pythia QCD 2->2 processes 100K 100K 50K 50K 50K 50K

Filter configuration

Filter parameter Value Notes
mConeRadius 0.24  
mSeedThreshold 2.5 Cluster seed energy threshold
mClusterThreshold 3.7 Cluster Et threshold
mEtaLow 0.9 EEMC acceptance
mEtaHigh 2.1 EEMC acceptance
mSmearEnergy 0 Disabled
mThrowTracks 0 Disabled
mCalDepth 279.5 ZDC SMD depth
mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 Disabled by mThrowTracks=0
mHadronScale 0.4 Downscale factor for hadron energy
mFilterMode 0 Accepting all events

stasim/Pythia options

  • detp geometry y2006h
  • Calorimeter cut for electromagnetic processes: emc_10keV
  • call pytune(100): PYTUNE v1.015; CDF Tune A


Figure 1: Pythia Eemc gamma filter QA:
(left) False rejection, (right) fraction of accepted events


  • Overall false rejection is < 0.02% (10^-4)
    for both QCD and gamma-jet simulations.
  • In parton pt range 6-15 GeV the acceptance rate
    for the gamma-jet MC is ~ 50%
    (I think this is due to rapidity fiducial cut,
    otherwise it should be closer to 100%).
    For the QCD sample (in the same pt region)
    acceptance rate is 8-25%.
  • Somehow for highest parton pt filter acceptance is the
    same for gamma-jet and QCD Monte-Carlo.

2010.02.09 BFC and Pythia QA: relative to trigger

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.1 mClusterThreshold 3.25 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 0.4 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 0

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 2.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.2 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

Accept/Reject relative to the number of triggered events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events (relative to triggered events)

Figure 4: False rejection relative to triggered events

2010.02.10 Money plots for W cross section

2010.02.11 BFC and Pythia QA: Gain no-gain-spread, mean=1.05

Click here for discussion and results with spread=0.05/gain=0.95

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here

Resultys without gain shift can be found here
(Note: ignore parton pt=25-35GeV for the gamma-jet sample since all jobs failed)

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.1 mClusterThreshold 3.25 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 0.4 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 0

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 2.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.2 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.0023 0.06264 0.00148
pt=3-4 0.0242285 0.250601 0.0126854
pt=4-6 0.103111 0.427535 0.0571313
pt=6-9 0.16828 0.48368 0.13918
pt=9-15 0.1692 0.50118 0.1619
pt=15-25 0.12708 0.42904 0.11786
pt=25-35 0.05702 0.24854 0.0509
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 3.003e-05 0.00426426 2.002e-05
pt=3-4 0.0001001 0.0122923 1.001e-05
pt=4-6 0.00078 0.03166 0.00014
pt=6-9 0.00622 0.10538 0.00216
pt=9-15 0.02822 0.27666 0.01022
pt=15-25 0.07568 0.4405 0.03086
pt=25-35 0.0761 0.35556 0.04116

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 2e-05 0 0
pt=3-4 2.00401e-05 0 0
pt=4-6 8.08081e-05 0 0
pt=6-9 6e-05 4e-05 0
pt=9-15 0.0002 0.00018 0
pt=15-25 0.0001 4e-05 0
pt=25-35 0.00018 2e-05 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 4e-05 6e-05 0
pt=9-15 4e-05 0.00026 0
pt=15-25 0.00016 0.00018 0
pt=25-35 4e-05 4e-05 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of triggered events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events (relative to triggered events)

Figure 4: False rejection relative to triggered events

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Figure 5: Fraction of accepted events relative to Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.0363985 1 0.0220307
pt=3-4 0.0966813 1 0.0501399
pt=4-6 0.241081 1 0.133488
pt=6-9 0.347461 1 0.287587
pt=9-15 0.336286 1 0.322639
pt=15-25 0.29573 1 0.274613
pt=25-35 0.228776 1 0.204635
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00704225 1 0.00234742
pt=3-4 0.00488599 1 0.000814332
pt=4-6 0.0214782 1 0.00442198
pt=6-9 0.053141 1 0.0191687
pt=9-15 0.0965806 1 0.0356394
pt=15-25 0.16958 1 0.0695573
pt=25-35 0.213185 1 0.115592

Figure 6: False rejection relative to Pythia filter accepted events

False reject: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.000319285 0 0
pt=3-4 7.9968e-05 0 0
pt=4-6 0.000189009 0 0
pt=6-9 0.000124049 0 0
pt=9-15 0.000399058 0 0
pt=15-25 0.000233079 0 0
pt=25-35 0.000724229 0 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 0.000379579 0 0
pt=9-15 0.000144582 0 0
pt=15-25 0.000363224 0 0
pt=25-35 0.000112499 0 0

2010.02.11 BFC and Pythia QA: Gain spread=0.05, mean=0.95

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here

Resultys without gain spread can be found here
(Note: ignore parton pt=25-35GeV for the gamma-jet sample since all jobs failed)

Gain spread implementation in StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx (private version):

void StEEmcSlowMaker::setTowerGainSpread(Float_t s, Float_t mTowerGainMean)
  LOG_INFO << "setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: " << s << "; gain mean value: " << mTowerGainMean << endm;
  // initialize tower gain factors to 1
  for ( Int_t sec=0;sec<kEEmcNumSectors;sec++ )
    for ( Int_t sub=0;sub<kEEmcNumSubSectors;sub++ )
      for ( Int_t eta=0;eta<kEEmcNumEtas;eta++ )
      //      mTowerGainFact[sec][sub][eta]=1.0;

      Float_t f = -1.0E9;
      while ( f <= -1. || f >= 1.0 )
        f = gRandom->Gaus(0., s);

      mTowerGainFact[sec][sub][eta] = mTowerGainMean + f;


Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.1 mClusterThreshold 3.25 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 0.4 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 0


BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 2.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.2 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

Accept/Reject relative to the number of triggered events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events (relative to triggered events)

Figure 4: False rejection relative to triggered events

2010.02.12 Final Pythia and BFC EEMC-gamma-filter paramter settings

Pythia generated processes

Prompt photons (gamma-jets) 2->2 QCD
id Process id Process
14 f + fbar -> g + gamma 11 f + f' -> f + f' (QCD)
18 f + fbar -> gamma + gamma 12 f + fbar -> f' + fbar'
29 f + g -> f + gamma 13 f + fbar -> g + g
114 g + g -> gamma + gamma 28 f + g -> f + g
115 g + g -> g + gamma 53 g + g -> f + fbar
    68 g + g -> g + g

Number of generated events per parton pt bin

  Number of generated events
Parton pt range (GeV) 2-3 3-4 4-6 6-9 9-15 15-25 25-35
gamma-jets 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K
2->2 QCD processes 100K 100K 50K 50K 50K 50K 50K

Pythia Filter configuration


Filter parameter Value Notes
mConeRadius 0.22  
mSeedThreshold 2.6 Cluster seed energy threshold (GeV)
mClusterThreshold 3.6 Cluster Et threshold (GeV)
mEtaLow 0.95 EEMC acceptance
mEtaHigh 2.1 EEMC acceptance
mMaxVertex 120.0 Vertex z cut (cm)
mCalDepth 279.5 EEMC SMD depth (cm)
mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 Ignore track with minim energy (GeV)
mHadronScale 0.4 Downscale factor for hadron energy
mFilterMode 0 / 1 0=Accept all events; 1=reject events

BFC Filter configuration


Filter parameter Value Notes
mSeedEnergyThreshold 3.4 Cluter seed energy threshold (GeV)
mClusterEtThreshold 4.5 Cluster Et threshold (GeV)
mEemcSamplingFraction 0.05 Assume 5% sampling fraction for EEMC
mMaxVertex 120.0 Vertex z cut (cm)
mFilterMode 0 / 1 0=Accept all events; 1=reject events

GammaMaker configuration

Filter parameter Value Notes
ConeRadius 0.7  
ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 (GeV)
SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 (GeV)
ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 (GeV)

EEMC SlowSimulator configuration

(for a moment private version) of StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx
with modified setTowerGainSpread(Float_t s, Float_t mTowerGainMean)

Filter parameter Value Notes
mTowerGainMean 1.05 Overall +5% gain shift
GainSpread 0 No gain spread

GSTAR/Pythia options

  • detp geometry y2006h
  • Calorimeter cut for electromagnetic processes: emc_10keV
  • call pytune(100): PYTUNE v1.015; CDF Tune A
    call pytune(320): PYTUNE Perugia; Perugia 0 tune

2010.02.16 Pythia and BFC filter QA vs. gamma candidate pt and eta

QCD and gamma-jet data samples and filter configurtions are given here

Note: for this study I have used ideal EEMC gains (no gain shift/spread)

Note on trigger effect intepretation:
There is no requirement for the Pythia gamma-jet sample to have direct gamma
headed to the EEMC, only requirement is to have a gamma candidate in the EEMC,
so the away side jet may also contribute.

Figure 1: pt distribution of the gamma candidates
for Pythia/Bfc level filter and triggered events
Event cuts: at least one gamma candidate, |v_z| <120
Left: Pythia gamma-jet MC; (right) 2->2 Pythia QCD
Lower plots: fraction of accepted gamma candidates by filter/trigger
No parton pt weights (= ignore bumps in pt distribution for gamma-jet sample)

Figure 2: Rapidity distribution of the gamma candidates (Same conditions as in Fig. 1)

Figure 3: pt distribution of false rejection for Pythia/Bfc filters
Candidate cuts: at least one gamma candidate, l2gamm-trigger=fired, |v_z| <120
Most of false rejection (~ 1-3% for QCD) is for gamma candidates with pt < 8GeV

03 Mar

March 2010 posts

2010.03.02 Endcap photon-jets simulation request (draft)

Request last updated on Jul 21, 2010

Request summary

Total resources estimate for QCD with 1/pb and prompt-photon with 10/pb suimulations:

  • CPU: 4.2 CPU years (2.2 weeks of running on a 100 CPUs)
  • Disk space: 0.15Tb
  • Numbe of filtered events: 0.74M
 partonic pt
 prompt photon 
2-3 0 30K
3-4 0 36K
4-6 130K 76K
6-9 240K 40K
9-15 150K 10K
15-35 23K 1K

Latest filter bias/timing test and simulation request spreasheet

  1. EEMC simulation spreadsheet and timing tests
  2. Pythia/bfc filter bias
  3. Pythia tunes comparison agains data (CDF-Tune-A vs. Perugia0)
  4. Estimate of the contribution from lowerst partonic pt, pt<4GeV (see Fig. 6)
  5. L2-Endcap-gamma filter emulation study with single photon Monte-Carlo
  6. Bias tests with pi0 finder (last updated May 14, 2010)

Note: These and all other studies are linked from here

Filter code in cvs

Further information related to this request

  1. Lidia added "y2006h" tag (latest Endcap geometry fixes, and Calorimeters with LOW_EM cuts)
  2. x/y beam offset:
    Run 6: x=0.0cm, y=-0.3cm (from /STAR/comp/calib/Beamline/Run6)
    Run 9: x=0.3cm, y= 0.0cm (from /STAR/comp/calib/BeamLine/Run9)
  3. Vertex z cut:
        +/- 120cm
  4. Vertex z spread:
        Run 6: 55cm (gaus fit to Fig.1 from this post: /STAR/node/13276)
        Run 9: 63cm are taken from Pibero's embedding study:
  5. Vertex x/y spread set to zero for all runs.
    FYI, Run 9 x/y spread is x=0.57, y=0.58
  6. Vertex option:
        Use option consistent with bfc tags used for data production (VFPPV/Run-6 or VFPPVnoCTB/Run-9):
           Run 6: Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPV with beamline
           Run 9: Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline

    FYI: bfc options for different years:
  7. Use the latest available "SLXXy" library tag
  8. No sdt option for bfc with Monte-Carlo. See note from Jreome's:
  9. Need to add new bfc tag. Request send to starsimu list:
  10. Using Perugia0 tunes (i.e. call pytune(320))
  11. GMT timestamp update

    Run 6 200 GeV
     sdt20060512.043500     (GMT during run 7132005)
     sdt20060513.064000     (GMT during run 7133011)
     sdt20060514.090000     (GMT during run 7134015)
     sdt20060516.152000     (GMT during run 7136022)
     sdt20060518.073700     (GMT during run 7138010)
     sdt20060520.142000     (GMT durign run 7140024)
     sdt20060521.052000     (GMT during run 7141011)
     sdt20060522.124500     (GMT during run 7142029)
     sdt20060523.204400     (GMT during run 7143044)
     sdt20060525.114000     (GMT during run 7145023)
     sdt20060526.114000     (GMT during run 7146020)
     sdt20060528.144500     (GMT during run 7148028)
     sdt20060602.071500     (GMT during run 7153015)
     sdt20060604.191200     (GMT during run 7155043)

    Run 9 500 GeV

    Run 9 200 GeV
     std20090506.083000     (GMT during run 10126017)
     std20090508.152000     (GMT during run 10128053)
     std20090514.145500     (GMT during run 10134035)
     std20090516.182500     (GMT during run 10135070)
     std20090517.214000     (GMT during run 10137052)
     std20090518.111600     (GMT during run 10138027)
     std20090519.173200     (GMT during run 10139069)
     std20090520.100500     (GMT during run 10140011)
     std20090522.141000     (GMT during run 10142043)
     std20090523.183500     (GMT during run 10143065)
     std20090524.112000     (GMT during run 10144035)
     std20090525.062000     (GMT during run 10145012)
     std20090526.140000     (GMT during run 10146052)
  12. FYI:
    simulation request posted to SPIN PWG:
    Code status:
    Code per review (by Pibero and Victor):
    Note: code being approved

         Original disk space estimate (see spreadsheed linked above for the latest estimates):

------------------------  REQUEST DRAFT BELOW ----------------------------------------

Endcap photon-jets / QCD 2->2 simulations

Request TypeEvent generator simulation, with filtering
General Information


Request ID  
Priority: EC 0
Priority: pwg High
Status New
Physics Working Group Spin
Requested by Photon group for SPIN PWG
Contact email(s),
Contact phone(s)  
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned




Endcap photon-jets request


Global Simulation Settings


Request type: Event generator simulation, with filtering
Number of events See list for each partonic pt bins
Magnetic Field

Run 6: Full-Field
Run 9: Reversed Full-Field

Collision Type

Run 6: pp@200GeV
Run 9: pp@200GeV
Run 9: pp@500GeV

Centrality ---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags

Run 6:

trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk eemcDb beamLine clearmem

Run 9:

tpcrs y2009a MakeEvent ITTF NoSsdIt NoSvtIt Idst BAna l0 Tree logger Sti VFPPVnoCTB tpcDB TpcHitMover TpxClu bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout IdTruth geantout big fzin McEvOut MiniMcMk eemcDb beamLine clearmem

Production ---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu Run 6: y2006h
Run 9: y2009a
Geometry: reco Run 6: y2006h
Run 9: y2009a
Library use library with approved filter code checked in
Vertex option

Run 6:
Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline

Run 9:
Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline

Pileup option No
Detector Set

Run 6:

Run 9:


Data Sources
MC Event Generator


Event generator Pythia
Extra options

Additional libraries required for Eemc-gamma Pythia-level filter

gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec .sl53_gcc432/lib/ // filter library

Select prompt photon Pythhia processes:

MSUB (14)=1
MSUB (18)=1       
MSUB (29)=1       
MSUB (114)=1      
MSUB (115)=1

Select QCD 2->2 Pythhia processes:

MSUB (11) = 1
MSUB (12) = 1      
MSUB (13) = 1      
MSUB (28) = 1
MSUB (53) = 1      
MSUB (68) = 1

Perugia0 Pythia tune:
call pytune(320)

Vertex Z, cm -120 < Vertex < 120
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z if applicable

x/y spread use 0

Run 6: 0, 0, 55  200 GeV
Run 9: 0, 0, 63  200 GeV
Run 9: 0, 0, 42  500 GeV

Vertex offset: x, mm Run 6: 0.0cm
Run 9: 0.3cm (note: values in cm)
Vertex offset: y, mm Run 6: -0.3cm (note: values in cm)
Run 9: 0.0cm
Φ (phi), radian 0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta) Default  (include Barrel, Endcap, BBC)
Pt bin, GeV See list above for QCD and g-jet samples
Macro file Pythia gamma-filter code:


BFC gamma-filter code:


Private bfc: /star/u/seluzhen/star/spin/MCgammaFilter/scripts/bfc.C



04 Apr

April 2010 posts

2010.04.09 BFC and Pythia QA: 10% gain shift

See this post from Alice for QCD sample rates

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here (filter parameters are listed below)

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.6 mClusterThreshold 3.6 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.4 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC


BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00646 0.09532 0.00656
pt=3-4 0.03042 0.2401 0.02772
pt=4-6 0.09438 0.42552 0.07568
pt=6-9 0.165984 0.54004 0.149137
pt=9-15 0.167329 0.559137 0.162972
pt=15-25 0.12486 0.45662 0.11744
pt=25-35 0.0562525 0.269499 0.0536273

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 6e-05 0 0
pt=3-4 0.00016 6e-05 0
pt=4-6 0.0003 8e-05 0
pt=6-9 0.000261044 6.0241e-05 0
pt=9-15 0.000220884 6.0241e-05 0
pt=15-25 0.00028 0.00012 0
pt=25-35 0.000280561 0.000140281 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events relative to Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.0677717 1 0.0612673
pt=3-4 0.126697 1 0.105623
pt=4-6 0.221799 1 0.16991
pt=6-9 0.307318 1 0.26809
pt=9-15 0.299264 1 0.281882
pt=15-25 0.273444 1 0.244317
pt=25-35 0.20873 1 0.181217

Figure 4: False rejection relative to Pythia filter accepted events

False reject: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.000629459 0 0
pt=3-4 0.000416493 0 0
pt=4-6 0.000517014 0 0
pt=6-9 0.00037183 0 0
pt=9-15 0.000287305 0 0
pt=15-25 0.000350401 0 0
pt=25-35 0.000520524 0 0

2010.04.17 BFC and Pythia QA: 10% gain shift: lowered thresholds

See this post from Alice for QCD sample rates with slightly lower thresholds

QCD and gamma-jet data samples are described here (filter parameters are listed below)

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 2.4 mClusterThreshold 3.3 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 2.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC


BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.01732 0.1343 0.00628
pt=3-4 0.05818 0.3001 0.0261
pt=4-6 0.1317 0.46492 0.07864
pt=6-9 0.17804 0.56314 0.15092
pt=9-15 0.17226 0.57516 0.15964
pt=15-25 0.13356 0.46894 0.1179
pt=25-35 0.062 0.28546 0.05482

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 2e-05 2e-05 0
pt=3-4 6e-05 6e-05 0
pt=4-6 6e-05 4e-05 0
pt=6-9 0.0001 6e-05 0
pt=9-15 2e-05 2e-05 0
pt=15-25 2e-05 0 0
pt=25-35 2e-05 2e-05 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events relative to Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.128816 1 0.0415488
pt=3-4 0.193735 1 0.0808397
pt=4-6 0.283232 1 0.161877
pt=6-9 0.316049 1 0.260291
pt=9-15 0.29943 1 0.26876
pt=15-25 0.284813 1 0.240415
pt=25-35 0.217053 1 0.175156

Figure 4: False rejection relative to Pythia filter accepted events

False reject: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 4.30182e-05 0 0
pt=6-9 7.10303e-05 0 0
pt=9-15 0 0 0
pt=15-25 4.26494e-05 0 0
pt=25-35 0 0 0

2010.04.17 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter accaptance vs. gamma candidate pt, energy, and eta

Data sample used:
Pythia prompt photon Monte-Carlo (partonic pt bins are combined without weights)

Common event cuts:
reconstruct at least one gamma candidate, |v_z| <120, !=0 l2e-gamma-trigger=fired

Figure 1:


Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 vs. gamma candidate energy

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1 vs. gamma candidate pseudo-rapidity

2010.04.30 BFC and Pythia QA after gamma-maker 3x3 cluser fix

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin:
gamma-jet: 25K
QCD(2-4): 50K
QCD(4-55): 25K

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0);      // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1);      // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2);      // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3);      // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4);      // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5);      // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

emulate L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (2x2) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00288 0.01472 0.00616
pt=3-4 0.01504 0.06192 0.02576
pt=4-6 0.06824 0.22112 0.07548
pt=6-9 0.15848 0.45836 0.15016
pt=9-15 0.1584 0.50416 0.15812
pt=15-25 0.12112 0.42076 0.11916
pt=25-55 0.05356 0.2292 0.0538
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 2e-05 0.00258 6e-05
pt=3-4 6e-05 0.00854 0.00022
pt=4-6 0.00072 0.03492 0.00076
pt=6-9 0.00564 0.144 0.00496
pt=9-15 0.0242 0.36036 0.0186
pt=15-25 0.07368 0.47592 0.05008
pt=25-55 0.0684553 0.323374 0.0557724

Figure 2: False rejection (Y-axis scale is 10^-3)

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.0002 0.00012 0
pt=3-4 0.0002 0.00056 0
pt=4-6 0.00096 0.00132 0
pt=6-9 0.0006 0.00032 0
pt=9-15 0.0002 4e-05 0
pt=15-25 4e-05 0 0
pt=25-55 8e-05 8e-05 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 0.00012 0 0
pt=9-15 8e-05 8e-05 0
pt=15-25 0.00016 4e-05 0
pt=25-55 0.000203252 0 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Figure 3: Fraction of accepted events relative to Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.17663 1 0.171196
pt=3-4 0.215762 1 0.197028
pt=4-6 0.291787 1 0.259407
pt=6-9 0.344096 1 0.313814
pt=9-15 0.314107 1 0.301254
pt=15-25 0.28786 1 0.269798
pt=25-55 0.233333 1 0.211693
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00775194 1 0
pt=3-4 0.00702576 1 0.00936768
pt=4-6 0.0183276 1 0.0160367
pt=6-9 0.0386111 1 0.0294444
pt=9-15 0.0667111 1 0.048618
pt=15-25 0.154816 1 0.102706
pt=25-55 0.211691 1 0.163545

Figure 4: False rejection relative to Pythia filter accepted events

False reject: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.0108696 0 0
pt=3-4 0.00258398 0 0
pt=4-6 0.00325615 0 0
pt=6-9 0.00113448 0 0
pt=9-15 0.00031736 0 0
pt=15-25 9.50661e-05 0 0
pt=25-55 0.00017452 0 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 0.000833333 0 0
pt=9-15 0.000222 0 0
pt=15-25 0.000252143 0 0
pt=25-55 0.000628536 0 0

Figure 5: False rejection relative to trigger accepted events

False reject: fract. of triggered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.623377 0.558442 0
pt=3-4 0.517081 0.464286 0
pt=4-6 0.240594 0.192369 0
pt=6-9 0.0348961 0.0167821 0
pt=9-15 0.0111308 0.00151783 0
pt=15-25 0.00872776 0.00134273 0
pt=25-55 0.00966543 0.00148699 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.333333 0.333333 0
pt=3-4 0.363636 0.181818 0
pt=4-6 0.631579 0.263158 0
pt=6-9 0.282258 0.0887097 0
pt=9-15 0.202151 0.0301075 0
pt=15-25 0.0686901 0.000798722 0
pt=25-55 0.0291545 0.000728863 0


05 May

May 2010 posts


2010.05.03 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter accaptance vs. gamma candidate pt (after gamma-maker 3x3 cluser fix)

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin:
gamma-jet: 25K
QCD(2-4): 50K
QCD(4-55): 25K

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0); // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1); // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2); // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3); // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4); // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5); // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

emulate L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (2x2) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of offline selected events

Definition: offline selected events are events which satisfy to the following conditions:

  • Online condition (L2E-gamma trigger fired)
  • Reconstructed vetrex (|v_z|<120cm)
  • Offline condition (at least one gammaMaker candidate found)

Figure 1a:
(upper plots) Gamma candidate yields vs. candidate pt (all partonic pt bins, no pt weights)
(lower plots) False rejection: histograms in the upper panel scaled by L2E-gamma-trigger yield (blue histogram)

Figure 1b: Same ad Fig. 1a with zoom into low pt region

Yields for each of partonic pt bins separately

Figure 2: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=2-3

Figure 3: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=3-4

Figure 4: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=4-6

Figure 5: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=6-9

Figure 6: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=9-15

Figure 7: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=15-25

Figure 8: Same ad Fig. 1b for partonic pt=25-55

2010.05.05 Starsim/bfc timing tests

Related inks:

Figure 1: BFC filter processing time for accepted events
Note an extra peaks around 23/33/43 seconds for the QCD sample
(they also present but less pronounced in gamma-jet sample)
I found that these are processing times needed for the first accepted by filter events
(not always the time for the first processed event and depends on filter acceptance rate).
Processing is much longer due to time needed to initiaize additional stuff in bfc makers
and it is ignored in the total cpu time estimate

Figure 1b:
1st row: starsim time per partonic pt bin
2nd row: bfc time for accepted events per partonic pt bin
3rd row: bfc time for rejected events per partonic pt bin


Average starsim/bfc timing (ignoring times in Fig. 1 with more that 18 seconds):

Gamma-jets   bfc:acc     starsim    bfc:rej
pt=25-55       6.49765   20.2376    0.139911
pt=15-25      4.04562    11.8268     0.095903
pt=9-15        4.84475    11.4816     0.112344
pt=6-9         6.19909     13.0528     0.143109
pt=4-6         4.86546     9.8856      0.114983
pt=3-4         5.07415     10.404       0.12363
pt=2-3         4.04254     9.04627    0.0995413

QCD           bfc:acc       starsim       bfc:rej
pt=25-55   6.18626     14.9944     0.13752
pt=15-25   6.20077     12.9668     0.126722
pt=9-15     6.848         13.7706     0.140625
pt=6-9      5.29513     10.3708      0.110363
pt=4-6      6.29547     11.5318      0.127077
pt=3-4      4.45859     10.1538      0.0986285
pt=2-3      5.26187     13.9151      0.114372

2010.05.13 BFC and Pythia QA after Pythia Eta -> - Eta

Related inks:

Pythia filter bug details:

bug in Pythia Filter StEemcGammaFilter.cxx:

     double scale = (mCalDepth-v[2]) / p[2];
     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) p[j] = p[j] * scale + v[j];

Should be "abs(p[2])" in the "scale" factor.
Otherwise this will transfer all - Eta -> Eta,
and such tracks will pass the consequent Endcap rapidity cut:

if(detectorV.Eta() < mEtaLow || detectorV.Eta() > mEtaHigh) continue;

what will increase Pythia filter accept rate by a factor of 2.

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin:

Note: not every jib finished due to RCF scheduler upgrade
gamma-jet: 25K
QCD(2-4): 50K
QCD(4-55): 25K

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.3 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0);      // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1);      // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2);      // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3);      // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4);      // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5);      // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

emulate L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (2x2) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00772455 0.00820359 0.00646707
pt=3-4 0.0276027 0.0311644 0.024726
pt=4-6 0.0924862 0.0980663 0.0743646
pt=6-9 0.165708 0.217554 0.149013
pt=9-15 0.167815 0.258319 0.162353
pt=15-25 0.123 0.215667 0.117083
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.000107527 0.000430108 0.000107527
pt=3-4 0.000117647 0.00358824 5.88235e-05
pt=4-6 0.00115385 0.0146154 0.000576923
pt=6-9 0.00932927 0.06 0.00530488
pt=9-15 0.0325 0.178846 0.0173077
pt=15-25 0.0860331 0.253802 0.0510331

Figure 2: False rejection

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0.000359281 0
pt=3-4 0 0.000616438 0
pt=4-6 0.000165746 0.00436464 0
pt=6-9 0.000128755 0.00270386 0
pt=9-15 0 0.000210084 0
pt=15-25 0.00025 0.00025 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 0 0.000121951 0
pt=9-15 0 0 0
pt=15-25 4.13223e-05 0.000123967 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.518248 1 0.49635
pt=3-4 0.505495 1 0.525275
pt=4-6 0.663662 1 0.614648
pt=6-9 0.703492 1 0.64707
pt=9-15 0.645576 1 0.605563
pt=15-25 0.568006 1 0.510433
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.02857 1 0
pt=3-4 0.05161 1 0
pt=4-6 0.0526316 1 0.0394737
pt=6-9 0.126016 1 0.0731707
pt=9-15 0.173118 1 0.0935484
pt=15-25 0.334419 1 0.194074

2010.05.27 Run 6 and Run 9 jet Tree production

Useful inks:

New jet tree format

Description can be found here

Jet finder Run 6 configuration

Jet tree branches

  • 12-point branch
  • 5-point branch (EEMC jets only)

General configuration

  • cone radius = 0.7
  • track/tower pT > 0.2 GeV
  • trigger IDs: See the list below
  • all primary vertices with rank > 0
  • hadronic correction: 100% subtraction scheme
  • track |DCA| < 3 cm
  • pT-dependent DCAxy cut
  • track (number of hits) / (number of possible hits) > 0.51
  • track last point radius > 125 cm (ensure we get at least one point in TPC outer sector)
  • tower E > 0
  • tower status = 1
  • tower ADC - pedestal > 3 * RMS



addTrigger(127611); //HTTP
127821 //HTTP-fast
127212 //HT2
127501 //JP0
127622 //JP0-etot
127221 //JP1
137585 //bemc-jp2
127641 // eemc-http-mb-l2gamma
137641 // eemc-http-mb-l2gamma
6          // eemc-http-mb-l2gamma

Analysis cuts

StppAnaPars* anapars = new StppAnaPars();

Cone finder configuration

StConePars* cpars = new StConePars();
cpars->setGridSpacing(105, -3.0, 3.0, 120,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi());
jetMaker->addAnalyzer(anapars, cpars, bet4pMaker, "ConeJets12");
jetMaker->addAnalyzer(anapars, cpars, bet4pMaker, "ConeJets5");

Disk space required

needs to be updated

Jet finder Run 9 configuration:

Jet tree branches

  • 12-point branch
  • Tower-only branch (jets without tracking)
  • 5-point branch (EEMC jets only)

General configuration

  • cone radius = 0.7
  • track/tower pT > 0.2 GeV
  • trigger IDs: JP1, L2JetHigh, BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)
  • all primary vertices with rank > 0
  • hadronic correction: 100% subtraction scheme
  • track |DCA| < 3 cm
  • pT-dependent DCAxy cut (a la Run 6 with slight tuning around 0.5 < pT < 1.5 GeV)
  • track chi^2 < 4
  • track (number of hits) / (number of possible hits) > 0.51
  • track last point radius > 125 cm (ensure we get at least one point in TPC outer sector)
  • tower E > 0
  • tower status = 1
  • tower ADC - pedestal > 3 * RMS



240410 // JP1 // lum: 0.246
240411 // JP1 // lum: 4.045

240650 // L2JetHigh // lum: 3.745
240651 // L2JetHigh // lum: 1.811
240652 // L2JetHigh // lum: 19.769

240620 // L2BGamma // lum: 23.004
240630 // L2EGamma // lum: 3.969
240631 // L2EGamma // lum: 21.592

240013 // BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)
240113 // BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)
240123 // BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)
240223 // BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)


230410 // JP1 // lum: 0.198
230411 // JP2 // lum: 8.089

230630 // L2EGamma // lum: 3.347

230013 // BBCMB-Cat2 (luminosity monitor)

Analysis cuts

StppAnaPars* anapars = new StppAnaPars;
anapars->setFlagMin(0); // track->flag() > 0
anapars->setCutPtMin(0.2); // track->pt() > 0.2
anapars->setAbsEtaMax(2.5); // abs(track->eta()) < 2.5

Cone finder configuration

StConePars* cpars = new StConePars;

Disk space required

1Tb (see links at the top of the page for mode details)

2010.05.28 Photon-jet candidates - Perugia vs. Tune A


  • See no difference in yilds for different tunes for prompt photons.
  • ~ 20% shape differenbce for QCD background Monte-Carlo

Figure 1: Reconstructed gamma-jet candidate yield vs. photon candidate pt in the endcap
(di-jet events found with the jet finder) Prompt photon filtered Monte-Carlo, partonic pt 3-25 GeV

(b) Same as (a) on a log scale

Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 for QCD two processes filtered Monte-Carlo, partonic pt 6-9 GeV

Same on a log scale
(b) Same as (a) on a log scale

Figure 3: QCD ratio Tune-A/Perugia

EEMC simulation spreadsheet: prompt photons and QCD

Related links:

Same thresholds for Pythia/BFC

1.4M events, 6.8 CPU years, 0.29Tb disk space

parton pt, GeV Pythia acc bfc acc wrt. Pythia Total filter's acc Sigma, pb lumi, 1/pb Number of filtered events to generate Total CPU time, days disk space, Gb starsim CPU, sec bfc CPU, sec Total Starsim CPU time, days Total bfc CPU  time, days bfc acc
2-3 0.00820 0.2663 0.00218 1304000 10.0 28491 14.60576 4.45 10.72 4.0 13.270 1.34 0.00288
3-4 0.03116 0.3787 0.01180 293300 10.0 34611 14.85782 5.63 12.19 4.9 12.901 1.96 0.01504
4-6 0.09807 0.5521 0.05414 126300 10.0 68382 20.99942 11.34 12.04 4.7 17.254 3.75 0.06824
6-9 0.21755 0.6688 0.14550 26090 10.0 37961 7.79574 6.48 9.56 3.4 6.280 1.52 0.15848
9-15 0.25832 0.6274 0.16207 4675 10.0 7577 1.95231 1.31 11.56 3.8 1.616 0.34 0.15840
15-25 0.21567 0.5394 0.11633 326 10.0 379 0.13531 0.07 14.34 4.2 0.117 0.02 0.12112
totals:       1754691   177401 60.3 29.29          
            0.18 0.16533 years          
2-3 0.00043 0.0185 0.00001 8226000000 0.1 6545 68.81525 1.30 16.62 9.9 68.064 0.75 0.00002
3-4 0.00359 0.0268 0.00010 1295000000 0.2 24907 140.98015 5.32 12.88 8.3 138.594 2.39 0.00006
4-6 0.01462 0.0450 0.00066 440300000 1.0 289582 925.73023 57.50 12.07 7.9 899.343 26.39 0.00072
6-9 0.06000 0.0744 0.00446 57830000 2.0 516306 915.77947 111.13 10.94 6.2 878.663 37.12 0.00564
9-15 0.17885 0.1354 0.02422 7629000 2.0 369484 360.48698 77.18 10.72 5.1 338.666 21.82 0.02420
15-25 0.25380 0.2754 0.06990 381900 1.0 26694 17.99424 5.57 14.43 5.9 16.185 1.81 0.07368
totals:       10027140900   1233518 2429.78632 258.01          
            1.23 6.65695 years          
  number of events, x 10e6 CPU years disk space, Gb     total time with 50 CPU, weeks total time with 100 CPU, weeks            
  1.41 6.8 287.3     7.1 3.6            

Lowered BFC threshold that Pythia

2M events, 6.9 CPU years, 0.41Tb disk space

parton pt, GeV Pythia acc bfc acc wrt. Pythia Total filter's acc Sigma, pb lumi, 1/pb Number of filtered events to generate Total CPU time, days disk space, Gb starsim CPU, sec bfc CPU, sec Total Starsim CPU time, days Total bfc CPU  time, days bfc acc
2-3 0.00820 0.51825 0.00425 1304000 10.0 55439 15.74249 8.66 10.72 3.9 13.270 2.47 0.00772
3-4 0.03116 0.50550 0.01575 293300 10.0 46205 15.47012 7.52 12.19 4.8 12.901 2.57 0.02760
4-6 0.09807 0.66366 0.06508 126300 10.0 82200 21.71983 13.64 12.04 4.7 17.254 4.47 0.09249
6-9 0.21755 0.70349 0.15305 26090 10.0 39930 7.87117 6.82 9.56 3.4 6.280 1.59 0.16571
9-15 0.25832 0.64558 0.16676 4675 10.0 7796 1.96162 1.35 11.56 3.8 1.616 0.35 0.16782
15-25 0.21567 0.56801 0.12250 326 10.0 399 0.13625 0.07 14.34 4.2 0.117 0.02 0.123
totals:       1754691   231970 62.9 38.05          
            0.23 0.17233 years          
2-3 0.00043 0.02857 0.00001 8226000000 0.1 10108 68.99113 2.01 16.62 7.9 68.064 0.93 0.00011
3-4 0.00359 0.05161 0.00019 1295000000 0.2 47964 142.14305 10.25 12.88 6.4 138.594 3.55 0.00012
4-6 0.01462 0.05263 0.00077 440300000 1.0 338693 928.66220 67.25 12.07 7.5 899.343 29.32 0.00115
6-9 0.06000 0.12602 0.00756 57830000 2.0 874501 935.22936 188.22 10.94 5.6 878.663 56.57 0.00933
9-15 0.17885 0.17312 0.03096 7629000 2.0 472410 365.62683 98.68 10.72 4.9 338.666 26.96 0.0325
15-25 0.25380 0.33442 0.08488 381900 1.0 32414 18.35070 6.77 14.43 5.8 16.185 2.17 0.08603
totals:       10027140900   1776090 2459.00326 373.18          
            1.78 6.73700 years          
  number of events, x 10e6 CPU years disk space, Gb     total time with 50 CPU, weeks total time with 100 CPU, weeks            
  2.01 6.9 411.2     7.2 3.6            


(very rough) Run 9 estimates (with 20 sec reject and 30 sec accept bfc time)

1.4M events, 18.3 CPU years, 0.29Tb disk space

parton pt, GeV Pythia acc bfc acc wrt. Pythia Total filter's acc Sigma, pb lumi, 1/pb Number of filtered events to generate Total CPU time, days disk space, Gb starsim CPU, sec bfc CPU, sec bfc reject CPU / event Total Starsim CPU time, days Total bfc CPU  time, days Bfc accept CPU / event
2-3 0.00820 0.2663 0.00218 1304000 10.0 28491 41.33076 4.45 10.72 85.1 20 13.270 28.06 30.00
3-4 0.03116 0.3787 0.01180 293300 10.0 34611 38.06518 5.63 12.19 62.8 20 12.901 25.16 30.00
4-6 0.09807 0.5521 0.05414 126300 10.0 68382 53.83970 11.34 12.04 46.2 20 17.254 36.59 30.00
6-9 0.21755 0.6688 0.14550 26090 10.0 37961 23.81285 6.48 9.56 39.9 20 6.280 17.53 30.00
9-15 0.25832 0.6274 0.16207 4675 10.0 7577 5.28863 1.31 11.56 41.9 20 1.616 3.67 30.00
15-25 0.21567 0.5394 0.11633 326 10.0 379 0.32331 0.07 14.34 47.1 20 0.117 0.21 30.00
totals:       1754691   177401 162.7 29.29            
            0.18 0.44565 years            
2-3 0.00043 0.0185 0.00001 8226000000 0.1 6545 150.72171 1.30 16.62 1091.1 20 68.064 82.66 30.00
3-4 0.00359 0.0268 0.00010 1295000000 0.2 24907 356.60524 5.32 12.88 756.3 20 138.594 218.01 30.00
4-6 0.01462 0.0450 0.00066 440300000 1.0 289582 2422.48046 57.50 12.07 454.4 20 899.343 1523.14 30.00
6-9 0.06000 0.0744 0.00446 57830000 2.0 516306 2544.80915 111.13 10.94 278.8 20 878.663 1666.15 30.00
9-15 0.17885 0.1354 0.02422 7629000 2.0 369484 1013.10425 77.18 10.72 157.7 20 338.666 674.44 30.00
15-25 0.25380 0.2754 0.06990 381900 1.0 26694 41.71136 5.57 14.43 82.6 20 16.185 25.53 30.00
totals:       10027140900   1233518 6529.43217 258.01            
            1.23 17.88886 years            
  number of events, x 10e6 CPU years disk space, Gb     total time with 50 CPU, weeks total time with 100 CPU, weeks              
  1.41 18.3 287.3     19.1 9.6              

06 Jun

June 2010 posts

2010.06.15 First look at data vs. TuneA/Perugia0 filtered MC with latest EEMC geometry

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA, partonic pt 4-35
  3. solid green:  MC-QCD-Perugia0, partonic pt 4-35
     (these not shown yet -> still generating data points)
  4. open red MC-prompt-photon-TuneA, partonic pt 3-35
  5. solid red MC-prompt-photon-Perugia0, partonic pt 3-35

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data: L2e-gamma triggered events
  6. No trigger emulation in Monte-Carlo yet
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)


Figure 2: Partonic pt distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)


Figure 3: Estimate of the contribution from low partonic pt,
only QCD-TuneA MC are shown (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Black line: Exponential fit to partonic pt distribution in 4-7GeV range
                   (pt_gamma>7GeV cut for the photon candidate)
Red line: Exponential fit extrapolated to the partonic pt range below 4GeV.
                Ratio of the area under the red line (integral pt=0-4geV)
                to the area under the green line (integral pt=4-35GeV) is 0.0028.



  1. (based on Fig. 3)

    I would propose we drop both of the lowest parton pt bins,
    i.e. pt=2-3 and pt=3-4 (Inherited error for pt_gamma>7GeV < 0.3%)
    and instead use our CPU time to produce more
    statistics in the 4-35 partonic pt range.

  2. (based on Fig. 2)

    There is a small difference between CDF-Tune-A and
    Perugia0 tunes partonic pt distributions
    even for the prompt photon Monte-Carlo.

  3. Comparison with Perugia0 QCD MC is coming.
    Hopefully after that we will be able to decide what
    Pythia tune is better match the L2e-gamma data.

2010.06.17 Pythia TuneA/Perugia0 filtered MC vs. pp2006 data

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black circles: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA, partonic pt 4-35
  3. solid green:  MC-QCD-Perugia0, partonic pt 4-35
  4. open red MC-prompt-photon-TuneA, partonic pt 3-35
  5. solid red MC-prompt-photon-Perugia0, partonic pt 3-35

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data: L2e-gamma triggered events
  6. No trigger emulation in Monte-Carlo yet
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Plots before cuts on photon candidate pt

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 2: Partonic pt distribution (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Plots with pt_gamma>7GeV cut

Figure 3: Partonic pt distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 4: Away side jet pt (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 5: Reconstructed z vertex (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 6: Partonic pt distribution for Pythia CDF-Tune-A QCD simulations (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Estimate of the contribution from low partonic pt:
Black line: Exponential fit to partonic pt distribution in 4-7GeV range
Red line:    Exponential fit extrapolated to the partonic pt range below 4GeV.
Ratio of the area under the red line (integral over pt=0-4GeV)
to the area under the green line (integral over pt=4-35GeV) is 0.0028 (<0.3%)


  1. Simulations with Perugia0 tune has a higher yield than that from CDF-Tune-A simulations

  2. Shapes vs. partonic pt are different for Perugia0 and CDF-TuneA simulations

  3. Shapes vs. reconstructed variables are similar for Perugia0 and CDF-TuneA simulations

  4. (based on Fig. 6) I would propose we drop both of the lowest parton pt bins,
    i.e. pt=2-3 and pt=3-4 (Inherited error for pt_gamma>7GeV < 0.3%)
    and instead use CPU time to produce more statistics in the 4-35 partonic pt range.

  5. More discussion at phana hyper news:

Additional figures

Figure 7a: Photon candidate yield vs. rapidity (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Left: pt_gamma>7GeV; right: zoom into eta < 1 region

Figure 7b: yield vs. jet1 momentum (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 7c: eta yield without pt_gamma cut
Yields ratio for eta <0.95 to the total yield is ~ 1.7% (1004/58766 = 0.0171)

Figure 8: Photon candidate yield vs. rapidity (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Note: trigger condition is not applied in simulations yet
but at high pt the data to Pythia CDF-Tune-A ratio is about 1.28 (at 9GeV: 3200/2500),
what is consistent with an additional 25% scaling factor
used for CIPANP 2009 presentation (see slide 6)

2010.06.18 L2e-gamma trigger effect: Py-CDF-Tune-A, Py-Perugia0, and pp2006 data comparison

Related posts

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black circles: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA, partonic pt 4-35
  3. solid green:  MC-QCD-Perugia0, partonic pt 4-35
  4. open red MC-prompt-photon-TuneA, partonic pt 3-35
  5. solid red MC-prompt-photon-Perugia0, partonic pt 3-35

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data: L2e-gamma triggered events
  6. No trigger emulation in Monte-Carlo yet
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 with L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1, added distribution for photon pt from geant record (prompt photon MC only)

Figure 4: raw jet pt from jet trees: QCD pt=6-9
upper plot: mit0043 M. Betancourt simulations (MIT Simulation Productions)
bottom plot: new filtered MC

2010.06.28 Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with single photon Monte-Carlo

Related links

Monte-Carlo configuration

  • Single photon in the EEMC (flat in eta, pt, phi)
  • Narrow vertex distribution with sigma=1cm
  • 10 muons thrown in Barrel (|eta|<0.5) to reconstruct vertex
  • 3 muons thrown in each BBC (|eta|~4) to fire the trigger
  • Run 6 L2e-gamma-trigger id = 137641
  • STAR geometry tag: y2006h
  • Photon cuts:
    1.1 < eta < 1.95
    3 < pt < 15 GeV
    0 < phi < 2pi

Trigger effect vs. thrown photon pt, eta, and energy

Figure 1:
Yields vs. thrown photon pt
left: Yields with (red) and without (black) L2e-gamma trigger condition
right: Yield ratio (with/without trigger)

Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 vs. thrown eta

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1 vs. thrown energy

Trigger effect vs. reconstructed energy in the EEMC (high tower, 2x1, 3x3, energy and total E_T)

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 1 vs. total reconstructed transverse energy

Figure 5: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed high tower energy

Figure 6: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed energy of the 2x1 tower cluster

Figure 7: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed energy of the 3x3 tower cluster

2010.06.30 Py-tunes (GEANT+L2e-gamma trigger) vs. Run 6 data

Related posts

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black circles: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA, partonic pt 4-35
  3. solid green:  MC-QCD-Perugia0, partonic pt 4-35
  4. open red MC-prompt-photon-TuneA, partonic pt 3-35
  5. solid red MC-prompt-photon-Perugia0, partonic pt 3-35

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  6. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo

Figure 2: Yield ratios (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Black:   data[pp2006] / QCD[Perigia0]
Green: QCD[Perigia0] / QCD[CDF-Tune-A]
Red:     g-jet[Perigia0] / g-jet[CDF-Tune-A]

Figure 3: Vertex z distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 4: Simulation yield vs. partonic pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

07 Jul

July 2010 posts

2010.07.02 Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with full Pythia+Geant Monte-Carlo

Related posts

  1. Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with single photon Monte-Carlo
  2. Yields for L2e-gamma triggered events
  3. Yields before applying the L2e-gamma trigger condition

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
    Run 6 L2e-gamma trigger algo: E_T[2x2] > 5.2, E_T[high tower]>3.7
  6. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Plots for the ratio of N[passed L2] to N[before trigger]

Figure 1: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed photon candidate pt (3x3 patch) (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Dashed lines: Pythia Tune A, solid lines Pythia Perugia0 tune

Figure 2: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 3: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon eta (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 4: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 5: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (with additional pt_gamma >7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 6: Trigger effect vs. 2x2 cluster Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 7: Trigger effect vs. 1x1 cluster (high tower) Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

2010.07.09 Table of L0-BBC, L0-EEMC, and L2Egamma triggers biases

Real and simulated trigger decisions:

  • BBC stands for emulated L0 BBC trigger condition
  • EEMC stands for emulated Run 6 L0 EEMC (137832) trigger condition
  • L2 stands for emulated L2E-gamma (137641) trigger condition
  • Trig event satisfied to all three simulated trigger conditions: BBC+EEMC+L2
  • data-EEMC stands for real data L0 EEMC (137832) trigger condition
    (available only for fast offline data, not filled in yet)
  • data-L2 stands for real data L2E-gamma (137641) trigger condition

Data samples:

  • pp2006 data (3.4K events from st_physics production)
  • Pythia prompt photon simulations (147 events gamma-filtered for partonic pt=3-25GeV)
  • Pythia QCD 2->2 simulations (45 events gamma-filtered for partonic pt=6-9GeV)

Notations in the table:

  • XXX=0 - stands for XXX trigger did not fired
  • XXX=1 - stands for XXX trigger did fired
  • XXX=0 YYY=1 stands for XXX trigger did not fired, but YYY did fired
sample Total BBC=1 EEMC=1 L2=1 L2=1 EEMC=0 L2=1 BBC=0 L2=0 BBC=1 L2=0 EEMC=1
pp2006, st_physics                
(counts) 3396 3306 568 549 5 2 2759 24
(%) 1.0000 0.9735 0.1673 0.1617 0.0015 0.0006 0.8124 0.0071
gamma-jets (3-25GeV)                
(counts) 147 119 127 122 3 24 21 8
(%) 1 0.80952 0.86395 0.82993 0.020 0.16327 0.14286 0.054
QCD (6-9GeV)                
(counts) 45 38 19 19 1 4 23 1
(%) 1 0.84444 0.42222 0.42222 0.022 0.08889 0.51111 0.022
simu vs. real triggers data-EEMC=1 data-L2=1 L2=1 data-L2=0 L2=0 data-L2=1 Trig=1 data-L2=0 Trig=0 data-L2=1 EEMC=0 data-EEMC=1 EEMC=1 data-EEMC=0
  572 548 7 6 0 6 0 4
  0.1673 0.1617 0.0021 0.0018 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0012

2010.07.14 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter bias tests (vs. gamma pt, eta, energy, and phi)

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin (pt binsa are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):
gamma-jets (2-4): 25K/bin
gamma-jets (4-35): 12.5K/bin
QCD(2-4): 50K/bin
QCD(4-35): 25K/bin

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1 (Fig. 1 only)
BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1 (Fig. 2 and below)

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0); // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1); // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2); // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3); // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4); // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5); // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

(Includes all recent fixes to trigger emulator configuration/software)
emulated L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (3x3) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of offline selected events

Definition: offline selected events are events which satisfy to the following conditions:

  • Online condition (L2E-gamma trigger fired)
  • Reconstructed vetrex (|v_z|<120cm)
  • Offline condition (at least one gammaMaker candidate found)

Figure 1:
(upper plots) Gamma candidate yields vs. candidate pt (all partonic pt bins, no pt weights)
(lower plots) False rejection [histograms in the upper panel scaled by L2E-gamma-trigger yield (shown in blue)]
No gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker
Note: statistics without gain shifts is smaller because ~10-20% jobs died at RCF

Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1, but with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker.

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 2 vs. candidate eta (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 2 vs. candidate azimuthal angle (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

Figure 5: Same as Fig. 2 vs. energy (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

2010.07.16 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter bias tests with realistic gain variation

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin (pt binsa are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):
gamma-jets (2-4): 25K/bin
gamma-jets (4-35): 12.5K/bin
QCD(2-4): 50K/bin
QCD(4-35): 25K/bin

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration with realistic gain shift/smearing

Figure 1: Error for gains from MIP study minus ideal
Data digitized from Scott's presentation at 2008 Calibartion workshop

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0.1; gain mean value: 1.05 (Fig. 1,3 only)
BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0.1; gain mean value: 0.95 (Fig. 2,4 and below)

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0); // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1); // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2); // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3); // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4); // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5); // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

(Includes all recent fixes to trigger emulator configuration/software)
emulated L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (3x3) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of offline selected events

Definition: offline selected events are events which satisfy to the following conditions:

  • Online condition (L2E-gamma trigger fired)
  • Reconstructed vetrex (|v_z|<120cm)
  • Offline condition (at least one gammaMaker candidate found)

Figure 2:
(upper plots) Gamma candidate yields vs. candidate pt (all partonic pt bins, no pt weights)
(lower plots) False rejection [histograms in the upper panel scaled by L2E-gamma-trigger yield (shown in blue)]
StEEmcSlowMaker configured with +5% (scale factor=1.05) gain shifts and 0.1 sigma
Previous plots: 125K events per pt-bin, 250K/pt-bin
(figure below combines previous statisitcs + 18K for partonic pt=6-9 and pt=9-15 GeV bins)

Figure 2b: Filter bias per partonic pt bin (QCD simulations only)

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1 with gain shift=0.95 and sigma=0.1

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 1 vs. candidate eta with gain shift=1.05 and sigma=0.1

Figure 5: Same as Fig. 1 vs. candidate eta with gain shift=0.95, sigma=0.1

2010.07.20 EEMC simulation spreadsheet: prompt photons and QCD (Updated)

Related links

Simulation request spreadsheet (QCD@L=2/pb, photons@L=10/pb)

parton pt, GeV Pythia acc bfc acc wrt. Pythia Total filter's acc Sigma, pb lumi, 1/pb Number of filtered events to generate Total CPU time, days disk space, Gb

Number of
filtered events

2-3 0.00870 0.2663 0.00232 1280000 10.0 29659 18.75 4.63 111360
3-4 0.03300 0.3787 0.01250 290000 10.0 36237 15.38 5.90 95700
4-6 0.10920 0.5521 0.06029 126700 10.0 76387 25.66 12.67 138356
6-9 0.22320 0.6688 0.14928 26860 10.0 40096 10.74 6.85 59952
9-15 0.25360 0.6274 0.15911 4636 10.0 7376 2.17 1.28 11757
15-35 0.21360 0.5394 0.11522 347 10.0 399 0.17 0.07 740
190154 72.9 31.40 417865
            0.19 0.2 years  
2-3 0.00067 0.0185 0.00001 8089000000 0.0   0 0.00  
3-4 0.00298 0.0268 0.00008 1302000000 0.0   0 0.00  
4-6 0.01312 0.0240 0.00031 413600000 2.0 260469 1428.35 51.72 10852864
6-9 0.06140 0.0640 0.00393 60620000 2.0 476425 1023.1 102.54 7444136
9-15 0.17692 0.1120 0.01982 7733000 2.0 306459 440.74 64.02 2736245
15-35 0.25480 0.2260 0.05758 404300 2.0 46563 34.53 9.72 206031
1089916 2926.72 228.00 21239276
            1.09 8.02 years  


number of events, x 10e6 CPU years disk space, Gb     total time with 50 CPU, weeks total time with 100 CPU, weeks
1 .74 4.2 145.4     4.4 2.2    
1.28 8.2 259.4     8.6 4.3    

Timing tests

Figure 1: Timing tests for BFC and Pythia gamma-filters (in seconds)

2010.07.22 Run 6 EEMC gamma-filtered simulation request

Submitted run-6 photon-jet simulation request for spin physics

Request last updated on Aug 19, 2010

Run 6 EEMC gamma-filtered simulation request summary

Total resources estimate for QCD with 1/pb and prompt-photon with 10/pb suimulations:

  • CPU: 4.2 CPU years (2.2 weeks of running on a 100 CPUs)
  • Disk space: 0.15Tb
  • Numbe of filtered events: 0.74M
 partonic pt
                QCD                                 prompt photon                 
  total Pythia total Pythia
2-3 0 0 30K 110K
3-4 0 0 36K 95K
4-6 130K 5.5M 76K 140K
6-9 240K 3.7M 40K 60K
9-15 150K 1.4M 10K 12K
15-35 23K 100K 1K 3K

Latest filter bias/timing test and simulation request spreasheet

  1. EEMC simulation spreadsheet and timing tests
  2. Pythia/bfc filter bias
  3. Pythia tunes comparison agains data (CDF-Tune-A vs. Perugia0)
  4. Estimate of the contribution from lowerst partonic pt, pt<4GeV (see Fig. 6)
  5. L2-Endcap-gamma filter emulation study with single photon Monte-Carlo
  6. Bias tests with pi0 finder (last updated May 14, 2010)
  7. Combined Ru6/Run9 request

Note: These and all other studies are linked from here

Filter code in cvs

Run 6 GMT timestamps

See this study for more details and plots

Request an equal fraction (10%) for each of the 10 timestamps below:
sdt20060516.152000 (GMT during run 7136022)
sdt20060518.073700 (GMT during run 7138010)
sdt20060520.142000 (GMT during run 7140024)
sdt20060521.052000 (GMT during run 7141011)
sdt20060522.124500 (GMT during run 7142029)
sdt20060523.204400 (GMT during run 7143044)
sdt20060525.114000 (GMT during run 7145023)
sdt20060526.114000 (GMT during run 7146020)
sdt20060528.144500 (GMT during run 7148028)
sdt20060602.071500 (GMT during run 7153015)

------------------------  REQUEST DETAILS BELOW ----------------------------------------

prompt photons and QCD simulations

Request TypeEvent generator simulation, with filtering
General Information


Request ID  
Priority: EC 0
Priority: pwg High
Status New
Physics Working Group Spin
Requested by Photon group for SPIN PWG
Contact email(s),
Contact phone(s)  
PWG email(s)
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned




Endcap photon-jets request


Global Simulation Settings


Request type: Event generator simulation, with filtering
Number of events See list for each partonic pt bins
Magnetic Field


Collision Type


Centrality ---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags

trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk eemcDb beamLine clearmem

Production ---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu y2006h
Geometry: reco y2006h
Library use library with approved filter code checked in
Vertex option

Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline

Pileup option No
Detector Set



Data Sources
MC Event Generator


Event generator Pythia
Extra options

Additional libraries required for Eemc-gamma Pythia-level filter

gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/
gexec .sl53_gcc432/lib/ // filter library

Prompt photon Pythia processes:
MSUB (14)=1
MSUB (18)=1       
MSUB (29)=1       
MSUB (114)=1      
MSUB (115)=1

QCD 2->2 Pythia processes:
MSUB (11) = 1
MSUB (12) = 1      
MSUB (13) = 1      
MSUB (28) = 1
MSUB (53) = 1      
MSUB (68) = 1

Pro-pT0 Pythia tune:
call pytune(329)

Vertex Z, cm -120 < Vertex < 120
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z if applicable

0, 0, 55  200 GeV

Vertex offset: x, mm 0.0cm
Vertex offset: y, mm -0.3cm
Φ (phi), radian 0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta) Default  (include Barrel, Endcap, BBC)
Pt bin, GeV See list above for QCD and g-jet samples
Macro file Pythia gamma-filter code:


BFC gamma-filter code:


Private bfc: /star/u/seluzhen/star/spin/MCgammaFilter/scripts/bfc.C



2010.07.23 PyTune comparison with photon candidates: Perugia0 vs. Pro-PT0

Related posts

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo with Pro-Pt0 tune (pytune=329),   partonic pt 9-15
  2. red    Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo with Perugia0 tune (pytune=320), partonic pt 9-15

Event selection

Ran full Pythia+GSTAR simulation and require at least one
reconstucred  EEMC photon candidate in the gamma Maker.

Figure 1:
Left: Reconstructed photon candidate transverse momentum (no normalization factor applied)
Right: ratio of Pro-Pt0/Perugia0 simulations (solid Line: "a+b*x" fit to ratio)
Event selections: require at least one reconstucred EEMC photon candidate

Figure 2:
Same as in Fig. 1 with different event selection criteria:
L2E-gamma, |v_z| < 120cm, at least one EEMC gamma candidate


Pytune parameters comparison table

pytune(320) Perugia 0
P. Skands, Perugia MPI workshop October 2008
and T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, hep-ph/0408302
CR by M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120
LEP parameters tuned by Professor

pytune(329) Pro-pT0
See T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, hep-ph/0408302
and M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120
LEP/Tevatron parameters tuned by Professor

Red text indicates the parameter which are different between tunes

Parameter Perugia 0 Pro-pT0 Parameter description
MSTP(51) 7  7 PDF set
MSTP(52) 1 1 PDF set internal (=1) or pdflib (=2)
MSTP(64) 3 2 ISR alphaS type
PARP(64) 1.0000 1.3000 ISR renormalization scale prefactor
MSTP(67) 2 2 ISR coherence option for 1st emission
PARP(67) 1.0000 4.0000 ISR Q2max factor
MSTP(68) 3 3 ISR phase space choice & ME corrections
(Note: MSTP(68) is not explicitly (re-)set by PYTUNE)
MSTP(70) 2 2 ISR IR regularization scheme
MSTP(72) 1 0 ISR scheme for FSR off ISR
PARP(71) 2.0000 2.0000 FSR Q2max factor for non-s-channel procs
PARJ(81) 0.2570 0.2570 FSR Lambda_QCD scale
PARJ(82) 0.8000 0.8000 FSR IR cutoff
MSTP(81) 21 21 UE model
PARP(82) 2.0000 1.8500 UE IR cutoff at reference ecm
(Note: PARP(82) replaces PARP(62).)
PARP(89) 1800.0000 1800.0000 UE IR cutoff reference ecm
PARP(90) 0.2600 0.2200 UE IR cutoff ecm scaling power
MSTP(82) 5 5 UE hadron transverse mass distribution
PARP(83) 1.7000 1.8000 UE mass distribution parameter
MSTP(88) 0 0 BR composite scheme
MSTP(89) 1 1 BR colour scheme
PARP(79) 2.0000 1.1800 BR composite x enhancement
PARP(80) 0.0500 0.0100 BR breakup suppression
MSTP(91) 1 1 BR primordial kT distribution
PARP(91) 2.0000 2.0000 BR primordial kT width <|kT|>
PARP(93) 10.0000 7.0000 BR primordial kT UV cutoff
MSTP(95) 6 6 FSI colour (re-)connection model
PARP(78) 0.3300 0.1700 FSI colour reconnection strength
PARP(77) 0.9000 0.0000 FSI colour reco high-pT dampening streng
MSTJ(11) 5 5 HAD choice of fragmentation function(s)
PARJ(21) 0.3130 0.3130 HAD fragmentation pT
PARJ(41) 0.4900 0.4900 HAD string parameter a
PARJ(42) 1.2000 1.2000 HAD string parameter b
PARJ(46) 1.0000 1.0000 HAD Lund(=0)-Bowler(=1) rQ (rc)
PARJ(47) 1.0000 1.0000 HAD Lund(=0)-Bowler(=1) rb


08 Aug

August 2010 posts

2010.08.09 PyTune comparison with gamma candidates from dijets: Perugia0 vs. Pro-PT0

Related posts

Tunes compared

  • CDF Tune A
  • Perugia0
  • Pro-pT0

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  6. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Figure 1a: Reconstructed photon candidate pt (L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo)

Figure 1b: Same as Fig. 1 on a linear scale and zoom into low pt

Figure 2: QCD Monte-Carlo yield to pp2006 data ratio

Figure 3: Prompt photon Monte-Carlo yield to pp2006 data ratio

Figure 4: Simulation yield vs. partonic pt (on a linear scale)

Figure 5: Simulation yield vs. partonic pt (log scale)

2010.08.10 Timestamps study for the simulation request

Summary for the gamma filtered simulation request

Generate Monte-Carlo events for
10 different timestamps and 10% of statistics each:

sdt20060516.152000 (GMT during run 7136022)
sdt20060518.073700 (GMT during run 7138010)
sdt20060520.142000 (GMT durign run 7140024)
sdt20060521.052000 (GMT during run 7141011)
sdt20060522.124500 (GMT during run 7142029)
sdt20060523.204400 (GMT during run 7143044)
sdt20060525.114000 (GMT during run 7145023)
sdt20060526.114000 (GMT during run 7146020)
sdt20060528.144500 (GMT during run 7148028)
sdt20060602.071500 (GMT during run 7153015)

Original list of timestamps


sdt20060512.043500 (GMT during run 7132005)
sdt20060513.064000 (GMT during run 7133011)
sdt20060514.090000 (GMT during run 7134015)
sdt20060516.152000 (GMT during run 7136022)
sdt20060518.073700 (GMT during run 7138010)
sdt20060520.142000 (GMT durign run 7140024)
sdt20060521.052000 (GMT during run 7141011)
sdt20060522.124500 (GMT during run 7142029)
sdt20060523.204400 (GMT during run 7143044)
sdt20060525.114000 (GMT during run 7145023)
sdt20060526.114000 (GMT during run 7146020)
sdt20060528.144500 (GMT during run 7148028)
sdt20060602.071500 (GMT during run 7153015)
sdt20060604.191200 (GMT during run 7155043)

Figure 1: Number of events from Run 6 golden runs
which fired L2e-gamma trigger (trigger id 137641 and 127641)
(using jet trees regenerated in new format by Wayne/Renee)

7132005: 0
7133011: 0
7134015: 10474
7136022: 171217
7138010: 221567
7140024: 62826
7141011: 174207
7142029: 187048
7143044: 189752
7145023: 142799
7146020: 133758
7148028: 181269
7153015: 145129
7155043: 89428

Figure 2: Fraction of events per time stamps

09 Sep

September 2010 posts

2010.09.08 First look at the official EEMC gamma filtered production

Related posts

Event selection

  1. Official EEMC gamma filtered Monte-Carlo with Pro-pT0 tune
  2. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  3. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  4. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  5. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  6. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  7. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  8. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt (L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo)

Figure 2: Partonic pt

Figure 3: Thrown photon pt (from Geant record, prompt photon sample only)

2010.09.10 Data to MC comparison with official EEMC gamma filtered production

Related posts

Event selection

  1. Official EEMC gamma filtered Monte-Carlo with Pro-pT0 tune
  2. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  3. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  4. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  5. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  6. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  7. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  8. QCD Monte-Carlo scaled to the yield in the data (MC down scaled by a factor of 1.8)
  9. All plots with gamma pt >7GeV cut

Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt

Figure 2: Reconstructed away side jet pt

Figure 3: z vertex distribution

Figure 4: 3x3 tower cluster energy

Figure 5: 2x1 tower cluster energy

Figure 6: Reconstructed photon candidate (detector) rapidity

Figure 7: Reconstructed away side jet rapidity

2010.09.13 Data vs. official filtered MC: cluster energy ratios

Related posts

Event selection

  1. Official EEMC gamma filtered Monte-Carlo with Pro-pT0 tune
  2. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  3. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  4. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  5. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  6. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  7. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  8. QCD Monte-Carlo scaled to the yield in the data (MC down scaled by a factor of 1.8)
  9. All plots with gamma pt >7GeV  and jet pt >5GeV cuts

Figure 1: Cluster energy ratio: 2x1/2x2

Figure 2: Cluster energy ratio: 2x1/3x3

Figure 3: Cluster energy ratio: 2x2/3x3

Figure 4: Cluster energy ratio: 2x1/E(R=0.7)

Figure 5: Cluster energy ratio: 2x2/E(R=0.7)

Figure 6: Cluster energy ratio: 3x3/E(R=0.7)

2010.09.15 Data vs. official filtered MC: energy deposition in various EEMC layers

Related posts

Event selection

  1. Official EEMC gamma filtered Monte-Carlo with Pro-pT0 tune
  2. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  3. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  4. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  5. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  6. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  7. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  8. QCD Monte-Carlo scaled to the yield in the data (MC down scaled by a factor of 1.8)
  9. All plots with gamma pt >7GeV  and jet pt >5GeV cuts

Figure 1: 3x3 tower cluster energy

Figure 2: 25 central SMD u-strip energy

Figure 3: 3x3 pre-shower1 cluster energy

Figure 4: 3x3 pre-shower2 cluster energy

Figure 5: 3x3 post-shower cluster energy

2010.09.23 Neutral energy jet shape comparison for various tunes

Related posts

Event selection

  1. Official EEMC gamma filtered Monte-Carlo with Pro-pT0 tune vs. Ilya's private production for Pro-pT0, Perugia0, and CDF Tune A
  2. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  3. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  4. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  5. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  6. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
  7. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  8. QCD Monte-Carlo scaled to the yield in the data (All Monte-Carlo normalized to the total yield in the data)
  9. All plots with gamma pt >7GeV  and jet pt >5GeV cuts

Figure 1: 3x3 tower cluster energy to jet R=0.7 energy ratio
Left: Official production (Pro-Pt0), Right: Pro-Pt0 (Ilya private production)

Figure 2: 3x3 tower cluster energy to jet R=0.7 energy ratio - Perugia0 (Ilya private production)

Figure 3: 3x3 tower cluster energy to jet R=0.7 energy ratio - CDF Tune A (Ilya private production)

Figure 4: 3x3 tower cluster with jet thresholds energy to jet R=0.7 energy ratio - Official production (Pro-Pt0)

Calorimeter studies for the STAR W analysis

Ilya Selyuzhenkov for the STAR Collaboration

Analysis links

Year 2010

Year 2009

Documentation for the photon-jet reconstruction code

Documentation for the photon-jet reconstruction code (Ilya Selyuzhenkov)


Analysis flow chart

  • compile everything with cons
  • To run makers (expect starsim and bfc) use macros from here and run:

    root4star -b -q 'RunXXXMaker.C("inputFileName.extension.root")'

    Note: You can use files from iucf disk

Anylysis flow chart:

starsim (Kumac) -> fzd.gz

    bfc.C (fzd) -> MuDst.root / geant.root

      JetFinder (MuDst) -> jet.root / skim.root

      EEmcDstMaker (MuDst) -> eemc.root

            GammaJetMaker (jet/skim) -> dijet.root

                  GammaJetAnaMaker (dijet/eemc) -> ana.root

                       GammaJetDrawMaker (ana) -> draw.root / mlp.root

EEMC related MuDst/jet/skim/gamma trees location

Main directory for Ilya's private directory files at RCF IUCF disk:


CDF Tune A simulations (private production)

fzd.gz, geant.root, and MuDst.root are in files/ subdirectory
logs (MuDst.log.gz, sim.log.gz) in logs/ subdirectory

Prompt photons (partonic pt range 3-25, single bin):

QCD (partonic pt range 4-35, bins: 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):

Perugia0 simulations (private production)

fzd.gz, geant.root, and MuDst.root are in files/ subdirectory
logs (MuDst.log.gz, sim.log.gz) in logs/ subdirectory

Prompt photons (partonic pt range 3-25, single bin):

QCD (partonic pt range 4-35, bins: 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):

Pro-pT0 simulations (private production)

fzd.gz, geant.root, and MuDst.root are in files/ subdirectory
logs (MuDst.log.gz, sim.log.gz) in logs/ subdirectory

Prompt photons (partonic pt range 3-25, single bin):

QCD (partonic pt range 4-35, bins: 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):

Pro-pT0 (official production)

trees (ana, dijet, draw, eemc, gamma, geant, jet, mlp, MuDst, skim) are in:

logs for:
ana, dijet, draw, eemc, gamma, jet, mlp, skim:
MuDst and geant:

Prompt photons (partonic pt range 2-35, bins: 2-3, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):

QCD (partonic pt range 4-35, bins: 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):

Run 6 Jet/skim trees


Run 6 gamma trees





Kumac file examples

Examples of different kumac files:

  • Single particle Monte-Carlo:

    Combine singleParticle_begin.kumac with singleParticle_end.kumac
    using needed geometry tag (example: detp geom y2006h)
  • Prompt photon Pythia Monte-Carlo testGammaJet.kumac

    MSUB (14)=1
    MSUB (18)=1
    MSUB (29)=1
    MSUB (114)=1
    MSUB (115)=1
  • QCD 2->2 processes testQCD.kumac

    MSUB (11) = 1
    MSUB (12) = 1      
    MSUB (13) = 1      
    MSUB (28) = 1
    MSUB (53) = 1      
    MSUB (68) = 1


L2Egamma trigger emulator howto

Running Run 6 L2 gamma trigger emulator

  TObjArray* HList=new TObjArray;
  StTriggerSimuMaker *simuTrig = new StTriggerSimuMaker("StarTrigSimu");
  simuTrig->setMC(true); // must be before individual detectors, to be passed
  StGenericL2Emulator* simL2Mk = new StL2_2006EmulatorMaker;

Run 6 and Run 9 bfc chain examples

Run 9 bfc options with EEMC slow and fast simulators (EEfs EEss):


Run 6 bfc options with EEMC slow and fast simulators (EEfs EEss):

"trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger
ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs EEss evout
-dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20060523"

Run 6 bfc options with EEMC gamma filter in the chain (FiltEemcGamma):

"FiltEemcGamma trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger
ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs EEss evout
-dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20060523"

need to use a special macro RunEemcGammaFilterBfc.C
to run FiltEemcGamma with bfc

Scheduler xml template file examples

Official scheduler documentation

Schedule template file examples:

Catalog request to get official Gamma filtered Monte-Carlo files: -distinct -keys 'path,filename' -cond 'production=P10ii,path~pt_4-6gev/eemcgammafilt100_qcd/y2006h,filetype=MC_reco_MuDst,storage=nfs'

 or -distinct -keys 'path,filename' -cond 'production=P10ii,runnumber=2000010060,filetype=MC_reco_MuDst,storage=nfs

 where run number = 2000000000 + 10060


StEemcDstMaker (Emc dst event container - similar to the gamma maker code structure)

StEemcDstMaker is Eemc dst event container (similar to the gamma maker code structure).

Creates root tree from MuDst which stores the relevant information
for the photon-jet analysis


StEemcGammaFilter (Pythia level EEMC gamma filter)

StEemcGammaFilter is the Pythia level EEMC gamma filter.

The code is available at STAR/cvs: StEemcGammaFilter.h / StEemcGammaFilter.cxx
Basic algo description:

  • Loop over particles and search for the ones with energy higher than threshold and falls into the fiducial (in rapidity) volume
  • Search for clusters around each seed include tracks in eta and phi (detector Eta and Phi) space within the cone radious

Algo parameters:

mConeRadius - eta-phi cluster cone radius
mSeedThreshold - seed track threshold
mClusterThreshold - track cluster threshold
mEtaLow - lowerst rapidity cut
mEtaHigh - highest rapidity cut
mMaxVertex - vertex cut

Other parameters:

mCalDepth - calorimeter depth at which tracks are extrapolated
mMinPartEnergy - minimum particle energyto be included in the cluster
mHadronScale - down scale factor for hadrons (be careful when playing with this) No scaling by default
mFilterMode - filter mode: 0 - test mode (no event rejection), 1 - filter reject events
mPrintLevel - print level (0 - no output, 1 or 2 print some logs)

StEemcGammaFilterMaker (BFC level Endcap gamma filter)

StEemcGammaFilterMaker big full chain (BFC) Endcap gamma filter

Code is accessible in CVS/STRoot: StEemcGammaFilterMaker.h / StEemcGammaFilterMaker.cxx

Parameter can be stored in the data base (see eemcGammaFilterMakerParams.idl file),
but this is not enabled in the current implementation.

Basic idea of StEemcGammaFilterMaker algo:

  • Search for the 3x3 tower cluster with high tower and cluster Et above thresholds

Available parameters to vary:
Seed energy threshold (mSeedEnergyThreshold, GeV)
Cluster eT threshold (mClusterEtThreshold GeV)
Maximum z vertex (mMaxVertex, cm)

Macro to run StEemcGammaFilterMaker with BFC
(fixes the problem of loading StJetSkimEvent library):


StGammaJetAnaEvent (event container which stores the gamma-jet sided residual info)

StGammaJetAnaEvent is an event container which stores the information
on gamma-jet candidates, output from shower shape fits and sided residual analysis
Also it has an information from the crude pi0 (multi-photon event) finder


StGammaJetDraw (applying analsyis cutsand generate histograms)

StGammaJetDraw - applying analsyis cuts
(such as photon isolation, photon and jet pt cuts, etc)
and generate pre-shower sorted histograms


StGammaJetEvent (simple container for the gamma-jet events)

StGammaJetEvent - container for the gamma-jet candidate events
(stores the information on selected di-jets from the jet finder and Eemdc Dst trees).


StGammaJetMaker (read jet, skim, and EemcDst trees and generate gamma-jet tree)

StGammaJetMaker read jet, skim, and EemcDst trees and select/write gamma-jet tree.


Ilya Selyuzhenkov for the STAR Collaboration

Photon-jet reconstruction software documentation

Analysis links

Year 2010

Year 2009

Year 2008

Selected figures

Figure 1:. Gamma candidate pt distributions for a three different data samples:

  • pp2006 - STAR 2006 pp longitudinal data (~ 3.164 pb^1) after applying gamma-jet isolation cuts.
  • gamma-jet - Pythia gamma-jet sample (~170K events). Partonic pt range 5-35 GeV.
  • QCD jets - Pythia QCD jets sample (~4M events). Partonic pt range 3-65 GeV.

Note: Same algorithm has been used to analyse Monte-Carlo and real data events

Figure 2: Sided residual and sample gamma-jet candidate (EEMC response)


2009.08.17 Direct photon - charge particle correlation paper GPC

proposed modification ot the title/abstract

Comments on Neutral Pion Production in Au+Au Collisions

EEMC geometry file (ecalgeo)

l2-gamma EEMC monitoring

Instructions on how to produce eemc-l2-gamma monitoring plots by hands

  • Get l2 software
    Currently copied from ~rcorliss/l2/official-2009a

  • Compile
    # cd onlineL2
    # make lib
    # make

  • Run
    # m 5000

  • Convert "bin" file format to root file:
    # ./binH2rootH-exe out/run9.l2eemcGamma.hist.bin out/run9.l2eemcGamma.hist.root

  • Create ps file with plots from root file with plotl2eemcGamma.C macro:
    # root -b -q 'plotl2eemcGamma.C("out/run9.l2eemcGamma.hist.root","")'
    # ps2pdf run9.l2eemcGamma.pdf

  • Sample pdf plots:


run9 l2 rates monitoring