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Software and Computing (private)
This page will keep information related to the 2011 tracking component review. The review will cover the state of the Cellular Automaton (CA) seed finding component as well as the Virtual Monte-Carlo based tracker (Stv) and their relevance to STAR's future need in terms of tracking capabilities.
After a successful review of the ITTF/Sti tracker in 2004, the STAR collaboration have approved the move to the new framework bringing at the time unprecedented new capabilities to the experiment and physics analysis.Sti allowed the STAR reconstruction approach to integrate to its tracking other detector sub-systems by providing method to integrate simple geometry models and allow to extrapolate track to the non-TPC detector planes therefore, correlating information across detector sub-systems. In 2005, the STAR production switched to a Sti based production and we have run in this mode ever since.
However, careful architecture considerations revealed a few areas where improvements seemed needed. Those are:
Additional considerations for the future of STAR were
Based on those considerations, several projects were launch and encouraged
We propose to review the aGML, CA and Stv components of our framework reshape.
NB: Beyond the scope of this review, a key goal for VMC is to allow the inclusion of newer Geant version and hence, getting ready to step away from Geant3 (barely maintainable), the FORtran baggage (Zebra and portability issues on 64 bits architectures) and remove the need for a special verison of root (root4star) hard-binding root and STAR specific needed runtime non-dynamic libraries.
See attachment at the bottom of this page.
The agenda is ready and available at You do not have access to view this node.
Below is a list of cross-references to other documents:
The pages here relates to the data readiness sub-group of the S&C team. This area is comprise of calibration, database and quality assurance.
Please consult the You do not have access to view this node for a responsibility chart.
STAR Calibrations
In addition to the child pages listed below:
For the run in winter 2006, the plan is to take primarily pp data. This may lead to different requirements than in the past.
There is some question as to whether certain tasks need to be done this year because the detector was not moved during the shutdown period. Omitting such tasks should be justified before skipping!
Previous runs:
Using tracks fit with SVT points plus a primary vertex alone, we can self-align the SVT using residuals to the fits. This document explains how this can be done, but only works for the situation in which the SVT is already rather well aligned, and only small scale alignment calibration remains. The technique explained herein also allows for calibration of the hybrid drift velocities.
TPC Calibration & Data-Readiness Tasks:
* "Run", with a capital 'R', refers to a year's Run period, e.g. Run 10)
* Not all people who have worked on various tasks are listed as they were recalled only from (faulty) memory and only primary persons are shown. Corrections and additions are welcome.
To better understand what is the effect of distortions on momentum measurements in the TPC, the attached sagitta.pdf file shows the relationship between track sagitta and its transverse momentum.
Δ(r-φ) vs. r and φ | Δ(r) vs. r and φ | |
Padrow 13 | ![]() |
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Padrow 13 lines indicating locations of rows 13 and 14 |
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Padrow 40 | ![]() |
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Padrow 40 lines indicating locations of rows 40 and 41 |
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This is a recipe of RunXI dEdx calibration by Yi Guo.
In 2012, the procedure documentation was updated, including global T0 calibration:
Below are the older instructions.________________
The procedure here is basically to calculate two beamlines using only west tpc data and only east tpc data independently and then adjust the XTWIST and YTWIST parameters so that the east and west beamlines meet at z=0. The calibration needs to be done every run for each B field configuration. The obtained parameters are stored in the tpcGlobalPosition table with four different flavors: FullmagFNegative, FullMagFPositive, HalfMagFPositive and HalfMagFNegative.
To calculate the beamline intercept the refitting code (originally written by Jamie Dunlop) is used. An older evr-based version used by Javier Castillo for the 2005 heavy ion run can be found at ~startpc/tpcwrkExB_2005, and a version used for the 2006 pp run that uses the minuit vertex finder can be found at ~hjort/tpcwrkExB_2006. Note that for the evr-based version the value of the B field is hard coded at line 578 of pams/global/evr/evr_am.F. All macros referred to below can be found under both of the tpcwrkExB_200X directories referred to above, and some of them under ~hjort have been extensively rewritten.
Step-by-step outline of the procedure:
1. If using evr set the correct B field and compile.
2. Use the "" script to prepare your dataset. It will create links to fast offline event.root files in your runsXXX subdirectory (create it first, along with outdirXXX). The script will look for files that were previously processed in the outdirXXX file and skip over them.
3. Use the "" script to submit your jobs. It has advanced options but the standard usage is " rc runsXXX outdirXXX" where "rc" indicates to use the code for reconstructed real events. The jobs will create .refitter.root files in your ourdirXXX subdirectory.
4. Next you create a file that lists all of the .refitter.root files. A command something like this should do it: "ls outdirFF6094 | grep refitter | awk '{print "outdirFF6094/" $1}' > outdirFF6094/root.files"
5. Next you run the make_res.C macro (in StRoot/macros). Note that the input and output files are hard coded in this macro. This will create a histos.root file.
6. Finally you run plot_vtx.C (in StRoot/macros) which will create plots showing your beamline intercepts. Note that under ~hjort/tpcwrkExB_2006 there is also a macro called plot_diff.C which can be used to measure the offset between the east/west beams more directly (useful for pp where data isn't as good).
Once you have made a good measurement of the offsets an iterative procedure is used to find the XTWIST and YTWIST that will make the offset zero:
7. In StRoot/StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities.cxx change the XTWIST and YTWIST parameters to what was used to process the files you analyzed in steps 1-6, and then compile.
8. Run the macro fitDCA2new.C (in StRoot/macros). Jim Thomas produces this macro and you might want to consult with him to see if he has a newer, better version. An up-to-date version as of early 2006 is under ~hjort/tpcwrkExB_2006. When you run this macro it will first ask for a B field and the correction mode, which is 0x20 for this correction. Then it will ask for pt, rapidity, charge and Z0 position. Only Z0 position is really important for our purposes here and typical values to use would be "1.0 0.1 1 0.001". The code will then report the VertexX and VertexY coordinates, which we will call VertexX0 and VertexY0 in the following steps.
9. If we now take VertexX0 and VertexY0 and our measured beamline offsets we can calculate the values for VertexX and VertexY that we want to obtain when we run fitDCA2new.C - call them VertexX_target and VertexY_target:
VertexX_target = (West_interceptX - East_interceptX)/2 + VertexX0
VertexY_target = (East_interceptY - East_interceptY)/2 + VertexY0
The game now is to modify XTWIST and YTWIST in StMagUtilities, recompile, rerun fitDCA2new.C and obtain values for VertexX and VertexY that match VertexX_target and VertexY_target (within 10 microns for heavy ion runs in the past).
10. Once you have found XTWIST and YTWIST parameters you are happy with they can be entered into the db table tpcGlobalPosition as PhiXZ and PhiYZ.
However - IMPORTANT NOTE: XTWIST = 1000 * PhiXZ , but YTWIST = -1000 * PhiYZ.
NOTE THE MINUS SIGN!! What is stored in the database is PhiXZ and PhiYZ. But XTWIST and YTWIST are what are printed in the log files.
Enter the values into the db using AddGlobalPosition.C and a file like tpcGlobalPosition*.C. To check the correction you either need to use files processed in fast offline with your new XTWIST and YTWIST values or request (re)processing of files.
Q: I am completely new to databases, what should I do first?
A: Please, read this FAQ list, and database API documentation :
Database documentation
Then, please read You do not have access to view this node
Don't forget to log in, most of the information is STAR-specific and is protected; If our documentation pages are missing some information (that's possible), please as questions at db-devel-maillist.
Q: I think, I've encountered database-related bug, how can I report it?
A: Please report it using STAR RT system (create ticket), or send your observations to db-devel maillist. Don't hesitate to send ANY db-related questions to db-devel maillist, please!
Q: I am subsystem manager, and I have questions about possible database structure for my subsystem. Whom should I talk to discuss this?
A: Dmitry Arkhipkin is current STAR database administrator. You can contact him via email, phone, or just stop by his office at BNL:
Phone: (631)-344-4922
Office: 1-182
Q: why do I need API at all, if I can access database directly?
A: There are a few moments to consider :
a) we need consistent data set conversion from storage format to C++ and Fortran;
b) our data formats change with time, we add new structures, modify old structures;
b) direct queries are less efficient than API calls: no caching,no load balancing;
c) direct queries mean more copy-paste code, which generally means more human errors;
We need API to enable: schema evolution, data conversion, caching, load balancing.
Q: Why do we need all those databases?
A: STAR has lots of data, and it's volume is growing rapidly. To operate efficiently, we must use proven solution, suitable for large data warehousing projects – that's why we have such setup, there's simply no subpart we can ignore safely (without overall performance penalty).
Q: It is so complex and hard to use, I'd stay with plain text files...
A: We have clean, well-defined API for both Offline and FileCatalog databases, so you don't have to worry about internal db activity. Most db usage examples are only a few lines long, so really, it is easy to use. Documentation directory (Drupal) is being improved constantly.
Q: I need to insert some data to database, how can I get write access enabled?
A: Please send an email with your rcas login and desired database domain (e.g. "Calibrations/emc/[tablename]") to (or current database administrator). Write access is not for everyone, though - make sure that you are either subsystem coordinator, or have proper permission for such data upload.
Q: How can I read some data from database? I need simple code example!
A: Please read this page : You do not have access to view this node
Q: How can I write something to database? I need simple code example!
A: Please read this page : You do not have access to view this node
Q: I'm trying to set '001122' timestamp, but I cannot get records from db, what's wrong?
A: In C++, numbers starting with '0' are octals, so 001122 is really translated to 594! So, if you need to use '001122' timestamp (any timestamp with leading zeros), it should be written as simply '1122', omitting all leading zeros.
Q: What time zone is used for a database timestamps? I see EDT and GMT being used in RunLog...
A: All STAR databases are using GMT timestamps, or UNIX time (seconds since epoch, no timezone). If you need to specify a date/time for db request, please use GMT timestamp.
Q: It is said that we need to document our subsystem's tables. I don't have privilege to create new pages (or, our group has another person responsible for Drupal pages), what should I do?
A: Please create blog page with documentation - every STAR user has this ability by default. It is possible to add blog page to subsystem documentation pages later (webmaster can do that).
Q: Which file(s) is used by Load Balancer to locate databases, and what is the order of precedence for those files (if many available)?
A: Files being searched by LB are :
1. $DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG env var, should point to new LB version schema xml file (set by default);
2. $DB_SERVER_GLOBAL_CONFIG env. var, should point to new LB version schema xml file (not set by default);
3. $STAR/StDb/servers/dbLoadBalancerGlobalConfig.xml : fallback for LB, new schema expected;
if no usable LB configurations found yet, following files are being used :
1. $STDB_SERVERS/dbServers.xml - old schema expected;
2. $HOME/dbServers.xml - old schema expected;
3. $STAR/StDb/servers/dbServers.xml - old schema expected;
Useful database tips and tricks, which could be useful for STAR activities, are stored in this section.
STAR Computing | Tutorials main page |
Offline computing tutorial | |
There are three timestamps used in STAR databases;
EntryTime and deactive are essential for 'reproducibility' and 'stability' in production. The beginTime is the STAR user timestamp. One manifistation of this, is the time recorded by daq at the beginning of a run. It is valid unti l the the beginning of the next run. So, the end of validity is the next beginTime. In this example it the time range will contain many eve nt times which are also defined by the daq system. The beginTime can also be use in calibration/geometry to define a range of valid values. EXAMPLE: (et = entryTime) The beginTime represents a 'running' timeline that marks changes in db records w/r to daq's event timestamp. In this example, say at some tim e, et1, I put in an initial record in the db with daqtime=bt1. This data will now be used for all daqTimes later than bt1. Now, I add a second record at et2 (time I write to the db) with beginTime=bt2 > bt1. At this point the 1st record is valid from bt1 to bt2 and the second is valid for bt2 to infinity. Now I add a 3rd record on et3 with bt3 < bt1 so that
Let's say that after we put in the 1st record but before we put in the second one, Lydia runs a tagged production that we'll want to 'use' fo rever. Later I want to reproduce some of this production (e.g. embedding...) but the database has changed (we've added 2nd and 3rd entries). I need to view the db as it existed prior to et2. To do this, whenever we run production, we defined a productionTimestamp at that production time, pt1 (which is in this example < et2). pt1 is passed to the StDbLib code and the code requests only data that was entered before pt1. This is how production in 'reproducible'. The mechanism also provides 'stability'. Suppose at time et2 the production was still running. Use of pt1 is a barrier to the production from 'seeing' the later db entries. Now let's assume that the 1st production is over, we have all 3 entries, and we want to run a new production. However, we decide that the 1st entry is no good and the 3rd entry should be used instead. We could delete the 1st entry so that 3rd entry is valid from bt3-to-bt2 but the n we could not reproduce the original production. So what we do is 'deactivate' the 1st entry with a timestamp, d1. And run the new production at pt2 > d1. The sql is written so that the 1st entry is ignored as long as pt2 > d1. But I can still run a production with pt1 < d1 which means the 1st entry was valid at time pt1, so it IS used. email your request to the database expert.
In essence the API will request data as following: 'entryTime <productionTime<deactive || entryTime< productionTime & deactive==0.' To put this to use with the BFC a user must use the dbv switch. For example, a chain that includes dbv20020802 will return values from the database as if today were August 2, 2002. In other words, the switch provides a user with a snapshot of the database from the requested time (which of coarse includes valid values older than that time). This ensures the reproducability of production.
Below is an example of the actual queries executed by the API:
select unix_timestamp(beginTime) as bTime,eemcDbADCconf.* from eemcDbADCconf Where nodeID=16 AND flavor In('ofl') AND (deactive=0 OR deactive>=1068768000) AND unix_timestamp(entryTime) < =1068768000 AND beginTime < =from_unixtime(1054276488) AND elementID In(1) Order by beginTime desc limit 1
For a description of format see ....
Test page
Welcome to the Quality assurance and quality control pages.
Procedure proposal for production and QA in Year4 run
Jérôme LAURET & Lanny RAY, 2004
Summary: The qualitative increase in data volume for run 4 together with finite cpu capacity at RCF precludes the possibility for multiple reconstruction passes through the full raw data volume next year. This new computing situation together with recent experiences involving production runs which were not pre-certified prior to full scale production motivates a significant change in the data quality assurance (QA) effort in STAR. This note describes the motivation and proposed implementation plan.
The projection for the next RHIC run (also called, Year4 run which will start by the end of 2003), indicates a factor of five increase in the number of collected events comparing to preceding runs. This will increase the required data production turn-around time by an order of magnitude, from months to one year per full-scale production run. The qualitative increase in the reconstruction demands combined with an increasingly aggressive physics analysis program will strain the available data processing resources and poses a severe challenge to STAR and the RHIC computing community for delivering STAR’s scientific results in a reasonable time scale. This situation will become more and more problematic as our Physics program evolves to include rare probes. This situation is not unexpected and was anticipated since before the inception of RCF. The STAR decadal plan (10 year projection of STAR activities and development) clearly describes the need for several upgrade phases, including a factor of 10 increase in data acquisition rate and analysis throughput by 2007.
Typically, 1.2 represents an ideal, minimal number of passes through the raw data in order to produce calibrated data summary tapes for physics analysis. However, it is noteworthy that in STAR we have typically processed the raw data an average of 3.5 times where, at each step, major improvements in the calibrations were made which enabled more accurate reconstruction, resulting in greater precision in the physics measurements. The Year 4 data sample in STAR will include the new ¾ barrel EMC data which makes it unlikely that sufficiently accurate calibrations and reconstruction can be achieved with only the ideal 1.2 number of passes as we foresee the need for additional calibration passes through the entire data in order to accumulate enough statistics to push the energy calibration to the high Pt limit.
While drastically diverging from the initial computing requirement plans ( 1), this mode of operation, in conjunction with the expanded production time table, calls for a strengthening of procedures for calibration, production and quality assurance.
The following table summarizes the expectations for ~ 70 Million events with a mix of central and minbias triggers. Numbers of files and data storage requirements are also included for guidance
Au+Au 200 (minbias) |
35 M central |
35 M minbias |
Total |
No DAQ100 (1 pass) |
329 days |
152 days |
481 days |
No DAQ100 (2 passes) |
658 days |
304 days |
962 days |
Assuming DAQ100 (1 pass) |
246 days |
115 days |
361 days |
Assuming DAQ100 (2 passes) |
493 days |
230 days |
723 days |
Total storage estimated (raw) |
x |
x |
203 TB |
Total storage estimated |
x |
x |
203 TB |
Quality Assurance: Goals and proposed procedure for QA and productions
The goal of the QA activities in STAR is the validation of data and software, up to DST production. While QA testing can never be exhaustive, the intention is that data that pass the QA testing stage should be considered highly reliable for downstream physics analysis. In addition, QA testing should be performed soon after production of the data, so that errors and problems can be caught and fixed in a timely manner.
QA processes are run independently of the data taking and DST production. These processes contain the accumulated knowledge of the collaboration with respect to potential modes of failure of data taking and DST production, along with those physics distributions that are most sensitive to the health of the data and DST production software. The results probe the data in various ways:
At the most basic level, the questions asked are whether the data can be read and whether all the components expected in a given dataset are present. Failures at this level are often related to problems with computing hardware and software infrastructure.
At a more sophisticated level, distributions of physics-related quantities are examined, both as histograms and as scalar quantities extracted from the histograms and other distributions. These distributions are compared to those of previous runs that are known to be valid, and the stability of the results is monitored. If changes are observed, these must be understood in terms of changing running conditions or controlled changes in the software, otherwise an error flag should be raised (deviations are not always bad, of course, and can signal new physics: QA must be used with care in areas where there is a danger of biasing the physics results of STAR).
The focus of the QA activities until summer 2000 has been on Offline DST production for the DEV branch of the library. With the inception of data taking, the scope of QA has broadened considerably. There are in fact two different servers running autoQA processes:
Offline QA. This autoQA-generated web page accesses QA results for all the varieties of Offline DST production:
Real data production produced by the Fast Offline framework. This is used to catch gross errors in data taking, online trigger and calibration, allowing for correcting the situation before too much data is accumulated (this framework also provides on the fly calibration as the data is produced).
Nightly tests of real and Monte Carlo data (almost always using the DEV and NEW branches of the library). This is used principally for the validation of migration of library versions
Large scale production of real and Monte Carlo data (almost always using the PRO branch of the library). This is used to monitor the stability of DSTs for physics.
Online QA. This autoQA-generated web page accesses QA results for data in the Online event pool, both raw data and DST production that is run on the Online processors.
The QA dilemma
While a QA shift is usually organized during data taking, the later, official production runs were encouraged (but not mandated) to be regularly QA-ed. Typically, there has not been an organized QA effort for post-experiment DST production runs. The absence of organized quality assurance efforts following the experiment permitted several post-production problems to arise. These were eventually discovered at the (later) physics analysis stage, but the entire production run was wasted. Examples include the following:
missing physics quantities in the DSTs (e.g. V0, Kinks, etc ...)
missing detector information or collections of information due to pilot errors or code support
improperly calibrated and unusable data
The net effect of such late discoveries is a drastic increase in the production cycle time, where entire production passes have to be repeated, which could have been prevented by a careful QA procedure.
Production cycles and QA procedure
To address this problem we propose the following production and QA procedure for each major production cycle.
A data sample (e.g. from a selected trigger setup or detector configuration) of not more than 100k events (Au+Au) or 500k events (p+p) will be produced prior to the start of the production of the entire data sample.
This data sample will remain available on disk for a period of two weeks or until all members of “a” QA team (as defined here) have approved the sample (whichever comes first).
After the two week review period, the remainder of the sample is produced with no further delays, with or without the explicit approval of everyone in the QA team.
Production schedules will be vigorously maintained. Missing quantities which are detected after the start of the production run do not necessarily warrant a repetition of the entire run.
The above policy does not apply to special or unique data samples involving calibration or reconstruction studies nor would it apply to samples having no overlaps with other selections. Such unique data samples include, for example, those containing a special trigger, magnetic field setting, beam-line constraint (fill transition), etc., which no other samples have and which, by their nature, require multiple reconstruction passes and/or special attention.
In order to carry out timely and accurate Quality Assurance evaluations during the proposed two week period, we propose the formation of a permanent and QA team consisting of:
One or two members per Physics Working group. This manpower will be under the responsibility of the PWG conveners. The aim of these individuals will be to rigorously check, via the autoQA system or analysis codes specific to the PWG, for the presence of the required physics quantities of interest to that PWG which are understood to be vital for the PWG’s Physics program and studies.
One or more detector sub-system experts from each of the major detector sub-systems in STAR. The goal of these individuals will be to ensure the presence and sanity of the data specific to that detector sub-system.
Within the understanding that the outcome of such procedure and QA team is a direct positive impact on the Physics capabilities of a PWG, we recommend that this QA service work be done without shift signups or shift credit as is presently being done for DAQ100 and ITTF testing.
Facing important challenges driven by the data amount and Physics needs, we proposed an organized procedure for QA and production relying on a cohesive feedback from the PWG and detector sub-system’s experts within time constraints guidelines. It is understood that the intent is clearly to bring the data readiness to the shortest possible turn around time while avoiding the need for later re-production causing waste of CPU cycles and human hours.
STAR Offline QA Documentation (start here!)Quick Links: Shift Requirements , Automated Browser Instructions , You do not have access to view this node , Online RunLog Browser
Automated Offline QA BrowserQuick Links: You do not have access to view this node |
QA Shift Report FormsQuick Links: Issue Browser/Editor, Dashboard, Report Archive |
As a minimal check on effects caused by any changes to reconstruction code, the following code and procedures are to be exercised:
A suite of datasets has been selected which should serve as a reference basis for any changes. These datasets include:
Real data from Run 7 AuAu at 200 GeV
Simulated data using year 2007 geometry with AuAu at 200 GeV
Real data from Run 8 pp at 200 GeV
Simulated data using year 2008 geometry with pp at 200 GeV
These datasets should be processed with BFC as follows to generate historgrams in a hist.root file:
root4star -b -q -l
root4star -b -q -l
root4star -b -q -l
The RecoQA.C macro generates CINT files from the hist.root files
root4star -b -q -l 'RecoQA.C("st_physics_8113044_raw_1040042.hist.root")'
root4star -b -q -l 'RecoQA.C("rcf1296_02_100evts.hist.root")'
root4star -b -q -l 'RecoQA.C("st_physics_9043046_raw_2030002.hist.root")'
The CINT files are then useful for comparison to the previous reference, or storage as the new reference for a given code library. To view these plots, simply execute the CINT file with root:
root -l st_physics_8113044_raw_1040042.hist_1.CC
root -l st_physics_8113044_raw_1040042.hist_2.CC
root -l rcf1296_02_100evts.hist_1.CC
root -l rcf1296_02_100evts.hist_2.CC
root -l st_physics_9043046_raw_2030002.hist_1.CC
root -l st_physics_9043046_raw_2030002.hist_2.CC
One can similarly execute the reference CINT files for visual comparison:
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/st_physics_8113044_raw_1040042.hist_1.CC
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/st_physics_8113044_raw_1040042.hist_2.CC
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/rcf1296_02_100evts.hist_1.CC
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/rcf1296_02_100evts.hist_2.CC
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/st_physics_9043046_raw_2030002.hist_1.CC
root -l $STAR/StRoot/qainfo/st_physics_9043046_raw_2030002.hist_2.CC
Steps 1-3 above should be followed immediately upon establishing a new code library. At that point, the CINT files should be placed in the appropriate CVS directory, checked in, and then checked out (migrated) into the newly established library:
cvs co StRoot/qainfo mv *.CC StRoot/qainfo cvs ci -m "Update for library SLXXX" StRoot/qainfo cvs tag SLXXX StRoot/info/*.CC cd $STAR cvs update StRoot/info
Missing information will be filled in soon. We may also consolidate some of these steps into a single script yet to come.
Helpful links:
To join the Meeting: To join via Room System: Video Conferencing System: -or- Meeting ID : 967856029 To join via phone : 1) Dial: +1.408.740.7256 (United States) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (see all numbers - 2) Enter Conference ID : 967856029
Meeting URL Meeting ID 563 179 247 Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers: +1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose)) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) +1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose)) +41.43.508.6463 (Switzerland (Zurich, German)) +31.20.808.2256 (Netherlands (Amsterdam)) +39.02.8295.0790 (Italy (Italian)) +33.1.8626.0562 (Paris, France) + (Germany (National, German)) (see all numbers - Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by # Connecting from a room system? Dial: or and enter your meeting ID & passcode
Topic: STAR QA Board Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 953 1480 4042 Passcode: 2021 One tap mobile +13462487799,,95314804042# US (Houston) +12532158782,,95314804042# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 953 1480 4042 Find your local number: Join by SIP Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia) (Singapore) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan) Meeting ID: 953 1480 4042 Passcode: 2021
Weekly on Fridays at noon EST/EDT
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Topic: STAR QA board meeting
Mailing List:
Summary Page by Rongrong:
Run QA: Ashik Ikbal, Li-Ke Liu (Prithwish Tribedy, Yu Hu as code developers)
General TPC QA: Lanny Ray (Texas)
PWG Volunteers
CF Yevheniia Khyzhniak (Ohio)
Muhammad Ibrahim Abdulhamid Elsayed (Egypt)
FCV Han-Sheng Li (Purdue)
Yicheng Feng (Purdue)
Niseem Magdy (SBU)
LFSUPC Hongcan Li (CCNU)
HP Andrew Tamis (Yale)
Ayanabha Das (CTU)
These pages are dedicated to the GRID effort in STAR as part of our participation in the Open Science Grid.
Our previous pages are being migrated tot his area. Please find the previous content here.
The data management section will have information on data transfer and development/consolidation of tools used in STAR for Grid data transfer.
SRM/DRM Testing June/July 2007
From email:
We had a discussion with Arie Shoshani and group pertaining
to the use of SRM (client and site caching) in our analysis
scenario. We agreed we would proceed with the following plan,
giving ourselves the best shot at achieving the milestone we
have with the OSG.
- first of all, we will try to restore the SRM service both at
LBNL and BNL . This will require
* Disk space for the SRM cache at LBNL - 500 GB is plenty
* Disk space for the SRM cache at BNL - same size is fine
- we hope for a test of transfer to be passed to the OSG troubleshooting
team who will stress test the data transfer as we have defined i.e.
* size test and long term stability - we would like to define a test
where each job would transfer 500 MB of data from LBNL to BNL
We would like 100 jobs submitted at a time
For the test to be run for at least a few days
* we would like to be sure the test includes burst of
100 requests transfer /mn to SRM
+ the success matrix
. how many time the service had to be restarted
. % success on data transfer
+ we need to document the setup i.e.number of streams
(MUST be greater than 1)
- whenever this test is declared successful, we would use
the deployment in our simulation production in real
production mode - the milestone would then behalf
- To make our milestone fully completed, we would reach
+1 site. The question was which one?
* Our plan is to move to SRM v2.2 for this test - this
is the path which is more economical in terms of manpower,
OSG deliverables and allow for minimal reshuffling of
manpower and current assignment hence increasing our
chances for success.
* FermiGrid would not have SRM 2.2 however
=> We would then UIC for this, possibly leveraging OSG
manpower to help with setting up a fully working
Our contact people would be
- Doug Olson for LBNL working with Alex Sim, Andrew Rose,
Eric Hjort (whenever necessary) and Alex Sim
* The work with the OSG troubleshooting team will be
coordinated from LBNL side
* We hope Andrew/Eric will work along with Alex to
set the test described above
- Wayne Betts for access to the infrastructure at BNL
(assistance from everyone to clean the space if needed)
- Olga Barannikova will be our contact for UIC - we will
come back to this later according to the strawman plan
As a reminder, I have discussed with Ruth that at
this stage, and after many years of work which are bringing
exciting and encouraging sign of success (the recent production
stability being one) I have however no intent to move, re-scope
or re-schedule our milestone. Success of this milestone is path
forward to make Grid computing part of our plan for the future.
As our visit was understood and help is mobilize, we clearly
see that success is reachable.
I count on all of you for full assistance with
this process.
Thank you,
( o o )
Hi all,
The following plan will be performed for STAR SRM test by SDM group with
BeStMan SRM v2.2.
Andrew Rose will duplicate, in the mean time, the successful analysis case
that Eric Hjort had previously.
1. small local setup
1.1. small number of analysis jobs will be submitted directly to PDSF job
1.2. A job will transfer files from via gsiftp into the
PDSF project working cache.
1.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
1.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to via gsiftp.
2. small remote setup
2.1. small number of analysis jobs will be submitted directly to PDSF job
2.2. A job will transfer files from stargrid? via gsiftp into
the PDSF project working cache.
2.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
2.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to stargrid? via gsiftp.
3. large local setup
3.1. about 100-200 analysis jobs will be submitted directly to PDSF job
3.2. A job will transfer files from via gsiftp into the
PDSF project working cache.
3.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
3.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to via gsiftp.
4. large remote setup
4.1. about 100-200 analysis jobs will be submitted directly to PDSF job
4.2. A job will transfer files from stargrid? via gsiftp into
the PDSF project working cache.
4.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
4.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to stargrid? via gsiftp.
5. small remote sums setup
5.1. small number of analysis jobs will be submitted to SUMS.
5.2. A job will transfer files from stargrid? via gsiftp into
the PDSF project working cache.
5.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
5.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to stargrid? via gsiftp.
6. large remote setup
6.1. about 100-200 analysis jobs will be submitted to SUMS.
6.2. A job will transfer files from stargrid? via gsiftp into
the PDSF project working cache.
6.3. a fake analysis will be performed to produce a result file.
6.4 the job will issue srm-client to call BeStman to transfer the result
file out to stargrid? via gsiftp.
7. have Andrew and Lidia use the setup #6 to test with real analysis jobs
8. have a setup #5 on UIC and test
9. have a setup #6 on UIC and test
10. have Andrew and Lidia use the setup #9 to test with real analysis jobs
Any questions? I'll let you know when things are in progress.
-- Alex
asim at lbl dot gov
The above is a bandwidth test done using the tool iperf (version iperf_2.0.2-4_i386) between the site KISTI ( and BNL (stargrid03) around the beginning of the year 2014. The connection was noted to collapse (drop to zero) a few times during testing before a full plot could be prepared.
The above histogram shows the number of simultaneous copies in one minute bins, extracted from a few week segment of the actual production at KISTI. Solitary copies are suppressed because they overwhelm the plot. Copies represent less than 1% of the jobs total run time.
The above is a bandwidth test done using the tool iperf (version iperf_2.0.2-4_i386) between the site Dubna ( and BNL (stargrid01) on 8/14/2015. After exactly 97 parallel connections the connection was noted to collapse with many parallel processes timing out, this behavior was consistent across three attempts but was not present at any lower number of parallel connections. It is suspected that a soft limit is placed on the number of parallel processes somewhere.The raw data is attached at the bottom.
This page will describe in detail the STAR analysis scenario as it was in ~2006. This scenario involves SUMS grid job submission at RCF through condor-g to PDSF using SRM's at both ends to transfer input and output files in a managed fashion.
This page will document the data transfers from/to PDSF to/from BNL in the summer/autumn of 2009.
October 17, 2009
I repeated earlier tests I had run with Dan Gunter (see below "Previous results"). It takes onlt 3 streams to saturate the 1GigE network interface of stargrid04.
[stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb file:///dev/zero gsi 2389704704 bytes 23.59 MB/sec avg 37.00 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -tcp-bs 8388608 file:///dev/zero gsi 1569718272 bytes 35.39 MB/sec avg 39.00 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -tcp-bs 4388608 file:///dev/zero gsi 1607467008 bytes 35.44 MB/sec avg 38.00 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -p 2 -vb -tcp-bs 4388608 file:///dev/zero gsi 3414425600 bytes 72.36 MB/sec avg 63.95 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -p 4 -vb -tcp-bs 4388608 file:///dev/zero gsi 8569487360 bytes 108.97 MB/sec avg 111.80 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -p 3 -vb -tcp-bs 4388608 file:///dev/zero gsi 5576065024 bytes 106.36 MB/sec avg 109.70 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb gsi file:///dev/null 625999872 bytes 9.95 MB/sec avg 19.01 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -tcp-bs 4388608 gsi file:///dev/null 1523580928 bytes 30.27 MB/sec avg 38.00 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 2 -tcp-bs 4388608 gsi file:///dev/null 8712617984 bytes 71.63 MB/sec avg 75.87 MB/sec inst [stargrid04] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 3 -tcp-bs 4388608 gsi file:///dev/null 7064518656 bytes 102.08 MB/sec avg 111.88 MB/sec inst
October 15, 2009 - evening
After replacing network card to 10GigE so that we could plug directly into the core switch quicktest gives:
[stargrid04] ~/> iperf -c -m -w 8388608 -t 120 -p 60005 ------------------------------------------------------------ Client connecting to, TCP port 60005 TCP window size: 8.00 MByte ------------------------------------------------------------ [ 3] local port 50291 connected with port 60005 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 4.39 GBytes 314 Mbits/sec [ 3] MSS size 1368 bytes (MTU 1408 bytes, unknown interface)
More work tomorrow.
October 15, 2009
Comparison between the signal from an optical tap at the NERSC border with the tcpdump on the node showed most of the loss happening between the border and
More work was done to optimize single-stream throughput.
Changes resulted in an improved throughput but it is stillfar from what should be (see details below). We are going to insert a 10 GigE card into the node and move it even closer to the border.
Here are the results with those buffer memory settings as of the morning 10/15/2009. There is a header from the first -------------------------------------------------------------------------
measurement and then results from a few tests run minutes apart.
[stargrid04] ~/> iperf -c -m -w 8388608 -t 120 -p 60005
Client connecting to, TCP port 60005 TCP window size: 8.00 MByte
[ 3] local port 44070 connected with port 60005
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.81 GBytes 129 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 3.30 GBytes 236 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.86 GBytes 133 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.04 GBytes 146 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 3.61 GBytes 258 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.88 GBytes 135 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 3.35 GBytes 240 Mbits/sec
Then I restored the "dtn" buffer memory settings - again morning 10/15/2009 and I got similar if not worse results:
[stargrid04] ~/> iperf -c -m -w 8388608 -t 120 -p 60005
Client connecting to, TCP port 60005 TCP window size: 8.00 MByte
[ 3] local port 44361 connected with port 60005
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.34 GBytes 168 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.42 GBytes 101 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.08 GBytes 149 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.13 GBytes 152 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.76 GBytes 126 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.42 GBytes 102 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.07 GBytes 148 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.07 GBytes 148 Mbits/sec
And here if for comparison and to show how things vary with more or less same load on pdsfgrid2 results for the "dtn" settings
just like above from 10/14/2009 afternoon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[stargrid04] ~/> iperf -c -m -w 8388608 -t 120 -p 60005
Client connecting to, TCP port 60005 TCP window size: 8.00 MByte
[ 3] local port 34366 connected with port 60005
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.31 GBytes 93.5 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.58 GBytes 113 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.75 GBytes 126 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 1.88 GBytes 134 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.56 GBytes 183 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 2.53 GBytes 181 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-120.0 sec 3.25 GBytes 232 Mbits/sec
Since the "80Mb/s or worse" persisted for a long time and was measured on various occasions the new numbers are due to the forceth param or the switch change. Most probably it was the switch. It is also true that the "dtn" settings were able to cope slightly better with the location on the Dell switch but seem to be not doing much when pdsfgrid2 is plugged directly into the "old pdsfcore" switch.
October 2, 2009
Notes on third party srm-copy to PDSF:
1) on PDSF interactive node, you need to set up your environment:
source /usr/local/pkg/OSG-1.2/setup.csh
2) srm-copy (recursive) has the following form:
srm-copy gsi srm://\?SFN=/eliza9/starprod/reco/production_dAu/ReversedFullField/P08ie/2008/023/ -recursive -td /eliza9/starprod/reco/production_dAu/ReversedFullField/P08ie/2008/023/
October 1, 2009
We conducted srm-copy tests between RCF and PDSF this week. Initially, the rates we saw for a third party srm-copy between RCF (stargrid04) and PDSF (pdsfsrm) are detailed in plots from Dan:
September 24, 2009
We updated the transfer proceedure to make use of the OSG automated monitoring tools. Perviously, the transfers ran between stargrid04 and one of the NERSC data transfer nodes. To take advantage of Dan's automated log harvesting, we're switiching the target to
Transfers between stargrid04 and pdsfsrm are fairly stable at ~20MBytes/sec (as reported by the "-vb" option in the globus-url-copy). The command used is of the form:
globus-url-copy -r -p 15 gsi[dir]/ gis[target dir]/
Plots from the first set using the pdsfsrm node:
The most recent rates seen are given in Dan's plots from Sept. 23rd:
So, the data transfer is progressing at ~100-200 Mb/s. We will next compare to rates using the new BeStMan installation at PDSF.
Tests have been repeated as a new node (stargrid10) became available. We ran from the SRM end host at PDSF to the new endpoint at BNL . Because of firewalls we could only run from PDSF to BNL, not the other way. A 60-second test got about 75Mb/s. This number is consistent with earlier iperf tests between stargrid02 and pdsfgrid2.
globus-url-copy with 8 streams would go up 400Mb/s and 16 streams 550MB/s. Also with stargrid10, the transfer rates would be the same to and from BNL.
Details below.
pdsfgrid2 59% iperf -s -f m -m -p 60005 -w 8388608 -t 60 -i 2
Server listening on TCP port 60005
TCP window size: 16.0 MByte (WARNING: requested 8.00 MByte)
[ 4] local port 60005 connected with port 36698
[ 4] 0.0- 2.0 sec 13.8 MBytes 57.9 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 2.0- 4.0 sec 19.1 MBytes 80.2 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 4.0- 6.0 sec 4.22 MBytes 17.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 6.0- 8.0 sec 0.17 MBytes 0.71 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 8.0-10.0 sec 2.52 MBytes 10.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 10.0-12.0 sec 16.7 MBytes 70.1 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 12.0-14.0 sec 17.4 MBytes 73.1 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 14.0-16.0 sec 16.1 MBytes 67.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 16.0-18.0 sec 15.8 MBytes 66.4 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 18.0-20.0 sec 17.5 MBytes 73.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 20.0-22.0 sec 17.6 MBytes 73.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 22.0-24.0 sec 18.1 MBytes 75.8 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 24.0-26.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 26.0-28.0 sec 19.3 MBytes 80.9 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 28.0-30.0 sec 13.8 MBytes 58.1 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 30.0-32.0 sec 14.5 MBytes 60.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 32.0-34.0 sec 14.7 MBytes 61.8 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 34.0-36.0 sec 14.6 MBytes 61.2 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 36.0-38.0 sec 17.2 MBytes 72.2 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 38.0-40.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 40.0-42.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 42.0-44.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 44.0-46.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 46.0-48.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 48.0-50.0 sec 19.1 MBytes 79.9 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 50.0-52.0 sec 19.3 MBytes 80.9 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 52.0-54.0 sec 19.4 MBytes 81.3 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 54.0-56.0 sec 19.4 MBytes 81.5 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 56.0-58.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.6 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 58.0-60.0 sec 19.5 MBytes 81.7 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 0.0-60.4 sec 489 MBytes 68.0 Mbits/sec
[ 4] MSS size 1368 bytes (MTU 1408 bytes, unknown interface)
The client was on stargrid10.
on stargrid10
from stargrid10 to pdsfgrid2:
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
513802240 bytes 7.57 MB/sec avg 9.09 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 4 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
1863843840 bytes 25.39 MB/sec avg 36.25 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 6 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
3354394624 bytes 37.64 MB/sec avg 44.90 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 8 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
5016649728 bytes 47.84 MB/sec avg 57.35 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 12 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
5588647936 bytes 62.70 MB/sec avg 57.95 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 16 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
15292432384 bytes 74.79 MB/sec avg 65.65 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
and on stargrid10 the other way, from pdsfgrid2 to stargrid10 (similar although slightly better)
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb gsi file:///dev/null Source: gsi Dest: file:///dev/
zero -> null
1693450240 bytes 11.54 MB/sec avg 18.99 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 4 gsi file:///dev/null Source: gsi Dest: file:///dev/
zero -> null
12835618816 bytes 45.00 MB/sec avg 73.50 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
[stargrid10] ~/> globus-url-copy -vb -p 8 gsi file:///dev/null Source: gsi Dest: file:///dev/
zero -> null
14368112640 bytes 69.20 MB/sec avg 100.50 MB/sec inst
And now on pdsfgrid2 from pfsfgrid2 to stargrid10 (similar to the result for 4 stream in same direction above)
pdsfgrid2 70% globus-url-copy -vb -p 4 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
20869021696 bytes 50.39 MB/sec avg 73.05 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
and to stargrid02, really, really bad. but since the node is going away we won't be investigating the mistery.
pdsfgrid2 71% globus-url-copy -vb -p 4 file:///dev/zero gsi Source: file:///dev/ Dest: gsi
zero -> null
275513344 bytes 2.39 MB/sec avg 2.40 MB/sec inst
Cancelling copy...
Baseline from bwctl from SRM end host at PDSF -- -- to a perfsonar endpoint at BNL -- Because of firewalls, could only run from PDSF to BNL, not the other way around. Last I checked, this direction was getting about 5Mb/s from SRM. A 60-second test to the perfsonar host got about 275Mb/s.
Summary: Current baseline from perfSONAR is more than 50X what we're seeing.
bwctl: exec_line: /usr/local/bin/iperf -B -s -f m -m -p 5008 -w 8388608 -t 60 -i 2
bwctl: start_tool: 3445880257.865809
Server listening on TCP port 5008
Binding to local address
TCP window size: 16.0 MByte (WARNING: requested 8.00 MByte)
[ 14] local port 5008 connected with port 5008
[ 14] 0.0- 2.0 sec 7.84 MBytes 32.9 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 2.0- 4.0 sec 38.2 MBytes 160 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 4.0- 6.0 sec 110 MBytes 461 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 6.0- 8.0 sec 18.3 MBytes 76.9 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 8.0-10.0 sec 59.1 MBytes 248 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 10.0-12.0 sec 102 MBytes 428 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 12.0-14.0 sec 139 MBytes 582 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 14.0-16.0 sec 142 MBytes 597 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 16.0-18.0 sec 49.7 MBytes 208 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 18.0-20.0 sec 117 MBytes 490 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 20.0-22.0 sec 46.7 MBytes 196 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 22.0-24.0 sec 47.0 MBytes 197 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 24.0-26.0 sec 81.5 MBytes 342 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 26.0-28.0 sec 75.9 MBytes 318 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 28.0-30.0 sec 45.5 MBytes 191 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 30.0-32.0 sec 56.2 MBytes 236 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 32.0-34.0 sec 55.5 MBytes 233 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 34.0-36.0 sec 58.0 MBytes 243 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 36.0-38.0 sec 61.0 MBytes 256 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 38.0-40.0 sec 61.6 MBytes 258 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 40.0-42.0 sec 72.0 MBytes 302 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 42.0-44.0 sec 62.6 MBytes 262 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 44.0-46.0 sec 64.3 MBytes 270 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 46.0-48.0 sec 66.1 MBytes 277 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 48.0-50.0 sec 33.6 MBytes 141 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 50.0-52.0 sec 63.0 MBytes 264 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 52.0-54.0 sec 55.7 MBytes 234 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 54.0-56.0 sec 56.9 MBytes 239 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 56.0-58.0 sec 59.5 MBytes 250 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 58.0-60.0 sec 50.7 MBytes 213 Mbits/sec
[ 14] 0.0-60.3 sec 1965 MBytes 273 Mbits/sec
[ 14] MSS size 1448 bytes (MTU 1500 bytes, ethernet)
bwctl: stop_exec: 3445880322.405938
By: Dan Gunter and Iwona Sakrejda
Measured between the STAR SRM hosts at NERSC/PDSF and Brookhaven:
Current data flow is from PDSF to BNL, but plans are to have data flow both ways.
All numbers are in megabits per second (Mb/s). Layer 4 (transport) protocol was TCP. Tests were at least 60 sec. long, 120 sec. for the higher numbers (to give it time to ramp up). All numbers are approximate, of course.
Both sides had recent Linux kernels with auto-tuning. The max buffer sizes were at Brian Tierney's recommended sizes.
Tool: iperf
Tool: globus-url-copy (see PDSF to BNL for details). This was to confirm that globus-url-copy and iperf were roughly equivalent.
Tool: globus-url-copy (gridftp) -- iperf could not connect, which we proved was due to BNL restrictions by temporarily disabling IPtables at PDSF. To avoid any possible I/O effects, ran globus-url-copy from /dev/zero to /dev/null.
Below are results from iperf tests bnl to lbl. 650 Mbps with very little loss is quite good. For the uninformed (like me), we ran iperf server on listening on port 40050, then ran client on sending udp packets with max rate of 1000 Mbps [olson@dlolson star]$ iperf -s -p 40050 -t 60 -i 1 -u [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 40.0-41.0 sec 78.3 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec 0.012 ms 0/55826 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 41.0-42.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 658 Mbits/sec 0.020 ms 0/55946 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 42.0-43.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 658 Mbits/sec 0.020 ms 0/55911 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 43.0-44.0 sec 76.8 MBytes 644 Mbits/sec 0.023 ms 0/54779 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 44.0-45.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 7/55912 (0.013%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 45.0-46.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 658 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 0/55924 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 46.0-47.0 sec 78.3 MBytes 656 Mbits/sec 0.024 ms 0/55820 (0%) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 47.0-48.0 sec 78.3 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 0/55870 (0%) [stargrid02] ~/> iperf -c -t 60 -i 1 -p 40050 -u -b 1000M [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 40.0-41.0 sec 78.3 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 41.0-42.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 658 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 42.0-43.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 43.0-44.0 sec 76.8 MBytes 644 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 44.0-45.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 45.0-46.0 sec 78.4 MBytes 658 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 46.0-47.0 sec 78.2 MBytes 656 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 47.0-48.0 sec 78.3 MBytes 657 Mbits/sec Additional notes: iperf server at bnl would not answer tho we used port 29000 with GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=20000,30000 iperf server at pdsf (pc2608) would not answer either.
(pdsfgrid5) iperf % build/bin/iperf -s -p 40050 -t 20 -i 1 -u ------------------------------------------------------------ Server listening on UDP port 40050 Receiving 1470 byte datagrams UDP buffer size: 64.0 KByte (default) ------------------------------------------------------------ [ 3] local port 40050 connected with port 56027 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 0.0- 1.0 sec 78.5 MBytes 659 Mbits/sec 0.017 ms 14/56030 (0.025%) [ 3] 0.0- 1.0 sec 44 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 1.0- 2.0 sec 74.1 MBytes 621 Mbits/sec 0.024 ms 8/52834 (0.015%) [ 3] 1.0- 2.0 sec 8 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 2.0- 3.0 sec 40.4 MBytes 339 Mbits/sec 0.023 ms 63/28800 (0.22%) [ 3] 2.0- 3.0 sec 63 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 3.0- 4.0 sec 73.0 MBytes 613 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 121/52095 (0.23%) [ 3] 3.0- 4.0 sec 121 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 4.0- 5.0 sec 76.6 MBytes 643 Mbits/sec 0.020 ms 18/54661 (0.033%) [ 3] 4.0- 5.0 sec 18 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 5.0- 6.0 sec 76.8 MBytes 644 Mbits/sec 0.015 ms 51/54757 (0.093%) [ 3] 5.0- 6.0 sec 51 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 6.0- 7.0 sec 77.1 MBytes 647 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 40/55012 (0.073%) [ 3] 6.0- 7.0 sec 40 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 7.0- 8.0 sec 74.9 MBytes 628 Mbits/sec 0.040 ms 64/53414 (0.12%) [ 3] 7.0- 8.0 sec 64 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 8.0- 9.0 sec 76.0 MBytes 637 Mbits/sec 0.021 ms 36/54189 (0.066%) [ 3] 8.0- 9.0 sec 36 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 9.0-10.0 sec 75.6 MBytes 634 Mbits/sec 0.018 ms 21/53931 (0.039%) [ 3] 9.0-10.0 sec 21 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 10.0-11.0 sec 54.7 MBytes 459 Mbits/sec 0.038 ms 20/38994 (0.051%) [ 3] 10.0-11.0 sec 20 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 11.0-12.0 sec 75.6 MBytes 634 Mbits/sec 0.019 ms 37/53939 (0.069%) [ 3] 11.0-12.0 sec 37 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 12.0-13.0 sec 74.1 MBytes 622 Mbits/sec 0.056 ms 4/52888 (0.0076%) [ 3] 12.0-13.0 sec 24 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 13.0-14.0 sec 75.4 MBytes 633 Mbits/sec 0.026 ms 115/53803 (0.21%) [ 3] 13.0-14.0 sec 115 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 14.0-15.0 sec 77.1 MBytes 647 Mbits/sec 0.038 ms 50/54997 (0.091%) [ 3] 14.0-15.0 sec 50 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 15.0-16.0 sec 75.2 MBytes 631 Mbits/sec 0.016 ms 26/53654 (0.048%) [ 3] 15.0-16.0 sec 26 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 16.0-17.0 sec 78.2 MBytes 656 Mbits/sec 0.039 ms 39/55793 (0.07%) [ 3] 16.0-17.0 sec 39 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 17.0-18.0 sec 76.6 MBytes 643 Mbits/sec 0.017 ms 35/54635 (0.064%) [ 3] 17.0-18.0 sec 35 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 18.0-19.0 sec 76.5 MBytes 641 Mbits/sec 0.039 ms 23/54544 (0.042%) [ 3] 18.0-19.0 sec 23 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 19.0-20.0 sec 78.0 MBytes 654 Mbits/sec 0.017 ms 1/55624 (0.0018%) [ 3] 19.0-20.0 sec 29 datagrams received out-of-order [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 1.43 GBytes 614 Mbits/sec 0.018 ms 19/1044598 (0.0018%) [ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 864 datagrams received out-of-order [stargrid02] ~/> iperf -c -t 20 -i 1 -p 40050 -u -b 1000M ------------------------------------------------------------ Client connecting to, UDP port 40050 Sending 1470 byte datagrams UDP buffer size: 128 KByte (default) ------------------------------------------------------------ [ 3] local port 56027 connected with port 40050 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0- 1.0 sec 78.5 MBytes 659 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 1.0- 2.0 sec 74.1 MBytes 621 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 2.0- 3.0 sec 40.4 MBytes 339 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 3.0- 4.0 sec 73.0 MBytes 613 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 4.0- 5.0 sec 76.6 MBytes 643 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 5.0- 6.0 sec 76.8 MBytes 644 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 6.0- 7.0 sec 77.1 MBytes 647 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 7.0- 8.0 sec 74.8 MBytes 628 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 8.0- 9.0 sec 76.0 MBytes 637 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 9.0-10.0 sec 75.6 MBytes 634 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 10.0-11.0 sec 54.6 MBytes 458 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 11.0-12.0 sec 75.7 MBytes 635 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 12.0-13.0 sec 74.1 MBytes 622 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 13.0-14.0 sec 75.4 MBytes 633 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 14.0-15.0 sec 77.1 MBytes 647 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 15.0-16.0 sec 75.2 MBytes 631 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 16.0-17.0 sec 78.2 MBytes 656 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 17.0-18.0 sec 76.6 MBytes 643 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 18.0-19.0 sec 76.4 MBytes 641 Mbits/sec [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth [ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 1.43 GBytes 614 Mbits/sec [ 3] Sent 1044598 datagrams [ 3] Server Report: [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Jitter Lost/Total Datagrams [ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 1.43 GBytes 614 Mbits/sec 0.017 ms 19/1044598 (0.0018%) [ 3] 0.0-20.0 sec 864 datagrams received out-of-order
Date | Type | Size | Command | Duration | p | rate agg. | rate/p | Source | Destination |
2006.9.5 | DAQ | 40Gb | g-u-c | up to 12 hr | 3-5 | 1 MB/s | ~0.2 MB/s | pdsfgrid1,2,4 | rhilxs |
2006.10.6 | MuDst | 50 Gb | g-u-c | 3-5 hr | 15 | ~3.5 MB/s | 0.25 MB/s | rhilxs | pdsfgrid2,4,5 |
2006.10.20 | event.root geant.root | 500 Gb | g-u-c -nodcau | 38 hr | 9 | 3.7 MB/s | 0.41 MB/s | rhilxs | garchive |
This page will add documents / documentation links and help for Grid beginners or experts. Those documents are either created by us or gathered from the internet.
238,Purdue-Physics,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:16:25 237,Rice,,compute,OSG,FAIL,2006-08-21 19:17:07 13,SDSS_TAM,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:17:10 38,SPRACE,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:17:51 262,STAR-Bham,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:23:12 217,STAR-BNL,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:24:11 16,STAR-SAO_PAULO,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:26:55 44,STAR-WSU,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:29:10 34,TACC,,compute,OSG,FAIL,2006-08-21 19:30:23 19,TTU-ANTAEUS,,compute,OSG,PASS,2006-08-21 19:30:54
#VORS text interface (grid = All, VO = all, res = 217) shortname=STAR-BNL gk_port=2119 globus_loc=/opt/OSG-0.4.0/globus host_cert_exp=Feb 24 17:32:06 2007 GMT gk_config_loc=/opt/OSG-0.4.0/globus/etc/globus-gatekeeper.conf gsiftp_port=2811 grid_services= schedulers=jobmanager is of type fork jobmanager-condor is of type condor jobmanager-fork is of type fork jobmanager-mis is of type mis condor_bin_loc=/home/condor/bin mis_bin_loc=/opt/OSG-0.4.0/MIS-CI/bin mds_port=2135 vdt_version=1.3.9c vdt_loc=/opt/OSG-0.4.0 app_loc=/star/data08/OSG/APP data_loc=/star/data08/OSG/DATA tmp_loc=/star/data08/OSG/DATA wntmp_loc=: /tmp app_space=6098.816 GB data_space=6098.816 GB tmp_space=6098.816 GB extra_variables=MountPoints SAMPLE_LOCATION default /SAMPLE-path SAMPLE_SCRATCH devel /SAMPLE-path sponsor_vo=star policy=
QuickStart.pdf is for Globus version 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 .
For GRAM error codes, follow this link.
The purpose of this document is to outline common errors encountered after the installation and setup of the Globus Toolkit.
The gatekeeper is on a non-standard port
Make sure the gatekeeper is being launched by inetd or xinetd. Review the Install Guide if you do not know how to do this. Check to make sure that ordinary TCP/IP connections are possible; can you ssh to the host, or ping it? If you cannot, then you probably can't submit jobs either. Check for typos in the hostname.
Try telnetting to port 2119. If you see a "Unable to load shared library", the gatekeeper was not built statically, and does not have an appropriate LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. If that is the case, either rebuild it statically, or set the environment variable for the gatekeeper. In inetd, use /usr/bin/env to wrap the launch of the gatekeeper, or in xinetd, use the "env=" option.
Check the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/globus-gatekeeper.log if it exists. It may tell you that the private key is insecure, so it refuses to start. In that case, fix the permissions of the key to be read only by the owner.
If the gatekeeper is on a non-standard port, be sure to use a contact string of host:port.
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LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set.
If you receive this as a client, make sure to read in either $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/ (if you are using a Bourne-like shell) or $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-user-env.csh (if you are using a C-like shell)
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You are running globus-personal-gatekeeper as root, or did not run grid-proxy-init.
Don't run globus-personal-gatekeeper as root. globus-personal-gatekeeper is designed to allow an ordinary user to establish a gatekeeper using a proxy from their personal certificate. If you are root, you should setup a gatekeeper using inetd or xinetd, and using your host certificates. If you are not root, make sure to run grid-proxy-init before starting the personal gatekeeper.
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Check the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/globus-gatekeeper.log on the remote server. You will probably see something like:
Authenticated globus user: /O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=your.domain/OU=Your Name
Failure: globus_gss_assist_gridmap() failed authorization. rc =1
This indicates that your account is not in the grid-mapfile. Create the grid-mapfile in /etc/grid-security (or wherever the -gridmap flag in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-gatekeeper.conf points to) with an entry pairing your subject name to your user name. Review the Install Guide if you do not know how to do this. If you see "rc = 7", you may have bad permissions on the /etc/grid-security/. It needs to be readable so that users can see the certificates/ subdirectory.
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This indicates that the remote host has a date set greater than five minutes in the future relative to the remote host.
Try typing "date -u" on both systems at the same time to verify this. (The "-u" specifies that the time should be displayed in universal time, also known as UTC or GMT.)
Ultimately, synchronize the hosts using NTP. Otherwise, unless you are willing to set the client host date back, you will have to wait until your system believes that the remote certificate is valid. Also, be sure to check your shell environment to see if you have any time zone variables set.
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This indicates that the remote host has an expired certificate.
To double-check, you can use grid-cert-info or grid-proxy-info. Use grid-cert-info on /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem if you are dealing with a system level gatekeeper. Use grid-proxy-info if you are dealing with a personal gatekeeper.
If the host certificate has expired, use grid-cert-renew to get a renewal. If your proxy has expired, create a new one with grid-proxy-init.
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Check the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/globus-gatekeeper.log on the remote server. You will probably see something like:
Authenticated globus user: /O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=your.domain/OU=Your Name
Failure: globus_gss_assist_gridmap() failed authorization. rc =1
This indicates that your account is not in the grid-mapfile. Create the grid-mapfile in /etc/grid-security (or wherever the -gridmap flag in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-gatekeeper.conf points to) with an entry pairing your subject name to your user name. Review the Install Guide if you do not know how to do this.
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New installations will often see errors like the above where the expected target subject name has just the unqualified hostname but the target returned subject name has the fully qualified domain name (e.g. expected is "hostname" but returned is "").
This is usually becuase the client looks up the target host's IP address in /etc/hosts and only gets the simple hostname back.
The solution is to edit the /etc/hosts file so that it returns the fully qualified domain name. To do this find the line in /etc/hosts that has the target host listed and make sure it looks like:
xx.xx.xx.xx hostname
Where "xx.xx.xx.xx" should be the numeric IP address of the host and should be replaced with the actual hostname in question. The trick is to make sure the full name ( is listed before the nickname (hostname).
If this only happens with your own host, see the explanation of the failed to open stdout error, specifically about how to set the GLOBUS_HOSTNAME for your host.
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You do not have a valid proxy.
Run grid-proxy-init
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Check the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/globus-gatekeeper.log on the remote host. It probably says "remote certificate not yet valid". This indicates that the client host has a date set greater than five minutes in the future relative to the remote host.
Try typing "date -u" on both systems at the same time to verify this. (The "-u" specifies that the time should be displayed in universal time, also known as UTC or GMT.)
Ultimately, synchronize the hosts using NTP. Otherwise, unless you are willing to set the client host date back, you will have to wait until the remote server believes that your proxy is valid. Also, be sure to check your shell environment to see if you have any time zone variables set.
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Or GRAM Job submission failed because the job manager failed to open stderr (error code 74)
It is also possible that the CA that issued your Globus certificate is not trusted by your local host. Running 'grid-proxy-init -verify' should detect this situation.
Install the trusted CA for your certificate on the local system.
You submitted a job which specifies an RSL substitution which the remote jobmanager does not recognize. The most common case is using a 2.0 version of globus-job-get-output with a 1.1.x gatekeeper/jobmanager.
Currently, globus-job-get-output will not work between a 2.0 client and a 1.1.x gatekeeper. Work is in progress to ensure interoperability by the final release. In the meantime, you should be able to modify the globus-job-get-output script to use $(GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH) instead of $(GLOBUS_LOCATION).
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The 530 Login incorrect usually indicates that your account is not in the grid-mapfile, or that your shell is not in /etc/shells.
If your account is not in the grid-mapfile, make sure to get it added. If it is in the grid-mapfile, check the syslog on the machine, and you may see the /etc/shells message. If that is the case, make sure that your shell (as listed in finger or chsh) is in the list of approved shells in /etc/shells.
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This error message usually indicates that the server you are connecting to doesn't trust the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued your Globus certificate.
Or globus_gsi_callback.c:424: globus_i_gsi_callback_cred_verify: Can't get the local trusted CA certificate: Cannot find issuer certificate for local credential (error code 7)
This error message indicates that your local system doesn't trust the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate on the resource you are connecting to.
You need to ask the resource administrator which CA issued their certificate and install the CA certificate in the local trusted certificates directory.
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This error message indicates that the name in the certificate for the remote party is not legal according local signing_policy file for that CA.
Globus replica catalog was installed along with MDS/Information Services.
Do not install the replica bundle into a GLOBUS_LOCATION containing other Information Services. The Replica Catalog is also deprecated - use RLS instead.
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The FNAL_FERMIGRID site policy and some documentation can be found here:
All users with STAR VOMS proxies are mapped to a single user account ("star").
Technical note: (Quoting from an email that Steve Timm sent to Levente) " is not a simple jobmanager-condor. It is emulating the jobmanager-condor protocol and then forwarding the jobs on to whichever clusters have got free slots, 4 condor clusters and actually one pbs cluster behind it too." For instance, I noticed jobs submitted to this gatekeeper winding up at the USCMS-FNAL-WC1-CE site in MonAlisa. (What are the other sites?)
You can use SUMS to submit jobs to this site (though this feature is still in beta testing) following this example:
star-submit-beta -p dynopol/FNAL_FERMIGRID jobDesription.xml
where jobDescription.xml is the filename of your job's xml file.
condor queue is available (
If no jobmanager is specified, the job runs on the gatekeeper itself (jobmanager-fork, I’d assume)
[stargrid02] ~/> globus-job-run
/bin/cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux Fermi LTS release 4.2 (Wilson)
[stargrid02] ~/> globus-job-run /bin/cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux SL release 4.2 (Beryllium)
[stargrid02] ~/> globus-job-run /usr/bin/gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-java-awt=gtk --host=i386-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2)
There doesn't seem to be a GNU fortran compiler such as g77 on the worker nodes.
Here is an example to illustrate the difference between grid proxies and voms proxies (note that the WARNING and Error lines at the top don’t seem to preclude the use of the voms proxy – the fact is that I don’t know why those appear or what practical implications there are from the underlying cause – I hope to update this info as I learn more):
[stargrid02] ~/> voms-proxy-info -all[stargrid02] ~/> grid-proxy-info -all
In order to obtain the proxy, the VOMS server for the requested VO must be contacted (with the potential drawback that it introduces a dependency on a working VOMS server that doesn’t exist with a simple grid cert. It is worth further noting that either a VOMS or GUMS server (I should investigate this) will also be contacted by VOMS-aware gatekeepers to authenticate the users at job submission time, behind the scenes. One goal (or consequence at least) of this sort of usage is to eliminate static grid-map-files.)
Something else to note (and investigate): the voms-proxy doesn’t necessarily last as long as the basic grid cert proxy – the voms part can apparently expire independent of the grid-proxy. Consider this example, in which the two expiration times are different:
[stargrid02] ~/> voms-proxy-info -all
(Question: What determines the duration of the voms-proxy extension - the VOMS server or the user/client?)
Technical note 1: on stargrid02, the “vomses” file, which lists the URL for VOMS servers, was not in a default location used by voms-proxy-init, and thus it was not actually working (basically, it worked just like grid-proxy-init). I have put an existing vomses file in /opt/OSG-0.4.1/voms/etc and it seems content to use it.
Technical note 2: neither stargrid03’s VDT installation nor the WNC stack on the rcas nodes has VOMS tools. I’m guessing that the VDT stack is too old on stargrid03 and that voms-proxy tools are missing on the worker nodes because that functionality isn't really needed on a worker node.
LSF job manager code below is from globus 2.4.3.
The steps:
login to stargrid01
Check that your ssh public key is in $home/.ssh/, if not put it there.
Select the base image you wish to modify. You will find the name of the image you are currently using for your cluster by looking inside:
/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/samples/[cluster discretions].xml
Open up this file you will find a structure that looks something like the one below. There are two <workspace> blocks one for the gatekeeper and one for the worker nodes. The name of the image for the worker node is in the second block in-between the <image> tags. So for the example below the name would be osgworker-012.
<nic interface=”eth1”>private</nic>
To make a modification to the image we have to mount/deploy that image. Once we know the name, simply type:
./bin/ --run --name [image name] --hours 50
Where [image name] is the name we found in step 3. This image will be up for 50 hours. You will have to save the image before you run out of time, else all of your changes will be lost.
The output of this command will look something like:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/> ./bin/ --run --name osgworker-012 --hours 50
(Overriding old GLOBUS_LOCATION '/opt/OSG-0.8.0-client/globus')
(New GLOBUS_LOCATION: '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/lib/globus')
SSH public keyfile contained tilde:
- '~/.ssh/' --> '/star/u/lbhajdu/.ssh/'
Launching workspace.
Workspace Factory Service:
Creating workspace "vm-003"... done.
IP address:
Start time: Tue Jan 13 13:59:04 EST 2009
Shutdown time: Thu Jan 15 15:59:04 EST 2009
Termination time: Thu Jan 15 16:09:04 EST 2009
Waiting for updates.
"vm-003" reached target state: Running
Running: 'vm-003'
It will take some time for the command to finish, usually a few minutes. Make sure you do not loose the output for this command. Inside the output there are two pieces of information you must note. They are the hostname and the handle. In this example the hostname is and the handle is vm-003.
Next log on to the host using the host name from step 4. Note that your ssh public key will be copied to the /root/.ssh/ To log on type:
ssh root@[hostname]
Next make the change(s) to the image, you wish to make (this step is up to you).
To save the changes you will need the handle from step 2. And you will need to pick a name for the new image. Run this command:
./bin/ --save --handle [handle name] --newname [new image name]
Where [handle name] is replaced with the name of the handle and [new image name] is replaced with the new image’s name. If you do not use the name option you will overwrite your image. Here is an example with the values from above.
./bin/ --save --handle vm-003 --newname starworker-sl08f
The output will look something like this:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/> ./bin/ --save --handle vm-004 --newname starworker-sl08e
(Overriding old GLOBUS_LOCATION '/opt/OSG-0.8.0-client/globus')
(New GLOBUS_LOCATION: '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/lib/globus')
Saving workspace.
- Workspace handle (EPR): '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/history/vm-004/vw-epr.xml'
- New name: 'starworker-sl08e'
Waiting for updates.
"Workspace #919": TransportReady, calling destroy for you.
"Workspace #919" was terminated.
This is an optional step, because the images can be several GB big you may want to delete the old image with this command:
./bin/ --delete --name [old image name]
This is what it would look like:
(Overriding old GLOBUS_LOCATION '/opt/OSG-0.8.0-client/globus')
(New GLOBUS_LOCATION: '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/lib/globus')
Deleting: gsi
To start up a cluster with the new image you will need to modify one of the:
/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-010/samples/[cluster discretion].xml
file inside the <workspace> block of the worker node replace <image> with the name of your own image from step 7. You can also set the number of worker node images you wish to bring up by setting the number in the <quantity> tag.
Note: Be careful remember there are usually at least two <workspace> blocks in each xml fie.
Next just bring up the cluster like any other VM cluster. (See my Drupal documentation)
These links describe how to do bulk file transfers from RCF to PDSF.
I suggest creating your own subdirectory ~/hrm_g1 similar to ~hjort/hrm_g1. Then copy from my directory to yours the following files:
Catalog.xml (coordinate permissions w/me)
Substitute your username for “hjort” in these files and then start the HRM by doing “source hrm”. Note that you need to run in redhat8 and your .chos file is ignored on grid nodes so you need to chos to redhat8 manually. If successful you should see the following 5 tasks running:
pdsfgrid1 149% ps -u hjort
8395 pts/1 00:00:00 nameserv
8399 pts/1 00:00:00 trm.linux
8411 pts/1 00:00:00 drmServer.linux
8461 pts/1 00:00:00 rrs.linux
8591 pts/1 00:00:00 java
pdsfgrid1 150%
Note that the “hrm” script doesn’t always work depending on the state things are in but it should always work if the 5 tasks shown above are all killed first.
I suggest creating your own subdirectory ~/hrm_grid similar to ~hjort/hrm_grid. Then copy from my directory to yours the following files:
drmServer.linux (create the link)
trm.linux (create the link)
Substitute your username for “hjort” in these files and then start the HRM by doing “source hrm”. If successful you should see the following 3 tasks running:
[stargrid03] ~/hrm_grid/> ps -u hjort
13608 pts/1 00:00:00 nameserv
13611 pts/1 00:00:00 trm.linux
13622 pts/1 00:00:01 drmServer.linux
[stargrid03] ~/hrm_grid/>
Scalability Issue Troubleshooting at EC2
Running jobs at EC2 show some scalability issues with grater then 20-50 jobs submitted at once. The pathology can only be seen once the jobs have completed there run cycle, that is to say, after the jobs copy back the files they have produced and the local batch system reports the job as having finished. The symptoms are as follows:
No stdout from the job as defined in the .condorg file as “output=” comes back. No stderror from the job as defined in the .condorg file as “error=” comes back.
It should be noted that the std output/error can be recovered from the gate keeper at EC2 by scp'ing it back. The std output/error resides in:
/home/torqueuser/.globus/job/[gk name]/*/stdout
/home/torqueuser/.globus/job/[gk name]/*/stderr
The command would be:
scp -r root@[gk name]:/home/torqueuser/.globus/job /star/data08/users/lbhajdu/vmtest/io/
Jobs are still reported as running under condor_q on the submitting end long after they have finished, and the batch system on the other end reports them is finished.
Below is a standard sample condor_g file from a job:
[stargrid01] /<1>data08/users/lbhajdu/vmtest/> cat globusscheduler=
output =/star/data08/users/starreco/prodlog/P08ie/log/C3A7967022377B3E5F2DCCE2C60CB79D_998.log
error =/star/data08/users/starreco/prodlog/P08ie/log/C3A7967022377B3E5F2DCCE2C60CB79D_998.err
log =schedC3A7967022377B3E5F2DCCE2C60CB79D_998.condorg.log
transfer_executable= true
notification =never
universe =globus
stream_output =false
stream_error =false
The job parameters:
Work flow:
Copy in event generator configuration
Run raw event generator
Copy back raw event file (*.fzd)
Run reconstruction on raw events
Copy back reconstructed files(*.root)
Clean Up
Work flow processes : globus-url-copy -> pythia -> globus-url-copy -> root4star -> globus-url-copy
Note: Some low runtime processes not shown
Run time:
23 hours@1000 eventes
1 hour@10-100 events
15M rcf1504_*_1000evts.fzd
18M rcf1504_*_1000evts.geant.root
400K rcf1504_*_1000evts.hist.root
1.3M rcf1504_*_1000evts.minimc.root
3.7M rcf1504_*_1000evts.MuDst.root
60K rcf1504_*_1000evts.tags.root
14MB stdoutput log, later changed to 5KB by piping output to file and copying back via globus-url-copy.
Jobs submitted form:
Output copied back to:
STD redirect copied back to:
The tests:
We first tested 100nodes. Whit 14MB of text going to stdoutput. Failed with symptoms above.
Next test was with 10nodes. With 14MB of text going to stdoutput. This worked without any problems.
Next test was 20 nodes. With 14MB of text going to stdoutput. This worked without any problems.
Next test was 40 nodes. With 14MB of text going to stdoutput. Failed with symptoms above.
Next we redirected “>” the output of the event generator and the reconstruction to a file and copied this file back directly with globus-url-copy after the job was finished. We tested again with 40 nodes. The std out now is only 15K. This time it worked without any problems. (Was this just coincidence?)
Next we tried with 75 nodes and the redirected output trick. This failed with symptoms above.
Next we tried with 50 nodes. This failed with symptoms above.
We have consulted Alain Roy who has advised an upgrade of globus and condor-g. He says the upgrade of condor-g is most likely to help. Tim has upgraded the image with the latest version of globus and I will be submitting from stargrid05 which has a newer condor-g version. The software versions are listed here:
Condor/Condor-G 6.8.8
Globus Toolkit, pre web-services, client 4.0.5
Globus Toolkit, web-services, client 4.0.5
$CondorVersion: 7.0.5 Sep 20 2008 BuildID: 105846
Globus Toolkit, pre web-services, client 4.0.7
Globus Toolkit, pre web-services, server 4.0.7
We have tested on a five node cluster (1 head node, 4 works) and discovered a problem with stargrid05. Jobs do not get transfered over to the submitting side. The RCF has been contacted we know this is on our side. It was decided we should not submit until we can try from stargrid05.
The following is an independently developed grid efficiency framework that will be consolidated with Lidia’s framework.
The point of this work is to be able to add wrappers around the job that will report back key parameters about the job such as the time it started and the time it stopped the type of node it ran on, if it was successful and so on. These commands execute and return back strings in the jobs output stream. These can be parsed by an executable (I call it the job scanner) that extracts the parameters and writes them into a database. Later other programs use this data to produce web pages, and plots out of any parameter we have recorded.
The image attached shows the relation between elements in my database and commands in my CSH. The commands in my CSH script will be integrated into SUMS soon. This will make it possible for any framework to parse out these parameters.
The steps:
1) login to stargrid01
2) Check that your ssh public key is at $home/.ssh/ This will be the key the client package copies to the gatekeeper and client nodes under the root account allowing local password free login as root, which you will need to install grid host certs.
a. Note the file name location must be as defined exactly as above or you must modify the path and name in the client configuration at ./workspace-cloud-client-009/conf/ (more on this later).
b. If your using a Putty generated ssh public key it will not work directly. You can simply edit it with a text editor to get it in to this format. Below is an example of the right format A and the wrong format B. If it has multiple lines then it is the wrong format.
Right format A:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAySIkeTLsijvh1U01ass8XvfkBGocUePTkuG2F8TwRilq1gIcuTP5jBFSCF0eYXOpfNcgkujIsRj/+xS1QqM7c5Fs0hrRyLzyxgZrCKeXojVUFYfg9QuokqoY2ymgjxAdwNABKXI2IKMvM0UGBtmxphCuxUSUpMzNfmWk9H4HIrE= |
Wrong format B:
---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- Comment: "imported-openssh-key" AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAySIkeTLsijvh1U01ass8XvfkBGocUePTkuG2 F8TwRilq1gIcuTP5jBFSCF0eYXOpfNcgkujIsRj/+xS1QqM7c5Fs0hrRyLzyxgZr CKeXojVUFYfg9QuokqoY2ymgjxAdwNABKXI2IKMvM0UGBtmxphCuxUSUpMzNfmWk 9H4HIrE= ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- |
3) Get the grid client. By copying the folder /star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009 to your area. It is recommended you execute your commands from inside the workspace-cloud-client-009. The manual describes all commands and paths relative to this directory, I will do the same.
a. This grid client is almost the same as the one you download from globus except it has the ./samples/star1.xml, which is configured to load STAR’s custom image.
4) cp to the workspace-cloud-client-009 and type:
./bin/ -hours 100 |
The output should look like this:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/> ./bin/ (Overriding old GLOBUS_LOCATION '/opt/OSG-0.8.0-client/globus') (New GLOBUS_LOCATION: '/star/u/lbhajdu/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/lib/globus') Your identity: DC=org,DC=doegrids,OU=People,CN=Levente B. Hajdu 105387 Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity: Creating proxy, please wait... Proxy verify OK Your proxy is valid until Fri Aug 01 06:19:48 EDT 2008 |
/* Style Definitions */
{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";
mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;
font-family:"Times New Roman";
5.) To start the cluster type:
./bin/ --run --hours 1 --cluster samples/star1.xml |
Two very important things you will want to make a note of from this output are the cluster handle (usually looks something like “cluster-025”) and the gatekeeper name. It will take about 10minutes to lunch this cluster. The cluster will have one gatekeeper and one worker node. The max life time of the cluster is set in the command line arguments, more parameters are in the xml file (you will want to check with Tim before changing these).
If the command hangs up really quickly (about a minute) and says something like “terminating cluster”, this usually means that you do not have a sufficient number of slots to run.It should look something like this:
[stargrid01] ~/ec2/workspace-cloud-client-009/> ./bin/ --run --hours 1 --cluster samples/star1.xml
5) But hold on you can’t submit yet even thought the grid map file has our DNs in it, the gatekeeper is not trusted. We will need to install an OSG host cert on the other side. Not just anybody can do this. Doug and Leve can do this at least (and I am assuming Wayne). Open up another terminal and logon into the newly instantiated gatekeeper as root. Example here:
[lbhajdu@rssh03 ~]$ ssh The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is e3:a4:74:87:9e:69:c4:44:93:0c:f1:c8:54:e3:e3:3f. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Last login: Fri Mar 7 13:08:57 2008 from |
6) Create a .globus directory:
[root@tp-x009 ~]# mkdir .globus |
7) Go back to the stargrid node and copy over your grid cert and key:
[stargrid01] ~/.globus/> scp usercert.pem [stargrid01] ~/.globus/> scp userkey.pem |
8) Move over to /etc/grid-security/ on the gate keeper:
cd /etc/grid-security/ |
9) Create a host cert here:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# cert-gridadmin -host '' -email -affiliation osg -vo star -prefix tp-x009
10) Change right on the credentialed:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# chmod 644 tp-x009cert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# chmod 600 tp-x009key.pem |
11) Delete the old host credentialed:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# rm hostcert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# rm hostkey.pem |
12) Rename the credentials:
[root@tp-x009 grid-security]# mv tp-x009cert.pem hostcert.pem [root@tp-x009 grid-security]# mv tp-x009key.pem hostkey.pem |
13) Check grid functionality back on stargrid01
[stargrid01] ~/admin_cert/> globus-job-run /bin/date Thu Jul 31 18:23:55 CDT 2008 |
14) Do your grid work
15) When its time for the cluster to go down (if there is unused time remaining) run the below command. Note that you will need the cluster handle from the command used to bring up the cluster.
./bin/ --terminate --handle cluster-025 |
If there are problems:
If there are problems try this web page:
If there are still problems try this mailing list:
If there are still problems contact Tim Freeman (tfreeman at
>Thanks for the -dbg+TCP logs! I posted them in a new ticket at
>The response from the GridFTP team, posted there, is:
>What this report shows me is that the client (globus-url-copy) successfully forms a TCP control channel connection with the server. It then successfully reads the 220 Banner message from the server. The client then attempts to authenicate with the server. It sends the AUTH GSSAPI command and posts a read for a response. It is this second read that times out.
>From what i see here the both sides believe the TCP connection is formed successfully, enough so that at least 1 message is sent from the server to the client (220 banner) and possibly 1 from the client to the server (AUTH GSSAPI, since we dont have server logs we cannot confirm the server actually received it).
>I think the next step should be looking at the gssapi authentication logs on the gridftp server side to see what commands were actually received and what replies sent. I think debugging at the TCP layer may be premature and may be introducing some red herrings.
>To get the desired logs sent the env
>export GLOBUS_XIO_GSSAPI_FTP_DEBUG=255,filename
>So, is it possible to get this set in the env of the server you're
using, trigger the problem, then send the resulting gridftp.log?
I have done that and a sample log file (including log_level ALL) is attached as "gridftp-auth.xio_gssapi_ftp_debug.log" This log file covers a sample test of 11 transfers in which 1 failed.
[Long ago,] Eric Hjort did some testing with 1 second delays between successive
connections and found no failures. In recent limited testing with shorter
delays, it appears that there is a threshhold at about 0.1 sec. With delays longer than 0.1 sec, I've not seen any failures of this sort.
I installed the OSG-0.6.0 client package on, which is between the RACF and BNL firewalls. It also experiences failures when connecting to stargrid02 (inside the RACF firewall).
We've made additional tests with different server and client systems and collected additional firewall logs and tcpdumps. For instance, using the g-u-c client on (inside both the RACF and BNL perimeter firewalls) and a gsiftp server on (outside both firewalls) we see failures that appear to be the same. I have attached firewall logs from both the RACF firewall ("RACF_fw_logs.txt") and the BNL firewall ("BNL_perimeter_fw_logs.txt") for a test with 4 failures out of 50 transfers (using a small 2.5 KB file). Neither log shows anything out of the ordinary, with each expected connection showing up as permitted. Tcpdumps from the client and server are also attached ("stargrid01-client.pcap" and "netmon-server.pcap" respectively). They show a similar behaviour as in the previous dumps from NERSC and stargrid02, in which the failed connections appear to break immediately, with the client's first ACK packet somehow not quite being "understood" by the server.
RACF and ITD networking personnel have looked into this a bit. To
make a long story short, their best guess is "kernel bug,
probably a race condition". This is a highly speculative guess, with
no hard evidence. The fact that the problem has only been noticed when
crossing firewalls at BNL casts doubt on this. For instance, using a
client on a NERSC host connecting to netmon, I've seen no failures, and I need to make this clear to them. Based on tests with other clients (eg. and servers (eg., there is additional evidence that the problem only occurs when crossing firewalls at BNL, but I would like to quantify this, rather than relying on ad hoc testing by hand, with the hope of removing any significant possibility of statistical flukes in the test results so far.
In testing this week, I have focused on eliminating a couple of suspects. First, I replaced gsiftpd with a telnetd on The telnetd was setup to run under xinetd using port 2811 -- thus very similar to a stock gsiftp service (and conveniently punched through the various firewalls). Testing this with connections from PDSF quickly turned up the same sort of broken connections as with gsiftp. This seems to exonerate the globus/VDT/OSG software stack, though it doesn't rule out the possiblity of a bug in a shared library that is used by the gsiftp server.
By building xinetd from the latest source (v 2.3.14, released Oct. 24, 2005) and replacing the executable from the stock Red Hat RPM on stargrid02 (with prior testing on stargrid03), the connection problems disappeared. (minor note: I built it with the libwrap and loadavg options compiled in, as I think Red Hat does.)
For the record, here is some version information for the servers used in various testing to date:
stargrid02 and stargrid03 are identical as far as relevant software versions:
Linux 2.4.21-47.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 5 20:38:41 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)
xinetd-2.3.12-6.3E.2 (the most recent update from Red Hat for this package for RHEL 3. Confusingly enough, the CHANGELOG for this package indicates it is version 2:2.3.***13***-6.3E.2 (not 2.3.***12***))
Replacing this with xinetd-2.3.14 built from source has apparently fixed the problem on this node. (between the RACF and BNL firewalls):
Linux 2.4.21-47.0.1.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 13 17:56:20 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)
xinetd-2.3.12-6.3E.2 (outside the firewalls at BNL):
Linux 2.6.9-42.0.8.ELsmp #1 SMP Tue Jan 23 13:01:26 EST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
xinetd-2.3.13-4.4E.1 (the most recent update from Red Hat for this package in RHEL 4.)
If you want to run the GridCat Python client, there is a problem on some nodes at BNL related to BNL's proxy settings. Here are some notes that may help.
First, you'll need to get the Python script itself and put it somewhere that you can access. Here is the URL I used to get it, though apparently others exist:
(I used wget on the node on which I planned to run it, you may get it any way that works.)
Now, the trick at BNL is to get the proxy set correctly. Even though nodes like have a default "http_proxy" environment variable, it seems that Python's httplib doesn't parse it correctly and thus it fails. But it is easy enough to override as needed.
For example, here is one way in a bash shell:
[root@stargrid02 root]# http_proxy=; python --directories STAR-WSU
griddir /data/r23b/grid
appdir /data/r20g/apps
datadir /data/r20g/data
tmpdir /data/r20g/tmp
wntmpdir /tmp
Similarly in a tcsh shell:
[stargrid02] ~/> env http_proxy= python /tmp/ --gsiftpstatus STAR-BNL
gsiftp_in Pass
gsiftp_out Pass
Doug's email of November 3, 2005 contained a more detailed shell script (that requires to query lots of information:
You could add the proxy modification into that script, presumably as a local variable.
This page will be used for general information about our grid Infrastructure, news, upgrade stories, patches to the software stack, network configuration and studies etc ... Some documents containing local information are however protected.
External links
If you do NOT have a grid certificate yet or need to renew your certificate, you need to either request a certificate or request a renewal. Instructions are available as:
Having a CERT is the first step. You now need to be part of a Virtual Organization (VO).
STAR used VOMRS during PPDG time and switched to VOMS at OSG time to maintained its VO user's certificates.
Only VOMS is currentely maintained. A VO is used as a centralized repository of user based information so all sites on the grid could be updated on addition (or removal) of identifications. VOMS service and Web interface are maintained by the RACF.
This page will anchor various OSG-related collaborative efforts.
$ENV{"SGE_ROOT"} = $SGE_ROOT;and add the line
system("$qdel $job_id > /dev/null 2 > /dev/null");and replace for the following block
$ENV{"SGE_ROOT"} = $SGE_ROOT; $ENV{"SGE_CELL"} = $SGE_CELL; $job_id =~ /(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)/; $job_id = $1; system("$qdel $job_id > /dev/null 2 > /dev/null");
##### # Where to write output and error? # if(($description->jobtype() eq "single") && ($description->count() > 1)) { ##### # It's a single job and we use job arrays # $sge_job_script->print("#\$ -o " . $description->stdout() . ".\$TASK_ID\n"); $sge_job_script->print("#\$ -e " . $description->stderr() . ".\$TASK_ID\n"); } else { # [dwm] Don't use real output paths; copy the output there later. # Globus doesn't seem to handle streaming of the output # properly and can result in the output being lost. # FIXME: We would prefer continuous streaming. Try to determine # precisely what's failing so that we can fix the problem. # See Globus bug #1288. $sge_job_script->print("#\$ -o " . $description->stdout() . ".real\n"); $sge_job_script->print("#\$ -e " . $description->stderr() . ".real\n"); }and then again at line 659:
if(($description->jobtype() eq "single") && ($description->count() > 1)) ##### # Jobtype is single and count>1. Therefore, we used job arrays. We # need to merge individual output/error files into one. # { # [dwm] Use append, not overwrite to work around file streaming issues. system ("$cat $job_out.* >> $job_out"); system ("$cat $job_err.* >> $job_err"); } else { # [dwm] We still need to append the job output to the GASS cache file. # We can't let SGE do this directly because it appears to # *overwrite* the file, not append to it -- which the Globus # file streaming components don't seem to handle properly. # So append the output manually now. system("$cat $job_out.real >> $job_out"); }
# So append the output manually now. system("$cat $job_out.real >> $job_out"); }it should read:
# So append the output manually now. system("$cat $job_out.real >> $job_out"); system("$cat $job_err.real >> $job_err"); }
$ENV{"SGE_ROOT"} = $SGE_ROOT; if ( -r "$ENV{HOME}/.chos" ){ $chos=`cat $ENV{HOME}/.chos`; $chos=~s/\n.*//; $ENV{CHOS}=$chos; }
for VDT 1.3.9 (which is what I got with OSG 0.4.0) in the OSG/VDT directory, do:
pacman -get
This nominally makes your VDT installation 1.3.9c, though it didn't update my file accordingly -- it still says 1.3.9b
for VDT 1.3.10, similar installation should work:
pacman -get
<!--- 9 STAR ---!>
<groupMapping name='star' accountingVo='star' accountingDesc='STAR'>
<userGroup className=''
sslKey='/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem' ignoreFQAN="true"/>
<accountMapping className=''
groupName='osg-star' /> </groupMapping>
This page will provide information specific to the STAR Grid sites.
This page was last updated on May 17, 2016.
The nodes for STAR's grid-related activities at BNL are as follows:
Color coding
Grid Machine | Usage | Notes | Hardware Make and Model | OS version, default gcc version |
Hardware arrangement | OSG base | Condor |
stargrid01 | FROM BNL, submit grid jobs from this node | Dell PowerEdge 2950 dual quad-core Xeon E5440 (2.83 GHz/ 1.333 GHz FSB), 16 GB RAM |
RHEL Client 5.11, gcc 4.3.2 |
6 x 1TB SATA2: 1GB /boot (/dev/md0) is RAID 1 across all six drives There are 3 RAID 1 arrays using pairs of disks (eg. /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 are one array). The various local mount points and swap space are logical volumes scattered across these RAIDed pairs. There are 2.68 TB of unassigned space in the current configuration. |
OSG 3.2.25 Client software stack for job submission | 8.2.8-1.4 (part of OSG install -- only for grid submission, not part of RACF condor) | |
stargrid02 | file transfer (gridftp) server | Attention: on stargrid02, the mappings *formerly* were all grid mappings (i.e. to VO group accounts: osgstar, engage, ligo, etc...) On May 17, 2016, this was changed to map STAR VO users to individual user accounts (matching the behaviour of stargrid03 and stargrid04). This behavior may be changed back. (TBD) Former STAR-BNL site gatekeeper |
Dell PowerEdge 2950 dual quad-core Xeon E5440 (2.83 GHz/ 1.333 GHz FSB), 16 GB RAM |
RHEL Client 5.11, gcc 4.3.2 |
6 x 1TB SATA2: Configured the same as stargrid01 above NIC 2 x 1Gb/s (one in use for RACF IPMI/remote administration on private network) |
OSG CE 3.1.23 |
7.6.10 (RCF RPM), NON-FUNCTIONAL (non-working configuration) |
stargrid03 | file transfer (gridftp) server | To transfer using STAR individual user mappings, please use this node or stargrid04 | Dell PowerEdge 2950 dual quad-core Xeon E5440 (2.83 GHz/ 1.333 GHz FSB), 16 GB RAM |
RHEL Client 5.11, gcc 4.3.2 |
6 x 1TB SATA2: Configured the same as stargrid01 above NIC 2 x 1Gb/s (one in use for RACF IPMI/remote administration on private network) |
OSG CE 3.1.18 | 7.6.10 (RCF RPM), NON-FUNCTIONAL (non-working configuration) |
stargrid04 | file transfer (gridftp) server | To transfer using STAR individual user mappings, please use this node or stargrid03 | Dell PowerEdge 2950 dual quad-core Xeon E5440 (2.83 GHz/ 1.333 GHz FSB), 16 GB RAM |
RHEL Client 5.11, gcc 4.3.2 |
6 x 1TB SATA2: Configured the same as stargrid01 above NIC 2 x 1Gb/s (one in use for RACF IPMI/remote administration on private network) |
OSG CE 3.1.23 | 7.6.10 (RCF RPM), NON-FUNCTIONAL (non-working configuration) |
stargrid0[234] are using the VDT-supplied gums client (version 1.2.16).
stargrid02 has a local hack in to adjust the condor parameters for STAR users with local accounts.
All nodes have GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=20000,30000 and matching firewall conduits for Globus and other dynamic grid service ports.
MIT’s CMS Analysis Facility is a large Tier-2 computing center built for CMS user analyses. We’re looking into the viability of using it for STAR computing.
First things first. I went to and applied for a local account. The welcome message contained a link to the CMSAF User Guide found on this TWiki page.
AFS isn’t available on CMSAF, so I started a local tree at /osg/app/star/afs_rhic and began to copy over stuff. Here’s a list of what I copied so far (nodes are running SL 4.4):
ROOT 5.12.00
SL07e (sl44_gcc346 only)
I copied these precompiled libraries over instead of building them myself because of a tricky problem with the interactive nodes’ configuration. The main gateway node is a 64-bit machine, so regular attempts at compilation produce 64-bit libraries that we can’t use. CMSAF has a node reserved for 32-bit builds, but it’s running SL 3.0.5. We’re still working on a proper resolution of that problem. Perhaps we can force cons to do 32-bit compilations.
The environment scripts are working, although I had to add more hacks than I thought were necessary. I only changed the following files:
It doesn’t seem possible to change the default login shell (chsh and ypchsh both fail), so when you login you need to type “tcsh” to get a working STAR environment (after copying my .login and .cshrc to your home directory, of course).
Basic interactive tests look good, and I’ve got a SUMS configuration that will do local job submissions to the Condor system (that’s a topic for another post). DB calls use the MIT database mirror. I think that’s all for now.
I deployed a private build of SUMS (roughly 1.8.10) on CMSAF and made the following changes to globalConfig.xml to get local job submission working:
In the Queue List
In the Policy List
Now for the Dispatcher
And finally, here's the site configuration block
MIT has a local slave connected to the STAR master database server. A dbServers.xml with the following content will allow you to connect to it:
<server> star1 </server>
<host> </host>
<port> 3316 </port>
<socket> /tmp/mysql.3316.sock </socket>
For more information on selecting database mirrors please visit this page. You can also view a heartbeat of all the STAR database slaves here. Finally, if you're interested in setting up your own database slave, Michael DePhillips has put some preliminary instructions on the
In order to facilitate the submission of jobs, all requests for the Tier2 must contain the following information. Note that, because we cannot maintain stardev on Tier2, all jobs must be run from a tagged release. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the requested job runs from a tagged release, with any necessary updates from CVS made explicit.
1. Tagged release of the STAR environment from which the job will be run, e.g. SL08a.
2. Link to all custom macros and/or kumacs.
3. Link to pams/ and StRoot/ directories containing any custom code, including all necessary CVS updates of the tagged release.
5. List of commands to be executed, i.e. the contents of the <job></job> in your submission XML.
One is also free to include a custom log4j.xml, but this is not necessary.
Production Name |
STAR Library |
Species | Subprocesses |
PYTHIA Library |
Geometry |
Notes |
mit0000 |
SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter |
"trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" |
y2006c | CKIN(3) = 4, CKIN(4) = 5 |
mit0001 |
SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter |
"trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" |
y2006c | CKIN(3) = 5, CKIN(4) = 7 |
mit0002 | SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter | "trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006c | CKIN(3) = 7, CKIN(4) = 9 |
mit0003 | SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter | "trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006c | CKIN(3) = 9, CKIN(4) = 11 |
mit0004 | SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter | "trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006c | CKIN(3) = 11, CKIN(4) = 15 |
mit0005 | SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter | "trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006c | CKIN(3) = 15, CKIN(4) = 25 |
mit0006 | SL08a | pp200 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410PionFilter | "trs fss y2006c Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006c | CKIN(3) = 25, CKIN(4) = 35 |
Production Name |
STAR Library |
Species | Subprocesses | PYTHIA Library | BFC | Geometry | Notes |
mit0007 | SL08a | pp500 | W | pythia6_410 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=10, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0008 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6_410 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 |
CKIN(3)=20, CKIN(4)=30, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0009 | SL08a | pp500 | W | pythia6410FGTFilter | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=10, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit00010 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilter | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=20, CKIN(4)=30, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0011 |
SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilterV2 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=5, CKIN(4)=10, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0012 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilter | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=10, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0013 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilterV2 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=15, CKIN(4)=20, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0014 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilterV2 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=20, CKIN(4)=30, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0015 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilterV2 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=30, CKIN(4)=50, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
mit0016 | SL08a | pp500 | QCD 2->2 | pythia6410FGTFilterV2 | "trs -ssd upgr13 Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine" | upgr13 | CKIN(3)=50, Custom BFC, vertex(0.1,-0.2,-60), beamLine matched |
Production Name | STAR Library | Species | Subprocess | PYTHIA Library | BFC | Geometry | Notessuffix |
mit0019 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=2, CKIN(4)=3, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0020 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=3, CKIN(4)=4, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0021 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=4, CKIN(4)=6, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0022 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=6, CKIN(4)=9, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0023 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=9, CKIN(4)=15, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0024 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=15, CKIN(4)=25, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0025 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=25, CKIN(4)=35, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0026 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=2, CKIN(4)=3, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0027 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=3, CKIN(4)=4, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0028 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=4, CKIN(4)=6, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0029 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=6, CKIN(4)=9, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0030 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=9, CKIN(4)=15, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0031 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=15, CKIN(4)=25, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0032 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=25, CKIN(4)=35, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0033 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410BemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=35, CKIN(4)=65, StGammaFilterMaker |
Production Name | STAR Library | Species | Subprocess | PYTHIA Library | BFC | Geometry | Notessuffix |
mit0034 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=2, CKIN(4)=3, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0035 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=3, CKIN(4)=4, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0036 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=4, CKIN(4)=6, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0037 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=6, CKIN(4)=9, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0038 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=9, CKIN(4)=15, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0039 | SL08c | pp200 | Prompt Photon | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=15, CKIN(4)=25, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0040 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=2, CKIN(4)=3, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0041 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=3, CKIN(4)=4, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0042 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=4, CKIN(4)=6, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0043 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=6, CKIN(4)=9, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0044 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=9, CKIN(4)=15, StGammaFilterMaker |
mit0045 | SL08c | pp200 | QCD | p6410EemcGammaFilter | "trs fss y2006g Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20050727" | y2006g | CKIN(3)=15, CKIN(4)=25, StGammaFilterMaker |
In order of decreasing importance:
I went through the list of required packages in /afs/ and figured out which ones were installed by default in an Intel OS X 10.4.8 client. Here's what I found:
I was able to find nearly all of the missing packages in the unstable branch for Fink (Intel machine). I wouldn't worry about the "unstable" moniker; as long as you don't do a blind update-all it's certainly possible to stick to a solid config, and there are several packages on the list that are only available in unstable (only because they haven't yet gotten the votes to move them over to stable). I've gone ahead and installed some of the missing packages in a fresh Fink installation and will serve it up over NFS at /Volumes/ (with a power_macintosh_gcc401 to match, although a more consistent $STAR_HOST_SYS would probably have been osx48_ppc_gcc401).
Here's a summary table of the packages installed in $OPTSTAR for the two OS X architectures at MIT. Note that many of these packages have additional dependencies, so the full list of installed packages on each system (attached at the bottom of the page) is actually much longer.
package | version |
Fortran compiler | gfortran 4.2 (i386), g77 3.4.3 (ppc) |
libpng | 1.2.12 |
mysql | 5.0.16-1002 (5.0.27 will break!) |
dejagnu | skipped |
texinfo | 4.8 |
findutils | 4.2.20 |
fileutils | 5.96 |
qt-x11 | 3.3.7 |
slang | 1.4.9 |
doxygen | 1.4.6 |
lynx | 2.8.5 |
ImageMagick | 6.2.8 |
nedit | 5.5 |
astyle | 1.15.3 (ppc only) |
unixodbc | 2.2.11 |
myodbc | not available (2.50.39, if we want it) |
libxml | 2.6.26 |
I also looked for required perlmods in Fink. I stuck with the default Perl 5.86, so the modules that say e.g. pm588 required I did not install. I found that some of the modules are already part of core. If the older ones hosted by STAR are still needed, let me know. Virtual package means that it came with the OS already:
perlmod | version |
Compress-Zlib | virtual package |
DateManip | 5.42a |
DBI | 1.53 |
DBD-mysql | 3.0008 |
Digest-MD5 | core module |
HTML-Parser | virtual package |
HTML-Tagset | 3.10 |
libnet | not available |
libwww-perl | 5.805 |
LWPng-alpha | not available |
MD5 | not available |
MIME-Base64 | 3.05 |
Proc-ProcessTable | 0.39-cvs20040222-sf77 |
Statistics-Descriptive | 2.6 |
Storable | core module |
Time-HiRes | core module |
URI | virtual package |
XML-NamespaceSupport | 1.08 |
XML-SAX | 0.14 |
XML-Simple | 2.16 |
There were some additional perlmods that install_perlmods listed as "Linux only" but Fink offered to install:
perlmod | version |
GD | 2.30 |
perlindex | not available |
Pod-Escapes | 1.04 |
Pod-Simple | 3.04 |
Tk | 804.026 |
Tk-HistEntry | not available |
Tk-Pod | not available |
The default makePythia6.macosx won't work out of the box for 10.4, since it requires g77. Here's what I did to get the libraries built for Pythia 5:
$ gfortran -c jetset74.f $ gfortran -c pythia5707.f $ echo 'void MAIN__() {}' > main.c $ gcc -c main.c $ gcc -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -single_module -undefined dynamic_lookup -install_name $OPTSTAR/lib/libPythia.dylib -o libPythia.dylib *.o $ sudo cp libPythia.dylib $OPTSTAR/lib/.
and for Pythia 6: $ export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 $ gfortran -c pythia6319.f In file pythia6319.f:50551 IF (AAMAX.EQ.0D0) PAUSE 'SINGULAR MATRIX IN PYLDCM' 1 Warning: Obsolete: PAUSE statement at (1) $ gfortran -fno-second-underscore -c tpythia6_called_from_cc.F $ echo 'void MAIN__() {}' > main.c $ gcc -c main.c $ gcc -c pythia6_common_address.c $ gcc -dynamiclib -flat_namespace -single_module -undefined dynamic_lookup -install_name $OPTSTAR/lib/libPythia6.dylib -o libPythia6.dylib main.o tpythia6_called_from_cc.o pythia6*.o $ ln -s libPythia6.dylib $ sudo cp libPythia6.* $OPTSTAR/lib/.
All the CERNLIB libraries are static and the binaries depend only on system libraries, so the whole installation should be portable. For PowerPC I had a CERNLIB 2005 build left over from a different Fink installation, so I just copied those binaries and libraries to the new location and downloaded the headers from CERN. Fink doesn't support CERNLIB on Intel Macs, so for this build I used Robert Hatcher's excellent shell script:
Hatcher's binaries link against the gfortran dylib, so I made sure to build them with gfortran from $OPTSTAR.
CERNLIB 2005 doesn't include libshift.a, but STAR really wants to link against it. Here's a hack from Robert Hatcher to build your own cat > fakeshift.c < eof int rshift_(int* in, int* ishft) { return *in >> *ishft; } int ishft_(int* in, int* ishft) { if (*ishft == 0) return *in; if (*ishft > 0) return *in << *ishft; else return *in >> *ishft; } EOF gcc -O -fPIC -c fakeshift.c fi g77 -fPIC -c getarg_stub.f ar cr libshift.a fakeshift.o eof
Following the instructions at was basically fine. Here was my configure command for rootdeb:
./configure macosx --build=debug --enable-qt --enable-table --enable-pythia6 --enable-pythia --with-pythia-libdir=$OPTSTAR/lib --with-pythia6-libdir=$OPTSTAR/lib --with-qt-incdir=$OPTSTAR/include/qt
which resulted in the final list Enabled support for asimage, astiff, builtin_afterimage, builtin_freetype, builtin_pcre, builtin_zlib, cern, cintex, exceptions, krb5, ldap, mathcore, mysql, odbc, opengl, pch, pythia, pythia6, python, qt, qtgsi, reflex, shared, ssl, table, thread, winrtdebug, xml, xrootd.
I did run into a few snags:
I'm working with a checked out copy of the STAR software and modifying codes when necessary if the fix is obvious. So far I've got the following cons working: cons %QtRoot %StEventDisplayMaker %pams %St_dst_Maker %St_geom_Maker
St_dst_Maker tries to subtract an int and a struct! Pams is a crazy mess of VAX-style Fortran STRUCTURES, but we really need it in order to run starsim. I haven't delved too deeply into the QtRoot-related stuff; I'm sure Valeri can help when the time comes. Hopefully we can get these things fixed without too much delay.
Power PC notes
Problems requiring changes to codes:
Intel notes
Basic problem here is (im)maturity of gfortran. Current Fink unstable version 4.2.0-20060617 still does not include some instrinsic symbols (lshift, lstat) that we expect to be there. Newer versions do have these symbols, and as soon as Fink updates I'll give it another go. I may try installing gcc 4.3 from source in the meantime, but it's not a high priority. Note that Intel machines should be able to run the Power PC build in translated mode with some hacking of the paths (force $STAR_HOST_SYS = osx48_power_macintosh_gcc401).
export SGE_ROOT
export VDT_LOCATION=/home/gridI just followed the log and answered the questions.
pacman -get OSG:ce
pacman -get these extra packages were installed in a few seconds.
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2119 -j DNAT --to $STAR1where $GLOBALIP is the external IP of your firewall and $STAR1 is the IP of the machine running the GRID stuff.
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2119 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2135 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2135 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2136 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2136 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2811 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2811 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2812 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2812 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2912 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 2912 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 7512 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 7512 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 8443 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 8443 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 19000 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 19000 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 19001 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 19001 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 20000:65000 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
$filter -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $GLOBALIP --dport 20000:65000 -j DNAT --to $STAR1
setenv GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE "60000 65000"
export GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE="60000 65000"This assures that the port range opened in the firewall will correspond to those used in the GRID environment. Also, because I run the firewall in masquerade mode, I had to set the proper hostname, otherwise it will pick the machine name, and I do not want that to happen.
"/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Leigh Grundhoefer (GridCat) 693100" XXXXThe username 'XXXX' is the local username in your cluster... After this certificates were added to my mapfile the first two tests turned green
"/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Bockjoo Kim 740786" XXXX
globus-gatekeeper 2119/tcp # Added by the VDTIf not, add them...
gsiftp 2811/tcp # Added by the VDT
gsiftp2 2812/tcp # Added by the VDT
gsiftp 2811/udp # Added by the VDT
gsiftp2 2812/udp # Added by the VDT
globus-url-copy -dbg file:///star/u/suaide/gram_job_mgr_13594.log gsi
The -dbg mean debug is turned on... Everything goes fine until it
starts transfering the data (STOR
/home/star/c). It hangs and times out. Researching on the web, I
found a bug report atservice gsiftp
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
instances = UNLIMITED
cps = 400 10
server = /auto/home/grid/vdt/sbin/
disable = no
# Configuration for file the new (3.9.5) GridFTP Server
inetd 1
log_single /auto/home/grid/globus/var/log/gridftp.log
hostname "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
Summary of Reconstruction Production on GRID | |
Dataset name |
Description |
Events | Submit Date |
Finish Date |
Number of jobs submitted |
Output size |
Efficiency |
Cluster or Site |
CPU in hours |
rcf1304 |
pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
118K | 2007-06-11 |
2007-06-12 |
60 |
35GB |
98% | |
14hours |
rcf1302 |
pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
118K | 2007-06-01 |
2007-06-02 |
60 |
29.4GB |
100% | |
14hours |
rcf1303 |
pp200/pythia6_410/35_45gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
119K | 2007-06-02 |
2007-06-02 |
120 |
36.2GB |
97% | |
11hours |
rcf1306 |
pp200/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
393K | 2007-06-04 |
2007-06-06 |
200 |
119GB |
98% | |
41hours |
rcf1307 |
pp200/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
391K | 2007-06-06 |
2007-06-07 |
200 |
114GB |
98% | |
34hours |
rcf1308 |
pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
416K | 2007-06-08 |
2007-06-10 |
210 |
115GB |
98% | |
39hours |
rcf1309 |
pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
409K | 2007-06-10 |
2007-06-12 |
210 |
109GB |
98% | |
47hours |
rcf1310 |
pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
420K | 2007-06-13 |
2007-06-14 |
210 |
107GB |
100% | |
31hours |
rcf1311 |
pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
394K | 2007-06-14 |
2007-06-16 |
199 |
96GB |
98% | |
48hours |
rcf1317 |
pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
683K | 2007-06-16 |
2007-06-19 |
343 |
158GB |
99% | |
69hours |
rcf1318 |
pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
688K | 2007-06-19 |
2007-06-22 |
345 |
152GB |
100% | |
78hours |
rcf1319 |
pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
201K | 2007-06-22 |
2007-06-23 |
120 |
21GB |
99% | |
13hours |
rcf1321 |
pp62/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
250K | 2007-06-25 |
2007-06-26 |
125 |
41GB |
100% | |
20hours |
rcf1320 |
pp62/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
400K | 2007-06-26 |
2007-06-27 |
200 |
67GB |
100% | |
28hours |
rcf1322 |
pp62/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
218K | 2007-06-24 |
2007-06-25 |
110 |
38GB |
100% | |
17hours |
rcf1323 |
pp62/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
220K | 2007-06-29 |
2007-06-30 |
110 |
39GB |
100% | |
18hours |
rcf1324 |
pp62/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
220K | 2007-06-30 |
2007-06-30 |
110 |
41GB |
100% | |
14hours |
rcf1325 |
pp62/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
220K | 2007-07-01 |
2007-07-02 |
110 |
41GB |
100% | |
19hours |
rcf1326 |
pp62/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
220K | 2007-07-03 |
2007-07-04 |
110 |
40GB |
100% | |
21hours |
rcf1327 |
pp62/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on |
220K | 2007-07-04 |
2007-07-05 |
110 |
38GB |
100% | |
18hours |
rcf1312 |
pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/bin1/y2004y/gheisha_on |
539K | 2007-07-13 |
2007-07-18 |
272 |
143GB |
99.6% | |
53hours |
rcf1313 |
pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/bin2/y2004y/gheisha_on |
758K | 2007-07-19 |
2007-07-22 |
380 |
203GB |
100% | |
72hours |
rcf1314 |
pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin3/y2004y/gheisha_on |
116K | 2007-07-31 |
2007-08-01 |
58 |
32GB |
100% | |
182hours |
rcf1315 |
pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin4/y2004y/gheisha_on |
420K | 2007-08-04 |
2007-08-05 |
210 |
119GB |
100% | |
527hours |
rcf1316 |
pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin5/y2004y/gheisha_on |
158K | 2007-08-08 |
2007-08-09 |
79 |
45GB |
100% | |
183hours |
rcf1317 | pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 683K | |||||||
rcf1318 | pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 688K | 2007-06-04 | 2007-06-04 | 360 | 83.4GB | 95.8% | | 619hours |
rcf1319 | pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 201K | 2007-06-04 | 2007-06-04 | 120 | 11.7GB | 100.0% | | 105hours |
rcf1320 | pp62/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 400K | 2007-06-06 | 2007-06-06 | 200 | 35.7GB | 100.0% | | 241hours |
rcf1321 | pp62/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 250K | 2007-06-06 | 2007-06-06 | 125 | 21.6GB | 100.0% | | 139hours |
rcf1322 | pp62/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 218K | 2007-06-07 | 2007-06-07 | 110 | 20.1GB | 100.0% | | 114hours |
rcf1323 | pp62/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 220K | 2007-06-07 | 2007-06-07 | 110 | 20.6GB | 100.0% | | 112hours |
rcf1324 | pp62/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 220K | 2007-06-07 | 2007-06-07 | 110 | 20.6GB | 99.0% | | 124hours |
rcf1325 | pp62/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 220K | 2007-06-07 | 2007-06-07 | 110 | 20.7GB | 100.0% | | 91hours |
rcf1326 | pp62/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 220K | 2007-06-08 | 2007-06-08 | 110 | 20.2GB | 100.0% | | 132hours |
rcf1327 | pp62/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on | 220K | 2007-06-08 | 2007-06-09 | 110 | 18.3GB | 100.0% | | 133hours |
rcf1501 | pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006g/gheisha_on | 1.99M | 2008-09-30 | 2008-11-12 | 1991 | 412GB | 99.6% | | 1,026hours |
rcf1504 | 1DplusOnly/gkine/pt10/eta1_5/y2005g/gheisha_on | 1.097M | 2009-01-16 | 2009-02-10 | 1102 | 80.7GB | 99.9% | | 1,216hours |
rcf9003 | pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on | 389K | part grid and part local, because of urgency (high priority) | ec2.internal | |||||
rcf9004 | pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on | 408K | part grid and part local, because of urgency (high priority) | ec2.internal | |||||
rcf9005 | pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on | 401K | 200-03-07 | 2009-03-17 | 782 | 333.7GB | 99.10% | ec2.internal | 13,022hours |
rcf9010 | pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on | 118K | part grid and part local, because of urgency (high priority) | ec2.internal | |||||
rcf9011 | pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2007g/gheisha_on | 119K | 2009-03-07 | 2009-03-11 | 295 | 108.4GB | 100% | ec2.internal | 8,060hours |
rcf10020 | pp200/pythia6_422/2_3gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 115K | 2010-4-07 | 2010-4-07 | 115 | 406.5GB | 99.1% | | 946hours |
pdsf10021 | pp200/pythia6_422/3_4gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 114K | 2010-4-07 | 2010-4-09 | 115 | 438.4GB | 99.1% | | 1,728hours |
pdsf10022 | pp200/pythia6_422/4_5gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 114K | 2010-4-08 | 2010-4-09 | 115 | 458.6GB | 99.1% | | 1,926hours |
pdsf10023 | pp200/pythia6_422/5_7gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 116K | 2010-4-09 | 2010-4-12 | 115 | 983.1GB | 96.6% | | 1,293hours |
pdsf10024 | p200/pythia6_422/7_9gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 1.19M | 2010-4-08 | 2010-4-17 | 1200 | 9615.4GB | 95.8% | | 18,261hours |
pdsf10025 | pp200/pythia6_422/9_11gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 115K | 2010-4-10 | 2010-4-12 | 115 | 1018.4GB | 98.2% | | 951hours |
pdsf10026 | pp200/pythia6_422/11_15gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 115K | 2010-4-12 | 2010-4-13 | 115 | 509.5GB | 94.6% | | 965hours |
pdsf10027 | pp200/pythia6_422/15_25gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 112K | 2010-4-13 | 2010-4-14 | 115 | 466.0GB | 83.5% | | 822hours |
pdsf10028 | pp200/pythia6_422/25_35gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 114K | 2010-4-13 | 2010-4-13 | 115 | 525.7GB | 89.5% | | 999hours |
pdsf10029 | pp200/pythia6_422/35_infgev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on | 104K | 2010-4-13 | 2010-4-14 | 115 | 521.9GB | 90.4% | | 442hours |
pdsf10030 |
AuAu7.7/hijing_382/B0_20/minbias/y2010a/gheisha_on |
1.02M | part grid and part local, becuase of urgency (high priority) | | 129,939hours | ||||
pdsf10031 |
AuAu11.5/hijing_382/B0_20/minbias/y2010a/gheisha_on |
400K | 2010-08-06 | 2010-08-14 | 2000 | 14,598GB | 94.5% | | 95,938hours |
pdsf10033 | AuAu7.7/hijing_382/B0_20/minbias/y2010a/gheisha_on | 3.0M | 2010-12-06 | 2011-01-30 | 15,300 | 10TB | 89.4% | | 465,000hours |
pdsf11010 | pp200/pythia6_423/minbias/highptfilt/y2005i/tune_pro_pt0 | 3.4M | 2011-02-14 | 2011-02-20 | 1,700 | 1.024TB | 97.17% | | 22,022hours |
pdsf11000 | pp200/pythia6_220/fmspi0filt/default/y2008e/gheisha_on | 1.2M | 2011-05-23 | 2011-06-01 | 600 | 403GB | 20% | | 9,800hours |
pdsf11001 | pp200/pythia6_220/minbias/default/y2008e/gheisha_on | 300K | 2011-05-21 | 2011-05-22 | 150 | 84GB | 100% | | 600hours |
pdsf11002 | dAu200/herwig_382/fmspi0filt/shadowing_on/y2008e/gheisha_on | 200K | 2011-06-02 | 2011-06-03 | 250 | 207GB | 88% | | 2500hours |
pdsf11003 | dAu200/herwig_382/fmspi0filt/shadowing_off/y2008e/gheisha_on | 200K | 2011-06-03 | 2011-06-04 | 250 | 233GB | 100% | | 2500hours |
pdsf11011 |
pp200/pythia6_423/highptfilt/jp2filt/y2005i/tune_pro_pt0 |
45M (100k filtered) |
2011-06-24 | 2011-07-14 | 4,500 | 653G | 88.8% | | 67,500hours |
pdsf11010 |
pp200/pythia6_423/minbias/highptfilt/y2005i/tune_pro_pt0 (Expanding statistics for preexisting dataset pdsf11010) |
30.3M |
part grid (2,940jobs) and part local, becuase of urgency (high priority) 2011-08-05 2011-08-26 5,500 8.50T(inc. .FZD) ??% | | 82,500hours | ||||
pdsf11020 | tracker review 2012 | 1K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-05 | 10 | 484M | 100% | | 7.8hours |
pdsf11021 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-05 | 100 | 27G | 100% | | 600hours |
pdsf11022 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-06 | 250 | 102G | 98.00% | | 2,500hours |
pdsf11023 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-08 | 700 | 332G | 98.14% | | 3,500hours |
pdsf11024 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-05 | 100 | 28G | 100% | | 900hours |
pdsf11025 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-29 | 2011-09-05 | 100 | 5.1G | 100% | | 200hours |
pdsf11026 | tracker review 2012 | 10K | 2011-08-14 | 2011-08-16 | 200 | 94GB | 100% | | 2,000hours |
pdsf11027 | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending |
Notes for getting file size from catalog:
* This method is an approximation because the .fzd files are not cataloged, however there size is about the same as the geant.root files so an approximation is done as:
[rcas6010] ~/> -keys 'sum(size)' -cond 'path~pp200/pythia6_422/2_3gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on,storage=HPSS'
[rcas6010] ~/> -keys 'sum(size)' -cond 'path~pp200/pythia6_422/2_3gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on,filetype=MC_reco_geant,storage=HPSS'
[rcas6010] ~/> echo `echo "(27758788009+14106791434)/100000000" | bc`" GB"
418 GB
The true dataset value is 406.5GB so there is a +2.75% error.
The dataset
description can be found at:
#Example of getting the size
SELECT CONCAT(SUM(size_workerNode) / 1000000000 , 'GB')
FROM MasterIO f
WHERE f.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A';
#Example of fining Start Time
SELECT j.`jobID_MD5`, j.`submitTime`, f.`name_requester`
FROM MasterIO f, MasterJobEfficiency j
WHERE f.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A'
AND f.`jobID_MD5`= j.`jobID_MD5`
AND f.`name_requester` IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY `submitTime` ASC
#Example of fining end time
SELECT j.`jobID_MD5`, j.`endTime`, f.`name_requester`
FROM MasterIO f, MasterJobEfficiency j
WHERE f.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A'
AND f.`jobID_MD5`= j.`jobID_MD5`
AND f.`name_requester` IS NOT NULL
Notes finding the number if events from catalog:
[rcas6010] ~/> -keys 'sum(events)' -cond 'path~pp200/pythia6_422/2_3gev/tune100/y2005h/gheisha_on,filetype=MC_reco_geant,storage=HPSS'
*Note select only one type of file ( filetype=MC_reco_geant ), else you will be double counting.
#Example of getting the production Efficiency:
SELECT concat(
((SELECT count(*) AS jobsCount FROM MasterJobEfficiency j
WHERE submitAttempt = 1
AND overAllState = 'success'
AND j.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A'
) * 100 ) /
(SELECT count(*) AS jobsCount FROM MasterJobEfficiency j
WHERE submitAttempt = 1
AND j.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A'
#Example of getting the run time. Note there is a filter for run-way jobs:
SELECT AVG((`endTime` - `startTime`) / 60 / 60) FROM MasterJobEfficiency f
WHERE endTime > 0
AND startTime > 0
AND ((`endTime` - `startTime`) / 60 / 60) < 200
AND f.`jobID_MD5` = 'C88562E422AF05783ACF43F6172DC95A';
The STAR MySQL for GRID project is an effort to integrate MySQL database in the GRID infrastructure. This means providing tools to help management of networks of replicated database and providing GSI authentication for MySQL connection.
The current subprojects are:
By default, MySQL is not SSL enabled, since using encrypted connections to access the database would slow down transactions and MySQL is, by default, optimized fo speed. Read the MySQL documentation on Using Secure Connections for details on how to set up MySQL for SSL, including how to create and set up the user certificates and grant the proper privleges for a user to authenticate.
The current implementation requires that the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate which signs the user and server certificates be available for the SSL/X.509 configuration to work. This is fine for applications which do not work with GSI enabled applications. It does not, howerver fit with the GSI model for authentication. The CA only need sign user and service certificates to use GSI. An example of a successful implementation of GSI using SSL on legacy software is the GSI Enabled OpenSSH.
mkdir $DIR $PRIV $DIR/newcerts
cp /usr/share/openssl.cnf $DIR/openssl.cnf
replace .demoCA $DIR -- $DIR/openssl.cnf
openssl req -new -keyout $DIR/server-key.pem -out $DIR/server-req.pem \
-days 3600 -config $DIR/openssl.cnf
openssl rsa -in $DIR/server-key.pem -out $DIR/server-key.pem
openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out $DIR/server-cert.pem \
-config $DIR/openssl.cnf -infiles $DIR/server-req.pem
openssl req -new -keyout $DIR/client-key.pem -out $DIR/client-req.pem \
-days 3600 -config $DIR/openssl.cnf
openssl rsa -in $DIR/client-key.pem -out $DIR/client-key.pem
openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out $DIR/client-cert.pem \
-config $DIR/openssl.cnf -infiles $DIR/client-req.pem
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* to username@localhost
REQUIRE X509 "issuer"
means that the client should have a valid certificate,
but we do not care about the exact certificate, issuer or subjectREQUIRE ISSUER
means the client must present a valid X509 certificate
issued by issuer "issuer
requires clients to have a valid X509 certificate
with the subject "subject
" on it.REQUIRE CIPHER "cipher"
is needed to ensure strong ciphers and keylengths
will be used. (ie. REQUIRE CIPHER "EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA"
, then build and install it
on the machine where you will be running your Perl code.
The pages in this tree relates to the Infrastructure sub-group of the S&C team.
The areas comprise: General infrastructure (software, web service, security,...), Online computing, operations and user support.
The online Web server front page is available here. This Drupal section will hold complementary informations.
A list of all operation manuals (beyond detector sub-systems) is available at You do not have access to view this node.
Please use it a startup page.
This page will list by year action items, run plans and opened questions. It will server as a repository for documents serving as basis for drawing the requirements. To see documents in this tree, you must belong to the Software and Computing OG (the pages are not public).
Active feedback
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC | Online monitoring POC |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | - same - | - same - |
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Nick Lukow |
- same - |
Note: L2algo, bemc and bsmdstatus |
EPD | Prashant Shanmuganathan | N/A | - same - |
BTOF | Frank Geurts | - same - | Frank Geurts Zaochen Ye |
ETOF | Florian Seck | - same - | Florian Seck Philipp Weidenkaff |
HLT | Hongwei Ke | - same - | - same - |
Other software coordinators
sub-system | Coordinator |
iTPC (TPC?) | Irakli Chakaberia |
Trigger | Akio Ogawa |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf |
... |
Test: FST, FCS, STGC (no tables)
Desired init dates where announced to all software coordinators:
- Geometry tag has a timestamp of 20191120 - Simulation timeline [20191115,20191120[ - DB initialization for real data [20191125,...] Please initialize your table content appropriate yi.e. sim flavor initial values are entered at 20191115 up to 20191119 (please exclude the edge), ofl initial values at 20191125 (run starting on the 1st of December, even tomorrow's cosmic and commissioning would pick the proper values).
EMC = ready
ETOF = ready - initialized at 2019-11-25, no sim (confirming)
TPC = NOT ready [look at year 19 for comparison]
MTD = ready
TOF = Partially ready? INL correction, T0, TDC, status and alignement tables initialized
EPD = gain initialized at 2019-12-15 (!?), status not initialized, no sim
EEMC = ready? (*last init at 2017-12-20)
GMT = ready (*no db tables)
EMC = ready
ETOF = ready? initialized at 2019-11-25, no sim
TPC = NOT ready
MTD = ready
TOF = NOT ready
EPD = gain initialized at 2019-12-15 (!?), status not initialized, no sim
EEMC = ready? (*last init at 2017-12-20)
GMT = ready (*no db tables)
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC | Online monitoring POC |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | - same - | - same - |
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Nick Lukow |
- same - |
Note: L2algo, bemc and bsmdstatus |
EPD | [ TBC] | - same - | - same - |
BTOF | Frank Geurts | - same - | Frank Geurts Zaochen Ye |
ETOF | Florian Seck | - same - | Florian Seck Philipp Weidenkaff |
HLT | Hongwei Ke | - same - | - same - |
TPC | Irakli Chakaberia | - same - |
Flemming Videbaek
Trigger detectors | Akio Ogawa | - same - | - same - |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf | N/A |
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC | Online monitoring POC |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | - same - | - same - |
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Nick Lukow |
- same - |
Note: L2algo, bemc and bsmdstatus |
EPD | Prashanth Shanmuganathan (TBC) | Skipper Kagamaster | - same - |
BTOF | Zaochen | - same - | Frank Geurts Zaochen Ye |
ETOF | Philipp Weidenkaff | - same - | Philipp Weidenkaff |
HLT | Hongwei Ke | - same - | - same - |
TPC | Yuri Fisyak | - same - | Flemming Videbaek |
Trigger detectors | Akio Ogawa | - same - | - same - |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf | N/A | |
Forward Upgrade | Daniel Brandenburg | - same - | FCS - Akio Ogawa sTGC - Daniel Brandenburg FST - Shenghui Zhang/Zhenyu Ye |
Status - 2021/10/13
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC | Online monitoring POC |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | - same - | - same - |
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli |
- same - |
Note: L2algo, bemc and bsmdstatus |
EPD | Prashanth Shanmuganathan (TBC) | Skipper Kagamaster | - same - |
BTOF | Zaochen | - same - | Frank Geurts Zaochen Ye |
ETOF | Philipp Weidenkaff | - same - | Philipp Weidenkaff |
HLT | Hongwei Ke | - same - | - same - |
TPC | Yuri Fisyak | - same - | Flemming Videbaek |
Trigger detectors | Akio Ogawa | - same - | - same - |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf | N/A | |
Forward Upgrade | Daniel Brandenburg | - same - | FCS - Akio Ogawa sTGC - Daniel Brandenburg FST - Shenghui Zhang/Zhenyu Ye |
TPC Software – Richard Witt NO GMT Software – Richard Witt NO EMC2 Software - Alice Ohlson Yes FGT Software - Anselm Vossen Yes FMS Software - Thomas Burton Yes TOF Software - Frank Geurts Yes Trigger Detectors - Akio Ogawa ?? HFT Software - Spyridon Margetis NO (no DB interface, hard-coded values in preview codes)
Coordinator Possible POC ------------ --------------- TPC Software – Richard Witt GMT Software – Richard Witt EMC2 Software - Alice Ohlson Alice Ohlson FGT Software - Anselm Vossen FMS Software - Thomas Burton Thomas Burton TOF Software - Frank Geurts Trigger Detectors - Akio Ogawa HFT Software - Spyridon Margetis Hao Qiu
Directories we inferred are being used (as reported in the RTS Hypernews) | |||
scaler | Len Eun and Ernst Sichtermann (LBL) | This directory usage was indirectly reported | |
SlowControl | James F Ross (Creighton) | ||
HLT | Qi-Ye Shou | The 2012 directory had a recent timestamp but owned by mnaglis. Aihong Tang contacted 2013/02/12 Answer from Qi-Ye Shou 2013/02/12 - will be POC. |
fmsStatus | Yuxi Pan (UCLA) | This was not requested but the 2011 directory is being overwritten by user=yuxip FMS software coordinator contacted for confirmation 2013/02/12 Yuxi Pan confirmed 2013/02/13 as POC for this directory |
Spin PWG monitoring related directories follows |
L0trg | Pibero Djawotho (TAMU) | ||
L2algo | Maxence Vandenbroucke (Temple) | ||
cdev | Kevin Adkins (UKY) | ||
zdc | Len Eun and Ernst Sichtermann (LBL) | ||
bsmdStatus | Keith Landry (UCLA) | ||
emcStatus | Keith Landry (UCLA) | ||
fgtStatus | Xuan Li (Temple) | This directory is also being written by user=akio causing protection access and possible clash problems. POC contacted on 2013/02/08, both Akio and POC contacted again 2013/02/12 -> confirmed as OK. |
bbc | Prashanth (KSU) |
Sub-system | Coordinator | Check done |
Jeff Landgraf | |
TPC | Richard Witt | |
GMT | Richard Witt | |
EMC2 | Mike Skoby Kevin Adkins |
FMS | Thomas Burton | |
TOF | Daniel Brandenburg | |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | |
HFT | Spiros Margetis | (not known) |
Trigger | Akio Ogawa | |
FGT | Xuan Li |
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf | - |
TPC | Richard Witt | - |
GMT | Richard Witt | - |
EMC2 | Mike Skoby Kevn Adkins |
- |
FMS | Thomas Burton | - |
TOF | Daniel Brandenburg | - |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | Bingchu Huan |
HFT | Spiros Margetis | Jonathan Bouchet |
Trigger | Akio Ogawa | - |
FGT | Xuan Li | N/A |
Not needed 2013/11/25 | ||
SlowControl | Chanaka DeSilva | OKed on second Run preparation meeting |
HLT | Zhengquia Zhang | Learn incidently on 2014/01/28 |
HFT | Shusu Shi | Learn about it on 2014/02/26 |
Not needed 2013/11/25 | ||
L0trg | Zilong Chang Mike Skoby |
Informed 2013/11/10 and created 2013/11/15 |
L2algo | Nihar Sahoo | Informed 2013/11/25 |
Not needed 2013/11/25 | ||
zdc | may not be used (TBC) | |
bsmdStatus | Janusz Oleniacz | Info will be passed from Keith Landry 2014/01/20 Possible backup, Leszek Kosarzewski 2014/03/26 |
emcStatus | Janusz Oleniacz | Info will be passed from Keith Landry 2014/01/20 Possible backup, Leszek Kosarzewski 2014/03/26 |
Not needed 2013/11/25 | ||
bbc |
Akio Ogawa | Informed 2013/11/15, created same day |
Run 15 was preapred essentiallydiscussing with indviduals and a comprehensive page not maintained.
scaler | ||
SlowControl | ||
HLT | Zhengqiao | Feedback 2015/11/24 |
HFT | Guannan Xie | Spiros: Feedback 2015/11/24 |
Akio: Possibly not needed (TBC). 2016/01/13 noted this was not used in Run 15 and wil probably never be used again. | ||
fmsTrg | Confirmed neded 2016/01/13 | |
fps | Akio: Not neded in Run 16? Perhaps later. | |
L0trg | Zilong Chang | Zilong: Feedback 2015/11/24 |
L2algo | Kolja Kauder | Kolja: will be POC - 2015/11/24 |
cdev | Chanaka DeSilva | |
zdc | ||
bsmdStatus | Kolja Kauder | Kolja: will be POC - 2015/11/24 |
bemcTrgDb | Kolja Kauder | Kolja: will be POC - 2015/11/24 |
emcStatus | Kolja Kauder | Kolja: will be POC - 2015/11/24 |
Not needed since Run 14 ... May drop from the list | ||
bbc |
Akio Ogawa | Feedback 2015/11/24, needed |
rp |
Sub-system | Coordinator | Calibration POC |
DAQ | Jeff Landgraf | - |
TPC | Richard Witt Yuri Fisyak |
- |
GMT | Richard Witt | - |
EMC2 | Kolja Kauder Ting Lin |
- |
FMS | Oleg Eysser | - |
TOF | Daniel Brandenburg | - |
MTD | Rongrong Ma | (same confirmed 2015/11/24) |
HFT | Spiros Margetis | Xin Dong |
HLT | Hongwei Ke | (same confirmed 2015/11/24) |
Trigger | Akio Ogawa | - |
RP | Kin Yip | - |
This page will now hold the shift accounting pages. They complement the Shift Sign-up process by documenting it.
9 WEEKS PRE-ASSIGNED QA AS FOLLOWS ================================== Lanny Ray (UT Austin) QA Mar 5 Richard Witt (USNA/Yale) QA Mar 19 Sevil Salur (Rutgers) QA Apr 16 Wei Li (Rice) QA Apr 23 Kevin Adkins (Kentucky) QA May 14 Juan Romero (UC Davis) QA May 21 Jana Bielcikova (NPI, Czech Acad of Sci) QA May 28 Yanfang Liu (TAMU) QA June 25 Yanfang Liu (TAMU) QA July 02 8 WEEKS PRE-ASSIGNED REGULAR SHIFTS AS FOLLOWS ================================== Bob Tribble (BNL) Feb 05 SL evening Daniel Kincses (Eotvos) Mar 12 DO Trainee Day Daniel Kincses (Eotvos) Mar 19 DO Day Mate Csanad (Eotvos) Mar 12 SC Day Ronald Pinter (Eotvos) Mar 19 SC Day Carl Gagliardi (TAMU) May 14 SL day Carl Gagliardi (TAMU) May 21 SL day Grazyna Odyniec (LBNL) July 02 SL evening
For the calculation of shift dues, there are two considerations.
1) The length of time of the various shift configurations (2 person, 4 person no trainees, 4 person with trainees, plus period coordinators/QA shifts)
2) The percent occupancy of the training shifts
For many years, 2) has hovered about 45%, which is what we used to calculate the dues. Since STAR gives credit for training shifts (as we should) this needs to be factored in or we would not have enough shifts.
The sum total of shifts needed are then divided by the total number of authors minus authors from Russian institutions who can not come to BNL.
date weeks crew training PC OFFLINE
11/26-12/10 2 2 0 0 0
12/10-12/24 2 4 2 1 0
12/24-6/30 27 4 2 1 1
7/02-7/16 2 4 0 1 1
Adding these together (3x a shift for crew, 3x45% for training, plus pc plus offline) gives a total of 522 shifts.
The total number of shifters is 303 - 30 Russian collaborators = 273 people
Giving a total due of 1.9 per author.
For a given institution, their load is calculated as # of authors - # of expert credits x due -> Set to an integer value as cutting collaborators into pieces is non-collegial behavior.
However, this year, this should have been:
date weeks crew training PC OFFLINE
11/26-12/10 2 2 0 0 0
12/10-12/24 2 4 2 1 0
12/24-6/02 23 4 2 1 1
6/02-6/16 2 4 0 1 1
Adding these together (3x a shift for crew, 3x45% for training, plus pc plus offline) gives a total of 456 shifts for a total due of 1.7 per author.
We allowed some people to pre-sign up, due to a couple different reasons.
Family reasons so offline QA:
James Kevin Adkins
Jana Bielčíková
Sevil Selur
Md. Nasim
Yanfang Liu
Additionally, Lanny Ray is given the first QA shift of the year as our experience QA shifter.
This year, to add an incentive to train for shift leader, we allowed people who were doing shift leader training to sign up for both their training shift and their "real" shift early:
Justin Ewigleben
Hanna Zbroszczyk
Jan Vanek
Maria Zurek
Mathew Kelsey
Kun Jiang
Yue-Hang Leung
Both Bob Tribble and Grazyna Odyniec sign up early for a shift leader position in recognition of their schedules and contributions
This year because of the date of Quark Matter and the STAR pre-QM meeting, several people were traveling on Tuesday during the sign up. These people I signed up early as I did not want to punish some of our most active colleagues for the QM timing:
James Daniel Brandenburg
Sooraj Radhakrishnan
3 other cases that were allowed to pre-sign up:
Panjab University had a single person who had the visa to enter the US, and had to take all of their shifts prior to the end of their contract in March. So that the shifter could have some spaces in his shifts for sanity, I signed up:
Jagbir Singh
Eotvos Lorand University stated that travel is complicated for their group, and so it would be good if they could insure that they were all on shift at the same time. Given that they are coming from Europe I signed up:
Mate Csanad
Daniel Kincses
Roland Pinter
Srikanta Tripathy
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) wanted to be able to bring Masters students to do shift, but given the training requirements and timing with school and travel for Europe, this leaves little availability for shift. So I signed up:
Iouri Vassiliev
Artemiy Belousov
Grigory Kozlov
This is to serve as a repository of information about various STAR tools used in experimental operations.
Concatenate the following certs into one file in this example I call it: Global_plus_Intermediate.crt/etc/pki/tls/certs/ – host cert.
/etc/pki/tls/private/ – host key (don’t give this one out)
/etc/pki/tls/certs/GlobalSignIntermediate.crt – intermediate cert.
/etc/pki/tls/certs/GlobalSignRootCA_ExtendedSSL.crt –root cert.
/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt – a big list of many cert.
cat /etc/pki/tls/certs/GlobalSignIntermediate.crt > Global_plus_Intermediate.crt cat /etc/pki/tls/certs/GlobalSignRootCA_ExtendedSSL.crt >> Global_plus_Intermediate.crt cat /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt >> Global_plus_Intermediate.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out mycert.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile Global_plus_Intermediate.crt -caname root -chain
keytool -list -v -storetype pkcs12 -keystore mycert.p12
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" keystoreFile="/home/lbhajdu/certs/mycert.p12" keystorePass="changeit" keystoreType="PKCS12" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>
One particular detail to be aware of: the name of the pool nodes is now, where 01<=NN<=14. The "onllinuxN" names were retired several years ago.
Historical page (circa 2008/9):
Provide a Linux environment for general computing needs in support of the experiemental operations.
HISTORY (as of approximately June 2008):
A pool of 14 nodes, consisting of four different hardware classes (all circa 2001) has been in existence for several years. For the last three (or more?) years, they have had Scientific Linux 3.x with support for the STAR software environment, along with access to various DAQ and Trigger data sources. The number of significant users has probably been less than 20, with the heaviest usage related to L2. User authentication was originally based on an antique NIS server, to which we had imported the RCF accounts and passwords. Though still alive, we have not kept this NIS information maintained over time. Over time, local accounts on each node became the norm, though of course this is rather tedious. Home directories come in three categories: AFS, NFS on onllinux5, and local home directories on individual nodes. Again, this gets rather tedious to maintain over time.
There are several "special" nodes to be aware of:
For the run starting in 2008 (2009?), we are replacing all of these nodes with newer hardware.
The basic hardware specs for the replacement nodes are:
Dual 2.4 GHZ Intel Xeon processors
2 x 120 GB IDE disks
These nodes should be configured with Scientific Linux 4.5 (or 4.6 if we can ensure compatibility with STAR software) and support the STAR software environment.
They should have access to various DAQ and Trigger NFS shares. Here is a starter list of mounts:
evp.starp | /a | /evp/a | ro |
evb01.starp | /a | /evb01/a | ro |
evb01 | /b | /evb01/b | ro |
evb01 | /c | /evb01/c | ro |
evb01 | /d | /evb01/d | ro |
evb02.starp | /a | /evb02/a | ro |
evb02 | /b | /evb02/b | ro |
evb02 | /c | /evb02/c | ro |
evb02 | /d | /evb02/d | ro |
daqman.starp | /RTS | /daq/RTS | ro |
daqman | /data | /daq/data | rw |
daqman | /log | /daq/log | ro |
trgscratch.starp | /data/trgdata | /trg/trgdata | ro |
trgscratch.starp | /data/scalerdata | /trg/scalerdata | ro |
startrg2.starp | /home/startrg/trg/monitor/run9/scalers | /trg/scalermonitor | ro | | /export | /onlineweb/www | rw |
WISHLIST Items with good progress:
WISHLIST Items still needing significant work:
An SSH public key management system has been developed for STAR (see 2008 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 119 072005), with two primary goals stemming from the heightened cyber-security scrutiny at BNL:
A benefit for users also can be seen in the reduction in the number of passwords to remember and type.
In purpose, this system is similar to the RCF's key management system, but is somewhat more powerful because of its flexibility in the association of hosts (client systems), user accounts on those clients, and self-service key installation requests.
Here is a typical scenario of the system usage:
At this point, John Doe has key-based access to JDOE@FOO. Simple enough? But wait, there's more! Now John Doe realizes that he also needs access to the group account named "operator" on host BAR. Since his key is already in the key management system he has only to request that his key be added to operator@BAR, and voila (subject to administrator approval), he can now login with his key to both JDOE@FOO and operator@BAR. And if Mr. Doe should leave STAR, then an administrator simply removes him from the system and his keys are removed from both hosts.
There are three things to keep track of here -- people (and their SSH keys of course), host (client) systems, and user accounts on those hosts:
People want access to specific user accounts at specific hosts.
So the system maintains a list of user accounts for each host system, and a list of people associated with each user account at each host.
(To be clear -- the system does not have any automatic user account detection mechanism at this time -- each desired "user account@host" association has to be added "by hand" by an administrator.)
This Key Management system, as seen by the users (and admins), consists simply of users' web browsers (with https for encryption) and some PHP code on a web server (which we'll call "starkeyw") which inserts uploaded keys and user requests (and administrator's commands) to a backend database (which could be on a different node from the web server if desired).
Behind the scenes, each host that is participating in the system has a keyservices client installed that runs as a system service. The keyservices_client periodically (at five minute intervals by default) interacts a different web server (serving different PHP code that we'll call starkeyd). The backend database is consulted for the list of approved associations and the appropriate keys are downloaded by the client and added to the authorized_keys files accordingly.
In our case, our primary web server at hosts all the STAR Key Manager (SKM) services (starkeyw and starkeyd via Apache, and a MySQL database), but they could each be on separate servers if desired.
Perhaps a picture will help. See below for a link to an image labelled "SKMS in pictures".
We have begun using the Key Management system with several nodes and are seeking to add more (currently on a voluntary basis). Only RHEL 3/4/5 and Scientific Linux 3/4/5 with i386 and x86_64 kernels have been tested, but there is no reason to believe that the client couldn't be built on other Linux distributions or even Solaris. We do not anticipate "forcing" this tool onto any detector sub-systems during the 2007 RHIC run, but we do expect it (or something similar) to become mandatory before any future runs. Please contact one of the admins (Wayne Betts, Jerome Lauret or Mike Dephillips) if you'd like to volunteer or have any questions.
User access is currently based on RCF Kerberos authentication, but may be extended to additional authentication methods (eg., BNL LDAP) if the need arises.
Client RPMs (for some configurations) and SRPM's are available, and some installation details are available here:
An additional related project is the possible implementation of a STAR ssh gateway system (while disallowing direct login to any of our nodes online) - in effect acting much like the current ssh gateway systems role in the SDCC. Though we have an intended gateway node online (, with a spare on hand as well), it's use is not currently required.
Here you go:
You can use your RCF username and Kerberos password to enter.
When uploading keys, use your SSH public keys - they need to be in OpenSSH format. If not, please consult SSH Keys and login to the SDCC.
SOFI stands for SOFtware infrastructure and Infrastructure. It includes any topics related to code standards, tools compiling your code, problems with base code and Infrastructure. SOFI also addresses (or try to address) your need in terms of monitoring or easily manage activities and resources in the STAR environment.
bugs-high | problem with ANY STAR Software with a need to be fixed without delay |
bugs-medium | problem with ANY STAR Software and must be fixed for the next release |
bugs-low | problem with ANY STAR Software. Should be fixed for the next release |
comp-support | General computing operation support (user, hardware and middleware provisioning) |
issues-infrstruct | Any Infrastructure issues (General software and libraries, tools, network) |
issues-scheduler | Issues related to the SUMS project (STAR Unified Meta-Scheduler) |
issues-xrootd | Issues related to the (X)rootd distributed data usage |
issues-simu | Issues related to Simulation |
grid-general | STAR VO general Grid support : job submission, infrastructure, components, testing problem etc ... |
grid-bnl | STAR VO, BNL Grid Operation support |
grid-lbl | STAR VO, LBNL Grid Operation support |
wishlist | Use it for or suggesting what you would wish to see soon, would be nice to have etc ... |
The configuration file should be considered as a template file, not a real configuration file. Any item appearing with a value like Auto-> or Fixed-> will be replaced on the fly by the appropriate value before doxygen is run. This ensures keeping the conventions tidy and clean. You actually, do not have to think about it neither, it works :) ... If it does not, please, let me know. Note that the temporary configuration file will be created in /tmp on the local machine and left there after running.
What else does one need to know : the way works is the safest I could think off. Each new documentation set is re-generated from scratch, that is, using temporary directories, renaming old ones and deleting very old ones. After has completed its tasks, you will end up with the directories $TARGETD/dox$SUBDIR/html and $TARGETD/dox$SUBDIR/latex. The result of the preceding execution of will be in directories named html.old and latex.old.
One thing will not work for users though : the indexing. The installation of indexing mechanism in doxygen is currently not terribly flexible and fixed values were chosen so that clicking on the Search index link will go to the cgi searching the entire main documentation pages.
As a last note, doxygen understands ABSOLUTE path names only and therefore, will die out if you try to use relative paths as the arguments. Just as a reminder, /titi/toto is an absolute path while things like ./or ./tata are relative path.
If you want the file to be created in /home/<username>/<subdir1> and <subdir1> does not existed yet, use % htar -Pcf /home/<username>/<subdir1>/<filename> <source> If you want the file to be created into /home/<username>/<subdir2> and <subdir2> already exists, use % htar -cf /home/<username>/<subdir2>/<filename> <source>Please consult the help on the web for more information about htar.
% split-tar -s 55G -c blabla.tar blabla/This will at least create blabla-000.tar but also the next sequences (001, 002, ...) each of 55 GBytes until all files from directory blabla/ are packed. The magic 55 G suggested herein and in many posts works for any generation of drive for the past decade. But a limit of 100-150 GB should also work on most media at BNL as per 2016. See this post for a summary of past pointers.
% htar -X -E -f blabla-000.tarthis will create blabla-000.tar.idx you will need to save in HPSS along the archive.
SUMS, the product of the STAR Scheduler project, stands for Star Unified Meta-Scheduler. This tool is currently documented on its own pages. SUMS provides a uniform user interface to submitting jobs on "a" farm that is, regardless of the batch system used, the language it provides (in XML) is identical. The scheduling is controlled by policies handling all the details on fitting your jobs in the proper queue, requesting proper resource allocation and so on. In other words, it isolates users from the infrastructure details.
You would benefit from starting with the following documents:
LSF was dropped from BNL facility support in July 2008 due to licensing cost. Please, refer to the historical revision for information about it. If a link brought you here, please update or send a note to the page owner. Information have been kept un-published You do not have access to view this node.
The condor pools are segmented into four pools extracted from this RACF page:
production jobs | +Experiment = "star" | +Job_Type = "crs" | high priority CRS jobs, no time limit, may use all the slots on CRS nodes and up to 1/2 available job slots per system on CAS ; the CRS portion is not available to normal users and using this Job_Type for user will fail |
users normal jobs | +Experiment = "star" | +Job_Type = "cas" | short jobs, 3 to 5 hour soft limit (when resources are requested by others), 40 hour hard limit - this has higher priority than the "long" Job_Type. |
user long jobs | +Experiment = "star" | +Job_Type = "long" | long running jobs, 5 day soft limit (when resources are requested by others), 10 day hard limit, may use 1 job slot per system on a subset of machines |
general queue | +Experiment = "general" +Experiment = "star" |
General queue shared by multiple experiments, 2 hours guaranteed time minimum (can be evicted afterward by any experiment's specific jobs claiming the slot) |
The Condor configurations do not have create a simple notion of queues but generates a notion of pools. Pools are group of resources spanning all STAR machines (RCAS and RCRS nodes) and even other experiment's nodes. The first column tend to suggest four of such pools although we will see below that life is more complicated than that.
First, it is important to understand that the +Experiment attribute is only used for accounting purposes and what makes the difference between a user job or a production job or a general job is really the other attributes.
Selection of how your jobs will run is the role of +Job_Type attribute. When it is unspecified, the general queue (spanning all RHIC machines at the facility) is assumed but your job may not have the same time limit. We will discuss the restriction later. The 4th column of the table above shows the CPU time limits and additional constraints such as the number of slots within a given category one may claim. Note that the +Job_type="crs" is reserved and its access will be enforced by Condor (only starreco may access this type).
In addition of using +Job_type which as we have seen controls what comes as close as possible to a queue in Condor, one may need to restrict its jobs to run on a subset of machines by using the CPU_Type attribute in the Requirements tag (if you are not completely lost by now, you are good ;-0 ). An example to illustrate this:
+Experiment = "star" +Job_type = "cas" Requirements = (CPU_type != "crs") && (CPU_Experiment == "star")
In this example, a cas job (interpret this as "a normal user analysis job") is being run on behalf of the experiment star. The CPU / nodes requested are the CPU belonging to the star experiment and the nodes are not RCRS nodes. By specifying those two requirements, the user is trying to make sure that jobs will be running on RCAS nodes only (or != "crs") AND, regardless of a possible switch to +Experiment="general", the jobs will still be running on the nodes belonging to STAR only.
In this second example
+Experiment = "star" +Job_type = "cas" Requirements = (CPU_Experiment == "star")
we have pretty much the same request as before but the jobs may also run on RCRS nodes. However, if data production runs (+Job_type="crs" only starreco may start), the user's job will likely be evicted (as production jobs will have higher priorities) and the user may not want to risk that hence specifying the first Requirements tag.
A few rules apply (or summarized) below:
This provides the general structure of the Condor policy in place for STAR. The other policy options in place goes as follows:
In the land of confusion ...
Also, users are often confused of the meaning of their job priority. Condor will consider a user's job priority and submit jobs in priority order (where the larger the number, more likely the job willl start) but those priorities have NO meaning across two distinct users. In other words, it is not because user A sets job priorities larger by an order of magitude comparing to user B that his job will start first. Job priority only providesa mechanism for a user to specify which of their idle jobs in the queue are most important. Jobs with higher numerical priority should run before those with lower priority, although because jobs can be submitted from multiple machines, this is not always the case. Job prioritties are listed by the condor_q command in the PRIO column.
The effective user priority is dynamic, on the other hand, and changes as a user has been given access to resources over a period of time. A lower numerical effective user priority (EUP) indicates a higher priority. Condor's fairshare mechanism is implemented via EUP. The condor_userprio command hence provides an indication of your faireshareness.
You should be able to use condor_qedit to manually modify the "Priority" parameter, if desired. If a job does not run for weeks, there is likely a problem with its submitfile or one of its input, and in particular its Requirements line. You can use condor_q -analyze JOBID, or condor_q -better-analyze JOBID to determine why it cannot be scheduled.
First of all, we recommend you use SUMS to submit to Condor as we would take care of adding codes, tricks, tweaks to make sure your jobs run smoothly. But if you really don't want to, here are a few issues you may encounter:
SHELL, HOME, LOGNAME, PATH, TERM and MAILwill be define. The absence of $HOME will have for side effect that, whenever a job starts, your .cshrc and .login will not be seen hence, your STAR environment will not be loaded. You must take this into account and execute the STAR login by hand (within your job file).
(((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (2*24*3600)) && JobStatus == 5)
(JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - JobCurrentStartDate > (54000)) && ((RemoteUserCpu+RemoteSysCpu)/(CurrentTime-JobCurrentStartDate) < 0.10))
PeriodicRemove = (JobStatus == 2 && (CurrentTime - JobCurrentStartDate > (54000)) && ((RemoteUserCpu+RemoteSysCpu)/(CurrentTime-JobCurrentStartDate) < 0.10)) || (((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (2*24*3600)) && JobStatus == 5)
This is not meant to be an exhaustive set of commands nor a tutorial. You are invited to read to the manpages for condor_submit, condor_rm, condor_q, condor_status. Those will be most of what you will need to use on a daily basis. Help for version 6.9 is available online.
The answer is (almost) always: No!
Neither STAR nor BNL have site licences for any Microsoft product, Hummingbird Exceed, WinZIP,'s software or much of anything intended to run on individual users' desktops. Furthermore, for most purposes BNL-owned computers do not qualify for academic software licenses, though exceptions do exist.
Without Adobe Acrobat (an expensive bit of software), this can be a daunting question. I am researching answers, some of which are available in my Windows software tips. Here is the gist of it in a nutshell as I write this -- there are online conversion services and OpenOffice is capable of exporting PDF documents.
I recommend trying the X Server that is available freely with Cygwin, for which I have created some documentation here: Cygwin Tips. If you can't make that work for you, then I next recommend a commercial product called Xmanager, available from Last time I checked, you could still download a fully functional version for a time-limited evaluation period.
Imagine: the lightning is starting, and you've got 50 windows open on your desktop that would take an hour to restore from scratch. You want to hibernate now! Here's how to enable hibernating if it isn't showing up in the shutdown box:
Open the Control Panels and open "Power Options". Go to the "Hibernate" tab and make sure the the box to enable Hibernation is checked. When you hit "Turn Off Computer" in the Start menu, if you still only see a Standby button, then try holding down a Shift key -- the Standby button should change to a Hibernate button. Obvious, huh?
For the curious:
There are actually six (or seven depending on what you call "official") ACPI power states, but most motherboards/BIOSes only support a subset of these. To learn more, try Googling "acpi power state", or you can start here as long as this link works. (Note there is an error in the main post -- the S5 state is actually "Shutdown" in Microsoft's terminology).
From the command line, you can play around with these things with such straightforward commands as:
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 1
Even more obvious, right? If you like that, then try this on for size.
STAR's publicly available printers are listed below.
IP name Wireless (Corus) CUPS URL |
IP address | Model | Location | rcf2 Queue Name | Features | | | HP Color LaserJet 4700DN | 510, room M1-16 | lj4700-star | color, duplexing, driver download site (search for LaserJet 4700, recommend the PCL driver) | | | HP Color LaserJet 4700DN | 510, room M1-16 | lj4700-2-star | color, duplexing, driver download site (search for LaserJet 4700, recommend the PCL driver) | | | HP Color LaserJet 4700DN | 1006, Control Room | staronl1 | color, duplexing | N/A | | HP Color LaserJet 3800dtn | 1006C, mailroom | n/a | color, duplexing |
There are additional printing resources available at BNL, such as large format paper, plotters, lamination and such. Email us at starsupport 'at' and we might be able to help you locate such a resource if needed.
The "standard" way of printing from the wireless network is to go through ITD's CUPS server on the wireless network. How to do this varies from OS to OS, but here is a Windows walkthrough. The key thing is getting the URI for the printer into the right place:
Since printing through ITD's CUPS servers at BNL has not been very reliable, here are some less convenient alternatives to using the printers that you may find handy. (Note that with these, you can even print on our printers while you are offsite - probably not something to do often, but might come in handy sometimes.)
1. Use VPN. But if you are avoiding the internal network altogether for some reason, or can't use the VPN client, then keep reading...
2. Get your files to and print from there. Most of printers listed above have rcf print queues (hence the column "rcf2 queue name"). But if you want to use a printer for which there is no queue on rcf2, or you have a format or file type that you can't figure out how to print from rcf2, then the next tip might be what you need.
3. SSH tunnels can provide a way to talk directly (sort-of) to almost any printer on the campus wired network. At least as far as your laptop's print subsystem is concerned, you will be talking directly to the printer. (This is especially nice if you want to make various configuration changes to the print job through a locally installed driver.) But if you don't understand SSH tunnels, this is gonna look like gibberish:
Here is the basic idea, using the printer in the Control Room. It assumes you have access to both the RSSH and STAR SSH gateways. The ITD SSH gateways might also work in place of rssh (I haven't tried them yet). If they can talk directly to our printers, then it would eliminate step C below. A. From your laptop: ssh -A -L 9100: <username> (Note 1: -A is only useful if you are running an ssh-agent with a loaded key, which I highly recommend) (Note 2: Unfortunately, the rssh gateways cannot talk directly to our printers, so we have to create another tunnel to a node that can... If the ITD SSH gateways can communicate directly with the printers, then the next hop would be unnecessary...) B. From the rssh session: ssh -L 9100: <username> (Note 1: is the IP address of - it could be replaced with any printer's IP address on the wired network.) (Note 2: port 9100 is the HP JetDirect default port - non-HP printers might not use this, and there are other ways of communicating with HP network printers, so ymmv - but the general idea will work with most TCP communications, if you know the port number in use. C. On your laptop, set up a local print queue as if you were going to print directly to the printer over the network (with no intermediate server), but instead of supplying the printer's IP address, use instead. D. Start printing... If you close either of the ssh sessions above, you will have to re-establish them before you can print again. The two ssh commands can be combined into one and you can create an alias to save typing the whole thing each time. (Or use PuTTY or some other GUI SSH client wrapper to save these details for reuse.) You could set up multiple printers this way, but to use them simultaneously, you would need to use unique port numbers for each one (though the port number at the end of the printer IP would stay 9100).
You can use direct connections to access them over the network.
How to configure this varies with OS and your installed printing software.
What follows are miscellaneous tips and suggestions that will be irregularly maintained.
So you brought a laptop to BNL… and the first thing you want to do is get online, right?
Ok, here's a quick (?) guide to getting what you want without breaking too many rules.
Wired Options:
When registering a laptop, fill in "varies" for the location fields. For the computer name field, I recommend using "DHCP Client" (unless you have a static IP address of course).
Previously registered users are encouraged to verify and update their registration information by going to from the machine to be updated.
There you can also find out more about the registration system and find links to some useful information for network users.
This area is intended to provide information for STAR members to assist in configuring and using typical desktop/laptop PCs at BNL.
Windows 2000/XP and Scientific Linux/Redhat Enterprise Linux are the preferred Operating Systems within STAR at BNL for desktop computing, though there is no formal requirement to use any particular OS.
These pages are intended to be dynamic, subject to the constantly changing software world and user input. Feedback from users -- what you find indispensable; what is misleading, confusing or flat-out wrong; and what is missing that you wish was here -- can help to significantly increase the value of these pages.
Additional pages that are under consideration for creation:
The answer is (almost) always: No!
Neither STAR nor BNL have site licences for any Microsoft product,
Hummingbird Exceed, WinZIP,'s software or much of anything
intended to run on individual users' desktops. Furthermore, for most
purposes BNL-owned computers do not qualify for academic software
licenses, though exceptions do exist.
Without Adobe Acrobat (an expensive bit of software), this can be a daunting question. I am researching answers, some of which are available in my Windows software tips. Here is the gist of it in a nutshell as I write this -- there are online conversion services and OpenOffice is capable of exporting PDF documents.
I recommend trying the X Server that is available freely with Cygwin, for which I have created some documentation here: Cygwin Tips. If you can't make that work for you, then I next recommend a commercial product called Xmanager, available from Last time I checked, you could still download a fully functional version for a time-limited evaluation period.
Imagine: the lightning is starting, and you've got 50 windows open
on your desktop that would take an hour to restore from scratch.
You want to hibernate now!
Here's how to enable hibernating if it isn't showing up in the shutdown
Open the Control Panels and open "Power Options".
Go to the "Hibernate" tab and make sure the the box to enable
Hibernation is checked.
When you hit "Turn Off Computer" in the Start menu, if you still only
see a Standby button, then try holding down a Shift key -- the Standby
button should change to a Hibernate button.
Obvious, huh?
For the curious:
There are actually six (or seven
depending on what you call "official") ACPI power states, but most
motherboards/BIOSes only support a subset of these.
To learn more, try Googling "acpi power state", or you can start here as long as this link works.
(Note there is an error in the main post -- the S5 state is actually "Shutdown" in Microsoft's terminology).
From the command line, you can play around with these things with such straighforward commands as:
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 1
Even more obvious, right? If you like that, then try this on for size.
the leading web browser and mail client, these two apps are the target
of prolific viruses, trojans, malware and other nasties.
In addition to avoiding many of these, you may also like some of the
features available in the alternatives (eg. tabbed browsing is a
popular feature unavailable in IE).
Four alternatives are in common use (three of them share much of the
same code-base -- Mozilla, Netscape Navigator and Firefox).
This review
might help sort you out the differences.
As with anything, your preference is yours to decide (and also, as
with everything else here, feature and security updates are released
quite often, so you might try to check for new versions regularly):
They are listed here from highest recommendation to lowest:
Please send comments, corrections and suggestions to Wayne Betts: wbetts {at}
Please send comments, corrections and suggestions to Wayne Betts: wbetts {at}
BNL-specific requirements and configuration for networked Windows computers:
Windows desktops that reside on the BNL internal networks are best served by TrendMicro's basic OfficeScan product. It has a master server inside the BNL firewall from which it receives updates and to which it reports infections. Every Windows desktop system at BNL should be using this product, with very few exceptions. You can
click here to go to the online install the OfficeScan product. (You'll need administrator privileges on your system for the installation.)
Laptop users with wireless networking are encouraged to use a newer OfficeScan version that has a firewall module and is able to recieve virus pattern updates from multiple sources -- so it can roam around on- and off-site and usually still reach an update server. This OfficeScan version is also more capable of cleaning up some trojans and malware than the desktop version. To install it in the standard way, you must already be on the BNL external wireless network and go here. Repeat: you must be on the "BNLexternal" wireless network to use that link.
BNL employees' personal home computers are permitted to use the PC-cillin product, which gets its updates from servers that are outside the BNL firewall (and it does not report infections to anybody at BNL). PC-cillin includes a firewall module (OfficeScan does not) and PC-cillin has more (but quite limited) spy-ware and ad-ware detection capabilities.
If you are running a Windows *Server* OS (if you are unsure, then you almost certainly are not!), then there is yet another option, for which you will need to contact ITD (help desk at x5522 or Jim McManus directly at x4107).
or those readers to whom none of the above apply, which is to say, computers not owned or used primarily at BNL or by BNL employees, I recommend (though can offer no significant assistance with) the following three free anti-virus products about which we (Wayne / Jerome) have read or heard good things:
Other anti-virus resources available include online scanners, such as HouseCall from TrendMicro and Symantec's Security Check. Most major anti-virus vendors have something similar. Relying on these online scanners as you primary defense is unwise. In addition to the inconvenience of manually performing these scans, you really need a product monitoring your system at all times to prevent infections in the first place, rather than trying to clean up afterwards. But since no two products catch and/or clean the same set of problems, occaisionally using a second vendor's product can be useful.
Please send comments, corrections and suggestions to Wayne Betts: wbetts {at}
A selection of tips on how to log to the RCF
facility. We hope to augment those pages and add
information as user request or need.
First of all, if you are a new user, WELCOME to the RHIC/STAR collaboration and experiment. STAR is located at Brookhaven National Laboratory and is one of the premier particle detectors in the world.
As a (new) STAR user, you will need to be granted access to our BNL Tier0 computing facility in order to have access to the offline and online infrastructure and resources. This includes accessing BNL from remote or directly while visiting us on site. Access includes access to data, experiment, mailing lists, desktop computer for visitors to name only those. As a National Facility under the Department of Energy (DOE) regulations, a few steps are required for this to happen. Please, follow them precisely and make sure you understand their relevance.
The DOE requires proper credentials for anyone accessing a computing "resource" and expect such individual to keep credentials up-to-date i.e. in good standing. It is YOUR responsibility to keep valid credentials with Brookhaven National Laboratory's offices. Credentials include: being a valid and active STAR member, having a valid and active guest/user ID and appointment, having and keeping proper trainings. Any missing component would cause an immediate closure of access to computing resources.
In many cases, we rely on account name matching the one created at the RCF (for example, Hypernews or Drupal accounts need exact match to be approved) - this is enforced so we can accurately rely on the work already done by the RCF personnel and only base our automation on "RCF account exist and is active". The RCF personnel work with the user's office and other agencies to verify your credentials.
If you were a STAR user before and seek to re-activate your account, this page also has information for you.
The instructions here are for users who have an account at the RCF but have unfortunately let their BNL appointment expire or do not know how to access their (old) account.
First of all, please be sure you understand the requirements and rationals explained in Getting a computer account in STAR.
As soon as your appointment with BNL ends or expires, all access to BNL computing resources are closed / suspended and before re-establishing it, you MUST renew your appointment first. In such case, we will not provide you with any access which may include access to Drupal (personal account) and mailing lists.
The simplest way to proceed is to
If your appointment has expired, you will need to renew it. Please, follow the instructions available here.
If your account is valid, so is your appointment but you have not logged in the facility for a while and hence, are unable to upload your SSH keys (as described in SSH Keys and login to the SDCC and related documents) this may be for you.
You cannot access the upload page unless you have a valid password as the access to the RCF requires a double authentication scheme (Kerberos password + SSH key). In case you have forgotten your password, you have first to send an Email to the RCF at asking to reset your password, then thereafter go to the SSH key upload interface and proceed.
This page describes how you can obtain the access to the STAR drupal pages. Please understand that your Drupal access is now tight to a valid SDCC login - no SDCC account, no access to Drupal. This is because we integrated Drupal login to the common infrastructure (the login is Kerberos based). Here are the steps to gain access then:
What you find below is especially useful for those of you that work on several machines and platforms in and out of BNL and need to use ssh key pairs to get into SDCC.
The findings on this web page are a combined effort of Jérôme Lauret, Jim Thomas, and Thomas Ullrich. All typos and mistakes on this page are my doing. I am also not going to discuss the wisdom of having to move private keys around - all I want to do is get things done.
The whole problem arises from the fact that there are 3 different formats to store ssh key-pairs and all are not compatible:
Despite all claims, OpenSSH cannot export private keys into format, nor can it import private keys. Public keys seem to work but this is not what we want. So here is how it goes:
% chomod 600 rsa_openssh
% ssh-keygen -y -f rsa_openssh >
% mv rsa_openssh ~/.ssh/id_rsaAll done. Note that there is no need to put your key files on every machine to which you are going to connect. In fact, you should keep your private key file in as few places as possible -- just the source machine(s) from which you will initiate SSH connections. Your public key file is indeed safe to share with the public, so you need not be so careful with it and in fact will have to provide it to remote systems (such in the next section) in order to use your keys at all.% mv ~/.ssh/
Note that forcing MD5 hash is important (default hash is SHA256 the RACF interface will not take). All done.
If you followed all instructions you now have 3 key pairs (files). This covers essentially all SSH implementations there are. Where ever you go, whatever machine and system you deal with, one key pair will work. Keep them all in a very save place.
You need to upload your SSH keys only once. But after your first upload, please wait a while (30 mnts) before connecting to the SDCC SSH Gatekeepers. Basic connection instructions, use:
% ssh -AX % rterm
The rterm command will open an X-terminal on a valid STAR interactive node. If you do NOT have an X11 server running on your computer, you could use the -i options of rterm for interactive (non X-term based) session.
If you intend to logon to our online enclave, please check the instructions on You do not have access to view this node to request an account on the STAR SSH gateways and Linux pool (and upload your keys to the STAR Key SSH Management system). Note that you cannot upload your keys anywhere without a Kerberos password (both the SDCC and STAR's interface will require a real account kerberos password to log in). Logging in to the Online enclave involves the following ssh connection:
% ssh -AX % ssh -AX
A first thing to see is that SDCC gatekeeper is here "cssh" as the network is spearated into a "campus" side (cssh) and a ScienceZone side (sssh). For convenience, we have asked Cyber security to allow connections from "sssh" to our online enclave as well (so if you use sssh all the time, it will work).
For the requested an account online ... note that users do not request access to the individual stargw machines directly. Instead, a shared user database is kept on - approval for access to onlcs grants access to the stargw machines and the Online Linux Pool. Such access is typically requested on the user's behalf when the user requests access to the online resources following the instructions at You do not have access to view this node, though users may also initiate the request themselves.
Logging in to the stargw machines is most conveniently done Using the SSH Agent, and is generally done through the SDCC's SSSH gateways. This additional step of starting an agent would be removed whenever we will be able to directly access the STAR SSH GW (as per 2009, this is not yet possible due to technical details).
To learn more, see:
Please note that if you remote account name is different from your RCF account name, you will need to use
% ssh -X
specifying explicitly username rather as the form
% ssh -X
will assume a username defaulting to your local machine (remote from the BNL ssh-daemon stand point) user name where you issue the ssh command. This has been a source of confusion for a few users. The first form by the way is preferred as always work and removes all ambiguities.
-X is used to automatically set the display environment to a secure channel (also called untrusted X11 forwarding) . In other words, it enables X11 forwarding without having to grant remote applications the right to manipulate your Xserver parameters. If you want ssh client to always act like with X11 forwarding, have the following line added in your /etc/ssh/ssh_config (or any /etc/ssh*/ssh*_config ).
ForwardX11 yes
-Y enables trusted X11 forwarding. So, what does trusted mean? It means that the X-client will be allowed to gain full access to your Xserver, including changing X11 properties (i.e. attributes and values which alters the look and feel of opened X windows or things such as mouse controls and position info, keyboard input reading and so on). Starting with OpenSSH 3.8, you will need to set
ForwardX11Trusted yes
in the client configuration to allow remote nodes full access to your Xserver as it is NOT enabled by default.
When to use trusted, when to use untrusted
Recent OpenSSH version supports both untrusted (-X) and trusted (-Y) X11 Forwarding. As hinted above, the difference is what level of permissions the client application has on the Xserver running on the client machine. Untrusted (-X) X11 Forwarding is more secure, but unfortunately several applications (especially older X-based applications) do not support running with less privileges and will eventually die and/or crash your entire Xserver session.
Dilema? A rule of thumb is that while using trusted (-Y) X11 Forwarding will have less applications problems for the near future, try first the most secured untrusted (-X) way and see what happens. If remote X applications fail with a errorssimilar to the below:
X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 (X_ChangeProperty) Atom id in failed request: 0x114 Serial number of failed request: 370 Current serial number in output stream: 372
you will have to use the trusted (-Y) connection.
Instead of a system global configuration which will require your system administrator's assistance, you may create a config file in your user’s home directory (client side) under the .ssh directory with the following line $HOME/.ssh/config
ForwardX11Trusted yes
Host *.edu ForwardX11 no User jlauret Host * ForwardX11 yes Cipher blowfish User jeromel Host ForwardAgent yes Cipher 3des ForwardX11Trusted yes Host User exampleoptions ServerAliveInternal=900 Port 666 Compression yes PasswordAuthentication no KeepAlive yes ForwardAgent yes ForwardX11 yes RhostsAuthentication no RhostsRSAAuthentication no RSAAuthentication yes TISAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no FallBackToRsh no UseRsh no
As a side note, 3des is more secure thank blowfish but also 3x slower. If speed and security is important, use at least aes cypher.
OK, now you are logged to the facility gatekeeper but any sub-sequent login would ask for your password again (and this would defeat security). But you can cure this problem by, on the gatekeeper, issue the following command (we assume $user is your user name)
% kinit -5 -d -l 7d $user
-l 7d is used to provide a long life K5 ticket (7 days long credentials). Note that you should afterward be granted an AFS token automatically upon login to the worker nodes on the facility. From the gatekeeper, the command
% rterm
would open a terminal from the least loaded node on the cluster where you are allowed to log.
Due to policy regulations, group or generic accounts login cannot be allowed at the facility unless the login is traceable to an individual. The way to log in is therefore to
This section is about standing on one foot, tapping on to of your head and chanting a mantra unless the moon is full (in such case, the procedure involves parsley and sacrificial offerings). OK, we are in the realm of the very very special tricks for very very special nodes:
Valid starting Expires Service principal 12/26/06 10:59:28 12/31/06 10:59:28 krbtgt/RHIC.BNL.GOV@RHIC.BNL.GOV renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 10:59:30 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 11:11:48 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 17:51:05 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 18:34:03 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/26/06 18:34:22 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25 12/28/06 17:53:29 12/31/06 10:59:28 host/ renew until 01/02/07 10:59:25
The ssh-agent is a program you may use together with OpenSSH or similar ssh programs. The ssh-agent provides a secure way of storing the passphrase of the private key.
One advantage and common use of the agent is to use the agent forwarding. Agent forwarding allows you to open ssh sessions without having to repeatedly type your passphrase as you make multiple SSH hops. Below, we provide instructions on starting the agent, loading your keys and how to use key forwarding.
The ssh-agent is started as follow.
% ssh-agent
Note however that the agent will immediately display information such as the one below
% ssh-agent SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-fxDmNwelBA/agent.5884; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK; SSH_AGENT_PID=3520; export SSH_AGENT_PID; echo Agent pid 3520;
It may not be immediately obvious to you but you actually MUST type those commands on the command line for the next steps to be effective.
Here is what I usually do: redirect the message to a file and source it from the shell like this:
% ssh-agent >
% source
The commands above will create a script containing the necessary shell commands, then the source command will load the information into your shell. This assumes you are using sh. For csh, you need use the setenv shell command to define both SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID. A simpler approach may however be to use
% ssh-agent csh
The command above will start a new shell, in which the necessary environment variables will be defined in the newly started shell (no sourcing needed).
Yet another method to start an agent and set the environment variables in tcsh or bash (and probably other shells) is this:
% eval `ssh-agent`
Now that you've started an agent and set the environment variables to use it, the next step is to load your SSH key.
The agent alone is not very useful until you've actually put keys into it. All your agent key management is handled by the ssh-add
command. If you run it without arguments, it will add any of the 'standard' keys $HOME/.ssh/identity
, $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
, and $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa
To be sure the agent has not loaded any id yet, you may use the -l option with ssh-add. Here's what you should see if you have not loaded a key:
% ssh-add -l The agent has no identities.
To load your key, simply type
% ssh-add Enter passphrase for /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa: Identity added: /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa)
To very if all is fine, you may use again the ssh-add command with the -l option. The result should be different now and similar to the below (if not, something went wrong).
% ssh-add -l 1024 34:a0:3f:56:6d:a2:02:d1:c5:23:2e:a0:27:16:3d:e5 /home/jlauret/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
Is so, all is fine.
Two conditions need to be present for agent forwarding to function:
Usage is simply
% ssh -A user@remotehost
And that is all. For every hop, you need to use the -A option to have the key forwarded throughout the chain of ssh logins. Ideally, you may want to use -AX (where "X" enabled X11 agent forwarding).
The ssh-agent
creates a unix domain socket, and then listens for connections from /usr/bin/ssh
on this socket. It relies on simple unix permissions to prevent access to this socket, which means that any keys you put into your agent are available to anyone who can connect to this socket. BE AWARE that root especially has acess to any file hence any sockets and as a consequence, may acquire access to your remote system whenever you use an agent.
Manpages indicates you may use the -c of ssh-add and this indeed adds one more level of safety to the agent mechanism (the agent will aks for the passphrase confirmation at each new session). However, if root has its mind on stealing a session, you are set for a lost battle from the start so do not feel over-confident of this option.
Help pages below links to the OpenSSH implementation of the ssh client/server and other ssh related documentation from our site.
PuTTY to connect to gateway (from a home connection), you have to
set a session, be sure to enable SSH
go to the 'Connection' menu and have the following options box checked
Disable Nagle's algorithm (TCP_NODELAY option)
Enable TCP keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE option)
Furthermore, in 'Connection' -> 'SSH' -> 'Tunnels' enable the option
Enable X11 forwarding
Enable MIT-Magic-Cookie-1
Save the session
Documentation on those features (explanation for the interested) are added at the end of this document.
SSH users and owner of their system could first of all be sure to manipulate the SSH client configuration file and be sure settings are turned on by default. The client configuration is likely located as /etc/ssh_config or /usr/local/etc/ssh_config depending on where you have ssh installed.
But if you do NOT have access to the configuration file, the client can nonetheless pass on options from the command line. Those options would have the same name as they would appear in the config file.
Especially, KEEP_ALIVE is controlled via the SSH configuration option TCPKeepAlive.
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes
You will note in the next section that a spoofing issue exists with keep alive (I know it works well, but please consider the ServerAliveCountMax mechanism) so, you may use instead
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15
Note that the value 15 in our example is purely empirical. There are NO magic values and you need to test your connection and detect when (after what time) you get kicked out and disconnected and set the parameters from your client accordingly. Let's explain the default first and come back to this and a rule of thumb.
There are two relevant parameters (in addition of TCPKeepAlive):
Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the server, ssh will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the server. The default is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the server.
This option applies to protocol version 2 only.
Sets the number of server alive messages (see above) which may be sent without ssh receiving any messages back from the server. If this threshold is reached while server alive messages are being sent, ssh will disconnect from the server, terminating the session. It is important to note that the use of server alive messages is very different from TCPKeepAlive (below). The server alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and therefore will not be spoofable. The TCP keepalive option enabled by TCPKeepAlive is spoofable. The server alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become inactive.
The default value is 3. If, for example, ServerAliveInterval (above) is set to 15, and ServerAliveCountMax is left at the default, if the server becomes unresponsive ssh will disconnect after approximately 45 seconds.
In our example
% ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15
The recipe should be: if you get disconnected after N seconds, play with the above and be sure to set a
time of ServerAliveInterval*ServerAliveCountMax <= 0.8*N, N being the timeout. Since ServerAliveCountMax is typically not modified, in our example we assume the default value of 3 and therefore a a 3x15 = 45 seconds (and we guessed a disconnect every minute or so). If you set the value too low, the client will send to much "chatting" to the server and there will be a traffic impact.
This was written based on this article.
RPC implementations on TCP should disable Nagle. This reduces average RPC request latency on TCP, and makes network trace tools work a little nicer.
Determines whether Nagle's algorithm is to be used. The Nagle's algorithm tries to conserve bandwidth by minimizing the number of segments that are sent. When applications wish to decrease network latency and increase performance, they can disable Nagle's algorithm (that is enable TCP_NODELAY). Data will be sent earlier, at the cost of an increase in bandwidth consumption.
The KEEPALIVE option of the TCP/IP Protocol ensures that connections are kept alive even while they are idle. When a connection to a client is inactive for a period of time (the timeout period), the operating system sends KEEPALIVE packets at regular intervals. On most systems, the default timeout period is two hours (7,200,000 ms).
If the network hardware or software drops connections that have been idle for less than the two hour default, the Windows Client session will fail. KEEPALIVE timeouts are configured at the operating system level for all connections that have KEEPALIVE enabled.
If the network hardware or software (including firewalls) have a idle limit of one hour, then the KEEPALIVE timeout must be less than one hour. To rectify this situation TCP/IP KEEPALIVE settings can be lowered to fit inside the firewall limits. The implementation of TCP KEEPALIVE may vary from vendor to vendor. The original definition is quite old and described in RFC 1122.
To avoid unauthorized connections to your X display, the command xauth for encrypted X connections is widely used. When you login, a .Xauthority file is created in your home directory ($HOME). Even SSH initiate the creation of a magic cookie and without it, no display could be opened. Note that since the .Xauthority file IS the file containing the MIT Magic cookie, if you ever run out of disk quota or the file system is full, this file CANNOT be created or updated (even from the sshd impersonating the user) and consequently, no X connections can be opened.
The .Xauthority file sometimes contains information from older sessions, but this is not important, as a new key is created at every login session. The Xauthority is simple and powerful, and eliminates many of the security problems with X.
The STAR FileCatalog is an a set of tools and API providing users access to the MeataData, File and Replica information pertaining to all data produced by the RHIC/STAR experiment. The STAR FileCatalog in other words provides users access to meta-data, file and replica information through a unified schema-agnostic API. The user never needs to know the details of the relation between elements (or keywords) but rather, is provided with a flexible yet powerful query API allowing them to request any combination of 'keywords' based on sets of conditions composed of sequences of keyword operation values combinations. The user manual provides a list of keywords.
The STAR FIleCatalog also provides multi-site support through the same API. In other words, the same set of tools and programmatic interface allows to register, update, maintain a global catalog for the experiment and serve as a core component to the Data Management system. To date, the STAR FileCatalog holds information on 22 Million files and 52 Million active replicas.
A few examples will be left here to guide users and installer.
This dictionary was created on 2012/03/12.
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
collisionTypeID | smallint(6) | No | ||
firstParticle | varchar(10) | No | ||
secondParticle | varchar(10) | No | ||
collisionEnergy | float | No | 0 | |
collisionTypeIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
collisionTypeCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
collisionTypeCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
collisionTypeComment | text | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
creatorID | bigint(20) | No | ||
creatorName | varchar(15) | Yes | unknown | |
creatorIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
creatorCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
creatorComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
detectorConfigurationID | int(11) | No | ||
detectorConfigurationName | varchar(50) | Yes | NULL | |
dTPC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dSVT | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dTOF | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dEMC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dEEMC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dFPD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dFTPC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dPMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dRICH | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dSSD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dBBC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dBSMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dESMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dZDC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dCTB | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dTPX | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
dFGT | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
detectorStateID | int(11) | No | ||
sTPC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sSVT | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sTOF | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sEMC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sEEMC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sFPD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sFTPC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sPMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sRICH | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sSSD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sBBC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sBSMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sESMD | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sZDC | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sCTB | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sTPX | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL | |
sFGT | tinyint(4) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
eventGeneratorID | smallint(6) | No | ||
eventGeneratorName | varchar(30) | No | ||
eventGeneratorVersion | varchar(10) | Yes | 0 | |
eventGeneratorParams | varchar(200) | Yes | NULL | |
eventGeneratorIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
eventGeneratorCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
eventGeneratorCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
eventGeneratorComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | ||
runParamID | int(11) | No | 0 | |
fileName | varchar(255) | No | ||
baseName | varchar(255) | No | Name without extension | |
sName1 | varchar(255) | No | Will be used for name+runNumber | |
sName2 | varchar(255) | No | Will be used for name before runNumber | |
productionConditionID | mediumint(9) | Yes | NULL | |
numEntries | mediumint(9) | Yes | 0 | |
md5sum | varchar(32) | Yes | 0 | |
fileTypeID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
fileSeq | smallint(6) | Yes | NULL | |
fileStream | smallint(6) | Yes | 0 | |
fileDataIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
fileDataCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
fileDataCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
fileDataComment | text | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No | ||
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
filePathID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
createTime | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
insertTime | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
owner | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
fsize | bigint(20) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
protection | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
hostID | mediumint(9) | No | 1 | |
availability | tinyint(4) | No | 1 | |
persistent | tinyint(4) | No | 0 | |
sanity | tinyint(4) | No | 1 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No | ||
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
filePathID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
createTime | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
insertTime | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
owner | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
fsize | bigint(20) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
protection | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
hostID | mediumint(9) | No | 1 | |
availability | tinyint(4) | No | 1 | |
persistent | tinyint(4) | No | 0 | |
sanity | tinyint(4) | No | 1 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No | ||
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
filePathID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
createTime | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
insertTime | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
owner | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
fsize | bigint(20) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
protection | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
hostID | mediumint(9) | No | 1 | |
availability | tinyint(4) | No | 1 | |
persistent | tinyint(4) | No | 0 | |
sanity | tinyint(4) | No | 1 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No | ||
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
filePathID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
createTime | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
insertTime | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
owner | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
fsize | bigint(20) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
protection | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
hostID | mediumint(9) | No | 1 | |
availability | tinyint(4) | No | 1 | |
persistent | tinyint(4) | No | 0 | |
sanity | tinyint(4) | No | 1 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileLocationID | bigint(20) | No | ||
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
filePathID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
createTime | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
insertTime | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
owner | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
fsize | bigint(20) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
protection | varchar(15) | Yes | NULL | |
hostID | mediumint(9) | No | 1 | |
availability | tinyint(4) | No | 1 | |
persistent | tinyint(4) | No | 0 | |
sanity | tinyint(4) | No | 1 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
parentFileID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
childFileID | bigint(20) | No | 0 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
filePathID | bigint(6) | No | ||
filePathName | varchar(255) | No | ||
filePathIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
filePathCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
filePathCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
filePathComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileTypeID | smallint(6) | No | ||
fileTypeName | varchar(30) | No | ||
fileTypeExtension | varchar(15) | No | ||
fileTypeIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
fileTypeCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
fileTypeCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
fileTypeComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
hostID | smallint(6) | No | ||
hostName | varchar(30) | No | localhost | |
hostIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
hostCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
hostCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
hostComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
productionConditionID | smallint(6) | No | ||
productionTag | varchar(10) | No | ||
libraryVersion | varchar(10) | No | ||
productionConditionIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
productionConditionCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
productionConditionCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
productionConditionComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
runParamID | int(11) | No | ||
runNumber | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
dataTakingStart | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
dataTakingEnd | timestamp | No | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
dataTakingDay | smallint(6) | Yes | 0 | |
dataTakingYear | smallint(6) | Yes | 0 | |
simulationParamsID | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
runTypeID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
triggerSetupID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
detectorConfigurationID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
detectorStateID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
collisionTypeID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
magFieldScale | varchar(50) | No | ||
magFieldValue | float | Yes | NULL | |
runParamIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
runParamCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
runParamCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
runParamComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
runTypeID | smallint(6) | No | ||
runTypeName | varchar(255) | No | ||
runTypeIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
runTypeCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
runTypeCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
runTypeComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
simulationParamsID | int(11) | No | ||
eventGeneratorID | smallint(6) | No | 0 | |
simulationParamIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
simulationParamCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
simulationParamCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
simulationParamComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
storageSiteID | smallint(6) | No | ||
storageSiteName | varchar(30) | No | ||
storageSiteLocation | varchar(50) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
storageSiteCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
storageSiteCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
storageSiteComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
storageTypeID | mediumint(9) | No | ||
storageTypeName | varchar(6) | No | ||
storageTypeIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
storageTypeCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
storageTypeCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
storageTypeComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
fileDataID | bigint(20) | No | 0 | |
triggerWordID | mediumint(9) | No | 0 | |
triggerCount | mediumint(9) | Yes | 0 |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
triggerSetupID | smallint(6) | No | ||
triggerSetupName | varchar(50) | No | ||
triggerSetupComposition | varchar(255) | No | ||
triggerSetupIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
triggerSetupCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
triggerSetupCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
triggerSetupComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
Field | Type | Null | Default | Comments |
triggerWordID | mediumint(9) | No | ||
triggerWordName | varchar(50) | No | ||
triggerWordVersion | varchar(6) | No | V0.0 | |
triggerWordBits | varchar(6) | No | ||
triggerWordIDate | timestamp | No | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
triggerWordCreator | smallint(6) | No | 1 | |
triggerWordCount | int(11) | Yes | NULL | |
triggerWordComment | varchar(512) | Yes | NULL |
#use FileCatalog; # # All IDs are named after their respective table. This MUST # remain like this. # eventGeneratorID -> eventGenerator+ID in 'EventGenerators' # detectorConfigurationID ->detectorConfiguration+ID in 'DetectorConfigurations' # # etc... # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS EventGenerators; CREATE TABLE EventGenerators ( eventGeneratorID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, eventGeneratorName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, eventGeneratorVersion VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, eventGeneratorParams VARCHAR(200), eventGeneratorIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, eventGeneratorCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, eventGeneratorCount INT, eventGeneratorComment TEXT, UNIQUE EG_EventGeneratorUnique (eventGeneratorName, eventGeneratorVersion, eventGeneratorParams), PRIMARY KEY (eventGeneratorID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DetectorConfigurations; CREATE TABLE DetectorConfigurations ( detectorConfigurationID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, detectorConfigurationName VARCHAR(50) NULL UNIQUE, dTPC TINYINT, dSVT TINYINT, dTOF TINYINT, dEMC TINYINT, dEEMC TINYINT, dFPD TINYINT, dFTPC TINYINT, dPMD TINYINT, dRICH TINYINT, dSSD TINYINT, dBBC TINYINT, dBSMD TINYINT, dESMD TINYINT, PRIMARY KEY (detectorConfigurationID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # Trigger related tables DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TriggerSetups; CREATE TABLE TriggerSetups ( triggerSetupID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, triggerSetupName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE, triggerSetupComposition VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, triggerSetupIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, triggerSetupCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, triggerSetupCount INT, triggerSetupComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (triggerSetupID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TriggerCompositions; CREATE TABLE TriggerCompositions ( fileDataID BIGINT NOT NULL, triggerWordID INT NOT NULL, triggerCount MEDIUMINT DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (fileDataID, triggerWordID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TriggerWords; CREATE TABLE TriggerWords ( triggerWordID mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, triggerWordName varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', triggerWordVersion varchar(6) NOT NULL default 'V0.0', triggerWordBits varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', triggerWordIDate timestamp(14) NOT NULL, triggerWordCreator varchar(15) NOT NULL default 'unknown', triggerWordCount int(11) default NULL, triggerWordComment text, PRIMARY KEY (triggerWordID), UNIQUE KEY TW_TriggerCharacteristic (triggerWordName,triggerWordVersion,triggerWordBits) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CollisionTypes; CREATE TABLE CollisionTypes ( collisionTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, firstParticle VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, secondParticle VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, collisionEnergy FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (collisionTypeID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # # A few dictionary tables # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ProductionConditions; CREATE TABLE ProductionConditions ( productionConditionID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, productionTag VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, libraryVersion VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, productionConditionIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, productionConditionCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, productionConditionCount INT, productionConditionComments TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (productionConditionID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS StorageSites; CREATE TABLE StorageSites ( storageSiteID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, storageSiteName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, storageSiteLocation VARCHAR(50), storageSiteIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, storageSiteCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, storageSiteCount INT, storageSiteComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (storageSiteID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FileTypes; CREATE TABLE FileTypes ( fileTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, fileTypeName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE, fileTypeExtension VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, fileTypeIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, fileTypeCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, fileTypeCount INT, fileTypeComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (fileTypeID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FilePaths; CREATE TABLE FilePaths ( filePathID BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, filePathName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, filePathIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, filePathCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, filePathCount INT, filePathComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (filePathID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Hosts; CREATE TABLE Hosts ( hostID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, hostName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'localhost' UNIQUE, hostIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, hostCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, hostCount INT, hostComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (hostID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS RunTypes; CREATE TABLE RunTypes ( runTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runTypeName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, runTypeIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, runTypeCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, runTypeCount INT, runTypeComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (runTypeID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS StorageTypes; CREATE TABLE StorageTypes ( storageTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, storageTypeName VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL UNIQUE, storageTypeIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, storageTypeCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, storageTypeCount INT, storageTypeComment TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (storageTypeID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS SimulationParams; CREATE TABLE SimulationParams ( simulationParamsID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, eventGeneratorID SMALLINT NOT NULL, detectorConfigurationID INT NOT NULL, simulationParamComments TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (simulationParamsID), INDEX SP_EventGeneratorIndex (eventGeneratorID), INDEX SP_DetectorConfigurationIndex (detectorConfigurationID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS RunParams; CREATE TABLE RunParams ( runParamID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runNumber BIGINT NOT NULL UNIQUE, dataTakingStart TIMESTAMP, dataTakingEnd TIMESTAMP, simulationParamsID INT NULL, runTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL, triggerSetupID SMALLINT NOT NULL, detectorConfigurationID INT NOT NULL, collisionTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL, magFieldScale VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, magFieldValue FLOAT, runComments TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (runParamID), INDEX RP_RunNumberIndex (runNumber), INDEX RP_DataTakingStartIndex (dataTakingStart), INDEX RP_DataTakingEndIndex (dataTakingEnd), INDEX RP_MagFieldScaleIndex (magFieldScale), INDEX RP_MagFieldValueIndex (magFieldValue), INDEX RP_SimulationParamsIndex (simulationParamsID), INDEX RP_RunTypeIndex (runTypeID), INDEX RP_TriggerSetupIndex (triggerSetupID), INDEX RP_DetectorConfigurationIndex (detectorConfigurationID), INDEX RP_CollisionTypeIndex (collisionTypeID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FileData; CREATE TABLE FileData ( fileDataID BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, runParamID INT NOT NULL, fileName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, baseName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name without extension', sName1 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Will be used for name+runNumber', sName2 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Will be used for name before runNumber', productionConditionID INT NULL, numEntries MEDIUMINT, md5sum CHAR(32) DEFAULT 0, fileTypeID SMALLINT NOT NULL, fileSeq SMALLINT, fileStream SMALLINT, fileDataComments TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (fileDataID), INDEX FD_FileNameIndex (fileName(40)), INDEX FD_BaseNameIndex (baseName), INDEX FD_SName1Index (sName1), INDEX FS_SName2Index (sName2), INDEX FD_RunParamsIndex (runParamID), INDEX FD_ProductionConditionIndex (productionConditionID), INDEX FD_FileTypeIndex (fileTypeID), INDEX FD_FileSeqIndex (fileSeq), UNIQUE FD_FileDataUnique (runParamID, fileName, productionConditionID, fileTypeID, fileSeq) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # FileParents DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FileParents; CREATE TABLE FileParents ( parentFileID BIGINT NOT NULL, childFileID BIGINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (parentFileID, childFileID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # FileLocations DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FileLocations; CREATE TABLE FileLocations ( fileLocationID BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, fileDataID BIGINT NOT NULL, filePathID BIGINT NOT NULL, storageTypeID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, createTime TIMESTAMP, insertTime TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, owner VARCHAR(30), fsize BIGINT, storageSiteID SMALLINT NOT NULL, protection VARCHAR(15), hostID BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, availability TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, persistent TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sanity TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (fileLocationID), INDEX FL_FilePathIndex (filePathID), INDEX FL_FileDataIndex (fileDataID), INDEX FL_StorageTypeIndex (storageTypeID), INDEX FL_StorageSiteIndex (storageSiteID), INDEX FL_HostIndex (hostID), UNIQUE FL_FileLocationUnique (fileDataID, storageTypeID, filePathID, storageSiteID, hostID) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
This document is intended for FileCatalog managers only who have previously deployed an earlier version of API and older database table layout. It is NOT intended for users.
Reasoning for this upgrade and core of the upgrade
One of the major problem with the preceding database layout started to show itself when we reached 4 Million entries (for some reason, we seem to have magic numbers). A dire restriction was the presence of the field 'path' and 'nodename' in the FileLocations table. This table became unnecessarily large (of the order of GB) and sorting and queries would become slow and IO demanding (regardless of our careful indexing). The main action was to move both field to separate tables. This change requires a two step modification :
The steps are more carefully described below ...
Step by step migration instructions
Has to be made in several steps for safety a least interruption of service (although a pain to the manager). Note that you can do that much faster by cutting the Master/slave relationship, disabling all daemons auto-updating the database, proceed with table reshape and normalization script execution, drop and rebuild index, deploy the point-of-no-return API and restore Master/slave relation).
This upgrade is best if you have perl 5.8 or upper. Note that this transition will be the LAST one using perl 5.6 (get ready for a perl upgrade on your cluster).
We will assume you know how to connect to your database from an account able to manipulate and create any tables in the FileCatalog database.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FilePaths; CREATE TABLE FilePaths ( filePathID BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, filePathName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, filePathCount INT, PRIMARY KEY (filePathID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Hosts; CREATE TABLE Hosts ( hostID smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, hostName varchar(30) NOT NULL default 'localhost', hostIDate timestamp(14) NOT NULL, hostCreator varchar(15) NOT NULL default 'unknown', hostCount int(11) default NULL, hostComment text, PRIMARY KEY (hostID), UNIQUE KEY hostName (hostName) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` ADD `filePathID` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `fileDataID`; ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` ADD `hostID` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `protection`; UPDATE TABLE `FileLocations` SET hostID=0; # note that I did that one from the Web interface (TBC) INSERT INTO Hosts VALUES(0,'localhost',NOW()+0,'',0,'Any unspecified node'); ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` ADD INDEX ( `filePathID` ) ALTER TABLE `FilePaths` ADD `filePathIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `filePathName` ; ALTER TABLE `FilePaths` ADD `filePathCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `filePathIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `FilePaths` ADD `filePathComment` TEXT AFTER `filePathCount`; ALTER TABLE `StorageSites` ADD `storageSiteIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `storageSiteLocation` ; ALTER TABLE `StorageSites` ADD `storageSiteCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `storageSiteIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `StorageSites` DROP `storageComment`; ALTER TABLE `StorageSites` ADD `storageSiteComment` TEXT AFTER `storageSiteCount`; ALTER TABLE `StorageTypes` ADD `storageTypeIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `storageTypeName` ; ALTER TABLE `StorageTypes` ADD `storageTypeCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `storageTypeIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `FileTypes` ADD `fileTypeIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `fileTypeExtension` ; ALTER TABLE `FileTypes` ADD `fileTypeCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `fileTypeIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `FileTypes` ADD `fileTypeComment` TEXT AFTER `fileTypeCount`; ALTER TABLE `TriggerSetups` ADD `triggerSetupIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `triggerSetupComposition` ; ALTER TABLE `TriggerSetups` ADD `triggerSetupCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `triggerSetupIDate`; ALTER TABLE `TriggerSetups` ADD `triggerSetupCount` INT AFTER `triggerSetupCreator`; ALTER TABLE `TriggerSetups` ADD `triggerSetupComment` TEXT AFTER `triggerSetupCount`; ALTER TABLE `EventGenerators` ADD `eventGeneratorIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `eventGeneratorParams` ; ALTER TABLE `EventGenerators` ADD `eventGeneratorCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `eventGeneratorIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `EventGenerators` ADD `eventGeneratorCount` INT AFTER `eventGeneratorCreator`; ALTER TABLE `RunTypes` ADD `runTypeIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `runTypeName` ; ALTER TABLE `RunTypes` ADD `runTypeCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `runTypeIDate` ; ALTER TABLE `ProductionConditions` DROP `productionComments`; ALTER TABLE `ProductionConditions` ADD `productionConditionIDate` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL AFTER `libraryVersion`; ALTER TABLE `ProductionConditions` ADD `productionConditionCreator` CHAR( 15 ) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL AFTER `productionConditionIDate`; ALTER TABLE `ProductionConditions` ADD `productionConditionComment` TEXT AFTER `productionConditionCount`; # # This table was not shaped as a dictionary so needs to be re-created # Hopefully, was not filled prior (but will be this year) # DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TriggerWords; CREATE TABLE TriggerWords ( triggerWordID MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, triggerWordName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, triggerWordVersion CHAR(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT "V0.0", triggerWordBits CHAR(6) NOT NULL, triggerWordIDate TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, triggerWordCreator CHAR(15) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL, triggerWordCount INT, triggerWordComment TEXT, UNIQUE TW_TriggerCharacteristic (triggerWordName, triggerWordVersion, triggerWordBits), PRIMARY KEY (triggerWordID) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
Deploy the new API CVS version 1.62 of
Note that those scripts use a new method $fC->connect_as("Admin"); which assumes that the Master Catalog will be accessed using the XML connection description. Also, it should be obvious that
use lib "/WhereverYourModulAPIisInstalled"; should be replaced by the appropriate path for your site (or test area). Finally, it uses API CVS version 1.62 which supports Xpath and Xnode transitional keywords allowing us to transfer the information from one field to one table.
>SELECT FileLocations.fileLocationID FROM FileLocations WHERE FileLocations.filePathID = 0 LIMIT 0, 100 >SELECT FileLocations.fileLocationID FROM FileLocations WHERE FileLocations.hostID = 0 LIMIT 0, 100
You are ready for phase II. Hang on tight now ...
Those steps are no VERY intrusive and potentially destructive. Be careful from here on ...
> ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` ADD INDEX FL_HostIndex (hostID); > ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` DROP INDEX `FL_FileLocationUnique`, ADD UNIQUE (fileDataID, storageTypeID, filePathID, storageSiteID, hostID); # drop the columns not in use anymore / should also get rid of the associated # indexes. > ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` DROP COLUMN nodeName; > ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` DROP COLUMN filePath; # "rename" index / was created with a name difference to avoid clash for transition # now renamed for consistency > ALTER TABLE `FileLocations` DROP INDEX `filePathID`, ADD INDEX FL_FilePathIndex (filePathID);
OK, you should be done. Deploy either CVS version 1.63 which correspond to the FileCatalog API version V01.275 and above ... (by the way, -V gives the API version).
# Get connection fills the blanks while reading from XML # However, USER/PASSWORD presence are re-checked #$fC->debug_on(); ($USER,$PASSWD,$PORT,$HOST,$DB) = $fC->get_connection("Admin"); $port = $PORT if ( defined($PORT) ); $host = $HOST if ( defined($HOST) ); $db = $DB if ( defined($DB) ); if ( defined($USER) ){ $user = $USER;} else { $user = "FC_admin";} if ( defined($PASSWD) ){ $passwd = $PASSWD;} else { print "Password for $user : "; chomp($passwd = );} # # Now connect using a fully specified user/passwd/port/host/db # $fC->connect($user,$passwd,$port,$host,$db);
or counting on the full definition in the XML file
$fC = FileCatalog->new(); $fC->connect_as("Admin");
This document is intended for FileCatalog managers only who have previously deployed an earlier version of API and older database table layout. It is NOT intended for users.
Reasoning for this upgrade and core of the upgrade
This upgrade is a minor one, making support for two more detector sub-systems. The new API supports this modification. You need to alter the table DetectorConfigurations and add two columns. API are always forward compatible in that regard so it is completely safe to alter the table and deploy the API later.
ALTER TABLE `DetectorConfigurations` ADD dBSMD TINYINT;
ALTER TABLE `DetectorConfigurations` ADD dESMD TINYINT;
UPDATE `DetectorConfigurations` SET dBSMD=0;
UPDATE `DetectorConfigurations` SET dESMD=0;
And deploy the API V01.280 or later. You are done.
A first simple and immediate consideration is to minimize tape mount and dismount operations, causing latencies and therefore performance drops. Since we use the DataCarousel for most restore operations, let's summarize its features.
The DataCarousel (DC) is an HPSS front end which main purpose is to coordinate requests from many un-correlated client's requests. Its main assumption is that all requests are asynchronous that is, you make a request from one client and it is satisfied “later” (as soon as possible). In other words, the DC aggregates all requests from all clients (many users could be considered as separate clients) and re-order them according policies, and possibly aggregating multiple requests for the same source into one request to the mass storage. The DC system itself is composed of a light client program (script), a plug-and-play policy based server architecture component (script) and a permanent process (compiled code) interfacing with the mass storage using HPSS API calls (this components is known as the “Oakridge Batch” although it current code content has little to do with the original idea from the Oakridge National Laboratory). Client and server interacts via a database component isolating client and server completely from each other (but sharing the same API , a perl module).
Policies may throttle the amount of data by group (quota, bandwidth percentage per user, etc ... i.e. queue request fairshare) but also perform tape access optimization such as grouping requests by tape ID (for equivalent share, all requests from the same tape are grouped together regardless of the time at which this request was performed or position in the request queue). The policy could be anything one can come up with based on the information either historical usage or current pending requests and characteristics of those requests (this could include file type, user, class of service, file size, ...). The DC then submits bundle of requests to the daemon component ; each request is a bundle of N file and known as a “job”. The DC submits K of those jobs before stopping and observing the mass storage behavior: if the jobs go through, more are submitted otherwise, either the server stops or proceed with a recovery procedure and consistency checks (as it will assume that no reaction and no unit of work being performed is a sign of MSS failure). In other words, the DC will also be error resilient and recover from intrinsic HPSS failures (being monitored). Whenever the files are moved from tape to cache in the MSS, a call back to the DC server is made and captive account connection is initiated to pull the file out of mass storage cache to more permanent storage.
While the policy is clearly a source of optimization (as far as the user is concerned), from a DataCarousel “post policy” perspective, N*K files are being requested at minimum at every point in time. In reality, more jobs are being submitted so the consumption of the “overflow”of job are used to monitor if the MSS is alive. The N*K files represents a total amount of files which should match the number of threads allowed by the daemon. The current setting are K=50, N=15 with an overflow allowed up to 25). The daemon itself has the possibility to treat requests simultaneously according to a“depth”. Those calls to HPSS are however only advisory. The depth is set at being 30 deep for the DST COS and 20 deep for the Raw COS. The deepest the request queue will be, more files will be requested simultaneously but this means that the daemon will also have to start more threads as previously noted. Those parameters have been showed to influence the performance to some extent (within 10%) with however a large impact on response time: the larger the request stack, the “less instantaneous” the response from a user's perspective (since the request queue length is longer).
The daemon has the ability of organizing X requests into a sorted list of tape ID and number of requests per tape. There are a few strategies allowing to alter the performance. We chose to enable “start with the tape with the largest number of files requested”. In addition, and since our queue depth is rather small comparing to the ideal number of files (K) per job, we order the files requested by the user by tape ID. Both optimizations are in place and lead to a 20% improvement within a realistic usage (bulk restore, Xrootd, other user activities).
Optimization based on tapeID would need to be better quantified (graph, average restore rate) for several class of files and usage. TBD.
The tape ID program is a first implementation returning partial information. Especially, the MSS failures are not currently handled, leading to setting the tape ID to -1 (since there are now ways to recognize whether or not it is an error or a file missing in HPSS or even a file in the MSS MetaData server but located on a bad tape). Work in progress.
The queue depth parameters should be studied and adjusted according to the K and N values. However, this would need to respect the machine / hardware capabilities. The beefier the machine would be, the better but this is likely a fine tuning. This needs to be done with great care as the hardware is also shared by multiple experiments. Ideally the compiled daemon should auto-adjust to the DC API settings (and respect command line parameters for queue depth). TBD.
Currently, the daemon number of threads used for handling the HPSS API calls and to handle the call backs are sharing the same pool. This diminishes the number of threads available to communication with the Mass Storage and therefore, causes performance fluctuations (call back threads could get “stuck” or come in “waves” - we observed cosine behavior perhaps related to this issue). TBD.
Average (bytes) | Average (MB) | File Type |
943240627 | 899 | MC_fzd |
666227650 | 635 | MC_reco_geant |
561162588 | 535 | emb_reco_event |
487783881 | 465 | online_daq |
334945320 | 319 | daq_reco_laser |
326388157 | 311 | MC_reco_dst |
310350118 | 295 | emb_reco_dst |
298583617 | 284 | daq_reco_event |
246230932 | 234 | daq_reco_dst |
241519002 | 230 | MC_reco_event |
162678332 | 155 | MC_reco_root_save |
93111610 | 88 | daq_reco_MuDst |
52090140 | 49 | MC_reco_MuDst |
17495114 | 16 | MC_reco_minimc |
14982825 | 14 | daq_reco_emcEvent |
14812257 | 14 | emb_reco_geant |
12115661 | 11 | scaler |
884333 | 0 | daq_reco_hist |
This section seems rather academic considering the previous sections improvement perspectives.
In this section, we will discuss optimizing based on file size, perhaps isolated by PVR or COS. This will be possible in future run but would lead to a massive repackaging of files and data for the past years.
Further reading:
The following is the man page of how to use htar.
NAME htar - HPSS tar utility PURPOSE Manipulates HPSS-resident tar-format archives. SYNOPSIS htar -{c|t|x|X} -f Archive [-?] [-B] [-E] [-L inputlist] [-h] [-m] [-o] [-d debuglevel] [-p] [-v] [-V] [-w] [-I {IndexFile | .suffix}] [-Y [Archive COS ID][:Index File COS ID]] [-S Bufsize] [-T Max Threads] [Filespec | Directory ...] DESCRIPTION htar is a utility which manipulates HPSS-resident archives by writing files to, or retrieving files from the High Performance Storage System (HPSS). Files written to HPSS are in the POSIX 1003.1 "tar" format, and may be retrieved from HPSS, or read by native tar programs. For those unfamiliar with HPSS, an introduction can be found on the web at The local files used by the htar command are represented by the Filespec parameter. If the Filespec parameter refers to a directory, then that directory, and, recursively, all files and directories within it, are referenced as well. Unlike the standard Unix "tar" command, there is no default archive device; the "-f Archive" flag is required. Archive and Member files Throughout the htar documentation, the term "archive file" is used to refer to the tar-format file, which is named by the "-f filename" command line option. The term "member file" is used to refer to individual files contained within the archive file. WHY USE HTAR htar has been optimized for creation of archive files directly in HPSS, without having to go through the intermediate step of first creating the archive file on local disk storage, and then copying the archive file to HPSS via some other process such as ftp or hsi. The program uses multiple threads and a sophisticated buffering scheme in order to package member files into in-memory buffers, while making use of the high-speed network striping capabilities of HPSS. In most cases, it will be signficantly faster to use htar to create a tar file in HPSS than to either create a local tar file and then copy it to HPSS, or to use tar piped into ftp (or hsi) to create the tar file directly in HPSS. In addition, htar creates a separate index file, (see next section) which contains the names and locations of all of the member files in the archive (tar) file. Individual files and directories in the archive can be randomly retrieved without having to read through the archive file. Because the index file is usually smaller than the archive file, it is possible that the index file may reside in HPSS disk cache even though the archive file has been moved offline to tape; since htar uses the index file for listing operations, it may be possible to list the contents of the archive file without having to incur the time delays of reading the archive file back onto disk cache from tape. It is also possible to create an index file for a tar file that was not originally created by htar. HTAR Index File As part of the process of creating an archive file on HPSS, htar also creates an index file, which is a directory of the files contained in the archive. The Index File includes the position of member files within the archive, so that files and/or directories can be randomly retrieved from the archive without having to read through it sequentially. The index file is usually significantly smaller in size than the archive file, and may often reside in HPSS disk cache even though the archive file resides on tape. All htar operations make use of an index file. It is also possible to create an index file for an archive file that was not created by htar, by using the "Build Index" [-X] function (see below). By default, the index filename is created by adding ".idx" as a suffix to the Archive name specified by the -f parameter. A different suffix or index filename may be specified by the "-I " option, as described below. By default, the Index File is assumed to reside in the same directory as the Archive File. This can be changed by specifying a relative or absolute pathname via the -I option. The Index file's relative pathname is relative to the Archive File directory unless an absolute pathname is specified. HTAR Consistency File HTAR writes an extra file as the last member file of each Archive, with a name similar to: /tmp/HTAR_CF_CHK_64474_982644481 This file is used to verify the consistency of the Archive File and the Index File. Unless the file is explicitly specified, HTAR does not extract this file from the Archive when the -x action is selected. The file is listed, however, when the -t action is selected. Tar File Restrictions When specifying path names that are greater than 100 characters for a file (POSIX 1003.1 USTAR) format, remember that the path name is composed of a prefix bufferFR, a / (slash), and a name buffer. The prefix buffer can be a maximum of 155 bytes and the name buffer can hold a maximum of 100 bytes. Since some implementations of TAR require the prefix and name buffers to terminate with a null (' ') character, htar enforces the restriction that the effective prefix buffer length is 154 characters (+ trailing zero byte), and the name buffer length is 99 bytes (+ trailing zero byte). If the path name cannot be split into these two parts by a slash, it cannot be archived. This limitation is due to the structure of the tar archive headers, and must be maintained for compliance with standards and backwards compatibility. In addition, the length of a destination for a hard or symbolic link ( the 'link name') cannot exceed 100 bytes (99 characters + zero- byte terminator). HPSS Default Directories The default directory for the Archive file is the HPSS home directory for the DCE user. An absolute or relative HPSS path can optionally be specified for either the Archive file or the Index file. By default, the Index file is created in the same HPSS directory as the Archive file. Use of Absolute Pathnames Although htar does not restrict the use of absolute pathnames (pathnames that begin with a leading "/") when the archive is created, it will remove the leading / when files are extracted from the archive. All extracted files use pathnames that are relative to the current working directory. HTAR USAGE Two groups of flags exist for the htar command; "action" flags and "optional" flags. Action flags specify the operation to be performed by the htar command, and are specified by one of the following: -c, -t, -x, -X One action flag must be selected in order for the htar command to perform any useful function. File specification (Filespec) A file specification has one of the following forms: WildcardPath or Pathname or Filename WildcardPath is a path specification that includes standard filename pattern-matching characters, as specified for the shell that is being used to invoke htar. The pattern- matching characters are expanded by the shell and passed to htar as command line arguments. Action Flags Action flags defined for htar are as follows: -c Creates a new HPSS-resident archive, and writes the local files specified by one or more File parameters into the archive. Warning: any pre-existing archive file will be overwritten without prompting. This behavior mimics that of the AIX tar utility. -t Lists the files in the order in which they appear in the HPSS- resident archive. Listable output is written to standard output; all other output is written to standard error. -x Extracts the files specified by one or more File parameters from the HPSS-resident archive. If the File parameter refers to a directory, the htar command recursively extracts that directory and all of its subdirectories from the archive. If the File parameter is not specified, htar extracts all of the files from the archive. If an archive contains multiple copies of the same file, the last copy extracted overwrites all previously extracted copies. If the file being extracted does not already exist on the system, it is created. If you have the proper permissions, then htar command restores all files and directories with the same owner and group IDs as they have on the HPSS tar file. If you do not have the proper permissions, then files and directories are restored with your owner and group IDs. -X builds a new index file by reading the entire tar file. This operation is used either to reconstruct an index for tar files whose Index File is unavailable (e.g., accidentally deleted), or for tar files that were not originally created by htar. Options -? Displays htar's verbose help -B Displays block numbers as part of the listing (-t option). This is normally used only for debugging. -d debuglevel Sets debug level (0 - N) for htar. 0 disables debug, 1 - n enable progressively higher levels of debug output. 5 is the highest level; anything > 5 is silently mapped to 5. 0 is the default debug level. -E If present, specifies that a local file should be used for the file specified by the "-f Archive" option. If not specified, then the archive file will reside in HPSS. -f Archive Uses Archive as the name of archive to be read or written. Note: This is a required parameter for htar, unlike the standard tar utility, which uses a built-in default name. If the Archive variable specified is - (minus sign), the tar command writes to standard output or reads from standard input. If you write to standard output, the -I option is mandatory, in order to specify an Index File, which is copied to HPSS if the Archive file is successfully written to standard output. [Note: this behavior is deferred - reading from or writing to pipes is not supported in the initial version of htar]. -h Forces the htar command to follow symbolic links as if they were normal files or directories. Normally, the tar command does not follow symbolic links. -I index_name Specifies the index file name or suffix. If the first character of the index_name is a period, then index_name is appended to the Archive name, e.g. "-f the_htar -I .xdnx" would create an index file called "the_htar.xndx". If the first character is not a period, then index_name is treated as a relative pathname for the index file (relative to the Archive file directory) if the pathname does not start with "/", or an absolute pathname otherwise. The default directory for the Index file is the same as for the Archive file. If a relative Index file pathname is specifed, then it is appended to the directory path for the Archive file. For example, if the Archive file resides in HPSS in the directory "projects/prj/files.tar", then an Index file specification of "-I projects/prj/files.old.idx" would fail, because htar would look for the file in the directory "projects/prj/projects/prj". The correct specification in this case is "-I files.old.idx". -L InputList Writes the files and directories listed in the "InputList" file to the archive. Directories named in the InputList file are not treated recursively. For directory names contained in the InputList file, the tar command writes only the directory entry to the archive, not the files and subdirectories rooted in the directory. Note that "home directory" notation ("~") is not expanded for pathnames contained in the InputList file, nor are wildcard characters, such as "*" and "?". -m Uses the time of extraction as the modification time. The default is to preserve the modification time of the files. Note that the modification time of directories is not guaranteed to be preserved, since the operating system may change the timestamp as the directory contents are changed by extracting other files and/or directories. htar will explicitly set the timestamp on directories that it extracts from the Archive, but not on intermediate directories that are created during the process of extracting files. -o Provides backwards compatibility with older versions (non-AIX) of the tar command. When this flag is used for reading, it causes the extracted file to take on the User and Group ID (UID and GID) of the user running the program, rather than those on the archive. This is the default behavior for the ordinary user. If htar is being run as root, use of this option causes files to be owned by root rather than the original user. -p Says to restore fields to their original modes, ignoring the present umask. The setuid, setgid, and tacky bit permissions are also restored to the user with root user authority. -S bufsize Specifies the buffer size to use when reading or writing the HPSS tar file. The buffer size can be specified as a value, or as kilobytes by appending any of "k","K","kb", or "KB" to the value. It can also be specified as megabytes by appending any of "m" or "M" or "mb" or "MB" to the value, for example, 23mb. -T max_threads Specifies the maximum number of threads to use when copying local member files to the Archive file. The default is defined when htar is built; the release value is 20. The maximum number of threads actually used is dependent upon the local file sizes, and the size of the I/O buffers. A good approximation is usually buffer size/average file size If the -v or -V option is specified, then the maximum number of local file threads used while writing the Archive file to HPSS is displayed when the transfer is complete. -V "Slightly verbose" mode. If selected, file transfer progress will be displayed in interactive mode. This option should normally not be selected if verbose (-v) mode is enabled, as the outputs for the two different options are generated by separate threads, and may be intermixed on the output. -v "Verbose" mode. For each file processed, displays a one-character operation flag, and lists the name of each file. The flag values displayed are: "a" - file was added to the archive "x" - file was extracted from the archive "i" - index file entry was created (Build Index operation) -w Displays the action to be taken, followed by the file name, and then waits for user confirmation. If the response is affirmative, the action is performed. If the response is not affirmative, the file is ignored. -Y auto | [Archive CosID][:IndexCosID] Specifies the HPSS Class of Service ID to use when creating a new Archive and/or Index file. If the keyword auto is specified, then the HPSS hints mechanism is used to select the archive COS, based upon the file size. If -Y cosID is specified, then cosID is the numeric COS ID to be used for the Archive File. If -Y :IndexCosID is specified, then IndexCosID is the numeric COS ID to be used for the Index File. If both COS IDs are specified, the entire parameter must be specified as a single string with no embedded spaces, e.g. "-Y 40:30". HTAR Memory Restrictions When writing to an HPSS archive, the htar command uses a temporary file (normally in /tmp) and maintains in memory a table of files; you receive an error message if htar cannot create the temporary file, or if there is not enough memory available to hold the internal tables. HTAR Environment HTAR should be compiled and run within a non-DCE HPSS environment. Miscellaneous Notes: 1. The maximum size of a single Member file within the Archive is approximately 8 GB, due to restrictions in the format of the tar header. HTAR does not impose any restriction on the total size of the Archive File when it is written to HPSS; however, space quotas or other system restrictions may limit the size of the Archive File when it is written to a local file (-E option). 2. HTAR will optionally write to a local file; however, it will not write to any file type except "regular files". In particular, it is not suitable for writing to magnetic tape. To write to a magnetic tape device, use the "tar" or "cpio" utility. Exit Status This command returns the following exit values: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. Examples 1. To write the file1 and file2 files to a new archive called "files.tar" in the current HPSS home directory, enter: htar -cf files.tar file1 file2 2. To extract all files from the project1/src directory in the Archive file called proj1.tar, and use the time of extraction as the modification time, enter: htar -xm -f proj1.tar project1/src 3. To display the names of the files in the out.tar archive file within the HPSS home directory, enter: htar -tvf out.tar Related Information For file archivers: the cat command, dd command, pax command. For HPSS file transfer programs: pftp, nft, hsi File Systems Overview for System Management in AIX Version 4 System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices explains file system types, management, structure, and maintenance. Directory Overview in AIX Version 4 Files Reference explains working with directories and path names. Files Overview in AIX Version 4 System User's Guide: Operating System and Devices provides information on working with files. HPSS web site at Bugs and Limitations: - There is no way to specify relative Index file pathnames that are not rooted in the Archive file directory without specifying an absolute path. - The initial implementation of HTAR does not provide the ability to append, update or remove files. These features, and others, are planned enhancements for future versions.
If you accidently erase a file in your home directoy at RFC, you can restore it using a two week backup that you can access directly. Two weeks worth of backups are kept as snapshots. The way it works is that as day pass, live backups are being made on the file system itself hence preserving your files in-place.
For example, your username is 123, your home directory is /star/u/123 and you erased a file /star/u/123/somedir/importantfile.txt and now realise that was a mistake. Don't panic. This is not the end of thw world as snapshot backups exist.
Simply look under /star/u/.snapshot
The directory names are odered by the date and time of backup. Pick a date when the file existed and under there is a copy of your home directory from that day. From here you can restore the file, i.e,
% cp /star/u/.snapshot/20yy-mm-dd_hhxx-mmxx.Daily_Backups_STAR-FS05/123/somedir/importantfile.txt /star/u/123/somedir/importantfile.txt
See also starsofi #7363.
Each doc_proected/ AFS areas also have a .backup volume which keeps recently deleted files in that directory until a real AFS based backup is made (then the content is deleted and you will need to ask the RCF to restore your files). Finding it is tricky though because there is one such directory per volume. The best is to backward search for that directory. For example, let's suppose you are working in /afs/ If you bacward search for a .backup directory, you will find one as /afs/ and this is where the files for this AFS volume will go upon deletion.
Other areas are typically not backed-up.
Most Hypernews forum will have to be retired - please consult the list of mailing lists at this link to be sure you need HN at all.
While our Web serve ris down, many Computing related discussions are now happening on Mattermost Chat (later, will be Mail based by popular demand). Please log there using the 'BNL login' option (providing a facility wide unified login) and use your RACF/SDCC kerberos credentials to get in. If you are a STAR user, you will automatically be moved to the "STAR Team".
Please, read the Hypernews in STAR section before registering a new account (you may otherwise miss a few STAR specificities and constraints).
HyperNews is a cross between the hypermedia of the WWW and Usenet News. Readers can browse postings written by other people and reply to those messages. A forum (also called a base article) holds a tree of these messages, displayed as an indented outline that shows how the messages are related (i.e. all replies to a message are listed under it and indented).
Users can become members of HyperNews or subscribe to a forum in order to get Email whenever a message is posted, so they don't have to check if anything new has been added. A recipient can then send a reply email back to HyperNews, rather than finding a browser to write a reply, and HyperNews then places the message in the appropriate forum.
In STAR, there are a few specificities with Hypernews as listed below.
Here are a few startup links and tips, including where to start for a new Hypernews account.
If you have problems sending EMail to Hypernews, please understand and verify the following before asking for help:
Select the _Tools_ menu Select _Options_ a window opens. Select the tab [Composition] -then-> [General] click on <send option> in the new opened pannel, then select the [Plain text domain] tab click [add] and add click OK
The pages here are under constructions. They aim to help remote sites to install the STAR software stack.
You should read first Setting up your computing environment before going through the documents provided herein as we refer to this page very often. Please, pay particular attention to the list of environment variables defined by the group login script and their meanings in STAR. Be aware of the assumptions as per the software locations (all will be referred by the environment variables listed there) as well as the need to use a custom (provided) set of .cshrc and .login file (you may have to modify them if you install the STAR software locally). Setting up your computing environment is however NOT written as a software installation instruction and should not be read as such.
Please, follow the instructions in order they appear below
Sparse notes are also in Post installation and special instructions for administrators at OS Upgrade.
The STAR general group login scripts are necessary to define the STAR environment. They reside in $CVSROOT within the group/ sub-tree. Template files for users .cshrc and .login support also exists within this tree in a sub-directory group/templates. To install properly on a local cluster, there are two possibilities:
% mkdir /usr/local/star # this is only an example % cd /usr/local/star # this directory needs to be readable by a STAR group % cvs checkout group # this assumes CVSROOT is definedThis will bring a copy of all you need locally in /usr/local/star/group
Note that wherever you install the login scripts, they need to be readable by a STAR members (you can do this by allowing a Unix group all STAR users will belong to read access to the tree or by making sure the scripts are all users accessible).
Also, as soon as you get a local copy of the group/templates/ files, EDIT BOTH the cshrc and login files and change on top the definition of GROUP_DIR to it matches your site GROUP script location (/usr/local/group in our example).
To enable a user to use the STAR environment, simply copy the template cshrc and login scripts as indicated in Setting up your computing environment.
Part of our login is optional and the scripts mentioned here will NOT be part of our CVS repository but, if exists, will be executed.
Testing this phase is as simple as creating a test account and verifying that the login does succeed. Whenever you start with a blank site, the login MUST succeed and lead to viable environment ($PATH especially should be minimally correct). A typical login example would be at this stage something like
Setting up WWW_HOME = ----- STAR Group Login from /usr/local/star/group/ ----- Setting up STAR_ROOT = /usr/local/star Setting up STAR_PATH = /usr/local/star/packages Setting up OPTSTAR = /usr/local/star/opt/star WARNING : XOPTSTAR points to /dev/null (no AFS area for it) Setting up STAF = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro Setting up STAF_LIB = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro/.cos46_gcc346/lib Setting up STAF_BIN = /usr/local/star/packages/StAF/pro/.cos46_gcc346/bin Setting up STAR = /usr/local/star/packages/pro Setting up STAR_LIB = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/.cos46_gcc346/lib Setting up STAR_BIN = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/.cos46_gcc346/bin Setting up STAR_PAMS = /usr/local/star/packages/pro/pams Setting up STAR_DATA = /usr/local/star/data Setting up CVSROOT = /usr/local/star/packages/repository Setting up ROOT_LEVEL= 5.12.00 Setting up SCRATCH = /tmp/jeromel CERNLIB version pro has been initiated with CERN_ROOT=/cernlib/pro STAR setup on by Tue Mar 12 06:43:47 KST 2002 has been completed LD_LIBRARY_PATH = .cos46_gcc346/lib:/usr/local/star/ROOT/5.12.00/.cos46_gcc346/rootdeb/lib:ROOT:/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib
You may want to to create a rhstar group on your local cluster matching GID 31012. This will make AFS integration easier as the group names in AFS will then translate to rhstar (it will however not grant you any special access obviously since AFS is Kerberos authentication based and not Unix UID based).
To do this, and after checking that /etc/group do not contain any mapping for gid 31012, you could (Linux):
% groupadd -g 31012 rhstar
It may be practical for testing the STAR environment to create a test account on your local cluster. The starlib account is an account used in STAR for software installation. You may want to create such account as follow (Linux):
% useradd -d /home/starlib -g rhstar -s /bin/tcsh starlib
This will allow for easier integration. Any account name will do (but testing is important and we will have a section on this later).
Described in Setting up your computing environment, OPTSTAR is the environment variable pointing to an area which will supplement the operating system installation of libraries and program. This area is fundamental to the STAR software installation as it will contain needed libraries, approved software component version, shared files, configuration and so on.
The following path should contain all software components as sources for you to install a fresh copy on your cluster:
Note that this path should allow anyuser to read so there is no need for an AFS token. The note below are sparse and ONLY indicate special instructions you need to follow if any. In the absence of special instructions, the "standard" instructions are to be followed. None of the explanations below are aimed to target a regular user but aimed to target system administrator or software infrastructure personnel.
Some RPMs from your OS distribution may be found at BNL under the directory /afs/*/ where X.Y is the major and minor version for your Scientific Linux version respectively. You should have a look and install. If you do not have AFS, you should log to the RCF and transfer whatever is appropriate.
In other words, we may have re-packaged some packages and/or created additional ones for compatibility purposes. An example of this for SL5.3 is flex32libs-2.5.4a-41.fc6.i386.rpm located in /afs/ which supports the 32 bits compatbility package for flex on a kernel with dual 32/64 bits support.
The directory tree /afs/ contains packages installed on our farm in addition of the default distribution software packages coming with the operating system. At BNL, all packages referred here are installed in the AFS tree
/opt/star -> /afs/
Be aware of the intent explained in Setting up your computing environment as per the difference between $XOPTSTAR and OPTSTAR.
OPTSTAR will either
The emergence of $XOPTSTAR started from 2003 to provide better support for software installation to remote institutions. Many packages add path information to their configuration (like the infamous .la files) and previously installed in $OPTSTAR, remote sites had problems loading libraries for a path reason. Hence, and unless specified otherwise below, $XOPTSTAR will be used preferably at BNL for installation the software so remote access to the AFS repository and copy will be made maximally transparent.
In 2005, we added an additional tree level reflecting the possibility of multiple compilers and possible mismatch between fs sysname setups and operating system versions. Hence, you may see path like OPTSTAR=/opt/star/sl44_gcc346 but this structure is a detail and if the additional layer does not exist for your site, later login will nonetheless succeed. This additional level is defined by the STAR login environment $STAR_HOST_SYS. In the next section, we explained how to set this up from a "blank" site (i.e. a site without the STAR environment and software installed).
On remote sites where you decide to install the software components locally, you should use $OPTSTAR in the configure or make statements.
From a blank node on remote site, be sure to have $OPTSTAR defined. You can do this by hand for example like this
% setenv OPTSTAR /usr/local
% mkdir -p /opt/star % setenv OPTSTAR /opt/star
are two possibilities. The second, being the default location of the software layer, will be automatically recognized by the STAR group login scripts. From this point, a few pre-requisites are
Execute the STAR login. This will define $STAR_HOST_SYS appropriately. Then
% cd $OPTSTAR % mkdir $STAR_HOST_SYS % stardev
the definition of $OPTSTAR will change to the version dependent structure, adding $STAR_HOST_SYS to the path definition (the simple presence of the layer made the login script redefine it).
If you want to support native 64 bits on 64 bits, do not forget to pass/force -m64 -fPIC to the compiler and -m64 to the linker. If however you want to build a cross platform (64 bit/32 bit kernels compatible) executables and libraries, you will on the contrary need to force -m32 (use -fPIC). Even if you build the packages from a 32 bit kernel node, be aware that many applications and package save a setup including compilation flags (which will have to be using -m32 if you want a cross platform package). There are many places below were I do not specify this.
Often, using CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32" would do the trick for a force to 32 bits mode (similarly for -m64). You need to use such option for libraries and packages even if you assemble on a 32 bits kernel node as otherwise, the package may build extension later not compatible as cross-platform support.
As for the 32 bits versus 64 bits, often adding something like CC=`which gcc` and CXX=`which g++` to either the configure or make command would do the trick. If not, you will need to modify the Makefile accordingly. You may also define the environment variable CC for consistency.
If ylu do have a 64 bits kernel and intend to compile both 32 bits and 64 bits, you should define the envrionment variable as shown below. The variables will make configure (and some Makefile) pick the proper flags and make your life much easier - follow the specific instructions for the packages noted in those instructions for specific tricks. Note as well that even if you do have a 32 bits kernel only, you are encouraged to use the -m32 compilation option (this will make further integration with dual 32/64 bits support smoother as some of the packages configurations include compiler path and options).
32 bits
% setenv CFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC"
% setenv CXXFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC"
% setenv FFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC"
% setenv FCFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC"
% setenv LDFLAGS "-m32"
% setenv CC `which gcc` # only if you use a different compiler than the system default
% setenv CXX `which g++` # only if you use a different compiler than the system default
and/or pass to Makefile and/or configure the arguments CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32" CC=`which gcc` CXX=`which g++` (will not hurt to use it in addition of the environment variables)
64 bits
% setenv CFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv CXXFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv FFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv FCFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv LDFLAGS "-m64" % setenv CC `which gcc` # only if you use a different compiler than the system default % setenv CXX `which g++` # only if you use a different compiler than the system default
and/or pass to Makefile and/or configure the arguments CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64" CC=`which gcc` CXX=`which g++` (will not hurt to use it in addition of the environment variables)
In the instructions below, greyed instructions are historical instructions and/or package version which no longer reflects the current official STAR supported platform. However, if you try to install the STAR software under older OS, refer carefully to the instructions and package versions.
The STAR envrionment and login scripts heavily rely on perl for string manipulation, compilation management and a bunch of utility scripts. Assembling it from the start is essential. You may rely on your system-wide installed perl version BUT if so, note that the minimum version indicated below IS required.
In our software repository path, you will find a perl/ sub-directory containing all packages and modules.
The package and minimal version are below perl-5.6.1.tar.gz -- Moved to 5.8.0 starting from RH8
perl-5.8.0.tar.gz -- Solaris and True64 upgraded 2003
perl-5.8.4.tar.gz -- 2004, Scientific Linux perl-5.8.9.tar.gz -- SL5+ perl-5.10.1.tar.gz -- SL6+
When building perl
After installing perl itself, you will need to install the STAR required module.
The modules are installed using a bundle script (install_perlmods located in /afs/ It needs some work to get it generalized but the idea is that it contains the dependencies and installation order . To install, you can do the following (we assume install_perlmods is in the path for simplicity and clarity):
Very old note [this used to happen with older perl version]: if typing make, you get the following message
make: *** No rule to make target `<command-line>', needed by `miniperlmain.o'. Stop.
then you bumped into an old gcc/perl build issue (tending to come back periodically depending on message formats of gcc) and can resolve this by a using any perl version available and running the commands:
% make depend
% perl -i~ -nle 'print unless /<(built-in|command.line)>/' makefile x2p/makefile
This will suppress from the makefile the offending lines and will get you back on your feet.
After you install perl, and your setup is local (in /opt/star) you may want to do the following
% cd /opt/star % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/* . % % # prepare for later directories packages will create % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/share . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/include . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/info . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/etc . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/libexec . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/qt . % ln -s $STAR_HOST_SYS/jed . %
While some of those directories will not yet exist, this will create a base set of directories (without the additional compiler / OS version) supporting future upgrades via the "default" set of directories. In other words, any future upgrade of compilers for example leading to a different $STAR_HOST_SYS will still lead as well to a functional environment as far as compatibility exists. Whenever compatibility will be broken, you will need of course to re-create a new $STAR_HOST_SYS tree.
At this stage, you should install as much of the libraries in $OPTSTAR and re-address the perl modules later as some depends on installed libraries necessary for the STAR environment to be functional.
Others/ [PLEASE READ, SOME PACKAGE MAY HAVE EXCEPTION NOTES] Needed on Other platform (but there on Linux). Unless specified otherwise, the packages were build with the default values. make-3.80 tar-1.13 flex-2.5.4 xpm-3.4k libpng-1.0.9 mysql-3.23.43 on Solaris mysql-3.23.55 starting from True64 days (should be tried as an upgraded version of teh API) BEWARE mysql-4.0.17 was tried and is flawed. We also use native distribution MySQL mysql-4.1.22 *** IMPORTANT *** Actually this was an upgrade on SL4.4 (not necessary but the default 4.1.20 has some bugs) <gcc-2.95.2> dejagnu-1.4.1 gdb-5.2 texinfo-4.3 emacs-20.7 findutils-4.1 fileutils-4.1 cvs-1.11 -- perl is needed before hand as it folds it in generated scripts grep-2.5.1a Started on Solaris 5.9 in 2005 as ROOT would complain about too old version of egrep This may be needed if not installed on your system. It is part of a needed autoconf/automake deployment. m4-1.4.1 autoconf-2.53 automake-1.6.3 Linux only valgrind-2.2.0
valgrind-3.2.3 (was for SL 4.4 until 2009) valgrind-3.4.1 SL4.4 General/ The installed packages/sources for diverse software layers. The order of installation was ImageMagick-5.4.3-9 On RedHat 8+, not needed for SL/RHE but see below ImageMagick-6.5.3-10 Used on SL5 as default revision is "old" (6.2.8) - TBC slang-1.4.5 On RedHat 8+, ATTENTION: not needed for SL/RHE, install RPM lynx2-8-2 lynx2-8-5 Starting from SL/RHE xv-3.10a-STAR Note the post-fix STAR (includes patch and 32/64 bits support Makefile) nedit-5.2-src ATTENTION: No need on SL/RHE (installed by default) [+] pythia5 pythia6 text2c icalc dejagnu-1.4.1 Optional / Dropped from SL3.0.5
gdb-5.1.91 For RH lower versions - Not RedHat , 8+
gdb-6.2 (patched) Done for SL3 only (do not install on others)
gsl-1.13 Started from SL5 and back ported to SL4 gsl-1.16 Update for SL6 chtext jed-0.99-16 jed-0.99.18 Used from SL5+ jed-0.99.19 Used in SL6/gcc 4.8.2 (no change in instructions) qt-x11-free-3.1.0
qt-x11-free-3.3.1 Starting with SL/RHE [+] qt-x11-opensource-4.4.3 Deployed from i386_sl4 and i386_sl305 (after dropping SL3.0.2), SL5 qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5 Deployed from SL6 onward qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.7 Deployed on SL6/gcc 4.8.2 (latest 4.8.x release) doxygen-1.3.5
doxygen-1.3.7 Starting with SL/RHE doxygen-1.5.9 Use this for SL5+ - this package has a dependence in qt Installed native on SL6 Python 2.7.1 Started from SL4.4 and onward, provides pyROOT support Python 2.7.5 Started from SL6 onward, provides pyROOT support pyparsing V1.5.5 SL5 Note: "python install" to install pyparsing V1.5.7 SL6 Note: "python install" to install setuptools 0.6c11 SL5 Note: sh the .egg file to install setuptools 0.9.8 SL6 Note: "python install" to install MySQL-python-1.2.3 MySQL 14.x client libs compatible virtualenv 1.9 SL6 Note: "python install" to install Cython-0.24 SL6 Note: "python build ; python install" pyflakes / pygments {TODO} libxml2 Was used only for RH8.0, installed as part of SL later [+] libtool-1.5.8 This was used for OS not having libtool, Use latest version.
libtool-2.4 Needed under SL5 64 bits kernel (32 bits code will not assemble otherwise). This was re-packaged with a patch. Coin-3.1.1 Coin 3D and related packages Coin-3.1.3 ... was used for SL6/gcc 4.8.2 + patch (use the package named Coin-3.1.3-star) simage-1.7a SmallChange-1.0.0a SoQt-1.5.0a astyle_1.15.3 Started from SL3/RHE upon user request
astyle_1.19 SL4.4 and above astyle_1.23 SL5 and above astyle_2.03 SL6 and above unixODBC-2.2.6 (depend on Qt) Was experimental Linux only for now.
unixODBC-2.3.0 SL5+, needed if you intend to use DataManagement tools MyODBC-3.51.06 Was Experimental on Linux at first, ignore this version
MyODBC-3.51.12 Version for SL4.4 (needed for mysql 4.1 and above)
mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12 <-- Experimental package change - new name starting from 51.12. BEWARE. mysql-connector-odbc-5.x SL5+. As above, only if you intend to use Data Management tools boost Experimental and introduced in 2010 but not used then boost_1_54_0 SL6+ needed log4cxx 0.9.7 This should be general, initial version
log4cxx 0.10.0 Started at SL5 - this is now from Apache apr-1.3.5 and depend on the Apache Portable Runtime (apr) package apr-util-1.3.7 which need to be installed BEFORE log4cxx and in the order expat-1.95.7 showed valkyrie-1.4.0 Added to SL3 as a GUI companion to valgrind (requires Qt3) Not installed in SL5 for now (Qt4 only) so ignore fastjet-2.4.4 Started from STAR Library version SL11e, essentially for analysis fastjet-3.0.6 SL6 onward unuran-1.8.1 Requested and installed from SL6+ LHAPDF-6.1.6 Added after SL6.4, gcc 4.8.2 In case you have problems emacs-24.3 Installed under SL6 as the default version had font troubles vim-7.4 Update made under SL6.4, please prefer RPM if possible Not necessary (installed anyway) chksum pine4.64 Added at SL4.4 as removed from base install at BNL Retired xemacs-21.5.15 << Linux only -- This was temporary and removed Other directories are WorkStation/ contains packages such as OpenAFS or OpenOffice Linux WebServer/ mostly perl modules needed for our WebServer Linux/ Linux specific utilities (does not fit in General) or packages tested under Linux only. Some notes about packages : Most of them are pretty straight forward to install (like ./configure make ; make install (changing the base path /usr/local to $OPTSTAR). With configure, this is done using either ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR Specific notes follows and include packages which are NOT yet official but tried out. - Beware that the Msql-Mysql-modules perl module requires a hack I have not quite understood yet how to make automatic (the advertized --blabla do not seem to work) on platforms supporting the client in OPTSTAR INC = ... -I$(XOPTSTAR)/include/mysql ... H_FILES = $(XOPTSTAR)/include/mysql/mysql.h OTHERLDFLAGS = -L$(XOPTSTAR)/lib/mysql LDLOADLIBS = -lmysqlclient -lm -lz - GD-2+ Do NOT select support for animated GIF. This will fail on standard SL distributions (default gd lib has no support for that).
Really easy to install (usual configure / make / make install) but however, the PerlMagick part should be installed separatly (the usual perl module way i.e. cd to the directory, perl Makefile.PL and make / make install). I used the distribution's module. Therefore, that perl-module is not in perl/Installed/ as the other perl-modules. The copy of PerlMagick to /bin/ by default will fail so you may want to additionally do
% make install-info % make install-data-html
which comes later depending on version.
- lynx2-8-2 / lynx2-8-5 Note: First, I tried lynx2-8-4 and the make file / configure is a real disaster. For 2-8-2/2-8-5, follow the notes below General : % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR {--with-screen=slang} Do not forget to % make install-help % make install-doc caveat 1 -- Linux (lynx 2-8-2 only, fixed at 2-8-5) $OPTSTAR/lib/lynx.cfg was modified as follow 96,97c96,97 < #HELPFILE: < HELPFILE:file://localhost/opt/star/lib/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html --- HELPFILE: #HELPFILE:file://localhost/PATH_TO/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html
For using curses (needed under Linux, otherwise, the screen looks funny), one has to do a few manipulation by hand i.e. . start with ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --with-screen=slang . edit the makefile and add -DUSE_SLANG to SITE_DEFS . change CPPFLAGS from /usr/local/slang to $OPTSTAR/include [when slang is local] Version 2-8-5 has this issue fixed. . Change LIBS -lslang to -L$OPTSTAR/lib -lslang . You are ready now There is probably an easier way but as usual, I gave up after close to 15mnts reading, as much struggle and complete flop at the end .. caveta 2 -- Solaris/True64 : We did not build with slang but native (slang screws colors up)
Those packages can be assembled simply by using the following command:
% make clean && make install PREFIX=$OPTSTAR
To build a 32 bits versions of the executable under a 64 bits kernel, use
This package distributed already patched and in principle, only a few 'make' commands should suffice. Note
Normal build
Now, you should be ready to build the main program (I am not sure why some depencies fail on some platform and did not bother to fix).
% cd tiff/ % make clean && make % cd ../jpeg % make clean && make % cd .. % rm -f *.o && make % make -f Makefile.gcc64 install BINDIR=$OPTSTAR/bin
For 32 bits compilation under a 64 bits kernel
% cd tiff/ % make clean && make CC=`which gcc` COPTS="-O -m32" % cd ../jpeg % make clean && make CC=`which gcc` CFLAGS="-O -I. -m32" LDFLAGS="-m32" % cd .. % rm -f *.o && make -f Makefile.gcc32 % make -f Makefile.gcc32 install BINDIR=$OPTSTAR/bin
Makefile.gcc32 and Makefile.gcc64 are both provided for commodity.
Building from scratch (good luck)
However, if you need to re-generate the makefile (may be needed for new architectures), use
% xmkmf
Then, the patches is as follow
% sed "s|/usr/local|$OPTSTAR|" MakeFile > % mv Makefile
and in xv.h, line 119 becomes
# if !defined(__NetBSD__) && ! defined(__USE_BSD)
After xmkmf, you will need to
% make depend
before typing make. This may generate some warnings. Ignore then.
However, I had to fix diverse caveats depending on situations ...
Caveat 1 - no tiff library found
Go into the tiff/ directory and do
% cd tiff % make -f Makefile.gcc % cd ..
to generate the mkg3states (itself creating the g3states.h file) as it did not work.
Caveat 2 - tiff and gcc 4.3.2 in tiff/
With gcc 4.3.2 I created an additional .h file named local_types.h and force the definition of a few of the u_* types but using define statements (I know, it is bad). The content of that file is as follows
#ifndef _LOCAL_TYPES_ #define _LOCAL_TYPES_ #if !defined(u_long) # define u_long unsigned long #endif #if !defined(u_char) # define u_char unsigned char #endif #if !defined(u_short) # define u_short unsigned short #endif #if !defined(u_int) # define u_int unsigned int #endif #endif
and it needs to be included in tiff/tif_fax3.h and tiff/tiffiop.h .
Caveat 3 -- no jpeg library?
In case you have a warning about jpeg such as No rule to make target `libjpeg.a', do the following as well:
% cd jpeg % ./configure % make % cd ..
There is no install provided. I did
% make linux % cp source/nc source/nedit $OPTSTAR/bin/ % cp doc/ $OPTSTAR/man/man1/nc.1 % cp doc/ $OPTSTAR/man/man1/nedit.1
Other targets
% make dec % make solaris
If you need to build for another compiler or another platform, you may want to copy one of the provided makefile and modify them to create a new target. For example, if you have a 64 bits kernel but want to build a 32 bits nedit (for consistency or otherwise), you could do this:
% cp makefiles/Makefile.linux makefiles/Makefile.linux32
then edit and add -m32 to bothe CFLAGS and LIBS. This will add a target "platform" linux32 for a make linux32 command (tested this and worked fine). The STAR provided package added (in case) both a linux64 and a linux32 reshaped makefile to ensure easy install for all kernels (gcc compiler should be recent and accept the -m flag).
The unpacking is "raw". So, go in a working directory where the .tar.gz are, and do the following (for linux)
% test -d Pythia && rm -fr Pythia ; mkdir Pythia && cd Pythia && tar -xzf ../pythia5.tar.gz % ./makePythia.linux % mv $OPTSTAR/lib/ % cd .. % % test -d Pythia6 && rm -fr Pythia6 ; mkdir Pythia6 && cd Pythia6 && tar -xzf ../pythia6.tar.gz % test -e main.c && rm -f main.c % ./makePythia6.linux % mv $OPTSTAR/lib %
Substitute linux with solaris for Solaris platform. On Solaris, Pythia6 requires gcc to build/link.
On SL5, 64 bits note
Depending on whether you compile a native 64 bit library support or a cross-platform 32/64, you will need to handle it differently.
For a 64 bits platform, I had to edit the makePythia.linux and -fPIC to the options for a so the binaries main.c . I did not provide a patched package mainly because v5 is not really needed in STAR. For pythia6 caveat: On SL5, 64 bits, use makePythia6.linuxx8664 file. You will need to chmod +x first as it was not executable in my version.
On 64 bit platform to actually build a cross-platform version, I had instead to use the normal build but make sure to add -m32 to compilation and linker options and -fPIC to compilation option.
% chmod +x ./makePythia.alpha && ./makePythia.alpha Pythia6
% chmod +x ./makePythia6.alpha && ./makePythia6.alpha
The following script was used to split the code which was too big
#!/usr/bin/env perl $filin = $ARGV[0]; open(FI,$filin); $idx = $i = 0; while( defined($line = <FI>) ){ chomp($line); $i++; if ($i >= 500 && $line =~ /subroutine/){ $i = 0; $idx++; } if ($i == 0){ close(FO); open(FO,">$idx.$filin"); print "Opening $idx.$filin\n"; } print FO "$line\n"; } close(FO); close(FI);
Starts the same than Qt3 i.e. assuming that SRC=/afs/ and $x and $y stands for major and minor versions of Qt. There are multiple flavors of the package name (it was called qt-x11-free* then qt-x11-opensource* and with more recent package qt-everywhere-opensource-src*). For the sake of instructions, I provide a generic example with the most recent naming (please adapt as your case requires). WHEREVER is a location of your choice (not the final target directory).
% cd $WHEREVER % tar -xzf $SRC/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.$x.$y.tar.gz % cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.$x.$y % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR/qt4.$x -qt-sql-mysql -no-exceptions -no-glib -no-rpath
To build a 32/64 bits version on a 64 bits OS or forcing a 32 bits exec (shared mode) on a 32 bits OS, use a configure target like the below
% ./configure -platform linux-g++-32 -mysql_config $OPTSTAR/bin/mysql_config [...] % ./configure -platform linux-g++-64 [...]
Note that the above assumes you have a proper $OPTSTAR/bin/mysql_config. ON a mixed 64/32 bits node, the default in /usr/bin/mysql_config will return the linked library as the /usr/lib64/mysql path and not the /usr/lib/mysql and hence, Qt make will fail finding the dependencies necessary to link with -m32. The trick we had was to copy mysql_config and replace lib64 by lib and voila!.
% make % make install % cd $OPTSTAR % ln -s qt4.$x ./qt4
For compiling with a different compiler, note that the variables referenced in this section will be respected by configure. You HAVE TO do this as the project files and other configuration files from Qt will include information on the compiler (inconsistency may arrise otherwise).
Misc notes
Horribly packaged, the easiest is to unpack in $OPTSTAR, cd to qt-x11-free-3.X.X (where X.X stands for the current sub-version deployed on our node), run the configure script, make the package, then make clean. Then, link
% cd $OPTSTAR && ln -s qt-x11-free-3.X.X qt
Later release can be build that way with changing the soft-link without removing the preceeding version entirely. Before building, do the following (if you had previous version of Qt installed). This is not necessary if you install the package the first time around. Please, close windows after compilation to ensure STAR path sanity.
% cd $OPTSTAR/qt
% setenv QTDIR `pwd`
% setenv PATH `pwd`/bin:$PATH
To configure the package, then use one of:
In case of thread, the regular version is build first then the threaded version (so far, they have different names and no Soft links).
You may also want to edit $QTDIR/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf and replace the line
QMAKE_RPATH = -Wl,-rpath,
By doing so, you would disable the rpath shared library loading and rely on LD_LIBRARY_PATH only for loading your Qt related libraries. This has the advantages that you may copy the Qt3 libraries along your project and isolate onto a specific machine without the need to see the original installation directory.
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR [CC=icc CXX=icc] % make clean # in case you are re-using the same directory for multiple platform % make % make install
Use the environment variables noted in this section and all will go well.
Note on versions earlier than 2.3.0 (including 2.2.14 previously suggested)
The problem desribed below DOES NOT exist if you use 32 bits kernel OS and is specific to 64 bits kernel with 32 bits support.
For a 32 bits compilation under a 64 bits kernel, please use % cp -f $OPTSTAR/bin/libtool . after the ./configure and before the make (see this section for an explaination of why). unixODBC versions 2.3.0 does not have this problem.
Older version
Came with sources and one could compile "easily" (and register manually).
Linux % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --with-unixODBC=$XOPTSTAR [CC=icc CXX=icc]
Others % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --with-unixODBC=$XOPTSTAR --with-mysql-libs=$XOPTSTAR/lib/mysql
--with-mysql-includes=$XOPTSTAR/include/mysql --with-mysql-path=$XOPTSTAR
Note : Because of an unknown issue, I had to use --disable-gui on True64
as it would complain about not finding the X include ... GUI is
not important for ODBC client anyway but whenever time allows ...
Deploy instructions at
Get the proper package, currently named mysql-connector-odbc-5.x.y-linux-glibc2.3-x86-32bit or mysql-connector-odbc-5.x.y-linux-glibc2.3-x86-64bit. the package are available from the MySQL Web site. The install will need to be manual i.e.
% cp -p bin/myodbc-installer $OPTSTAR/bin/ % cp -p lib/* $OPTSTAR/lib/ % rehash
To register the driver, use the folowing command
% myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver" -t "DRIVER=$OPTSTAR/lib/;SETUP=$OPTSTAR/lib/" % myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL" -t "DRIVER=$OPTSTAR/lib/;SETUP=$OPTSTAR/lib/"
this will add a few lines in $OPTSTAR/etc/odbcinst.ini . The myodbc-installer -d -l does not seem to be listing what you installed though (but the proper lines will be added to the configuration).
Installation would benefit from some smoothing + note the space between the --prefix and OPTSTAR (non standard option set for configure).
Use one of
% ./configure --prefix $OPTSTAR # for general compilation % ./configure --platform linux-32 --prefix $OPTSTAR # Linux, gcc 32 bits - this option was added in the STAR package % ./configure --platform linux-64 --prefix $OPTSTAR # Linux, gcc 64 bits - this option was fixed in the STAR package
% make % make install
as usual but also
% make docs
which will fail d ue to missing eps2pdf program. Will create however the HTML files you will need to copy somewhere.
% cp -r html $WhereverTheyShouldGo
and as example
% cp -r html /afs/
Note: The linux-32 and linux-64 platform were packaged in the archive provided for STAR (linux-32 does not exists in the original doxygen distribution while linux-64 is not consistent with -m64 compilation option).
Starting from SL5, we also deployed the following: coin, simage, SmallChange, SoQt. Those needs to be installed before Qt4 but after doxygen. All options are specified below to install those packages. Please, substitute -m32 by -m64 for a 64 bits native support. After the configure, the usual make and make install is expected.
The problem desribed below DOES NOT exist if you use 32 bits kernel OS and is specific to 64 bits kernel with 32 bits support.
For the 32 bits version compilation under a 64 bits kernel and for ALL sub-packages below, please be sure you have the STAR version of libtool installed and use the command
% cp -f $OPTSTAR/bin/libtool .
after the ./configure to replace the generated local libtool script. This will correct a link problem which will occur at link time (see the libtool help for more information).
% ./configure --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-optimization=yes \ --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" LDFLAGS="-m32 -L/usr/lib" \ --x-libraries=/usr/lib
or, for or the 64 bits version
% ./configure --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-optimization=yes \ --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" LDFLAGS="-m64"
simage (needs Qt installed and QTDIR defined prior):
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes --enable-qimage CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" \ LDFLAGS="-m32" FFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" --x-libraries=/usr/lib
or, for the 64 bits version
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes --enable-qimage CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" \ LDFLAGS="-m64" FFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC"
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" \ LDFLAGS="-m32" FFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC"
or, for the 64 bits version
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" \ LDFLAGS="-m64" FFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC"
./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes --with-qt=true --with-coin CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fpermissive" \ LDFLAGS="-m32" FFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC"
or, for the 64 bits version
./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-optimization=yes --with-qt=true --with-coin CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC -fpermissive" \ LDFLAGS="-m64" FFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC"
Flex is usually not needed but some OS have pre-GNU flex not adequate so I would recommend to deploy flex-2.5.4 anyway (the latest version since Linux 2001). Do not install under Linux if you have flex already on your system as rpm.
Attention: Under SL5 64 bits, be sure you have flex32libs-2.5.4a-41.fc6 installed as documented on Scientific Linux 5.3 from 4.4. Linkage of 32 bits executable would otherwise dramatically fail.
- Xpm (Solaris) % xmkmf % make Makefiles % make includes % make I ran the install command by hand changing the path (cut and paste) Had to % cd lib % installbsd -c -m 0644 $OPTSTAR/lib % installbsd -c -m 0644 libXpm.a $OPTSTAR/lib % cd .. % cd sxpm/ % installbsd -c sxpm $OPTSTAR/bin % cd ../cxpm/ % installbsd -c cxpm $OPTSTAR/bin % Onsolaris, the .a was not there, add to % cd lib && ar -q libXpm.a *.o && cp libXpm.a $OPTSTAR/lib % cd .. Additionally needed % if ( ! -e $OPTSTAR/include) mkdir $OPTSTAR/include % cp lib/xpm.h $OPTSTAR/include/ - libpng ** Solaris ** % cat scripts/makefile.solaris | sed "s/-Wall //" > scripts/makefile.solaris2 % cat scripts/makefile.solaris2 | sed "s/gcc/cc/" > scripts/makefile.solaris3 % cat scripts/makefile.solaris3 | sed "s/-O3/-O/" > scripts/makefile.solaris2 % cat scripts/makefile.solaris2 | sed "s/-fPIC/-KPIC/" > scripts/makefile.solaris3 % % make -f scripts/makefile.solaris3 will eventually fail related to libucb. No worry, this can be sorted out ( by including /usr/ucblib in the -L list % cc -o pngtest -I/usr/local/include -O pngtest.o -L. -R. -L/usr/local/lib \ -L/usr/ucblib -R/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -lm % make -f scripts/makefile.solaris3 install prefix=$OPTSTAR ** True64 ** Copy the make file but most likely, a change like ZLIBINC = $(OPTSTAR)/include ZLIBLIB = $(OPTSTAR)/lib in the makefile is neeed. pngconf.h and png.h needed for installation and either .a or .a + .so cp pngconf.h png.h $OPTSTAR/include/ cp libpng.* $OPTSTAR/lib - mysql client (Solaris) % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --without-server {--enable-thread-safe-client} (very smooth) The latest option is needed to create the libmysqlclient_r needed by some applications. While this so is build with early version of MySQL, version 4.1+ requires the configure option explicitly. - dejagnu-1.4.1 [Solaris specific]
the install program was not found.
% cd doc/ && cp ./runtest.1 $OPTSTAR/man/man1/runtest.1
% chmod 644 $OPTSTAR/man/man1/runtest.1
The basic principles is as usual
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR % make % make xjed % make install
However, on some platform (but this was not seen as a problem on SL/RHE), you may need to apply the following tweak before typing make. Edit the configure script and add $OPTSTAR (possibly /opt/star) to it as follow.
JD_Search_Dirs="$JD_Search_Dirs \ $includedir,$libdir \ /opt/star/include,/opt/star/lib \ /usr/local/include,/usr/local/lib \ /usr/include,/usr/lib \ /usr/include/slang,/usr/lib \ /usr/include/slang,/usr/lib/slang"
32 / 64 bit issue?
The problem desribed below DOES NOT exist if you use 32 bits kernel OS and is specific to 64 bits kernel with 32 bits support.
The variables described here will make configure pick up the right comiler and compiler options. On our initial system, the 32 bits compilation under the 64 bits kernel Makefile tried to do something along the line of -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lX11 but did not find X11 libs (since the path is not adequate). To correct for this problem, edit src/Makefile and replace XLIBDIR = -L/usr/lib64 by XLIBDIR = -L/usr/lib . You MUST have the 32 bits compatibility libraries installed on your 64 bits kernel for this to work.
I had to make some hack on AIX (well, who wants to run on AIX in the first place right ?? but since AIX do not have any emacs etc ... jed is great) as follow
Voila (works like a charm, don't ask).
Version 24.3
In the below options, I recommend the with-x-toolkit=motif as the default GTK will lead to many warnings depending on the user's X11 server version and supported features. Motif may create an "old look and feel" but will work. However, you may have a local fix for GTK (by installing all required modules and dependencies) and not need to go to the Motif UI.
% ./configure --with-x-toolkit=motif --prefix=$OPTSTAR
For the 32 bits version supporting 64/32 bits, use the below
% ./configure --with-crt-dir=/usr/lib --with-x-toolkit=motif --prefix=$OPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32"
Then the usual 'make' and 'make install'.
Below are old instructions you should ignore
- emacs
Was repacked with leim package (instead of keeping both separatly)
in addition of having a patch in src/s/sol2.h for solaris as follow
#define HAVE_VFORK 1
+/* Newer versions of Solaris have bcopy etc. as functions, with
+ prototypes in strings.h. They lose if the defines from usg5-4.h
+ are visible, which happens when X headers are included. */
+#ifdef HAVE_BCOPY
+#undef bcopy
+#undef bzero
+#undef bcmp
+#ifndef NOT_C_CODE
+#include <strings.h>
Nothing to do differently here. This is just a note to keep track
of changes found from community mailing lists.
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR --without-gcc
- Xemacs (Solaris)
% ./configure --without-gcc --prefix=$OPTSTAR
Other solution, forcing Xpm
% ./configure --without-gcc --prefix=$OPTSTAR --with-xpm --site-prefixes=$OPTSTAR
Possible code problem :
/* #include <X11/xpm.h> */
#include <xpm.h>
- gcc-2.95 On Solaris was used as a base compiler
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR
% make bootstrap
o Additional gcc on Linux
Had to do it in multiple passes (you do not need to do the first pass
elsewhere ; this is just because we started without a valid node).
A gcc version < 2.95.2 had to be used. I used a 6.1 node to assemble
it and install in a specific AFS tree (cross version)
% cd /opt/star && ln -s /afs/rhic/i386_linux24/opt/star/alt .
Move to the gcc source directory
% ./configure --prefix=/opt/star/alt
% make bootstrap
% make install
install may fail in AFS land. Edit gcc/Makefile and remove "p" option
to the tar options TAROUTOPTS .
For it work under 7.2, go on a 7.2 node and
% cp /opt/star/alt/include/g++-3/streambuf.h /opt/star/alt/include/g++-3/streambuf.h-init
% cp -f /usr/include/g++-3/streambuf.h /opt/star/alt/include/g++-3/streambuf.h
... don't ask ...
o On Solaris, no problems
% ./configure --prefix=/opt/star/alt
etc ...
- Compress-Zlib-1.12 --> zlib-1.1.4
If installed in $OPTSTAR,
% setenv ZLIB_LIB $OPTSTAR/lib
% setenv ZLIB_INCLUDE $OPTSTAR/include
- findutil
Needed a patch in lib/fnmatch.h for True64
as follow :
+ addition of defined(__GNUC__) on line 49
+ do a chmod +rw lib/fnmatch.h first
#if !defined (_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || _POSIX_C_SOURCE < 2 || defined (_GNU_SOURCE) || defined(__GNUC__)
* CLHEP1.8 *** Experimental only *** needs a correction #include <string> to <string.h>
for True64 which is a bit strict in terms of compilation.
On Solaris, 2 caveats
o gcc was used (claim that CC is used but do not have the include)
o install failed running a "kdir" command instead of mkdir so do a
% make install MKDIR='mkdir -p'
Using icc was not tried and this package when then removed.
- mysqlcc
./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR --with-mysql-include=$OPTSTAR/include/mysql --with-mysql-lib=$OPTSTAR/lib/mysql
The excutable do not install itself so, one needs to
% cp -f mysqlcc $OPTSTAR/bin/
First, please note that the package distributed for STAR contains a patch for support of the 32 / 64 bits environment. If you intend to download from the original site, please apply the patch below as indicated. If you do not use our distributed package and attempt to assemble a 32 bits library under a 64 bits kernel, we found cases where the default libtool will fail.
Why the replacement of libtool? Sometimes, "a" version of libtool is added along software packages indicated in this help. However, those do not consider the 32 bits / 64 bits mix and often, their use lead to the wrong linkage (typical problem is that a 32 bits executable or shared library is linked against the 64 bits stdc++ versions, creating a clash).
This problem does not existswhen you assemble a 64 bits code under a 64 bits kernel or assemble a 32 bits codes under a 32 bits kernel.
In all cases, to compile and assemble, use a command line like the below:
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" \ FFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" FCFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32" # 32 bits version % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" \ FFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" FCFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64" # 64 bits version % make % make install
libtool 2.4
The file ./libltdl/config/ needs the following patch
< # JL patch 2010 -->
< if [ -z "$m32test" ]; then
< #echo "Defining m32test"
< m32test=$($ECHO "${LTCFLAGS}" | $GREP m32)
< fi
< if [ "$m32test" != "" ] ; then
< dependency_libs=`$ECHO " $dependency_libs" | $SED 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g' | $SED 's|lib64|lib|g'`
< else
< dependency_libs=`$ECHO " $dependency_libs" | $SED 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
< fi
< # <-- end JL patch
dependency_libs=`$ECHO " $dependency_libs" | $SED 's% \([^ $]*\).ltframework% -framework \1%g'`
in gdb/linux-nat.c
fprintf_filtered (gdb_stdout,
"Detaching after fork from child process %d.\n",
and go (no, I will not explain).
Version 2.03
% cd astyle_2.03/src % make -f ../build/gcc/Makefile CXX="g++ -m32 -fPIC" # for the 64 bits version, use the same command # with CXX="g++ -m64 -fPIC" % cp bin/astyle $XOPTSTAR/bin/ % test -d $XOPTSTAR/share/doc/astyle || mkdir -p $XOPTSTAR/share/doc/astyle % cp ../doc/*.* $XOPTSTAR/share/doc/astyle
The target
% make -f ../build/gcc/Makefile clean
also works fine and is needed between versions.
Version 1.23
Directory structure changes but easier to make the package so use instead
% cd astyle_1.23/src/ % make -f ../buildgcc/Makefile CXX="$CXX $CFLAGS" % cp ../bin/astyle $OPTSTAR/bin/ % cd ..
Note that the compressed command above assumes you have define dthe envrionment variables as described in this section. Between OS (32 / 64 bits) you may need to % rm -f obj/* as the make system will not reocgnize the change between kernels (you alternately may make -f ../buildgcc/Makefile clean but a rm will be faster :-) ).
A crummy man page was added (will make it better later if really important). It was generted as follow and provided for convenience in the packages for STAR (do not overwrite because I will not tell you what to do to make the file a good pod):
% cd doc/ % lynx -dump astyle.html >astyle.pod
[... some massage beyond the scope of this help - use what I provided ...]
% pod2man astyle.pod > % cp $OPTSTAR/man/man1/astyle.1
Versions < 1.23
Find where the code really unpacks. There are no configure for this package.
% cd astyle_1.15.3 ! or
% cd astyle/src
% make
% cp astyle $OPTSTAR/bin/
Version 1.15.3
The package comes as a zip archive. Be aware that unpacking extracts files in the current directory. So, the package was remade for convenience. Although written in C++, this executable will perform as expected under icc environment. On SL4 and for versions, gcc 3.4.3, add -fpermissive to the Makefile CPPFLAGS.
MUST be installed using $XOPTSTAR because there is an explicit reference to the install path. Copying to a local /opt/star would therefore not work. For icc, use the regular command as this is a self-contained program without C++ crap and can be copied from gcc/icc directory. The command is
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
Note: valgrind version >= 3.4 may ignore additional compiler options (but will respect the CC and CXX variables) as it will assemble both 32 bits and 64 bits version on a dual architecture platform. You could force a 32 build only by adding the command line options --enable-only32bit.
Caveats for earlier revisions below:
Version 2.2
A few hacks were made on the package, a go-and-learn experience as problems appeared
< #define VG_N_RWLOCKS 5000
#define VG_N_RWLOCKS 500
> __pthread_clock_gettime; __pthread_clock_settime;
to solve problems encountered with large programs and pthread.
The problem desribed below DOES NOT exist if you use 32 bits kernel OS and is specific to 64 bits kernel with 32 bits support.
For a 32 bits compilation under a 64 bits kernel, please use % cp -f $OPTSTAR/bin/libtool . after the ./configure and before the make (see this section for an explaination of why) for both the apr and expat packages.
apr is an (almost) straight forward installation:
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR
apr-util needs to have one more argument i.e.
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR --with-apr=$OPTSTAR
The configure script will respect the environment variables described in this section and, provided you have defined them properly for the intended target (32 or 64 bits executable), the resulting Mkaefile will be properly generated without further modifications needed.
Note however that the package distributed in STAR has one hack to the fconfigure script a follows (apply if you download from anoher source than STAR's distributed packages):
% diff configure.orig configure
< CFLAGS="-g -O2"
> # CFLAGS="-g -O2"
> CFLAGS="-g -m32"
< CFLAGS="-O2"
> # CFLAGS="-O2"
> CFLAGS="-m32"
This will allow another way to assemble the package (without having to define the env variables) but you will need to substitute -m32 by -m64 as appropriate.
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR
log4cxx 0.10.x
This distribution is part of the Apache project and requires APR library (see above).
The package was taken nearly as-is apart from the following patches:
After installing APR and using the patches as indicated, use
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --with-apr=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-fno-inline -g -m32" LDFLAGS="-m32"
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR --with-apr=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-fno-inline -g -m64" LDFLAGS="-m64"
% cp -f $OPTSTAR/bin/libtool .
% make
% make install
Please do NOT forget to use % cp -f $OPTSTAR/bin/libtool . after the ./configure and before the make (see this section for an explaination of why). This assummes you installed libtool as instructed.
Finally, there is one patch needed if you download the package from other sources than where STAR provides the packages. The patch relates to a problem with atomic operations handling.
Index: src/main/cpp/objectimpl.cpp
--- src/main/cpp/objectimpl.cpp (revision 654826)
+++ src/main/cpp/objectimpl.cpp (working copy)
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
void ObjectImpl::addRef() const
- apr_atomic_inc32( & ref );
+ ref++;
void ObjectImpl::releaseRef() const
- if ( apr_atomic_dec32( & ref ) == 0 )
+ if ( --ref == 0 )
delete this;
log4cxx 0.9.5
There is a bug on Linux so, start with commenting all lines related to HAVE_LINUX_ATOMIC_OPERATIONS in before the below. Finally, two code had to be patched are now repacked
For ODBC support, one needs
% setenv CPPFLAGS "-I$XOPTSTAR/include" % setenv LDFLAGS "-L$XOPTSTAR/lib"
log4cxx 0.9.7
Also need to do the below or it will not even find the libs at configure.
% setenv CPPFLAGS "-I$XOPTSTAR/include" % setenv LDFLAGS "-L$XOPTSTAR/lib"
On Scientific Linux 4.4 aka Linux 2.6 replace as follows
#AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gettimeofday ftime setenv) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(setenv)
Linux 7.3 distributions note
On Version 7.3 of Linux, this is hard to install. You will need to upgrade m4, autoconf to at the least the versions specified for "other platforms". It won't compile easily with gcc 2.96 though. But it can using
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR CC=/usr/bin/gcc3 CXX=/usr/bin/g++3
if you have all gcc 3 ready.
Finally, if you install log4cxx from a new Linux version (especially one having a different version of autoconf tools), you better start from a fresh directory and not attempt to use the 'clean' target (it will fail).
Summay then:
Linux gcc (general instructions, all log4cxx)
% ./ % ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR [--with-ODBC=unixODBC]
Linux icc
% setup icc % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CC=icc CXX=icc [--with-ODBC=unixODBC]
If icc is the second target, you should use 'make clean' before the configure.
Does not configure (need the autoconf tools)
Not tried yet
Platform: so far needed to update RH 8.0 only, add to propagate to other platform in 2006 due to a component dependence issue.
% ./configure --without-python --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
Re-added at BNL since SL4.4 because it was removed from the base installation, this may not be needed for your site (install from RPM, it exists).
Scientific Linux (don't get fooled by the targets)
% ./build lrh % cp bin/pine bin/pico $OPTSTAR/bin/
On a mixed of 32 / 64 bits architecture and/or with alternate gcc versions, the command examples below could be used:
% ./build lrh CC=`which gcc` SSLDIR=/usr/include/openssl/ EXTRALDFLAGS="-m32" EXTRACFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" [or] % ./build lrh CC=`which gcc` SSLDIR=/usr/include/openssl/ EXTRALDFLAGS="-m64" EXTRACFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC"
GSL - GNU Scientific Library
The install is straight forward with the usual configure but on 64 bit machine, you will need to add the CCFLAGS and LDFLAGS as showed below
% ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR ! default bits % ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32" ! 32 bits % ./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64" ! 64 bits % make % make install
The below were fine with verison 2.7.1
% setenv BASECFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC" % setenv CXXFLAGS "-m32 -fPIC" % setenv LDFLAGS "-m32" % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
On a mixed architecture, I had to modify the generated pyconfig.h as the use of VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY would get pythong to crash.
1069c1069 < //#define VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY 1 --- > #define VA_LIST_IS_ARRAY 1
For the 64 bits version, please substitute -m32 with -m64 as follows
% setenv BASECFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv CXXFLAGS "-m64 -fPIC" % setenv LDFLAGS "-m64" % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
Note: The default compilation (without using the environment variable setting) may succeed but binding with ROOT and other package will fail and require -fPIC and additionally, it is best to have in all configurations -m32/-m64 specified explicitely.
Build is straight forward in principle i.e.
% python build % python install
65,68d64 < for i in range(len(extra_compile_args)): < if extra_compile_args[i] == '-m32': < extra_link_args += ['-m32'] <I am sure there are other more ellegant ways but this works fine.
The basic compilation requires
./configure --prefix=$OPTSTAR CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fno-inline" CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC -fno-inline" LDFLAGS="-m32"
For the 64 bits, replace -m32 by -m64. -fno-inline is needed still to circuvnet a gcc bug with inlining.
Certainly, the most helpful reference was this boost reference. But those are not immediate instructions. Here is what you will need to do:
% ./ --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
In any cases, this will build a few 64 bits executables on a 32/64 bits machine but don't panic yet ... To build, use one of the below (as appropriate):
% ./bjam cflags="-m64 -fPIC" cxxflags="-m64 -fPIC" linkflags="-m64 -fPIC" address-model=64 threading=multi architecture=x86 stage or % ./bjam cflags="-m32 -fPIC" cxxflags="-m32 -fPIC" linkflags="-m32 -fPIC" address-model=32 threading=multi architecture=x86 stage
I am sure you already see the problem - on AMD processors, you may have a different "arhitecture" so we cannot give you the exact instruction to use here. Possible architectures are x86, x86_amd64, x86_ia64, amd64 or ia64.
When you are done wth compiling, execute nearly the same command but instead of "stage" use
% ... install --prefix=$XOPTSTAR
and you will be hopefully done.
This package follows a typical install i.e.
% ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32" or % ./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64" % make % make install
This will allow ROOT to build the TUnuran classes.
This package is not straight forward to install. Use the usual initial setup i.e.
./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32"
./configure --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64"
then the usual
% make
However, before make install, modify lhapdf-config and add -m32 -fPIC (-m64 -fPIC for 64 bits platform) to cflags and -m32 (-m64) to the ldflags i.e.
40c40 < test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -m32 -fPIC -I${prefix}/include " --- > test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -I${prefix}/include " 46c46 < test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -m32 -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lLHAPDF" --- > test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lLHAPDF"
as the configure will not do that and hence, not generate a config script suitable for a a mix 32/64 bits.
Configure is standard, use a minimal option set and features=big as below
% ./configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes --enable-perlinterp=yes --enable-cscope --with-features=big \ --prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m64 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m64"
./configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes --enable-perlinterp=yes --enable-cscope --with-features=big \--prefix=$XOPTSTAR CFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" CXXFLAGS="-m32 -fPIC" LDFLAGS="-m32"
then the usual make and make install.
The STAR simulation framework will require the CERN libraries to be installed. This will likely be the most problematic portion of the STAR software installation as there is little support for the CERNLib nowadays (so, you must rely on existing supported versions).
Note however that (for example) a generic Linux distribution or an older Linux version based distribution may work for respectively a different flavor of Linux or a more recent of Linux.
Building ROOT in STAR
Some of the above help is similar than what you will find in the PDSF page mentioned above.
Older help version could be found from the revision tab.
The build is in several steps ; we will assume for this example that we are building root version 5.22.00 ; the % sign is used for the Unix prompt.
Platform/OS |
32/64 bits |
configure script options |
Linux = linux | 32 bits | --enable-table --enable-qt --with-pythia6-libdir=$XOPTSTAR/lib --enable-roofit --enable-mathmore --with-mysql-libdir=/usr/lib/mysql --enable-unuran --enable-xrootd --with-thread-libdir=/lib --enable-vc --enable-cxx11 |
Linux = linuxx8664gcc | 64 bits | --enable-table --enable-qt --with-pythia6-libdir=$XOPTSTAR/lib --enable-roofit --enable-mathmore --with-mysql-libdir=/usr/lib64/mysql --enable-unuran --enable-xrootd --with-thread-libdir=/lib64 --enable-vc --enable-cxx11 |
The below list is provided for convenience but you should send a note if you note ANY differences from this list and what was packaged for use by remote sites. In the below, A=added, P=patched, U=updated:
P root/cint/cint/inc/G__ci.h P root/math/vc/ P root/bindings/pyroot/
Typical patched codes The following codes are tweaked
cint/cint/inc/G__ci.h |
#define G__LONGLINE #define G__ONELINE #define G__MAXNAME #define G__ONELINEDICT |
Check if appropriate (like at least 1024, 512, 256, 8) | Alter behaviors of CINT but generally, G__LONGBUF setting is fine (usually forced). |
The STAR code and libraries follows a structure and policy described in Library release structure and policy. Changes in each version is described in Library release history.
Installing the core STAR software is (should be) as simple as getting a full set of code for a given library, unpacking it into $STAR_PATH (default is $STAR_ROOT/packages as described in Setting up your computing environment) and issuing the following commands (in our example, we use STAR_LEVEL=SL09b with revision 1 from that library).
% cd $STAR_PATH % mkdir SL11d && cd SL11d % cvs co -rSL11d asps mgr QtRoot StarVMC StRoot kumacs pams StarDb StDb OnlTools % starver SL11d % cd $STAR % cons
And wait ... until all is done. This will actually build the non-optimized version of our libraries.
To build the optimized version, use
% setenv NODEBUG yes
before you execute the starver command. If you need both, you will hence have to build twice per libraries.
To build using alternate compilers, you will need to run the setup command before running cons. For example, for the icc compiler you will need an appropriate version of $OPTSTAR and
% setup icc
and for an alternate version of gcc (and pending the fact you have the specific version installed), you will need to use something similar to
% setup gcc 4.5.1
Note that those syntax assumes specific path for gcc (installed in either /opt/gcc/$version or $OPTSTAR/alt/) while icc is expected to have an setup program located in $GROUP_DIR (as intelcc.csh) defining the paths.
Finally, on kernel supporting it, you can also switch to an alternate bits environment like this
% setup 64bits
and get the compilation proceed with the 64 bits support.
Sometimes, our libraries get packed with the "Pool" (user space) libraries and their support may vary. To be on the safe side, exclude several of them from compilation by setting the environment variable SKIP_DIRS before executing cons.
% setenv SKIP_DIRS "StEbyePool StHighptPool StAngleCorrMaker StSpinMaker StEbyeScaTagsMaker StEbye2ptMaker StDaqClfMaker StFtpcV0Maker StStrangePool GeoTestMaker"
The levels pro, new and dev are special levels as described in Library release structure and policy. pro is especially relevant as if no level is specified, the STAR login will revert to whatever pro is set to be. You may then do something like the below (again, our example assumes the default library is SL07b - please adjust accordingly).
% cd $STAR_PATH % test -e pro && rm -f pro % ln -s SL11d ./pro
Your default STAR library is then set for your site.
In /opt/star (or equivalent), $STAR and $ROOT/$ROOT_LEVEL, run the script $STAR/mgr/CreateLinks. This will create a few compatibility links to support additional (tested and proven to work) OS / sysname version.
The list below is not exhaustive. Note that most does not need to be done and we separate the action items in two categories
To be checked or modify
Optional - for large site and Tier centers wanting network independence.
These instructions are provided for you to install the CVMFS client and mount the STAR CVMFS repo – The STAR software has been installed here and may be used as a replacement for AFS.
# wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cernvm.repo
# wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CernVM
# yum install cvmfs cvmfs-config-default
# cvmfs_config setup
Note: At this time with these instructions (config files provided) and/or other undetermined factors, CVMFS pointing to the repo via autofs is not stable. Further instructions have been provided (i.e hard mount)
# wget -O /etc/cvmfs/default.local
# wget -O /etc/cvmfs/config.d/
# wget -O /etc/cvmfs/domain.d/
# mkdir /etc/cvmfs/keys/
Note: Currently we are not making the ‘public key’ publicly available to all users. The key will be provided by request only. For scalability of this new infrastructure reasons, we have a need to trace the CVMFS connections, make recommendation on how to expand larger resources wherever we see problems etc ... Contact: Jerome Lauret ( or Michael Poat ( for further information.
# systemctl restart autofs.service
# ls /cvmfs/
This page will list and make available a few STAR contributions we made to the
RCF. Feel free to use them as needed.
The scripts below "dump" the entry list to a local file so that network lookups are un-necessary while LDAP is still used to centralized the account information. They were written and deployed at PDSF and passed as-is to the RCF team for consideration.
# This script dumps the user and group data from ldap and creates standard
# UNIX passwd and group files. This are propogated by cfengine to the compute nodes
# Shane Canon
# 2005
# Target destination
HOST="-H ldaps://"
ldapsearch -x -L -L $HOST -b 'ou=people,o=ldapsvc,dc=nersc,dc=gov' > ldap-users.dump
# Did it work?
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Error with ldap query"
exit -1
LINES=`wc -l ldap-users.dump|awk '{print $1}'`
if [ $LINES -lt 100 ] ; then
echo "User file from LDAP to short...exiting"
exit -1
ldapsearch -x -L -L $HOST -b 'ou=PosixGroup,o=ldapsvc,dc=nersc,dc=gov' > ldap-groups.dump
# Did it work?
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Error with ldap query"
exit -1
LINES=`wc -l ldap-groups.dump|awk '{print $1}'`
if [ $LINES -lt 100 ] ; then
echo "Group file from LDAP to short...exiting"
exit -1
# Temporary account
# Start the passwd file
# - Use the local passwd file for entries below 500
# - Ignore u70004 (its in LDAP already)
# - Ignore expired accounts
# - Sort the list by uid
$CAT /etc/passwd|$AWK -F: '{if ($3<500){print $0}}'| \
$GREP -v u70004| \
$GREP -v expired| \
$GREP -v disabled| \
$SORT -t: -n +2 > $TPASS
# Add in lsfadmin which is above 500
$GREP lsfadmin /etc/passwd >> $TPASS
$CAT /etc/passwd|$AWK -F: '{if ($4==4000){print $0}}' >> $TPASS
# This will be our new interactive passwd file
# Let's create the shadow account for these entries
$CAT $TPASS|$AWK -F: '{print "^"$1":"}'|xargs -n 1 $EGREP /etc/shadow -e > $TSHAD
$CAT ldap-users.dump|./ >> $TPASS
$CAT /etc/group|$AWK -F: '{if ($3<500){print $0}}'> $TGROUP
# Let's create the group shadow file for these entries
$CAT $TGROUP|$AWK -F: '{print $1":!!::"}' > $TGSHAD
$CAT ldap-groups.dump|./ >> $TGROUP
# Semi-safe copy
$CHOWN bin.bin $SHAD
$CHOWN bin.bin $GSHAD
# This script convert from LDAP LDIFF format to a standard UNIX group format
# Shane Canon
# 2005
if (/^$/){
if ($dn=~/ou=PosixGroup,ou=pdsf,ou=Host,o=ldapsvc,dc=nersc,dc=gov/ ){
undef $attr{homeDirectory25};
undef $members;
($field,$value)=split /: /;
if ($field eq 'dn'){
elsif($field eq 'memberUid'){
if (defined $members){
foreach $id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %groups){
print $groups{$id}."\n";
sub createEntry{
if ( $attr{gidNumber}>100 ){
$line=sprintf "%s:x:%d:%s",
# Example
#dn: cn=m144,ou=Groups,o=ldapsvc,dc=nersc,dc=gov
#cn: m144
#gidNumber: 4883
#objectClass: top
#objectClass: PosixGroup
#memberUid: fukazawa
#structuralObjectClass: PosixGroup
#creatorsName: uid=nimrepo,ou=people,dc=nersc,dc=gov
#createTimestamp: 20040629222732Z
#modifiersName: uid=nimrepo,ou=people,dc=nersc,dc=gov
#modifyTimestamp: 20040629222732Z
# This script convert from LDAP LDIFF format to a standard UNIX passwd format
# Shane Canon
# 2005
open(LOG,">> /var/log/ldap.log");
if (/^$/){
if ($dn=~/people/ ){
undef $attr{$hdID};
($field,$value)=split /: /;
if ($field eq 'dn'){
foreach $id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %users){
print $users{$id}."\n";
sub createEntry{
if ( defined $attr{$hdID} ){
$line=sprintf "%s:x:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s",
print LOG "Warning: user id $id already exists! \n\t".$users{$id}."\n\t$line\n" if defined $users{$id};
# print LOG "$id: $line\n";
Basic help follows:
Syntax is
% rterm [Options] [NodeSpec] [UserName]
Currently implemented options are :
-i interactive mode i.e. do not open an xterm but use slogin directly to connect. -p port use port number 'port' to connect -x node Exclude 'node' from possible node to connect to. May be a comma separated list of nodes. -funky pick a color randomly -bg color pick specific color
The 'NodeSpec' argument may be a node name (specific login to a given node) or a partial node name followed by the '+' sign (wildcard). For example,
% rterm rcas6+
will open a connection on the least loaded node amongst all available rcas6* nodes. By default, this command will determine the appropriate wildcarded node specification for your GroupID. However, if this help is displayed when the command '% rterm' is used, contact the RCF support team (your group ID is probably not supported by this script).
The 'UserName' argument is also optional. If unspecified, it will revert to the current user ID.
Finally, you may modify the xterminal layout by using the following environment variables
TERM_BKG_COLOR sets the xterm background color TERM_OPTIONS sets any other xterm options
This tree provides general information about STAR software and libraries, standards and conventions.
This page will contain results from code-sanity tools i.e. tools checking for code syntax, memory leak, profiling etc ... and tips on how to correct those problems.
Most, if not all, pages here are generated automatically. If you encountered an error in the formatting, please send me a note ...
AutoBuild is a tool which automatically builds/compiles our libraries based on what has been committed during the day. From time to time, please consult those pages and remember the following guideline for code submission into the repository :
AutoBuild is self documented, just type -h for all command line options.
AutoBuild behavior may be altered using directives. Directives are tags (key=value pairs) to be placed in a configuration file. The configuration file name is .ABrc_$^O where $^O is the string returned by the perl command % perl -e 'print $^O'. The following directives are allowed. If you have multiple values for one directive, each should be on a separate line.
SKIP_DIRS=StJetmaker # Disabled 2008/07/23 # the following lines are for blabla
Valgrind is a flexible tool for debugging and profiling Linux-x86 executable. The tool consists of a core, which provides a synthetic x86 CPU in software, and a series of "skins", each of which is a debugging or profiling tool.For more information valgrind, check its documentation page and the quick How to use valgrind.
% cppcheck --force --enable=information StRoot/
In his mode, you will see all errors as it finds it.
Nothing quick about it here as you will need to compile your code and generate the report ... But here is what you will need to do
% set COVPATH=/afs/ % set path=($COVPATH/bin $path) % rehash
% cov-build --dir $MYDIR/covtmp cons -k
% cov-analyze --dir $MYDIR/covtmp --all -j auto
% cov-format-errors --dir $MYDIR/covtmp --filesort -x --title "Bla" --html-output $MYDIR/html
Coverity uses an arbitrary limit for the checking of a single variable size allocation. This default is 10000 bytes and far too small. In C/C++ only the total number of bytes for the whole stack is relevant and this is provided by the value of stacksize (provided by the shell limit command). Our dashboard will analyze the report using a max_total_use_bytes equal to the return value stacksize from the limit command and 1/10th of that value for a single variable allocation. Any excess will be reported as a defect but may not be.
Practically, add similar options to cov-analyze command:
SL02e (SL02e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.02.07 pp and AuAu 200GeV real data production
SL03f (SL03f) ROOT_LEVEL 3.05.04 ppMinBias 2001/2002 rerun, pp200 Pythia
SL03h (SL03h) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu and pp data reproduction
SL04d (SL04d) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 62 GeV production (continue with SL04e)
SL04e (SL04e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 AuAu 200 & 62 GeV Hijing production
SL04f (SL04f_a) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu 200GeV reproduction
SL05a (SL05a) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200, productionMinBias
SL05c (SL05c) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200 production
SL05d (SL05d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 CuCu 200&62 Gev production
SL05e (SL05e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 pp200 MC production
SL05f (SL05f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp run 2005 production
SL05h (SL05h) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 SL 3.0.5
SL06b (SL06b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 cucu 200GeV production
SL06d (SL06d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC prod for SVT&SSD review
SL06e (SL06e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp 2006 production
SL06f (SL06f_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC production for TUP
SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production for TUP, SL4.4
SL07a (SL07a_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production, SL4.4
old-> SL07b (SL07b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, SL4.4
pro-> SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, pp200 pythia,SL4.4
SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4
new-> SL07e (SL07e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4
dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4
.dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00
Main features:
- final tunning of SVT/SSD calibrations and alignment and code adjustment for auau 200GeV, run 2007 production;
- triggers, daq reader, EMC and TOF codes adjustment for run 2008;
- EMC simulator completely rewritten;
Next codes have been updated:
agetof/agetof.def - definition of inch and mil added;
starsim/include/commons/ - definition of inch and mil added;
StAnalysisMaker - removed use of obsolete detector enums; job tracking messages adjusted for the new tracking schema from TxCorp;
StBFChain.cxx - added SetMode(1) for St_geant_Maker for embedding with PrepEmbed; added fixes for dEdx embedding; added option NoSsd to switch off SSD geometry in Sti;
BigFullChain.h - chain for run y2008 implemented;
StFileIter.cxx/h - added new files, custom version of the TFileIter to navigate the multi-TDirectrory ROOT files ;
StMaker.cxx - upgrade geometries upgr20, upgr21 & upgr14 added; y2008 geometry added;
StChain.cxx - new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemneted;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added code to fix preshower swaps in 2006 and beyond;
EMC/PreshowerBug2007.txt - added code to fix preshower swaps in 2006 and beyond;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added two extra support functions for TP <=> DSM module mapping; SMD crate mapping fixed for Run 7 and beyond; modified to look in EMCP first, then TrgTowerTrnfer to avoid breaking year < 2008 reading;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx/hh, EMC_Reader.cxx/hh - updated to get tower data from TRGP in 2008++; protections against a NULL Bank_TRGP added;
modified to protect against NULL pointer dereference for data run 2008, BTOW-only data; added a version check for TTT block ;
EVP/daqFormats.h, emcReader.cxx - updated for run 2008 ;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - updated for run 2008 BEMC;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/hh - modified to read rigger data 2008;
TRG/code2008.cxx, trgStructures2008.h - new files added for trigger data 2008;
StTRGReader.cxx/h - updated for trigger data 2008 ;
StDbBroker.cxx/h - StDbBroker::Release added ;
StDbLib - fixed fallback from LoadBalancer (PDSF problem with missing Config File) ;, StDbServiceBroker.h - abstracted load balancer call from connect to own function called from reconnect, removed extraneuos methods from header ;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - added checking Threads_running (from show status) as opposed to show processist for load balancer ;
St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx, St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.h - modified to add new meaning for dtmin and dtmax ;
St_db_Maker.cxx/h - modified to use StDbBroker::Release;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - modified to use dEdx for embedding ;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - added the following features: user may specify the sampling fraction; Tower and SMD gain spreads;
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - added code to fix preshower swaps for 2006 and beyond;
StBemcTables mode now matched adc2e mode w.r.t. tower/prs swaps;
rewritten version of maker, next codes are modified: StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h, StEmcVirtualSimulator.cxx/h, StPmtSignal.cxx/h - complete overhaul of the BEMC simulator; setMaximumAdc(Spread) methods allow for better simulation of BSMD ADC response;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.h - added method to access StBemcTables;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h - modified for embedding needs; changed defaults so makeFullDetector is false and so zero suppression is turned off for BTOW;
StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx - modified to make calibration spread only on ped-subtracted ADCs, not raw data; fixed bug so channels with zero calibrations still get a simulated pedestal;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to push_back detector hits manually instead of using addHit to save time;
modified to make full pedestal simulation as default for BTOW;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified to support for new BPRS swap fixes; StBemcTables now matches map fixes;
EEmcSmdMap.h - fixed uninitialized constructor;
EEdsm/EemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - added time-dependent DSM thresholds;
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - specified kTRUE as 2nd ctor argument to implement swapping corrections for 06/07 BPRS DB; added an optional argument to status methods to get status for calib, pedestal, and gain tables; bug fixed in trigger DB methods that used StEmcDecoder;
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - modified;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx/h - added to provide common interface for inserting DB tables; modified to allow uploading of bemcTrigger* tables;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx/h - modified to allow direct setting of void * table;
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx - small fix to use new BEMC simulator code ;
Run2006SimuTriggerMaker.C - modified to switch order of libraries; updated StEmcSimulator gain spread conrol functions;
Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C - modified to switch order of libraries;
2006_Trigger_Map - added start and end times for each period;
StEventSummary.h - removed obsolete method setNumberOfNegativeTracks();
StRichPidTraits.h - removed obsolete == operator ;
StPhmdDetector.cxx - added missing const version of method module();
StSvtHit.cxx/h - added new members to hold and access the number of anodes and of pixels;
StTofCell.cxx/h - added new members (mLeadingEdgeTime, mTrailingEdgeTime) and related functions;
StTpcHit.cxx/h - added several new member to hold hit length info;
StEnumerations.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h - added new enums for PXL and IST detectors;
StTrack.cxx/h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx/h - added new member to handle number of possible points for PXL and IST;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx/h - added PXL and IST;
StEventLinkDef.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added class StTriggerData2008 ;
StTriggerData2008.cxx/h - initial revision of trigger data 2008 ;
StTofRawData.cxx/h - added new data member mTray plus access functions, new overloaded constructor;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StTriggerData2008.cxx - fixed bug in QT decoding;
StEventControlPanel.cxx, StEventDisplayMaker.cxx - added GEANT volume to represent SSD;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - added filling from PXL and IST;
StFtpcTrackMaker - added code which enables testing rotation values without changing the database;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - modified to use the first primary vertex if any primary vertex exists; multiple primary vertices have been ordered in StEvent;, - standardized logger messages;
StFtpcClusterMaker - added code to mask out Ftpc East sectors 1,3 and 5, necessary for calculating rotation offset values when one sector is turned off as was the case for the 2007 RFF runs;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - standardized logger messages;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified not to use field set from GEANT;
GeomBrowser.ui.h, GeomBrowser.ui - changed gPAd to force 3d view update; introduced multiply selection mode; changed visibility by group;
added color/file dialog tochnage the color attributes and save the new object into the ROOT file;
StLaserEvent.h - added default AddTrack;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - modified to Make laser tree splitted;
CheckMirrors.C, LaserEvent.h, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified and freez version for run VII;
LASERINO.h, Laser.C, LaserEvent.cxx/h, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, RaftMirror.C, laserino.h - modified to add Id and Log and spelling;
StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - added setUse2005Cuts to reject east barrel tower hits in jet finding;
StarMagField.cxx/h - added mag.field in steel; removed root dependecies; removed ClassDef and ClassImp;
StMcEvent, - modified to include a EMC hit collection that does not care about parent tracks, so that now there are two collections. This new collection will be useful to compare all the deposited energy in a hit tower in a given event. The information about the track parentage is still kept in the original collection unchanged ;
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, - modified to rename Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
removed files:,,,,,,,, ;
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - modified to rename Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
StMiniEmbed.C - modified to use bfc.C for loading shared libraries;
COMMON/StMuEmcTowerData.h - removed declaration of unimplemented DeleteThis function;
COMMON/StMuEmcUtil.cxx - changed to avoid 'static initialisation order fiasco';
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - added calibrated VPD info from StTofCollection (run-8 prep);
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx/h - added basic printing functionality for convenience and to assist data consistency checks;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - added Ist and Pixel hits to mNPossInner and mNFitInner ;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - modified to Move valid triggers from code to DB ;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst; modified for pileup hit read in;
digitized Pixel, removed all hit smearing, and implemented idTruth;
fixed bug causing pixel fast simulator to crash when there were no pixel and/or ist hits in the event;
fixed a bug that put hits with local x or z position between -30 and 0 microns in the pixel corresponding to local x or z position between 0 and 30 microns;
fixed problem with assigning keys and IdTruth values to StRndHits;
StPreEclMaker.cxx - small changes to use new BEMC simulator code ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - modified to fill size of cluster and local coordinate in StTpcHit;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - added m_Mode to constructor;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - modified to use m_Mode to switch between pedestals used in real data/simulation ;
StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to save out number of pixels and hits into StEvent hits; added reject for hits for invalid drift regions;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/h - added routines to move SVT hits from GEANT geometry to real geometry;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed tdcId in tofZCorr for tofZCorr; tdcId is not defined in db, and removed from idl definition ;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx, StTofrMatchMaker.h - updated for run 2008;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - added trayId for vpd in StTofCell: 901 (E), 902 (W), dataIndex for vpd in StTofData: use 121 and 122 as trayId;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - changed vpd trayId definition to 121 (East) and 122 (West);
StSortTofRawData.cxx/h, StTofrDaqMap.cxx/h - updated for run 2008:added trayId member in RawData; added new Daq map table for run8++; new StTofINLCorr class for inl correction ;
StTofINLCorr.cxx, StTofINLCorr.h - first release for run 2008++;
StTofrDaqMap.cxx, StTofrDaqMap.h - added ValidTrays() for multi-tray system;
StTofINLCorr.h - vpd trayId changed to 121 (East) and 122 (West);
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for trigger data 2008;
new module implemented to proceed with L2 trigger simulation and analysis, first release;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added fixes for for dEdx embedding;
StTpcDb.cxx - added protection from laserDriftVelocity and cathodeDriftVelocity mixing;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use highest rank primary vertex;
StEventQAMaker.cxx/h, StQABookHist.cxx/h, StQAMakerBase.cxx/h - modified for Run 2008, mostly silicon removal, TOF addition;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx - updated for trigger words, run 2008;
St_srs_Maker.cxx/h - modified to syncronize srs parameters with Calibrations/tracker/svtHitError ;
TDirIter.cxx - error messages added;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - distance to helix & circle added;
TCFit.cxx/h - added class with Fit+Constrains; added mode TCFitV0::Test(mode);
StiHit.cxx - fixed bug related to Z rotation must change xz yz in error matrix;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - member mgMaxRefiter added;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiTrackFinder.h - modified to change combinatorics handle;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - timer introduced; renamed Hft->Pxl, removed Hpd;
StiMaker.cxx - attribute useTreeSearch added ;
StiMaker.cxx/h - timer introduced;
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl ;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst;
removed files: StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiHpdDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiHpdHitLoader.cxx/h, StiHpdIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h ;
StiRnDLinkDef.h - renamed Hft => Pxl, remove Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - renamed Hft => Pxl, removed Hpd, Igt and Fst ;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to activate hit errors from DB;
Hpd - code removed;
StiPullEvent.cxx/h - added pull entries for Pxl and Ist ;
MySQLAppender.cxx - further development; new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemented;
DumpMessages.csh, dumpUCMDB.csh - new files added;
mysql/CreateUCMDB.sql, NetLogger.xml, StarJobs.csh, bfc_bnl.xml - further development; new Db tracking schema from TxCorp implemented;
mysql/ConsTx.csh - added script to complile Tx stuf ;
ucm/UCMBuild.csh - added script to build UCM systemn with cons;
geometry/bbcmgeo/bbcmgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo.g - modified;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo2.g, mutdgeo3.g - added new mtd geometries;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added upgr20, upgr21 & upgr14 upgrade geometries; y2008 TOFr geometry updated; y2008 geometry; btofgeo6 added; pipeFlag and Nsi==7 added;
geometry/fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo1.g, fgtdgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo3.g - some corrections from E.Braidot;
geometry/mfldgeo/mflddat.g, mfldgeo.g, mfldmap.g - modified to hide magnetic field;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo5.g - updates for y2008 TOFr geometry;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - added;
geometry/igtdgeo/igtdgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/itspgeo/itspgeo.g - material ALKAP fixed;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo.g - material ALKAP fixed and lengths of shields swapped; MLI=3MIL mylar + 1.5MIL alum defined;
geometry/scongeo/scongeo.g - y2008 geometry implemented ;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo.g, svttgeo1.g, svttgeo2.g, svttgeo3.g, svttgeo10.g, svttgeo4.g, svttgeo5.g, svttgeo6.g, svttgeo7.g,svttgeo9.g - material ALKAP fixed and innermost radius increased;
tpc/idl/tcl_tphit.idl - added local coordinates;
qtgui/src/TQtCanvasWidget.cxx, TQtGuiFactory.cxx - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtgui/inc/TQtCanvasWidget.h, TQtGuiFactory.h - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TQGLViewerImp.h - modified to change the signal signature for the multithread env;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx - modified to change the signal signature for the multithread env;
qtgui/ - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
qtroot/inc/TQtRootGuiFactory.h - adjusted qtroot interface for ROOT 5.17/05;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000041.C, TpcSecRowB.20070321.000040.root, tpcPressureB.20070321.000002.C - new files added, later moved to mysql and removed from AFS; needed for runVII, FullField dE/dx calibrations;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcSecRowB.20070524.000044.root - adjusted for ReversedFullField, later moved to mysql and removed from AFS;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000041.C, TpcSecRowB.20070321.000040.root, tpcPressureB.20070321.000002.C - restored these tables because in MySQL they are appeared with beginTime = 0 ;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20070321.000042.C - added min/max for error estimations. later moved to Mysql and removed from AFS;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcEdge.20010924.000005.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20010924.000004.C, tpcPressureB.20010701.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20010924.000000.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20010924.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20010924.000003.root - added dE/dx calibration for Run II AuAu20, later moved to Mysql;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.upgr01.C, PixelTrackingParameters.upgr01.C - added new files;
Calibrations/tracker/PrimaryVertexCuts.20011125.120000.C,PrimaryVertexCuts.20011127.000000.C - added files to open cuts for 20GeV AuAu data, and back to default after;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.upgr01.C, PixelTrackingParameters.upgr01.C - added new files;
Calibrations/tracker/hftHitError.upgr01.C hftTrackingParameters.upgr01.C, hpdHitError.20050101.000000.C - removed ;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcInnerHitError.20070524.000210.C, tpcOuterHitError.20070524.000210.C, svtHitError.20070321.000212.C - added new files with the errors for Run 2007 RFF;
Calibrations/tracker/ssdHitError.20070321.000211.C, svtHitError.20070321.000211.C, svtHitError.20070524.000211.C - added new files with the errors for run 2007;
svtHitError.20070524.000210.C - removed ;
Calibrations/svt/svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070524.000201.C - added first version of SVT drift velocity for run 2007 RFF;
Calibrations/svt/svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070524.000210.C, svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070321.000209.C - more drift velocities for Run 2007;
Geometry/svt/ShellOnGlobal.20070524.000038.C, SvtOnGlobal.20070524.000031.C - added first version of SVT alignment for run 2007 RFF;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnShell.20070524.000209.C, LadderOnShell.20070321.000206.C - added new files for SVT ladder position for Run 2007;
Geometry/svt/ShellOnGlobal.20070321.000032.C, SvtOnGlobal.20070321.000031.C - added final version for alignment, run 2007;
Geometry/ssd/SsdOnGlobal.20070524.000031.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20070524.000038.C - added first version of SSD alignment for run 2007 RFF;
Geometry/ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.20070524.000209.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20070321.000207.C - added SSD ladder positions for run 2007;
Geometry/ssd/SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20070321.000032.C, SsdOnGlobal.20070321.000031.C - added last version for alignment, run 2007;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.dev2005.C, tpcRDOMasks.upgr13.C, tpcRDOMasks.upgr14.C - added special tpcRDOMasks for upgr13, keep all other upgrade versions IDEAL;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.20071128.13225.C - added default RDO mask for y2008;
svt/srspars/srs_direct.C - removed ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr20.C, Geometry.upgr21.C, upgr20.h upgr21.h - new upgrade geometries added;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr14.C, upgr14.h - upgr14 geometry files added ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2008.C, y2008.h - added files for year 2008 geometry ;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml - added dev node to analysis; modified to keep DB01 night only for all - day for developers; added db10; added a machine power reducing the general usage of db10; added db06 replacement; added additional server db11;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_LBL.xml - added config for PDS;
idl/tofDaqMap.idl, tofINLCorr.idl, tofTDIGOnTray.idl - added new TOF tables;
idl/vertexSeedTriggers.idl - introduced vertexSeedTriggers table;
idl/tofZCorr.idl - removed tcdId column;
idl/svtHybridDriftVelocity.idl - modified to add new meaning for dtmin and dtmax;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to change SMChain_GNF from MPVFactor to MeanFactor to proceed with PMD production.
Library was retagged with tag SL07d_3
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - min2trkVtx option implemented to process with min 2 trackd for vetex finding;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - modified to allow 2 min tracks vertex-finding with option in bfc.c;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - modified to allow 2 min tracks vertex-finding;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx,StPmdClustering.cxx/h - modified for applying hit calibrations;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to store gains with hits, not applying gain calibration;
StPmdGeom.h/cxx - public GetPmdZ added to get PMD z position;
StPmdHit.h - members and setters cellgain, smchaingain, cellstatus added;
All library was retagged with tag SL07d_2
Next codes have been updated:
EVP/ssdReader.cxx/h,emcReader.cxx/h, scReader.cxx/h, daqFormats.h, evpSupport.cxx;
StSvtHit.cxx/h ;
StSvtHitMaker.cxx ;
Updated SL07d library was retagged with tag SL07d_1 and rebuild.
Main features:
- last tunning, improvements, bug fixes to process with auau 200GeV, run 2007 production;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx/h - EventLoop(...) added; 2nd EventLoop() method added;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx/h, StBFChainLinkDef.h - added options for LaserAnalysis;
modified SetGeantOptions and SetDbOptions;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - removed requirement to skip1row from P2007 chains, StMaker will take of it;
StBeamBackMaker - added include TMath.h for ROOT 5.16;
StMaker.cxx/h - added fTopChain: a pointer to TopChain (for embedding); added method GetMakerInheritsFrom;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - updated to fix panitkin plot compile; scalers added;
SC/SC_Reader.cxx/hh - scalers added;
SVT/SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - scalers added;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - scalers added;
EVP/daqFormats.h, ssdReader.cxx,scReader.cxx/h - scalers added;
StDAQMaker.cxx, StDAQReader.cxx/h, StSCReader.cxx/h - scalers added;
StDbLib - bug fixed for unsigned datatypes; - modified ; - modified to increased the number of allowed elements in a comma delimeted text field from 100 to 1024 to allow for the 768 ssd strips;
New version of Load Balancer created, next files are modified:
ChapiDbHost.cxx/h, ChapiStringUtilities.h, Makefile,,,,
StDbModifier.cxx/h, StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h,,,, StlXmlTree.cxx/h, rules.make
StDbUtilities - modified to make TPC drift velocity dependent on West/East half;
StMagUtilities.cxx/hh - modification for StDetectorDbSpaceChargeR2;
number of codes modified:
StDetectorDbBeamInfo.h, StDetectorDbClock.h, StDetectorDbFTPCGas.h, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltage.h, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltageStatus.h,
StDetectorDbGridLeak.h, StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID.h, StDetectorDbMagnet.h, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx/h,
StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, StDetectorDbSpaceCharge.h, StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.h, StDetectorDbTpcRDOMasks.h, StDetectorDbTpcVoltages.h, StDetectorDbTriggerID.h ;
new codes added:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_L0TriggerInfoC.h, St_additionalTriggerIDC.h, St_beamInfoC.h, St_defaultTrgLvlC.h,
St_dsmPrescalesC.h, St_ftpcGasOutC.h, St_ftpcGasSystemC.h, St_ftpcVoltageC.h, St_ftpcVoltageStatusC.h, St_richvoltagesC.h,
St_spaceChargeCorC.h, St_starClockOnlC.h, St_starMagOnlC.h, St_tpcGasC.h, St_tpcGridLeakC.h, St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h,
St_tpcGasC.h St_tpcGridLeakC.h St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h St_tpcOmegaTauC.h St_tpcRDOMasksC.h St_trigDetSumsC.h,
St_trigL3ExpandedC.h, St_trigPrescalesC.h, St_triggerIDC.h, t_triggerInfoC.h, St_y1MultC.h ;
to provide access to Db tables by demand only;
St_MagFactorC.h, St_TpcSecRowCorC.h, St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcDriftVelocityC.h, St_tpcEffectiveGeomC.h ;
St_tpcElectronicsC.h, St_tpcFieldCageC.h, St_tpcFieldCageShortC.h, St_tpcGainMonitorC.h, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h;
St_tpcOSTimeOffsetsC.h,St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcPadResponseC.h, St_tpcPedestalC.h ;
St_tpcSectorPositionC.h, St_tpcSlowControlSimC.h, St_tpcWirePlanesC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h, St_tss_tssparC.h;
to make access to tables trigL3Expanded,dsmPrescales,additionalTriggerID,trigPrescales optional, i.e. if the table does not exist for this time then it is created empty table with 0 no. of rows ;
removed files:
StDetectorDbBeamInfo.cxx, StDetectorDbClock.cxx, StDetectorDbFTPCGas.cxx, StDetectorDbFTPCVoltag.cxx;
StDetectorDbFTPCVoltageStatus.cxx, StDetectorDbGridLeak.cxx, StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID.cxx, StDetectorDbMagnet.cxx ;
StDetectorDbRichScalers.cxx, StDetectorDbSpaceCharge.cxx, StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.cxx, StDetectorDbTpcRDOMasks.cxx ;
StDetectorDbTpcVoltages.cxx, StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx;
StDbUtilities - bug fixed in local to wafer transform that meant we only ever converted hits with positions 0,0,0 rather than their true local coordinate;
EEdsm/BemcTrigUtil.cxx, EEdsm0.cxx/h, EEdsm1.cxx/h, EEdsm3.cxx/h, EEmapTP.h - modified ;
EEdsm/BEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm0Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm1Tree.cxx/h, EEfeeTP.cxx/h, EEfeeTPTree.cxx - new files added for Endcap trigger simulation ;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to delete mEmcCollection if set mEmbed; fixed a logic error in logging
projection/StEmcPosition.cxx - modified to use outerGeometry() instead of geometry() for StTrack projections;
geometry/StEmcGeom.h - added projection against sub == -1 case in getId(phi,eta,softId);
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - modified to make trigger DB tables accessible by softId; validity range of each new DB table is logged; wrapper methods using return values instead of pass-by-reference);
added methods to get beginTime / endTime of a given DB table;
StPointCollection.cxx - bug fixed;
StEstMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StEventTypes.h - added FMS and MTD trigger detector classes;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h, StTriggerData.h - added two new members mtdAdc() and mtdTdc();
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added new code for FMS trigger detector;
StMtdTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added new code for MTD trigger;
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx/h - added FMS and MTD;
StTofCollection.cxx - fixed problem in numberOfVpdEast() and numberOfVpdWest();
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h - modified to to allow selection one event by event id;
BetheBlochFunction.hh, StEventHelper.cxx - changed includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StFlowMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - method chi() revised to improve resolution;
StFtpcCalibMaker - added includes for ROOT 5.16;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to define initial values as 0 for local variables;
StJet.cxx/h - added data members for zVertex and geometric trigger associations, plus methods for detEta (barrel only);
StJetSkimEvent.cxx - modified to reorder initializations to comply with gcc compiler;
Laser.C, LaserEvent.cxx/h, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to process with data for run 2007;
CheckLasers.C, CheckMirrors.C, ConverL.C, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, laserino.h - added new files to process with data from run 2007;
StMcEventMaker.cxx - fixed bug in assigning parents to event-generator particles;
EZTREE/EztEventHeader.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
COMMON/StMuProbPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
COMMON/StMuChainMaker.cxx - modified to avoid reading all input files on initialisation: if the number of events is 0'for a given file, set it to TChain::kBigNumber;
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx - modified to switch off Q-vector branhces in StMuDstMaker and increase version number in StMuEvent to avoid warning when reading P07ib data with more recent libraries;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx - added protection against corrupted files by checking for return code -1 from TTree:GetEntry().StMuDstMaker will silently skip these events;
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuEvent.cxx - added StMtdTriggerDetector info;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx- added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
PIDFitter.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdCalibConstMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdClustering.cxx/h - modified to set cutoff from SetAdcCutOff(); default cutoff=7;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx/h - modified to include ReadCalibration to read PMD_MIP value from DB ;
StPmdCleanConstants.cxx/h - added new class to hold Badchains/BadRuns and limiting values for analysis;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx/h - added routines to read badchains,HotCells,Cell_GNF,SMChain_GNF ; modified VMEcondition&ApplyMapping; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx - changed initialization of channelOR,CR,chainR to -1; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPmdGeom.cxx - removed a warning on chtemp ondate 31/08/07; added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StL3RareTrack.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StRichTrack.cxx, TreeEntryClasses.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Drift velocity depending on sector;
StppGeant.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - modified not to read whole database but only the table requested;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - modified not to read whole database but only the table requested ;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx/h - new module for SSD fast simulation;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added method to evaluate the reconstruction efficiency;
added 0's to Timestamp which size is less than 6 digits;
added switch to read old ssdStripCalib Table and new ssdNoise Table ;
added a normalization for the reconstruction efficiency histograms;
added method to fill with default pedestal/noise values if no table is found;
modified to use ssdStripCalib table for simulation;
StSsdUtil - added method to remove strips which signal < 3*rms ; protection against died objects added
added protection against division 0/0; - added method to decode new ssdNoise Table; - added default pedestal/noise ; noise value is 60/16 = 3.75 adc ; - modified to make Gain calibration using the mapping method instead of the rotating vector;
DcaService.cxx, StStrangeControllerInclude.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx/h, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to move initialization to IntRun from Init;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to move access of Db tables by demand; modified to make request for SvtGeometry from GetRotations;
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.h - added forward declaration for ROOT 5.16;
StSvtEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h,StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to read DB by demand;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - modified to ensure that number of anodes and timebins is set properly;
St_dst_trackC.cxx/h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - made drift velocity depends on TPC half, use online RHIC clock;
StRTpcElectronics.cxx, StTpcDb.cxx/h - modified to use separated East/West drift velocities only for year >= 2007, for backward compartibility;
StTpcHitFilterMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added option to not move Simulated hits ;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight, fixed cluster shape ;
include/StTrsDigitalSector.hh - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight;
src/,,, - modified to use StarLogger and time of flight, fixed cluster shape ;
StVeloMaker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StMultiH1F.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
TAttr.cxx/h, TH1Helper.cxx, TPolinom.cxx, xTCL.cxx/h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - TCircleFitter::Fit modified logic; removed member fMax from THelixTrack;
St_db_Maker.cxx/h - added parameter currenTime (== requested time) in FindLeft ;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - new maker for embedding added ;
St_geant_Maker.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - added some calls for GEANT simulation of embedded particles;
GeomBrowser.ui, GeomBrowser.ui.h - added protection for viwer pointer ;
StGeomBrowser.h - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
St_l3t_Maker.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.16 ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx/h - modified to move hit with time of flight ;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - bug fixed in getPt(); modified to use normal radius instead of layer one;
StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - argument added to approx();
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - new better THelix fit developed; path to hit implemented in 2dim space only;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - initialization of _sinCA and _cosCA ;
StiTrackNode.cxx - wrong sign in correlation fixed;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - modified to use West/East depending drift velocity;
new modules created for triggers simulation study:
- Bbc;
- Bemc;
- Eemc;
- TrgEmulatorEMC;
bfcMixer_P07ib.C - added macro to run embedding for P07ib production;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo9.g - added new file as first approximation of the SVT-less configuration in year 2008 ;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo10.g - added newest correction from Dave Lynn -- the water channels were eventually manufactured from Carbon as opposed to the originally proposed Beryllium;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added the following geometry tags: Y2008, UPGR14 (UPGR13 without IST), DEV2007 (sandbox for what-if studies); modified for newest SVT geometry corrections; new tag Y2007A implemented;
Calibrations/ftpc - added ftpcVoltage.C, ftpcVoltageStatus.C;
Calibrations/tpc - added tpcGridLeak.C, tpcOmegaTau.C;
Calibrations/rich - added richvoltages.C, spaceChargeCor.C, spaceChargeCorR2.C, trigDetSums.C;
Calibrations/tracker - added PrimaryVertexCuts.20070101.000000.C;
StMagF/steel_magfieldmap.dat - added file for mag. field map in steel;
idl/pmdSMChain_GNF.idl - added table for PMD gain normalization factor; added _factor to column names;
idl/ssdNoise.idl - ssdNoise Table added;
Next codes have been updated:
EVP/ssdReader.cxx/h,emcReader.cxx/h, scReader.cxx/h, daqFormats.h, evpSupport.cxx;
SL07c librray was retagged with tag SL07c_3 and rebuild.
- StDbBroker ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h,
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07c library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07c_2.
- StMuDstMaker
COMMON/StMuEvent.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx
Updated codes were retagged as SL07c_1
Main features:
- library has new version of pythia 6.410 will be used for pp 200GeV pythia production for SPIN group request;
- trigger 2007 data are added;
- EMC trigger code reshaped ;
- number of codes modified to replace print statements with Logger LOG_INFO/LOG_ERROR;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - added SSD hits;
StBFChain.cxx/h - implemented StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency;
StBFChainOpt.cxx/h, StChainOpt.h - added to implement StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency ;
StTree.cxx - fixed special case basename for daq & fz;
StChain.h - modified to implement StChainOpt interface to hide StBFChain dependency;
StChain.h - removed non implemented GetChainOpt method;
StMaker.cxx/h - implemented new WhiteBoard methods; modified to reset to zero m_DataSet after deletion;
StChargeStepMaker.cxx - modified to remove redundant GetMaker();
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx, code2007.cxx - corrected byte swapping issue;
TRG/code2007.cxx - bug fixed for checking the last QT word; added protection against NULL pTRGP;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx - uninitialized pointer to class accessed to call method fixed and protected against NULL argument;
TRG/TRG_Reader.hh - added cleanup of initialized pTRGD;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx, EventReader.cxx - pointer to method returns FALSE instead of NULL fixed;
StDAQReader.cxx - corrected byte swapping issue;
StDAQMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx/h - added the additionalTriggerID table;
EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - added error handling to EEmcSmdGeom::getIntersection();
StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h - updated to save crate pedestals with two digit precision only;
Run2006TriggerMaker.C - added example Macro on how to access new trigger interface for 2006;
2006_Trigger_Map - added map of triggers in time and thresholds for 2006;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - updated new trigger interface;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - updated to loop over all 6 trigger periods for 2006 ; added decoder wrapper method that correlates tower and trigger patch;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h, StBemcTrigger.h, Run2006TriggerMaker.C - added decoder wrapper method that correlates tower and trigger patch;
Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C - added macro to run over data;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h, Run2006DataTriggerMaker.C, Run2006SimuTriggerMaker.C - added BHT2 for 2003; new access scheme extended back to 2003+2004; removed all access to StEmcPedestal tables;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - updated JPSI trigger to include JP#ing from decoder - E/W thresholds set ;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - fixed bug in VPD unpacking;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - fixed bug in BBC unpacking;
StTriggerData.h - added virtual function mtdAtAddress();
StEventDstMaker.cxxh - removed ;
StEventMaker.cxx - addition of random trigger;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx/h, StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h, StJetReader.cxx - modified to store trigger simulation info in SkimTrig; trigger prescales and thresholds saved once per run using SkimTrigHeader;
modified to save triggers that fired or should have fired in each event; various space savers (ignore TObject data members if possible, use TRef for mBestVert, etc.);
StJets.cxx/h - added Murad's dca update;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - more precise Chi2 calculation; implemented slightly tighter quality cuts on tracks: npoint>=20, radial dca < 1; widened the cut on close vertices to be mDcaZMax (3 cm);
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to hide StBFChain dependency;
StMiniMcEvent.h - increamented ClassDef;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to use the bfc option "debug" to create and fill the FTPC cluster tuning histograms;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker, StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - updated to be compatible with changes made to; modified to use default microsecondsPerTimebin value from database if no RHIC clock info available ;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - modified for FTPC vertex hists; database initialization moved from Init to InitRun; redefined m_nrec_track histogram and only fill if debug option is on; - replaced StMagUtilities with StarMagField ;
StLaserEventMaker.h - modified to unuse m_clockNominal class Data memeber;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - fixed m_clock unu-initialized, Float_t m_clockNominal replaced class DM naming changed to l_clockNominal;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - Removed Q-vector flag;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx - Removed Q-vector flag, added VPD info ;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - removed Q-vector calculation; added protection against StEvent::triggerData() == 0 in EZTREE;
EZTREE/StMuEzTree.cxx - added protection against StEvent::triggerData() == 0 in EZTREE;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h - modified PatchMap so that TP->Tower is accessed via StEmcDecoder; East Barrel Mapping fixed;
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - added new interface methods to get trigger thresholds and decisions based on trigId;
StPmdCalibConstMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdAbsClustering.cxx, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdDiscriminator.cxx, StPmdDiscriminatorMaker.cxx, StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdDiscriminatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdDiscriminatorNN.cxx - - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - corrected time of flight calculation, added time of flight corrrection for Laser;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - added protection in assert if hitPars has not been defined;
StiMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency; added time of flight corrrection for Laser;
StTagsMaker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency;
StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH2F.cxx - patched for problems with limited axis ranges ;
St_db_Maker.cxx - added StMaker::Init() into Init;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - removed StBFChain dependency; moved creation of TGiant3 in ctor; improved handling of the Pythia event header translation;
StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified for PMD hists ;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx/h - added SSD hists ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - added SVT plots ;
TTreeIter.cxx/h - Double32_t added;
THelixTrack.cxx/h,TPolinom.cxx/h - some improvements;
xTCL.cxx/h - added extended TCL class xTCL;
gen/pythia_6410 - new version of pythia 6.410 added;
gen/bpythia/apytuser.age, bpythia.F, bpythia.cdf,, pyth_header.g - added;
gen/bpythia/pyth_header.g - added MSTU72, MSTU73, MSTP111;
sim/g2t/g2t_get_event.F, mheadrd.g - added MSTU72, MSTU73, MSTP111; separated error codes for the generic and Pythia-specific header read;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - disabled introduction of the Dalitz particle (pi0 with special decay);
sim/idl/g2t_pythia.idl - added three more Pythia variables ;
sim/g2t/g2t_get_pythia.F - added three kinematic variables to be propagated from Pythia ;
pmdHotCells.idl - added new table with bit masks for pmdHotCells ;
additionalTriggerID.idl - added new trigger tables RunNumber and EventNumber ;
- StDbBroker ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h,
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07b library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07b_2.
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h;
StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx/h ;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx, StPmdGeom.cxx;
VmcGeometry - number of files ;
Main features:
- last codes and calibrations/alignment adjustment for cucu reproduction with SVT & SSD tracking;
- codes and calibration updates for run 2007;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - SVT drift velocity historamm utility added ; added Svt list, simplified hlist include files, handle StMultiH2F, stored dirName;
BigFullChain.h - new Corr5, the correction chain option for run 2007; new chain for run 2007;
added P2007a and P2007b for startup chains ;
StBFChainLinkDef.h - added new file to enlarge size for chain option fields, added options EvOutOnly & NoOutput , EastOff & WestOff for Sti, UseNewLDV ;
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to enlarge size for chain option fields, added options EvOutOnly & NoOutput , EastOff & WestOff for Sti, UseNewLDV ;
StBFChain.cxx - checking for VMC input file added;
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
dEdxParameterization.cxx - added TMath.h;
StMaker.cxx/h - new signature of GetDataBase() added ;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - reverting back to state in revision 2.41; updated GetTowerBin to be aware of mapping bug;
StDbLib - minor changes;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - added machine weighting factor "machinePower" to load balancer ; - minor changes to allow load balancer to be backward compatible with online migration code; - fixed small memory leak in removeTable ;
ChapiDbHost.cxx/h, - Load Balancer adjustments for machinePower features;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added methods GetCrateFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTriggerPatchFromTowerId, GetJetPatchFromTowerId, and GetTowerIdFromBin;
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability ;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx - modified to change the decoding LDate and add the mapping from DaqLadders to RealLadders for year2007;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/hh, code2007.cxx - bug fixed for offsets;
StDetectorDbRichScalers.cxx - modified to use RichScalers from data stream;
modified to use mode=1 for DB values;
StMagUtilities.cxx - added zero field = 1G;
St_svtRDOstrippedC.cxx/h - added more strict wafer definition ;
St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx/h - drift velocity definition added by Ivan Kotov; - TpcCoordinate transformation via TGeoHMatrix added ;
StSvtLocalCoordinate.hh - added usage of Ivan Kotov's drift velocities ;, St_svtHybridDriftVelocityC.cxx/h - added dependence of drift velocity on anode;
StValiSet.cxx/h, St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to allow request by user defined;
St_db_Maker.cxx - bypassed bug in TTable::New; assert improved;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx - bug fixed ;
EEdsm/BemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - new files added for run 2007;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2007 ;
StGlobalTrack.cxx - memory leak fixed, StDcaGeometry was not deleted ;
StTriggerData2007.cxx - new map for ZDC-SMD implemented;
StTofCollection.cxx/h - added new data members and methods in preperation for new ToF;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - added access function for VPD data;
StVpdTriggerDetector.cxx/h - modified for actual VPD used in 2007;
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx - added setup of VPD data to constructor;
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx/h, StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx/h, StEmcEqualMaker.cxx StEmcMipMaker.cxx/h, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h - reshaped the infrastructure, provided the setup script to install the monitoring on a fresh machine,provided the configuration file to change the settings without touching code;
fixed the DB tables handling, now uses table based containers.
StEemcRaw.cxx - drop token checked ;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - disabled RawEndcap hits filtering;
StEemcRaw.cxx, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified to bring endcap code in default configuration;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak of StMcCalorimeterHit;
StBemcTrigger.cxx - JJSI changes for 2006 entire barrel;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - added access to L1 2x1 patch ADC for L2 emulator;
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - added methods from Pibero to access trigger database information;
projection/StEmcPosition.cxx/h - implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method decl arations to improve readability ;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx/h - added softId-based versions of getEta, getTheta, and getPhi; added getId(phi,eta,&softId);
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability;
others/StEmcMath.cxx - added methods GetCrateFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTDCFromTowerId, GetTriggerPatchFromTowerId,GetJetPatchFromTowerId and GetTowerIdFromBin;
implemented const-correctness, modified to use meaningful argument names in method declarations to improve readability ;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StLaserEventMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StFlowMaker.cxx - west ZDCSMD H7 (readout as 26 in the trigger array) was swapped with LED (readout as 24 in trigger array), to avoid abnormal pedestal in the electronic channel associated with 26 in the trigger array ;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - bug fixes ;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - extended validity of PPV for 2007 data taking ;
StMagFMaker.cxx- Zero Field defined as 1G;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - added keys for switch off Tpc, Svt and Ssd NTuples; GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StMcEvent - added filling of g2t_ctf_hit.ds into StMcCtbHit ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuEvent.cxx/h - added Q-vectors in StMuEvent;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - removed the forcing of the Ghost loop to be "off" by checking the filename;
now the check only displays a message in the log saying that the Ghost loop is turned on;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - Shift of HFT hits to face of ladder;
added IST simulation (digitization but no clustering);
StPmdGeom.cxx - new mapping (run7) added and DrawPmd function for viewing PMD Geometry ;
BoardDetail of access on 29/03/07 added;
StPmdGeom.cxx/h - chain19 mapping corrected, functions to return nboards in a chain/SMs added;
StMcQaMaker.cxx/h - new maker added for side by side comparision of GEANT and VMC simulations ;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - added more precise histograms for the particular status of strips: count the number of strips perwafer where pedestal = 0 or 255 (adc) and rms = 0 or 255 (adc);
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - added a method to fill pedestal and noise of the strips in a tuple;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation, eliminate ssdWafersPostion ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added a method WriteMatchedClusters instead of WriteScfTuple() method that fill all the reconstructed clusters, this one store the clusters associated to the hits;
added WriteMatchedStrips() method : fill the characteristics of the strips from matched clusters;
added a protection when ssdStripCalib is filled with empty values;
modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation, eliminate ssdWafersPostion;
added a switch to use the gain calibration ;
modified for GetTFile()==>StMaker;
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx/h - modified use new StSsdBarrel;
StSsdUtil - bug fixed : fill the StSsdPointList with space points with the higher configuration probability;,, - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;,, - added a method to use the gain calibration for the Charge Matching between pulse of p and n sides;
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx, StSvtClusterMaker.cxx, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;,, - removed files;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx - added StSvtGeometry to const area;
StSvtSimulationMaker, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities and use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StTagsMaker.cxx - modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - updated for Run V CuCu calibration:
- INL correction moved in this maker
- Tot Corr and Z Corr use new tables in data base;
- pVPD calibration information modified;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed breaking of failure on number of return rows during db I/O for tofTotCorr and tofZCorr;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - modified to complete Run V matching;
- trailing tdc and leading tdc stored as adc and tdc in StTofCell;
- multi-hit association cases use hit position priority;
StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation; change mode for switching drift velocities implemented;
StTpcDb.cxx - added drift velocity interpolation between two measurement in time;
added protection from infinit endTime ;
StTofMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofGeometry.cxx, StTofSimParam.cxx, StTofrDaqMap.cxx, StTofrGeometry.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers
StTofSimMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofSimMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx - replaced with standard STAR Loggers;
St_trg_Maker.cxx - added protection from use if data version > 2007;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx/h - SVT drift velocity histogramm added;
QAH.cxx/h - added StMultiH2F support;
QAhlist_Svt.h - added new files;
StQABookHist.cxx/h, StEventQAMaker.cxx - added Svt Laser Diff;
St_srs_Maker.cxx - modified to use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation;
StThreeVector.hh - added xyz() method ;
StMultiH2F.cxx/h - introduced StMultiH2F class ;
StSvtClassLibrary,, StSvtWaferCollection.hh, - modified to use Ivan Kotov's drift velocities, use TGeoHMatrix for coordinate transformation ;
StSvtHybrid.h - new files added;
TRArray.cxx/h, TRMatrix.cxx/h, TRSymMatrix.cxx/h, TRVector.h, StarRootLinkDef.h - added new method for matrix inversion;
TRDiagMatrix.cxx/h - new files added for matrix inversion ;
TAttr.cxx/h - adjusted for ROOT 5.14 ;
THelixTrack.cxx - replaced 'complex' by 'TComplex';
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - added TMath.h;
StiHit.h- modified to count Time of Flight; set 30 degree hit angle limit;
StiHitLoader.h - added Riostream.h;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - modified to add Time of Flight;
StiTrackNode.cxx - replaced 'complex' by 'TComplex';
StiHitTest.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiTrackFinder.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
Base/StiFactory.h - added includes for ROOT 5.14;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - adjusted for ROOT 5.14;
StiMaker.cxx/h - added option for EastOff and WestOff, FindDataSet for Sti Geometry;
modified to move GetTFile()==>StMaker;
StiRnDLinkDef.h - added LinkDef for Sti RnD;
StiSsdLinkDef.h - added new files to use new StSsdBarrel;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use new StSsdBarrel;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx/h - added hint for EastOff and WestOff options;
StiPullEvent.cxx - adjusted for ROOT 5.14;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified for alignment;
StiSvtLinkDef.h = new files added to adjust for alignment;
StVMCMaker.cxx - checking for input file added ;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo6.g - TUP-inspired version of the SSD, the structural support parts on the rim are constructed of Carbon as opposed to Aluminum, to reflect the possible reedesign ;
geometry.g - added modifications: (a) FSTD is out (b) modified SSD with carbon parts,for R&D purposes (c) modified IST with single sided inner layer;
provided version for the thicker active Si layer in pixlgeo3, via setting the structure elements;
istbgeo/istbgeo6.g - geometry with Inner layer with sensors only on the inside ;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo3.g - added a useful diagnostic printout about the thicknesses of the Si layers;
modified backward-compatible version with (a) refactoring of the data structures for better modification support (b) switchable "thick" active layer configuration (c);
gstar_part.g - corrected B decay definitions;
added particle "DALITZ", which is identical to pi0 except that it goes into gamma gamma, needed for electron background simulation;
Geometry/ssd/SsdOnGlobal.20050101.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20050120.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20050217.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.20 050310.000000.C, SsdOnGlobal.C, SsdOnGlobal.y2005e.C ;
SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050120.000007.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050217.000007.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050310.000000.C, Ssd LaddersOnSectors.y2005e.C;
SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050120.000003.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050217.000003.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2005e.C;
SsdWafersOnLadders.20050101.000000.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2005e.C;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnSurvey.y2005e.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2005e.C, WaferOnLadder.y2005e.C;
LadderOnShell.20050101.000000.C, LadderOnShell.20050310.000000.C LadderOnSurvey.20050101.000000.C ShellOnGlobal.20050101.001001.C ShellOnGlobal.20050120.000003.C ShellOnGlobal.20050217.000003.C ShellOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050101.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050120.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050217.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.20050310.000000.C SvtOnGlobal.C WaferOnLadder.20050101.000000.C ;
idl/svtHybridDriftVelocity.idl - new Svt Drift velocity table added, combination of charge step and correction due to nonlinearity;
idl/ssdGainCalibWafer.idl - gain calibration table for ssd wafers added ;
servers/ - xml file for db loadbalancing added ;
- StDbBroker ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx;
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL07a library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL07a_3.
Main features:
- geometry for year 2007 has been set and codes updated;
- added dead material to SSD and created new geometry tags Y2005F and Y2006B;
- trigger data updated for year 2007 run;
- improved global dca values on MuDst;
- EEmc slow simulator upgraded, for detailes look at the email ;
- developed new version of the STAR "Geometry Browser" and "Offline Event display";
Next codes have been updated:
geant/gparmp.F - added magnetic monopole tracking;
geant/grktmp.F - added stepping routine for the magnetic monopole;
geant/guswmp.F - added logical switch for the magnetic field calculation;
geant/gtrack.F - added ITRTYP=9 (monopole);
geant/gtmonp.F - added tracking the monopole;
StMessMgr.h - added the new StMess abstarct interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel; modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
StMaker.cxx - added geometry tags Y2007, Y2006a ;
added geometry tags: Y2005F and Y2006B needed due to the added dead area in the SSD, and also incorporating the updated Barrel EMC code;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
SVT/SVTV1P0.cxx, SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - modified: zero suppressed reader no longer uses adcx, only seqd;
TRG/trgStructures2005.h - modified;
TRG/trgStructures2007.h - added for run 2007; added year for L2RESULTS_OFFSET;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/h - updated reader for run 2007 data;
TRG/L2gammaResult2007.h, code2007.cxx, trgStructures2007.h - new files added for run 2007;
StTRGReader.cxx/h - updated reader for run 2007 data;
StDbLib,, StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h, StlXmlTree.cxx/h - updated for load balancing;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - time converted to GMT ;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h - calculation of ideal gains moved into static member function getTowerGains() to allow slow simulator to access them;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - the slow eemc simulatore upgraded. The following changes have been made:
- towers will always be masked out when a "fail" bit is set in the database;
previously this only happened if pedestals were being added, smeared;
- tower, preshower and postshower ADC values will be simulated using the GEANT energy loss stored in StEmcHit and StMuEmcHit;
previously, ADC values from the fast simulator were used and energy loss recovered using gains, resulting in roundoff errors ;
- tower simulation now accounts for the different light yields provided by the brighter scintillator and two-fiber readout in the preshower and postshower layers;
previously, only the difference in thickness was accounted for by the GEANT simulation;
SlowSimUtil.cxx/h, StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcTrigSimuMaker.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx - bug fixed: adc was not limitted to [0,4095], fixed for all layers;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h, StEEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h - new simpler to use method calculating dca for track to strip;
StEEmcGeom/EEmcGeomDefs.h - new simpler to use method calculating dca for track to strip;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx/h - fixed applied to eliminate parralax error in the EEmcSmdGeom::getIntersection() method;
bug fixed in getDca2Strip(), make more methodhs public;
dca initialized in getDcaStripPtr();
EEmcSmdGeom::getDca2Strip(..) simplified;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h, EEmcDbItem.cxx/h, StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - new Logger implemented ;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - modified to use new logger only;
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx, StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h, StPmtSignal.cxx - modified to use Logger;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - added code in Init() to automatically set embedding mode controlTable flags in StEmcADCtoEMaker and/or StEmcMixerMaker;
StEpcMaker.cxx/h, StPointCollection.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - modifed ::getDbTable( ) to use DB APIs instead of a whereClause; ::getTimeStampList ( ) turned off temporary due to seg-faulted during testing;
voltageCalib/LinearFit.h, PowerLawFit.h - fixed inheritance for gcc 3.4.6 compliance;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h - initial revision of year 2007 triggers;
StTriggerData2007.cxx - Changed L2RESULTS_... to L2RESULTS_2007_ ;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2007;
StEventLinkDef.h - added 2007 trigger structure pragmas ;
StEnumerations.h - added l2DisplacedVertex to StL2AlgorithmId;
StEmcRawHit.cxx - changes to modEtaSub() and sub() implemented;
StEventControlPanel.cxx, StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h, StSimplePanel.cxx/h, St_PolyLine3D.cxx - added an extra control to choose between G3 and Sti detectors geometries;
StVirtualEventFilter.cxx/h - new files adde to adjust for ROOT 5.15/03 API;
StPadControlPanel.cxx, St_PolyLine3D.cxx, TEmcTower.cxx - adjusted for for ROOT 5.15/03 API;
StFlowConstants.cxx/h, StFlowCutEvent.cxx, StFlowCutTrack.cxx, StFlowEvent.cxx/h, StFlowMaker.cxx/h - introduced recentering of Q vector in Lee Yang Zeros method;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx, StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx/h, doFlowSumAll.C, minBias.C, plotCumulant.C, plotLYZ.C -introduced recentering of Q vector in Lee Yang Zeros method;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx,,, - replaced printf, cout, gMessMgr with Logger ;
StFtpcClusterMaker, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx,, - modified to move unessential output from INFO to DEBUG; - replaced //LOG_INFO with LOG_DEBUG;
replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes;
StFtpcMixerMaker.cxx, - replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger ;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker,,,, StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx,, - replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes ;
StFtpcTrackMaker,, - moved unessential output messages from INFO to DEBUG;
replaced printf, cout and gMesMgr with Logger in all codes;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added storing of the MuDst filename in StJetSkimEvent;
StJetReader.cxx, StJets.cxx, StJets.h - added StMuTrack info on track charge, dedx, and hit information to StJets.h; updated exampleFastJetAna() accordingly;
St_l3_Coordinate_Transformer.cxx - fixed for gcc4,added usage of StMultiArray class;
StMuTrack.cxx/h - updated to use StDcaGeometry for global DCA and momentum; added helper functions for radial and Z component: dcaD and dcaZ; uncertainties on those are stored in sigmaDcaD and sigmaDcaZ; dcaD and dcaZ only work for the primary vertex to which the track belongs ;
StMuUtilities.h - removed templates for min() and max(), which conflict with STL;
StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - added SetEventList function to read only pre-selected events;
StMiniMcEvent.cxx/h, StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.cxx/h, StTinyRcTrack.cxx/h - modified to add Ssd and DCA ;
StMiniMcHelper.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.cxx/h, - bug fixed;
StMiniMcPair.cxx - removed;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - GMT conversion fixed;
StEmcOldFinder.cxx, StEmcVirtualFinder.cxx/h, StPreEclMaker.cxx/h - modified to use Logger;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - modified to use new Logger instead of cout, printf;
new logger updated and addition of Finish() function done;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - WriteStripTuple method added, WriteScmTuple method updated ; few changes for the new Logger
replaced printf,cout,gMessMgr with LOGGER statements ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added control histograms and updated the Cluster and Point Tuple;
St_sls_Maker.cxx St_spa_Maker.cxx - replaced printf, cout statements with Logger;
StSsdUtil - made correction in the clusters splitting;
StThreeVector.hh - added non-const version of xyz();
StMultiArray.cxx - added class StMultiArray;
StLoggerManager.h - modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
StLoggerManager.h - added the new StMess abstarct interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel ;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for run 2007 triggers ;
StMessageManager.cxx/h - added the new StMess abstract interfaces GetLevel/SetLevel;
modified to connect Logger and Maker debug levels;
TUnixTime.cxx - convertion to GMT fixed;
TDirIter.cxx - modified to fix files > 2GB;
StiMasterHitLoader.h - fixed for gcc4;
Base/StiFactory.h - fixed for gcc4;
St_dst_Maker.cxx - GMT conversion fixed ;
GeomBrowser.ui.h - modified to allow multiply Zebra file to be read;
GeomBrowser.ui - added new geometry tags;
geometry/geometry.g - added Y2007 geometry tag ;
added steering for new code and settings for TOF, upVPD and FPD/FMS for Y2007;
added logic to include the updated SSD code for year 2007;
added Y2005F and Y2006B geometry tags which includes recent correction for the dead material in the SSD ;
IST1 tag retired;
FMS code (fpdgeo) updated to make more space at the end of the cave;
replace the IGT by the FGT in the UPGRXX tags;
added R&D geometry tag UPGR13;
removed the prototype support cone on the East side for UPGR13 geometry;
modified to put in the dead material version of SSD into UPGR13;
Corrected the steering logic for the new FGT (former IGT) to integrate the newer code;
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo1.g - removed the hit declaration just to make sure there is no confusion downstream;
replaced a dummy version (a placeholder) of the FGT (formerly known as IGT) code with a piece that supposedly works, and has 6 GEM disks;
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo3.g - updated ;
vpddgeo/vpddgeo2.g - added the new cut of the code, to be used in year 2007 run ;
code improvements aimed at a better code structure readability and removal of hardcoded values;
btofgeo/btofgeo5.g - updated the new cut of TOF code for Y2007 geometry;
code improvements aimed at a better code structure readability and removal of hardcoded values;
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo3.g - code improvments aimed at eliminating the hardcoded values and better code structure;
cavegeo/cavegeo.g - changed the cave size by Akio and Ermes request to make it larger ;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo5.g - modified to make an active area in Silicon wafers smaller than the total size of the wafer, corrected;
gphysdata/xsneut96.dat - updated neutron cross section file to make it compatible with starsim ;
gstar/gstar_part.g - modified to bring the particle definitions up to date with new Upsilon levels and strange lambda plus ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2006b.C, Geometry.y2005f.C, Geometry.y2006a.C, Geometry.upgr13.C, y2006b.h, y2005f.h, upgr13.h - added new files;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.y2007.root, y2007.h, Geometry.y2007.C, geom.y2007.root - added new files for year 2007 geometry;
idl/tofTotCorr.idl, tofZCorr.idl - correction Values for TOF calibrations added;
StarMCHit.cxx/h - a prototype of VMC hit implemented; introduced a "legacy mode" for backward compatibility ;
StarMCHits.cxx - updated the McHits class to support new way to traverse the hierarchy of volumes while collecting hits;
StarMCSimplePrimaryGenerator.cxx - added a facility to read the phase space parameters from a file and generate kinematic tracks correspondingly;
StarMCSimplePrimaryGenerator.h - added a constructor which takes a filename;
StarMCHitCollection.h - added a stub for the hit collection;
StarMCRootPrimaryGenerator.cxx/h - added header file for the ROOT-format event reader;
StVMCMaker.cxx/h - added new methods;
more development for "Geometry Browser";
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS July 27, 2011 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL05a (SL05a) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200, productionMinBias SL05c (SL05c) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200 production SL05d (SL05d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 CuCu 200&62 Gev production SL05e (SL05e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 pp200 MC production SL05f (SL05f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp run 2005 production SL05h (SL05h) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 SL 3.0.5 SL06b (SL06b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 cucu 200GeV production SL06d (SL06d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC prod for SVT&SSD review SL06e (SL06e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp 2006 production SL06f (SL06f_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC production for TUP SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production for TUP, SL4.4 SL07a (SL07a_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production, SL4.4 SL07b (SL07b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, SL4.4 SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, pp200 pythia,SL4.4 SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4 SL07e (SL07e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007, stream data,SL4.4 SL08a (SL08a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4 SL08b (SL08b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4 old-> SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 run 2007 & run 2008 data production SL08d (SL08d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pro-> SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 continue run 2008 data production SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 new-> SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last library release with EVP_READER SL08f_embed (SL08e_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 -------------------------------------------------
Next codes have been updated:
StMagUtilities.cxx, r.1.82
StMagUtilities.h, r.1.45
StMagFMaker.cxx, r.1.16
StMagFMaker.h, r.1.7
StarMagField.cxx, r. 1.17
StarMagField.h, r.1.8
St_geant_Maker.cxx, r.1.135
St_geant_Maker.h, r.1.50
geometry.g, r. (tagged as SL08f_4patch)
Next codes have been updated:
StMaker.cxx/h,StChain.cxx - geometry y2005h & y2007h timestamp; TMemStat & StMemStat handling improved
geometry/geometry.g - geometry y2009, y2005h, y2007h;
tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - update for y2009 geometry;
tpcegeo/tpcegeo2.g - max radius added TIKA,TIAL;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo5.g, sisdgeo6.g - updated, fixed SSD hits energy; SSD shield fixed;
svttgeo/svttgeo11.g - SSD shield fix;
StarDb/ VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2005h.C, Geometry.y2007h.C, y2005h.h, y2007h.h, - new files added;
Next codes have been updated:
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx, StPixelFastSimMaker.h;
StMcEvent;, StMcIstHit.hh, StMcIstHitCollection.hh,;
scongeo/scongeo.g - bug fixed;
geometry/geometry.g - fixed TOF geometry; update for upgr15;
pipegeo/pipegeo00.g - update for uprg15; ;
tracker/ ist1HitError.upgr15.C, PixelHitError.upgr15.C, PixelTrackingParameters.upgr15.C;
Next codes have been updated:
y2009.h, Geometry.y2009.C;
y2008a.h, Geometry.y2008a.C;
Main features:
- geometry fixes, modifications and updates for R&D;
- last version of library with EVP_READER before moving to new RTS code for daq1000 data format;
- first release of UCM package for jobs tracking;
Next codes have been updated:
starsim/atgeant/agrot.F - added rotation routines; changed alpha rotations in the order of usage;
renamed gvrot to gyrot to avoid clash;
starsim/atgeant/agsrotm.age - changed alpha rotations in the order of usage;
include/commons/ - changed alpha rotations in the order of usage;
agetof/agetof.def - changed alpha rotations in the order of usage;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx/h - removed the redundand dependency of the StBbcSimulationMaker from StDAQMaker;
EMC/EMC_Reader.cxx - modified to add initialization of mTowerPresent and mSmdPresent;
StDAQReader.cxx - modified to adjust the code to satisfy the new evpReader interface;
StDAQReader.cxx/h - fixed the CPP flags; modified to prepare StDAQMaker for DAQ_READER;
StDAQReader.cxx, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - modified to prepare StRtsReaderMaker for DAQ_READER transition;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - modified to make the StFileName method protected to discourage its usage; modified to prepare StDAQMaker for DAQ_READER;
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx - added the extra header file to define TQtRootViewer3D class;
StFilterDialog.cxx/h - modified for Qt3/Qt4 transition;
StEventControlPanel.cxx/h - added new files for for Qt3/Qt4 transition;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - standardized m_Mode LOG_INFO messages;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - modified to ensures StMuEvent::primaryVertexPosition() returns the position of current x (set by StMuDst::setVertexIndex(Int_t vtx_id)): previously it returned the position of best ranked vertex.;
modified to insures events with no vertex have a PVx=PYy=PYz=-999 rather than 0;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx, StPmdCleanConstants.cxx/h - added BadChains for dAu;
rtsmakefile.def - fixed broken HOSTDILE on vxWorks;
src/EVP_READER/evpReader.cxx - updated getlegacydata; added more DBG logs;
special.C - fixed TPC slowness;
evpReader.cxx, evpReaderClass.h - fixed padding bug; changed bytes to measure from start of datap even if datap not at start of event; simplifid writeCurrentEvent;
emcReader.cxx/h - added EMCADCD bank; modified to cleare emc struct;
sanityCheckers.cxx - added some more logging ;
trgReader32.cxx - added more DBG logs;
trgReader.cxx - bug fixed;
tpxCore.cxx - added user code;
rtsmakefile.def - changed for EVP_READER to support 2008 data formats ;
Makefile, evpReader.cxx, evpReaderClass.h, special.C - changed for EVP_READER to support 2008 data formats ;
Makefile, evpReader.hh, pp2ppReader.cxx, ppreader.C, sanityCheckers.cxx, special.C - modified to get rid of separate pp2pp reader, now it is part of standard mechinism; Replaced isevp flag;
src/SFS/Makefile, sfs_index.cxx/h - added lrhd, legacy always from datap; made fixes to daqReader to support standalone tpx sfs files;
fixed event parsing for case of pure sfs/w logfile;
sfs_index_daq.cxx - new files added; replaced isevp flag; also made IsEvp() accessor function for the purists;
fs_index.cxx, sfs_index.cxx - fixed padding bug;
include/rtsSystems.h - removed TPC from TCD stuff ; changes to EVP_READER to support 2008 data formats;
RC_Config.h - update made to config file ; modified to replace MIX -> MXQ; FPE -> BBQ;
modified to make EvbChooser chooses evenly in case of magic tokens and in case of raw_write on;
prepareGbPayload.h - changed clock_gettime() to gettimeofday() for kernel 2.4 ; format version for token 0; fixed swap problem;
daqFormats.h - added BSMD ZS and PED; changed u_short to unsigned short;
daqModes.h - added RUN_TYPE_EVB_TEST for EVB and TPX tests;
rtsSystems.h - removed mix;
include/TPX/tpx_altro_to_pad.h - modified;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - added new L1 crate definition in trgDataDefs.h; added add_bits;
trgConfNum.h - added definition of data objects for use with trgDataDefs.h; modified to relace MIX -> MXQ; FPE -> BBQ;
trgConfig.h, trigger.h, fpeMap.h, logmessage.h, mixMap.h, mvmeFastTickerLib.h, pmc.h, pmc_user.h, QT.h, trgenv.h, trgMap.h, trgMsg.h, trgStructures.h, bbcMap.h, DSM.h - files removed;
StEmcPreMixerMaker.cxx - removed logging of timestamp in Make();
StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx - set BPRS sampling fraction to 1.0 so energy is just energy in scintillator;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h - modified to store GEANT dE in MuDST raw hit energy data member and don't store GEANT dE in MuDST for embedding;
StiElossCalculator.cxx/h - Geant gdrelx_ replaced by C++ version ;
StSvtSelfMaker.cxx/h, StVertexKFit.cxx - modified;
StSvtSimulationMaker - changed gain as needed for tuning CuCu data; - initialized some variables ;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - fixed some mistakes in new way of initializing variables ;
StThreeVector.hh - set(x,y,z) added;
StarRootLinkDef.h - StMultiKey classes added;
TCFit.cxx/h - modified to speed up;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - flag 2d and 3d dca added ;
xTCL.cxx/h - method toEuler added;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx/h - new file (class) added ;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to ignore IdTruth > 10000 (generated by online clustering for bookkeeping purpose);
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - fixed for Layer0 DSM JP trigger (J1 and J3) plus diagnostic histograms;
change ch to dsm in TriggerBank mapping; fixes for J1 and J3 added into JP sums;
updated with histograms verifying emulator with Trigger Bank Bits in addition to moving all trigger decisions to Layer 2 for 2006;
updated 2007 L0 BEMC algo;
added 2007-2008 dAu HT (only) triggers;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerDbThresholds.cxx/h - updateed 2007 L0 BEMC thresholds;
added 2007-2008 dAu HT (only) triggers;
StJanEventMaker/StJanEventMaker.cxx - modified to allow production of bin.eve files from 2008 pp data to be used by L2-algos;
L2Emulator/StGenericL2Emulator.cxx, StL2_2008EmulatorMaker.cxx, StL2_2008EmulatorMaker.h - modified to allow production of bin.eve files from 2008 pp data to be used by L2-algos;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to account that Z-offset is sector dependent ;
src/, - modified to account that Z-offset is sector dependent;
include/StTrsAnalogSignalGenerator.hh, StTrsParameterizedAnalogSignalGenerator.hh, StTrsSlowAnalogSignalGenerator.hh - modified to account that Z-offset is sector dependent ;
rtsLog.h - renamed DUMMY and SL3 ports ;
rtsSystems.h - added RICH to rts2name; updated for trigger nodes;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - added initialization for RNDM seeds; seeding now from the clock and the UNIX; changed default from gkine to phasespace ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - FGSC==>FGZC; FGZD hits added;
GeomBrowser.ui, GeomBrowser.ui.h, StGeomBrowser.cxx - modified to synchronize the combobox and macro default to reduce the confusion ; added the total number of the volumes to the list view;
StTofSimParam.cxx/h, StTofrDaqMap.cxx - added MRPC-TOF simulation parameters; added TOF/VPD fast simulation parameters ;
first release of UCM package for jobs tracking;
geometry/geometry.g - updated upgr16 geometry for R&D ; tpcConfig==4 for upgr16;
upgr17 added; set bTofConfig=6 for y2008;
updated to correct starsim;
calbgeo/calbgeo2.g - added modification of S.Trentalange; CSZO CSZU poligons now;
btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - modified to change the tray selection to be the final tray design;
ecalgeo/ecalgeo.g - updated to correct starsim;
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo2.g - added upgr16 geometry for R&D ; upgr16 divisions of disks added; FGSC ==> FGSD
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g, fpdmgeo1.g, fpdmgeo2.g, fpdmgeo3.g - updated to correct starsim;
istbgeo/istbgeo00.g - updated;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo1.g - updated to correct starsim;
svttgeo/svttgeo.g, svttgeo1.g, svttgeo10.g, svttgeo11.g, svttgeo2.g, vttgeo3.g, svttgeo4.g, svttgeo6.g, svttgeo7.g - updated;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo00.g - updated;
vpddgeo/vpddgeo2.g - updated to correct starsim;
g2t/g2t_fgt.F - FGZD hits added;
hijing/hijing.f - added check if index is out of array;
VmcGeometry/upgr20.h, upgr21.h - R&D geometry added; upgr15.h, upgr16.h updated;
idl/bemcMapping.idl, bprsMapping.idl, bsmdeMapping.idl, bsmdpMapping.idl - initial release of bemc mapping tables;
idl/ bemcMap.idl, bsmdeMap.idl, bsmdpMap.idl, bprsMap.idl - added to fix bemc mapping idl; update of the structure name;
Next codes have been updated:
StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.
StAssociationMaker.h, r., r.
StTrackPairInfo.hh, r.
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, r.
StFtpcSlowSimMaker, r.
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.
StPrepEmbedMaker.h, r.
ftpcSlowSimPars.C, r. 1.1
Next codes have been updated:
StMagUtilities.cxx, r.1.82
StMagUtilities.h, r.1.45
StMagFMaker.cxx, r.1.16
StMagFMaker.h, r.1.7
StarMagField.cxx, r. 1.17
StarMagField.h, r.1.8
St_geant_Maker.cxx, r.1.135
St_geant_Maker.h, r.1.50
Library was retagged with tag SL08e_2 and rebuild on SL4.4, SL3.05 and SL3.02 platforms.
Next codes have been updated:
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - fixed swaps in BPRS
StBemcRaw.cxx - updated to fix swaps in BPRS
SL08e librray was retagged with tag SL08e_1 and rebuild on SL4.4, SL3.05 and SL3.02 platforms.
Main features:
- PPV vertex code logic has been improved to cut some certain pattern of hits crossing central membrane and remove pile-up tracks crossing central membrane; important eddition for run 2008 pp 200GeV data production;
- fixed mismapping in EMC(BPRS) which caused that some data from a couple channels to be overwritten during production;
- fixed bug which caused stale EMC data in MuDsts, effected BPRS and BSMD;
- SSD simulation code has been developed to calculate the quality of hits and use it in reconstruction;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented 'usePct4Vtx' option to switch on/off PostCrossing Tracks;
EMC/EMC_Reader.cxx - added initialization of mTowerPresent and mSmdPresent;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - fixed mismaping;
StTrack.h - added track pile up flag description;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - added option to throw out all hits in an event if any crates are corrupted;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h - added option to throw out all hits in an event if any crates are corrupted;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx - updated geometry ;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h - cut on hit max R chanegd from 190 to 199cm implemented;
fixed logic of crossing CM for certain pattern of hits;
added a new function bool isPostCrossingTrack(); it returns true if track have 2 or more hits in wrong Z;
fit was changed to use isPostCrossingTrack();
added switch setDropPostCrossingTrack(bool) to remove PostCrossingTrack, default set to "true"
modified to store 5 unqualified vertices with negative rank;
StPPVertexFinder.h - modified to add switches for turning on/off use of Post-Crossing Tracks [default is off];
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - modified to add switches for turning on/off use of Post-Crossing Tracks [default:off];
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - added maximum vertex list = 100;
StarClassLibrary - fixed sign problem in seed calculation for helix-helix DCA ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - modified to use the new writePointToContainer method for the hit quality calculation;
StSsdUtil - modified to propagate idMcTrack used for IdTruth ; - modified to fillin only one signal contribution (the higher) of GEANT hit per strip; - added methods for the calculation of hit quality; - initialized the SSdConfig data-member and flag the wrong configuration as an error;
StSsdConfig.hh - modified to make the copy ctor and operator = to private to spot the possible abuse;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx, - Initialized the class data-members; - initialized all data-members of the class StSvtElectronCloud ;
StiSortedHitIterator.cxx - fixed bug when the first detector has no hits;
StiElossCalculator.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx - several bugs fixed ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - interface changed, ionizatin**2==>ionization;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - added flag for pile-up track in TPC;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - mTStart added to proceed with run 2008 data;
StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - speedup TPC drift velocity, avoid expensive conversion to unix time;
Main features:
- SSD simulation code has been fixed to run simulation and embedding;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added TpcMixer;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to turn off gain and t0 correction in StTpcRTSHitMaker for Trs or Embedding;
StAutoBrowse.cxx - fixes for ROOT version >= 5.19;
StMaker.cxx - y2007a added;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - modifyed to allow for multiple rows (e.g. detectors) in determining charge;
St_TpcAltroParametersC.h St_asic_thresholdsC.h St_tpcT0C.h - added new files;
St_tpcISGainsC.h, St_tpcISTimeOffsetsC.h, St_tpcOSGainsC.h, St_tpcOSTimeOffsetsC.h - removed files;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - modified to make status table checking default behavior for analysis level to reflect change in StBemcRaw ;
StEmcAsciiDbMaker.cxx/h - new files added ; saved BTOW reative location mapping;
StBemcRaw.cxx - minor bug fix in StBemcRaw::createDecoder;
StTpcRawData.cxx/h - modify operator += ;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - modified zVertex(). Implemented calibrated BBC vertex z position code ;
StEventHelper.cxx - modified to add the explicit cast;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to insure that the correct microsecondsPerTimebin is used for every event;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, - modified to write the new value for mMicrosecondsPerTimebin back into Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcElectronics table if microsecondsPerTimebin calculated from RHIC clock;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to remove a cut in acceptRaw(StMcTrack*) that checked on the pseudorapidity;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - fixed bug in geometry;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - modifyed to use SsdLaddersOnSectors,SsdOnGlobal,SsdSectorsOnGlobal,SsdWafersOnLadders tables to calculatessdWafersPositions; added Get methods to access the tables;
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx/h - modifyed to retrieve positions and dimensions tables using Get methods;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to take SSD as dead material from whatever exist in GEANT if StSsdBarrel does not exist;
StTagsMaker.cxx - added check that StTriggerIdCollection exists;
StTofINLCorr.cxx - fixed a bug of empty lines in log file under no-debug mode; LOGGER print corrected with an if statement;
StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx - modified to add new getT0;
StRTpcGain.cxx/h, StTpcGainI.h, St_tpcGainC.cxx/h, St_tpcPadResponseC.cxx/h, St_tpcPedestalC.cxx/h, - removed files;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified for TpcMixer;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modifyed to turn off gain and t0 correction in StTpcRTSHitMaker for Trs or Embedding;
StTpcMixerMaker.cxx/h - new files added;
src/ - modified to create new interface to tpcT0;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - changed tags used to get multiplicity for calculating how many particle to embed from numberOfPrimaryTracks to uncorrectedNumberOfPrimaries;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - modified to skip embedding events without primary vertex and flag for this behaviour;
GeomBrowser.ui.h - added the human readable volume description to the Geometry Browser;
GeomBrowser.ui.h, QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx - fixed compilation errors;
StUCMAppender.cxx/h - added the StUCMLogger;
UCMBuild.csh, UCMLogger.xml -added new version of UCM build;
bfcMixer_Tpx.C - added mixer for TPX;
emulator/, StPythia/, test/, base/, mudst/, misc/, tree/, trigger, vertex/ - new code development;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2007a.C y2007a.h - y2007a geometry added ;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAltroParameters.20080623.000000.C, tpcGain.20071127.151801.root,
tpcGain.20080208.174701.root, tpcGain.C, tpcT0.19970101.000000.root,
tpcT0.19990615.000000.root, tpcT0.20000501.000000.root, tpcT0.20000615.000000.root,
tpcT0.20010601.000000.root, tpcT0.20010911.000000.root, tpcT0.20010924.000000.root,
tpcT0.20011205.000000.root, tpcT0.20030101.000000.root, tpcT0.20030101.000001.root,
tpcT0.20031228.000000.root, tpcT0.20040416.145000.root, tpcT0.20050111.190700.root,
tpcT0.20050209.152800.root, tpcT0.20050311.153700.root, tpcT0.20050412.184300.root,
tpcT0.20060308.115800.root, tpcT0.20060510.150600.root, tpcT0.20070330.135100.root,
tpcT0.20070420.142400.root, tpcT0.20070503.000000.root, tpcT0.20070524.161900.root,
tpcT0.20070524.161901.root, tpcT0.20071127.151800.root, tpcT0.20071127.151801.root,
tpcT0.20080208.174700.root, tpcT0.20080208.174701.root, tpcT0.C - Add new tpcGain, tpcT0 and TpcAltroParameters, moved then to MySql;
Geometry/ssd/ - cint files moved to MySql;
Geometry/svt/ - cint files moved to MySql;
Updated library was retagged with tag SL08c_5;
Library was retagged as SL08c_4 and rebuild on SL4.4, SL3.02 and SL3.05 platforms;
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to add canvas-to-code output with .CC suffix and allow saving histograms to plain ROOT file ;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx ;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - added checking of every status table for each hit; bug fixed;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h - added checking of every status table for each hit; bug fixed;
StFtpcClusterMaker - inner cathode correction, modified to insure that the correct microsecondsPerTimebin is used for every event;
StFtpcTrackMaker - improved momentum fitting conditions: exit fit if plength >= NoSolution/2 for any hit, bug fixed ;
COMMON/StMuChainMaker.cxx - replaced GetEnv by HostName() ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - added evaluation of space charge calibration performance;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - calculation of hits quality removed;
St_sls_Maker.cxx - bug fixed, initialized StMcSsd hits collections ;
StSsdUtil, - calculation of hits quality removed ;
StKinkI.hh,, StV0I.hh,, StXiI.hh, - modified to allow for marking of bad tracks in V0, bad secondary vertices;
StMultiH1F.cxx/h, StMultiH2F.cxx/h - implemented SavePrimitive functions;
RecoQA.C - macro to run QA for release of library;
btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - tof geometry updated for phi alignment;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcEdge.20070321.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20071101.000015.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20080128.000015.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20071101.000000.C,;
tpcGasTemperature.20071101.000000.C, tpcPressureB.20071101.000011.C, tpcPressureB.20080128.000011.C, TpcSecRowB.20071101.000011.root, TpcSecRowB.20080128.000011.root;
Data have been moved to MySql;
Library was retagged as SL08c_3 and rebuild on SL4.4, SL3.02 and SL3.05 platforms;
Main features:
- new RTS code development has been finalized to proceed with daq1000 data and to preserve the ability to proceed with daq100 and raw data;
- trigger ID and geometry for run 2008 has been updated and finalized;
- Tof code has been updated and modified for run 2008;
- Sti bug which led to loosing low Pt tracks has been fixed;
- dead material added in SVT/SSD geometry;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - made changes to FTPC radial step plots/fits;
StHistUtil.cxx/h - modified to allow the use of any file for PrintList specification; allow summing over (ignoring) histogram prefixes;
BigFullChain.h - removed ctf, St_trg_Maker (Physics, etc) from all chain after Y2005; added dependence SsdUtil vs StEvent, and sls from McEvent for ssd embedding ; bug fixed, added the missed daq dependency for the Mixer;
BigFullChain.h - removed l0, Physics from base chains; replace TrsMini => TpcRS;
BigFullChain.h - added new chain option ToFx for TOF detector; added B2007g to use y2007g; added B2008a to use TpcX and ToFx instead of tpcI ;
StBFChain.cxx - renamed TrsMini => TpsRS, move geant initialization staff in St_geant_Maker, new scheme for StHitMakers ;
StMessMgr.h - modified to change the abstarct class return type to separate the different STAR streams;
StRtsTable.cxx/h - added ;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx/h - added geometries for y2005g, y2006g and y2007g;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - added new maker to communicate with the new RTS_READER from RTS code;
StDAQMaker.cxx/h, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - modified to synchronize old and new EVP and RTS DAQ readers;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - added third numeric parameter for get method ;
StDAQReader.cxx - modified to restore the DATAP summary information if needed;
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - modified previous magfield changes and set 'zero' field to ~1 gauss; Add SpaceChargeEWRatio and appropriate functions that allow us to calibrate d-au collisions;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StMagUtilities.cxx,, - modified to use TChairs, introduced sector to sector time offset; - modified to account sector t0 shift only once; - removed check that hit is on wafer;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - added options to disable operation of individual slow simulaor subsystems;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - modified;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - utilize new BFC option for GoptEMC for controlADCtoE table;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx - fixed BSMDP mapping between GEANT volume ID and m-e-s space for BTOW/BPRS, eta<0;
StTpcRawData.cxx/h - modified to keep pixel raw data as short istead of uchar; added protection for pad numbers;
StTofCollection.h - added new member vzVpd and related access methods;
StTofCollection.cxx - assigned default values in constructor;
StDraw3DEvent.cxx/h - implemented simple class to manually draw the StEvent objects; introduced the global event display pointer;
StDraw3DEvent.h - added StThreeVector signature methods;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx/h - renamed StDraw3DEvent to StuDraw3DEvent to meet the StEventUtitilities packahe naming conventions; added StEvent track StTpcHit collection access methods; added method to see detector names;
StEventUtilitiesLinkDef.h - new file added;
StEventUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - new styles added;
StDraw3DEvent.cxx/h - removed the obsolete class StDraw3DEvent, it was replaced with StuDraw3DEvent;
EveDis.C - edded macro-template to create the custom classes;
LaserEvent.cxx/h, LoopOverLaserTrees.C, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added t0 handlers for Tpx/Tpc time offsets;
doEmcEmbedEvent.C - first release of macro to run EMC afterburner embedding to store EMC info in StMiniMcEvent;
StMixerMaker.cxx/h - modified to change interal presentation for ADC from UChat_t to Short_t;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx - modified to get laser t0 from Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcElectronics offline database table;
StFtpcLaserCalib.hh - modified to replace StMagUtilities.h with StarMagField.h - necessary for HELIX_FIT ;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx/h, modified to re-activate helix fit;
StFtpcClusterMaker - added laserTZero to Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcElectronics;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - modified to write FTPC calibration vertices with successful fit to StEvent;
bug fixed: if NoSolution found for MomentumFit with primary vertex, set mFromMainVertex = kFALSE for the track to avoid looping in StarMagField 3D field interpolation; - modified to set FTPC calibration vertex flag: 0 = fit successful, 1 = fit unsuccessful;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to protect from segfault if dbDataSet->FindObject("vertexSeed") fails ;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx - changed/fixed handling of DCA for global tracks without StDcaGeometry: now calculate DCA based on helix;
Changed globalDca() function to also work for globals that are attached to a different primary vertex. Used to return -999, now use helix to calculate ;
StMuEvent.cxx/h - added getter and setter for vpd z vertex position;
StMuDst.cxx - modified to get info from StEvent so vpd z vertex infomation is available in StMuEvent;
COMMON/macros/StMuDstMaker.C - added StTofCalibMaker and related libraries so vpd info is corrected filled into the MuDst;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - modified to handle DB access; added cuts capability to Aggregate;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to reduce pileup contributions ;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - modified to use vertex errors for weighting;
rtsmakefile.def - modified;
rtsplusplus.def - added new file to merge online code with StRoot;
DAQ_PP2PP/Makefile, daq_pp2pp.cxx/h - added to merge online code with StRoot;
DAQ_TOF/Makefile, daq_tof.cxx/h - added to merge online code with StRoot;
RTS_READER/Makefile, Reader.C, daq_det.cxx/h, daq_dta.cxx/h, daq_dta_structs.h, rts_reader.cxx/h, daq_dta_dict.cxx - added to merge online code with StRoot;
RTS_READER/tpx_simulation.C - added TPX simulation example;
DAQ_TPX/Makefile, daq_tpx.cxx/h, tpxFCF.cxx/h, tpxGain.cxx/h - added to merge online code with StRoot;
DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx/h - simulation track_id and quality added;
DAQ_LEGACY/Makefile, daq_legacy.cxx/h - first release for daq1000 format;
DAQ_ESMD/Makefile, daq_esmd.cxx/h, emc_reader.cxx - first release for daq1000 format;
DAQ_TPC/Makefile, daq_tpc.cxx/h, tpc_reader.cxx - first release for daq1000 format;
SFS/Makefile, fs.C, fs_ex.C, fs_index.cxx/h, sfs_index.cxx/h, sfs_single.C - modified to merge online code with StRoot;
SFS/daqr_index.cxx daqr_index.h fsBankReader.cxx fsBankReader.h - removed ;
SFS/sfs_base.h - added new file;
EVP_READER/Makefile, evpReaderClass.h, evpReader.cxx, trgReader.cxx - modified to merge online code with StRoot;
EVP_READER/evpReader.cxx, evpReaderClass.h, special.C - modified to add daqbits_l1, daqbits_l2 ;
evpReader.cxx, evpReaderClass.h - added function to fix the summary values for some arbitrary externally supplied datap;
evpReaderClass.h - added daqFormats so offline can compile; modified to used forward declaration of datap to avoid conflict with struct redefinitions in StDaqLib ;
include/iccp.h, iccp2k.h, rts.h, rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h, prepareGbPayload.h - modified to merge online code with StRoot;
include/rtsMonitor.h - modified EVB and GB structures;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - modified to move coordinate transformation into StTpcCoordinateTransformation from StDbUtilities;
StSsdDaqMaker.h - maker renamed to be comply with StSsdPointMaker expectations;
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - fixed the unproper STAR logger invocation;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx - added protection against g2t_ssd_hit == 0;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - added mcEvent dependence for embedding; fixed improper STAR logger invocation
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx - modified reading of GEANT hits, needed for embedding;
StSsdEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h - new files added for embedding;
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx/h - removed inactive variables; fixed a potential memory leak ;
StSsdUtil, - added a switch to use constant noise and pedestal ;, StSsdStrip.hh,, - modified to calculate the quality of hits used in embedding ;
MySQLAppender.cxx - added the LOW_PRIORITY option for UPDATE the reduce the dead lock probability;
StLoggerManager.cxx/h - modified to change the abstarct class return type to separate the different STAR streams;
modified to allow complex formating with several logger streams;
StEVPTpcCluser.cxx/h, StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h, StDaqTpcClusterInterface.h - new maker to access TPC DAQ information via EVP_READER, modification for daq1000;
StTreeMaker.cxx - fixed the xrootd I/O;
StSortTofRawData.cxx/h, StTofINLCorr.cxx/h, StTofrDaqMap.cxx/h, StTofrGeometry.cxx/h - updated for run 2008;
StSortTofRawData.cxx/h - updated to accomondate full barrel system; added physical hit selection for upVPD; tray number imposed in init() for Run V data;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - updated for run 2008; reseted time values when tot/z is out of range;
modified to add filling of vzvpd into StTofCollection;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - updated for run 2008; updated the HPTDC bin width to full precision; added switch for tpc track tree output;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - modified to store leadingEdgeTime and trailingEdgeTime with double precision in StTofCell;
vpd letime and tetime stored in double precision; modified to store letime and tetime in StTofCell in nano-seconds; fixed a bug of crashing due to potential empty track in trackNodes;
StMessageManager.cxx/h - modified to change the abstract class return type to separate the different STAR streams ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to remove check on approx();
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - added dead material;
StiHitContainer.cxx/h, StiSortedHitIterator.h - bug fixed;
StiDetectorVolume.cxx, StiMaker.cxx - added dead material;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - added dead material;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - added dead material; removed all SSD endcap volumes;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - added dead material;
Hft/StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - removed hit smearing ;
QAhlist_Reco.h - addition of QA_reco list ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to move creation of TGiant from ctor to Init;
St_srs_Maker.cxx - fixed the STAR messager interface;
StTrsMaker.cxx/h - modified to move from StTrsData to StTpcRawData;
run/TPCgeo.conf, electronics.conf, example.conf,, sc.conf - modified to move from StTrsData to StTpcRawData;
src/,,,,,, - modified to move from StTrsData to StTpcRawData;
src/,,,,,,, - removed;
include/StTpcDbSlowControl.hh, StTpcSlowControl.hh, StTrsDigitalSector.hh, StTrsRawDataEvent.hh, StTrsZeroSuppressedReader.hh - modified to move from StTrsData to StTpcRawData;
include/StROOTMagneticField.hh, StTpcROOTElectronics.hh, StTpcROOTGeometry.hh, StTpcROOTSlowControl.hh, StTpcSimpleSlowControl.hh, StTrsOldDigitalSignalGenerator.hh - removed;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified to move access to TGiant into InitRun;
St_tpcdaq_Maker.cxx - fixed bug in logic in dead pads accounting;
St_tpcdaq_Maker.cxx/h - modified to change interal presentation for ADC from UChat_t to Short_t;
StTpcRawDataEvent.hh - unified TpcRaw data ;
StSvtClassLibrary,, - added default no. of anodes and timeBins;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - implemented light class to debug the STAR 3D reconstruction/simulation; added default attributes;
Introducede the global event display pointer;
added Style method and new styles;
added method to see detector names;
implemenented the Joint method; added the method Redraw;
StFourPMakers - further code development;
StJetSimuUtil - updated;
StPythia - modified;
StarTrigSimuSetup/L0, L2 - added new code for trigger simulation;
further code development;
TGuiFactory - new development in the new ROOT 5.18 format;
TVirtualViewer3D - added 3d plugins;
TVirtualPadEditor - added the TQtGedEditor plugin for TVirtualPadEditor class ;
qtroot/src/TQtRootGuiFactory.cxx/h - made forward / backward compatible;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx/h - added the background 3d shape option;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx, TQtRootCoinViewer3D.cxx - modified to activate SetDrawOption method ;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TObjectOpenGLViewFactory.cxx, TQtGLViewerImp.cxx, TQtRootViewer3D.cxx;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TCoinShapeBuilder.cxx, TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx, TQtCoinWidget.cxx - added SetDrawOptn/GetDrawOpt methods;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TQGLViewerImp.h, TQtGLViewerImp.h, TQtRootViewer3D.h, TQtCoinViewerImp.h, TQtCoinWidget.h - added SetDrawOptn/GetDrawOpt methods;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtRootCoinViewer3D.h - modified to activate SetDrawOption method ;
further code development;
geometry/geometry.g - added y2005g and y2007g geometries for SVT with latest Rene's corrections;
svttgeo/svttgeo11.g - added y2005g and y2007g geometries for SVT with latest Rene's corrections;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcSectorT0offset.20071101.000000.C - add shift from laser run 9027013;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcSectorT0offset.20071101.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20080128.000000.C - tpc sector T0 offset for for both dAu and pp, run 2008;
Calibrations/tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - added new default tracking parameters to reduce a factor of 10 in search windows;
Calibrations/tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C - removed wrong files with default tracking parameters;
Calibrations/svt/svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070321.000209.C, svtHybridDriftVelocity.20050120.000001.C, svtHybridDriftVelocity.20070206.000001.C - added the array dimension to avoid the CINT bug ;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2005g.C, Geometry.y2006g.C, Geometry.y2007g.C, y2005g.h, y2006g.h, y2007g.h - added geometries with modified SVT weight;
tofPhaseOffset.idl, tofTOffset.idl - adde new TOF tables;
ftpcElectronics.idl - added field;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx - added more handles for StTpcHitMaker, propagate deselection down to option components; set VFMinuit2 option to use new ranking mode in Minuit;
BigFullChain.h - removed ctf from all chains, Remove St_trg_Maker (Physics, etc) from all chain after Y2005; remove requirement for SvtSeqAdj to MakeEvent, to keep alive tpt chain for 2004; set VFMinuit2 option to use new ranking mode in Minuit;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to use VFMinuit2 option for new ranking mode in Minuit;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - replaced sti->getToolkit() by StiToolkit::instance()
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, St_VertexCutsC.cxx, St_VertexCutsC.h - modified to use VertexCuts Chair;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h - changed calculation of BEMC matches based ranking to fix problems with run-7 Au+Au; old calculation can be selected with UseOldBEMCRank();
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to use general definition of StarChair;
St_tpcGainC.h, St_tpcSectorT0offsetC.h - added cahirs for tpcGain and tpcSectorT0offset;
StarChairDefs.h - modified to make a general defintion of StarChair;
StKinkMaker.cxx/h, StXiFinderMaker.cxx/h - moved parameters initialization from Init into InitRun;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - removed stripping TObject from StDcaGeometry, because StDcaGeometry is inherit from StObject and this stripping brakes schema evolution;
StSsdDaqMaker StSsdDaqMaker.h - modified to be compline with StSsdPointMaker expectations (bug that caused SSD hits weren't found);
StiDetector.h, StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiHit.cxx, StiHitErrorCalculator.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.h, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFitterParameters.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx/h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinderParameters.h, StiTrackFinder.h, StiTrackFitter.h, StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackingParameters.h, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
StiChairs.cxx, StiDefaultTrackingParameters.h, StiNodePars.h - added new files to straighten out DB access via chairs;
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitterParameters.cxx,StiLocalTrackSeedFinderParameters.cxx, StiTrackFinderParameters.h, StiTrackingParameters.cxx - removed files;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - modified: 2cm => StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters::instance()->maxDca3dVertex() in StiKalmanTrack::isPrimary() ;
Base/Parameters.h - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs; Loadable.cxx/h - removed;
StiDetectorVolume.h, StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
StiMaker.cxx - remove redundant includes;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
StiSsdChairs.cxx, StiSsdHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSsdTrackingParameters.h - added new files for chairs ;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
StiSvtChairs.cxx, StiSvtHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSvtTrackingParameters.h - added new files for chairs ;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
StiTpcChairs.cxx, StiTpcInnerHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcOuterHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcTrackingParameters.h - added new files for chairs;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
Hft/StiPixelChairs.cxx, StiPixelHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPixelTrackingParameters.h - added new files for chairs ;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
Ist/StiIst1HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst2HitErrorCalculator.h,StiIst3HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIstChairs.cxx - added new files for chairs ;
StiDebug.cxx - modified to straighten out DB access via chairs ;
tracker/ - all files with tracking parameters have been moved to database;
tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C - added new file with default parameters for tracking;
tracker/tkf_tkfpar.20011201.000100.C, tkf_tkfpar.20050324.150000.C - new files added to make match between table and file names;
tracker/kinkTrackingParameters.20011201.000100.C, kinkTrackingParameters.20050324.150000.C - removed files;
tpc/tpcSectorT0offset.20071101.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.C - added tpcSectorT0offset table;
tpcCorrection.idl, tpcDimensions.idl - modified to match with MySQL table definition;
tpcSectorT0offset.idl - added new table;
Library was retagged with tag SL08b_1 and rebuild on SL4.4, SL3.05, SL3.02 platforms;
Main features:
- tracking code developed to allow drop 1 SSD hit in tracking if no others found in SSD or SVT ;
- new RTS code added to proceed with daq1000 data and to preserve the ability to proceed with daq100 and raw data;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added pp2008a option with VFMinuit pending a contrary statement; removed MakeEvent from B2008 to restore TPC software monitor;
added svt1hit option; added options to proceed with daq1000 data (TPX);
StBFChain.cxx - added svt1hit option; added options to proceed with daq1000 data (TPX);
StBFChain.cxx/h - Skip method moved in base class;
StFileIter.cxx/h - modified to purge the directory to leave the latest version of the object;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - indent changed;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - assert of Year number removed; assert on beamLine left but added an explaination;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx/h - Skip method moved in base class;
StMaker.cxx - upgr15 geometry added;
StDAQReader.cxx - implemented skip event if it's not raw data; adjust evpReaderClass header file; modified to return the correct run number with the new EVP_READER; added CPP flag to distinguish the old and new EVP_READER at the compilation time;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - added ewratio;
StTofRawData.cxx/h - added new member mTriggerrime and related methods;
StTriggerData2008.cxx/h - new methods added: tofAtAddress() and tofMultiplicity();
StTriggerData.h - modified to add new methods tofAtAddress() and tofMultiplicity();
StTpcRawData.cxx/h - added new files to handle TPC raw data;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added protection against missing or wrong mTraits->mean();
StV0Vertex.cxx, StTrackFitTraits.cxx - added include to comply with ROOT;
StTrackFitTraits.h - added access to covariance matrix array;
StIOMaker.cxx - modified to load the RTS shared lib to access the DAQ files via the new interface;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - modified to include FMS data (StFMSTriggerDetector);
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuPrimaryTrackCovariance.cxx/h - added two clone arrays for global and primary track covariance matrices, remove mSigmaDcaD andmSigmaDcaZ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - added drift velocity dependence on sector ;
StV0FinderMaker.cxx/h - changed to DB table of V0FinderParameters; improved Bfield calculation ;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx/h - added methods to remove hits from dead and inactive areas;
StTofHitMaker.cxx/h - first release of TOF offline reader for data taken in Run 2008 ;
FtfBaseHit.cxx/h, FtfBaseTrack.cxx/h, FtfDedx.cxx/h, FtfFinder.cxx/h, FtfGeneral.h, FtfHit.cxx/h, FtfMcTrack.cxx/h, FtfPara.cxx/h, FtfSl3.cxx/h, FtfTrack.cxx/h, FtfUtilities.cxx, Makefile, createMapHead.C, displayMap.C, eventTracker.cxx, eventTrackerLib.cxx/h, gl3EMC.cxx/h, gl3Event.cxx/h, gl3Histo.cxx/h, gl3HistoManager.cxx/h, gl3Hit.cxx/h, gl3LMV.cfg, gl3LMVertexFinder.cxx/h, gl3Sector.h, gl3Track.cxx/h, l3BankUtils.cxx/h, l3CoordinateTransformer.cxx/h, l3Coordinates.h, l3EmcCalibration.cxx/h, l3Swap.cxx/h, l3TrgReader.cxx/h, l3TrgReaderV12.cxx, l3TrgReaderV20.cxx, mapbin.h, sizes.h;
include/RC_Config.h, adcLogTable.h, cmds.h, daq100Decision.h, daqFormats.h, daqModes.h, em_nios.C, em_nios.h, ethLib.h, evbMemMap.h, evp.h, fcfClass.hh, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, iccpHeader.h, myrinet.h, platform.h, pp2ppTypes.h, rc.h, rcfEventList.h, rts.h, rtsCmds.h, rtsComLib.h, rtsErrMsg.h, rtsLog.h, rtsMonitor.h, rtsScaler.h, rtsSystems.h, segments.h, status.h, tasks.h, trg2rts.h - new includes added for RTS code;
DAQ1000/daq1000Formats.h, ddl_lib.hh, ddl_struct.h, mscript.h, rb.hh,rdo_cmds.h - new includes added for RTS code ;
include/DB/daqDB.hh, daqMonDB.h, ppDbLib.h - new includes added for RTS code ;
scaler/scaDaqScaler.h, scaLxCounts.h ;
RunLog/daqEventTag.h, daqFileTag.h, daqRunTag.h, daqsumEvtCnts.h, daqsumTrgCnts.h, daqsumTrgFiles.h ;
conditions/rtsCndDaqDetSetup.h, rtsCndDaqSubdet.h, rtsCndDataStreamNames.h, rtsCndEndRun.h, rtsCndL1Rescale.h, rtsCndLxUserFloat.h, tsCndLxUserInt.h, rtsCndPwCondition.h, rtsCndPwLink.h, rtsCndRun.h, rtsCndTasks.h, rtsCndTcdSetup.h, rtsCndTrgDictEntry.h, rtsCndTrigger.h, rtsCndTwLink.h, rtsConditions.h, rtsDbConstants.h, rtsHash.h ;
FTP/FTPC_PADKEY.h, ftpc_padkey.Dec.2000.h, ftpc_padkey.Feb.2002.h, ftpc_padkey.h, ftpc_padkey.h.1.0, new_ftpc_padkey.h, old_offsets.h, old_padfinder.h, padfinder.h, trans_table.hh ;
TPX/tpx_altro_to_pad.h, tpx_altro_to_pad_FY07.h, tpx_rdo.h;
L3/L3Algorithms-2001.h, L3Algorithms-22GeV.h, L3Algorithms.h, L3Formats.h, L3FormatsCompat.h;
RORC/ddl_def.h, physmem.h, rorc.h, rorc_lib.h;
RC/RC_HandlerThreads.h, RC_Msg.hh, RC_MsgDefs.h, RC_SysState.h ;
UNIX/CircleBuff.hh, StaticSizedDQueue.hh, ThreadsMsgQueue.hh,simpleQ.hh ;
SECTOR/msgStruct.h, plx.h, plxLib.h, sector.h, sectorMemMap.h, uniLib.h, universe.h;
TRG/cmds.h, trgSpecialMap.h, trgStructures-Jan2002.h, trgStructures_20.h, trgStructures_21.h, trgStructures_30.h, trgStructures_v22.h, fixAlloc.hh;
I386/atomic.h, i386Lib.h ;
SUNRT/clock.h, configLib.h, msgNQLib.h, msgQLib.h, msgQNLib.h, msgQPLib.h, msgQSLib.h, msgSQLib.h, objLib.h, rtsComLib.h, rtsMother.h, rtsSigLib.h, semLib.h, shmLib.h, sigLib.h, ipcQLib.hh;
TPC/fee_maps.h, fee_pin.h, fee_readout.h, key_map.h, offsets.h, padfinder.h, pads_rows.h, rdo_vs_pad.h, rowlen.h, sector.h, tpcPhysicalMaps.h,,, padfinder.h.26.11,, trans_table.hh ;
SVT/key_map.h, svt_rb_map.h, key_map.h.10.05 ;
MVME/bdbLib.h, cbdCamac.h, mvmeAcro470Lib.h, mvmeFastTickerLib.h, mvmePciLib.h, ppcIOLib.h, rtsComLib.h, uniDmaLib.h, uniLib.h, universe.h ;
trg/include DSM.h QT.h, bbcMap.h, fpeMap.h, logmessage.h, mixMap.h, mvmeFastTickerLib.h, pmc.h, pmc_user.h, trgConfig.h, trgMap.h, trgMsg.h, trgStructures.h, trgenv.h, trigger.h ;
src rtsmakefile.def, rtsplus.def, Makefile, Makefile.jeff;
src/LOG Makefile, critServer.C, cursesLogBrowser.C, logBrowser.C, logTest.C, operDisplay.C,, rtsLog.C, rtsLogServer.C, rtsLogUnix.c ;
src/FCF Makefile, fcfAfterburner.cxx, fcfClass.cxx;
src/RTS_READER Makefile, Reader.C, daq_algo.h, daq_det.cxx, daq_det.h, daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h, dump_sfs.C, root_example.C, rts_reader.cxx, rts_reader.h, daq_dta_structs.h;
src/EVP_READER Makefile, Makefile_tar, cfgutil.cxx/h, emcReader.cxx/h, evpReader.cxx/hh, evpSupport.cxx/h, fpdReader.cxx/h, ftpReader.cxx/h, grpRates.C, l3Reader.cxx/h, msgNQLib.cxx/h, pmdReader.cxx/h, pp2ppReader.cxx/h, ppreader.C, ricReader.cxx/h, sanityCheckers.cxx, scReader.cxx/h, ssdReader.cxx/h, svtReader.cxx/h, tofReader.cxx/h, tpcFCFReader.cxx, tpcReader.cxx/h, trgReader.cxx/h, trgReader10.cxx, trgReader12.cxx, trgReader20.cxx, trgReader21.cxx, trgReader22.cxx, trgReader30.cxx, trgReader32.cxx, special.C;
src/DAQ_TOF Makefile, daq_tof.cxx/h;
src/DAQ_TPX Makefile, daq_tpx.cxx/h, tpxCore.cxx/h, tpxFCF.cxx/h, tpxGain.cxx/h, tpxPed.cxx/h, tpxStat.cxx/h, tpx_ped.cxx, sim_tester.C;
src/SFS Makefile, blastSFS.C, daqr_index.cxx/h, fs.C, fsBankReader.cxx/h, fs_ex.C, fs_index.cxx/h, get_line.cxx/h, sfsTest.C, sfs_index.cxx/h, sfs_single.C;
src/DAQ_PP2PP Makefile, daq_pp2pp.cxx/h ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.h - implementation of setMinPrecHits() added;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - modified to make setMinPrecHits(..) obsolete;
StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.cxx/h - added maxDca3dVertex & maxDca2dZeroXY; added HitSet rejecting via StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.cxx - implemented HitSet rejecting via StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters;
StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.cxx/h,StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - removed field field from everythere;
StiMaker.cxx - modified to make setMinPrecHits(..) obsolete; removed field field from everythere;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - added beam pipe volume;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.cxx, StiMaker.h - fixed unassigned variable (_trackNodeInfFactory), synchronize name with BigFullChain.h;
geometry/geometry.g - upgr15 geometry added;
pipegeo/pipegeo00.g - upgr15 geometry added;
istbgeo/istbgeo00.g - upgr15 geometry added;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo00.g - upgr15 geometry added;
Calibrations/tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.20010311.000000.C - added maxDca3dVertex, maxDca2dZeroXY, mHitRegions & mHitWeights ;removed field;
Calibrations/tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.20070101.000000.C - added maxDca3dVertex, maxDca2dZeroXY, mHitRegions & mHitWeights ;added dca3 < 3 Chi2Vtx < 900; removed field;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr15.C, upgr15.h - upgr15 geometry added;
StVMCMaker/StVMCMaker.cxx/h - modified to comply Skip signuture with base class;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml - added; changed port and machine power on node;
idl/V0FinderParameters.idl - added new VO tracking table;
idl/spaceChargeCor.idl - added column to idl;
idl/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.idl - added maxDca3dVertex, maxDca2dZeroXY, mHitRegions & mHitWeights; removed field field from everythere;
Main features:
- tracking code developed to perform tracking using TPC+ 1 SVT hit on ;
- added functionality to DAQReader to read adc events only and skip if it's not adc; this functionality needed to process embedding for trigger data;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented BEMC status check for raw data;
StBFChain.cxx - aded hook for TrsMini and PrepEmbded;
StBFChain.cxx - fixed GEANT geometry problem for TofUtil; added fgain;
BigFullChain.h - added fgain;
StBFChain.cxx,BigFullChain.h - added option adcOnly to process adc data only and skip events if it's not adc, this is needed for embedding of trigger data;
StMaker.cxx/h - copy attributes from maker to maker added;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx/h, StRtsTable.h - new files to introduce the base class to access RTS raw data for daq1000;
StIOMaker.cxx - copy IOMaker attributes to DAQMaker added;
GetdEdxResolution.cxx - added dE/dx resolution static functions for runs IV-VII;
EVP/emcReader.cxx - fixed the case statement scope;
EMC/EMC_SmdReader.cxx - updated;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx/h - important bug in byte order fixed;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000 ;
FPD/FPD_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
FTPC/FTPV1P0.Banks.cxx, FTPV1P0.cxx, FTPV1P0_ADCR_SR.cxx, FTPV1P0_CPP_SR.cxx, FTPV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
TOF/TOF_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
L3/L3_Banks.cxx, L3_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
PMD/PMD_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx, code2003.cxx, code2004.cxx, code2005.cxx, code2007.cxx, code2008.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
RICH/RICH_Reader.cxx/hh, RichEventReader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
SVT/SVTV1P0.Banks.cxx, SVTV1P0.cxx, SVTV1P0_ADCR_SR.cxx, SVTV1P0_CPP_SR.cxx, SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
EVP/emcReader.cxx/h, evpSupport.cxx/h, scReader.cxx/h, ssdReader.cxx/h - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000 ;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx/hh, EMC_Reader.cxx, EMC_SmdReader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000 ;
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx - protection against NULL pointer added ;
GENERIC/CRC.cxx CRC.hh, DetectorReader.cxx, EventReader.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx/hh, swaps.cxx/hh - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - added TRG as a part EMC;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - modified to activate EEMCreader even if no EEMC bank, TRG info added ;
SC/SC_Reader.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
TPC/TPCV1P0.Banks.cxx, TPCV1P0.cxx, TPCV1P0_ADCR_SR.cxx, TPCV1P0_CPP_SR.cxx, TPCV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx, TPCV2P0.Banks.cxx, TPCV2P0.cxx, TPCV2P0_ADCR_SR.cxx, TPCV2P0_CPP_SR.cxx, TPCV2P0_ZS_SR.cxx, fee_pin.h - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
StDAQReader.cxx/h - modified version to make it compatible with new/old DAQ readers related to daq1000;
implemented the shadow copy of the evp buffer for the new EVP_READER;
StDAQReader.cxx - modified to use bytes; set the correct buffer size for daq1000;
StDAQReader.cxx - added function to read adcOnly data for embedding (skip event if not adc) when option 'adcOnly' used in bfc;
StDAQReader.cxx/h - modified to move the dependency from the class desclaration to class implementation to adjust to new EVP_READER for daq1000;
StDbBroker.cxx/h - modified to remove DbFill calls from StDbBroker because DbFill was removed;
DbFill.cxx - removed;
StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID.h - added dummy implementaion of the default stor for StDetectorDbIntegratedTriggerID class;
StEmcADCtoEMaker.h - added convenience methods to set some control table properties;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - added support for "BEmcCheckStatus" attribute to suppress hot towers in fastOffline;
StEemcRaw.cxx/h - modified to remove warning if ESMD is not in the run ;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - set MuDst's StEmcCollection pointer ;
StEventHelper.cxx - modified to ignor zero size containers;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to make bfc option fdbg selected if m_Mode==2;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h - created and filled the special set of Ftpc point histograms used to evaluate the Ftpc gain scan runs when bfc option fgain is in the chain;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - created and filled the special set of Ftpc track histograms used to evaluate the Ftpc gain scan runs when the bfc option fgain is in the chain;
StJets.cxx/h, StJetMaker.cxx, StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, StJetReader.cxx - number of updates: use2006cuts function which extends tracks to SMD, and includes DCA cuts; emulated L2 results now included and data L2 results restructured; filled StJet zVertex and detEta;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx StJetSkimEvent.cxx/h - modified to include full trigger simulation from StTriggerUtilities;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - modified to make skimTree working with either trigger simulators;
macros/RunJetFinder2.C, RunFastJetReader.C - modified to make skimTree working with either trigger simulators;
LoopOverLaserTrees.C - modified to use average drift velocity from East and West;
Stl3CounterMaker.cxx, Stl3RawReaderMaker.cxx - fixed the lost L3_Reader class definition ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx/h - modified to store info of 3 EMC towers for each TinyRcTrack and TinyMcTrack;
StTinyMcTrack.cxx/h, StTinyRcTrack.cxx/h - modified to add EMC information to tracks. MC info obtained from StMcTrack, Rec Info obtained from track extrapolation to BEMC of rec track ;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - if there is a HOT CELL return with error flag;
StPmdGeom.cxx - readBoardDetail updated for dAu run 2008;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - made fine tuning of parameters ;
FCF/fcfClass.cxx - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
include/fcfClass.hh - introduced OLDEVP namespace to handle new RTS library for daq1000;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to set a default value for uninitialized variable;
StSsdPointMaker.h - removed redundant class forward;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h -added method to read the Wafer configuration table ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - modified to set a default value for uninitialized variable ;
St_sls_Maker.cxx - modified to set a default value for uninitialized variable ;
StSsdUtil,, - modified to use the wafer configuration table ;
StSvtClassLibrary - dummy implementaion of the missed StSvtHybridObject::SetName method;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/h - added protection from missing geometry;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h, StTpcDbMaker.h - added the TPC coordinate transformation global function to the Root/Cint dictionary;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h - remove the wrong numberOfPadsAtRow_ entry from the CintDict;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - added function to calculate the tpc coord transfoirmation in one step;
TCFit.cxx - new name of TCL.h;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - added minPrecHits to include 1 svt hits in tracking;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinder.h - modified;
StiMaker.cxx - added minPrecHits to include 1 svt hits in tracking; removed setMCS() call;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified for new physics triggers working;
St_srs_Maker.cxx - bug fixed in hit error setting;
St_tcl_Maker.cxx/h - modified to split tcl and tfs Makers;
St_tfs_Maker.cxx/h - modified to split tcl and tfs Makers;
L2Emulator,Bemc - further development of code for trigger simulation;
geometry/geometry.g - TOF weight corrected;
btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - TOF weight corrected;
vertices/ev0par2.20071125.000000.C,exipar.20071125.000000.C - added new files for run 2008;
VmcGeometry/y2008.h - TOF weight corrected;
servers/dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml - added new server "bogart" to Analysis ;
idl/ssdWaferConfiguration.idl - added new Wafer table for ssd - will use 320 rows per/timestamp;
qt/inc/TQtClientFilter.h, TQtClientWidget.h, TQtRootSlot.h - merged with ROOT svn;
qt/inc/TQMimeTypes.h - get rid of the Q3support for TQtMimeTypes class;
qt/src/TQMimeTypes.cxx - get rid of the Q3support for TQtMimeTypes class;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 24, 2009 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL06e (SL06e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp 200&62GeV run 2006 production SL06g (SL06g_2,SL06g_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4, MC production for TUP SL07a (SL07a_3,SL07a_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production SL07b (SL07b_2,SL07b_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL07c (SL07c_3,SL07c_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2,SL07d_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL07e (SL07e,SL07e_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08a (SL08a,SL08a_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08b (SL08b_1,SL08b_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08c (SL08c_5,SL08c_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08d (SL08d,SL08d_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 old-> SL08e (SL08e_2,SL08e_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 pro-> SL08f (SL08f_3,SL08f_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL09a (SL09a,SL09a_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09b (SL09b,SL09a_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09c (SL09c,SL09c_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09d (SL09d,SL09d_SL5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL09e (SL09e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 built on SL5, last version with pams codes; new-> SL09g (SL09g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 production library for run 2009 data dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 -------------------------------------------------
SL09a library
SL09b library
SL09c library
SL09d library
SL09e library
SL09g library
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcAcChargeC.h
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx, StEEmcFastMaker.h
new maker for embedding QA
StBTofPidTraits.cxx, StBTofPidTraits.h
COMMON/StMuBTofPidTraits.cxx, StMuBTofPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.h
Pythia6_4_22 - new version of PYTHIA
TpcAltroParameters.idl, tpcAcCharge.idl
tpcAcCharge.*.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2010.C, tpcPressureB.C, tpcPressureB.y2010.C, tpcPressureB.C, tpcPressureB.y2010.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcAltroParameters.y2010.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.C, TpcSecRowB.y2010.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2010.C
y2005h.h, y2006h.h, y2007h.h, y2009a.h
Main features:
- old pams codes retired and all makers adjusted; retirring of codes suggested in the presentaion ; motivation and historical note posted in the email .
- BTOF and VPD calibrations codes finalized for run 2009 production;
- StEvent updated for RPS collection;
- new StFilterMaker added for simulation with filterring;
- new TOF simulation code added;
- year 2009 geometry finalized; year 2006 geometry corrected with TPC material and EEMC fixes;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes and tables have been removed:
StTableUtilities/StDstPointChair.cxx, StDstPointChair.h, StTclHitChair.cxx, StTclHitChair.h, St_dst_trackC.cxx, St_dst_trackC.h;
pams/ctf/idl/cpe_eval.idl, cpe_mkine.idl, cpi_para.idl, ctc_ctrl.idl, ctc_histos.idl, cte_extra.idl, cte_para.idl, dst_tof_evt.idl, dst_tof_trk.idl
pams/geometry/idlbtof_btog.idl, btof_ctbb.idl, btof_modr.idl, btof_toff.idl, btof_tray.idl, ecal_eetr.idl, ecal_elgg.idl, ecal_elgm.idl, ecal_emcg.idl, ecal_emcs.idl, ecal_emxg.idl, ecal_esec.idl, ecal_exse.idl, geom_gdat.idl, ftpc_ffcc.idl, ftpc_frbd.idl, ftpc_fssd.idl, ftpc_ftpg.idl, g2tm_dete.idl, g2tm_gttc.idl, magp_magg.idl, magp_mbar.idl, magp_mend.idl, mick_miky.idl, svtt_selc.idl, svtt_serg.idl, svtt_sfpa.idl, svtt_ssup.idl, svtt_svtl.idl, svtt_swam.idl, tpce_tecw.idl, tpce_tpcg.idl, tpce_tprs.idl, vpdd_vpdg.idl, cave_cave.idl, pipe_pipg.idl, svtt_svtg.idl, svtt_swca.idl
pams/global/idl/dst_dedx.idl, dst_event_summary.idl, dst_mon_soft_ctb.idl, dst_mon_soft_emc.idl, dst_mon_soft_ftpc.idl, dst_mon_soft_glob.idl, dst_mon_soft_l3.idl, dst_mon_soft_rich.idl, dst_mon_soft_svt.idl, dst_mon_soft_tpc.idl, dst_point.idl, dst_rch_pixel.idl, dst_run_summary.idl, dst_summary_param.idl, dst_tkf_vertex.idl, dst_track.idl, dst_v0_vertex.idl, dst_vertex.idl, dst_xi_vertex.idl, egr_egrpar.idl, egr_globtrk.idl, egr_globtrk_eval.idl, egr_propagate.idl, epi_epipar.idl, epi_glob_pid_eval.idl, epi_global_pid.idl, epi_hypo_pid.idl, est_ctrl.idl, est_ev.idl, est_match.idl, ev0_aux.idl, ev0_cov.idl, ev0_ev0out.idl, ev0_ev0par.idl, ev0_ev0par2.idl, ev0_eval.idl, ev0_track.idl, ev0_track2.idl, ev0_track3.idl, evr_evrpar.idl, exi_aux.idl, exi_exiout.idl, point_track_index.idl, scs_svt_spt.idl, stk_svt_ctrack.idl, stk_svt_track.idl, svm_ctrl.idl, svm_effic.idl, svm_eval_par.idl, svm_eval_strk.idl, svm_eval_svt.idl, svm_eval_tpc.idl, svm_evt_match.idl, svm_match.idl
pams/global/inc/, global_prototypes.h,,
pams/l3/incFtfBaseHit.h, FtfBaseTrack.h, FtfDedx.h, FtfFinder.h, FtfGeneral.h, FtfHit.h, FtfMcTrack.h, FtfPara.h, FtfSl3.h, FtfTrack.h, gl3Analysis.h, gl3Conductor.h, gl3Event.h,,gl3GammaGamma.h, gl3GeneralHistos.h, gl3HighPt.h, gl3Histo.h, gl3Hit.h, gl3JPsi.h, gl3MomRes.h, gl3Residuals.h, gl3Sector.h, gl3Svt.h, gl3Track.h, gl3dEdx.h, l3GeneralHeaders.h, l3List.h, lists.hpp, sl3CoordinateTransform.h, sl3MPTrack.h, sl3UPTrack.h, sl3USTrack.h
pams/l3/ftf/FtfBaseHit.cxx, FtfBaseTrack.cxx, FtfDedx.cxx, FtfFinder.cxx, FtfHit.cxx, FtfPara.cxx, FtfSl3.cxx, FtfTrack.cxx, FtfUtilities.cxx, sl3Swap.cxx;
pams/sim/g2t/g2t_comb.F, g2t_comb.idl, g2t_print.F, g2t_print.idl
pams/svt/idl/sal_geom.idl, sal_rotran.idl, sal_spt.idl, sal_vrtx.idl, sce_ctrl.idl, sce_dspt.idl, scf_ctrl.idl, sci_bad_anodes.idl, sci_clus.idl, sci_inj.idl, sci_par.idl, sci_raw.idl, scm_ctrl.idl, scp_bad_anodes.idl, scp_par.idl, scp_ped.idl, scp_pedm.idl, scp_raw.idl, scs_cluster.idl, scs_merge.idl, scs_par.idl, sgr_groups.idl, sgr_pixmap.idl, sls_ctrl.idl, sls_spt.idl, spr_sprpar.idl, srs_activea.idl, srs_direct.idl, srs_result.idl, ssf_8to10map.idl, ssf_adc.idl, ssf_map.idl, ssf_mv.idl, ssf_seq.idl, ssf_zero_par.idl, ste_teff.idl, ste_teval.idl, stk_ctrack.idl, stk_filler.idl, stk_hlx.idl, stk_kine.idl
pams/svt/inc/RanGauss.hh, Random.hh
pams/tpc/idlbad_channels.idl, readout_map.idl, tcc_morphology.idl, tcl_calib_fee.idl, tcl_calib_general.idl, tcl_calib_padrow.idl, tcl_calib_rdo.idl, tcl_calib_sec.idl, tcl_sector_index.idl, cl_tclpar.idl, tcl_tp_seq.idl, tcl_tpc_index.idl, tcl_tpc_index_type.idl, tcl_tpcluster.idl, tdeparm.idl, tdi_fit_pars.idl, tdi_rdi_pars.idl, tdi_residual.idl, tdi_strack.idl, tfc_adcxyz.idl, tfc_delta.idl, tfc_fmtpar.idl, tfc_native_gain.idl, tfc_native_map.idl, tfc_native_pedestal.idl, tfc_pedstab.idl, tfc_pedstab_pars.idl, tfc_tpc_gain.idl, tfc_valid.idl, tfs_fsctrl.idl, tfs_fspar.idl, tpc_pedestal.idl, tpg_cathode.idl, tpg_field_cage.idl, tpg_pad.idl, tpg_sector.idl, tpg_tptarget.idl, tpg_transform.idl, tpg_wire_plane.idl, tpipar.idl, tpt_pars.idl, tpt_res.idl, tpt_spars.idl, tpt_strack.idl, tpt_track.idl, tpt_track_pointers.idl, tss_tpmcpix.idl, tss_tppad.idl, tss_tppixel.idl, tstpar.idl, tte_control.idl, tte_eval.idl, tte_mctrk.idl, type_begrun_str.idl, type_bytedata.idl, type_config.idl, type_floatdata.idl, type_gain_bad.idl, type_index.idl, type_sc_global.idl, type_sc_readout.idl, type_structtbl.idl, type_timestamp.idl, type_tmprcv0.idl
pams/tpc/idl/tcl_calib_badpixels.idl, tcl_calib_global.idl, tcl_calib_pad.idl
Next codes have been modified and updated:
StAssociationMaker.cxx/h - modifed to change default to ITTF; clean-up est tracks; - clean-up est tracks;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - modified due to pams cleanup; added chains for BTOF; reshaped TOF options to allow early VPD but later TofMatch; added 'FiltGamma' option for simulation with filtering; inroduced 'BAna' option;
BFC2.C - removed;
Bichsel.h, GetdEdxResolution.cxx - modified to add one more GetdEdxResolution in order to simplify access to it in TF1;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - modified to make Database readout more robust, static const moved to .cxx file;
modified to split original StTofCalibMaker into dedicated StVpdCalibMaker and BTOF-specific StBTofCalibMaker;
new package for TOF simulation;
StMaker.cxx - modified to keep only geometry tags which were used in production;
StEvtHddr.h - created the safe interface to access the value of he TDatime objects;
StMaker.cxx/h - fixed the signature of the StMaker::GetDate... methods; modified to make the TDatime const interfaces; added y2009a geometry tag and inherited from it y2010 geometry; added y2006h geometry tag
St_ctf_Maker.cxx - modified due to pams cleanup;
StdEdxY2Maker StDAQMaker
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - removed token leak ;
StTRGReader.cxx - fixed the broken broken logic for the DAQ file with NO trigger data;
StDbBroker.cxx - modified to use SafeDelete;
StDbLib, - modified to use SafeDelete;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - changed balancer connect timeout to 30sec; reshuffled lb host list; - modified to enabled SSL + compression, if server supports it ; - added proper wrapper to provide StDbLib could use SafeDelete;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to make the TDatime const interfaces;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - corrected gain dependence from y2009 Voltage scan; added St_tpcAcChargeC to modify gain dependence on Voltage;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - moved getSpaceChargeCoulombs from the header to St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - added new file to move getSpaceChargeCoulombs in from header;
St_tpcAcChargeC.h - added new file to modify gain dependence on Voltage ;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added dE/dx for prompt hits, improve dE/dx calculations; switched from St_tpcAnodeHVavgC to St_tpcAnodeHVC to modify gain dependence on Voltage;
StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx - modified for the embedding infrastructure ;
database/EEmcDbItem.cxx - fixed compilation warnnings;
EEfeeRaw/RootWrapper.cxx - fixed compilation warnnings;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmd2SmdMapItem.h, EEmcSmdMap.h - fixed compilation warnnings;
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx, StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx, StEmcEqualMaker.cxx, StEmcMipMaker.cxx, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx - fixed bunch of warnings;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - fixed a bunch of warnings;
StBemcTrigger.cxx - modified to clarify subtraction versus bit shift operator precedence;
StTrackPidTraits.cxx, StTrackPidTraits.h - moved definition of dst_dedx_st from pams/global/idl in;
StDedxPidTraits.cxx - removed St_dst_dedx_Table;
StEvent.h - removed reference to event_header_st;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx, StCalibrationVertex.cxx/h, StEvent.cxx/h, StEventInfo.cxx/h, StEventSummary.cxx/h, StEventTypes.h StFtpcHit.cxx/h, StFtpcSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StGlobalTrack.cxx/h, StHelixModel.cxx/h, StHit.cxx, StKinkVertex.cxx/h, StMwcTriggerDetector.cxx, StPrimaryTrack.cxx/h, StPrimaryVertex.cxx/h, StRichHit.cxx, StRichSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StSsdHit.cxx/h, StSvtHit.cxx/h, StTpcHit.cxx/h, StTpcHitCollection.cxx/h, StTpcRawData.cxx, StTpcSectorHitCollection.cxx/h, StTptTrack.cxx/h, StTrack.cxx/h, StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx/h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx/h, StTrackGeometry.cxx/h, StTriggerData2008.cxx, StV0Vertex.cxx/h, StVertex.cxx/h, StXiVertex.cxx/h - removed dependences on old dst tables;
StCtbSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StEmcSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StEstGlobalTrack.cxx/h, StEstPrimaryTrack.cxx/h, StGlobalSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StL3SoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StSvtSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StTofSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StTofSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h, StTpcSoftwareMonitor.cxx/h - removed ;
StRpsCluster.cxx, StRpsCluster.h, StRpsCollection.cxx, StRpsCollection.h, StRpsPlane.cxx, StRpsPlane.h, StRpsRomanPot.cxx, StRpsRomanPot.h - new files added for RPS collection, initial revision;
StPrimaryTrack.h, StSsdHit.cxx/h, StSvtHit.cxx/h, StTpcHit.h, StTpcPixel.h, StTpcRawData.cxx/h, StBTofHeader.cxx - fixed compiler warnings;
StContainers.cxx/h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx/h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - hooks for RPS added;
StPrimaryVertex.cxx/h - added new member mNumMatchesWithBTOF and related access functions;
StBTofHeader.cxx - fixed order of operator precedence in removeVpdHit();
StBTofPidTraits.cxx, StBTofPidTraits.h - updated to fix the problem which causes the crash running TOF calibration on MuDst afterburner;
StEventCompendiumMaker.cxx - modified to use TChair;
StEventMaker.cxx/h, StEventManager.hh, - clean-up due to pams retirring; fixed problem with bunch crossing information in StEventInfo and StHddr;
StGammaFilterMaker.cxx, StGammaFilterMaker.h - new code for gamma filtering in simulation;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx - added USE_LOCAL_DRIFTMAP instructions;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - added USE_LOCAL_DRIFTMAP instructions;, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - removed all references to StFtpcSoftwareMonitor;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx, - removed dependences on dst_vertex_st table;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - removed all references to StFtpcSoftwareMonitor;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h - reorder the vertices upon filling StEvent;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - fixed compiler warning about operator order precedence;
StJetSimuUtil/StJetSimuReader.cxx - fixed compilation warnning;
tracks/StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h - fixed compilation warnning;
treeStjJetListReader.h, StjJetListWriter.cxx, StjTreeIndexListCreator.cxx, StjTreeReader.cxx, StjTreeReader.h, StjTreeReaderTwoTrees.cxx, StjTreeReaderTwoTrees.h - fixed compilation warnings;
StMagFMaker.cxx/h - modified to switch to TChair ;
StarMagField.cxx/h - modified to use local fMap variable; moved size definition from #define to enumerations;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - fixed small bug in StMuDst::fixTrackIndices and StMuDst::fixTofTrackIndices(), added StMuTrack::primaryTrack() and ensured StMuTrack::vertexIndex() returns the primary track pointer for a global track;
StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuHelix.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx/h - patches made eliminating some redundant operations;
StuDraw3DMuEvent.cxx - fixed compilation warnings; added StMuTrack::globalTrack rendering;
StMuBTofPidTraits.cxx, StMuBTofPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.h - fixed the problem which causes the crash running TOF calibration from MuDst;
StSvtClassLibrary - adjusted to ROOT 5.22.00;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - modified;
StTpcT0Maker.cxx, StTpcT0Maker.cxx.h - removed;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - modified to return loosen nDaughters cut, added BEMCmatch cut and PCT hits cut, enable padrow 13 for Runs 2009+; fixed compiler warning about unsigned comparison;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - phased out usage of old tables; fixed problems with memory-resident TNtuple by using a temporary disk file;
St_QA_Maker.cxx, St_QA_Maker.h - removed codes using old tables;
StEventQAMaker.cxx/h, StQAMakerBase.cxx/h - removed Event Summary;
St_sfs_Maker.cxx, St_sfs_Maker.h - added files;
St_srs_Maker.cxx, St_srs_Maker.h - removed;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx, StTpcFastSimMaker.h - added files;
St_tcl_Maker.cxx/h, St_tfs_Maker.cxx/h - removed ;
StiStarVertexFinder.cxx - small consolidation;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - St_tpcAnodeHVavgC => St_tpcAnodeHVC until tpcAnodeHVavg table will be fixed;, StSvtHitMaker.cxx, StSvtHitMaker.h - modified to remove dependences on old tables;
StSvtVertexFinderMaker.cxx, StSvtVertexFinderMaker.h,, SvtVertFind.h - removed;
StiPullEvent.cxx - added assert.h;
StSvtClusterMaker, StSvtHitMaker.cxx, StSvtHitMaker.h - removed references to tables;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - modified to make hard code masking to OFF until database is fixed;
GlobalTag.idl, StTagsMaker.cxx - modified to add primary vertex position errors;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - added handle for TPX ADC corrections;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - updated for Run 9 to work on simulation;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for Run 9 to work on simulation;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - updated to clear the number of masked towers; add call to StEmcDecoder::SetDateTime()
Eemc/EemcTrigUtil.cxx, EemcTrigUtil.h, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - added Endcap FEE pedestals for all years;
EEfeeTPTree.cxx - fixed memory leak;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to mask out faulty EEMC towers;
EEfeeTP.cxx, EEfeeTP.h, EEmapTP.h - - added (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx L2VirtualAlgo2009.h - modified to add (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2wAlgo/L2wBemc2009.cxx, L2wEemc2009.cxx - modified to add (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2upsilon/ - added (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2hienAlgo/L2hienAlgo08.cxx - added (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2pedAlgo/L2pedAlgo.cxx - added (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
L2Emulator/L2jetAlgo/ L2adc2energyAlgo.cxx, L2jetAlgo2006.cxx, L2jetResults2006.h - added (char*) to many strings to make SL5 happy;
TRArray.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h - added more methods;
StDraw3D.cxx, StDraw3D.h - added STL based method;
StTrackMateMaker.cxx/h, - replace cout to logger;
StDraw3D.h - removed the astary entry TettaDeg;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - added attributes for sector and pad row selections;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to make cluster finder not running if there is no pixels; replaced daqReader by daq_tpx;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified due to pams cleanup;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - modified to use the new calibration table vpdTotCorr; vzVpdFinder() updated to use a cut on timing diff to remove outliers;
include/rtsSystems.h - fixed PMD; added detector groups for 2010; fixed ESMD in rts2grp;
src/rtsmakefile.def - added support for for -m32 on 64 bit machines;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx - added more event checks; fixed word bug in get_l2;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - added more event checks;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - added SFS readout for nonZS, ZS and PEDRMS;
bsmdPed.cxx - fixed pedestal bug in pulser runs;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - fixed the sense of RTS_ONLINE;
daq_det.cxx - hacked up the FY2000 DATAP feature;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h - added FY10 features;
daq_tpx.cxx, daq_tpx.h - added fcf run compatibility; fixed gains in InitRun;
geometry/ecalgeo/ecalgeo6.g, ecalgeo.g - modified due to pams rettiring:
- fixed several material / medium relationship problems;
- fixed issue where SMD strips extruded their mother volumes;
- expanded the SMD gap from 34mm to 36mm as built;
- added SMD spacer layers;
- added material to front and back of SMD strips;
- defined and used PbAlloy and Steel mixtures, to better match material in calorimeter;
- thickness of preshower layers reduced to 4.75mm as built;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added logic to support multiple ecalgeoX files; ecalgeo6 set as default version for y2009a tag ;
Y2009A production tag added:
- includes the new model of the EEMC;
- revert to old model of EEMC in Y2009 tag for compat w/ W preproduction;
- removed the y2006dev tag;
- added y2006h tag, which is y2006g + new model of the endcap;
added y2010 geometry inherited from y2009a;
gen/hijing_382/hijing.F - fixed bug in ran() in gfortran;
global/idl/dst_dedx.idl - removed, moved dst_dedx_st definition to StEvent/StTrackPidTraits;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - modified due to retirring pams;
sim/idl/g2t_tpc_hit.idl - modified due to retirring pams;
sim/g2t/g2t_tpc.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified due to retirring pams;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.20090301.000106.C - correction for for y2009 Tpx added;
added tpcAcCharge files to account of accumulated Charge for Y2009;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.C, tpcPressureB.C - added default tables;
asic_thresholds_tpx.y2010.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcAltroParameters.y2010.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2010.C, tpcPressureB.y2010.C, TpcSecRowB.y2010.C - added starting values for y2010;
VmcGeometry/y2010.h,Geometry.y2009a.C y2009a.h - added y2009a geometry and inherited from it y2010;
Geometry.y2006h.C, y2006h.h - added y2006h geometry with latest latest version of the TPC geometry and fixed EEMC;
removed old root geometry files;
pp2ppZ.idl - new pp2pp table added ;
pvpdCalib.idl, toft0Calib.idl, toftotCalib.idl, tofzCalib.idl - added new TOF tables;
TpcAltroParameters.idl - fixed spelling;
tpcAcCharge.idl - added table for accumulated charge in TPC;
Main features:
- completed adjustment to SL5.3 platform;
- several patches to ROOT 5.22.00 version has been done;
- new BTOF calibration and VPD code;
- new FMS DB code;
- RTS reader added capability to read trigger data files in format .dat;
- new TPX response simulator;
- last version with old pams codes; - several bugs were fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Jprof.cxx/h, bfd.cxx, coff.cxx, config.h, elf.cxx, intcnt.cxx/h, jprof.h, leaky.h, libmalloc.cxx/h, strset.cxx/h - removed becuase not functional since gcc4;
exe/leaky.cxx - removed becuase not functional since gcc4;
StAnalysisMaker.cxx/h - added static method to print StEvent;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - removed operator [];
BigFullChain.h - added StiVMC, modified TpcRS to prepare to clean up tcl,tpcdaq and fcf options;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - new maker added for combined BTOF & VPD calibrations;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - added the VPD delay in the StBTofSortRawHit;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx/h - added the functionality to perform the matching with MuDst directly;
made several updates on the track cuts used for matching: flag<1000 was added and nHits>15 cut was removed;
created a new StBTofPidTraits for any primary track;
local Z window cut set to symmetric (fabs(localz)<3.05);
StBTofGeometry.cxx - corrected the calculation for tray alignment parameters in X-Y;
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx/h - implemented the VPD delay subtraction in trigger window cut;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx/h, StRtsTable.cxx/h - modified to make the global daqReader to be the static data-member to fix the bug; ;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to improve WhiteBoard ; y2010 timestamp added;
StTree.cxx - added the new raw format to read the trigger data files with extension .dat;
StStreamFile.cxx/h, StStreamFileFactory.cxx/h - added STAR iostream-base file interface; added the method to provide the error message;
EVP/emcReader.cxx - fixed the old emcReader; added header file algorithm and assigned the proper namespace to make both SL4/64bit and SL4/32bits compilation ok;
SVT/SVTV1P0.Banks.cxx/hh - fixed pointer arithmetics and cpu type;
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx - fixed pointer arithmetics and cpu type;
StDAQMaker.cxx/h, StDAQReader.cxx/h, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - moved daqReader instantiation from StDAQMaker to StDAQReader to switch between input files properly;
StDAQMaker.cxx/h, StDAQReader.cxx/h - moved StRtsReaderMaker instantiation from StDAQReader to StDAQMaker;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - removed redundant components ;
StDAQReader.cxx/h, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - modified to activate the new DAT file format;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - fDatReader initialized to zero at class ctor to fix a bug;
StDAQReader.cxx, StTRGReader.cxx/h - modified to be able to read .dat file in 1999-2008 format;
StString.h - modified to check for empty string, useful in standalone mode where environmental variables are not defined ;
rules.make - modified to use mysql_config in place of static dir locations;,,, StTableDescriptorI.h - struct alignment fixed to keep runtime align calculation ;
StDbDefs.hh, - added FMS to the domain list; - LB timer fixed; - modified to reset number of rows to fetched number of rows if it is less than total indexed number; - modified to make row size not static, tables have different row sizes;
StDbDefs.hh, - added new domain: pp2pp; - modified to restore missing endTime check;
StDbUtilities - removed defaults in Tpc Coordinate transformations ;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to introduce TPC slewing corrections;
St_tpcSlewingC.h - added new file to introduce TPC slewing corrections;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcAnodeHVC.h - modified to make tpcAnodeHV better handles with different neighboring voltages;
St_tpcGainC.h - modified;
St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to use St_tpcPadGainT0C instead of St_tpcGainC and St_tpcT0C;
St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h - added new file ;
St_tpcGainC.h, St_tpcT0C.h - removed ;
St_tss_tssparC.h - moved gain calculations to .cxx file ;
StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - fixed StThreeVector invoke;
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - updated grid spacing for UndoShort and prepared for other future gridding upgrades to achieve higher resolution results; improved execution speed of many algorithms: especially GridLeak;
updated scheme for pad row numbering in Predict Space Charge;
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - modified to set GetMagFactor();
EEdsm/BEdsm2.cxx/h, BemcTrigUtil.cxx/h, EEdsm0.cxx/h, EEdsm0Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm1.cxx/h, EEdsm1Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm3.cxx/h, EEfeeTP.cxx/h, EEfeeTPTree.cxx/h, EEmapTP.hh EMCdsm2Tree.cxx/h, EemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - EEMC DSM emulator moved over to StTriggerUtilities/Eemc;
database/StBemcTables.h - added StBemcTable to use in StEmcDecoder;
projection/ StEmcPosition.cxx/h - added getNextId(det,softId,nEta,nPhi) method;
StTpcRawData.cxx/h - fixed relation npad from pad row;
StDcaGeometry.cxx/h - modified to add set from double;
StuDraw3DEvent.h - added link to pdf file and acrobat 9; modified to promote the virtial inheritance for StDraw3D subclasses;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - fixed eta sign;modified to adjust tresholds;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx/h - added EmsHit method to the StuDraw3DEvent ;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx/h - new FMS DB code ;
StFtpcCalibMaker - modified to exit laser fit to avoid FPE if either <=2 hits on track or if helix fit fails to converge;
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx/h, StFtpcLaser.hh, - modified to write out all gas temperature, air pressure info to Run branch of FTPC debug root file;
modified to be able to vary the gas temperature in addition to varying t0 and gas composition;
StFtpcClusterMaker - modified to initilize the class data-members and add some protection against of zero pointers;
added protection against of the nonexisting debug.ini; modified to use default values;,, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to write out all gas temperature, air pressure info to Run branch of FTPC debug root file;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to Utilize new StEmcPosition methods to speed up SMD strip collection;
StDatFileFactory.cxx/h, StTrgDatReader.cxx/h - added .dat file format reader;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiTrack.h - added primary vertex number ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to reset primarity after refit ;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - removed STAR LOG in print();
StiStEventFiller.cxx - added primary vertex number and charge(GVB);
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - set assert instead of skip event;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified not to use padrows with no gain; modified to replace St_tpcGainC to St_tpcPadGainT0C
StiPullEvent.h - added primary vertex number and charge(GVB); removed redundante definition of StiPullEvent::~StiPullEvent();
StiPullEvent.cxx/h - modified to propagate primary info into globals(Finish());
Infrastructure/ - fixed for StThreeVector and StLorentzVector ctor;
GeomBrowser.cxx/h, StarGeomTreeWidget.cxx/h - added refs to the mother volumes; connected DepthControl and lookup depth; added I/O prototype;
StGeomHighlighter.cxx/h - added new files for motran syntax highlighter;
TextEdit.cxx/h - modified to add motran syntax highlighter;
StQtDelayRedrawTimer.cxx, StQtDelayRedrawTimer.h - added new files to delay re-drawing;
StIOMaker.cxx - modified to initialize the pointer at ctor; added the new raw format to read the trigger data files with extension .dat; loaded StTrdFileReader shared lib to back DAT format;
StBET4pMaker.vxx/h - updated for BEMC calibration systematics;
StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx - modified to add tower info into jet tree;
StJetMaker.cxx/h - fixed getStJets();
emulator/ StjBEMCSockeVariation.cxx/h, StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx/h - updated for BEMC calibration systematics;
StMuTrackFourVec.h, StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx/h, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - midified to add tower info into jet tree;
StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx - modified to add tower info into jet tree; added tracks and towers references to jet;
StMuTowerEmu.h - new file to add tower info into jet tree;
StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx/h - added track flag, nSigmaElectron, nSigmaKaon and nSigmaProton;
StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - added detectorId to tracks; added nSigmaKaon, nSigmaProton and nSigmaElectron; added exitTowerId and exitDetectorId;
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.h - added new file with implementaion of Tree writer for class StJetEvent; modified to use include "StSpinPool/StJetEvent/StJetEventTypes.h";
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - removed dependencies of StSpinPool/StJetEvent on StJetMaker;
mudst/StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added nSigmaKaon, nSigmaProton and nSigmaElectron;
tracks/StjTrackList.h - added nSigmaKaon, nSigmaProton and nSigmaElectron;
StMcEvent, - modified for FGT;
COMMON/StuDraw3DMuEvent.h - modified to promote the virtial inheritance for StDraw3D subclasses;
src/DAQ_READER/cfgutil.cxx/h, daqReader.cxx - fixed the compilation problem under SL5/64-bit;
daqReader.h - added u_int;
daqReader.cxx - first attempt to force rtsLog to STDERR for ROOT;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx/h - fixed the compilation problem under SL5/64-bit;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx/h, tpxPed.cxx, tpxStat.cxx/h - updated;
tpxFCF.cxx - fixed quality asignment bug in simulated data;
daq_tpx.cxx/h, tpxStat.cxx - modified for misc monitoring ;
tpxPed.cxx - adjusted special runs;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx/h, bsmdPed.cxx/h - added pedestal subtraction routines;
bsmdPed.cxx, daq_bsmd.cxx - modified for run 2010 support; added RAW SFS;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added RAW SFS bank;
include/rts.h - added __x86_64 ;
rtsSystems.h - fixed compilation error on SL5/64-bit machine;
include/DAQ1000/ddl_struct.h - added heartbeat msc event;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - fixed pointer arithmetics;
FCF/fcfClass.cxx - fixed pointer arithmetics;
StRichArea.cxx - bug fixed ;
StLoggerConfig.h, StarOptionFilter.h - added Configure header to take in account the different log4cxx versions ;
StLoggerConfig.h - fixed wrong declaration - change int to class;
MySQLAppender.cxx/h, StLoggerConfig.h, StLoggerManager.cxx/h, StUCMAppender.cxx/h, StarOptionFilter.cxx - modified to merge log4cxx version 9 and 10;
StUCMAppender.cxx - fixed the obsolete dependency;
logging/TxUCMCollector.cxx - added Configure header to take in account the different log4cxx versions ;
StLorentzVector.hh - added extra ctor;
StThreeVector.hh - Introduced the dedicated default ctor for StThreeVector;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - added Print method; fixed the image file name; modified to eliminate the TRotMatrix leak and implement the negative lambda for EndCap style; fixed eta sign; added EmsHit method to the StuDraw3DEvent;
THelixTrack.cxx - workaround to define the method `TCircleFitter::FitZ()';
StArchInfo.cxx/h - added new class to return CPU/OS Architecture related info; added new method to calculate the alignment and padding;
StCheckQtEnv.cxx, StDraw3D.cxx - removed the redundant Coin test;
StSsdUtil - fixed FindMcHit signature; - changed Char_t *xyz type to be const;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx/h - added boolean variable mRunSvtOnlineSeqAdj to toggle function on and off;
StTpcDb.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx/h - modified to use directly field from StarMagField; replaced St_tpcGainC and St_tpcT0C by St_tpcPadGainT0C; removed defaults in coordinate transformations;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - introduced TPC slewing corrections;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to replace the obsolete rts_reader with the new daqReader;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx/h - added debug option;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx/h - updated for run 2009 data; removed dependencies on ROOT MySQL; modified for migration of ROOT MySQL to STAR DB API; modified to move StEEmcUtil/EEdsm to StTriggerUtilities/Eemc;
StTriggerSimuResult.cxx - added missing header file;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009 data; removed dependencies on ROOT MySQL; modified for migration of ROOT MySQL to STAR DB API;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009 data; removed dependencies on ROOT MySQL; modified for migration of ROOT MySQL to STAR DB API;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009 data; removed dependencies on ROOT MySQL; modified for migration of ROOT MySQL to STAR DB API;
BEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm0.cxx/h, EEdsm0Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm1.cxx/h, EEdsm1Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm3.cxx/h, EEfeeTP.cxx/h, EEfeeTPTree.cxx/h, EEmapTP.h, EMCdsm2Tree.cxx/h, EemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - added new files to move StEEmcUtil/EEdsm to StTriggerUtilities/Eemc;
StDSMUtilities/DSMLayer.hh - modified to add missing algorithm header file;,,,,, - fixed wrong pointer arithmetics;
StDSM2009Utilities.hh - modified for migration of ROOT MySQL to STAR DB API; - added new files for run 2009 data;
L2Emulator/StGenericL2Emulator.cxx - modified to move StEEmcUtil/EEdsm to StTriggerUtilities/Eemc;
StJanEventMaker/JanEvent.cxx - added missing cstring header file;
StTrsMaker.cxx - removed default in zFromTB ;
src/ - modified to fix some comparison;
src/,,,,, - modified to remove default in zFromTB;
include/StTpcDbSlowControl.hh, StTrsChargeTransporter.hh - modified to remove default in zFromTB;
emc/jet/emc_cl_finder.F - 64bit correction ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - fixed bug pipe14==>pipe12 in y2008 & y2009; changed BTOFc6 <== BTOFc7 for TOF in y2009 geometry; first attempt to implement year 2010 geometry: y2009+Full BTOF;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - prompt hits implemented; prompt hits moved from GateGrid==>PadPlane; reduced cuts from 1 MeV to 100 keV;
geometry/calbgeo/calbgeo2.g - removed redundant sensitives ;
global/evo/v0userfit.F - fixed sign;
global/egr/userimpfit.F - fixed sign;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - bug fixed in TOF g2t_volume_id;
tpc/tpt/tpt_find_outlier.F - set dsxy <= 1;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcRDOMasks.upgr15.C - removed, moved to RunLog/onl;
tpcPadGainT0.C - added default tpcPadGainT0 table;
Calibrations/tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.C, KalmanTrackFitterParameters.C, LocalTrackSeedFinder.C, tkf_tkfpar.C, tpcInnerHitError.C, tpcOuterHitError.C, tpcTrackingParameters.C - added default tracking parameters for year 2000 data for ITTF chain;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.upgr15.C - added, moved from Calibrations/tpc;
VmcGeometry/y2008.h, y2008a.h, y2009.h - fixed bug pipe14==>pipe12 in y2008 & y2009;
y2009.h - corrected dead zone;
Geometry.y2010.C, y2010.h - first version of year 2010 geometry: y2009+Full BTOF;
idl/fmsPatchPanelMap.idl, fmsQTMap.idl - added FMS mapping tables;
trgDsmReg.idl - added new dsm registers for EMCAL team;
tpcSlewing.idl - added tpc slewing struct;
fmsMap.idl - fixed channel ids;
fmsGain.idl fmsGainCorrection.idl - new files added for Gain and Gain corrections tables;
fmsChannelGeometry.idl, fmsDetectorPosition.idl, fmsMap.idl - add more tables for FMS, improved schema;
tpcChargeStepCalib.idl - removed after removing StChargeStepMaker;
pp2ppPedestal.idl - added new pedestal table for pp2pp;
tpcAnodeHVavg.idl - added new tables with average voltages instead of exact voltages;
vpdTotCorr.idl - added new table for VPD;
StarVMCApplication/StarMCStack.cxx - assert.h added to define assert();
qt/src/TGQt.cxx/h, TQtPen.h, TVirtualX.interface.h - modified to adjust ROOT interface;
qtgui/inc/TEmbeddedPad.h - removed CPP macro to make the CINT happy;
qtgui/src/ TQtCanvasImp.cxx - removed Coin test;
qtgl/qtcoin/ - modified to get rid of the SmallChange Coin package;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TQtGLViewerImp.cxx, TQtRootViewer3D.cxx - implemented Print interface;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinViewerImp.h, TQtCoinWidget.h - implemented Print interface;
SbList.h, SmAxisKit.h, SmallChange.h, SoText2Set.h - modified to get rid of the SmallChange Coin package;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TQGLViewerImp.h. TQtGLViewerImp.h. TQtRootViewer3D.h - implemented Print interface;
qtgl/qtcoin/InstallCoin3D/ - modified to get rid of SmallChange Coin package; disabled the Quater package; - added new script to install Coin-3 suite; modified to define the numner of CPUs to use; - added new version of the Coin download script; added the local tar option; added CREATE_TAR variable;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx, TQtCoinWidget.cxx - implemented Print interface;
TQtCoinWidget.cxx, SmAxisKit.cxx, SmallChangeInit.cxx, SoText2Set.cxx - added new files to get rid of the SmallChange Coin package;
TQtInspectImp.cxx - set the correct pad symbol for HEX constant;
removed obsolete codes, moved to StarLogger;
Updated codes:
StRoot/macros/LoadLogger.C, bfc.C - removed using ;
Main features:
- new ROOT 5.22.00 version;
- updated FTPC calibration code;
- several updates related to new BTOF code;
- year 2009 geometry fixes;
- fixed problem reading run 2009 trigger data with new DAQ1000 reader code;
- number of codes adjustment for 64-bits SL5 platform (not final);
- new Qt4 version consistent with ROOT 5.22.00;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Conscript - modified for gfortran support ;
agetof/nxtcrd.F, raw.F, rw.F - modified ICHAR size;
agetof/Conscript - modified for gfortran support;
starsim/atmain/dblib.cxx - added string.h needed for gcc 4;
starsim/geant/grktmp.F - modified to gfortran compiler;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - changes for FTPC for laser run; moved all TOF options before VTX ;
StFileIter.h - modifed to stop warnings; added the empty inpl for the dummy methods;
StObject.cxx, StTree.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
Bichsel.cxx, GetdEdxResolution.cxx, dEdxParameterization.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StBTofMatchMaker.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx/h - geometry initialization moved to Init() function;
StBTofINLCorr.cxx - modified to correct the total # of rows read-in for the TDIGOnTray table;
StBTofGeometry.cxx/h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StBTofTables.h,StBTofTables.cxx - added new files;
GENERIC/EventReader.hh - basic fix for gcc 4 ;
EventReader.cxx - modified to create the fired detector mask;
StDAQReader.cxx - modified to add event/run number to error message;
StDbBroker - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
ChapiStringUtilities.cxx,, StDbServiceBroker.cxx, StlXmlTree.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StMagUtilities.cxx - updates for Undo3DGridLeakDistortion; faster and more reliable near pad row 13;
St_tpcGainC.h, St_tpcPadrowT0C.h, St_tpcT0C.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
St_asic_thresholds_tpxC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h - added new files for chairs;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified for new chairs;
StiChairs.cxx - modified to make temporary prompt hit error *=10;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
database/StEEmcDb.cxx, StEEmcDb.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
neuralNet/NeuNet.cxx, NeuNet.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StEstProjection.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - added checks of trigger data banks;
StTriggerData.cxx/h - implemented new data member mErrorFlag and referring access fct;
StTriggerData2009.cxx/h -implemented flag corruption in new member mErrorFlag;
StBTofRawHit.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StGlobalFilterTest.cxx - modified to remove the obsolete interface, use the new one;
StEventMaker.cxx - added checks for corruption in StTriggerData;
StEventHelper.cxx/h - modified to derive StTrackHelper from the brand-new StarClassLibrary StHelixHelper; fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h, - modified to use the 'perfect' gain table and adjustAverageWest = adjustAverageEast = 0.0 for laser run calibration (the 'flaser' option is used in the bfc);
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx - modified to use the 'perfect' gain table and adjustAverageWest = adjustAverageEast = 0.0 for laser run calibration;
macros/lasertest.C, lasertest_single.C modified to use the 'perfect' gain table and adjustAverageWest = adjustAverageEast = 0.0 for laser run calibration;
Db_LoadTable.C, Db_ReadTable.C - added domainName argument to be able to edit both Calibrations_ftpc and Geometry_ftpc database tables;
ftpc_sqldraw.C - added macro to histogram FTPC extra temperatures from the MySQL database ;
StFtpcTrackMaker, - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StGammaEEmcLeakage.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StCtbUtility.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StiPPVertex/EemcHitList.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StGridCollector.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
Base/StHbtParticleCut.h, StHbtTripletCut.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StPythiaFourPMaker.h - removed unused arguments in constructor; removed cut on MC particle status code; modified to save only Pythia final state particles;
StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - modified to implement methods for doing tower energy correction for tracks;
mudst/ StjTPCMuDst.cxx - modified to change BEMC radius where to extrapolate TPC tracks from BEMC_RADIUS+5=230.405 cm to 238.6 cm; added protection against null pointers;
StjBEMCMuDst.cxx - added protection against null pointers;
StjMCMuDst.cxx - modified to save only Pythia final state particles;
StJetSimuUtil/StJetSimuReader.cxx - added branch->SetAutoDelete(true) to properly read jet trees;
StJetSimuUtil/macros/RunJetSimuSkimFinder.C - added Endcap simulator and switched to new trigger simulator; modified names of some variables; modified to implement methods for doing tower energy correction for tracks;
emulator/StBET4pMakerImp.cxx/h, StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx/h - modified to implement methods for doing tower energy correction for tracks ;
towers/StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.cxx/h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx/h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.cxx/h - added new methods of doing tower energy correction for tracks;
ftf/FtfBaseTrack.cxx/h - modified to eliminate the compilation warnings;
FtfTrack.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
base/St_l3_Coordinate_Transformer.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StMcEvent, - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StG3Particle.cxx, StGENParticle.cxx, StHepParticle.cxx, StMCFilter.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StMiniMcEvent.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
COMMON/StuDraw3DMuEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DMuEvent.h - added new files with class-helper to generate 3D view of the StMuEvent object;
StMuEvent.h, StMuPrimaryTrackCovariance.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StMuDst.h - modified to change tofArrays to btofArrays returned objects in numberOfBTofHit() and numberOfBTofRawHit(); fixed a bug for setBTofPidTraits;
StuDraw3DMuEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DMuEvent.h - modified to add tracks method to draw all tracks from event;
StRichSinglePixelCollection.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StRichAreaSegment.cxx, StRichPIDTraits.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StRichGeometryDb.cxx, StRichPadPlane.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - modified to make getTime() a const;
Base/Factory.h - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to calculate time of flight for StiPulls;
StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx/h, DcaService.cxx/h,, StStrangeMuDstPlayer.cxx - fixed pointer and string conversions; some fixes for SL5 64_bits platform;
StSvtDaqMaker - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StSvtSimulationMaker - modified to fix minor axis of initial electron cloud Size ; - modified to adjust mPasaGain to initial cloud size;
StHelixHelper.cxx, StHelixHelper.h - added new files to convert the helix-based object into the plain array of 3D points;
StHelixHelper.h - modified to change StHelixHelper interface to be virtual and public;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to adjust to new daq format;
StDSMUtilitie/ - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerHisto.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2DbConfig.cxx, L2VirtualAlgo2008.h, L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
L2Emulator/L2upsilon/ - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StMessageCounter.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
EventTracker/FtfFinder.cxx, eventTrackerLib.cxx, FtfMcTrack.cxx, gl3HistoManager.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
include/rtsSystems.h - modified to shuffle FGT trigger group and FPD;
rts.h - added _x86_64 flag to support 64 bits platform;
include/DB/conditions/detsDictionary.h - addded new file;
src/rtsmakefile.def - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_BSMD/bsmd_reader.cxx, daq_bsmd.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_EMC/emc_reader.cxx - fixed for 64 bit platform;
src/DAQ_FTP/daq_ftp.h - modified to separate dependences;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, msgNQLib.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_PMD/daq_pmd.cxx, daq_pmd.h, pmd_reader.cxx - added SFS PMD support;
src/DAQ_TPC/tpc_FCFReader.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxGain.cxx/h - modified for support run and date in the file;
tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx - modified for new pulser style;
src/DAQ_TRG/trg_reader.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/SFS/fs_index.h - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/FCF/fcfClass.cxx - fixed for 64 bits platform;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/tpx_read_gains.C - added new file to read TPX gains;
tpx_gains.C - added run number ;
StMCTruth.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
mysql/StarJobs.csh, StartSql.csh - modified to start the logger Db faster; replace the deprecated A option with the modern --skip-auto-rehash;
TRArray.cxx/h, TRSymMatrix.cxx/h, TRVector.cxx/h - added AdoptA method which preserved ownership;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - modified to add full error matrix + derivatives matrix; operator =() added;
StDraw3D.cxx, StMemStat.cxx, THelixTrack.cxx, TPolinom.cxx, xTCL.cxx - fixed for SL5 64 bits platform;
StDraw3D.cxx - adjusted for Qt4;
GeomBrowser.cxx/h, QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx, StGeomBrowser.cxx/h, StGeomDepthControl.ui, StarGeomTreeWidget.cxx/h,
TQtRangeControl.cxx/h, TextEdit.cxx/h - new files added to be consistent with new ROOT version and Qt4 ;
GeomBrowser.ui, GeomBrowser.ui.h, QExObjectListItem.h, QtGBrowserInspect.h, QtGBrowserObjectListItem.h, St_geom_image_collection.cxx - removed;
icons/St_geom_Maker.qrc, FileNew.xpm, FileOpen.xpm, FilePrint.xpm, FileSave.xpm, arrow_left.xpm, arrow_right.xpm, connect.xpm,
fileopen.xpm, hdisk_t.xpm, printer.xpm, printer_s.xpm, qglviewer.icon.xpm, quit.xpm,reload.xpm, save.xpm, saveas.xpm,
snapshot.xpm, starlogo_1.xpm, update.xpm, view3d.xpm, wirebox.xpm - icons images moved to icons directory;
geometry/geometry/ geometry.g - modified to remove Cone in upgr16 geometry;
modified TOF geometry for run 2009;
modified to make thinner beam pipe for upgr16;
modified to take PMD off the geometry y2009 ;
modified to take pixel off for upgr16 ;
geometry/ecalgeo/ecalgeo.g - modified to fix BIRK3 constant; fixed Air;
modified to make special stra(gling) aluminium workaround for geant3;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g, fpdmgeo1.g, fpdmgeo2.g, fpdmgeo3.g - modified to fix BIRK3 constant;
fpdmgeo.g - stra_Air added;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo6.g - modified TOF geometry for run 2009;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fhcmgeo.g - cleanup of write(*,*);
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g - fixed Air; remove redundant Isvol=0;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo.g - modified to make thinner beam pipe for upgr16;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - wrong TPAD shift fixed; fixed FEEA (Front End Electronics Assembly) position;
gen/hijing_382/Conscript - modified for gfortran support;
geant3/added/dummies.c - modified to eliminate the compilation warning;
g2Root/Conscript - modified for gfortran support;
VmcGeometry/y2009.h - PMD taken off for geometry y2009; wrong TPAD shift fixed; fixed FEEA (Front End Electronics Assembly) position;
HitError.idl, bsmdeMap.idl, bsmdpMap.idl - modified to add tpcPadGainT0 table;
tpcPadGainT0.idl - added new table;
asic_thresholds_tpx.idl - added new asic thresholds table for TPX;
new Qt4 version installed;
qtroot/src/TQtContextMenuImp.cxx, TQtObjectDialog.cxx - new files added;
qtroot/inc/TQtObjectDialog.h, TQtContextMenuImp.h - new files added;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TGLIncludes.5.22.h - added new file;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TQtGLViewerImp.cxx/h - modified to remove some qt3 support modules;
qtgui/inc/TEmbeddedPad.cxx/h - new ROOT 5.24 interface added;
qtgui/inc/TEmbeddedPad.h - modified to add ROOT header to make class backward compatibleqt/inc/TQtBrush.h;
qt/inc/TQtBrush.h, TQtUtil.h - modified to add ROOT header to make class backward compatible qt/inc/TQtBrush.h;
qtgui/src/TEmbeddedPad.cxx - modified to add ROOT header to make class backward compatible qt/inc/TQtBrush.h;
qtthread/inc/LinkDef.h, TQtCondition.h, TQtMutex.h, TQtThreadFactory.h, TQtThreadImp.h - modified to adjust interface to fix ROOT bug;
qtthread/src/TQtCondition.cxx, TQtMutex.cxx, TQtThreadFactory.cxx, TQtThreadImp.cxx - - modified to adjust interface to fix ROOT bug;
Main features:
- new StBTofMatchMaker code added;
- new code for MC filterring added;
- SVT simulator tuning updated;
- TPC prompt hits for geometry year 2009 implemented;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
geant/gdecay.F - removed
atutil/aranlux.F - updated to supress redundant prints ;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to create a calib mode for StGenericVertex when using VtxSeedCalG;
StMessMgr.cxx/h - modified to add new dedicated UCM logger;
StArray.cxx, StTree.cxx - fixed the compilation warnning and error for 64-bits platform ;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx/h - new TOF match maker code;
StChain.cxx - modified to replace QA logger with the dedicated UCM one;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx/h, StRtsTable.h - added DAQ event header to pass;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - modified to generate the EventInfo from the daqReader rather from the DATAP structure because DATAP bank was not written in run 2009;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx/h - added DAQ event header to pass;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - modified to use factor for powers for 2009+;
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - modified to delete trigDetSums before creating a new one (bug fixes);
StTriggerData2009.cxx - modified pp2ppDSM() due to changes in DSM structure ;
StTriggerData.cxx/h, StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - added fmsADC() method;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - modified to remove the redundant StTrackPointsand, replace it with StTrackHelper;
StEventHelper.cxx/h - hits iterator added;
StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - modified to create a calib mode for StGenericVertex when using VtxSeedCalG ; modified to move CalibBeamLine call from InitRun to Init;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h, TrackData.cxx/h - modified to allow export of prim tracks for 3D beam line fit (use VtxSeedCalG option), oneTrack vertex thresholds was lowered form 15 to 10 GeV/c;
Vertex3D.cxx - modified to narrow extrapolation range to prevent crashes;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - modified to drop events without vertices;
emulator/StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx - modified to drop events without vertices;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - updated with codes for strangeness embedding;
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - Btof added;
StMcEvent.hh - modified to increase version in ClassDef;
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, StMcFgtHitCollection.hh, StMcFgtLayerHitCollection.hh, StMcFtpcHitCollection.hh,
StMcFtpcPlaneHitCollection.hh, StMcIstHitCollection.hh, StMcIstLayerHitCollection.hh, StMcPixelHitCollection.hh, StMcPixelLayerHitCollection.hh,
StMcRichHitCollection.hh, StMcSsdWaferHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtBarrelHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtLadderHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtLadderHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtWaferHitCollection.hh, StMcTofHitCollection.hh,
StMcTpcHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcPadrowHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcSectorHitCollection.hh - modified;, StMcBTofHit.hh,, StMcBTofHitCollection.hh - added new files for Btof hits collection ;
StMcEvent - modified to supress I/O for serice words;
StExampleFilter.cxx/h, StG3Particle.cxx/h, StGenParticle.cxx/h, StHepParticle.cxx, StMCFilter.cxx/h, StGENParticle.cxx/h, StHepParticle.h - new codes to proceed with MC filterring simulation;
COMMON/StMuHelix.cxx/h - helix() method added;
StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx - modified to match mult for MuDst and StEvent;
src/DAQ_FTP/ daq_ftp.h- modified to separate dependency and provide proper reading FTPC detector info;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx/h - added support for run in ped_sum;
daq_tpx.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx/h - fixed bug in the afterburner; added row8 afterburner;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileChopper.C - added new macro to chop files up;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.h - modified;
pp2pp.h - added new file to separate DAQ pp2pp data and DAQ Reader dependency to integrate pp2ppp with offline framework;
include/daqModes.h - added some super special run types;
StLoggerManager.cxx - modified for UCM appender; added new dedicated UCM logger; added the mandatory UCM filters; replaced QA logger with the dedicated UCM one;
StUCMAppender.cxx/h - new files to add UCM appender to the StStarLogger; removed the redundant logStart/logEnd invocation; set UCM technology as default; modified to fix task size;
StLoggerManager.cxx - modified to pick the UCM technology from the LOGGING var;
logging/TxEventLog.cpp, TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogFactory.cxx/h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogMain.C, TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h, TxLogEventCmd.C, TxUCMConstants.h, TxUCMUtils.h, - new files to add UCM appender to the StStarLogger;
TxUCMCollector.cxx/h - added new file for C++ version of the; fixed db parameters; modified to fix the recordExists method;
modified to recreate the job/event table by pattern;
TxEventLogCollector.cpp/h - added new files for UCM collector factory;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - modified to add UCM collector factory;
TxEventLogFile.cpp, TxUCMCollector.cxx - fixed task size parser;
TxUCMCollector.cxx - initialized log4cxx appender for UCM collector if needed;
logging.i - added new file for SWIG description; added TxEventLogFactory SWIG interface;
TxEventLog.cpp, TxEventLog.h - modified to add consty char * interface to adjust SWIG; - added new file to test the SWIG interface;
mysql/UCMLogger.xml - added new config file to acrivate the StUCMLogger;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - bug fixed; method PatX(helx,,,) added;
StSvtSimulationMaker - modified to increase initial hit sizes and add projection to tSigMaj in function setInitWidths;
fixed angular dependencies;corrected SDD thickness;
modified several formula to better account for non-infinitesimal initial hit sizes;
StSvtElectronCloud.hh - added new variable, mInitHitSize; - modified to increase of mPasaGain during tune; fixed angular dependencies; updated to compensate of addition of angular dependence in; increased mPasaGain to compensate for edge effects subtraction in;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to decrease of cTrapConst to reflect proper time evolution of hits;
modified to increase of trapping constant to compensate for changes in electron cloud shape;
StiHit.cxx - replaced LOG_DEBUG ==> LOG_FATAL; replaced FATAL ==> WARN for TPC dead RDO;
StiDebug.cxx/h - FpeOn added;
StTofHitMaker.cxx/h - bug fixed;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - bug fixed; modified to make it compiled on 64-bit platform; replaced the deprecated API of the STAR messenger;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - made explicit initialization of mStrobeTdcMin, mStrobeTdcMax, and mPedTOFr;
StTrsMaker.cxx - commented out cut on TPC fiducial volume;
StMessageManager.cxx/h - modified to add new dedicated UCM logger;
StVeloMaker.cxx/h, StVeloMakerLinkDef.h - removed ;
logging/TxEventLogMain.cpp - remove the main TxEventLogMain.cpp from shared lib;
TxEventLogMain.C - added the header file to define sleep function;
TxLogEventCmd.C - modified to change the default factory from file to UCM;
TxUCMCollector.cxx - modified to create the new table by the pattern;
TxUCMCollector.h - added header ;
gen/starlight/src//sigmadelta.f - bug fixed;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified to increase interaction/decay volume;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - modified to add prompt hits;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to add prompt hits;
VmcGeometry/y2009.h - added prompt hits;
idl/tofTotbCorr.idl, tofZbCorr.idl - added new files to convert tofZCorr and tofTotCorr tables to bin ary storage format;
Main features:
- updated trigger data for run 2009;
- implemented Dalitz decays in starsim;
- few sofware bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
agzio/agzkine.age - modified for MC filter ;
atmain/qnext.age - modified for MC filter ;
geant/gdecay.F - modified to implement Dalitz decays;
geant/helios.age - new file added for Dalitz decays;
StHistUtil.cxx - inlarged arrays for more trigger type hists; added Anode guide lines in TPC Sector plots; modified to draw TPC sector boundaries and labels; fixed for ROOT 5.22; added RDO boundary lines in TPC Sector plots;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx - modified to downgrade the message level from INFO to DEBUG;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - modified to downgrade the message level from INFO to DEBUG;
StDbUtilities - introduced tpcPadrowT0 time offsets;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add tpcAnodeHV Chair;
St_tpcAnodeHVC.h - added to introduce of tpcAnodeHV Chair;
St_tpcRDOMasksC.h - modified;
St_tss_tssparC.h - changed counting of TPC anode Voltage for gas gain;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcPadrowT0C.h - introduced tpcPadrowT0 time offsets;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx - fixed bug;
StEemcRaw.cxx - changed threshold in EEMC;
StEmcMappingDb.cxx - fixed case statements so that we can compile SL305;
StCtbTriggerDetector.cxx - fixed bug in reading old data;
StEnumerations.h - updated PWG enumerations;
StTriggerData2009.cxx - updated for run 2009 triggers;
StTrack.cxx - checking for big length added;
StTriggerData.cxx/h, StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - updated for MTD; updated for pp2pp and ToF;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - check for track->bad() added;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx/h - added Hits for Track method and track attribute;
trigger/StjTrgDisableTower.h, StjTrgDisableTowerHT.h, StjTrgDisableTowerJP.h - added constructer;
EZTREE/EztEmcRawData.h - added const to isCrateVoid function;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - changed type of DataSet;
COMMON/StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx, StMuMomentumShiftMaker.cxx - modified to test I/O errors after filling the TTree;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - modified for BEMC matches;
src/rtsplusplus.def - added l3 support;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx, daq_tpx.cxx - modified;
tpxCore.cxx - added overflow protection in data_test; updated new FPGA version;
tpxGain.cxx - changed default to window and relaxed t0 cut;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxPed.cxx/h - modified to improve pedestals and RDO work matching;
src/DAQ_L3/daq_l3.cxx, l3_reader.cxx - added workaround to enable reading l3_gtd from HLT files;
daq_l3.h, l3_reader.cxx - modified to add run 2009 sequence; added l3 as a valid sfs bank name;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx/h - added bunch xing to the structure; fixed mask of bunch xing; added not_sparsebr;
include/daq100Decision.h - removed allADC from laser runs;
iccp2k.h - modified to change EVBFLAGS for l25 abort due to conflict with hlt from daq100formats.h; added L2 release;
rtsLog.h - added L3 log;
rtsMonitor.h - added rtsMonL1Counters;
tasks.h - added TRG_SCA_MON_TASK;
rtsSystems.h - updated DAQ1000 dets to include L3 ;
DB/conditions/rtsCndPwCondition.h - added additions onbits & offbits to support new TCU;
THack.cxx/h - added new method "IsTreeWritable"; activated MuDST I/O output error;
StDraw3D.cxx - added new padless 3d view and test StDraw3D::ShowDetectorTest;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - GetTime defence sin <1 added ;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to account padrow anode Voltage status ;
StTofHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to prevent chain on running this maker on Run2009+ data ;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to generate EoF when TPC trips;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - added L0 Upsilon triggers;
fhcmgeo/fhcmgeo.g, oneTrack.kumac - added new files for Forward Hadron Detector geometry;
geometry/geometry.g - added FHD geometry for tag upgr22;
apytuser.age - added filter for Pythia;
StVMCMaker/StVMCMaker.cxx - added StarVMCDetectorSet;
Calibrations/tracker/ - svtTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C,tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - modified to reduce a factor of 10 search window, moved to DB;
tpcAnodeHV.idl - added new file;
tpcPadrowT0.idl - added new file with new tpcPadrowT0 table;
StUCMAppender.cxx - added Web factory to set the network logging; modified to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
logging/TxUCMUtils.h - modified to replace the error prone const char * with std::string;
TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogFile.cpp, TxEventLogFile.h - added logTask API;
TxEventLogFile.cpp - implemented logTask method; added the taskRemainSize to the logTask method;
TxEventLogWeb.cpp - modified to adjust TxEventLogWeb module;
TxUCMConstants.h - added the meta-API to manage the tasks/jobs;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - added Web factory to set the network logging;
TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h - added new files for Network based implementaion of the TxLogEvent interface;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx/h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogMain.cpp - added new files to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
logging/.svn/props/TxEventLogFile.cpp.svn-work - added new files with SVN properties;
logging/.svn/prop-base/TxEventLogFile.cpp.svn-base - added new files with SVN properties;
logging/.svn/prop-base/TxEventLogFactory.cxx.svn-base, TxEventLogFactory.h.svn-base, TxEventLogFile.h.svn-base - new files to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
logging/.svn/props/TxEventLogFactory.cxx.svn-work, TxEventLogFactory.h.svn-work, TxEventLogFile.h.svn-work, TxEventLogMain.cpp.svn-work, - added new files to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
logging/.svn/wcprops/TxEventLogFactory.cxx.svn-work, TxEventLogFactory.h.svn-work, TxEventLogFile.cpp.svn-work, TxEventLogFile.h.svn-work - added new files to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
TxEventLog.cpp.svn-work, TxEventLog.h.svn-work, TxEventLogMain.cpp.svn-work - modified;
logging/.svn/text-base/TxEventLogFactory.cxx.svn-base, TxEventLogFactory.h.svn-base, TxEventLogFile.cpp.svn-base, TxEventLogFile.h.svn-base TxUCMConstants.h.svn-base - added new files to introduce TxEventLog abstract interface;
TxEventLog.cpp.svn-base, TxEventLog.h.svn-base, TxEventLogMain.cpp.svn-base - modified;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TGLViewerImp.cxx, TQtGLViewerWidget.cxx, TQtRootViewer3D.cxx - modified to add new padless 3D view ;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx, TQtCoinWidget.cxx, TQtRootCoinViewer3D.cxx - modified to add new padless 3D view ;
TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx - added Qt4 header file;
Main features:
- new DAQ Reader for daq1000 & daq100; modifed EMC, TOF, FTPC, L3 and other DAQ readers to be compatible with 2009 DAQ format;
- new trigger ID for run 2009 implemented;
- new TOF code & geometry for run 2009;
- new StUCMApi package for job tracking, first release;
- fixed scaler information in MuDST - blue versus yellow for data 2009; before 2009 MuDst has REVERSED info for scaler from blue & yellow rings;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx/h - introduced analyses with reference histograms; added Jet Patch trigger histograms;
GenericFile.h - moved to St_base from muEztPanitkin/EEqaPresenter;
StFileIter.cxx/h - fixed the wrong string comparison; modified to make the NextEventKey method public;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat due clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class;
BigFullChain.h - modified to rename minicern => StarMiniCern to avoid clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class; added BTOF chains; added pp2009a for run 2009 data; changed pp2009a to use Minuit; added pp2009b with PPVF; removed Silicon from LanaDV and LanaDVtpx, reshaped geant3 for StarVMC;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx/h - first release of offline TOF new DAQ reader; added BTofHit filling functions;modified for changes in StBTofSortRawHit intialization; BTofHeader filling moved prior to the fillBTofHit; vpd trayId hard-code removed, set by data directly;
StBTofDaqMap.cxx/h - first release of barrel TOF daq mapping for run 2009; mNValidTrays set by the tofTrayConfig in db;
StBTofGeometry.cxx/h - first release of TOF Barrel geometry for run 2009; tray geometry alignment implemented; optimized the geometry initialization function, reduced the CPU time use; optimized the HelixCrossCellIds() function;
StBTofHitCollection.cxx/h - first release for TOF data, run 2009;
StBTofRawHitCollection.cxx/h - first release for TOF data, run 2009;
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx/h - first release for TOF data, run 2009; trigger window cuts moved to db; added protection from reading-in wrong trayId/chan/fiber numbers;
StBTofINLCorr.cxx/h - first release for Barrel TOF INL correction functions; new tofINLSCorr table for full barrel system for Run 2009 and further; modified to return the INL corr from the first element in db in case of missing INL tables in db; INL arrays changed from float to short;, tofPathLength.hh - first release of path length calculation functions for TOF hit;
StChain.cxx - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat due clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat due clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class;
GetDBTim() added; upgr16a geomeytry tag added;
StRtsTable.cxx - fixed StRtsTable descriptor;
StIOInterFace.cxx, StIOInterFace.h - modified to make StIOInterFace to be StRTSBaseMaker;
EVP/ssdReader.h - added ssd_t into OLDEVP namespace to spot the possible declaration clas;
scReader.h - modified to adjust to new daqReader;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - fixed calculation of the path in GetCrateAndSequenceFromTriggerPatch ;
StEmcDecoder.cxx/h, StEmcMappingDb.h - modified to use default date==20330101 like St_db_Maker to suppress spurious error messages ; allow setting timestamp using a TDatime directly;
StEmcDecoder.cxx, StEmcMappingDb.cxx/h - removed, moved to StEmcUtil/database;
PreshowerBug2007.txt, TowerBug2004.txt, TowerBug2005.txt - moved to StEmcUtil/database ;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - added protection against of crash for the new DAQ files witho DATAP structure;
EventReader.hh - modified to adjust to new daqReader;
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx - modified for new daqReader;
SC/SC_Reader.cxx/hh - modified to adjust to new daqReader; corrected flipped BBC background scalers; disabled SC_Reader class;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx - modified to adjust to new daqReader;
TRG/trgStructures2009.h - added new files for run 2009 data; updated for L2 OFFSETs;
StEMCReader.cxx, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - replaced daq_dta_dict with get_size_t(); modified for new DAQ READER;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - modified to preserve/accumulate the copy the DAQ table to avoid the dead data access ;
StDAQReader.cxx/h - modified to adjust to daqReader pointer; fillin the Event Header from the new daqReader if available; removed the redundant devReader type; fixed L1/L2/L3 summary;
StDAQMaker.cxx, StDAQReader.cxx, StSCReader.cxx/h - modified to pickup the SC data using new DAQ_READER ;
StDbLib - fixed reporting of port numbers to what is actually used ;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - changed path specification to avoid side effects;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat;
StDbUtilities - modified to use tpcT0 chair, use sector/row in global => local transformation ; modified to use StDetectorDb chairs for TpcGlobalPosition and TpcSectorPosition;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - added math.h;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h, St_tpcSectorPositionC.h - added assert for Clock <= 0;
StSsdSurveyC.h, StSvtSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h - added new files;
StiChairs.cxx, StiDefaultTrackingParameters.h, StiHitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst1HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst2HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst3HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIstChairs.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.h, StiKalmanTrackFitterParameters.h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinderParameters.h, StiPixelChairs.cxx, StiPixelHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPixelTrackingParameters.h, StiSsdChairs.cxx, StiSsdHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSsdTrackingParameters.h, StiSvtChairs.cxx, StiSvtHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSvtTrackingParameters.h, StiTpcChairs.cxx, StiTpcInnerHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcOuterHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcTrackingParameters.h, StiTrackingParameters.h - moved from Sti;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - set assert for clock frequency if not in range [0,1e7] Hz;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, StEemcRaw.cxx/h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - modified to be compatible with 2009 DAQ Format;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h - put back some obsolete methods to satisfy StBemcData; fixed a bug in getting CAP;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - fixed behavior for older data;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, StEemcRaw.cxx/h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - modified for new location of StEmcDecoder;
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, defines.h - added token check to BTOW header check;;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StEemcRaw.cxx - updated default BPRS ZS handling and fix EEMC minor bug;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h, StEmcAsciiDbMaker.cxx/h, - modified to moved the EEMC database functionality from StEEmcDbMaker to StEEmcUtil/database ;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - Initialize all 12 sectors;
EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h, EEmcDbItem.cxx/h, Makefile, - removed files;
StEmcAsciiDbMaker.cxx - modified to mask from DB;
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.cxx/h - fixed the sectors initialization; removed exceptions from the geom code;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx - modified to remove asserts & exceptions;
EEmcException.cxx/h - removed;
StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - modified to change StEEmcDbMaker -> StEEmcDb ;
database/cstructs/eemcConstDB.hh, eemcDbADCconf.hh, eemcDbBoxconf.hh, eemcDbCWchar.hh, eemcDbHVsys.hh, eemcDbHVtemp.hh, eemcDbPIXcal.hh, eemcDbPIXname.hh, eemcDbPMTcal.hh, eemcDbPMTchar.hh, eemcDbPMTconf.hh, eemcDbPMTname.hh, eemcDbPMTped.hh, eemcDbPMTstat.hh, eemcDbXMLdata.hh, kretConstDB.hh, kretDbBlobS.hh - new files to move the EEMC database functionality from StEEmcDbMaker to StEEmcUtil/database;
StEEmcDb.cxx - fixed the sectors initialization; removed exceptions from the geom code;
EEdsm/EemcTrigUtil.cxx/h - updated for 2009 DSM thresholds; initialize non-existent thresholds to -1;
BEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm0.cxx/h, EEdsm0Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm1.cxx/h, EEdsm1Tree.cxx/h, EEdsm2.cxx/h, EEdsm3.cxx/h, EEfeeTP.cxx/h, EEfeeTPTree.h, EMCdsm2Tree.cxx/h - modified;
StBemcData.cxx - added missing include;
database/StEmcMappingDb.cxx/h - modified to use StMaker::GetChain() instead of the hucker approach ;
StEmcDecoder.cxx/h, StEmcMappingDb.cxx/h - optimization; fixed bug in GetTowerIdFromTDC;
StBemcTables.cxx - modified to use StMaker::GetDBTime() instead of GetDateTime();
StEmcDecoder.cxx/h, StEmcMappingDb.cxx/h - moved from StDaqLib/EMC to StEmcUtil/database ;
PreshowerBug2007.txt, TowerBug2004.txt, TowerBug2005.txt - files moved from StDaqLib/EMC;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx - includes added ;
StBTofCollection.cxx/h, StBTofHeader.cxx/h, StBTofHit.cxx/h, StBTofPidTraits.cxx/h, StBTofRawHit.cxx/h - initial revesion for new TOF code ;
StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx/h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx - modified for new TOF code;
StContainers.cxx - added implementaion for BTof containers ;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h - fixed problem when running over 2009 data ;
StTriggerData.cxx/h, StEventLinkDef.h - modified to cooperate with necessary changes for 2009;
StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - initial revision for run 2009 data ; modified to provide new ZDC access functions; updated to use in Online QA (P) plots; updated for new VPD access functions;
StTriggerData.h - updated to use in Online QA (P) plots ; updated for new VPD access functions;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2003.h, StTriggerData2004.h, StTriggerData2005.h, StTriggerData2007.h, StTriggerData2008.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - modifications by Akio to support getDsm0_BEMCE and getDsm0_BEMCW as well as getDsm1_BEMC;
StTriggerData.cxx/h, StTriggerData2009.cxx/h - modified to provide new access functions for ZDC DSM layer-1 and layer-2 data;
StTriggerData2007.cxx/h, StTriggerData2008.cxx/h, StTriggerData2009.cxx/h, StTriggerData.cxx/h - modified to add 2nd argument (pre/post) to vpdEarliestTDC();
StBTofHeader.cxx/h - modified to make mTriggerTime as array, setVpdVz() to get default argument;
StBTofHit.cxx/h - changed tray() to int;
StBTofRawHit.cxx/h - mLeTeFlag changed to mFlag; tray(), module(), cell() changes to return int;
StEnumerations.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, - added detector Ids for FPD East/West and FMS;
LoopOverLaserTrees.C - modified to increase acceptable drift velocity interval from [5.5,5.9] to [5.2,5.9];
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - removed hits not beloging to primary tracks;
StiPPVertex/EemcHitList.cxx/h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified due to replacing StEEmcDbMaker to StEEmcDb ;
ThCorrFctn/StHbtSmearedHiddenInfo.cxx - added missing (in ROOT 5.22) includes;
Fit/dFitter3d.cxx - added include ;
StMcIstHitCollection.hh, StMcIstHit.hh, - decoding for upgr15 geometry ;
StMuScalerCutter.cxx/h - introduced class to determine events with bad RICH scalers ;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx - added more pointer protection in dcaGlobal(int) and dca(int);
StMuEvent.cxx/h - added global tracks with DCA < 3cm, >= 10 TPC fit hits and |eta| < 0.5;
StMuTrack.h - iterated Class Def by 1 to accommodate new BTOF data member;
StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx - set tree size to max size;
StTpcT0Maker.cxx - modified to account the fact that drift velocities are different for East and West part of TPC ;
StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx/h - added classes to accommodate Barrel TOF hits;
StMuBTofHitCollection.cxx/h, StMuBTofHit.cxx/h, StMuBTofPidTraits.cxx/h, StMuBTofUtil.cxx/h - added new files to accommodate barrel TOF hit collection;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - updated for UPGR15 geometry version;
src - new DAQ reader codes:
src/DAQ_BSMD/bsmd_reader.cxx, daq_bsmd.cxx/h - new BSMD daq reader code;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx/h - new BTOW daq reader code;
src/DAQ_EMC/daq_emc.cxx/h, emcReader.cxx/h, emc_reader.cxx, emc_single_reader.cxx - new EMC daq reader code;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx/h - modified to adjust to new DAQ_READER;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx/h - new ETOW daq reader code;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx/h - new FGT daq reader code;
src/DAQ_FPD/daq_fpd.cxx/h, fpdReader.cxx/h, fpd_reader.cxx - new FPD daq reader code;
src/DAQ_FTP/daq_ftp.cxx/h, ftpReader.cxx/h, ftp_reader.cxx - new FTPC daq reader code;
src/DAQ_L3/daq_l3.cxx/h, l3Reader.cxx/h, l3Reader.cxx/h - new L3 daq reader code;
src/DAQ_PMD/daq_pmd.cxx/h, pmdReader.cxx/h, pmd_reader.cxx - new PMD daq reader code;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx/h - modified version to support new DAQ_READER;
pp2ppReader.cxx/h - new pp2pp daq reader codes;
src/DAQ_READER/cfgutil.cxx/h, daqConfig.h, daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx/h, daq_dta.cxx/h, daq_dta_structs.h, evpReaderClass.h, msgNQLib.cxx/h, - new DAQ reader;
src/DAQ_SC/daq_sc.cxx/h, sc.h, scReader.cxx/h, sc_reader.cxx - new code added;
src/DAQ_SSD/daq_ssd.cxx/h, ssdReader.cxx/h, ssd_reader.cxx - new SSD daq reader code;
src/DAQ_SVT/daq_svt.cxx/h, svtReader.cxx/h, svt_reader.cxx - new SVT daq reader code;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx/h - modified version to support new DAQ_READER;
tofReader.cxx/h, tof_reader.cxx - new codes added;
src/DAQ_TPC/daq_tpc.cxx/h, tpc_reader.cxx - modified to support new DAQ_READER;
tpcReader.cxx/h, tpc_FCFReader.cxx - new codes added;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpc.cxx/h, tpcCore.cxx/h, tpx_FCF.cxx/h, tpxGain.cxx/h, tpxPed.cxx/h, tpxStat.cxx/h - modified to support new DAQ_READER;
src/DAQ_TRG/daq_trg.cxx/h, trgReader.cxx/h, trgReader10.cxx, trgReader12.cxx, trgReader20.cxx, trgReader21.cxx, trgReader22.cxx, trgReader30.cxx, trgReader32.cxx, trg_reader.cxx - new TRG daq reader code;
src/LOG/ - new RTS repository log files;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_ex.C, fs_index.cxx/h, get_line.cxx/h, sfs_base.h, sfs_index.cxx/h, sfs_index_daq.cxx, sfs_single.C - modified to support RTS repository;
sfs_header.C - added new file;
include/ - number of new includes created and modified to support new DAQ_READER;
EventTracker/ FtfSl3.cxx, Makefile, eventTracker.cxx, eventTrackerLib.cxx/h, gl3EMC.cxx/h, gl3Event.cxx/h - modified to support new DAQ_READER and EventDisplay;
eventTracker.cxx, eventTrackerLib.cxx/h - moved copy_l3 to a EventTracker member function;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated version of trgDataDefs for 2009 run;
StKinkMaker.cxx - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat due to clash with ROOT 5.22.00 class;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx - modification for sector numbers packed in volume Id;
St_sls_Maker.cxx St_spa_Maker.cxx - modification for sector numbers packed in volume Id ;
StSsdUtil, StSpaListNoise.hh,, - modified to increase NSaturationSignal to reflect the energy increase of the GEANT hit ;
StSvtBadAnodesMaker.h - added missing in ROOT 5.22 forward declaration;
StSelfEvent.cxx/h, StSvtSelfMaker.cxx/h, StVertexKFit.cxx/h - removed the Maker;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - changed trapping const to better reproduce data; - changed gain to better reproduce data; fixed to make different Rykov and Selemon methods have same gain; updated mPasaGain to reflect new tune;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - turned off minTimebucket checks to better reproduce data;
StTofHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to adjust for new DAQ_READER (daq1000) ;
StTofrGeometry.cxx - renamed TMemStat => StMemStat due to clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added method to reset dE/dx corrections;
StTpcDb.cxx/h - modified to use StDetectorDb chairs for TpcGlobalPosition and TpcSectorPosition;
StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StTpcGlobalPositionI.h StTpcSectorPositionI.h - removed ;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added protection for dta == 0; adjusted for new DAQ_READER;
StEVPTpcCluser.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to adjust with new DAQ_READER (daq1000);
StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to get access two different detectors tpx/tpc ; sort out the tps/tpc data handling; restored access to TPX; modified to adjust to Valery's interface for adc values;
StTpcHitMakerLinkDef.h, St_daq_adc_tb.h, St_daq_cld.h, St_daq_sim_adc_tb.h, St_daq_sim_cld.h, St_tpc_cl.h - new files added to switch new scheme for TPX cluster reading;
StDaqTpcClusterInterface.h, StEVPTpcCluser.cxx, StEVPTpcCluser.h - removed codes;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx/h - updated for run 2009 data; corrected GetNextRaw() logic;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx/h - updated mSimulators structure to accomodate with 2009 EMC simulator modifications; changed includes for StEmcDecoder; initial version of EMC DSM algorithms for data 2009;
StDSMUtilities/ DSM.hh, DSMAlgo.hh,,,,,,,,,,,, DSMLayer.hh,,,,,,, StDSM2009Utilities.hh,,, trgUtil_2009.hh - initial reversion of EMC DSM algorithms for 2009;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerHisto.cxx - added missing in ROOT 5.22 includes;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - changed includes for StEmcDecoder; updated to match changes in EemcTrigUtil;
StEemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for StEemcDbMaker;
L2Emulator/StGenericL2Emulator.h - added missing in ROOT 5.22 includes; updated class StEemcDb;
StGenericL2Emulator.cxx - updated include for StEmcDecoder as well as access to StEEmc ;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx/h, L2eventStream2009.h, L2btowCalAlgo09.cxx/h - added new files for run 2009 data;
L2Emulator/L2wAlgo/L2wBemc2009.cxx/h, L2wEemc2009.cxx/h, L2wResult2009.h - added new files for run 2009 data;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - changed to old BEMCDecoder->SetDateTime() signature ; changed includes for StEmcDecoder;
StBemcTriggerDbThresholds.cxx/h - updated with 2009 thresholds;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h, StBemcTriggerDbThresholds.cxx - updated for 2008 pp algo; added 2008 ppProduction DSMlayer 2 algo; EMC DSM algorithms added for run 2009 data;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to change DB access to GetDBTime; changed initialization of HT6ibt_adc array; removed swaps for 2007 AuAu, 2008 dAu, 2008 pp for offline status set adc10==0 if ad10-ped < 0; added 2008 triggers to the GetHTTowersAboveThreshold list;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - initial version of EMC DSM algorithms for data 2009 added; updated triggerDecision to communicate with StTriggerSimuMaker;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - updated with declaration of Jpsi particle ;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - added protection for missing event->info(); added Jet Patch trigger histograms;
StEventQAMaker.cxx/h - updated with BTOF classes; added weight the TPC xy hit hists;
StQAMakerBase.cxx - added Jet Patch trigger histograms;
StZdcVertexMaker.cxx - modified to cleanup access to Calibrations/trg/ZdcCalPars table;
SChairs.cxx, StiIsActiveFunctor.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - enlarge fitting volume from 200 => 250 cm;
StiChairs.cxx, StiDefaultTrackingParameters.h, StiHitErrorCalculator.h, StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.h, StiKalmanTrackFitterParameters.h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinderParameters.h, StiTrackingParameters.h - removed from Sti and moved to StDetectorDbMaker;
StiDetectorFinder.cxx/h - removed;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiDetector.h, StiHit.h, StiKalmanTrackFitter.h,StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx, StiLinkDef.h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h - modified due to moving all Sti Chairs into StDetectorDbMaker;
StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx/h, StiHitLoader.h, StiLinkDef.h, StiToolkit.h - modified to remove StiDetectorFinder class;
StiMaker.cxx - renamed TMemStat => StMemStat due to clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class ;
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified ;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx/h - removed StiDetectorFinder class;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified due to moving all Sti Chairs into StDetectorDbMaker;
StiSsdChairs.cxx, StiSsdHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSsdTrackingParameters.h - removed;
StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - modified to remove StiDetectorFinder class;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to move Sti Chairs to StDetectorDbMaker;
StiSvtChairs.cxx, StiSvtHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSvtTrackingParameters.h - removed;
StiSvtHitLoader.cxx - modified to remove StiDetectorFinder class;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcHitLoader.cxx, StiTpcIsActiveFunctor.h - modified to remove cut of pad row dZ ;
StiTpcIsActiveFunctor.cxx - removed files;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified due to moving all Sti Chairs into StDetectorDbMaker;
StiTpcChairs.cxx, StiTpcInnerHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcOuterHitErrorCalculator.h, StiTpcTrackingParameters.h - removed;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h,StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated for UPGR15 geometry version ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified due to moving all DSti Chairs to StDetectorDbMaker;
StiIst1HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst2HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst3HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIstChairs.cxx - removed ;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - updated for UPGR15 geometry version ;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified due to movind all Sti Chairs into StDetectorDbMaker;
StiPixelChairs.cxx, StiPixelHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPixelTrackingParameters.h - removed ;
MySQLAppender.cxx/h - modified to remove redundant ODBC dependency;
StarMagField.cxx/h - added missing in ROOT 5.22.00 include ; modified to controll magnetic field from starsim;
StMemStat.cxx/h - added new files to rename TMemStat => StMemStat due clash with new ROOT 5.22.00 class ;
TMemStat.cxx/h - removed files to replace TMemStat => StMemStat ;
StarRootLinkDef.h - modified to rename TMemStat => StMemStat;
TRSymMatrix.cxx/h - modified to add conversion from Upper to Lower triangular form;
TDirIter.cxx - added handle for xrootd files;
StppTrigMaker.cxx - removed mwc ;
comis/csjcax.F - bug fixed;
atmain/agxinit.F, agxinit.cdf, agxuser.age, gutrev.age, uglast.age - gfilter added to proceed with filterring MC production;
filtAction.cxx - added interface to filter ;
atutil/agukine.F - added for filter before Geant tracking;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - hypertriton added ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated upgr16a == upgr16 + tpc2009;
geometry/svttgeo/svttgeo.g, svttgeo1.g, svttgeo10.g, svttgeo2.g, svttgeo3.g, svttgeo4.g, svttgeo5.g, svttgeo6.g, svttgeo7.g, svttgeo9.g - fixed bug in SVTT.SRDA ;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcSectorT0offset.20080623.000000.C - added sector 16 (tpx) offset from 2008 pp-run to whole TPC;
TpcAltroParameters.20080624.000000.C, - added Altro paramters for run 2009;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090301.000001.C, TpcSecRowB.20090301.000001.root - added preliminary dE/dx calibration for run 2009; later moved to DB;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.upgr16a.C, upgr16a.h - added files for modified UPGR16 geometry;
VmcGeometry/y2005.h, y2005b.h, y2005c.h, y2005d.h, y2005e.h, y2005f.h, y2005h.h, y2005x.h, y2006.h, y2006b.h, y2006g.h, y2007.h, y2007a.h, y2007g.h, y2007h.h, y2003a.h, y2003b.h, y2003c.h, y2003x.h, y2004.h, y2004a.h, y2004b.h, y2004c.h, y2004d.h, y2004x.h, y2004y.h - fixed bug in SVTT.SRDA;
geant3/ - GEANT3 codes updated to adjust with new ROOT 5.22.00 version;
StarVMCApplication/StarMCHits.cxx,StarVMCApplication.cxx - added includes;
StarMCHit.h - added Riostream.h include;
StVMCMaker/StVMCMaker.cxx/h, TGeoDrawHelper.cxx/h - modified;
minicern/ rndm.cxx - added include ;
idl/Survey.idl - expanded definitions;
tofGeomAlign.idl, tofStatus.idl, tofINLSCorr.idl, tofTrgWindow.idl, - added TOF new tables;
bemcMap.idl, bprsMap.idl, bsmdeMap.idl, bsmdpMap.idl - removed comments for field;
StGeomBrowser.cxx/h, TextEdit.cxx/h - modified to make consistent with Qt4 version of the geombrowser;
GeomBrowser.cxx, GeomBrowser.h, StarGeomTree.ui, StarGeomTreeWidget.cxx/h - added new files;
GeomBrowser.ui.h, QExObjectListItem.h, QtGBrowserInspect.h, QtGBrowserObjectListItem.h St_geom_image_collection.cxx - removed;
QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx/h - corrected name of the TGeoComposite shapes; modified to draw the TGeoCompoisteShapes; modified for take into account an Assembly volumes;
St_geom_Maker.cxx - modified to draw the TGeoCompoisteShapes;
FileNew.xpm, FileOpen.xpm, FilePrint.xpm, FileSave.xpm, St_geom_Maker.qrc, connect.xpm, fileopen.xpm, hdisk_t.xpm, printer.xpm, printer_s.xpm, quit.xpm, save.xpm, saveas.xpm, starlogo_1.xpm, update.xpm, qglviewer.icon.xpm - added icons and resource files;
first release of job tracking package;
qt/inc/TGQt.cxx/h,GQtGUI.cxx - modified for ROOT 5.12;
qtgui/inc/TQtContextMenuImp.h - added object pointer to Clipboard to the ROOT ContextMenu ;
qtgui/src/TQtContextMenuImp.cxx - added object pointer to Clipboard to the ROOT ContextMenu ;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TObject3DViewFactory.cxx - fixed ELTU shape;
TObject3DView.cxx - modified tp draw TGeoCompoisteShapes;
qtgl/qtgl/inc/TObject3DView.h - modified tp draw TGeoCompoisteShapes;
scripts/qt4/setupQt4.csh - set the new Qt 4.4.3 location;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS April 11, 2011 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4, MC production for TUP SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08b (SL08b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL09b (SL09b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 500GeV W preproduction SL09d (SL09d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09e (SL09e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL5, last library with old pams SL09g (SL09g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL10a (SL10a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10b (SL10b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10d (SL10d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10e (SL10e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10f (SL10f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10g (SL10g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 old-> SL10h (SL10h_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 auau 7.7-39GeV embedding production SL10i (SL10i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pro-> SL10j (SL10j_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 new-> SL10k (SL10k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 -------------------------------------------------
SL10a library
SL10b library
SL10c library
SL10d library
SL10e library
SL10f library
SL10g library
SL10h library
SL10i library
SL10j library
SL10k library
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agdummy.age - subroutine gcalor micset added;
Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agrot.F - modified to switch off AGROTF_TEST;
StMaker.cxx - added y2008c, y2009b, y2010b geometry tags;
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - patched for BSMDe mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
StBemcRaw.cxx, StBemcRaw.h, StEmcRawMaker.cxx - patched for BSMDe mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
database/StEmcDecoder.cxx, StEmcDecoder.h - patched for BSMDE mapping problem in P10ih and P10ij productions;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to make the energy assignments of the newly created strips happen before they are added to the mEmcMcHits collection; the cross talk leakage is now proportional to the difference of energies of two neighbor strips;
StGammaPythiaEventMaker.cxx - modified to move the StMcEvent check to the beginning of Make() to avoid crashing when the instance is not present ;
StGammaRawMaker.h - added mutator to exclude BEMC towers; set excluded BEMC towers in StGammaRawMaker;
StGammaRawMaker.cxx - excluded desired BEMC towers; bug fixed in tower exclusion code;
/geometry/geometry/geometry.g - defined TPCE04r (reduced TPC envelope radius) and BTOF67 (btof sensitive volume size fix) and incorporated them into Y2011 tag; added tags:Y2008c, Y2009c, y2010b;
/geometry/geometry/btofgeo/gbtofgeo7.g - reverted to previous version of btofgeo6 code; fixes in TOF geometry are applied now in btofgeo7 ;
/geometry/geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - reverted max radius to previous value; reduced radius is set by TPCE04r flag in geometry.g;
VmcGeometry/y2011.h - modified MUTD geometry: 27 backlegs changed with 28 backlegs ;
Geometry.y2008c.C, Geometry.y2009c.C, Geometry.y2010b.C, Geometry.y2008b.C, Geometry.y2009b.C, Geometry.y2010a.C, y2008c.h, y2009c.h, y2010b.h - added new files for tags y2008b, y2008c, y2009b, y2009c, y2010a and y2010b;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx - modified for embedding chain to use GetTopChain() to check existance of db-makers ; StEvent
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - bug fixed nSigma definition;
StMaker - added y2008b geometry tag;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - removed special treatment for delta-electrons, this will cause that IdTruth for cluster will be degradated because charge from delta-electrons will be accounted with delta-electons track Id but not with original particle Id as was before;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2008b geometry tag with most recent models of the TPC, ECAL and CALB;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added omega(728) w/ 100% decay to e+e ;
VmcGeometry/y2008b.h - latest version of TPC, ECAL, CALB
SL10j library has been retagged with tag SL10j_2 .
Updates includes:
- updates for usage of GG Voltage Error and tpcHVPlanes position;
- updates for TOF cell-based TOF calibrations;
- fixes for SVT related material for years 2009 & year2010;
- fixes for TPX response simulatator needed for run 2009, run 2010 embedding productions (proper t0 offset for Altro chip);
- updates for year 2011 geometry;
Library was retagged with tag SL10j_1 and rebuilt on SL5.3 and SL4.4 platforms.
gcc version 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - introduced GG Voltage Error switch;
StBTofCalibMaker.h - fixed array dimensions to accomodate cell-based calibrations;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - fixed module index range for read in loop for BOARD (TDIG) based calibration;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to provide usage of tpcHVPlanes positions and GG Voltage Error;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - set proper t0 offset for Altro chip;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - introduced tpcHVPlanes;
St_tpcHVPlanesC.h - added new table to introduce tpcHVPlanes;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilderto StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations configurations without SVT detector installed;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move SROD and SBSP from StiSvtDetectorBuilder to StiStarDetectorBuilder to set proper configurations without SVT detector installed;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced GG Voltage Error switch;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - set proper t0 offset for Altro chip; bug fixed for embedding;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - modified to apply outlier truncation to all energies, keep at 20% level;
geometry/geometry.g - modified to switch PHMD on and to add last version of MUTD configuration for run 2011;
mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - MUTD geometry modified to set 28 backlegs and 118 trays for run 2011;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - modified to set proper t0 offset for run 2009, 2010 and 2011;
TpcResponseSimulator.idl - modified to set proper t0 offset for Altro chip;
tpcHVPlanes.idl - new table added for
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/dblib.cxx - added stdio.h for gcc 4.5 ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - removed 'find_if' due to bug in logic;
StBFChain.cxx - fixed DbV with Sdt timestamps;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added useBTOF4Vtx chain option for inclusion of BTOF in vertex ranking;
StarClassLibrary - modified to provide LambdaBar(1520) in particle table with Geant ID=996;
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - modified to include methods in StBTofNode and StBTofGeometry that calculate local theta;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modified to include local theta calculation in CellHit structure. Pass LocalTheta info on to TOF PID traits;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modified to look for geant data in bfc ("geant") or geant.root ("geantBranch"); Protect storing BTofMcHitCollection in case McEvent is NULL;
StBTofGeometry.cxx - modified to protect Init() and InitFromStar() against non-initialized database/geant ;
StMaker.cxx - added y2011 geometry tag;
St_svtRDOstrippedC.cxx - added const to Char_t*;
St_tss_tssparC.h, StiHitErrorCalculator.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add new chairs;
St_TpcPadCorrectionC.h St_tpcGainCorrectionC.h - added new chairs;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - added more histograms for calibrations;
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - modified to give access to MIP dE/dx to other makers;
database/ StEEmcDb.cxx, StEEmcDb.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.cxx, EEmcGeomSimple.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx, EEmcMCData.h - modified to improve constness ;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx, EEmcSmdGeom.h, StEEmcSmdGeom.cxx, StEEmcSmdGeom.h - modified to improve constness ;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.cxx, EEmcSmdMap.h - modified to improve constness ;
StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h - modified to remove SoftwareMonitors ;
StFtpcSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StFtpcSoftwareMonitor.h, StRichSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StRichSoftwareMonitor.h, StSoftwareMonitor.cxx, StSoftwareMonitor.h - removed;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h, StEventScavenger.cxx, StEventScavenger.h - modified to remove SoftwareMonitors ;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - modified to add mSeedQuality;
StTpcHit.h - modified to fix no. of padsInHit;
StDcaGeometry.cxx - fixed format ;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx, StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.h - cleanup;
StFmsPi0Filter.h, StFmsPi0Filter.cxx - added filter for neutral pions incident on the FMS;
StGammaScheduleMaker.h - added accessor for total number of timestamps;
StGammaEventMaker.cxx - modified to overwrite event number only if timestamps have been added to the StGammaScheduleMaker instance;
StGammaCandidate.cxx, StGammaCandidate.h - added thresholds to most sum methods;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added function UseBOTF and bool mUseBtof to switch the use of the TOF on and off in vertex finding, default value is off (false);
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - modified to add useBTOF4Vtx chain option for inclusion of BTOF in vertex ranking;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - modified to add function UseBOTF and bool mUseBtof to switch the use of the TOF on and off in vertex finding; default value is off (false);
BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h - added functions, and variables necessary to use the TOF in PPV for vertex finding;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - added initialization of starsim parameter tables after opening zebra-file;
StJetMaker2009.cxx - added neutral jets for events with no good TPC vertex, i.e. ranking <= 0, using (0,0,0) as vertex;
StAnaPars.h - fixed setTowerEnergyCorrection() bug; updated destructor;
mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx, StjBEMCMuDst.h, StjEEMCMuDst.cxx, StjEEMCMuDst.h - added neutral jets for events with no good TPC vertex, i.e. ranking <= 0, using (0,0,0) as vertex;
StMagFMaker.cxx - removed dependence on St_geant_Maker;
StMcEventMaker.cxx, StMcEventMaker.h - replaced 'useBtof' with 'useTof';
StTinyMcTrack.cxx, StTinyRcTrack.cxx - fixed format;
StTinyRcTrack.cxx - added track seedQuality;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - added track seedQuality;
COMMON/StMuEmcCluster.cxx/h, StMuEmcCollection.cxx/h, StMuEmcHit.cxx/h, StMuEmcPoint.cxx/h, StMuEmcTowerData.cxx/h, StMuEmcUtil.cxx/h - modified to insure const correctness;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - cleanup unused variables;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - modified to disable sim flavor, now sim parameters is coming via DB associated with simulation time stamp;
StSvtDbMaker.cxx - modified to disable sim flavor, now sim parameters is coming via DB associated with simulation time stamp;
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - modified to add iteration to transformation routines so local -> wafer followed by wafer->local come to same point needed because of dirft velocity assumptions;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to use Mag.field flavor besides simu flag ;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - fixed format;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to add codes for S-shape correction (disactivated);
StTpcHitMaker.cxx StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - slightly better arrangement for limiting excessive TPC events;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added debug print outs;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modified to take out __ClusterProfile__ ;
StTriggerDefinition.h, StTriggerThreshold.h - added support structures for migration from online to offline DB for trigger definitions and thresholds; added inline to avoid multiple definitions of print() by linker;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - changed back to checking decision of individual simulators;
StTriggerSimuResult.cxx/h - modified to change the PIG+2 address from BEMC to EEMC based on structure in StTriggerData2005::isL2Trigger();
StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to move from online to offline DB; added onbits1-3 and offbits1-3;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to change trigger DB query for more appropiate "select max(idx_rn) from triggers where beginTime <='%s'", which selects the begin time right before the time stamp and hence the actual current run;
StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to include ability to test if trigger is defined in trigger code ;
StDSMUtilities/, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - modified to add onbits1-3 and offbits1-3;
DSM.hh - added stdio.h for ROOT > 4.26 ;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to revert to 'kDontCare';
L2Emulator/StL2_2006EmulatorMaker.cxx - modified to add PIG+2 to EEMC mL2algo;
StarMagField.cxx - modified to lock mag.field if it was initialized from GEANT;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to save coordinates in TpcLocalCoordinate;
StiNodePars.h - fixed problem with parameters alignment for gcc 4.5.1; fixed union; removed GNUC dependence;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinderFilter.cxx, StiTrackFinderFilter.h, StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to add TPCCATracker;
StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx, StiTPCCATrackerInterface.h - added new files for TPCCATracker;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to switch from direct access to public members to methods;
StiRootSimpleTrackFilter.cxx - removed;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to move out StiVMCToolKit::GetVMC() from assert, protected from NDEBUG cpp-flag;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid off access to specfic detector tracking parameters which usage has been disable since 2008/06/11;
logging/Main.cxx TxUCMCollector.cxx - added stdio.h for gcc4.5; improved query;
TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogFile.h, TxEventLogWeb.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMCollector.h - added method to query job id by broker task and job id provided;
TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogCollector.h, testUcm.csh, - fixed Java Collector interface;
TxEventLog.h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogCollector.h, TxEventLogFile.h, TxEventLogWeb.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMCollector.h, testUcm.csh, - added the requester name to the getJobId interface, fix the Db init;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - modified to use REG_EXTENDED syntax;
Main.cxx, Makefile, TxEventLogFactory.cxx, TxEventLogFactory.h - added TxEventLogFactory::main method and stand-alone ulog utitility;
KFParticleBase.h, KFParticle.h, KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticle.cxx - updates for CA from ALICE;
StarRootLinkDef.h - modified to make KFParticleBase and KFParticle to be TObject;
TRDiagMatrix.h, TRMatrix.cxx, TRMatrix.h, TRSymMatrix.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h, TRVector.cxx, TRVector.h - added interface to TVector3;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h - added ID;
TTreeIter.h - added accessor to Tree;
include/rtsSystems.h- added MTD; added Checkpoint;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added detector size functions;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF.cxx - modified to add protection that the cluster charge > 0, it happens sometimes in simulation; small optimization in fcf_decode; added CHOPPED flag;
tpxFCF.h - removed u_int for easier inclusion ;
tpxFCF.cxx - added Checkpoint;
tpxFCF_flags.h - added to move flag to a separate include;
tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h - added more clock features ;
src/DAQ_MTDdaq_mtd.cxx, daq_mtd.h - added new code for MTD daq reader;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h - added detector size functions;
ctf/cts/ - disabled consistency check on volume ids, fixed bug #1715;
gen/Pythia6_2_20/pythia-6.2.20.F - added new version of Pythia;
pytune.F - added dummy pytune to resolve dependency in bpythia;
geometry/calbgeo/calbgeo2.g - modified to inserte an ENDFILl statement required by AgML;
ecalgeo6.g - modified to remove stray comma from EMCS fill statement;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added development/baseline y2011 geometry tag;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - added 4th version of the muon telescope detector;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3.g - increased size of array to prevent an out-of-bounds condition ;
tpcegeo3.g - modified to reduce size of TPC envelope to accommodate TOF;
geometry/wallgeo/wallgeo.g - modified to make the cave walls invisible so the detector can be more easily viewed;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - fixed unknown TOFr choice for year2007 (btog_choice=10); fixed wrong TOFr tray position ID for run 5 (btog_choice=8);
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - modified to increase the precision of the lambda and lambdabar masses in gstar_part.g; added XiMinus, XiMinusBar, XiZero and XiZeroBar;
Calibrations/tracker/PrimaryVertexCuts.20100424.040001.C - added parameters for Run 2010 AuAu 7.7 and AuAu 11; files moved to DB;
PrimaryVertexCuts.y2011.C - added provisional set of parameters for year 2011;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.y2011.C - added new files with provisional values for year 2011;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcGas.y2011.C, TpcSecRowB.y2011.C, tpcPressureB.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2011.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2011.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2011.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2011.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2011.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2011.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2011.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2011.C, tpcWaterOut.y2011.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2011.C, TpcdCharge.y2011.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2011.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2011.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2011.C, tpcSlewing.y2011.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2011.C, tpcAltroParams.y2011.C - added new files with provisional values for year 2011;
TpcPadCorrection.C - added new default pad correction table ;
tpcGainCorrection.20100101.000028.C, tpcGainCorrection.C, TpcAvCurrent.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2010.C, TpcZDC.C - added new table;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.20100101.000012.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100101.000033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100103.000033.C,
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100204.180033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100318.200033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100409.000033.C,
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100424.040033.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100527.020033.C,
TpcRowQ.20100101.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100103.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100204.180032.C, TpcRowQ.20100318.200032.C,
TpcRowQ.20100409.000032.C, TpcRowQ.20100424.040032.C, TpcRowQ.20100527.020032.C, TpcSecRowB.20100101.000032.root,
TpcSecRowB.20100103.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100103.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100318.200032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100409.000032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100424.040032.root, TpcSecRowB.20100527.020032.root,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100101.000030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100103.000032.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100204.180030.C,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100318.200030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100409.000030.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20100424.040030.C,
TpcZCorrectionB.20100527.020030.C, TpcZDC.20100103.000025.C,TpcZDC.20100204.180025.C, TpcZDC.20100318.200025.C, TpcZDC.20100409.000025.C TpcZDC.20100424.040025.C - updated dEdx calibartions for run 2010;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011;
Sector_01 to Sector_24/tpcSectorPosition.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011 for each sector;
RunLog/onl/starClockOnl.y2011.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2011.C - added provisional values for y2011;
VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2011.C y2011.h - added year 2011 geometry tag;
idl/TpcPadCorrection.idl - added table for correction to reconstructed cluster position in pads;
triggerDefinition.idl, triggerThreshold.idl - added new trigger simulator tables; modified to add size parameter;
qt/src/TQtWidget.cxx - fixed ROOT Bug #4319;
GQtGUI.cxx, TGQt.cxx - fixed small memory leak for QFont object;
Next codes have been updated:
St_tpcMaxHitsC.h - new file to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - implemented Lower bound on reduced hit maxima;
idl/tpcMaxHits.idl - new table to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added FiltEemcGamma option to proceed with Eemc gamma filter in reconstruction;
StGammaFilterMaker.h, StGammaFilterMaker.cxx - updated with final 2009 parameters and utilities;
StEemcGammaFilterMaker.cxx, StEemcGammaFilterMaker.h, eemcGammaFilterMakerParams.idl - added new files to implement original Endcap EMC gamma-filter; modified to get sampling fraction from Fast simulator, db settings movied to Init;
StEemcGammaFilter.cxx, StEemcGammaFilter.h - new code added to implement original Endcap EMC gamma-filter;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx, StEEmcFastMaker.h, StEEmcSlowMaker.h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx - updated Eemc fast and slow simulattion codes; sampling fraction changed to 4.8%;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to change the check on valid towers during clustering to suppress the non-error issued by StEmcGeom;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/geant321/gcons/gppart.F - modified to allow geant IDs > 9999 will be displayed ;
Simulation/starsim/geantgpdcay.F - added the ids of the decay daughters to the output;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx, StEmcAssociationMaker.h - modified to remove the compile-time redundant dependency;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - removed explicit call to mBTofSortRawHit->setVpdDelay(runnumber). This is now part of mBTofSortRawHit->Init();
StBTofHitMaker.cxx, StBTofHitMaker.h - modified to intoduce GetNextRaw(int sec) ;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - introduced switch to enable ideal MC geometry, without alignment updates. Default: disabled;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to initialize mUseIdealGeometry to be kFALSE in ctor;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - removed geometry initialization (not used); corrected application of vpd resolution smearing: the original values in the db (or ParSim) are in ps [Xin];
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx, StBTofSortRawHit.h - modified to retrieve VPD delay parameters from database; removed explicit setVpdDelay() and integrate its functionality with Init();
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - introduced switch to enable ideal MC geometry, without alignment updates. Default: disabled;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified for GridLeak studies: more knobs to adjust GL and SC in Predict() functions;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - added parameterization for sigma ver row;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - modified to use TString::KIgnoreCase;
StEmbeddingQADraw.h - added particle name functions;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - added legend for each page;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx - modified to change member debug to mDebug;
StGammaEvent.h - added primary vertx rank member/mutator/accessor ;
StGammaEventMaker.cxx - added store of primary vertex rank;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - modified to synchronize magnetic field, can use now InitRun for mag. field;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h - modified to set rapidity +/-10 in gkine/phasespace for spectrum option in order to avoid acceptance cuts;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - implemented spectrum option by gstar_micky;
Reader/StHbtAssociationReader.cxx - fixed StMcTrack usage ;
Cut/ParityEventCut.cxx, ParityEventCut.h - modified to get rid of the compilation warnings;
StProtoJetCut.h, StProtoJetCutEta.h, StProtoJetCutPt.h, StProtoJetListCut.cxx,,StProtoJetListCut.h - added new files to support run 2009 production version;
StConeJetFinder.cxx, StConeJetFinderBase.cxx, StEtaPhiGrid.cxx, StEtaPhiGrid.h - fixed memory leak;
StProtoJet.h - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h - new files added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StjBEMCTowerMaker.cxx, StjTPCTrackMaker.cxx - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StJetMaker.cxx, StJetMaker.h - added getStJetEvent() ;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added protection against null pointer ;
emulator/StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx, StjeBemcEnergySumCalculatorBuilder.cxx, StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx- modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx, StjBEMCMuDst.h, StjEEMCMuDst.cxx, StjEEMCMuDst.h, StjTPCMuDst.cxx, StjTPCMuDst.h, StjTPCRandomMuDst.cxx - modified to proceed with run 2009 production;
StjBEMCMuDst.cxx/h - modified for simulation;
towers/StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.h - modified to proceed with 2009 production ;
StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksNull.h - added new file;
StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.cxx, StjAbstractTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracks.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.cxx, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksMip.h, StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksNull.h - added new files with alternative classes for tower energy correction for tracks;
tracks/StjTrackCutPt.h - added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StjTPC.h - modified for run 2009;
StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h - bug fixed;
vertex/StjPrimaryVertex.h - added to support run 2009 jet production version;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - implemented the correct const StMcTarck * pointer cast;
StBemcGammaFilter.h, StBemcGammaFilter.cxx - BEMC Photon Filter implemented;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx - added pointer protection to StTriggerData member ;
StMuTrack.cxx - fixed bug to fill properly global tracks with pt and eta in case if vertex has not been found;
StMcEvent.hh - fixed bug which had eprsCollection returning btow hits if called using the const version;
logging/TxEventLogWeb.cpp - modified to allow the wget log message to trace the cybersecurity issue; added timestampt t diagnostic to trace the cybersecurity case;
TxUCMCollector.cxx - modified to count events of the selected job only;
TxEventLog.cpp, TxEventLog.h, TxUCMCollector.cxx - modified to dicrement the job counter for the finished tasks;
StarMagField.cxx - set assert when magnetic field is not initialized;
THelixTrack.cxx - modified to acount HZ correlation;
THelixTrack.h, THelixTrack.cxx - added TestMtx;
TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - added multydimensioane random vector;
StBiTree.cxx - modified to reduce the test suite;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified interface to allow EMC and TOF matching requirements; added TOF matching;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added option for using all triggers;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - implement new interface for pad t0;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to take out flavoring by 'sim' for tpcGlobalPosition,tpcSectorPosition and starClockOnl tables; removed usage of tpcISTimeOffsets and tpcOSTimeOffsets tables;
StRTpcT0.cxx, StRTpcT0.h, StTpcT0I.h - removed;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to discontinue usage of FullMagF geometry flavors, now just use 'ofl' with appropriate timestamp;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h - modified ;
TF1F.cxx, TF1F.h - added new files;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to adjust for new TpcDb interface; removed pseudo pad rows;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database ;
Bbc/StBbcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to set year from DB maker to StBbcTrigggerDetector container;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - added Run 6 jpsi-mb trigger;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - modified to get J/psi topology trigger candidates; A=added more access functions for J/psi candidates;
added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
modified to fill trigger simulator in the StEmcTriggerDetector structure same as data for MC;
StBemcTriggerSimu.h - fixed HT6bit to TP6bit;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
modified to fill trigger simulator in the StEmcTriggerDetector structure same as data for MC;
added a bunch of eemc-http triggers ; modified to change triggerDecision from kDoNotCare to kNo;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - added hooks to overwrite DSM thresholds from the database;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified geometry.g so that seperate particle transport cuts can be used in the BEMC and EEMC, this is needed for the spin/dijet simulation ;
defined the Y2009b tag to apply the 10keV default tracking cuts in the BEMC, and revert the EEMC to the 80kev/1MeV (photon/electron) cuts;
added y2005i tag to provide up-to-date version of ecal in y2005 geometry and to provide 10 keV transport cuts in calorimeters;
geometry/btofgeo/tofgeo2.g, btofgeo3.g, btofgeo4.g, btofgeo5.g, btofgeo6.g - fixed minor bug in the cooling tubes for the tofThe inner radii of the cooling tubes are passed to the block creating the water volume, but the shape operator indicated that it should inherit its parameters from the mother volume. This resulted in the outer radius of the water volume being set equal to the outer radius of the cooling tube;
gen/Pythia6_4_23/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.4.23.F - added latest version of pythia, with bug fixes for the perugia tunes;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g, gstar_part.kumac - added Geant id's for 100% Phi to K+K- and to e+e- decay channels;
corrected mistake in Omega+- definition and forced daughter lamda to decay to specific channel; got rid of Mortran90 definition;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcEffectiveGeom.y2006.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2007.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2008.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2009.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2010.C - removed;
tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C - replaced 'sim' value with 'ofl';
tpcElectronics.y2006.C, tpcElectronics.y2007.C, tpcElectronics.y2008.C - moved tZero from -1.05995 us (used to be in simulation) to real data value = 0 us;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - modified;
Calibrations/tracker/DefaultTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - decreased hits gates; set max Xi2=20 to be the same as in the original;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added parameterization for sigma versus row;
qt4ged/src/TQtLineEditor.cxx - modified to replace the obsolete interface with the standard Qt4; removed error prone Qt3 CPP flags;
qt/ - merged with CERN version; added TQtCanvasPainter.h to the list of depedencies;
qt/src/TQtWidget.cxx - modified to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
qt/inc/ TQtCanvasPainter.h - added new file to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
TQtWidget.h - modified to merge with ROOT CERN SVN trunk 5.27;
qtgui/src/TQtCanvasImp.cxx - fixed the ambiguous shortcut overload;
Next codes have been updated:
StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.54;
StAssociationMaker.h, r.1.24;, r.1.8;
StTrackPairInfo.hh, r.1.8;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.13;
StEmcAssociationMaker.h, r.1.10;
BigFullChain.h, r.1.125; StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570;
StMaker.cxx, r.1.234;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.24; St_TpcPadCorrectionC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, r.1.3; St_tpcGainCorrectionC.h, r.1.1; St_tpcHVPlanesC.h, r.1.1; St_tss_tssparC.h, r.1.5;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, r. 1.39;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, r. 1.25;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r. 1.44; StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.18; TF1F.cxx, r. 1.3; TF1F.h, r.1.3; TpcRS.C, r.1.21;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.h,r.1.6; TPolynomial.cxx, r.1.2;
St_geant_Maker.h, r. 1.50;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, r. 1.135;
StMagFMaker.cxx, r. 1.16;
StarMagField.cxx r. 1.17;
Next codes have been updated:
St_tpcMaxHitsC.h - new file to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - modified to introduce hit maxima for tracking;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - implemented Lower bound on reduced hit maxima;
idl/tpcMaxHits.idl - new table to limit max number of TPC hits for tracking;
Next codes have been updated:
StarClassLibrary,, StKaonZeroMode0809.hh - added StKaonZeroMode0809 to represent the k0 --> pi+ pi- w/ 100% br in gstar_part.g ;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - modified to allow to switch off main Star Cint Db by NoStarCintDb option; removed the logger destruction side effect;
BigFullChain.h - modified to put StBTofSimMaker before StBTofMatchMaker;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - implemented self-calibration method; improved database handling and reduced log output; modified to pick up the default primary vertex (for mUseEventVertex); additional cuts in selecting the vertex for tstart() have been removed;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - improved database handling and reduced log output;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to keep BTofMatchMaker from crashing ungracefully when no mEvent or BTOF Collection is found; improved database handling and reduced log output;
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx - updated vpd delay settings for run 2010;
StBTofDaqMap.cxx, StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofINLCorr.cxx, StBTofSortRawHit.cxx - improved database handling and reduced log output;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx - removed the logger destruction side effect;
StMaker.cxx - bug #1911 fixed, implemented protection against of the died pointer; alias time stamp for y2010 moved from 20091214 to 20091215;
added y2009b and y2010a geometry tags to support simulation requests:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, St_tpcAltroParamsC.h, St_tpcAvCurrentC.h - added new files for St_tpcPadGainT0C;protection;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - implemented new method to save snapshot+one subsequent dataset for each table in db; refactored snapshot code to include saving of .root files; modified to save single datasets; fixed check for db broker in file mode;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - code cleanup;
SlowSimUtil.cxx, SlowSimUtil.h - removed;
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.h - removed the redundant dependancy;
StBTofHeader.cxx, StBTofHeader.h - added member mNTzero and access methods;
StFtpcTrackMaker - fixed extrapolation of momentum vector to last point on track;, StFtpcConfMapper.hh - fixed bug #1939 - variables with the same name were defined twice; the names of the StFtpcConfMapper variables have been changed to make them unique;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h - modified to set rapidity +/-10 in gkine/phasespace for spectrum option in order to avoid acceptance cuts;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - implemented spectrum option by gstar_micky;
GeomBrowser.cxx - adjusted to meet the new ROOT requerement;
QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx - modified to pick up material from TGeoMedium rather from TGeoMaterial ;
StarGeomTreeWidget.cxx - added std prefix for vector;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - modified to preserve backward compatibility with reading of Run 6 skim trees;
StBET4pMaker.cxx - modified to save current vertex index before vertex loop and restore current vertex index after vertex loop;
StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StPythiaFourPMaker.h - updated simulation tools;
mudst/StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
emulator/StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - modified to calculate nBTOFMatch for year >= 2009;
tracks/StjTrackList.h, StjTrackCutLastPoint.h - added cut on radius of last TPC point on track (125 cm);
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - added CPP macro to separate McTracks; fixed bug #1932 ;
StEventObject.h, StMcHitC.cxx, StMcHitC.hh, StMcHitI.cxx, StMcHitI.h, StMcHitT.cxx, StMcHitT.hh - implemented new OO model for Mc event components;
StMcVertexC.cxx, StMcVertexC.h - added Mc vertex, and EMC models;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added extra functions for matching BEMC towers to TPC tracks;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - modified to add StTriggerData arrays in muevent and fixed an issue with PMD arrays being read;
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdClustering.h - added a call to new clustering routines in StPmdClustering;
StPmdClustering.cxx - modified to use Edep() instead of Adc() of PmdHit in new clustering routine; mOptCalibrate Flag set to kTRUE;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to hold calibrated ADC by Edep of Pmdhit;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx - fixed an array for nSmChainBoards;
StPmdHit.cxx, StPmdHit.h - added sorting routine;
StPmdDetector.cxx - modified to return correct number of Hits in a module;
StPmdCluster.cxx - added initialization of mCluSigma in constructor;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - changed absolute path for mysql.h to relative path; mysql.h include path fixed;
StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h - modified to preserve backward compatibility with reading of Run 6 skim trees;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx - removed mysql.h include;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - returned back to time simulation for each pad, organized parameters into TpcResponseSimulator table;
include/RC_Config.h - RHIC TRG updated ;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
Makefile, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h, daq_test.C - added support for readahead ;
src/DAQ_READER/cfgutil.cxx, daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added support for readahead, removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
src/DAQ_SSD/ssd_reader.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers ;
src/DAQ_SVT/svt_reader.cxx - removed some statics to make thread safe, at least for separate instances of the readers;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h - removed slower hits (outliers) in VPD timing calculations; implemented self-calibration method; improved database handling and reduced log output;
StLoggerManager.cxx - removed the logger destruction side effect ;
MySQLAppender.h - fixed include path for mysql.h ;
logging/TxUCMCollector.h - fixed include path for mysql.h ;
StDraw3D.cxx - added delay to animate 3D under gdb and get rid of 100 CPU consumption;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - y2010a geometry tag added.Tag is identical to y2010, except dependency on y2009a is removed
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added K0S->Pi+ Pi;
sim/idl/g2t_tpc_hit.idl - added adc, pad and timebucket data member to allow tuning up digitization;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100409.000000.C, TpcRowQ.20100409.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20100409.000000.root - dEdx calibrations for auau 39GeV run 2010;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - fixed ;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2001.C tpcAnodeHVavg.y2002.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2003.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2004.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2005.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2006.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2007.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2008.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.Cl tpcAnodeHVavg.y2010.C - added default tables;
tpcAnodeHV.C tpcAnodeHV.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters ;
tpcDriftVelocity.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2001.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2003.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2004.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2005.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2006.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2007.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2008.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2009.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC drift velocity;
tpcEffectiveGeom.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2001.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2003.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2004.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2006.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2007.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2008.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2009.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC;
tpcElectronics.C, tpcElectronics.y2001.C, tpcElectronics.y2003.C, tpcElectronics.y2004.C, tpcElectronics.y2005.C, tpcElectronics.y2006.C, tpcElectronics.y2007.C, tpcElectronics.y2008.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC electronics;
tpcSlewing.C tpcSlewing.y2009.C tpcSlewing.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC ;
tpcAvCurrent.C - added initail tabel with default parameters for average anode inner/outer currents;
tpcPadGainT0.y2009.C - added ideal version;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2009.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2010.C,
TpcMultiplicity.y2009.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2010.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2009.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2010.C,
TpcSecRowB.y2009.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcdCharge.y2009.C, TpcdCharge.y2010.C,
TpcdEdxCor.y2009.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2010.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2009.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2010.C, tpcAltroParams.20080219.143436.C;
tpcAltroParams.C, tpcAltroParams.y2008.C, tpcAltroParams.y2009.C, tpcAltroParams.y2010.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2009.C,
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2009.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2010.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2009.C,
tpcMethaneIn.y2010.C, tpcPressureB.y2009.C, tpcWaterOut.y2009.C, tpcWaterOut.y2010.C - added default dE/dx calibration tables, replaced TpcAltroParameters and asic_thresholds_tpx by tpcAltroParam;
tpcGas.C, tpcGas.y2003.C, tpcGas.y2004.C, tpcGas.y2005.C, tpcGas.y2006.C, tpcGas.y2007.C, tpcGas.y2008.C, tpcGas.y2009.C, tpcGas.y2010.C - added nominal gas tables;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2001.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2002.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2003.C ,tpcAnodeHVavg.y2004.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2005.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2006.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2007.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2008.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2009.C - removed;
TpcAltroParameters.20071115.000000.C,TpcAltroParameters.20080128.000000.C,TpcAltroParameters.20080623.000000.C, TpcAltroParameters.20080624.000000.C, TpcAltroParameters.C,TpcAltroParameters.y2010.C, TpcLengthCorrection.C, TpcdXCorrection.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2008.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2009.C, asic_thresholds_tpx.y2010.C, tpcGain.C - removed files;
Geometry/svt/LadderOnShell.C, LadderOnShell.y2005.C, LadderOnShell.y2006.C, LadderOnShell.y2007.C, WaferOnLadder.y2001.C, WaferOnLadder.y2005.C, WaferOnLadder.y2006.C, WaferOnLadder.y2007.C,ShellOnGlobal.y2001.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2005.C, ShellOnGlobal.y2006.C ShellOnGlobal.y2007.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2001.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2005.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2006.C, LadderOnSurvey.y2007.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2001.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2005.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2006.C, SvtOnGlobal.y2007.C - added default (ideal) simulation position for SVT;
Geometry/ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2005.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2006.C SsdLaddersOnSectors.y2007.C, SsdOnGlobal.C SsdOnGlobal.y2005.C SsdOnGlobal.y2006.C, SsdOnGlobal.y2007.C SsdSectorsOnGlobal.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2005.C SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2006.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.y2007.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2005.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2006.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.y2007.C - added default (simulation) tables for SSD;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2001.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2003.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2004.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2005.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2006.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2007.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2008.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2009.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) global parameters TPC;
Geometry/tpc/Sector_01/ tpcSectorPosition.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2001.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2003.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2004.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2005.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2006.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2007.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2008.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2009.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for each TPC sector;
... up to Sector 24
Geometry/tpc/Sector_24 tpcSectorPosition.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2001.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2003.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2004.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2005.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2006.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2007.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2008.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2009.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for each TPC sector;
VmcGeometry/ y2009b.h y2010a.h - added new geometry versions to support simulation requests;
starClockOnl.y2001.C, starClockOnl.y2003.C, starClockOnl.y2004.C, starClockOnl.y2005.C, starClockOnl.y2006.C, starClockOnl.y2007.C, starClockOnl.y2008.C, starClockOnl.y2009.C, starClockOnl.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC starClock;
tpcRDOMasks.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2003.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2004.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2005.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2006.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2007.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2008.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2009.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2010.C - added default (ideal) parameters for TPC RDO masks;
idl/tpcAvCurrent.idl - added table for average anode inner/outer currents and accumulated charge;
tpcAltroParams.idl - added new file to reformat Altro parameters;
qtgui/, - merged with the ROOT CERN version;
qtgui/inc/TQtRootCommandCombo.h - modified to adjust RootCommand to meet the new ROOT requerement;
TQtRootCommandCombo.h - set the horizontal size policy to Ignore;
TQtCommandPlugin.h, TQtRedirectOutputGuard.h, TQtTextEditor.h, TRedirectGuardInterface.h - added files to merge with ROOT CERN version;
qtgui/src/TQtRootCommandCombo.cxx - modified to adjust RootCommand to meet the new ROOT requirement;
TQtRootCommandCombo.cxx - set the horizontal size policy to Ignore;
TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtGui.cxx, TQtRootAction.cxx - modified to merge with the ROOT CERN version;
TQtCommandPlugin.cxx, TQtRootCommand.ui, TQtTextEditor.cxx, TRedirectGuardInterface.cxx - added new files to merge with the ROOT CERN version;
qt/inc/TQtRootSlot.h - added end-of-line method;
qt/src/TQtRootSlot.cxx - added end-of-line method;
trunk/qt/ - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
trunk/qt/inc/LinkDef.h, TGQt.h, TGQtGL.h, TObjectExecute.h, TQMimeTypes.h, TQtApplication.h, TQtBrush.h, TQtClientFilter.h, TQtClientGuard.h, TQtClientWidget.h, TQtEmitter.h, TQtEvent.h, TQtEventQueue.h, TQtLock.h, TQtMarker.h, TQtPadFont.h, TQtPen.h, TQtRConfig.h, TQtRootApplication.h, TQtRootSlot.h, TQtSymbolCodec.h, TQtTimer.h, TQtUtil.h, TQtWidget.h, TVirtualX.interface.h, TWaitCondition.h, rootcint.pri - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
trunk/qt/src/GQtGUI.cxx, TGQt.cxx, TGQtDummy.cxx, TGQtGL.cxx, TQMimeTypes.cxx, TQtApplication.cxx, TQtBrush.cxx, TQtClientFilter.cxx, TQtClientGuard.cxx, TQtClientWidget.cxx, TQtEvent.cxx, TQtEventQueue.cxx, TQtMarker.cxx, TQtPadFont.cxx, TQtPen.cxx, TQtRootApplication.cxx, TQtRootSlot.cxx, TQtSymbolCodec.cxx, TQtTimer.cxx, TQtWidget.cxx - modified to merge BNL SVN and STAR CVS;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to use hobj pointer to ensure proper handling with reference hists; fixed bug with AddHists when some files are missing hists;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added option UseEventVertex in order to use primary vertex in StBTofCalibMaker; replaced UseEventVertex to UseProjectedVertex for StBTofCalibMaker;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to close the local logger at Finish, bug fixed #1911;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - modified to change the default to use event vertex for start position for Run10 AuAu;
introduced "UseProjectedVertex" maker attribute to allow selection of the standard event vertex or one determined by track extrapolation;
StBTofGeometry.cxx - modified to include X0 (radial offset) in the tray alignment;
StMaker.cxx - shift y2010 tag from 20091215 to 20091214 because beginTime for the first tpcPadGainT0 for run 2010 was set 20091214.215645;
dst_bfc_status.idl - removed;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx - modified to close the local logger at Finish, bug #1911 fixed;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h - modified to break infinite loop if happenes; corrected propagation of error status for StDbServiceBroker;
St_db_Maker.h - method 'drop' added ; set time StMaker::SetDateTime;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to expand time for Run 2010;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added StTriggerData2009;
StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - added streamer and new access function for BBC large tile earliest TAC;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h - added new access function for BBC large tile earliest TAC;
StEventLinkDef.h - changed for Trigger Data;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.h - added ftpcHits method to render Ftpc hos from StEvent;
StFtpcClusterMaker, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, - modified to swap data for RDO6,RDO7 FTPC East when Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcElectronics->swapRDO6RDO7East=1; - modified to use the default temperatures for all runs taken in the period of time from "2010-04-13 00:20:01" to "2010-04-19 20:39:00";
StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added nBTOFMatch ; modified to calculate nBTOFMatch for year >= 2009;
StJetReader.h, StJetReader.cxx - reshaped; added sanity checks;
StBET4pMaker.cxx, StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StJetMaker.cxx, StJetMaker.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.cxx - corrected calculation of EEMC tower IDs;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx, StjTPCMuDst.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
emulator/StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - corrected tower momentum for z-vertex;
StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.cxx, StBET4pMakerImpBuilder.h, StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, vertex and use2009Cuts() for chi2 cut;
StBET4pMakerImp.cxx/h, StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeParticleCollector.cxx/h, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StjeTreeWriter.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - added pointer to parent vertex in jets ;
tracks/StjTrackCut.h, StjTrackCutDca.h, StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h, StjTrackCutEta.h, StjTrackCutFlag.h, StjTrackCutNHits.h, StjTrackCutPossibleHitRatio.h, StjTrackList.h - added DCAx, DCAy, chi2, chi2prob, and vertex;
StjTrackCutChi2.h - added new file ;
StjTrackList.h - modified to return multiple vertices all with positive rank and pass associated tracks and towers to jet finder to build jets;
StGammaMaker.cxx - added EEMC cluster maker cuts;
Embed/ StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h - moved from St_geant_Maker for embedding;
dijet.cnf - added dijet filter configuration file;
StDijetFilter.cxx, StDijetFilter.h - new dijet filter code ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - added corrections for AppendMCDaughterTrack ;
StPmdClusterMaker StPmdClustering.h, StPmdClustering.cxx, StPmdClusterMaker.h, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx - implemented Clustering with option to turn calibration refineclustering on/off;
StPmdClustering.cxx - removed refinedcluidet2.dat; no refined clusters in 2010 data;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx, StPmdReadMaker.h - modified for new DAQ;
StPmdGeom.h, StPmdGeom.cxx - introduced functions to draw XY and eta/phi coverage & modifcations to mapping;
StarClassLibrary,,, StarPDGEncoding.hh - redefined the geant ID of the lambda(1520) from 706 to 995, to make consistent with usage in embedding group ;
StUCMAppender.cxx - modified to add the extra protection and remove the redundant variable; turned on Web service for the nightly library jobs; fixed bug #1911;
StLoggerManager.cxx, StLoggerManager.h, StUCMAppender.h - fixed bug #1911, improved interface for log4cxx;
logging/Makefile, TxEventLog.cpp/h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp/h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogMain.C, TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h, TxUCMCollector.cxx/h, testUcm.C, testUcm.csh - modified to add Web service interface ;
TxEventLogFactory.cxx - bug fixed;
TxEventLogWeb.cpp - added newtask message delay ;
TxEventLogFile.cpp - added assert to watch the wrong method;
TxEventLogCollector.cpp, TxEventLogFile.cpp, TxEventLogWeb.cpp, TxUCMCollector.cxx, TxUCMConstants.h - added 240 msec delay to record the task;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h, KFParticle.cxx, KFParticle.h, KFParticleLinkDef.h, KFVertex.cxx, KFVertex.h, MTrack.cxx, MTrack.h, MVertex.cxx, MVertex.h, VVertex.cxx, VVertex.h - added new files for cellular automation tack seeding codes, KFParticle;
StarRootLinkDef.h - modified for implemented KFParticle;
TPolynomial.cxx, TPolynomial.h - added TPolynomial ;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - added method 'Move' with derivatives ;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultiKeyMap.h - added method 'Update', random_shuffle used now;
StiTrackNode.cxx - modified to make minimal error for ptin =0 ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiNodePars.h - modified for mag filed = 0;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - fixed an improper if-statement to turn off sequence adjusting; added Pedestal adjustment variable; - fixed a problem for SVT hits near eta=0;
StTreeMaker.cxx, StTreeMaker.h - modified to move table dst_bfc_status from StChain to StTreeMaker;
StTreeMakerLinkDef.h - new file added;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - included triggers before 2009; modified;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.h - implemented barrelHighTowerAdc(); included triggers before 2009;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerHisto.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - included triggers before 2009;
L2Emulator/StGenericL2Emulator2009.h, StGenericL2Emulator2009.cxx, StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx, StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.h- added new files for run 2009 jet tree production;
StL2TriggerSimu.cxx, StL2TriggerSimu.h - modified for for run 2009 jet tree production;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/ L2VirtualAlgo2009.h, L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx, L2EmcGeom.h, L2Histo.cxx, L2Histo.h, L2btowCalAlgo09.cxx, L2btowCalAlgo09.h - updated for run 2009 jet tree production;
L2etowCalAlgo09.cxx, L2etowCalAlgo09.h - added new files;
L2Emulator/L2jetAlgo/L2jetAlgo2009.h, L2jetAlgo2009.h-1D, L2jetResults2009.h, L2jetAlgo2009.cxx, L2jetAlgo2009.cxx-1D added new files for run 2009 jet tree production ;
L2pedAlgo09.cxx, L2pedAlgo09.h, L2pedResults2009.h - added new files ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C modified to use eV now; switched off __ClusterProfile__;
sim/gstar/gstar_micky.g - modified to add uniform Y;
gstar_part.g - redefined the geant ID of the lambda(1520) from 706 to 995, to make consistent with usage in embedding group;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added PHMD to y2010 geometry ; restored code to save geometry tag and field setting in the FZD file;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added Row Correction;
TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2010.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20100101.000000.C, TpcRowQ.20100101.000000.C TpcSecRowB.20100101.000000.root, tpcPressureB.20100101.000000.C - added preliminary dEdx calibrations for run 2010 based on HLT sample;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added for TPC response simulator;
idl/vpdTotCorr.idl - added algoritm flag to differentiate between vpd and non-vpd algos;
servers/Catalog.xml - removed;
dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_BNL.xml, dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_LBL.xml - removed, moved to STAR_PATH/conf; - removed;
StOnlineDisplay/ TEmcSizeProvider.cxx, gl3Data.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/BESHistogramGroup.cxx, BESHistogramGroup.h - added new code for Beam Energy Scan plots;
L2UpsilonMassHistogramGroup.cxx, L2UpsilonTowersHistogramGroup.cxx - initialized L2UpsilonResult;
BESHistogramGroup.cxx, FMSHistogramGroup.cxx, L2UpsilonCountsHistogramGroup.cxx, MTDtriggerinfoHistogramGroup.cxx, TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx, pp2ppHistogramGroup.cxx - modified to use linear for plots with no entries;
BESHistogramGroup.cxx - histogram range and legend updated;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - inroduced plots for Beam Energy Scan;
EvpUtil.cxx - modified to use linear for plots with no entries;
OnlinePlots/Scripts/EndOfRunScript, ServerLoop - updated scripts for Qt4 ;
qt/inc/TVirtualX.interface.h - modified to synchronize TVirtualX interface with ROOT;
TQtMarker.h - added the connected marker option;
qt/src/GQtGUI.cxx - modified to synchronize TVirtualX interface with ROOT;
TQtWidget.cxx - modified to eliminate the Q3SUPPORT depricated API ;
TQtMarker.cxx - added the connected marker option; reduced lineFactor to 10000 to fit Short_t type;
GQtGUI.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
qtgl/qtcoin/ - added qtgui header path;
qtgui/inc/TQtMarkerSelectButton.h, TQtObjectListItem.h, TQtTabValidator.h - fixed compilation warnings;
qtgui/src/TQtBrowserImp.cxx, TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtRootBrowserImp.cxx, TQtToolBar.cxx, TQtZoomPadWidget.cxx, TQtCanvasImp.cxx, TQtRootBrowserImp.cxx - fixed compilation warnings;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - bug fixed;
Simulation/starsim/atmain/qnext.age - modified to move guoute after filter; account number of events by filter;
gukine.age, guout.age, qnext.age - modified to set max rejects to 1e6;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - fixed bug in setting index2Primary in processMuDst;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - modified to add chair for table with TpcRS parameters;
StTpcHit.cxx, StTpcHit.h - added methods to modify hit content;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed the geometry leak;
GeomBrowser.cxx - fixed bug ;
tracks/StjTrackCutDcaPtDependent.h - fixed bug in pt-dependent DCA cut logic;
include/RC_Config.h, iccp2k.h - added extended payloads;
logger/StDataException.cxx/h, StDbFieldI.cxx/h, StRecord.cxx/h, StUCMException.cxx/h,
TxEventLog.cpp/h, TxEventLogCollector.cpp/h, TxEventLogFactory.h, TxEventLogFile.cpp/h, TxEventLogWeb.cpp/h,
TxUCMCollector.cxx/h, TxUCMConstants.h, logging.i, - modified to propagate new version of UCM;
FieldList.cxx/h, RecordList.cxx/h, StDbFieldIIterator.cxx/h, StRecordIterator.cxx/h, StUcmEvent.cxx/h, StUcmEvents.cxx/h, StUcmJob.cxx/h, StUcmTask.cxx/h, testUcm.C, testUcm.csh, added new files for ne version of UCM;
StBiTree.cxx, StBiTree.h, StDraw3D.cxx - fixe the vector population bug;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed zero field problem;
StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx - modified to turn online sequence adjusting back on in anticipation of setting up a database;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h - added to restore export of gStTpcDb to Cint;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added AfterBurner;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified due to implemented new parameters table; added checking for TPC if it is switched off at all;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - added parameters for TpcRS ;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - modified ;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - added new file ;
TpcSecRowX.C, TpcSecRowX.y2005.C, TpcSecRowX.y2009.C - removed;
tpcAnodeHVavg.C - added nominal anode voltages for old runs;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added new table with TpcRS parameters;
idl/ftpcElectronics.idl - added flag to determine if RDO6,RDO7 in Ftpc East should be swapped;
OnlinePlots/QEvpClient/PresenterConnect.h/cxx, PresenterGui.h/cxx - bug fixed to adjust to Q4 API application;
ServerInfo.h, ServerInfoUi.ui - adjust ServerInfo panel to Q4 API;
TriggerDetectorBitsInfo.h, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui - modified to make TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui Qt4 API compliant;
EventInfoUi.ui.qt3, ServerInfoUi.ui.qt3, uilink.qt3, uilink.qt4 - removed;
EventInfoUi.ui.Qt4, PresenterGui.h.Qt4, PresenterGui.h.qt3, ServerInfoUi.ui.Qt4, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui.Qt4, TriggerDetectorBitsInfoUi.ui.qt3 - removed;
PresenterGui.cxx, PresenterGui.h - modified to adjust to Q4 API; corrected tooltip API; added stretch space above the progress bar;
PresenterConnect.cxx, PresenterGui.cxx - added Qt4 compliant ascii interface;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - for year < 2009 added PI0 Daltz decay switches;
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to Include analysis score/result on plots;
StHistUtil.cxx/h - added additional capability for saving images of each pad;
BigFullChain.h - modified to add StDetectorDbMaker in StTpcDb due to changes in StDetectorDbMaker; added tag for StUtilities; added dependence StTpcRSMaker on StdEdxY2Maker;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - added cleanup for PID variables in MuBTofPidTraits when processing MuDst:
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to remove primary check for globals at projection in accessing MuDst function to improved speed of processing; addition in the initial clean up for the primary tracks;
StBTofMatchMaker.h/cxx - added getBTofGeom() function for outside use; removed AddConst(btofGeometry) to avoid crash due to duplication; TOT selection window opened to 40 ns; added CPU timer printouts for processStEvent() function;
StChain.cxx - modified to terminate StChain::EventLoop with the extrenal TERM 15 signal; simplified to Close/Terminate interface;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx - fixed bug #1880;
St_tpcRDOMasksC.h, St_TpcSecRowCorC.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified ;
St_tpcCorrectionC.h, St_TpcdChargeC.h, St_TpcdEdxCorC.h, St_TpcDriftDistOxygenC.h, St_TpcdXCorrectionBC.h, St_tpcGasTemperatureC.h, St_TpcLengthCorrectionBC.h, St_tpcMethaneInC.h, St_TpcMultiplicityC.h, St_TpcPhiDirectionC.h, St_tpcPressureBC.h, St_TpcRowQC.h, St_tpcSecRowBC.h, St_TpcSecRowBC.h, St_tpcSecRowCC.h, St_TpcSecRowCC.h, St_tpcSecRowXC.h, St_TpcSecRowXC.h, St_TpcSpaceChargeC.h, St_tpcWaterOutC.h, St_TpcZCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcZDCC.h, St_tpcWaterOutC.h, St_TpcZCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcZDCC.h - new files added;
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - modified to use sector number for better handle of post-membrane hits, preparation for sector-by-sector GL, and GGVoltage errors;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxTrackY2.h - modified to move StTpcdEdxCorrection to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker ;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - added new files ;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx,StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx/h - modified to add constraint on z-vertex cut, MC vertices QA plots separated into 2 pages;
StTpcHit.cxx - added hit id;
StFlowMaker.h, StFlowSelection.h - adjusted to ROOT 5.22 ;
StFlowMaker.cxx, StFlowTrack.h, StFlowConstants.h - modified to add StFlowDirectCumulantMaker ;
StFlowDirectCumulantMaker.h, StFlowDirectCumulantMaker.cxx - added new files;
StGammaScheduleMaker.cxx - fixed default behavior when no timestamp is given;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #1860 by replacing skip => trig;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - updated for run 2009 ; addeded protection against null pointers: trigSimu->bemc, trigSimu->eemc and trigSimu->emc;
StJetReader.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - updated for L2;
emulator/StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - updated for run 2009;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.cxx - updated;
StjTPCMuDst.cxx - added dcaX and dcaY;
tracks/StjTrackList.h - added dcaX and dcaY;
tree/StjTrackListReader.cxx, StjTrackListReader.h, StjTrackListWriter.cxx, StjTrackListWriter.h - added dcaX and dcaY;
StarClassLibrary, StAntiLambda1520.hh,, StLambda1520.hh - added the Lambda 1520 and antiparticle;,, - added set the pdg ID to geant ID mapping;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - replaced St_tpcAnodeHVC by St_tpcAnodeHVavgC;
StStrangeControllerBase.cxx - fixed bug#1869; remove ROOT 3.x related workaround;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx/h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added hit Id;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to switch from St_tpcAnodeHVC => St_tpcAnodeHVavgC ;
St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.h - removed;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - modified to eliminate double TpcSecRowB;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to move StTpcdEdxCorrection to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker;
StTpcDbLinkDef.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - removed files ;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to pass sector number to StMagUtilities;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified to take longitudinal Diffusion from Laser track fit, added Gating Grid; modified to make aware about TpcRDOMasks; moved diffusion and sec/row correction in DB;
StTpcRSMaker.h - StTpcdEdxCorrection moved to StdEdxY2Maker to avoid dependence of StTpcDb on StDetectorDbMaker;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx/h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009; fixed jet patch id bug;
Eemc/EemcTrigUtil.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - updated for run 2009;
StDSMUtilities/DSMLayer.hh, StDSM2009Utilities.hh,, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - updated for run 2009;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuTrack.cxx - modified to fill global tracks with an index to primary at birth; added StMuDst::fixTrackIndicesG(), which is used for matching the primary track indices to global tracks;
StMuDst.cxx - added null point protection in StMuDst::fixTrackIndicesG(int mult);
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to reduce positional biases in GridLeak measurement; modified to pass sector number to StMagUtilities, corrected unsigned int usage;
StPmdGeom.cxx - modified to include year 2011 as year number and also changed in mapping after day 48;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx/h - added online version checking;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxStat.cxx, tpxStat.h - modified;
src/DAQ_PMD/daq_pmd.h, pmd.h - modified to make DAQ_PMD offline framework compilant with new DAQ reader;
StDraw3D.cxx - modified to hide the redundant TCanvas; cleanup the ROOT matrix list to improve performance; fixed the memory leak;
StDraw3D.cxx, StDraw3D.h - changed gdb option;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx/h - new class created to close all open ROOT files as soon as job is about to be killed by batch; modified to terminate StChain::EventLoop with the extrenal TERM 15 signal; Simplified Close/Terminate interface;
StBiTree.cxx/h, StBiTreeIter.cxx/h - added new files to implement Binary Tree container for quick space point sorting/searching; modified quick bi-tree for multi-dimensional points sorting
gen/herwig/ - modified to compile herwig using gfortran;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - Lambda1520 added;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcSecRowX.C, TpcSecRowX.y2005.C, TpcSecRowX.y2009.C - added new tables for simulation;
TpcSecRowB.y2010.C, TpcSecRowB.C - modified;
QtRoot - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qt/inc/TQtMarker.h - added the capability to draw the bold markers;
qt/src/TGQt.cxx, TQtMarker.cxx - added the capability to draw the bold markers;
qtgl/qtgl/ - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qtgl/qtgl/src/TQtGLViewerWidget.cxx, TQtGLViewerImp.cxx - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - added method to scale the geometry by demand;
TQtCoinViewerImp.cxx - added gROOT->Interrupt menu; fixed signal name;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - added method to scale the geometry by demand;
TQtCoinViewerImp.h - added gROOT->Interrupt menu;
qtExamples/HelloOpenGL/ - modified to get rid of the Q3 support option;
StOnlineDisplay/OnlineDisplay.C, StDataReadModule.cxx/h, StSteeringModule.cxx - added some optimization;
StSteeringModule.cxx - changed the delay default;
StDataReadModule.cxx, StSteeringModule.cxx/h - added SetDrawOption ;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added dependence of tpcDB on magF ;
StBFChain.cxx - added options accumulation for siglenton makers; modified to ignore request for 2-nd St_geant_Maker call to fix embedding chain bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd.C ;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - bug #1819 causes missing bbc info was fixed;
StMaker.cxx/h - modified to remove GetValidity; replaced with St_db_Maker::GetValidity();
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx, StRTSBaseMaker.h - modified to add method GetNextLegacy(int);
StDbLib - indirect log info added;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to make GetValidity static;
StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx - modified to use "Form" to get around deprecated conversion from string constant to char *;
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx, StEEmcSlowMaker.h - added an option to shift EEMC gains in the slow simulator;
Added eventid, runid and number of particles per event for event-wise QA; fixed bugs for delta pt vs pt histogram ;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - added TStyle date attributes;
StEmbeddingQATrack.h, StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx, StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added parent-parent geantid ;
StEmbeddingQADraw.h, StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - modified to print PDF file only for all QA plots;
database/StBemcTables.cxx, StEmcMappingDb.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
StBemcTablesWriter.cxx, StEmcDbHandler.cxx, StEmcDbHandler.h, StEmcDecoder.cxx, StEmcMappingDb.cxx - updated to protect against NULL pointers ;
StEventHelper.cxx/h - StEventHitIter development;
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to change mHistCTBvsZDC2D from filling with ZDC_e + ZDC_e to filling with ZDC_e + ZDC_w;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to protect against StEmcPosition::getNextId returning 0 for non-existent strips;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx/h - modified to change default setting of mSpreadMode to kFALSE; modified logic when looking up vertex errors; added backward compatibility for embedding mode;
COMMON/StuDraw3DMuEvent.cxx/h - added EmcHit method; removed the redundant header files; added the default parameter; added EmcHits;
include/iccp2k.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated for for evbx;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx/h - added trigger ids to daqFileChopper; fixed bug where reading from directory never got EOR if no token 0;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added buffer overflow protection in cmd;
StarClassLibrary,, - added the W and Z bosons to the particles in the StarClassLibrary; this makes the particles available by name and by PDG id from the StParticleTable;,,, - added the D* mesons (D^{*\pm} and D^{0}/\bar{D^{0}}^{*}; this makes the particles available in the StParticleTable;,, - added the upsilon resonances to the StarClassLibrary; this makes the particles available by name and by PDG id in StParticleTable;
StHyperTriton.hh/cc, StDalitz.hh/cc, StarPDGEncoding.hh - added two 'STAR' particle classes; the (fake) Dalitz particle, which is really just a pi0 with its Dalitz decay branch at 100%; tt is added so the embedding team can access it by the geant ID defined in gstar_part.g; the hypertriton is also added; - modified to add the 'new' particle classes described above to the table; add the existing J/Psi and B mesons to the table;,,, - added the Sigma(1385) baryons;
StUCMAppender.cxx - fixed the logger v.10 append interface;
logging/StDbFieldI.cxx, StDbFieldI.h - modified to generilize list of data-types ; fixed the missed global variable; added StRecord class;<
StRecord.cxx, StRecord.h - added StRecord class;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - added const/non-const style method;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - added _nPrimTracks for case of fit err;
StiDetectorContainer.cxx - fixed for 64bit;
StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h -added TPC seed finder;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiTrack.h, StiTrackFinder.h - added seed quality information;
StiMaker.cxx/h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - added _nPrimTracks;
StiPullEvent.cxx - initialization fixed ;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - modified to make GetValidity static;
StTpcEval.C, StTpcEvalEvent.cxx/h, StTpcEvalHistograms.cxx/h, StTpcEvalMaker.cxx/h, StTpcEvalOutput.cxx/h - removed;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - modified to speed up by a factor 3.5 by ignoring individual pad T0;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.h - added access functions to get 6-bit DSM ADC for each tower and 6-bit DSM ADC patch sum for each trigger patch ;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to account prompt hits;
geometry/cavegeo/cavegeo.g - new version of the CAVE is implmented;
shape changed to 4-sided PGON; size of the PGON corresponds to the distance from the beam pipe to the most distant wall in the cave or tunnel;
geometry/wallgeo/wallgeo.g - added new file for walls implementaion, ceiling and floor of the cave and beam tunnels; also implemented a *draft* of the shielding blocks in the beam tunnels;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g - modified to define all material locally, so that changes to medium properties do not affect other detectors;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcInnerHitError.20090301.000001.C, tpcInnerHitError.20090415.000001.C, tpcOuterHitError.20090301.000001.C,tpcOuterHitError.20090415.000001.C, svtHitError.C - added run 2009 hit errors for pp 500 & 200GeV ; later moved to MySql;
tpcInnerHitError.C, tpcOuterHitError.C, tpcTrackingParameters.C - removed from CVS, moved to MySql;
VmcGeometry/ y2010.h - further development;
geant3/gbase/gzebra.F - added compile time switch so that zebra initializes silently;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - fixed the tray rotation from the keyboard; modify to make the decoartion mode unpickable; added the selected 3D point coordinate to the system clipboard; added AutoRedraw to boos the ControlRoom display performance; modified to replace the immediate render with the scheduleRedraw;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - modify to make the decoration mode unpickable;
qt/inc/TQtClientFilter.h, TQtTimer.h - fixed bug #1852;
qt/src/TQtClientFilter.cxx, TQtTimer.cxx - fixed bug #1852;
OnlinePlots/local/ListOfHistograms.txt - restored PMD histograms;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - modified to skip testBits;
EvpUtil.cxx - updates for different default account;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx, TOFtrayHistogramGroup.cxx, TOFupvpdHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHiHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHiHistogramGroup.h, VPDHistogramGroup.cxx, VPDHistogramGroup.h - TOF updates;
OnlinePlots/Scripts/CompileOnlinePlots.csh, ServerLoop, - updates for different default account;
Next codes have been updated:
StRpsCollection.cxx, StRpsCollection.h - added new member mSiliconBunch and referring access methods;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - added functionality to read silicon_bunch data from StEvent;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - added StMuEvent::btofTrayMultiplicity() to return only TOF hits from trays. Should be looked at instead of ctbSum for run 9 and beyond;
added function StMuEvent::nearestVertexZ(int vtx_id) which returns the z distance of the nearest vertex in relation to vertex vtx_id;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - added StMuRpsCollection::siliconBunch();
Main features:
- pp2pp code added to processed with writing pp2pp data in MuDst;
- new FMS code added;
- code updates for dEdx calibrations for pp 200GeV run 2009;
- implemented dEdx and distorsion correction for embedding simulation;
Next codes have been updated:
StAnalysisMaker.cxx - modified to use dca print out ;
StStreamFile.h - removed redundant RecordSize method;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to use attributes instead of bit masks; restored fcf for tpcI option;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - bug #1819 fixed caused missing BBC infor in MuDst in simulation;
StDAQReader.cxx - removed redundant RecordSize method;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h - added enum;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to switch back St_tpcAnodeHVC => St_tpcAnodeHVavgC for gain versus Voltage dependence;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added new tables;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h - added runid function;
StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added histograms for eventid, runnumber, and number of particles;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - modified to fix geantidFound to match the correct geant id; added QA for eventid, runid and number of particles per event;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx - modified;
StTriggerData2009.cxx - fixed for 64 bit;
StDcaGeometry.cxx/h - added conversion from DCA to x,y,z,px,py,pz;
StEventHelper.cxx - modified to use LongKey_t to avoid dependence on ROOT version ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to switch from bit mask to attributes;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to switch from bit mask to attributes; fixed vertex bracket;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - first release of FMS code;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuEvent.h - modified to add FMS and Roman pot arrays;
StMuFmsCollection.cxx/h, StMuFmsHit.cxx/h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx/h - added new files to proceed with FMS data;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - added new files to proceed with pp2pp data ;
StMuTypes.hh - added pp2pp and FMS headers;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use StMagUtilities::Instance instead of using tpcHitMoverMaker; eliminate access to StTpcDbMaker, use directly gStTpcDb;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx/h - modified to set the status of Roman Pot to be ~ [ silicon_bunch - bunchId7Bit() ];
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - implemented dE/dx calibration and distortion correction for the embedding simulation;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added new dE/dx calibration tables: TpcRowQ, tpcMethaneIn, tpcWaterOut, TpcZDC;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx/h - modified for new StMagUtilities;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - fixed bug in vzVpdFinder outlier bookkeeping;
logging/StDataException.cxx, StDataException.h, StDbFieldI.cxx, StDbFieldI.h, StUCMException.cxx, StUCMException.h - added ucm components;
TAttr.cxx - removed duplication of tags;
tpc/idl/tpg_detector.idl, tpg_pad_plane.idl, tss_tsspar.idl - removed, moved to StDb/idl;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcDriftDistOxygen.20090301.000058.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20090415.000057.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090301.000060.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090415.000059.C, TpcRowQ.20090301.000060.C, TpcRowQ.20090415.000057.C, TpcRowQ.C, TpcSecRowB.20090301.000060.root, TpcSecRowB.20090415.000057.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20090301.000051.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20090415.000056.C, TpcZCorrectionB.C, TpcZDC.C, tpcMethaneIn.20090301.000047.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20090301.000102.C, TpcRowQ.20090301.000102.C, TpcSecRowB.20090301.000102.root - added new tables for run 2009 dEdx calibration; moved to MySql later;
tpcPressure.20030601.000000.C, tpcPressure.C - removed tables used by dead StdEdxMaker;
TpcZDC.C, tpcPressureB.C - removed from CVS, moved to MySql;
idl/ tpg_detector.idl, tpg_pad_plane.idl, tss_tsspar.idl - added files, moved from pams/tpc/idl;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFcheckHistogramGroup.cxx - modified to skipp checking the errors of first event; updated for TOF;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx/h - modified to fix ROOT quirk with 1 page print; fixed string/char conversions; protected LOG calls;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - temporary fixes to allow MTD data to be decoded in StBTofRawHits;
StBTofSortRawHit.h - temporary fixes to allow MTD data to be decoded in StBTofRawHits;
StStreamFile.h - fixed for bug #1816;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - fixed bug #1803;
TRG/L2jetResults2006.h - fixed for get rid of compilation warnings;
StDAQMaker.cxx - fixed bug #1803;
StDAQReader.cxx - fixed for bug #1816;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx/h - new clearFlag() for mudst reading implemented;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - modified for better mErrorFlags, abort, and debug flag handling; updated MTD DSM access function for run 2010;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - fixed for bug #1813 related to emc data not present in the file;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx/h - added reversed map and other minor updates;
StFtpcCalibMaker - improved LOG_DEBUG output; - modified to change padtrans so that the code is the same as StFtpcClusterFinder::padtrans;
StFtpcClusterMaker - modified for laser run to be reconstructed with the laser tZero;
QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx - fixed for bug #1817; added Material name from TGeo objects to browse;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h - modified to fix bug #1803; restored the broken MakeRead/MakeWrite interface to fix Skip event method;
src/DAQ_PMD/pmd_reader.cxx - added some initializers ;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - fixed for evp ;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx/h - modified for RDO caching ;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxStat.cxx - updated;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - propagate flags from online clustering into StEvent;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx/h - added minimum cluster charge in ADC for <= 20090101;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - new clearFlag() for mudst reading implemented ;
StTrgDatReader.cxx/f - fixed for bug #1816;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/GroupCollection.cxx - updated for TOF ;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFL1multHistogramGroup.cxx/h, TOFL0HistogramGroup.cxx/h - updated for TOF ;
OnlinePlots/QEvpClient/ - updated for TOF ;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TObjectCoinViewFactory.h, TQtCoin3DDefInterface.h - modified to restore STAR Control animation;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TObjectCoinViewFactory.cxx, TQtCoin3DDefInterface.cxx, TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified to restore STAR Control animation;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added 'trgd' to 'B2010' chain and corrected issue with EmbeddingShortCut (renamed EmbedShortCut) formatting; added P2010a and pp2010a as startup chains for Year 2010;
StBFChain.cxx - corrected logic for for laser treatment and corrected output file name;
StStreamFile.h - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug; introduced closeFileSignal to process several DAT files at once
StDAQReader.cxx - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug ;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h - fixed uninitialized std::vector::iterator in Load Balancer;
St_spaceChargeCorC.h - modified to reduce dependencies; trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - modified to trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsHit.cxx, StFmsHit.h - added new files for FMS hits collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h - updated to add StFmsCollection and related classes;
StFmsTriggerDetector.cxx, StFmsTriggerDetector.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h - updated to add StFmsCollection and related classes;
StGammaEvent.cxx/h - added simulation trigger mutators;
StGammaMaker.cxx/h, StGammaEventMaker.cxx/h - stored simulated triggers ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx/h, navigate.g - mArgs for agvolume was set to 9; added material name to the volume name;
GeomBrowser.cxx/h - added the ctor with the extrernal viewer ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - removed V0s from QA shift set, revert to large multiplicity ranges;
StBET4pMaker.cxx, StBET4pMaker.h, StFourPMaker.h, StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx/h - modified to to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
StJetSkimEventMaker.h - added missing implementation of function tree(); added access function event();
StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx/h - moved #include from .h to .cxx;
St_pythia_Maker.cxx/h - added new files to run jet finder on Pythia record;
mudst/StjMCMuDst.cxx - modified to remove dependency on MuDst, use GEANT record only;
several updates to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
emulator/StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h - changed use of const string& to const char* and string to TString;
StMuTrackFourVec.h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx/h, StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx, StMcTrackEmu.h - modified to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
mcparticles/StjMC.h - modified to remove dependency of Pythia jets on MuDst;
COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx StMuPrimaryVertex.h - added StMuPrimaryVertex::nBTOFMatch();
StPmdGeom.cxx - made year 2010 mapping;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to require that pad gain strictly > 0, use whole sector for cluster recnstruction ; added switch for Run 2010;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to trap corrupted scalers for skipping events;
StTrgDatReader.cxx/h - added RunNumber method to the StStreamFile interface to fix the bug ; adjusted file pattern;
introduced closeFileSignal to process several DAT files at once; fixed regexp to match the Akio filename format;
StVirtualTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" for all subdetectors;
Bbc/ StBbcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" in constructor, for all subdetectors;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - removed dependency on hard-coded maker's name;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - added support for StEvent when running in BFC ;
added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
added ability to set input source (MuDst or StEvent) for BBC trigger simulator;
modified to set default input source to "MuDst" in constructor, for all subdetectors;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx/h - modified to provide access to output of EMC layer 2 DSM;
added support to set thresholds manually for Run 9 and overwrite those from the database;
StTrsMaker src/ - modified to count proper he space between anode wires and pad plane;
src/rtsmakefile.def, iccp.h - modified for 64 bits ;
rtsmakefile.def - modified to provide easier user option USRCCFLAGS USRCXXFLAGS and USRCFLAGS;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - adeed Misc tweaks for realtime; increased temp buff space for ZS to account for bad ZS;
bsmdPed.cxx, daq_bsmd.cxx - added the chaser event;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx - added interspersed laser as allowed;
tpxStat.cxx - Added stripes check;
tpxGain.cxx - modified for run 2010;
tpxPed.cxx/h - added rhic clock and shortened the pedestal format ;
src/DAQ_HLT/daq_hlt.cxx/h - added new FY2010+ HLT data format; fixed of the double destructor; added mod to gl3 reader;
hlt_gl3.h - added new file to make DAQ_HLT STAR offline compliant;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx - added support for HLT;
daqReader.cxx - fixed lack of detector destructors and memory leak;
include/rtsSystems.h - added GL3_NODE_COUNT;
daq100Decision.h - moved HLT decision around;
rtsSystems.h - increased GL3_NODE_COUNT to 5; moved TCD_SSD to TCD_MTD;
include/DAQ1000/ddl_lib.hh, rb.hh - added new get_priority;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - modified for evb;
StMCTruth.cxx/h - adjusted to signature changes in root 5.24;
StDraw3D.cxx/h - fixes the coordinate vector size; modified to allow TPad-less view; added the ctor with the extrernal viewer;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx/h - modified to simplify all the logic into shuffle;
VmcGeometry/y2009.h y2010.h - modified to fix the bug #1807;
Geometry.y2000.C, Geometry.y2001.C, Geometry.y2002.C, Geometry.y2003.C, y2000.h, y2001.h, y2002.h, y2003.h - added new files;
Geometry.year2000.C, Geometry.year2001.C, Geometry.year2002.C, Geometry.year2003.C, year2000.h, year2001.h, year2002.h, year2003.h - removed files ;
pvpdCalib.idl, toftotCalib.idl, tofzCalib.idl - modified for HLT;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TQtCoinWidget.cxx - modified to store the last selected volume with the Widget tool tip;
TQtCoinWidget.cxx - introduced psedio-stylesheet; modified to provide better start from control room; added Select3DPoint signal;
qtgl/qtcoin/inc/TQtCoinWidget.h - added Select3DPoint signal;
first release of module for online data QA;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS May 1, 2012 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4, MC production for TUP SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08b (SL08b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09b (SL09b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 500GeV W preproduction SL09e (SL09e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL5.3, last library with old pams (tpt) SL09g (SL09g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (TBC) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10d (SL10d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10e (SL10e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10f (SL10f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10g (SL10g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10i (SL10i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10j (SL10j_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 200GeV production (removed) old-> SL10k (SL10k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11a (SL11a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11c (SL11c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 auau 19.6Gev run 2011 preproduction pro-> SL11d (SL11d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp & auau production new-> SL11e (SL11e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 -------------------------------------------------
SL11a library
SL11b library
SL11c library
SL11d library
SL11e library
Main features:
- few important bugs have been fixed;
- added TOF modifications for alignment calibrations;
- added MTD to geant g2t hit table and McEvent;
- added Geant id for anti-hypertriton, antideuteron, and antitriton;
- added more decays modes for K+/- and Geant Id's for embedding;
- initial revision of year 2012 geometry ;
- trigger code was updated for trigger data run 2012;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/agzio/agsvert.age - added capability to provide a slope in the x,y vertex;
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxinit.F, agxinit.cdf, agxuser.age - added capability to provide a slope in the x,y vertex;
Simulation/starsim/include/commons/ - added capability to provide a slope in the x,y vertex;
Simulation/starsim/include/atlsim/ - added capability to provide a slope in the x,y vertex;
StarClassLibrary, StarPDGEncoding.hh - added anti-hypertriton; mapped hypertriton and anti-hypertriton to geant IDs 6[12]053 and 6[12]054, with two decay modes:
H3(lambda) --> He3 pi- 61053 antiparticle=61054;
H3(lambda) --> d p pi- 62053 antiparticle=62054;, StAntiHyperTriton.hh - added anti- hypertriton. - added decays: K+ --> e+ pi0 nu and K- --> e- pi0 nu to satisfy an embedding requests;
StObject.cxx - added assert for dead object;
BFC.C, BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added combination for tracking with Sti, Sti+CA, Stv, StvCA code versions;
BigFullChain.h - added depnedence of Sti and StiCA on svtDb and ssdDb; some modifications needed for new trackers to process;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - introduced sector alignment distortion corrections;
added options for AgML VMC Geometry;
added 'mtin' option to read MuDst for GEANT kinematics; added StvPulls; added MTD options;
BigFullChain.h - initial chain for FGT ;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modifications for alignment calibrations: modified to open the local Z window cut to determine the z offset; variables mZLocalCut, mCalculateAlign and mAlignFileName added; functions setCalculateAlign and setAlignFileName added;
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.h - modifications for alignment calibrations: added mAlignFile and SetAlignFile for use in StBTofMatchMaker; phi0, x0, z0 made mNTrays dependent;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - bug fixed: mProjVtxZ does not get initialized when mUseEventVertex is false;
StMaker.cxx - added year 2012; y2011a tag added;
TRG/trgStructures2012.h - added new version of trigger structure for run12 including a new DSM for TPC daq10k sector mask
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - introduced sector alignment distortion corrections and big speed improvements to Poisson relaxations; minor fixes for sector misalignment: outermost radius;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h - added new chair;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modification for run 2011;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - added rotection against wrong Adc correction;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - replaced TpcAvCurrent by kTpcCurrentCorrection;
StEmcModule.cxx - fixed bug in getEnergy();
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - FGT added;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - added IdTruth from the hits;
StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StHit.cxx, StHit.h, StTpcHit.cxx, StTpcHit.h, StTrack.cxx, StVertex.cxx, StVertex.h - modified to handle IdTruth info;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - added StTriggerData2012 for run 2012;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx - addeed tpcMaskDSM();
StTriggerData2012.cxx, StTriggerData2012.h - initial revision of trigger data for run 2012;
StEventHelper.cxx, StEventHelper.h - minor fixes to account events with no hits;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified;
StFtpcTrackMaker - modified to ignore tracks with zero momentum;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to remove deleting of gGeomanaget;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to move handle of IdTruth to StEvent;
StFastJetPars.h, StFastJetPars.cxx, StjFastJet.h, StjFastJet.cxx - added new files to support fastJet;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added mtd to the geant maker;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - added kinematics definition via MuDst;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - fixed improper initialization of event classes affecting future simulations;
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEvent.hh, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, StMcHit.hh,,, StMcTrack.hh - modified to add MTD ;, StMcMtdHit.hh,, StMcMtdHitCollection.hh - added new files for MTD hits collection;
StMcHitC.cxx, StMcHitC.hh, StMcHitT.cxx - removed files;, StMcCtbHit.hh, StMcEventLinkDef.h,, StMcFgtHit.hh,, StMcFtpcHit.hh,,
StMcHit.hh,, StMcIstHit.hh,, StMcPixelHit.hh,, StMcRichHit.hh,, StMcSsdHit.hh
StMcSsdLadderHitCollection.hh,, StMcSvtHit.hh,, StMcTofHit.hh,, StMcTpcHit.hh - modified to add time of flight for hits;
StMcEventMaker.cxx, StMcEventMaker.h - MTD added ;
StDijetFilter.cxx, StDijetFilter.h - modified ;
COMMON/StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx - set max tree size = 100GB ;
StMuEvent.cxx - modified to keep DAQ time for the event unchanged;
StMuTrack.h, - modified to make idTruth public;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuMcTrack.h, StMuMcVertex.h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - modified to handle of IdTruth;
StMuMcTrack.cxx, StMuMcVertex.cxx - added new files;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to avoid floating point exception in Loglikelihood fits of gaussian peaks;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx, StPmdCleanConstants.cxx, StPmdCleanConstants.h - updated for year 2012;
EventTracker/FtfSl3.cxx, FtfSl3.h, eventTracker.cxx, eventTrackerLib.cxx, eventTrackerLib.hh, gl3EMC.cxx, gl3EMC.h, gl3Event.h, gl3Hit.h, gl3Track.h, l3BankUtils.h, l3TrgReader.cxx - removed TRG_VERSION 0x32 from daqFormats;
include/DAQ1000/ddl_lib.hh, rb.hh - added emulation;
include/rtsSystems.h - added GMT and other new detectors;
iccp2k.h, rtsSystems.h - btow updated;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx, daq_btow.h - addition for DAQ;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx, daq_etow.h - addition for DAQ;
src/DAQ_GMT/Makefile, daq_gmt.cxx, daq_gmt.h - added first version of DAQ for GMT;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, Makefile - updated;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - addition for DAQ;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx, tpxCore.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx, tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h - - addition for DAQ; small bug fixes;
src/DAQ_TRG/trgReader10.cxx, trg_reader.cxx - removed TRG_VERSION 0x32 from daqFormats;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for Jevp ;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - added include to avoid non defined UINT32;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced sector alignment distortion corrections;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - extended dE/dx table to fix bugs #2174 and #2181;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - restored K3IP parameter;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added support for StTriggerData2012;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to specify online database for each year;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to clear number of masked towers before summing;
BEMC_DSM_decoder.cxx, BEMC_DSM_decoder.h - new codes added;
StBemcTriggerSimu.h - modified to get pointers to BEMC decoder and tables;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - added functions to test for data corruption in calorimeters;
mask out tower 1907 becuase it has huge pedestal;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - modified to simulate hardware failure;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added support for using EEMC offline pedestals; added EEMC pedestal modes; added RDO and status;
kOnline = use online pedestals;
kOffline = use offline pedestals;
kLocal = use pedestals from a local file (format: crate channel pedestal ped4);
EemcTrigUtil.cxx - changed path for getting EEMC online ped4 files; added timestamp; modified to use SQL date/time format;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to make sure there are 720 towers in EEMC; set timestamp for BEMC decoder;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added functions to test for data corruption in calorimeters;
EEfeeTP.cxx, EEfeeTP.h, EEfeeTPTree.cxx, EEfeeTPTree.h, EemcTrigUtil.cxx, EemcTrigUtil.h, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - implemented EEMC FEE HT & TP masks;
EemcTrigUtil.cxx, EemcTrigUtil.h, StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - implemented EEMC FEE boards HT masks;
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added getters for output of EEMC FEEs for backward-compatibility;
L2Emulator/fakeRtsLog.h - added to turn log statements into printfs;
L2Emulator/L2hienAlgo/L2hienAlgo09.cxx, L2hienAlgo09.h, L2hienResult2009.h - added new files;
L2Emulator/L2upsilon/L2Upsilon2009.cxx, L2Upsilon2009.h, L2UpsilonResult2009.h, read_in_geog.h - added new files;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2bemcGamma2012.cxx - added fakeRtsLog.h to turn log statements into printfs;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2VirtualAlgo2012.cxx, L2btowCalAlgo12.cxx - added fakeRtsLog.h to turn log statements into printfs;
gen/bpythia/apytuser.age, bpythia.F, bpythia.cdf - added capability to run pythia with asymmetric beam energies;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added DEV13 geometry; removed PMD from y2012; added PIXL to complete;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added anti-hypertriton; mapped hypertriton and anti-hypertriton to geant IDs 6[12]053 and 6[12]054, with two decay modes:
H3(lambda) --> He3 pi- 61053 antiparticle=61054;
H3(lambda) --> d p pi- 62053 antiparticle=62054;
added antideuteron (gid=53) and antitriton (gid=54) to enable inclusion in hypertriton decays.
added decays K+ --> e+ pi0 nu and K- --> e- pi0 nu to satisfy an embedding request;
Also added the other top 6 decay modes as 10011 -- 15011 and 10012 -- 15012;
10011 : K+ --> m+ nu;
11011 : K+ --> pi+ pi0;
12011 : K+ --> pi+ pi+ pi-;
13011 : K+ --> e+ nu pi0;
14011 : K+ --> m+ nu pi0 ;
15011 : K+ --> pi+ pi0 pi0;
and similar for K- decay modes;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g, g2t_mtd.F, g2t_mtd.idl - added MTD to the g2t hit tables;
g2t_volume_id.g - added FGT two numbers id;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl, g2t_mtd_hit.idl - added MTD to the g2t hit tables;
Calibrations/tpc/ TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110101.000341.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110421.000239.C, TpcRowQ.20110101.000340.C, TpcRowQ.20110421.000206.C,
TpcSecRowB.20110101.000340.root, TpcSecRowB.20110421.000206.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20110421.000206.C, TpcZDC.20110101.000237.C,
tpcPadGainT0.20100212.121259.root, tpcPressureB.20110101.000320.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20110101.000206.C - added new files for dE/dx calibration for Run XI (pp500 and AuAu19)
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110620.000101.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110624.150001.C, TpcRowQ.20110620.000103.C, TpcRowQ.20110624.150002.C, TpcSecRowB.20110620.000103.root, TpcSecRowB.20110624.150002.root - added calibration files for Y2011 AuAau27;
TpcCurrentCorrection.C - created new TpcCurrentCorrection;
TpcAvgCurrent.C - added deafult table;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20110503.000001.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110503.000001.C, TpcRowQ.20110503.000002.C, TpcSecRowB.20110503.000002.root, tpcPressureB.20110503.000001.C - added new tables for Run 2011 AuAu200 RFF dE/dx calibrations;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20110602.000000.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20110503.000001.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20110602.000001.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110503.000002.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110602.000001.C, tpcPressureB.20110602.000001.C, TpcRowQ.20110503.000003.C, TpcRowQ.20110602.000002.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20110620.150000.C, TpcSecRowB.20110503.000003.root, TpcSecRowB.20110602.000002.root - added new dE/dx calibrations files for Run 2011 AuAu 200GeV;
ftpc/ftpcSlowSimPars.C - change adcConversion from 1000 to 2100 for better agreement with real data;
VmcGeometry was renamed with AgiGeomtry;
AgiGeometry/CreateGeometry.h - deployed AgML VMC Geometry;
dEdxModel/dNdx_Bichsel.root - extended dNdx table to beta*gamma range [1e-2,1e4];
idl/fgtMapping.idl, fgtStatus.idl, fgtGain.idl, fgtPedestal.idl - new tables for FGT;
idl/fgtElosCutoff.idl - new FGT table added;
idl/TpcAvgCurrent.idl - added TpcAvgCurrent with Tpc channel current average over run;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added two more fields for SigmaJitterXI and SigmaJitterXO;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/baseBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx - updated;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h, tpxBuilder.cxx - updated for tof/mtd;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h, RunStatus.cxx, RunStatus.h - updated;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JTMonitor.cxx, JTMonitor.h, JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated;
Main features:
- few important bugs have been fixed;
- new version of event generator code HERWIG 6.5.20 was added;
- new schema for SubSectors alignment implemented;
- new geometry for FSC (Forward Spaghetti Calorimeter) detector added;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - modified to allow limited graphics file printing ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - set FtpcHit, IdTruth and QA;
StarClassLibrary, - updated StParticleTable to provide access to anti-nuclei via the "geant" ID, fixes for bug #2157;
StarMagField.cxx - modified to comment correction which broke B3DField;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx - modified to use gROOT->CloseFiles(); modified to make Instantiate public;
TRArray.cxx, TRArray.h, TRSymMatrix.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h - added fIsNotOwn;
StMultiKeyMap.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx - modified to cleanup ;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - modified to set hh & zz errors ;
StObject.h, StObject.cxx - modified to do more accurate counter handling;
StChain.cxx, StMaker.cxx, StMaker.h, StRTSBaseMaker.cxx - modified to force call 'Finish' with 'SIGTERM' signal obtained from condor_vacate_job after time limit reached;
StMaker.cxx - fixed definition of geometries y2009d and y2010c, bug #2155;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, St_SurveyC.h - modified to implement new schema for SubSectors alignment;
StTpcSurveyC.h - new file added for new schema of SubSectors alignment;
StDbDefs.hh, - added new domain: FGT;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - FSC added;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - modified ;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified to cleanup in destructors;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h - added time bucket distribution of hits;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx, StPmdCleanConstants.cxx,StPmdCleanConstants.h - year 2012 BadChain entered;
StIOMaker.cxx - cleanup ;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - removed previous tracks & vertices in StEvent added ;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - implemented use of TPC hits sanity flag;
StiTrackNode.cxx - fixed bug #2098;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to replace Geometry clone by reinitialization;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - modified for pedestal work;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF_flags.h - introduced sanity flag for TPC hits;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx - added reset command skip and L1 accept;
include/ rtsSystems.h - modified to increase GL3 node count ;
rtsMonitor.h - added more fields to rtsMonDET;
include/DAQ1000/ddl_lib.hh - added param to write;
rb.hh - added param to write;
StMcEvent, StMcTrack.hh, StMcEvent.hh - FSC added;
StMcEventMaker.cxx, StMcEventMaker.h - FSC added;
StMiniMcPair.h - modified to cleanup code;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - modified to fix errors handling;
StTinyRcTrack.h - mDca00 added;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h - modified to implement new schema for SubSectors alignment: SuperSectror position (defined by inner sub sector) and Outer sector position wrt SuperSectror position;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - set sanity flag for TPC hits;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - updated meaning of mMCflag variable: 0=data, 1=simulation, 2=embedding;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - updated meaning of mMCflag variable: 0=data, 1=simulation, 2=embedding;
src/ - modified to unify GEANT PID discrimination to StarClassLibrary, fixes for bug #2157;
gen/Herwig6_5_20/herwig6520.F, - added new version of HERWIG 6.5.20;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - defined upgr2012a: 2-disk FGT; reverted to single FGT "upgr2012" geometry;
Upgr23 tag defined with FSC geometry and FMS in open position;
geometry/fscegeo/fscegeo.g - added new file for FSC (Forward Spaghetti Calorimeter); medium added;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g, g2t_fsc.F, g2t_fsc.idl - added FSC detector;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - added FSC detector;
Calibrations/tpc/ TpcDriftDistOxygen.20110101.000114.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20110421.000119.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110101.000115.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110421.000119.C, TpcRowQ.20110101.000113.C, TpcRowQ.20110421.000119.C, TpcSecRowB.20110101.000113.root, TpcSecRowB.20110421.000119.root, TpcZDC.20110101.000110.C, TpcZDC.20110421.000000.C, tpcAvCurrent.20110101.000101.C, tpcPressureB.20110101.000109.C, tpcPressureB.20110421.000114.C - added mew files for TPC preliminary corrections for run 2011 pp 500GeV and AuAu 19GeV data;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2011.C - modified to step back to 2010.09.10 version;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2009.C - modified to update 20090301.000106 => y2009;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2010.C - modified to move 20100101.000012 => y2010;
TpcMultiplicity.C - modified to remove multiplicity dependence ;
tpcEffectiveGeom.C ,tpcEffectiveGeom.y2001.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2003.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2004.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C - removed files ;
TpcMultiplicity.y2009.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2010.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2011.C - removed;
TpcRowQ.C - modified to shift default for all 48 rows;
ftpc/ftpcSlowSimPars.C - modified to change adcConversion from 1000 to 2100 for better agreement with real data;
Geometry/tpc/TpcOuterSectorPosition.20000501.000005.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20070101.000001.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20070626.154000.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20070811.000009.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20090101.000000.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20090527.160000.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20091225.000002.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20100204.140002.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.20101220.000001.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20000501.000005.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20070101.000001.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20070626.154000.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20070811.000009.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20090101.000000.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20090527.160000.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20091225.000002.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20100204.140002.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20100204.140003.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.20101220.000001.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.C - added files for new schema of SubSectors alignment: SuperSectror position (defined by inner sub sector) and Outer sector position wrt SuperSectror position;
Geometry/tpc/Sector_01 to
tpcSectorPosition.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2001.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2003.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2004.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2005.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2006.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2007.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2008.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2009.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2010.C, tpcSectorPosition.y2011.C - removed files due to new schema for SubSectors alignment implemented;
idl/fgtMapping.idl, fgtStatus.idl - addde new files for FGT status and mapping;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - magnetic filed initialization ;
StBeamBackMaker.cxx - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
StFtpcClusterMaker - made corrections to save correct ChargeSum for ftpc clusters;
StFtpcTrackMaker - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
LaserEvent.h - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
COMMON/StMuMtdHeader.cxx - added pointer protection for empty MTD data;
StKinkI.hh, StKinkMuDst.hh, StV0I.hh, StV0MuDst.hh, StXiI.hh, StXiMuDst.hh - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - updated to propagate StTrack::key => Int_t (bug fix #2131);
Main features:
- new code for MTD detector ;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added options 'NoStrangeMuDst', 'NoDisplay' to remove Strange branch and St_geom_Maker; added option 'noRunco' to suppress runco branch ; introduced P2011a; modified to allow phys_off and hadr_off options to pass to geant maker; added basic MTD chain;
StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - droped old branches; added action for norunco and nohistos options;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to restore loading of geant for BTofUtil;
StArray.cxx, StArray.h - ls() implemented;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - modified to use an appropriate log level for debug messages;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - added gamma geantid check;
StMtdCollection.cxx, StMtdCollection.h, StMtdHeader.cxx, StMtdHeader.h, StMtdHit.cxx, StMtdHit.h, StMtdRawHit.cxx, StMtdRawHit.h - initial revision of new MTD code;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h - added containers for MTD;
StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h - modified to hold MTD data;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h - added MTD;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - modified to make mKey Int_t instead of UShort_t (because no.of tracks might be more that 64k);
StHit.h, StTpcHit.h - modified to restore hit errors as persistent, added sort to TpcHit;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to handle pile-up events;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - bug fixed;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - new code for MTD;
COMMON/StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx - modified to use default size of TTree (100 GB) for ROOT >= 5.26.0;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuTypes.hh - modified to add MTD information ;
COMMON/StMuMtdCollection.cxx, StMuMtdCollection.h, StMuMtdHeader.cxx, StMuMtdHeader.h, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h, StMuMtdRawHit.cxx, StMuMtdRawHit.h - added new files to store MTD data ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to expand range for SC hists;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - mVmeCond,BadChain info changed for run 2012 data; bug fixed for run 2011 data;
StPmdCleanConstants.cxx, StPmdCleanConstants.h - calibration initialization setup for run 2012 data;
StPmdGeom.cxx - year = 2012 inserted for new mapping; bug fixed for run 2011 data;
include/rtsSystems.h - added GMT detector;
l1Algorithm.h - added new file;
iccp2k.h - added future protection commands;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - changed delay;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to get rid of warning messages;
Hft/ StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - modified to remove warning messages;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - introduced UPGR2012 geometry as y2011 with inner detectors (FGT, SSD) and supports removed; added code to pass configuration of the MTD to the mutdgeo4 module;
definition of upgr2012 geometry modified to include IdsmGeo1 and FgtdGeo3 by default;
geometry/fgtdgeo/ fgtdgeo3.g - added dummy routines for pams/geometry to facilitate integration of AgML;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - major revision to the geometry hierarchy, bug fixes, new sensitve MTD volumes implemented;
Main features:
- new code for hlt ;
- few bug fixes and code improvements for embedding;
- added new geometry tags with bug fixes in SVT support cone geometry;
- added anti-nuclei (deuteron, triton, alpha and helium3) to the table;
- modifications for offline QA for run 2011;
- updates of TOF simu and VPD calibration codes;
- added branches in MuDst for MC tracks and vertices;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gthion.F -- modified such that the effective charge used in dE/dx generation depends on |Q| rather than Q to prevent Q**(2/3) generating a NaN condition;
gltrac.F -- modified to initialize decay of unstable (hyper) nuclei;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - modified to allow for limiting detectors; modified to allow for specification of histogram usage by the required detector sets; implemented default to general histograms for references in absence of trig typed; added TPC hit phi sector labels;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - adjusted MB for Run 11;
StAssociationMaker.cxx, StAssociationMaker.h,,StTrackPairInfo.hh - modified;
StTree.cxx - modified to define keys of 1st file for others; fixed bug for parallel files reading;
StarClassLibrary - added Omega+/- and Xi+/- embedding definitions; 1st attempt at improving the Doxygenization of the particle table;
added anti-nuclei (deuteron, triton, alpha and helium3) to the table;, StAntiAlpha.hh,, StAntiDeuteron.hh,, StAntiHelium3.hh,, StAntiTriton.hh,, StCerenkov.hh,, StGeantino.hh,, StHelium3.hh - added new files to include all particles dacays defind in gstar_part.g; added few anti-nuclei in anticipation of future needs; added the geantino for completeness;
BigFullChain.h - initial versions of 2011 chain; added StTableUtilities library for StiMaker; restored dependence of StiMaker versus StiSvtLib,StiSsdLib,StiRnDLib;
StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h, StBFChainOpt.h, StBFChainOpt.cxx - added GetGeometry method; modified to ignore blacklist for embedding;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added blacklist of detector for St_db_Maker to bypass Db configuration for them; added Tpc, Eemc, Fms to blacklist; modified to separate blacklisting cases when it is required Svt and Ssd geometry only;
BigFullChain.h - added SvtDb and SsdDb for base configurations when the detectors were present in the run;
StBFChain.cxx - added more requirement for blacklisting of a detectors;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - introduced option to switch writing simulated hits to StEvent, default behavior is set to OFF;
StChainOpt.h - added GetGeometry method;
StMaker.cxx - added new geometry tags y2008d, y2009d, y2010c implemented for improved model of the SVT support cone as carbon-fiber nomex sandwich;
StIOInterFace.cxx - modified to write automatically branch name in the form
StDbBroker.cxx, StDbBroker.h - added an option to blacklist domains;
StDbManager.hh,, StDbManagerImpl.hh - added an option to blacklist domains;, StDbServiceBroker.cxx - modified to connect error messages converted to more user-frienly format;, - fixed to blacklist Calibrations only;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - blacklist added;
St_tpcMaxHitsC.h - added maxBinZeroHits;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StiChairs.cxx - modified to add chairs for vertexSeed and tpcStatus tables;
St_tpcStatusC.h, St_vertexSeedC.h - added new files;
Reader/StHbtAssociationReader.cxx - adjusted to changed made in StStAssociationMaker;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - bug fixed for e+ and e- ;
StEmbeddingQATrack.h - added missing functions getNSigma...();
StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx - added missing charge check in isNSigmaOk(), and error check for GEANT id;
StHltBEmcTowerHit.h, StHltBTofHit.h, StHltDiElectron.h, StHltEvent.h, StHltHeavyFragment.h, StHltHighPt.h, StHltTrack.h, StHltTrackNode.h,
StHltTriggerReasonCapable.h, StHltTriggerReason.h, StHltVpdHit.h, StHltBEmcTowerHit.cxx, StHltBTofHit.cxx, StHltDiElectron.cxx,
StHltEvent.cxx, StHltHeavyFragment.cxx, StHltHighPt.cxx, StHltTrack.cxx, StHltTrackNode.cxx, StHltTriggerReasonCapable.cxx, StHltTriggerReason.cxx, StHltVpdHit.cxx - new code for hlt;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.h, StEvent.cxx, StEventScavenger.cxx, StEventScavenger.h, StEventTypes.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added new branch for hlt;
StTriggerId.cxx, StTriggerId.h - extended to 64 bit; switched data member type of mask from uint64_t to ULong64_t ;
StTriggerData2009.cxx - modified: MTD code only for runs after 12003001; fixed bug in vpdEarliestTDCHighThr;
StTpcHit.cxx, StTpcHit.h - modified to keep ADC values for clusters;
StTpcRawData.cxx, StTpcRawData.h - modified for pixel data;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h, StVertex.h - added IdTruth information for tracks and vertices;
StEventMaker.cxx - modifyed to be consistent due to mofidication in StTriggerId (32 -> 64 bit);
StEventHelper.cxx, StEventHelper.h - modified to add remove method;
ftf/FtfBaseTrack.h, FtfSl3.cxx - introduced compression scheme for large ratios to solve bug #1550;
gl3/gl3Track.h - - introduced compression scheme for large ratios to solve bug #1550;
StGammaMaker.h - added mutator to set gain variation in StGammaRawMaker;
StGammaRawMaker.h, StGammaRawMaker.cxx - added functionality to emulate gain variation;
HLTFormats.h, StHltMaker.h, StHltMakerLinkDef.h, StHltMaker.cxx - new code for hlt;
StMcEvent - removed redundant zeroing; - modified to set mGeantId>=0 && mGeantId<=0; removed redundant zeroing;
StTinyMcTrack.cxx, StTinyMcTrack.h - modified to set GEANt id 'ushort';
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StTinyMcTrack.h - mPdgId added;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx,StMiniMcEvent.cxx, StMiniMcEvent.h - added impact, phi impact & trigger time;
StTinyMcTrack.h - changed IO version;
StContamPair.h, StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added int mParentParentGeantId;
StContamPair.h - removed redundant mParentGeantId;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - IdTruth part rewritten;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstFilterMaker.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuMomentumShiftMaker.cxx, StMuMomentumShiftMaker.h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added branches for MC tracks and vertices, added IdTruth to tracks and vertices, reserved a possiblity to remove Strange MuDst;
StMuMcTrack.h, StMuMcVertex.h - added new files for MC trackes branch;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to replace firsthit position-to-padrow with minimum padrow in topo map;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - modified to specify subsystems; modified to allow for specification of histogram usage by the required detector sets; remove some unused EmcCat4 plots;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h - modified for Pile-up cuts;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified for PCT check and dcaGeom only for TPC tracks;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - removed manual calculation of number of BTOF hits per primary vertex, get it from MuDst now;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h, StPythiaFourPMaker.cxx - added support for Run 9 simulations;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h - added support for StRandomSelector in StJetMaker2009;
vertex/StjPrimaryVertex.h - added support for Run 9 simulations;
mcparticles/StjMC.h, StjMCParticleToStMuTrackFourVec.h - added support for Run 9 simulations;
emulator/StMcTrackEmu.h - added support for Run 9 simulations;
StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx - removed manual calculation of number of BTOF hits per primary vertex, get it from MuDst now;
mudst/StjMCMuDst.cxx, StjMCMuDst.h - added support for Run 9 simulations;
EventTracker/ - FtfBaseTrack.h, FtfSl3.cxx, gl3Track.h - introduced compression scheme for large ratios,to solve bug #1550;
include/rts.h - modified;
RC_Config.h, rtsMonitor.h - modified rtsMonL1Counters;
iinclude/DAQ1000/ddl_lib.hh, rb.hh - added get_free_fifos;
include/DB/conditions/rtsDbConstants.h - updated number of of triggers;
include/DB/RunLog/daqEventTag.h - modified;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx - modified ;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h, tpxPed.cxx, tpxStat.cxx - modified;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxFCF.cxx - updated for misc logging ;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - modified;
TAttr.cxx - removed removing same name attribute;
TTreeIter.cxx - modified to account Case with zero length array;
THelixTrack.cxx - added check for array with 0 size;
StMultiKeyMap.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx - added GetNInst() for debuging;
StiNodePars.h - fixed zero curvature: 1e-6==>1e-9;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to propagate IdTruth to StEvent;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to enlarge array for possible candidates, add requirement that dominant track should have > 2 good hits;
StiMaker.cxx - added check that the corresponding Db maker has been instantiated before adding the detector; modify to move intialization of detectors in InitRun; remove alloc/free;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - adjusted for changes in StAssociationMaker;
StKinkController.cxx, StV0Controller.cxx, StXiController.cxx - adjusted to StAssociationMaker;
StG2TrackVertexMap.cxx, StG2TrackVertexMap.h - added new files to eliminate short live particles from track to vertex association;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - set limit on number of hits starting at time bin 0;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - added ADC to Tpc hit;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - added hack to avoid sqrt(-); fixed betaMin calculations;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - replaced step function by interpolation for dN/dx versus beta*gamma ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - added extrapolation in region beta*gamma < 0.3;
TpcRS.C - removed hits and ranco for output;
StTreeMaker.cxx - fixed bug in parallel reading files;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h - modified to change MaxBin for ToT arrays from 60 to 128 (in agreement with the IDL definition of vpdTotCorr);
StiPullEvent.cxx - fixed numbering;
StDSMUtilities/ - added JP0 bit for EM201;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.h - added more access functions;
L2Emulator/StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx - added L2gamma; changed name f L2JetHigh algo from "jet" to "jetHigh" to get correct parameters from L2 setup files;
StL2TriggerSimu.h - fixed nontrivial constructors ;
StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx - modified to get names of 2009 L2 algos to match names in config file;
StGenericL2Emulator2009.cxx - implemented full vector of L2 triggers; modified to use fakeToken2;
StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx - modified to change header file for L2 offset;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2bemcGamma2009.cxx, L2bemcGamma2009.h, L2eemcGamma2009.cxx, L2eemcGamma2009.h, L2gammaResult2009.h, Makefile.2009 - added L2gamma2009;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2VirtualAlgo2009.h - Initialize array of pointers to null; fixed call to memset;
l2Algorithm.h - added newfile to chenge header file for L2 odffsets;
L2VirtualAlgo2009.cxx - initialized mRunNumber to -1;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2008d, y2009d, y2010c and updated y2011 geometry tags. These tags now contain an improved model of the SVT support cone, specifically the support rods. Previous geometry assumed solid carbon, now a carbon-fiber nomex sandwich is implemented; introduced UPGR2012 geometry as y2011 with inner detectors (FGT, SSD) and supports removed;
geometry/bbcmgeo/bbcmgeo.g - added "ENDFILL" statements where needed;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo2.g, btofgeo3.g, btofgeo4.g, btofgeo5.g, btofgeo6.g, btofgeo7.g - cosmetic changes needed for AgML translation;
geometry/calbgeo/calbgeo.g, calbgeo1.g - added parentheses around expression in IF statements;
geometry/fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g, fpdmgeo1.g, fpdmgeo2.g, fpdmgeo3.g - switched from fortran-style to mortran-style continuation lines;
geometry/ftpcgeo/ftpcgeo1.g - removed redundant positioning of FKWI (ignored in AgSTAR);
geometry/ftro/ftrogeo.g - renamed "raddeg" => "myraddeg" to prevent name clash with standard starsim constant;
geometry/ecalgeo/ecalgeo.g - syntax fix: EndFILL added to terminate fill sections;
geometry/quadgeo/quadgeo.g - modified for AgML syntax matching;
geometry/scongeo/scongeo.g - an improved model of the SVT support cone, specifically the support rods is implemented. Previous geometry assumed solid carbon, now a carbon-fiber nomex sandwich is implemented;
geometry/shldgeo/shldgeo.g - modified for AgML syntax matching;
geometry/sisdgeo/sisdgeo.g, sisdgeo1.g, sisdgeo2.g, sisdgeo3.g, sisdgeo4.g, sisdgeo5.g, sisdgeo6.g - modified for AgML syntax matching;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo3a.g - added new file with significant changes, mainly to remove equivalence statements which are not permitted in AgML;
tpcegeo3.g, tpcegeo3a.g - changes positioning of TBRW volume so that it is positioned as an ONLY volume to remove ambiguity in geant tracking, currently volumes TBRW (Aluminum) and TWAS (Air) overlap;
tpcegeo.g, tpcegeo1.g - added "EndFILL" statements where required;
geometry/wallgeo/wallgeo.g - minor changes to system of units;
geometry/zcalgeo/zcalgeo.g - minor syntax changes;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - corrected mistakes in the Omega_plus, Omega_minus and XiMinus and XiPlus definitions of particles; removed pdg ID from all embedding versions of particles, as these conflict with pythia simulations;
VmcGeometry/y2011.h, Geometry.y2008d.C, Geometry.y2009d.C, Geometry.y2010c.C, y2008d.h, y2009d.h, y2010c.h - added new files for improved model of the SVT support cone. Previous geometry assumed solid carbon, now a carbon-fiber nomex sandwich is implemented;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcStatus.C - adde new TPC status table;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2011.C - set default sector anode voltage to 1100 V for year 2010;
idl/tpcStatus.idl - added new TPC status table ;
tpcMaxHits.idl - updated max hits table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/daqBuilder.cxx, bemcBuilder.cxx, l3Builder.cxx, tofBuilder.cxx, upcBuilder.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx, JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpGui.h, evpPresenterBaseScript.C - updated;
Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated;
JTMonitor.cxx JTMonitor.h - added new files;
OnlinePlots/HistogramGroups/TOFcheckHistogramGroup.cxx, TOFcheckHistogramGroup.h - TOF check updated; modified seperate to separate real TOF bunchdid errors from missing bunchid errors; missing trays can now be well identified;
MTDtriggerinfoHistogramGroup.cxx - mapping for MTD 1 was corrected according to the changes on the MTD detector, LE and TE are drawn in a compact way;
MTDtriggerinfoHistogramGroup.cxx, MTDtriggerinfoHistogramGroup.h - more unique defined name: ntray -> nMTDtrays;
MTDhitsHistogramGroup.cxx, MTDhitsHistogramGroup.h - modified for MTD; modified to make sure all hists are addressed in reset() and destructor;
Main features:
- implemented RTS code for new detectors: FGT and MTD;
- implemented default initialization for TOF database table and new module for V0 TOF correction;
- implemented g2t hits for FMS;
- added high-pT charged hadron filter;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - added Kolmogorov maximum distance as default;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - modified to allow plain ROOT files with hists, and individual plot generation from 1 file;
BigFullChain.h - switched order of loading DbUtil and tpcDb ;
StBTofSortRawHit.cxx - implemented default initialization of database table in case dataset is not found ;
StV0TofCorrection.cxx, StV0TofCorrection.h - new module for V0 TOF Correction;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - modified to use LOG_DEBUG only in maker's Debug modes;
StDbBroker - fixed pseudo-leaks in c-string and xml-string assignments ;
StDbUtilities,, StTpcCoordinate.cxx/h,, StTpcLocalSectorAlignedCoordinate.hh StTpcLocalSectorAlignedDirection.hh - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation ;
StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, St_trigDetSumsC.h - introduced corrected coincidences;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - coincidence correction made public and static;
StTpcHitErrors.h - added new file: place holder for new Tpc hit errors;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcElectronicsC.h, St_tpcFieldCageC.h, St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcWirePlanesC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
St_starClockOnlC.h - modified to add sampling Frequency method;
StDbLib - enabled automatic reconnect via mysql option; added define guard (mysql version) to enable automatic reconnect in mysql 5.0.44+, excluding mysql 4;, StlXmlTree.cxx - fixed pseudo-leaks in c-string and xml-string assignments;
StEemcRaw.cxx, StEemcRaw.h - added event time to EEMC header check;
StTpcHit.h - modified to add reference to FCF flag definition; fixed location of FCF_flags include;
StHit.h - changed mFlag type from UChar_t to UShort_t (bug #2058);
StHit.cxx - modified to change mFlag type from UChar_t to UShort_t ;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx - fixed bug in function nRow and nColumn;
StGammaEventMaker.cxx/h - modified to fill spin/bunch crossing information;
StGammaStrip.cxx - modified to zero data members in constructor ;
StGammaStrip.h - added ADC to public members;
StGammaRawMaker.cxx - modified to fill StGammaStrip::adc and cut on strips within 3 rms of pedestal;
modified to save ADC of BSMDP strips;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.h - increased maximum number of possible seeds;
LaserEvent.cxx - modified to use sector/padrow in global => local transformation;
emulator/StjeDefaultJetTreeWriter.cxx - updated for particle jets;
StMcEvent.hh,, StMcTrack.hh - modified to add FMS data;
StMcEventMaker.cxx, StMcEventMaker.h - modified to add FMS data;
StFmsPi0Filter.cxx - modified to switch RejectEG and RejectGT, so that filter will work for hijing events;
StHighPtFilter.h StHighPtFilter.cxx - implemented high-pt charged hadron filter;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - included corrected coincidence rates in ntuple;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - added track id into StiPull ;
StTpcDb.cxx StTpcDb.h StTpcDbMaker.cxx StTpcDbMaker.h - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h, StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDimensionsI.h, StTpcElectronicsI.h, StTpcFieldCageI.h, StTpcPadPlaneI.h, StTpcSlowControlSimI.h, StTpcWirePlaneI.h - removed files;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - added FCF_flags include, and exclude any flagged hit from AfterBurner();
changed flag type from UChar_t to UShort_t ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - added fix for AuAu7 2010 embdedding; modified to cut hits outside time buckets range;
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
include/StTrsChargeSegment.hh - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
src/ - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - implemented default initialization of database table in case dataset is not found;
modified to apply VPD outlier correction in StEvent mode (bug fixed);
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx/h - modified to allow user to "force" VPD-start or startless mode, regardless of dbase setting;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified for FMS simulation;
TpcHitUtilities.cxx - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - added pile-up;
EventTracker/ eventTrackerLib.cxx, gl3Event.cxx - modified;
include/daqModes.h - added checkpoint ;
rtsSystems.h - added future dets. Removed HFT_ID; changed RP2 to RPII;
RC_Config.h - upgraded for 64 trigger; modified to distinguish between number of triggers configurable and actually in play;
rtsMonitor.h - upgraded for 64 trigger;
prepareGbPayload.h - upgraded for 64 trigger;
rts.h, tasks.h - updated;
iccp2k.h - added evb summary;
include/RC/RC_MsgDefs.h - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h - added new code for FGT detector ;
fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added FGT pedestal routines ;
daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h - modified for FGT pedestal routines ;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added 64 trigger extensions ;
daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - changed char to const char ;
daqReader.cxx daqReader.h - added environment variable EVP_HOSTNAME; added evb summary;
evp.h - implemented new points for proper reader;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h, tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h - added checkpoint ;
daq_tpx.cxx, tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h, tpxStat.cxx, tpxStat.h - added checkpoint ;
src/DAQ_MTD/daq_mtd.cxx,daq_mtd.h - added new codes for MTD detector;
src/SFS/daq_test.C, fs.C, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h - fast read added;
StiVMCToolKit.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.h - added TGeoShape::kGeoEltu shape for SROD ;
StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx - suppressed seed print outs ;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - bug fixed related to FCF_flags ;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - modified TpcDb interfaces and Tpc coordinate transformation;
StHelix.hh, StThreeVector.hh, StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh - modified to avoid warning for gcc 4.5.1 compiler ;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - inversion of derivative matrix added;
TRandomVector.cxx, TRandomVector.h - added automatic creation non zero correlation;
TMDFParameters.cxx, TMDFParameters.h - added new files to handle multidimensional parameterization;
gen/hijing_382/hijev.F - added additional (but optional) line to configuration file to specify whether shadowing should be used or not;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified for FMS simulation;
g2t_fpd.F, g2t_fpd.idl - added new files;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified for FMS g2t hits;
Jevp/ - first release of new module for online monitoring histos;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 7, 2012 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4, MC production for TUP SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09b (SL09b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 500GeV W preproduction SL09e (SL09e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL5.3, last library with old pams (tpt) SL09g (SL09g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v7) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10d (SL10d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10i (SL10i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v8) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11a (SL11a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11c (SL11c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 auau 19.6Gev run 2011 preproduction SL11d (SL11d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11e (SL11e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12b (SL12b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 old-> SL12c (SL12c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV run 2012 preproduction pro-> SL12d (SL12d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV run 2012 production new-> SL12e (SL12e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 -------------------------------------------------
SL12a library
SL12b library
SL12c library
SL12d library
SL12e library
Main features:
- first release of event generator framework StarGenerator ;
- added Pepsi event generator for ep collisions;
- added UrQMD v.3.3.1 event generator ;
- added new versions of PYHIA v.8.1.62 and HIJING v.1.383 event generators ;
- code modifications for TPC upgrade, iTpx version;
- RTS DAQ code updated for GMT & IST detectors;
- added RTS DAQ code for PXL ;
- further development of FGT related codes & geometry;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated
Simulation/gcalor/neutron/morini.F - added STAR location for xsneut96.dat;
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h - modified to compress print out; added print out for ToF and Emc hits; added PMD to summary print;
StAnalysisMaker.cxx - added separators for summary;
StLoggerManager.cxx - modified to add color by demand for '_GNUC_';
StWsAppender.cxx, StWsAppender.h, StWsLogger.cxx, StWsLogger.h, picojson.h - added new code, initial revision of WebService logger;
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarGenerator.cxx, StarParticleStack.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, AgStarReader.h, StarGenerator.h, StarParticleStack.h, StarPrimaryMaker.h - added new code for event generator framework;
EVENT/StarGenAAEvent.cxx, StarGenEPEvent.cxx, StarGenEvent.cxx, StarGenParticle.cxx, StarGenPPEvent.cxx, StarGenAAEvent.h, StarGenEAEvent.h, StarGenEPEvent.h, StarGenEvent.h, StarGenParticle.h, StarGenPPEvent.h - added new code for event generator framework;
Herwig6_5_20/Herwig6.cxx, Herwig6.h, SetBeams.F, StarHerwig6.cxx, StarHerwig6.h, StarHerwig6LinkDef.h, address.F, herwig6520.F, - HERWIG event generator moved from pams to new framework;
Hijing1_383/address.F, hijing1.383.F, hipyset1.35.F, Hijing.cxx, Hijing.h, StarHijing.cxx, StarHijing.h - added new version v.1.383 of HIJING event generator;
Kinematics/ StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - added simple "particle gun" type event generator. Allows users to:
- add single particles to the event;
- throw particles flat;
- throw particles according to pt, eta and phi distribution;
- multiple sets of particles may be added per event with different kinematic ranges and/or individual particles added to the event;
Pepsi/- added new event generator for ep collisions;
Pythia6_4_23/ - PYTHIA version v.6.4.23 moved from pams to new event generator framework;
Pythia8_1_62/ - added new version v.8.1.62 of PYTHIA event generator;
StarLight/ - starlight event generator moved from pams to new framework;
TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx, StTruthTestMaker.h - added new maker for test of ID truth;
UrQMD3_3_1/ - 1fluid.F, RunFunction.F, StarUrQMD.cxx, StarUrQMD.h, UrQMD.cxx, UrQMD.h, addpart.F, address.F, angdis.F, anndec.F, baryons.patch, bessel.F, blockres.F,, boxprg.F, cascinit.F,, coload.F,,,,,, dectim.F,, delpart.F, detbal.F, dwidth.F, dwidth.o, erf.F, error.F,, getmass.F, getspin.F, hepchg.F, hepcmp.F, hepnam.F, init.F, input.F,, intirefs.txt, iso.F, ityp2pdg.F,, jdecay2.F, make22.F,, numrec.F,,, output.F, paulibl.F, proppot.F, pythia6409.F, risctime.F, saveinfo.F, scatter.F,, siglookup.F, string.F, tabinit.F, uhmerge.F, upmerge.F, urqmd.,F whichres.F - initial revision of UrQMD code;
UrQMD3_3_1/eosfiles/chiraleos.dat, chiralmini.dat, chiralsmall.dat, hadgas_eos.dat, hg_eos_mini.dat hg_eos_small.dat - initial revision of UrQMD code;
UrQMD3_3_1/eosfiles/qgpeos/qgpn00.dat, qgpn05.dat, qgpn10.dat, qgpn100.dat, qgpn105.dat, qgpn110.dat, qgpn115.dat, qgpn15.dat, qgpn20.dat, qgpn25.dat, qgpn30.dat, qgpn35.dat, qgpn40.dat, qgpn45.dat, qgpn50.dat, qgpn55.dat qgpn60.dat, qgpn65.dat, qgpn70.dat, qgpn75.dat, qgpn80.dat, qgpn85.dat, qgpn90.dat, qgpn95.dat - initial revision of UrQMD code;
UrQMD3_3_1/unedited_src/1fluid.f, addpart.f, alpharanf.f, angdis.f, anndec.f, bessel.f, blockres.f, boxinc.f, boxprg.f, cascinit.f, colltab.f, coload.f, comnorm.f, comres.f, coms.f, comstr.f, comwid.f, dectim.f, defs.f, delpart.f, detbal.f, dwidth.f, erf.f, error.f, freezeout.f, genranf.f, getmass.f, getspin.f, gnuranf.f, hepchg.f, hepcmp.f, hepnam.f, init.f, input.f, inputs.f, intranf.f, iso.f, ityp2pdg.f, itypdata.f, jdecay2.f, make22.f, newpart.f, numrec.f, options.f, outcom.f, output.f, paulibl.f, proppot.f, pythia6409.f, ri6000ranf.f, risctime.f, saveinfo.f, scatter.f, siglookup.f, string.f, tabinit.f, uhmerge.f, upmerge.f, urqmd.f, whichres.f - initial revision of UrQMD code;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h, StarRandom.cxx, StarRandom.h - added new code for event generator framework;
BigFullChain.h - added dependence tpcDB on StEvent; changed fgt option ordering; modified to make 'StAnalysisMaker' the last maker in the chain;
Bfc.h, BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - modified to use Attribute instead of m_Mode; added options: RunG, flux, pythia and PythiaEmbed;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to propagate option 'Wenu';
StMaker.cxx - added geometries y2011b, y2012b, devT (iTpx upgrade);
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - fixed some SSD issue;
StDAQReader.cxx, StDAQReader.h, StRtsReaderMaker.cxx, StSCReader.cxx - modified to use Jeff's method "skip_then_get";
StSCReader.cxx, StSCReader.h - added accessor functions for more SC table elements, and set time offset;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx, StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp - added unistd.h for gcc 4.7;
StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheFileLocal.h, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - added an option to remove all pre-cached data upon job start;
StHyperLock.cpp, StHyperLock.h - added new files for locking support, required for a cache management facility;
StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh, - made corrections for iTpx (TPC upgrade);
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h - modified to correct signature;, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - modified to move xFromPad from h- to cxx-file;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to switch from hardcoded to DB for several values, and fix a bug with east-west-asymmetric 3DGridLeak since r.1.82; modified to store row radii in arrays of doubles;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StTpcSurveyC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, St_tpcRDOMasksC.h, St_tpcStatusC.h - modification added for TPC upgrade iTpx; St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h - added new file for iTpx modification;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to retire tpcHitErrors;
St_tpcHitErrorsC.h - removed to retire tpcHitErrors;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h - added fixes for upgraded iTpx;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, St_tpcCorrectionC.h - changes related to low down Anode Voltage;
StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, StDetectorDbRichScalers.h - modified to eliminate StDetectorDbRichScalers.h and replace it by typedef;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modification made for iTpx;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to get rid of hardcoded no.of pad rows;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - removed queue for whole Calibrations/tpc;
StEmcCluster.cxx, StEmcCluster.h, StEmcRawHit.cxx, StEmcRawHit.h - added print out;
StEnumerations.h - added Tpc West Only and East Only bits;
StDetectorName.cxx, StDetectorName.h - added detector names for detector enumerations;
StTrack.h - added handler for Tpc West Only and East Only bits;
StPrimaryVertex.cxx, StPrimaryVertex.h - modified to add no.of Tpc West Only and East Only tracks;
StTpcRawData.cxx - modified not to use empty ADC;
StTpcHit.h - modified to allow more than 64 pad rows;
StEmcPoint.cxx, StEmcPoint.h, StHit.cxx, StPrimaryTrack.cxx - added/modified print out;
StEnumerations.h - added 3 new members to StFgtClusterSeedType;
StEventTypes.h - added includes for Fgt;
StFgtHit.h - major revision, various new methods and member added;
StRedoTracks.cxx - modified to reduce some overhead DB queries by being more specific about needed tables;
StEventHelper.h - modified to remove warning messages;
StEventHelper.cxx - modified to account changes of signature for ShowMembers;
StRedoTracks.cxx - added holder for new StMagUtilities;
StFgtA2CMaker.cxx, StFgtA2CMaker.h - modified to split seedTypes3 into raising (kFgtSeedTypes3) and falling (kFgtSeedTypes4); added new seed Type (kFgtSeedTypes5) with 3 timebins in row above 3 sigma; modified to adjust charge uncertainty factor by setPedSigFactor4Charge(); added option to read ped & status from text file, default is reading from DB;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h - updated to fillin NStrip/SeedType/MaxTimebin/EvenOddChargeAsy in StFgtHit;
modified to accept kFgtSeedTypes4 & 5 for clustring ;
modified to set kFgtClusterTooBig instead of kFgtClusterNo into strips when cluster is too big;
added setThreshold2AddStrip() (proposed default 2 ~ 3 from cosmic data);
slightly changed to make trying different weight for getting R/PHI easy; slightly changed phi/even strip logic;
StFgtSlowSimuMaker.cxx - modified to get fgtDb automatically without setting by hand; default changed to do pedestal (switch_addPeds=1 in constructor); bug fixed in logic flaw when creating timebin distribution causing "flat" hit; bug fix which causes a event to take forever when there is a hit but no signal in a quadrant; bug fixed for cut_2DampCutoff becoming 0 for empty quadrant digitization, causing taking forever to finish; bug fix in exportStripPlane2StEvent() which account for ROOT histo first bin is at index=1 TWICE;
StFgtConsts.h - made FgtSlowSimu related fixes for r/phi consistency & speed up ;
geometry/StFgtGeom.cxx - made FgtSlowSimu related fixes for r/phi consistency & speed up;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - modified to supress warning;
StFtpcTrackMaker, StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx,, StFtpcTrackingParams.hh - modified to supress warning;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - added flux histograms; modified to use Attributes intead of m_Mode;
modified for for new generator framework ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to reduce some overhead DB queries by being more specific about needed tables;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed second addition of btofGeom to db maker ;
StMuDSTMakerLinkDef.h - added new file for MuDst enumerations to dictionary ;
COMMON/StMuArrays.h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h - modified to use of Tpc West and East Only no. of tracks;
StMuMomentumShiftMaker.cxx - added const to Char_t;
StMuPrimaryTrackCovariance.cxx - fixed return;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuMtdCollection.h - modified to change array stucture of MTD upon request of the TOF group. MTD arrays now on top level, rather than within __NARRAYS__; added structure for FGT; fixed bugs in array offsets for the MTD;
StMuDstMaker.cxx - added protection for empty EMC raw data;
StMuFgtCluster.cxx, StMuFgtCluster.h, StMuFgtStrip.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.h, StMuFgtStripAssociation.h - added for FGT clustering;
StMuMcTrack.cxx - fixed print out, bug #2442;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuEmcCollection.cxx, StMuEvent.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuPmdCollection.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx - modified to replace GetEntries() by GetEntriesFast(); fixed print out;
TF1Fitter.h, TF1Fitter.cxx - added simple TF1 fitter;
StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StPhiEtaHitList.cxx, StPhiEtaHitList.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to use Tpc West Only and East Only tracks;
StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - fixed bug #2436 with misplacement of TObjectSet;
StPhiEtaHitList.cxx - fixed CTB eta limits;
StiStEventFiller.cxx, StiStEventFiller.h - developed for fillpull;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSvtHitLoader.cxx, StiSvtHitLoader.h - modified due to removing StiSvtHitLoader.h;
StiSvtLayerLadder.h - removed;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - added corrections for iTpx;
StiPullEvent.h - Errors added;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - added corrections for iTpx;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - modified to reduce some overhead DB queries by being more specific about needed tables;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - modified to protect against zero entries, and a more unique entry list name;
StEvtTrigDetSumsMaker.cxx, StEvtTrigDetSumsMaker.h - added new files to introduce StEvtTrigDetSumsMaker;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeDistMaker.h - modified to include distortion corrections, which must be evenly sampled per event (per hit);
modified to use TPC dE/dx correction code, and introduce de-smearing;
removed de-smearing bias in z and treat z more differentially;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - removed check for .histos;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - added rotation for Half Tpc;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - modification made for iTpx;
StTpcAvClusterMaker.cxx, StTpcAvClusterMaker.h - added new files for TPC upgrade, iTpx;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to increase no. of pad rows; modified to set the same cuts for online clusters as used for offline data;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified not to include cluters with flags FCF_DEAD_EDGE or FCF_ROW_EDGE; added FCF_BROKEN_EDGE flag to reject clusters; added fake track_id >= 10000;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to retire StTpcLocalSectorAlignedCoordinate;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - modification made for iTpx, (TPC upgrade); added corrections for iTpx upgrade;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modified to replace elsif by else and if; fixed missing declaration;
TF1F.cxx - modified to adjust bin center position;
TpcRS.C - modified not to use xgeom for devT configurations;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - added wider Voltage range for accepted clusters (-500V) than used for dEdx calculation;
EventTracker/FtfFinder.cxx - added changes for apple;
include/rtsSystems.h - removed PMD detector and added PXL;
fcfClass.hh, myrinet.h, platform.h, rts.h, rtsErrMsg.h - added changes for apple;
RC_Config.h, cmds.h, iccp.h, rtsSystems.h - updated for L4_SUPPORT;
daqModes.h - added new file;
include/UNIX/ThreadsMsgQueue.hh - added changes for apple;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - added changes for apple;
include/DAQ1000/mscript.h - added changes for apple;
include/RC/RC_MsgDefs.h - updated for L4_SUPPORT;
src/rtsmakefile.def - removed ENABLE_CROSS_COMPILER for non-daqman nodes;
rtsplusplus.def - added eck in;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_dta_structs.h, msgNQLib.cxx - added changes for apple;
daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - added meta data pointer;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx - modified to include GMT and IST; changed for extended timebin count; FGT_TB_COU changed; added APV metadata;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx - modified for ETTIE;
src/DAQ_GMT/daq_gmt.cxx, daq_gmt.h - removed files because DAQ_GMT is replaced by the already existing DAQ_FGT;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx - modified to fix trg and daq cmd in the data;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx - modified to fix trg and daq cmd in the data;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx - modified to fix trg and daq cmd in the data;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.h - added changes for apple;
src/DAQ_PMD/daq_pmd.h - added changes for apple;
pmd_reader.cxx - modified do cut off extensive error print outs ;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx, daq_pxl.h - first version of DAQ for PXL;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index_daq.cxx - added changes for apple;
src/FCF/fcfClass.cxx - added changes for apple;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added changes for apple;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - added fixes for no.of pad rows > 64 ;
gen/bpythia/closeDecays.F - added new file;
gen/Herwig6_5_20/ - removed from pams and moved to new StarGenerator framework;
gen/StarLight/ - removed from pams and moved to new StarGenerator framework;
gen/Pythia6_4_23/ - removed from pams and moved to new StarGenerator framework;
sim/flux/agustep.cxx - added new file for flux calculation;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - fixed format statement for SL4.4; added TOF_MAX configuration option;
geometry/fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo3.g - added px,py,pz to hit declaration for FGT disks ;
tpcPadGainT0B.20000615.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20010601.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20010701.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20010911.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20010924.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20011205.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20021105.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20030101.000001.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20030513.000001.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20031228.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20040122.120000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20040209.203000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20040416.145000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20041024.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20050111.190700.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20050209.152800.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20050311.153700.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20050412.184300.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20060308.115800.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20060510.150600.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20070330.135100.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20070420.142400.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20070503.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20070524.161901.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20071127.151802.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080101.000002.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080115.093301.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080208.174703.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080218.001712.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080219.094315.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080219.102708.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080222.070008.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080223.182619.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080223.194538.root tpcPadGainT0B.20080224.054959.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080225.203804.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080228.034753.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080228.164558.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080228.235924.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080229.203905.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080301.030910.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080302.102648.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20080302.194942.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20081211.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20081215.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090209.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090304.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090314.203028.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090318.011857.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090327.021535.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090331.022222.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090405.144414.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090409.103638.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090415.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090607.084356.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090611.170234.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090623.133633.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20090629.052714.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20091214.215645.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20091216.000001.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20100212.121258.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20100212.121259.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20110204.182524.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20111210.000100.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20111215.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20111220.000000.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20111220.000100.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20120123.184245.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20120209.142820.root, tpcPadGainT0B.20120308.182506.root, tpcPadGainT0B.C, tpcPadGainT0B.devE.C, tpcPadGainT0B.devT.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2009.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2010.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2011.C - added table extension for iTpx;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.devT.C, tpcAltroParams.devT.C, tpcAnodeHV.devT.C, TpcdCharge.devT.C, TpcdEdxCor.devT.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.devT.C, tpcDriftVelocity.devT.C, tpcGainCorrection.devT.C, tpcGas.devT.C, tpcGasTemperature.devT.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.devT.C, tpcMethaneIn.devT.C, TpcPadCorrection.devT.C, TpcPhiDirection.devT.C, tpcPressureB.devT.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devT.C, TpcRowQ.devT.C, TpcSecRowB.devT.C, tpcSlewing.devT.C, tpcWaterOut.devT.C, TpcZCorrectionB.devT.C, TpcZDC.devT.C - added default tables for devT R&D geometry;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.C - added new default file;
RunLog/onl/starClockOnl.y2012.C - added default frequency for run 2012;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - modified to switch tpcx geometry off by default otherwise two versions of TPC are instantiated simulataneously;
xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation to add TOF_MAX configuration option; fixed format statement for SL4.4, force xgeometry recompile;
FgtdGeo/FgtdGeo3.xml, FgtdGeoV.xml - added px,py,pz to hit declaration for FGT disks ;
StarAgmlLib/Mortran.h, AgStructure.cxx, AgStructure.h - modified to add std:: to ostream;
AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, AgPlacement.cxx, AgPlacement.h, StarAgmlStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.h - added support for volume groups ;
Mortran.h - added virtual destructor to Array_t ;
idl/tpcPadGainT0B.idl - added new file to replace tpcPadGainT0 => tpcPadGainT0B for iTpx, in order to avoid problems with schema evolution;
TpcSecRowCor.idl, tpcPadPlanes.idl, tpcPadrowT0.idl, tpcPedestal.idl, tpcStatus.idl - modification for TPC upgrade iTpx, up to 50 inner rows and up to 50 outer rows;
Geometry.idl, tpg_detector.idl, tpg_pad_plane.idl - removed files;
tpcHitErrors.idl - removed to retire tpcHitErrors;
fmsLed.idl, fmsLedRef.idl, fmsPi0Mass.idl - added new FMS tables;
fgtAlignment.idl - added fgt alignment table;
Main features:
- added StFgtSimulatorMaker code;
- further development and updates of FGT code;
- added DEV14 geometry version for HFT studies;
- added FGT/vFGT upgrade geometry;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been added
StFgtSlowSimuMaker.h, StFgtSlowSimu_histo.cxx, StFgtSlowSimuMaker.cxx, StFgtSlowSimu_response.cxx -code for GT simulation
macros/fgtEve.kumac, mat.kumac, plEveMovie.kumac, plFgtGallery.kumac, plFgt.kumac, ppQCD.kumac, ppWprod.kumac, plFgtSSim.C, plMatEta.C, plMatPhi.C, rdMu2FgtShort.C, rdMu2Print.C, rdSt2print.C,;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxinit.F, agxinit.cdf, agxuser.age, filtAction.cxx - added KUIP interface to configuration parameters of the filters;
Simulation/gcalor/gcalor/calini.F - modified;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - modified to ignore tracks without detectorInfo;
BigFullChain.h - added chains pp2012b and P2012b which used geometry y2012a; added 'fmsSim' option for FGT simulation;
added agregate chain fgt turning on fgtDat+fgtClu+fgtAtoC;
StBeamBackMaker, StBeamBackMaker.cxx - added std namespace;
Bichsel.cxx - added std namespace;
StArray.cxx, StAutoBrowse.cxx, StFileI.h, StFileIter.h, StObject.cxx, StObject.h, StTree.cxx, StarChairDefs.h, Stiostream.h, table_header.h, - added std namespace;
StMaker.cxx, StMaker.h - added y2012a and devT geometry tags; synchronized tag and geometry version for y2006h, bug fix #2374; added DEV14 geometry;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.hh - added std namespace;
TOF/TOF_Reader.hh - added std namespace;
DbUse.cxx - added std namespace;
StDbLib,,, StDbManagerImpl.hh,, - added std namespace;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - added VPD possibilities;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - added std namespace;
voltageCalib/GainVoltCoeffCalculator.cxx, GainVoltCoeffCalculator.h, LinearFit.h - added std namespace;
StPi0Candidate.h - added std namespace;
StEtrFastSimMaker.cxx - added IdTruth ;
StTpcSectorHitCollection.h - modified to increment version to account change in max. no. of pad rows;
StDcaGeometry.cxx - updated;
StGlobalTrack.cxx - adjusted format;
StEnumerations.h - modified to increase Track Range 300=>500; added 2 new variables to enum StFgtClusterSeedType;
StFgtHit.h, StFgtPoint.h - fixed bug in define detector();
StTrackDetectorInfo.h, StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx - added other hits;
StEventHitIter.cxx - added FGT hits;
StFgtDb.h, StFgtDbMaker.cxx, StFgtDbMaker.h - added access to fgtSimuParam table;
StFgtDbMaker.cxx, StFgtDbMaker.h - modified to remove 'virtual' and fix the name;
StFgtDb.cxx - modified for csv format fixed cout for quadrant;
macros/read_fgtSimuParams.C, read_fgt_eloscutoff.C, write_fgtSimuParams.C, write_fgt_eloscutoff.C - added new macros to provide access to fgtSimuParam table;
StFgtA2CMaker.cxx, StFgtA2CMaker.h - modified to add flag to allow long pulses; modified to set accept long pulses as default; modified to make maker compatible with running in bfc chain;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - added one sigma strips to clusters; updated cluster algo to find even p clusters;
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtClusterMaker.h - Misc reshaped;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx, StFgtRawMaker.h - modified to remove virtual + add InitRun to get Db point;
geometry/StFgtGeom.h, StFgtGeom.cxx - fixed bug in getGlobalPhysicalCoordinate by pnord, computation now done by computeGlobalPhysicalCoordinate; modified to make 'getQuad' compatible with angles between 0 and 2*pi;
StFtpcTrackMaker - modified to resolve ambiguity in TMath::Power;
StGridCollector.cxx - added std namespace;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h, StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - added a switch to cut on the ranking of primary vertex;
Fit/dFitter3d.cxx - added std namespace;
Infrastructure/StExceptions.hh - added std namespace;
tracks/StjTrackCutTdcaPtDependent.h - modified to switched pt2=1.0 GeV/c to pt2=1.5 GeV/c;
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added std namespace ;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - added FGT as dead material;
StKFTrack.cxx, StKFTrack.h, StKFVertex.cxx, StKFVertex.h, StKFVerticesCollection.cxx, StKFVerticesCollection.h, StMuDstVtxT.cxx, StMuDstVtxT.h, StPhiEtaHitList.h, StiMaker.cxx - added std namespace;
StiMaker.cxx - modified to check that vertex fitter exist before getting vertex postion;
StMcEmcHitCollection.hh - added std namespace;
StMcEventMaker.cxx - modified;
StMCFilter.cxx, StMCFilter.h, loadlibs.kumac - added KUIP interface to configuration parameters of the filters;
StMCCaloFilter.cxx, StMCCaloFilter.h - added (new files) general "Calorimeter" filter covering both B & EEMC (plus FMS and future calorimeters);
StMCCaloFilter.cxx - added 'HadronEfract' keyword to list of configurable parameters ;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to generate StMtdHit objects, apply trigger window, apply INL correction. StMtdHitMaker can now also run as afterburner on MuDSTs;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeDistMaker.h - introduced StSpaceChargeDistMaker;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - modified to include BEMC+EEMC+BTOF+CM to detmap; added mean zdc to log output; modified ZDC sum rate -> ZDC coincidence rate;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added missing mean ZDC for aggregation; added BeamLine parameter ntuples to output;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.h, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added index of vertex within event to ntuple;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to expand SC hist ranges; added VPD to ntuple ;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - added tof information to both tracks;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added topo and main triggers for different run periods;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h, StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added flags to include TOF and Vertex branches in tree;
StPeCEnumerations.h - modified to control the number of tracks for UPC selection;
StPeCTrack.cxx, StPeCTrack.h - modified to overload constructor and set method to pass vertex information in StMuEvent;
StPeCEvent.h, StPeCPair.h, StPeCTrigger.h, StPeCMaker.h, StPeCTrack.h, - modified to raise ClassDef from 1 to 2;
EventTracker/gl3Hit.cxx - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - added daqReader.h;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE// - updated;
StarClassLibrary,, PhysicalConstants.h,,,, StLorentzVector.hh, StMatrix.hh,, SystemOfUnits.h - - added std namespace; - modified to add Xi0(1530);, StXiZero1530.hh - added new files for Xi0(1530);
StLoggerManager.cxx - added std namespace;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h, TMDFParameters.cxx, TPolynomial.cxx, TRArray.cxx, TRArray.h, TRDiagMatrix.cxx, TRMatrix.cxx, TRMatrix.h, TRSymMatrix.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h - added std namespace;
TTreeIterLinkDef.h - removed ;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - fixed KFit::Test; method MaxCorr() added;
StSsdBarrel.hh - added std namespace;
StTpcCalibSector.cxx, StTpcCalibSetup.cxx - added std namespace;
StTpcBadChanMaker.cxx, StTpcBadChanMaker.h, StTpcCalibSector.cxx, StTpcCalibSector.h, StTpcCalibSetup.cxx, StTpcCalibSetup.h, StTpcDeadChanMaker.cxx, StTpcDeadChanMaker.h, StTpcFEEGainCalibMaker.cxx, StTpcFEEGainCalibMaker.h - removed;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - fixed bug #2387;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added LOG_INFO;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - modified to allow users to specify database to use for trigger definitions and thresholds;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - modified to allow BEMC trigger simulator to work for year > 2009; StMCfixed fillStTriggerDetector();
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx - added printing of EM201 output bits;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - fixed fillStTriggerDetector();
StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - added logging of EEMC gains from DB;
include/StSimpleMagneticField.hh, StTpcDbGeometry.hh, StTpcSimpleGeometry.hh, StTrsChargeSegment.hh, StTrsDeDx.hh, StTrsSector.hh - added std namespace;
src/,,,, - added std namespace;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - restored old hack for dN/dx table to fix bug #2347;
StMessTypeList.cxx, StMessage.cxx, StMessageCounter.cxx, StMessageManager.cxx, StMessageStream.h, StMultiH1F.h, StMultiH2F.h - added std namespace;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2012a production tag; added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies; added VPD and PXST to dev14 geometry; added vfgt to definition of the estar development geometry;
added estar1 and tpciv1 geometry tags;
geometry/fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo3.g - added stub for the vfgt geometry implented in AgML;
geometry/istdgeo/istdgeo0.g - added ISTDGEO0 stub for AgML geometry;
geometry/sisdgeo/sisdgeo7.g - added SISDGEO7 stub for AgML geometry;
geometry/pixlgeo/PxstGeo1.g - added Pixel support tube stub for AgML geometry;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Xi0(1530);
AgiGeometry/Geometry.devT.C, devT.h - added devT geometry tag;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - modified to eliminate dependency on fstream ;
Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies;
Geometry.cxx - added vfgt (module FgtdGeoV) to the eStar development geometry
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added vfgt (module FgtdGeoV) to the eStar development geometry;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeoV.xml - added 12-disk FGT upgrade geometry;
StarAgmlLib/AgMath.h, AgStructure.h, Mortran.h - added stl namespace;
AgMath.h - modified to remove min/max due to ambguity with std ones;
AgMath.h, Mortran.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - removed some unecessary changes to Mortran.h and StarTGeoStacker.cxx;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo0.xml - added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added y2012a production tag; added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added y2012a production tag; added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo4.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - added DEV14 geometry for tag for HFT studies; added misalignment variables;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - added DEV14 geometry tag for HFT studies;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddGeo2.xml - modified IBSS --> IBST to prevent conflict with sensitve detector in the IST geometry;
GeoTestMaker/StMCConstructGeometry.cxx, StMCSimplePrimaryGenerator.cxx - added stl namespace;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2012a.C - added y2012a production tag;
Geometry/tpc/TpcOuterSectorPosition.devE.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.devT.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.devE.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.devT.C, tpcGlobalPosition.devT.C, tpcPadPlanes.devT.C - added default values for devE and devT;
Calibrations/tracker/StvKonst.C - added new file for tablization of StvConst ;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcAnodeHVavg.dev13.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.devT.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2012.C - added default tpcAnodeHVavg for dev13 and devT geometries;
idl/fgtSimuParams.idl - added new file for FGT slow simulator;
StvKonst.idl - added new file for tablization of StvConst ;
qtgl/qtcoin/src/TCoinShapeBuilder.cxx - added std namespace;
TCoinShapeBuilder.cxx - added stl namespace ;
qtgui/inc/TQtColorSelect.h, TQtColorSelectButton.h, TQtPatternSelect.h - added std namespace;
qtgui/src/TQtColorSelect.cxx, TQtColorSelectButton.cxx, TQtPatternSelect.cxx, TQtPixmapBox.cxx, TQtTabValidator.cxx - added std namespace;
TQtTabValidator.cxx - modified to account change of TTabCom signature in ROOT >= (5.26.0);
Main features:
- first library release with FGT code;
- initial revisison of HyperCache support for offline DB;
- modification for vertex finder code;
- production geometry y2012a for run 2012; - several bugs fixed;
Next FGT makers have been added:
StFgtA2CMaker.cxx, StFgtA2CMaker.h - convert the ADC value to charge and optionally removes strips with status not passing the mask;
StFgtDb.cxx, StFgtDb.h, StFgtDbMaker.cxx, StFgtDbMaker.h;
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtClusterMaker.h, StFgtIClusterAlgo.h, StFgtMaxClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h, StFgtSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSimpleClusterAlgo.h;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx, StFgtRawMaker.h;
geometry/StFgtGeom.cxx, StFgtGeom.h;
Next codes have been updated:
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h - modified to reshape printout for primary vertices;,, - removed;
TRandomVector.cxx - added normalisation before and Renormalisation after addedTRandomVector.cxx;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - Helix Kalman fitter added;
BigFullChain.h - added detDb to be used in StEvent; added dependence StiLibs versus BTofUtil to fix bug #2356;
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - added options to handle StKFVertexMaker code;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to move call of StChain::Init() to the end;
BigFullChain.h - temporary added use xgeometry flag(YF);
Bfc.h - increased size of arrays;
Bichsel.h,dEdxParameterization.cxx, dEdxParameterization.h - modified to switch interpolation to TH1/TH2 from home made version;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - modified to fill BTof hit Id;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modified to keep btofGeometry in const area for future use;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - modified to write hits to StEvent, set kBTofId for hits;
StMaker.cxx - added y2012a and devT geometry tags;
St_db_Maker.cxx - added test for unrecognized files; modified to ignore wrong timing for RunLog tables;
StHyperCacheConfig.cpp, StHyperCacheConfig.h, StHyperCacheFactory.cpp, StHyperCacheFactory.h, StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheFileLocal.h, StHyperCacheI.cpp, StHyperCacheI.h, StHyperCacheManager.cpp, StHyperCacheManager.h, StHyperCacheWebservice.cpp, StHyperCacheWebservice.h, StHyperHashMd5.cpp, StHyperHashMd5.h, StHyperHashSha256.cpp, StHyperHashSha256.h, StHyperSingleton.h, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.h, StHyperUtilGeneric.cpp, StHyperUtilGeneric.h, StHyperUtilPlatform.cpp, StHyperUtilPlatform.h, picojson.h - initial revision of code for HyperCache support ("Local File Cache" and "Web Service Cache" parts);, MysqlDb.h, StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheManager.cpp, StHyperCacheManager.h - modified for integration of Hyper Cache; HyperCache added to workflow;
StDbUtilities, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - removed hardcoded separation between Inner and Outer Sectors;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to use more realistic geometry model in PredictSpaceCharge;
St_tpcPadPlanesC.h - fixed padsPerRow;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcPadPlanesC.h - modified to add new chaires;
St_bemcMapC.h, St_bprsMapC.h, St_bsmdeMapC.h, St_bsmdpMapC.h, St_emcCalibC.h, St_emcGainC.h, St_emcPedC.h, St_emcStatusC.h, St_emcTriggerLUTC.h, St_emcTriggerPedC.h, St_emcTriggerStatusC.h, St_smdCalibC.h, St_smdGainC.h, St_smdPedC.h, St_smdStatusC.h, St_tofGeomAlignC.h, St_tofStatusC.h, St_tofTrayConfigC.h, StiBTofChairs.cxx, StiBTofHitErrorCalculator.h- added new files for more chaires;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modified;
StFgtCollection.cxx, StFgtCollection.h, StFgtHitCollection.cxx, StFgtHitCollection.h, StFgtHit.cxx, StFgtHit.h, StFgtPointCollection.cxx, StFgtPointCollection.h, StFgtPoint.cxx, StFgtPoint.h, StFgtStripCollection.cxx, StFgtStripCollection.h, StFgtStrip.cxx, StFgtStrip.h - initial revision of FGT code;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, - added FGT hit collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEnumerations.cxx, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx StEvent.h - modified to add FGT package ;
StTpcRawData.cxx, StTpcRawData.h - removed hardcoded separation between Inner and Outer Sectors;
StTpcRawData.cxx StTpcSectorHitCollection.h - replaced StDigitalPair by its reference;
StBTofHit.cxx, StBTofHit.h, StDcaGeometry.h, StEmcCluster.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventTypes.h, StGlobalTrack.cxx, StGlobalTrack.h, StPrimaryTrack.cxx, StPrimaryTrack.h, StPrimaryVertex.cxx, StPrimaryVertex.h, StVertex.cxx, StVertex.h, StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx, StTpcSectorHitCollection.h, StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h, StTrackPidTraits.h, StTriggerData.h - added new code to handle tracks matching to fast detector;
StTrackFitTraits.cxx, StTrackFitTraits.h - added new logic for total numbers of fit points, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h, StTriggerData2012.cxx, StTriggerData2012.h - added acc ess function for l2sum;
StDedxPidTraits.cxx, StDedxPidTraits.h - added field for log2;
StEnumerations.h - added tracking for TRD;
StEventCompendiumMaker.cxx, StEventCompendiumMaker.h - modified to adjust to new vertex finder code; - removed;
StEventMaker.cxx - modified to provide hit for StTpcDb about TroggerId;
StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - modified;
StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - completely rewritten;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h - modified to convert many LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG to make PPV more silent;
trackes/StjTrackCutTdcaPtDependent.h - added new file to implemenet pt-dependent 3-D DCA cut;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - fixed bug #2362 related to global DCA;
StMcEvent - modified;
StMcTpcSectorHitCollection.hh - modified to increase number of possible row to 100;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuMcTrack.cxx, StMuMcTrack.h, StMuMcVertex.cxx, StMuMcVertex.h, StMuPrimaryTrackCovariance.cxx, StMuPrimaryTrackCovariance.h, StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h,
StMuProbPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - modified to handel tracks matching to fast detector;
StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx,StiTpcSeedFinder.h - removed hard coded TPC parameters;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx, StiStEventFiller.h - modified to adjust to new vertex finder code StKFVertexMaker;
MuPrmVtx.C, StAnneling.cxx, StAnneling.h, StKFEvent.cxx, StKFEvent.h, StKFTrack.cxx, StKFTrack.h, StKFVertex.cxx, StKFVertex.h, StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StKFVertexMaker.h, StKFVerticesCollection.cxx, StKFVerticesCollection.h, StMuDstVtxT.cxx, StMuDstVtxT.h, StPhiEtaHitList.cxx, StPhiEtaHitList.h, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx, StVertexP.h, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.h StVertexT.h - added new codes for vertex finder;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h - modified to set interpolation for one week only, fixed sign of interpolation, added TriggerId;
StTpcMixerMaker.cxx - modified to remove requirement to have only 2 inputs; fixed bug #2351;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h - added Tonko's interface for variable no.of pad rows (adjusted to daq_tpx.cxx updates) ;
TF1F.cxx, TpcRS.C - updated to fix bug #2342;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - added printout;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h - added switch to choose between the two kinematic variables: rapidty or pseudo-rapdity;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to reduce pile-up contributions in impact parameter plots ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - modified list of BEMC hists for QA shift; made correction on required detectors for EmcCat4 plots;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - added pointing angle near vertex to improved PredictSpaceCharge
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx,daqReader.h, daq_det.h - added FY12 future-protection bug check ;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx - added FY12 future-protection bug check ;
src/DAQ_TRG/daq_trg.cxx - fixed to remove WARN about lack of legacy banks;
gen/bpythia/apytuser.age - modified to increase size of BEAM and TARG strigs to allow more complicated options in pythia eSTAR simulations ;
gen/starlight/src/,,, PofB.f,,, decayEvent.f, diffLum_2gamma.f, diffLum_vm.f, flux.f, formf.f,, hadronbreakup.f, hencken.f, heptup.f, input.f,, jtog.f,,, momenta.f, newparam.f, nofe.f, nrbw.f, photonbreakup.f, pickw.f, pickwy_vm.f, picky.f, pp.f, pperpdist.f, ptconv.f,, pttablegen.f, radmul.F,, readDiffLum.f, rws.f, setConst.f,,c sigma2.f, sigma_A.f, sigmacalc.f, sigmadelta.f, sigmagp.f sigmavm.f sigmavmw.f sigmui.f starlight.f t.f tablecalc.f taudecay.f thephi.f thetalep.f threedecay.f, transform.f, twodecay.f, vladimir.f, vmomenta.f, vmpt.f, vmsigmapt.f, writeGSTARtext.f, writeNtuple.f, writeText.f, writejetsetGSTARtext.f, writejetsetNtuple.f writejetsetText.f - removed an old version of starlight event generator;
gen/starlight/src/bin/ jet.dat, - removed;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcxgeo1.g - added stub to handle the tpcxgeo1 symbol;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added 'devT' geometry tag for TPC upgrade study; added y2012a production tag;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added "devT" geometry tag for TPC upgrade study;
AgiGeometry/Geometry.devT.C, devT.h - added devT geometry for TPC upgrade;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.devT.C - added "devT" geometry for TPC upgrade study;
Geometry.devE.C, devE.h - added "devE" geometry version for R&D ;
Geometry.y2012a.C - added y2012a production geometry;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.devE.C - added new file for R&D;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcdXCorrection.devE.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2009.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2010.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2011.C - removed;
tpcGlobalPosition.devE.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.devE.C, tpcAltroParams.devE.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.devE.C, tpcAnodeHV.devE.C, TpcdCharge.devE.C, TpcdEdxCor.devE.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.devE.C, tpcDriftVelocity.devE.C, TpcdXCorrection.devE.C, tpcGainCorrection.devE.C, tpcGas.devE.C, tpcGasTemperature.devE.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.devE.C, tpcMethaneIn.devE.C, TpcPadCorrection.devE.C, tpcPadGainT0.devE.C, TpcPhiDirection.devE.C, tpcPressureB.devE.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devE.C, TpcSecRowB.devE.C, tpcSlewing.devE.C, tpcWaterOut.devE.C, TpcZCorrectionB.devE.C - added new files for "devE" geometry for R&D;
RunLog/onl/starClockOnl.devE.C, tpcRDOMasks.devE.C - added new files for "devE" geometry for R&D;
idl/StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - added
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/tofBuilder.cxx - blocked display of some stats boxes; fixed VPD triggered-crossing gating ; fixed zdc hardware sum;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - added labels for bad trays;
trgBuilder.cxx - fixed zdc hardware sum;
upcBuilder.h, upcBuilder.cxx - modified plots for run 12 U+U;
Main features:
- first library release with VMC geometry model;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes added for VMC geometry model:
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h,, geometryStats.hh, Helpers.h;
BbcmGeo/, BtofGeo/, CalbGeo/, CaveGeo/, Compat/, EcalGeo/, EiddGeo/, FgtdGeo/, FpdmGeo/, FsceGeo/, FtpcGeo/, FtroGeo/, IdsmGeo/, MagpGeo/, MutdGeo/, PhmdGeo/, PipeGeo/, PixlGeo/, QuadGeo/, SconGeo/, ShldGeo/, SisdGeo/, SupoGeo/, SvttGeo/, TestGeo/, TpceGeo/, TpcxGeo/, TutrGeo/, UpstGeo/, VpddGeo/, ZcalGeo/ - new modules;
StarAgmlLib/AgAttribute.cxx/h, AgBlock.cxx/h, AgCreate.cxx/h, AgDetp.cxx/h, AgMaterial.cxx/h, AgMath.cxx/h, AgMedium.cxx/h, AgModule.cxx/h, AgPlacement.cxx/h, AgShape.cxx/h, AgSTAR.cxx/h, AgStructure.cxx/h, AgVolume.cxx/h, Mortran.cxx/h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.cxx/h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx/h;
StarGeometry/BbcmGeo.cxx/h, BtofGeo1.cxx/h, BtofGeo2.cxx/h, BtofGeo3.cxx/h, BtofGeo4.cxx/h, BtofGeo5.cxx/h, BtofGeo6.cxx/h, BtofGeo7.cxx/h, CalbGeo1.cxx/h, CalbGeo2.cxx/h, CalbGeo.cxx/h, CaveGeo.cxx/h, EcalGeo6.cxx/h, EcalGeo.cxx/h, EiddGeo.cxx/h, FgtdGeo3.cxx/h,FpdmGeo1.cxx/h, FpdmGeo2.cxx/h, FpdmGeo3.cxx/h, FsceGeo.cxx/h, FtpcGeo1.cxx/h, FtpcGeo.cxx/h, FtroGeo.cxx/h, IdsmGeo1.cxx/h, MagpGeo.cxx/h, MutdGeo2.cxx/h, MutdGeo3.cxx/h, MutdGeo4.cxx/h, MutdGeo.cxx/h, PhmdGeo.cxx /h,PipeGeo00.cxx/h, PipeGeo1.cxx/h, PipeGeo.cxx/h, PixlGeo3.cxx/h, PixlGeo4.cxx/h, QuadGeo.cxx/h, SconGeo.cxx/h, ShapGeo.cxx/h, ShldGeo.cxx/h, SisdGeo1.cxx/h, SisdGeo2.cxx/h, SisdGeo3.cxx/h, SisdGeo4.cxx/h, SisdGeo5.cxx/h, SisdGeo6.cxx/h, SisdGeo.cxx/h, SupoGeo1.cxx/h, SupoGeo.cxx/h, SvttGeo10.cxx/h, SvttGeo11.cxx/h, SvttGeo1.cxx/h, SvttGeo2.cxx/h, SvttGeo3.cxx/h, SvttGeo4.cxx/h, SvttGeo5.cxx/h, SvttGeo6.cxx/h, SvttGeo7.cxx/h, SvttGeo9.cxx/h, SvttGeo.cxx/h, TestGeo1.cxx/h, TpceGeo1.cxx/h, TpceGeo2.cxx/h, TpceGeo3a.cxx/h, TpcxGeo1.cxx/h, TutrGeo1.cxx/h, TutrGeo2.cxx/h, TutrGeo3.cxx/h, TutrGeo4.cxx/h, UpstGeo.cxx/h, VpddGeo1.cxx/h, VpddGeo2.cxx/h, VpddGeo.cxx/h, ZcalGeo.cxx/h, ;
xgeometry/BbcmGeo.age, BtofGeo1.age, tofGeo2.age, BtofGeo3.age, BtofGeo4.age, BtofGeo5.age, BtofGeo6.age, BtofGeo7.age, CalbGeo1.age, CalbGeo2.age, CalbGeo.age, calbpar.age, CaveGeo.age, dummgeo.age, EcalGeo6.age, EcalGeo.age, EiddGeo.age, etsphit.age, ffpdstep.age, FgtdGeo3.age, fgtdgeo.age, fhcmgeo.age, FpdmGeo1.age, FpdmGeo2.age, FpdmGeo3.age, fpdmgeo.age, FsceGeo.age, fstdgeo.age, FtpcGeo1.age, FtpcGeo.age, FtroGeo.age, gembgeo.age, hpdtgeo.age, IdsmGeo1.age, igtdgeo.age, istbego.age, itspgeo.age, MagpGeo.age, MutdGeo2.age, MutdGeo3.age, MutdGeo4.age, MutdGeo.age, PhmdGeo.age, PipeGeo00.age, PipeGeo1.age, PipeGeo.age, PixlGeo3.age, PixlGeo4.age, pixlgeo.age, QuadGeo.age, richgeo.age, SconGeo.age, ShapGeo.age, ShldGeo.age, SisdGeo1.age, SisdGeo2.age, SisdGeo3.age, SisdGeo4.age, SisdGeo5.age, SisdGeo6.age, SisdGeo.age, SupoGeo1.age, SupoGeo.age, SvttGeo10.age, SvttGeo11.age, SvttGeo1.age, SvttGeo2.age, SvttGeo3.age, SvttGeo4.age, SvttGeo5.age, SvttGeo6.age, SvttGeo7.age, SvttGeo9.age, SvttGeo.age, TestGeo1.age, TpceGeo1.age, TpceGeo2.age, TpceGeo3a.age, tpcegeo3.age, tpcegeo.age, TpcxGeo1.age, TutrGeo1.age, TutrGeo2.age, TutrGeo3.age, TutrGeo4.age, UpstGeo.age, VpddGeo1.age, VpddGeo2.age, VpddGeo.age, wallgeo.age, xgeometry.age, ZcalGeo.age;
Next codes have been updated:
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h, - modified to compress output for Event summary;
BigFullChain.h - removed option TpxRaw from TpcMixer which creates 3-rd instance of it;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fix bug #2303;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx - added protection against zero size table;
StEtrHit.h, StEtrHit.cxx - added section;
StEtrHitCollection.cxx - assert() instead of memory leak added ;
StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h, StjFastJet.cxx, StjFastJet.h - added support for fastjet plugins;
StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h - added destructor for StCDFMidPointPlugin;
StJetMaker2009.cxx - modified to add to jet trees event timestamp, position of first and last points on TPC track;
emulator/StMuTrackEmu.h, StjeJetEventTreeWriter.cxx, StjeTrackListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - modified to add to jet trees event timestamp, position of first and last points on TPC track;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.cxx - modified to drop EEMC towers with saturated ADC;
mcparticles/StjMCParticleCutParton.h - implemented better selection criteria for parton jets;
towers/StjTowerEnergyCorrectionForTracksFraction.cxx - hacked to keep around towers killed by hadronic correction;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to include eemcMatch,btofMatch,crossCM in looking for good vertices;
StMiniMcEvent.cxx, StMiniMcEvent.h, StMiniMcMaker.cxx, StMiniMcMaker.h - added uncorrected globals tracks ;
StMcBTofHitCollection.hh, StMcCtbHitCollection.hh, StMcEmcHitCollection.hh, StMcEmcModuleHitCollection.hh, StMcFgtHitCollection.hh, StMcFgtLayerHitCollection.hh, StMcFtpcHitCollection.hh, StMcFtpcPlaneHitCollection.hh, StMcIstHitCollection.hh, StMcIstLayerHitCollection.hh, StMcMtdHitCollection.hh, StMcPixelHitCollection.hh, StMcPixelLayerHitCollection.hh, StMcRichHitCollection.hh, StMcSsdLadderHitCollection.hh, StMcSsdWaferHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtBarrelHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtLadderHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtWaferHitCollection.hh, StMcTofHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcPadrowHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcSectorHitCollection.hh, StMcSsdHitCollection.hh - changed private => protected;
StMcContainers.hh - added Etr hits;, StMcEvent.hh, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, StMcTrack.hh,,, StMcEtrHit Collection.hh, StMcEtrHit.hh - added Etr;
StMcHitIter.cxx, StMcHitIter.h - added new files;
StMcEventMaker.h, StMcEventMaker.cxx - Etr added;
StTpcMixerMaker.cxx - fixed bug #2299;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - fixed for embedding;
L2Emulator/StL2_2009EmulatorMaker.cxx - added L2upsilon; added L2jet for 2009 pp 500GeV ;
L2Emulator/L2wAlgo/L2wEemc2012.cxx, L2wEemc2012.h - modified to write L2weResult to the L2Result array so we can differentiate random and real accepts; updated plots to have some monitoring;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified to speed up calculation;
StHelixHelper.h - modified;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to to support reconfiguration of the inner TPAD volumes for inner TPC upgrade studies;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified to switch pipe12 (old beam pipe) to pipev1 (new narrow beam pipe) for dev13 geometry with the HFT;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo1.g - added new file AgML pipe geometry module;
AgiGeometry/CreateGeometry.h - modified to remove static, errorprone in Cint;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h, Geometry.C, Geometry.dev13.C, Geometry.devE.C, Geometry.y2004.C, Geometry.y2004c.C,Geometry.y2004d.C, Geometry.y2005b.C, Geometry.y2005.C, Geometry.y2005c.C, Geometry.y2005d.C, Geometry.y2005e.C, Geometry.y2005f.C, Geometry.y2005g.C, Geometry.y2005h.C, Geometry.y2005i.C, Geometry.y2006a.C, Geometry.y2006b.C, Geometry.y2006.C, Geometry.y2006g.C, Geometry.y2006h.C, Geometry.y2007a.C, Geometry.y2007.C, Geometry.y2007g.C, Geometry.y2007h.C, Geometry.y2008a.C, Geometry.y2008b.C, Geometry.y2008.C, Geometry.y2008c.C, Geometry.y2008d.C, Geometry.y2008e.C, Geometry.y2009a.C, Geometry.y2009b.C, Geometry.y2009.C, Geometry.y2009c.C, Geometry.y2010a.C, Geometry.y2010b.C, Geometry.y2010.C, Geometry.y2010c.C, Geometry.y2011a.C, Geometry.y2011.C, Geometry.y2012.C, loadStarGeometry.Cxx;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - modified to speed up TpcRS processing;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C - added new files for year 2012;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - fixed T0offset from comparison with AuAu 27GeV;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/tofBuilder.cxx - fixed bug in hitpattern and VPD plots due to lack of trigger window for upVPD;
Main features:
- few important bugs have been fixed;
- implemented DbV overide support to use different DbV timestamp for subsystems;
- MTD code modified to adjust for run 2012;
- created MTD hits collection and Browse() method in StMcEvents for MC events;
- added ETR detector in StEvent and geometry;
- added new versions of PYTHIA event generator: PYTHIA 6.2.05 & PYTHIA 6.4.26;
- added new StarLight event generator integrated with starsim framework ;
- added FGT detector in OnLineTool and set new trigger windows for run 2012;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/guphad.age, guhadr.age - modified to use ipart%100 for interface with geisha,fluka and gcalor;
Simulation/starsim/agzio/heperead.age - modified to ignore unlnown geant PID ;
Simulation/starsim/atutil/CommonBlocks.cxx, CommonBlocks.h - added new files to implement helper class/functions to store and retrieve address of common blocks by name;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - optimized for AutoQA Browser for QA shift run 2012;
Bfc.h, StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - implemented parsinf of {DBV}SDT}
BigFullChain.h - fixed bug #2285; added a default chain options P2012a for run 2012; added MC to MuDst; added TpxAvLaser;
StArray.cxx, StObject.cxx - bug #2281 fixed;
StObject.h - I/O mode flag added;
StBTofINLCorr.cxx, StBTofINLCorr.h - modified to allow direct access to INL corrections given TDIG-Id;
StMaker.cxx - added dev13 geometry; added devE geometry;
StRTSBaseMaker.cxx - move StMaker name logic before StMaker instantiation;
StDbBroker.cxx, StDbBroker.h - implemented DbV override support to use different timestamp for subsystems;
StDbLib, StDbConfigNode.hh,, StDbConfigNodeImpl.hh - implemented DbV override support to use different timestamp for subsystems;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - implemented DbV override support to use different timestamp for subsystems; error check added
StMagUtilities.cxx - modified to catch small/zero primary E field;
StPrepEmbedMaker.h - fix for ticket #2097;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - ETR detector added;
StGeomBrowser.cxx, GeomBrowser.cxx - added direct loading TGeo cint file ;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx, StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h - functions added to cut on refMult ;
StEvent.h - added IsMain() related to I/O;
StEnumerations.h - added KFVertexFinder; modified to set max number of detector's ID = 40;
StMtdHit.cxx - tof() implementaion added;
StMtdCollection.cxx, StMtdCollection.h - Browse() method added;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2012.cxx, StTriggerData2012.h - fixed bug concerning seg failt when MIX DSM not in run and added new arg to MtdVpdTacDiff();
StEventLinkDef.h - added new pragmas for 2012 trigger structures;
StContainers.h, StContainers.cxx, StDetectorDefinitions.h,, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.h, StEvent.cxx, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEtrHit.cxx, StEtrHit.h, StEtrHitCollection.cxx, StEtrHitCollection.h - ETR detector added;
StEnumerations.cxx - added new method detectorIdByName;
StEventHelper.cxx, StEventHelper.h - modified;
StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - added new files to keep ETR hits separately;
StuDraw3DEvent.h, StuDraw3DEvent.cxx - modified to draw StHit by iterator ;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx - added support for parton jets;
St_pythia_Maker.cxx - modified to load PYTHIA record from file;
mcparticles/StjMCParticleCutParton.cxx, StjMCParticleCutParton.h - added support for parton jets;
StjMCParticleCutParton.h - modified cut: require parent line number <= MSTU(72) and particle status code != 51 and particle pt > 0.0001 GeV and particle eta between -5 and 5;
mudst/StjMCMuDst.cxx - added support for parton jets;
StMcEvent,StMcMtdHit.hh - added MTD hits ;, StMcBTofHitCollection.hh,, StMcCtbHitCollection.hh,, StMcEmcModuleHitCollection.hh,, StMcEvent.hh,, StMcFgtLayerHitCollection.hh,, StMcFtpcPlaneHitCollection.hh, StMcHit.hh,, StMcIstLayerHitCollection.hh ,, StMcMtdHitCollection.hh,, StMcPixelLayerHitCollection.hh,, StMcRichHitCollection.hh,, StMcSsdWaferHitCollection.hh, StMcSvtHit.hh,, StMcSvtWaferHitCollection.hh,, StMcTofHitCollection.hh, StMcTpcHit.hh,, StMcTpcPadrowHitCollection.hh - added method Browse();
StMcEventLinkDef.h - added MTD collection dictionary;
StMcEventMaker.cxx - modified to ignore tracks with wrong geant ID; added MTD Creation;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified for run 2012; added tdc-channel to global (backleg) strip coordinate mapping; modified to redefine global tdc channel; MTD decoding updated;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - rewritten new provisional version;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - corrected no.of possible points for tracking with CA seed finder algorithm; StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h - set limit for number of permutations kMaxEventPerm=10M ;
StiMaker.cxx - set limit for number of permutations;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - fixed bug #2251;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - added function to set LD301 registers;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - added defineTrigger() function;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to recalculate hit positions from the original cluster;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - removed YXTProd, added WIREHISTOGRAM and WIREMAP, modified to use particle definition from StarClassLibrary;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TF1F.h, TF1F.cxx - modified to change defaults: shark measurements: old default => 46.6%, wire histograms => 38.9%, wire map => 12.5 +10.2, pad block => 15% ; added protection for underflow bins;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - removed __DEBUG__ and __ClusterProfile__ from default, reduced arrays and added check for bounds;
TTreeIter.cxx, - modified to check that TTree exists and TFile is not Zombie;
KFParticle.h, KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h - changed type of particles;
KFParticleLinkDef.h - removed;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx - added check that TFile is writable;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - modified to improve errors;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h - modified for run 2012; removed FTPC histograms for run 2012;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - modifeid to place TPC sector plots in QA Shift;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - modified to remove TPC XY dist, add TPC RPhi charge:
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - added code for EMC match, set default to required;
include/cmds.h,daqFormats.h - updated trigger formats to version 41;
daqModes.h - cleanup daq_cmd;
cmds.h - cleanup;
prepareGbPayload.h - update for vxworks;
rtsLog.h - changed _FILE_ to _BASE_FILE_;
rtsMonitor.h - added rtsMonSC for the scDeamon.C;
rtsSystems.h - renamed SS2 to final SST;
include/SUNRT/clockClass.h - new file added;
src/ rtsplus.def, rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - fixed bug with file/directory reading at the end of file;
daq_det.cxx, daq_det.h, daq_dta.cxx - added global event number function ;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - modified to remove L2;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx, tpxGain.h - removed L2;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - removed L2;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx - removed L2;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx - removed L2;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx - removed L2;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx - fixed to get_l2; changed for 7to5timebin;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated;
geometry/eiddgeo/eiddgeo.g - added stub for eStar development detector EIDD;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added devE tag for eStar development;
geometry/fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo3.g - modifeid to incorporate FGT and IDSM into AgSTAR geometry for y2012 run;
gen/StarLight/ - StarLight event generator integrated with starsim framework, added next files:
PythiaStarlight.h, StarLightInterface.F, StarLightInterface.cdf, beam.cpp, beam.h, beambeamsystem.cpp, beambeamsystem.h, bessel.cpp, bessel.h, eventchannel.cpp, eventchannel.h, eventfilewriter.cpp, eventfilewriter.h, filewriter.cpp, filewriter.h, gammaaluminosity.cpp, gammaaluminosity.h, gammaavm.cpp, gammaavm.h, gammagammaleptonpair.cpp, gammagammaleptonpair.h, gammagammasingle.cpp,gammagammasingle.h,, inputParameters.cpp, inputParameters.h, inputParser.cpp, inputParser.h, lorentzvector.cpp, lorentzvector.h, nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.cpp, nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.h, narrowResonanceCrossSection.cpp, narrowResonanceCrossSection.h, nucleus.cpp, nucleus.h, photonNucleusCrossSection.cpp, photonNucleusCrossSection.h, psifamily.cpp, psifamily.h, pushTrack.age, randomgenerator.cpp, randomgenerator.h, readinluminosity.cpp, readinluminosity.h, reportingUtils.h, starlight.cpp, starlight.h, starlightconstants.h, starlightlimits.h, starlightparticle.cpp, starlightparticle.h, starlightparticlecodes.cpp, starlightparticlecodes.h, twophotonluminosity.cpp, twophotonluminosity.h, upcevent.cpp,upcevent.h, vector3.cpp, vector3.h, wideResonanceCrossSection.cpp, wideResonanceCrossSection.h; - added interface for the event generator machinery;
gen/Pythia6_2_05/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia6205.F, pytune.F - added new version of PYTHIA 6.2.05;
gen/Pythia6_4_26/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.4.26.F - added new version of PYTHIA 6.4.26;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified;
g2t_etr.F, g2t_etr.idl - added new files for ETR detector;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified;
g2t_etr_hit.idl - added new files for ETR detector;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110503.000003.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110620.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110624.150002.C - removed doubled sigma for dEdx;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20110620.150001.C - added new file;
TpcResponseSimulator.C - modified for TpcRS 2005;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - fixed parameters from TpcRS 2010;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - fixed parameters from TpcRS 2009;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - updated to freeze parameters for y2011 based TpcRS; adjusted T0offset from Run 11 AuAu 27 & 19.6 GeV embedding;
Jevp/level.source - added new file; updated for trigger version 0x41;
Jevp/JevpEdit/ - updated for trigger version 0x41;
Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h, JTMonitor.cxx - updated;
EvpConstants.h, JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - modified to save root files ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fgtBuilder.cxx, fgtBuilder.h - added fgt detector;
bbcBuilder.cxx/h, bemcBuilder.cxx/h, daqBuilder.cxx/h, eemcBuilder.cxx/h, fgtBuilder.cxx/h, fpdBuilder.cxx/h,
l3Builder.cxx/h, mtdBuilder.cxx/h, ppBuilder.cxx/h, tofBuilder.cxx/h, tpxBuilder.cxx/h, trgBuilder.cxx/h, upcBuilder.cxx/h;
eemcBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx, baseBuilder.cxx, baseBuilder.h, LaserReader.cxx - updated;
mtdBuilder.cxx/h - modified to skip triggers if zero; MTD error checking plots added ;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - set new trigger windows for run 2012;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - fixed bug for run #=0;
JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated for trigger version 0x41;
JevpPlot.cxx/h, BuilderStatus.cxx/h, JevpPlotSet.cxx/h - updated ;
PdfFileBuilder.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.h - added new files;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpGui.h, evpPresenterBaseScript.C - modified;
ZoomWidget.cxx, ZoomWidget.h - added new files for zoom;
JevpGui.cxx, JevpGui.h - added zoom;
OnlinePlots/Infrastructure/ EvpUtil.cxx, EvpUtil.h - modified for better variable name (no conflicts) for generic files;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 11, 2013 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f (SL08f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 last version with EVP_READER, MC production SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09e (SL09e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL5.3, last library with old pams (tpt) SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10i (SL10i_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11c (SL11c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 auau 19.6Gev run 2011 preproduction SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11e (SL11e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12b (SL12b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12c (SL12c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV run 2012 preproduction old-> SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12e (SL12e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13a (SL13a_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pro-> SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL13c (SL13c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 new-> SL13d (SL13d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 -------------------------------------------------
SL13a library
SL13b library
SL13c library
SL13d library
Main features:
- first library release on SL6.4 platform;
- new ROOT version 5.34.09;
- eSTAR2 geometry implemented;
- geometry modifications for beam pipe, PXL and IST;
- added new database support for PXL & IST detectors;
- first version of year 2014 geometry;
- updates of new event generator framework;
- new version of PPV vertex finder with StEvent dependency only, could be used both in Sti & Stv tracking;
- new version of QtRoot;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/guhadr.age, guphad.age - modified do not segregate He3;
rexe/MAIN_rmain.cxx - fixed number of arguments;
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, AgStarReader.h - added support for user-defined particles;
StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - made fixes to unfiltered event generation; enabled filter to skip events, rather than continue trials until it passes;
AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed issue with geant3 particle ID not being propagated into the fTrackingCode member of TParticlePDG; StarParticleData now clones TDatabasePDG;
EVENT/StarGenParticle.h - added correction to StarGenParticle documentation;
StarGenEvent.cxx - made fixes to unfiltered event generation;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx, hijing1.383.F, hipyset1.35.F - modified to make sure that event generators map to common StarGenerator RNG;
StarHijing.cxx - implemeted fixed taget; fixed isotope of Cu used in beam for Cu running; fixed bug with saving hijing header information;
Pepsi/jetseten.F, lazimu.F, lepto.F, leptox.F, lflav.F, lprikt.F, lqqbev.F, lremh.F, lscale.F, lsci.F, lsmall.F, lwbb.F, lxp.F, lyspli.F, lysspa.F, lzp.F, pollazimu.F, polleptox.F, pollzp.F, pystfu.F - modified to make sure that event generators map to common StarGenerator RNG;
Pythia6_4_23/ StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h - modified to expose PyStat and PyList calls in StarPythia6;
Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, address.F - modified to add StarGenStats to the pythia6 event record;
StarPythia6.cxx, pythia-6.4.23.F - modified to make sure that event generators map to common StarGenerator RNG;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx, angdis.F, anndec.F, boxprg.F, cascinit.F, coload.F, dectim.F, dwidth.F, getmass.F, getspin.F, init.F, input.F, iso.F, jdecay2.F, make22.F, pythia6409.F, string.F, uhmerge.F, upmerge.F - modified to maker sure that event generators map to common StarGenerator RNG ;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added support for user-defined particles;
StarParticleData.cxx - fixed issue with geant3 particle ID not being propagated into the fTrackingCode member of TParticlePDG; StarParticleData now clones TDatabasePDG;
macros/starsim.addparticle.C - added example of a macro for adding a particle;
starsim.filter.C, starsim.pythia8.C - added vertexing;
starsim.hijing.C - modified to maker sure that event generators map to common StarGenerator RNG ;
starsim.filter.C - enabled filter to skip events, rather than continue trials until it passes;
THelixTrack.cxx - added fabs(eigen) + TComplex &x;
KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticle.cxx, KFParticleBase.h, KFParticle.h, KFVertex.h, KFParticleBase.h - added bookkeeping;
KFParticleBase.h - added renamed method;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultiKeyMap.h - removed recursion to speedup ;
StDraw3D.cxx - modified angle name;
BigFullChain.h - modified to move ITTF,UseXgeom out of the B2013_cX options, added bare pp2013;
pp500_production_2012_ReversedFullField_P12ic_st_W_13078060_raw_1360001 StBFChain.cxx - changed StMaker::Finish() => StChain::Finish();
StBFChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added more Database entries, retiered GC;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented new vertex finder options 'VFPPVEv' & 'VFPPVEvNoBtof' ;
replace Pythia6_4_23 => Pythia6_4_26 ;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - modified to improve log message for inefficiency cuts;
StChain.cxx - added y2014 firtst cut geometry;
StMaker.cxx - added eStar2 geometry definition; updated timestamp for eStar2 simulation; modified to move GeometryDbAliases into separate h-file;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added new file; modified to print hidden maker;
StChallenger.cxx, StChallenger.h - retiered;
GENERIC/RecHeaderFormats.hh - added missing header;
StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheFileLocal.h - modified for filesystem cache watermarking, configuration support;
StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheFileLocal.h, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.h - file cache cleanup using watermarking boundaries and FIFO/LRU policies;
StDbDefs.hh, - modified for new database support: IST; - modified to override for mysql user autodetect functionality, needed for SL6.4 platdorm;
StMagUtilities.cxx - modified to return code for Predict...();
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to expand no. of possible databases from 4 to 10;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - added test for ADC==0; hacked;
StPxlHit.h - modified layer() method; changed order of XX,XY,YY;
StVpdTriggerDetector.cxx, StVpdTriggerDetector.h - added ADCmxq(), TDCmxq() and referring data member;
StDcaGeometry.cxx - supressed warning;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified for new PPV vertex finder with StEvent dependency only;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - implemented new options 'VFPPVEv' & 'VFPPVEvNoBtof' for new PPV vertex finder;
StiPPVertex/ScintHitList.cxx, ScintHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - modified for new PPV with StEvent dependency only;
StvPPVertex/BemcHitList.cxx, BemcHitList.h, BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h, CtbHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.h, EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, ScintHitList.cxx, ScintHitList.h, StEventToolkit.cxx, StEventToolkit.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - implemented new version of PPV vertex finder for Stv tracking with StEvent dependency only;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - check for DCA geo added;
StMagF.h - cleanup;
StMcEvent - modified to change numberring;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to include protection against zero triggerIdCollection() pointers. This is relevant when using simulated data as input;
StMtdMatchMaker.h, StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added name;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - removed AddHist for uninitialized histogram;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - bug fixed; corrected mapping based on GEANT volume_id;
StMtdGeometry.h, StMtdGeometry.cxx - updated strip gap dimension from old to current MRPC design; included CVS Id and Log tags;
COMMON/StMuTrack.h - mID modified from Short_t to Int_t;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - MTD specific updates for MuDst;
StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added new code for Mtd PidTraits;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - introduced time offsets, noclobber toggle, more matched-tracks controls;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to allow use of multiple PPVF vertices, introduce EmcOrTofMatch, keep track of Predict...() cuts;
StPeCMaker.cxx - added 'returnValue' in StEvent input mode;
StPeCTrigger.cxx, StPeCTrigger.h - added arrays to handle bbc and zdc information;
StPxlFastSim.cxx - adjusted to StMcPxlHit changes to be on local coordinated; no longer transfor from global to local before smearing;
StEmcOldFinder.cxx - modified to replace TTableSorter by TMath::Sort;
St_sls_Maker.cxx - implemented corrections for %d format used for long int;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - created clone of Geometry and left it undeleted; added some LOG_INFO for better tracing; updated to check that TGeoManager exists; modified to check non-NULL gGeoManager before accessing;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - replaced assert to return false to prevent job crashes due to some wrong hits on track;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorBuilder.h - added new beam pipe;
StTriggerSimuMaker.h - modified to add member mTrigName and function askTrigger() to request trigger definition;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added functionality to get2009DsmRegistersFromOnlineDatabase(int) to get trigger definition for run11 and run12 from database based on requested triggers;
StTriggerDefinition.h - changed onbits/offbits type from int to unsigned int;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added getpwuid to get user name to access database;
StDSMUtilities/ - implemented new AJP algorithm for run12 by adding new register R3 in ajpBarrel and ajpEndcap; - modified to return false for isTrigger and isOnBits if onbits == 0;
TCU.hh - modified to change defineTrigger(const TriggerDefinition& triggerDef) to defineTrigger(TriggerDefinition&triggerDef) TriggerDefinition.hh - added onbits0 and offbits0 and changed onbits/offbits type from int to unsigned int;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.h - added defineTrigger2012() to manually set up triggers;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx - added defineTrigger(TriggerDefinition & trigdef, int year) to define trigger based on year and added defineTrigger2012 to manually set up trigger;
include/rtsSystems.h - updated FY13 checkpoint; swapped IST and FGT TCD; added TOKEN_MANAGER; GRP cleanup; defined RPII_GRP; fixed bug in tcd2rts;
RC_Config.h, cmds.h - added TokenManagerChooser;
iccp2k.h, prepareGbPayload.h, tasks.h, rtsLog.h - updated;
prepareGbPayload.h - fixed LOG message for vxWorks;
tasks.h - added token manager;
rtsMonitor.h - modified; fixed IST-related bug in rts2tcd; added clock to TCD monitoring;
include/TPC/trans_table.hh - updated FY13 checkpoint;
include/TPX/tpx_altro_to_pad.h - updated FY13 checkpoint;
include/UNIX/simpleQ2.hh - added new file;
include/DAQ1000/rb.hh - added fifo length for emulation;
include/RORC/rorc_lib.h, added physmemCheck; added fixes for 64bit;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated; TokenManager added;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - updated FY13 checkpoint;
src/DAQ_BTOW/daq_btow.cxx - removed check for trg_cmd=4;
src/DAQ_ESMD/daq_esmd.cxx - removed check for trg_cmd=4;
src/DAQ_ETOW/daq_etow.cxx - removed check for trg_cmd=4;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx - updated FY13 checkpoint; added sector checking; added external tb count to fgtPed; minor logging fix to daq_fgt.cxx;
fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - updated misc IST;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - updated FY13 checkpoint;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - added get_l2 ala PXL;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF_2D.cxx, tpxFCF_2D.h - updated;
daq_tpx.cxx - minor logging tweaks;
tpxPed.cxx - updated FY13 checkpoint; added special ped setup;
tpxFCF.cxx - modified;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - updated FY13 checkpoint;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - updated;
rtsLogServer.C - removed;
src/SFS/sfs_header.C - updated;
sfs_base.h - added calcfileheader as a convenience;
sfs_index.cxx - updated;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added support to eStar2 model; defined a CONSTRUCT keyword in geometry.g; CONSTRUCT calls a geometry module using comis; if the subroutine is not linked with the program, it will not be called and a warning will be issued; for the case where one or more moduels are missing, a fortran STOP will be issued to prevent invalid geometries from being used;
added improved definitions for y2013a, new beam pipe module and new ist module;
added case statements to enable y2013a geometries;
modified to move IDS construction before beam pipe;
updated with fixes for IDSM / PIPE ; added y2014 first cut geometry;
geometry/istdgeo/istdgeo1.g - added stub for the AgML istdgeo1 module;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo3.g - added stub for the AgML pipegeo3 module;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcxgeo1.g - added support to eStar2 model;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Lambda Xi dibaryon; fixed decay modes; improved properties of lambda xi hyperon; changed lifetime, previous values were the width of the particle in GeV, no in sec;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to detect tpadconfig from TPCG structure instead of relying on versioning of the TPC;
g2t_pix.F - modified to store local rather than global quantities w/in the g2t tables;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.eStar2.C - added support for eStar2 tag;
CreateGeometry.h - modified to fix bug #2684: previous version of CreateGeometry added include path and loaded a second macro; it appears that ROOT 5.34.09 is having problems unloading this second macro, leading to a crash in loading the TFile. All logic has been moved into CreateGeometry.h to avoid loading of second macro;
Geometry.y2014.C - added first cut of y2014 geometry;
Calibrations/tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2013.C - added new file to change mHitWeights from 2111 to 2222 for pixel;
StvTpcInnerHitErrs.20081215.000000.C, StvTpcOuterHitErrs.20081215.000000.C - hit errors fitted for pp 500GeV year 2009;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcWaterOut.eStar2.C, tpcSlewing.eStar2.C, tpcPressureB.eStar2.C, tpcPadGainT0B.eStar2.C, tpcMethaneIn.eStar2.C, tpcGridLeak.eStar2.C, tpcGasTemperature.eStar2.C, tpcGas.eStar2.C, tpcGainCorrection.eStar2.C, tpcGainCorrection.eStar2.C, tpcDriftVelocity.eStar2.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.eStar2.C, tpcAnodeHV.eStar2.C, tpcAltroParams.eStar2.C, TpcdEdxCor.eStar2.C, TpcdCharge.eStar2.C, TpcZDC.eStar2.C, TpcZCorrectionB.eStar2.C, TpcSecRowB.eStar2.C, TpcRowQ.eStar2.C, TpcResponseSimulator.eStar2.C, TpcPhiDirection.eStar2.C, TpcPadCorrection.eStar2.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.eStar2.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.eStar2.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.eStar2.C, spaceChargeCorR2.eStar2.C - added new eSTAR2 geometry parameters;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20120423.112404.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20120423.112405.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20120423.112410.C, tpcGainCorrection.20120423.112401.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20120423.112401.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20120423.112415.C, tpcPressureB.20120423.112403.C, TpcRowQ.20120423.112413.C, TpcSecRowB.20120423.112413.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20120423.112412.C - updated dEdx calibrations for run 2012 UU 193GeV;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C - updated for run 2012;
tpcAnodeHV.y2010.C - modified default anode voltage;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcTemps.eStar2.C - added new eSTAR2 geometry parameters;
Geometry/tpc/TpcOuterSectorPosition.eStar2.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.eStar2.C, tpcGlobalPosition.eStar2.C, tpcPadPlanes.eStar2.C - added new eStar2 geometry parameters;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.eStar2.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2012.C, tpcRDOMasks.y2013.C - add ideal RDO mask;
geant3/TGeant3/TGeant3TGeo.h, TGeant3f77.h - modified to adjust TVirtualMC interface to new ROOT version 5.34.09;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added support for eSTAR2 model;
Geometry.h, Geometry.cxx - added code to accumulate list of detector modules;
added improved definition for y2013a, new beam PIPE module and new IST module;
modified to switch to latest version of IDSM; added y2014 first cut geometry;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added support for eSTAR2 model; modified to force rebuilding of xgeometry;
modified to move IDSM construction before beam pipe;
modified to switch to latest version of IDSM;
updated with fixes for IDSM / PIPE; added y2014 first cut geometry;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmGeo.xml - modified to place BBCM in cave as a MANY volume, to prevent overlap with new modules ;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo1.xml - modified placement of IDSM in CAVE to make it explicit;
IdsmGeo2.xml - added new file for updated IDSM w/ electrostatic shroud, inner radius to accept beam pipe;
updated with fixes for IDSM / PIPE;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - added improved IST module;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeGeo.xml - modified for better approximation of the beam pipe;
PipeGeo3.xml - added improved beam pipe with positioning inside of the IDSM; fixed beam pipe "hole" (vaccuum);
Geometry/PixlGeo/PxstGeo1.xml - added more accurate description of materials and structures;
PixlGeo5.xml - modified to add PXLW data structure so it can be set from the steering geometry,g and Geometry.cxx;
Geometry/TpcxGeo/TpcxGeo2.xml - added new file to support eSTAR2 model; TpcxGeo2.xml - modified to set default to devTF geometry;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C, viewStarGeometry.C - added support for eSTAR2 model;
StarGeometryDb.C - added a few older geometries; corrections to geometries with mfldgeo called; fake versions of upgrade geometries setup; added y2014 first cut geometry;
StarAgmlLib/StarTGeoStacker.cxx - minor fixes to ensure that gGeoManager has been created;
StarNoStacker.h, StarNoStacker.cxx - added new files with NULL geometry engine, i.e. one which allows us to go through the steering process w/out generating a geometry;
StarTGeoStacker.h - few methods made virtual to allow for subclass; added y2014 first cut geometry;
AgPlacement.cxx - modified to fix the bug reported in ticket #2684;
idl/pxlRowColumnStatus.idl, pxlSensorStatus.idl - added calibrations/pxl status tables;
pxlRowColumnStatus.idl - removed four characters to leave comment with number of characters less than 80 becuase stic can not handle longer lines;
eemcTriggerPed.idl - added EEMC trigger pedestal table;
istGain.idl, istPedNoise.idl - added new calibrations tables for IST;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
- new version;
Library release |
Patch tag for |
Patch tag for MysqlDb.h |
Revisions |
Library new tag |
SL09e |
dblib_150patch |
dblib_153patch |
r.; r. |
SL09e_2 |
SL09g |
dblib_152patch |
dblib_153patch |
r.; r. |
SL09g_4 |
SL09g_embed |
dblib_152patch |
dblib_153patch |
r.; r. |
SL09g_2Embed_v9 |
SL10c |
dblib_152patch |
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r.; r. |
SL10c_4 |
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SL10h |
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SL10h_5 |
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SL10i_4 |
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- |
- |
r.1.65 |
SL13c_2 |
Library release
Patch tag
Library new tag
SL09e |
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update on pending |
Main features:
- first release of StMtdMatchMaker & StMtdUtil codes;
- first release of StPxlSimMaker code;
- added pixel hit collections to StMcEvent maker;
- further development of FGT code;
- first release of event generator filtering framework;
- added PXL event builder to OnlTools;
- retired next packages: St_tpcdaq_Maker, StRTSClient & StMixerMaker;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - removed dependancy in StMtdUtil; fixed bug #2497;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added MTD chain; modified due to retirement of StRTSClient/FCFMaker & St_tpcdaq_Maker codes; adde d option for reading MuDst; added 'KeepFgtHit' option; added options for StPxlSimMaker;
dEdxParameterization.cxx - fixed memory leak ;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx - bug fixed: corrected handling of the GMT in the upper half of the TOF trays;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx - modified due to removing St_tpcdaq_Maker and StRTSClient/FCFMaker;
StDbDefs.hh, - added new domains: PXL, MTD;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx, StDbServiceBroker.h - added feature to call external script when db is not available for XXX seconds; external networked script replaced with direct mail call; modified to send out debug emails only when STAR_DEBUG_DB_RETRIES_ADMINS variable is set; added process id and time difference to email notification; - implemented simple hook to use database with login/pass when really needed ;
PMT-Base-spreadsheet-11-12.xls - added new files;
PMT-Base spreadsheet 11-12.xls - removed due to renaming;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - modified to compare mu- and pi- mesons;
StFgtHit.h, StFgtPoint.h - added new methods and members for FGT;
StEnumerations.h - modified;
StEventCompendiumMaker.cxx - added check for existing global track;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - modified ;
StFgtPointMaker.cxx, StFgtPointMaker.h, StFgtSimplePointAlgo.cxx - modified to fill in StHit with xyz, error on xyz and detectorId; added option to return kStSkip if max number of disc hit per quad is less than setSkipEvent (default 0);
StFgtSimplePointAlgo.cxx - added same quad check;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx - added check for maximum allowed timebin; changed return code from fatal to warning if #tb is too high in meta data;
StiPPVertex/BemcHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.cxx, ScintHitList.cxx - fixed a few deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*';
StHitFilterMaker.cxx, StHitFilterMaker.h - modified HitFilter takes a WestEta cut to keep hits in the FGT direction;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx - modified to change track pT and tower energy by a certain fraction prior to jet reconstruction;
towers/StjAbstractTower.h, StjTowerEnergyFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyFraction.h - added new files to change tower energy by a certain fraction prior to jet reconstruction;
tracks/StjAbstractTrack.h StjTrackPtFraction.cxx StjTrackPtFraction.h - added new files to change tower energy by a certain fraction prior to jet reconstruction;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx - adjusted for run 2013;
StMcEvent, StMcPxlHit.hh,, StMcPxlHitCollection.hh,, StMcPxlLadderHitCollection.hh,, StMcPxlSectorHitCollection.hh,, StMcPxlSensorHitCollection.hh - added new files for PXL;
StMcVertexC.cxx, StMcTrack.hh,, StMcHitIter.cxx, StMcEventTypes.hh, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEvent.hh,, StMcContainers.hh - modifications to include PXL;
StMcPixelLayerHitCollection.hh,, StMcPixelHitCollection.hh, StMcPixelHit.hh, - removed;
StMcEventMaker.h, StMcEventMaker.cxx - modified for PXL;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - the only MC pairs added;
StMixerMaker.cxx, StMixerMaker.h - retired together with St_tpcdaq_Maker & StRTSClient;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - minor adjustment to fix SL44 compiler warnings;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - first release for MTD; bug #2575 fixed (protection against events that have tracks, but no vertex);
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - fisrt release for MTD;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - set protection against 0 entry histos for EvalCalib();
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx, StPixelFastSimMaker.h - removed;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlISim.h, StPxlSimMaker.h - first release of PXL simulation maker;
include/includes_for_export.flg, fcfClass.hh, rts.h, rtsSystems.h - removed;
include/TPC/padfinder.h rowlen.h - removed;
FCF/fcfAfterburner.cxx, fcfClass.cxx - removed;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx, FCFMaker.h, fcfPixel.idl - removed;
St_tpcdaq_Maker.cxx, St_tpcdaq_Maker.h - removed;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to remove usage of current online db;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - modified to implement option to use bemcStatus.txt file;
StarClassLibrary updated mass and lifetime of the phi to more recent PDG values;
StDiBaryon.hh - removed; - fixed bug #2574, wrong Omega/Anti-Omega Geant ID;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - modified to enable the primary event to be distributed along the beamline, using the beamline constraint obtained from the database;
StarGenerator.h, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - modified to make first integration of event filtering;
StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed bug in unfiltered event generation;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.h - updated documentaion;
EVENT/StarGenEvent.cxx, StarGenEvent.h - updated to support event filter information;
StarGenStats.cxx, StarGenStats.h - added new files to track event generator statistics; fixed bug in unfiltered event generation;
FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx, StDijetFilter.h, StarFilterMaker.cxx, StarFilterMaker.h - first release of event generator filtering framework;
macros/starsim.herwig6.C, starsim.hijing.C, starsim.kinematics.C, starsim.pythia6.C, starsim.pythia8.C, starsim. starlight.C updated example of default macros for using xgeometry/agml;
TPolinom.cxx - fixed 'delete' to 'delete []' ;
THelixTrack.cxx - updated for more accurate fast track estimation; improved some pre fit analysis; added protection against straight track along X axis;
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - method TCirleFitter::Show added;
StiHit.h - modified to change private: ==>protected ;
StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - initialized mTotEve to zero ;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated ;
Ist/StiIstHitLoader.cxx - removed dependancy from StPixelFastSimMaker due to maker has been removed;
include/rtsSystems.h - updated ;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - updated ;
include/TPC/rowlen.h - added attribute-unused so that code doesn't warn all the time;
tpxGain.h - commented some dev code so it doesn't generate warnings;
include/SUNRT/rtsMother.h, shmLib.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/msgNQLib.cxx, daqReader.cxx - modified;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - fixed bug in ZS in last APV;
bfcMixer_FullPythia.C, bfcMixer_P07ib.C, bfcMixer_P07ic.C, bfcMixer_TpcOnly.C, bfcMixer_TpcSvt.C, bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd.C, bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd2005.C, bfcMixer_Unified.C, bfcMixer_v4.C, bfcMixer_v4_noFTPC.C, bfcMixer_v4_svt.C, bfcMixer_v5.C - updated due to retirement of St_tpcdaq_Maker, StRTSClient and StMixer; bug #2580 fixed;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added new version of the CAVE as CAVE05; implemented better dimensions, walls, platform,crates; modified y2013x (asymptotic) STAR geometry to use CAVE05;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - updated mass and lifetime of the phi to more recent PDG values;
tpc/idl/daq100cl.idl, raw_pad.idl, raw_row.idl, raw_sec_m.idl, raw_seq.idl, tcl_tphit.idl, type_shortdata.idl - removed;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcPadGainT0B.20110204.182524.root - removed;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20120313.140022.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20120313.140000.C, tpcGainCorrection.20120313.140025.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20120313.140000.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20120313.140025.C, tpcPressureB.20120313.140022.C, TpcRowQ.20120313.140025.C, TpcSecRowB.20120313.140025.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20120313.140026.C, TpcZDC.20120313.140000.C - updated files for run 2012 TPC calibrations;
Calibrations/tracker/ tpcInnerHitError.20100101.000000.C, tpcInnerHitError.C, tpcInnerHitError.y2009c.C, tpcInnerHitError.y2010c.C, tpcInnerHitError.y2011c.C, tpcOuterHitError.20100101.000000.C, tpcOuterHitError.C, tpcOuterHitError.y2009c.C, tpcOuterHitError.y2010c.C, tpcOuterHitError.y2011c.C - added Sti fitted ideal hit errors;
StarAgmlLib/AgStructure.cxx - updated to print out the value(s) being set during runtime config;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added new version of the CAVE as CAVE05; implemented better dimensions, walls, platform, crates; modified y2013x (asymptotic) STAR geometry to use CAVE05; first cut geometry remains at CAVE04;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo.xml - removed logic placing walls and selecting different shape cave+hall;
CaveGeo2.xml - added new version of the CAVE to implement reasonable dimensions for walls, tunnels, shape of the cave (no longer a cylinder!), electronics crates, etc..; added floor to the cave;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated to force recompilation;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeo3.xml - updated z-positions of disks for y2013 geometry using y2012 surveyed values; added 1cm offset to account for 1st FGT cooling tube; offset applies to first cut of y2013 geometries;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpGeo.xml - modified to flag MAGP as many due to overlap with MTD;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml - updated to flag volume MIGC (RPC gas) as sensitive;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeGeo2.xml - minor correction for pipe geometry; full specification of radlen, abslen density in vacuum;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml - modified PXSI volume from MANY to (default) ONLY; updated to instrumented sectors of the pixel detector with minor modifications to the material budget;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added new version of the CAVE as CAVE05; implemented better dimensions, walls, platform,crates; modified y2013x (asymptotic) STAR geometry to use CAVE05;
pxlSensorTps.idl - added new table for PXL;
mtdTDIGOnBackleg.idl - added new table for MTD;
StvHitErrs.idl - added new Tpc hit error parametrization;
tpcGas.idl - fixed description of imported channels;
qtgui/src/TQtTabValidator.cxx - change RootVers (5,34,4)==> (5,34,3);
Jevp/ - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/daqBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.h, hltBuilder.cxx, hltphiBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx tpxBuilder.h - mofidied to reduce some histo sizes;
l4Builder.cxx - modified;
l4Builder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h - updated;
bemcBuilder.cxx - modified to switch on number of entries for bemc histograms;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - added PXL event builder;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to remove PerEvent plots; fixed string comparisons and few other bugs ;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - mofidied to reduce some histo sizes;
JevpServer.h, WritePDFToDB.C - updated;
Next code have been updated:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.37;
St_MDFCorrectionC.h, r.1.1;
St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, r.1.4;
St_TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.h, 1.1;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, r.1.10;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, r.1.6;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, 1.79;
Next codes have been updated;
Minuit/St_VertexCutsC.h, r.1.2;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.h, r.1.18;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, r.1.44;
StBFChain.cxx, r. 1.600;
BigFullChain.h, r.1.192;
StEventMaker.cxx, r.2.94;
StDb/idl/VertexCuts.idl, r.1.2 ;
Main features:
- finalized year 2013 geometry for HFT;
- new StFgtPointMaker added; further development of FGT clustering;
- added MTD pid traits to StEvent;
- added PXL hits to StEvent;
- OnlTools updated for FGT & GMT event builder;
- several bugs fixed;
StHistUtil.cxx - added FMS/FPD histograms for Run 2013+;
StBFChain.cxx - added FgtPointMaker on chain; set run 2013 basic chain;
StArray.cxx - modified to handle killed objects; fixed bug #2553 regarding StTrackDetectorInfo missing in event.root files;
StRtsTable.h - added modification for meta data, bug #2452;
StMaker.cxx - defined first cut geometries with and without pixel detector ;
SC/SC_Reader.cxx, SC_Reader.hh - modified to make available the 'NoKiller' ZDC rates, via unused CTB members of trigDetSums;
StRtsReaderMaker.cxx - added modification for meta data, bug #2452;
StSCReader.cxx, StSCReader.h - modified to make available the 'NoKiller' ZDC rates, via unused CTB members of trigDetSums;
StMagUtilities.h - modified to add accessor functions for Const_n parameters;
StMagUtilities.cxx - fixed bug #2529, and some array copying optimzation via memcopy;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - modified to allow 'NoKiller' ZDC rates;
St_starClockOnlC.h, St_tpcElectronicsC.h - replaced -1 => 0 ;
StTrackFitTraits.cxx - fixed double counting of fitpoints;
StFgtPoint.cxx - modified charge asymmetry calculation ;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added new files (initial revision) for Mtd pid traits;
StEventTypes.h - added StMtdPidTraits ;
StPxlHitCollection.cxx, StPxlHitCollection.h, StPxlHit.cxx, StPxlHit.h, StPxlLadderHitCollection.cxx, StPxlLadderHitCollection. h, StPxlSectorHitCollection.cxx, StPxlSectorHitCollection.h, StPxlSensorHitCollection.cxx, StPxlSensorHitCollection.h - added pixel hits collection to StEvent, initial revision;
StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h ,StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEventTypes.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - modifi ed to add PXL hits and Containers;
StPxlHit.cxx - modified to set correct detector ID kPxlId in constructors;
StEventHelper.cxx - updated;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to change StRnDHit to StPxlId in detector==kPxlId if case;
StFgtA2CMaker.cxx, StFgtA2CMaker.h - fixed some kStFgtNumTimebins -> dynamic local mMaxTimeBin from StFgtCollection; seed type 3 & 4 changed, and 5 gone;
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtIClusterAlgo.h, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h, StFgtSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSimpleClusterAlgo.h - updated;
StFgtMaxClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtMaxClusterAlgo.h - updated signature of max cluster algo to conform with interface;
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtClusterMaker.h, StFgtIClusterAlgo.h, StFgtMaxClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtMaxClusterAlgo.h, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h - added n strips before and after cluster;
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - added strips on both sides of the cluster;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h - fixed bug ith ZS data and phi-even strip clustering logic; removed some kStFgtNumTimebins and modified to use dynamic local mMaxTimeBin from StFgtCollection; modified to check seed before overwriting w/ next to cluster flag;
StFgtIPointAlgo.h, StFgtPointMaker.cxx, StFgtPointMaker.h, StFgtSimplePointAlgo.cxx, StFgtSimplePointAlgo.h - new FGT maker, initial revision;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx, StFgtRawMaker.h - added getting timebin from meta data, and also support for zero suppressed data;
StFtpcTrackMaker - replaced gufld => agufld;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - set StiRnD for Y2013;
StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - StPxlHit navigation to retrieve hits;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added FMS/FPD histograms for Run 2013;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to scale-up handling of more THUBs (fibers), and backlegs for Run 2013+ :
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - added print out the SC and GL correction formulas; modified to improve FindPeak(), particularly fo r sc hists at high lumi, and add StMagUtil:const0,1 to ntuple; added 'NoKiller' ZDC data to ntuple;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_det.h - moved rts_id to public;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx - removed some logging;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx - set checkpoint before 36 sectors;
daq_tpx.cxx, daq_tpx.h, tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h, tpxFCF_D.cxx, tpxFCF_2D.h, tpxFCF_flags.h, tpxGain.cxx,tpxGain.h, tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h, tpxStat.cxx, tpxStat.h - fixed bug; set checkpoint with mostly changes for 36 Sector Brokers and FCF2D;
StV0FinderMaker.cxx - removed reference to gufld, which is not used;
StarMagField.cxx - replaced gufld => agufld;
StarClassLibrary - added pi0 --> e+e- gamma 100% gid=10007; added K0long --> nu e- pi+ 100% gid=10010; added K0long --> nu e+ pi- 100% gid=10110;
TUnixTime.h, TUnixTime.cxx - changed UInt_t ==> ULong_t;
THelixTrack.h, THelixTrack.cxx - modified;
KFParticleBase.cxx - adjusted format in print out;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - defined pixel detector in and out geometries; updated to the Y2013 first cut an d asymptotic tags; modified to have pixel support tube remains in place when pixel detector is removed;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added pi0 --> e+e-gamma 100% gid=10007; added K0long --> nu e- pi+ 100% gid=10010; added K0long --> nu e+ pi- 100% gid=10110;
Geometry.y2013_1.C, Geometry.y2013_2.C - added y2013_1 (pixel in) and y2013_2 (pixel out) geometries;
Geometry.y2013_1x.C, Geometry.y2013_2x.C - addeed asymptotic geometries to Db;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
AgMaterial.cxx - added debug output on missing material during copy;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofGeo8.xml - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo.xml - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force xgeometry recreation; updated to the Y2013 first cut and asy mptotic tags; modified to have pixel support tube remains in place when pixel detector is removed;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo1.xml - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo3a.xml - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - implemented reference groups in AgML for y2013x; defined pixel detector in and out geometries; updated to the Y2013 first cut and asymptotic tags; modified to have pixel support tube remains in place when pixel detector is removed; modified to enable TPC ref sys in first cut geometry y2013;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fgtBuilder.cxx - updated mapping; modified to change axis range on visible apv plot; fixed disk indexing error; changed label;
fgtBuilder.cxx, fgtBuilder.h - added FGT adc vs tb and event size plots; modified to change adc vs tb to z log scale;
gmtBuilder.cxx, gmtBuilder.h - updated;
tofBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.cxx - modified to update TOF tray trigger windows, and VPD hist names; updated masked trays;
tofBuilder.cxx - updated trigger windows after TCPU firmware update;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.cxx - added some logging;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx- added some logging;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/gmtBuilder.cxx - changed 2d histo to use 200x200 bins; updated to fix 7 vs 15 timebin error;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - changed for run 2013 MTD;
fgtBuilder.cxx, fgtBuilder.h - changed mapping for run 2013 FGT;
gmtBuilder.cxx, gmtBuilder.h, mtdBuilder.cxx - modified to use new MXQ access methods in updated StEvent/StTriggerData2013;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - change 2d histo to use 200x200 bins;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - fixed trigger;
StEvent/StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2013.cxx, StTriggerData2013.h - added two new methods: mxqAtSlotAddress and mtd3AtAddress;
RTS src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added PED & ZS support; added pedestal subtraction for GMT and misc fixes;
include/rtsSystems.h - fixed bug with GMT; modified to increase EVB count;
daqModes.h - added FGT daq_cmd;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C, tpc_rerun.C - added FGT & GMT PED & ZS;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx - modified to make L4 a real detector;
src/DAQ_MTD/daq_mtd.cxx - fixed bug with DEADCODE;
src/DAQ_L4/daq_l4.cxx - modified to make L4 a real detector;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubGeo1.xml, PixlGeo5.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - added fixes to pixel detector and support structures;
SL13a library was retaged with tag SL13a_1, and rebuilt on SL53 and SL44 platforms.
Main features:
- implemented trigger data structure for run 2013 ;
- year 2013 geometry, first revision setup;
- further updates and modifications of FGT and related codes;
- updates of Hft & Ist codes for year 2013 geometry;
- changed global database calls to direct table access for TOF;
- added FMS and GMT event builder to OnlTools;
- added daq_l4 in RTS code;
- few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h - added PrintVertex;
StarClassLibrary, StMemoryInfo.hh - updated for APPLE; - modified to add the H Dibaryon;
StDiBaryon.hh,, StHDibaryon.hh - added new files to include H- Dibaryon;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - set streamer asserts when writing StarParticleData; write list of particles instead;
modified to append particle DB to user information of TTree for bookkeeping;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h, StarRandom.cxx, StarRandom.h - set streamer asserts when writing StarParticleData; write list of particles instead; implemented method to set two 16-bit seeds (instead of one 32-bit seed) in StarRandom;
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - modified to proper handle of ROOT and non ROOT versions of StarMagField;
THelixTrack.h, THelixTrack.cxx - updated;
KFParticleBase.h, KFParticleBase.cxx - developed new version of KFParticle;
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to disable loading geometry and geomNoField if xgeometry is used;
BigFullChain.h - modified to derive ROOT version of StarMagField from TVirtualMagField; modified to make no effect on changes of options positions in the chain;
StMem.cxx - added malloc.h for APPLE;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx, StBTofHitMaker.h - modified to correct TDIG-Id swap with UnpackTofRawData() for the GMT/TOF trays (Run 2013+);
StBTofDaqMap.cxx, StBTofINLCorr.cxx, StBTofTables.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed depre cated database access code;
StMaker.cxx - added year 2013 geometry tag with date/time 20121215/0 for run 2013; added y2012b geometry tag to properly include the MTD geometry;
TRG/trgStructures2013.h - added new trigger structure for Run 2013 with 3 new DSM in MIX DSM crate
StEEMCReader.h - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperLock.h, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - modified to integrate locking into FileLocal caching adapte r - prerequisite for cache management strategies;, - added check for HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME flag and for APPLE;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - added to support for the interactive attribute for LB;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to handle multiple runs by reinitialization at reinstantiation, introduce correct ions modes, enable iterative UndoDistortions; fixed reinitialization for PredictSpaceCharge functions;
St_tpcOmegaTauC.h - modified for inclusion of distortionCorrectionsMode;
St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h - modified to use ROOT types;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx, St_spaceChargeCorC.h - modified to add correction as a string;
St_tofStatusC.h, StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added status(Int_t trayId, Int_t moduleId, Int_t cellId);
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - modified to handle the separatiof Inner and Outer sectors time offset;
StEmcAsciiDbMaker.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StEEmcTrigSimuMaker.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StEEmcPrint.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
St2eemcFeeRawMaker.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
database/macros/upload/src/ EEmcDbIO.C, EEmcDbIO.h, EEmcDbIOsolo.C, Makefile, aa.tcl, dbase.tcl, eemcDb.C, eemcDb.h, eemcDbADCconf.xml, eemcDbBoxconf.xml, eemcDbCWchar.xml, eemcDbFunctions.C, eemcDbHVsys.xml, eemcDbHVtemp.xml, eemcDbPIXcal.xml, eemcDbPIXname.xml, eemcDbPMTcal.xml, eemcDbPMTchar.xml, eemcDbPMTconf.xml, eemcDbPMTname.xml, eemcDbPMTped.xml, eemcDbPMTstat.xml, eemcDbXMLdata.xml, help.tcl, kretDbBlobS.xml, rules.make, setHVsys.C, sxml.tcl - added scripts to upload EEMC tables to DB;
StTriggerData2013.cxx, StTriggerData2013.h - added trigger data structure for run 2013, initial revision;
StEventLinkDef.h - added trigger data pragmas for run 2013;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added trigger data hints for run 2013;
StEnumerations.h - changed value of kFgtNumTimeBins; added more bits for track quality matching to EMC;
StFgtStripCollection.h - changed in streamer;
StFgtPoint.cxx, StFgtPoint.h - added comparison operators;
StFgtCollection.cxx, StFgtCollection.h - added mNumTimeBins and access functions;
StPrimaryVertex.cxx - modified to make soft requirement for matching to EMC;
StDcaGeometry.cxx, StEmcCluster.cxx, StEmcPoint.cxx, StEmcRawHit.cxx, StGlobalTrack.cxx, StPrimaryTrack.cxx, StTrack.cxx, StTrac k.h - updated to improve print out;
StTriggerData2012.cxx, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2013.cxx - improved code to avoid compiler warning when shifting bits;
StEventHitIter.h, StEventHitIter.cxx - added documentation;
StFgtDb.cxx, StFgtDb.h, StFgtDbMaker.cxx, StFgtDbMaker.h - modified to add alignment table and getStarXYZ();
StFgtClusterMaker.cxx, StFgtClusterMaker.h, StFgtIClusterAlgo.h, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx, StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.h - modified to merged cluster finder;
StFgtConsts.h - updated number of tb;
geometry/StFgtGeom.cxx, StFgtGeom.h - added getQuadCenterXYZ;
StppLMVVertexFinder.h - added trigger data hints for run 2013;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.h, Vertex3D.h - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to add handle for setting runG; more careful setting of magnetic field; added attribute hadr_off;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified to remove starsim make, which destroys virtual function tables, bug #2487; add missing call to gstar;
Base/StHbtCorrFctn.hh - modified to add PairCut for CFs that share same cuts;
CorrFctn/StHbtCorrFctnDirectYlm.cxx, StHbtCorrFctnDirectYlm.h, StHbtDirectYlm.cxx, StHbtDirectYlm.h, x, StHbtYlm.h - added new files to create utilities for SHD of CF;
StHbtDirectYlm.cxx, StHbtDirectYlm.h - removed;
Infrastructure/StHbtHisto.hh - uncommented #ifndef ROOT_TH3;
StHltMaker.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to step back and avoid a mess with geometry versions;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - added sanity check; StiHit.cxx - modified to increase scale due to large distortions;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - modified to set Bz = 0 for laser tracks;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to avoid creation of 2-nd instance of TGeoManager for root4star;
StiTpcSeedFinder.h - cleaned up unused variables;
StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx - added laser, some hooks for new TPC CA with variable no. of pad rows;
StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StPhiEtaHitList.cxx, StPhiEtaHitList.h, StTrackFastDetectorMatcher.cxx, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified for better handle of debugging;
StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.h, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to fix TrackData data name clash with StiPPVertexFinder;
StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to correct vertex ranking;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h,StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - updated for DEV13 geometry; < br> Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated for DEV13 geometry;
StJetMaker2009.cxx - modified to use StjTrackCutRandomAccept class; added mothers and daughters;
emulator/StMcTrackEmu.h - added mothers and daughters;
mcparticles/StjMCParticleToStMuTrackFourVec.h - added mothers and daughters;
mudst/StjTPCMuDst.cxx - fixed magnetic field;
tracks/StjTrackCutRandomAccept.h - added new file to accept randomly only a fraction of TPC tracks to mock-up tracking efficiency;
StMcIstHit.hh,, StMcIstHitCollection.hh - updated for Ist development;
StMcPixelHitCollection.hh - updated for pixel development;
StMCCaloFilter.cxx - added stdio.h;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - fixed bug; introduced explicit tray parameter for TDIG lookup;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuFgtCluster.cxx, StMuFgtCluster.h - modified to merge in updated StMuFgtCluster cla ss format;
StMuMtdCollection.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.h - modified to merge in FGT changes allowing for a variable number of timebins to be read out for each strip;
StMuFgtAdc.h - added new file;
StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx - fixed print out;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to store used calibrations in histogram files; improve chances of fits succeeding;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h, StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - modified to add more flags to choose input or output tracks ;
StPeCTrigger.cxx, StPeCTrigger.h - added ZDC shower max information to output tree and bbc small tubes individual ADC; returned UPC_Main trigger;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - updated for DEV13 geometry; remove FGT codes;
include/rtsSystems.h - updated for run 2014;
rts.h - fixed for RTS_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
daqFormats.h - updated for trigger files ;
cmds.h, iccp.h - updated for run 2014;
rtsMonitor.h - updated for l4 system monitoring;
trgDataDefs_41.h - added new file ;
src/rtsplusplus.def - modified runControlClass;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - updated for run 2014; updated reader;
daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx - added daq_l4 for run 2014;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxFCF_2D.cxx, tpxFCF_2D.h - added 2D cluster finder, first revision;
Makefile, daq_tpx.cxx, daq_tpx.h, tpxCore.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h, tpxGain.h - added new style FCF and FCF2D clustering;
src/DAQ_L4/daq_l4.cxx, daq_l4.h, l4_gl3.h - added DAQ_L4;
src/SFS/sfs_index.h - updated for reader;
fs_ex.C - updated;
sfs_header.C - added daq_l4;
StStrangeTagsMaker.h - modified to suppress warning;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed deprecated database access code;
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed deprecated database access code;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed deprecated database access code; fixed bugs #2456/#2457;
StTofINLCorr.cxx, StTofrDaqMap.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed deprecated database access code; fixed bugs #2456/#2457;
StLoggerManager.cxx - modified to replace GNUC by STAR_LOG4CXX_VERSION for consistency;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to extend no.of pad rows; modified to move cluters to global coordinatate system;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified to keep only clusters with flag == 0 or FCF_ONEPAD | FCF_MERGED | FCF_BIG_CHARGE (from Tonko);
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - modified to simplify loop over clusters;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modified to handle the separation of Inner and Outer sectors time offset;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - implemented trigger data structure for run 2013;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2DbConfig.cxx - added sys/types.h include for APPLE;
L2VirtualAlgo2012.cxx - updated logging;
Eemc/EEdsm1.h - added include for APPLE;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - changed global database calls to direct table access and/or removed deprecated database access code;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated for run 2013 geometry; updated to support year 2013 version of MTD; updated definition of y2013 and y2013x geometry tags; corrected double placement of volume in PixlGeo5; added y2012b geometry tag to properly include the MTD;
updated to support improved magnet model, improved trim coil description; defined y2013x geometry ;
geometry/btofgeo/btofgeo8.g - added AgML stub in pams/geometry;
geometry/mutdgeo/mutdgeo4.g - modified to convert MutdGeo4.xml to AgSTAR format, for compatability with previous geometry releases;
geometry/pipegeo/pipegeo2.g - added AgML stub in pams/geometry;
geometry/pixlgeo/DtubGeo1.g, PixlGeo5.g - added AgML stub in pams/geometry;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated BTOF volume id's to support GMT in y2013;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - updated to add H- Dibaryon;
AgMLGeometry/loadStarGeometry.Cxx - modified to prevent ROOT from deleting existing geometry when geometry is restored from ROOT file; added logic to handle filelist syntax as basename; fixed bug #2463;
Geometry.dev14.C - added dev14 geometry version for reconstruction;
Geometry.y2012b.C - added y2012b geometry tag to properly include the MTD geometry;
Geometry.y2013.C - defined y2013 geometry;
AgiGeometry/Geometry.devTA.C, Geometry.devTB.C, Geometry.devTC.C, Geometry.devTD.C, Geometry.devTE.C, devTA.h, devTB.h, devTC.h, devTD.h, devTE.h - added new files for iTpx geometries upgrade;
Calibrations/ftpc/ftpcCoordTrans.C, ftpcTemps.devT.C - added new files for iTpx upgrade;
Calibrations/rich/spaceChargeCorR2.devT.C - added new file for iTpx upgrade;
Calibrations/tof/tofStatus.C - added default tof status table;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C - set T0offset from Xianglei Zhu from SL10k_embed_Kplus_AuAu62;
TpcResponseSimulator.devTA.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTB.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTC.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTD.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTE.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTF.C, tpcElectronics.devT.C, tpcGridLeak.devT.C, tpcPadrowT0.C - added new files for iTpx upgrade ;
TpcRowQ.devT.C - modified for iTpx upgrade;
tpcPadGainT0.devE.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2009.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2010.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2011.C - removed files;
tpcAnodeHVavg.y2013.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2012.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2013.C - added default TpcAnode Voltages for y2012 - y2013 ;
tpcPadGainT0B.y2012.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2013.C - added new default files;
tpcPadGainT0B.200XXXXX.*.root - put to mysql and removed from AFS;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C - corrected T0offset from run 11 AuAu 19.6GeV data;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C - set T0offset for run 2009 pp 200GeV data;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C - modified to handle of separate Inner and Outer sector time off set;
Geometry/ftpc/ftpcAsicMap.C, ftpcClusterGeom.C,ftpcInnerCathode.C - added default parameters ;
Geometry/tpc/tpcPadPlanes.devT.C - modified;
tpcPadPlanes.devTA.C, tpcPadPlanes.devTB.C, tpcPadPlanes.devTC.C, tpcPadPlanes.devTD.C, tpcPadPlanes.devTE.C, tpcPadPlanes.devTF.C, tpcPadPlanes.upgr01.C - added new files for iTpx geometry upgrade;
TpcSuperSectorPosition.devE.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.devT.C - removed files;
tpcGlobalPosition.y2012.C, tpcGlobalPosition.y2013.C - added default positions;
TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2001.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2002.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2003.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2004.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2005.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2006.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2007.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2008.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2009.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2010.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2011.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2012.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2013.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.devE.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.devT.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2001.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2002.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2003.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2004.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2005.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2006.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2007.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2008.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2009.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2010.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2011.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2012.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2013.C - added default positions;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - updated for run 2013 geometry; updated to support new year 2013 version of MutdGeo4; updated to support improved magnet model; defined Y2013x geometry tags; correction made to y2013 and y2013x to pickup correct TPC subversion; updated definition of Y2013 and Y2013x geometry tags;
Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofGeo8.xml - added new version of BTOF geometry with GMT detectors; fixed multiple placement of volumes in BTOF/GMT;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated for run 2013 geometry; defined y2013x geometry tag; modifed to force recompilation of xgeometry;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C, viewStarGeometry.C - added definitions for the Y2013 geometry;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpGeo.xml - updated to support improved magnet model, improved trim coil description;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml - added year 2013 configuration of the MTD, and backwards compatible with previous releases;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated to support magnet model, improved trim coil description; defined Y2012x geometry;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo3a.xml - defined Y2013x geometry; version 3.1 increases the dead zone in front of the gating grid, and the max TOF range stored in the hit ;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeGeo2.xml - added new version of the beam pipe;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubGeo1.xml, PixlGeo5.xml - added pixel detector for y2013 geometry; corrected double placement of volume in PixlGeo5;
idl/tpcOmegaTau.idl - updated table schema;
TpcResponseSimulator.idl - modified to handle the separation of Inner and Outer sector time offset;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.h, fmsBuilder.cxx - added fmsBuilder to Jevp;
gmtBuilder.cxx, gmtBuilder.h - added gmtBuilder to Jevp;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS May 20 2015 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL13c (SL13c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13d (SL13d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 old-> SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production. days 76-126 SL14b (SL14b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14c (SL14c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14d (SL14d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 auau 15GeV run 2014 preview production SL14e (SL14e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14f (SL14f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pro-> SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14h (SL14h_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 new-> SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 -------------------------------------------------
SL14a library
SL14b library
SL14c library
SL14d library
SL14e library
SL14f library
SL14g library
SL14h library
SL14i library
Next codes have been updated:
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h, StarDecayManager.cxx, StarDecayManager.h - added new interface between starsim (or VMC) and user-specified decay handlers;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - added new implementation of Pythia 8.162 decayer;
StarLight/gammaavm.cpp, randomgenerator.cpp - modified to ensure that generator uses StarRandom;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - modified to save accumulated number of steps in each tracking step;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added method to retrieve particle by Geant 3 id;
macros/starsim.decayer.C - added example of custom decayer in starsim ;
BigFullChain.h - added options for full IST hits reconstruction;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to check the validity of the matched MTD hit;
StIstDbMaker.cxx - replaced 'endl' in STAR Logger messages with 'endm';
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - modified do not destruct StIstDb object as the ownership is passed to the framework;
coding style clean-up; removed unconstructive comments;
modified to return fatal if database tables are not found;
modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StIstDbMaker.h - updated to set class version to 0 in order to avoid IO dictionary generation by ROOT's CINT;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to cleanup the matching information when running on StEvent in afterburner mode;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiNodePars.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - fixed problem with zero magnetic filed, bug #2940;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - added fixes to the SSD geometry; changed SFLM to tube seg; removed one unneeded level; fixed overlaps;
idl/fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - changed all 'uchars' to 'ushorts' for FPS tables;
Main features:
- improved energy loss calculations in the detector's material;
- implemented methods to calculate weight and volume size of detectors in Sti;
- optimized Sti tracking for HFT;
- first release of StMtdQAMaker for MTD QA analysis;
- first release of StMtdCalibMaker for MTD calibrations;
- updated and improved IST code and geometry;
- PXL & SSD geometry corrected to eliminate overlaps and extrusions;
- improved Sti description of PXL, SSD & IST volumes;
- few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxuser.age - added warning when user invokes GEXE in such a way that inconsistent library may be linked/compiled;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added material density (dens), atomic mass and number (A&Z) at each tracking step;
increased default rmin,rmax; added zmax; track is stopped when exiting ROI; added verbose option;
Hijing1_383/ starsim.hijing.pHe3.C - new macro: added He3 to hijing interface;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - added He3 to StarLight interface;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - added He3 to UrQMD interface;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to let SpaceCharge code know about EastOff and WestOff;
BigFullChain.h - added 'MtdCalib' option; removed redundant option dependancies for PXL by taking advantage of chain options; the options depend on each other like this: PxlHit -> PxlCluster -> PxlRaw -> pxlDb -> PxlUtil;
StDbDefs.hh, - added FPS to the database domain list;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed old bug related to double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug; dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added cosCA = cos() when |cosCA| > 1 ;
fixed bug #2903; x0,x0o,x0Gas initialized to 1e11; fabs(cos()) added to avoid rare negative length;
StiShape.h, StiPlanarShape.h, - comments added;
StiNodePars.h - added methods 'phi()' & 'rxy()'; 'operator=()' added; numerical constants ==> enum;
auxiliary StiELoss class is added, to keep ELoss info for tests;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - modified to save calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed old bug double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug: dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added print of rxy and direction of track, outside +ve, inside -ve; bug fixed in printing global coordinates; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
modified to use new 'cylCross()' method; fixed bug #2903; x0,x0p,x0Gas initialized to 1e11;
for zero field defined minimum non zero field, fixes for bug #2937;
StiMaterial.h, StiDetectorGroup.h, StiGenericDetectorGroup.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiElossCalculator.cxx - temporary added flag to set energy loss =0 for debug;
StiDetector.cxx - deleted detector replaced by 'Factory::free' ; replaced floats in loop to integers to avoid calculation inaccuracy; added sanity check 'originalWeight = nSplit*splitedWeight';
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added method 'del()' for removing old detector;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed switch for assert() of clash of detectors;
modified to make StiDetectorAver calls split for all shapes;
eigen2 bug fixed and assert inside added;
StiHit.cxx - updated ;
StiPlacement.cxx - added tolerance in method 'setLayerRadius()' to avoid two objeck with slightly different layer radius to be in different layers; modified to decrease step in 'setLayerRadius' by 10 times; fixed min radius; granularity back to 1/1000;
StiPlacement.h - modified due to implementation of 'setLayerRadius()' moved to StiPlacement.cxx;
StiCylindricalShape.h - added method to calculate volume;
StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - methods 'getVolume()' & 'getWeight()' added; 'insideL()' method added;
StiPlanarShape.h - modified to make 'getHalfWidth()' & 'getOpeningAngle()' accessible for base class; 'getVolume()' added;
StiPlanarShape.cxx - method 'getVolume()' added;
StiShape.h - methods 'getOpeningAngle()' & 'getOuterRadius()' added;
StiTrackNode.cxx - function 'recov()' rewritten and simplified; introduced more accurate selection the correct solution in 'cylCross';
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - 'cylCross' rewritten & interface changed; updated to avoid sign() overflow;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to replace check cos>=1 to cos>=.99;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - methods 'insideL()' & 'nudge()' added, method 'locate()' rewritten;
StiMaterial.h, StiMaterial.cxx - modified to remove not used 'radLength', made to use X0 instead;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup. h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StIstDb.h - cleaned up;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - cleaned up;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - added Print() methods to print out properties of StIstCluster and StIstRawHit objects and their respective collections;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - modified to make methods accessing static data member static;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - all unsgined char was updated to integer type;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added delete (del()) of replaced detectors; added print of of size of TGeo and Sti volumes; removed useless assignments;
StiMaker.cxx - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup; fixed StiSsdDetectorGroup ==> StiSstDetectorGroup;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSsdDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSsdDetectorGroup.h, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - update thickness of STI ladder shape the same size of sensitive silicon;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.h, StiSvtDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSvtDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.h, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h, StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelDetectorGroup.h, StiPixelDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiDebug.cxx, StiDebug.h - added method Count() for technical histograms;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx, laserino.h - activated CORRECT_RAFT_DIRECTION;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - fixed bug in fit logic, bug #2901;
StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, StMtdCalibMaker.h - first revision of calibration code for MTD;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to read both MC hits and real hits during embedding;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to use the constants from StMtdUtil/StMtdConstants.h; applied trigger time window cuts; removed automatic print out hit information to log file when running on muDst;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added new maker for MTD QA analysis; added histograms for LocalY, LocalZ, DeltaY, DeltaZ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added assert() statement to abort if the loaded geometry is wrong; removed default geometry tag;
modified to assign matching information to all the primary tracks;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - modified to fill the expected time-of-flight calculated via track extrapolation;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - updated to initialize data members in the default constructor;
StMtdConstants.h - added header file to contain MTD constants; added gMtdNModulesAll;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - disabled retrieving table geant2backlegID for year 2012 and before; the default geometry tag is set to yYYYYa ; fliped localY for cells in modules 4 and 5;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - removed recovery of pt tracks;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - added GridLeak-by-sector codes, East/WestOff handling, and some code reformatting;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - changeed pxlRowColumnStatus to pxlBadRowColumns to decrease DB szie; modified to collect all debugging print statements into a single Print();
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx, StSsdFastSimMaker.h - modified to remove pointer to StSsdDbMaker; use of StSsdBarrel instead;
fixed bug found by gcc 4.8.2 ;
include/rtsSystems.h - fixed some FPS things;
RC_Config.h - updated;
include/UNIX/ThreadsMsgQueue.hh - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - fixed bug which causes the wrong pedestal to be saved during pedestal runs if the channel was dynamically bad;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - fixed endianess issue for LE data; added some more checks for 2014 run;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - added new file which is copy of DefaultTrack ingParameters.20010312.000011.C;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcEffectiveGeomB.20091215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.20101215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeom B.20101315.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C - removed files;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffset.20000601.000001.C - added file to increment time stamp by 1 second in order to put in MySQL;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20041030.000000.C, TpcPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcPosition.20041030.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - removed files;
idl/mtdModuleToQTmap.idl, mtdSlewingCorr.idl, mtdT0Offset.idl, mtdTriggerTimeCut.idl - added new files for MTD calibrations and initial tables;
tpcElectronicsB.idl - added new TPC table;
fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - added new FPS tables;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
updated to force recompile of xgeometry to pickup changes to pixel and pixel support eliminating overlaps and extrusions; updated to eliminate overlaps in SisdGeo7;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Geometry/IstGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - volumes IBAT, IECW, IECE, ISCM, IBRS, ICFA..C, IRSA,B,L placed with MANY to avoid overlap issues shadowing approx 300g of material;
IBMO mother volume inner radius was set too large at 11.84 cm, this clipped part of the ladder volumes IBAM and may cause material discrepancies;
inner radius of IBMO moved to avoid overlap with PTSM/APTS ;
reorganized IBAM to simplify and reduce overlap issues; verified that daughters of IBAM are placed at the same position, w/in roundoff errors;
IBMO shape changed to PCON to avoid overlap / tighter integration;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml - corrected error in pixel geometry which resulted in backing material extruding the ladder mother volume;
PsupGeo.xml - eliminated overlaps and extrusions in pixel support geometry;
PixlGeo6.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps in PixlGeo6;
PixlGeo6.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - removed small overlaps and extrusions ;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps;
g2Root/g2Root.F - introduced TpcRefSys;
OnlTools Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ppBuilder.cxx - fixed memory leak;
Main features:
- added new TPC alignment schema and corrections due to new TPC survey;
- added new Pythia versions : Pythia v.8.1.62; v.8.1.86;
- more modifications to MTD code;
- updated Ist DB method and code;
- added SST code to StSsdDbMaker and StiSsd;
- added MTD plots for offline QA;
- compilation options switched to use the C++11 standard; codes updated;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed type conversion error thrown by c++11 compiler in AgSTAR reader and removed unused variable in primary maker;
Pythia8_1_62/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.62;
Pythia8_1_86/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.86;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - updated to save the ROOT/TGeo path in each tracking step. i.e, it saves the volume and copy numbers in the arrays vnums and cnums; rmin and rmax static members added to restrict range where steps are saved ;
AgUStep.cxx - fixed order of arguments in initialization list; removed unused variable;
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - modified for new TPC alignment and added switch between new and old schema;
StarMagField.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StarChairDefs.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
BFC.C, Bfc.h, BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added flag for new TPC alignment; removed 'fpd' and 'l0' options;
BigFullChain.h - added option 'CorrX' to switch to new TPC alignment schema; fixed sstDb option;
StDbBroker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h,, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - m odified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - fixed old correction with 2D and 3D magnetic field ;
StMagUtilities.cxx - added extra cast for CXX11;
St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcDriftVelocityC.h, St_tpcEffectiveGeomC.h, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified for new TPC alignment;
St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h - added new file to switch between new and old schema of alignment;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - modified to add no-killer detectors;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StTpcSurveyC.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added residuals (dz,dy) between matched track-hit pairs nd access functions;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to get rid of compiler warning;
StFtpcTrackMaker - fixed for C++11 compliance;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to return TVector3 instead of integer;
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - updated to improve doxygen documentation; modified to separate IST DB dataset from ISTDb maker
c++ format style improvements; virtual keyword added for destructor;
added destructor and deallocated the mIstDb; c++ formatting style improved and formatted with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f ;
updated to primt out mIstDb geometry matrices when Debug2 enabled;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - added new files; modified to make class getters const; removed unused header includes; reduced the scope of the using namespace;
added several simple getters and data members for sub-level geometry matrices obtain; added Print() function which print out all IST geometry matrices;
StIstDb.cxx - replaced LOG_INFO with LOG_DEBUG to slim the log file; minor updates on the ladder/sensor ID check;
StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.h - modified to set class version to 1 as version 0 has a special meaning in root cint world;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx - updated Print() function to PrintGeoHMatrices(); modified to replace assert statement for gStTpcDb with normal variable check;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - fixed wrong Xi2 for 5-hits short tracks;
StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx - fixed bug #2882 to avoid clash of detectors with the same Rxy & Phi ; hangWhere() parameter added;
StiHit.cxx - modified to improve hit test;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated with c++11 fix;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - updated to switch to the new way of accessing DB information for IST, instead of using the maker we access an object filled by the maker with data from DB;
added extra protection for a valid pointer;
adjusted indentation with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to reoder variable initialization; updated StIstDb method;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - modified to switch default to non-ideal positioning of PXL volumes (currently this affects active layers only); this change assumes that the user runs StPxlDbMaker to create the dataset with appropriate transformations;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx StiSstDetectorGroup.h - adde Sst code to SSD directory;
StiSsdLinkDef.h - adjusted to Sst ;
StMcEvent, - updated to get rid of compiler warning;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added explicit casts from (double) to (float) to satisfy c++ 11 compiler;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use mMtdGeom->SetLockBField(); initialized trgTime;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - updated to set DeltaY and DeltaZ in PidTraits;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to remove dependency on "StarGenerator/StarLight/starlightconstants.h";
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to move the initialization of the GEANT-to-Backleg map using the database to InitRun(); added return value for function FastCellResponse();
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added an option to lock bfield to FF; added protection for reading magnetic field in case of track projection position is (nan,nan,nan);
fixed a minor inconsistency in using the fNExtraCells;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added changes to StMuMtdPidTraits;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - implemented machinery for sector-by-sector Gaps (GridLeak) measurements;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.h - updated for minor style changes;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - fixed bug in creating a new StPxlHitCollection; random seed is set to default; DB geometry is set to default;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h, StSsdLinkDef.h - updated; set positions of TGeoHMatrix;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcDb.cxx - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcMixerMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - added cast for c++11 option;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to read in HCAL hits;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_Reco.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added MTD plots for offline QA;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx, StTpcFastSimMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added J/Psi --> mu+mu- 100% branching ratio with geant ID 168;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F - modified to enable saving of x,y,z in HCAL g2t hits;
g2t_volume_id.g - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
sim/idl/g2t_emc_hit.idl - modified to extend EMC hit to include hit position ;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h - fixed bug #2894 which caused overwriting daq file by the cached geometry file;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcTimeBucketCor.C, tpcPadrowT0B.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2012.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C, tpcElectronicsB.C - added new file for new TPC alignment schema;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140220.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20000601.000000.C - added new files for new TPC alignment schema;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcInnerSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.C, TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000421.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.001107.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment and updated TPC survey;
TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.001107.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20120101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.001112.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment schema and updated TPC survey;
TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
TpcPosition.20140101.000300.C - removed;
StMagF/MagFieldRotation.y2013.C, MagFieldRotation.y2014.C, StarFieldZ.root - added new magnetic filedcorrection;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of xgeometry to pickup y2014b definition;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
idl/ Survey.idl, tpcElectronics.idl - modified, added comments;
tpcEffectiveGeom.idl, trgTimeOffset.idl - added extra offset for West TPC;
pxlBadRowColumns.idl - added new Pixel table for bad columns;
Next codes have been updated:
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, r.1.18; StMtdHitMaker.h, r.1.10;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, r.1.9; StMtdSimMaker.h, r.1.8;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, r.1.20; StMtdMatchMaker.h, r.1.9;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, r.1.7; StMtdGeometry.h, r.1.6;
StMuMtdPidTraits.h, r.1.4; StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.1.3;
StEvent/StMtdPidTraits.h, r.2.3; StMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.2.3;
StarVMC/Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r.1.38;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml, r.1.9;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r.1.7;
Main features:
- added modifications for PXL & IST Sti geometry code;
- added Psi(2s)->e+e- decay channel to gstar;
- made few modifications to MTD code;
- removed flush() destroying IO performance in number of codes ;
- added zerobias triggers and updated event summary in StPeCMaker code;
- further updates of OnlTools event builder for eemc, tof & ist detectors;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - removed restriction for the decay products of a particle with geant ID <= 99 or <= 999 ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - removed flush();
FTPC/FTPV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush();
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx - removed flush();
PMD/PMD_Reader.cxx - removed flush() ;
SVT/SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
TPC/TPCV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
examples/client_svt.cxx - removed flush() ;
StDbLib - removed DELAYED keyword in the INSERT command in DB API;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - added missing const attribute to fix -std=c++0x error;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker - mandatory removed fflush();
StGenParticle.cxx - removed cout and flush from StGenParticle; fixed compiler warning in a for loop which was using a non-obvious termination condition;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed an issue of reading SL12d production data; added expTof for MTD pidtraits;
changed 'dca < 10' to 'dca2Beam_R < 10' ;
modified to use new MTD geometry class created to load geometry volume from GEANT ; choose closest one for multi-tracks which associated with same hit;
implemented multi-tracks to 1 hit matching algorithm; set neighbour module matching and 3 extra cells as default;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to process Run 2012 UU muDst where only the muMtdCollection is stored;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to set the timing for MC hits according to time-of-flight and z posistion;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - created new geometry class for MTD to load geometry volume from GEANT, needed gGeoManager;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - updated StMuDst::setMtdArray() and reset the MTD header, needed for Run12 UU data where only the muMtdCollection is available;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added zerobias trigger; reset trg_... for every event;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added more variables to event summary;
StPeCMaker.cxx - modified to ignore flag from StPeCEvent and writes all events with a summary;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - PXL DB dataset name has been changed to pxl_db;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - updated in accordance with the nee pileup trees stucture;
modified to revert the changes made for the pikeup adder;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - Check if StPxlHitCollection exists in StEvent and add simulated hits to it. Otherwise, create a new collection.
StarClassLibrary, StPsi2s.hh - added new files for Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;, StParticleTypes.hh - modified to add Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - removed unused dependency on TDatabasePDG; fixed logic for defining event record;
StarLight.cxx, StarLight.h - modified to make StarLight setters public;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added custom AgUStep class, which saves a TTree containing the particle navigation history; specifically, the energy lost in each tracking step is saved for each track; the idTruth of the track is also saved, so that comparisons with track reconstruction software can be performed; by default there is a cut which terminates history at R=50 cm from the beamline;
macros/starsim.stepper.C - added new macro to handle custom AgUStep class;
TMDFParameters.cxx - removed flush() ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - implemented auto-segmentation of radially oriented volumes;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - fixed bug in energy loss;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to add flag for ideal IST geometry;
modified to set the current gGeometry path before extracting any info about current volume position;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added some more inactive material close to the silicon layers;
set protection not to proceed if DB information is not available:
modified to get rid of redundant char array holding the volume's name; it also helped to have Sti volume names as close to the original TGeo ones as possible;
implemented averaging procedure that can create separate Sti volumes for all volume occupancies in TGeo;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added conditions to read none-NULL onbits and offbits in database, compatible with early run9 trigger definitions;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2gammaAlgo.cxx - removed flush();
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel; added (pnXi-) "dibaryon" and it's antiparticle to gstar_part.g ; required modification of gdecay.F in order to accept arbitrary geant IDs for decay;
idl/istChipConfig.idl - added new IST table;
vpdTriggerToTofMap.idl - added new TOF/VPD table ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - updated vertex selection for IST builder; corrected errors of fit to MIP data;
eemcBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.cxx - updated to stop crashing in cosmic run;
l4Builder.cxx - modified to change the AxisX range of hVertexZ;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - modified setting of ranges for tofmult hists, it's now set in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - modified to set ranges of tofmult hists in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- added geometry prototype for HCAL (test) for run 2014 and geometry for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
- added geometry for proposed FMS preshower upgrade for run 2015;
- few modifications of MTD codes;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - updated year 2013 geometry options ;
StBFChain.cxx - bug fixed ;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added new member mExpTimeOfFlight and referring access methods;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - added cvs tag;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to obtain the Tdig <-> Tray <-> Tdigboard map from the database;
modified to obtain the MTD hits directly from the muDst instead of the hit array;
added capability to run on muDst in afterburner mode;
automatically swaped backlegs 25 & 26 when running bfc chain; a flag with default value of "kFALSE" is added to control the s wapping in the afterburner mode when running on muDst ;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - modified to add setMtdArray function;
StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added a new data member (mExpTimeOfFlight) to store the expected time-of-flight obtained from track extrapolation;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified TrackInfo mode;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to print error messages for wrong rows / columns and deserialization errors only when debug > 2;
THelixTrack.cxx - modified to check XX and YY for non zero error matrix;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - reduced visibility of inactive materials;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to avoid name truncation;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added MTD;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - updated; implemented flags into daq reader;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - updated;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - removed misc;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxPed.cxx - modified;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - implemented flags into daq reader;
geometry/geometrygeometry.g - modified to add support for FMS preshower in dev15a; support for HCAL test iny2014b; support for HCAL proposal in dev15b;
geometry/hcalgeo/HcalGeo.g - added AgSTAR stub HCAL prototype for run 2014;
sim/g2t/g2t_fpd.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified for HCAL prototype and FMS preshower support;
g2t_hca.F, g2t_hca.idl - addde new files to provide HCAL prototype support;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified to provide HCAL and FMS preshower support;
StarAgmlLib/StarAgmlStacker.h, StarAgmlStacker.cxx - modified to expose method to obtain real name from nickname, and made it static;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade for run 2015 (dev15 a); HCAL prototype for run 2014 (y2014b) and HCAL upgrage for run 2015 (dev15b);
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml - new module added for HCAL for run 2014;
HcalGeo1.xml - added new module for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - added new module for proposed FMS plus preshower upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - corrected bug which set vpddgeo instead of vpddgeo2 module in y2007;
modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
AgMLChecksum/y2006/ChecksumSet.y2006.root - added y2006 geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006h/ChecksumSet.y2006h.root - added y2006h geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006g/ChecksumSet.y2006g.root - added y2006g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006c/ChecksumSet.y2006c.root - added y2006c geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007g/ChecksumSet.y2007g.root - added y2007g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007h/ChecksumSet.y2007h.root - added y2007h geometry checksum for nightly test;
idl/mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl - modified to change data type from char to short;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated setting for MIP non-ZS and max time bin fraction;
updated fit range for MIP MPV distribution of center sections;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for for dimuon trigger; added MTD plots;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - improved display setting;
Main features:
- improved PXL & IST geometry implementaion;
- first release of StPxlClusterMaker and StPxlHitMaker codes ;
- few modifications for StMtdMatchMaker code and MTD hits array in MuDst;
- first release of StFmsFastSimulatorMaker code;
- added AgML checksums for different geometres to perform nightly library test;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added 'fmsSim' option; added pxl's options;
StFmsDbMaker.h - changed default name to fmsDb to match BFC;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - released of first version for FMS fast simulator;
StiMaker.cxx - inverted ssd <-> sst now corrected; removed RnD as old approach;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to switch to PXL sensitive layer geometry with one Sti volume per ladder centered at z=0; the loop over sensors removed and the indexing of the volumes changed accordingly;
inner loop indentation adjusted;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added two more cylindrical volumes from the pixel support tube mother volume (PSTM)y;
added some material between the PXL layers;
modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slowdown due to unnecessary conditional checks
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to append includes with explicitly specified sub-directories for easier reference; added a check to make sure DB transformations exist when user requests a DB-base geometry;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - added option to StiPixelDetectorBuilder/Group to switch between ideal and DB-based geometries;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slow down due to unnessary conditional checks; modified to decrease thickness of inactive material tube, and enable sensitive silicon layers;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h - modified to hide static member inherited from StIstHit base class and assign a new value relevant for StIstDigiHit; redefined static operators new and delete "inherited" from the base StIstHit class;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed a bug of un-initialized variable nDedxPts in MtdTrack construction function;
reorganized project2Mtd function, made it more readable; saved pathlengths of extrapolated tracks;
added hits <-> track index association in mMuDstIn=true mode;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - modified to automatically correct Backleg ID from GEANT hits by using mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap in DB;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - modified to change mtdArray[muBTofHit] to mtdArrays[muMTDHit] in StMuDst.cxx in function fixMtdTrackIndices;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to get TrackInfo mode with pile-up tracks too;
StPeCTrigger.h, StPeCTrigger.cxx - added more triggers for run 2014;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlCluster.cxx, StPxlCluster.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx, StPxlClusterMaker.h - added new code for pixel raw hits clustering;
StPxlDbMaker.h - changed pxl_db -> pxlDb;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx, StPxlHitMaker.h - maker to add PxlHitCollection of hits in the event to be used in tracking algorithms;the hits are formed from the clusters containing in the event's StPxlClusterCollection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to rename PXL DB dataset to avoid conflict with StPxlDbMaker's name;
include/rc.h, rtsLog.h, rtsSystems.h - modified to prepare states. New TRG_TCD_NEW - inptroduced;
RC_Config.h - updated;
rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - added stuff for TCD_LX;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h, sstPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/LOG/Makefile - updated;
src/DAQ_TPX/Makefile, tpxPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr; some user I/O redirected to StMessMgr;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalGeo6.xml - modified to compute p[ositions and lengths of SMD strips in double precision, though still will be returned in single precision; this was implemented to reduce roundoff errors in the results which are introduced by the compiler under different compiler optimizations;
Geometry/macros/loadStarGeometry.C - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
loadStarGeometry.C, viewStarGeometry.C - updated to use standard geometry loader;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - introduced a decimal-point shift and truncation for mate rial/mixture paramters, to make checksum algorithm less sensitive to compiler optimization; updated for normalization;
updated to proper handle of negative numbers in decimal normalization;
implemented roundoff scheme; all values which go into the checksum are first normalized, then rounded off to a given precision;
added asserts on assumed data type sizes; added blacklist for volumes in checksum dataset, entire tree beneath specified volumes will be skipped;
StarAgmlLib/AgStructure.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.cxx- cleanup compiler warning;
AgAttribute.cxx, AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, AgCreate.cxx, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMedium.cxx, AgModule.cxx, AgShape.cxx, AgStructure.cxx, StarNoStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
AgMath.h - updated to compute sin, cos, tan, and exp with highest precision possible in order to minimize introduction of round off error in results;
AgMLChecksum/y2008a/ChecksumSet.y2008a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008b/ChecksumSet.y2008b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008c/ChecksumSet.y2008c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008d/ChecksumSet.y2008d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008e/ChecksumSet.y2008e.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009/ChecksumSet.y2009.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009a/ChecksumSet.y2009a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009b/ChecksumSet.y2009b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009c/ChecksumSet.y2009c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009d/ChecksumSet.y2009d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010/ChecksumSet.y2010.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010a/ChecksumSet.y2010a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010b/ChecksumSet.y2010b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010c/ChecksumSet.y2010c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011/ChecksumSet.y2011.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011a/ChecksumSet.y2011a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012/ChecksumSet.y2012.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012a/ChecksumSet.y2012a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012b/ChecksumSet.y2012b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1/ChecksumSet.y2013_1.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1a/ChecksumSet.y2013_1a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1b/ChecksumSet.y2013_1b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1c/ChecksumSet.y2013_1c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2a/ChecksumSet.y2013_2a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2b/ChecksumSet.y2013_2b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2c/ChecksumSet.y2013_2c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014/ChecksumSet.y2014.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014a/ChecksumSet.y2014a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
idl/mtdTdigIdMap.idl, mtdTrayIdMap.idl, mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl, mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap.idl - added new MTD tables to DB
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to separate decoder from builder code; several bugs fixed;
pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - added new files to separate decoder from builder code;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h, pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - updated to use bitset2D for the pixel data container; added additional histogram for Serdes Errors;
l4Builder.cxx - few plots updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added hit map for ZS data and fix missing chip trigger alarm issue; set minimum statistics for MIP trigger alarm set-off; updated trigger alarm for IST builder;
RunStatus.cxx - updated;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- released production geometry y2014a for run 2014 data;
- added production chain for run 2014 and options to process data for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
- added new PXL module StPxlRawHitMaker to read pixel raw hits from daq format and create hits collec tion;
- added next new modules for PXL & IST detectors: StiPxl, StiIst, StIstDbMak er, StIstUtil ;
- added Sti geometry for new detectors PXL, IST, SST (first release) ;
- added IST hits collection and structure to StEvent;
- added new StarAgmlChecker module to produce detector's material plots in (eta,phi)-space;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - introduced P2014a option with production geometry y2014a;
added StiPxl, StiIst, PxlIT, IstIT and SstIT options for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
StDAQMaker.cxx - modified to check that TPCReader exists before accessing it;
StEnumerations.h - added IST constants;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h, StPxlHit.h - updated to include IST structure;
StIstHit.h, StIstHit.cxx, StIstHitCollection.cxx, StIstHitCollection.h - added hits collection for IST;
StIstLadderHitCollection.cxx, StIstLadderHitCollection.h, StIstSensorHitCollection.cxx StIstSensorHitCollection.h - added new files to include IST hits and structure;
StEventHitIter.cxx - modified to include IST structure;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added code to support reading new MTD active layers;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added single hot pixel masking;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHit.h, StPxlRawHit.cxx, StPxlRawHitMa ker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added new PXL maker to read pixel raw hits from daq files and create hit collection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added Jtag file version print-out and some more warnings for data format errors;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - modified to protect resetting to default tracking parameters, if these parameters have been already set;
StiDetector.cxx StiDetectorBuilder.cxx StiMaterial.cxx, StiPlacement.h, StiPlacement.cxx, StiShape.cxx - updated to inc lude geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST, SST;
StiMaker.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.cxx - added PXL, IST & SST detectors;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorBuilder.h - changed TpcRefSys to TpcRefSys_1 in path;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to include geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST & SST;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx , StiIstHitLoader.h, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.h - added new code to process IST detector data;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - added new code to handle IST offline database;
StIstClusterCollection.cxx,StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollec tion.h, StIstConsts.h, StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, St IstRawHit.h - added new code for IST detector;
StiPxlChairs.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, S tiPxlHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.h, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.h, StiPxlTrac kingParameters.h - added new code to process PXL detector data;
include/cmds.h, iccp.h - updated;
src/rtsmakefile.def - added REAL_DAQMAN;
src/LOG/rtsLog.C - added few more arguments;
src/DAQ_SST/sstPed.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added canonical pedestal handling;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
sim/idl/g2t_mtd_hit.idl - modified to save MTD local and gloal coordinates;
sim/g2t/g2t_mtd.F - updated to setup y2014a production geometry; modified to save MTD local and global coordinates;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - updated to setup production geometry y2014a ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - added new file to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - renamed structure MTB --> MTBP to conform to starsim standards;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to setup y2014a production geometry for run 2014;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - initial revision of code to produce material plots in (eta,phi)-space and volume checksums (md5) which can be used to detect changes in geometry;
fixed bug which ignores children of assemblies, reduce sensitivity to parameter changes;
modified to make checksum sensitive to shape type as well as parameters;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h, Geometry.y2014a.C - updated to release y2014a production geometry;
Jevp/ level.source - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - minor updates on IST builder to get the real number of time bin;
bbcBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.cxx - updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added alarm and major updates;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to get proper filling of runlength histos, minor fixes;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - added TRG TF00X plots;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - updated plots for AuAu 200GeV, run 2014; modified to make a new directory in client;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - fixed few bugs; solved some plots display problem;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- OnlTools - more updates for new detectors: PXL, MTD, IST, SSD;
- added base chain for run 2014 data;
- StMuDSTMaker modified for MTD trackes;
- updated run 2014 geometry for PXL;
- defined reference geometry tags for run 2013;
- added new files for DAQ_FPS & DAQ_SST;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/StarGenerator.cxx, StarGenerator.h - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame cod e to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame code to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
macros/starsim.beampipe.C - added example of macro for generating fixed-target Hijing events fro m an arbitrary vertex distribution... in this case, the beam pipe;
StMultiKeyMap.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed bug;
xTCL.cxx xTCL.h - modified to add eigen2 copy of THelix one;
BigFullChain.h - added base chain options for run 2014;
GeometryDbAliases.h - defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c fre eze the y2013_1x and y2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a, they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 dat a production;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added two gaus fit for Oxygen monitoring histograms;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTrackTopologyMap.h - updated for HFT;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - updated for HFT;
LaserEvent.cxx, LaserEvent.h, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added protection against cycling in fitting;
added cluster position in Local Sector Coordinate System;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - adjusted dEdx slope hist range, handled ROOT change for 2D polar plots;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - introduced run 2014 map; this mapping allows fastoffline to run while the database implementa tion continues;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to protect against potentially non-existing primary vertex in StEvent ; corrected primary vertex retrieval in StEvent environment;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.h - modified StMuTrack; added setMtdPidTraits, StMuMtdPidTr aits; removed mtdHit(), MtdHit(), setMtdHit();
StMuDst.cxx, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h - modified to get the actual pointer to the MTD matched track with more convenient method;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - added check on ssd_hits.size();
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlISim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - modified to implement methods to switch between ideal geometry and DB geometry; the default is ideal;
modified to switch on random seed for StRandom generatos in simulators;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to change returning error to warnning;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
rtsSystems.h - added FPS;
RC_Config.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
rtsmakefile.def - added RTS_HOST_NAME; added RTS_REAL_DAQMAN define;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added bad channels from the files;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added new files for FPS;
added reserved & meta;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - modified to add pedestal calculation; added RTS_HOST_NAME; added ZS data checker & reader; added pedestal handling;
sstPed.cxx, sstPed.h - added new files for pedestal calculation; added pedestal handling;
src/DAQ_SFS/sfs_index.cxx - fixed retries;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added helper functions for IST 7 SST pedestal; added FPS; added meta printouts for FPS;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified to replace kOnly --> konly;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y 2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a; they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 data production;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g - added stub for pixel support;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system ; added option for test TpceGeo4 geometry;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompelation to pickup correct y2014 definiti on; defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y2013_2 x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeo3.xml, FgtdGeoV.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubGeo1.xml PsupGeo.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
PixlGeo6.xml - modified to change positions of subvolumes at the single micron level;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml - added new TpceGeo4 module reorganized the TPC volumes; TPC padro ws moved down into a TPMV (TPAD mother volume); G10 layer and some AL supports moved into the TPMV, allowing to make a clea n separation between the active TPC gas volume and the TPC support wheel. This enables to flag the active gas volume as co mpletely non overlapping;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - implemented asymptotic geometries for y2010 to present use th e test TpceGeo4 geometry in AgML (e.g. y2010x). AgSTAR asymptotic geometries are unchanged ;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags ;
pixel support was taken OFF in y2013_2* geometries;
modified to ensure that inner detectors show up in all 2013 geometries where needed;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - modified to change AgBlock and stacker to permit declaration of assembly volumes;
StarAgmlViewer/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - replaced kOnly --> konly;
StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - added R and Z cuts to enable simple way to plot material budget "in fron t of" detectors;
mkBudgetSet.C - added example macro for plotting material budget in front of the TPC;
StarAgmlViewer/macros/viewAgml.C - replaced kOnly --> konly;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2013_2a.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C - added definitions for 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c geometries;
Geometry.y2010x.C - new test geometry added;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.132748.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.150916.C, tpcDrif tVelocity.20140216.042002.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.103202.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.195307.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140 216.224730.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.014847.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.040929.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.084236.C, t pcDriftVelocity.20140217.113342.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.142449.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.160900.C, tpcDriftVelocity .20140217.203531.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.230053.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.010413.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.03385 6.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.063552.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.092131.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.133013.C, tpcDriftVe locity.20140218.154508.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.174945.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.224107.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219 .022051.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.074415.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.092332.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.120531.C, tpcD riftVelocity.20140219.170855.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.172943.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.053153.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20 140220.120923.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.143113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.155822.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140221.035015.C - added new TPC drift velocity files;
idl/pxlHotPixels.idl - added new hot pixel table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for besMonitor, FixedTarget and Fix edTargetMonitor ; added tabs for RunControl; added two more plots for BesGood; added a new table for HLTGood2 trigger and three plots for the FixedTarget and FixedTargetMonitor; modified to store the paras data file in the l4evp;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - added VPD mapping and trigger windows for Run 2014; updated TOFmult range and adde d two 1Ds; updated windows and plot ranges for Run14 AuAu 200;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - updated for run 2014; modified to reads tray masks from config file;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - updated for run 2014;
tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h - modified to save lasers for l4;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated IST mapping table and added a new plot: ladder vs. chip;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - first version added for SSD event builder;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - fixed bug with tags;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated indexing; fixed bug with tags;
l4HistoMother, jevpHistoMother - added new files;
WritePDFToDB.C - updated;
Main features:
- added extra HFT dead material to y2013b geometry near east poletip;
- y2014 geometry updated with latest versions for IST & SSD;
- added HFT support structures;
- first release of new HFT codes: StPxlDbMaker, StPxlUtil ;
- OnlTools modified to add IST event builder;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to add TPC histogram for monitoring gas contamination;
BigFullChain.h - added Pxl base makers chains;
StarClassLibrary - added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0 (bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - modified to set z-vertex prior to beamline retation;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - updated for K0/K0bar;
macros/starsim.hijing.hypertriton.C - added example of macro for generating a particle (e.g. hypernucleus) and adding it to a minbias hijing event;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed size of stack increasing ;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx - added (printed) warning when StCloseFileOnTerminate is created;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - new code for Pxl DB;
StPxlConstants.h, StThinPlateSpline.cxx, StThinPlateSpline.h - new PXL code;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added TPC histograms for monitoring gas contamination;
include/rtsLog.h - added user specific log level;
include/SUNRT/ipcQLib.hh - added queue remove function;
src/rtsmakefile.def - modified to use canononical;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - added hack for RD06;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added Misc features for IST; added misc pedestal and timebin hacks;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - modified to take out some checks;
daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - added SST ADC reader and more checks in get_l ;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added handling of U_;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - fixed RDO count bug for IST example;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to fill SpaceCharge info in StRunInfo;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C - added chain for run 2012 pp 200GeV to process embedding data;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2013b production geometry with extra HFT dead material near eastpoletip; modified y2014 first cut; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
sim/g2t/g2t_ist.F - updated to use local coordinates for IST g2t structures;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - corrected charge states for two hypernuclei; added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0(bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added HFT support structures ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of y2013b & y2014; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - updated for latest version of IST;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated for latest version of SSD for HFT;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - added support for HFT; removed failed debugging attempt;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to define y2013b production series with extra dead material in new east poletip; defined y2014 geometry first cut;
StarAgmlLib/AgMaterial.cxx - added debugging output; code will now report which module/volume is at fault when an undeclared material has been referenced;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcAltroParams.y2014.C, TpcdCharge.y2014.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2014.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2014.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2014.C, tpcGainCorrection.y201.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2014.C, tpcGas.y2014.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2014.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2014.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2014.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2014.C, tpcPressureB.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcRowQ.y2014.C, TpcSecRowB.y2014.C, tpcSlewing.y2014.C, tpcWaterOut.y2014.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2014.C - added y2014 calibrations tables for TPC simulation (ideal);
tpcDriftVelocity.20140131.222231.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.000826.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.001047.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.044318.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.010902.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.061700.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.103224.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.144248.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185546.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185646.C,tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.230511.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.032113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.074422.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.104950.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.144647.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.210036.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.020127.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.060636.C - added drift velocities files for Run 2014 cosmics;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2014.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2014.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2014.C - added y2014 TPC geometry tables for simulation(ideal);
RunLog/MagFactor.y2011.C, MagFactor.y2012.C, MagFactor.y2013.C, MagFactor.y2014.C - added new files for TPC;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.y2014.C - added new file for y2014 TPC simulation (ideal);
starClockOnl.y2013.C, starClockOnl.y2014.C - added new files as default local clock for year 2013 & 2014;
idl/pxlControl.idl, istControl.idl, istMapping.idl - added new Geometry_pxl & IST tables;
istControl.idl - added extra column;
Jevp/level.source - modified for IST;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added new IST event builder files;
hltBuilder.h - small modification;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - modified for IST builder;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, r. ;
Sti/StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.25; StiDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.20;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.26; StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.7 ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g, r. 1.275;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g, r. 1.1 :
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, r. 1.46 ;
Geometry/Geometry.h, r. 1.16 ;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml, r.1.4 ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r. 1.32;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C, r. 1.53 ;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r. 1.4 ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml, r.1.1 ;
StChain/GeometryDbAliases.h, r.1.4 ;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2010x.C - all r. 1.1;
Main features:
- implemented event filtering by trigger ID for reconstruction processing;
- added new schema for dX calculation in dEdX for large distortions in TPC for pp 500GeV, run 2013;
- added new method to calculate nSigma for fitted dE/dx; the values added in MuDst; the default values calculated using truncated mean are saved in MuDst as well;
- StPeCMaker modified to add track extrapolation to TOF for peripheral events;
- StMagUtilities.cxx/h modified to account for GG voltage errors; improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
macros/standalone.pythia6.C, starsim.addparticle.C, starsim.filter.C, starsim.herwig6.C, starsim.hijing.C, starsim.kinematics.C, starsim.pythia6.C, starsim.pythia8.C, starsim.starlight.C - modified to add RNG seed to example macros;
StMultyKeyMap.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.h - added new files; modified to speedup;
KFParticleBase.h - modified to promote fID to Int; increment class version;
StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - introduced chain options FiltTrg* for filtering by trigger ID;
StarChairDefs.h - added MakeChairOptionalInstance2;
StV0TofCorrection.cxx, StV0TofCorrection.h - fixed memory leak; modified to switch from a custom closest-points-of-approach-finder to the StHelix::pathLengths(); added a public helper function calcM2() to calculate mass^2 after TOF correction;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to account for GG voltage error + shifts in UndoGGVoltErrorDistortion(); improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections by reducing calls to DB; avoided unnecessary cartesian/cylindrical coordinate conversions;
StTpcSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h - added new rotation matrices for TPC;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - added new instance from StEvent;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added new set of TPC rotation matrices (B), St_trigDetSumsC::instance constractor from StEvent; modified to move chair under top maker;
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - modified to keep St_trigDetSumsC in .data; modified to move chair under top maker;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modified to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h - new files added to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StTpcHit.h - added transient data members for upper and lower pad positons;
StProbPidTraits.h, StPidParticleDefinition.h - modified to take out StPidParticleDefinition in a separate h-file;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added numberOfSigma() for kLikelihoodFitId method;
StEventMaker.cxx - copied trigDetSums table to StEvent; added event filtering by trigger ID (offline id) for reconstruction;
modified to move St_trigDetSumsC under the top maker for consistency with StDetectorDbMaker;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - modified to remove unnecessary writing histos/objects, bug #2750;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx - updated for run 2013;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added nSigma values calculated for fitted dEdx;
StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added extrapolation of tracks to TOF, StBTofGeometry and St_geant_Maker;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added a set method setTOFgeometry to pass pointer to StBTofGeometry;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - added a input argument StBTofGeometry to fill method (StMuDst + StEvent) and x y z coordinates of intercept to TOF cylinder;
StPeCTrigger.cxx, StPeCTrigger.h - added a set method to select a trigger;
include/tasks.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h - updated directory sizes
sfs_header.C - updated;
src/DAQ_BSMD/bsmdPed.cxx, bsmdPed.h - modified to add phase scanning support; more info in pedestal runs;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added more logging, pedestal support;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/Makefile - clean target;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx - modified pedestal file comments;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - removed restriction that track_id >= 10000'
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified to add transformations for Upper and Lower tpc hits postions (new dX calculation in dE/dx);
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to use new database node ""
Calibrations/tracker/StvKonst.C - modified tracking volume to 220x220; set max radius before TOF;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcAnodeHVavg.y2014.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2014.C - added default TPC Anode Voltages for y2014;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20130305.000000.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20130305.000013.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.20130305.000011.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20130305.000000.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC calibrations;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2013.C - added default ADC corrections;
TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2012.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2013.C - added default correction;
TpcPadCorrection.y2012.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2013.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2012.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2013.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2013.C, TpcRowQ.20130305.000014.C, TpcRowQ.y2012.C, TpcRowQ.y2013.C, TpcSecRowB.20130305.000014.root, TpcSecRowB.y2012.C, TpcSecRowB.y2013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20130305.000013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcdCharge.20130305.000000.C, TpcdCharge.y2012.C, TpcdCharge.y2013.C, TpcdEdxCor.20130305.000000.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2012.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2013.C, tpcAltroParams.20130305.000000.C, tpcAltroParams.y2012.C, tpcAltroParams.y2013.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20130305.000000.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2012.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2013.C, tpcGainCorrection.20130305.000008.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2012.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2013.C, tpcGas.20130305.000000.C, tpcGas.y2012.C tpcGas.y2013.C, tpcGasTemperature.20130305.000000.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2012.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2013.C, tpcMethaneIn.20130305.000000.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2012.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2013.C, tpcPressureB.20130305.000009.C, tpcPressureB.y2012.C, tpcPressureB.y2013.C, tpcSlewing.20130305.000000.C, tpcSlewing.y2012.C, tpcSlewing.y2013.C, tpcWaterOut.20130305.000000.C, tpcWaterOut.y2012.C, tpcWaterOut.y2013.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC data calibrations;
TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C - modified;
CaveGeo2.xml - modified for better definition of concrete;
idl/Survey.idl - added comments;
tpcCorrection.idl - added description;
tpcGlobalPosition.idl - added comments;
trgOfflineFilter.idl - added new file for trigger ID filterring;
Lidia Didenko
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 10, 2015 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009 SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 62GeV year 2006 reproduction SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14h (SL14h_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 200GeV st_hcal data run 2014 preview production SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15b (SL15b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production old-> SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15d (SL15d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pro-> SL15e (SL15e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 st_mtd data production SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15f (SL15f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15g (SL15g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15h (SL15h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15i (SL15i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15j (SL15j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15k (SL15k_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production new-> SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
SL15a library
SL15b library
SL15c library
SL15d library
SL15e library
SL15f library
SL15g library
SL15h library
SL15i library
SL15j library
SL15k library
SL15l library
Main features:
- added new version of PYTHIA v. 6.4.28;
- StSstDaqMaker, added pedestal subtraction and CMN suppression algorithm;
- added new version of trigger structure for run 2016;
- added y2016 base geometry version for run 2016;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
macros/starsim.hijing.dalitz.C - added example macro for adding single pi0 dalitz decay to a hijing event;
BigFullChain.h - added Akio correction to bypass instantiation of StTpcDb maker in MakeEvent;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2016 geometry initial version for run2016;
TRG/trgStructures2016.h - added new version of trigger structure for run 2016;
StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - added new files for trigger data run 2016;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - added fields for StTriggerData2016;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to add fmsTimeDepCorr for LED gain correction based on event number;
fixed backward compatbility; fixed logic ;
getCellPosition2015pA.cxx, getCellPosition2015pp.cxx - added missing break statement;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - added extra protection against token=0 event;
StFixedVertexFinder.h - added method 'IsFixed()' ;
StGenericVertexFinder.h - added method 'IsFixed()' ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - added 0,0,0 fixed vertex ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to remove unnecessary printout of number of FTS hits;
CorrFctn/MinvLikeSignCorrFctn_Minv_vs_Phi.cxx, StHbtCorrFctnDirectYlm.cxx - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
Infrastructure/ - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
Reader/StHbtAssociationReader.cxx - updated for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - removed redundant message: 'GTrack error: mFlag is Negative' ;
StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - added destructor to comply with new compiler ;
StGenParticle.cxx - removed ROOT dependences on library intended to be loaded into starsim;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to add a new data member: mMaxVtxDz ;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - modified to insert the MC MTD hits into the MtdCollection after real hits are reconstructed ;
COMMON/StMuFilter.cxx, StMuFilter.h - added changable constants and FTS data;
StMuFilter.h - adjusted to new members;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - added pedestal subtraction and CMN suppression algorithm;
StSstUtil - reverted back the cut on signal strip: using DB entry, not constants; - modified, move cout to LOG_DEBUG;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added new trigger data for run 2016;
include/daqFormats.h - updated for run 2016;
include/SUNRT/clock.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2016;
src/DAQ_TRG/trgReader10.cxx - updated for run 2016;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated for run 2016; updated to change 'ifdef' to 'ifndef' linux;
trgDataDefs_42.h, trgDataDefs_43.h - added new files for trigger data, run 2016;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
gen/Pythia6_4_28s/pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.4.28.F - added Pythia version 6.4.28 for starsim;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2016.C - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
StarAgmlLib/AgPlacement.cxx, AgPlacement.h - added support for specifying rotation matrix;
AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - added new files to support for general transformation in AgML (multiple translations / rotations per placement);
AgParameterList.cxx - added parameter list (and block, mother, group, ...) to support AgBlock, AgModule, AgShape;
StarAgmlLib/macros/TestAgTransform.C - support for general transformation in AgML ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdGeo.xml - updated active layer thickness to 0.03744cm ;
Geometry/macros/loadStarGeometry.C - added support for general transformation in AgML (multiple translations/rotations per placement);
StarGeometryDb.C - added y2016 first geometry version for run 2016;
StDb/idl/TpcAvgPowerSupply.idl - added new MySQL table;
tofTotbCorr.idl, tofZbCorr.idl, vpdTotCorr.idl - added number of used array elements;
tpcDriftVelocity.idl - updated;
mgr/Dyson/Export/, - added support for specifying rotation matrix;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - updated online plots for Run 2016; changed the binning of onloine plots; fixed jevpplots setting bug, and removed some useless histograms;
ssdBuilder.cxx - removed global display settings; added OFFSET and keep the y-axis scale in Run 2016 the same as Run 2014 and Run 2015; fixed Y axias scale error;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added production chain for run 2015 data with geometry option 'ry2015b';
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2015b geometry tag with corrected MTD geometry;
StFmsCollection.h - added 4 new inline functions;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - adjusted debug prints;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - fixed small scale differebce for small cells when converting coordinates while mMergeSmallToLarge is on;
fixed overwrting detectorId for some StFmsPoint near large/small gap when top cell in the cluster and the photon are in different detector;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - added setScaleShowerShape() option for scaling up shower shape function for large cell;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - increased max number of clusters; fixed bug in valley tower association;
fixed parameters initialization; added new cluster categorization method;
StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - added option to scale up shower shape function for large cells;
COMMON/StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - fixed StMuRpsCollection double writing StMuRpsTrackPoints;
fixed the 'StMuRpsTrack::type' from being always undefined, added helpher methods to StMuRpsCollection to return number of Tracks/TrackPoints;
modified StMuRpsCollection to write TrackPoints and Tracks without writing the TrackPoints more than once;
StMuFmsInfo.cxx, StMuFmsInfo.h - added StMuFmsInfo.{h,cxx} as a new branch for storing event-by-event FMS paramters;
StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuTypes.hh - modified to adjust to adding new branch;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - corrected a couple of bugs in readSkewParameter to read skew parameters into the mSkew_param[s][ipmt][ipar] correctly; added Rafal's latest code with multi-track algorithm; modified to use Bogdan's alignment constants;
minor addition to StRpsHit structure (mPlanesUsed variable added); corrected bug which resulted in reconstructing too many track-points (and therefore also tracks) for some particular combination of cluster multiplicity;
corrected formula for \theta_{x}, \theta_{y} and \xi to properly account for alignment parameters like e.g. tilt of the beam;
refined calculation of the z coordinate of hits;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo7.xml - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
StarDb/AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015b.C - adeded MutdGeo7 module with corrected radii; defined y2015b production geometry tag to use latest MTD geometry;
StDb/idl/fmsTimeDepCorr.idl - added new FMS table;
Main features:
- further development of FMS code; initial revision of FMS point pair code;
- StEvent was updated with new files and containers for RPS tracks and points;
- St_pp2pp_Maker code updated to use StRpsTrackPoint and StRpsTrack objects;
- StMinuitVertexFinder modified to use new vertex-finding parameters ZMin, ZMax ;
- implemented initial version of dev2020 geometry tag with Forward Tracking System (prototype);
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - added dev2020 geometry tag;
StFmsPointPair.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h - initial revision of FMS point pair; added methods x() and y();
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h - added StFmsPointPair collection; added new member and methods;
StEnumerations.h - added items for StFmsDetectorId enumeration;
StEventLinkDef.h - added pragma for vector ;
StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - added comments and modified print out;
StFpsSlat.h - modified to move 7 members out of the schema ;
StRpsTrack.cxx, StRpsTrack.h, StRpsTrackPoint.cxx, StRpsTrackPoint.h - added new files for RPS tracks and points ;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h - modified to add RPS tracks and points;
StRpsCluster.cxx, StRpsCluster.h - added mPositionRMS and accessors;
StRpsCollection.cxx, StRpsCollection.h - added containers for tracks and points;
StRpsTrack.cxx, StRpsTrack.h, StRpsTrackPoint.h - modified to change 'const' to 'enums' and related changes;
StHit.cxx, StHit.h, StMtdHit.cxx, StMtdHit.h, StTpcPixel.cxx, StTpcPixel.h, StTrack.h, StVertex.cxx, StVertex.h, StEvent.cxx - changed type of mIdTruth from 'ushort' to 'int' ;
StTrackFitTraits.h - fixed schema evolution;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added 'getStarXYZfromColumnRow()' to convert from local grid space [cell width unit, not cm];
added protection for fmsGain and fmsGainCorrection when table length get shorter and can be overwritten by old values;
added 'distanceFromEdge()' for fiducial volume cut; added 'readRecParamFromFile()';
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - modified to use StEnumeration;
modified setFmsZS(int v) and if ADC < v, drop the hit (default=2); added poisson distribution for FPS, with setFpsNPhotonPerMIP(float v);
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - set default for mFpsNPhotonPerMIP to 100.0;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - modified to move energy sum check for killing LED tail event to whole FMS; make it not dependent on beam energy, so that it runs on simulation as well;
added 3 options to control how reconstruction works: setGlobalRefit(int v=1); setMergeSmallToLarge(int v=1); setTry1PhotonFit(int v=1);
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - fixed small scale difference for small cells when converting coordinates while mMergeSmallToLarge is on ;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - changed some LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - added warning if removing cluster with too many towers;
StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified ;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsTower.cxx, StFmsTower.h, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified to speed up code (~x2) by optimizing minimization fuctions and showershape function; added option to merge small cells to large, so that it finds cluster at border; added option to perform 1 photon fit when 2 photons fit failed; added option to turn on/off global refit; modified to get moment analysis done without ECUTOFF when no tower in cluster exceed ECUTOFF=0.5GeV ;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - modified to increase max number of clusters; fixed bug in valley tower association ;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated to make VFPPVev == VFPPV with StEvent input;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h, St_VertexCutsC.h - modified to use new vertex-finding parameters ZMin, ZMax ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - modified to remove filling trees;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added histogram for global T0 alignment calibration using primary tracks;
added mMaxVtxDz to cut on vz difference between TPC and VPD;
COMMON/StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsPoint.h - updated for StMuFmsCollection and StMuFmsPoint;
StMuRpsTrack.cxx, StMuRpsTrack.h, StMuRpsTrackPoint.cxx, StMuRpsTrackPoint.h - added new files to handle the new pp2pp tracks;
StMuRpsCollection.cxx, StMuRpsCollection.h - updated StMuRpsCollection to copy it from StEvent version;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added 2E trigger;
StiToolkit.h, StiTrackFinder.h - added virtual dtors to StiToolkit and StiTrackFinder to fix compilation warning;
StiTrackNode.cxx - removed Vector3 from cylCross to save cost of ctor/dtor;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - added requirement for Check Plots for TTree file;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added HCAL preshower to readout in St_geant_Maker;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - added 'positionRMS' to each cluster;
changed: Int_t MakeTracks(const StRpsCollection &RpsColl) -> Int_t MakeTracks( StRpsCollection &RpsColl, float blue_beamenergy, float yellow_beamenergy);
created 3 private constant pitch_4svx, pitch_4svx2 and pitch_6svx so that both MakeClusters and MakeTracks can use;
updated to set the xy position for each cluster according to Bogdan's offset scheme/constants and reading LVDT position ;
added Rafal's new code in forming StRpsTrackPoint and StRpsTrack objects;
added two functions/variables related to reading from database the AcceleratorParameters and PMTSkewConstants;
added 'mconversion_TAC_time' ;
corrected a couple bugs in readSkewParameter to read skew parameters into the mSkew_param[s][ipmt][ipar] correctly;
updated Rafal's latest code with multi-track algorithm;
modified to use Bogdan's alignment constants ;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx - modified to use: DB = GetDataBase("Calibrations/pp2pp/pp2ppPMTSkewConstants") instead of
DB = GetDataBase("Calibrations/pp2pp");
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - added the CM mode;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F, g2t_volume_id.g - g2t updated to readout preshower in HCAL;
g2t_fts.F, g2t_fts.idl - added new files for Forward Tracking System;
sim/idl/g2t_fts_hit.idl - added new file for Forward Tracking System;
g2t_track.idl - modified to add hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.dev2020.C - added dev2020 geometry tag;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20150131.000008.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000008.C, tpcPressureB.2 0150131.000002.C TpcRowQ.20150131.000007.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000007.root - added the first version of dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV data;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20150131.000013.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000016.C, TpcRowQ.20150131.000015.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000015.root - added next verison of dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV data;
Calibrations/tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2014.C - updated tracking parameters for run 2014: allowed any 3-layer combination of HFT hits to be classified as an HFT track, otherwise hits are stripped and track is fit as TPC only;
KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2015.C - updated tracking parameters for run 2015: allowed any 3-layer combination of HFT hits to be classified as an HFT track, otherwise hits are stripped and track is fit as TPC only;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffsetB.20150101.000000.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20150609.063000.C - added trigger T0 for run 2015;
StDb/idl/VertexCuts.idl - added ZMin, ZMax fields for vertex cut ;
pp2ppPMTSkewConstants.idl, pp2ppAcceleratorParameters.idl - added new Roman Pots tables;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated for HCAL study geometry;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdGeo.xml - added Forward Tracking System prototype geometry;
added hit definition and starsim to root interface for Forward Tracking System;
implemented version 3 for Forward Tracking System: first 4 disks are at same positions as version 1; next two disks evenly spaced;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added initial revision of dev2020 geometry tag including Forward Tracking System;
Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- first release of StFmsPointMaker & StFmsUtil makers to process with FMS data ;
- StEvent & StMuDstMaker updated to process FMS & FPS data;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - modified to use an unsigned 'int' in the loop if compiler under optimization;
StMultyKeyMap.cxx - removed unused variables;
StObject.cxx, StObject.h - added specific copy constructor to StObject; this constructor set to zero for bit 1<<22 to fix the bug #3134;
BigFullChain.h - corrected options for FMS/FPS ;
StEtrFastSimMaker.h - updated to adjust to gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - major updates for FMS detector;
StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCluster.h, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h - added print out function and operator;
StFpsSlat.cxx, StFpsSlat.h - initial revision of codes for FPS slats;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventTypes.h, StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - modified due to adding StFpsSlat and interconnection between slats and points;
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h, StFmsHit.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - changed in naming of data members;
StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx - adjusted to new compiler (::isnan);
getCellPosition2015pA.cxx, getCellPosition2015pA.h, getCellPosition2015pp.cxx, getCellPosition2015pp.h - added new files with new functions for un-uniform grid cell positions, switched based on DB fmsPositionModel;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to use for un-uniform grid cell positions;
macros/fmsPositionModel_db.C, fms_db_ChannelGeometry_akio.C, fms_db_recpar.C, fpsChannelGeometry_db.C, fpsConstant_db.C, fpsGain_db.C, fpsMap_db.C, fpsPosition_db.C, fpsSlatId_db.C, fpsStatus_db.C, loadlib.C, table_reupload.C - added new macros to write/read DB tables for FPS;
fms_db_ChannelGeometry.C, fms_db_detectorposition.C, fms_db_fmsgain.C, fms_db_fmsgaincorr.C, fms_db_map.C, fms_db_patchpanelmap.C, fms_db_qtmap.C - modified to read/write DB tables for FPS;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - added SetReadMuDst() to give options for reading back from MuDst, reading hits only and rerun clustering, or reading hit+cluster+point;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - first revision of StFmsPointMaker; added readMuDst() to give options when reading back from mudst;
StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsDbConfig.h, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsFittedPhoton.h, StFmsGeometry.h, StFmsTowerCluster.h, StFmsTower.h, StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsDbConfig.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsGeometry.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTower.cxx - first revision of StFmsUtil code;
StFmsClusterFinder.h, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified to uses StFmsDbMaker to get appropriate geometry parameters;
StFmsGeometry.cxx, StFmsGeometry.h - removed StFmsGeometry class, now it will use StFmsDbMaker to get appropriate parameters;
StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - modified to work with StFmsDbMaker;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - corrected print statement bemc->eemc ;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to avoid call of deprecated function;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed unused local variable; updated doxygen;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - removed unused code's lines;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated doxygen;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated doxygen;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed empty destructor;
tree/StjTreeIndex.h - changed _major and _minor compile errors;
StjTreeReader.h - modified to match changes in StjTreeIndex.h;
StMcQaMaker.h - updated to adjust to gcc 4.8.2;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h, StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsHit.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to add FMS detector data;
StMuFmsCluster.cxx, StMuFmsCluster.h, StMuFmsPoint.cxx, StMuFmsPoint.h - added new files to handle FMS MuDst data;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - added chi and beamwidth to BLpars ntuple;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - modified to account non trigger events;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - modified to change the orientations, skeleton to read new DB and MakeTracks(...);
StSstDaqMaker.h - removed unused and unimplemented class members;
include/rtsSystems.h - added STRXXX;
src/DAQ_TPX/daq_tpx.cxx, daq_tpx.h - added TPX altrobank;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150520.135123.C, TpcRowQ.20150520.135122.C, TpcSecRowB.20150520.135122.root - added run 2015 dEdx calibrations for FixedTarget2015 dataset;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2015.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2015.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2015.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2015.C, TpcRowQ.y2015.C, TpcSecRowB.y2015.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcdCharge.y2015.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2015.C, tpcAltroParams.y2015.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2015.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2015.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2015.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2015.C, tpcGas.y2015.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2015.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2015.C, tpcPressureB.20150520.135122.C, tpcPressureB.y2015.C, tpcSlewing.y2015.C, tpcWaterOut.y2015.C - added new files to reset TPC pressure dependence for FixedTarget2015 dataset;
TpcAvCurrent.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20150121.180611.C - removed files;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C - modified;
StDb/idl/fmsPositionModel.idl - added new table (geometry switch) for FMS;
Main features:
- new compiler gcc 4.8.2 and codes modification ;
- added new version of Pythia 6.4.28 ;
- changed the way of initialization of MTD geometry;
- StPeCMaker modified to give more flexibility in writing output for upc events ;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxuser.age - modified to disable building geometry via makefile;
StAnalysisMaker.cxx, StAnalysisMaker.h - added messages (print out) for for Sst, Gmt, pp2pp;
StarClassLibrary - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
phys_constants.h, math_constants.h - added files removed from StHbtMaker; - updated to propagate PDG id for antideuteron;
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, Pythia6_4_28LinkDef.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, address.F, pythia-6.4.28.F - new version of PYTHIA;
FILT/StarFilterMaker.cxx - fixed compiler warning;
StarLight/nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.cpp - modified to use 'std::isnan' for gcc 4.8.2;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx - fixed compile warning;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - fixed compiler warning;
1fluid.F - modified to declare return type for CHEM to match function declaration;
macros/starsim.pythia6.C - macro to run Pythia 6.4.28;
StWsLogger.cxx - added unistd.h header where 'geteuid()' and 'gethostname()' are defined to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StBFChain.cxx - removed numbers;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modify to initialize static constants outside of class definition to comply with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StBTofHitCollection.h, StBTofRawHitCollection.h - removed size_t ambiguity by adding cstddef; added cstddef C++ header defining size_t type;
StTofCellCollection.h, StTofDataCollection.h, StTofHitCollection.h, StTofRawDataCollection.h, StTofSlatCollection.h - added cstddef C++ header defining size_t type to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMaker.cxx - removed numbers from lsMakers;
L3/L3_Reader.hh - added space between literal and identifier to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
TRG/code2008.cxx - fixed spacing for gcc 4.8.2;
StDbLib - fixed warning: MYSQL_RES pointer is not supposed to be deleted by client in destructor;
StMagUtilities.cxx - modified to allow call of 'UndoDistortion()' for a (dummy) initialization; - added recalculation of padrow during transformation;
StiKalmanTrackFinderParameters.h - modified to expand to 4 regions, added protection for this;
StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - updated to add StEventHitIter ==> ROOT dictionary;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - fixed string literal spacing for C++11 compliance ;
StFtpcClusterMaker - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StFtpcVertex.hh - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - updated to reuse variable defined in if condition part to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StGammaCandidate.cxx - removed unused chunk of code;
StGammaTrack.cxx, StGammaTreeMaker.cxx - added parenthesis to resolve possible ambiguity in logical expressions for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StIstClusterMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StIstHitMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstRawHitMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f'; removed unused variable;
StIstFastSimMaker.h - added space before and after "__DATE__" and "__TIME__" to be compiled with gcc 4.8.2;
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to use by default geometry tables from StIstDb instead of building ideal geometry; added useful debug level messages; minor changes in output messages;
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx, StIstFastSimMaker.h - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StIstCluster.cxx - corrected style with 'astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f';
StiDetectorContainer.h - empty method 'clear()' added ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - methods 'SaveGeometry()' and 'Print()' implemented; in method 'Built()' added saving all the volumes in StiDetectorVolume format; method operator<<(ostream& os, const DetectorMapPair & detMapEntry) implemented ;
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added added methods Print() & SaveGeometry; the last one saves Sti geometry in the form of StiDetectorVolume for visualization;
StiKNNSeedFinder.h, StiKNNSeedFinder.cxx - added interface for KNN seed finder from Stv;
StiKNNSeedFinder.h - added non empty 'clear()';
StiKNNSeedFinder.cxx - added 'Clear()' & 'clear()' methods ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - cleanup mess of 'reset()' and 'clear()' methods ;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - modified to put back assert for hit usage;
StiTrackNode.cxx - removed non used array;
StiTrackFinder.h - added 'FeedBack()' method for debugging only;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - added call to 'FeedBack()';
StiElossCalculator.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - replaced isnan -> 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for isnan in gcc 4.8.2 compiler; also switched to standard c++ header
StiMasterHitLoader.h - added 'this ->' to templated base class method to help gcc 4.8.2 to resolve the dependent name;
StiMaker.cxx - cleanup mess of 'reset()' and 'clear()' methods ;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - added StiKNNSeedFinder ;
StiPullEvent.cxx - cleanup;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for isnan with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
removed defined but not unused local typedefs;
StMcEvent - fixed BUG in the code which hid the path length; the line declaring kNCell was terminated with a comma (,) not a semi-colon (;), which means that mPathLength was declared as a local, const static variable, rather than setting the member variable in the class; - fixed bug in StMcEtrHit; was returning an uninitialized variable (iLayer) but the variable ilayer should be returned instead;,, - fixed compiler warning;
StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.h - added space between user-defined and string literals required by gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added the distance along radius to the calculation of the distance between a MTD hit and a projected track position;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to initialize static constants outside of class definition to comply with gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdConstants.h - added the constant difference in radius between adjacent modules;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - remove calling a macro in Init() to create geometry, It should be done within the maker that uses this utility class;
added the TGeoManager parameter to the default constructor to force the existance of the geometry when using this utility class ;
modified to simplify the code for getting the pointer to the magnetic field;
modified to initialize static constants outside of class definition to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - added class scope to static members;
StEvtTrigDetSumsMaker.cxx - modified ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use an initialization call for StMagUtilities for each event;
StPeCGeant.cxx, StPeCGeant.h - added StMuMcVertex information and calculate invariant mass only for pion pairs;
StPeCMaker.cxx - added choice to skip writting the tree to output file and added summary histograms;
StPeCMaker.h - added flag to suppress tree to output and include summary histograms;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - modified to remove RP container copy to output;
StPeCPair.cxx - modified to stop extrapolation to TOF, now copy information from StMuBTofPidTraits;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added trigger for pA part of run 15;
doMuEvent_picoFromEmbedding.C - added macro to produce UPC pico dsts from embedding MuDst;
StKinkMaker.cxx, StV0FinderMaker.cxx - modified to replace isnan -> 'std::isnan' to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - modified 'getSstDimensions()' to return the table data, not the structure;
StSsdEmbeddingMaker.cxx, St_sls_Maker.cxx - removed unused local variables ;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - removed unused local variables;
StSsdUtil,,, - removed unused local variables ;
StStrangeMuDstPlayer.cxx, StStrangeMuDstPlayer.h - removed references to topoMapFixer;
StSvtSimulationMaker - added 'std::isnan' to resolve ambiguity for gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - cleaned up __PAD_BLOCK__; recalculated no. of real hits in g2t_track n_tpc_hit (exc luding pseudo pad row); added current and accumulated charge in dE/dx correction ;
StTpcRSMaker.h - fixed cvs message;
StMultiH2F.cxx - fixed minor bug with 'SavePrimitive';
StMessTypeList.h - modified to include stdlib to get size_t;
EventTracker/FtfGeneral.h - removed local preprocessor macros for min and max; modified to use standard c++ te mplated functions std::min and std::max ;
eventTracker.cxx - removed unused variables ;
gl3Event.cxx - moved variable definition to the place where it is initialized;
include/RC_Config.h - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added some pedestal variables;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - removed unused variables;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - updated to propagate a PDG id for antideuteron;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - modified to improve timing and energy resolution of MTD;
GeoTestMaker/GeoTestMaker.h, StMCConstructGeometry.cxx - fixed __DATE__ ;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - removed unused variable; made 'dtor' virtual;
StarAgmlViewer/StarAgmlViewer.cxx- fixed compiler warning; removed unused x ;
StarBASE/StarBASE.h - fixed __DATE__ ;
StarVMCApplication/StarMCHits.cxx - improved const-ness; removed unused structure;
StVMCMaker/TGeoDrawHelper.cxx - modified to switch to double so as not to hide method on base class;
idl/HitError.idl - added comments;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - modify to initialize static constants outside of class definition to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler ;
StOnlineDisplay/StDataReadModule.h, StEvpReader.h, StSteeringModule.h - added space between user-defined and string literals to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
gl3Data.cxx - modified to resolve function by explicit call to std::min to satisfy gcc 4.8.2 compiler;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added bfc options with y2015a production geometry;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to load y2015a geometry when it is required, not y2015;
MutdGeo5.xml - modified to improve timing and energy resolution of MTD;
Main features:
- new ROOT 5.34.30 version;
- few codes modifications to adjust to new ROOT version;
- added y2015a production geometry;
- added StiSstHitLoader and QA plots for SST detector;
- removed next makers: StHbtMaker, StFlowMaker, StPidAmpMaker, StFlowAnalysisMaker, StStrangeMuDstMaker because there are no person to support them but needed an updates due to necessary adjustment to new ROOT version ;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - Hbt, Flow and derivative chain options made obsolete because StHbtMaker are not supported by anyone but need update to make it consistent with new ROOT version;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - fixed wrong initialization of TVector3;
StMuDSTMakerLinkDef.h - commented out pragma;
StMuEvent.h - modified to adjust missing includes from the removed makers;
StiSstHitLoader.h, StiSstHitLoader.cxx - added SstHitLoader to load SST hits ; straight copy of StiSsdHitLoader; - modified to change call to StiSstHitLoader;
StSstPointMaker.h - inserted blank to to satisfy C++11 standards ;
StSpaNoise.hh, StSstClusterControl.cxx,, StSstConfig.hh, StSstDynamicControl.cxx,,,, - updated to include headers with path to submodule;, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstWafer.hh - removed obsolete libraries : ssdConfiguration, ssdDimensions, ssdWafersPosition ; fixed static StSstBarrel name;, - removed unused variable;, StSstWafer.hh - removed unused variable; Int_t doLorentzShiftSide moved to void();
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - modified to copy SSD to SST; HFT histogams now use SST;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to replace isnan => std::isnan to satisfy C++11 standards ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015a.C - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
geant3/TGeant3/TGeant3.h, TGeant3TGeo.h - added stubs to TGeant3 (etc...) to handle additional pure virtua l functions added to the base class in latest ROOT;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added y2015a production geometry, initial release;
Main features:
- first revision of StSstDaqMaker, SST daq reader code;
- first revision of StSstUtil & StSstPointMaker created from SSD code and reshaped to support SST;
- added FTBF version of HCAL setup;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
StarClassLibrary - modified to correct mapping between G3 id and pdg id; the G3 is the key and must be unique;
JPsi (id=168, dimuon channel) added to particle table;, StH0Strangelet.hh - added new files to support H0 dibaryon;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - minor bug fixed to enable cut on max rapidity of particles; added z-vertex cut, with wide default;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - set default to store full particle record; fixed mother-daughter relationship tracking; assert statement added to verify that mother particle created before daughters;
modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
Hijing1_383LinkDef.h - added new file to expose commons to CINT;
Hijing.cxx, Hijing.h, StarHijing.cxx, StarHijing.h - added access to lund compressed particle codes (KC); restored default particle decays mistakenly switched off ;
Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.cxx - modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
macros/starsim.hijing.C, starsim.hijing.D0.C, starsim.hijing.hypertriton.C, starsim.hijing.pHe3.C - modified hijing examples to show proper configuration syntax/work around CINT limitation with respect to returning references; added few configuration common blocks as TTables in generator makers;
starsim.hijing.C - added access to lund compressed particle codes (KC); restored default particle decays mistakenly switched off;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added multiple options to support SST;
StBFChain.cxx - corrected logic for for blacklisting;
StDbLib - fixed char type: null-terminator assignment;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added hits for FTBF version of HCAL;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - added data member mWriteHisto to control the output of histograms;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - updated to enable MC hits in embedding;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - first revision of SST daq reader code;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - modified to move to SST tables;
StSstPointMaker.cxx, StSstPointMaker.h - first revision of SstPointMaker code created from SSD code and reshaped;
StSpaListNoise.hh, StSpaNoise.hh, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstClusterControl.h, StSstCluster.hh, StSstClusterList.hh, StSstConfig.hh, StSstConsts.h, StSstDynamicControl.h, StSstLadder.hh, StSstPackage.hh, StSstPackageList.hh, StSstPoint.hh, StSstPointList.hh, StSstStrip.hh, StSstStripList.hh, StSstWafer.hh,,,,, StSstClusterControl.cxx,,, StSstDynamicControl.cxx,,,,,,,, - first reversion of SST code created from the SSD code and reshaped;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - enabled secondary tracking (hit association) for PIXEL and FGT ;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F - added readout for FTBF version of the HCAL test module;
added HCAL test configuration;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added H0 strangelet (m=2210 MeV) with 100% BR to Sigma- proton ;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added configuration of HcalGeoF module;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - enabled secondary tracking (hit association) for PIXEL and FGT;
added HCAL test configuration;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeoF.xml - added FTBF version of HCAL setup; updated with active material for BBC and Ledg;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added configuration of HcalGeoF module;
idl/spaceChargeCor.idl - fixed for comments;
Main features:
- initial revision of SST hits collection and SST interfaces in StEvent;
- added new constructors for setting local hit positions, modified existing constructors in StEvent/StPxlHit ; StPxlHitMaker and StPxlUtil modified accordingly to changes in StEvent;
- added new DB domain for SST detector and final set of SST tables;
- implemented StarGenEventReader code as a root-file event reader which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
- codes cleanup as preparation for c++11 compiling standards, few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
rexe/TGeant3/TGiant3.cxx - fixed typo in obscure, unused method;
PhysicalConstants.h - removed warning;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.h - added LOG_INFO when kinematic cuts are changed from default;
StarGenerator.cxx, StarGenerator.h - modified to add a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.h - added access to py1ent and pycomp subroutines, and set access to common blocks through static member functions;
StarGenEventReader/StarGenEventReader.cxx, StarGenEventReader.h - added a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
macros/starsim.reader.C - modified to add a root-file event reader, which can be used to push previously generated events into the simulation;
TRArray.cxx - removed senseless 'if' statement ;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.cxx, THelixTrack.cxx, TTreeIter.cxx - fixed syntax noted by CheckCpp;
TRVector.cxx - fixed bug and removed 'Assert' ;
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx - updated an error in if-statement syntax;
BigFullChain.h - added 'geant3vmc' option, which loads the VMC library early and suppresses xgeometry ;
StTree.cxx, StTree.h - slightly modified logic, added braces into logical expressions;
StRtsTable.cxx - fixed clumsy cast, adjusted to new gcc, bug #3108 ;
StDbDefs.hh, - added new db domain: SST;
StDbModifier.cxx - modified to deallocate memory in destructor of StDbModifier; cleanup; - redundant pointer check removed; fixed false positive uninitialized use of memory; - modified to assign zero to the pointer after 'delete'; - fixed small memory leak;, StHyperLock.cpp, StHyperLock.h - fixed type issue;, StDbModifier.cxx - proper 'delete' added before overwrite;
StDbBuffer.h - fixed unused internal pseudotype access considered as array out of bounds access;
StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - fixed dangerous use of strncopy;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - fixed for uninitialized memory warning;
DbRead.cxx, StDbBroker.cxx - fixed small memory leak and type conversion warnings;
StDbBroker.cxx- modified to avoid memleak by moving check to the entrance of the function;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #3101; removed old commented code;
StEventTypes.h - added SST;
StSstHit.cxx, StSstHit.h, StSstHitCollection.cxx, StSstHitCollection.h, StSstLadderHitCollection.cxx, StSstLadderHitCollection.h, StSstWaferHitCollection.cxx, StSstWaferHitCollection.h - initial revision of SST hits collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StDetectorName.cxx, StDetectorName.h, StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventScavenger.h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx, StTrackFitTraits.h, StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - added hooks and interfaces for SST detector;
StPxlHit.cxx, StPxlHit.h - added new constructors for setting local hit position; made proper initialization of all data member; modified existing constructor, new getter and setter for local hit coordinates;
StSstHit.cxx, StSstHit.h - ahanged 'mADC' from int to unsigned short;
StL3EventSummary.cxx - fixed nonsense if() statement in constructor;
StTrackDetectorInfo.h, StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx - added IST & PXL;
StEnumerations.cxx - modified to make method 'detectorIdByName' more flexible;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2004.cxx - corrected logic in 'if' statement;
StEventHitIter.cxx - added IST & PXL;
geometry/StFgtGeom.cxx - fixed memory leak;
StFtpcTrackMaker - fixed memory leak;
StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - bug #3102 fixed; change type: unsigned char maxTb = -1 to char maxTb = -1 ;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstClusterMaker.h, StIstIClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - modified to set default value of unsigned variables in a more explicit way ;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx - removed a priori true condition without changing the logic;
StIstFastSimMaker.h - default of random seed changed to false;
StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollection.h, StIstConsts.h - modified to change type for the number of time bins for consistency and to avoid explicit type conversions ;
StMcPxlHit.hh - changed return uchar ==> int ;
COMMONStMuEvent.h - fixed class version for added class 'mNHitsHFT';
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added z position of VPD vertex; code cleanup in preparation for C++11;
updated to include prompt hits and post-crossing tracks, simplified detmap packing;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - fixed incorrect memset usage, bug #3093);
StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - updated to use HFT hits; modified to make more rapid chi2 convergence; modified make Ntuples attached to files not to be deleted;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - added more vertex selection criteria: PCT daughters, and VPD Z agreement;
StPxlDb.cxx - modified to set name of resulting matrix after copying from a temporary matrix object;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx - updated hit's Y coordinate only when hit is identified as coming from real data otherwise do nothing; modified to streamline creation of PXL hits by making use of StPxlUtil/StPxlDigiHit;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx, StPxlHitMaker.h - removed unused members and local variables, these values are set now internaly in the new version of StEvent/StPxlHit ;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlISim.h - modified to switch to using constants from 'StPxlUtil';
StPxlFastSim.cxx - modified to streamline creation of PXL hits by making use of StPxlUtil/StPxlDigiHit;
StPxlConstants.h - modified to defined dimensional constants for PXL sensitive sensor area; modified to move the constants into the namespace and get rid of those defined in the global space;
StPxlDigiHit.cxx, StPxlDigiHit.h - new files created for helper to manipulate local hit position in StPxlHit;
MySQLAppender.cxx - fixed bug in macro expansion;
StSstDbMaker.h - added space around literals to make g++ compiler (4.8.2) happy;
StSsdPointMaker.cxx -possible infinite loop fixed ; fixed memory leak, bug #3105; fixed arrayIndex out of bounds;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed bug #3096 , missing break;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h - fixed bug #3094;
StTreeMaker.cxx - added braces in logical expressions, fixed bug #3095;
StTpcDb.cxx - removed duplicated line;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - fixed array out of bound; comment out tpcGlobalPosition field dependence;
StMessageManager.cxx - fixed memory leak: unnecessary char array in FindMessageList() ;
StMultiH1F.cxx - modified to set min/maxima;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.h - removed unnecessary structures and defines;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - fixed memory leak in pedrms;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxGain.cxx - fixed small fopen leak;
tpxPed.cxx - modified to add more special pedestal test features;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx - fixed possible memory leak;
sfs_index.cxx - fixed small memory leak;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrected configuration error in VPD in y2015/agml/agstar geometry; implemented an extra flag to handle call the right geometry module;
updated to associate hits on secondary tracks to the global track, not the primary track which initiates decay/shower, bug #3092;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionB.20120515.120002.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20120515.120002.C, TpcRowQ.20120515.120001.C, TpcSecRowB.20120515.120001.root - added preliminary dE/dx calibrations for cuAu 200GeV run 2012;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2015.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2015.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2015 .C, tpcPadPlanes.devTY.C - added new files for ideal year 2015 geometry;
StarVMCApplication/St_g2t_Chair.cxx - commented out BEMC/EEMC calorimeter hit codes, it was not used in production;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - corrected configuration error in VPD in y2015/agml/agstar geometry; implemented an extra flag to handle call the right geometry module;
updated to associate hits on secondary tracks to the global track, not the primary track which initiates decay/shower, bug #3092;
idl/sstMaskChip.idl, sstStripCalib.idl, sstWafersPosition.idl - added final set of SST tables;
fpsStatus.idl - added new FPS status table;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx - modified;
zdc_smd.h - removed;
Main features:
- further development of MTD code for events filtering ;
- modification to StHelix to change the minimum step size and provide better precision for D0 reconstrution;
- corrected dEdx information in MiniMc needed for embedding;
Next codes have been updated:
StarClassLibrary, StHelix.hh - added two default argument to dca of two helices for HFT which gives users the option to change the minStepSize and the search range of 'StHelix::pathLengths(StHelix&)';
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - modified to change the minimum step size in two helices, number of iterations, now point nearest to two helices calculated iteratively by two strait lines;
BigFullChain.h - added basic chain for pAu run 2015 fastoffline; introduced 'mtdFilt' option for MTD events filtering;
StBFChain.cxx - updated for prepasses before implementations of StTagFilterMaker, changed tags.root => pretags.root;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - modified to throttle LB connections activity if 3+ good hosts found;
St_db_Maker.cxx, St_db_Maker.h - modified to handle dynamic DB disconnects, keep connection if less than 30 sec passed since last data retrieval;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx - fixed wrong particle name in ::getParticleName();
StMtdHeader.cxx, StMtdHeader.h - added data member 'mTpcSectorMask' and 'mShouldHaveRejectEvent';
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - the default dEdx method in StMuDSTmaker has been changed from 'kTruncatedMeanId' to 'kLikelihoodFitId'; with 'kTruncatedMeanId' we are using only 70% of available dE/dx measurements and this is reflected in nHitsDedx; with 'kLikelihoodFitId' all available dE/dx measurements will be used;
StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - added print-out in reconstruction;
StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h - modified to remove dz and pTlead cuts in the filtering by default;
changed the number scheme for 'shouldHaveRejectEvent()';
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to fill the two new data members 'mShouldHaveRejectEvent' and 'mTpcSectorMask' in MTD header for MTD event filtering;
updated to use 'AddData()' to pass the information from event filtering stage;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added a member function 'cleanUpMtdPidTraits()' to clean up the MTD pidTraits for all global and primary tracks before the matching process. This is needed when running MuDst in afterburner mode;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - fixed the geometry of shifted backleg 8 and 24;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - fixed the geometry of shifted backleg 8 and 24;
COMMON/StMuMtdHeader.cxx, StMuMtdHeader.h - 'StMuMtdHeader.{h,cxx}' modified to add two new data members to 'StMtdHeader' and 'StMuMtdHeader' to save the information from the two-pass reconstruction that will be used for Run14;
idl/mtdEventFilterCuts.idl, mtdQTSlewingCorr.idl - added new MTD tables;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo4.xml - updated hit definition for MTD, to improve timing resolution;
Main features:
- initial revision of StFpsRawHitMaker, FPS reader for raw data;
- initial revision of StMtdEvtFilterMaker for filtering of MTD data;
- implemented new PYTHIA 8.1.86 version of Decayer;
- OnlTools: FMS & IST event builder updated for run 2015;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated: >br>
Pythia8_1_86/ StarPythia8Decayer.h, StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - added first working version of Pythia 8.1.86 Decayer;
BigFullChain.h - added 'fpsDat' option to process with FPS raw data;
added options 'mtdEvtFilt' & 'mtdTrkMask' to process MTD events filtering;
moved 'MtdTrackingMask' before TPC, and include MTD dependence on MuDst libs;
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - removed 'delete' which crashed running bfc.C;
StEnumerations.cxx - added new implementation of detectorNameById(StDetectorId id) for automated update of new detector id;
added 'break' when file is found in detectorIdInit();
StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - added new files to process with FPS raw data;
StMcEvent, StMcIstLadderHitCollection.hh,, StMcIstSensorHitCollection.hh - added new IST hit collections;
MtdTrackFilterTag.idl, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.h, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.h, StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - new maker for filtering MTD data;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use the constants defined in 'StMtdConstants' ;
modified to use global coordinates, instead of local ones, to calculate the distances between projected track positions and MTD hits. Using local coordinates causes an unphysical shoulder at large DeltaZ ;
fixed the following bug: if a track can be projected to two adjacent modules, the position in the module with a smaller module number gets dropped before matching. This caused an asymmetry in the local z distribution of matched tracks ;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to use 'gMtdCellDriftV' from StMtdConstants.h ;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - modified to use the constants defined in 'StMtdConstants' ;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - updated to make sure there no tracks with PXL or IST hits in calibration ;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added run 2015 RP triggers;
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx - modified to save SSD geant hits in local coordinates : removed the 1st GlobalToLocal transformation and added correction for smearing the proper local coordinates;
StiHitTest.cxx, StiHitTest.h - added debug class StiHftHits. It creates histogram of selected HFT hits;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to call hftHits before & after refit();
removed non used method 'StiKalmanTrackFinder::extendTracks(double rMin)'; added calls of 'StiHftHits::hftHist';
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - introduced member 'mCombUsed' to memorize combination of seleceted hits;
added Enum 'keepHit' and 'kGoodHir' instead of using 1 & 2; added new parameter StiTrackNode *near;
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - updated for debuging;
StiHitContainer.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h - removed redundant printouts;
StiMasterHitLoader.h - added printouts of number hits for all detector hit loaders;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to take care of singular matrix;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - implemented new method 'evaluateChi2Info' to recalculate Xi2 ;
StiStEventFiller.cxx, StiStEventFiller.h - added print out of number of PXL, IST & SSD hits used in tracking in every event;
added print out of GOOD HFT hits associated with tracks;
StiDebug.cxx - modified for debuging;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - removed redundant printouts;
StiDebug.cxx, StiDebug.h - modified to make method 'StiDebug::Debug()' not inline to provide right loading order for;
added to summary number of histograms per canvas;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - introduced sector masking (only MTD-based) ;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to move some messages from LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;
QAhlist_logy.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - introduced Roman Pots histograms;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_logx.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h - TPC dE/dx changes: Bethe-Bloch => Bichsel, and implemented tighter cuts against pile-up tracks;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - fixed memory leak;
sim/g2t/g2t_ssd.F - changed SSD hits to use local coordinates;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcCurrentCorrection.20140315.000047.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20140315.000051.C, TpcRowQ.201403 15.000046.C, TpcSecRowB.20140315.000044.root, TpcZCorrectionB.20140315.000045.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.20130412.153000.C, tpcDriftVelocity.201 50121.180611.C, tpcPressureB.20140315.000047.C - added new dEdx calibrations files for Run 2014, AuAu 200GeV;
StarAgmlLib/G3Commons.h - added new file;
AgBlock.h AgModule.cxx, AgModule.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.h - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
AgModule.cxx - reduced logfile spam;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo3.xml - removed the east/west reference system so that beam pipe is correctly constructed by Sti without modification, bug #3031;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/ BbcmGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/HcalGeo/ HcalGeo1.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/EcalGeo/ EcalGeo.xml, EcalGeo6.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo1.xml, FpdmGeo2.xml, FpdmGeo.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/FsceGeo/FsceGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo3a.xml, TpceGeo4.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
Geometry/TpcxGeo/TpcxGeo1.xml, TpcxGeo2.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalGeo.xml - modified to export G3 tracking parameters associated with GSTPAR as tables attached to each AgML block, in order to allow us to configure G3 physics in a VMC application ;
idl/mtdEventFilterCuts.idl - added new table for MTD event filterring;
sstClusterControl.idl, sstConfiguration.idl, sstDimensions.idl, sstSlsCtrl.idl, sstChipCorrect.idl, sstGainCalibWafer.idl, sstNoise.idl, sstWaferConfiguration.idl- added new SST tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx - modified to change weight for FMS critical plots;
PREPOST changed, set basic threshold for matching;
fmsBuilder.cxx, fmsBuilder.h - added FMS critical plots and changed draw options;
istBuilder.cxx - added ist_bad_channels.txt to remove bad chips; added ist_noisy_chips.txt to identify noisy chips and apply higher cut (10*rms) on adc for those chips;
modified to zero out hits < 3 ; modified to mask out zerobias; separated non-zs and zs;
istBuilder.h - added noisy chip identifier;
trgBuilder.cxx - updated to adjust plots for pp 200GeV run 2015;
ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - modified to add the average hits-per-bunch histogram;
daqBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.cxx - fixed memory leak;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated; fixed memory leak;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.h, JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - fixed memory leak;
Main features:
- further tunning of Sti tracking with HFT;
- initial revision of StFmsCluster & StFmsPoint in StEvent structure;
- initial revision of new simulation maker for IST StIstSimMaker;
- installed new version of PYTHIA 6.2.22 for forward processes studies;
- added new TPC SC&GL DB table to handle sector-by-sector GridLeak distortions;
- QA maker updated with initial revision of HFT histograms;
- added FPS & pp2pp pedestal bank to RTS structure;
- added new tables for PP2PP pedestals and roman pot positions, code updated accordingly;
- added FPS plots to OnlTools;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to provide histogram normalization;
BigFullChain.h - added placeholder for the FMS incoming review;
setup base chain for run 2015; added option to call on StIstFastSimMaker;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added options 'NoPxlIT, NoIstIT, NoSstIT' to enable HFT calibration with hits not on track;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - updated for year 2014 dEdx corrections;
Pythia6_2_22/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, Pythia6_2_22LinkDef.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, address.F, pystar-6.4.22.F, pythia-6.2.22.F, pytune.F - new version of PYTHIA 6.2.22 for forward studies;
StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsCluster.h, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.h - initial revision of FMS clusters and points;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventTypes.h, StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection - modified due adding StFmPoint and StFmsCluster;
database/StBemcTables.cxx, StBemcTables.h - updated to include new DB table "bemcTriggerPed4" for BEMC online trigger monitoring for year 2015;
database/StBemcTablesWriter.cxx - updated to store "bemcTriggerPed4" values in database;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added fps functionalities and interface to fms_rec table; updated for FPS tables to use;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - updated for run 2015;
StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - inside() added ;
added method insideL() to account discrepancy between alligned hits and not alligned geometry;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - modified to account more accurate zero magnetic field; removed redundant hit->subTimesUsed();
updated to restore inversion of hh because it is used in multiple places;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinder.h - removed not used method 'extendTracksToVetrtex(...)' ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - removed redundant call to StTrack::reserveHits;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - new member '_wallx' added; added inside();
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed small angle approximation; commented out an assert causing bfc.C crash reported in ticket #3007;
added lines to check that all crossings are outside of the volume;
method 'propagate(StiKalmanTrackNode *,StiDetector *,int dir)' was rewritten, for case cyl propagate(xk...) is not called anymore due to problem with accuracy;
modified to replace all Asserts for sign() with zign() for speedup;
fixed bug #3034 caused 'Assertion failed' and #3048 which caused missing primary tracks in pp collisions;
some outdated asserts and debug lines removed; modified to call recov() in propagateError(): when length is big recov(1) is called, otherwice recov(0);
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.h - rolled back all changes related to nudge problem ;
StiNodePars.h - 'rotate()' added;
updated to define constants related to mag field;mMethod 'nan()' added to check 'NaN' in StiNodePars;rRemoved logic with zero magnetic field in 'ready()' (wrong place); replaced Double_t ==> double ;
StiTrackNode.h - 'StiNodeErrs::rotate' added; methods 'nan()' added for debugging;
modified to call recov(1) in StiKalmanTrackNode::propagateError() when length is bigger than kBigLen;
StiTrackNode.cxx - minimal value for angle errors decreased to 1e-5; MaxPars increased;
redundant call to TCL::trasat(...) removed;
modified to calculate distance in cylCross along track now; this distance was made signed;
'StiNodeErrs::rotate' & 'StiNodePars::rotate' are implemented ;
methods 'nan()' added for debugging; added check sin < 1 ;
changed the cut 0.1 radial ==> 0.01 radian ;
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - added method to calculate sign of error matrix zign(), which is more correct than sign();
new implementation of the method : recov() ==> recov(int force=0); force=1 means strong checking, using method sign() which is rather slow; force=0 weak check, used zign() which is fast but not too reliable;
StiTrackNodeHelper.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - member 'mwallx' added; all simple named members renamed (like a ==> mA) ;
rotation in code replaced by call 'StiNodePars::rotate' ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - removed redundant 'rotPars.check()'; fixed small angle approximation; modified numbers ==> constants;
method 'StiTrackNodeHelper::pathIn(...)' rewritten to account that for cylinder shape crossing angle is not the same as for planar shape;
modified to call recov(0) or recov(1) in updateNode() and propagateErrs() if length < kBigLen ;
StiHit.cxx, StiHit.h - added reusing hits; method insideL() added to check hit in loading;
StiHitContainer.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - renamed timesUsed() ==> isUsed();
StiMapUtilities.cxx - replaced setTimesUsed() ==> addTimesUsed();
StiMaker.cxx - removed redundant inputFile parameter; added comments about treeSearch On/Off; removed BTof ;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx - added check for empty container of to-be-merged proto-clusters, fixed bug #3056; This is done to avoid a situation when we run out of column-wise clusters in the current (happens when all clusters are merged and removed from the temporary container) column but the next one still has some cluster left.
StIstDbMaker.cxx - reverted "Move ToWhiteBoard() to Make". Will implement a different solution to avoid losing istDb from this maker's data container;
changed 'ToWhiteBoard()' to 'ToWhiteConst()' because we don't want to loose the StIstDb object at every call to StMaker::Clear();
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - created StIstDb object in constructor and pass it to the framework in Init();
StIstFastSimMaker.cxx, StIstFastSimMaker.h - added new simulation maker for IST;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - modified to let StiIstHit to be reused 5 times;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - modified to allow tracks to share IST and PXL hits by up to 5 times;
StIstRawHit.cxx - fixed a bug for the print() to list all time bin's charges and noises;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
modified to build geo path to PXL sensor by actually using the sensor number;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to allow tracks to share IST and PXL hits by up to 5 times;
StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - updated to get rid of local variable 'ladder' shadowing the loop's counter having the same name;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to make all info/warn/error messages consistent across StiDetectorBuilder's;
switched to StiPlacement constructor when positioning active IST sensors;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added a check for valid global object of TGeoManager. The detector builder is required one and cannot proceed if one does not exist;
added check for valid gGeoManager in buildDetectors instead of constructor, fixup for previous commit;
created a copy of sensor transformation matrix using the ideal TGeo geometry in order to have an ability to modify it without disturbing the original TGeo geometry;
modified position of the original sensor by centering its copy around Z=0; this is achieved by removing the original translation of sensor along the Z axis ;
StiDebug.cxx - call to Sumary() removed in Finish() ;
LanaTrees.C - added new laser drift velocity calculator; modified to check fit status;
modified to force East == West drift velocities for Run XIV, because of bad East part;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added protection against zero dcaGeometry pointer;
LanaTrees.C, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - adjusted split style for ROOT_VERSION_CODE ;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added new histogramms to store the run indices; changed the titles of some histograms for better readability;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - fixed an overlook in extracting geometry for 2015 during bfc chain running;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added trigger information for Roman Pot triggers 2015 pp200GeV;
StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added a setter to select writing Roman Pot Collection to output tree;
StPeCEnumerations.h - fixed StPeCnMaxTracks =6;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added copy of the Roman Pot StMuRpsCollection to output tree;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h - modified for minor refactoring of 'StPxlFastSim::distortHit()' to include a new warning for unphysical hit position;
StPxlFastSim.cxx - modified to set idTruth of StPxlHit to -999 if parentTrack of mcHit does not exist;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - updated to create StPxlDb object in constructor and pass it to the framework via ToWhiteConst() in Init();
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - fixed pad and timebucket sanity units ( were off by x64), bug #3057;
QAhlist_logy.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - updated for initial version of HFT histogram;
StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified to protect from missing data/histograms;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - fixed missing run 2014 cases, remove unused 'firstEventClass', re-work normalizations with StHistUtil;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx, St_pp2pp_Maker.h - modified to read the new "Calibrations/pp2pp/pp2ppPedestal160" database ;
modified to keep code backward-compatible so that it works for both 2009 and >=2015 data; also introduced "mVersion" to deal with it; added a check, in case "trace==2" it quits thmodified to use e event;
modified to use the pedestal subtracted bank "adc_ped_sub" and so don't need to subtract pedestals for every ADC;
changed the mapping of VH/UDOI to VH2/UDOI as the relationship of W2U (~WVU) / W2D (~WVD) and the sequencer nos
have reversed: in 2009, WVD is sequencer 7 and W2U is sequencer 8 whereas in 2015, W2U is sequencer 7 and W2D is sequencer 8 ;
include/rtsSystems.h - removed RPII ;
src/rtsmakefile.def, rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added FPS pedestal bank;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx, daq_pp2pp.h - added PP2PP PEDRMS; implemented the ped_sub bank;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx - fixed bug;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added PP2PP PEDRMS; added FPS pedestal bank; implemented the ped_sub bank;
sim/g2t/g2t_fgt.F - updated to export FgtdGeoV hits to ROOT;
Calibrations/tracker/PixelHitError.y2013.C, ist1HitError.20050101.000001.C - updated for hit errors;
KalmanTrackFinderParameters.y2014.C - added new file for Y2014 selection of HFT hits;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeoV.xml - updated length of FGTM based on versioning, so that we may stretch it out for larger eta;
idl/tpcSCGL.idl - added new TPC Space Charge and Grid Leak table to modify the database as suggested to handle sector-by-sector GridLeak distortions;
pp2ppPedestal160.idl, pp2ppRPpositions.idl - added new tables for PP2PP pedestals and roman pot positions;
bemcTriggerPed4.idl - added new EMC table;
tpcCorrection.idl - updated for year 2014 dEdx carrections;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx - added LED input plots for fmsBuilder;
fpsBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.cxx - first draft for FPS online plots;
tofBuilder.cxx - fixed mapping for run 2015, added new hist limits, adjusted trigger windows;
ppBuilder.cxx - corrected the mapping and also set SVX_ID 7 => 3 ;
istBuilder.cxx - modified to include a local pedestals file initialization method; moved initialization to startrun() ;
added misconfigured apv mask;
ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - modified to use "adc_ped_sub" instead of "adc"; modified the title-offset and margin to avoid titles being obstructed by labels;
vpdBuilder.cxx - fixed earliest channel plots, improved hist binning;
Next codes have been updated:
StMtdCalibMaker/StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, r.1.3 ;
StMtdHitMaker/StMtdHitMaker.cxx, r.1.22, StMtdHitMaker.h, r.1.13 ;
StLaserAnalysisMaker/StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx, r.1.22;
Sti/StiNodePars.h, r. ;
Sti/StiKalmanTrack.cxx, r. :
Main features:
- new IST codes released: StIstRawHitMaker, StIstClusterMaker and StIstHitMaker;
- few modifications for PXL & IST codes related to ladder position preventing tracks from propagating back to Sti volumes at larger radii;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated with dev2016 geometry setting;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to support FMS preshower detector in HCAL;
updated to read out sensitive layer from FgtdGeoV.xml;
StiPlacement.cxx, StiPlacement.h - added new constructor with TGeo;
StiHit.cxx - minor bug fixes;
StiShape.h - added shape type 'kSector' ;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - added method test() for debug only;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - changed getNormal...() to getLayer...() in search of volumes; double active/nonactive loop added;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - method locate() simplified;
StiTrackNode.cxx - update max correlation to .99999 ; fixed problem with zero magnetic field and embedding primary trackes, bug #2996 & #2981
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed some 2nd order inaccuracy;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to switch to new 'StiPlacement' constructor when positioning sensor halves;
modified to split sensor layers in two halves;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated 'getActiveDetector()' to include sensor half when selecting appropriate Sti layer; made corresponding switch in StIstHitLoader;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - removed private 'createPlacement' because we now have an equivalent 'StiPlacement' constructor; updated doxygen documentation;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - updated to get rid of unused variables;
StIstHitMaker.cxx, StIstHitMaker.h - new maker added calculates hit global position, and writes IST hits to StIstHitCollection;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - new code added to reads and unpack a DAQ or SFS file; accesses calibration DBs;
marks out bad channels and chips; creates and fills the IST containers;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstClusterMaker.h - new maker added to build clusters from raw IST hits;
StIstIClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.h - added interface for concrete implementations of IST clustering algorithms to creates a cluster collection from a raw hit collection for each IST ladder;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstScanClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - new maker added for concrete implementation of a simple algorithm for clustering of the raw hits registered by the 2D IST sensors. The maker does: - reads all raw hits per ladder (six sensors) and groups into vectors;
- does clustering in individual column;
- does clustering in neighboring columns;
- fill hit collections;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to switch to new 'StiPlacement' constructor when positioning sensor halves; modified to split sensor layers in two halves;
updated doxygen documentation;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - updated doxygen documentation;
StPeCGeant.cxx, StPeCGeant.h,StPeCParticle.cxx, StPeCParticle.h - modified to include information from StMuMcTrack (this is not backward compatible);
StSstDbMaker.cxx - updated to validate input values to the accessor of individual sensor transformations;
StSstDbMaker.h - added overlooked header include with SST constants;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified to support FMS preshower detector in HCAL;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.dev2016.C - added new files for dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/tpc/tpcPadPlanes.devTX.C - added final configuration for iTPC;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to increase max elos from 50 GeV to 250 GeV in FMS;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - modified to put in reverse order of SST ladders and flip sensitive layers about z ;
Main features:
- implemented another iteration on the SST geometry in Sti;
- made optimization of IST/PXL/SST geometry in Sti to provide reasonable consensus between speed of processing and tracking quality;
- implemented first cut for year 2015 geometry;
- implemented dev2016 geometry with HCAL & FGT ;
- few modifications in MTD code: added an option to load trigger time window cuts;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to define y2015 geometry with 20141215.000000 timestamp;
StiPlacement.cxx, StiPlacement.h - new constructor added, it defines ALL variables of the class, directly, indirectly or by default. If radius is negative, it becames positive with modification of angle +=PI. In normal case user doesn't need to define all other parameters but he still can do it;
set default values for layer radius, layer angle & region voved from 'setNormalRep' to constructor to provide backward compatibility, fixes for bug #2943;
StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - added new 'setter()' method;
StiMaker.h, StiMaker.cxx - implemented new method 'finishTracks'; In this method:
- arranged loop over nodes;
- moved node to the center volume along x or r local;
- if StiDebug::mgGlobal >1 created a set of technical histogramms;
StiMaker.cxx - updated for temporary supress of 'inside()';
StAnneling.cxx, StAnneling.h, StKFTrack.cxx, StKFTrack.h, StKFVertex.cxx, StKFVertex.h, StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StKFVertexMaker.h, StKFVerticesCollection.cxx, StKFVerticesCollection.h, StPhiEtaHitList.cxx, StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - modified to add access to TMVA ranking;
StKFVertexMaker.flow - added new file;
StKFEvent.cxx, StKFEvent.h, StMuDstVtxT.cxx, StMuDstVtxT.h, StVertexP.h, StVertexT.h - removed files;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global tranformation unrolled all the way to the top node instead of local tranformation to the first mother volume;
minor edits for consistency across StXXXDetectorBuilders:
- switched to the same names as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
- switched to the natural numbering scheme as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density;
removed debugging function used for testing of manually modified volumes;
modified to access transformation matrices directly via StIstDb object;
modified to remove useless assignments and redundant variables; removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
set detector group Id at detector builder level. The detector Id-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
modified to get sensitive IST volumes from the global TGeoManager in a manner similar to PXL and SST detector builders;
renamed a bunch of local variables just to be consistent with the other detector builders;
removed pointless check for valid gas surrounding detectors in this builder;
modified to append new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots;
removed warning for extremely unlikely exception when a new StiDetector is not constructed by Sti detector factory. Such situations need to be treated in a way other than simply issuing a warning;
removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
modified to define placement for sensitive IST layers in a way consistent with PXL and SSD detector builders;
fixed loop over ladders since we use human friendly numbering starting with 1;
implemented simplified Sti geometry for inactive material in IST;
modified to increase density of manually constructed IST brackets in Sti;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to make 'buildInactiveVolumes()' method inheritable;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere ;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
added parameter to choose IST detector builder. This is justified by the requirement of backward compatibility. The user can choose the appropriate option in case there is a need to reconstruct the data using an older detector builder;
removed methods which will not be used by the new builder;
added a couple of helper methods to ease manual construction and placement of inactive volumes;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector update (method 'setter()' ), the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiIstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder1.h - added new files to save current version of StiIstDetectorBuilder in order to by maintain 100% backward compatibility. The user may choose to construct the IST detector with the older version by simply propagating an option to StiIstDetectorGroup. StiIstDetectorBuilder1 inherits from StiIstDetectoBuilder to avoid duplicate code. Removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.h - removed useless data members;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters; removed excessive print statements;
modified to use the accessor for sensitive Sti detector/volumes;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global transformation enrolled all the way to the top node instead of local transformation to the first mother volume;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
set detector group ID at detector builder level. The detector ID-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
removed unutilized code;
removed warning for extremely unlikely exception when a new StiDetector is not constructed by Sti detector factory. Such situations need to be treated in a way other than simply issuing a warning;
removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
attempted to make a clear translation between the natural (sector/ladder/sensor) and Sti numbering schemas;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector; the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
switched to method that converts geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to split PXL sensitive layers in two halves. The change should help to avoid track backward steps in Sti due to ill ordered volumes in r and phi;
modified to avoid setting StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
re-implemented segmentation of PXL sensor to two halves: in the sensor's local coordinate system the first half is for x<0 and the second one is for x>0. The notion of inner and outer halves is not critical and in fact confusing because it depends on the original rotation around the z axis;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added a private method to convert natural/geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to use local x rahter than row number to distribute hits into different half ladders;
simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters; removed excessive print statements;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
refactored 'useVMCGeometry()' to build sensitive Sti layers in the same way as in PXL and IST detectors;
created model of SST inactive material using the mother volume;
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The description of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
redefined StiMaterial for the segmented SST mother volume (SFMO) ;
modified to use transformation matrices for sensitive layers from database when non-ideal geometry is requested ;
modified to adjust material properties for the modified SFMO volume. Scaled the density to match the increase in the inner radius (to avoid overlap with sensitive layers);
modified to use different names for SFMO end tube volumes;
modified to avoid using the material averaging routine as the inactive material is entirely constructed by hand;
created 9 tubes (Sti detectors) to describe the material distribution in SST;
increased the inner radius of the central tube by 0.85 cm to avoid overlap with sensitive layers. Scaled the density of this volume accordingly by keeping mass constant;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
set detector group Id at detector builder level. The detector Id-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to append new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
made minor stylistic changes for consistency across PXL, IST, and SST detector builders;
removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to 'StiDetectorBuilder::Print()';
modified to avoid setting of StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
changed helper function declaration to static;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added a private method to split the SST mother volume into three tubes;
modified to use object with direct access to database (mSstDb) instead of StSsdBarrel similar to PXL and IST detector builders;
removed deprecated method and calls to dummy methods;
added parameter to choose SST detector builder;
removed method 'segmentSFMOVolume' because the inactive material is now built manually in 'buildInactiveVolumes';
added a private helper function hopefully as a temporary solution before StiDetector is modified;
instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector, the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h - aded flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
minor stylistic changes in comments;
StiSstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder1.h - added new files to save current StiSstDetectorBuilder in order to maintain 100% backward compatibility; removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
modified to make class inherit from StiSstDetectoBuilder and removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to make auxiliary methods available in derived classes;
StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - cleanup;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - updated for doxygen-style comments;
renamed 'printGeoHMatrices' to customary 'Print' as that what users of ROOT framework normally expected;
added method to access transformation matrix for a given IST ladder/sensor pair;
StIstDb.cxx - modified 'getter()' for sensors transformation matrix to accept ladder and sensor id-s using human friendly numbering starting with 1. The input values outside of possible ranges will return a null pointer;
corrected mapping of ladder/sensor to global aggregate sensor id (The global sensor index (id) used in the 'istSensorOnLadder' DB table spans the range from 1001 to 1144. This bug was reported by Michael Lomnitz and fixed now);
StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.h - updated doxygen-style comments;
coding style clean-up; removed unconstructive comments;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - added an option to load trigger time window cuts from local files for cosmic ray data.This is motivated by the fact that the cuts are different for cosmic ray and collision data;
the time of a MTD hit is calculated as(mLeadingEdgeTime.first+mLeadingEdgeTime.second)/2;
added the scheme to swap backlegs 25 & 26 for the second part of Run13 data when running MuDst in afterburner mode. Note that the scheme is different for the first part of Run13 data. Different schemes can be select using function 'setSwapBacklegInRun13(Int_t swap)';
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - modified to use (leadTimeW+leadTimeE)/2 instead of 'leadTimeW' for MTD hit time;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to use localz and time-of-flight information from GEANT to determine the leading times on east and west sides for MC MTD hits. With this change, the localz of the MC hits can be calculated exactly the same as the regular hits;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - modified to reflect change for year 2015 geometry file: MTD modules placed under directory MagRefSys_1;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - modified to copy the fill functionality of method with both inputs to the one with MuDst input. This gives TOF extrapolation in the pPairs branch;
StPeCEvent.cxx - modified instantiation of 'StPeCPair' when using MuDst input to get TOF extrapolation in the pPairs branch;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - added method to access transformation matrix for a given SST ladder/sensor pair;
modified to use different name to access transformation matrices;
fine tuned the accessor to transformation matrices for IST sensitive layers;
added flag to keep track of this maker status in the standard way. The status flag gets invalidated if there is a problem reading data from DB ;
removed pointless framework methods, consolidated debug log messages;
StSstDbMaker.cxx - initialized mode data member in constructor initialization list;
added basic check to trigger on invalid DB results and fail the maker if none is returned;
set the readiness flag in Init instead of 'CalculateWafersPosition' helper function;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx, StSsdDbMaker.h, StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - fixed styler;
StSstConsts.h - added new header with SST constants similar to what we already have for PXL and IST; - removed commented code; deleted pointless print statement;
StTrsMaker.cxx - in Maker() added SetSeed() call for StTrsRand; Input seed now taken from 'g2t_event::ge_rndm2]';
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added FMS preshower to data readout;
GeomBrowser.h, GeomBrowser.cxx, StGeomBrowser.cxx - updated to work with AgML for years 2012+ ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - dev2016 geometry implemented in starsim; added HCAL to dev2016;
added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
corrected version of VPD in 2015;
sim/g2t/geometry/g2t_volume_id.g - updated g2t volume ID for FMS preshower;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015.C - added year 2015 geometry file to enable y2015 geometry tag in BFC;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
implemented y2015 1st cut geometry and dev2016 development geometry; added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmGeo.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo3.xml - added new Cave Geometry file to define alignment groups for subsystem s;
Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbGeo2.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015;
dev2016 geometry implemented in starsim; added HCAL to dev2016 geometry; added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalGeo6.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - modified to place into appropriate group; updated to year 2015 FMS/preshower geometry model;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeoV.xml - added 6-disk forward tracking variant of the FGT / y2016 fwd tracking studies;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated due to new file VpddGeo3.xml added to modify We st beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector for year 2015; added FMS preshower to HCAL;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2.xml - set tighter Rmax to fit through inner radius of BBC ;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpGeo.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
reduced outer radius of magnet mother volume to eliminate sub-mm overlap with mtd;
modified to place MAGP with 'ONLY' now, as it doesn't overlap with neighbors;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstGeo.xml - modified to place into appropriate group;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddGeo2.xml - updated to place into appropriate group;
VpddGeo3.xml - added new file to modify West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
modified to limit mother volume to tube segment; placed as 'ONLY' as it no longer overlaps with support structures;
fixed overlap issue and place east VPD in east ref sys;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalGeo.xml - updated to place into appropriate group;
reduced radius of mother volume to avoid overlap with shielding;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated for West beam pipe supports for FMS preshower detector;
added FGT to HCAL dev2016 geometry;
StarAgmlLib/StarTGeoStacker.cxx - added warning for placing *MANY* volume in volume group (assembly);
added shape debug option; modified to inspect shape rather than print on debug;
idl/fmsRec.idl - added new FMS constants table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h - added new histograms for run 2015;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, Makefile - updated for year 2015;
JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - implemented logging for builder crashes;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - implemented logging for builder crashes;
Lidia Didenko
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 18, 2016 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15b (SL15b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e (SL15e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 st_mtd data production SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15i (SL15i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15j (SL15j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL15k (SL15k_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production SL16a (SL16a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16b (SL16b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16c (SL16c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 old-> SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16e (SL16e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16f (SL16f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g (SL16g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16h (SL16h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16i (SL16i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pro-> SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k (SL16k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 new-> SL16l (SL16l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
SL16a library
SL16b library
SL16c library
SL16d library
SL16e library
SL16f library
SL16g library
SL16h library
SL16i library
SL16j library
SL16k library
SL16l library
Main features:
- added detector setups for each version of the FTS detector;
- added new trigger data structure for run 2017 ;
- first release of StFmsFpsMaker code for FMS-FPS correation analysis ;
- initial revision of StExtGeometry in StEvent;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
TRG/trgStructures2017.h - added new trigger data structure for run 2017;
StExtGeometry.cxx, StExtGeometry.h - initial revision of StExtGeometry;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h - added StExtGeometry features;
StTriggerData2016.cxx - minor updates for trigger 2016;
StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added new files for trigger data run 2017;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - added hooks for StTriggerData2017;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added new trigger data structure for run 2017;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx - updated to avoid crash when FPS DB is not there;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added getLorentzVector to take into account beamline angles/offsets for pt calculation;
StFmsFpsMaker.cxx, StFmsFpsMaker.h - first release for FMS-FPS correlation analysis;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - modified to use StFmsDbMaker::getLorentzVector for correct momentum calcuration based on beamline angles/offsets ;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - removed dead code; removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - removed unused dependences;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed assert temporary; removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
removed unused '#include "TCanvas.h"';
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - removed unused dependences; removed pointless assert in StPPVertexFinder; corrected ROOT headers; removed unused local variable;
StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed mIsMC flag in order to treat the simulated and real data in the same manner during vertex reconstruction;
removed unused '#include "TCanvas.h"'; removed unused local variable;
StSecondaryVertexMaker, StKinkMaker.cxx, StV0FinderMaker.cxx, StXiFinderMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added v44 for run17/StTriggerData2017;
StZdcVertexMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp ROOT macro;
EventTracker/Makefile - fixed event display;
include/prepareGbPayload.h, RC_Config.h - updated;
RC_Config.h, iccp.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2017;
src/DAQ_RHICF/daq_rhicf.cxx - finalized;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx - implemented tweeks for FPS;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - updated;
trg/include/trgDataDefs.h - updated for tun 2017;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added geometry tags for 3 versions of the FTS based on y2017 rough cut geometry;
updated to keep new (IDSM) suport cone for FTS studies; added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
updated to Increase size of FTS disks representing TGC wheels;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml - added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmConfig.xml, EpdmGeo0.xml - added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdConfig.xml, FtsdGeo.xml - added detector setups for each version of the FTS; control flag added for pl
acement in CAVE vs IDSM; added FTS reference 1 and 2; updated reference 1 to contain all 12 disks, to optimize on positions;
FtsdGeo.xml - updated to keep new (IDSM) suport cone for FTS studies; updated z-position; increased size of FTS disks representing TGC wheel
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - enabled FTS versions 1-3 in starsim; added FTS Reference 1 and 2;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - removed old detectors;
Main features:
- defined year 2017 rough geometry cut;
- EPD detector integrated into framewrork ;
- EvtGen1_06_00 & Tauola1_1_5 event generators updated;
- Sti improved method to reuse hit in tracking with option 'hitReuseOn' ;
- StPicoDstMaker added new vertex selection mode "VpdOrDefault";
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - udated;
EvtGen1_06_00/StarEvtGenDecayer.cxx - modified to handle default location of configuration files;
EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenBase/ - added missing files
EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenExternal/ - added missing files
EvtGen1_06_00/src/EvtGenModels/ - added missing files
Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - updated;
Pythia6_4_28/StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h - updated;
Tauola1_1_5/tauola-fortran/- added missing files and changed .f --> .F ;
Tauola1_1_5/SANC/s2n_init.F - changed .f --> .F ;
Tauola1_1_5/src/tauolaFortranInterfaces/tauola_extras.F - changed .f --> .F ;
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - replaced minicern ==> StarMiniCern; Pxl == Pixel ; modified that Sti doesn' load StiCA libraries;
GeometryDbAliases.h - defined y2017 rough cut geometry ;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to make TpcAvgPowerSupply table optional, to keep back compatibility;
updated to make trigL3Expanded, trigL3Expanded, and dsmPrescales optional;
StEmbeddingQA.h, StEmbeddingQA.cxx - added an option to set the maximum pT cut ;
StGenericVertexFinder.h - modified to sort class members by their access type; refactoring and readability improvements made;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - moved log print statement out of consructors;
StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments ;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx StGenericVertexMaker.cxx StGenericVertexMaker.h - initialized data members in class initializer list;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - updated to use ternary operator to treat overflows; switched to C++11 range loops, removed nuisance counters;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - modified to make refactoring and readability improvements;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statement out of consructors;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - modified to convert flag to boolean; switched to C++11 range loops, removed nuisance counters; modified to make refactoring and readability improvements;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statements out of constructors;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to consolidate into single logical expression;
VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - added constructor to build vertex with coordinates;
StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved log print statements out of constructors;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.h - added and reworded some doxygen and other comments;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - workaround to fix the bugs #3231, #3232, #3232; simplified code in refitL();
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified ;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - updated for more accurate tracking when in refit track sometimes missed the vollume, related to bug #3243 ;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - moved method pathLength ==> .cxx ;
StiTrackNode.cxx - method cylCross modified to change the order of solutions; before the first solution was the closest to the current point, now it is also the closest but in direction of tracking; modified so that if track is missing the cylinder, point of the closest approach provided and number of solutions is zero;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.h - tracking direction is added and method 'setDir()' ;
StiHitContainer.h, StiHitContainer.cxx - removed method partitionUsedHits();
StiKalmanTrack.h - removed method 'extendToVertex';
StiPlacement.cxx - increased accuracy of digitalization of layer radius;
StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - fixed bugs #3232, #3233 ;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - CleanGlobalTracks() method added. This method provides cleanen reused hits in the style of CA. The call is triggered by nMaxTimes attribute, which allows reuse hits nMaxTimes times;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - modified to read "refmult" and "vx,vy,vz" from moretags.root file if it exists; the minimum number of embedded particles are now set to 5 instead of 1 when number of embeded particles is set to be proportional to refmult;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - EPD integrated into framework;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx - modified to get back to four QT broads configuration for Run17; added position correction to QT; set QT information to 0 for monitor channels and unused channels;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx - modified to use local pointer to validate selected vertex; updated to use year of next RHIC Run 2017 for data taken after October 1, 2016;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - added new vertex selection mode "VpdOrDefault", in case there is no VPD vertex available or no TPC vertex is close to the VPD one within a window the default vertex (i.e. the first in the list) will be selected. This is particularly important for triggers that do not require VPD coincidence, e.g. BHT2;
StPicoTrack.h - changed StPicoTrack::dca to ::dcaPoint to avoid confusion ;
StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - modified to get back to four QT broads configuration for Run17; added position correction to QT; set QT information to 0 for monitor channels and unused channels;
StPicoTrack.cxx - modified to interrupt initialization on invalid arguments, this saves one level of indentation for the quite lengthy "else" branch;
StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - fixed the issue of obtaining the correct running year for runs before Jan 1st ; set year of next RHIC Run 2017 for data taken after October 1, 2016;
include/RC_Config.h, l1Algorithm.h, rtsSystems.h, cmds.h, iccp.h - updated;
src/rtsmakefile.def - updated;
sim/g2t/g2t_fpd.F - updated for setup to use attenuated values for energy loss;
g2t_volume_id.g - EPD integrated into framework;
g2t_epd.F, g2t_epd.idl - added new files to integrate EPD into framework;
sim/idl/fpdm_fmcg.idl - added ROOT access to the //DETM/FPDM/FMCG data structure; allows slow simulator to access the attenuation flag, so that it knows whether attenuation was applied in simulation or not;
g2t_epd_hit.idl - added new file to integrate EPD into framework;
g2Root/Conscript, torotm.cxx - removed; g2Root.F moved to St_geant_Maker;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - defined year 2017 rough cut geometry; EPD integrated into framework;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - updated geometry and configuration to support attenuation of light in FMS pbglass towers;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - removed early 'return' from y2014-y2015; defined y2017 rough cut geometry; default geometry in loadAgML.kumac changed to y2017; modified to integrate EPD into framework;
pgf77/Conscript, idisp.c - removed;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcRowQ.20160618.000211.C, TpcSecRowB.20160618.000211.root - added extra dEdx calibration for run 2016 AuAu 200GeV part 2;
TpcCurrentCorrectionX.20160512.000203.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160512.000207.C, TpcRowQ.20160512.000208.C, TpcSecRowB.20160512.000208.root, TpcTanL.20160512.000205.C - added dAu 200GeV dEdx calibrations for run 2016;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.20160101.000214.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160207.000216.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160512.000216.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000216.C, TpcRowQ.20160207.000215.C, TpcRowQ.20160512.000215.C, TpcRowQ.20160618.000215.C, TpcSecRowB.20160207.000215.root, TpcSecRowB.20160512.000215.root, TpcSecRowB.20160618.000215.root - added 2-nd iteration of dE/dx calibration for run 2016 AuAu 200GeV and dAu 200GeV;
Main features:
- new geometry version AgML 2.0 released;
- picoDst code integrated ;
- added alternative TPC PID model used dN/dx - number of primary electrons of ionization;
- added first revision of iTPC DAQ;
- added new Event Generator models: EvtGev 1.06.00, Photos 3.61, Tauola 1.1.15, HepMC 2.06.0 ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StarGenerator/EvtGen1_06_00 - new event generator code;
StarGenerator/Tauola1_1_5 - new event generator code;
StarGenerator/Photos3_61 - new event generator code;
StarGenerator/HepMC2_06_09 - new event generator code;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added initial PicoDst chain options;
StSstSurveyC.h, StiSstChairs.cxx, StiSstHitErrorCalculator.h, StiSstTrackingParameters.h - added new files for SST table;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add new SST table; added access to extended TpcCurrentCorrectionX table;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h - modified to add new TPC corrections;
St_TpcAdcCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcCurrentCorrectionC.h, St_TpcEdgeC.h, St_TpcEffectivedXC.h, St_TpcTanLC.h, St_TpcrChargeC.h - added files for new TPC corrections;
St_tpcSecRowBC.h, St_tpcSecRowCC.h, St_tpcSecRowXC.h - removed files;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h - modified to add new TPC corrections;
dEdxTrackY2.cxx, dEdxTrackY2.h - removed files;
StTriggerData2016.cxx - added missing check for validity of mBBC[buffer] ;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added new method for TPC PID: dNdx (primary electrons of ionization);
StMcTpcHit.hh - added number of primary electrons;
COMMON/StMuProbPidTraits.h, StMuProbPidTraits.cxx, StMuTrack.cxx - added new TPC PID data using dNdx method (primary electrons of ionization);
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoUtilities.h - first revesion of new code to produce PicoDst;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - first revesion of new code to produce PicoDst ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - modified to add Heed model and adjust for new StTpcdEdxCorrections;
ArCH4.g, PAI.cxx, PAI.h - removed files;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed bug #3243 and remove redundant checks to spare time;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - switched Ssd => Sst table for HitError Calculation ;
include/RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - added year 2017 detectors systems;
src/DAQ_ITPC/Makefile, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h, itpc_maps.h, itpc_padplane.h, itpc_rowlen.h- added first version for iTPC DAQ;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added redout for FPOST;
src/DAQ_RHICF/Makefile, daq_rhicf.cxx, daq_rhicf.h - first revision of RHICF code;
daq_rhicf.cxx - added skipping of the bankHeader;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added RHICF;
sim/idl/g2t_tpc_hit.idl - added number of primary electrons in Hit;
g2t_track.idl - added number of primary electrons in Hit; added number of real TPC hits;
StarAgmlLib/AgMLStructure.cxx, AgMLStructure.h - added new files for AgML 2.0 first release;
StarAgmlStacker.cxx - modified to apply consistent nicknaming convention between ROOT and AgSTAR geometries;
GeometryStarGeo.xml - added new files for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h,, geometryStats.hh - removed files;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/SvttGeo/SvttConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/SupoGeo/SupoConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/SconGeo/SconConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/ShldGeo/ShldConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/QuadGeo/QuadConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubConfig.xml, PixlConfig.xml, PsupConfig.xml, PxstConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/FtpcGeo/FtpcConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/FtroGeo/FtroConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/FtsdGeo/FtsdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbConfig.xml - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - new file for AgML 2.0 first release;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcZDC.20160207.000004.C, TpcZDC.20160618.000004.C - added new files to switch off ZDC correction for run 2016;
TpcCurrentCorrection.20160207.000033.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.20160618.000033.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20160207.000004.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20160618.000004.C, TpcEffectivedX.20160207.000102.C, TpcEffectivedX.20160618.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160207.000102.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000102.C, TpcRowQ.20160207.000104.C, TpcRowQ.20160618.000104.C, TpcSecRowB.20160207.000104.root , TpcSecRowB.20160618.000104.root, TpcTanL.20160207.000059.C, TpcTanL.20160618.000059.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20160207.000102.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20160207.000040.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20160618.000040.C, tpcPressureB.20160207.000102.C, tpcPressureB.20160618.000102.C - added preliminary dEdx calibrations for auau 200GeV run 201;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C - modified ;
TpcCurrentCorrection.C - added default correction ;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2015.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2016.C, TpcEdge.C, TpcEffectivedX.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2016.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2015.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2016.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2015.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2016.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2015.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C, TpcRowQ.y2015.C, TpcRowQ.y2016.C, TpcSecRowB.y2015.C, TpcSecRowB.y2016.C, TpcSecRowC.C, TpcTanL.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2016.C, TpcdCharge.y2016.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2016.C, TpcrCharge.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2016.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2016.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2016.C, tpcGas.y2016.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2016.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2015.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2016.C, tpcPressureB.y2015.C, tpcPressureB.y2016.C, tpcSlewing.y2015.C, tpcSlewing.y2016.C, tpcWaterOut.y2015.C, tpcWaterOut.y2016.C - added new files to set/reset default values ;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C TpcdXCorrectionB.C - modified;
dEdxModel/dEdxModel_Bichsel.root, dEdxModel_Heed.root, dNdx_Heed.root - added new files for Heed model;
idl/vpdSimParams.idl - added new TOF table;
TpcEffectivedX.idl - added table to account effective TPC pad row thickness;
tpcCorrectionX.idl - added extended tpcCorrection;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpViewer/EthClient.h, JevpViewer.cxx, JevpViewer.h, TGTab2.cxx, example.cxx, example.h - - updated;
Main features:
- code improvement to speed up reconstruction by ~10% ;
- refactoring vertex finding code to help PPV to find the optimal vertex position when a 3D fit to vertex is used;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - disabled dN/dx fit;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.h - removed unused arguments in UseVertexConstraint();
old UseVertexConstraint() made private virtual and call it from its public replacement in the base class and mark methods as private explicitly;
removed unused private data member mWeight; eliminated unused private beamline parameters;
modified to use for beamline position equivalent static methods from parent class;
switched to cleaner c++11 range loop syntax; minor c++ refactoring: removed unused counter; c-style array updated to std::array;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - modified to use conventional weight for seed position; use inverse of sigma^2 as a weight when calculating the weighted average seed position from provided track DCA's;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - updated;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx - removed unused arguments in UseVertexConstraint();
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to force the initial seed position to be on the beamline; when fit vertex with the beamline constraint force the initial seed position to be on the beamline;
modified to reduced initial step size in minuit for hopefully faster convergence;
updated to define minuit fit search window using PPV parameters: new definition allows to change the window width together with the track pre-selection;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - implemented assert when two hit are to close;
include/RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
Main features:
- updated IST/SST geometry with latest changes;
- implemented y2016a production geometry for run 2016;
- few bugs and coverity findings fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
StMCTruth.cxx - commented out dead code, initialized members in ctor; coverity fixes; - initialized members in ctor; coverity fixes; - fixed error in G3ID to PDGid mapping;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - corrected indexing error when deselecting particles which are stacked for further processing;
FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx - fixed devision by zero;
AliHLTTPCCADef.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.h, CA.C - removed VALGRIND ;
BigFullChain.h - implemented chain with run 2016 production geometry y2016a;
bichselG10.C - modified to restore colors;
StBTofINLCorr.h - updated to increase the max number of TDIG for INL corrections for the recent upload of a new board to the TOF INL Corr DB Table;
StChainGeometryDbAliases.h - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account l asted changes in IST and SST;
StMcEvent, StMcTpcHit.hh - initialized members in ctor, coverity fixes;
StMcEventMaker.cxx - fixed mess in indexes started from 0 and 1;
StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed memory leak;
StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, StMtdCalibMaker.h - updated to check that calibration parameters are not apply to MC hits;
coverity fixes: check values of backleg, module, cell;
StMtdEvtFilterMaker.cxx, StMtdTrackingMaskMaker.cxx - initialized data members, coverity fixes;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings: check the range of backlegid;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed coverity findings: initialization of data members;
added MTD hit IdTruth to avoid applying dy shift for BL 8 and 24 for MC hits;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added MTD hit IdTruth to avoid applying dy shift for BL 8 and 24 for MC hits;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings: initialization of data members;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added histograms for vertex QA, and dTof calibration;
COMMON/StMuMtdHeader.cxx, StMuMtdHeader.h, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h, StMuMtdRawHit.cxx, StMuMtdRawHit.h - added variables initialization to ctors initlist realted to updates to StMuMtd* classes to fix coverity reported errors;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StEvtVtxSeedMaker.h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.h, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx, StVertexSeedMaker.h - added tDay, tFill to resNtuple, and improved C++11 compliance;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddGeo2.xml - removed double placement of volume IBSG;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo2.xml - added changes to IST geometry to fix issues with overlaps shadowing cooling materials;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo2.xml, SisdGeo3.xml, SisdGeo4.xml, SisdGeo5.xml, SisdGeo6.xml, SisdGeo7.xml - fixed issue with overlap causing large number of steps through SSD/SST geometries; change does not have impact on phsyically meaningful quantitites, and is made for all geometry tags;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - added support for y2014c / y201d / y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - added support for y2014c / y2015d / y2016a geometries, taking into account lasted changes in IST and SST;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2014c.C, Geometry.y2015d.C, Geometry.y201a.C - added support for y2014c / y2015d/ y2016a geometries, taking into account last changes in IST and SST;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2015.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2016.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2017.C - added default power supply parameters;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, PdfFileBuilder.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.h - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/hltBuilder.cxx, hltphiBuilder.cxx, l4Builder.cxx, tofBuilder.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h, JevpServerMain.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpViewer/EthClient.cxx, JevpViewer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- further improvement of Sti/StiCA integration codes, pass-2;
- SST makers were updated to do strip masking;
- few bugs and multiple coverity findings fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agdblib.age, agdgetp.age, agdocum.age, agdocume.age - retired unused DB / Zebra interface;
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxinit.F, agxinit.cdf, dblib.cxx, dbuser.age - retired unused DB / Zebra interface;
Simulation/starsim/deccc/avost.c - coverity fixes;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - fixed array overrun in temporary particle list (coverity fixes);
FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx - updated to prevent resource leak (coverity fixes); protected against deferencing the end of the list (coverity fixes);
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - intialized all memebers; resolved issue with duplicate code branch;
TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx, StTruthTestMaker.h - initialized members (coverity fixes);
UTIL/AgStarParticle.cxx - coverity fixes;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - removed dead code (coverity fixes);
StBFChain.cxx - modified to increase list of seed finders from CA to CA Default;
StBTofCalibMaker.h, StBTofCalibMaker.cxx - coverity fixes;
StiPPVertex/Vertex3D.cxx - adopted removal of public StiKalmanTrack::getPoint() in Sti;
StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - added 2 seed finders CA & KNN;
StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - removed unused 'getCenterX' method and added 'getDetPlane' method;
StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx - method 'initialize0' moved here from CA; modified to add additional parameters in method 'reserveHits' : 1=reserve hits and 0=free hits; removed refit with arguments; in method 'approx' has been added aditional parameter: max number of hits to use; non used methods removed;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - class StiKalmanTrackFinder modified to inheret only from StiTrackFinder; method 'addSeedFinder' added; method 'findAllTracks' removed; member _trackSeedFinder replaced by vector of seed finders _seedFinders; updated for more clear logic of fails handling; modified usage of Zero hit times in seed;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - removed changing of timesUsed in releaseHits; work around to fix bug #3230 in CA;
StiKalmanTrack.h - changed rMin 4 ==> 0;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - removed debug codes;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h - removed unused methods and members;
StiMapUtilities.h, StiMapUtilities.cxx - added struct SetHitUnused;
StiToolkit.h - added CA & KNN seed finders;
StiTrack.h - added initialize0 ;
StiTrackFinder.h - some pure virtual methods replaced by empty ones;
StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNode.h - method 'sign' added to check matrix for negativity;
StiVMCToolKit.cxx - 'PrintShape' improved;
StiLocalTrackMerger.h, StiLocalTrackMerger.cxx - not used class removed;
StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, - StiTrackMerger removed;
StiLinkDef.h, StiToolkit.h - track mergers removed;
StiTrack.h - not used methods removed;
StiHit.cxx - modified to return asset if too many tracks for one hit;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - changed setTimesUsed to suTimesUsed;
StiCATpcSeedFinder.h, StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - modified to make StiCATpcSeedFinder inherited now from StiTrackFinder; for StiCATpcSeedFinder assigned name "CASeedFinder"; method 'startEvent' added; method 'findTrack' added which is used for all seed finders; method 'findTpcTracks' replaced by 'findTrack'; auxiliary class StiCALoader added to create CA seed finder via rootcint;
StiCATpcTrackerInterface.h - includes simplified;
StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - removed automatic creation of seed finder;
StiCADefaultToolkit.cxx, StiCADefaultToolkit.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrack.h, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.h - removed;
StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx - mSeeds->pop_back() moved into safe place;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated for simplification;
StiMaker.h, StiMaker.cxx - CleanGlobalTracks added; updateToolKit removed;
StiMaker.cxx - include StiCADefaultToolkit.h removed; local function CountHits() added for print only; added seed finders SeedFinderKNN & SeedFinderCA; updated to use flag StiCA with CA seed finder;
COMMON/StMuFmsHit.h - fixed the incrementing version number v1->v2 due to change from StObject->TObject;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to set global pointer gGeometry during NEW at line 1776; updated to eliminate result storing if it's not checked; fixed index which may go out of bounds;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - intialized all memebers;
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - initialized members; implemented protection against devision by zero;
StGENParticle.cxx, StGenParticle.h - initialized members;
StDijetFilter.cxx - fixed memory leak; implemented protection against end of list;
StSstDaqMaker.h, StSstDaqMaker.cxx - sstBadStrips table decoded and activated; coverity fixes: DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, NO_EFFECT, STACK_USE, UNINIT_CTOR ;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.h - coverity fixes;
idl/sstBadStrips.idl - added new sst table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/JevpBuilder.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- first release of library with Sti & StiCA codes integration;
- added TPCCATracker code for CA seed finding :
- added new interface to the AgSTAR PARTICLE definition machinery;
- few bugs and multiple coverity findings fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - fixes for coveriry finding: memory leaks, possible null pointer dereferences, over-write character buffers; resolved coverity BUFFER_SIZE_WARNING with careful copy function;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified to make unknown particle states from external decayer be (1) decayed by the external decayer, or (2) automatically added to geant;
EVENT/StarGenAAEvent.cxx, StarGenEPEvent.cxx, StarGenPPEvent.cxx, StarGenParticle.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
FILT/StarParticleFilter.cxx, StarParticleFilter.h - added new files to generate particle filter;
StarFilterMaker.cxx, StarParticleFilter.h - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx - eliminate devision by zero;
UTIL/AgStarParticle.h, AgStarParticle.cxx - added new interface to the AgSTAR PARTICLE definition machinery;
addressOfCommons.F - added new file;
StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - modified to allow particles to be declared to both G3 and StarParticleData; modified to push user defined particles to lookup table;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to use strncpy() eveywhere and check length; coverity fixes;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - updated to make sure StiCA depends on Sti and TPCCATracker libraries; modified to pass seedfinder option to StiMaker;
StMessMgr.cxx - modified to ensure char arrays are sufficiently long ; proper initialization;
StdEdxModel.cxx - fixed memory leak;
dEdxParameterization.cxx - fiexd covarity warning;
bichselG10.C - added option for BzM;
StChain.cxx - missing init added ;
DbUse.cxx, StDbBroker.cxx, StDbBroker.h,, DbRead.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilGeneric.cpp, MysqlDb.h, StDbManagerImpl.hh, StDbNode.hh, StDbServer.hh, StDbServiceBroker.h, StDbSql.hh, StDbTableDescriptor.h, StDbXmlReader.h, StlXmlTree.h, dbStruct.hh,,,,, StlXmlTree.cxx, - updated to fix coverity findings;, StDbModifier.cxx - fixed resource leakage (coverity) ; - fixed buffer size (coverity);
StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp - updated to make unused return code to be used; - commented out unused variable in unused code;
StHyperCacheConfig.h - fixed initialization (coverity);, StDbLogger.hh,,, - fixed the loop (coverity findings);, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilGeneric.cpp, StHyperUtilPlatform.cpp - fixed coverity findings;
StFmsCluster.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - coverity findings fixed;
StGammaFilterMaker.cxx - updated to initialize array of pointers (coverity finding);
StEemcGammaFilterMaker.cxx - removed deadcode (coverity) and removed uneccessary printout;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - coverity report fixing;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - coverity findings fixed;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - coverity findings fixed;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - coverity report fixed;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsTower.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx - coverity report fixes;
StiHitContainer.h - updated with coverity fixes;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.h, StiHit.cxx, StiHitContainer.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiLinkDef.h, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified for Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
StiTPCCATrackerInterface.cxx, StiTPCCATrackerInterface.h, StiTpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiTpcSeedFinder.h - removed due to Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
Base/StiFactory.h -modified for Sti/StiCA integration;
StiCADefaultToolkit.cxx, StiCADefaultToolkit.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiCAKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiCAKalmanTrack.h, StiCATpcSeedFinder.cxx, StiCATpcSeedFinder.h, StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx, StiCATpcTrackerInterface.h - added new tracking code with CA seed finding;
StKFVertexMaker.cxx, StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h, StiMakerLinkDef.h - modified for Sti/StiCA integration and refactoring;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiDefaultToolkit.h - removed;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiSsdIsActiveFunctor.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated for Sti/StiCA integration ;
COMMON/StMuFmsCluster.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.cxx - coverity findigs fixed: UNINIT_CTOR on member mEnergy; DEADCODE on check for null pointer;
StSstWafer.hh - modified to change setMatcheds() to void; - multiple RESOURCE_LEAK fixes for caverity posting;, StSstBarrel.hh, StSstWafer.hh, - coverity: PASS_BY_VALUE fixes;,, StSstStripList.hh - coverity FORWARD_NULL fixes; - coverity REVERSE_INULL fixes; - coverity UNINIT_CTOR fixes;
StiSvtHitLoader.cxx - updated for Sti/StiCA integration ;
StiDebug.cxx, StiPullEvent.h - updated for Sti/StiCA integration;
StMessage.cxx - coverity fixes;
StMessageManager.cxx - fixed memory leak (coverity findings);
StMessage.h, StMessageCounter.cxx, StMessageCounter.h - updated for better initializations (coverity fixes);
AliHLTArray.h, AliHLTArrayIO.h, AliHLTTPCCAClusterData.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAClusterData.h, AliHLTTPCCADataCompressor.h, AliHLTTPCCADef.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBHit.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBHit.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBTrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBTracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGBTracker.h, AliHLTTPCCAGBTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAGrid.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAGrid.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAHitArea.h, AliHLTTPCCAHit.h, AliHLTTPCCAHitId.h, AliHLTTPCCAMath.h, AliHLTTPCCAMergedTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAMerger.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAMerger.h, AliHLTTPCCAMergerOutput.h, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursCleaner.h, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.cxx, AliHLTTPCCANeighboursFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCAOutTrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAOutTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAParam.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAParameters.h, AliHLTTPCCAParam.h, AliHLTTPCCARow.cxx, AliHLTTPCCARow.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceDataVector.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput.cxx, AliHLTTPCCASliceOutput.h, AliHLTTPCCASliceTrack.h, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitId.h, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitsFinder.cxx, AliHLTTPCCAStartHitsFinder.h, AliHLTTPCCATrack.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATracker.h, AliHLTTPCCATrack.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletConstructor.h, AliHLTTPCCATracklet.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletSelector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackletVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisation.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackLinearisationVector.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParam.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackParam.h, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.cxx, AliHLTTPCCATrackParamVector.h, BinaryStoreHelper.hCA.C, MemoryAssignmentHelpers.h, Reconstructor.cpp, Reconstructor.h, RootTypesDef.h, St opwatch.h, tsc.h - new code for TPC tracking with CA seed finding;
StQABookHist.cxx - fixed initializations;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - coverity fixes;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak, refactored how output file name is formed; got rid of unused local variable; fixed initialization of variables;
StSstPointMaker.cxx - fixed coverity findings;
StSstUtil - fixed memory leak in splitCluster() (cpp=check finding);, - coverity : CTOR_DTOR_LEAK fixed;, StSstWafer.hh - coverity : FORWARD_NULL fixed ; modified to simplify method; - coverity : REVERSE_INULL fixed;, - coverity : RESOURCE_LEAK fixed in exchange method;, StSstClusterControl.cxx - coverity: UNINIT_CTOR fixed;
StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH1F.h, StMultiH2F.cxx, StMultiH2F.h - fixed coverity warnings, removed unnecessary ROOT types;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrected logic error which creates mtd twice in y2015c+;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx - updated for proper initialization of all data members in ctor;
AgMaterial.cxx - updated to print components only for mixtures;
AgMedium.cxx - updated;
AgShape.cxx - initialized all member variables ;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - correction in BTOF alignment for some geometry tags; corrected mistake in the y2007a SVT geometry tag instantiating wrong geometry module;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force update;
idl/beamOrbitInfo.idl - added new beam orbit table;
Jevp/ - added new file;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added hBesGoodVrVsVz;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- added new function to StGenericVertexMaker code to use beamline constraint errors when fit primary vertex with PPV & VFMinuit ;
- finalized codes adjustment necessary to compile library with optimization level 02;
- few bugs and coverity warnings fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age - replaced DO loop with vectorized FORALL loop (FORtran 95) to comply with optimization level 2 for library compilation, bug #3202; FORALL enables vectorized array assignment with masking conditions;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - removed confusing beamline constraint message when no beamline constraint applied;
AgStarReader.cxx - fixed initialization;
StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed coverity warning, initialization, compiler warning;
StarLight/beambeamsystem.cpp - fixed array out of bounds by expanding array by 1;
gammagammaleptonpair.cpp, gammagammaleptonpair.h - fixed an unititialized value; fixed array out of bounds by expanding array by 1 ;
gammagammaleptonpair.cpp - added include assert.h;
twophotonluminosity.cpp - updated to get rid of cppcheck warning that index may be < 0 ; assert added;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added method to set tracking code of a particle definition;
StarParticleData.cxx - fixed coverity warning, hidden argument;
StarRandom.cxx - fixed initialization;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'beamline3D' option to use with new vertex finders;
StBFChain.h - fixed initialization in ctor;
StBFChain.cxx - added missing length check;
GeometryDbAliases.h - corrected mistake;
StMaker.cxx - added dimension check protection;
StMagUtilities.cxx - fixed coverity warnings, one typo in Radius calculation, updated very minor optimizations;
StTpcHit.h - fixed coverity warning; added initialization of mAdd;
StGammaRawMaker.cxx - initialized pointer to zero, since cppcheck doesn't see that it always gets set in next lines;
StUEMaker2009.cxx - changed to include StJetMaker2012 instead of StJetMaker2009;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx - added StBTofHeader and StEnumerations and set vpd event information;
StGenericVertexFinder.h - modified to switch to another but equivalent header file;
implemeted alias for a long type name;
StCtbMatcher.h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - removed unused variables reported by compiler;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to determine fit mode from BFC options and pass to vertex finders supporting this option;
implemented special treatment for vertices satisfying the beamline equation: the denominator is zero when the point is exactly on the beamline, so there will be returned a zero for the chi2 in this case;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - moved beam equation to base class; moved static container of DCA states to the base class; renamed static variable according to STAR standards;
removed uninformative log messages; introduced option to choose a vertex fitting mode; set default value in the constructor;
renamed static method s/CalcBeamlineChi2/CalcChi2Beamline/ ;
modified to wrap static member in static method to avoid initialization order fiasco ;
introduced static member methods to calculate chi^2; updated to use CalcChi2DCAs() to calculate chi^2 for track helices represented by their DCA states with respect to a point, use 'CalcChi2DCAsBeamline()' to calculate chi^2 which in addition to 'CalcChi2DCAs()' includes a chi^2 of the point with the beamline;
implemented new static method to calculate vertex seed position from track DCAs;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h, StppLMVVertexFin der.cxx - cosmitic changes to improve readability and comments;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - modified to propagate vertex fitting mode to derived classes; removed uninformative log messages; modified to use another chi^2 function with beamline to minimize;
updated to prevent modifications of DCA's with pointers in this vector;
moved beam equation to base class; moved static container of DCA states to the base class;
cosmetic changes to improve readability and comments;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - modified to revert condition to get fully equivalent 'if' statement; replaced bool flag (mVertexConstrain) with equivalent new n-fold option that can take more than two values in order to accommodate new vertex fitting modes; modified to select minimization function based on internal option;
renamed static variable according to STAR standards; renamed static method s/CalcBeamlineChi2/CalcChi2Beamline/ ;
wrapped static member in static method to avoid initialization order fiasco;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h -removed uninformative log messages; modified to propagate vertex fitting mode to derived classes;
implemented new method to create track DCA and fill static container;
improved PPV vertex position by fitting tracks pointing to it;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - replaced the existing mVertexConstraint flag with equivalent option that can take more than two values in order to accomodate new vertex fitting modes;
modified to use base class seeds in initial vertex position;
replaced bool flag (mVertexConstrain) with equivalent new n-fold option;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, VertexData.cxx - cosmetics changes to improve readability and comments;
StiHitTest.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNode.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
StiTrackNode.cxx - modified to comply with level 2 library optimization;
StPhiEtaHitList.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
StiDebug.cxx - updated to get rid of warning messages;
StMcEvent, StMcHit.hh,, StMcTofHit.hh,, - fixed coverity warnings;
COMMON/StMuDbReader.cxx, StMuDbReader.h - inlined method moved in the header;
StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx - updated to get rid of compiler warning by removing set but never used variables;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - fixed initialize, cast to double for division;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx - minor modifications to improve coding style;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - fixed bug #3204: removed unused call to geant3->Gfhead, whose only purpose seems to be to cause a corruption of the stack;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx - modified to address coverity findings: uninitialized vars, dead code, one PMD error, and one TOF error;
include/trgQTMasks.h - fixed broken defines at the end;
StarAgmlLib/StarNoStacker.h - updated position which was missing in the no-action stacker, as required by interface;
Next codes have been updated:
- asps/Simulation/agetof/Conscript
- asps/Simulation/starsim/Conscript
- asps/Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age
- pams/gen/hijing_382/Conscript
- Sti/StiTrackNode.cxx
- St_geant_Maker/St_geant_Maker.cxx
- mgr/Conscript-standard,
- OnlTools/Jevp/Conscript-standard
Main features:
- updated trigger simulator for run 2012 data analysis;
- added cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
- Sti updated to comply with compilation for level 2 optimization;
- further development of OnlTools for online monitoring plots;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - updated to implement histogram list by subsystem, single TPC sector reference choice;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'hitreuseon' option to reuse TPC hits for track fitting;
Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - adedd cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
Pythia6_4_23/Pythia6_4_23LinkDef.h - modified to expose more common blocks to CINT;
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6_4_28LinkDef.h - modified to expose more common blocks to CINT;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - improved printout and modified to allow to run if no root geometry;
macros/starsim.cosmics.C - added cosmic ray option to kinematics event generator;
StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - method 'bbcVP101()' added;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - minor refactoring, reduced scope of local variables;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added static member to keep beamline parameters;
added static method to calculate chi2 for beamline and a point;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to use all available beamline parameters from DB ;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - prefixed included headers with path to corresponding module;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - removed pointless remnants; modified to set static variable value at initialization;
StvPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed pointless remnants;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to convey to C++11 syntax;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx, StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed compilation problem for library optimization with level 2; array [1] removed;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed compilation problem for library optimization with level 2; array [1] removed;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - modified to set choice of geometry mutually exclusive; set flag to control geometry source; fixed a logic bug;
StTriggerDefinition.h - removed onbits0/offbits0 to match with what was in the database table;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h, StVirtualTriggerSimu.h - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx StEmcTriggerSimu.h - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis ;
StDSMUtilities/TriggerDefinition.hh - updated trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
macros/read_trigger_definitions.C, read_trigger_thresholds.C, write_trigger_definitions.C, write_trigger_thresholds.C - updated for trigger simulator for run12 analysis;
RunTriggerSimu.C - added new macro to run trigger simulator;
QAhlist_subsystems.h - added new file with list of histograms by subsystem;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - fixed trigger IDs;
Calibrations/tpcTpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000051.C - added new files with fixed correction for for I70;
TpcRowQ.20150609.000102.C, TpcSecRowB.20150609.000102.root - added run 2015 dE/dx calibrations for pAl 200GeV;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/bemcBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.cxx, eemcBuilder.cxx, fpdBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.cxx - modified;
l4Builder.cxx - updated the Y-axis range for Tof_TrayID_TrgTime and X-axis range for_dEdx;
tofBuilder.cxx - changed trigger windows;
vpdBuilder.h, vpdBuilder.cxx - added new plots for the testing of Plan B algo, added pulser monitoring plots;
modified to make config to read every run, fixed issue show wrong TACS;
daqBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx, JevpBuilder.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JLatex.h, JevpPlot.cxx, JevpPlot.h, PdfFileBuilder.h - modified;
DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/EvpMain.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpGui.h, simpleQT.cxx, JevpGui.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.h, ReferenceWidget.cxx, ReferenceWidget.h, ZoomWidget.cxx, ZoomWidget.h - updated;
canvas.cxx, canvas.h, JevpScreenWidget.cxx, JevpScreenWidget.h, RootWidget.cxx, RootWidget.h - added new files;
Jevp/StJevpViewer/TGTab2.cxx, TGTab2.h, example.cxx, example.h, testNative.C, EthClient.cxx, EthClient.h, JevpViewer.cxx, JevpViewer.h, ZoomFrame.cxx, ZoomFrame.h, runViewer.C - added new files;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServerMain.h, JevpServer.h, JTMonitor.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- StEvent, StEventUtilities modified to fix the function StTrackTopologyMap::hasHitInSstLayer() usage for SST;
- added new code StIstSimMaker for IST slow simulation;
- StIstRawHitMaker updated with latest development;
- fixed bug on row number in StPxlRawHitMaker;
- corrected MTD radii and added y2015c geometry tag;
- OnlTools/Jevp further updates for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
- few other bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - changed options 'istRaw' to 'istRawHit'; added 'istSlowSim' option;
added production chain with y2015c geometry (with corrected MTD geometry);
StBFChain.cxx - introduced 'HftHitFilt' option to remove non-HFT hits;
TIdTruUtil.cxx, TIdTruUtil.h - added utility for IdTruth calculation;
StarChairDefs.h - updated to extend debug;
GeometryDbAliases.h - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - updated to extend debug;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx - modified to make kSsd and kSst equivalent in numberOfHits();
StTrackTopologyMap.h - added method 'hasHitInSstLayer()';
StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx - implemented set of modifications for SST;
StHit.cxx, StHit.h - removed implentation of 'detector()' making class pure abstract;
StBTofHit.h, StEmcCluster.h, StEmcPoint.h, StEnumerations.h, StFgtHit.h, StFtpcHit.h, StIstHit.h, StPxlHit.h, StRichHit.h, StRnDHit.cxx, StSsdHit.h, StSstHit.h, StTofHit.h, StTpcHit.h, StSvtHit.h - implemented method 'detector()' which is now a pure abstract method in StHit;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to use HFT format for SST;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx - added idTruth for clusters;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - averlayed latest code development; added idTruth;
modified to use 'std::array' instead of C-array ;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx - corrected usage of 'addRawHit()' due to change in StIstUtil; updated mDataType to be by default = 2;
modified to keep logic the same when filling uncorrected signal;
removed new condition requiring positive charge values which is unclear why it should be;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx, StIstSlowSimMaker.h - added new files for IST slow simulation;
StiMaker.cxx - replaced kSsdId => kSstId;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - replaced kSsdId => kSstId;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - moved include of StEventTypes.h from header of generic class to implementation files of generic and concrete classes, which caused the problem, bug #3194;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - moved include of StEventTypes.h from header of generic class to implementation files of generic and concrete classes, which caused the problem, bug #3194;
COMMON/StMuRpsCollection.h - modified to add positionRMSCluster method;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx - expanded track detector ID histograms;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use kMaxDetectorId ;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - implemented initial level of year 2016 UPC triggers;
StPeCEvent.cxx - updated;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - removed reference to StEventTypes.h which caused problem running chain, bug #3194;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - changed MTD hit format;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileHacker.C - added new file;
pams/geometry/geometry/geometry.g - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.cxx - modified to include cmath header explicitly;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - corrections to MTD radii and y2015c geometry tag added;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo7.xml - corrections to MTD radii added;
StarDb/AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2015c.C - added y2015c geometry tag;
Jevp/StJevpBuilder/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added diEletron2Twr plot and two more dimuon plots;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added hit occupancy selection to mask out hot chips;
updated to keep monitoring hot chips; moved hitmap of coloumn and row out of hit occupancy cut;
istBuilder.cxx - changed type TH1S to TH1I for maxTB histograms;
mtdBuilder.cxx - added new QT board to QA plots for run 2016 ;
Jevp/StJevpServer/jevpHistoMother, JevpServer.cxx, l4HistoMother - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/qtTestBaseScript.C - modified;
simpleQT.cxx, simpleQT.h - added new files;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added 'hitreuseon' option to enable hit reuse for multiple tracking;
StiHitContainer.cxx, StiHitContainer.h, StiHitLoader.h - added max number of tracks assigned to one hit;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - updated not to use 1st hit;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - added max number of tracks assigned to one hit;
Main features:
- OnlTools/Jevp further updates for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
- StarVMC/StarAgmlLib - added code to support the new positioning of volumes;
- TriggerData updated for run 2016;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atlsim.logon.kumac - updated to load AgML util for misalignment support;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - updated to load StarAgmlUtil library; added print of key on library load;
TRG/trgStructures2016.h - removed 'union' because ROOT doesn't understand it;
StEventLinkDef.h - added several missing pragmas, mostly related to trigger;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2016.cxx, StTriggerData2016.h - added functions to access MTD DSM and QT info;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - some clean-up in included headers;
StarClassLibrary,,,,,,,,,, - removed deprecated storage class specifier 'register' since it serves no purpose;
TH1Helper.cxx - updated to use const modifier to access const object in this local context;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.cxx, StFmsTowerCluster.h - modified for better chi2 handling;
StUEMaker2009.cxx - updated to include a sum Paritcle pT function to StUeEvent and mcVertex are now stored for particle level branches;
StUEMaker2009.cxx, StUEMaker2009.h - updated to change ClassDef versions;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h - added a mode for printing out TPC hits ;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - added some protection to avoid chain crash when there is no available calibration table;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added HLT_MTDQuarkonium;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h - fixed the slowness of pedestal initialization;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - moved JEFF log to NOTE;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - fixed bug 3187: y2016 geometry was not completely setup in geometry.g;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo1.xml, TpceGeo3a.xml - reshaped FORtran-specfic array initialzation;
StarAgmlLib/AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h - added new code to assume responsability for positioning of volumes;
StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h - modified to adjust to new positioning code;
AgAttribute.cxx, AgAttribute.h, AgCreate.cxx, AgCreate.h, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMaterial.h, AgMedium.cxx, AgMedium.h, AgPlacement.cxx, AgPlacement.h, AgShape.cxx, AgShape.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.h - modified to accommodate new code for positioning of volumes;
AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h, AgParameterList.cxx, AgParameterList.h - removed codes;
StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.h, AgMLPosition.cxx - added fortran interface to AgML positioning code;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C, tpcAltroParams.y2016.C - added new files for ALTRO threshold = 4 correction for run 2016;
StDb/idl/mtdQTSlewingCorrPart2.idl - added extension of the MTD Slewing table for Run 2016;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/baseBuilder.cxx, baseBuilder.h, bbcBuilder.cxx, bbcBuilder.h, bemcBuilder.cxx, bemcBuilder.h, daqBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.h, eemcBuilder.cxx, eemcBuilder.h, fgtBuilder.cxx, fgtBuilder.h, fmsBuilder.cxx, fmsBuilder.h, fpdBuilder.cxx, fpdBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.h, gmtBuilder.cxx, gmtBuilder.h, hltBuilder.cxx, hltBuilder.h, hltphiBuilder.cxx, hltphiBuilder.h, istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h, l3Builder.cxx, l3Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h, mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h, ppBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.h, pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h, ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h, tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h, upcBuilder.cxx, upcBuilder.h,vpdBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.h - modified to accommodate the new JevpBuilder.cxx/h code;
JevpBuilder.cxx, JevpBuilder.h - added new files;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - modified to reject first channel in each chip, corrected CM failed map, and fixed ped and rms hist display; added JevpBuilder; updated rms hist display settings;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added dimuon plots;
trgBuilder.cxx - update to raise limits for ZDC ADC monitoring in run 2016;
istBuilder.cxx - removed zerobias cut & vertex cut;
ssdBuilder.cxx - fixed rms y-axias scale to 30 ADC;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h - modified accordingly to new JevpBuilder code;
DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - added new files to move DisplayDefs to isolate shared items into StJevpPlot ;
Jevp/StJevpServer/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - removed files due to moving them to StJevpPlot;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/JevpGui.h - modified dur to relocation of DisplayDefs code to StJevpPlot;
Main features:
- added new dEdx method;
- DAQ_TPX code updated with new FEE mapping;
- StJetMaker updated with new codes to allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis;
- added new files to StarAgmlUtil for AgML support library;
- OnlTools/Jevp updated for run 2016 online monitoring plots;
- few bugs fixed ;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agsrotm.age - modified to regularize PHI angles in specifying the rotation matrix; modified to map theta into [0,180] and phi into [0,360]; added additional check so that we do not cre ate the unit matrix;
Simulation/starsim/atlsim.logon.kumac - changed default geometry to y2015a; load AgML support library;
BigFullChain.h - added year 2016 base reco chain;
Bichsel.cxx, Bichsel.h, StBichselLinkDef.h, dEdxParameterization.cxx, dEdxParameterization.h - added new TpcRS dEdx model;
Bichsel.C, Bichsel70.C, BichselA.C, BichselB.C, BichselD.C, BichselMostProbable.C, BichselP.C, StdEdxModel.cxx, StdEdxModel.h, bichdX.C, bichselBG.C, bichselG.C, bichselG10.C, bichseldNdbg.C, bichseldX.C, dEdxModel.C - added new files with TpcRS dEdx model;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified to add more chairs;
StGmtSurveyC.h, StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h, St_istChipConfigC.h, St_istControlC.h, St_istGainC.h, St_istMappingC.h, St_istPedNoiseC.h, St_pvpdStrobeDefC.h, St_pxlBadRowColumnsC.h, St_pxlControlC.h, St_pxlHotPixelsC.h, St_pxlRowColumnStatusC.h, St_pxlSensorStatusC.h, St_pxlSensorTpsC.h, St_tofCamacDaqMapC.h, St_tofCorrC.h, St_tofDaqMapC.h, St_tofINLCorrC.h, St_tofINLSCorrC.h, St_tofModuleConfigC.h, St_tofPedestalC.h, St_tofTDIGOnTrayC.h, St_tofTOffsetC.h, St_tofTotbCorrC.h, St_tofTrgWindowC.h, St_tofTzeroC.h, St_tofZbCorrC.h, St_tofr5MaptableC.h, St_vpdDelayC.h, St_vpdTotCorrC.h - added new files with implemnetaion of new chairs;
St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - restored triggerTimeOffset and triggerTimeOffsetWest;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - reshaped histograms; added new dEdx method ;
StDedxDefinitions.h, StDedxPidTraits.cxx, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h - added GMT, SST ID and new dE/dx method;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed first hit on primary tracks problem, bug #3166;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - modified to switch from std::vector to std::array;
modified to use double instead of float for all ADC values as there is no reason to use float in these modest local calculations;
added class method to set hit charges from an std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
added new constructor allowing set charges in time bins;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - added class method to set hit charges from std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
modified to get rid of unnecessary copy constructor and assignment operator;
modified to use 'std::fill_n' to initialize a C-style array member;
eliminated channel id param in 'StIstRawHitCollection::addRawHit';
added class method to set hit charges from an std::array and use this new method in StIstRawHitMaker;
added new constructor allowing set charges in time bins;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - modified to move definition of templated member function to header;
StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h, StProtoJet.cxx, StProtoJet.h, StjFastJet.cxx, StjFastJet.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis;
StFastJetAreaPars.cxx, StFastJetAreaPars.h - added new files to implement the StFastJetAreaPars class; this is needed to include the jet area calculation in the jet trees;
StAnaPars.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
StJetMaker2012.cxx, StJetMaker2012.h - added new files to implement new StJetMaker2012 class;
StUEMaker2009.cxx, StUEMaker2009.h - added new files to implement StUEMaker2009 class, which is used for the regional UE calculation class;
emulator/StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
mcparticles/StjAbstractMCParticleRegion.h, StjMCParticleRegion.cxx, StjMCParticleRegion.h - added new classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
tracks/StjAbstractTrack.h, StjTrackList.h - implemented the off axis cone underlying event analysis ;
StjAbstractTrackRegion.h, StjTrackRegion.cxx, StjTrackRegion.h - added new classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
towers/StjAbstractTowerRegion.h, StjTowerRegion.cxx, StjTowerRegion.h - added the classes which allow for Region selection of the towers, tracks, and mcparticles;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - updated copy of TpcRS code for dE/dx;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - fixed CMN failed chip rejection error;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - moved some LOG_INFO to LOG_DEBUG;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpx_fee_position.h - added new FEE maps;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxFCF.cxx, tpxFCF.h, tpxFCF_2D.cxx, tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx, tpxPed.h - modified to adjust to new FEE mapping;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcCurrentCorrection.20150131.000044.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.20150131.000041.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.20150131.000008.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.000030.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20150131.0000 50.C, tpcPressureB.20150131.000002.C, TpcRowQ.20150131.000048.C, TpcRowQ.20150504.200049.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20150131.000046.C, TpcSecRowB.20150131.000048.root, TpcSecRowB.20150504.200049.root - added dE/dx calibrations for run 2015 pp 200GeV and pAu 200GeV data;
dEdxModel/dEdxModel.root - added new TpcRS dEdx model;
P10T.root - modified;
Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofGeo6.xml - modified;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo1.xml, IdsmGeo2.xml - modified to change translation to an argument of Placement, rather than its own operator;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - fixed : kOnly ->konly;
StarAgmlUtil/AgParameterList.cxx, AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - added new files for AgML support library; implemented functionality needed to position volumes in both G3 and ROOT geometry models, i.e. handles updating the transformation matrix after each positioning command issued by AgML;
StDb/idl/tofTotbCorr.idl, tofZbCorr.idl, vpdTotCorr.idl - removed field with no. of usefull elements;
Jevp/qtTest - added new file;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/baseBuilder.cxx, bbcBuilder.cxx - updated for run 2016;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated for run 2016;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - updated for run 2016;
Jevp/StJevpPresenter/QtTest.cxx, QtTest.h, QtTestGui.cxx, QtTestGui.h, qtTestBaseScript.C - added new files for run 2016;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS January 4, 2018 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 MC & st_W pp 500GeV, run 2009 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 76-12 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15b (SL15b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuHe3 & AuAu 200GeV run 2014 preview production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15k (SL15k_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production SL16a (SL16a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16b (SL16b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16g (SL16g) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 500GeV run 2013, auau 20GeV run 2014 st_W production SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 production SL16k (SL16k) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_hlt production without HFT tracking SL17a (SL17a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 old-> SL17b (SL17b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 200GeV run 2016 preproduction SL17c (SL17c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pro-> SL17d (SL17d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production SL17e (SL17e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17f (SL17f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction; SL17g (SL17g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production SL17h (SL17h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 new-> SL17i (SL17i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3, AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
SL17a library
SL17b library
SL17c library
SL17d library
SL17e library
SL17f library
SL17g library
SL17h library
SL17i library
Main features:
- StiIst, StiPxl, StiSsd codes modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
- added K*0(892) in StarClassLibrary and gstar ;
- in StarVMC/Geometry added TPC global alignment option to TPC placement and
misalignment option to TPC in y2014x,y2015x,y2016x geometries;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
rexe/TGeant3/TGiant3.h - modified to expose Gcflag_t to ROOT;
StDbServiceBroker.cxx - updated with auto-throttling mechanism for network error notifications;
StarClassLibrary, StKStarZero.hh - added K*0(892) aka pdg 313 to gstar with g3id = 10013 ; - modified accordingly to accomodate K*0(892) updates;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added 'isvol' flag to stepping tree;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator;
StBTofHitMaker.cxx, StBTofHitMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, StBTofMatchMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - modified to remove outdated ClassImp macro; removed unnecessary specification of default std::allocator ;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to allow 'FullGridLeak' to work on specific sheets via sheet widths;
StFgtPoint.cxx, StFmsPoint.cxx, StFmsPointPair.cxx - cleanup: removed StRoot/ from included header prefix;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - updated to disable dN/dx fit ;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added 'getCorrectedAdc' and fix a memory leak ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies ;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to build geometry path to sensitive elements in a new function ;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to extend search for sensitive volumes in alternative hierarchies;
StPxlSimMaker.h - modified do not generate ROOT streamer;
StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx - initialized member pointer in constructor; removed pointless pointer validation;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx - corrected path to included header file;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - enabled Mag.Field depending flavor ;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - removed unecessary log output;
include/daqFormats.h - updated trigger formats;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx;
trg/include/trgDataDefs_44.h, trgDataDefs_45.h - added new files to update trigger structure;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added K*0(892) aka pdg 313 to gstar with g3id = 10013;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
StarAgmlLib/AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h - added runtime debug switch to AgPosition;
AgPosition.cxx - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - updated to step back to slightly less accurate IST model for y2016x geometry cooling tubes in ladders will not be seen;
added misalignment option to TPC in y2014x,y2015x,y2016x geometries; added back y2015d geometry;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2a.xml - modified to use new TPC alignment scheme;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo2a.xml - updated to make sure these get initialized to zero;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo6b.xml - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7a.xml - updated to have the option to shut the framework up;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo3a.xml - added TPC global alignment option to TPC placement;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - enabled y2014x geometry;
Main features:
- StPicoEvent & StPicoDstMaker modified to include FMS hits in picoDst ;
- added first version of geometry for time-of-flight endcap ;
- added first version of y2018 geometry;
- release first implementation of misalignable geometries model;
- StEvent - added initial revision of Trigger Data structure for run 2018;
- first release of StPxlSimMaker/DIGMAPS : a standalone tool to study digitization of HFT software ;
- codes adjusted for forcoming SL7.3 platform with gcc 4.8.5 compiler ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record ;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record;
Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx - modified to rework decayer logic such that mother particles appear in event record;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented options for ideal and misalignable geometries;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added y2018 geometry tag for bfc.C ;
added support the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries;
StDaqLib/TRG/trgStructures2018.h - added new files for trigger structure for year 2018;
StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - added initial revision for year 2018 data;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h - modified to handle new StTriggerData2018;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h, StTriggerData2017.cxx - added access fct epdADC() and epdTDC();
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to add 'BitShiftGain' ;
macros/fmsBitShiftGain_db.C, push_fmsBitShiftGain - added new files for 'BitShiftGain' related updates;
fms_db_detectorposition.C, fpsPosition_db.C, fpsgeom.txt - modified for 'BitShiftGain' related updates;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - modified to add 'fmsBitShiftGain';
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - added 'BitShiftGain' ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make active sensors may appear at different paths in ideal and misaligable geometry models;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;
StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h - added new files to include FMS hits in picoDst;
StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - added new files to fill in FMS branch in picoDst;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to use StPicoFmsFiller to fill FMS branch in picoDst;
StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx - updated to integrate new development of PXL simulation;
StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h - added new files for PXL fast/full simulation;
DIGMAPS/digaction.cxx, digaction.h, digadc.cxx, digadc.h, digbeam.cxx, digbeam.h, digcluster.cxx, digcluster.h, digevent.cxx, digevent.h, dighistograms.cxx, dighistograms.h, diginitialize.cxx, diginitialize.h, digmaps.cxx, digmaps.h, digparticle.cxx, digparticle.h, digplane.cxx, digplane.h, digproto.cxx, digproto.h, digreadoutmap.cxx, digreadoutmap.h, digresult.cxx, digresult.h, digtransport.cxx, digtransport.h - added new files to study digitization in HFT software;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for run 2018;
include/fcfClass.hh, myrinet.h, platform.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h, itpc_maps.h - updated ;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - added flags;
src/LOG/Makefile, rtsLog.C - added logging from stdin;
sim/g2t/g2t_eto.F - added new files to read ETOF to g2t table;
g2t_volume_id.g - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;
modified to support alternate paths to pxl, ist, sst active sensors, while maintaining the same absolute volume ID;
g2t_eto.idl - new IDL file for ETOF g2t module;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - updated to integrate ETOF into simulation;
StarAgmlLib/AgCreate.cxx, AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - updated to support volume placement / misal ignment via DB tables;
StarAgmlUtil/AgMLPosition.cxx, AgMLPosition.h, AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - updated to use MUTD16 in y2017a production geometry;
implemented misaligned geometry tags for year 2014 to year 2016 ;
implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;
Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml, EtofGeo0.xml - first version of time-of-flight endcap;
updated to integrate ETOF into simulation ;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmGeo2a.xml - added new file with misalignable IDS geometry;
IdsmConfig.xml, IdsmGeo2a.xml - implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1a.xml, IstdGeo1b.xml, IstdGeo2a.xml - added new files for misalignable IST geometry;
IstdConfig.xml - modified ;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo6a.xml, PixlGeo6b.xml - added new files for misalignable PXL geometry;
PixlConfig.xml - modified ;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7a.xml - added new file for misalignable SST geometry;
SisdConfig.xml - modified;
AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h - added support for specifying rotation matrix directly;
AgMLDb.h, AgMLDb.cxx - added new files to establishes the interface between the AgML placement codes and the database;
xgeometryxgeometry.age - implemented the y2014x, y2015x, y2016x geometries in xgeometry; switched in the misalignable modules in the 'x' geometries;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018.C - added y2018 geometry;
idl/epdGain.idl - table updates for EPD;
fmsBitShiftGain.idl - added new FMS table;
mgr/Dyson/Export/, - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;
mgr/Dyson/Syntax/ - updated to support volume placement / misalignment via DB tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/JevpBuilder.h, fgtBuilder.h, fmsBuilder.h, fpsBuilder.h, hltBuilder.h, hltphiBuilder.h, istBuilder.h, l4Builder.h, ssdBuilder.h - updated to comply with sl73_gcc485 platform;
fcsBuilder.cxx, fcsBuilder.h - added new files;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated;
PDFUtil/PdfIndex.cxx - updated;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added useBTOFmatchOnly dependence on useBTOF4Vtx, removed VFStoreX dependence on genvtx;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option to imply useBTOF;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated for proper reporting/usage of 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option, plus LOGGER usage bugs fixed
StBTofTables.cxx - restored access to TOF status table (Calibrations/tof/tofStatus) ;
Main features:
- StPicoEvent & StPicoDstMaker updated with new codes to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree;
- StMuDSTMaker updated to recover FMS hits in MuDst using StTriggerData;
- StPxlRawHitMaker modified to append rawHits to StPxlRawHitCollection as needed for embedding;
- added new maker StEpdDbMaker for EPD detector;
- added new tables for EPD nd PXL detectors;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added picoDst dependence for StPass0CalibMaker ;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented 'VFStoreX' option to leave in MuDst more than 5 vertices ;
'pxlSlowSim' option implemented ; added 'epdDb' option;
THelixTrack.cxx - fixed to comply with coverity ;
TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - added ctr with packed error matrix ;
TAttr.h, TAttr.cxx - changed IAttr() strtol("",0,0) ==> strtol("",0,10) to avoid non decimal representation ; int return values substituet to long to meet future 64bit libraries;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_MDFCorrectionC.h, St_SurveyC.h, St_pxlSensorTpsC.h - added new chair : St_vpdSimParamsC, added cash for MDF calculations;
St_vpdSimParamsC.h - added new chair : St_vpdSimParamsC ;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, dEdxHist.cxx - modified to adjust to run 2017 pp 500GeV data;
StEpdDbMaker.h, StEpdDbMaker.cxx - added new code for EPD detector;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - modified to decalare member functions cons; added function 'readGainCorrFromText()' ;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - modified to remove StRoot/ from include path;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - fixed column and row at sensor edge in function findPad() ;
StiPPVertex/VertexData.cxx - added missing initializations in constructor;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - fixed memory leak of StEmcCollection ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added protection for BL9, installed in 2017 for test, since the geometry file does not include this backleg ;
COMMON/StMuFmsCollection.cxx, StMuFmsCollection.h, StMuFmsUtil.cxx, StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to recover FMS hits in MuDst using StTriggerData;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - introduced modes for aggregation, modified to implement vertex-seed-finding with picoDsts;
StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.h - added new files for vertex-seed-finding with picoDsts;
StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h - added new files to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to add time to StPicoEvent; saved time when generating picodst from mudst and recover when reading picodst;
StPicoBbcTile.cxx, StPicoBbcTile.h, StPicoCommon.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEpdTile.cxx, StPicoEpdTile.h - added new files to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
StPicoEvent.h - modified to integrate BBC/EPD detectors data into picoDst tree; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
StPicoUtilities.h - modified to define custom_refMult as std::array rather than std::map, it gives a 2-3 factor speed up if the array is used in place of the map; updated to comply with STAR coding guidelines;
StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h - added time to StPicoEvent; saved time when generating picodst from mudst and recover when reading picodst;
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoTrack.cxx - updated for facelifting changes;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx - updated to ensure idTruth is preserved for MC hits for overlapping scenarios between MC/data and two or more MC hits;
StPxlClusterMaker.cxx - changed std::random_shuffle to std::rand to be consistent with STAR coding ;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added access functions for pxlDigmapsSim table ;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - modified to append rawHits to StPxlRawHitCollection only if exists - for simu/embedding ;
StSstDbMaker.cxx - corresponding to DB table changed sstOnTpc = oscOnTpc*sstOnOsc;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added pointer guard for trigger definition and trigger threshold tables, the pointers can not be null;
trg/include/trgCrateDefs.h - added new file;
trgDataDefs.h, trgConfNum.h - modified;
RC_Config.h, rtsSystems.h - changed EPQ > EQ3; FQx > EQx ;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - updated;
src/DAQ_ITPC/itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h - updated;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx, sfs_index.cxx, sfs_index.h - updated;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20170101.000016.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20170101.000013.C, TpcResponseSimulator.20151 220.000002.C, TpcRowQ.20170101.000012.C, TpcRowQ.20170622.000012.C, TpcSecRowB.20170101.000012.root, TpcSecRowB.20170622.000012.root, TpcTanL.201 70101.000006.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20170101.000007.C, tpcPressureB.20170101.000004.C - added new files for first iteration of dE/dx calibration for Run 2017;
TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C - modified;
idl/pxlDigmapsSim.idl - added new table for PXL;
epdFEEMap.idl, epdQTMap.idl - added new tables for EPD ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/tofBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.cxx, vpdBuilder.h - removed unused VPD plots and update trigger window for TOF tray 105;
trgBuilder.cxx - updated;
Next codes have been updated:
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - updated to correctly incorporates the VPD resolution for events without any VPD info;
updated guard against non-existant 'btofheader' in embedding mode;
StVpdSimConfig.h - updated to check for and use an existing St_db_Maker before creating a new one; also changed logic in getVpdResolution - which is used when VpdSimMaker is NOT run;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added useBTOFmatchOnly dependence on useBTOF4Vtx, removed VFStoreX dependence on genvtx;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option to imply useBTOF;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated for proper reporting/usage of 'useBTOFmatchOnly' option, plus LOGGER usage bugs fixed
StBTofTables.cxx - restored access to TOF status table (Calibrations/tof/tofStatus) ;
Main features:
- StTriggerData added new methods for bbcBB101(), bbcBB102() and bbcTDC5bit() for run 2017;
- StGenericVertexMaker - further development options to handle primary vertices;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker updated for picoDst production;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
TRandomVector.cxx, TRandomVector.h - cleaned up;
BigFullChain.h - implemented run 2017 chain for auau data;
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.h - updated for picoDst production;
StBemcRaw.cxx - updated for picoDst production;
StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added bbcBB101() and bbcBB102() methods;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData2017.cxx, StTriggerData2017.h - added bbcTDC5bit() method ;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData.cxx - modified for decoding of QTb data;
StDcaGeometry.cxx, StDcaGeometry.h - cosmetic changes;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - removed time validity check for trigDetSum table;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified;
dEdxHist.cxx, dEdxHist.h - added new files to extract histogram definition in separate file;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - updated options for MuDst mode; modified to store number of unqualified vertices and use only BTOF-matched tracks;
corrected default beamline options for VFMinuit and PPV;
StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - minor refactoring changes: get rid of a temporary variable; get rid of extra return; zero vertices returned for unqualified event; removed deprecated CalibBeamLine();
variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
StCtbUtility.h, StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - cosmetic changes; removed log messages from source files; prefixed included headers with paths to respective modules;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - updated options to store number of unqualified vertices anduse only BTOF-matched tracks; modified to get rid of a temporary variable; get rid of extra return; zero vertices returned for unqualified event; removed deprecated CalibBeamLine();
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - modified to move assert (mToolkit) to test only truly needed; setup fit with single parameter for 1D fit; removed overlooked reference to a debug histogram;
BemcHitList.cxx, BemcHitList.h, BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h, CtbHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.h, EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, ScintHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - cosmetic changes; removed log messages from source files; prefixed included headers with paths to respective modules;
BtofHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.h, VertexData.cxx - variables renamed for readability; removed some not very helpful debug output; updated doxygen, whitespace, resolved ambiguity;
StJetMaker2012.cxx, StAnaPars.h - added FMS tower to jet maker;
mudst/StjBEMCMuDst.cxx - modified to assign detector by using enumeration StDetectorId defined in StEvent/StEnumerations.h;
StjFMSMuDst.cxx, StjFMSMuDst.h - added FMS rowser to jet maker;
towers/StjFMS.cxx, StjFMS.h, StjFMSNull.cxx, StjFMSNull.h, StjFMSTree.cxx, StjFMSTree.h - added FMS towser to jet m aker;
COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h - modified to pass pointer properly;
StPicoDstMaker.h - modified to synchronize the declaration and defintion of function setVtxMode() such that the old c++ interpreter in ROOT5 does not complain about "Ambiguous overload";
StPreEclMaker.cxx - commented out unsupported StEmcADCtoEMaker::clearStEventSta();
macros/mudst/VtxRecoMuDst.C - added new macrob to re-find vertices in MuDst;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20141220.000000.C - added new file, calibration for run 2015;
TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000001.C - added TpcRS calibration for Run 2016;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2016.C - added default MC version of the correction;
Main features:
- OnlTools/Jevp FPS and MTD Builders updated for run 2017;
- added FTS detector in StEvent structure;
- StGenericVertexMakeradded new vertex fit option "BeamlineNoFit"
to distinguish between Beamline1D fit for MinuitVF and PPV ;
- StMuDSTMaker modified to change associated vertex when running
a vertex finder as an afterburner ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHelixHelper.cxx - replaced Step() ==> Path() ;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx - modified to make sure taus fall through to the decayer, and preserve history in event record;
TF1Fitter.cxx - modified to use public accessor to access protected member;
TF1Fitter.cxx, TF1Fitter.h - added explicit type cast to match TF1 constructor signature in ROOT5 and ROOT6 ;
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - added setConstBz; fixed wrong default values;
StMaker.h - added GetData() to hide m_DataSet ;
StEpcMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h, StTrack.h, StTrack.cxx - added FTS detector;
StExtGeometry.h, StExtGeometry.cxx - updated name to add 0;
StRnDHit.h, StRnDHit.cxx - added own error matrix;
StVertex.h - convenience setter for covariance matrix from array of doubles;
Stl3RawReaderMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
Stl3CounterMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.h - added new vertex fit option " BeamlineNoFit" to distinguish between Beamline1D fit for MinuitVF and PPV; added helper function to identify fit options requiring beamline; modified to match BFC option "beamline" to "BeamlineNoFit" for PPV; modified to take advantage of new helper function 'requiresBeamline' ;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - TMinuit moved to base class;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - TMinuit moved to base class;
StiPPVertex/TrackData.h - added overlooked TrackDataT
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - added new vertex fit option 'BeamlineNoFit' to distinguish between 'Beamline1D' fit for MinuitVF and PPV; added helper function to identify fit options requiring beamline; modified to match BFC option "beamline" to "BeamlineNoFit" for PPV; modified to take advantage of new helper function 'requiresBeamline' ;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - TMinuit moved to base class;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added Sigma and Valley for Fps/Fpost;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - added gain scaling when attenuation was on during geant simulation;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StFtpcMixerMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StIstScanClusterAlgo.h - added destructor ;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx - fixed crash;
StiElossCalculator.h, StiElossCalculator.cxx - standard ctr added and set method;
COMMON/StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx, StMuPrimaryVertex.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - cosmetics, whitespace adjustments;
StMuTrack.h - modified to change associated vertex when running a vertex finder as an afterburner;
StMuTrack.cxx - added additional info to print statement;
StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h - modified to declare getters const;
StMuRpsCollection.h - modified to increment ClassDef in StMuRpsCollection;
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StSstDaqMaker.cxx, StSstDaqMaker.h - replaced Int_t ==> UInt_t to avoid wrong cast; removed GetData();
StSstDaqMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StSsdPointMaker - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StSstPointMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
StSsdEmbeddingMaker.cxx, St_sls_Maker.cxx, St_spa_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
St_ctf_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
St_emc_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
St_geom_Maker.cxx - cleanup;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
St_geant_Maker.h - removed 'delete';
year2003.cxx - modified to hide m_Debug;
St_trg_Maker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo3.xml - enabled attenuation option in y2011 (and other) FMS geometries;
FpdmGeo4.xml - fixed check on data structure to enable FMS attenuation;
StVMCMaker/StVMCMaker.cxx - modified to hide m_DataSet;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - added y2011b case statement;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2011b.C - added missing y2011b support;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fpsBuilder.cxx, ppBuilder.cxx - updated;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - updated to treat BL 9 as a 3-tray system; added a 2D hit map for good hits; added the distribution of hit time;
Main features:
- OnlTools/Jevp added new plots for FPOST detector in run 2017;
- first release of daq code for FCS detector;
- added new DB tables for FPOST detector;
- StGenericVertexMaker updated for vertex reconstruction from MuDst data format ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
TRandomVector.h, TRandomVector.cxx - updated;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - implemented generic SpaceCharge and GridLeak functions independent of specific modes;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx - fixed nslat function; updated for run 2017 FMS positions;
getCellPosition2017.cxx, getCellPosition2017.h - added run 2017 FMS positions ;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx - coverity fixes;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - changed primary tracks association for StMuTracks; removed seemingly unnecessary condition; modified not to pass mother track separately, since TrackData knows about its mother track;
TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h - introduced deligating constructor; added specialization for template constructor;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - removed the function to apply trigger time window cuts since they are applied already during reconstruction; updated to accommodate 8-QT system used in 2016; removed the implementation for StEvent QA since it is not maintained ; vertex selection for cosmic ray updated;
COMMON/StAddRunInfoMaker.cxx - fixed Checking event->info();
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to use generic GridLeak function;
StiNodePars.h - corrected for zero manetic field;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - added new code for FCS detector;
idl/fpostGain.idl, fpsGain.idl - added new DB tables for FPOST detector;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fpsBuilder.cxx, fpsBuilder.h - added new plots for FPOST ;
ppBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.cxx - updated ;
fpsBuilder.cxx - updated to move accessing RCC counter before the hit loop; modified not to fill hists for events with no FPS/FPOST data;
Main features:
- OnlTools/Jevp updated plots for run 2017;
- first release of StBTofSimMaker, StBTofMixerMaker, StVpdSimMaker and StVpdCalibMaker makers ;
- added new DB tables for EPD detector;
- StGenericVertexMaker updated with option to reconstruct primary vertex using MuDst format;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/include/atlsim/ - removed extra (and unused) definition of common blocks;
BigFullChain.h - implemented base chain for run 2017; reshaped of options for Vpd/BTof Sim + mixer for BTof;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h - updated;
StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - added first version of BTofMixer maker;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - updated after review;
StDbDefs.hh, - added new detector EPD;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h - added bbcVP101;
StFmsPointPair.cxx, StFmsPointPair.h - changed F to D for StLorentzVector;
StTriggerData2017.cxx - changed mtdQtAtCh for run17 mapping;
StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - fixed bug in accounting laser in magnetic fileld calculation;
StCtbUtility.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
StGenericVertexFinder.h - updated to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.h - updated mainly for stylistic improvement; modified DB access code;
VertexFinderOptions.cxx, VertexFinderOptions.h - added new files to select vertec finder options;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - refactoring design flaws by getting rid of static members:
- StMinuitVertexFinder: moved static fit functions to base class; modified to use equivalent base class fit function for Beamline3D fits; get rid of static mWidthScale in favor of equivalent local variables;
- converted functions from static to member + adjustments; introduced self static pointer to vertex finder implementations, this is required by TMinuit relying on static fit functions;
- StMinuitVertexFinder: Use common fit function type; renamed Chi2AtVertex to virtual CalcChi2DCAs; converted static sDCAs to mDCAs; converted static sBeamline to mBeamline;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - set appropriate number of free parameters for TMinuit; deleted TMinuit object;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, StMinuitVertexFinder.h - removed depricated method; the fit type is now set in constructor a long with other appropriate settings; modified DB access code;
StMinuitVertexFinder.h - updated to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex;
StiPPVertex/EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, Vertex3D.cxx, Vertex3D.h - codes cleanup and improved styling:
remove commented code for debugging; removed extra validation; removed from nclude header for apple OS; removed pointless assert; modified to use standard portable type name; removed unused header math_constants.h; removed abandoned member function;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - refactoring design flaws by getting rid of static members;
updated to enhance PPV with MuDst functionality; modified to create optional BTOF and CTB hit lists;
BemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx, TrackData.h, Vertex3D.cxx, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - modifid to enhance proxy data structures for track and vertex :
- TrackDataT: implemented new helper for TrackData to manipulate original mother track; added method to calculate chi2 w.r.t. a vertex; added member pointer to DCA geometry; added print() method; added fields with simulation data;
- VertexData: added member to flag triggered vertex;
BemcHitList.cxx, BemcHitList.h, BtofHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.h, EemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx,StPPVertexFinder.h - modified DB access code;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - added a new data member mYear to indicate run year; invoke appropriate functions in StMtdGeometry class to calculate local y to make the class backward compatible;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added option to select different vertex; added more QA plots for PID variable;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added back the old implementation of GetCellLocalYCenter() function to make the class backward compatible;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h - updated after review;
StVpdSimMaker.cxx, StVpdSimMaker.h, StVpdSimConfig.h - first release of VPD simulation maker;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - removed HFT plots for run 2017;
include/RC_Config.h - updated for run 2017;
src/DAQ_ITPC/Makefile, daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcCore.cxx, itpcCore.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx, daq_dta.cxx - added iTPC as a pseudo detector for now;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - updated;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added iTPC; fixed RCC counter; fixed FPS metadata;
idl/epdFEEMap.idl, epdGain.idl, epdQTMap.idl, epdStatus.idl - added new EPD tables;
Jevp/level.source - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/trgBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx - updated;
mtdBuilder.cxx - changed back to the 4-QT board system;
l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added DCA plots for BEMC and TOF matched tracks;
Jevp/StJevpData/jmlXml.C - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, JevpPlotSet.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- OnlTools: added JevpBuilder for EPD;
- added ETOF detector to DAQ structure;
- added DAQ reader files for iTPC;
- StMtdGeometry modified for run 2017 and beyond;
- StGenericVertexMaker: added vertex seed finding algorithm based on TSpectrum;
- StdEdxY2Maker and related codes updated to adjust dEdx calibrations for dAu20-62GeV ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, StSstSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h, StiIstChairs.cxx, St_TpcPadCorrectionMDF.h - added new table to correct dE/dx pad dependence for dAu20-62GeV run 2016, reshaped Survey;
StiIst2HitErrorCalculator.h, StiIst3HitErrorCalculator.h - removed files;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - added new Table to correct dE/dx pad dependence, for dAu20-62 run 2016 calibration;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h - added vertex seed finding based on TSpectrum;
added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms;
stylistic change to achieve somewhat cleaner initialization of the base class by using constructor delegation. The default constructor is still created with unspecified seed finder and vertex fit types;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - added vertex seed finding based on TSpectrum;
modified to build likelihood and find vertex candidates in a separate method;
updated to set return status when fitting tracks to vertex;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms; modified to use SeedFinder_t option to select seed finder;
modified to fit tracks with vertex after all seeds have been found; The way how the coordinates of the seeds updated depends on the fiting mode option specified by the user;
updated to copy found vertices to final container regardless of the fitting mode;
eliminated acces the StEvent as it is passed as argument;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - examinTrackDca() simplified, it did calculate and create dca node, accuracy is the same, but code is simplified and speeded up;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - created member HList concurently with finder ;
modified Const parameters which should not be arguments; initialized members in list with reasonable default values;
StPPVertexFinder.h - changed access to private memebers for histograms;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx - cleanup global space by getting rid of preprocessor directives;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - added option (SeedFinder_t) to choose from seed finders algorithms;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - added FPost detector;
StFpsRawHitMaker.cxx, StFpsRawHitMaker.h - added FPost detector; removed LOG_INFO;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - modified for run 2017 and beyond do not move BL 8&24 along y direction by hand since this is already done in the geometry file;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - adjusted due to modification in StMtdGeometry code;
COMMON/StMuTrack.h - modified to let users change track type e.g. global/primary/etc..;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - updated to copy previously missing values in StMuTrack to StTrack conversion;
StiHit.cxx, StiHit.h - added methods idTruth() & qaTruth(); in the case of simulation these methods get IdTruth info from related StHit;
StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx - added method 'removeNode', it removes node from the track; becames important for the case with reuse hits when old DCA node is not more correct and must be removed and new one created;
added method 'getChi2Max()' to calculate maximal bad node, it could be used for filtering with reuse hits ON;
added method idTruth, it uses idTruth's of hits and calculates dominant contrubutor;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - replaced subTimesUsed() ==> setTimesUsed(0) ;
StiTrack.h - base getChi2Max() added;
StiTreeNode.h StiTreeNode.cxx - added 'remove node' ;
StiMaker.cxx - in method 'CleanGlobalTracold' old Dca node removed for track with reused hits, new Dca node created after refit;
in method 'FinishTracks' some histo created;
StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - new Count(char*,char*,double) added;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - adjusted to structure changes in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - added new Table to correct dE/dx pad dependence for dAu20-62 calibration;
includertsLog.h - fixed some const chars and added standalone LOG;
rtsSystems.h, rtsMonitor.h - added GG structure;
src/LOG/logTest.C, rtsLogUnix.c - fixed some const char;
src/DAQ_ETOF/Makefile, daq_etof.cxx, daq_etof.h - added ETOF detector;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h - added daq reader files for iTPC;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/Makefile, rts_example.C - added ETOF detector; added iTPC reader;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h, sfs_index.cxx - fixed thread safety;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.dev2019.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2017.C, TpcTanL.C, tpcElectronics.dev2019.C, tpcPressureB.C, TpcEffectivedX.C - added new files ;
tpcDriftVelocity.y2017.C - added default drift velocity for run 2017;
TpcCurrentCorrectionX.C - added default value;
TpcResponseSimulator.devTA.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTB.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTC.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTD.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTE.C, TpcResponseSimulator.devTF.C - remoevd files;
TpcCurrentCorrectionX.20160521.000305.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20160618.000314.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20160521.000312.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.20160618.000102.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.C, TpcRowQ.20160521.000311.C, TpcSecRowB.20160521.000311.root, TpcTanL.20160521.000310.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20160521.000308.C - added tables for dE/dx calibration for dAu20-62GeV run 2016;
TpcHalfPosition.C, TpcInnerSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.C, TpcPosition.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.C - added default TPC alignment files for MC ;
tpcPadPlanes.dev2019.C - added new file for development ;
Jevp/ - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/epdBuilder.cxx, epdBuilder.h - added JevpBuilder for EPD;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- OnlTools updated to support run 2017;
- added new tables and code for FPOST (FPS) detector;
- StTriggerUtilities updated for year 2013 dijet analysis;
- introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.h, closeDecays.F - modified to close/open pythia6 decay channels;
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
StMagUtilities.h, StMagUtilities.cxx - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction; speed tweek to Poisson3DRelaxation;
StEnumerations.h - added FPost (FPS) detector ID and StFpostConstants enumerations;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
StCtbUtility.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx, StXiFinderMaker.cxx - updated to use pi constant from standard library ;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - stylistic code adjustment: changed public addVertex() to accept references ;
StiPPVertex/BemcHitList.cxx, BtofHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx - updated to use pi const ant from standard library ;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, VertexData.cxx, VertexData.h - updated to initialize vertexID in constructor;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h - removed redundant setter; added keyword to virutal methods;
StPPVertexFinder.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.h, TrackData.cxx - stylistic c++ coding adjustments: changed public addVertex() to accept references ;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - stylistic c++ coding adjustments;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced FullGridLeak distortion correction;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - fix bug 3268: added missing correction for TpcAvgPowerSupply; added treatment for stopping electons and gammas;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modifed to make switch to account __STOPPED_ELECTRONS__ ;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for 2013 dijet analysis ;
StDSMUtilities/,, DSMLayer_B001_2009.hh,, DSMLayer_B101_200 9.hh,, DSMLayer_E001_2009.hh,, DSMLayer_E101_2009.hh,, DSMLayer_EM201_2009.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - added new files for 2013 dijet analysiss ;
StDSMUtilities/y2013/, DSMAlgo_BC101_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_BE001_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_BE0, DSMAlgo_BE003_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_BW001_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_BW003_2013.hh, DSMAlgo_EE001_201, DSMAlgo_EE001_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_EE002_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_EE101_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_EE102_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013.hh,, DSMAlgo_EM201_2013_a.hh - added new files for 2013 dijet analysis ;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated for run 2017;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx - updated for run 2017;
trg/include/trgConfNum.h - updated for run 2017;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2017.C - added year 2017 geometry support;
rules.make - makefile updateed for standalone/online version; - updated for new compiler;
idl/fpostChannelGeometry.idl, fpostConstant.idl, fpostGain.idl, fpostMap.idl, fpostPosition.idl, fpostSlatId.idl, fpostStatus.idl - added new FPOST (FPS) tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fmsBuilder.cxx fmsBuilder.h - added hit map to FMS Jevp plots;
l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - updated for parallelize histograms filling with OpenMP;
JevpBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, zdc_smd.h - updated for run 2017;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h - updated for run 2017;
Jevp/JevpEdit/ - updated for run 2017;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx, JevpServer.h - updated for run 2017;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 14, 2018 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15k (SL15k_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 200GeV run 2015 st_fms & st_rp stream data production SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16d_embed (SL16d_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g_embed (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 production SL16j_embed (SL16j_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k_embed (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17d (SL17d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production SL17d_embed (SL17d_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17f (SL17f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction; SL17g (SL17g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production SL17i (SL17i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 cucu 200-22 GeV run 2005 reproduction SL18a (SL18a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 old-> SL18b (SL18b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_physics production pro-> SL18c (SL18c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_fms, st_mtd production AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production SL18d (SL18d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18e (SL18e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18f (SL18f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_epd production new-> SL18h (SL18h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
SL18a library
SL18b library
SL18c library
SL18d library
SL18e library
SL18f library
Next codes have been updated
Main features:
- first release of eTOF software;
- further iTPC code integration and updates;
- updated EPD geometry and event-plane information holder;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - cosmetic's changes: inverse test conditions to skip loop iterations;
StETofGeometry.cxx, StETofGeometry.h, StETofHardwareMap.cxx, StETofHardwareMap.h, StETofMessageFormat.cxx, StETofMessageFormat.h - first revision of eTOF software;
StETofHardwareMap.h, StETofHardwareMap.cxx - updated to compiled in 64bit mode;
StETofDigiMaker.cxx, StETofDigiMaker.h - first revision of eTOF code; updated to compile in 64bit mode;
StETofQAMaker.cxx, StETofQAMaker.h - first revision of eTOF code;
StEpdEpFinder.cxx, StEpdEpFinder.h, StEpdEpInfo.cxx, StEpdEpInfo.h - added event-plane finding chass StEpdEpFinder and event-plane information-holder class StEpdEpInfo;
StETofCollection.h, StETofDigi.h, StETofHeader.h, StETofHit.h, StETofCollection.cxx, StETofDigi.cxx, StETofHeader.cxx, StETofHit.cxx - added new codes for eTOF detector;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h - modified to add eTOF detector;
StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h - added eTOF hook;
StETofDigi.h, StETofHit.h - added getter function for the associated hit;
StETofHeader.cxx - updated to compile in 64bit mode;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - removed unused variables;
StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - removed unused variables;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - cosmitic changes in white space;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - cosmitic changes in white space;
removed unused variables and functions of questionable value; minor rework of inactive volumes;
modified to overload ostream operator<< for StiLayer;
added a flag to force split individual Sti TPC layers;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make number of Sti TPC layers to be always 12 ;
introduced alias for long identifier: St_tpcPadConfigC& tpcPadCfg = *St_tpcPadConfigC::instance();
modified to change the way how Sti TPC padrow IDs assigned to ordered layers;
added a flag to force split individual Sti TPC layers;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - removed unused variables;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - cosmetic's changes: inverse test conditions to skip loop iterations;
include/rts.h, iccp.h - updated;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated EPD geometry and numbering;
Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml - corrected ETOF partial installation configuration;
EtofGeo0.xml - updated version of the ETOF, correcting sector numbering;
Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmGeo0.xml - updated EPD geometry and numbering;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - updated to make y2018a geometry available to starsim;
Main features:
- further iTPC code integration and updates;
- implemented new STGC detector in RTS DAQ_READER software ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
TF1Fitter.cxx - modified to use public accessor to access protected member (restorted ); added explicit type cast to match TF1 constru ctor signature in ROOT5 and 6 ;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added the "huge" option, allocating 80M words to the geant bank for simulation;
added TPC Padrow 40 distortion correction ;
updated chain options for year 2018, year 2019 geometry with iTPC ; added placeholder for ETof chains;
StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h - fixed the MixerMakers technique for updating the BTofCollection-previously was not storing MC hits in some embedding cases;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated with year 2019 geometry development;
GENERIC/CRC.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx - added missing namespace OLDEVP;
StMagUtilities.cxx - updated UndoPadRow13Distortion() in order to move #define's inside the function as const Int_t's;
modified for simpler way to address calculation of data arrays for wrong sign of the voltages;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - introduced padrow 40 correction for iTPC GridLeak Wall, reduce includes dependencies;
StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - added Explicit include for TMath ; - the number of T0 constants increased from 24 to 48 to accommodate inner iTPC sectors. The sector index is updated according to the requested sector/row;
updated to avoid modifying the input TPC sector ID [1, 24] inside of 'StTpcCoordinateTransform::zFromTB()'. The input sector ID should be passed to 'StTpcDb:riftVelocity(sector)' unmodified;
St_tpcHighVoltagesC.h - added access to new GridLeak Wall fields;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - added functions: epdNHits, vpdADCSum, vpdMeanTimeDifference ;
EveDis.C, StEventHelper.cxx, StEventHelper.h, StRedoTracks.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.cxx, StuDraw3DEvent.h, StuFixTopoMap.cxx, StuFtpcRefMul t.hh,, StuRefMult.hh - updated for iTPC integration;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx - fixed not dumping last detector Id to dump file;
StMagFMaker.cxx - updated for iTPC integration;
COMMON/StMuFmsUtil.h - modified to move fillFmsHits to public;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - updated to include TSystem.h and TROOT.h ;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - updated to justify class member with magnetic field ;
StPmdMapUtil.h - fixed typo in header include guards;
StSvtHitMaker.cxx - updated to include of TROOT.h ;
StTpcDb.h - removed unnecessary dependence on StMagUtilities.h ;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced padrow 40 correction for iTPC GridLeak Wall, reduce includes dependencies;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx - updated to set TPC row number for legacy TPC DAQ records;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added Explicit include for spaceChargeCor;
StTrsMaker.cxx - fixed to make code compiled after iTPC integration;
src/, - fixed to make code compiled after iTPC integration;
StTrgDatReader.cxx - modified to fix run number problem when running with StFile list ;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - modified to use the number of hits associated with the track;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - introduced EPD QA hosts;
include/rtsLog.h - added iTPC;
rtsSystems.h - updated to handle of more than 32 dets; added STGC detector;
RC_Config.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated for STGC detector;
iccp2k.h - updated to avoid unnecessary dependency;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added bField in HLT_EVE ;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - modified;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxGain.cxx, tpxGain.h - fixed altro override;
tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx - updated tweaks for STGC detector ;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h, itpcInterpreter.cxx - implemented first step of offline cluster finder; bug fixed;
itpcCore.h, itpcCore.cxx - bug fixed; updated;
itpcFCF.cxx - removed internal cuts;
src/SFS/fs_index.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_det.cxx, daq_dta_structs.h - small addition;
daqReader.h, daqReader.cxx, daq_det.cxx, daq_det.h - changes for more than 32 dets to add STGC detector;
daqReader.h - updated to avoid unnecessary dependency;
src/DAQ_STGC/Makefile, daq_stgc.cxx, daq_stgc.h, stgcPed.cxx, stgcPed.h - added new STGC detector;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added the ShldGeo to the y2018 series of geometries. The shielding in the tunnels is important in simulation to block numerous (100k) low E particles from splashing back into the CAVE when we generate hijing events (with wide open eta cuts), fixes for ticket #3346;
Caibrations/tpc/TtpcSectorT0offset.20080623.000000.C - size increased;
Geometry/tpc/TpcInnerSectorPosition.C - added and deactivated from MySql;
tpcSectorT0offset.20080623.000000.C - increased size 24-48 for iTPC;
idl/itpcPadGainT0.idl - added new iTPC pad gain t0 table;
tpcHighVoltages.idl - TPC table updated;
iTPCSurvey.idl, tpcRDOMap.idl, tpcRDOT0offset.idl - added new tables for iTPC ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added histograms for fixed target;
LaserReader.cxx, tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h - updated;
StOnlineDisplay/StSteeringModule.cxx - updated to include TSystem.h ;
Main features:
- first release of iTPC detector integration code;
- picoDst code updated to include EPD info in picoDst format;
- StarGenerator modules updated with changes necessary for HFT embedding production;
- OnlTools eTOF and iTPC codes/plots updated for run 2018 ;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - initial accomodation for iTPC;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h - modified not to stack neutrinos for transport;
modified to permit decays only where all final state particles are known to TDatabasePDG; it resolved an issue with different sources of particle information;
EMBED/StarEmbedMaker.cxx, StarEmbedMaker.h - implemeted first working release of an embedding plugin for StarGenerator. This initial release provides capability to set the vertex and error for the fixed vertex finder based on input from the tags.root files;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.cxx, StarPythia8.h, StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - modified to resolve the issue with differing definitions in the various particle data tables. If a particle has more mass in pythia8 than in hijing, then when it decays at rest, pythia8 will not be able to decay it. This results in the decayer code going into an infinite loop, trying to decay something that won't decay.
Solution is the following: when a particle is decayed by pythia8 take as given the momentum of the particle, but recalculate the energy of the particle using the mass tabulated by pythia 8;
Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - modified to resolve the issue with differing definitions in the various particle data tables. If a particle has more mass in pythia8 than in hijing, then when it decays at rest, pythia8 will not be able to decay it. This results in the decayer code going into an infinite loop, trying to decay something that won't decay.
Solution is the following: when a particle is decayed by pythia8 take as given the momentum of the particle, but recalculate the energy of the particle using the mass tabulated by pythia 8;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx - asigned G3 id = 4 to all neutrinos;
Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx - added support for randomly sampling from a comma- or space-delimited list of particles;
StarKinematics.h - updated documentation to reflect added option of particle list;
StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - made optimization: move TVector3 to a member variable, rather than use (expensive) ctor/dtor on every particle ;
StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h - added option to throw flat in rapidity instead of pseudorapidity;
StBFChain.cxx - eliminated usage of BTof libraries Geant-related libraries; by default the BTOF geometry is constructed from the TGeo geometry so there is no need to load the libraries referencing Geant code;
introduced iTpcIT option;
BigFullChain.h - upadted to load Geant-dependent libraries used by older ToF libraries;
updated options for distortion smearing by calibration resolutions;
added new option to deactivate iTpc hits; introduced iTpcIT option;
added P2005c chain option and geometry ry2005g to process cucu 62GeV run 2005 data without SVT & SSD tracking;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h - updated to use cell-by-cell time resolution for FastSim;
StBTofSimResParams.h - new file added to implement usage of cell-by-cell time resolution for FastSim;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to make distortion smearing by calibration resolutions;, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - extended interface to accept TPC sector + use padConfig;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added access to new tpcCalibResolutions table; modified to use logger for print out;
St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h - new file created for tpcCalibResolutions table;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
updated to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h - updated to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
St_tpcPadConfigC.h - added convenience method to identify iTPC padrows;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h - extended interface in St_TpcAvgCurrentC returning channel ID; modified to make ChannelFromRow() accepts TPC sector ID in addition to padrow ID; updated to use updated St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC::ChannelFromRow(int, int) in StTpcdEdxCorrection;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to provide access TPC params via St_tpcPadConfig instead of StTpcDb;
StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h, StEpdGeom.h - updated for finishing methods that return overlapping EPD and BBC tile IDs;
StEpdGeom.h - added simple class StEpdEvp which offers BASIC event plane determination using the EPD;
StEpdEvp.h, StEpdEvp.cxx - new files: added simple class StEpdEvp which offers BASIC event plane determination using the EPD;
StMtdHit.h - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
StMwcTriggerDetector.cxx - reverted removal of StMwcTriggerDetector constructor which was removed on 2009-11-23 leaving the declaration behind in the corresponding header file. However, this constructor is used in existing StTriggerDetectorCollection();
StEnumerations.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StTpcHit.h - introduced kiTpcId ; cosmetics changes;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTrackTopologyMap.h - iTPC modifications, plus proper use of booleans ;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - introduced iTPC;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - updated to turn off excessive output from StFmsEventClusterer;
StFtpcConfMapper.hh - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions ;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h - added option for user to specify the uncertainties on the vertex; useful in embedding jobs in order to get the track association with primary vertex correct;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx - added access to new table istSimPar;
StIstDbMaker.cxx - added print-out information for loaded tables;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx, StIstSlowSimMaker.h -added the single hit efficiency loaded from istSimPar;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - updated to avoid (rare) edge effect, which caused infinite loop; fixed the issue with hits off of the pad;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h - added new method StikalmanTrack::getInnerMostDetHitNode(); should be used in StiCA to replace getInnerMostTPCHitNode(); added legal(...) method to check acception of hit;
modified to replace thrown exceptions with runtime asserts; cosmetic style changes;
StiDetectorContainer.cxx - modified to take into account that Sti detectors are not guaranteed to be arranged consecutively: with the addition of iTPC channels in TPC sector 20 the order in which Sti layers can be arranged by (padrow, sector) is not symmetric anymore ;
StiDetector.cxx - added member value to printed info ;
StiDetector.h - cosmetic changes;
StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx, StiHitLoader.h, StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified to use logger for print out;
StiHitContainer.cxx - cosmetic changes;
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - cosmtic changes;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to convert assert to warning: |mJoinPars.hz() - mTargetHz| <= 1e-10 ; The assert was checking the magnetic field in the updated Sti node during the refit. With the addition of iTPC layers some CA provided tracks do not look healthy with nodes coming from unrelated sectors; cosmetic style changes;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use logger for print out;
StiCATpcTrackerInterface.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
added new method StikalmanTrack::getInnerMostDetHitNode() to use it in StiCA to replace getInnerMostTPCHitNode();
modified to skip hits from inactive Sti layers;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker,h - added new option to deactivate iTpc hits; minor cosmetics corrections;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - cosmetic style changes;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx, StiTpcHitLoader.h - modified to exclude iTPC hits until a switch is implemented ;
modified to reject hits coming from iTPC padrows when requested by user, by default iTPC hits will be used by Sti along with the regular TPC hits; with this modification we provided the functionality to exclude iTPC hits from track reconstruction;
partially reverted rejection of hits coming from iTPC padrows ;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - modified to load TPC hits by using new access to Sti detectors; removed iTpc hits guard; some cosmetics code improvements;
StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.h - modified to reject hits coming from iTPC padrows when requested by user;
by default iTPC hits will be used by Sti along with the regular TPC hits; with this modification we provided the functionality to exclude iTPC hits from track reconstruction;
updated to allow activation of iTPC layers in TPC detector builder; by default the iTPC layers are inactive;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - updated to allow activation of iTPC layers in TPC detector builder; by default the iTPC layers are inactive; added private support methods constructTpcPadrowShape() and constructTpcPadrowDetector(); localized variables to function where they are used; build individual Sti shape for every TPC layer; added support functionality to map TPC to Sti sectors and padrows;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - mofified to convert signature to accept StiLayer; activated proper halves of TPC Sti layers;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use sti-to-tpc layer map to replace nested loops; convert signature to accept StiLayer;
modified to use St_tpcPadConfigC in place of St_tpcPadPlanesC, this essential makes the code aware of iTPC sectors;
activated proper halves of TPC Sti layers; sdjusted layer length and position for Sti layers representing halves of TPC;
disabled manually reserving space for StiDetector containers; disabled Sti detectors for iTPC sector/padrows;
LaserEvent.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
StMcEmcHitCollection.hh, StMcEvent.hh, StMcHitIter.h, StMcMtdHit.hh, StMcTrack.hh - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.h - fixed linker error by removing declared but undefined functions;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - fixed the bug of converting projected localy to cellId;
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified to make distortion smearing by calibration resolutions; cosmetic changes;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - changed hardware Id for hits originated in iTpc padrow rather than iTpc sector;
updated to use different DAQ readers when reading TPC data: selecting one reader type is not enough in the iTPC era cause the outter and inner sectors may have different formats;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx - changed location of include;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - modified that EPD and BBC realized as a functions and moved inside the StPicoDstMaker; StPicoArrays and StPicoDst classes are moved to ../StPicoEvent;
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h - StPicoArrays and StPicoDst classes are moved to ../StPicoEvent ;
modified StPicoBbcTile and StPicoEpdTile that changed to StPicoBbcHit and StPicoEpdHitm, also logic of storing 2 closest towers in StBEmcPidTraits was changed; StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - modified to change the function used to read QT information for 2017 and beyond;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added access to new table pxlSimPar;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added print-out information to check loaded tables;
StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h - added the single hit efficiency loaded from pxlSimPar table;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx - updated to reduce excessive output;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - updated to setup support for 3 planes of Si tracking; modified to get the hit count right for FTS; re-enabled the FTSA (fts "active") volume;
TpcHitUtilities.cxx - modified to enable TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig ;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - updated list for QA;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StQABookHist.cxx, StQAMakerBase.cxx - updated for iTPC accomodation;
StMultiH1F.cxx, StMultiH1F.h - updated to override Write() to save sub histograms in StMultiH1F;
EventTracker/gl3Event.cxx - updated ;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h - tweeks to iTPC; bugs fixed;
itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h - bugs fixed; added fee_count;
itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, daq_itpc.cxx - made many changes for version 1;
itpcPed.cxx, itpcPed.h - tweak for pulser run; updated;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - updated to extend some structures;
pams/ sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Lambda_c with G3 id of 208;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.dev2019.C, tpcDriftVelocity.C, tpcElectronics.dev2019.C, tpcPadGainT0B.20180301.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.y2018.C - added new local DB files for iTPC;
Geometry/ist/istLadderOnIstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, ist LadderOnIstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for IST dead materials;
Geometry/pxl/pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20131210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20140101.000000.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20141210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20150101.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20151210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for PXL dead materials;
Geometry/sst/sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20160101.000001.C - added misalignment tables for SST dead materials;
idl/tpcCalibResolutions.idl - added new TPC table;
tpcSectorT0offset.idl - extended T0 calibration to inner (iTPC) sectors. This is done to accomodate different numbers for inner (new iTPC) and outter TPC sectors;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx - updated to move some histograms to corresponding trigger protected area;
itpcBuilder.cxx, itpcBuilder.h - modified to include clusters, and latest event; added cluster histograms;
etofBuilder.cxx - added reset on startrun; changed style of etof plots for better visibility, added etof to title; changed maximum range of eTof_nHits plot to 250;
fixed the number of messages to read in & added new hitMap ;
etofBuilder.h, etofBuilder.cxx - added more histograms for monitoring fine and coarse time, correlation eTof vs. bTof and hitmaps per MRPC;
l3Builder.cxx - updated ;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx - updated;
DisplayDefs.cxx, DisplayDefs.h, JLatex.cxx, JLatex.h, JevpPlot.cxx, PdfFileBuilder.cxx - updated for run 2018;
Jevp/JevpEdit/ - updated;
Next codes have been updated:
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx;
StPicoFmsFiller.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h - removed
Main features:
- first revision of y2018a production geometry for run 2018;
- StFmsPointMaker and StFmsClusterFitter implemented new shower shape with 6 z slices
- StEpdUtil added geometry class for BBC inner tiles;
- OnlTools implemented online plots for eTOF detector;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added basic chain for run 2018;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use TGeo initializer for BTof geometry;
StBTofGeometry.h - removed declared but undefined function;
StdEdxModel.h - removed declared but undefined function;
GeometryDbAliases.h - added support for y2018a geometry;
StEpdHitMaker.cxx - updated do not make StEpdHit objects if ADC is zero;
StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h - added geometry class for BBC inner tiles; added PMT-to-tile mapping; corrected reverse mapping of PMTs to tiles;
StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - modified to speedup EPD geometry class;
StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h, StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - added methods to return a list of BBC tiles that averlap with an EPD tile;
StEventHelper.h, StEventHitIter.cxx, StEventHitIter.h - removed declared but undefined function;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx - removed inline keyword from source file; bug fixed;
StFmsDbMaker.h - removed declared but undefined function;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - introduced 2 options, mVertexZ(0) , mShowerShapeWithAngle(1); default for mShowerShapeWithAngle =1 to implement the 6 slice shower shape with wider shower shape; mShowerShapeWithAngle=0 for single slice model;
added initialization of mObjectCount and mMaxEnergySum;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx - modified due to implementaion of new 6 slices shower shape;
StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h - different shower shape version is provided; modified to use fixed 1 & 2 photon energy in fitting;
StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - updated with different shower shape; modified to enable 2nd fit for 2 photon in 1 cluster;
StiPPVertex/BtofHitList.cxx - updated to use TGeo initializer for BTof geometry;
StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx - changed minimum QT tac cut for 2017 run;
StiMaker.h - removed declared but undefined function;
StJanEventMaker/JanEventReader.h - fixed operator!= not defined for ifstream;
src/DAQ_ETOF/Makefile, daq_etof.cxx - added checkpoint;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, itpcPed.h, itpc_rowlen.h - bug fixes;
itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h - added new files for FCF ;
daq_itpc.cxx - modified to add FCF;
itpcPed.h, itpc_rowlen.h - bug fixed;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - bug fixed;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added FCF;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added y2018a geometry tag;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmGeo.xml - fixed issue with hits declaration; OPTS=C sets a 'calorimeter' hit, which does not track the complete idtruth history of the hit;
Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmGeo0.xml - fixed issue with hits declaration; OPTS=C sets a 'calorimeter' hit, which does not track the complete idtruth history of the hit;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018a.C - added support for for y2018a geometry;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAvgCurrent.y2018.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2018.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2019.C, TpcRowQ.y2018.C, TpcSecRowB.y2018.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2018.C, tpcElectronics.y2019.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2018.C - added calibrations files for iTPC;
idl/istSimPar.idl, pxlSimPar.idl - added new tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/itpcBuilder.cxx - updated to change conditions for hot channels row 28;
itpcBuilder.h, itpcBuilder.cxx - added plots per event;
tofBuilder.cxx - updated VPD channel map for run18;
etofBuilder.cxx, etofBuilder.h, etofMessageFormat.cxx, etofMessageFormat.h - new files for eTOF online plots;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated for run 2018;
Main features:
- StEvent updated with EPD hits collection;
- first revision of StEpdHitMaker and StEpdUtil makers;
- added EPD data for StMuDSTMaker format;
- StBTofGeometry implemented new method to construct StBTofGeometry from the TGeo detector description;
- StPicoDstMaker modified to store all BEMC towers: id, ADC and energy;
- added y2019 rough cut geometry ;
- added iTPC geometry and constants for y2018 and y2019 overall geometry;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - Zr96, Ru96 added to menu; modified to allow geant to decay particles by default;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.h - added option to read in cmnd file;
BigFullChain.h - added 'epdHit' option;
StBTofGeometry.cxx, StBTofGeometry.cxx - implemented new method to construct StBTofGeometry from the TGeo detector description; updated to form TGeo paths for trays and modules ;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);
St_itpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcPadConfigC.h - added new files for iTPC;
StEpdHitMaker.cxx, StEpdHitMaker.h - first revision of EPD hits maker;
StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - first revision, utility area for EPD; StEpdGeom class provides geometry info for each tile;
implemented inline functions IsWest and IsEast;
StEpdCollection.cxx, StEpdCollection.h, StEpdHit.cxx, StEpdHit.h - added new files for EPD hits collection;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventTypes.h - modified for new EPD classes;
StTpcRawData.cxx - updated to include iTPC;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2018.cxx, StTriggerData2018.h - updated for run 2018 ;
StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - modified to build StBTofGeometry from TGeo geometry when available;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - updated;
StFmsDbMaker.cxx, StFmsDbMaker.h - updated for faster reading DB table;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx - modified to clean up DB aceess for run# and event# for daq/StEvent/Mudst file reading;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - updates for run 2018, more histograms;
StMuDSTMakerLinkDef.h - added EPD type;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx, StMuArrays.h - added EPD type;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - added EPD array;
StMuEpdHitCollection.h, StMuEpdHit.h, StMuEpdUtil.h, StMuEpdHitCollection.cxx StMuEpdHit.cxx StMuEpdUtil.cxx - added new files for EPD MuDst format;
StMuTypes.hh - added EPD type:
StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuDstMaker.h - added EPD support and fixed long standing bug in SetStatus;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - restored pre-pass settings for old data;
StPeCMaker.cxx - initialized BTOF geometry using proper interface;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBbcFiller.cxx, StPicoBbcFiller.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoEpdFiller.cxx, StPicoEpdFiller.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h - updated to store all BEMC towers (id, ADC, Energy); BUG fix: in case of the BEMC matched track we store the correct tower indices for the 2 highest and closest towers; the TpcVpdVzDiffCut default value is set to be 6cm; minore style updates;
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoBbcTile.cxx, StPicoBbcTile.h, StPicoCommon.cxx, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEpdTile.cxx, StPicoEpdTile.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoUtilities.h - updated style; modified to update classes with copy constructors ;
St_pp2pp_Maker.cxx - modified for year 2017;
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofHitMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofSimMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofrGeometry.cxx, StTofrGeometry.h - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - removed outdated ClassImp macro;
include/rtsSystems.h - updated;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx - fixed bug with sector;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileMerger.C - added new file;
geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo5.g - added iTPC geometry;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to reduce unneeded output; updated g2t volume ID for EPD;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - corrected MTD geometry description in 2018 first cut and experimental geometries; added y2019 rough cut geometry;
Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml, EtofGeo0.xml - added y2019 rough cut geometry; added full installation option as default connected to y2019; y2018 still uses only one single sector;
EtofGeo0.xml - extended hit scoring in eTOF ;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - modified to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2019.C - added new file to integrate y2019 geometry (full eTOF);
AgiGeometry/Geometry.y2018.C, Geometry.y2019.C, HALL.y2018.root, HALL.y2019.root, y2018.h, y2019.h - added iTPC branch;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.y2019.C - added new file for iTPC ;
TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C - modified;
tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.165758.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.170356.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180223.222119.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.030742.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.163131.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180224.204912.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.013145.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.050346.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.053037.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.085554.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.131406.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20180225.171556.C - added new calibrations files for run 2018;
Geometry/tpc/itpcPadPlanes.C, tpcPadConfig.C, tpcPadConfig.y2018.C, tpcPadConfig.y2019.C - added iTPC geometry constants;
idl/fmsBitShiftGainB.idl, fmsGainB.idl, fmsGainCorrectionB.idl - added new non-indexed versions of FMS tables for performance;
itpcPadPlanes.idl, tpcPadConfig.idl - added new files for iTPC;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.h, l4Builder.cxx - added vz and vz_Vpdvz plots;
itpcBuilder.h, itpcBuilder.cxx - updated plots for TPC to iTPC overall ;
trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h - added QT timing in trgBuilder;
Jevp/StJevpServer/ JevpServer.cxx - added QT timing in trgBuilder;
Main features:
- implemented y2018x geometry for run 2018 ;
- created final verison of EPD geometry for run 2018;
- FPD geometry updated to integrate FMS postshower; added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ;
- StarVMC/Geometry all codes modified to move responsibility to set SIMU flag to detector's Config files;
- daq ITPC new codes committed, working revision;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/rebank/aslgetba.age, aslsetba.age - modified to make compiler smater after two last upgrades and avoid loops optimization problem inside of the AgSTAR/zebra interface;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - updated for better counting of MC track common hits;
TF1Fitter.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.cxx - updated ;
GeometryDbAliases.h - y2018x geometry model defined ;
St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to skip wrong file name correction;
StTofGeometry.cxx - updated to Get rid of unsupported xdf and outdated ctf tables;
StEpdDbMaker.cxx, StEpdDbMaker.h - updated wire 1 ID, postion index(PP) starts from 0 and included tile 0;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx - updated for FPost ;
StFmsHitMaker.cxx, StFmsHitMaker.h - modified to merge timedep gain;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StFmsClusterFinder.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsConstant.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search ;
StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetectorContainer.h, StiFilter.h, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - removed declared but undefined functions;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - removed inline attribute to match the declaration; modified to let compiler decide whether to inline or not;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - modified to save Sti geometry (via TVolume) in StiMaker lib rather than Sti;
StiMaker.cxx - modified so that if no input file, provide default name; removed unused std::string;
StiMaker.h - remove unused std::string;
StKFVertexMaker.h - added missing include;
StTrack2FastDetectorMatcher.cxx - cosmetics updates: modified do not use common name from std:: as local variable;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - removed unused std: string;
StiDetectorVolume.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.h - modified to save Sti geometry (via TVolume) in StiMaker lib rather than Sti;
StiPullEvent.h - removed declared but undefined functions;
StIstClusterMaker.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstIClusterAlgo.h, StIstScanClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstScanClusterAlgo.h, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.cxx, StIstSimpleClusterAlgo.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StIstHitMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ; updated sensitive volume names for interface to C++ ;
StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.h, StTinyRcTrack.h - modified to move idTruths and keys from short to int;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, - modified to move idTruths and keys from short to int;
COMMON/StMuFgtCluster.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.cxx, StMuFgtStrip.h - cosmetic changes: removed StRoot/ from include path because it's already in the default path search;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - updated to remove explicit reference to a database;
removed direct query to STAR database server in InitRun(int), users need to make sure that the trigger simulator retrieves correct run number ;
include/rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - added ITPC_ID;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcCore.cxx - updated for ITPC ;
itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, itpcPed.cxx, itpcPed.h - added new files for ITPC;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - updated for ITPC;
src/SFS/sfs_index.cxx - updated for run 2018;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated EPD volume id ;
g2t_fpd.F, g2t_volume_id.g - added FMS postshower hits interface to C++ ;
g2t_epd.F - updated sensitive volume names for g2t_epd.F;
mgr/Dyson/Export/ - new runtime feature added to AgML;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - retired EPD test tags; implemented EPD in y2018 series geometry model; implemented experimental TPC geometry (radial segmentation of gas, hermetic, support for iTPC) in y2018x; responsability to set SIMU flag moved to Config files;
Geometry/BbcmGeo/BbcmConfig.xml, BbcmGeo.xml - updated for run 2018: large BBC tiles are removed and the BBC is moved to a new z-position; BBC mother volume thickness is reduced, to avoid overlap with EPD, but radius remains unchanged;
Geometry/BtofGeo/BtofConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/CalbGeo/CalbConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
changed cave to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/EpdmGeo/EpdmConfig.xml, EpdmGeo0.xml - updated version of the EPD geometry, more accurate description of the tile geometry, including thin and thick sections of each tile;
EpdmGeo0.xml - updated final version of EPD geometry; corrected dz=0 for tiles in last revision; updated Z position to +/-374cm ;
Geometry/EtofGeo/EtofConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmConfig.xml, FpdmGeo4.xml - updated to integrate the FMS postshower;
Geometry/FtpcGeo/FtpcConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/FtroGeo/FtroConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/IdsmGeo/IdsmConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
changed idsm to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/QuadGeo/QuadConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/MagpGeo/MagpConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
changed pipe to the *default* SIMU=2 secondary following flag ;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubConfig.xml, PixlConfig.xml, PsupConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/PhmdGeo/PhmdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/SconGeo/SconConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/ShldGeo/ShldConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/SvttGeo/SvttConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/SupoGeo/SupoConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo5.xml - added experimental TPC geometry with hermetic segmentation of TPC gas volume;
explicitly set SIMU=2 in test configuration ;
Geometry/VpddGeo/VpddConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/UpstGeo/UpstConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
Geometry/ZcalGeo/ZcalConfig.xml - modified to control SIMU flag (history of track mode) via Config files which should now be consistent with code prior to AgML 2.0 ;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - EPD test tags deprecated; y2018x geometry defined ;
modified to defind the volume where secondares are saved prior to executing the modules ;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018x.C - added y2018x geometry;
idl/tofSimResParams.idl - added new TOF table;
epdFEEMap.idl, epdGain.idl, epdQTMap.idl, epdStatus.idl - added new EPD tables;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/fcsBuilder.cxx, fcsBuilder.h, JevpBuilder.cxx -updated for run 2018;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 05, 2019 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL15l (SL15l) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pAu 200GeV st_fms run 2015 data production SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16d_embed (SL16d_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g_embed (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 production SL16j_embed (SL16j_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k_embed (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17d (SL17d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production SL17d_embed (SL17d_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17f (SL17f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction; SL17g (SL17g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production; SL17i (SL17i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 cucu 200-22 GeV run 2005 reproduction; SL18b (SL18b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_physics production; SL18c (SL18c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_fms, st_mtd production; AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production; SL18c_embed (SL18c_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18f (SL18f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_epd production; AuHe3 200GeV run 2014 st_physics data production; SL18h (SL18h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 500GeV run 2017 st_rp stream data reproduction; AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data reproduction with selected trigger ID; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp stream data reproduction; pAu/pAl 200GeV run 2015 st_ssdmb stream data reporuduction; SL19a (SL19a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 old-> SL19b (SL19b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 AuAu 27GeV run 2018 production pro-> SL19c (SL19c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 cuAu 200GeV run 2012 data reproduction SL19d (SL19d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 new-> SL19e (SL19e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 -------------------------------------------------
SL19a library
SL19b library
SL19c library
SL19d library
SL19e library
Change all placements from MANY to ONLY... there should be very few real
overlapping volumes which we need to deal with.
Exception is the inner and outer wedge. These overlap each other, and need
to be flagged as such.
However, GenFit appears to have issues with MANY placement. So we set the
assembly flag on the volume, enabling AgML to create the volumes as an
assembly instead
Main features:
- picoDst code updated to fill data for eTOF detector;
- FmsCollection/Cluster updated to make shower shape scaling for all shapes;
- EmbeddingQA added option for BTOF pid for primary tracks;
- StarVMC/Geometry added flag for year 2018 geometry to use the mixed iTPC/TPC configuration;
- StarVMC/Geometry added forward calorimeter system;
- implemented initial version of the STGC geometry model;
- implemented initial version of the forward silicon tracker FST;
- implemented dev2021 geometry tag with forward upgrade detectors;
- sim/g2t and St_geant_Maker updated to integrate hits for forward tracking and forward calorimeter;
- RTS/src/DAQ_FGT/ code added FST;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
rexe/rexeLinkDef.h - removed reference to non-existent class TPaveTree ;
Simulation/starsim/atlroot/GtHash.cxx - added missing header for TMath::Hash function;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to print StMemStat results in a way consistent with doPs() in StMaker;
modified to move 'doPs' function from StMaker to StMemStat;
Stsstream.h - introduced a C++(11) alternative to global Form() function in ROOT;
StBTofGeometry.cxx - fixed node paths when using TpcRefSys (affects runs before 2013);
StMaker.cxx - removed seemingly outdated macro-based branching;
moved 'doPs' function from StMaker to StMemStat;
StMagUtilities.cxx - modified to be sure to restore SpaceCharge settings in PredictSpaceCharge();
StEpdEpFinder.cxx, StEpdEpFinder.h - updated to make shift corrections for for every EventType and the phi-weights at the same time;
StFmsCollection.cxx, StFmsCollection.h - updated to make FMS shower shape scaling for all shapes;
StTriggerData2019.cxx - corrected blue filled bunch bit, and cleaning up unused spin bits;
StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h ,StTriggerData2019.cxx, StTriggerData2019.h - improved QT board error reports/handling; added EPD access functions;
StETofHeader.h - added non-c++ include defining uint64_t for rootcint;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx, StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx, StEmbeddingQATrack.h, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx - added option for btof pid for primary real tracks;
StFmsPointMaker.cxx, StFmsPointMaker.h - modified to make shower shape scaling for all shapes;
StFmsClusterFitter.cxx, StFmsClusterFitter.h, StFmsEventClusterer.cxx, StFmsEventClusterer.h - modified to make shower shape scaling for all shapes;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h - updated to integrate HITS for forward tracking and forward calorimeter;
StMemStat.cxx, StMemStat.h - added string representation to StMemStat; moved 'doPs' function from StMaker to StMemStat;
added parameter to add custom string to StMemStat output;
added StMemStat:PaveProcStatus() to save extracted values from /proc/status in a text file;
added StMemStat::ReadProcStatus() to parse /proc/status;
StMemStat.cxx - updated to use consistent scale for byte to MB conversion; minor refactoring of StMemStat::AsString();
TIdTruUtil.cxx - updated to handle 0 idTruth ;
genDst.C, producePicoDst.xml - added FMS information to genDst.C; activate the most important branches via SetStatus("BranchName*",1) method by default in genDst.C ;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h - updated for picoDst filling for eTOF detector;
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h - added missing header defining std::numeric_limits;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBEmcSmdEHit.cxx, StPicoBEmcSmdEHit.h, StPicoBEmcSmdPHit.cxx, StPicoBEmcSmdPHit.h, StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoBbcHit.cxx, StPicoBbcHit.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstLinkDef.h, StPicoDstReader.cxx, StPicoDstReader.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEpdHit.cxx, StPicoEpdHit.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoFmsHit.cxx, StPicoFmsHit.h, StPicoHelix.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx, StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.cxx, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.h - modified to adjust for impementation of picoDst filling for eTOF detector;
modified to move inline function definitions to the class body; updated the Print() methods in order to avoid warnings;
StPicoETofHit.cxx StPicoETofHit.h StPicoETofPidTraits.cxx StPicoETofPidTraits.h - added new files to fill picoDst for eTOF detector;
StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.h - added missing setId(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) definition in StPicoBTofHit; added missing shouldHaveRejectEvent() definition in StPicoMtdTrigger ;
StPicoArrays.cxx - fixed bug of the branch short name: BEmcPidTraits -> EmcPidTraits;
StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h, StPicoBEmcSmdEHit.h, StPicoBEmcSmdPHit.h - included missing header from std C++ numeric limits;
include/rc.h - added new state;
rtsSystems.h - added FST; added new STGC TCD;
include/SUNRT/ipcQLib.hh - added send/receive;
EventTracker/FtfBaseTrack.cxx - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/daqFileChopper.C, daqFileHacker.C, rts_example.C - updated;
rts_example.C - added FST;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx - added FST;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - updated;
src/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcFCF.h, itpcInterpreter.cxx - updated for run 2019;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx fcs_data_c.cxx fcs_data_c.h - updated for run 2019;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified to integrate HITS for forward tracking and forward calorimeter;
g2t_hca_hit.idl - added new file for forward calorimeter;
sim/g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - updated to rely on changes to the geometry which flag the mixed iTPC/TPC mode;
g2t_fts.F, g2t_fts.idl, g2t_hca.F, g2t_hca.idl, g2t_volume_id.g - modified to integrate HITS for forward tracking and forward calorimeter;
g2t_stg.F, g2t_stg.idl, g2t_wca.F, g2t_wca.idl - added new files for forward detectors;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added flag for 2018 geometry to use the mixed iTPC/TPC configuration;
updated to define dev2021 geometry tag with forward upgrade detectors;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo3a.xml - added configuration flag to denote the mixed iTPC/TPC configuration for 2018;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo0a.xml, HcalGeo0b.xml, HcalGeo0.xml - added new files to depricate HCAL in preparation for FCS integration;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalConfig.xml - updated to point to new module files for HCAL detector;
Geometry/FcsmGeo/FcsmConfig.xml, HcalGeo1.xml, PlatGeo1.xml, PresGeo1.xml, WcalGeo1.xml - added new files for forward calorimeter system, comprising "West" EM calorimter, Hadronic Calorimeter, platform and preshower detectors;
Geometry/StgmGeo/StgmConfig.xml, StgmGeo1.xml - implemented initial version of the sTGC geometry model;
Geometry/FstmGeo/FstmConfig.xml, FstmGeo.xml - implemented initial version of the forward silicon tracker;
xgeometry/xgeometry.age - reduced physics set for 32 v 64 bit nightly tests;
modified to allow for detailed control over geant physics flags;
implemented new dev2012 geometry tag;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/tpcBuilder.cxx - fixed error in sector numbering for clusters;
tofBuilder.cxx - modified to change the TOF Trigger Window back to the begining of run19 for 31.2 and 100 GeV test run;
Main features:
- updated StETofMatchMaker & StETofCalibMaker codes;
- fixed bug (#3390) related to TPC dE/dx of Run 19 data;
- fixed bug in MuDst with FMS collection in run 2016 data;
- StEpdUtil added sum-of-weights information, for both wheels and rings;
- OnlTools updated for eTOF online histograns for run 2019;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - added sDCA vs. time-in-run;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to fix bug #3390 and adjusted to add St_TpcAdcCorrectionMDF.h;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h - modified to add extra correction for the 1st pad row; increased range for gain correcton;
St_TpcDriftVelRowCorC.h - added new file to add extra correction for the 1st pad row;
StPidStatus.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - modified to fix bug #3390 and adjusted to addition of St_TpcAdcCorrectionMDF;
StEpdEpFinder.cxx, StEpdEpInfo.cxx, StEpdEpInfo.h - added sum-of-weights information, for both wheels and rings, for both raw and phi-weighted;
StEpdEpFinder.cxx - fixed indexing bug which caused an error in the new SumOfWeights quantity;
StEpdEpInfo.cxx - fixed bug in bounds-checking for sum-of-weights return methods in StEpdEpInfo.cxx;
StETofCalibMaker.h - added function to set the reference pulser;
StETofCalibMaker.cxx - changed default value for reference pulser;
StETofMatchMaker.cxx - modified to match distances as member variables and updated handling for many-tracks-to-one-hit matches;
StETofMatchMaker.cxx, StETofMatchMaker.h - updated start time for simulation and more histograms added to doQA mode;
StETofMatchMaker.h - changed match distances to become member variables;
StETofGeometry.h - added support for StPicoHelix;
COMMON/StMuFmsUtil.cxx - modified to solve the issue with FMS data writing in picoDst format;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - modified to fix TrackDirection, added extra correction for the 1st pad row; fixed bug #3390; added St_TpcAdcCorrectionMDF;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx - made changes for the trigger simulator to only use 2013 algorithms for that year, not for later years, later years still use 2009 algorithms;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx - made changes for the trigger simulator to only use 2013 algorithms for that year, not for later years, later years still use 2009 algorithms;
StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added sDCA vs. time-in-run ;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added earliest TACs for BBC/VPD/EPD to trigger data; added bunch id to event;
EventTracker/FtfSl3.cxx, gl3Event.cxx, FtfSl3.h, eventTrackerLib.cxx, gl3Event.cxx, gl3Event.h, gl3Hit.h - updated;
FtfSl3.cxx, FtfSl3.h, gl3Event.cxx, gl3Event.h, gl3Hit.cxx, gl3Hit.h, gl3Track.cxx, l3CoordinateTransformer.cxx, l3CoordinateTransformer.h - added iTPC;
src/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, fcs_data_c.cxx, fcs_data_c.h - added some features; updated to fix the bugs;
src/DAQ_STGC/stgcPed.cxx - updated;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7a.xml - modified to enable the sstOnOsc misalignment for the SST geometry model;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.y2019.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.y2019.C,iTPCSurvey.y2019.C, itpcPadPlanes.C - added real a nd ideal position for year 2019 TPC/iTPC geometry;
TpcAdcCorrectionMDF.C - added default TpcAdcCorrectionMDF, year 2019 version of TpcResponseSimulator;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2019.C, tpcAltroParams.y2019.C - modified for year 2019 version of TpcResponseSimulator;
idl/tpcCorrection.idl - modified to fix bug #3390;
TpcResponseSimulator.idl - added extra correction for the 1st pad row ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added bunch id to event; moveed bunch_id to BESGood; added earliest TACs for BBC/VPD/EPD to trigger data; changed binning;
tpcBuilder.cxx, tpcBuilder.h - added no cluster vs sector; changed cluster y scale;
LaserReader.cxx, LaserReader.h - updated;
etofBuilder.cxx - implemented better way to get slope in multiplicity correlation plot; updated to put resetTime label back to green color in the startrun() function;
etofBuilder.h, etofBuilder.cxx - fixed a few histogram axis labels; changed reference pulser; added empty channel count to digi density plot;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
StOnlineDisplay - all codes removed because they are unsuported;
StTpcHitMaker/StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.cxx
Library has been retagged with tag SL19b_1 and updated codes rebuilt.
Main features:
- added TPC codes modification related to dEdx calibrations for run 2018 data production;
- introduced codes for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
- implemented y2019a geometry first production release;
- added Fixed target geometry for year 2019 ;
- implemented full iTPC geometry ;
- added new version of PYTHIA 8 (Pythia8_2_35) event generator in StarGenerator;
- implemented KLUD geometry which allows for the creation of up to 10 effective cylindrical and/or disk volumes aligned along the z-axis;
- QtRoot removed;
- OnlTools: StJevpBuilders & StJevpPlot updated for run 2019;
- fixed #3388 related to StiCA problem across some sector boundaries;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/agetof/agetof.def - fixed required for 64 bits starsim: the *differences* between memory addresses;
Simulation/starsim/atgeant/agdgetp.age, agsbegm.age, agspopb.age, agspopb.age, agspush.age, agsreset.age, axposition.age - updated for 64 bits locf ==>longF agdgetp.age;
Simulation/starsim/comis/cbis.F, ccopysa.F, ccopysa.F, cscall.F, cscalx.F, cscath.F, cschar.F, csetc.F, csicha.F,csicns.F, csinc1.F, csinccl.F, csincl.F, csinfh.F, csinfn.F, csinit.F, csint1.F, csinta.F, csintx.F, csintz.F, cskcal.F, cspmd0.F, cspmd1.F, cspmd2.F, cspmd3.F, cspmd4.F, cspmd5.F, cspmd6.F, cspmd7.F, cspmd8.F, cspmd9.F, cspmfs.F, cssetc.F, cstran.F, mhdef.F, mhfree.F, mident.F - added 64 bits version of comis codes;
Simulation/starsim/comis/comis/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, miword.F, pilot.h - added 64 bits version of comis codes;
Simulation/starsim/deccc/cscald.c, cscali.c, cscalia.c, cscalr.c, cschar.c, csmytokn.cxx, jumptn.c, jumpxn.c, locf.c - added 64bits version of comis codes;
cs_hlshl.c - added 64 bits function pointer ==> token ;
idisp.c - fixed 64 bits adresses;
Simulation/starsim/dzdoc/mzpaw.F - 64bits modification: use array in common instead of malloc;
Simulation/starsim/geant/gzebra.F - modified to increase Zebra to 20M words;
rexe/TGeant3/gcomad.F - modified for 64bits: integer*8 for address;
StHistUtil.cxx - modified QA hists for run 2019 data;
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added picoDst BSMD write mode, implemented chain for Chains for 2019 data + etof compended, implemented options for shadowing and AbortGapCleaning distortion correction;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx - modified to move usage of pointer to after instantiation of the pointer ;
StBichselLinkDef.h, StdEdxModel.cxx, StdEdxModel.h, bichdX.C, bichselG.C, bichselG10.C - modified for run 2018 dEdx calibration ;
StdEdxPull.cxx, StdEdxPull.h - new files added for run 2018 dEdx calibration;
GeometryDbAliases.h, StChain.cxx - added y2019a geometry first production release;
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx, EMC_SmdReader.cxx - modifications for 64bits: use TTimeStamp for unix time ;
StDbDefs.hh, - updated for eTOF DB management;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h,,, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - updated to complete dEdx calibrations for run 2018 data production; added new function 'PredictSpaceCharge()' using real hit radii;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - updated for for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, StSstSurveyC.h, StTpcSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h, St_itpcPadGainT0C.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, St_tpcSlewingC.h, St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcPadConfigC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, St_tpcRDOMasksC.h, St_tpcRDOMapC.h, St_tpcRDOT0offsetC.h, StiTPCHitErrorCalculator.h, St_tpcTimeDependenceC.h, StiTpcChairs.cxx - modified to complete dEdx calibrations for run 2018 data production;
St_iTPCSurveyC.h - removed defined but not implemented functions;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, St_tpcSCGLC.h - updated for for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
St_tpcPadConfigC.cxx - removed;
StETofCalibMaker.cxx, StETofCalibMaker.h - added first version of pulser correction procedure;
StETofHitMaker.h - added cyclic mean calculation function for average hit time;
StETofHitMaker.cxx - added more correlation & average hit time histograms for offline QA;
StETofMatchMaker.cxx - added more histograms for offline QA;
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx - updated to remove creating and deleting StMaker;
StTpcHit.h, StTpcHitCollection.cxx, StTpcHitCollection.h - updated to complete dEdx calibrations for run 2018 data production;
StEventCompendiumMaker.cxx, StEventCompendiumMaker.h - removed redundant definition of mag.field in Event summary;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - added flexibility for iTpc hits;
StTinyMcTrack.cxx - OverComplicated print commented out;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - fixed some memory leaks;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - bug fixed: check the existence of vertex when analyzing StEvent ;
StMtdMatchMaker.h - improved: extrapolate tracks to the proper primary vertex when available;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added option to apply vertex vr cut ;
StMtdTrigUtil.cxx - added MTD trigger utility class for analyzing MTD trigger information;
StMtdTrigUtil.h - added function to retrieve QT trigger channel ;
StSpaceChargeDistMaker.cxx - enabled TPC/iTPC switch via St_tpcPadConfig;
CentralityMaker.cxx, CentralityMaker.h, StRefMultCorr.cxx, StRefMultCorr.h - new modules for cantrality definition;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - introduced codes for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
StTpcAvClusterMaker.cxx, StTpcAvClusterMaker.h, StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcHitMakerLinkDef.h, StTpcMixerMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h, St_daq_adc_tb.h, St_daq_cld.h, St_daq_sim_adc_tb.h, St_daq_sim_cld.h, St_tpc_cl.h - updated to complete dEdx calibration for run 2018 data production;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - introduced codes for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - reshaped;
StTpcRSMakerLinkDef.h, TF1F.cxx, TF1F.h - updated to complete dEdx calibrations for run 2018 data production;
StTreeMaker.cxx - removed assert;
StDSMUtilities/DSMLayer_B001_2009.hh, DSMLayer_B101_2009.hh, DSMLayer_E001_2009.hh, DSMLayer_E101_2009.hh, DSMLayer_EM201_2009.hh, DSMLayer_LD301_2009.hh, TCU_2009.hh, trgUtil_2009.hh - updated;
StTrsMaker.cxx - bug fixed;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_subsystems.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - updated for run 2019 QA histograms;
St_db_Maker.cxx - added ATTENTION message;
St_geant_Maker.cxx, St_geant_Maker.h, navigate.g - Implemented a templated method for creating and filling the g2t hit tables; bug fixed;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx - updated primary vertex sigma names; updated vertex errors;
StarGenerator/BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - Fixes particle time-of-flight;
StarGenerator/Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - fixed mistake in declaration of FORtran/C++ rng interface;
address.F - modified to use iso_c_binding to establish FORtran/C++ interface;
hijing1.383.F - modified for better implementation; checked that the candidate string number (N_ST) is not past the last generated particle.;
StarGenerator/Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx - fixed bug #3364 related to distance Units in the Simulation Framework, made it mm consistent with the HEPEVT standard used in event generators ;
StarGenerator/Pythia6_2_22/address.F - modfied to use iso_c_binding for to establish interface to C++;
StarGenerator/Pythia6_4_23/address.F - modfied to use iso_c_binding for to establish interface to C++;
StarGenerator/Pythia6_4_28/address.F - modfied to use iso_c_binding for to establish interface to C++;
StarGenerator/Pythia8_2_35/ - multiple codes updated to install version of PYTHIA 8 event generator;
StarGenerator/UrQMD3_3_1/address.F - modfied to use iso_c_binding for to establish interface to C++;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modified to add PicoTrack for StPidStatus, added protection for range in Phi correction;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxHist.cxx, dEdxHist.h - added dE/dx calibration for run 2018 isobar and AuAu 27GeV data production;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - fixed JetCorr tracking problem;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - modified to restore NHitsPossible by swimming through other layers in getAllPointCount() after removing from initalize0();
StiDetectorContainer.cxx, StiDetectorContainer.h - introduced restricted swimming in moveIn() necessary for following reasonable trajectories;
StiMaker.cxx - fixed bug;
EventTracker/gl3Event.cxx, l3CoordinateTransformer.h - updated;
include/RC_Config.h, cmds.h, daq100Decision.h, daqFormats.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, iccpHeader.h, prepareGbPayload.h, rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - updated for run 2019;
include/DB/RunLog/daqEventTag.h - updated for run 2019;
scr/rtsmakefile.def - updated;
scr/DAQ_FCS/daq_fcs.cxx, daq_fcs.h - updated DAQ for FCS detector;
fcs_data_c.cxx - new files for FCS detector;
scr/DAQ_ITPC/daq_itpc.cxx, daq_itpc.h, itpcFCF.cxx, itpcInterpreter.cxx, itpcInterpreter.h, itpcPed.cxx, itpcPed.h - updated DAQ for iTPC;
scr/DAQ_L4/daq_l4.h - updated;
src/DAQ_STGC/stgcPed.cxx - updated;
scr/DAQ_TPC/daq_tpx.cxx, tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxGain.cxx, tpxPed.cxx - updated;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C, rts_example.trg.C - updated;
trg/include/RTS_EXAMPLE/trgDataDefs.h, trgDataDefs_46.h - new code for run 2019 trigger data;
sim/g2t/g2t_get_kine.F, g2t_volume_id.g - updated;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2019a.C - added year 2019 geometry;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.r2015.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.r2016.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.r2018.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2015.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2016.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2018.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2018.C.Altro3, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2018.C.Altro4, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2019.C, TpcAvgCurrent.y2019.C - new files;
TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2018.C, TpcAvgPowerSupply.y2019.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C, TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.dev2019.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2017.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2019.C - modified;
TpcCurrentCorrectionX.20170101.000000.root, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2018.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2019.C, TpcDriftVelRowCor.20190101.000007.C, TpcDriftVelRowCor.20190101.000400.C, TpcDriftVelRowCor.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2018.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2019.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.y2016.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.y2018.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2005.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.y2016.C, TpcPadCorrectionMDF.y2018.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2005.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2018.C - added new files;
TpcRowQ.y2005.C, TpcRowQ.y2006.C, TpcRowQ.y2019.C, TpcSecRowB.C, TpcSecRowB.y2018.C, TpcSecRowC.C - modified;
tpcAltroParams.y2010.C, tpcAltroParams.y2016.C, tpcElectronics.dev2019.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20071101.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20080128.000000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.y2018.C - updated;
TpcSecRowB.y2019.C, TpcSecRowC.y2018.C, TpcSecRowC.y2019.C, TpcTanL.y2018.C, TpcTanL.y2019.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2018.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2019.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.r2018.C, TpcdXCorrectionB.y2016.C, itpcPadGainT0.C, itpcPadGainT0.r2018.root, itpcPadGainT0.y2018.C, itpcPadGainT0 .y2019.C, tpcAltroParams.20180426.121919.C, tpcAltroParams.20180426.124701.C, tpcAltroParams.y2019.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2019.C, tpcGas.y2018.C, tpcPadGainT0.y2018.C, tpcPressureB.r2018.C, tpcPressureB.r2019.C, tpcPressureB.y2018.C, tpcRDOMap.C, tpcRDOMap.r2016.C, tpcRDOMap.y2016.C, tpcRDOT0offset.20180312.162439.C, tpcRDOT0offset.C, tpcRDOT0offset.y2019.C - new files;
tpcSectorT0offset.20190118.000001.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190118.000003.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190118.000005.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190204.200005.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190205.160005.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190207.115309.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190212.121959.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190214.225622.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190215.021615.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190215.224935.C, tpcSectorT0offset.20190223.080000.C, tpcSectorT0offset.y2019.C, tpcTimeDependence.C - new files;
Geometry/tpc/TpcInnerSectorPositionB.y2016.C, iTPCSurvey.CtpcPadPlanes.C - new files;
itpcPadPlanes.C, tpcPadConfig.y2019.C, tpcPadPlanes.dev2019.C - updated;
idl/TpcResponseSimulator.idl, tpcPadPlanes.idl - updated for dE/dx calibration;
idl/ rhicfBarMap.idl, rhicfGain.idl, rhicfPedestal.idl, rhicfPlateRange.idl - new tables for RHICf detector;
etofPulserTotPeak.idl - new eTOF table;
tpcChargeEvent.idl - new table for AbortGapCleaning distortion corrections;
Geometry/StarGeo.xml - added y2019a geometry first production release;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo3.xml - updated to make sure correct version of data structure is available;;
Geometry/KludGeo/KludGeo.xml - implemented KLUD geometry which allows for the creation of up to 10 effective cylindrical and/or disk volumes aligned along the z-axis;
KludConfig.xml - enabled run-time configuration for this geometry during starsim runs;
Geometry/PipeGeo/PipeConfig.xml, PipeGeo.xml - added Fixed target geometry;
TargConfig.xml - added file to control target geometry;
TargGeo.xml - added Fixed target geometry;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceConfig.xml, TpceGeo5.xml - updated experimental geometry. Make some of the "standard" paramters the default;
TpceGeo6.xml - implemented full iTPC geometry ;
StarAgmlLib/AgMLStructure.h - rguement was shadowing a member, resulting in (legion of) warnings;
AgModule.cxx, AgModule.h - removed unused reference to (deprecated) AgStructure class;
Mortran.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - fixed coverity defects;
StarAgmlUtil/AgParameterList.h - fixed coverity defects;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/JevpBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.cxx, daqBuilder.h, etofBuilder.cxx, etofBuilder.h, etofMessageFormat.cxx, etofMessageFormat.h, l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h, trgBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.h - updated for run 2019;
tpcBuilder.cxx, tpcBuilder.h - new TPC builder files for run 2019;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlot.cxx, JevpPlot.h, JevpPlotSet.cxx, JevpPlotSet.h, JevpServer.cxx - updated for run 2019 online QA plots;
New features of the library:
- eTOF and related codes updated;Next codes have been updated
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - implemented options for eTOF processing;
TRG/trgStructures2019.h - trigger data for run 2019
StETofCalibMaker.cxx , StETofCalibMaker.h - new maker for eTOF detector;
StETofDigiMaker.cxx, StETofDigiMaker.h - new maker for eTOF detector;
StETofHitMaker.cxx, StETofHitMaker.h - new maker for eTOF detector;
StETofMatchMaker.cxx, StETofMatchMaker.h - new maker for eTOF detector;
StBbcGeom.cxx, StBbcGeom.h, StEpdEpFinder.cxx, StEpdEpFinder.h, StEpdEpInfo.cxx, StEpdEpInfo.h,
StEpdEvp.cxx, StEpdEvp.h, StEpdGeom.cxx, StEpdGeom.h - updated for eTOF detector;
StEpdUtilLinkDef.h - new file for eTOF;
StDetectorDefinitions.h, StDetectorName.cxx, StETofDigi.h, StETofHit.cxx, StETofHit.h - updated
StEnumerations.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h - updated
StTpcRawData.h, StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h - updated
StETofPidTraits.cxx , StETofPidTraits.h - new files for eTOF;
StRHICfCollection.cxx, StRHICfCollection.h - new files for eTOF;
StTriggerData2019.cxx, StTriggerData2019.h - new files for trigger data run 2019;
COMMON/StMuETofCollection.cxx, StMuETofCollection.h, StMuETofDigi.cxx, StMuETofDigi.h, StMuETofHeader.cxx, StMuETofHeader.h, StMuETofHit.cxx, StMuETofHit.h, StMuETofPidTraits.cxx, StMuETofPidTraits.h - new files for eTOF detector;
StMuEvent.cxx, StMuEvent.h, StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTypes.hh - updated;
StPicoDstMaker.cxx, StPicoDstMaker.h, StPicoFmsFiller.cxx, StPicoFmsFiller.h, StPicoUtilities.h - updated
StPicoBEmcSmdEHit.cxx, StPicoBEmcSmdEHit.h, StPicoBEmcSmdPHit.cxx, StPicoBEmcSmdPHit.h - new files for BEmc;
StPicoArrays.cxx, StPicoArrays.h, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBEmcPidTraits.h - updated ;
StPicoBTofHit.cxx, StPicoBTofHit.h, StPicoBTofPidTraits.cxx, StPicoBTofPidTraits.h, StPicoBTowHit.cxx, StPicoBTowHit.h, StPicoBbcHit.cxx, StPicoBbcHit.h, StPicoCommon.h, StPicoDst.cxx, StPicoDst.h, StPicoDstLinkDef.h, StPicoDstReader.cxx, StPicoDstReader.h, StPicoEmcTrigger.cxx, StPicoEmcTrigger.h, StPicoEpdHit.cxx, StPicoEpdHit.h, StPicoEvent.cxx, StPicoEvent.h, StPicoFmsHit.cxx ,StPicoFmsHit.h, StPicoHelix.cxx, StPicoHelix.h, StPicoMtdHit.cxx, StPicoMtdHit.h, StPicoMtdPidTraits.cxx , StPicoMtdPidTraits.h, StPicoMtdTrigger.cxx, StPicoMtdTrigger.h, StPicoPhysicalHelix.cxx, StPicoPhysicalHelix.h, StPicoTrack.cxx, StPicoTrack.h, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.cxx, StPicoTrackCovMatrix.h - updated to improve style;
StTagsMaker.cxx - updated;
idl/etofCalibParam.idl, etofDetResolution.idl, etofDigiSlewCorr.idl, etofDigiTimeCorr.idl, etofDigiTotCorr.idl, etofElectronicsMap.idl, etofGeomAlign.idl, etofHitParam.idl , etofMatchParam.idl, etofResetTimeCorr.idl, etofSignalVelocity.idl, etofSimEfficiency.idl , etofStatusMap.idl, etofTimingWindow.idl - new tables for eTOF;
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS April 20, 2020 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16d_embed (SL16d_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g_embed (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 production SL16j_embed (SL16j_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k_embed (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17d (SL17d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production SL17d_embed (SL17d_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17f (SL17f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction; SL17g (SL17g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production; SL17i (SL17i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 cucu 200-22 GeV run 2005 reproduction; SL18b (SL18b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_physics production; SL18c (SL18c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_fms, st_mtd production; AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production; SL18c_embed (SL18c_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18f (SL18f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_epd production; AuHe3 200GeV run 2014 st_physics data production; SL18h (SL18h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 500GeV run 2017 st_rp stream data reproduction; AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data reproduction with selected trigger ID; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp stream data reproduction; pAu/pAl 200GeV run 2015 st_ssdmb stream data reporuduction; SL19a (SL19a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL19b (SL19b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 AuAu 27GeV run 2018 production SL19c (SL19c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 cuAu 200GeV run 2012 data reproduction SL19d (SL19d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 SL19e (SL19e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 old-> SL20a (SL20a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 pro-> SL20c (SL20c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 new-> SL20d (SL20d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 starnew -> SL20d starpro -> SL20c starold -> SL20a dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 -------------------------------------------------
SL20a library
SL20c library
SL20d library
Removed some of the QT libraries
Updates to make sl73_gcc485 compile
Write logs
Time parameter has been added to writeRunStatus function
makedir function has been commented and loop function has been updated too for handling new makedir function update
Added minEvts variable
Added time parameter to addEvent function
Added new functions getServerTag and freeServerTags
Fixed large event crashes
Checkpoint from daqst3
Some modification for offline/CINT compatibility. Using 6bit/64 instead of 8bit
Updated doHack function
Add PicoVtxFXT mode
Xin add more pions and add protons for T0s in the FXT mode
Add y2018c, y2019b and y2020b geometries with FXT @ 200.7 cm (offline reco measured position)
Add new chairs, add collision parameters calculation to St_beamInfoC
Added protection from corrupt Qt board data (Akio)
Avoid floating point exception (from Yuri)
Make SetVertexError() part of a generic finder
Update of the StPicoDstMaker class. Vertex selection option FXT has been added.
With it enabled, the first vertex that was reconstructed in the range from 198 to 202 cm
along z axis can be selected. Needed for the FXT program.
Update of the EPD hit methods
- Method to obtain truncated nMIP is added
- nMIP now handles bad tiles
Minor update of StPicoTrack. Method to calculate signed DCA of the track
to primary vertex has been added.
Wrong alarm, revert it back
uncomment lines regarding load EEMC FEE mask
Update with additional registers to be compatible with 2015 pAu run
Removed an old typo in the log messages regarding the corralgo version that the VPD will be using.
Fix two errors in FCS preshower hits.
Delay initialization of concrete hijing event generator until we generate
the first event.
Call AgExit in batch mode.
Remove unnecessary geometry call
Document better and provide a control flag
More clear randomization
Add TpcAccumlatedQ with 192 rows
adapted to RCF
updated by Jeff for mysql57
Specify makers to set attributes
Move to MySQL, clean up
Add y2018c, y2019b and y2020b geometries with FXT @ 200.7 cm (offline reco measured position)
Add y2018c, y2019b and y2020b geometries with FXT @ 200.7 cm (offline reco measured position)
Not sure why I need to resolve this dependency by hand...
Iterate over all nodes
Do not assert on hydrogen
Add y2018b geometry tag (add fixed target into geometry).
Enable y2020a geometry tag in xgeometry.
Protect against divide-by-almost-zero
Make safe against accessing ELOW(0)
Protect against cos(theta)>1 and/or <1
Apply changes found in VMC geant3 (reorder, protect against div-by-0's)
Add csguard call
add csguard call
Move update temporary back
assert added to check 64b consistency
Put back old version
Added CreateLinks as additional action
compiler bug with sse instructions avoided with code updates under geant321/gphys
Enable user-defined whitelist for ROOT/TGeo geometry construction
Fix cut-n-paste error on K0short definitionsetNdivisions(505) for hHLTGood2VzT object
double size the bTOF timing window for the 9.2 GeV and other lower energy collisions
Implemented logging
Avoided using timelog in _startrun, _stoprun and _event function
Activate and deactivate the runCanvasImageBuilder flag
Created new char variable, named as imagewritedir
Change the data type int to UINIT32 of RHIC_Trigger2
Xin add more pions and add protons for T0s in the FXT mode
Even more timing/clock info
Replace TString::Contains() with faster strchr()
fixed typo/bug in StEpdEpFinder.cxx where wrong eventType was used in phi weighting correction. This is expected to have minimal impact. Thanks to Xiaoyu Liu for finding the bug.
Small addition to the fast simulator instructions
Fixed small bug in StEpdFastSim where I was declaring the mGeom variable locally in the ctor
fixed memory leak in event generator and fast simulator
small bug fix that prevented DEV from compiling-- sorry!
fixed memory leak in event generator and fast simulator
fill L2Result when only present in MuDst files
Minor modification of StPicoDstReader. Now it can run with both ReadPicoEvent(...)
and readPicoEvent(...) methods.
Only look for StEvent when needed, e.g. not for raw modes such as in embedding
Reduce time-expenseive calls to GetInputDS(), some coverity cleanup
Remove compiler ambiguity on double vs. float in TMath::Min,Max()
some coverity cleanup
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Fix two errors in FCS preshower hits.
Accumulate and report total energy deposited in all active elements of the detector modules for the job.
Enabled fixed random number generator seeds
Fixed type in header guard
_added (Generalization of THelixTrack_ for arbitrary direction of mag field)
Out old version back
Included updated TRungeKutta.h header file
Newly added classes TRungeKutta, TRKuttaMag
Suppress eigen2
added global cons code for a single job
rename tpcSectorT0offset.20190223.080000.C to tpcSectorT0offset.20190101.000000.C, remove intermidiate tpcSectorT0offset.20190*.C
Add runtime option to remove forward EMcal (WCAL) and/or presehower (PRES)
from geometry. Feature was present on the forward tracking branch
at e.g. WcalGeo ver, but lost during integration onto main...
... probably intentional, as this is *not* a feature to be carried into
a production environment.
Fixed invalid component in mixture.
Fix issue with definition of Fluorine element ( Z swapped with A ) in two mixtures used in cooling tubes in the IST.
Extend AgModule with a tracking flag.
Warn / assert on invalid components of mixtures. Fill AgML extension class.
Disable optimization in starsim (may backstep)
Nodebug for geometry (not even -O1)
Info message added
Do not #include emacs backup files.
Added "-seed" option, permitting user to specified a fixed, reproducible
random number seed for reproducibility, or what have you.
Add FCS preshower volume ID
increment the right hit pointer on the track
Add W-cal and preshower hit pointers and preshower hit count to track
------------------Newly added files---------------
FCS preshower integration
Small change to forward calo preshower…
Extend TGeoVolume instances with additional information and functionality from AgML.
new Run17 params and Run18 params after separating sector20 from the rest
rename tpcSectorT0offset.20190223.080000.C to tpcSectorT0offset.20190101.000000.C, remove intermediate tpcSectorT0offset.20190*.C
Nightly test for starsim.
Generates hijing events (with a few extra muons thrown in). Creates
histograms for each g2t hit table, and the g2t track and vertex tables.
Fills each histogram with the number of entries in the table scaled by
the number of participating nucleons in the hijing interaction.
_added (Generalization of THelixTrack_ for arbitrary direction of mag field)
Add EMC DSM algorithm for the 2017 pp run
Commented makedir function call of writeImageFiles
This is the program called by the server which produces canvases and places them in a queue for the ImageWriter thread
Newly added makedir and getpath function. If the path doesn’t exist then create a directory by calling makedir function.
Added thrMsgQueue and pthread_mutex_t objects in ImageWritter class
Updated based on bug found in gcc 4.8.5. (SSE register problem)
Update from SL19a to SL19d
Included rtsSystems.h, added conditional log into void eemcBuilder::event
update epd plots to have right labels on tac east vs west
added status bit plot per Get4 and a better visualization of pulser time differences
update for reading in the status bit in pattern messages
Add ETOF QA plots, empty log message, set display range for HLTGood2VzT, Add beam width with fitting
update for 121 bx, Fixed phi calculation for charge distribution. Issue around phi=180 deg Masked out an itpc channel in sector 10 which in on/off hot.
update for 121 bx
Added external_miny in JavpPllot constructor, also added function to set MinY
update for 121 bx
etof table update requested by Florian
Change private to public variables class EvbChooser, newly added struct HLT_UDP_struct structure
As of June 25, we added the streaming feature. This forces all NORMAL triggers to have bit 0x8 set. the bit 0x8 unset means streaming trigger!
Added #define CMD2_STREAMING_TRIGGER 0x11
If seed is 0 then call srand48 function and log it with JEFF, seed48 =
Added ETOF Pi
Updated currtime function of RtsTimer class
Checkpoint from daqst2
Change the itpc_fee_map array (// moved #6 to #11; and #3 to #6)
Added fpga_fee_v_all variable and updated when strncmp(ascii_dta,"V: all",6)==0 and sscanf(ascii_dta,"V: all 0x%X",&id1)==1
Added FPGA versions (u_int fpga_fee_v_all)
get rid of log message, first two rdo's are ALLWAYS zero, as are all masked rdos
Newly added function void doHack(daqReader *rdr) with initHack() function has been updated
Add short tracks toward ETOF, end-of-line needed for nShortTrackForETOF
Chains for 2020, Using CorrY and pico defaults for 2020
Initilizd BTOF 2020
Initilizd BTOF 2020
Add ions
Y2011c added into static const DbAlias_t fDbAlias[]
added new database tables for pulsers, updated pulser handling and trigger time calculation, ignore duplicate digis from stuck firmware, use known pulser time differences inside one Gbtx to recover missing pulser signals, update handling of reset time for new cases in Run20
possibility to use step-wise track extrapolation in changing magnetic field via setting a flag, update to histograms for .hist.root files, added etof-only and hybrid btof-etof start time calculations for on-the-fly corrections, fixing StEvent part of eTOF-only T0 calculation
added handling of StPicoHelix in extrapolation & step-wise extrapolation in changing magnetic field
Add short tracks toward ETOF
Add short tracks toward ETOF
disable bbc option for trigger simulator
Option to change mag factor added, Buf fix. SAttr(...) always returns non zero pointer
Add short tracks toward ETOF
The update of the StPicoDstMaker and SPicoEvent classes that includes:
- Update of the StPicoTrack: BEMC-matched tower index, topology map for iTPC
- Update of the StPicoBEmcPidTraits: ntow algorithm that returns the tower index has been updated. A logical error has been fixed
- Update of StPicoDstMaker:
a) algorithm of storing StPicoBEmcE(P)Hit has been corrected for the shifts (periodicity in phi when calculating hit distances)
b) modifications related to StPicoTrack
c) correction of the eTOF information storage
- Support of TFG codes by adding preprocessor check of the __TFG__VERSION__ variable
gRefmult for Run14 and Run16 adde
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files, updating trigger simulator to accomodate run13 pp, run14 UPC and run15 pp dsm algorithms
removing old run13 dsm algo files
removing old run13 dsm algo files
Add more ETOF histograms
Introduce iTPC plots
Cleanup, replace return 1,2,3 by kXDFkind, kCkind, kROOTkind
Update to forward silicon geometry and associated changes to support.
0 ==> 1e-1
Print++, added print statement StarMagField(0,0,0) = …
BACKWORD to old version
TTreeIter with TChain
new dEdxModel for dN/dx, calibration for Run XVIII fixed Target
Add short tracks toward ETOF when there, remove toward EEMC when not there
Check non existing file
added options for Run16 dAu200 and dAu62 HFT embedding
added options for Run16 dAu39 and dAu20
change the default to pythia8 decayer
Include DbV, more like BFC
second order fix for cluster timing and dEdx - this eliminates the issue seen in hitmap for the TPC
Integrate preshower for FCS
Restore SL17i values for SIMU flag to these modules, such that conversions are made persistent in the event record in front of the FMS.
Integrate preshower for FCS
Restore SL17i values for SIMU flag to these modules, such that conversions are made persistent in the event record in front of the FMS.
Update to forward silicon geometry and associated changes to support.
Restore SL17i values for SIMU flag to these modules, such that conversions are made persistent in the event record in front of the FMS.
Sanity check will fail on assemblies, as they have no shape (thus no capacity aka volume). This commit properly handles assemblies.
Add options for fluka and fluka+mikap
Added SIMU flag to options for gprint.
Add profiling option to AgML parser
The incoming version of the FTS geometry takes ~30min to convert from
AgML to the compilable "cxx" files, signifincatly longer than other
geometries. Conversion to "age" files does not take notiably longer
than other geometries.
Running the python profiler on AgML identifies the "replacements()"
function as the leading time consumer. This function performs a
number of text searches using python's regular expression module.
Several regex's are processed on each line of XML code which agml
parses. The result is a significant slow down as some fairly complicated
regexs must be compiled over and over again.
This commit adds two guard statements, which perform a fast check to
see if the line in question needs to be tested against the expensive
regular expressions.
To verify that these changes have no impact on the code, I performed
a unix diff on the ".cxx" and ".h" outputs, comparing before and after
this change. There were zero differences found
Remove print statement added in last commit.
Changes to forward silicon geometry, and associated volume ID changes.
Fix g2t_volume_id for forward silicon
Newly added files:
Adding StEpdFastSim area for EPD fast simulation
new ETOF table for Florian
y2020a fast offline geometry
ideal/empty calib for 2020
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS APR 9, 2021 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 14.6GeV run 2014 production SL15c (SL15c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data production with HFT SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL16d (SL16d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp,pAu,pAl run 2015 production without HFT tracking SL16d_embed (SL16d_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g_embed (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16j (SL16j) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 production SL16j_embed (SL16j_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k_embed (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17d (SL17d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 dAu 20-200GeV run 2016 production SL17d_embed (SL17d_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17f (SL17f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 auau 200GeV run 2016 st_upc production; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp reproduction; SL17g (SL17g_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_W production; SL17i (SL17i) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 cucu 200-22 GeV run 2005 reproduction; SL18b (SL18b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_physics production; SL18c (SL18c_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_fms, st_mtd production; AuAu 54GeV run 2017 production; SL18c_embed (SL18c_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18f (SL18f_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 510GeV run 2017 st_epd production; AuHe3 200GeV run 2014 st_physics data production; SL18h (SL18h) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 pp 500GeV run 2017 st_rp stream data reproduction; AuAu 200GeV run 2014 data reproduction with selected trigger ID; pp 200GeV run 2015 st_rp stream data reproduction; pAu/pAl 200GeV run 2015 st_ssdmb stream data reporuduction; SL19a (SL19a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL19b (SL19b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 AuAu 27GeV run 2018 production SL19c (SL19c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 cuAu 200GeV run 2012 data reproduction SL19d (SL19d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 SL19e (SL19e_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 SL20a (SL20a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3
SL20c (SL20c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3
SL20d (SL20d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 SL21a (SL21a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 SL21b (SL21b_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 SL21c (SL21c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 SL21d (SL21d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 old -> SL20d (SL20d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 pro -> SL21a (SL21a) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 new -> SL21b (SL21b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 starnew -> SL21b starpro -> SL21a starold -> SL20d dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL7.3 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.38 SL7.3 -------------------------------------------------
DB Update
protected OpenMP function calls with macro to make the code without flag -fopenmp
Commented some of the code
Added capability of reading multiple files
Commented fms,fps builder
added float variable
Added structure definition EvbSummary
Changed the LOG
Added GS_SYNCING for FCS use
added case for 0x9810
End of FY19 run
Added the code to change the trigger frequency
Added fcs2019 to tinfo
Introducing meaningful nTofSigma calculations in VPDstartless mode
modified for initialise Run21
relocate StVpdSimConfig.h to StBTofUtil area for shared used between StBTofSimMaker, StVpdSimMaker, and StBTofCalibMaker
change path to StVpdSimConfig.h from StVpdSimMaker to StBTofUtil
Commit y2021a production geometry
Updated to add FCS elements (Akio)
update unixTime in StJetEvent to return correct unixTime
update unixTime in StJetSkimEvent to return correct unixTime
move StVpdSimConfig.h to StBTofUtil area for shared used between StBTofCalibMaker and StVpdSimMaker
Update to gstar_part.g and StarClassLibrary to support simulation of H4 Lambda , He4 Lambda and He5 Lambda hypernuclei
Limit consideration to final state particles, and allow user to specify parent of trigger particle(s).
Commit y2021a production geometry
Revised disk positions from FV.
Update TPC deadzone based on observed difference in fixed target data
Fix inner vs outer deadzone
Improve volume/shape sanity check... no need to check shapeless assembly volumes.
Commit y2021a production geometry
Add optstar includes for forward tracking.
Reduce verbosity
Remove the STOP, as we may be passed stable nuclei here
---Newly added files---
Initial Revision
move StBTofSimResParams.h and StVpdSimConfig.h to StBTofUtil area for shared used between StBTofCalibMaker and the SimMakers for BTOF and VPD
Include radout/writeout of VPD resolutions.
Just change center TB for LED since Tonko shifted by 1RC
added few things for led/physics
Fixed crash on too many clusters in sector
Define Unix
Define vxworks
Define Unix & Linux
Fixed bug in ZS
New function load_fc_map and bad_error, error_count variable
Implemented killed FEEs
FY21: bad port #13 on RDO ID 0x))52ED7C moved to #11
Added VMM handling
Added STGC VMM decoding
Tweaked so that I can use any gain file
Small adjustment to label size
Add StEventUtilities dependence for StTpcHitMover
Add PicoVtxVpdOrDefault
Add StEventUtilities dependence for StTpcHitMover
Add dev2022 as default in the 2022 timeline
adding new db domain: FCS
Pass a padrow to alignment codes to determine inner vs outer sector alignment matrix
Introduce Event-by-Event T0 corrections
Fixed deleting of created hits with StEvent data
Fixed memory leak in StEtofHitMaker.cxx by adding a delete to merged hits
Added StEpdTrivialEventGenerator and StEpdFastSim to the LinkDef file
Fixed bugs: 1.sin(theta)->fabs(tan(theta)) when calculating x/yHit. 2.setQTdata(pow(2,30)) when initiating a StPicoEpdHit
Include the front-end mismatch pattern (Philipp
Added setFcsCollection method (Akio)
Fix of the missing FXT vertex selection mode due to the version missmatch
Update of the StPicoEvent:
- Information of zdcUnAttenuated values, number of primary tracks (FXT mult) added to Event
- Add MC information (vertices and tracks) as the McVertex and McTrack classes
- Add nSigma(e/pi/K/p) for BTofPidTraits
- IdTruth, QATruth and vertex index added to Track
Add missing classes
Introduce Event-by-Event T0 corrections
Get histogram lists up-to-date
Trigger ID names only available from year 2001 on
Re-work the trigger bits plot to have actual trigger names
Add TpcAccumlatedQ with 192 rows
Add comments to explain recent commits resolving a seg fault with identical hits
Add StTpcDb dependency for StEvenntUtilities
Remove StTpcDb dependence for StEventUtilities
Sort out mismatch in names and decay modes for the lambda/lambdabar
Remove StTpcDb dependence for StEventUtilities
dev2022 implements forward calorimter system as planned (no dedicated preshower)
New name is required in order for AgML/G4star to pickup isvol=1 flag... probably true for agstar as well
And add in the xgeometry interface for dev2022 geometry
Remove the STOP, as we may be passed stable nuclei here
====== Newly added files ======
Add real and ideal position for y2019
DB loader for dev2022
Commit y2021a production geometry
macro to simulate the jet production with pythia (for 2015 transverse data)
bfcMixer for Jet embedding
Add missing classes.
Remove StTpcDb dependence for StEventUtilities
Introduce Event-by-Event T0 corrections
Introduce Event-by-Event T0 corrections
Adding VHDL from online/RTS/TRG_FCS/VHDL
Added VMM handling
new TRG table for Gene
new FCS tables for Akio
StRoot/StBFChain/BigFullChain.h version 1.312
STAR SOFTWARE NEWS December 3, 2007
The present release assignment:
SL02d (SL02d) ROOT_LEVEL 3.02.07 AuAu 200GeV real data production
SL02e (SL02e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.02.07 pp and AuAu 200GeV real data production
SL03f (SL03f) ROOT_LEVEL 3.05.04 ppMinBias 2001/2002 rerun, pp200 Pythia
SL03h (SL03h) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu and pp data reproduction
SL04d (SL04d) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 62 GeV production (continue with SL04e)
SL04e (SL04e) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 AuAu 200 & 62 GeV Hijing production
SL04f (SL04f_a) ROOT_LEVEL 3.10.01 dAu 200GeV reproduction
SL05a (SL05a) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200, productionMinBias
SL05c (SL05c) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 AuAu200 production
SL05d (SL05d_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 CuCu 200&62 Gev production
SL05e (SL05e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.00.04 pp200 MC production
SL05f (SL05f_3) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp run 2005 production
SL05h (SL05h) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 SL 3.0.5
SL06b (SL06b_1) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 cucu 200GeV production
SL06d (SL06d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC prod for SVT&SSD review
old-> SL06e (SL06e) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 pp 2006 production
SL06f (SL06f_2) ROOT_LEVEL 4.04.02 MC production for TUP
SL06g (SL06g_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production for TUP, SL4.4
SL07a (SL07a_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 MC production, SL4.4
pro-> SL07b (SL07b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, SL4.4
SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu reproduction, pp200 pythia,SL4.4
new-> SL07d (SL07d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV, run 2007,SL4.4
dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL4.4
.dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00
SL06g library
SL06f library
SL06e library
SL06d library
SL06c library
SL06b library
SL06a library
SL05h library
SL05g library
SL05f library
SL05e library
SL05d library
SL05c library
SL05b library
SL05a library
SL04k library
SL04j library
SL04i library
SL04h library
SL04g library
SL04f library
SL04e library
SL04d library
SL04c library
SL04b library
SL04a library
SL03h library
SL03f library
SL03e library
SL03d library
SL03c library
SL03b library
SL02i library
SL02h library
SL02g library
SL02f library
SL02e library
SL02d library
SL02c library
SL02b library
SL02a library
SL01l library
SL01k library
SL01i library
SL01j library
Library releases before 10/01/2001
August 10, 2007
SL06g library has been updated with codes below to make patches for SL4.4 platform:
- StDbBroker ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbClock.cxx ;
- StTpcDb
StRTpcDimensions.cxx/h, StRTpcElectronics.cxx/h, StRTpcFieldCage.cxx/h, StRTpcGlobalPosition.cxx/h,
StRTpcHitErrors.cxxh, StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.cxx/h, StRTpcSlowControlSim.cxx/h,
StRTpcWirePlane.cxx/h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx/h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx;
- StStarLogger
- StJetMaker
SL06g library was rebuild and retagged with tag SL06g_2.
July 12, 2007
library SL06g has been updated with codes below to corrected gcc4 compilation needed for transition to SL4.4 platform.
- asps/staf
- StEmcUtil
- StEmcUtil
- StGenericVertexMaker
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx, r1.10;
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, r1.27;
- Sti
Base/StiFactory.h, r2.8;
StiMasterHitLoader.h, r2.9;
StiHitLoader.h, r2.7;
- Stl3Util
base/St_l3_Coordinate_Transformer.cxx, r1.5;
- StarClassLibrary
- mgr
Updated codes have been retagged with tag SL06g_1
December 22, 2006
new library SL06g (tagged as SL06g) has been created, tested and released on December 26
Main features:
- new ROOT version 5.12.00;
- new geometries added for tracking upgrade study & development; StRnD codes adjusted
- StiPullEvent has been modified for tracking upgrade study, for detailes look at the email ;
- first release of QtRoot in STAR library;
Next codes have been updated:
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - added ShortedManualRing() and protection against B=0 filed;
StMaker.cxx - added geometry tags upgr10 & upgr11; included Upgr12 tag (corrected IGT);
StMaker.h - replace the class StMessMgr forward declaration with the real declaration and adjust St_TLA_Maker to show how to use logger;
StDbLib, - modified;
ChapiDbHost.cxx/h, ChapiStringUtilities.cxx/h, StDbServiceBroker.cxx/h, StlXmlTree.cxx/h - added new files for db load balancing ;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - modified EndCap embedding;
StEEmcFastmaker.h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - modified for Endcap embedding ;
StEEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h - new files added for Endcap embedding;
StEEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified for Endcap embedding ;
StEEmcPrint.cxx/h - new files added for Endcap embedding;
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggermaker.cxx/h - first update for 2006 BEMC L0;
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx - adjusted for QtRoot ;
Hpd/StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx - fixed air and silicon variables; fixed the bug related to the starting angle of the first detector; fixed the width;
Ist/StiIstHitLoader.cxx - fixed UPGR09 geometry layer number mismatch bug; fixed problem with UPGR09 comparibility to make it possible to run other configurations;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - added fix for UPGR09 geometry problem with layer numbers mismatch, fixed UPGR09 comparibility to work with all geometry versions;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to better handling zero magnetic field;
StSsdUtil - get back to previous daqCutValue;
StTofSimMaker.cxx - fixed to avoid zero adc values in the denominator;
GeomBrowser.ui,GeomBrowser.ui.h, QExGeoDrawHelper.cxx/h, QExObjectListItem.h, QtGBrowserGeoDrawHelper.h, QtGBrowserInspect.h, QtGBrowserObjectListItem.h, StGeomBrowser.cxx/h, St_geom_MakerLinkDef.h, arrow_left.xpm, arrow_right.xpm, reload.xpm, snapshot.xpm, view3d.xpm, wirebox.xpm - added the the interactive Qt-based version of the st_geom_Maker;
GeomBrowser.ui, GeomBrowser.ui.h - added new method to read inventor file with the GeomBrowse; updated list of standard Geant geometries;
St_TLA_Maker.cxx - replace the class StMessMgr forward declaration with the real declaration and adjust St_TLA_Maker to show how to use logger;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - operator = added; method getPoint added;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - info block added and filled for pulls; method getRxy() added; reduce() added for testNode; inf=0 added in default constructor ;
StiTrackFinder.h - defind default = ON for treeSearch ;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - set if hit candidates number added ; direct dependency from SVT removed;
StiTreeNode.cxx/h - detauch of tail added ;
StiToolkit.h - StiNodeInf factory added ;
StiTrack.cxx/h - operator = added;
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx - modified;
StiDetectorGroup.h, StiGenericDetectorGroup.cxx/h - implemented the generic detector group for OO polymorphism ;
StiToolkit.h - modified for polymorphic StiDetectorGroup container implemention ;
StiMaker.cxx/h - noTreeSearch flag added ;
StiDeafultToolkit.cxx/h - StiNodeInf factory added;
StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - fillPulls reorganized; filling pull with trackes added;
StiGeomMake.cxx/h - added new code to convert StiDetector to TVolume for EventDisplayMaker ; added StiDetector decorator to make4 correct ROOT ContextMenu and Browse;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx/h - modified ;
StiDetectorVolume.cxx/h - added;
StiGeomMaker/cxx/h - removed;
StiPullEvent.cxx/h - added branches mHitsR, nHitCand, iHitCand;
StiPullEvent.cxx/h - trackes added;
StCheckQtEnv.cxx - adjusted ROOT version;
istbgeo/istbgeo5.g - added two layers, mid layer at 9.5 cm;
istbgeo/istbgeo4.g - geometry with mid layer only at 9.5 cm;
istbgeo/istbgeo3.g - added code field to the main structure to handle version volume id;
geometry/geometry.g - introduced geometry tags Upgr10 & Upgr11 which utilize source files istbgeo4 and istbgeo5; corrected geometry with tag UPGR12 (for IGT)
geometry/geometry.g - added geometry tag DUMM01 which will be used for material balance effect study;
dumngeo/dumngeo.g - a dummy object added to aid in material balance study;
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified to introduce versioning for the multiple IST configurations;
g2t/g2t_fgt.F, g2t_fst.F, g3t_igt.F, g2t_ist.F - commented out print statement;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.upgr10.root, Geometry.upgr10.C, geom.upgr10.root,upgr10.h,upgr10.rz ;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.upgr11.root, Geometry.upgr11.C, geom.upgr11.root,upgr11.h,upgr11.rz ;
first module release in new STAR library;
December 15, 2006
library SL06f has been updated with codes needed for Uprg06 & Upgr09 geometries.
Library was rebuilt, retagged with tag SL06f_2 and released.
Next codes have been updated:
StMaker.cxx - upgr06 & upgr09 added;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - added hit error db loader; modified to gets hit smearing parameters for IST from the database;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to get hit errors from the database and make them different for each layer;
Hpd/StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to get hit errors from the database ;
geometry/geometry.g - added UPGR09 geometry tag, re-instate UPGR06 geometry tag; enable a cleaner barrel EMC code in Y2007
geometry/istbgeo3.g - added new IST configuration with only one, outer layer;
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo3.g - first version of FMS(FPD);
Calibrations/tracker/hpdHitError.20050101.000000.C - added hpd hit errors files;
Calibrations/tracker/ist1HitError.20050101.000000.C, ist2HitError.20050101.000000.C h - added two files with IST hit errors;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.upgr09.root, Geometry.upgr09.C, geom.upgr09.root,upgr09.h;
Detectors.upgr06.root, Geometry.upgr06.C, geom.upgr06.root,upgr06.h;
Nov 30, 2006
library SL06f has been updated with codes for Hft, Ist & Hpd hits smearing and bug fixes, rebuilt, retagged with tag SL06f_1 and release on December 1.
Next codes have been updated:
StMaker.cxx - upgr08 added;
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - added smearing for Hpd and Ist and a switch to turn it on and off;updated with Pixel resolution smearing.
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to use of pre-existing STAR DB inteface; added call to get tracking parameters from DB;
Hft/StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h - modified to overload of loadDS to extract tracking parameters;
Hft/StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - added smearing to hit loader;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - changed hit errors to 60 microns for x and 1.9 mm for y;
Hft/StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - added smearing to hit loader for Hft;
Hpd/StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to optimized hit errors;
geometry/geometry.g - updated upgr01 & upgr08 geometry; added Y2007 tag and set it up to include the new FMS(FPD)
Calibrations/tracker/hftHitError.upgr01.C, - MC smearing values for the HFT added;
Calibrations/tracker/hftTrackingParameters.upgr01.C - added Sti tracking parameters for Hft;
Calibrations/ssd/ssdStripCalib.upgr01.root - Added perfect SSD strip calib file: pedestals=150, rms=4;
VmcGeometry/upgr01.h - added new version of upgr01;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.upgr07.root, geom.upgr07.root, upgr07.h - files added for upgr07 geometry;
Detectors.upgr08.root, Geometry.upgr08.C, geom.upgr08.root, upgr08.h - files added for upgr08 geometry;
Nov 16, 2006
new library SL06f has been created, tagged with tag SL06f, build, tested and released on November 21 .
Main features:
- reshaped SSD simulation and reconstruction code;
- Sti uselees classes droped, codes ajusted; StiRnD implemented for tracking upgrades;
- geometry for tracking upgrade detectors developed ;
- new codes for tracking upgrade finalized at some stage (in ITTF framework) and committed;
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain
BigFullChain.h - St_spa_Maker and StSsdDaqMaker makers renamed to be consistent with recent changes in SSD code; taken out StiEmc and StiFtpc;
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - FtpcIT option removed, HpdIT option added ;
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - option 'skip1row' added to skip 1-st pad row in TPC; added new SSD chain
BigFullChain.h - renamed StiPixel to StiRnD, remove svtdEdx and old dEdx;
StBFChain.cxx - added hasSim definition for FCFMaker;
- StChain
StMaker.cxx/h - added new geometry tags: upgr04 and upgr04; added geometry y2005e ; added y2007 geometry tag - timestamp for new run will start at 20061101;
- StDbUtilities
St_svtRDOstrippedC.cxx/h - added new files;
- StdEdxMaker
II3padC.cxx, StSvtdEdxMaker.cxx/h, StdEdxMaker.cxx/h, StdEdxMakerLinkDef.h, dEdxPoint.h, dEdxTrack.cxx/h - removed StSvtdEdxMaker and old StdEdxMaker;
- StEvent
StRnDHit.h - fixed setDouble() interface;
- StEmcTriggerMaker
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - added 2005 J/Psi trigger;
- StEmcUtil
projection/StEmcPosition.cxx/h - added support for StMuTrack projections;
- StEventDisplayMaker
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h, StGlobalFilterTest.cxx, St_PolyLine3D.h, TEmcTower.cxx - fixed to make it work under ROOT 4.04 and ROOT 5.12;
- StFtpcClusterMaker - added definition of mPadPitch ;
- StFtpcTrackMaker - modified to move the reconstruction parameters maxDcaVertex,minNumTracks from code to CodeParams;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - comment out ftpc vs. tpc vertex histogram definitions, they are defined and filled in St_QA_Maker ;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StCtbUtility.cxx - removed dependencies from droped classes;
StiPPVertex/CtbHitList.cxx/h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx - removed dependencies from droped classes;
- StMcEvent, - added generic access functions for tracking and calorimeter hits ;
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEventLinkDef.h, StMcEventTypes.hh, - modified to add HPD hits;,, - added new files for HPD hits collection; - modified to update layer(), wafer() and side() methods;
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx - modified to fill the flag for the particles coming from primary vertex ; added HPD hits;
- StMiniMcMaker
StMiniEmbed.C - modified to use event branch instead of dst branch;
- StRTSClient
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - set hasSim definition to SetMode method;
- StSsdClusterMaker
package has been removed, now it's part of StSsdPointMaker;
- StSsdEvalMaker
package has been removed;
- StSsdDaqMaker
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - modified to replace St_DataSet => TDataSet;
- StSsdDbMaker
StSsdDbMaker.cxx, StSsdDbWriter.cxx, - added sim flag for ssdWafersPosition ;
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h - addjusted for the new Ssd reshaped code;
StSsdDbWriter.cxx/h, - codes removed due to reshaping;
- StSsdPointMaker
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - modified to use id_mctrack for setIdTruth and propagated to the hit;,, StSsdClusterControl.cxx/h, StSsdDynamicControl.cxx/h,,,,,,,, - removed because methods for all classes (StSsdStrip, StSsdCluster, StSsdPoint) has been moved to StSsdUtil;
- StSsdSimulationMaker
St_sls_Maker.cxx/h, St_spa_Maker.cxx/h - modified to read the noise and pedestal from ssdStripCalib ;,,,,,,,,,,, - removed because methods for all classes (StSsdStrip, StSsdPoint) has been moved to StSsdUtil;
- StSsdUtil,,,, StSsdClusterControl.cxx/h,, StSsdDynamicControl.cxx/h,,,,,,,, - added to regroup methods for the classes StSsdStrip, StSsdCluster and StSsdPoint;
StSsdEnumerations.hh,,,,, - codes removed, droped useless classes;
- StTagsMaker
StTagsMaker.cxx - added Check that this chain is BFC one;
- Sti
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorGroup.h, StiHit.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiLinkDef.h, StiPlacement.cxx/h - removed StiDedxCalculator ; taken out Central represantation;
StiDedxCalculator.cxx/h - removed;
StiVMCToolKit.h - Ssd added in chain;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - added Hpd hit counts;
StiDetectorGroup.h, StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx, StiHit.h, StiHitContainer.cxx/h, StiHitLoader.h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiLinkDef.h, StiMapUtilities.cxx, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - modified to cleanup useless classes;
AssociationQuality.cxx/h, CombinationIterator.h, StFastLineFitter.cxx/h, StiCircleCalculator.cxx/h, StiCompositeFinder.cxx/h, StiCompositeMaterial.cxx/h StiConicalShape.cxx/h, StiDefaultHitAssociationFilter.cxx/h, StiDefaultHitFilter.cxx/h, StiDefaultMutableTreeNode.cxx/h, StiDiskShape.h StiDrawableTrack.cxx/h, StiHelixCalculator.cxx/h, StiHelixFitter.cxx/h, StiHistograms.cxx/h, StiHitAssociator.h, StiHitError.cxx/h, StiHitToHitMap.cxx/h, StiHitToTrackMap.cxx/h, StiMath.cxx/h, StiStTrackFilter.h, StiTrackAssociation.cxx/h, StiTrackAssociator.h, StiTrackToIntMap.cxx/h, StiTrackToObjMap.cxx/h, StiTrackToTrackMap.cxx/h, StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h - removed codes, droped useless classes;
- Sti/Base
AssociationFilter.h, EditableAssociationFilter.h HistogramGroup.cxx/h, MessageType.cxx/h, Messenger.cxx/h, MessengerBuf.cxx/h, Vectorized.h, VectorizedFactory.h - removed uselees classes;
- StiEmc
StiEmcDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiEmcDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiEmcHitLoader.cxx/h, StiEmcIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h - removed files;
- StiEvaluator
EfficiencyAnalysis.cxx/h, EfficiencyPlots.cxx/h, Evaluator.cxx/h, ResolutionPlots.cxx/h, StiEvalUtil.h StiEvaluator.cxx/h, StiEvaluatorHistograms.cxx/h - removed;
- StiFtpc
StiFtpcDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiFtpcDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiFtpcHitLoader.cxx/h - removed ;
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx - removed Ftpc;
StiMaker.cxx - added HPD;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx, StiMaker.cxx - cleanup dependencies from Sti useless classes;
- StiPixel
StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPixelDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to remove StiDedxCalculator;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - modified to to make perfect hits in IST work for UPGR02 geometry using VMC geometry in HitLoader and DetectorBuilder;
StiHpdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiHpdDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiHpdHitLoader.cxx/h, StiHpdIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h - added new files for HPD;
IstGeomParams.txt - removed;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - cleanup dependencies from Sti droped classes;
- StPixelFastSimMaker
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx - added Hpd fast simulation code ;
- StiRnD
new code for tracking upgrades ;
Ist/StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx - modified to improve hits;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed reference to droped Sti/Base/Messenger.h class;
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiSsdDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to use Normal represantation, remove StiDedxCalculator;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - cleanup dependencies from Sti droped classes ; added handling in case that SVTT mother volume is missing:
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiSvtDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSvtHitLoader.cxx/h - modified to use Normal represantation, removed StiDedxCalculator;
StiIsSvtActiveFunctor.cxx/h, StiSvtLayerLadder.h - added new files;
StiSvtIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h - removed;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - cleanup dependencies from Sti droped classes ;
- Sti/Star
StiStarDetectorGroup.cxx - removed StiDedxCalculator ; taken out Central represantation;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - cleanup useless classes ;
- StiTpc
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to use Normal represantation, removed StiDedxCalculator;
StiTpcDetectorView.h - removed ;
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx/h - cleanup dependencies from Sti useless classes ;
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added readout of hits for two R&D detectors: GEM and HPD; mode initialization after open input fz-file;
- St_tcl_Maker
St_tcl_Maker.cxx - modified to fill StEvent directly if it exists; removed direct filling of StEvent;
- pams/geometry
hpdtgeo/hpdtgeo.g - geometry for new pixel detector added; corrected the angular offset;
added a small safety margin on Rin, used 'ONLY' option to keep hits;
geometry/geometry.g - new geometry tag UPGR04 added for ongoing detectors development;
geometry/geometry.g - added steering geometry with tag UPGR05, which includes the HFT (former pixel), HPD, IST and SSD, but no SVT, GEM detectors are also excluded ; geometry tag Y2005E has been created which is an improvement over Y2005D (more precise SSD) bigger SVT shield (to accomodate the SSD) and a full barrel calorimeter;
added UPGR07 geometry tag;
switched to a correct version of ISTB in the tag UPGR05;
added steering for the TUP support structure;
optionally changed the radius of the FSTD (to better fit with the rest of TUP;
modified to use a more precise version of SSD code in UPGR05;
itspgeo/itspgeo.g - added a new crucial subsystem, which is the support structure for the tracking upgrade configurations;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo3.g - added an updated version of the HFT geometry;
modified to increase opening angle of the sector;
modified to decrease the radius of the "active" part of the detector;
employed the 'ONLY' version to insure we don't lose hits in case there is intersection with other volumes
istbgeo/istbgeo1.g - added an updated version of the IST geometry;
istbgeo/istbgeo2.g - replaced the redundant IBMZ volume with a copy of IBMY created with appropriately adjusted parameters;
added a structure to propagate versioning info to g2t_volume;
pipegeo/pipegeo.g - removed the pipe and svt shields that are unnecessary in the R&D "upgr0X" geometries;
igtdgeo/igtdgeo.g - fixed density;
added 'MANY' option to ensure correct material taken into account when working with the new support structure;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo4.g - support structure was protruding out of the mother volume;
Add "ONLY" option, to not lose hits in possible clash with the periphery of the FST;
fstdgeo/fstdgeo.g - added the 'MANY' option to the positioning (necessary due to overlaps in the upgrade geometries) and made the mother volume visible;
- pams/sim
idl/g2t_track.idl, g2t_hpd_hit.idl - added idl for HPD detector;
g2t/g2t_hpd.idl, g2t_hpd.F - modified interface for the HPD;
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - added a clause for HPD; implemented a temporary solution for the IST volume numbering, to be used in conjunction with istbgeo2.g;
- StarDb
ftpc/ftpcTrackingPars.C - modified to move the reconstruction parameters maxDcaVertex,minNumTracks from code to CodeParams; reduced maxDcaVertex from 100 to 2 to eliminate pileup;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.upgr03.root, Detectors.upgr04.root, Detectors.upgr05.root, Geometry.upgr03.C, Geometry.upgr04.C, Geometry.upgr05.C, geom.upgr03.root, geom.upgr04.root, geom.upgr05.root, upgr03.h, upgr04.h upgr05.h -added new files for upgrade detector geometres: upgr03, upgr04 and upgr05; number of old files modified ;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.y2005e.root, Geometry.y2005e.C, geom.y2005e.root, y2005e.h, y2005e.rz - added new files for y2005e geometry;
Calibrations/svt/svtRDOstripped.C, svtRDOstripped.y2005d.C, svtRDOstripped.y2006.C - added default svtRDOstripped;
tpc/daq/mezz_vs_fee.root, offset_vs_fee.root, pad_vs_fee.root, rdo_vs_fee.root, row_vs_fee.root - removed files;
RunLog/MagFactor.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXX.C - removed all MagFactors, they were moved to MySQL;
- StDb/idl
ftpcTrackingPars.idl - modified to move the reconstruction parameters maxDcaVertex,minNumTracks from code to CodeParams;
svtRDOs.idl, svtRDOstripped.idl - added new files to handle SVT Slow Control parameters;
mezz_vs_fee.idl, offset_vs_fee.idl, pad_vs_fee.idl, rdo_vs_fee.idl, row_vs_fee.idl, tpcPressure.idl - removed files;
Sep 22, 2006
new library SL06e has been created, tagged with tag SL06e (Sep 6) build, tested, found bugs fixed and librray was released on September 22.
Main features:
- EMC addition info (BPRS hits) saved in MuDST
- vertex finder PPV tuned for pile-up of 2006 run
- implemented new maker StBeamBackMaker for the beam background tracking
- short forward tracks pointing to EEMC (with >= 5 fitted points) saved in StiStEventFiller and MuDst
- modifications in StTriggerData and StTriggerDataCollection introduced an additional data member the run number. For detailes looks at the email
- L2Result included in MuDst
- several codes have been retired
Next codes have been updated:
- StAnalysisMaker - added Event Id, correct Ftpc bad hit ; added print out Beam background trackes and short track pointing to EEMC;
- StBbcSimulationMaker
StBbcSimulationMaker.cxx - replaced Assert => R__ASSERT for ROOT 5.12;
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to allow instantiation multiple StBFChain's with different modes (used in Embedding chain);
BigFullChain.h - added 'useInTracker' switch from EGR to Sti global tracks in StAssociationMaker;
added new option for beam background tracking;
added option useInTracker to switch from EGR to STI track in StAssociationMaker;
- StBeamBackMaker, StBeamBackMaker.cxx/h,, - imlpemented new code for beam background tracking;
- St_base
StObject.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
- StChain
StMaker.cxx - replaced Assert => R__ASSERT for ROOT 5.12;
- StDaqClfMaker
StDaqClfMaker.cxx/h, fcfClass.cxx/hh, padfinder.h, rtsSystems.h - removed;
- StDbBroker - fixed delete to delete allocated array;
- StDbLib - corrected const char / char inconsistancy with the vectors for standalone version ;,, StDbServerImpl.hh - updated load balancer - removing hard-coded nodes from API to xml;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - modified ;
StDetectorDbFTPCVoltageStatus.cxx/h - created new files for FTPC voltage status from database;
- StEvent
StL0Trigger.cxx - removed runnumbers cut ;
StDcaGeometry.h - cleaned up ;
StEnumerations.h - added kHpdId;
StDetectorDefinitions.h - added kHpdIdentifier;
StTriggerData2003.cxx/h,tTriggerData2004.cxx/h, StTriggerData2005.cxx/h, StTriggerData.cxx/h - added new data member mRun ; added access method to L2 results;
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx/h, StZdcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - removed argument runnumber in constructor;
- StEventMaker
StTriggerDetectorCollection constructor changed and L2 interface in StTriggerData ;
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - fixed TMatrix to make it typedef as TMatrixT to be consistent with ROOT 5.12;
- StEEmcDbMaker
cstruc/eemcConstDB.hh - new stat bit added;
- StEventDisplayMaker
StEventDisplayMaker.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
- StEventDstMaker
StEventDstMaker.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
- StEventUtilities
StuProbabilityPidAlgorithm.h - ROOT5 corrections;
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StMuEEmcSimuMaker.cxx/h - cleanup;
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
- StEmcTriggerMaker
StBemcTrigger.cxx, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx - replaced cout statements with logger macros ;
- StEmcRawMaker
StEmcRawMaker.cxx - modified to clear EmcRawData for event ID%555!=0 to reduce footprint of StEvent, for B+E-EMC; Only events w/ ID%555==0 will be saved in StEvent for monitoring purpose;
StBemcRaw.cxx - modified to save all preshower hits for 2006 productions; modified don't throw away CAP==127||128 PRS and SMD hits this year
modified to save hits from other CAPs using control table;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowConstants.cxx/h, StFlowEvent.cxx, StFlowEvent.cxx/h - modififed to calculate v1 for selection=2 with mixed harmonics;
StFlowCutEvent.cxx, StFlowMaker.cxx - changed the dynamic_cast of GetInputDS("MuDst") to a const cast;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx/h, doFlowSumAll.C, doFlowSumFirstPass.C, minBias.C, plotCen.C, plotLYZ.C - modififed to calculate v1 for selection=2 with mixed harmonics;
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to set StDetectorState for Ftpc West/East depending on ftpcVoltageStatus; modified to return with kStWarn if error occurs accessing Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcVoltageStatus; StDetectorState is set only for events with FTPC data;
- StFtpcDriftMapMaker
StFtpcDriftMapMaker.cxx/h - modified to add deltaAr argument to allow user to change gas compostion;
macros/FtpcDriftMapMaker.C - modified to add deltaAr argument to allow user to change gas compostion;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StiPPVertex - BemcHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.cxx, ScintHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx, TrackData.cxx - cleanup for production;
macros/rdMuDst2print.C, rdSt2print.C - acces to multiple vertices in muDst corrected ;
- StMiniMcEvent
StTinyMcTrack.h - added parent key data member to StTinyMcTrack;
StTinyRcTrack.h - added reco key data member to StTinyRcTrack ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added code to fill in parent key and reco key data members to StMiniMcMaker. Parent key for MC tracks is only filled when track has a valid parent();
StMiniEmbed.C StMiniHijing.C - loaded EEmcUtil, needed by StMcEvent;
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuFilter.cxx - modified to accept short tracks pointing to EEMC ;
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - modified to include L2Result in MuDst ;
EZTREE/StTriggerDataMother.cxx - modified to pass run number when unpacking triger data;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h, StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h - added more detailed info in ntuple;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - fixed averaging procedure ;
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - added 2006 pp62 triggers;
- StarClassLibrary
StHelix.hh - added direction vector at given pathlength;
- StarRoot
THelixTrack.cxx, TMemStat.cxx, TTreeIter.cxx - replaced Assert => R__ASSERT;
TMemStat.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
THelixTrack.h - StiEmx() added ;
TTreeIter.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
TAttr.cxx/h - added new class to keep attributes. Moved from StMaker;
TNumDeriv.cxx/h - added numeric derivatives;
- StTreeMaker
StTreeMaker.cxx - replaced Assert==>assert for ROOT 5.12;
- StUtilities
StMultiH1F.h - additional Rebin() interface implemented for TH1.h vers. 1.79, ROOT 5.13;
- StTriggerDataMaker
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - added run number to CTB trigger mapping.
- Sti
Base/StiFactory.h - throw for too many instances;
StiHit.cxx - added more strict tests for hit quality;
StiHitErrorCalculator.h/cxx - removed the mess in xy and z errs;
StiPlacement.cxx - bug fixed;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to allow single Ssd hit for tracking;
StiTrackFinderFilter.cxx - reduced minimum no. of fitted point to 5;
StTrack.h/cxx - added track flag definitions from EGR ; removed checking of StPhysicalHelixD quality for Beam Background tracks
- StiMaker
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - set max NHits=2000000;
StiMaker.cxx/h - modified to return from Make() for too many hits;
StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - move filling of StTrackDetectorInfo into fillTrack; make cut for EEMC pointing track based on StTrackDetectorInfo instead of StTrackFitTraits;
StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - modified to accept short tracks pointing to EEMC;
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - added loading of tracking and hit error parameters from DB;
- StiPixel
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to grab Ist parameters from $STAR/StRoot/IstGeomParams.txt; hard code in number for IST location in StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx to allow for running production on grid;
StiIstHitLoader.cxx - tweaked StiIstHitLoader to use only 3 hits from IST for tracking;
- pams/geometry
svttgeo/svttgeo7.g - modified to capture the last version of the "Distorted" SVT geometry used in our alignment studies;
igtdgeo/igtdgeo.g - modified ;
- pams/sim
idl/g2t_igt_hit.idl - added CVS tags;
idl/g2t_gem_hit.idl - added standard stub for the GEM barrel detector;
idl/g2t_track.idl - included the gem barrel detector;
g2t/g2t_ist.F, g2t_igt.F - added CVS tags;
g2t/g2t_igt.idl - added CVS tags;
g2t/g2t_gem.idl - requisite stub for the GEM detector interface;
g2t/g2t_gem.F - added the hits handler for the gem barrel;
- StDb/idl
ftpcVoltageStatus.idl - added for FTPC Voltage Status;
- StarVMC
StarVMCApplication/StarMCHits.cxx StarVMCApplication.cxx/h - added include for TFile.h and Debug flag ;
geant3/gdraw - removed number of files;
geant3/TGeant3/TGeant3.cxx/h, TGeant3TGeo.cxx/h, geant3LinkDef.h - modified;
geant3/TGeant3/G3Material.cxx/h, G3Medium.cxx/h, G3Node.cxx/h, G3Volume.cxx/h, G3toRoot.cxx/h, THIGZ.cxx/h, TPaveTree.cxx/h, rdummies.F - removed files;
geant3/gbase/gbhsta.F gfhsta.F gtrig.F - modified;
- Retired codes:
St_xdfin_Maker.cxx/h ;
pams/sim/gstar/gstar_readxdf.c, gstar_readxdf.idl;
July 28 , 2006
library SL06d has been updated with codes below, retagged with tag SL06d_2 rebuild, tested and released to run ppProductionJPsi dataset;
Next codes have been updated:
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - reset the current vertex index to 0 for every event;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - removed previous patches to MuDst ;
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.h/cxx - added code to update the ShortedRing tables every time the DB changes;
- StTpcDb
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx - activated cut on drift distance;
July 1 , 2006
library SL06d has been updated with codes below to fix the problem found during production, retagged with tag SL06d_1 rebuild, tested and released.
Next codes have been updated:
- StGenericVertexMaker
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - fixed sign of gDCA->impact() ;
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - added new PredictSpaceCharge() function so that it includes fit errors in the prediction. It is now capable of including the SSD and SVT hits in the predictor/corrector loop;
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuChainMaker.cxx - minor changes to prevent reading all files during initialisation;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - modified 2D dca (DcaD), Z dca (DcaZ) and their cov. matrix as corresponing sigma and correlaton coef. from dcaGeometry to StMuTrack ( this is a quick patches, should be modified later in permanent solution)
- Sti
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to allow single SSD hit on track;
StiTrackNode.cxx - set minimal errors to accept 1mu errors of simulation vertex;
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to load tracking and hit error parameters from DB;
- StarRoot
THelixTrack.cxx/h - added DcaXY & DcaZ with the errors; cos(dip)**4 added to Dca(...) to account z err in the nearest point ;
June 20, 2006
new library SL06d has been created, tagged with tag SL06d build, tested and released on June 20.
Main features:
- improved primary vertex finding procedure using real track parameters errors (caused by multiple scattering, energy loss etc.) and dca track parameters for primary vertex fit;
Next codes have been updated:
- StAssociationMaker
StAssociationMaker.cxx - checking for null StEvent pointer has been lost and moved back;
- StDaqLib
TRG/L2gammaResult2006.h, L2jetResults2006.h, L2pedResults2006.h - inline functions implemented in L2*.h ;
- StDbLib - added basic load balancing; added an extra machine (db01) for analysis between 11pm and 7am;
- St_db_Maker
St_db_Maker.cxx - modified to set default fMaxEntryTime='now';
- StChain
StChain.cxx - Db fields modification for logger usage ;
- StEvent
StDcaGeometry.cxx/h - initial revision;
StGlobalTrack.cxx/h - added track-at-DCA geometry;
- StEventUtilities
StEventHelper.cxx - changed counting of indexes for StMatrix from 1;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx/h - added SetVertexPosition function;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - accounting of DCA node added;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to use dca track parameters for primary vertex fit;
- StMiniMcMaker
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified;
StMiniMcHelper.cxx/h - added to replace Helper.cxx/h to comply with STAR coding standards;
Helper.cxx/h - removed;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - bug fixed: gapd and gapf backwards;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StV0FinderMaker.cxx - fixed chisq flagging so chisq set for SVT even when sti and v02 flags are used;
- St_QA_Maker
TpcHitUtilities.cxx/h, TpcMapUtilities.cxx - changed MapKey to MapQAKey to make it unique for QA;
- StarRoot
TPolinom.cxx/h - new classes TPolinom & TPoliFitter added;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - THelixFitter and error handling added; double Dca(double x,double y,double *dcaErr=0) added;
- Sti
StiHit.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiLinkDef.h, StiToolkit.h StiTrackNode.cxx/h, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx/h - modified to use dca track parameters for primary vertex fit;
StiDummyVertexFinder.cxx/h, StiResidualCalculator.cxx/h, StiResiduals.h - removed;
StiHit.cxx/h - method setError(float*) added;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - supress 1st svt hit solution;
- StiMaker
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx/h, StiMaker.cxx/h, StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - added dca track parameters;
StiMaker.cxx - set minimal errors of vertex 1 micron;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - FillStHitErr method added and called;
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - removed SVT ladder mother volume;
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed SSD ladder mother volume;
- StStarLogger
MySQLAppender.cxx - removed DEALYED clause to handle 'Too many Sql connection problem'; increased the default buffer size;
mysql/StarJobs.csh - added shell scipt to access STAR job tracking from the batch;
mysql/NetLogger.xml - removed DEALYED clause to handle 'Too many Sql connection problem'; increased the default buffer size;
- pams/geometry
geometry/geometry.g - removed the PIX1 tag; added the SISD_OFF flag that facilitates creation of test geometries in which both the SVT and the SSD are taken out;
- StarDb/Calibrations
tracker/ssdHitError.20050101.000021.C, svtHitError.20050101.000006.C - added to set hit resolution: Svt 80 mkm (both drift and anode), Ssd 30 mkm (X) and 700 mkm (Z) for calibrated data;
May 19, 2006
new library SL06c has been created, tagged with tag SL06c on May 18, build, tested and released on May 19.
Main features:
- library containes last code fixes and updates as well as final tunning of tracking parameters and corrections to process with TPC+SVT+SSD reconstruction;
- modification for L2 and expansion for L3 triggers;
Next codes have been updated:
- StAnalysisMaker - reshaped the logger job tracking Db tables and add a few LOQ_QA message to record it with the Job tracking Db;
fixed the MySQLAppender problem (logger related) and re-shape the trakDb messages;
- St_base
StTree.cxx - modified that AccessPathName calls a rootd auth with xrootd syntax; fixed the side effect for non-root non-rootd local files
- StBFChain
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added VFFV and regrouped options; added VFMCE for extractng vertex from McEvent;
added options SpcChgCalG, VtxSeedCalG for data 2006 calibrations;
added proper dependence to EEFS for consistency;
added options KeepTpcHit and KeepSvtHit for StHitFilterMaker to keep TPC(SVT) hits in event.root ;
- StChain
StMaker.cxx - modified for UPGR03 geometry;
StChain.cxx - reshaped the logger job tracking Db tables and add a few LOQ_QA message to record it with the Job tracking Db;
fixed the MySQLAppender problem (logger related) and re-shape the trakDb messages;
- StDbLib - added assert for no db connection;
- StDbUtilities - modified to handle SVT drift velocity hack corrections; added missing implementation for setParamPointers;
St_svtCorrectionC.cxx/h - added to handle SVT drift velocity hack corrections; added condition that Npar < 0 means dead hybrid;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbTriggerID.cxx/h - added in access to L3Expanded and dsmPrescales; added in a new interface to get the total prescale applied to trigger ids;
- StEvent
StEnumerations.h - added StL2TriggerResultType; added enum;
StTriggerData2005.cxx/h - modified to handle L2 results data;
StTriggerId.h - extended mMaxTriggerIds to 42;
StTriggerData.h - added isL2Triggered();
StTriggerIdCollection.cxx/h - added L3 trigger expansion;
- StEventMaker
StEventMaker.cxx - added L3 expansion ;
- StEstMaker
StEstTracking.cxx - added protection if mProjOut.hit[k] is not set;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - replace gufld() with mBfield = event->runInfo()->magneticField(); blocked the fake second primary vertex;
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - modified to adjust for the new code of fixed position vertex finder ; modified for McEvent vertex implementation;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx/h - new files added as initial version of fixed position vertex finder and option in maker to switch it on; modified for McEvent vertex implementation; changed VertexId to new enum;
StCtbUtility.cxx, StGenericVertexFinder.cxx, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - added switches to logger;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h - added protection against event->emcCollection()==0; added switches to logger;
StiPPVertex/BemcHitList.cxx, CtbHitList.cxx, EemcHitList.cxx, StPPVertexFinder.cxx - added switches to logger;
- StHitFilterMaker
StHitFilterMaker.cxx - modified to use options KeepTpcHit and KeepSvtHit to keep TPC(SVT) hits in event.root ;
StMuTriggerIdCollection.cxx/h - modified to add extra L3 information ;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - added 2006 triggers; added ppProductionTrans trigger for year 2006 data;
- StSsdPointMaker - added local coordinate to StEvent;
- StSsdClusterMaker, StSsdPackage.hh, StSsdWafer.hh - modified to add local coordinates;, - removed ;
- StSvtClusterMaker
StSvtAnalysedHybridClusters.hh, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to fillin StSvtHits directly into StEvent, added local coordinates, modified to handle drift velocity hack corrections;
- StStarLogger
MySQLAppender.cxx/h - fixed the MySQLAppender problem and re-shape the trakDb messages; reshaped job tracking; added extra proptection against of the broken connections;
mysql/CreateJobTable.sql - reshaped job tracking;
- pams/geometry
igtdgeo/igtdgeo.g - first revision of of the forward GEM disks;
geometry/geometry.g - new R&D tag, UPGR03, implemeted to properly manage the configuration of an alternative tracking upgrade project;
- StStarLogger/mysql
CreateJobTable.sql, NetLogger.xml, RecreatedJobTable.sql - reshaped the logger job tracking Db tables and add a few LOQ_QA message to record it with the Job tracking Db;
- StarDb/Geometry
svt/LadderOnShell.C, ShellOnGlobal.C, WaferOnLadder.C, LadderOnSurvey.C - modified ;
svt/LadderOnShell.20050101.000043.C - added z-shifts from data ;
svt/ShellOnGlobal.20050101.000042.C - added for final alignment with using last 4 mm of drift distance (2.5-2.9 cm) ;
svt/LadderOnShell.20050101.000063.C,LadderOnShell.20050101.000065.C, svtWafersPosition.20050101.000100.C - added final geometry for SVT review;
ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.C - modified;
ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050101.000047.C, SsdSectorsOnGlobal.20050101.000041.C - added final (as 04/30/06) position ;
ssd/SsdLaddersOnSectors.20050101.000055.C, ssdWafersPosition.20050101.000055.C - added fibal geometry for SSD for review ;
- StarDb/Calibrations
svt/svtDriftCorrection.C - added hack for drift velocity correction ;
svt/Hybrids.h, svtDriftCorrection.20050101.000049.C - added;
svt/svtDriftCorrection.20050101.000101.C - final SVT drift corrections;
tracker/ssdHitError.20050101.000021.C, svtHitError.20050101.000006.C - set hit resolution: Svt 80 mkm (both drift and anode), Ssd 30 mkm (X) and 700 mkm (Z) for calibrated data;
- StDb
idl/dsmPrescales.idl, trigL3Expanded.idl - implemented new tables for l3expanded trigger mapping ;
idl/svtCorrection.idl - added structure of svt corrections;
April 27, 2007
SL06b has been updated with MC fixed vertex finder code and related codes to process with embedding production.
Library was retagged with SL06b_1 tag.
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx/h, BigFullChain.h;
- StEvent
StEnumerations.h ;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx/h ;
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx ;
May 5, 2006
new library SL06b has been created, tagged with tag SL06b on May 1, build, tested and released on May 5.
Main features:
- first release of tracking code (in ITTF framework) which refits primary tracks with vertex and uses Smoother method
mathematical model of Kalman was redeveloped, to take into account information (values/errors) from the previous iteration which was critical for refit method.
Standard Kalman algorithm does not allow to do it and as result refit in standard Kalman isn't possible
More detailes regarding new Kalman algorithm and code development could be found in the the email
- first release of muliple vertices finding code for heavy ion collisions with pile-up affect based on Minuit fitting
The algorithm details and evaluation plots can be found on the Web page
- new code for R&D IST detector introduced and released (StiPixel & StPixelFastSimulator);
Next codes have been updated:
- St_base
StTree.cxx - modified to allow rootd:://file
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - new StiMaker interface added; scaler based calibration option added;
added flags PixelIT (and IstIT) to activate IST detector; added pixFastSim key for StPixelFastSimMaker;
removed dependence in StiUtilities, added 2006 chains;
switched to VFPPVnoCTB (was VFPPLMV5 as a start);
added new options 'fdbg' and 'flaser' for FTPC calibration maker;
added options for StiPulls, ForceGeometry, to run for ToF in TPC simulation; remove sfs option as redundant (srs), more options for McAna ;
- StChain
StChain.cxx - added tracking information from the STAR chain related to Logger work;
- StDaqLib
EMC/Makefile - added for compiling StEmcDecoder as a standalone .so library;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added JetPatch decoding;
TRG/L2gammaResult2006.h, L2jetResults2006.h, L2pedResults2006.h - added L2 Result Structs;
- StDAQMaker
StDAQMaker.cxx - redundant delete removed
- StDbLib - memory leak fixed
- StChain
StMaker.h/cxx - PrintAttr() method added
- St_db_Maker
St_db_Maker.cxx - test for memory curruption added
decrease level of aliases 2==>1 to avoid name clashes ;
- StEvent
StZdcTriggerDetector.cxx - fixed important bug in constructor. mAdc[3] and mAdc[7] were wrong;
StEnumerations.h - changed kMaxId -> kMaxDetectorId; added StPrimaryVertexOrder;
StEvent.cxx/h - added new RnD detectors collection; modified addPrimaryVertex(); new 2nd arg: StPrimaryVertexOrder;
StHit.h - modified mId short ==> int; made detector() virtual method ;
StHits.cxx - changed order of initializer in constructor;
StSvtHit.cxx/h - added data member and methods to deal with local positions ;
StSsdHit.cxx/h - added data member and methods to deal with local positions ;
StRnDHitCollection.cxx/h, StRnDHit.cxx - hit collection for R&D of new detectors added;
StContainers.cxx/h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StEnumerations.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx - added new R&D detector containers;
StEventLinkDef.h - added operator for StRnDHit for new R&D detectors;
StEventTypes.h - added R&D hits and collection;
StEnumerations.h - added ppvNoCtbVertexFinder to clarify analysis; added StL2AlgorithmId enumeration;
StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2005.cxx, StTriggerData2005.h - added interface to L2 results;
StTriggerData2003.cxx, StTriggerData2004.cxx, StTriggerData2005.cxx - fixed bug in zdcUnAttenuated;
- StEventMaker
StEventMaker.cxx - simplified logic if StEvent already exists
- StEventUtilities
StEventHelper.cxx/h - iterators StHitIter & StSvtHitIter added; new methodes added to StEvent helper classes;
- StEmcUtil
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - added setMaxEntryTime and setFlavor methods;
- StEpcMaker
StEpcConstants.h, StPointCollection.cxx - bug fixed which crashed chain;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h - CTB matching ON/OFF switch activated by m_Mode 0x8 or 0x10; vertex enum extension depending on CTB usage - hack in the moment; BTOW calibration changed for 2006+ from maxt eT of ~27 --> 60 GeV;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h - added member for debuglevel; mVertexOrderMethod added;
Minuit/StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - updated for multiple vertex finding and rank calculation for identifying the triggered vertex;mVertexOrderMethod added;
added protection for bemcDet==0; initialized variable mRequireCTB;
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified to use ppvNoCtbVertexFinder; mVertexOrderMethod added;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx/h - first version of the LeeYangZerosMaker implemented;
plotLYZ.C - added macro for plotting LeeYangZeros graphs;
StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker.cxx/h - modified to write out the Generating Functions after the first pass;
doFlowSumFirstPass.C - macro added to sum the Generating Functions between the two passes;
doFlowSumAll.C, doFlowSumAll.csh - macro and shell script added to sum the outputs of the second pass;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowMaker.cxx/h - modified new TFile ==> TFile::Open; modified for MuDst; stopped using eventSummary();
StFlowConstants.cxx/h - made additions needed for the StFlowLeeYangZerosMaker;
StFlowCutEvent.cxx/h - made additions needed for MuDst;
- StFtpcCalibMaker
StFtpcCalibMaker.cxx/h,,, - added new calibration maker for FTPC;
macros - new macros added for FTPC calibration maker;
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - all database initialization moved to InitRun; modified to save microsecondsPerTimebin and temperature/pressure corrections in DEBUGFILE run tree;, - added constructor for StFtpcCalibMaker ;
StFtpcClusterDebug.hh - modified to save microsecondsPerTimebin, deltatapW/E in Run tree ;, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx, StFtpcClustersStructures.hh - cluster struct definitions moved to StFtpcClustersStructures.hh; DEBUGFILE created with bfc option 'fdbg';
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - all database initialization moved to InitRun;
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - made changes necessary for DoT0Calib;
StMuDst.cxx, StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuTrack.h - modified to no longer rely on track keys for matching global and primary tracks
StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx - introduced check before copying primary vertex for backwards compatibility
macros/exampleMuDstFilter.C - added filter->Finish() to ensure writing of output file;
StMuPrimaryVertex.h/cxx - added members and getters for mean-dip and chisquared value;
StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - added overloaded version for StIOInterface::GetFile() to return name of current input or output file;
- StRTSClient/FCFMaker
FCFMaker.cxx - fixed case when no hit coming from g2t_tpc_hit table in simu mode;
- StStarLogger
MySQLAppender.cxx - add the DELAYED MySql queery option;
mysql/NetLogger.xml - add the DELAYED MySql queery option;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - modified, EndCrashFix; added calibration mode;
- StPixelFastSimMaker
StPixelFastSimMaker.cxx/h - new code for Ist fast simulation added; removed streaming of each Pixel hit; set proper Detector Id;
- StPmdReadMaker
StPmdReadMaker.cxx/h - modified EndCrashFix;
- StPmdClusterMaker
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx - fill StEvent; mod-1 fixed for CPV;
- StPmdReadMaker
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - remove deletion of pmdCollection, it is deleted in Clear();
- StarClassLibrary
StLorentzVector.hh, StMatrix.hh, StThreeVector.hh, StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh - addes missing methods to Cint dictionary;
- StarRoot
StarRootLinkDef.h - classes related to TAssign commented out;
THelixTrack.cxx/h - class TCircle to handle circles added; TCircle linear case improved; modified to do TCircle::Fit with errors; accuracy fixed;
- StTagsMaker
StTagsMaker.cxx - modified to remove new TClass(name.Data(),1,StEvtHddr.h,StEvtHddr.h), needed to cleans up all ROOT internal pointer;
- St_QA_Maker
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - modified for FTPC: PtrkGood and PtrkPsi hists out, GtrkPadTime in;
- StTpcDb
StTpcDbMaker.cxx - set simu flag for tpcISTimeOffsets and tpcOSTimeOffsets tables ;
- StSvtSelfMaker
StSelfEvent.cxx/h, StSvtSelfMaker.cxx/h, StVertexKFit.cxx/h - Svt self alignment maker added;
- StTrsMaker
StTrsMaker.cxx - modified to merge 3 random generator to 1;
src/,, - modified to merge 3 random generator to 1;
include/StTrsParameterizedAnalogSignalGenerator.hh - modified to merge 3 random generator to 1;
include/StTrsRandom.hh - added;
- Sti
StiCompositeFinder.cxx - findTrack(double rMin=0) argument added
StiDebug.cxx/.h - moved to StiUtilities
StiKTNIterator.h/cxx - global mgEnd moved from .h into .cxx
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - new refit implemented; modified to require track id must < 2*16; modified to account errors; Interface to getGlobalDca changed; StiOldRefit env added; modifications allow primary tracks to loose few nodes; StiConfidence flag added;
corrected zero field min curvature - 1/1km;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - findTrack,extendSeeds,extendTracks arguments to rMin added; made default rMin=0; Redundant refit() call removed; DMAX3d increased 3=>4;
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx/h - modified to requer more than 3 nodes at the end of fit();
StiKalmanTrackFitterParameters.h/cxx - _maxChi2Vtx member added
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - assert replaced by print; dependency from StiKalmanTrackNode removed; getGlobalHitErrors added;
StiTrackFinderFilter.cxx - Z limit 205 removed;
StiHit.cxx - assert replaced by print; modification related to rotation;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - - assert replaced by print
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx/h - rMin added; min radius 60cm removed;
StiMapUtilities.cxx - modified to mark only fitted hits as used
StiToolkit.cxx/h - constructor added and modified to fill _instance automatically
StiTrack.h - changed private ==> protected; interface to getGlobalDca changed;
StiTrack.cxx - mId increment moved to StiKalamanTrack::reset()
StiTrackContainer.cxx - sort by number of fit points added
StiTrackFinder.h - rMin and combinatoric flag off/on added
StiTrackNode.cxx/h - classes StiNodePars,StiNode2Pars,StiNodeErrs,StiNodeMtx added; Z limit 205 removed; class StiHitErrs moved in; curv ==> pt changed; corrected zero field min curvature - 1/1km;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx/h - modified for refit; Chi2 evaluation improved; assert removed; curv ==> pt changed; StiOldJoinPrim env added;
Two error factors added; primary tracks fitting logic refined;
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx/h - StiDebug.h moved into; dependency from StiKalmanTrackNode removed;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx/h - make default rMin=0; seed fit replaced by StiKalmanTrack::approx;
StiResidualCalculator.cxx - dependency from StiKalmanTrackNode removed;
StiTrackingPlots.cxx - getGlobalDca ==> getDca changed;
- StiMaker
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - last traces of StiMaker and associated maker removed
StiMaker.cxx/h - control is changed using StMaker::SetAttr; sub makerFunctionality added; IST code added; added kHftId and kIstId for StiDetector groups;
option useFakeVertex added;
StiMakerLinkDef.h - removed traces of StiMakerParameters;
StiStEventFiller.h - StiAux* mAux added;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - bug fixed, use vertex instead of first hit in refit; changed setGlobalDca==>setDca; changed kMaxId -> kMaxDetecto rId;
- StiPixel
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx/h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx/h, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.cxx/h - added new codes for IST detector ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.cxx, StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - Tweaked to handle hit propagation via StRnDHitCollection;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added fixes for the E-loss calculator and for the setKey methods;
StiPixelHitLoader.cxx - removed streaming of all read pixel hits;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx - added calls to StiDetector::setKey(key,val);
IstGeomParams.txt - added geometry parameters for IST;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx - set Detector Id to kHftId, corrected Ist*pars -> Pixel*pars;
- StiUtilities
StiDebug.h/cxx - StiDebug moved into from Sti;
- pams/geometry
tpcegeo/tpcegeo2.g - fixed an error in the in the array initialization part;
geometry/geometry.g - introduced the baseline year 2006 geometry;
created UPGR01 and UPGR02 geometries which are basically year 2006 + SSD+HFT and year 2006+IST+HFT.
Note that NONE of engineering detail is available in either case, and less so for the integration structural elements.
added steering for the muon trigger system, "mutd";
specified a complete barrel calorimeter for Y2006;
added steering for the corrected SSD (sisdgeo3);
added steering for a small modifications in the SVT shield in Y2006 ;
cavegeo/cavegeo.g - modified to expand the radius of the "CAVE" to accomodate teh mupn trigger system;
quadgeo/quadgeo.g - updates for the quad model;
svttgeo/svttgeo5.g - improved the "no svt" version of the SVT geometry;
svttgeo/svttgeo6.g - added new version of the shielding geometry which only differs by the outer radius of 31.8 ;
shldgeo/shldgeo.g - small changes in the beam shield geometry;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo3.g - improved version for year 2005 geometry;
mutdgeo/mutdgeo.g - first version for an existing prototype of the Muon trigger system; added necessary elements to get same sensitive volumes as in TOFp trays;
- StarDb/Calibrations
tracker/KalmanTrackFinderParameters.20010311.000000.C - modified to change maxChi2Vertex 30 ==> 900
tracker/KalmanTrackFitterParameters.20010312.000002.C - maxChi2(10==>30),maxChi2Vtx=100 added
tracker/svtHitError.20010312.000010.C - set 200 microns
- StarDb/Geometry/ssd
ssdWafersPosition.20050101.000000.C, ssdWafersPosition.20050101.000001.C, ssdWafersPosition.20050101.000002.C - added new files;
ssdWafersPosition.20041202.000000.C, ssdWafersPosition.20041202.000001.C, ssdWafersPosition.20041202.000002.C - removed files;
timestamp moved from 20041202 to 20050101 for ssdWafersPosition tables in order to comply with Svt and simulation ;
- StDb/idl
KalmanTrackFitterParameters.idl - maxChi2Vtx member added
February 27, 2006
new library SL06a has been created, tagged with tag SL06a, build, tested and released on March 1.
Main features:
library was build on the base of SL05h library which was checked out in the new area, updated with important bug fixes for EMC, SSD & FTPC codes and adjusted StJetMaker to provide stable environment for analysis work.
Next codes have been updated:
- StDbBroker
StDbBroker.cxx - modified to grab rowsize from St_db_maker and passing it on to StDbTableDescriptor - made message length dynamic
DbUse.cxx - cleaned up
- StDaqLib
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx, EMC_Reader.cxx, EMC_SmdReader.cxx, - modified;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - modified to fixed tower map bug;
EMC/TowerBug2004.txt, TowerBug2005.txt, TowerBug2006.txt - new files added ;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StBemcData.cxx/h, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - modified to fix tower map bug and astyle run;
- StEmcCalibrationMaker
- StEmcSimulatorMaker
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - small modification in the way the calibration spread/offset is created;
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, StEemcRaw.cxx/h StEmcRawMaker.cxx/h - modified to fix tower map bug and astyle run;
- StEvent
StSsdHit.cxx - modified to fix decoding of hardware info
- StFtpcDriftMapMaker
macros/FtpcDriftMapMaker.C - macro to run StFtpcDriftMapMakerZ
StFtpcDriftMapMaker.cxx - modified to exit if error occurs while constructing StFtpcDbReader
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcDbReader.hh/cc - simplified StFtpcDbReader; modified the way if no RHIC clock frequency value available, set mMicrosecondsPerTimebin to dimensionsTable->sizeOfTimebin for DbV options earlier than 20051021 otherwise use electronicsTable->uSecondsPerTimebin as the default value for mMicrosecondsPerTimebin
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to check if StFtpcDbRead not constructed exit with kStWarn; modified to calculate mMicrosecondsPerTimebin from RHIC clock frequency for each event;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - modified to check if StFtpcDbRead not constructed exit with kStWarn; modified to calculate mMicrosecondsPerTimebin from RHIC clock frequency for each event;
- StSsdClusterMaker,, - modified to properly encode Cluster Size and Mean strip into the hardware information for the SSDHit;, St_scf_Maker.cxx, St_scm_Maker.cxx - modified to DeclareNtuple only if m_Mode != 0;
- StSsdDaqMaker
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - small modification
- StSsdEvalMaker
St_sce_Maker.cxx - protections versus division by 0 added;
- StSsdPointMaker
StSsdPointMaker.cxx - modified to read ssdStripCalib table from the mysql db; ReadStrip method updated; - ReadNoiseFromTable method modified to ignore rows with id=0; improved hw position encoding in writePointToContainer matching the new decoding in StEvent
- StSsdUtil
StSsdEnumerations.hh - Mack/Upack helper class added
- StJetMaker
StFourPMakers/StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - modified to handle tower swap in StBemcTables
macros/RunJetFinder2.C - modified to handle tower swap in StBemcTables
StJetSimuUtil/macros/RunJetSimuFinder.C - modified to handle tower swap in StBemcTables
- StarDb/Geometry
ssd/SsdBarrelOnGlobal.C, ssdWafersPosition.20041202.000000.C, SsdLaddersOnSectors.C, SsdSectorsOnBarrel.C, SsdWafersOnGlobal.C, SsdWafersOnLadders.C - added for alignment work and Ssd wafer position
January 25, 2006
library SL05h has been updated with the next codes to proceed with pp200 pythia MC production with ITTF + PPV codes:
- StBFChain
BigFullChain.h - changed order of loading of EMC code;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx - small fixes for MC events;
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - fixed noninitialized variable;
Updated codes have been retagged with SL05h tag.
December 9, 2005
new library SL05h has been tagged on Dec 6 with tag SL05h, build, tested and released on December 9.
Main features:
Linux was upgraded with SL 3.0.5 version and codes were adjusted;
first release of production version of SSD reconstuction code (for simultion and raw data) integrated to ITTF software.
Next codes have been updated:
- asps/Simulation/starsim
atgeant/agdocba.age - modified to increase the size of the ASCII budder "NN" from 20 to 40 to void overflow
- StAssociationMaker
StAssociationMaker.cxx/h, StMcParameterDB.cxx/h, - Ssd added to Associator, added IdTruth options for Svt and Ssd
- StBFChain
BigFullChain.h - modified to move ssd makers before Sti
- StChain
StMaker.cxx/h - add more Simu time stamps reflecting new SVT;
- StDaqClfMaker
StDaqClfMaker.cxx - standard StEvent handling
- StDbLib - bug fixed
- StEvent
StL0Trigger.cxx/h - run number range updated for run5
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcClusterMaker.h/cxx, StFtpcDbReader.hh - modified to calculate microsecondsPerTimebin from RHIC ClockFrequency; if RHIC ClockFrequency = 0, use default value from database - deleted pradius,pdeflection before error exits to avoid memory leaks
- StFtpcTrackMaker - bug fixed for incorrect setting of track keys
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker - removed +twopi in call to WhichPad when calculating pad_min; bug fixed
- StFpdMaker
StFpdMaker.cxx - created StEvent added to data
- StMcAnalysisMaker
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx/h - added NTuple for svt and ssd hits
StMuDstMaker.cxx - fixed initialisation problem of mCurrentFile, leading to potential segvio when creating MuDst
- StPmdDiscriminatorMaker
StPmdDiscriminatorMaker.cxx - fixed bug caused crash due to mismatch in length of pmdclust and phmdclust
- StSsdClusterMaker
St_scm_Maker.cxx/h - fixed bug,,, St_scf_Maker.cxx/h, St_scm_Maker.cxx/h - modified to use id_mctrack for setIdTruth
- StSsdSimulationMaker,, St_spa_Maker.cxx - modified to use id_mctrack for setIdTruth
- StSvtClusterMaker - modified to use IdTruth instead of id_mchit
- StSvtSimulationMaker
StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx - changes for improving PASA shift added; make PASA shift 200 microns
- StarRoot
TMemStat.cxx - invoking PS removed, /proc/... is used instead
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx/h - modified to set DateTime from fz-file if it was not set before; added default kinematics if there is no input files;
- Sti
StiVMCToolKit.h - SsdInChain set as Default
- pams/geometry
phmdgeo/phmdgeo.g - reorganized the code in order to make it VMC compatible
svttgeo/svttgeo6.g - added updated version with the more precise "butterfly" shape of the actual sensitive area; change orientation of the non-sensitive trapezoids by 90 to account for the way the wafer is positioned in the assembly
geometry/geometry.g - added logic for calling the latest svttgeo6; added Y2003C, Y2004D and Y2005D to take advantage of this new SVT geometry file; added same to DEV2005 for development purposes; added a few parameters to the "low_em" setting to better simulate soft EM processes;
- pams/gen
herwig/hwigpr.f, plot.kumac - modified to read random seeds form the input file; renamed the common block variables; rewritten teh encoding
herwig/herwig.tcsh - added script that generates an input file for herwig, with random seeds
herwig/ - added random seeds;
herwig/herwig6507.f - changed names of kinematic variables to a more readable form
- pams/global
dst/dst_point_filler.F - transport IdTruth info from scs_spt to dst_point
- pams/sim
gstar/gstar_input.g - modified following the changed packaging of data on the Herwig site; modified handling of the event header data harvesting more info from the herwig ntuple;
g2t/g2t_ssd.F - modified
- pams/svt
idl/scf_cluster.idl, spa_strip.idl - modified to use id_mctrack
sce/ - removed all SSD codes
sls/ - removed all SSD codes
scm/ - removed all SSD codes
spa/ - removed all SSD codes
scf/ - removed all SSD codes
- StDb/idl
ftpcElectronics.idl - added uSecondsPerTimebin
pmdSMCalib.idl, pmdCalibSummary.idl - added new pmd calibrations tables
- StarDb/svt
ssd/geom.C - added wafer global positions for simulations
ssd/ssdWafersPosition.C - realistic wafer global positions added
- StarDb/VmcGeometry
modified number of files; removed fz files; new files added: Detectors.y2003c.root, Detectors.y2004d.root, Detectors.y2005d.root, geom.y2003c.root, geom.y2004d.root, geom.y2005d.root, y2003c.h, y2004d.h, y2005d.h
Geometry.y2003c.C, Geometry.y2004d.C, Geometry.y2005d.C - added new geometry files
October 14, 2005
new library SL05g has been build, tested and released on October 18.
Main features:
first release of the library with Virtual Monte Carlo simulation code
Next codes have been updated:
- asps
Simulation/agetof/Conscript - modified;
Simulation/starsim/Conscript - modified to add FPP flag for non pgi version;
Simulation/starsim/comis/csallo.c - changed CERNLIB_QX_SC ==> CERNLIB_QXNO_SC;
Simulation/geant321/erdecks/gdedxcalc.F, mytrack.g - moved to erdecks, ertrak.F - modified to force loading of mytrack, gdedxcalc;
staf/sdd/Conscript - modified for SL4;
rexe/MAIN_rmain.cxx - remove extra
- StAnalysisMaker - added information about ftpc tracks, adjust hit.flag cut to >3
- StAssociationMaker
StAssociationMaker.cxx - modified for persistent StMcEvent
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx - modified for persistent StMcEvent
- StBFChain
BFC.h, BFC2.h, StBFChain.cxx/h - modified; BFC.C, BFC2.C, BigFullChain.h - added new files to implement chain with VMC; merged BFC.h and BFC2.h into BigFullChain.h
StBFChain.cxx - activated Ssd for IT
StBFChain.cxx/h - modified to use simulation time stamps and geometries from list defined in StMaker.cxx
BigFullChain.h - added StMcEvent in/out option (minimc.root file)
- StBichsel
Bichsel.cxx, dEdxParameterization.cxx - cleanup
- StChain
StChain.cxx/h, StMaker.cxx/h - switched from fBits to fStatus for StMaker control bits
StMaker.cxx/h - added all used simulation time stamps and geometries
- StDbUtilities - cleanup
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - tower peds now added if option is set
- StEvent
StEmcPoint.h - class version increased by 1;
- StEmcTriggerMaker
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - new version to include a realistic reconstruction of the BEMC trigger from the raw or simulated data;
- StEEmcDbMaker
cstructs/eemcConstDB.hh - added copyCat fail bit
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx, plot.C, plotCen.C - changed plot style
- StDbBroker
StDbBroker.h - replace UInt_t to Int_t for m_runNumber to avoid problem with undefined run number
- StDbLib,StDbModifier.cxx, StDbTable.h,,StTableDescriptorI.h - updated to correct padding issue for pacted tables
- StdEdxMaker
StSvtdEdxMaker.cxx - protection of 1/0 added
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, PACKAGE - added new files, dictionaries
- St_db_Maker
St_db_Maker.cxx - switched from fBits to fStatus for StMaker control bits; account replacing of UInt_t by Int_t for m_runNumber; added protection for validity date < 19950101
- St_dst_Maker
St_dst_Maker.cxx - protection against division by 0 added
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx/h - modified for VMC; added set date/time from fz-file;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to check if theFinder exists
StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - more strict cut for failed vertex added
StiPPVertex/StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h, VertexData.cxx - modified declaration
- StMagF
StMagFMaker.cxx/h - modified to switch to StarMagField
PACKAGE - added
- StMcEvent
modified a number of files to make StMcEvent persistent
- StMcAnalysisMaker
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - changed access to StMcEvent to use GetDataSet to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - modified to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
- StMiniMcMaker
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - modified to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
- StMixerMaker
StMixerMaker.cxx/h - IdTruth added
removed files:,
StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuChainMaker.cxx - TChain modified to automatically skip of corrupted files
- StSsdPointMaker
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - added a method to the point maker to check which ssdStripCalib is picked up
- StTpcEvalMaker
StTpcEvalMaker.cxx - modified to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
- StTrsMaker
StTrsMaker.cxx/h - bug fixed, IdTruth added
include/StTrsAnalogSignal.hh StTrsAnalogSignalGenerator.hh StTrsDigitalSector.hh StTrsDigitalSignalGenerator.hh StTrsFastDigitalSignalGenerator.hh StTrsOldDigitalSignalGenerator.hh StTrsRawDataEvent.hh StTrsSector.hh StTrsZeroSuppressedReader.hh - bug fixed, IdTruth added
src/,,,,,,, - bug fixed, IdTruth added - adjust to ICC
- StRichPIDMaker
StRichPIDMaker.cxx - modified to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx - new method for StMcEvent access added
- St_QA_Maker
StEventQAMaker.cxx - new method for StMcEvent access added
- St_tpcdaq_Maker
St_tpcdaq_Maker.cxx/h - IdTruth added
- StarClassLibrary
StMCTruth.h - method size() added,,StParticleDefinition.hh, StParticleTable.hh,,StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh - modified to make StLorentzVector persistent - pathLength to plane now finds nearest approach to intersection regardless of # of loops
- StarMagField
StarMagField.cxx - modified to adjust agufld function to comis, fixed B[0] = B[1] = 0 at r = 0
- StarRoot
TRArray.cxx/h, TRMatrix.h, TRSymMatrix.h, TRVector.h - changed operator () to be == []
- Sti
StiLinkDef.h, PACKAGE - added dictionary
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - added protection for Zero field
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - checking of centerOrientation added
StiHit.cxx/h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx/h - removed StiHit error scale
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx - added clone of VMC geometry before averaging
StiVMCToolKit.cxx - adjusted for extended volume name
StiCompositeLeafIterator.h, StiDedxCalculator.h - cleanup
- StiMaker
PACKAGE, StiMakerLinkDef.h - added dictionary
StiMaker.cxx/h - modified to be consistent with persistent StMcEvent
MiniChain.cxx/h - removed
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - cleanup
- pams/geometry
shldgeo/shldgeo.g - shielding geometry, Separated magnets into a separate branch, quadgeo;
cavegeo/cavegeo.g - modified for shielding study;
geometry/geometry.g - modified for shielding studies, added separate config variables for the Quad section, added options 'SVTT_OFF' & SVTT_ON' to switch SVT detector off/on simulation;
create a key that enables the user to lower the electromagnetic processes GEANT cut to 10 keV, from the KUMAC script without the need to recompile;
quadgeo/quadgeo.g - new code for the description of the upstream beam magnets;
svttgeo/svttgeo5.g - a new, stripped down version of the SVT that only includes the support cones but no central barrel, needed for the detector development and material balance studies
phmdgeo/phmdgeo.g - modified to reorganize the code in order to make it VMC compatible
- pams/sim
gstar/gstar_input.g - adjusted foe event characterization info from Herwig
- pams/global
egr/gdedxcalc.F mytrack.g - removed;
helix.F - modified to use subroutine resetNlevel instead direct access to common block;
- pams/gen
herwig/heptup.f,, herwig6507.f,,, hwigpr.f - added new event generator;
- StarVMC
new VMC code, containes next modules: StarVMCApplication,StVMCMaker, StVmcTools, g2Root, geant3,minicern,pgf77;
- StarDb/svt/ssd
ssdStripCalib.root - default table with the latest format
- StarDb/VmcGeometry
modified number of files, added new files to add new geometries and expand volume name with generic one
April 23, 2007
library SL05f has been updated with next codes, retagged with tag SL05f_3 and used to run embedding production with MC fixed vertex.
- StAssociationMaker
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx, Bfc.idl, BFC2.h;
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx/h, StiDefaultToolkit.cxx;
- StJetMaker
StJetSimuUtil/StJetSimuWeightMaker.cxx ;
- StMcAnalysisMaker
- StMcEvent
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h ;
- StMiniMcMaker
- St_QA_Maker
StEventQAMaker.cxx ;
- StRichPIDMaker
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
- StTpcEvalMaker
April 9, 2007
library SL05f has been updated with codes below and retagged with tag SL05f_2. Update are needed to process with embedding production with MC fixed vertex.
- StGenericVertexMaker
- StEvent
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx, Bfc.idl, BFC2.h;
August 25, 2005
library SL05f has been updated with next codes:
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx,StMuPrimaryVertex.h/cxx,StMuIOMaker.cxx,StMuEvent.cxx/h,StMuDstMaker.cxx,StMuDst.cxx/h,StMuTypes.hh,StMuTrack.h - further updates for multiple vertices
- StEvent
StEnumerations.h - kMaxId == max number of detectors+1 modified
- StEmcUtil/projection
StEmcPosition.cxx/h - added projection based on StPhysicalHelixD
- StEEmcDbMaker
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to allow to mask fibers based on event content
- StEmcRawMaker
StEemcRaw.cxx - modified to drop only crates which are off instead of the whole event
- StPeCMaker
StPeCEvent.cxx - TClone to TObj fixes
- StJetMaker
StJets.cxx - TClonesArray to TObjArray safe change
StFourPMakers/StBET4pMaker.cxx - TClonesArray to TObjArray
- StFlowMaker
StFlowMaker.h - changes to be in compliance with recent changes in the MuDsts
- StHbtMaker
- StEventUtilities
StuRefMult.hh, StuFtpcRefMult.hh - changes related to multiple vertices MuDst modifications
- StSsdPointMaker,StSsdPointMaker.h/cxx
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StKinkMaker.h/cxx - Crop() function introduce to flag the kinks with parents that share same daughter
- Sti
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - getAllPointCount(...) added
StiTrackNode.cxx/h - static mgFlag and isFitted() added
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - modified to remove track improving during fit to vertex
StiMapUtilities.cxx - removed reusing bad hits
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - PoinCount cleanup
- StDb/idl
spaceChargeCor.idl, ssdStripCalib.idl
- StarDb/Calibrations
tracker/kinkTrackingParameters.20011201.000100.C,kinkTrackingParameters.20050324.150000.C - kink tracking parameters
Updated code codes have been retagged as SL05f_1
August 18, 2005
new library SL05f has been build, tested and released on August 18. Library has tag SL05f_1 .
Main features:
- new ROOT version 4.04.02, supposed to provide proper schema evolution and allow to use templated versions of StThreeVector, StMatrix, StHelix and StPhysicalHelix;
- code modifications to adjust to the new ROOT version;
- new multiple primary vertices finder code implemented to process events with pile up effect;
- further improvement of ITTF code, multiple primary vertices support added;
- MuDst structure reshaped to provide support for multiple primary vertices;
Next codes have been updated:
- asps/Simulation/starsim
Conscript, deccc/idisp.c - added flag WithoutPGI to get free_ and malloc_ without PGI;
atmain/gdebug.age - removed;
- StAnalysisMaker - added summary of quality & protection for absence of svtHitCollection, agjusted for multiple primary vertices;
- StAssociationMaker
StAssociationMaker.cxx - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
- StBFChain
BFC2.h, StBFChain.cxx - modified to add VFPPV option - multiple primary vertices finder code switching;
- StDbUtilities
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StGlobalCoordinate.hh, StSectorAligner.h,, - modified to add TpcCoordinate transformation classes to dictionary and to use templated StThreeVector;
PACKAGE - added ;
- StEvent
StEnumerations.h - added StVertexFinderId enum;
StEmcPoint.cxx/h - removed clash with IdTruth;
StHit.cxx/h - modified;
StSvtHit.cxx/h - cleanup;
StTrack.cxx, StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx, StTrackGeometry.h - StThreeVectorD.hh includes added ;
- StEventUtilities
StEventHelper.cxx/h - modified use templated version of StPhysicalHelixD; modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
- StdEdxMaker
StdEdxMaker.h - modified use templated version of StThreeVectorD;
PACKAGE - added ;
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h - modified;
PACKAGE, dEdxTrackY2.cxx - added;
dEdxTrack.cxx/h - removed ;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - added corruption check flag ;
- StEEmcDbMaker
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - updated for embedding;
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h - updated for embedding;
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.h - more get methods;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowMaker.h, StFlowPicoEvent.cxx - modified to use templated version of StThreeVectorF and StPhysicalHelixD;
PACKAGE - added;
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackToStEvent.hh, StFtpcTrackingParams.hh - modified to use templated version of StThreeVectorF and StPhysicalHelixD;
PACKAGE - added;
- StGenericVertexMaker
StiPPVertex - new multiple primary vertex finder code;
BemcHitList.cxx/h, CtbHitList.cxx/h, EemcHitList.cxx/h, ScintHitList.cxx/h, StPPVertexFinder.cxx/h, TrackData.cxx/h, VertexData.cxx/h - new files added for multiple primary vertex finding;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h, StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified for multiple primary vertices support;
- StMiniMcMaker
StMiniMcMaker.h - modified to use templated StThreeVectorF;
- StMcAnalysisMaker
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - multiple primary vertices support;
- StMcEvent
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEventTypes.hh, - modified to provide support for IGT detector;,, - added to provide support for IGT detector; - removed old ifdef, now all classes are persistent;
StMcHitComparisons.hh - modified to replace StThreeVector.hh -> StThreeVectorF.hh;
StMcCtbHit.hh, StMcFgtHit.hh, StMcFstHit.hh, StMcFtpcHit.hh, StMcHitComparisons.hh, StMcIstHit.hh, StMcPixelHit.hh, StMcRichHit.hh, StMcSsdHit.hh, StMcTofHit.hh, StMcTpcHit.hh - removed forward declaration of StThreeVectorF, use #include, and only in StMcHit base class;,,StMcIgtHit.hh, - default constructor modified, including base class StMcHit constructor;
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - added code for filling of IGT classes ;
StMuDst.h, StMuTrack.h - modified to use template version of StPhysicalHelixD ;
StMuPrimaryVertex.cxx/h - new files added to support multiple primary vertices;
StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - modified to calculate tracks DCA with respect to the first vertex in the list (highest rank), but another vertex number can be specified;
StMuTrack.cxx - changed dca calculation: no longer scan period of helix to get DCA;
- StMiniMcMaker - multiple primary vertices support;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StXiFinderMaker.cxx - modified;
- StRTSClient
FCF/fcfAfterburner.cxx - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
- StSsdDaqMaker
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - modified to fill pedestal histos ;
- StSsdClusterMaker,,,,, St_scf_Maker.cxx/h, St_scm_Maker.cxx/h,St_ssd_Maker.cxx - modified ;
- StSsdPointMaker, StSsdPointMaker.cxx - makeSsdPedestalHistograms() method eliminated, modified to prevent crashes if ssdStripCalib is missing;
- StSsdDbMaker - information from the ssdDimensions table added;
- StarMagField
StarMagField.h, StarMagFieldLinkDef.h, StarMagField.cxx - the version of STAR magnetic field extracted from StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities to be used in Simulation and Reconstruction instead of agufld;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
StXiMuDst.hh - modified to use templated StPhysicalHelixD; changed class version to avoid ROOT bug;
- StarClassLibrary, StHelixD.hh, StLorentzVector.hh, StLorentzVectorD.hh, StLorentzVectorF.hh, StMatrix.hh, StMatrixD.hh, StMatrixF.hh,, StPhysicalHelixD.hh, StThreeVector.hh, StThreeVectorD.hh, StThreeVectorF.hh, StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh - modified to agjust to new ROOT version;,, - new files added;,,,,,,, - removed files;
StMCTruth.cxx/h - added to associate geant tracks id with hits;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StKinkMaker.h - modified to use templated StPhysicalHelixD;
- StSvtClassLibrary,, - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
- StSvtClusterMaker,, StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx,, StSvtHitMaker.cxx - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx, StSvtClusterMaker.cxx/h - clear of collection added ;
- StSvtDaqMaker - modified;
- StSvtSimulationMaker,, StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx,, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/hh - modified to associate geant tracks id with hits ;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.cxx/h - modified;
- StTableUtilities
StTrackChair.h, St_dst_trackC.h - modified to use templated StHelixD;
- StTofUtil modified to use templated StThreeVector;
StTofrGeometry.h - modified to use templated StThreeVector; hide typedefs IntVec, DoubleVec, PointVec and methods HelixCrossCellIds,HelixCross, projTrayVector from CINT;
StTofGeometry.h - modified to use templated StThreeVector and StPhysicalHelix;
- StTofpMatchMaker
StTofpMatchMaker.h - modified to use templated StThreeVectorD;
- StTofrMatchMaker
StTofrMatchMaker.h - modified to use template StThreeVectorD;
- StTpcDb
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbLinkDef.h, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, - replace dEdx_t=>dEdxY2_t;
- StTrsMaker
StTrsMaker.cxx/h, StTrsDigitalSector.hh,,,, - bug fixed;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx - modifications for pp, run2005, trigger ID & inheritance ;
StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h, StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h - added new files to use StEvent for beamline constraint;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to use templated StPhysicalHelixD;
- Sti
StiDummyVertexFinder.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiStarVertexFinder.cxx/h, StiTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiTreeNode.cxx/h, StiVertexFinder.cxx/h - multiple primary vertices support;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - modified;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - new logic for for muliple vertices implemented;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - removeLastNode() added;
StiMcTrack.cxx/h, StiTrack.h - const added, refit added;
StiStarVertexFinder.cxx - set small but non zero errors for primary hits;
StiTrack.cxx - set track id < 32K ;
StiTrackContainer.cxx/h - sort() added;
StiTrackNode.h - getDet() renamed to getDeterm();
StiToolkit.h - IdTruth changes;
Base/Factory.cxx/h - added global memory counter;
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx - multiple primary vertices support, make 'clearmem' as default;
StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - multiple primary vertices support;
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx/h - changes related to association of geant tracks id with hits;
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - DetectorBuilder updated with the correct methods from StSsdUtil;
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSvtHitLoader.cxx - cleanup;
- St_db_Maker
St_db_Maker.cxx - SetFlavor/fDbBroker bug fixed;
StKinkMaker.h - modified to use templated StPhysicalHelixD;
StValiSet.cxx/h - added new files;
- St_dst_Maker.cxx
StMatchMaker.cxx, St_dst_Maker.cxx - setup stuff for flagging hits used in fit of tracks;
St_dst_Maker.cxx - array replaced by TArray ;
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx - included the newly developed Inner GEM tracker;
- St_QA_Maker
TpcHitUtilities.h -modified to use templated StThreeVectorD;
- pams/geometry
gembgeo/gembgeo.g - added GEM barrel tracker code;
tpcegeo/tpcegeo.g, tpcegeo1.g - a diagnostics about the TPC gas density added;
pipegeo/pipegeo.g - added a thinner version of the already customized pipe for the pixel detector;
geometry/geometry.g - updates for pixel detector geometry; added config variables and steering for the GEM barrel tracker;
pixlgeo/pixlgeo2.g - added new version of the pixel detector geometry;
- pams/sim
idl/g2t_track.idl - new IGT hits included for the inner GEM based tracker;
idl/g2t_igt_hit.idl - added to declare IGT (inner GEM based tracker) hits;
g2t/g2t_igt.idl - added IGT hits for the GEM barrel;
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - GEM barrel tracker added;
g2t/g2t_igt.F - IGT hits for the GEM barrel added;
- StarDb
VmcGeometry - updated for recent geometry changes according to St_geant_Maker;
VmcGeometry/Detectors.ist1.root, Detectors.y2003a.root, Detectors.y2003b.root, Detectors.y2003x.root, Detectors.y2004.root, Detectors.y2004a.root, Detectors.y2004b.root, Detectors.y2004c.root, Detectors.y2004x.root, Detectors.y2004y.root, Detectors.y2005b.root, Detectors.y2005x.root, Detectors.year2000.root, Detectors.year2001.root, Detectors.year2002.root, Detectors.year2003.root, geom.ist1.root, geom.y2003a.root, geom.y2003b.root, geom.y2003x.root, geom.y2004.root, geom.y2004a.root, geom.y2004b.root, geom.y2004c.root, geom.y2004x.root, geom.y2004y.root, geom.y2005b.root, geom.y2005x.root, geom.year2000.root, geom.year2001.root, geom.year2002.root, geom.year2003.root, ist1.h, ist1.rz, y2003a.rz, y2003b.rz, y2003x.rz, y2004.rz, y2004a.rz, y2004b.rz, y2004c.rz, y2004x.rz, y2004y.h, y2004y.rz, y2005b.rz, y2005x.rz, year2000.rz, year2001.rz, year2002.rz, year2003.rz - added new files which includes modification from Maxim, added ist1 and y2004y geometries, added original rz-files, modified to change Tpc gas density;
VmcGeometry - updated number of files for recent geometry changes according to St_geant_Maker;
Geometry.ist1.C, Geometry.y2004y.C, Geometry.y2005.C, Geometry.y2005c.C, y2005.h, y2005.rz, y2005c.h, y2005c.rz, Detectors.y2005.root, geom.y2005.root - added new files;
June 10, 2005,
new library SL05e has been build, tested and released on June 20. Library has tag SL05e .
Main features:
- further development of ITTF code: new hit errors were fitted and implemented; hit pools modified to RMS=1 and made not depended on Z,DIP and Psi; Chi2 average made = 1, Prob(Chi2) made flat ;
- SSD code complete, ready for test production;
- new BEMC cluster finder and point maker code;
- geometry for year 2005 complete, year 2004 improved;
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - added Y2004y and RY2004y options
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - added 3DGridLeak Distortion Correction and Utilities to support it
StMagUtilities.cxx - updated for the new version of TMatrix
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcMC/StEEmcMCEnum.h - first revision of code for MC data
EEmcMC/EEmcMCData.cxx/h - modified for for embedding, GEANT unpacker was split on 2 parts
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h - modified
StEEmcSimulatorMaker.h/cxx - removed
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StBemcData.cxx, StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - added calibrationType Reset for old productions
- StEmcMixerMaker
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx - small bug fixed when mixing SMD hits
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx - bug fixed
- StEventUtilities
TwistPatch.cxx/h - added new files for Twist correction
- StMcEvent, - updated for EEMC, added eprs, esmdu, esdmv hits
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - updated of EEMC filling for eprs, esmdu and esmdv hits
StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx/h - added some new features suggested by Alex Suiade: Emc data now supported (for SL04k and later MuDst),
flags added to switch Eemc and Bemc copying seperately (setDoBemc and setDoEemc)
global tracks are checked seperately; they were only copied if the corresponding primary fullfills the filter() criteria, now they are also copied if only the global track fullfills the criteria
StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx - modified to discard the whole event if StMuEvent does not pass the cut
StMuDst.cxx - bug fixed in StMuDst::fixTrackIndices(), now using the TClonesArray that are passed to the function, instead of the ones in StMuDst
StMuEmcTowerData.cxx/h - added copy constructor and clear fucntions for use in StMuDstFilterMaker
StMuEmcHit.cxx/h - changed argument type of copy cosntructor used in StMuDstFilterMaker
- StEpcMaker
StEpcConstants.h, StEpcCut.cxx/h, StEpcMaker.cxx/h, StPi0Candidate.cxx/h, StPointCollection.cxx/h - new Point maker code implemented
- StPreEclMaker
StClusterDisplay.cxx/h, StEmcPreCluster.cxx/h, StEmcPreClusterCollection.cxx/h, StPreEclMaker.cxx/h - modified for new cluster finder framework
EmcClusterAlgorithm.h, StEmcOldFinder.cxx/h, StEmcVirtualFinder.cxx/h - new files added for new cluster finder framework
- StSsdClusterMaker,, St_scf_Maker.cxx/h, St_scm_Maker.cxx/h, - modified to save SSD hits into StEvent
- StSsdDaqMaker
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - condition if (pedestal>0) replaced by if (pedestal>=0)
- StSsdDbMaker
StSsdDbMaker.cxx - moved configuration Init()==>InitRun()
- StSsdPointMaker
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - modified to initrun and improve DB connection; added methods to fill the Tuple, added a histo for the pedestal and new name of the class : SsdPoint
- StPass0CalibMaker
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx/h, StEvtVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h,StMuDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx/h - introduction of new code to use MuDst for beamline constraint
- Sti
StiDetectorGroup.h, StiDebug.cxx, StiMapUtilities.cxx, StiMaterial.cxx - cleaned up
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx - Max & min errors changed to 1e-4,1
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - method refitL added
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - chi2 selection sub branch of nodes modified
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - technical reorganization done
StiTrackNode.cxx/h - static method mult5 added
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx/h - new code added
Base/Factory.h, StiFactory.h - fast delete added
Base/StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - modified to use fast delete
Base/Named.cxx/h, Parameter.cxx/h - modified
- pams/geometry
geometry/geometry.g - included the updated TPC backplane into the tag Y2004C along with FTRO ; improved geometry for year 2004 simulation run, tag Y2004Y implemented, Y2003X updated
btofgeo/btofgeo2.g, btofgeo3.g, btofgeo4.g - modified: removed unneeded Dens=0.282 statements from honeycomb Material definitions
btofgeo/btofgeo4.g - updated geometry for run 2005
- StarDb/Calibrations/tracker
svtHitError.20010312.000010.C - added 200microns SVT errors
svtTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C, tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C - modified to change maxChi2=20
tpcOuterHitError.20010312.000010.C, tpcInnerHitError.20010312.000010.C - added new fitted errors
May 16, 2005,
new library SL05d has been build, tested and released on May 17. Library was tagged with SL05d_1 tag ( but has intermediate release tag SL05d too )
Main features:
- first release of TOF reco codes;
- calibration adjustments codes updated for CuCu production;
- SSD simulation code developed, ready to run reconstruction;
- GEANT simultaion code for FGT detector added ;
- further development of ITTF code: geometry updates, modified TPC hit error parametrization, some modification of SVT code;
Next codes have been updated:
- StAssociationMaker
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx/h - method to print McTracks information was added
- StAnalysisUtilities
StHistUtil.cxx - reodering of some FTPC code on user ranges in radial hists
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - re-enabled SSD & ssdIT options
StBFChain.cxx - enabled useCDV and useLDV options to use T0 or laser calibrations
- StDaqLib
TOF/TOF_Reader.cxx/hh - updated for year 2005 new data format, previous interfaces are separated out for convenience
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - more checking
- StBichsel
Bichsel.cxx/h, dEdxParameterization.cxx/h - added modified GetMostProbableZM,GetAverageZM and GetI70M to account saturation for low b*g for nSigma calculations
- StEEmcDbMaker
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - fixed overwriting of masks
- StEmcSimulatorMaker
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - set correct StEmcRawHit::calibrationType() for simulated hits
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.cxx - modified
- StEvent
StContainers.cxx/h, StEventTypes.h, StTofCollection.cxx/h, StTofData.cxx/h, StTofRawData.cxx/h - TOF classes for run 2005 implemented,
modification to take care of new TOF daq and electronics
- StMcEvent
StMcIstHit.hh, - added loading of hits for IST & FST detectors,,, StMcPixelHitCollection.hh - added persistency: ClassImp, ClassDef and inheritance from StObject,,,,, - new files for Fgt and Fst detectors
StMcContainers.hh,, StMcEventTypes.hh, - modification to accomodate changes related to Fgt and Fst detectors
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - modifications to build the Fgt and Fst classes from the g2t tables; added loading of SSD hits from g2t_ssd_hit table
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuTofUtil.cxx StMuDst.cxx/h - updated for run year 2005 TOF data format
COMMON/StMuMomentumShiftMaker.cxx - changed scheme for mOutDir
- StSsdDaqMaker
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx/h - new files, removed dependancy between StSsdDaqMaker and StSsdDbMaker
ssdLadderMap.h - new file
StSsdDaqMaker.cxx - hardware offset corrected for specific ladders
- StSsdDbMaker
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h, StSsdDbWriter.cxx, - new StSsdDbMaker rewritten without DirectDataBase Access
- StSsdClusterMaker
St_scf_Maker.cxx/h, St_scm_Maker.cxx/h, St_ssd_Maker.cxx/h - modified to read ssd/geom and no more writeScfCtrlHistograms and writeScmCtrlHistograms methods
- StSsdSimulationMaker,,,,,,,,,,,, St_sls_Maker.cxx/hh, St_spa_Maker.cxx/hh - new revision
- StSsdEvalMaker, - new readPointFromTable method added to load g2t_ssd_hit table, modified to use tg2t_ssd_hit table, doEvalCluster and doEvalSpt modified
St_sce_Maker.cxx/h - new readPointFromTable method added to load g2t_ssd_hit table, modified to use g2t_ssd_hit table, read ssd/geom and no more writeScmHistograms methods; showScfStats and showScmStats added in the Finish
- StSsdPointMaker, StSsdPointMaker.cxx - physics and pedestal data processing separated,, StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h, - added new methodes makeScfCtrlHistograms, makeScmCtrlHistograms and Clusternoise
- StTofUtil
StTofrDaqMap.cxx/h - updated for year 2005 run new data format
StTofRawDataCollection.cxx/h - first release for new data format in StEvent for year 2005 run
StSortTofRawData.cxx/h - first release of interface to sort out TofRawData array for year 2005 run
- StTofMaker
StTofMaker.cxx/h - updated for year 2005 run
- StTofrMatchMaker
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - modified for year 2005 run
- StTofpMatchMaker
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx/h - modified for year 2005 run
- StTofCalibMaker
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - updated for year 2005 run
- StTofSimMaker
StTofSimMaker.cxx - modification corresponding changes in StTofData structure for year 2005 run
- StarRoot
S THack.cxx - method LineToD added
StarRootLinkDef.h - dictionary for THack added
THelixTrack.cxx/h - GetDCA added
- StTpcDb
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx - modified, added cut opttion (npar >= 100), activated Edge correction
- StPass0CalibMaker
StTpcT0Maker.cxx - switches between TCL and FCF using m_Mode added
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - modifications for SpaceCharge study
- Sti
StiCompositeTreeNode.h, StiDetector.cxx/h, - dummy reset() added
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx - TPC size increased 200==>210
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - refit tuned
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - special treat of SVT added
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - dL/dCurv more accurate
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - error factor added
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.h, StiTrackFinder.h - signature changed
StiTrackNode.cxx/h - static function sinX added
StiTreeNode.cxx - bug fixed
Base/Factory.h - reorganisation: method free added
Base/StiFactory.h - new Factory implementation
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx/h, StiElossCalculator.cxx/h, StiShape.cxx/h, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - fixed problem with unassigned variable
StiVMCToolKit.cxx - added protection (and asserts) for mixed materials
- StiFtpc
StiFtpcHitLoader.cxx/h - removed LoadMcHits
- StiMaker
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - new Factory implementation
StiStEventFiller.cxx - temprary hack, saved residuals
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed Ssd from IT chain before new interface with SsdDbMaker will be fixed
- StiTpc
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - fixed problem with unassigned variable in StiTpcDetectorBuilder
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx - two new variables implemented to place SVT and SSD hits separately in different tables,
added Hit description extractor (AgstHits)
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added an interface for reading the FGT (GEM) hits
- St_QA_Maker
StEventQAMaker.cxx - fixed problem of not using estPrimary tracks
- StHbtMaker/CorrFctn
QoslCMSCorrFctnRPkT.cxx/h - added correlation function class for RP-dependent analysis with multiple (hardwired!) kT bins
- pams/geometry
istbgeo/istbgeo.g - solved problems with the modules/ladders not ending up on the proper radius after they were tilted and shifted
fgtdgeo/fgtdgeo.g - added hit description to the FGT detector, chnaged FGAR hit definition and FGSC fitsteh convention
geometry/geometry.g - added development tag DEV2005
- pams/sim
g2t/g2t_fgt.F, g2t_fgt.idl - new file added to process the FGT (GEM) hits for R&D
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - volume enumeration added for FGT (GEM) detector
idl/g2t_fgt_hit.idl - added interface for the FGT detector
idl/g2t_track.idl - modifications needed for the FGT (GEM) detector
- StarDb/Calibrations
tracker/svtTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C, tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000010.C - increased Chi2 and search window
- StDb/idl
tpcCorrection.idl - added cut option (npar >= 100)
- StarDb/VmcGeometry
Geometry.year2000.C, Geometry.year2001.C, Geometry.year2002.C, Geometry.year2003.C,
Geometry.y2003a.C, Geometry.y2003b.C, Geometry.y2003x.C,
Geometry.y2004.C, Geometry.y2004a.C, Geometry.y2004b.C, Geometry.y2004c.C, Geometry.y2004x.C,
Geometry.y2005b.C, Geometry.y2005x.C, Geometry.year2000.C, Geometry.year2001.C, Geometry.year2002.C, Geometry.year2003.C
- modified geometry files to set 'not IsOwner' for gGeoManager for ITTF code
April 21, 2005,
library SL05b has been updated with
code to handle FTPC East gain table properly
Library was retagged as SL05c and renamed to SL05c
April 11, 2005,
library SL05b has been updated with next codes to set proper geometry tag needed for embedding:
- StBFChain.cxx
- StMaker.cxx
Updated codes have been retagged as SL05b_2
April 1, 2005,
new library SL05b has been build, tested and released. Library was tagged with SL05b_1
Main features:
futher improvement of Sti tracking and vertexing:
- track errors correctly filled in StEvent;
- combinatorial search is implemented, as a result more SVT hits accepted, number of primaries increased about 2%
important bug in StTpcDbMaker has been fixed which caused that wrong 'Twist' correction values for TPC were picked from the db
and global sector position for simulation was wrong (only SL05a library was effected);
few corrections have been done for year 2005 geometry
Next codes have been updated:
- StEmcSimulatorMaker
StEmcPmtSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimpleSimulator.cxx/h, StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h, StEmcVirtualSimulator.cxx/h, StPmtSignal.cxx/h - fixed problem with chain
- StFtpcClusterMaker - calculate the average temperature correctly for year 2005+ runs when only one set of temperature readings is available
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h - made changes for using body + extra temperatures starting with y2005
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx/h - made changes to use body + extra temperature readings starting with y2005, necessary for embedding
- StEmcUtil
database/StEmcDbHandler.cxx/h - added new class to to handle Emc database tables
- StIOMaker
StIOMaker.cxx - FileSet deleted in Finish by request GridCollector
- StSsdPointMaker
StSsdPointMaker.cxx, StSsdBarrel.hh/cc, StSsdLadder.hh/cc - positionSize argument added to the initLadders method,
StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - PrintClusterSummary and PrintPointSummary methods added
StSsdStrip.hh,,, - mPedestal member added to the StSsdStrip object. Constructor modified accordingly
StSsdCluster.hh/cc, StSsdPointList.hh/cc, StSsdPoint.hh/cc, StSsdPackageList.hh/cc,, StSsdDynamicControl.h/cxx - missing CVS header added - readNoiseFromTable methods modified to transmit the pedestal, hardware position information fully implemented,new member mActiveLadders added, StSsdStripList.hh/cc - setPedestalSigmaStrip method added, setSigmaStrip removed
StSsdPoint.hh/cc - new members mIdClusterP and mIdClusterN and associated methods added, modified to take HighCut value taken from the db - setMatcheds method modified to transmit the cluster Ids to the point
- Sti
StiKTNIterator.h - reorganization of node container
StiHit.cxx - tolerance increased to 2 cm
StiHitTest.h/cxx - hit test algorithm added,
StiDetector.h - init to zero added,
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx/h - modified
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - refit() method added, reorganization of node container made, getMaxPointCount() fixed;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h - find method reorganised for future combinatoric, combinatorics added,
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - modified not to use 1st node for refit
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h -assert in rotate fixed, derivatives and their test fixed to eta==Psi model, reorganization of node container made, asserts replaced to prints
StiTrack.h - obsolete non used methods;
StiTrackNode.cxx/h - StiContino removed from node, reorganization of node container;
StiSvtHitLoader.cxx - one more test for hits added;
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx -
- StiTpc
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - one more test for hits added
- StarClassLibrary
StLorentzVector.hh, StLorentzVectorD.hh, StLorentzVectorF.hh, StThreeVector.hh, StThreeVectorD.hh, StThreeVectorF.hh - defence FPE added
- StTpcDb
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - bug fixed with flavor handling
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added code for reading hits from IST and FST tables
- StJetMaker
StJetReader.cxx/h, StJets.cxx - updated to add PythiaAssociator, corrected EMC simulation path
StFourPMakers/StBET4pMaker.cxx/h - updated to add PythiaAssociator, corrected EMC simulation path
StJetSimuUtil/IoManager.cxx/h, StPythiaAssociator.cxx/h - updated to add PythiaAssociator, corrected EMC simulation path
StEmcHitMakers - removed
StTrackMatchers - removed
StJetHist/StJetHistMaker.cxx/h - first revision of StJetHistMaker
- StHbtMaker/CorrFctn
FracMergRowvsQinv.h/cxx - added 2D correlation function Qinv vs. Fraction of merged hits
- pams/sim
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - added the numbering for the IST and FST detectors
g2t/g2t_fst.F, g2t_fst.idl - added FST detector
idl/g2t_track.idl, g2t_fst_hit.idl - added FST detector
- pams/geometry
ftpcgeo/ftpcgeo1.g - corrected gas in FTPC, Ar+C02 mix in the chamber
svttgeo/svttgeo4.g - corrected bug in the definition of the electronics and IC
sisdgeo/sisdgeo2.g - created a new version of the structure SFPA to reflect the correct ladder positions
geometry/geometry.g - CorrNum variable turned out to be unwieldy, for y2005b geometry SVT elelctronics mother volume length bug fixed, Ar+C02 gas mix added in the FTPC, SSD ladder radius corected
March 2, 2005,
library SL05a has been updated with next code:
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - tracking was fixed, changed to standard TWO CYCLE TRACKING insteard of laser
Code has been retagged with SL05a tag
February 17, 2005,
library SL05a has been updated with next codes to process AuAu200 production with Grid Leak corrections:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - Remove SSD from chain dur to it crash reco jobs, L0/EMC precedence change, added QUtils for QA dependencies resolution;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.cxx, StDetectorDbTpcOmegaTau.h - access TPC OmegaTau from database added
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - added GridLeak and OmegaTau calls
- StEEmcDbMaker
EEmcDbItem.cxx, EEmcDbItem.h, StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - few more access methods added, made sigPed visible in EEmcDbItem
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx, defines.h - crate Id check put back
StEemcRaw.cxx StEemcRaw.h - accomodate MAPMT firmware change in 2005
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - changed for SpaceCharge / Leak corrections;
- StUtilities
StMessageManager.cxx - fixed bug (used pointer before assignment)
- StPass0CalibMaker
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified to fill StEvent info on SpaceCharge
- StDb/idl
tpcOmegaTau.idl - added table for tpcOmegaTau DB located before in StarDb/Calibrations/tpc
emcTriggerLUT.idl added table for bemc triggers
Updated codes were retagged with tag SL05a
January 28, 2005,
new library SL05a has been created, tagged as SL05a
Library containes essential ITTF code development and updates related to Grid Leak correction problem for year 2004 AuAu200 data.
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - added OGridLeak option, reshaped B/E-EMC options, added chain for year 2005 run
- StDaqLib
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - PSD map fixed. 2004 data is still being produced with wrong map
EMC/EMC_Reader.hh, EMC_SmdReader.cxx/h - modified to allow 12 fibers in the SMD for the y2005 psd data
- StDbLib - reseted precedence for connecting to db. From Low to High: star,home,envVar
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx - changed InnerOuterRatio (pad size ratio) from 1.3 to 0.5
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbGridLeak.cxx/h - GridLeak interface to DB implemented
- StEmcCalibrationMaker
StEmcCalibMaker.cxx/h, StEmcEqualMaker.cxx, StEmcMipMaker.cxx, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx - small modifications
- StEEmcDbMaker
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - more get-method development
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StMuEEmcSimuReMaker.cxx/h - EEMC slow simulator added
SlowSimUtil.cxx/h, StEEmcSlowMaker.cxx/h - added new files
macros/runEEmcSlowMaker.C - new macro added
- StEEmcUtil
- StEmcSimulatorMaker
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx - more modifications
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx/h, defines.h - moved StBemcTables to StEmcUtil, corrected for y2005 PSD data banks
StBemcTables.cxx/h - removed files
StBemcRaw.cxx/h - created a new method to correct for the PSD map problem
StEemcRaw.cxx - small modification of logic
- StEmcUtil
database/StBemcTables.cxx/h - moved StBemcTables to StEmcUtil/database, added interface to trigger tables in offline DB
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowCumulantMaker.cxx/h, calculateCumulant.C - modified v1{3} code
StFlowAnalysisMaker.h/cxx - added full Psi weight for ZDC, SMD and fixed few bugs, runSchedulerJobsExample.config,,, - template to scheduler jobs on cumulant analysis added
myProjectProfile.C - a tool to project TProfile added, useful when derive vPt or vEta from v2D
- StFlowMaker
StFlowEvent.cxx/h, StFlowConstants.h - modified v1{3} code
StFlowConstants.cxx/h, StFlowEvent.cxx/h, StFlowMaker.cxx/h - added full Psi weight for ZDC, SMD and fixed few bugs
StFlowMaker.cxx - added checking for corrupted MuDst and picoDst files
StFlowMaker.cxx/h - modified to read run-by-run beam shifts and SMD pedestal
- StFtpcClusterMaker - updated to use all 6 ftpc west body temperature readings for 2005 run
- StMcEventMaker
StMcEventMaker.cxx - protection against deleting twice added
- StMuDSTMaker
EZTREE/EztEmcRawData.cxx/h - updated for for corruption checking
- Sti
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - modified to use alpha instead of getRefAngle while extending to vertex
StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h - added point of closest approach to vertex (pca) histos
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - added cut for -ve cosCA
RadLengthPlots.cxx, StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiResidualCalculator.cxx, StiTrackingPlots.cxx - implemented new parameter model
RadLengthPlots.cxx, StiHitToTrackMap.cxx, StiLocalTrackMerger.cxx, StiTrackAssociation.h, StiTrackContainer.cxx/h, StiTrackToObjMap.cxx, StiTrackToTrackMap.cxx, StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h, StiResidualCalculator.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - changed track container to vector
examples/CombinationIterator_ex.cxx, StiCompositeLeafIterator_ex.cxx, StiEvaluableTrack_ex.cxx - files removed
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - initial errors tuned
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - several bugs fixed, parameters protection added
StiMaker.cxx, StiStEventFiller.cxx - changed track container to vector
- StiGui
EventDisplay.cxx,PrintMenuGroup.cxx - track container iterators changed to vector::iterator
- StPmdReadMaker
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - updated to read 2005 data
- StPmdUtil
StPmdGeom.cxx/h, StPmdMapUtil.cxx/h - status problem fixed for chain, new map for 2005 data
- St_QA_Maker
StEventQAMaker.cxx StQABookHist.cxx/h - updated histos for PMD
- St_trg_Maker
St_trg_Maker.cxx - added decoding 2005=2004
- pams/geometry
fstdgeo/fstdgeo.g - first revision and substantial reorganization than, better AlN description; added the water manifold (duct). Corrected a small error in the size of AlN plate;
removed active and passive layers, corrected nesting of the water duct volume;
istbgeo/istbgeo.g - first revision, large addition than, segmented silicon, AlN, chtips, new volume names;
geometry/geometry.g - updated the experimental IST1 tag to better refelct the needs of the new tracking group; took out the FTPC, put in the Pixel and SSD, and made provisions for the latter to work w/o the SVT volumes; corrected SSD geometry in y2005x.
mfldgeo/mfldgeo.g - agufld was made as function
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo1.g - removed an annoying print statement
pixlgeo/pixlgeo1.g - small corrections
sisdgeo/sisdgeo.g, sisdgeo1.g, sisdgeo2.g - updates for case when SVT is missing form the configuration
- pams/sim
gstar/gstar_part.g - sigma(1385) family has been added to the particle list
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl
ftpcTemps.idl - FTPC extra temperatures added
emcTriggerPed.idl - trigger pedestal for BEMC added
emcTriggerStatus.idl - broke towerStatus into multidimentional array [30][160] to better represent hardware
tpcFieldCageShort.idl - added missing resistance
tpcGridLeak.idl - added table for GridLeak calibration
- StarDb/VmcGeometry
Geometry.y2003a.root, Geometry.y2003b.root, Geometry.y2003x.root, Geometry.y2004.root, Geometry.y2004a.root, Geometry.y2004b.root,Geometry.y2004x.root, Geometry.y2005x.root, Geometry.year2000.root, Geometry.year2001.root,Geometry.year2002.root, Geometry.year2003.root - added new files, VMC geometries converted from fz-files.
January 05, 2005,
library SL04k has been updated with next codes:
- Sti
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - restored previous revision
- St_QA_Maker
St_QA_Maker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.cxx/h, QAH.cxx/h, StQAMakerBase.cxx/h, StQABookHist.cxx/h, QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - updated QA histos for run 5 for PMD, primary tracks, FPD, QAShift lists
- StAnalysisUtilities
StHistUtil.cxx - updated QA hist utilities for run 5, PMD, primary tracks, FPD, QAShift lists
All library has been retagged with tag SL04k_3.
December 14 - 16, 2004,
library SL04k has been updated with next codes:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - for TPT based reco added svt_daq,svtD to base chain B2004 (so will be shorter)
extended with VFppLMV5 to make symetric in feature comapring to Sti
for ALL 2004 chains (Sti or TPT) --> eemcD is an obsolete option, eemcDY2 will do both EMC
- StGenericVertexMaker
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - fixed 2 cuts in ppLMV4 for the TPT version
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h, StMinuitVertexFinder.cxx - added initaition of StGenericVertexFinder variables, replace mDumMaker by StMaker::GetChain() method
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx - added initialisation of eta, phi and pt affects events without main vertex
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StBemcData.cxx - added event corrupt flag based on header check
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx, controlADCtoE.idl - added new flags to controlAdcToE table
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx/h - added histograms for status tables creation
- St_dst_Maker
StVertexMaker.cxx, ppLMV4.cxx - modifications to implement the ppLMV-5 cuts to ppLMV4
- StarRoot
TMemStat.cxx - specified path to ps
- Sti
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - new energy loss calculation implemented
StiDetector.h, StiElossCalculator.cxx/h - new energy loss calculation implemented
StiHitErrorCalculator.cxx/h - bug fixed
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h - number of bugs fixed,
StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h - new histo implemented
- StiTpc
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - new energy loss calculation implemented
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - new energy loss calculation implemented
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - new energy loss calculation implemented
- StiPixel
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx - new energy loss calculation implemented
SL04k library was retagged as SL04k_2
December 1-2, 2004,
library SL04k has been updated with next codes:
- StDaqLib
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - uninitilaized arrays set to default values
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuCut.cxx/h - initialized arrays
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - added errors on primary vertex
- St_geant_Maker
St_geant_Maker.cxx - loss of one GtHash object per call fixed
- StTagsMaker
StTagsMaker.cxx - small memory leak fixed
- Sti
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h - test for -ve and too big track length added
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiTrack.h - minor changes>
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - set ionization potential for Ar in eloss calculateion instead 5, z propagation fixed
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - pipe propagation fixed
StiDetector.cxx/h - added useful indexing tools
StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h - revamped the plotting package, svt modified
StiHit.cxx - rotation of cov. matrix fixed
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - working version
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - hybrid back
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx - removed throw and replaced with continue; chi2[1] set to incremental chi2 at inner most hit or vertex;
modified to fill the fitTraits.chi2[1] data member for primaries only, it holds node->getChi2() from the innerMostHitNode, which will be the vertex for primaries
- StarDb/Calibrations/tracker
tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000002.C - Claude's tune parameters for TPC & SVT added
Updated codes were retagged as SL04k_1
November 24, 2004,
library SL04k has been updated with next code:
asps/Simulation/starsim/atmain/dblib.cxx - bug fixed
asps/Simulation/starsim/Conscript - added compilation of old redhat 7.2 platforms
Updated codes has been retagged as SL04k_a
November 18, 2004,
library SL04k has been updated with next codes and retagged as SL04k:
- StAssociationMaker/EMC
StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx/h - modified to fill multimaps directly
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - introduced SsdIT options and turn StiSsd ON from Sti option, SSD geometry activated, year 2005 geometry updated
- StDAQMaker
StDAQReader.cxx - added thereIsTriggerData() check and logic for return kStErr
StEEMCReader.cxx/h - added isEemcBankIn
StTRGReader.h - updated for year 2005 run
- StDaqLib
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx/hh - implemented isEemcBankIn
EVP/emcReader.cxx/h - removed etow ch
TRG/trgStructures2005.h, code2005.cxx - updated for year 2005 run
TRG/TRG_Reader.cxx/hh - added logic for bad trigger data header + change print-out format
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx - changed message format
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - bug fixed
- StEmcRawMaker
StBemcRaw.cxx - non initialization of some variables were fixed
StEemcRaw.cxx - unit var initialized
- StEstMaker
Infrastructure/ - initialization fixed
- StEvent
StTriggerData2003.cxx, StTriggerData2004.cxx, StTriggerData2005.cxx/h - checkes for valid pre/post samples added
- StEventDisplayMaker
StEventControlPanel.cxx, StEventDisplayMaker.cxx/h, StGlobalFilterTest.cxx - bug fixed
- StEventUtilities
StEventHelper.cxx - test for the same StEvent pointer removed
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - added stuff to support ezTree mode of MuDstMaker
StMuDst.cxx/h - arg name must not be repeated
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - added call to StMuDst::set() for V0-event-pointers in read()
COMMON/StMuEmcUtil.cxx - fixed crate counters for Emc status flag copying ( [1-30] instead of [0-29] )
EZTREE/EztEmcRawData.cxx/h, EztEventHeader.cxx/h, EztTrigBlob.cxx/h, StMuEzTree.cxx/h - initial revision of ezTree classes for EEmc raw data to process Fastoffline of fast-detector data during run 2005
- StarClassLibrary
StThreeVectorD.hh, StThreeVectorF.hh - check for x,y =0 added
- StarRoot
THelixTrack.cxx/h - set default arg for THelixTrack::Print()
- Sti
StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx - added call to nudge in fit function
- StTriggerDataMaker
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - updated for year 2005 run
November 11, 2004,
library SL04k has been updated with bug fixes and further development of ITTF code. Library has been retagged.
Next codes have been updated:
- Sti
StiDetectorContainer.cxx/h, StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx, StiHit.cxx, StiHitContainer.cxx, StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx, StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPlacement.h, StiTrackingPlots.cxx;
next modifications have been made:
changed the StiPlacement class to hold keys to both the radial and angle placement.
Propagated the use of those keys in StiSvt StiTpc StiSsd and all relevant Sti classes.
changed the StiKalmanTrackFinder::find(StiTrack*) function's algorithm for the navigation of
the detector volumes. The new code uses an iterator to visit all relevant volumes.
The code is now more robust and compact as well as much easier to read and maintain.
changed the chi2 calculation in StiKalmanTrack::getChi2 and propagated the effects of this change
in both StiTrackingPlots and StiStEventFiller classes.
StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - added functions for extrapolation, updates of track parameters
StiTrackingPlots.cxx/h - added diagnostic plots
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed of the chi2 calculation
- StiSvt
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - added/fixed placement keys - disabled hybrids
- StiTpc
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - added/fixed placement keys, added fine tune of pad row placements based on db
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - added/fixed placement keys, provisionally put a return in the 1st line of the builder
October 28, 2004,
library SL04k has been created on .sl302_gcc323 and .rh80_gcc32 platforms, tested and released November 3.
Main features of the library:
- StEmcADCtoEMaker code has been completely reshaped, the new improvements are:
Code is much smaller and easier to read
It now reads DAQ files, StEvent and MuDstFiles
No need for StMuDst2StEventMaker (but this still works)
StEmcCollection that is created is plugged into muDST so the user can read the emcCollection directly from muDST (use the method StMuDst::emcCollection())
Crate status are properly filled in StEvent and StMuDst
Maker does not decide if event is corrupted or not, it just zeroes the corrupted crates. It is up to the user to check the crateStatus in StEvent (StMuDst) and make a decision
StEmcADCtoEMaker now depends on StEmcRawMaker
- new maker StEmcRawMaker has been created to replace former StEmcADCtoEMaker in production. It reads only DAQ structures and write output in StEvent
- StMuDSTMaker has been reshaped. The main functional changes concern the Emc and Pmd data structures.
for EMC flags were added to signal corruption of crate headers
points and clusters are no longer copied from StEvent, because they are recalculated during analysis anyway
for Pmd the possibility to store hits (single-channel information) was added
some changes to the internal logic has been made which will allow to read some Emc (and Pmd) branches more selectively
fixed the problem with StMuIOMaker (there was no emc collection)
- Significant improvement for ITTF code has been made related to ratio of good/bad global tracks
Sti: StiKalmanTrack.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx/h, StiKalmanTrackFitter.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx/h, StiTrackFinderFilter.cxx/h, StiLocalTrackMerger.cxx, StiPlacement.cxx - various changes to improve track quality
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make pipe longer
StiMaker: StiStEventFiller.cxx/h - changes related to track quality improvement
Other changes in the codes not related to the above modifications:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - changed emcDY2 to a new meaning (runs StEmcRawMaker instead of StEmcADCtoEMaker), added emcAtoE option to run StEmcADCtoEMaker
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - added GetSpaceChargeMode() function
- StEvent
StDetectorId.h - enum StarMaxSize added
StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx, StTrackGeometry.cxx - error check improved
- StEventUtilities
StEventHelper.cxx/h - new model of track graphic implementation
- StEmcCalibrationMaker
StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx - adjusted to new StEmcADCtoEMaker
- StEmcMixerMaker
macros/doEmcEmbedEvent.C - updated dependencies for new StEmcADCtoEMaker
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx - added emcCollection if not exist
StMuEEmcSimuMaker.h, StMuEEmcSimuReMaker.cxx - muEmcColl fixed
- StarClassLibrary,, - improved, check for x,y=0 added
- StarRoot
THelixTrack.cxx/h - bug fixed
- pams/geometry
geometry/geometry.g - moved filling of GDAT to the end of code, in this case main Zebra bank is properly populated
Y2004B geometry changed to activate the sisdgeo1
Y2005X geometry is created which is same as Y2004B but with the full barrel calorimeter
sisdgeo/sisdgeo1.g - improved structure of the code by replacing hardcoded numbers with variables which encapsulate formulas
radius of the mother volume has been changed to conform with the shield of the SVT
October 15, 2004,
library SL04j has been updated with bug fixes and retagged as SL04j_b.
Next codes have been updated:
- asps/Simulation/starsim
Conscript, comis - fixed for Scientific Linux
- StAnalysisUtilities
StHistUtil.cxx - FTPC radial histos updated
- StDaqLib
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - bug fixed
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx - modified do not zero corrupted crates
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h - pad vs. time histograms moved to St_QA_Maker
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - pad vs. time histograms moved to St_QA_Maker - new functionality introduced to comply with the new (=correct) definition of trackReferenceCount
- StarRoot
THelixTrack.cxx/h - inversion of direction added
THack.h - default argument for PadRefresh added
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - bug fixes
- StEventDisplayMaker
StGlobalFilterABC.cxx/h, StGlobalFilterTest.cxx/h - added global filters
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - turned off SpaceChargeQdZ and CompareWithToF
- StEEmcUtil
EEfeeRaw/EEfeeRawEvent.cxx - one more header change for miniDaq added
- StHbtMaker
Reader/StHbtMuDstMakerReader.cxx, StHbtMuDstReader.cxx - bug fixed to properly hadle mReaderStatus to make frontLoadedEventCut work
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx - kStEOF returns added to terminate chain
- StarClassLibrary, StHbook.hh removed files to break dependence of StarClassLibrary on packlib
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx - bug fixed: flag%100 -> flag/100; updated to comply with StTrackDetectorInfo changes
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - changed hit factory allocation
October 14, 2004,
all farm nodes were upgraded with Scientific Linux 3.0.2.
SL04h, SL04i, SL04j libraries have been rebuild with native SL3 compiler, libraries are supported on .sl302_gcc323 and .rh80_gcc32 platforms
SL03h, SL04b, SL04c, SL04d, SL04e, SL04f are set in backward compatbility mode with RH8.0
September 20, 2004,
new library SL04j has been created and tagged as SL04j_a.
More memory leak cleanup in the codes:
StSecondaryVertexMaker/, StKinkMaker.cxx/hh, StV0FinderMaker.cxx
Next codes have been updated:
- StEvent
StDedxPidTraits.h - small optimization of alignement
- StMcEvent
added new files:,,,,,
modified codes StMcContainers.hh,,, to support Ist, SSD and changes to Pixel
- StFtpcClusterMaker - corrected error in averageTemperatureEast
- StiMaker
MiniChain.cxx - changes related to SSD DB
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdHitLoader.cxx - changes related to SSD DB
- StTofCalibMaker
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - correct the nsigma in StTofPidTraits
- pams/geometry
geometry/geometry.g - added geometry tag Y2004B which includes the most recent enhancements such as the FTPC readout cage
PIX1 - added geometry tag based on the request from the pixel group; the inner layer of SVT has been removed such that it can coexist with the innder pixel based tracker
svttgeo/svttgeo3.g - added a parameter to specify the innermost layer index thus providing the possibility to selectively remove inner layers
- pams/sim
idl/g2t_track.idl - addition for the SSD detector
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - modified; g2t_ssd.F, g2t_ssd.idl - new material added to support SSD
September 11, 2004,
SL04i has been updated with memory leak and bug fixes, memory usage reduction and minor modifications of codes. Library has been retagged as SL04i_a.
Next codes have been updated with memory leak fixes and optimisation:
StEmcCalibrationMaker/ StEmcMipMaker.cxx
StFtpcTrackMaker/, StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx,,
New updates:
- asps/Simulation/starsim/atmain
pyrpyth.F - added new file
rndm.age - proper interface with Pythia random number generation.
- StAssociationMaker
EMC/StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx/h - modified to create and delete matrixes on the fly
- StChain
StMaker.cxx/h - new methods SetAttr, IAttr,DAttr and SAttr added
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - take StZdcVertexMaker from TpcChain and move it after StEventMaker
option 'clearmem' implemented to cleanup the memory alocation
modified constructor for embedding macro support
ppLMV5, .histos attribute and NoHistos options added
EventReader.cxx - more protection against corrupted DAQ data added
- StDAQMaker
StDAQReader.cxx - more protection against corrupted DAQ data added
- StDbUtilities - changed abs to fabs
StMagUtilities.cxx - put Manual space charge back to 0.0 in order to enable DB
- StEvent
StTrack.cxx - added +1 to the number of possible points when primary track
StTrackFitTraits.cxx/h - added +1 to the number of fit points when bool flag is set
StHit.h - added access function hardwarePosition()
- StEventMaker
StEventMaker.cxx - set vertex-used-in-fit flag for primary tracks
StEventMaker.cxx, - replaced StEvent Hit containers if there are entries in the corrensponding tables
- StEEmcDataMaker
StEEmcDataMaker.cxx - modified to create histos only if attribute is ON, added TH1F pointer protection everywhere
- StEmcADCtoEMaker
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx - modified to wrapp histograms in mFillHisto / histos attribute check
- StEmcUtil
geometry/StEmcGeom.cxx/h - modified>
- StEmcMixerMaker
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx , doEmcEmbedEvent.C - modified
- StEmcTriggerMaker
StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx - modified to check histos attribute first, otherwise, skip it
- StEEmcUtil
EEfeeRaw/EEfeeRawEvent.cxx/h, EEstarTrig.cxx - more methods implemented, remove questionable spin bits interpetation
- StEpcMaker
StEpcMaker.cxx - modified to create histo arrays only if histos attribute is set, changed histograms
- StPreEclMaker
StPreEclMaker.cxx/h - changed histograms
- StFtpcTrackMaker - modified to comply with the change of definition of nFitPoints in the fitTraits of StTrack
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - modified to use the IAttr(".histos") to control histogramming - corrected bit allocation error for FTPC HardwarePosition
- StFtpcClusterMaker, StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - modified to use the IAttr(".histos") to control histogramming
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - bug fixed in createStTrack & mods for vertex flag in fitTraits
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h - added 1 to possible points for primary tracks, like in StEvent
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - several changes to comply with latest changes of MuDsts and StEvent: nHits, nFitPoints, nMaxPoints
- StFlowMaker
StFlowCutTrack.cxx, StFlowMaker.cxx, StFlowSelection.cxx, StFlowTrack.h - several changes to comply with latest changes of MuDsts and StEvent: nHits, nFitPoints, nMaxPoints
- StHitFilterMaker
StHitFilterMaker.cxx - modified to keep Tpc hits for tracks with Tof Pid Traits
- StGenericVertexMaker
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - outerGeometry()->helix() used by ppLMV for extrapolation to CTB
StCtbUtility.cxx, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - Z-vertex range increased to +/- 150 cm
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - ppLMV5/4 switch added
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - modified code to Implement Init() and SetMode() and allow passing a switch to chose the vertex finder from within the same code implementation
- StPmdClusterMaker
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx/h - option 'OptHist' added to switch histos
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StV0FinderMaker.cxx/h - modified to use resize() for vectors, improved vector size management
StV0FinderMaker.cxx - slightly modified parameters of vector memory control
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
StStrangeControllerBase.cxx, StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx - replaced Delete to THack:ClearClone
- StSsdDbMaker
New functions for SSD database reading added
- StSsdPointMaker
Number of codes updated to read SSD databases
- Sti/Base
HistogramGroup.cxx/h - added method to retrieve histogram by name
- StiMaker
StiStEventFiller.cxx - when filling fit traits for primary tracks, set the new flag mPrimaryVertexUsedInFit
- StiTpc
StiTpcHitLoader.cxx - added a test for null tpcHitCollection
- StTagsMaker
StTagsMaker.cxx/h - replaced St_DataSet ==> TDataSet
- StTpcHitMoverMaker
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to move hits if tpc hit containers exists in StEvent, othewise update tpchit table
- StTofMaker
StTofMaker.cxx - more protection against corrupted DAQ data added
- StTpcDb
StRTpcPadPlane.cxx/h, StRTpcSectorPosition.h - improved speed by keeping own copy of table row
StRTpcT0.cxx - reduced redundant function calls to improve speed
- StZdcVertexMaker
StZdcVertexMaker.cxx - added protection for missing StTriggerData
- St_db_Maker
St_db_Maker.cxx/h - timers added for MySQL and maker itself
- macros/examples
bfcMixer.C - extended with doITTF to allow embedding with ITTF
LeakFinder.C, ojtable.C - example of macros for memory Leak search added
- StRTSClient
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx/h - reduced memory footprint
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl
emcTriggerStatus.idl - trigger Status for bemc added
August 13, 2004,
new library SL04i has been tagged (Aug 12), built, tested and released
New updates:
- asps/agi/gst
removed Gstar code, abjusted for root4star using starsim
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - added TOFr, TOFp mathing code and TOFCalib as default for P2004 chain; added SvtEmbed to chain;
added option MakeEvent to create StEvent at the very beginning;
added StSvtDbMaker set for simulation;
- StBichsel
Bichsel.cxx/h, dEdxParameterization.cxx - modified
StBichselLinkDef.h - added
- StDaqLib/EMC
StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - added trigger coordinates conversion
- StDbLib
StDbDefs.hh - added ZDC domain
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - modified to adjust to the new numberOfFitPoints definiton
- StEvent
StTrackDetectorInfo.cxx/h, StTrackFitTraits.cxx/h, StTrack.cxx/h - changed to handle of numberOfFitPoints(), numberOfPossiblePoints(), numberOfPoints() correctely to allow ITTF more flexibility
- StEmcTriggerMaker
StBemcTrigger.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerMaker.cxx/h - update to properly calculate the trigger data from raw data
- StEmcSimulatorMaker
StEmcSimulatorMaker.cxx/h - moved global variables to private members and made small modifications to run in embedding mode
- StFtpcClusterMaker - moved initialization or westHits and eastHits outside of loop over ftpc
- StFtpcTrackMaker, StFtpcTrack.hh - the number of points and number of possible points is set by giving the appropriate detectorId; new (inline) function was added to StFtpcTrack, which returns the detectorId; modified to fill the FitTraits correctly
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - removed unused histograms
- StGenericVertexMaker
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx/h, StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - developed vertex finding code for pp data with pile-up effect
- Stl3RawReaderMaker
Stl3RawReaderMaker.cxx - added tpc detector id when setting the number of points since StEvent can now store the number of points for different detectors
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx - added support for fitted and possible points in different detectors, for ITTF
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx - extended support for fitspoints in Svt and Tpc to work for old files, added topologyMap check for nHitsFit(StDetectorId) and nHitsPoss(StDetectorId) to better handle existing MuDst
EMC - all codes moved to the absolete because current EMC data are writing to COMMON MuDst
COMMON/StMuTofUtil.cxx - fixed for track-point matching
- St_geant_Maker.cxx
St_geant_Maker.cxx - propagation of additional info related to simulation conditions in Pythia events
- StSpectraTagMaker - replace old BetheBloch by Bichsel
- Star2Root
Star2Root library eliminated, St_PolyLine3D moved to StEventDisplayMaker
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StV0FinderMaker.cxx/h - modified
- StEventDisplayMaker
St_PolyLine3D moved to StEventDisplayMaker
- StTofrMatchMaker
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - quality cut applied
- StTofCalibMaker
StTofCalibMaker.cxx - missing nSigmaXX in tofHit implemented
- StTpcDb
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h - added Reset for dEdx_t and SpaceCharge correction
- StRTSClient
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx.h - added for recent changes in StEvent
- Sti
Base/VectorizedFactory.h - added a clear function to the class to enable a flush of the allocated memory at the end of an event
StiKalmanTrack.h - added getMaxPoints(int detectorId), where detectorId corresponds to the StDetectorId value
- StiMaker
StiMaker.cxx, MiniChain.cxx - minor modifications
StiStEventFiller.cxx - fixed the assignment of the first point for primaries. Now the logic for both globals and primaries is that the first element of the stHits() vector can actually be casted to an StHit; modified to call getMaxPointCount
StiDefaultToolkit.cxx - doubled StiKalmanTrackNode factory allocation to avoid crashed in production
- pams/sim
g2t - new format for the common block due to Pythia work, requested additional info related to simulation conditions to be placed in header
idl/g2t_pythia.idl - propagation of Pythia event characterization data
- pams/global
idl/dst_point.idl - added cluster id
dst/dst_point_filler.F - added cluster id
gen/apythia - Pythia library moved to proper area
- StEEmcPool
EEmcAnalysisMaker, StEEmcPi0Maker - users development
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb/Calibrations/tpc
TpcSecRowB.20040404.000000.root - modified for pp run 2004, put to MySql later and removed from this directory
- StarDb/dEdxModel
added PaiT.root file
August 4, 2004,
new library SL04h has been tagged, built, tested and released. This is an intermediate release to process AuAu200, run 2004 test production with ITTF chain;
New updates:
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx - added missing CtbMatchVtx; options added for E-E Space charge corrections;
added VFppLMV and VFMinuit options;
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxTrack.h - patches for dAu production; add clean up for all TPC Pid traits (coming from ITTF) ;
- StBichsel
Bichsel.h, dEdxParameterization.cxx/h - modified to add more access function, switch from Ar to P10 tables as default
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx - added Event by Event SpaceCharge correction capabilities;
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - add switches to P10 tables;
- StEvent
StTriggerData2003.cxx/h - added missing access function for ZDC
StFpdTriggerDetector.cxx/h - initial revision
StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx/h - Fpd as trigger detector added
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StL0Trigger.cxx/h, StTriggerData.cxx/h, StTriggerData2003.cxx/h, StTriggerData2004.cxx/h -
modified triggers data
StRunInfo.cxx/h - added SVT drift velocity scaler
StTofPidTraits.cxx/h - new class member introduced for TOF data
Number of codes modified to removed all clone() declerations and definitions. Use StObject::clone() only
StCtbTriggerDetector.cxx - updated to fix CTB response
StProbPidTraits.cxx/h - added GetChi2Prob method
- StEventMaker
StEventMaker.cxx - fill SVT drift velocity scaler into StRunInfo; update of trigger part
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcSmdGeom.h - added placeholder method getIntersection(Int_t,Float_t,Float_t)
EEfeeRaw/EEfeeRawEvent.cxx/h, EEmcEventHeader.cxx - BTOW data are not masked out any more but headres are checked as for EEMC
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcDbReader.cxx/hh - modified to get adjustAverageWest/East from Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcGas - modified to use use adjustAverageWest/East from database always output temperature calculation information
since this is a critical value for the FTPC
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - include runNumber in call to StFtpcGasUtilities
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - add run number to averageTemperatureWest/East calling sequence
- StGenericVertexMaker
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx/h - first revision of ppLMV ported to ITTF code
- StMuDSTMaker
COMMON/StMuEvent.cxx/h - added FPD and EMC trigger information
COMMON/StMuIOMaker.cxx/h - new developments of Wei-Ming Zhang
COMMON/StMuArrays.h, StMuDst.h - added access methods for Strangeness Monte-Carlo arrays
COMMON/StMuDstFilterMaker.h - added includes for some Strange Mudst classes to rpovide base class for Strange Mudst filter
- StPass0CalibMaker
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx/h - introduction of SpaceCharge correction Event-by-Event
StVertexSeedMaker.cxx - modified to add pp trigger info for run 2004 to process beam line constraint calibrations
- StPmdReadMaker
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - fixed numbering convention to start from 0 when filling StEvent
- StPmdClusterMaker
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx - fixed numbering convention to start from 0 when filling StEvent; number of modifications
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StKinkMaker.cxx - removed kinks with more than one daughter
- StStrangeMuDstMaker
StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx/h - modified to handle missing Event branch info condition
- StStrangeTagsMaker
StStrangeTagsMaker.cxx - filling of Xibar, Omega(bar), NKink and MaxPtKink tags added
- StSvtClusterMaker
StSvtHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to save SVT drift velocity scaler to StEvent
- StSsdDbMaker
StSsdDbMaker.cxx/h,,,,,,, StSsdClusterControl.cxx/h , StSsdDynamicControl.cxx/h,,, StSsdPointMaker.cxx/h - modified to use of new database structures related to SSD Configuration
StSsdDbWriter.cxx/h - first version of a writer for SSD databases, - minor changes
- StSvtSimulationMaker
StSvtEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h, StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx/h, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/h - modified
- StTofCalibMaker
StTofCalibMaker.cxx/h - first revision
introduced two new tables in dbase: tofAdcRange & tofResolution
update on writing StTofPidTraits
Tofp Slewing function changed in AuAu200 GeV Run IV, include those runs with eastern PVPD dead
- StTofrMatchMaker
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - continuing update for the DAQ array in Run IV
- StRTSClient
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - moved pixel anotation to FCFMaker from saveRes(); added support for StEvent
FCF/fcfClass.cxx - moved pixel anotation to FCFMaker from saveRes()
FCFMaker/fcfPixel.idl - moved from FCF
include/fcfClass.hh - switch off FCF_ANNOTATE_CLUSTERS as default
- StiSsd
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx/h - modified to use of new database table definitions related to SSD configuration
- pams/geometry
btofgeo/btofgeo2.g - modified to replaced zero-dimension volumes with explicit dimensions
vpddgeo/vpddgeo.g - modified
vpddgeo/vpddgeo1.g - added new version
btofgeo/btofgeo3.g - modified
mittgeo/mittgeo.g - new tracker geometry
istbgeo/istbgeo.g - a properly configured version of the outer pixel barrel detector with 3 layers
pixlgeo/pixlgeo1.g - changes the outer radius of the mother volume to a more reasonable value
geometry/geometry.g - modified for ISTB detectors
- pams/sim/idl
g2t_ist_hit.idl - added hit structure for the IST detector
g2t_track.idl - added for IST detector
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb/Calibrations/tpc
number of files modified to replace 'index' by 'idx' following Mike's correction to tpcCorrection.idl
finally all files moved to MySql tables
tpcMethaneIn.20031120.000000.C - added to remove dependence from Methane, added to MySql
TpcdXCorrection.20031120.000000.C - added for dx corrections, moved to MySql
TpcAdcCorrection.20031120.000000.C - added full ADC correction, moved to MySql
TpcZCorrection.20031120.000000.C - added z correction for each row, moved to MySql
- StarDb/dEdxModel
BichselT.root, P10T.root, dNdE_Bichsel.root - modified
- StDb/idl
tofAdcRange.idl tofResolution.idl - added TOF calibration tables
ftpcGas.idl - added adjustment to average body temperatures calculated from 3 instead of 6 thermistor readings for FTPC West and FTPC East
zdcsmdPed.idl - added pedestals for ZDCSMDs
zdcsmdBeamCntr.idl - added BeamCenter for ZDCSMDs
July 1, 2004,
new library SL04g has been tagged (June 28), built and tested. SL04g has been released on July 1
New updates:
- ROOT version 4.00.04
- asps/Simulation/starsim
deccc/ctype.c - added option to work with RH 9.0 with CERNLIB built with RH 8;
Conscript - added option to work with RH 9.0 with CERNLIB built with RH 8;
deccc/memget.c, cs_hlshl.c, avost.c, readlink.c, setenv.c - cleanup, removed unused veriables;
- StAssociationMaker
StAssociationMaker.cxx - checkes added for chiSquared values for the V0's when using/not using Est tracks ;
- StAnalysisUtilities
St_TableNtuple.cxx/h - removed - StBichsel
Bichsel.h, GetdEdxResolution.cxx - modified for new tpcCorrection format;
- StDbUtilities, StTpcLocalCoordinate.hh, StTpcLocalDirection.hh, StTpcLocalSectorAlignedCoordinate.hh, StTpcLocalSectorAlignedDirection.hh, StTpcLocalSectorCoordinate.hh, StTpcLocalSectorDirection.hh - modified;
StTpcCoordinate.cxx/h - added;,,,,, - removed ;
modifications have been done to add (sector,row) for Tpc Coordinate/Direction transformations; change sign of t0zoffset correction (to be synch. with fcf); - added fuctions to allow event-by-event scaling of the drfit velocity;
- StdEdxMaker
StSvtdEdxMaker.cxx - improved dedx calculation by only looking at those hits that go over more than 1 anode;
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxTrack.h - modified to add account for alignment;
dEdxPoint.h - removed;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx - added protection for old mode setting;
- StEEmcUtil
EEmcGeom/EEmcGeomSimple.cxx/h - added a small exception class, phi angles adjusted to [0,2pi] interval in accordace to TVecror3 convention, replaced Jan's implementation of direction2tower method with a resurrected getTower (formerly getHit) method ;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.cxx/h - modified;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmd2SmdMapItem.cxx/h - added strip2strip mapping;
EEfeeRaw/EEfeeDataBlock.cxx, EEfeeRawEvent.cxx/h - updates of data block headers check, more detailed monitoring of data corruption ;
EEfeeRaw/EEstarTrig.cxx - modified for more detailed monitoring of data corruption;
EEfeeRaw/BsmdRawData.cxx, BsmdRawData.h - new codes to add BSMD to ezTree;
StEEmcSmd/EEmcSmdGeom.cxx - fixed memory leak;
- StFtpcClusterMaker
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx - initialized StFtpcSoftwareMonitor*ftpcMon; - replaced obsolete DEBUGFILE code with code to write out a root file for cluster/laser analysis;
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackMaker.h/cxx modified to add code to write out a root file for calibration;
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx/h, StMuEEmcSimuMaker.cxx/h - modified to provide methods to get sampling fraction, gains;
StMuEEmcSimuReMaker.cxx/h - added, takes a muDst as input, and uses the database maker to "massage" the ADC response, to better simulate the calorimeter as installed;
- StEEmcDbMaker
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to add setPreferredFlavor method backwards compatibility;
- St_QA_Maker
StEventQAMaker.cxx - adjusted to removed tpc & ftpc software monitors;
- StEvent
StTofCell.h - added implementation of zHit() ;
StTriggerData2003.cxx, StTriggerData2004.cxx - added ZDC info to dump();
- StEmcCalibrationMaker
StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx - obsolete stream replaced;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx, StFlowPhiWgtMaker.cxx/h - picoDst format changed to hold ZDC SMD information, trigger cut modified to comply with TriggerCollections, centrality definition for 62 GeV data introduced;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowCutEvent.cxx, StFlowEvent.cxx, StFlowMaker.cxx/h, StFlowPicoEvent.cxx/h - picoDst format changed to hold ZDC SMD information, trigger cut modified to comply with TriggerCollections, centrality definition for 62 GeV data introduced;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx - replaced StarDb/ftpc/fdepars/fdepar with StarDb/ftpc/ftpcdEdxPars;
- StFtpcTrackMaker
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h, - replaced StarDb/ftpc/fdepars/fdepar with StarDb/ftpc/ftpcdEdxPars;
- StMagF
.includes_for_export.flg - added
- StSvtClusterMaker
StSvtHitMaker.cxx/h - fine tuning of drift velocity using laser spots, added number of anodes count to res[0] variable for use in dedx calculation;
- StTpcHitMoverMaker
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - added (sector,row) for Tpc Coordinate/Direction transformations;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - access functions for StMagUtilities pointer added;
- StTofUtil
StTofGeometry.cxx/h - added function projTrayVector(..) to increase the matching speed, head file "StHelixD.hh" included;
- StTofpMatchMaker
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx/h - improved matching: checking before projecting track, improved the speed by an order of magnitude, rename the defition of int vector;
- StTpcDb
StTpcDbLinkDef.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, St_tpcGainC.cxx/h, St_tpcPadResponseC.cxx/h, St_tpcPedestalC.cxx/h - modified;
St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx/h - added more chairs for TPC Db parameters;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, St_tpcCorrectionC.cxx - modified to add MethaneIn, GasTemperature, tpcWaterOut corrections;
- StPmdClusterMaker
StPmdClustering.h/cxx, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx/h, StPmdAbsClustering.cxx/h - improved clustering algorithm;
StConstants.hh - declaration of global constants used in StPmdClustering;
- StPmdSimulatorMaker
StPmdSimulatorMaker.cxx - numbering of det0 and det1 interchanged;
- StPmdUtil
StPmdDetector.cxx - zeroing in ctr added ;
StPmdCluster.h - sigmaL, sigmaS introduced;
StPmdMapUtil.cxx/h - new files added ;
- StRTSClient
FCF/fcfClass.cxx, fcfPixel.idl - new ANNOTATION scheme added;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - new ANNOTATION scheme added;
include/fcfClass.hh - new ANNOTATION scheme added;
- St_tcl_Maker
St_tcl_Maker.cxx - modified to add (sector,row) for TpcCoordinate transformations;
- St_tpt_Maker
St_tpt_Maker.cxx - modified to add (sector,row) for TpcCoordinate transformations;
- StEEmcPool
TTM/EEmcTTMMaker.cxx/h - new code;
StBlankStEventMaker - new maker;
StEzSmdCal - new code added ;
- StEStructPool
EventGenerators/StEStructPythia.cxx - moved some variable declarations inside comment, added simple trigger selection;
EventMaker - updated to expand centrality class;
AnalysisMaker - added new output;
Correlations - new cut-binning implementation and modified pair-cuts;
- pams
ftpc/idl/fde_fdepar.idl - removed due to replacement by StDb/idl/ftpcdEdxPars.idl;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - make LASERINO charged;
sim/gstar/gstar.idl - removed;
global/dst/dst_point_unpack.F/idl - removed reference to fcl_fppoint;
geometry/pixlgeo/pixlgeo1.g - added new configuration of pixel-based inner tracker required by R&D work ;
geometry/mittgeo/mittgeo.g - first (dummy) version of the MIT tracker, dubbed MITT, based on pixel ladders;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added description of two new detectors: inner Pixel and dubbed MITT;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl:
ftpcdEdxPars.idl - added to replace pams/ftpc/fde_fdepar.idl;
tpcCorrection.idl - add index, nrows and offset as data memmebrs;
svtDriftCurve.idl - corrected vector to accept 10 elements;
- StarDb:
ftpc/ftpcdEdxPars.C - added to replace StarDb/ftpc/fdepars/fdepar.C;
ftpc/fdepars/fdepar.C - removed due to replacement by ftpc/ftpcdEdxPars.C;
Calibrations/tpc - number of files modified for dEdx calibrations for AuAu200, run2004: TpcAdcCorrection.20031120.000000.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20031120.000000.C, TpcLengthCorrection.20031120.000000.C, TpcSecRowB.20031120.000000.root, TpcZCorrection.20031120.000000.C, tpcPressureB.20031120.000000.C;
new files added for AuAu200, run2004: TpcdEdxCor.20031120.000000.C, TpcdXCorrection.20031120.000000.C, tpcGasTemperature.C, tpcMethaneIn.20031120.000000.C, tpcMethaneIn.C, tpcWaterOut.C;
July 21, 27, 2004,
SL04f library was patched with the next codes:
- StEvent
StTriggerData2003.cxx, StTriggerData2003.h, StTriggerData2004.cxx, StCtbTriggerDetector.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2004.h - to fix bug in CTB vertex matching code;
- StBFChain
- StGenericVertexMaker
StppLMVVertexFinder.h,StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - new vertex finder code for pp data;
Codes have been retagged as SL04f_b
July 7, 2004,
SL04f library was patched with the next codes:
- StiMaker
- StdEdxY2Maker
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
Codes have been retagged as SL04f_b
- StEvent
StTriggerData2003.cxx/h, StTriggerData2004.cxx (tagged as SL04g)
June 14, 2004,
SL04f library was updated with next codes:
- StBFChain.cxx - implemented ITTF options for dAu and pp data
- StPass0CalibMaker
- St_dst_Maker:, StKinkLocalTrack.hh, StKinkMaker.cxx, StKinkMaker.h
- StFtpcClusterMaker
- StFtpcTrackMaker
- StEventCompendiumMaker
- St_QA_Maker/StEventQAMaker.cxx
- macros/bfc.C
Library was retagged as SL04f_a
May 20, 2004,
new library SL04f has been tagged (on May 18), built and tested. SL04f has been released on May 20
New updates:
- StBFChain:
StBFChain.cxx - FTPC option modified to adapt recent changes in FTPC code;
- StdEdxMaker:
StSvtdEdxMaker.cxx - added protection for Zero field data;
- StdEdxY2Maker:
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - splited bad hit into categories, set fcf as default;
- StDAQMaker:
StPMDReader.cxx - bug fixed;
- StEEmcDbMaker:
eemcConstDB.hh - added more stat flags;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - modified for 62GeV AuAU production ;
StEEmcDbIndexItem1.cxx/h - removed;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - byStrip[] is now initialized when reading database from a file;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - fixed to process many runs;
- StEEmcSimulatorMaker:
StMuEEmcSimuMaker.cxx/h - new maker to override the ADC values stored in Monte Carlo MuDsts with values calculated from gains in an instance of the StEEmcDbMaker ;
- StEEmcUtil:
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.h - more methods added;
- StEEmcPool:
more development for number of codes, including StMuEEmcClusterMaker;
- StEvent:
StEventLinkDef.h - added enum StDetectorId, StRichHitFlag and StPwg to dictionary;
StFtpcHit.cxx/h - added constructor based on StFtpcPoint;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker:
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx/h - added modifications for ZDC-SMD;
- StFlowMaker:
StFlowConstants.cxx/h, StFlowMaker.cxx/h, StFlowEvent.cxx/h,StFlowCutEvent.cxx - added modifications for ZDC-SMD;
- StFtpcTrackMaker: - const added to GedtDetectorId() and GetHardwarePosition(), creation of StEvent/StFtpcHit removed. This is done in a new constructor of StFtpcit itself; - dE/dx calculation taken out, fill of TopologyMap added; - deletion of track array added again, since it doesn't go into a DataSet anymore;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - modified to write tracks to StEvent directly, primary vertex is red from StEvent, fillin MonSoftDst table here;
- StTofUtil:
StTofrGeometry.cxx/h - introduced data members to save the Tray and Sensor geometries in the initialization;
optimized the HelixCrossCellIds() function to save CPU time;
introduced a new function projTrayVector();
updated the ClassDef number 1->2 ;
- StTofrMatchMaker:
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - changed according to the update of StTofrGeometry, save CPU time by 100 times;
- St_dst_Maker:
removed ftpc code from St_dst_maker, FTPC hits and tracks are written now in StEvent;
StMatchMaker.cxx, StPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed bug to process Zero field data, added protection for Zero field data ;
- StRTSClient:
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - fixed small bug with cl_id and data dump in saveClusters;
moved initialializations from init() to constructor;
modified to turn on zero-truncation, but leave 5cm overlap;
- StStarLogger:
first release of StarLogger( new messenger);
- pams:
sim/g2t/g2r_get.F, genhit.h - account changed for CPP Path for geant321;
ftpc/idl/fcl_fppoint.idl, fpt_fptrack.idl - removed;
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb:
Calibrations/tpc/TpcLengthCorrection.20030106.000000.C - adjusted scale for fcf and tcl for dAu, fcf is default;
May 5, 2004,
new library SL04e has been tagged (on Apr 30), built and tested. SL04e has been released on May 5
New features: track finding and fitting method enumerations changed.
New updates:
- St_base:
added files StMessMgr.cxx/h - moved StMessMgr class from StUtilities for logger;
- StBFChain:
StBFChain.cxx - option y2004x added;
- StDaqLib:
EVP/emcReader.cxx, evpSupport.cxx - new code added which accomodates different flavors of emcp;
- StDetectorDbMaker:
number of files modified to replace the STAR messanger reference with the abstract interface pointer, modification for logger;
- StChain:
StEvtHddr.cxx/h - production time changed in GMT noe;
StMaker.cxx/h - added extra data-member and method for the coming STAR logger;
- StDAQMaker:
StDAQMaker.cxx - modified to use GetEvtHddr();
- StEvent:
StFtpcHit.cxx/h - added additional data member and access methods to hold the position in pad and time units including their std deviation. Constructors updated;
StZdcTriggerDetector.cxx - SMD problem fixed;
StTpcPixel.cxx/h - modified;
new files added StDedxDefinitions.h, StDedxMethod.h, StDetectorDefinitions.h, StDetectorId.h/inc, StTrackDefinitions.h, StTrackMethod.h/inc, StVertexDefinitions.h, StVertexId.h/inc - move enumerations from pams/global/inc => StEvent;
modified files StEnumerations.h, StTrackDefinitions.h, to add track finding method Id definition;
- StEventMaker:
StEventMaker.cxx - fixed bug in creating StTriggerDetectorCollection;
- StEventUtilities:
StuProbabilityPidAlgorithm.cxx/h - added isPIDTableRead();
StuFtpcRefMult.hh - removed dAu minbias trigger cut;
- StMuDSTMaker:
COMMON/StMuEmcUtil.cxx, StMuEmcCollection.cxx/h - endcap indexing modified;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx - initialization modified, changed initialization of mNSigma;
COMMON/StMuIOMaker.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuArrays.cxx/h- after tof create event fixed;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuIOMaker.cxx/h, StMuPmdUtil.cxx - modified to include TOF data with new schema;
COMMON/StMuDst2StEventMaker.cxx - modified to use GetEvtHddr();
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - fillHddr() added to fill time stamp;
COMMON/StMuIOMaker.cxx/h - big reorganization of code, now StMuIOMkaer inherits from StMuDstMaker;
COMMON/StMuPmdCollection.cxx/h - declaration of StMuPmdCluster added ;
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h - simplification made ;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker:
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h - svaeHistograms method added;
small modification for embedding added;
- StEmcMixerMaker:
StEmcMixerMaker.cxx/h - modification for new scheme of saving raw data into StEvent;
- StEEmcDataMaker:
StEEmcDataMaker.cxx - new EEMC hit indexing, new DB access;
StEEmcFastMaker.cxx, StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - modified;
- StEEmcDbMaker:
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - more access methods added, DB cleanup ;
StEEmcDbIndexItem1.cxx/h - DB cleanup and some updates;
- StEEmcUtil:
St2eemcFeeRawMaker.cxx, EEname2Index.cxx - DB cleanup & update ;
EEfeeDataBlock.cxx, EEfeeRawEvent.cxx - header checking added;
- StdEdxY2Maker:
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx/h - added QA hitograms to keep track on bad hits and nSigma cuts ;
- StFtpcTrackMaker:
comment out delete StFtpcTrackingParams::Instance() in FinishRun as a temorary bug fix which crashed MC reco if run number has been changed ;
- StHitFilterMaker:
StHitFilterMaker.cxx/h - make Hitfilter take out those SVT hits not on tracks defined in the constructor;
- StFlowMaker:
StFlowMaker.cxx - make changes to support getting PID on fly for picodst and MuDst;
- StFtpcTrackMaker:
added new files - initial revision to write StFtpcTracks directly to StEvent;
- StFtpcClusterMaker: - removed double code in averageTemperatureEast;
- StPmdReadMaker:
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - chain 45,46 interchanged (in hardware) issue fixed;
- StRTSClient:
FCF/fcfAfterburner.cxx, fcfClass.cxx - added back-annotation and misc. cleanup;
include/fcfClass.hh - added back-annotation and misc. cleanup;
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx/h - added back-annotation and misc. cleanup;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker:
StV0FinderMaker.cxx - removed cut on v0 being before hit;
- StarRoot:
TTreeIter.cxx/h - modified to allow non splitted objects;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker:
StStrangeMuDstPlayer.cxx - corrected StMessMgr header file to reflect the new interface for logger;
- StSvtClusterMaker: - added flag as bad hits with 1 anode and peak less than 11;
StSvtClusterMaker - fixed bug that causes default drift vel. to be used instead of value from database;
- StTofpNtupleMaker:
StTofpNtupleMaker.cxx - added some missing updates for year4, added AdcLoRes in ntuple;
- StTofrNtupleMaker:
StTofrCellData.h StTofrNtupleMaker.cxx/h - added AdcLoRes in the ntuple;
- StTofUtil:
modified StTofGeometry.cxx to fix a bug on the mis-matching by the opposite direction tracks;
- StTreeMaker:
StTreeMaker.cxx - GetEvtHddr() implemented;
- StUtilities:
removed files StMessMgr.cxx/h, modified StMessageManager.cxx/h to change the interface for logger;
- St_QA_Maker:
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h StEventQAMaker.cxx StQABookHist.cxx/h modified to add signedDCA (Impact) plots for globals;
- pams/geometry:
geometry/geometry.g - geometry Y2004x introduced which is same as Y2004 but with full Barrel Calorimeter, updated for PMD code;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo1.g - new version by the SSD geometry;
phmdgeo/phmdgeo.g - introduced a proper version flag used to reinstate the standard GEANT cuts in the GSTPAR calls, when version set to 2;
- pams/global:
inc - number of files moved to StEvent to modify enumerations;
egr/egr_impactcl.F, egr_primfit.F - modified,;
egr_fitter.F, egr_impactcl.F, egr_load_globtrk.F modified to make consitent track Fitting/Finding method with description;
ev0 - removed ev0_am3.F v0_reconstruct3.F;
idl - removed dst_pixel.idl;
evr/evr_am.F - modified to make consitent track Fitting/Finding method with description;
- pams/svt:
srs/srs_am.F - get errors correct in direct_gs function;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl - clusterControl.idl, ssdBarrelPosition.idl, ssdConfiguration.idl, ssdDimensions.idl, ssdLaddersPosition.idl, ssdSectorsPosition.idl, ssdStripCalib.idl, ssdWafersPosition.idl - added new files with ssd tables;
pmdPed.idl - added pmd pedestal table;
- StarDb/svt/srspars - srs_direct.C modified to change SVT smearing to 80 microns;
April 8, 2004,
new library SL04d has been tagged, built and tested.
New updates:
- StAssociationMaker:
StAssociationMaker.cxx/h - added switch to control Association based on IdTruth or on Distance; added debug2 output to print out all hits in a padrow, both reco and MC, along with the IdTruth, quality (StHit) and the parentTrack()->key() (StMcHit) as well as the hit coordiantes;
StMcParameterDB.cxx - changed default value of the z cut to 5 mm;
- StBFChain:
StBFChain.cxx - adjusted PMD options, Kink2 will switch -kink;
GenericVertex changed to StGenericVertexMaker when looking for the beamLine option;
added option for CTB matching for StGenericVertexMaker;
added option "MiniMcMk" for creating minimc file in ITTF chain;
added option "MiniMcEven" for loading the StMiniMcEvent library;
added code to set the flag to use the Sti tracks in the AssociationMaker when the "ITTF" option is turned on;
changed the order of the "McAss" and "McAna" options so that they appear later in the ITTF chain, these options should run after StEvent has been created, StMcEvent has been loaded, and after StEvent has been filled with hits, tracks, V0s, Xis and Kinks;
added TOF/PMD data to MuDst;
added "NoRepeat" chain option;
implemented new "LaserCal" option based on FCF(daq100 clustring), previous one left as "LaseCal0";
P2004 switched to a new correction bundle Corr3 using OBmap2D;
added OSpaceZ2 in P2004;
- StDaqLib:
EMC/EMC_BarrelReader.cxx/h, EMC_SmdReader.cxx - added raw data to decoded data banks;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker:
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h, StBemcData.cxx - PSD is added to the maker;
- StDbUtilities:
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - updated Omega Tau parameters to Run IV values;
increased speed of space charge calculation with new Relaxation Algorithm;
modified to build 3D space charge capabilities;
updated Space charge R2 to use new DB call built by Gene;
- StDetectorDbMaker:
StDetectorDbSpaceCharge.cxx/h - modified to use separate tables for uniform and R2, update SpaceChargeR2;
number of files modified to use STAR message manager;
- StdEdxY2Maker:
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx modified to expand time till 6/1/2004, relax cut of drift distance;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker:
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx/h, StBemcData.cxx - modified to fill raw data structure in StEvent, added feature to print maps;
ghost pedestal removal procedure implemented;
- StEmcCalibrationMaker:
StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h - added load pedestal method;
- StEEmcDataMaker:
StEEmcDataMaker.cxx - store raw EEMC data, store EEMC hits in StEvent & MuDst;
EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h, EEmcDbItem.cxx/h, tEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h modified towards full access to DB;
- StEEmcDbMaker:
cstructs/eemcConstDB.hh - added EEMCSTAT_HOTSTR for marking hot strips;
EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h, StEEmcDbMaker.cxx - storage of EEMC raw data modified;
- StEEmcUtil:
EEfeeRaw/EEfeeDataBlock.cxx/h, EEfeeRawEvent.h, RootWrapper.cxx - modified ;
EEmcSmdMap/EEmcSmdMap.cxx/h - added methods and data structures to map towers onto SMD strips;
- StEvent:
StL3EventSummary.cxx - check pointer to L3_SUMD in constructor;
StEmcRawData.cxx/h - first revision to write EMC raw data in StEvent class ;
StEmcCollection.cxx/h - added StEmcRawData to collection;
StHit.cxx/h - added method to set mFitFlag;
StZdcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added ZDC SMD support;
StTriggerData2004.cxx - proper mapping added;
- StFtpcClusterMaker: - new data members for pad and time position, pad and time sigma filled;
- StFtpcTrackMaker:
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx/h - moved destruction of the instance of StFtpcTrackingParams from Finish() to FinishRun();, - new data members for pad and time position, pad and time sigma added, reference to StFtpcHit added; - new constructor which takes input data from StVertex added;
- Stl3RawReaderMaker:
Stl3RawReaderMaker.cxx - added quality check of raw data quality to prevent inconsistent information in StL3EventSummary, bug fixed;
- StRTSClient:
FCFMaker - added output to FCFMaker if FCF_DEBUG_OUTPUT is defined;
FCF/fcfClass.cxx - added output to FCFMaker if FCF_DEBUG_OUTPUT is defined;
- StMiniMcMaker:
modifications for running ITTF chain in bfc.C:
changed to use StiIOInterface,
cleaned up Init(), InitRun() to handle the changing file names,
initialized a lot of variables and pointers in constructor,
deleted some pointers in Finish, removed the mDebug data member;
StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.h modified to add info to evaluate idTruth information ;
added key to StTinyMcTrack.h, added dominatrack, common hits to dominatrack and average hit quality to StMiniMcPair.h; - added new function to find the dominatrack, the number of hits belonging to the dominatrack and the average hit quality of those hits;
- StMixerMaker:
StMixerMaker.cxx/h - SetSequenceMerging added (matches TPCReader and tpcdaq_Maker methods) to allow run embedding for daq100 clustering;
- StMcAnalysisMaker:
StMcAnalysisMaker.cxx - added information about the matching into the track Ntuple: dominatrack, nHitsIdTruth, n MC hits for the dominatrack, n Fit points for the reconstructed track, n Points (from StDetectorInfo), "quality" = average hit quality of the reco hits belonging to the dominatrack;
- StMuDSTMaker:
COMMON/StMuArrays.cxx/h, StMuDst.cxx/h, StMuDstMaker.cxx/h, StMuIOMaker.cxx/h - modified to implement MuDst for PMD and TOF data;
COMMON/StMuTofHitCollection.cxx/h, StMuTofHit.cxx/h, StMuTofUtil.cxx/h - new files added to handle TOF data;
COMMON/StMuPmdCluster.cxx/h, StMuPmdCollection.cxx/h, StMuPmdUtil.cxx/h - new files added to handle PMD data;
- StGenericVertexMaker:
StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - code modified to look for StGenericVertexMaker instead of GenericVertex;
StGenericVertexFinder.cxx/h, tMinuitVertexFinder.cxx/h, StGenericVertexMaker.cxx - modified to fix identification of bad seeds, use better flagging and message manager;
- StPmdClusterMaker:
StPmdClustering.cxx/h, StPmdClusterMaker.cxx/h - refclust changed to have correct sigma/ncell;
- StPmdReadMaker:
StPmdReadMaker.cxx/h modified for first production;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker:
StKinkMaker.cxx/h - changed logic in acceptTrack();
StV0FinderMaker.cxx/h, StXiFinderMaker.cxx/h - flag to TPT tracks changed;
StV0FinderMaker.cxx - changed default options to : do not use SVT ;
- StSvtDbMaker:
StSvtDbMaker.cxx - fixes made to allow to call INitRun twice as happens in MC data sometimes;
StSvtDbReader.hh,, StSvtDbMaker.cxx/h - modified to get daq parameters;
- StSvtClassLibrary:
StSvtDaq.hh - added functions to Daq code;
- StSvtSimulationMaker:
StSvtEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h,, StSvtOnlineSeqAdjSimMaker.cxx/h, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx/h - removed asserts from code so it doesn't crash if doesnt get parameters, just quits with kStErr;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker:
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.cxx - fixed to stop valgrind complaing;
- StTofSimMaker:
StTofSimMaker.cxx - modified to use m_Mode as a switch for the output histograms;
- StTofrMatchMaker:
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx - bug fixed related to the hit position stored in TofCell;
- StUtilities:
StMessage.cxx/h, StMessageManager.h, StMessMgr.h - modified to add protected Ignore/AllowRepeats() for friend StBFChain class;
- St_QA_Maker:
StEventQAMaker.cxx - fixed filling of eventClass=1 null vertex hist ;
- macros:
examples/StAssociator.C - added switch to control the id or distance association;
bfcMixer.C - added doFCF for FCF embedding mode;
- pams/geometry:
geometry/geometry.g - added proper VPD versioning, added version control for the FPD, via the variable FpdmConfig ;
fpdmgeo/ffpdstep.g - added new file to adjust to a new source for the FPD geometry, some code reorganization;
fpdmgeo.g - modified to reflect code reorganization;
fpdmgeo1.g - new code added to reflect the most current configuration;
phmdgeo/phmdgeo.g - updated to complete year 2004 geometry vpddgeo/vpddgeo.g - completed for year 2004 geometry;
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb/Calibrations/tracker - added new files to replace default values in the ITTF code;
- StarDb/Calibrations/tpc - modified file pcZCorrection.20030106.000000.C to relax cut of drift distance;
the first version of dE/dx calibration for AuAu 62 GeV added;
- StarDb/global/vertices - added new files (with cuts): ev0par2.20040325.023200.C, exipar.20040325.023200.C for AuAu 62GeV production;
cut set modified for 62GeV production;
March 22, 2004,
new library SL04c has been tagged on March 19, built and tested.
New updates:
- asps/Simulation, asps/rexe
created new interface to simulation based on starsim and root4star framework;
staf framework was eliminated;
- StDaqLib
EVP/emcReader.cxx - fixed bug and zero-suppression logic; modified due to relocation of rts.h;
EVP/ssdReader.cxxx - added pedestal and noise capability to the SSD reader ;
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx/h - new EEMC daq reader implemented;
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx - modified due to relocation of rts.h ;
SVT/SVTV1P0.Banks.cxx/hh - modified due to relocation of rts.h ;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx/h - preShower decoder included ;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx - added pedestal and noise capability to the SSD reader;
TPC/TPCV2P0.cxx/h, TPCV2P0_ZS_SR.cxx - replaced MERGE_SEQUENCES with a StDAQMaker chain parameter;
- StDAQMaker
StEEMCReader.cxx/h - new Eemc daq reader implemented ;
StDAQMaker.cxx/h - removed MergeSequences/DoNotMergeSequences implementation ;
replaced MERGE_SEQUENCES with a StDAQMaker chain parameter;
StTPCReader.cxx/h - implemented SetSequenceMerging();
- StBFChain
StBFChain.cxx/h - switches to starsim framework added;
sequence mrging handling added through tpcdaq_Maker / fcf option;
updated geometry definitions;
tofr/tofp match options added, Kink naming clash resolved, added modifications for ITTF ;
commented out EbyeScaTags;
added option OBmap2D, mask;
- StDbUtilities
StMagUtilities.cxx/h - changed Shorted Ring Algorithm over to Wieman's Bessel Function solution;
added new (faster) BField shape distortion routine, improved space charge calculation ;
added TPC transformations for direction, aligned sectors, protection ;
- StDetectorDbMaker
StDetectorDbFTPCGas.cxx/h - body 5/6 temperature for FTPC West added;
- StEEmcDbMaker
EEmcDbItem.cxx - modified to synchronize;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h, EEmcDbCrate.cxx/h - implemented new EEMC data decoder;
- StEEmcDataMaker
new EEMC daq reader implemented;
- StEEmcUtil
EEfeeRaw/EEdims.h - maxPhi bins added;
- StEstMaker
StEstMaker.cxx - fixed memory leak;
- StFlowMaker
StFlowEvent.cxx/h - added random subs analysis method;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker
StFlowAnalysisMaker.cxx - added random subs analysis method;
- StFtpcClusterMaker - activated reading and usage of additional body temperatures;
- StPmdUtil
StPmdGeom.cxx/h, StPmdDBUtil.h - board status based mapping added;
board status based files added XXX_BoardDetail.txt;
- StPmdReadMaker
StPmdReadMaker.cxx - corrected fillStEvent argument orders;
modified for for PMD run configuration ;
- StLaserEventMaker
the minimum number of valid tracks for a good drift velocity calculation was lowered to 450 if both east and west lasers are up and 225 if one of them is down;
- StPass0CalibMaker
StTpcT0Maker.cxx - modified to call StPreVertexMaker and StVertexMaker, to avoid seg. violation as primary vertex was not in table;
- StRTSClient
FCFMaker/FCFMaker.cxx - added TrackIDs in FCF and cleaned the includes,support for simulations in FCFMaker added ;
FCF/fcfAfterburner.cxx, fcfClass.cxx - added TrackIDs in FCF and cleaned the includes, support for simulations FCFMaker added;
include/fcfClass.hh, fcfAfterburner.hh - added TrackIDs in FCF and cleaned the includes, support for simulations in FCFMaker added;
- StSsdDbMaker
first revision of SsdDbMaker and St_SsdDb_Reader;
- StSsdPointMaker
first revision of Ssd code;
macro-definition of MAXIDMCHIT = 5 for propagating MC info done in StSsdStrip.hh and available for cluster and wafer classes;
- StSsdUtil
first revision of SSD Util;
- StSvtDaqMaker
StSvtDaqMaker.cxx - bug fixed in GetDaqReader;
- StSvtClusterMaker
StSvtClusterAnalysisMaker.cxx/h, StSvtHitMaker.cxx/h - modified to remove from global scope variables used in debug mode which caused erratic behaviour;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.cxx/h - modified to remove from global scope variables used in debug mode which caused erratic behaviour, initialise some variables that valgrind was complaining about;
- St_trg_Maker
St_trg_Maker.cxx - added pedestal and noise capability to the SSD reader;
- StTpcDb
StTpcDb.cxx - updated triggerTimeOffset() due to a change in L0 TriggerActionWd ;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx/h, added utitlity for dE/dx calibration;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker
StKinkMaker.cxx/h - set parent track, reduced redundancy;
- StTpcHitMoverMaker
increased mask for new kFast2DMap in StMagUtilities;
- St_dst_Maker
StKinkMaker.cxx/h - naming clash resolved by changing name;
StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx - added description of ftpc cluster finding flags;
- St_geant_Maker
switched to starsim framework;
- St_tpcdaq_Maker
implemented SetSequenceMerging() ;
- St_QA_Maker
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h - added primary vertex finding efficiency plot for event classes;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - updated triggerIDs for Jeff Landgraf's scheme;
- StTofpMatchMaker
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx/h - modified to remove assert(), added member mYear4, use m_Mode to control the output root file;
- StTofrMatchMaker
StTofrMatchMaker.cxx/h - first release, Tofr matching between fired cells and TPC tracks;
- StTofUtil - added tofPathLength(StThreeVectorD*, StThreeVectorF*, double);
StTofrGeometry.cxx/h - removed InitDaqMap() since a StTofrDaqMap is introduced;
StTofrDaqMap.cxx/h - first release, implemented mapping between daq channel numbers, adc(tdc) channel numbers and cell numbers;
- StTofPool
StTofpMcAnalysisMaker - first revision;
StTofrNtupleMaker - first revision;
- StEStructPool
Fluctuations/StEStructFluctuations.h,StEStructSigmas.cxx/h ;
- pams/geometry:
btofgeo/btofgeo2.g - finalized y2004 geometry for tof;
vpddgeo/vpddgeo.g - some version of y2004 geometry;
idl/btof_btog.idl - agjusted for y2004 tof geometry;
- pams/global:
dst/ - patches made;
- pams/sim:
g2t codes - modified for starsim;
g2t/g2t_volume_id.g - TOFp/TOFr modifications for y2004;
gstar/gstar_readxdf.c - modified for starsim;
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb
dEdxModel - added files dNdE_Bichsel.root, dNdx_Bichsel.root with hitograms for dN/dE and dN/dx from H.Bichsel;
- StDb/idl
LocalTrackSeedFinder.idl - modified;
number of Tpc related .idl duplicate files deleted;
February 18, 2004,
new library SL04b has been tagged, built and tested. Library was released on February 25.
New updates:
- asps/Simulation/geant321:
erdecks - moved STAR version of erdecks codes from rexe to geant321 ;
- StAnalysisUtilities:
extended histos for AuAu run 2004, new SVT histos added ;
StHistUtil.cxx modified to separate MinBias histos;
- StAssociationMaker:
StAssociationMaker.cxx/h - added method useEstTracks() for association of estGlobals;
- StBFChain:
StBFChain.cxx/h modified to imply -tcl to fcf;
added loading of required by St_geant_Maker;
modified options layout to accomodate for Xi2,V02 and their new dependence in symbols MuDstMaker library;
- StDAQMaker:
StDAQReader.cxx modified to pass ZeroToken events, added counter for ZeroToken events, modified for EEMC and event pool, modified to provide access SSD data in makers;
added new codes StSSDReader.cxx/h to provide access SSD data in makers;
- StDaqLib:
TPC/TPCV2P0_ZS_SR.cxx - added MERGE_SEQUENCES define;
EVP/daqFormats.h, emcReader.cxx, emcReader.h, evpSupport.h, rtsLog.h,rtsSystems.h - modified for EEMC and event pool;
added rts.h;
new files added evpSupport.cxx, rtsLogUnix.cxx, ssdReader.cxx, ssdReader.h to provide access SSD data in makers;
daqFormats.h, emcReader.cxx/h,,rtsLog.h, rtsSystems.h modified to provide access SSD data in makers;
EMC/StEmcDecoder.cxx - SMD map changed, initial methods for Pre Shower decoding added;
EEMC/EEMC_Reader.cxx/h - modified for EEMC and event pool;
GENERIC/DetectorReader.cxx, EventReader.cxx/h - provide access SSD data in makers;
SSD/SSD_Reader.cxx/h - provide access SSD data in makers;
- StDbLib:
StDbDefs.hh, - added bbc and tracker domains ;
- StdEdxY2Maker:
added assert for GetNRows() of Calibration tables, separate name space with StdEdxMaker for fcn and Landau ;
- StEvent:
StTofHit.cxx/h, StTofSlat.h, StTofCell.cxx/h - changed $LINK to StLink mechanism and added new member ;
StTriggerData.cxx/h, StTriggerData2003.cxx/h, StTriggerData2004.cxx/h modified to use enumeration StBeamDirector for east/west, added member for ZDC vertex;
StBbcTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StCtbTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StEmcTriggerDetector.cxx/h, StTriggerDetectorCollection.cxx/h, StZdcTriggerDetector.cxx/h - added new constructor to load data from StTriggerData;
StEmcPoint.cxx - added code to the constructor;
- StEventMaker:
StEventMaker.cxx modified to load StTriggerDetectorCollection using StTriggerData for runs 2003 and later. For 2001 and 2002 stick to TrgDet table;
- StEventUtilities:
StuFtpcRefMult.hh - updated and fixed multiplicity cuts ;
- StEmcCalibrationMaker:
removed number of old and replaced codes;
added new files: StEmcCalibMaker.cxx/h, StEmcCalibrationMaker.cxx/h, StEmcEqualMaker.cxx/h, tEmcMipMaker.cxx/h, StEmcPedestalMaker.cxx/h;
- StEEmcUtil/StEEmcSmd:
The StEEmcSmdGeom class was split into two classes. All StRoot-independent codes have been moved to new code EEmcSmdGeom.
TVector3 replaces StThreeVectorD in all function calls in EEmcSmdGeom. StThreeVectorD wrappers are provided in StEEmcSmdGeom, for integration into Star framework, added StEEmcSmdGeom::instance();
- StEstMaker
StEstInit.cxx StEstMaker.cxx StEstTracker.cxx modified to avoid crash for missing SVT events by quiting earlier, fixed size array removed;
- StEmcUtil/voltageCalib:
VoltCalibrator.cxx, hvGainCoeff.dat - small modifications ;
- StFtpcClusterMaker: modified for run 2004;
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h, removed intermediate tables;
- StFtpcTrackMaker:
number of codes modified to remove intermediate tables;
StFtpcTrackMaker.cxx - protection against missing FTPC DAQ data added;
- StHbtMaker:
CorrFctn/NonId3DCorrFctn.cxx - properly initialized variables in NonId3DCorrFctn;
ThCorrFctn/FsiWeightLednicky2.F - fixed characters disallowed by g77;
- StPeCMaker:
StPeCEnumerations.h, StPeCEvent.cxx/h, StPeCLumiEntry.cxx, StPeCLumiMaker.h StPeCMaker.cxx/h, StPeCPair.cxx/h, StPeCTrack.cxx/h, StPeCTrigger.cxx/h - modified to correct eta cut for tracks, charge sorting, added counting of FTPC and TPC primary tracks and bbc information, fixed bug in check of un-analylized MC events;
- StRTSClient:
fcfClass.cxx, FCFMaker.cxx modified to do log conversion inside cluster finder, to make deconvolution consistent with online Merge sequences, in case not merged by DaqLib;
FCFMaker.cxx, fcfAfterburner.cxx increased size of broken arrays;
- StMcAnalysisMaker:
extended rc and mc hits histograms looping over tpc and svt hits;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker:
StKinkMuDst - added keys (IDs) for Kink parent and daughter, updated ClassDef version for added data members;
- StSvtCalibMaker:
added StSvtBadAnodesMaker.cxx/h, map.h - first version of bad anode maker;
- StSvtDaqMaker:
StSvtDaqMaker.cxx/h - few corrections to pedestal reading made and added getDaqReader method ;
- StSvtDbMaker:
StSvtDbMaker, StSvtDbReader, StSvtDbWriter, St_SvtDb_Reader - added rms and daq parameters reading;
- StSvtClassLibrary:
added - daq parameters object ;
- StSvtQAMaker:
new code for inserting SVT online monitor;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker:
StXiFinderMaker.cxx modified to to run on muDsts as well, added sign of dcaXiDaughters, slightly moved cuts;
StV0FinderMaker.cxx modified to use default options for SVT and ITTF+TPT;
- St_dst_Maker:
StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx/h, StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx intermediate tables to store FTPC hits and tracks removed. Now the TObjArray's of hits and tracks are passed directly to StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx and StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx where they are (still) copied into the dst tables; protection against missing FTPC DAQ data added;
- St_geant_Maker:
St_geant_Maker.cxx/h modified - first revision of Ag2Geom;
- St_QA_Maker:
modified histos for AuAu run 2004, new SVT histos added;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx modified to separate MinBias histos by triggerIDs: general histograms, minbias event histos, central event histos, high tower event histos;
- St_trg_Maker:
St_trg_Maker.cxx, year2003.cxx - provide access SSD data in makers ;
- geometry/geometry.g - disabled the long since obsoleted version of TOF, should be rewritten;
latest corrections in the SVT geometry have been applied RETROACTIVELY to year2001 geometry tag, This breaks compatibility of the simulated SVT data between earlier simulation runs and the ones to follow;
- calbgeo/calbgeo1.g - small correction to new barrel, logic improvements;
- sisdgeo/sisdgeo.g - positioned the laddre mother volume with the 'many' option to guard ourselves against the quite possible overlap;
- btofgeo/btofgeo1.g - disabled the old configuration;
- btofgeo/btofgeo2.g - modified for run4 MRPC positioning inside TOFr-prime ;
- svttgeo/svttgeo2.g - assigned the 150um to the radial offset in the wafer position;
evr_am.F modified for g77 compiler;
- tpt_merge_line.F, tpt_fit_track.F modified for g77 compiler;
replaced huge static arrays to dynamical ones to reduce memory usage ;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl:
HitError.idl, KalmanTrackFinderParameters.idl,TrackingParameters.idl - added idls for new Calibrations_tracker db;
tofCamacDaqMap.idl, tofConfig.idl, tofModuleConfig.idl,tofPedestal.idl, tofSimPars.idl, tofTrayConfig.idl, tofTzero.idl - updated idls for for Calibrations_tof;
added new TpcCorrection.idl - universal correction struct;
spaceChargeCor.idl - added new column detector ;
January 25, 2004,
new library SL04a has been created
New updates:
- asps/Simulation (starsim, gcalor, geant321) :
a new project developed, code name "starsim", which will replace gstar/staf executable. Better code organization, 'cons' based built of simulation library.
- StAssociationMaker:
changed the code to make it backward compatible ;
- StBFChain:
added fixes to combine Trs and fcf (asic threshould + bad pad elimination) ;
added PMD and P2004 start up chain;
OShortR option/correction added;
modified option for SSD, removed from SVTChain;
all options shaped to take advantage of StEvent direct fill;
fixed FCF recent dependency in DAQMaker/DAQLib, introduced DAQ100 Cluster reading, added TpcHitMover support, modified logic for oncl and onlraw;
- St_db_Maker:
St_db_Maker.cxx - new timestamps implemented;
Safe destructor of TDataSet like object used;
- StDaqLib/TRG:
trgStructures2004.h - new trigger structure for 2004 run;
modified TRG_Reader.cxx/hh, added code2004.cxx for the 2004 trigger data format, disabled all trigger sanity check;
- StDaqLib/EVP:
emcReader.cxx/h - updated for EEMC 2004 support;
- StDaqLib/EMC:
StEmcDecoder.cxx - map changed for 2004 run (towers and SMD);
- StDaqLib/EEMC:
EEMC_Reader.cxx/h - updated for EEMC 2004 support;
- StDaqLib/TOF:
TOF_Reader.cxx/hh - changed for run 2004 (pVPD+TOFp+TOFr'); addtional TOFr' ADCs and TDCs put in, added TOTs of TOFr' in, combined in TDCs;
- StDAQMaker:
StPMDReader.cxx modified ;
StTRGReader.cxx/h - updated for run 2004;
StEEMCReader.cxx/h - updated for EEMC 2004 support;
added friend class for FCF(daq100 code) in StTPCReader.h;
- StDbUtilities:
StMagUtilities.cxx - added new routine to handle a shorted ring on the East end of the TPC, also new routine to help redo the space charge calculations;
added code for extra resistor outside TPC to help remedy short;
- StEvent:
first revision of StTriggerData2004.cxx/h - trigger data for run ;
StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StTriggerData.h modified to handle StTriggerData2004;
StTpcHit.cxx, StHit.cxx/h modified to add Truth and Quality information from simulation, related to new starsim project;
StRunInfo.cxx/h - added RHIC scaler methods (BBC);
StTriggerData2004.cxx/h - methods to retrieve ZDC data added;
- StEventMaker:
fill new member of StRunInfo (RHIC scaler);
- St_dst_Maker:
StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx, StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx modified to activate Markus' code to fill values at outermost point on ftpc tracks;
- StMcEvent:
added inheritance from StObject;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker:
upgraded for year 2004 configuration;
StBemcData.cxx - updated for Y2004 data in the east side;
- StEEmcDbMaker:
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h, EEmcDbItem.cxx/h - developed towards run 2004, saved ped in DB format;
eemcDbPMTcal.hh, eemcDbPMTconf.hh, eemcDbPMTname.hh, eemcDbPIXcal.hh, eemcDbPIXname.hh - extending DB arrays;
EEmcDbItem.cxx - added MAPMT pixel names;
StEEmcDbMaker.cxx/h - added methods for accessing preshower, postshower and SMD info;
- StEEmcUtil
EEfeeRaw - developed for run 2004, new implementaion for miniDaq ;
EEmcSmdMap - first implementaion of mapping between SMD strips and towers;
StEEmcSmd - member function added to return a vector pointing to the intersection of two strips;
- Stl3RawReaderMaker
fixed the bug which crashed the chain if there were no l3 data;
- StMixerMaker
StMixerMaker.cxx/h - added (GEANT) track Id information in Trs; propagated it via St_tpcdaq_Maker; account interface changed in StTrsZeroSuppressedReaded ;
- StMuDSTMaker:
THack::DeleteClonesArray added for deleting, to avoid ROOT bad features ;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker :
StStrangeMuDstMaker.cxx - delete controllers added in dtr, included events with no primary vertex;
- StSvtSimulationMaker:
further improvements of codes,,,, StSvtSimulationMaker.cxx to get simulator looking like reality ;
new code added to simulate teh online daq response;
StSvtEmbeddingMaker.cxx/h - new version of embedding maker ;
final new version of SVT simulator accomplished;
- StSvtCalibMaker:
StSvtPedMaker.cxx/h modified to go with embedding;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker :
StSvtSeqAdjMaker.cxx modified to remove gain calibration files and common mode moise subtraction;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker:
StV0FinderMaker.cxx, StXiFinderMaker.cxx - Bfield + consistency int/short;
- StFtpcClusterMaker:
added files to move pressure and gas corrections from StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx to StFtpcGasUtilities;
replaced all instances of StFtpcReducedPoint and StFtpcPoint with StFtpcConfMapPoint;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker:
StFtpcSlowSimMaker.cxx modified to use StFtpcGasUtilities to obtain current pressure and FTPC gas temperature;
- StFlowMaker:
modified to read from PicoDST;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker:
implementation of v1{EP1,EP2}. This method is set to be the default for v1 now;
- StMcEvent:
included Endcap EMC hit collection in StMcEvent and Endcap hit vector in StMcTrack;
made changes to check the volume id of FTPC hits, new volume id's run from 1000 to 2906 (they include the sectors);
- StMcEventMaker:
Endcap EMC collections introduced into StMcEvent, read the corresponding g2t table for the hits, decode the volume Id and add it to the proper containers in StMcEvent and StMcTrack;
- StPmdReadMaker:
first revision of Pmd data reader;
- StPmdClusterMaker:
StPmdClusterMaker.cxx - PmdReader access included ;
- StPmdUtil:
StPmdGeom.cxx - ADC2EDEP added; StPmdDBUtil - first revision;
- StPmdCalibrationMaker:
first version of StPmdCalibConstMaker;
- StPmdSimulatorMaker:
StPmdSimulatorMaker - calibration constant values updated ;
- StRTSClient(daq100 code)
FCFMaker - daq100 clustering code developed, first production release;
FCF - daq100 clustering code developed, first production release;
- StTpcDb :
added St_tpcGainC.cxx/h, St_tpcPedestalC.cxx/h for pedestal and tpcGain;
- StTpcHitMoverMaker:
first version of the TpcHitMoverMaker which purpose is to take care of the corrections (StMagUtilities) previously made in TPT. This is needed for ITTF integration;
- StTofMaker:
changed for run 2004 - 'pVPD+TOFp+TOFr', additional TOFr' ADC and TDC channels put in, added TOTs of TOFr' in;
- StTofpMatchMaker:
StTofpMatchMaker.cxx modified to change default TDC and ADC ranges;
- StTriggerDataMaker:
StTriggerDataMaker - updated data for run 2004;
- StTrsMaker: modified to fix the problem that mIoSectorSpacing has never been defined and this causes that Inner Sector has randomly been ejected;
added (GEANT) track Id information in Trs code;
- St_tpcdaq_Maker:
added (GEANT) track Id information in Trs code, propagated it via St_tpcdaq_Maker;
added receiver board and mezzanine to daq100cl output table, changed encoding of rb_mz;
- St_trg_Maker :
year2003.cxx - disabled all trigger sanity checks;
- St_QA_Maker:
preparations for run 2004, added some svt plots;
- St_base:
moved StString from St_base to StDbLib;
- StChain:
StMaker.cxx/h - safe destructor of TDataSet like object added;
- StarClassLibrary:
added new utility class StMath;
- StarRoot:
THack.cxx/h - THack class added to hack ROOT;
- pams/geometry - developed towards 2004 geometry:
year2001 SVT correction was done retroactively, radial displacement 150 um instead of 250um, now year2001 tag isn't backward compatible;
pixel detector geometry updated;
geometry/geometry.g - created facility to modify the TPC gas density programmatically;
changed the SSD config number in y2004 to "2": 10 ladders, the "1" being one ladder installed previosuly and "3" being the complete 20 ladder configuration;
changed the correction number scheme for new code, svttgeo3;
barrel EMC and SSD updated for the year 2004 run with current geometry;
the configuration variable for the beam pipe introduced;
tpcegeo/tpcegeo.g - programmatically switch to a new version of the P10 gas density. This way, we maintain backward compatibility;
svttgeo/svttgeo2.g modified to accomodate the pixel detector hence the beampipe support AND the inner radius of the SVT mother both need to be shrunk;
svttgeo/svttgeo3.g - Silicon Strip Detector has been completely removed from here and is now residing in sisdgeo.g;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo.g - first functional version of Silicon Strip Geometry separated from the previous code in the SVT;
pipegeo/pipegeo.g - added the aluminum pipe config as a separate entry, as opposed to setting parameters directly from geometry.g, added a version with a slim central pipe section, so futher the studies related to the pixel detector;
- pams/sim/g2t:
g2t_volume_id.g - added the pixel detector volume encoding;
- pams/gen:
removed old mevsim, venus, pythia versions ;
- pams/tpc/idl:
daq100cl.idl - added receiver board and mezzanine to daq100cl output table, changed encoding of rb_mz;
- pams/tpc:
added IdTruth information to the number of codes related to new 'starsim' project ;
- pams/svt/srs:
srs_am.F - changed default resolution to 150 microns in all directions;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl:
modified files: eemcDbADCconf.idl eemcDbPMTcal.idl eemcDbPMTconf.idl - extension of EEMC calibration;
added: eemcDbPIXcal.idl, eemcDbPIXname.idl - extension of EEMC calibration;
tofCamacDaqMap.idl - CAMAC daq map for TOF detectors;
tofConfig.idl, tofModuleConfig.idl, tofTrayConfig.idl - MRPC-TOF (TOFr et al.) configuration files;
tofSimPars.idl - MRPC TOF calibration parameters file ;
tofrCaliPars.idl - TOFr calibration parameters (year3,4)file ;
tofPedestal.idl, tofTzero.idl, tofCorrection.idl - MROC TOF calibration parameters;
ftpcGasOut.idl - added bodyheat 5 and 6;
bemcHwpedestal.idl, bemcKill.idl, bemcPosition.idl, slsCtrl.idl, svtDaq.idl, svtRms.idl, tpcFieldCageShort.idl - added new idls for new tables for Calibrations_l2, Calibrations_svt, Geomerty_ssd;
HitError.idl, KalmanTrackFinderParameters.idl, KalmanTrackFitterParameters.idl, LocalTrackSeedFinder.idl, TpcAdcCorrection.idl, TpcDriftDistOxygen.idl, TpcLengthCorrection.idl, TpcMultiplicity.idl, TpcdEdxCor.idl, TpcdXCorrection.idl, TrackingParameters.idl, tpcPressureB.idl, LocalTrackSeedFinder.idl, bemcKill.idl - ITTF parameter tables descriptions;
- StarDb/global/vertices:
ev0par2.20031201.000000.C, exipar.20031201.000000.C - added preliminary AuAu cuts for run 2004;
- StarDb/ITTF:
KalmanTrackFinderParameters.C, KalmanTrackFitterParameters.C,SvtTrackingParameters.C, TpcHitError.C, TpcTrackingParameters.C, LocalTrackSeedFinder.C - first revision of ITTF parameter tables;
December 8, 2003,
library SL03h has been updated with the next codes
- StEvent: StHelixModel.cxx, StTrack.cxx,StTrackNode.cxx;
- StEventMaker: StEventMaker.cxx
- StEventUtilities: StuFtpcRefMult.hh
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON: StMuDstFilterMaker.cxx, StMuDstFilterMaker.h, StMuDstMaker.cxx, StMuEmcCollection.cxx, leak fixed
- StarRoot: TDirIter.cxx, THack.cxx, THack.h
- StarClassLibrary:, StMath.hh
- St_QA_Maker: StEventQAMaker.cxx, St_QA_Maker.cxx
Library has been retagged.
November 14, 2003,
new library SL03h has been released. Library was built on redhat72 and redhat80
New updates:
- ROOT version 3.10.01
- all codes have been adjusted to redhat8.0 platform with gcc3.2 compiler, memory leasks in the number of codes were fixed;
more specific updates:
- StDbBroker:
removed all strstream objects in favor of stringstream+string directly in StDbBroker.cxx and
- StDbLib:
got rid of all ostrstream objects; replaced with ostringstream+string; modified rules.make and added file stdb_streams.h for standalone compilation,initialized mhasBinaryQuery flag in ;
fixed leak of timeValues array in;
- StDaqLib/TRG:
code2003.cxx - new sanity check for 2003;
- StDaqLib/TPC:
protection against empty TPCSEQD banks added;
- StAssociationMaker/EMC
StEmcAssociationMaker.cxx/h modified;
- StBFChain:
added FCF option, y2003x option, l3onl in 2003 chains, added SetCorrection and GetCorrection for DAQ100 chains. This is autimatically set to 0 with "fcf" option and to 0x7 (111) otherwise;
- StEvent:
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - switch from primary to global track momentum for Nsigma calculations, replaced BetheBloch::Sirrf by m_Bichsel->GetI70 for nSigma calculations (StContainers.h) ;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h added setKey() method;
- StEventUtilities:
BetheBlochCalibrator.C - updated default parameters;
- StBichsel:
added parameterization for P10; removed ToF correction, account dE/dx parameterization instead of dE for I70;
added GetdEdxResolution.cxx for calculation of relative error in dE/dx for runs II and III;
- St_dst_Maker
modified StPrimaryMaker.cxx, StVertexMaker.cxx to write out the TPC only vertex as a calibration vertex if est vertex found, some modification for meaning of the EST mode;
StKinkMaker.cxx - TObjArray::SetOwner() added;
- EEmc code developed:
StEEmcUtil/StEEmcSmd - replaced hardwired SMD geometry file, StEEmcSmdGeom improved and reorganized;
StEEmcUtil/EEmcGeom, removed Stiostream/iostream from the source code, updated for updated for the new StEEmcSmdGeom
StEEmcUtil/EEfeeRaw, remove Stiostream/iostream from the source code
StEEmcPool created, added Conscript;
StEEmcPool/muDst - added example of access to EEMC data+DB+geom from muDst, updated for the new StEEmcSmdGeom;
StEEmcPool/LCP - added files: StMuLcp2TreeMaker.cxx StMuLcp2TreeMaker.h for extraction of LCP from muDst;
StEEmcDbMaker - access to DB table implemented, flavor option added,cstructs/eemcConstDB.hh - redefinition of stat bits, added eemcDbXMLdata.hh- XML data;
StEEmcDataMaker - new adc--> energy formula, still no absolute gain;
- StdEdxY2Maker:
moved stuff from FinishRun to InitRun, added Y2003 calibrations, added fix for run II fiducial volume cut;
- StMcEvent:
number of codes modified and added- addition of Tof classes and Pixel classes. Modified track, event, and container code to reflect this, fix bug in StMcVertex and in clearing of some hit collections;
- StMcEventMaker:
StMcEventMaker.cxx/h - filling of Tof and Pixel classes;
- StMuDSTMaker:
StEmcCollection and StMuEmcCollection developed, memory leak fixed;
StStrangeMuDstMaker: modified files StXiI.hh StXiMc.hh StXiMuDst.hh to calculate Xi momenta at/near primary vertex;
COMMON, modified StMuDst2StEventMaker.cxx to pass proper maker name;
first revision of StMuIOMaker.cxx and StMuIOMaker.h;
macros: first revision of exampleStMuIOMaker.C;
StMuDst.cxx StMuDst2StEventMaker.cxx StMuEmcUtil.cxx - updated for EMC data;
StMuDst.cxx - added filling of the topology map in the createStTrack function, added filling of track id to createStTrack() function;
StMuDstMaker.cxx - TClones::Clear added into StMuDstMaker::clear to avoid empty ebjects writing;
StMuProbPidTraits.cxx/h, StMuTrack.cxx - added error on dEdx measurements;
StMuProbPidTraits.h - incrmented ClassDef version numbber;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker:
StEmcADCtoEMaker.cxx : small modification in the histogram binning, patched to fix the problem with SMD-phi pedestals saved on database ;
modification in the way StEmcADCtoEMaker handles the database requests, added the option of reading muDst events directly (need to use StEmcPreDbMaker in order to set the correct timestamp for database);
removed SMD capacitors 124 and 125 from data for dAu and pp Y2003 runs only, timestamp flagged so it will work only for this data;
removed muDST option from StEmcADCtoEMaker;
new methods added in order to select either energy of pedestal cut for the SMD hits;
- StEmcMixerMaker:
small modifications;
- StEmcSimulatorMaker:
changed searching order for Geant hits;
- StPreEclMaker:
StEmcPreClusterCollection.cxx, StPreEclMaker.cxx have been changed to allow for clustering using hits with calibrationType < 128;
- StFtpcTrackMaker:
initialized mNumMainVertexTracks in; modified to use gufld to determine magnetic field factor;
- StFtpcClusterMaker:
StFtpcClusterMaker.cxx/h - removed temporary fix to prevent segmentation violation which occurred when more than one run per job; - calculate azimuthal angle phi in FTPC local coordinate system; modified to create member functions to extract ftpc plane and sector number from the GEANT volume id;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker: modified to use StFtpcGeantReader member function to extract FTPC plane number from GEANT volumeID;
- StFtpcDriftMapMaker:
remove obsolete version of StFtpcMagboltz2, changes related to StMagUtilities constructer ;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker:
modified files StXiI.hh StXiMc.hh to calculate Xi momenta at/near primary vertex;
StKinkBase.hh, StV0Mc.hh, StV0MuDst.hh, StXiMc.hh,StXiMuDst.hh - changed the order of inheritance and increased version numbers;
- SSD detector related code:
developed significantly, number of new codes added in StSsdPointMaker;
- StTofUtil:
StTofCellCollection.cxx, StTofCellCollection.h - first release, used by TOF MatchMakers;
StTofrGeometry.cxx StTofrGeometry.h - first release, refer to tofPathLength.hh for function definitions;
tofPathLength.hh - first release, function definitions in seperate header file;
codes: StTofDataCollection.cxx/h, StTofSlatCollection.cxx/h, StTofHitCollection.cxx/h moved from StTofMaker to StTofUtil;
- StTofpMatchMaker:
first release of StTofpMatchMaker.cxx/h;
dBase updates: removed initLocalDb option, introduced dBase parameters for strobe event definitions, event counters and one pointer;
- StTofpNtupleMaker:
StTofpMatchData.h, StTofpNtupleMaker.cxx, StTofpNtupleMaker.h, StTofpSlatData.h - first release;
- StTofSimMaker:
zeroed pointers in constructor, StTofSimMaker.cxx -changed location of header files for the local collections;
- StTofMaker:
zeroed geometry pointer;
- StTrsMaker/src/
fixed bug in intruced during gcc 3.2 updates;
- StRTSClient:
FCFMaker modified, changed name of the class from DaqClf to RTSClientFCF, added the t extents cuts to fcfClass.cxx, skiped row 13;
- Pmd code :
StPmdClustering.cxx- Dipak's changes on centroid;
StPmdUtil - CluX, CluY added;
StPmdSimulatorMaker - Dipak's changes;
- St_tpcdaq_Maker:
- St_base:
StTree.cxx - recognition of .MuDst.root added, in StFileI.h, StTree.cxx/h StFile::AddFile(file,remove) option added;
- StChain:
StMkDeb.cxx/h - simple debugging class added ;
- StIOMaker:
zero fileset is added to clear the logic;
- StarClassLibrary :,,helixTest.C - protection agains overfloat added into pathLength(StThreeVector,StThreeVector) ;
- StarRoot:
TH1Helper class added ;
- StUtilities:
changed option storage in StMessage.cxx/h, added some new cout-like functions and friend functions in Messager ;
initialize and test ostrstream buffer sizes;
- St_geant_Maker:
St_geant_Maker.h - added a declaration a a pointer to the structure geom_gdat, needed for the propagation the GEANT run data geometry tag and field scale, added the handling of the gdat structure, for now being written into runco file;
- St_trg_Maker:
bug in duplicated.code has been fixed and file was replaced with St_trg_duplicated.code;
- pams/geometry:
pixlgeo.g -a more functional version with one sixth of all ladders properly populated, added more tunning parameters for more precise geometry definition, introduced the mother volume for each ladder which contains both passive and active silicon layers, introduced mother volume for sectors ,(groups of 4 wafers)adjusted the sector opening angle, finished the changes needed to organize the detector into 6 symmetrical sectors, added the sensitivity and hits definition to the wafers' active layers;
phmdgeo.g - Dipak's new version implemeneted, CUTGAM and CUTELE values are introduced in the sensitive medium, proper mixture of Ar+CO2(70:30) has been introduced;
svttgeo1.g, r.1.1 - number of corrections to the silicon geometry: geometrical position of the silicon wafer,subsequent chick-ins includes the missing G10 PCB's and revised warter manifolds;
svttgeo2.g, r.1.1 - seriously updated version of the SVT geometry;
r.1.2 - modified the copper cable bundle geometry to allow for the inclusion, of the water feeds. Changed the strut material from Be to Carbon;
geometry.g - keep the newer version of the FTPC support pieces and add a call the new SVTT module, which will include a number of corrections, implemented y2003a and y2003b geometry, swap the tags y2003(b,c) to arrange them chronologically for better mneumonics, introduced variable for steering of the Silicon Strip detector code, renamed Y2003C tag into Y2004;
changed the semantics of the variable Geom, store the complete geometry tag in the variable Geom,Change the subroutine "geometry" into a "module" which process instruments it to access and manipulate ZEBRA banks as structures, introduced the bank GDAT, as a sub-bank of GEOM, which for now contains the field scale and the tag;
added file geom_gdat.idl - the automatically generated IDL describing the GDAT sub-bank of the GEOM bank, for the purpose of the Root interface, moved to different location later to reduce cross dependencies;
- pams/sim/g2t:
g2t_volume_id.g - the numbering scheme of the FTPC volumes has been changed and the component variables renamed for better readibility, the cryptic variable ibublic was renamed to iWheel;
- asps/agi/gst/agsim:
memget.c modified to make the function memgetf much less cryptic in terms of variable names and comments, introduced proper error checking whereby both ERRNO and the pointer form malloc are checked for validity;
agsim.g - better handling of the pointer returned by the function MEMGETF;
- asps/rexe:
Conscript - force usage of g77 instead of PGI for RH systems to avoid crash in grndmq ;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl - pVPD configuration settings and strobe event definitions;
- StDb/idl/eemcDbPMTstat.idl - EEMC upgrade 1;
- StDb/idl/tpcPedestal.idl - added TPC pedestal table description;
- StarDb/Calibrations/tpc - add one row for I60 in file TpcLengthCorrection.20010701.120000.C;
added tables for Y2003 dE/dx calibrations ;
TpcLengthCorrection.20030106.000000.C add new correction after accounting dE/dx nonlinearity ;
- StarDb/Calibrations/emc/y3bsmde - pedestals added;
- StarDb/Calibrations/emc/y3bsmdp - pedestals added;
- StarDb/dEdxModel - added parameterization for P10, replaced dE parameterization by dE/dx one for I70;
- ftpc calibrations have been worked out and put on DB, added tables:
under Conditions_ftpc table ftpcHDLCTemps;
under Calibrations_ftpc table ftpcGasOut;
- EMC calibrations corrected;
- new tower calibrations added;
August 25, 2003,
new library SL03f has been updated with next codes to fix bugs:
- St_dst_Maker - ;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker - get sign AND magnitude of mag field correctly for Xi and V0 finder ;
August 6, 2003,
new library SL03f has been created and released August 7
New updates:
- StBFChain: added V02 and Xi2 finding options, added svt V0s option, SVT Hit filtering implemented, svtMatchVtx option added so EST could be used for vertexing;
- StEvent: added StSPtrVecCalibrationVertex to I/O list, StTofSlat - revised version: new but not inheriting from StHit as before, StL0Trigger - fix for spin bits added;
- StHitFilterMaker: set options to delete TPC and SVT hit if Zert >30. If ZVert<30cm save all good svt hits and TPC hits on tracks;
- StFlowMaker: added etha cuts for event plane selection separated for FTPC east and west, PtWgtSaturation parameter introduced, get rid of beam gas events events with one empty FTPC or one empty half of the TPC are removed;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker: PtWgtSaturation parameter introduced, fixed for EtaSym plots implemented;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON: multiplicities for FTPC added, updated to include EEMC data in MuDst, updates for EMC data;
- StJetFinder: StTpcFourPMaker.cxx -changed mass calculation to calculate probability weighted mass average, StEmcTpcFourPMaker.cxx modified to use probability weighted mass calculation, subtracts track emc deposited energy from nearest first EMC energies until track emc deposited energy is used up or too away;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker: StXiFinderMaker.cxx modified to take Bfield calculated in V0Finder;
- StSvtClassLibrary: StSvtHybridPixelsD - added duble class for hybrid pixels for slow simulator;
- StSvtClusterMaker: changed errors to 300 microns;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker: fixed pedestal offset to be 20 not 10 change variables to int from floats to avoid casting problems,changes to run slow simulator added;
- StSvtSimulationMaker: new revision to improve simulation code;
- StTofSimMaker: added upper adc and tdc limits, geometry initialization moved to InitRun();
- StPidAmpMaker: changed fit range;
- St_dst_Maker: StVertexMaker.cxx, MatchedTrk.cxx - set up codes to find vertex using SVT matched tracks if that mode is selected;
- pams/sim/idl: g2t_event.idl - added the number of rejected events, needed to properly handle normalization in the rare signal Monte Carlo studies; g2t_pix_hit.idl - added structure for the pixel detector;
- pams/sim/g2t: g2t_get_event.F - updated format of the event header, including rejected events scaler, mheadrd.g - updated the event header Zebra bank; g2t_pix.F - added structure for the pixel detector;
- pams/sim/gstar: gstar_input.g - added the rejected events scaler;
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb/global/vertices: added parameter files with legitimate values for SVT+TPC during pp running;
- StarDb/emc/simulator: modified for no database request to make possible to run full barrel EMC in MC data;
July 18 2003,
new library SL03e has been created
New updates:
- new ROOT version 3.05.04
- StEvent: major revision of ToF classes, initial revision of StTofCell, restored plural for data members in StTofCollection, removed dependcies on DAQ lib in header file in StL3AlgorithmInfo;
- StAssociationMaker: modified no longer use find_if for FTPC to solve a bug for y<0, initialize tpcHitDistance and svtHitDistance to avoid a warning, modified to make z cut depends on z_mc, parameterization made in the parameter DB with a linearly increasing rms, symmetric in +/- z;
- StBFChain: RY2003X, C2003X, Y2003X option added;
- StChain/StMaker.cxx: modified to call InitRun even if no run at all,
- StDaqLib/FPD: added method to remove unprintef chars;
- StDaqLib/GENERIC: added method to remove unprintef chars;
- St_db_Maker: implemented y2003x = 20021115 geometry as for year2003 to run J/Psi HIJING simulation ;
- StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities.cxx: added new function called FixSpaceChargeDistortion( ), it can be used to convert the old (Uniform) space charge corrections to the new (1/R**2) space charge corrections. This correction can be applied to individual track momenta on the microDSTs and it does not require a re-production of the data to get the 1/R**2 spacecharge corrections;
- StEEmcUtil/EEfeeRaw: new additions, added a toplevel makefile, add trigger data to ezTree, rewritten implementation of EEmcL3Tracks using TClonesArray, implemented a common Makefile and, added dE/dx info, added spin bits in EEstarTrig, added getNumberOfTracks method in EEmcL3Tracks.h,add file destriptor to print() method in EEstarTrig, added L3 track flag to EEmcHelix, added track length and number of points in EEmcL3Tracks, added check if trigID in EEstarTrig, added run number to the header EEmcEventHeader.h, updated root version number in EEmcEventHeader.h EEstarTrig.h;
- StEmcUtil/filters: removed redundant persitency ClassDef(,0) in StEmcFilter.h;
- StEEmcUtil: implemented a common Makefile and, added install target to the Makefile;
- StEEmcUtil/StEEmcSmd: added geometry methods for StiEEmc;
- StEpcMaker: added setPrint() method;
- StEventUtilities: StuProbabilityPidAlgorithm updated for dAu PIDtable;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker: modified to get v4 and v6 with respect to the 2nd harmonic event plane;
- StFlowMaker: made event plane cuts now only odd and even, instead of different for each harmonic;
- StFtpcClusterMaker: modified to get min,max gas temperature and pressure limits from database instead of from parameters, removed inner cathode and cluster geometry parameters from ftpcClusterPars, modified to get inner cathode and cluster geometry parameters from database, made changes due to renaming table ftpcClusterGeometry to ftpcClusterGeom, added cathode offset information to constructor for SlowSimulator, modified not to re-flavor FTPC drift maps if already flavored to avoid creating memory leak which could occur if flavor changes within one *.fz file (only for MC data) ;
- StFtpcMixerMaker: modified to use the same StFtpcDbReader constructor as used by Sti/StFtpcDetectorBuilder;
- StFtpcTrackMaker: changed for dAu calibrations, added check for simulated hits before rotation commented out when rotation of hits has been implemented in StFtpcSlowSimMaker, pointer to geant taken out;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker: added rotation of hits from global GEANT coordinates into local FTPC coordinates, this uses an instance of StFtpcTrackingParams, added database access for cathode offset information and functionality for cathode offset simulation;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuEmcUtil.cxx: bug fixed in angle calculation;
- StarClassLibrary: removed redundant dependency in BetheBloch.h, StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh, removed ClassImp in BeteBloch, changed local variable name in pathLenght in & ;
- StPreEclMaker: added setPrint() method;
- StJetFinder: modified StJetOutputMaker, eliminated JetEvent, added initProbabilities to StProjectedTrack class, fixed indexes;
- St_tpcdaq_Maker fixed not to skip event if there are no TPC hits and process with other detectors;
- StPmdClusterMaker: increased lev1, lev2 dimension from 20 to 50;
- StPmdDiscriminatorMaker: several changes to include NN;
- StPass0CalibMaker: added ppFPDw-slow;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker: encoded of FTPC mults, changed virtual functions, Updated ClassDef version for altered inheritance in StKinkMc.hh StKinkMuDst.hh StXiMc.hh, missing DcaService added;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker: StV0FinderMaker.cxx and StXiFinderMaker.cxx modified to use SVT tracks, fixed bool calculations, added exits when bad params, reshaped;
- StTofUtil/StTofGeometry.h : changed all InitXXX() methods from private to public;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/macros: added StEventReadTest.C - a small macro that doesn't do anything but reading StEvent;
- StEbyeDSTMaker: added macros for pt fluctuation analysis (AsciiOut.C DeltaSigma.C EbENtuple.C GammaPlots.C Gammas.C);
- StSpinMaker: added trigger id mask;
- StRrsMaker: changed gain for charged particle: 2. -> 5;
- StHbtMaker/ThCorrFctn: added new FSI weight calculator from R. Lednickuy for calculation of proton-antiproton and lambda-lambda correlations;
- fixed bug related to triggerData2003, next makers have been updated: St_base, StDaqLib/GENERIC, StDAQMaker, St_db_Maker, StTriggerDataMaker, StDaqLib/TRG, StEvent, Stl3Util/gl3, Stl3Util/foreign/TRG, StEventMaker,StStrangeMuDstMaker, t_trg_Maker, StSpinMaker;
- test for nonexistance of XXXReader added to the next makers: StFpdMaker, StMixerMaker, StEEmcSimulatorMaker, St_tpcdaq_Maker, StRawTpcQaMaker, StEEmcDataMaker, StEEmcDbMaker, StFtpcSlowSimMaker, StTpcCalibrationMaker, StFtpcMixerMaker, StSvtCalibMaker, StTofMaker, StFtpcClusterMaker;
- macros/analysis/doFlowEvents.C: event plane cuts made now only odd and even, instead of different for each harmonic;
- macros/StMuDstMaker.C: added Lee's changes for the new V0Finder;
Database-wise updates:
- StDb/idl: ftpcClusterPars.idl - parameters moved to offline database, moved min,max pressure and gas temperature to Calibrations_ftpc/ftpcGas in database, remove inner cathode and cluster geometry parameters from ftpcClusterPars,
- StDb/idl: ftpcGas.idl - added max,min pressure and temperature limits for ftpc gas to database, changed the order of the new fields to match database
- StDb/idl: ftpcClusterGeometry.idl - added run dependent values used by StFtpcClusterMaker to database, replaced with ftpcClusterGeom.idl to make the name shorter,
- StDb/idl: ftpcInnerCathode.idl - added inner cathode offsets to offline database,
- StarDb/ftpc: removed inner cathode and cluster geometry parameters from ftpcClusterPars, corrected row size,
June 17, 2003,
library SL03d has been updated with codes
- StEvent: StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2003.cxx, StTriggerData2003.h
to provide proper reading trigger data
Library has been rebuilt, updated codes retagged and released as NEW
May 23, 2003,
new library SL03d has been created
New features: several bugs and memory leak have been fixed,
next codes were updated:
- StBFChain, added modification for clear DAQCTB embedding, re-propagated l3 changes from repaired file
- StEventUtilities, StuProbabilityPidAlgorithm.cxx modified to destroy myBandBGFcn in destructor;
- StDetectorDbMaker, added level_0 prescal, FTPC voltages, IntegratedTriggerID, all trigger info integrated to one database table;
StDetectorDbTpcRDOMasks, added error message to standard out if no table is found in the database;
- StMcEvent, added data members from modified g2t_event table: event generator final state tracks, N binary collisions, N wounded nucleons East and West, N jets;
- StMiniMcEvent: added data members for svt and ftpc fit points and hits for StTinyRcTrack ; added methods to calculate px, py, and p from the available pt, phi and pz, for global and primary momenta and also for monte carlo momentum;
added members so that curvature and tan(lambda) pull plots can be made,curvature and tan(lambda) are now stored, the 5 diagonal elements of the error matrix are also stored; the last two, for ittf tracks, are the error on curvature and error on tan(lambda), this is done from both the global and the primary tracks;
- StMiniMcMaker, modified to use primary tracks for the fit points in all cases, not the global tracks; implemented selection of West or East Ftpc based on eta>1.8 or eta<1.8;
modified to replace now whatever it finds between the first and last '.', not just geant.root, in the creation of the output file name;
curvature, tan(lambda) and Covariance matrix diagonal elements are now stored in rcTrack, for both primary and global tracks;
- StTrsMaker, modified to allow user to adjust normalFactor;
- StFtpcClusterMaker: StFtpcDbReader added a new only with FTPC dimensions and geometry for ITTF,improved for cathode offset corretions;
- StFtpcTrackMaker: introduced cuts for vertex estimation (globDca < 1 cm, multiplicity >= 200), Include rotation around y-axis for FTPC east and west;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker, bug fixed;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker, added Copy() function to player, fixed ControllerBase to handle common MuDst names;
- StSecondaryVertexMaker, StXiFinderMaker.cxx use brand new StHelixModel::setMomentum to solve memory leaks, setting new enum's;
- StarClassLibrary: StThreeVectorF.hh, StarClassLibraryLinkDef.hh, functions for CINT added;
- StPmdSimulatorMaker, StEvent added;
- StPmdClusterMaker, StEvent added, CPV clustering added;
- StPmdUtil, mapping added;
- St_dst_Maker: CtbResponse.cxx modified for embedding with CTB;
- St_geant_Maker, fixed the incompatibilities gradually accumulated in the part that reads and propagates the event header info, fill the header based on the parsed event record;
- StFlowMaker, default PID is changed from none to NA, SetDedxPtsPart() added;
- StFlowAnalysisMaker, added StFlowPhiWgtMaker.cxx StFlowPhiWgtMaker.h;
- StLaserEventMaker, tpc oriented has been turned off;
- StPass0CalibMaker, added ppFPD slow triggers;
- StJetFinder, number of modifications;
- StSpinMaker, number of modifications, fixed problem with jet value accessor functions;
- macros/examples/bfcMixer.C;
- pams/gen/hijing_382, hijing, fixed resonance istat code from 11 to 2,improved HEPTUP;
- pams/geometry/phmdgeo, slight comsmetic changes to the original PHMD code;
- pams/geometry/geometry updated to make Photon Multiplicity Detector part of the GEANT geometry version "y2003a" with proper versioning of its position;
- pams/sim/g2t:
g2t_get_event.F, introduced new data elements in teh event record - number of wounded nucleaons etc, changed interface to the mheadrd sub
mheadrd.g, modified to reading extra event-specific data elements from the Zebra MPAR structure;
g2t_event.idl, extra data added in the event record, such as binary collisions etc;
g2t_volume_id, fixed the error diagnostics, about the inconsistent geometry in endcap ECAL;
- pams/sim/gstar: gstar_input.g, has been upgraded to propagate event record data such as the number of binary collisions etc.
Database-wise updates:
- StarDb/ftpc/ftpcClusterPars.C, improvements for cathode offset corretions;
- StarDb/ftpc/ftpcSlowSimPars.C, changed value shaper time to match dAu data;
- StDb/idl: added triggerInfo.idl, L0TriggerInfo.idl, ftpcVoltage.idl;
- StDb/idl: pmdUMDimensions.idl modified to change BoardStatus char array length from 9 to 16 for simpler padding;
- StDb/idl: ftpcClusterPars.idl, temporarily store inner cathode correction factors in pars;
- StDb/idl: ftpcDimensions.idl, added x-coord of installation point;
- StDb/idl: ftpcCoordTrans.idl, added observedVertexOffsetX;
- final calibration settings for FTPC AuAu 200GeV/c;
For ITTF code releases and tagging look at ITTF code releases Web page
May 6, 2003,
new library SL03c has been created for pp 200GeV production
New features:
- StarClassLibrary: StLorentzVector - corrected problem in boost
- EEMC code developed: improvements for track/tower matching, added tower->tube mapping, StEEmcSmd code,
modification for EEMC daq reader, 'continous' eta & phi bins added, a lot of minor modifications and bug fixing, first release for production
- StDaqLib full support for EEMC reader,
- StDAQMaker full upport for EEMC daq reader, modify so the chain can run when there is no TPC data
- St_trg_Maker full upport for EEMC, modify so the chain can run when there is no TPC data
- StTriggerDataMaker implemented to propagated trigger info in StEvent,
- StEvent modified to add TriggerData,
- StEventMaker - added protection for cases where StDetectorDbTriggerID and StTrigSummary couldn't be obtained,
- SVT code modified to implement t0 object and to read t0 from DB, changes for changes for gain calibration file
- StdEdxMaker: StSvtdEdxMaker modified to get SVtGeom in initRun.
- StBFChain - production option for pp 200GeV implemented,
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON - StAddRunInfoMaker created to add StRunInfo for the only year1 Au+Au 130GeV data,
StTriggerIdCollection added to createStEvent function in StMuDst.cxx,
added StMuDstFilterMaker to be able to filter MuDst.root files,
added StMuDst into TDataSet to make it possible to pick up for StEventDisplayMaker,
modified for the new scheduler implementation, fixed bug, now dEdx data propagated in MuDst
- StFtpcClusterMaker - included corrections for inner cathode offset and move some parameter to database,
- TOF code - updated and extended StructSlatHit, introduced tofSlatHitVector and Iterator,
generalize (2+1)-D slat model from 3 layers to n layers, introduced TOF path length calculation,
- StMcEvent - added member mSubProcessId which is used for Pythia events,
- StPass0CalibMaker modified to use data with TOF triggers,
- StPeCMaker - correcting problem with bField,
- St_QA_Maker - added pp 2003 trigger info, BBC/ZDC trigger histos
- StEmcCalibrationMaker - new QA tools added,
- StMixerMaker - fixed the 8->10 bit bug, now the mixer mixes in 10 bit and then converts 10->8 bit,
- StJetFinder - modified to data from both TPC and EMC,
- StSecondaryVertexMaker - first revision of V0 and Xi vertex finder,
- Sti related codes (ITTF codes) - developed, ready for test production,
- pams/sim/g2t - added zebra bank reader to allow for optional subprocess id information to be propagated,
g2t_get_event.F modified to allow to read optional Zebra banks into root table,
Warnning messages removed from big number of codes
Database-wise updates:
- StDbLib - added a fast multi-row write model specifically needed by the daqEventTag writer,
- StarDb/ftpc/ftpcClusterPars.C - included corrections for inner cathode offset,
- StDb/idl/ftpcClusterPars.idl - included offset of inner cathode and some new clusterfinding paramter,
- StDb/idl/eemcDbPMTname.idl - added for tower->tube mapping
April 11, 2003,
library SL03b has been updated with
- StDaqLib/TRG/code2003.cxx
to fix the bug caused crash in processing UPCCombined events
- StTpcDb/StTpcDbMaker.cxx
- StTrsMaker/StTrsMaker.cxx
to fix the bug and process mulitple run numbers in the same file for MC production
March 7, 2003,
new library SL03b has been created
New features:
- FTPC code and database have been updated to handle correctly with year 2001 offline database
- EEMC code further development
- StBFChain updated with new dAu MC chain
Library will be used for FTPC year 2001 data production and dAu MC data production
April 8, 2003,
library SL03a has been updated with
- StDaqLib/TRG/code2003.cxx
to fix the bug caused crash in processing UPCCombined events
February 28, 2003,
library SL03a has been updated with St_QA_Maker and StAnalysisUtilities to add new trigger schema
February 20, 2003,
new library SL03a has been created and released. Library will be used for dAu 200 GeV/c production
New features:
- EMC MuDst integrated in common MuDst files
- StStrangeMuDstMaker modified
- StEvent new triggerID added
- TOF reader updated to read TOF year 2003 data
- DAQ reader updated to adjust daq format
- SVT clustering, vertex finder and DB handling updated
- FTPC code updated, clustering, tracking, slow simulator, developed offline database
- StEMCCalibrationMaker modified for online calibrations and monitoring
- EEMC developed, simulation part added to nightly test
- StFTPCMixerMaker and StEMCMixerMaker implemented for embedding
- StdEdxMaker reshaped
- StBFChain implemented new chain options
- St_QA_Maker added new histos for FTPC, changes for new trigger schema
- StHitFilterMaker allowes to keep hits associated with tracks
December 2, 2002,
SL02i library has been updated with the next codes to update geometry and fix bugs:
- StFtpcTrackMaker,
- St_dst_Maker/StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx,StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx,
- StBFChain;
- St_geant_Maker;
- St_db_Maker;
- StDaqClfMaker;
- pams/geometry: bbcmgeo, btofgeo, ecalgeo, fpdmgeo, geometry, vpddgeo;
- pams/sim/g2t : g2t_esm.F, g2t_volume_id.g;
- pams/sim/gphysdata ;
- StarDb/emc/simulator/Simulator.C;
SL02i library has been retagged and rebuilt
November 18, 2002,
SL02i library has been updated with the next codes due to request of FTPC group:
- StFtpcTrackMaker,
- St_dst_Maker/StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx,StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx,
- StDb/idl/ftpcDimensions.idl,
SL02i library has been retagged and rebuilt
November 15, 2002,
SL02i library has been updated with bug fix code:
- StFtpcClusterMaker
October 17, 2002 new SL02i library has been created.
SL02h library has been updated with the next codes:
- Sti, StiMaker, StiGui, StiEvaluator, further development;
- StAssociationMaker, changed encoded method for IT tracks to 263 ( was 32770 before);
- StBFChain, 'OSpaceZ2' option added and made hardwired values use enum() list from StMagUtilities,
'onlcl' and 'onlraw' options added to read TPC online clusters (DAQ100) and/or TPC raw information;
- added 'bbcSim' option for BBC simulation;
- StBbcSimulationMaker, new package created for BBC simulation;
- StEvent, bug fixed in StBbcTriggerDetector and StFpdCollection, modifications for RUN 2003 added in StBbcTriggerDetector;
- StFpdMaker, modified along with StEvent modifications for 2003 RUN;
- StDAQMaker, small modifications from Alex, added support for decoding DAQ100 data and writing it into table;
- StDaqLib/EMC, small modifications of reader and decoder;
- StDaqLib/GENERIC/EventReader, added support for decoding DAQ100 data and writing it into a table;
- StDaqLib/TPC, added support for decoding DAQ100 data and writing it into table;
- StDaqClfMaker, filled the deconvolution flag to help dedx;
- StDbUtilities/StSvtCoordinateTransform, t0 changed from 12 tp 9 as calculated from pp real data;
- StDbUtilities/StMagUtiltities, added new option for 1/R**2 space charge density distribution,
set default space charge density to zero, time dependent values come from DB;
- StEmcSimulatorMaker, modified not to have DB for EMC before 24-09-2001;
- StEmcADCtoEMaker, modified to use new internal data format;
- StEstMaker, fixed min radius cut to large value;
- StFptcClusterMaker, replaced large statically dimensioned arrays with dynamically dimensioned arrays;
- StFtpcTrackMaker, modified to get FTPC geometry and dimensions from database,bug fixed, QA histograms corrected;
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker, include ftpcAmpSlope,ftpcAmpOffset and ftpcTimeOffset in Database access,
permits usage of gain factors and time offset in the simulator,Charge scaling taken out ;
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker, added code to do Juns gain calibration, changed building of file name,
modification to make sure initRunworks when no svt data present, correct code to allow for the ordering init and initRun;
- St_dst_Maker, better handling of full or corrupted tables;
- St_geant_Maker, added code to read out BBC GSTAR tables needed for StBbcSimulationMaker,
- St_tpcdaq_Maker, changed to accomodate for DAQ100 cluster reading or raw hits reading, added support for decoding DAQ100 data and writing it into table;
- St_QA_Maker, rmoved limit on maximum number of histograms that can be copied;
- StAnalysisUtilities, removed limit on maximum number of histograms that can be copied;
- StHbtMakerReader, new reader, new 3D correlation function QinvQualAvSep;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON, updated to make the muDst from simultaion, maxFiles updated,
added cut on track encoded method for ITTF, fixed bug in createStEevent() function, now you can delete the StEvent, setting all unused subFilters explicitly to NULL;
- StMuDSTMaker/EMC, a pointer check added;
- pams/geometry/bbcmgeo, changes BPOOL hits to 'calorimeter',
important chenges: BBC East is now rotated around the vertical axis, rather than mirror-reflected as in the previous version,
TOF information is added to hits;
- pams/tpc, Daq100 cluster table added - first version;
- pams/geometry/tpcegeo, corrected argon density;
- pams/geometry/mfldgeo, bug fixed in node number, better granularity;
- pams/geometry/phmdgeo, geometry after row-col wise blocks;
- pams/g2t, added volume ID for BBC elements, new code to support BBC response simulation;
- StarDb/ftpc/ftpcClusterPars.C, ftpcTrackingPars.C;
- StDb/ftpc/ftpcCoordTrans.idl, ftpcDimensions.idl, ftpcTrackingPars.idl;
Library was retagged as SL02i and rebuilt;
September 19, 2002,
SL02h library has been updated with Sti, StiGui, StiMaker, StiEvaluator makers
and pams/global/inc/StTrackMethod.h, StTrackDefinitions.h to run test production with ITTF
Library has been retagged and rebuilt
September 14, 2002,
SL02h library has been updated with StEmcSimulatorMaker to fix time stamp problem in MC production.
Library has been retagged and rebuilt
August 26, 2002,
DEV library has been tagged as SL02h,checked out in new area and rebuilt.
SL02h has been tested and released on Aug 28. Library will be used for test production with DAQ100 clustering
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain, removed Flow from tags, PMD chain implementation, option to run DAQ100 clustering;
- StDaqClfMaker, installed new version of fcfClass ;
- StEmcCalibrationMaker, gain calculated from ped-subtracted mean above 30 ADC counts;
- StEmcUtill, fixed memory leak,
- StEventUtilities: StuPostScript, added drawing of hits;
- StEmcTriggerMaker, correction made to follow format for chain insertion without arguments;
- StMiniMcMaker, changed to deal with seq. faults in the file name handling;
- StarClassLibrary: StHelix related codes - minor speed improvements, StThreeVector related codes - added pseudoProduct
- StSpinMaker, test fortran pi0 reconstruction program,bug fixes, minor updates;
- StMuDSTMaker, additional member functions added by Helen'e request;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker, small corrections for kinks to be kept,handling events without primary vertex,
better cTau calculations, introduction of DcaService, fixes to StV0Controller;
- St_QA_Maker, some FTPC histogram changes;
- Sti, StiMaker, StiMaker/macros;
- pams/gen/starlight, corrections to gamma-gamma cross section.
- pams/geometry/bbcmgeo, geometry for STAR Beam-Beam Counter, changed to use symmetrical BBCM instead of seperate BBCW and BBCE;
August 05, 2002, SL02g has been updated with FTPC code fixes
- StFtpcClusterMaker
- StFtpcTrackMaker
- St_dst_Maker : StFtpcGlobalMaker.cxx, StFtpcPrimaryMaker.cxx
update of t0 for FTPC
June 17, 2002,
DEV library has been tagged as SL02g,checked out in new area and rebuilt.
SL02g has been tested and released on June 28.
Next codes have been updated:
- StBFChain, changed making the database overwritting (sdt tag implemented);
- St_db_Maker, added warning if start=end for date and time for a table;
- StEventUtilities, changed tray and slat to UInt_t;
- StEmcSimulatorMaker, changed the way of searching of GEANT data, added option with DB(pedestal ans calibration coefficients;
- StEmcUtil, fixed getTrackId method and added flag in constructor to initialize towers with a given status;
modifications on projTrack() method added;
options to project tracks forwards and backwards has been included in projTrack() method;
- StFtpcClusterMaker, added new 2-dimenisional hitfinding algorithm;
- StFtpcTrackMaker, transformation of local FTPC coordinates in global coordinates introduced, after tracking local coordinates are transformed to global;
added flag to keep track in which coordinate system the point position is measured;
new value for rotation angle of FTPC east after temperature offset was corrected ;
- St_geant_Maker, fix wrong geant time;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON, changed the number of hits cut, so that also FTPC tracks are written out;
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/macros/dbMaker.C, a simple macro to create a database (a file) holding filenames and the corresponding number of event per file;
- StStrangeMuDstMaker, better handling of improperly closed files, some decay modes added,
better organization of enumeration, additional security against zombies in StEvent vectors added,
- StSvtClusterMaker, added SvtHits and a hit collection if StEvent already exists - prepartation for ittf;
- St_QA_Maker, some changes to FTPC chisq histos added;
- StMiniMcEvent,StMiniMcMaker, created to run MiniDst;
- StFlowMaker checked out with tag SL02f to avoid crashes for MC events;
- StarDb/emc/simulator, added option with DB(pedestal ans calibration coefficients;
- StarDb/ftpc/ftpcClusterPars.C updated;
May 24, 2002,
New library SL02f has been created. DEV library has been tagged as SL02f,checked out in new area and rebuilt.
SL02f has been tested and moved to 'new ' on May 27.
Next codes have been updated:
- StAssociationMaker, changed to incorporate association of tracks from Sti
- StAnalysisMaker, doxygen basic doc added
- StDbLib/, rules.make, changed non-dbname in arguement of mysql_real_connect from 0 to NULL, Updated rules.make for local mysql installation on Linux
- St_base/StTree.cxx , bug fixed in UpdateFile
- StChargeStepMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StDetectorDbMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StRichSpectraMaker, revision of index of refraction and ray tracing have been done
- StEmcUtil, method to get em Et on EMC from GEANT has been included,
default values of minimum total energy on EMC barrel and minimum energy on tower has been modified
- StDbUtilities, correct t0 for pp running in svt, correct radius of 2nd barrel so all hits pass now SVT shifted
- StEvent, implementation of the SVT 2 tables scheme
- StEventMaker, implementation of the SVT 2 tables scheme
- StEmcADCtoEMaker, bugs fixed to recalibrate EMC after production
- StEmcCalibrationMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StFtpcSlowSimMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StFlowAnalysisMaker, modified to speed up cumulant, added correction to minBias.C for bins with one count,changed label on MultHist histogram
- StFlowMaker, moved centrality cuts into StFlowConstants
- Stl3RawReaderMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07, switch reco/embedding mode (m_Mode=0/1).Embedding mode skips L3 biased events,reco mode fills StEvent as before
- St_dst_Maker, some changes for SVT, modified not to save SVT hit info on events when SVT not there, modified to send in different group of tables for the TPC and EST refit so flagging of hits is correct
- StSvtDaqMaker, corrected hybrid swapping, modified not to swap ladders 15 and 16 for pp sort this out properly later
- StSvtSeqAdjMaker, added reading bad anodes from DB
- StSvtClassLibrary, corrected hybrid swapping
- StSvtClusterMaker, added pass bad anode information into cluster fitter, fixed memory leak, added T0 jitter stuff, added reading bad anodes from DB
- StSvtDbMaker, added bad anode list reading
- StEstMaker, made EST works with shifted SVT geom, change search radii to 1cm
- StdEdxMaker, SVT dedx improvements, fills dedx table directly, suppressed output
- StRrsMaker, changed gain to 2
- StPass0CalibMaker, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StSpinMaker, bug fixed
- StTreeMaker, modified message displayed on exit
- St_db_Maker, small modification adding more debugging of what it's doing
- St_mwc_Maker
- St_trg_Maker, bug fixed
- StppSpin, fixes for ROOT/3.02.07
- StHbtMaker
- St_TLA_Maker, Reshaped comments for doxygen
- pams/global/egr/egr_fitter.F, changes for SVT
- pams/global/svm/svm_efficiency.c, minor correction
- pmas/gen/mevsim, fixed bug in eta primary decay
- macros/analysis: StMuDstMaker.C
May 22, 2002,
SL02e library has been updated with codes:
- StBFChain, new dynamic stamp sdtXXXXXXXX implemented to run MC production
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON, StStrangeCuts added
- StMuDSTMaker/EMC, fixed bug and small modifications to recreate micro DST
- StStrangeMuDstMaker, fixed problem with file names for branches
- macros/analysis/listStrangeCuts.C, fixed bug with branch status and changed cuts split level
Codes have been retagged
SL02e library has been moved to PRO
May 14, 2002,
SL02e library has been updated with code:
- StStrangeMuDstMaker to fix a bug and write V0 to MuDst
Code has been retagged
May 6, 2002,
SL02e library has been updated with codes:
Codes have been retagged
April 29, 2002,
SL02e, SL02d, SL02c libraries have been updated with next codes:
- StTrsMaker/,, added he3,he4,deuterons
Codes have been retagged
April 23, 2002,
SL02e library has been updated with the next codes:
- StFtpcTrackMaker: bug fixed in ftpc tracking
- StFtpcClusterMaker: cleanup related to StFtpcTrackMaker changes
- StUtilities: new offset abilities implemented
- StAnalysisUtilities: addition of BBC/FPD histos
- St_QA_Maker: addition of BBC/FPD histos
- StUtilities: new offset abilities implemented
Codes have been retagged
April 19, 2002,
SL02e library has been updated with the code:
- StEventUtilities to fix the bug in StuProbabilityPidAlgorithm which caused crashes in production
Code has been retagged
April 7, 2002,
April 7 DEV library has been tagged as SL02e. New library SL02e was built,tested updated with bug fixes and released on April 9
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- StBFChain: Changes made for Common MuDST (with Strangeness), adjusted to run in production
- StEvent/StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx fixed bug in theBetheBloch and for multiple instantiation
- StEmcUtil: modification on getTrackId()
- StFtpcTrackMaker: modified to exit with warning if primary vertex calculation return nan
- St_dst_Maker: ppLMV4.cxx,MatchedTrk.cxx, correct ppLMV for 0 filed, fixed bug causing crashes (pointer <-> array range)
- StSsdSimulationMaker: doxygen documentation, cleaning
- StSsdClusterMaker:small memory leak fixed;
- StSsdEvalMaker:memory leak fixed, doxygen documentation
- StSvtClusterMaker: finally got phase correction correct
- StTrgMaker: bugs fixed
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON: improved filter options,updates for running in the production
- StPidAmpMaker: modified function to fit e+/- amp.
- StRrsMaker: pedestal noise, convolution and difference in MIP/gamma
- St_QA_Maker: last point residuals now use outerGeometry() for helix parameters
- macros:StAssociator.C, added gSystem->Load("StDetectorDbMaker")
- pams/geometry/tpcegeo/tpcegeo.g: material in the central membrane changed to copper
- StDb/servers/ dbServers_bnl.xml: added xml file for new bnl mirrors
- Vertex seed calibrations data for pp put in DB
March 22-23, 2002,
SL02d library has been updated with next codes:
- StBFChain: added agregate correction option Corr1/Corr2 . Introduced ppOpt (no makers)and reshaped VtxSeedCal accordingly.
- StDetectorDbMaker: plugged memory leaks
- StPass0CalibMaker/StVertexSeedMaker: bug fix
- StFtpcClusterMaker: fixed memory leak, invert cluster pad number in FTPC East,
convert cluster cartestian coordinates for FTPC west into STAR global coordinate system
- StDbLib: MysqlDbcc, MysqlDb.h #-of-retries on server connect increased to 7 with timeout period doubled per re try starting at 1 sec.
Needed for maintainable multiple mirror servers using dns for round-robin load balancing
- StMuDSTMaker/EMC: fixed memory leak
- macros/bfc.C
Library was rebuilt and retagged
March 20, 2002,
SL02d library has been updated with next codes:
- StPass0CalibMaker/StVertexSeedMaker to handle vertex constrain for pp
- StFtpcClusterMaker: fixed bug caused memory leak
- StSvtClusterMaker: temporary fixed bug caused memory leak and new vertex finder params for pp
- StdEdxMaker: expanded time interval in calibration histograms
- StEmcUtil: fixed StEmcFilter::accept(Int_t), modified method StEmcPosition::getNextTowerId(...),
included method StEmcFilter::getNextId(...)
- StMuDSTMaker/EMC;
- StDb/idl/vertexSeed.idl modified for vertex constrain in pp
Library was rebuilt and retagged
- dE/dx calibrations for pp put in DB
March 19, 2002,
March 15 DEV library has been tagged as SL02d. New library SL02d was built,tested updated with bug fixes and released on March 19
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- StChain,St_geant_Maker,StBFChain, StdEdxMaker, StMixerMaker, bfcMixer.C have been updated to fix embedding problem
- StEvent: fixed bug in StTrackTopologyMap.cxx
- StDaqLib/FTPC: FTPV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx modify to return false if no FTPADCD bank or no FTPADCX bank found for requested sector
- StTrgMaker: filter out tracks which begin beyond the MWC. Removed dead weight from trigCtb.C
- StEmcUtil: fixed bug on accept() method for towers and new method added
- StFtpcTrackMaker: adjusted eta segments for x,y positions of vertex, modified to avoid tracking if vertex position is outside of the inner radius of the Ftpc
- StSvtCalibMaker: laser spot positions recorded
- StFlowMaker: added new centralities
- St_QA_Maker: fixed bug with placement of trigger hists
- StMuDSTMaker/COMMON updated
- StMuDSTMaker/RICHTOF: modified logic when bad RICH event,removed of RICH collection and pid traits when not wanted
- StDbLib/StDbModifier.cxx : added variable length table defautls for simplifying writes of l3 counters to db
- pams/gen/mevsim : fixed pi0 decay bug
- l3counters files have been put in DB
- EMC calibrations for pp data
March 8, 2002,
SL02c library has been patched with
- StEvent/StV0Vertex to fix V0Vertex problem
- Stl3RawReaderMaker to fix L3Counter pass
- StBFChain related problems fixed,ZDCvtx option added, MuDSTChain, EMCmDST options added to process MuDST
- ROOT: TStreamerInfo.cxx fixed bug related to V0Vertex problem
- StFtpcClusterFinder
Library still is having a problem with bfcMixer, StIOMaker::GetFile(), trigger word in QA plots
March 3, 2002,
March 1 DEV library has been tagged as SL02c. New library SL02c was built,tested and released on March 3
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- new ROOT version 3.02.07 has been installed
- StBFChain: timestamp 'y2001n' has been added to pickup right svt geant geometry for year2001 which has been changed in Spectember 5th 2001
- St_db_Maker: added new timestamp 'y2001n' for svt geometry of year2001
- StChain, StIOMaker: new method for maker communication is developed and installed "NotifyMe"
- StEvent: added enum for l3 track finder, updated fittingMethod(): L3 added
- StMuDSTMaker: new code to create MuDst has been implemented
- StFtpcClusterMaker modified to get cluster unfolding paramteres from ftpcClusterPars; added histograms to monitor cluster finding
- StFtpcTrackMaker: added additional histograms to monitor cluster finding
- Stl3RawReaderMaker: added globalTrack->setEncodedMethod() to mark tracks as l3 tracks in StEvent
- StSvtDaqMaker: move GetDataSet(StDAQReader) from Init() to Make()
- pams/global/inc: added kL3TpcId to StDetectorDefinitions.h, StDetectorId.h
- StDb/idl: move cluster unfolding parameters ftpcClusterPars.idl from code to StarDb/ftpc/ftpcClusterPars.C
February 21, 2002,
DEV library has been tagged as SL02b. New library SL02b was built,tested,updated with bug fixes and released on February 25
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- StEvent: added (in StRunInfo) member to hold BBC coincidence rate, StL0Trigger modified to change signature of bunchCrossingId7bit(),added beam info
added information to StRichSpectra for uDST purposes, added EMC trigger
- StEventMaker: fill parts of StRunInfo from StDetectorDbBeamInfo
- StDetectorDbMaker: added codes for Space charge calculations,for TPC Voltages for use in ExB Corrections, added beam info
- St_tpt_Maker: modified mask (extended options),instantiation of MagUtilities() uses db
- StMagUtilities: modified for field cage and space charge corrections, modified to get CathodeV and GG from DB, changed defaults and instantiation argument order
- StBFChain: added options for FieldCage and SpaceCharge corrections and svtDb, adjusted P2001, P2001a, pp2001a options
- StEmcTriggerMaker: trigger data histograms added, gets info from StEvent
- StdEdxMaker: removed access to St_tpcBadPad
- FTPC: StFtpcClusterMaker modified to get temperature difference from data base, separate radial chargestep histograms were created for Ftpc west and east
StFtpcTrackMaker modified to use primary vertex for tracking if it's available, otherwise use preVertex
- St_dst_Maker: modified StFtpcGlobalMaker to redo unconstrained fit for FTPC global tracks with primary vertex
& write out all FTPC hits, not just those on tracks
modified StV0Maker.cxx and StXiMaker.cxx to use database for cut parameters
separation of primary vertex and track finding has been done, now StVertexMaker does the primary-vertex-finding and should be called before StPrimaryMaker which does the primary-track-finding
set vertex id to vertex table entry row in and ppLMV4.cxx
set #global tracks = 30 for switch over from EVR to LMV
- StRchMaker: Remove picket fence pixels cluster finding once and for all
- StSvtCoordinateTransform updated to use proper database
- StSvtClusterMaker: modified StSvtHitMaker to get data from SVT database with StSvtDbMaker, Add SetFileNames function
- StSvtDbMaker: improved interface to SVT DB
- StDbLib: changed limit on flavor tag and made default retrieving more readable
- StTofUtil: changed default tdc calibration factor
- StTpcDb: move all database access to the InitRun part of the tpc Makers to provide flexibility in changing flavor of database
separated geometrical tpc rotation from field twist
- StTrsMaker: move Init code to InitRun
- St_tpcdaq_Maker: turned off noise_elim, moved calibration access from Init() to InitRun()
RDO mask implemented - St_trg_Maker: EMC unpacker rewritten, added code to switch between pre and post-Dec 1 2001 setups
- Stl3RawReaderMaker: added first version of Stl3CounterMaker
- StPidAmpMaker: new version reinstalled
- StRichSpectraMaker added information for uDST purposes
- StarClassLibrary: added methods to calculate signed DCA
- St_QA_Maker: added FTPC histograms
- StDb/idl: added table & saturation rate for space charge corrections
new structure for field cage parameters,
tpc high voltages needed for ExB,
added difference in FTPC gas temperature between FTPC West and East
implemented new calibration tables for the svt
added table to hold beam info
- pams/global/dst: modified fill_ftpc_dst to incorporate in StFtpcGlobalMaker
- pams/tpc/tpt: account for missing RDO in tracking. Allow tracks to swim across dead RDO during first stage tracking
- StarDb/global/vertices: added cut parameters for V0 and Xi finding in pp data
- StarDb/tpc/daq: corrected map tables
- StarDb/Calibrations/tpc: all files have been put to MySql DB
- new tag for reconstruction DB implemented 'DbV20020226'
- space charge distortion and inner field cage correction implemented
- twist parameters on a per-field-setting basis
January 22, 2002,
DEV library has been tagged as SL02a. New library SL02a was built,tested and released January 24
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- first release of pp chain for real data production, includes beamLine option;
- FPD chain has been implemented and released;
- ftpc: added gas temperature difference between west and east FTPC to DB;
made ftpcGas database table used in FTPC cluster maker;
- svt: added t0 correction in hit, added cut of summed charge >15 for allowed hits,fixed memory leak;
added drift velocity calculation;
- StDetectorDbMaker implemented to hold DB detector information,currently:
classes for RichScalers and RichVoltageStatus;
tpc RDO masks;
FTPC's gas properties;
magnet information;
RICH Clock information;
- StTrsMaker: transverse diffusion coefficient is set correctly (bug fixed)
- StTpcT0Maker replaced by StPass0CalibMaker which includes StTpcT0Maker and StVertexSeedMaker to process calibrations for pp data
- StDb/idl: added vertexSeed table needed to process drift-velocity calibrations for pp data,
table to hold ftpcGasOut values and FTPC temperature/pressure calculations
ASIC parameter set to 1420 for year 2001 data;
tpd drift velocity calibrations based on laser data put in DB to process pp data
tpcGain correction for pp data
December 13, 2001,
SL01l library was created November 16 and after some iterations released December 13 to process AuAu 200GeV real data, (production P01gl)
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- L3 summary added in StEvent
- St_trg_Maker updated for unpacking EMC data
- first release of EMC code for production
- working version of SVT code, StSvtDbMaker implemented to handle SVT database
- first dE/dx calibrations for year 2001 data placed in DB
- tpcTimeGain calibrations files moved from AFS area to DB
- Complete pass at TPC drift velocities for year 2001 real data, put in DB and should be used in reconstruction with tag DbV1211
- ASIC parameter has been set to 1420 for year 2001 data January 18
- first production run with EMC in chain
- first production run with tpcTimeGain calibrations for year 2001
- production run with ExB shape correction, padrow 13 field correction, clock correction, twist correction
- padrow 13 has been taken off for tracking
November 15, 2001,
DEV library was tagged as SL01k and released to process AuAu 200GeV real data, (production P01gk)
New features essential for production:
Code-wise implementation:
- Developed L3 code to be ready for year 2001 data production
- Developed TOF code to be ready for year 2001 data production
- Developed StEvent part related to L3 and TOF codes
- StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities modified to get most of its values from the database, rather than hard-coded.
- has all codes related to SIM tag implementation and can be used for MC production and embedding
- First pass at 2001 Gain corrections, located in the AFS area in StarDb/Calibrations/tpc
- Local t0 for year 2001 data adjusted, no adjustment for t0 correction for runs taken on days before 232
- First pass at TPC drift velocities for year 2001 real data put in DB and should be used in reconstruction with tag DbV1107 for run numbers taken on days 232-308
- Twist value (affects angle of TPC in magnet, twist ExB correction) adjusted to match best value for 1/2 field 2000
- Production run with ExB shape correction, padrow 13 field correction, clock correction, twist correction
- padrow 13 has been taken off for tracking
November 9, 2001, new SL01j library has been created.
SL01i library has been updated with next codes:
- StTpcDb/StTpcDbMaker.cxx: SIM tag implementation codes allow to handle database correction
which needed for real data and should not be used for simulation data,
Invert order of distortion correction and local->global transformation
- StDbUtilities/StMagUtilties: use DB
- St_tpt_Maker/St_tpt_Maker.cxx: invert order of distortion correction and local->global transformation
- pams/tpc/tcl/tph.F: invert order of distortion correction and local->global transformation
Library has been retagged as SL01j
and should be used to process MC AuAu 130GeV HIJING production for year 2000 geometry
(HIJING production P01hi) and embedding data
SL01j has been updated on November 16 with bug fixes for StTrsMaker and StRrsMaker
October 26, 2001,
DEV library was tagged as SL01i and released on October 29 to reprocess year 2000 AuAu 130Gev data (production P01hi)
New features essential for production:
new ROOT version 3.02.00
Code-wise implementation:
- Sector alignment based on zero field data 100 < vertZ < 200, straight-up tracks
- Transformation into global coordinates
- RICH position moved to handle global coordinates
- Inner/outer z offset adjusted to remove residual step between inner and outer sectors in z
- Gain and local t0 corrections revisited
- tpc drift velocities calibrations recreated and put in DB, should be used in reconstruction with tag DbV1007
- Gain for padrow 13 set to 0 to remove this padrow
- Production run with ExB shape correction, Padrow 13 field correction, Clock correction.
- Padrow 13 was taking off for tracking, No twist correction on in this production.
- Vertex offset has been taken out.
Next codes have been updated:
THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h - rewritten version of THelixTrack. Main algorithm was not changed, changed only selection of coordinate system. Old approach, based on few points was not stable enough. New approach is based on construction of 2d matrix of and calculation of eigen vectors. New coordinate system is based on these vectors. It is more stable because not a few points are used but all of them. Performance should not be changed;
StiCompositeTreeNode.h - removed not used definition;
StiDetector.h - added 'insideL()' mode and 'inside()' for the global space point;
StiDetector.cxx - in method 'insideL()' suppressed all checks, apart from X or Rxy; in method insideL() also added check for environment variable "insideAssert", if it is not defined 'insideL()' always returns 1 to avoid asserts in production;
added mode 'StiDetector::insideL(const double xl[3],int mode=0)';
added new method 'StiDetector::inside(..)' to check global points;
changed the mode in inside(s) means now 1 + 2 + 4 == chackX(or R) + checkY(or Phi) + checkZ ;
StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - method 'setProperty()' added;
method 'getCenterX()' added. It returns some X value of shape in local coordinate. When, after refit, track is missing detector, we still keep this node. Now point of node is dca point to (centerx,0) and parameters with errors are calculated in this point;
modified to rename inside(...) to insideG( ) to show that arguments are global;
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added new method AverageVolume. It uses TGeo volumes for averaging. The old method uses TGeoPhysical volumes;
method AveMate added to calculate average material; method MakeAverageVolume replaced the old one, to keep the same user interface;
updated to account 'MANY' & 'SENSitive';
made methods 'void AverageVolume(TGeoPhysicalNode *nodeP)' and 'int AverageVolume(const char *fullPath)' not virtual anymore;
added method 'int Diff(const char *path, const StiDetector *sVolu)', t compares the TGeoVolume with StiDetector and returns 0 if everything is correct;
method AveMateR added which does the same as AveMate but using random points; correct all "MULTY" accounted properly; for method 'diff()' added mode '0=AveMate' ;
changed inside (..,mode) mode=1+2+3 check X+Y+Z;
set cpp flag to keep ofl average temporary;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - added seed comments; replaced printf to Error() and Warning(); fixed bug in evaluation of si zes of averaged volumes; added Error messages in case 'MANY' and 'sensetive' ;
modified to move down check for determinant==1; assert for 'Geant Weight == StiWeight' temporary removed;
method 'Diff' was added, it checks for random space points which belongs to TGeoVolume;
added test for reflection, reflection is legal in Geant but was not accounted in Sti volume averaging, fixed;
eigen values normalized per number of points (8);
method AveMateR added which does the same as AveMate but using random points; correct all "MULTY" accounted properly; for method 'diff()' added mode '0=AveMate' ;
modified to check inside all boundaries;
modified to rename inside() ==> inside();
StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - added new method to save graphic structure of Sti geometry into file to draw it afterwards ;
StiDetectorContainer.cxx - removed TPC oriented check, which does not allow usage of non Tpc hits in Seed finders, now all hits could be used in Seed finders; replaced assert with warning;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - made in layer loop getNormalRadius() ==> getLayerRadius(); modified to use only normalRadius for ordering; two loops now used to search volumes;
- 1st one searching only active volumes;
- 2nd one searching non active volumes, when 1st loop was useless;
This is activated ONLY when environment variable "activeNonActiveLoop"=1;
Assert added to check that Rxy>=Rnormal (related to bug #2915);
'nudge(hit)' added after hit setting to move node to hit;
modified to change getNormalRefAngle ==> getLayerAngle in find();
modified to change OpenAngle ==> OpenAngle/2 in find();
modified to change kEnded ==> kFailed;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - assert added for tubes Rxy == Rnormal (bug #2915); added check for Hz, Hz==>fabs(Hz) to account negative Hz; added check for cos>1 ;
modify to distinguish planar and cylindrical shapes in 'Propagate to volume' (fixed bug #2915); method 'nudge()' was rewritten, for complicated cases THelixTrack used. Check for kFarFromBeam put back (was removed by mistake);
modified to use linear approximation in 'nudge()' if shift < 0.01 curvature;
method propagate(double xk, ...) rewritten to account cases which was omitted in previous version as non important;
removed over complicated and not used logics of "edges" :
- kEdgePhiPlus, kEdgeZminus, kEdgePhiMinus, kEdgeZplus,
- kMissPhiPlus, kMissZminus, kMissPhiMinus, kMissZplus,
and use instead only:
kFailed = -3, kTooFar = -2, kEnded = -1, kHit = 0
best solution saved into mygP and myFP, and only at the end the best is into mgP and mFPcopied;
modified to decrease strongness of assert. 1e-4 ==> 1e-3;
bug fixed sind ==> sind/cosd ;
modified to replace assert(fabs(mFP._sinCA)<1e-3) -> assert(fabs(mFP._sinCA)<1e-2); it is related to changes in mag field for curvature about 10cm;
modified to split cylindrical shape into two: full cylinder & sector of cylinder. Full cylinder could be rotated many times, sector can not. Very detailed setting of _state removed, kept only valid or not. 'mMtx' is used only for error propagation, not error rotation. For error rotation used StiNodeErrs::rotate; In StiKalmanTrackNode::isDca() check for detector == 0 added. All inline rotations moved into methods rotate(...) ;
replaced kFarFromBeam 10 ==> 2 ;
modified to implement the same rotation for kCylindric & kSector. Angles StiKalmanTrackNode:alpha and StiPlacement::alpha are not the same now;
replaced 'locate()' ==> 'inside()';
method insifeG(...) added;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - new insides's added; inside(mode) used xyz of node; inside(x,y,mode) used x,y only; inside(x[3],mode) used external x,y,z but locale to this node;
renamed 'inside()' methods to use 'inside()' & 'inside()';
StiKalmanTrackNode.h, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - new method ['isPrimary()' added; new member '_wallx' added;
StiLocalTrackSeedFinder.cxx - assert removed, it was related to tpc hits that can not be closer in x than 1e-3, added instead 'if (dr<1e-4) return false';
StiHits.cxx - modified to make larger tolerance (>= 1mm) for hits out of volume boundary;
StiMaterial.cxx - added ionization=1946;
StiPlacement.cxx - cleanup;
removed defaults in setNormRep, moved to constructor;
StiTrackNode.cxx - introduced more accurate selection of correct solution in 'cylCross';
asserts with 'sign()' of error matrix commented out;
method 'cylCross()' rewritten again to account more cases;
'recov()' method modified;
added loop while(err matrix non positive), decrease correlations;
modified to decrease maximum correlation from 0.99 ==> 0.999 ;
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - StiNodeErrs::rotate() added;
StiVMCToolKit.h, StiVMCToolKit.cxx - added new method 'LoopOverVolumes' which is based on TGeo (not TGeoPhysical ); old one is kept, but due to different signature, is not called'
updated to account 'MANY' & 'SENSITIVE';
StiCylindricalShape.h - cleanup;
introduced two cylindrical shapes: kCylindrical for full cylinder and kSector for cylindrical sector;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - in method 'refitL()' added additional loop to test nodes for inside/outside; for debugging call of 'nudge()' added to move node position onto detector plane, if failed node defined as invalid;
in method 'refitL()' check for inside() lead to stop tracking which was wrong, now it was fixed and if track after refit missed the volume tracking was not stop;
removed any influence of 'nudge()' to refit;
removed 'getNearBeam()' method and use 'dcaNode()' instead;
'Assert' for accuracy decreased from 1e-6 to 1e-4; if inner node not found, return with error; 'Assert' added when found Xi2 > maxXi2 after refit;
test for vertex replaced by test for detector;
StiKalmanTrack.h - removed 'getNearBeam()' method;
StiKalmanTrackFinder.cxx - assert inside() added instead of previous tube check;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed bug caused by that energy loss was not defined in the case of Vacuum;
added account of tube shape in propagation;
modified propagatePars to use zero path if track missed volume after refit;
bug fixed sind ==> sind/cosd ;
method 'StiTrackNodeHelper::propagatePars' splitted into old one 'propagateParsA()' and new one 'propagateParsB()' temporary. New method rotates only cylindrical shape, not sector one, as it was before;
added test for 'isPrimary()' ;
StiTrackNodeHelper.h - renamed all the class variables adding 'm' at the beginning to avoid misinterpreting;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.h - introduced '_wallx';
modified to use averaged curvature for THelixTrack;
made both kCylindric & kSector rotated now;
mX1 recalculated because detector was slightly rotated;
StiNodePars.h - method 'double &phi() == eta()' added ;
StiNodePars::rotate() added;
StiShape.h, StiShape.cxx - replaced StiCylindrical ==> StiCylindrical & StiSector;
StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - save histograms method added;
StiMaker.cxx - modified to remove redundant inputFile;
modified to make only TPC as default;
StiMaker.cxx, StiMaker.h - added new method 'finishTracks(int gloPri)' :
- loop over nodes;
- moved node to the center volume along x or r local;
- if StiDebug::mgGlobal >1 create a set of technical histograms;
save histograms method added for debug ;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global transformation unrolled all the way to the top node instead of local transformation to the first mother volume;
modified to switch to the same names as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
switched to natural numbering scheme as in StiPxlDetectorBuilder;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The desctription of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density;
removed debugging function used for testing of manually modified volumes;
modified to access transformation matrices directly via StIstDb object;
removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
set detector group ID at detector builder level. The detector ID-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB ;
modified to get sensitive IST volumes from the global TGeoManager in a manner similar to PXL and SST detector builders;
removed pointless check for valid gas surrounding detectors in this builder. The gas is set right in this class anyway;
renamed a bunch of local variables just to be consistent with the other detector builders;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere ;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers.Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available default hardcoded properties are used;
added flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments; removed unused and irrelevant included headers; got rid of std namespace;
implemented simplified Sti geometry for inactive material in IST;
added a couple of helper methods to ease manual construction and placement of inactive volumes;
made buildInactiveVolumes() method inheritable; changed helper function declaration to static;
fixed loop over ladders;
defined placement for sensitive IST layers in a way consistent with PXL and SSD detector builders;
removed never used variable, forward declarations, and header includes;
removed warning for extremely unlikely exception when a new StiDetector is not constructed by Sti detector factory. Such situations need to be treated in a way other than simply issuing a warning;
removed methods which will not be used by the new builder;
appended new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots;
added parameter to choose IST detector builder. This is justified by the requirement of backward compatibility. The user can choose the appropriate option in case there is a need to reconstruct the data using an older detector builder;
StiIstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder1.h - added new files to save current version of StiIstDetectorBuilder in order to maintain 100% backward compatibility. The user may choose to construct the IST detector with the older version by simply propagating an option to StiIstDetectorGroup. StiIstDetectorBuilder1 inherits from StiIstDetectoBuilder to avoid duplicate code. Removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx, StiIstHitLoader.h - updated with commits made to main CVS on Jan 06 :
- added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them; modified to make use of the accessor for sensitive Sti detector/volumes;
- simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters;
- cleaned up forward declarations to include only the used classes; removed useless data members;
- removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to StiDetectorBuilder::Print();
- instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector; the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
- increased density of manually constructed IST brackets in Sti; the effective bracket density have to be muliplied by the number of ladders;
StIstDbMaker.cxx - replace endl -> endm in STAR Logger messages;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - modified getter for sensors transormation matrix to accept ladder and sensor id-s using human friendly numbering starting with 1. The input values outside of possible ranges will return a null pointer;
added flags to indicate DbMaker readiness; return fatal if database tables are not found;
added method to access transformation matrix for a given IST ladder/sensor pair; set class version to 0 in order to avoid IO dictionary generation by ROOT's CINT. STAR makers are not persistent;
clean-up coding style;
StIstDb.cxx - corrected mapping of ladder/sensor to global aggregate sensor id. The global sensor index (id) used in the istSensorOnLadder DB table spans the range from 1001 to 1144 ;
StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.h - modified to reflect changes in StIstDbMaker;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to use the global transformation unrolled all the way to the top node instead of local transformation to the first mother volume;
modified to use the center sensor (or the one close to the center) to build the unified sensor layer in Sti;
removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The desctription of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
set detector group ID at detector builder level. The detector ID-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB ;
removed unutilized code;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to split PXL sensitive layers in two halves. The change should help to avoid track backward steps in Sti due to ill ordered volumes in r and phi;
StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to use local x rahter than row number to distribute hits into different half ladders;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available default hardcoded properties are used);
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - minor stylistic changes in comments; removed unused and irrelevant included headers; got rid of std namespace;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx StiPxlHitLoader.h - updated with commits made to main CVS on Jan 06 :
- attempted to make a clear translation between the natural (sector/ladder/sensor) and Sti numbering schemas;
- added an accessor to access active StiDetectors, i.e. volumes which may have hits associated with them; modified to make use of the accessor for sensitive Sti detector/volumes
- simplified debug output by reusing existing streamers of StHit class and its daughters;
- switched to method that converts geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
- added a private method to convert natural/geo sensor id to Sti layer indices;
- cleaned up forward declarations to include only the used classes; removed useless data members;
- removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to StiDetectorBuilder::Print();
- instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector; the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
- re-implemented segmentation of PXL sensor to two halves. In the sensor's local coordinate system the first half is for x<0 and the second one is for x> . The notion of inner and outter halves is not critical and in fact confusing because it depends on the original rotation around the z axis. - modified to avoid setting StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed ionization from StiMaterial constructor as it is not used anywhere including energy loss calculations;
refactored gas material definition (For the gas surrounding the detector we use air properties as defined in global geometry manager. If the AIR material is not available we use default hardcoded properties);
refactored useVMCGeometry() to build sensitive Sti layers in the same way as in PXL and IST detectors;
created model of SST inactive material using the mother volume;
modified to switch to StiMaterial constructor that accepts the radiation length as is. The desctription of the constructor is very poor but there is no need to multiply it by the density ;
redefined StiMaterial for the segmented SST mother volume (SFMO) ;
modified to use transformation matrices for sensitive layers from database when non-ideal geometry is requested ;
modified to adjust material properties for the modified SFMO volume. Scaled the density to match the increase in the inner radius (to avoid overlap with sensitive layers);
modified to use different names for SFMO end tube volumes;
modified to avoid using of material averaging routine as the inactive material is entirely constructed by hand;
created 9 tubes (Sti detectors) to describe the material distribution in SST;
modified to increase the inner radius of the central tube by 0.85 cm to avoid overlap with sensitive layers; scaled the density of this volume accordingly by keeping mass constant;
set detector group ID at detector builder level; the detector ID-s for individual Sti detectors are set when the detector is added to the builder;
modified to resize the detector container (std::vector) when new detectors are added;
modified to append new Sti detectors to the end of detector container, and use ladder id to index sector slots ;
modified to use the middle sensor on the ladder to extract alignment corrections from DB;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to make auxilary methods available in derived classes ;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - removed definition and addition of "hybrid" material because it is not used anywhere;
refactored silicon material definition for sensitive layers (Only silicon material is used in construction of sensitive layers. As with the gas we first try to use the material definition in the global geometry manager. If the SILICON material is not available we use default hardcoded properties );
added a private method to split the SST mother volume into three tubes;
modified to use object with direct access to database (mSstDb) instead of StSsdBarrel similar to PXL and IST detector builders;
removed deprecated method;
removed method 'segmentSFMOVolume()' because the inactive material is now built manually in 'buildInactiveVolumes()';
added a private helper function hopefully as a temporary solution before StiDetector is modified;
StiSstDetectorBuilder1.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder1.h - saved current StiSstDetectorBuilder in order to by maintain 100% backward compatibility;
modified to make class inherit from StiSstDetectoBuilder and removed implementation of inherited methods and other irrelevant declarations;
StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder1.cxx - removed deprecated calls to dummy methods;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h - aded flag similar to PXL to build ideal geometry for IST and SST. By default (buildIdealGeom = false) the database transformations are used in all StiXxxDetectoGroup-s;
minor stylistic changes in comments; removed unused and irrelevant included headers; got rid of std namespace;
StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h - added parameter to choose SST detector builder;
StiSsdHitLoader.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h - updated with commits made to main CVS on Jan 06 :
- removed output debug messages as they can be easily replaced by a single call to StiDetectorBuilder::Print();
- instead of setting StiDetector parameters in a local private method switched to using new interface provided by StiDetector; the refactoring took place for both sensitive and inactive volumes;
- modified to avoid setting StiDetector members _key1 and _key2 as they are not really used anywhere;
StiDebug.h, StiDebug.cxx - for method 'tally' TObjArray replaced by 'std::map';
StSstDbMaker.cxx - modified to use different name to access transformation matrices. Perhaps R is the right name to use instead of WL;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h - added method to access transformation matrix for a given SST ladder/sensor pair;
StSstConsts.h - added new header with SST constants similar to what we already have for PXL and IST;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - made changes to IST geometry to simplify placement of daughter volumes, remove MANY, eliminate overlaps between IBMO and other volumes under IDSM;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo6.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - made changes to pixel and supports to eliminate minor overlaps;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - made fixes to the SSD geometry; changed SFLM to tube seg, removed one unneeded level, fixed overlaps;
Embedding libraries documentation August 6, 2019 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10)ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11)ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v7) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b_embed (SL13b_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL15e_embed (SL15e_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL16d_embed (SL16d_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16g_embed (SL16g_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16j_embed (SL16j_embed_v4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL16k_embed (SL16k_embed_v1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL17d_embed (SL17d_embed_v4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 SL18c_embed (SL18c_embed_v2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.30 -------------------------------------------------
SL09g_embed library
SL10k_embed library
SL10h_embed library
SL10c_embed library
SL11d_embed library
SL12a_embed library
SL12d_embed library
SL13b_embed library
SL15e_embed library
SL16d_embed library
SL16g_embed library
SL16j_embed library
SL16k_embed library
SL17d_embed library
SL18c_embed library
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain/BigFullChain.h, r. 1.287; StBFChain.cxx, r.1.649.4.1;
StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities.h, r.1.62; StMagUtilities.cxx, r. ;
StDetectorDbMaker/St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h, r.1.1; StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.;
StGenericVertexMaker/StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, r.1.8; StFixedVertexFinder.h, r.1.7;
StPass0CalibMaker/StPicoDstVtxSeedMaker.cxx r.1.2 ;
StBTofMixerMaker/StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, r.1.3; StBTofMixerMaker.h, r.1.3;
StBTofSimMaker/StBTofSimMaker.h, r.1.9; StBTofSimMaker.cxx, r.1.15; StBTofSimResParams.h, r.1.1;
StTpcDb/StTpcDbMaker.cxx, r. 1.68;
StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.h, r.; StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.;
St_geant_Maker/St_geant_Maker.cxx, r. ;
idl/tpcCalibResolutions.idl, r. 1.1;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx ;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, StBTofCalibMaker.h;
StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, StBTofMixerMaker.h ;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h, StBTofSimResParams.h ;
StdEdxModel.cxx, dEdxParameterization.cxx;
GeometryDbAliases.h ;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h;
StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, StSstSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h;
St_TpcAdcCorrectionBC.h, St_TpcAvgPowerSupplyC.h;
St_TpcCurrentCorrectionC.h, St_TpcEdgeC.h, St_TpcEffectivedXC.h;
St_TpcTanLC.h, St_TpcrChargeC.h;
St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h;
St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h, St_vpdSimParamsC.h;
StPidStatus.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h, StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, dEdxTrackY2.cxx, dEdxTrackY2.h;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx , StIstSlowSimMaker.h ;
StMiniMcPair.h, StTinyMcTrack.h, StTinyRcTrack.h;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h;
StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h;
DIGMAPS/digaction.cxx, digaction.h, digadc.cxx, digadc.h, digbeam.cxx, digbeam.h, digcluster.cxx, digcluster.h, digevent.cxx, digevent.h, dighistograms.cxx, dighistograms.h, diginitialize.cxx, diginitialize.h, digmaps.cxx, digmaps.h, digparticle.cxx, digparticle.h, digplane.cxx, digplane.h, digproto.cxx, digproto.h, digreadoutmap.cxx, digreadoutmap.h, digresult.cxx, digresult.h, digtransport.cxx, digtransport.h;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h;
StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, StVpdCalibMaker.h;
StVpdSimConfig.h, StVpdSimMaker.cxx, StVpdSimMaker.h;
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h;
EMBED/StarEmbedMaker.cxx, StarEmbedMaker.h,
EVENT/StarGenAAEvent.cxx, StarGenEPEvent.cxx, StarGenPPEvent.cxx, StarGenParticle.cxx;
EvtGen1_06_00/all files ;
FILT/StDijetFilter.cxx, StarFilterMaker.cxx;
HepMC2_06_09/all files ;
Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h;
Photos3_61/all files ;
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia.h, closeDecays.F;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.cxx, StarPythia8.h, StarPythiaDecayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h;
Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx, beambeamsystem.cpp, gammagammaleptonpair.cpp, gammagammaleptonpair.h, twophotonluminosity.cpp;
TEST/StTruthTestMaker.cxx, StTruthTestMaker.h;
Tauola1_1_5/all files;
UTIL/AgStarParticle.cxx, AgStarParticle.h, StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h, StarRandom.cxx, addressOfCommons.F;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h,, geometryStats.hh, StarGeo.xml,;
multiple codes and files have been updated including:
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdConfig.xml, IstdGeo1a.xml, IstdGeo1b.xml, IstdGeo2.xml, IstdGeo2a.xml;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubConfig.xml, PixlConfig.xml,PixlGeoa.xml, PixlGeo6b.xml,PsupConfig.xml,PxstConfig.xml;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdConfig.xml, SisdGeo2.xml, SisdGeo3.xml, SisdGeo4.xml, SisdGeo5.xml, SisdGeo6.xml,SisdGeo7.xml, SisdGeo7a.xml;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx, AgCreate.cxx, AgMLStructure.cxx, AgMLStructure.h, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMedium.cxx, AgPosition.cxx, AgPosition.h, AgShape.cxx, StarAgmlLibLinkDef.h, StarAgmlStacker.cxx, StarNoStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx;
StarAgmlUtil/AgMLDb.cxx, AgMLDb.h, AgMLPosition.cxx, AgMLPosition.h, AgParameterList.h, AgTransform.cxx, AgTransform.h;
Geometry/ist/istLadderOnIstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20160101.000001.C ;
Geometry/pxl/pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20131210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20140101.000000.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20141210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20150101.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20151210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
Geometry/sst/sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.devT.C, Geometry.y2011b.C, Geometry.y2014c.C, Geometry.y2015d.C, Geometry.y2016a.C, Geometry.y2017.C, Geometry.y2017a.C, Geometry.y2018.C, Geometry.y2018a.C, Geometry.y2018x.C, Geometry.y2019.C ;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20141220.00000.C, TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000002.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2015.C;
StDb/idl/StvKonst.idl, TpcEffectivedX.idl, beamOrbitInfo.idl, epdFEEMap.idl, epdGain.idl, epdQTMap.idl, epdStatus.idl, fmsBitShiftGain.idl, fmsBitShiftGain.idl, fmsGainB.idl, fmsGainCorrectionB.idl, fpostChannelGeometry.idl, fpostConstant.idl, fpostGain.idl, fpostMap.idl, fpostPed.idl, fpostPosition.idl, fpostSlatId.idl, fpostStatus.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsPed.idl, istSimPar.idl, itpcPadPlanes.idl, pxlDigmapsSim.idl, pxlSimPar.idl, sstBadStrips.idl, tofSimResParams.idl, tpcCalibResolutions.idl, tpcCorrection.idl, tpcPadConfig.idl, vpdSimParams.idl;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, r.1.50, StIstRawHitMaker.h, r.1.26 ;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, r.1.4, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, r.1.5, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, r.1.12;
StPxlFastSim.h, r.1.8, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, r.1.13, StPxlSimMaker.h, r.1.11;
DIGMAPS/digcluster.h, r.1.2, digcluster.cxx, r.1.2, digmaps.h, r.1.2, digmaps.cxx, r.1.2, digreadoutmap.h, r.1.2, digreadoutmap.cxx r.1.2, digaction.cxx, r.1.2, digevent.cxx, 1.2, digparticle.cxx, r.1.3, digresult.cxx, r.1.2, digaction.h, r.1.2, digevent.h, r.1.2, digparticle.h, r.1.2, digresult.h, r.1.2, digadc.cxx, r.1.2, digadc.h, r.1.2, dighistograms.cxx, r.1.2, dighistograms.h, r.1.2, digplane.cxx, r.1.2, digtransport.cxx, r.1.2, digtransport.h, r.1.2, digplane.h, r.1.2, digbeam.cxx, r.1.2, digbeam.h, r.1.2, diginitialize.cxx, r.1.2, diginitialize.h, r.1.2, digproto.cxx, r.1.2, digproto.h, r.1.2;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx, r.1.6, StIstSlowSimMaker.h, r.1,2,
StPxlDb.cxx, r.1.11, StPxlDb.h, r.1.11, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, r.1.21;
StIstDb.cxx, r.1.15, StIstDb.h, r.1.13, StIstDbMaker.cxx, r.1.21;
pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20131210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20140101.000000.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20141210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20150101.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20151210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
istLadderOnIstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
mgrConscript-standard, r.1.267; cons, r.1.113;
StBFChain/BigFullChain.h r.1.287; StBFChain.cxx vers. 1.649.4.1;
StBTofMixerMaker/StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, r.1.3; StBTofMixerMaker.h, r.1.3;
StDetectorDbMaker/St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h, r.1.1; St_vpdSimParamsC.h, r.1.1; StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.; St_MDFCorrectionC.h, r.1.2; St_SurveyC.h, r.1.5 ;
StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities.h, r.1.62 ; StMagUtilities.cxx, r.;
StGenericVertexMaker/StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, r.1.8; StFixedVertexFinder.h, r.1.7;
StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.h, r.; StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r.1.52;
StDb/idl/istSimPar.idl, r.1.1 ; pxlDigmapsSim.idl, r.1.2; pxlSimPar.idl, r.1.1; tpcCalibResolutions.idl, r.1.1;
StarDb/AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2018a.C, r.1.1; Geometry.y2019a.C, r.1.1;
Next codes have been updated:
StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.62 ;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, r. ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.49 ;, r.1.4;
StTinyRcTrack.h, r.1.11; StTinyMcTrack.h, r.1.14; StMiniMcPair.h, r.1.6;
bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r.1.47;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, r.1.14 ; StBTofSimMaker.h, r.1.8 ;
StVpdSimConfig.h, r.1.3 ;
StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, r.1.2; StBTofMixerMaker.h, r.1.2;
StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, r.1.17; StBTofCalibMaker.h, r.1.11 ;
GeometryDbAliases.h, r.1.21;
AgMLGeometry/ - several new Geometry.y201*.C files added;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000002.C r.1.1 ;
Geometry/ - multiple files;
StarAgmlUtil/ - multiple files;
StarAgmlLib/ - multiple files;
StarGeometry/multiple files;
Next codes have been updated:
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.;
StPidStatus.cxx, r.; StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, r.;
StAssociationMaker/StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.62
StChain/GeometryDbAliases.h, r. 1.21
StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx r. 1.49
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyRcTrack.h, r. 1.11 ; StTinyMcTrack.h, r. 1.14; StMiniMcPair.h, r. 1.6 ;
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyMcTrack.h, r. 1.14;
StMiniMcEvent/StMiniMcPair.h, r. 1.6;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r. 1.47;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000002.C r.1.1
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx ;
StBTofSimMaker.cxx, StBTofSimMaker.h, StBTofSimResParams.h ;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h;
StIstSurveyC.h, StPxlSurveyC.h, StSstSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h;
St_tpcSecRowBC.h, St_tpcSecRowCC.h, St_tpcSecRowXC.h, St_vpdSimParamsC.h;
St_tpcCalibResolutionsC.h ;
StFixedVertexFinder.cxx, StFixedVertexFinder.h;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx;
StIstRawHitMaker.cxx, StIstRawHitMaker.h;
StIstSlowSimMaker.cxx , StIstSlowSimMaker.h ;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h;
StPxlDigmapsSim.cxx, StPxlDigmapsSim.h, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h;
DIGMAPS/digaction.cxx, digaction.h, digadc.cxx, digadc.h, digbeam.cxx, digbeam.h, digcluster.cxx, digcluster.h, digevent.cxx, digevent.h, dighistograms.cxx, dighistograms.h, diginitialize.cxx, diginitialize.h, digmaps.cxx, digmaps.h, digparticle.cxx, digparticle.h, digplane.cxx, digplane.h, digproto.cxx, digproto.h, digreadoutmap.cxx, digreadoutmap.h, digresult.cxx, digresult.h, digtransport.cxx, digtransport.h;
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h;
EMBED/StarEmbedMaker.cxx, StarEmbedMaker.h,
EvtGen1_06_00/all files ;
Kinematics/StarKinematics.cxx, StarKinematics.h;
Pythia6_4_28/Pythia6.cxx, Pythia6.h, StarPythia6.cxx, StarPythia6.h, closeDecays.F;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8.cxx, StarPythia8.h, StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h;
Pythia8_1_86/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h;
Tauola1_1_5/ - multiple files;
Geometry/ist/istLadderOnIstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, istLadderOnIstMisalign.20160101.000001.C ;
Geometry/pxl/pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20131210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20140101.000000.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20141210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20150101.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20151210.000001.C, pxlLadderOnSectorMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
Geometry/sst/sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20131210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20140101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20141210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20150101.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20151210.000001.C, sstLadderOnSstMisalign.20160101.000001.C;
StDb/idl/istSimPar.idl, pxlDigmapsSim.idl, pxlSimPar.idl, tpcCalibResolutions.idl ;
Next codes have been updated:
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.;
StPidStatus.cxx, r.; StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, r.;
StAssociationMaker/StAssociationMaker.cxx, r.1.62
StChain/GeometryDbAliases.h, r. 1.21
StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx r. 1.49
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyRcTrack.h, r. 1.11 ; StTinyMcTrack.h, r. 1.14; StMiniMcPair.h, r. 1.6 ;
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyMcTrack.h, r. 1.14;
StMiniMcEvent/StMiniMcPair.h, r. 1.6;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r. 1.47;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.20151220.000002.C r.1.1
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, r.;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
Eemc/StEemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEemcTriggerSimu.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities/ - all codes with tag SL18e;
StTriggerUtilities/StDSMUtilities/y2013/ - all codes with tag SL18e;
StMCFilter.cxx, StMCFilter.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
StTriggerFilterMaker/StTriggerFilterMaker.cxx, StTriggerFilterMaker.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
StJetSkimEvent/StJetSkimEvent.cxx, StJetSkimEvent.h - revisions with tag SL18e;
StPythiaEvent.h, StPythiaEvent.cxx - revisions with tag SL13b_embed_v1;
StNNPDFAsymMaker/ - all codes with tag SL13b_embed_v1;
StBfcTriggerFilterMaker/StBfcTriggerFilterMaker.cxx, r.; StBfcTriggerFilterMaker.h, r. ;
StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, r.; StJetSkimEventMaker.h, r.;
Next codes have been updated:
StDetectorDbMaker/StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.; St_TpcEdgeC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcEdgeC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcAdcCorrectionBC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcrChargeC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcCurrentCorrectionC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcTanLC.h, r.1.1; St_TpcEffectivedXC.h, r.1.1; St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, r.1.5; St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, r.1.6;
StBTofCalibMaker/StBTofCalibMaker.cxx, r.1.17; StBTofCalibMaker.h, r.1.11;
StBTofMixerMaker/StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, r.1.2; StBTofMixerMaker.cxx, r.1.2;
StBTofSimMaker/ StBTofSimResParams.h, r.1.1 ;StBTofSimMaker.cxx, r.1.15; StBTofSimMaker.h, r.1.9 ;
StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.49;
StMiniMcMaker/, r.1.4;
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyRcTrack.h, r.1.11; StTinyMcTrack.h, r.1.14; StMiniMcPair.h, r.1.6;
StdEdxY2Maker/StPidStatus.cxx, r.; StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, r.; StdEdxY2Maker.h, r.1.31; StTpcdEdxCorrection.h, r.1.8; StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, r.1.14; StdEdxY2MakerLinkDef.h, r.1.8 ;
dEdxTrackY2.h, dEdxTrackY2.cxx - removed;
StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r., StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.28;
StVpdCalibMaker/StVpdCalibMaker.cxx, r. 1.14; StVpdCalibMaker.h, r.1.8;
StVpdSimMaker/StVpdSimMaker.cxx, r.1.2; StVpdSimMaker.cxx, r.1.1; StVpdSimConfig.h, r.1.3;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r.1.52;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C ;
StDb/idl/vpdSimParams.idl ;
StDb/idl/TpcEffectivedX.idl, r.1.1;
Next codes have been updated:
All codes in the next directories updated by June 20 :
mgr/Conscript-standard, r.1.263 ;
Next codes have been updated:
StDbUtilities - added recalculation of pad row during transformation;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C - recalculated no. of real hits in g2t_track n_tpc_hit; added current and accumulated charge in dE/dx correction;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - removed calling a macro in Init() to create geometry; it should be done within the maker that uses this utility class;
added the TGeoManager parameter to the default constructor to force the existance of the geometry when using this utility class;
modified to simplify the code for getting the pointer to the magnetic field;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - created geometry in InitRun(), which is needed to use StMtdGeometry class;
StarVMC/Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - improved timing and energy resolution for MTD;
Next codes have been updated:
asps/Simulation/starsim/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
asps/Simulation/agetof/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
StarGenerator/BASE/AgStarReader.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StDaqLib/GENERIC/RecHeaderFormats.hh - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StDetectorDbMaker/StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h, StProtoJet.cxx, StProtoJet.h, StjFastJet.cxx StjFastJet.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event;
StFastJetAreaPars.h, StFastJetAreaPars.cxx - added new codes for fastjet calculation;
StAnaPars.h, StBET4pMaker.h, StJetMaker.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h, StJetScratch.h, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.h, StjBEMCTowerMaker.h, StjMCParticleMaker.h, StjTPCTrackMaker.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
StJetMaker2012.cxx, StJetMaker2012.h - added new files for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-axis cone underlying event calculation;
StUEMaker2009.cxx, StUEMaker2009.h - added new files;
StBET4pMaker.h, StJetMaker.h, StJetScratch.h, StJetSkimEventMaker.h, StjBEMCTowerMaker.h, StjMCParticleMaker.h, StjTPCTrackMaker.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
emulator/StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
macros/StjBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C, StjMCAsymMaker.C, StjMCKinMaker.C, StjMCParticleListMaker.C, StjMuDstFileNameMaker.C, StjSimuBBCMaker.C, StjSpinMaker.C, StjTPCTrackListMaker.C, StjTrigger2005DataMaker.C, StjTrigger2005DataMaker2.C, StjTrigger2005MCMaker.C, StjTrigger2005MCMaker2.C, StjTrigger2006DataMaker.C, StjTrigger2006MCMaker.C, StjVertexMaker.C, StjWestBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C - updated;
StjAbstractMCParticleRegion.h, StjMCParticleRegion.cxx - updated for underlying event calculation;
StjMCParticleRegion.h - new files added;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
towers/StjTowerEnergyFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyFraction.h, StjTowerRegion.cxx, StjTowerRegion.h - added new code for underlying event calculation;
StjAbstractTower.h, StjAbstractTowerRegion.h - added new code for underlying event calculation;
tracks/StjTrackList.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
StjAbstractTrack.h, StjAbstractTrackRegion.h,StjTrackPtFraction.cxx, StjTrackPtFraction.h, StjTrackRegion.cxx, StjTrackRegion.h - added new codes for underlying event calculation;
tree/StjTreeIndex.h, StjTreeReader.cxx, StjTreeReader.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event calculation;
StFtpcTrackMaker - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StarMagField.cxx- patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTriggerDefinition.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h, StVirtualTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
StDSMUtilities/,, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2gammaAlgo.cxx - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
macros/read_trigger_definitions.C, read_trigger_thresholds.C, write_trigger_definitions.C, write_trigger _thresholds.C - updated for run 2012 pp 500GeV embedding production;
pams/gen/hijing_382/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
StSpinPool - many codes modified and new added for analysis;
all codes have been imported from HEAD (qt 4.8) to update QtRoot for SL13b branch;
Next codes have been updated:
asps/Simulation/starsim/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
asps/Simulation/agetof/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
StDaqLib/GENERIC/RecHeaderFormats.hh - patched for gcc 4.4 compiler;
Makefile,, StDbBuffer.h, StDbDefs.hh,, StDbModifier.cxx, StDbServiceBroker.cxx, StDbServiceBroker.h,,,,, StHyperCacheFileLocal.cpp, StHyperCacheFileLocal.h, StHyperCacheManager.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.cpp, StHyperUtilFilesystem.h, StHyperLock.h - updated for gcc 4.4 compiler;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StFastJetPars.cxx, StFastJetPars.h, StProtoJet.cxx, StProtoJet.h, StjFastJet.cxx StjFastJet.h, StFastJetAreaPars.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production with off-cone axis underlying-event;
StAnaPars.h, StBET4pMaker.h, StJetMaker.h, StJetMaker2009.cxx, StJetMaker2009.h, StJetScratch.h, StJetSkimEventMaker.cxx, StJetSkimEventMaker.h, StjBEMCTowerMaker.h, StjMCParticleMaker.h, StjTPCTrackMaker.h - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
emulator/StMcTrackEmu.h, StjeTowerEnergyListToStMuTrackFourVecList.cxx - updated for run 2012 embedding production;
macros/RunJetFinder2009emb.C, StjBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C, StjMCAsymMaker.C, StjMCKinMaker.C, StjMCParticleListMaker.C, StjMuDstFileNameMaker.C, StjSimuBBCMaker.C, StjSpinMaker.C, StjTPCTrackListMaker.C, StjTrigger2005DataMaker.C, StjTrigger2005DataMaker2.C, StjTrigger2005MCMaker.C, StjTrigger2005MCMaker2.C, StjTrigger2006DataMaker.C, StjTrigger2006MCMaker.C, StjVertexMaker.C, StjWestBEMCTowerEnergyListMaker.C - updated;
StjMCParticleToStMuTrackFourVec.h - updated;
StjMCParticleRegion.cxx, StjMCParticleRegion.h, StjAbstractMCParticleRegion.h - added new files to proceed with run 2012 embedding production;
mudst/StjEEMCMuDst.h, StjTPCMuDst.cxx - updated for run 2012 embedding production;
towers/StjTowerRegion.cxx, StjTowerRegion.h, StjAbstractTower.h, StjAbstractTowerRegion.h, StjTowerEnergyFraction.cxx, StjTowerEnergyFraction.h - added new files to proceed with run 2012 embedding production;
tracks/StjTrackList.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
StjAbstractTrackRegion.h, StjAbstractTrack.h, StjTrackCutRandomAccept.h, StjTrackRegion.cxx, StjTrackRegion.h, StjTrackPtFraction.h, StjTrackPtFraction.cxx - added new files to proceed with run 2012 embedding production;
tree/StjTreeIndex.h, StjTreeReader.cxx, StjTreeReader.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production;
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StFtpcTrackMaker - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StarMagField.cxx - - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - patched for 4.4 compiler;
StMuDSTMaker/COMMON/StMuMomentumShiftMaker.cxx - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
StTriggerDefinition.h, StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx, StTriggerSimuMaker.h, StTriggerSimuResult.cxx, StTriggerSimuResult.h, StVirtualTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
Bemc/StBemcTriggerSimu.cxx, StBemcTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
StDSMUtilities/,, TCU.hh, TriggerDefinition.hh - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
Emc/StEmcTriggerSimu.cxx, StEmcTriggerSimu.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
Eemc/EEdsm1.h - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
L2Emulator/L2algoUtil/L2DbConfig.cxx, L2VirtualAlgo2012.cxx - updated for run 2012 embedding production;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2gammaAlgo.cxx - updated for run 2012 embedding production;
macros/read_trigger_definitions.C, read_trigger_thresholds.C, write_trigger_definitions.C, write_trigger _thresholds.C - updated for run 2012 embedding production ;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx - updated to comply with gcc 4.4 compiler;
pams/gen/hijing_382/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
StarVMC/g2Root/Conscript - adjustd to gcc 4.4;
StSpinPool - many codes modified and new added for analysis;
all codes have been imported from HEAD (qt 4.8) to update QtRoot for SL12d_embed branch;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain/BigFullChain.h, r.1.191;
StTpcHitMaker/StTpcHitMaker.cxx r.1.45, StTpcHitMaker.h, r.1.15, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, r.1.36, StTpcRTSHitMaker.h, r.1.11;
StarClassLibrary/ r.1.19;
pams/sim/gstar/gstar_part.g, r.1.38;
StarDb/AgMLGeometry/loadStarGeometry.Cxx, r.1.4;
Next codes have been updated:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.33; StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, r.1.2; StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, r.1.14; St_tpcAnodeHVC.h r.1.4; St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, r.1.3; StTpcSurveyC.h, r.1.2; St_tpcCorrectionC.h, r.1.2; St_tpcPadGainT0C.h r.1.4; St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, r.1.1; St_tpcRDOMasksC.h r.1.6; St_tpcStatusC.h, r.1.2; St_trigDetSumsC.h, r.1.9.
St_tpcHitErrorsC.h - removed;
StRoot/StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.1.66;
StRoot/StDbUtilities/, r.1.39; StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh, r.1.21;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/tpcPadGainT0B.*.root; tpcPadGainT0B.*.C;
StDb/idl/tpcPadGainT0B.idl, r.1.1 ;
Library has been retagged with tag SL12d_embed_v1
Next codes have been updated:
St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, r.1.6;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.29;
St_tofTrayConfigC.h, St_tofStatusC.h, St_tofGeomAlignC.h, St_smdStatusC.h, St_smdPedC.h, St_smdGainC.h, St_smdCalibC.h, StiBTofHitErrorCalculator.h, StiBTofChairs.cxx, St_emcTriggerStatusC.h, St_emcTriggerPedC.h, St_emcTriggerLUTC.h, St_emcStatusC.h, St_emcPedC.h, St_emcGainC.h, St_emcCalibC.h, St_bsmdpMapC.h, St_bsmdeMapC.h, St_bprsMapC.h, St_bemcMapC.h; all r.1.1 ;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx, r.1.41; StMiniMcMaker.h, r.1.19;
StMiniMcEvent.h, r.1.9; StMiniMcEvent.cxx, r.1.9
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.1.8; StPrepEmbedMaker.h, r.1.8;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.1.60 to fix bug #2347;
StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.25;
TF1F.cxx, r.1.5 to fix bug #2342;
TpcRS.C, r.1.31;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_tpcOnly.C, r.1.4;
bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r.1.34;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcResponseSimulator.C, r.1.12; TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, r.1.11; TpcResponseSimulator.y2010. C, r.1.12; TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, r.1.8; TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C, r.1.1;
Library was retagged as SL12a_embed_v1 and rebuilt.
StarClassLibrary/, r.1.1; StPsi2s.hh, r.1.1;, r.1.22, StParticleTypes.hh, r.1.3;, r.1.2, StHDibaryon.hh, r.1.1 ;, r.1.1, StXiZero1530.hh, r.1.1 ;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g, r.1.46;
Library was retagged with tag SL11d_embed_v7 and rebuilt.
St_geant_Maker/Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.1.10;
StarClassLibrary/StarPDGEncoding.hh, r.1.3;, r.1.15; StAntiHyperTriton.hh, r.1.1;, r.1.1;
pams sim/gstar/gstar_part.g, r.1.33;
Library was retagged with tag SL11d_embed_v7 and rebuilt.
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, r.1.33; StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, r.1.2; StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, r.1.14; St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx, r.1.3; St_tpcAnodeHVC.h r.1.4; St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, r.1.3; StTpcSurveyC.h, r.1.2; St_tpcCorrectionC.h, r.1.2; St_tpcPadGainT0C.h r.1.4; St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, r.1.1; St_tpcRDOMasksC.h r.1.6; St_tpcStatusC.h, r.1.2; St_trigDetSumsC.h, r.1.9 ;
St_tpcHitErrorsC.h - removed;
St_tofTrayConfigC.h,r.1.1; St_tofStatusC.h,r.1.1; St_tofGeomAlignC.h,r.1.1; St_smdStatusC.h,r.1.1; St_smdPedC.h,r.1.1; St_smdGainC.h,r.1.1;St_smdCalibC.h,r.1.1; StiBTofHitErrorCalculator.h,r.1.1; StiBTofChairs.cxx,r.1.1; St_emcTriggerStatusC.h,r.1.1; St_emcTriggerPedC.h, r.1.1;St_emcTriggerLUTC.h,r.1.1; St_emcStatusC.h,r.1.1; St_emcPedC.h,r.1.1; St_emcGainC.h,r.1.1; St_emcCalibC.h,r.1.1; St_bsmdpMapC.h,r.1.1; St_bsmdeMapC.h,r.1.1; St_bprsMapC.h,r.1.1; St_bemcMapC.h, r.1.1;
StRoot/StTpcHitMaker/StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, r.1.36; StTpcRTSHitMaker.h, r.1.11; StTpcHitMaker.cxx,r.1.45; StTpcHitMaker.h, r.1.15;
StRoot/StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.1.66; StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.25, TpcRS.C, r.1.31;
StRoot/StDbUtilities/, r.1.39; StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh, r.1.21;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.1.8; StPrepEmbedMaker.h, r.1.8;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/tpcPadGainT0B.*.root; tpcPadGainT0B.*.C;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2011.C, r.1.6; TpcAvgCurrent.C, r.1.1; TpcCurrentCorrection.C, r.1.1; TpcResponseSimulator.C, r.1.12; TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, r.1.11; TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, r.1.13; TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, r.1.8;
StarDb/dEdxModel/dNdE_Bichsel.root, r.1.3; dNdx_Bichsel.root, r.1.2;
StDb/idl/TpcAvgCurrent.idl, r.1.2;
Libray was retagged as SL11d_embed_v4 and rebuilt.
Next codes have been updated:
Bfc.h, r.1.2;
BFC.C, r.1.4;
BigFullChain.h, r.1.165;
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.592;
StBFChain.h, 1.50;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, r.1.4 ;
StDbBroker.cxx, r.1.58;
StDbBroker.h, r.1.32;
StDbLib, r.1.29;
StDbConfigNode.hh, r.1.17;, r.1.9;
StDbConfigNodeImpl.hh, r.1.2;
St_db_Maker.cxx, r.1.129;
St_db_Maker.h, r.1.42 ;
StMaker.cxx; r. 1.245;
Altro.cxx, r.1.4;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, r.1.57;
StTpcRSMaker.h, r.1.23;
TF1F.cxx, r.1.4;
TF1F.h, r.1.5;
TpcRS.C, 1.28 ;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx, r.1.22;
StEmbeddingQA.h, r.1.11;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx, r.1.16;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h, 1.12;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.h, r.1.5;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.1.5 ;
bfcMixer_DaqFzd.C, r. 1.2;
bfcMixer_Ftpc.C, r. 1.2;
bfcMixer_Tpx.C, r.1.31;
bfcMixer_TpxAuAu11.C, r.1.4;
bfcMixer_TpxAuAu200.C, r.1.2;
bfcMixer_TpxAuAu39.C, r.1.3;
bfcMixer_TpxAuAu7.C, r.1.3 ;
doEmbeddingQAMaker.C, r.1.8;, r.1.18;, r.1.2;
get_random_seed, r.1.1;
pythiaTuneA_template.kumac, r.1.3;
starlight.kumac, r.1.2;, r.1.2;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g; r.1.239 ;
y2011a.h ;
StDb/idl/ TpcResponseSimulator.idl, r.1.4;
TpcResponseSimulator.C, r.1.11
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, r.1.10
TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, r.1.11
TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, r.1.6
mgr Conscript-standard, r.1.225
Next codes have been updated:
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, StTpcHitErrors.h, StTpcHitErrors.h, StTpcSurveyC.h,St_SurveyC.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_bemcMapC.h, St_bprsMapC.h, St_bsmdeMapC.h, St_bsmdpMapC.h, St_emcCalibC.h, St_emcGainC.h, St_emcPedC.h, St_emcStatusC.h, St_emcTriggerLUTC.h, St_emcTriggerPedC.h, St_emcTriggerStatusC.h, St_smdCalibC.h, St_smdGainC.h, St_smdPedC.h, St_smdStatusC.h, St_starClockOnlC.h,St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcElectronicsC.h, St_tpcFieldCageC.h, St_tpcMaxHitsC.h, St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcStatusC.h, St_tpcWirePlanesC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h, St_trigDetSumsC.h, St_vertexSeedC.h, StiBTofChairs.cxx, StiBTofHitErrorCalculator.h, StiChairs.cxx ;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TpcRS.C;
KFParticle.h, KFParticleBase.cxx, KFParticleBase.h, KFParticleLinkDef.h, StBiTree.cxx, StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx, StCloseFileOnTerminate.h, StDraw3D.cxx, StDraw3D.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx, StMultiKeyMap.h, StarRootLinkDef.h, TAttr.cxx, THelixTrack.cxx, THelixTrack.h, TMDFParameters.cxx, TMDFParameters.h, TRArray.cxx, TRArray.h, TRSymMatrix.cxx, TRSymMatrix.h, TRandomVector.cxx, TRandomVector.h, TTreeIter.cxx, thmu.C;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y201.C, TpcAvgCurrent.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.C, TpcMultiplicity.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2009.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2010.C, TpcMultiplicity.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C, TpcRowQ.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2009.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2010.C, TpcdXCorrection.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2001.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2003.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2004.C, tpcEffectiveGeom.y2005.C, tpcStatus.C;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570.2.2 (branch revision)
St_db_Maker.h, r.1.42;
St_db_Maker.cxx, r.1.129;
StDbLib, r.1.29;
Next codes have been updated:
geant/gthion.F, gltrac.F;
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570.2.1;
StBFChain.h; r. ;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h, StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx;
StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h;
StMiniMcEvent.h, StMiniMcEvent.h.cxx;
StTinyMcTrack.h, StTinyMcTrack.cxx;
StTpcRSMaker.h, StTpcRSMaker.cxx;
btofgeo/btofgeo2.g, btofgeo3.g, btofgeo4.g, btofgeo5.g, btofgeo6.g, btofgeo7.g;
calbgeo/calbgeo.g, calbgeo1.g;
fpdmgeo/fpdmgeo.g, fpdmgeo1.g, fpdmgeo2.g, fpdmgeo3.g;
sisdgeo/sisdgeo1.g, sisdgeo2.g, sisdgeo3.g, sisdgeo4.g, sisdgeo5.g, sisdgeo6.g;
tpcegeo/tpcegeo.g, tpcegeo1.g, tpcegeo3.g,tpcegeo3a.g ;
pams/sim/gstar gstar_part.g,gstar_input.g ;
Geometry.y2005i.C, Geometry.y2008d.C, Geometry.y2008e.C, Geometry.y2010c.C, Geometry.y2009d.C, Geometry.y2011.C;
y2005i.h, y2008d.h, y2008e.h, y2009d.h, y2010c.h, y2011.h;
StarDb/dEdxModel/ dNdx_Bichsel.root;
All updated codes have been tagged with tag SL10kembed.
Next codes have been updated:
StTpcHitMaker/StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx, r.; StTpcMixerMaker.cxx, r. 1.3;
StChain/StMaker.cxx, r.1.244;
StEmbeddingUtilities/StEmbeddingQA.cxx, r.1.22; StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, r.1.34; StEmbeddingQADraw.h, r.1.16; StEmbeddingQA.h, r.1.11; StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx, r.1.18; StEmbeddingQATrack.h , r.1.12; StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx, r.1.17; StEmbeddingQAUtilities.h, r.1.12;
macros/embedding/ - latest revision from CVS.
Next codes have been updated: with tag SL10k_embed_v8:
StTpcRSMaker/StTpcRSMaker.cxx, StTpcRSMaker.h, TF1F.cxx, Altro.cxx, TpcRS.C, TF1F.h;
St_geant_Maker/Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h - latest by Apr 2. 2013;
StMiniMcEvent/StTinyRcTrack.cxx, StTinyMcTrack.h, StTinyMcTrack.cxx, StMiniMcPair.h, StMiniMcEvent.h, StMiniMcEvent.cxx, StContamPair.h;
StMiniMcMaker/StMiniMcMaker.h, StMiniMcMaker.cxx;
StMcEvent/, StMcEvent.hh,;
StDetectorDbMaker/StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StDetectorDbMaker.cxx, StDetectorDbMakerLinkDef.h, StDetectorDbRichScalers.h, StTpcHitErrors.h, StTpcSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h, St_TpcAvgCurrentC.h, St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, St_bemcMapC.h, St_bprsMapC.h, St_bsmdeMapC.h, St_bsmdpMapC.h, St_emcCalibC.h, St_emcGainC.h, St_emcPedC.h, St_emcStatusC.h, St_emcTriggerLUTC.h, St_emcTriggerPedC.h, St_emcTriggerStatusC.h, St_smdCalibC.h, St_smdGainC.h, St_smdPedC.h, St_smdStatusC.h, St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx, St_starClockOnlC.h, St_tofGeomAlignC.h, St_tofStatusC.h, St_tofTrayConfigC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVC.h, St_tpcAnodeHVavgC.h, St_tpcCorrectionC.h, St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcElectronicsC.h, St_tpcFieldCageC.h, St_tpcMaxHitsC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0BC.h, St_tpcPadGainT0C.h, St_tpcPadPlanesC.h, St_tpcRDOMasksC.h, St_tpcStatusC.h, St_tpcWirePlanesC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h, St_trigDetSumsC.h, St_vertexSeedC.h;
StEvent/StDcaGeometry.cxx, StDedxPidTraits.cxx, StDedxPidTraits.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventScavenger.cxx, StEventScavenger.h, StEventTypes.h, StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx, StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.h, StTpcHit.h, StTrack.cxx ,StTrack.h, StTriggerData.cxx, StTriggerData.h, StTriggerData2009.cxx, StTriggerData2009.h;
atmain/agdummy.age; dblib.cxx;
geant/gltrac.F, gpdcay.F, gthion.F;
pams/geometry/ - all CVS updates by date April 02, 2013;
pams/sim/gstar/gstar_input.g, r.1.44; gstar_part.g, r.1.38; gstar_part.kumac, r.1.2
StarDb/dEdxModel/dNdE_Bichsel.root, dNdx_Bichsel.root;
StarDb/Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2010.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2009.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2011.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.C, TpcMultiplicity.C, TpcResponseSimulator.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2010.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2011.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2012.C, TpcRowQ.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2011.C, tpcAnodeHVavg.y2011.C, tpcStatus.C;
StDb/idl/StvHitErrs.idl, TpcAvgCurrent.idl, TpcResponseSimulator.idl, tpcMaxHits.idl, tpcPadGainT0B.idl, tpcStatus.idl, triggerDefinition.idl, triggerThreshold.idl;
StarDb/VmcGeometry/Geometry.y2005i.C, Geometry.y2008d.C, Geometry.y2008e.C, Geometry.y2010c.C, Geometry.y2009d.C, Geometry.y2011.C, y2005i.h, y2008d.h, y2008e.h, y2009d.h, y2010c.h, y2011.h;
StRoot/StChain/StMaker.cxx, r.1.244;
StRoot/macros/embedding/ - latest revisions from CVS.
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570.2.2 (branch revision)
St_db_Maker.h, r.1.42;
St_db_Maker.cxx, r.1.129;
StDbLib, r.1.29;
Library was updated with all codes listed above and tagged with SL10kembed tag.
More codes have been propagated:
StarClassLibrary, StHyperTriton.hh;
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.570.2.1;
StBFChain.h; r. ;
StTrack.cxx, StTrack.h;
FCFMaker.cxx ;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h ;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, StPrepEmbedMaker.h;
Conscript-standard, tagged with BSL10c_embed;
All updated codes have been tagged with SL10cEmbed tag;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.h, r.;
StBFChain.cxx, r.1.554.2.1;
StBTofMatchMaker.cxx, r.1.5;
StEmbeddingQA.cxx, r.1.22;
StEmbeddingQADraw.cxx, r.1.33;
StEmbeddingQADraw.h, r.1.16;
StEmbeddingQATrack.cxx, r.1.18;
StEmbeddingQAUtilities.cxx, r.1.16;
StDbBroker.cxx, r.1.58;
StDbBroker.h, r.1.32;
StDbManagerImpl.hh, r.1.8;,r.1.38;
StDbConfigNode.hh,r.1.17;, r.1.29
St_db_Maker.cxx, r.1.129;
St_db_Maker.h, r.1.42;
St_TpcResponseSimulatorC.h, r.1.4;
St_geant_Maker.h, r.1.50;
Embed/StPrepEmbedMaker.cxx, r.1.5; StPrepEmbedMaker.h, r.1.5;
StarMagField.cxx, r.1.17;
drawEmbeddingQA.C,r.1.11; doEmbeddingQAMaker.C,r.1.8; bfcMixer_v4_svt.C,r.1.2; bfcMixer_v4_noFTPC.C,r.1.5; bfcMixer_v4.C,r.1.10; bfcMixer_Unified.C,r.1.5; bfcMixer_Tpx.C,r.1.32; bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd.C,r.1.14; bfcMixer_TpcSvtSsd2005.C,r.1.3; bfcMixer_TpcSvt.C,r.1.5; bfcMixer_TpcOnly.C,r.1.3; bfcMixer_P07ic.C,r.1.3; bfcMixer_P07ib.C,r.1.7 bfcMixer_DaqFzd.C, r.1.2;
TpcResponseSimulator.idl, r.1.4;
TpcResponseSimulator.y2009.C, r.1.8;
Conscript-standard, r.;
The below policy is a revised document from the initial policy instated in STAR at the beginning of its software development phase in February 2000.
Four canonical versions of the STAR software are provided at any given time. Those are dev, new, pro, and old. These canonical versions evolve in time i.e. it is understood that the content of (for example) new today is not fixed and likely to be different within some time frame (and following the above release policy and procedure). Two additional areas are described for completeness but are NOT canonical in the sens that their usage and meaning may evolve without prior warning nor discussion. Purpose and policy for each version is described below.
The official STAR software releases are otherwise named SLXXY where XX is a year number and Y is a letter from a to z. Those releases are fixed (and should not be changed or patched unless exceptional circumstances not described in this policy - patch should be in those cases rare and under a strict control and validation procedure).
There are no other official areas than the one mentioned herein. Please, consult the table below for additional information.
The supported STAR software platforms, October 2017:
Previous support from summer 2015:
Past support before 2015:
The supported STAR software platform as per 2009/2011 were:
While multi-platform and/or multi-compiler impose a constraint on the developer, the procedure ensures portability and easier evolution to later version of the compiler. Time given in the library definitions section are in EST time, i.e. they correspond to the Tier0 (BNL) site local times.
Note: Infrastructure developers are mandated to work from private areas and not directly from a deployed canonical version (unless otherwise mentioned). However, full testing of a given engineered solution, ready to be deployed, may require a full library re-compilation. Whenever needed, this shall not occur without approval, advanced notice and Email announcement by the software librarian.
Version |
Usage and scope |
Leading edge development versions, for core software developers only |
Guarantees |
While we appreciate feedback, there are absolutely no functional guarantees (compilation or runtime) for those areas. If you chose to work with this area, it is at your own risk. |
Description |
Changes to code by the core software group do not go directly into dev, but into one of .dev or adev within the following restrictions/scope: |
Patching Policy |
N/A in .dev |
Release Policy |
For adev, code must compile on the primary and secondary platforms. At the end of the first and third week of each month (on Thursdays and whenever applicable), major changes to .dev may be checked in CVS and consequently propagate into dev by the next day. These commits should be made only after successful testing of .dev . The new dev environment is tested against code developers activities for the following week allowing for subtle adjustments not initially envisioned. |
Version |
Usage and scope |
Version containing the latest developments of code modules in the repository. |
Guarantees |
This environment was released upon successful compilation of approved code on the main supported production platform and compiler in both optimized and non-optimized. There are no compilation guarantees for other compiler/platforms. |
Description |
Although code is this area are likely to be buggy (or at least, not fully tested), they contain the latest algorithms and structures being worked on by the user and sub-system developers. Submission of code to the repository is frequent (daily). An effort to exclude major technical problems must be made by developers, but it is understood that behavior of code can not be all guaranteed. However, all code checked in by developers should be tested for basic operation prior to check-in in CVS that is, Note: The following schedule is used for updates to dev: it is updated automatically by the AutoBuild script starting from the adev area and the procedure will start daily at 11 PM. This procedure do not send any Email notice automatically. It will however execute the following steps: Functionality tests of dev are made every night by running a small number of events (~ 50) through the most common full production chains and detector geometries on the primary environment. Several data output format will be provided (supported data-summary-tape format, histograms, Micro-DST and/or other supported formats, ...) for both real and simulated data and span over a range of data source (centrality, species, etc ...). Such provision may be based on the result of the nightly tests, test suite made at Tier0 and Tier1 sites as achievable. Those tests are targeted toward eliminating gross errors, possible remaining crashes, obvious memory leaks etc ... |
Patching Policy |
Bugs will be reported by the QA or Software Librarian to the software code/ component/ sub-system responsible person. The given component should be fixed within a week as well as within development guidelines specified above. |
Release Policy |
On the second and forth week of each month (on Thursdays and whenever applicable), dev is tested with a larger (and more complete) test suite over the week-end. The test suite would remain the same apart from the statistics (at least 200/500 events). Basic test should be successfully run on the secondary platform. Shall all tests perform according to expectations, the content of dev is a candidate for propagation and re-build of new. Thus, under normal circumstances, dev is moved to new on a bi-weekly basis. Note that there are no mention of tagging at this stage although it may be more practical to use this mechanism for code propagation. The migration of dev to new should be discussed at the Software and Computing meeting on Wednesday and requires positive approval from the Software Librarian and the QA/QC team (validation tests must pass). Shall it be approved, the migration may proceed the following day. |
Version |
Usage and scope |
A relatively stable (weeks old) version for full integration testing, detailed QA, and public use by people needing a near leading edge version of the code. |
Guarantees |
Code compiles on at least two platforms and/or compiler versions and has passed basic nightly tests QA criteria. |
Description |
A new version is released to allow further tests in a relatively stable and QA-ed environment. More developed QA procedures may include a desired set of on-going user analysis and sample productions. |
Patching Policy |
Identified bugs and engineering of a solution addressing a given problem may be using the new environment for stability purposes. In such case: |
Release Policy |
Within the next two weeks period (as driven by the migration dev to new), this area may (or may not) be migrated to pro as follow: Shall the tests not be successful or satisfactory (unexpected results from QA), either a patch will be engineered or the new version will be replaced at the next scheduled migration of dev to new. Therefore, new changes on a more rapid cycle than the pro version, so any given new version may or may not make it to pro. A version that is not migrated to pro will be kept for a short period of time (of the order of a week) to allow people to migrate away from it on their own schedule. During this period it can be used via % If the bug fixes are successful an official tag is generated for the release. If not, a tag does not have to be generated until the next dev to new release, as long as this will happen within the next two weeks. If production have been run from the release, it must be tagged for reproducibility. |
Version |
Usage and scope |
The current production version |
Guarantees |
All components of the software are tagged and frozen for a production release, so that the release uniquely defines a stable, reproducible configuration. |
Description |
This level is a tagged and QA-ed version of the software library. It is used by production. The pro version is created from the latest new version at the time of the release. |
Patching Policy |
Whenever production has started, the only changes to a pro release will be to fix important bugs that impair functionality supposed to work in the release. Such fixes will be announced, discussed, documented immediately and scheduled with advance notice. Such fixes must be exceptional (and typically related to a critical component such as IO) as Physics content must identified prior to this stage. Should a grave Physics issue be identified, a new pro version should be released from new (see next paragraph). A new migration from new to pro is preferable to a retag of pro. However, shall the CVS retag be necessary (such case may arise if new contains code functionally incompatible with pro), the corrected versions will be identified by adding "_n" to the version number (e.g. SL04a_1 for the first corrected version). “n” will be an incremental number depending on the previous patch level. The tags and sub-sequent related tags will be clearly documented. All code (functional and patched) will be re-tagged with the XXX_n level tag, thus, leading to a consistent bulk CVS tagged library version. A patch made in pro must be applied to the dev and new versions (same compatible patch or modified for the more recent environment to correct the targeted problem). All corrections to pro version should also be applied to the current dev,new versions in an appropriate way. Modifications will never be made to a production release to add new functionality, change base code (ROOT or base classes) or fix functionality not yet operational when the release was made. If users want to have access to new functionality that has arrived since the release, they either need to use a newer version (new, dev) or wait for a new pro release containing the functionality. Shall the procedure for QA procedure mention for the release of new be used for the migration new to pro, production cycle should not be restarted but a new later release of pro scheduled. Production would then resume from the new release, created following the same new to pro release policy. |
Release Policy |
When a pro version is retired, becomes the old version. |
Proposed change |
“any change to the production code should be reflected in the library tag” |
Version |
Usage and scope |
The previous successful production release. |
Guarantees |
All quality checks mandated by pro. |
Description |
Previous old versions can be retrieved by the CVS tag. Old versions are not supported any longer (there are no bug fixes applied) but are preserved and retrievable by the software librarian. Production level sub-system code or core software infrastructure developments should NOT be done with any old version of the library |
Patching Policy |
Patches are NOT allowed at this level |
Release Policy |
There are no existing canonical releases beyond that level |
This page will provide information on caveats after specific OS upgrades. Please, refer to this information of you encounter problem as described.
SL06g -> SL06g_2
SL07a -> SL07a_3
SL07b -> SL07b_2
SL07c -> SL07c_2
Please, update your libraries rec-compile your libraries before and after the upgrade for consistency.
error: extra `;'This problem appears due to the use of the -pedantic option in our compilation options. Unfortunately, not all the pedantic issues were caught and SL44 compiler is stricter in that regard.
cvs co -rSL05c mgr/compile as usual ...
sed "s/-pedantic //" mgr/ >mgr/
mv -f mgr/ mgr/
vm.dirty_ratio = 10Default for the last parameter is 500 but left in for consistency as we may need to adjust later. You can always test the changes under a running kernel conditions by instead modifying the equivalent /proc/sys/vm files but the settings would likely be lost at the next reboot unless you set them in sysctl.conf.
vm.lower_zone_protection = 150
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 500
echo 150 >/proc/sys/vm/lower_zone_protectionROOT 5.12.00 and ROOT4STAR adjustments
echo 10 >/proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio
echo 500 >/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs
% cat /etc/redhat-release Scientific Linux SL release 5.3 (Boron)
ATTENTION: The STAR software stack will NOT compile and/or link properly with the default SL5.3 gcc version (it has problems interpreting FORtran codes hence linking will fail in a few places and running may crash unexpectedly). You MUST upgrade and make 4.3.2 or greater the minimal version number.
% gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.3.2 20081007 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
To make gcc 4.3.2 the default, you could use the following quick helper script (you do not want to execute this twice)
##### #################################
# Make GCC 4.3 the default system compiler
# Written by Chris Hollowell @ RACF
# gcc
mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc41
mv /usr/bin/gcov /usr/bin/gcov41
mv /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc41
ln -sfn /usr/bin/gcc43 /usr/bin/gcc
ln -sfn /usr/bin/gcov43 /usr/bin/gcov
ln -sfn /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux6E-gcc43 /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc
# g++
mv /usr/bin/c++ /usr/bin/c++41
mv /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++41
mv /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-c++ /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-c++41
mv /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++41
ln -sfn /usr/bin/g++43 /usr/bin/c++
ln -sfn /usr/bin/g++43 /usr/bin/g++
ln -sfn /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux6E-g++43 /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-c++
ln -sfn /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux6E-g++43 /usr/bin/x86_64-redhat-linux-g++
# gfortran
mv /usr/bin/gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran41
ln -sfn /usr/bin/gfortran43 /usr/bin/gfortran
See Setting up your computing environment for more information related to the sysname.
A reminder that some of those RPMs may have been created at BNL. See Additional software components "System Wide RPMs" for more information.
kernel-headers-2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 compat-libf2c-34-3.4.6-4 sl-release-notes-5.3-1 chkconfig- atk-1.12.2-1.fc6 libtermcap-2.0.8-46.1 readline-5.1-1.1 gawk-3.1.5-14.el5 elfutils-libelf-0.137-3.el5 binutils- libart_lgpl-2.3.17-4 slang-2.0.6-4.el5 libgpg-error-1.4-2 lcms-1.18-0.1.beta1.el5_3.2 libgfortran-4.1.2-44.el5 gzip-1.3.5-10.el5 libusb-0.1.12-5.1 dmidecode-2.7-1.28.2.el5 perl-Digest-SHA1-2.11-1.2.1 iputils-20020927-45.el5 libFS-1.0.0-3.1 numactl-0.9.8-7.el5 acl-2.2.39-3.el5 mgetty-1.1.33-9.fc6 rcs-5.7-30.1 compat-glibc-2.3.4-2.26 dos2unix-3.1-27.2.el5 libattr-2.4.32-1.1 sqlite-3.3.6-2 keyutils-libs-1.2-1.el5 libmng-1.0.9-5.1 gmp-4.1.4-10.el5 libgfortran43-4.3.2-7.el5 beecrypt-4.1.2-10.1.1 compat-readline43-4.3-3 libXrender-0.9.1-3.1 libjpeg-devel-6b-37 redhat-menus-6.7.8-3.el5 libXres-1.0.1-3.1 libIDL-devel-0.8.7-1.fc6 sqlite-devel-3.3.6-2 compat-gcc-34-3.4.6-4 perl-libwww-perl-5.805-1.1.1 anacron-2.3-45.el5 readline-devel-5.1-1.1 freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3 gmp-devel-4.1.4-10.el5 audiofile-devel-0.2.6-5 gamin-devel-0.1.7-8.el5 perl-DateManip-5.44-1.2.1 keyutils-libs-devel-1.2-1.el5 db4-devel-4.3.29-9.fc6 libX11-1.0.3-9.el5 libXfixes-4.0.1-2.1 libXTrap-1.0.0-3.1 libXfontcache-1.0.2-3.1 compat-gcc-34-c++-3.4.6-4 fontconfig-2.4.1-7.el5 openldap-2.3.43-3.el5 alsa-lib-1.0.17-1.el5 libselinux-devel-1.33.4-5.1.el5 mesa-libGLU-6.5.1-7.7.el5 libgssapi-0.10-2 mx-2.0.6-2.2.2 python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2.1 libselinux-utils-1.33.4-5.1.el5 python-iniparse-0.2.3-4.el5 mtools-3.9.10-2.fc6 glibc-utils-2.5-34 wget-1.10.2-7.el5 xorg-x11-apps-7.1-4.0.1.el5 libtool-1.5.22-6.1 ntp-4.2.2p1-9.el5_3.2 libXft-2.1.10-1.1 gail-1.9.2-1.fc6 pam- redhat-artwork-5.0.9-1.SL.2 screen-4.0.3-1.el5 xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-9.fc6 e2fsprogs-libs-1.39-20.el5 openssl-devel-0.9.8e-7.el5 portmap-4.0- libXcursor-devel-1.1.7-1.1 pycairo-devel-1.2.0-1.1 emacs-common-21.4-20.el5 openssh-server-4.3p2-29.el5 quota-3.13-1.2.5.el5 pygtk2-devel-2.10.1-12.el5 tk-devel-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1 mesa-libGLU-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5 libXi-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXcursor-devel-1.1.7-1.1 libXfont-devel-1.2.2-1.0.3.el5_1 dbus-glib-0.73-8.el5 mesa-libGLU-6.5.1-7.7.el5 sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5 bind-utils-9.3.4-10.P1.el5 pam_krb5-2.2.14-10 systemtap-runtime-0.7.2-3.el5_3 Xaw3d-devel-1.5E-10.1 openldap-devel-2.3.43-3.el5 dbus-libs-1.1.2-12.el5 dbus-python-0.70-7.el5 avahi-qt3-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 rpm-build- redhat-lsb-3.1-12.3.EL pm-utils-0.99.3-10.el5 gimp-print-4.2.7-22.2.el5 xorg-x11-fonts-truetype-7.1-2.1.el5 hal- ImageMagick- openafs-kernel-1.4.10-2.6.18_164.6.1.el5_1.1 xemacs-21.4.22-1 tcsh-6.16.00-1 filesystem-2.4.0-2 desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-37 pygobject2-doc-2.12.1-5.el5 emacs-leim-21.4-20.el5 libstdc++-4.1.2-44.el5 libjpeg-6b-37 libxml2-2.6.26- libxml2-2.6.26- sqlite-3.3.6-2 tcl-8.4.13-3.fc6 tcp_wrappers-7.6-40.6.el5 gmp-4.1.4-10.el5 procps-3.2.7-11.1.el5 glib2-devel-2.12.3-4.el5_3.1 make-3.81-3.el5 lapack-3.0-37.el5 indent-2.2.9-14.fc6 bc-1.06-21 hesiod-3.1.0-8 crash-4.0-7.2.3.el5_3.1 ethtool-6-2.el5 libvolume_id-095-14.20.el5_3 bison-2.3-2.1 ftp-0.17-35.el5 dev86-0.16.17-2.2 ctags-5.6-1.1 hdparm-6.6-2 compat-readline43-4.3-3 elfutils-libelf-0.137-3.el5 nspr-4.7.3-2.el5 blas-3.0-37.el5 libidn-0.6.5-1.1 libXfont-1.2.2-1.0.3.el5_1 audit-libs-1.7.7-6.el5 valgrind-3.2.1-6.el5 libtermcap-2.0.8-46.1 libXext-1.0.1-2.1 libXrandr-1.1.1-3.1 libXau-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXcomposite-0.3-5.1 libfontenc-devel-1.0.2-2.2.el5 libattr-devel-2.4.32-1.1 glibc-headers-2.5-34 libxkbfile-1.0.3-3.1 gcc43-c++-4.3.2-7.el5 perl-libxml-perl-0.08-1.2.1 libXp-devel-1.0.0-8.1.el5 xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.0.1-1.1.fc6 blas-devel-3.0-37.el5 libtool-ltdl-devel-1.5.22-6.1 ncurses-devel-5.5-24.20060715 bzip2-devel-1.0.3-4.el5_2 libcap-devel-1.10-26 binutils-devel- libXi-1.0.1-3.1 libXinerama-1.0.1-2.1 libXcomposite-0.3-5.1 gcc-4.1.2-44.el5 shadow-utils-4.0.17-14.el5 krb5-libs-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3 mysql-5.0.45-7.el5 libxml2-devel-2.6.26- ghostscript-fonts-5.50-13.1.1 pygobject2-2.12.1-5.el5 nfs-utils-lib-1.0.8-7.2.z2 python-numeric-23.7-2.2.2 postgresql-libs-8.1.11-1.el5_1.1 e2fsprogs-devel-1.39-20.el5 elfutils-libelf-devel-static-0.137-3.el5 xterm-215-8.el5 compat-openldap-2.3.43_2.2.29-3.el5 tcpdump-3.9.4-14.el5 ksh-20080202-2.el5 automake17-1.7.9-7 kernel-devel-2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 GConf2-2.14.0-9.el5 pygtk2-2.10.1-12.el5 gtk2-engines-2.8.0-3.el5 gd-2.0.33-9.4.el5_1.1 vim-X11-7.0.109-4.el5_2.4z pam- openldap-2.3.43-3.el5 mesa-libGL-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5 which-2.16-7 libXext-devel-1.0.1-2.1 kbd-1.12-21.el5 yp-tools-2.9-0.1 authconfig-5.3.21-5.el5 mc-4.6.1a-35.el5 libXv-devel-1.0.1-4.1 libSM-devel-1.0.1-3.1 mysql-devel-5.0.45-7.el5 libXTrap-devel-1.0.0-3.1 libXfixes-devel-4.0.1-2.1 libXtst-devel-1.0.1-3.1 gail-1.9.2-1.fc6 apr-util-1.2.7-7.el5_3.1 libuser-0.54.7-2.el5.5 libXmu-devel-1.0.2-5 gail-devel-1.9.2-1.fc6 mesa-libGLU-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5 gd-devel-2.0.33-9.4.el5_1.1 policycoreutils-1.33.12-14.2.el5 cups-1.3.7-8.el5_3.6 kdbg-2.0.2-1.2.1 selinux-policy-targeted-2.4.6-203.el5 libbonoboui-2.16.0-1.fc6 xorg-x11-xfs-1.0.2-4 xorg-x11-fonts-misc-7.1-2.1.el5 libgnomeprintui22-2.12.1-6 librsvg2-2.16.1-1.el5 openafs-1.4.10-1.1.1 pgi64-workstation-8.0-4 AdobeReader_enu-9.1.0-1 setup-2.5.58-4.el5 gnome-mime-data-2.4.2-3.1 termcap-5.5-1.20060701.1 glibc-common-2.5-34 yum-conf-53-1.SL man-pages-2.39-12.el5 mailcap-2.1.23-1.fc6 zlib-1.2.3-3 zlib-1.2.3-3 pkgconfig-0.21-2.el5 libpng-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2 libart_lgpl-2.3.17-4 info-4.8-14.el5 libsepol-1.15.2-1.el5 expat-1.95.8-8.2.1 freetype-2.2.1-21.el5_3 cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.22-4 libattr-2.4.32-1.1 atk-1.12.2-1.fc6 popt- desktop-file-utils-0.10-7 ncurses-5.5-24.20060715 audiofile-0.2.6-5 m4-1.4.5-3.el5.1 bzip2-1.0.3-4.el5_2 libfontenc-1.0.2-2.2.el5 perl-5.8.8-18.el5 aspell-0.60.3-7.1 shared-mime-info-0.19-5.el5 file-4.17-15 blas-3.0-37.el5 gdb-6.8-27.el5 ed-0.2-39.el5_2 time-1.7-27.2.2 grep-2.5.1-54.2.el5 libogg-1.1.3-3.el5 pax-3.4-1.2.2 iptables-ipv6-1.3.5-4.el5 perl-Compress-Zlib-1.42-1.fc6 groff- libdaemon-0.10-5.el5 checkpolicy-1.33.1-4.el5 libdrm-2.0.2-1.1 iptstate-1.4- psutils-1.17-26.1 ltrace-0.5-13.45svn.el5 cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.22-4 telnet-0.17-39.el5 gperf-3.0.1-7.2.2 swig-1.3.29-2.el5 rdist-6.1.5-44 ncompress-4.2.4-47 strace-4.5.18-2.el5_3.3 flex-2.5.4a-41.fc6 zip-2.31-2.el5 libXau-1.0.1-3.1 libgcrypt-1.2.4-1.el5 db4-4.3.29-9.fc6 tcl-8.4.13-3.fc6 ORBit2-2.14.3-5.el5 libgfortran-4.1.2-44.el5 nss- libcroco-0.6.1-2.1 libdaemon-0.10-5.el5 gnutls-1.4.1-3.el5_2.1 libogg-1.1.3-3.el5 slang-2.0.6-4.el5 elfutils-libs-0.137-3.el5 cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.22-4 libgomp-4.3.2-7.el5 compat-glibc-2.3.4-2.26 tcp_wrappers-7.6-40.6.el5 libXt-1.0.2-3.1.fc6 libXpm-3.5.5-3 libXp-1.0.0-8.1.el5 libXfixes-4.0.1-2.1 atk-devel-1.12.2-1.fc6 libXxf86vm-1.0.1-3.1 gtk+-1.2.10-56.el5 libXxf86dga-1.0.1-3.1 tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6 libidn-devel-0.6.5-1.1 nspr-devel-4.7.3-2.el5 libtermcap-devel-2.0.8-46.1 glibc-devel-2.5-34 libXxf86misc-1.0.1-3.1 perl-HTML-Tagset-3.10-2.1.1 libstdc++43-devel-4.3.2-7.el5 compat-gcc-34-g77-3.4.6-4 openmotif22-2.2.3-18 grub-0.97-13.2 nss-devel- libmng-devel-1.0.9-5.1 xorg-x11-xtrans-devel-1.0.1-1.1.fc6 libtool-ltdl-devel-1.5.22-6.1 gamin-devel-0.1.7-8.el5 blas-devel-3.0-37.el5 db4-devel-4.3.29-9.fc6 pstack-1.2-7.2.2 atk-devel-1.12.2-1.fc6 automake15-1.5-16 ncurses-devel-5.5-24.20060715 glib-devel-1.2.10-20.el5 audiofile-devel-0.2.6-5 libtiff-devel-3.8.2-7.el5_2.2 libstdc++43-devel-4.3.2-7.el5 libjpeg-devel-6b-37 libXrender-0.9.1-3.1 libXp-1.0.0-8.1.el5 libXcursor-1.1.7-1.1 libXxf86vm-1.0.1-3.1 libXres-1.0.1-3.1 libXv-1.0.1-4.1 tix-8.4.0-11.fc6 gcc-c++-4.1.2-44.el5 giflib-devel-4.1.3-7.1.el5_3.1 findutils-4.2.27-5.el5 libXft-2.1.10-1.1 openssl-0.9.8e-7.el5 module-init-tools-3.3-0.pre3.1.42.el5 kpartx-0.4.7-23.el5_3.2 mesa-libGL-6.5.1-7.7.el5 hicolor-icon-theme-0.9-2.1 newt-0.52.2-12.el5 autoconf-2.59-12 device-mapper-multipath-0.4.7-23.el5_3.2 neon-0.25.5-10.el5 openmotif-2.3.1-2.el5 vim-minimal-7.0.109-4.el5_2.4z openjade-1.3.2-27 libxml2-python-2.6.26- m2crypto-0.16-6.el5.3 fipscheck-1.0.3-1.el5 logrotate-3.7.4-9 hwdata-0.213.11-1.el5 python-urlgrabber-3.1.0-5.el5 docbook-dtds-1.0-30.1 subversion-1.4.2-4.el5 gnupg-1.4.5-14 perl-DBD-MySQL-3.0007-2.el5 autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.102 rhpl-0.194.1-1 libpcap-0.9.4-14.el5 parted-1.8.1-23.el5 audit-1.7.7-6.el5 vim-enhanced-7.0.109-4.el5_2.4z perl-IO-Socket-SSL-1.01-1.fc6 libbonobo-devel-2.16.0-1.fc6 bitmap-fonts-0.3-5.1.1 cairo-1.2.4-5.el5 gtk2-2.10.4-20.el5 gnome-keyring-0.6.0-1.fc6 pycairo-1.2.0-1.1 scrollkeeper-0.3.14-9.el5 at-3.1.8-82.fc6 libwnck-2.16.0-4.fc6 arts-1.5.4-1 libutempter-1.1.4-4.el5 cvs-1.11.22-5.el5 GConf2-devel-2.14.0-9.el5 rpm-libs- util-linux-2.13-0.50.el5 openssl-0.9.8e-7.el5 GConf2-2.14.0-9.el5 libXfixes-devel-4.0.1-2.1 passwd-0.73-1 mcstrans-0.2.11-3.el5 libICE-devel-1.0.1-2.1 libX11-devel-1.0.3-9.el5 libXft-devel-2.1.10-1.1 ypbind-1.19-11.el5 device-mapper-event-1.02.28-2.el5 sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5 libXt-devel-1.0.2-3.1.fc6 setuptool-1.19.2-1 microcode_ctl-1.17-1.47.el5 krb5-workstation-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3 yum-autoupdate-1-1.SL libXv-devel-1.0.1-4.1 tk-devel-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1 libX11-devel-1.0.3-9.el5 xinetd-2.3.14-10.el5 libXcomposite-devel-0.3-5.1 pam-devel- libXrandr-devel-1.1.1-3.1 libXTrap-devel-1.0.0-3.1 libXdmcp-devel-1.0.1-2.1 libXres-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXfontcache-devel-1.0.2-3.1 libXpm-devel-3.5.5-3 libgnomecanvas-2.14.0-4.1 cryptsetup-luks-1.0.3-4.el5 fipscheck-1.0.3-1.el5 bind-libs-9.3.4-10.P1.el5 subversion-1.4.2-4.el5 cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.22-4 openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1 kernel-2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 openmotif-devel-2.3.1-2.el5 libgnomecanvas-devel-2.14.0-4.1 libXaw-devel-1.0.2-8.1 curl-devel-7.15.5-2.1.el5_3.4 mesa-libGL-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5 libXmu-devel-1.0.2-5 dbus-1.1.2-12.el5 man-1.6d-1.1 avahi-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 libgnomecups-0.2.2-8 kdelibs-3.5.4-22.el5_3 setools-3.0-3.el5 libnotify-0.4.2-6.el5 hal- libgnomeui-2.16.0-5.el5 nautilus-extensions-2.16.2-7.el5 urw-fonts-2.3-6.1.1 emacs-21.4-20.el5 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi-7.1-2.1.el5 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi-7.1-2.1.el5 evince-0.6.0-8.el5 gv-3.6.2-2.sl5 gimp-2.2.13-2.0.7.el5 gimp-data-extras-2.0.1-1.1.1 openafs-krb5-1.4.10-1.1.1 openafs-compat-1.4.10-1.1.1 intel-ccfc-10.1-1 compat-glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.26 nrpe-2.12-1 rcf-env-5.3-1 libgcc-4.1.2-44.el5 nash- compat-glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.26 tzdata-2009i-2.el5 rmt-0.4b41-2.fc6 dump-0.4b41-2.fc6 rootfiles-8.1-1.1.1 glibc-2.5-34 glib2-2.12.3-4.el5_3.1 libSM-1.0.1-3.1 popt- libgcc-4.1.2-44.el5 bash-3.2-24.el5 ncurses-5.5-24.20060715 bzip2-libs-1.0.3-4.el5_2 libpng-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2 libtiff-3.8.2-7.el5_2.2 nss- libSM-1.0.1-3.1 libtiff-3.8.2-7.el5_2.2 libcap-1.10-26 expat-1.95.8-8.2.1 diffutils-2.8.1-15.2.3.el5 cpio-2.6-23.el5 glib-1.2.10-20.el5 ORBit2-2.14.3-5.el5 gdbm-1.8.0-26.2.1 perl-DBI-1.52-2.el5 libmng-1.0.9-5.1 iptables-1.3.5-4.el5 patch-2.5.4-29.2.3.el5 vim-common-7.0.109-4.el5_2.4z ttmkfdir-3.0.9-23.el5 libgomp-4.3.2-7.el5 pcre-6.6-2.el5_1.7 libexif-0.6.13-4.0.2.el5_1.1 libtool-ltdl-1.5.22-6.1 elfutils-0.137-3.el5 imake-1.0.2-3 libcroco-0.6.1-2.1 procmail-3.22-17.1 libgfortran43-4.3.2-7.el5 libevent-1.1a-3.2.1 sysfsutils-2.0.0-6 valgrind-3.2.1-6.el5 expect-5.43.0-5.1 attr-2.4.32-1.1 cscope-15.5-15.1.el5_3.1 units-1.85-1.2.2 beecrypt-4.1.2-10.1.1 lslk-1.29-17 unix2dos-2.2-26.2.3.el5 finger-0.17- traceroute-2.0.1-5.el5 splint-3.1.1-16.el5 libsepol-1.15.2-1.el5 libgpg-error-1.4-2 libacl-2.2.39-3.el5 audiofile-0.2.6-5 libIDL-0.8.7-1.fc6 libXdmcp-1.0.1-2.1 gnutls-1.4.1-3.el5_2.1 libusb-0.1.12-5.1 libvolume_id-095-14.20.el5_3 aspell-0.60.3-7.1 libvorbis-1.1.2-3.el5_1.2 libtool-ltdl-1.5.22-6.1 numactl-0.9.8-7.el5 compat-db-4.2.52-5.1 compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138 compat-libf2c-34-3.4.6-4 xorg-x11-filesystem-7.1-2.fc6 libXmu-1.0.2-5 xorg-x11-font-utils-7.1-2 freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3 libXcursor-1.1.7-1.1 perl-URI-1.35-3 libXfontcache-1.0.2-3.1 libXTrap-1.0.0-3.1 tk-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1 glib-devel-1.2.10-20.el5 keyutils-libs-devel-1.2-1.el5 nss-devel- crontabs-1.10-8 gcc43-4.3.2-7.el5 xorg-x11-server-utils-7.1-4.fc6 perl-HTML-Parser-3.55-1.fc6 libstdc++-devel-4.1.2-44.el5 gcc43-gfortran-4.3.2-7.el5 xorg-x11-twm-1.0.1-3.1 glibc-devel-2.5-34 libacl-devel-2.2.39-3.el5 libmng-devel-1.0.9-5.1 libXau-devel-1.0.1-3.1 slang-devel-2.0.6-4.el5 gdbm-devel-1.8.0-26.2.1 libIDL-devel-0.8.7-1.fc6 libattr-devel-2.4.32-1.1 lapack-devel-3.0-37.el5 perl-Convert-ASN1-0.20-1.1 redhat-rpm-config-8.0.45-29.el5 automake14-1.4p6-13 slang-devel-2.0.6-4.el5 libart_lgpl-devel-2.3.17-4 libtiff-devel-3.8.2-7.el5_2.2 libstdc++-devel-4.1.2-44.el5 zlib-devel-1.2.3-3 libXt-1.0.2-3.1.fc6 libXpm-3.5.5-3 gtk+-1.2.10-56.el5 libXaw-1.0.2-8.1 giflib-4.1.3-7.1.el5_3.1 libXxf86dga-1.0.1-3.1 openmotif22-2.2.3-18 gcc-gfortran-4.1.2-44.el5 giflib-devel-4.1.3-7.1.el5_3.1 coreutils-5.97-19.el5 device-mapper-1.02.28-2.el5 python-2.4.3-24.el5 gd-2.0.33-9.4.el5_1.1 Xaw3d-1.5E-10.1 psmisc-22.2-6 sgml-common-0.6.3-18 libutempter-1.1.4-4.el5 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.137-3.el5 gettext-0.14.6-4.el5 curl-7.15.5-2.1.el5_3.4 opensp-1.5.2-4 audit-libs-python-1.7.7-6.el5 python-elementtree-1.2.6-5 bind-libs-9.3.4-10.P1.el5 perl-Net-SSLeay-1.30-4.fc6 pygobject2-devel-2.12.1-5.el5 pciutils-2.2.3-5 xml-common-0.6.3-18 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.137-3.el5 nedit-5.5-21.el5 tmpwatch-2.9.7-1.1.el5.2 openldap-clients-2.3.43-3.el5 tkinter-2.4.3-24.el5 cyrus-sasl-md5-2.1.22-4 cryptsetup-luks-1.0.3-4.el5 zsh-4.2.6-1 mlocate-0.15-1.el5.1 openssl-devel-0.9.8e-7.el5 libbonobo-devel-2.16.0-1.fc6 liberation-fonts-1.0-1.el5 fontconfig-2.4.1-7.el5 pango-1.14.9-5.el5_3 libgnomecanvas-2.14.0-4.1 libwmf- openmotif-2.3.1-2.el5 libuser-0.54.7-2.el5.5 gimp-libs-2.2.13-2.0.7.el5 esound-0.2.36-3 Xaw3d-1.5E-10.1 nss_ldap-253-17.el5 libpcap-0.9.4-14.el5 SysVinit-2.86-15.el5 udev-095-14.20.el5_3 krb5-libs-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3 gtk2-2.10.4-20.el5 libXi-devel-1.0.1-3.1 initscripts-8.45.25-1.el5 openssh-4.3p2-29.el5 libXrandr-devel-1.1.1-3.1 libXdmcp-devel-1.0.1-2.1 cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5 libXinerama-devel-1.0.1-2.1 vixie-cron-4.1-76.el5 mkinitrd- libXpm-devel-3.5.5-3 dhclient-3.0.5-18.el5 cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-4 htmlview-4.0.0-2.el5 libXft-devel-2.1.10-1.1 gtk+-devel-1.2.10-56.el5 libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1 oprofile-devel-0.9.3-18.el5 libXcomposite-devel-0.3-5.1 e2fsprogs-devel-1.39-20.el5 libXres-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXxf86vm-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXtst-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXxf86dga-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXfontcache-devel-1.0.2-3.1 gtk2-devel-2.10.4-20.el5 mesa-libGL-6.5.1-7.7.el5 curl-7.15.5-2.1.el5_3.4 mkinitrd- cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-4 neon-0.25.5-10.el5 mysql-5.0.45-7.el5 nss_ldap-253-17.el5 compat-openldap-2.3.43_2.2.29-3.el5 parted-1.8.1-23.el5 libglade2-devel-2.6.0-2 libgnomecanvas-devel-2.14.0-4.1 libXaw-devel-1.0.2-8.1 mysql-devel-5.0.45-7.el5 curl-devel-7.15.5-2.1.el5_3.4 libglade2-devel-2.6.0-2 openmotif-devel-2.3.1-2.el5 rpm- notification-daemon-0.3.5-9.el5 kdelibs-3.5.4-22.el5_3 avahi-glib-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 libnotify-0.4.2-6.el5 rpm-devel- rpm-devel- redhat-lsb-3.1-12.3.EL gnome-vfs2-2.16.2-4.el5 gnome-mount-0.5-3.el5 gtkhtml2-2.11.0-3 ghostscript-8.15.2-9.4.el5_3.7 glade2-2.12.1-6.el5 xorg-x11-fonts-Type1-7.1-2.1.el5 ghostscript-8.15.2-9.4.el5_3.7 transfig-3.2.4-16 gnome-vfs2-2.16.2-4.el5 librsvg2-2.16.1-1.el5 ImageMagick- openafs-devel-1.4.10-1.1.1 grace-5.1.22-1 totalview-8.6.2-1 jdk-1.6.0_14-fcs flex32libs-2.5.4a-41.fc6 basesystem-8.0-5.1.1 xorg-x11-util-macros-1.0.2-4.fc6 compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 words-3.0-9.1 libICE-1.0.1-2.1 libjpeg-6b-37 freetype-2.2.1-21.el5_3 libstdc++-4.1.2-44.el5 nspr-4.7.3-2.el5 db4-4.3.29-9.fc6 libXau-1.0.1-3.1 keyutils-libs-1.2-1.el5 libIDL-0.8.7-1.fc6 libbonobo-2.16.0-1.fc6 gamin-0.1.7-8.el5 elfutils-libs-0.137-3.el5 cpp-4.1.2-44.el5 libXdmcp-1.0.1-2.1 libvorbis-1.1.2-3.el5_1.2 iproute-2.6.18-9.el5 wireless-tools-28-2.el5 mingetty-1.07-5.2.2 db4-utils-4.3.29-9.fc6 nano-1.3.12-1.1 ElectricFence-2.2.2-20.2.2 diffstat-1.41-1.2.3.el5 dosfstools-2.11-7.el5 setarch-2.0-1.1 libxslt-1.1.17-2.el5_2.2 libfontenc-1.0.2-2.2.el5 gdbm-1.8.0-26.2.1 gamin-0.1.7-8.el5 libdrm-2.0.2-1.1 glib2-devel-2.12.3-4.el5_3.1 compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61 libX11-1.0.3-9.el5 libXi-1.0.1-3.1 libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2 startup-notification-0.8-4.1 giflib-4.1.3-7.1.el5_3.1 libart_lgpl-devel-2.3.17-4 pygtk2-codegen-2.10.1-12.el5 libXtst-1.0.1-3.1 sl-release-5.3-1 xorg-x11-xauth-1.0.1-2.1 libacl-devel-2.2.39-3.el5 xorg-x11-xbitmaps-1.0.1-4.1 gdbm-devel-1.8.0-26.2.1 perl-Digest-HMAC-1.01-15 automake16-1.6.3-8 bzip2-devel-1.0.3-4.el5_2 libcap-devel-1.10-26 binutils-devel- libXmu-1.0.2-5 libXrandr-1.1.1-3.1 tix-8.4.0-11.fc6 ORBit2-devel-2.14.3-5.el5 libselinux-1.33.4-5.1.el5 e2fsprogs-libs-1.39-20.el5 qt-3.3.6-23.el5 fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5 net-tools-1.60-78.el5 libsemanage-1.9.1-3.el5 nscd-2.5-34 arts-1.5.4-1 libselinux-python-1.33.4-5.1.el5 apr-util-1.2.7-7.el5_3.1 krb5-devel-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3 elfutils-libelf-devel-static-0.137-3.el5 system-config-securitylevel-tui- python-devel-2.4.3-24.el5 openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1 psacct-6.3.2-44.el5 psgml-1.2.5-4.3 libselinux-devel-1.33.4-5.1.el5 libglade2-2.6.0-2 qt-3.3.6-23.el5 poppler-0.5.4-4.4.el5_3.9 python-devel-2.4.3-24.el5 gettext-0.14.6-4.el5 libselinux-1.33.4-5.1.el5 cups-libs-1.3.7-8.el5_3.6 e2fsprogs-1.39-20.el5 oprofile-0.9.3-18.el5 libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1 sysklogd-1.4.1-44.el5 gtk2-devel-2.10.4-20.el5 irqbalance-0.55-10.el5 sudo-1.6.9p17-3.el5_3.1 gtk+-devel-1.2.10-56.el5 oprofile-devel-0.9.3-18.el5 GConf2-devel-2.14.0-9.el5 libXxf86dga-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXxf86vm-devel-1.0.1-3.1 libXt-devel-1.0.2-3.1.fc6 cyrus-sasl-devel-2.1.22-4 postgresql-libs-8.1.11-1.el5_1.1 pango-devel-1.14.9-5.el5_3 compat-libcom_err-1.0-7 gail-devel-1.9.2-1.fc6 sendmail-cf-8.13.8-2.el5 gd-devel-2.0.33-9.4.el5_1.1 rpm-libs- avahi-compat-libdns_sd-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 rpm-python- selinux-policy-2.4.6-203.el5 libgnome-2.16.0-6.el5 libgsf-1.14.1-6.1 kudzu- libgnomeprint22-2.12.1-10.el5 libgsf-1.14.1-6.1 xfig-3.2.4-21.3.el5 condor-6.8.9-rhel3.racf.1 ganglia-gmond-3.0.7-rhel5.3.racf.8 cracklib-dicts-2.8.9-3.3 glibc-2.5-34 compat-libgcc-296-2.96-138 glib2-2.12.3-4.el5_3.1 mktemp-1.5-23.2.2 audit-libs-1.7.7-6.el5 sed-4.1.5-5.fc6 libICE-1.0.1-2.1 libacl-2.2.39-3.el5 bzip2-libs-1.0.3-4.el5_2 libcap-1.10-26 libidn-0.6.5-1.1 libXfont-1.2.2-1.0.3.el5_1 libgcrypt-1.2.4-1.el5 glib-1.2.10-20.el5 less-394-5.el5 gpm-1.20.1-74.1 libsysfs-2.0.0-6 libxslt-1.1.17-2.el5_2.2 unzip-5.52-3.el5 mailx-8.1.1-44.2.2 patchutils-0.2.31-2.2.2 rsync-2.6.8-3.1 dialog-1.0.20051107-1.2.2 compat-db-4.2.52-5.1 bogl-0.1.18-11.2.1.el5.1 byacc-1.9-29.2.2 cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.22-4 readline-5.1-1.1 libbonobo-2.16.0-1.fc6 lcms-1.18-0.1.beta1.el5_3.2 lapack-3.0-37.el5 pcre-6.6-2.el5_1.7 expect-5.43.0-5.1 gpm-1.20.1-74.1 bogl-0.1.18-11.2.1.el5.1 zlib-devel-1.2.3-3 libXaw-1.0.2-8.1 libXinerama-1.0.1-2.1 libXv-1.0.1-4.1 ORBit2-devel-2.14.3-5.el5 libsepol-devel-1.15.2-1.el5 redhat-logos-4.9.16-1.SL.6 perl-XML-Parser-2.34- gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-25.el5 readline-devel-5.1-1.1 libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2 lapack-devel-3.0-37.el5 sqlite-devel-3.3.6-2 aspell-en-6.0-2.1 perl-Config-General-2.40-1.el5 gmp-devel-4.1.4-10.el5 tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6 libXext-1.0.1-2.1 tk-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1 libXtst-1.0.1-3.1 gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0-25.el5 libXp-devel-1.0.0-8.1.el5 cairo-1.2.4-5.el5 cups-libs-1.3.7-8.el5_3.6 tar-1.15.1-23.0.1.el5 esound-0.2.36-3 dmraid-1.0.0.rc13-33.el5 apr-1.2.7-11 cracklib-2.8.9-3.3 yum-metadata-parser-1.1.2-2.el5 MAKEDEV-3.23-1.2 automake-1.9.6-2.1 MySQL-python-1.2.1-1 gnuplot-4.0.0-14.el5 stunnel-4.15-2.el5.1 compat-libcom_err-1.0-7 lsof-4.78-3 libxml2-devel-2.6.26- pango-1.14.9-5.el5_3 alsa-lib-1.0.17-1.el5 cracklib-2.8.9-3.3 paps-0.6.6-18.el5 pam_krb5-2.2.14-10 fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5 device-mapper-1.02.28-2.el5 dbus-libs-1.1.2-12.el5 usermode-1.88-3.el5.2 libSM-devel-1.0.1-3.1 pango-devel-1.14.9-5.el5_3 lvm2-2.02.40-6.el5 openssh-clients-4.3p2-29.el5 smartmontools-5.38-2.el5 pygtk2-devel-2.10.1-12.el5 libXext-devel-1.0.1-2.1 xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-9.fc6 pam-devel- libICE-devel-1.0.1-2.1 libXfont-devel-1.2.2-1.0.3.el5_1 libglade2-2.6.0-2 apr-1.2.7-11 libwmf- mdadm-2.6.4-1.el5 krb5-devel-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3 systemtap-0.7.2-3.el5_3 Xaw3d-devel-1.5E-10.1 openldap-devel-2.3.43-3.el5 dbus-glib-0.73-8.el5 avahi-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 kdnssd-avahi-0.1.3-0.1.20060713svn.fc6 avahi-glib-0.6.16-1.el5_2.1 chkfontpath-1.10.1-1.1 gnome-desktop-2.16.0-1.fc6 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi-7.1-2.1.el5 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi-7.1-2.1.el5 eog- gimp-help-2- openafs-client-1.4.10-1.1.1 pgi-workstation-sl3-5.1-6 nfs-utils-1.0.9-40
A blog page with compiler and specificities of sharing 32 and 64 bits architecture on the same node was created and accessible at You do not have access to view this node.
You must save a copy of from an SL44 system and copy it under your SL5 distribution. This is due to the fact that SL5 libmysql is of version 15.0.0 but our older code hard linked to verison 14.0.0 . Hence, if you want support for your old libraries, you must preserve a copy of libmysql.
Similarly, you will need to make a copy of .
Both could be copied in $OPTSTAR/lib/ under the 32 bits deployment.
% cat /etc/redhat-release Scientific Linux SL release 6.1 (Carbon)
The default compiler coming with SL6 was installed.
% gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3)
Other revisions are in /opt/gcc at BNL and this location is supported by the STAR login's 'setup' script. Note that an alternative to set another compiler location is supported via an environment variable named USE_GCC_DIR. See documentation Setting up your computing environment for more information.
The secondary compiler choice is gcc 4.6.3 .
See Setting up your computing environment for more information related to the sysname. The sysname can be determined by the command
% fs sysname
On sites where the sysname is set to other values than what STAR/RHIC cell expects, please note that you can always set alternate sysname for your systems by using the folowing command (from a privileged account and at boot time):
% fs sysname -newsys ppc_darwin_80 -newsys foo
The above adds two new sysname to the existsing system's default. This example is provided by the AFS manpages as well as at the bottom of our Setting up your computing environment page.
A blog page with compiler and specificities of sharing 32 and 64 bits architecture on the same node was created and accessible at You do not have access to view this node. This page was used since the SL5 32/64 bits transition.
Support for SIMD instructions may appear under SL6 (the large amount of currebt issues still make this a "if" as wide support for our sites will be rendered more difficult). Please note this page: SIMD instruction sets. SIMD instructions support will NOT guarantee ABI compatibility across hardware. THe STAR_HOST_SYS environment variable may be alterred accordingly.
ATTENTION: the introduction of SIMD instructions will also create a secondary issue: compiler bugs related to SIMD instructions are numerous. We hope for this situation to settle as SIMD instruction support matures. Therefore, only strictly approved compilers will be allowed in STAR. Any other minor/major version than the "approved" one cannot be supported. A table of acceptable gcc versions will be maintained on this page (compatibility links will not be created as they used to).
You must save a copy of from an SL44 system and copy it under your SL5 distribution. This is due to the fact that SL5 libmysql is of version 15.0.0 but our older code hard linked to verison 14.0.0 . Hence, if you want support for your old libraries, you must preserve a copy of libmysql.
Similarly, you will need to make a copy of .
Both could be copied in $OPTSTAR/lib/ under the 32 bits deployment.
% cat /etc/redhat-release Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon)
The default compiler coming with SL6 was installed.
% gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15)
Our gcc compiler was backward and forward compatible with gcc 4.4.6 by using the devtoolset (repackaged).
Other revisions are in /opt/gcc at BNL and this location is supported by the STAR login's 'setup' script. Note that an alternative to set another compiler location is supported via an environment variable named USE_GCC_DIR. See documentation Setting up your computing environment for more information.
The secondary compiler choice is gcc 4.6.3 and we also supported 4.4.7 for an even smoother support.
The AFS canonical sysname for SL6 is x8664_sl6.
The final list of RPMs is attached to this post as a text file for historical purposes (as well as helping setting up new systems).
% cat /etc/redhat-release Scientific Linux release 7.3 (Nitrogen)
The default compiler coming with SL6 was installed.
% gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)
Other revisions are in /opt/gcc at BNL and this location is supported by the STAR login's 'setup' script. Note that an alternative to set another compiler location is supported via an environment variable named USE_GCC_DIR. See documentation Setting up your computing environment for more information.
The secondary compiler choice is gcc 4.8.2 (so we connect smoothly with the past 4.8.2/SL6.5 and 4.6.3/SL6.2 library releases) and we also have 4.4.7 so we can go backward as far as SL11).
The AFS fs sysname for those systems is a canonical x8664_sl7.
Since the transition begins at SL7.3, gcc 4.8.5, the new base for STAR software is sl73_gcc485 and sl73_x8664_gcc485 for the 32 and 64 bits versions respectively.
Possible support for variation of SL version / gcc version combinations (each greater than the base) would go through those directories. Possible supports of SL7.x x < 3 and/or gcc versions lower than 4.8.5 would have to be made toward the sl64_gcc482 and sl64_x8664_gcc482 paths instead (in those cases, please fix the AFS sysname to be the one indicated as used for SL6).
STAR StRoot/ makers naming standards
The C++ coding guide should be consulted for the general standards and allowed/discouraged features in the SRA environment. In addition, the following information are provided
{ LOG_XXX << "StZdcVertexMaker::Init(): in ZdcVertexMaker did not find ZdcCalPars." << endm; }
where XXX is either
Then, you can filter in/out the wanted / unwanted messages using the logger filter mechanism. The Logger documentation is available here and its use is encouraged.
enum EReturnCodes{ kStOK=0, // OK kStOk=0, // OK kStWarn, // Warning, something wrong but work can be continued kStEOF, // End Of File kStErr, // Error, drop this and go to the next event kStFatal // Fatal error, processing impossible };
Outside Makers in your application code AND for testing or debugging conditions that should never happen and indicate disaster if they do, we recommend the use of assert() (it aborts the program if the assertion is false). Don't use exit(). For info on assert() see the man page ('man assert').
assert() should not be used in official code (apart from rare cases). Generally speaking, it is BAD practice to just abort the program and should be avoided. Better to message an error and propagate up a fatal error flag. Unless your Maker is a fundamental and base maker (DAQ detecting a corruption, db finding an unlikely condition which should really never happen, IO maker not able to stream, ...) the use of assert() is prohibited as a single detector sub-system error shall not lead to an entire chain abort. The use of clear messages with level FATAL is emphasized.
C++ header files containing ROOT related code must have the extension .h, the referring source files must have the extension .cxx. This rule is imposed on us by ROOT.
Plain C++ header files, i.e. those without ROOT related code have the extension .hh, the source files the extension .cc. Only header files which contains definitions usable in C and C++ may have the extension .h. This is a convention commonly used in HEP (e.g. CLHEP, Geant4).
This document attempts to explain
the code directory structure and layout in STAR
the rules and assumptions triggered in the make system (cons) solely on the basis of the name choice
the existing exceptions to the rules
Naming convention in green are user discouraged (proliferation prevention) and such request should be accompanied with a strong reasoning. Items in magenta are obsolete forms (and code) which will disappear and rendered obsolete in a near future. Anything appearing in red should be forgotten immediately as they are forbidden (and were introduced due to unfortunate momentary laps of reason, power surge or extreme special transitional needs).
Why a naming convention ??
Naming convention keeps consistency between code and packages written by many users. Not only it enables users to have a feel for what-does-what but also, it allows managers to define basic default set of compilation rules depending sometimes naming convention. Naming conventions in general are fundamental to all large projects and although N users will surely have N best-solution, the rules should be enforced as much as possible.
The StRoot/ tree Is of the following form
StRoot/ |
XXX/ |
ONLY base class should be freely named. Example: StarClassLibrary, StarRoot, Star2Root |
StXXX/ |
A directory tree which will contain a base class many makers will use and derive from. |
St_XXX_Maker/ |
XXX not being a detector sub-system but a set of character with underscores: the code is FORtran derived. XXX is a sub-system in a general sens (not necessarily a detector-sub-system) |
StXXXMaker/ |
A tree for a Maker, that is, code compiled in this tree will be assembled as one self-sufficient package. A maker is a particular class deriving from StMaker. Its purpose is to run from within a chain (StChain) of makers and perform a specific task. In this category, sub-name convention are as follow while XXX is in principle a detector sub-system identification (3 to 4 letters uniquely designating the sub-system), it may also be anything but a detector sub-system (StAssociationMaker, StMiniMcMaker, StDbMaker) or of the form XX=analysis or physics study. |
StXXXRaw*/ |
Any directory with named with the word Raw will make our make system include the necessary path for the Run-Time-System DAQ reader files automatically. This convention is additive to any other description and convention herein. Example: StEmcRawMaker is a "maker" 9as described above) and a code base using the DAQ reader and so would be the expectation for Stl3RawReaderMaker or StFgtRawMaker. |
StXXXUtil/ |
Code compiled in a Util or Utilities tree should be code which do not perform any action (nor a maker) but constitute by itself a set of utility classes and functions. Other classes may depend on a Utility library. |
StXXXPool/ |
This tree will contain a set of sub-directories chosen by the user, each sub-directory maybe a self-contained project with no relation with anything else. Each sub-directory will therefore lead to the creation of a separate library. The naming convention for the library creation is as follow : |
StXXXClient/ |
This tree will behave like the Pool trees in terms of library naming creation (separate libraries will be created, one per compilable sub-directory). |
StRoot/ |
StXXX./ |
A basic documentation in plain text (not mandatory). If exists, the software guide will display the information contained in this file. |
A directory containing more elaborate documentation, either in html or in LaTeX. Note that if a file named index.html exists, the software guide will link to it |
local/ |
A subdirectory containing stand-alone Makefiles for the package and/or standalone configuration files |
A directory having a collection of code using the Maker or utility package of interest (case incensitive) |
A directory containing root macros example making use of the maker |
kumac/ |
This is an obsolete directory name (from staf time) but still considered by the make system. It may also appears in the pams/ tree structure. |
test/ |
This directory may contain test programs (executables should in principle not appear in our standard but be assembled) |
html/ |
A directory possibly containing cross-linked information for Web purposes. However, note that the documentation is, since 2002, auto-generated via the doxygen documentation system (see the sofi page for more information). |
images/ |
A directory containing images such as bitmap, pixmaps or other images used by your program but NOT assembled by any part of the build process. XPM files necessary for Qt for example should not be placed in this directory as explicit rules exists in 'cons' to handle those (but cons will ignore the xpm placed in images/). |
wrk/ run/ |
include/ |
A directory containing a set of common include files |
Any other name |
Will be searched for code one level down only. |
doc/ |
As noted above (i.e. the content of those directories will be skipped by the make system) |
Any other name |
The presence of every sub-directory will create a different dynamic library. Note that this is NOT the case with the other name format (all compiled code would go in a unique library name) |
Directories within this pattern will be compiled using the extra include path pointed by the environment variable QTDIR. The moc program will run on any include containing the Q_OBJECT directive, -DR__QT define is added to CXXFLAGS. |
Those are special. Compilation will consider MySQL includes and the created dynamic library will be linked against MySQL |
St.*Db.* |
Any directory following this pattern will use the MySQL include as an extra include path for the CPPPATH directive |
StTrsMaker |
Are two exceptions of kind (b) [see footnote 1] and uses its own include/ directory as a general extraneous include path. |
StHbtMaker |
For this maker, a pre-defined list of sub-directories is being added to the (CPPPATH) |
StAssociationMaker |
This form will include in the CPPPATH every sub-directories found one level below. Only macros/, examples/ and doc/ are excluded withing this form noted in (a). For the Pool directory, the extraneous rule mentioned here is additive to the one of Pool directories. |
Direct comments to the STARSOFT list.
1However, if there is a need for StRoot/StXXX sub-directories compilation to include every available sub-paths (other than the exceptions noted above) (a) as a list of default path in a compiler option or if you want a default include/ directory (b) to be always added in a default include path compiler option statement, you may request this feature to be enabled. To do that, send an Email to STARSOFT .
2In this form, the sub-directory MUST be self-sufficient i.e. all code and include (apart from the default paths) must be in the sub-directory StZZZ
When a new developer joins a project which is already in progress, there is a steep learning curve. If the new developer already knows the methodology and programming language, some of this is reduced. If the new developer already knows the problem domain fairly well, this also shortens the ramp-up time.
There is often a great deal of artificial curve which is added to a project by decree or by accident.
The goal of this rule set is to help avoid creating one type of artifical learning curve, that of decyphering or memorizing strange names.
The rules were developed in group discussions, largely by examining poor names and dissecting them to determine the cause of their 'badness'.
string x =;Other methods (sometimes called "manipulators", but not so commonly anymore) cause something to happen. These should have verb or verb-phrase names. This way, changing a name would read like:
The second tells you there are many of these things. The first lets you know you'll get one, but which? The third tells you nothing more than the first, but the compiler (and hopefully the author) can tell them apart. You are going to have to work harder.
If you have a name used twice, you must disambiguate in such a way that the reader knows what the different versions offer her, instead of merely that they're different.
The hardest thing about choosing good names is that it requires good descriptive skills and a shared cultural background. This is a teaching issue, rather than a technical, business, or management issue. As a result many people in this field don't do it very well.
Before adding a new code to the CVS repository, any Maker and or code needs to be peer reviewed. Please, consult the STAR coding and naming standards pages before even starting to design a new maker or code. This document will help you shape, through basic guidelines, your code structure and layout.
Code peer review is a process by which members of the collaboration, code developers themselves, are asked to review your code as per its fitness to be included in the standard STAR framework. We hope this process will bring to developers of maker useful inputs as per the reuse of existing classes, the integration of the code within a chain, its interaction with our IO model etc ...
The basic peer review should address the following issues :
There are at least two peer reviewers per new code. The peer reviewers should agree that the code is important, should be included in the set of makers, is ready for deployment and, if there are more work to be done, should clearly state what is required in their views for the code to be functional. Suggestions for future improvements must be clearly stated and a road map for implementation offered to the developer . The reviewers should also explicitly sign-off on the code.
As a last note, a peer review is advisory to the STAR Software & Computing leader. In case of disagreement, a summary and ruling will be sent to the person reviewed (and reviewers) indicating the changes to be made. After a peer review is closed, a notice will be sent to starsoft so all (core team as well as other coordinators) are informed of the new incoming code.
You should first make sure that your code will pass the above criteria. Your code must be available to the reviewers from a public space. Please, check protection (g+r in NFS space) or acl (star rl in AFS).
When you feel ready to have your code reviewed, send an Email to STAR Software & Computing leader requiring a review process to take place along with a quick description of your maker / code and the status of your code (still in development mode, final version, why you would like to have it included to the official repository, etc ...). Avoid development code at all cost unless clear justifications.
For a meaningful review, please provide instructions (macro or chain) on how to run your code with all arguments specified (least work for the reviewers, should work as instructed). Possibly, how to verify the results are correct in case your code deals with Physics-ready structures is an asset. At minimum, we require the code compiles & run and that reviewers understand its purpose and documentation is adequate.
Members of the collaboration will be asked to take on this task within a day or two. Comments, answers and action items must be sent and communicated via Emails to all members of the peer review committee (they will appear in the initial Email starting the review process). After all reviewers have sent their contributions, you will be informed of the the critical items to be taken care off and an expected / suggested time frame for the insertion of the new code in our library.
Makers | Developer / Contact | Reviewers | Date/Status |
StPmdClusterMaker StPmdDiscriminatorMaker StPmdSimulatorMaker StPmdUtil |
Subhasis Chattopadyay | Alexandre P. Suaide Akio Ogawa |
August 2002 |
StJetFinder | Mike Miller | David Hardtke Victor Perevoztchikov Gene Van Buren |
August 2002 StPythiaEvent requested but not created / delayed. |
StBbcSimulationMaker | Mikhail Kopytine | Janet Seyboth Subhasis Chattopadyay |
September 2002 Several suggestions made as per the database interface. |
StMinuitVertexMaker | David Hardtke | Lee Barnby Zhangbhu Xu |
Closed (not summarized) |
StBichsel StdEdxY2Maker |
Yuri Fisyak | Jeff Porter Fabrice Retiere |
Closed with action items + testing needed |
StSecondaryVertexMaker | Julien Faivre | Spyridon Margetis Gene Van Buren |
Closed (not summarized) |
StEmcMixerMaker Addition to StAssociationMaker |
Alex P. Suaide Marcia Maria de Moura |
Patricia Fachini Maxim Potekhin |
January 21st 2003 |
StEEmcUtil StEEmcDbMaker StEEmcCalibrationMaker StEEmcSimulatorMaker |
Jan Balewski | Alex P. Suaide Herb Ward |
January 27th 2003 Hardwired values should be removed and replaced by a database approach. |
StHitFilterMaker | James Dunlop | Jerome Lauret | February 6th 2003 Argument passing to constructor should be changed (the hack violates code standards) Work on extraneous filters plug-and-play |
StFtpcMixerMaker | Frank Simon | Frank Geurts Jerome Lauret |
February 14th 2003 Issues were all addressed (global variables, documentation etc ...) |
StTriggerDataMaker | Akio Ogawa Mirko Planinic |
Jerome Lauret Thomas Ullrich |
June 2003 Initially added in the library, review missed a lack of destructor in reading mode (relying on the StEvent model too much). Was fixed by Victor in June and stabilized. |
StTofpMatchMaker StTofpNtupleMaker |
Frank Geurts | Thorsten Kolleger Boris Hippolyte |
August 7th 2003 StTofpNtupleMaker recognized to be an analysis maker moved to StTofPool. Opened issue : some variables need to be moved in a database. |
StSsdClusterMaker StSsdEvalMaker StSsdSimulationMaker StSsdPointMaker |
Christelle Roy | Frank Laue Yuri Fisyak |
March 12th 2004 Closed (one reviewer not responding). Some code will need re-evaluation later. StSsdPointMaker mostly addressed and ready. One concern about dimension used in multiple codes (not defined as const or other method) |
StPmdReadMaker StPmdCalibConstMaker |
Subhasis Chattopadyay | Frank Simon Piotr Zolnierczuk |
Closed (not summarized) |
StKinkMaker | Camelia Mironov | Jason C Web Claude Pruneau |
March 2nd 2004 Code lacks internal documentation (doxygen). There is an issue with the Bfield calculation (recalculated for every event). Code to be merged in StSecondaryVertexMaker library. |
StTofrMatchMaker | Xin Dong | Thomas Ullrich Thomas Dietel |
March 8th 2004 Rather large histograms enabled by default (no external control) Many assert() commented to remove. Documentation needed. |
StStarLogger | Valeri Fine | Dmitry Arkhipkin Gene Van Buren |
May 14th 2004 Done Nov 2004 with agreement that non-implemented methods (and unused) will be cleaned + doc needed, The configuration file would need to be relocated as well. |
StTofCalibMaker | Xin Dong | Marcelo Munhoz Javier Castillo |
June 8th 2004 All requested changes applied. |
StEventCompendiumMaker | Manuel Calderon | Jerome Lauret Yuri Fisyak |
June 9th 2004 No action items for this maker. The code was found to be concise and clear. |
StSvtEmbeddingMaker | Petr Chaloupka | Mike Miller Camelia Mironov |
June 16th 2004 Chain options to be added |
StHeavyTagMaker | Manuel Calderon | Jerome Lauret | July 28th 2004 Fast-lane reviewed |
StSsdDaqMaker | Christelle Roy | Marcelo Munhoz Jerome Lauret |
October 2004 – Closed March 2005. Remaining hardwired values to consolidate, message severity all “high” to revisit. |
StSpinDbMaker | Jan Balewski | Marcia Maria de Moura Michal Daugherty |
September 2005 – Requester abandoned the review although well on the way. Code not added to CVS. |
Rich Scalers | Eric Hjort | Gene Van Buren Jerome Lauret |
December 2006 Internal review THIS REVIEW WAS STILL OPENED - DEAD |
StTpcTracker | Pibero Kisa Djawotho (Jan Balewski) |
Jerome Lauret | November 2005 – Beam background track scavenger. Discussed in a separate meeting and S&C meeting on the 17th. Decision was to provide hooks in ITTF for this. |
StFtpcCalibMaker | Janet Seyboth | Renee Fatemi Jason Webb |
January 2006 – Closed in April with the following minor remaining issues: Use of CassDef() not necessary for this class Over-use of comparison to 0 in if statement could be written as if (a) and if(!a). |
StIstHit | Mike Miller | Yuri Fisyak Jerome Lauret |
January 2006 Internal review. Only one comment about the use of messenger. Class at the end supported both HFT and IST. |
StIstSim | Willie Leight | Maxim Potekhin Adam Kocoloski Valeri Fine |
February 2006 – Forgot and re-visited May 2006 Some contentions and divergence of opinion on this. Would require a resolve and summary. This did not procceed forward. |
StTpcBeamBackMaker | Pibero Kisa | Victor Perevoztchikov Yuri Fisyak |
Fast lane on Agust 8th 2006 Closed August 16th |
StEmcMixerMaker | Jan Balewski Adam Kocoloski |
Victor Perevoztchikov Jonathan Bouchet |
Opened March 12th 2007 Done April 13th but closed July 12th. |
StSsdFastSimMaker | Jonathan Bouchet | Helen Caines Anthony Timmins |
Requested June 27th 2007 Done August 8th 2007 – no remaining issues. |
StTriggerUtilities | Akio Ogawa Renee Fatemi |
Jerome Lauret | Requested June 27th 2007 - done August 23rd. This suite of utilities was declared useful and moved under Renee Fatemi's responsibilities. It will be a "user" utility and hence, compilation and maintenance will follow this category. This did not need a formal peer review (not used in production). |
StLaserAnalysisMaker | Yuri Fisyak | Gene V. Buren Richard Witt |
Requested Dec 3rd 2007 (used prior but not pushed to review). Closed on December 20th 2007. |
StTofHitMaker | Xin Dong | Yuri Fisyak Renee Fatemi |
Requested February 26th 2008. Was previously named StTofEventMaker. Closed on March 11th 2008. |
StTpcHitMaker | Yuri Fisyak | Akio Ogawa Jerome Lauret |
Requested March 13th 2008. This review was closed on May 27th 2008. Reviewer asked for explaination of what this is for (so not all clear) and this is the equivalent for TPX of St_tpcdaq_Maker and FCFMaker. The documentation is missing. |
StBTofUtil StBTofHitMaker |
Xin Dong | Matt. Walker Valeri Fine Renee Fatemi |
Requested January 15th 2009. Closed on January 31st 2009 after a two pass comment / correction only. The remaining action items includes documentation (doxygen minimal documentation + follow-up longer documentation being worked on by a student as an action item of the TOF software review) and a reshape of the RTS includes (not within the purview of the TOF sub-system). |
StMCFilter | Victor Perevoztchikov | Michael Betancourt Frank Geurts |
Initiated April 10th 2009, started 13th. Review was closed on June 18th with documentation action item. |
StBTofMatchMaker StBTofCalibMaker |
Frank Geurts | Pibero Djawotho Rashmi Raniwala |
(re)initiated April15th 2009 [was previously requested by Xin Dong in February]. Started April 20th. StBTofMatchMaker done on June 22nd. StBTofCalibMaker done on September 22nd. |
St_pp2pp_Maker | Kin Yip | Valeri Fine Thomas Ullrich Jerome Lauret |
Started on October 7th 2009, closed December 12th 2009. |
StTpcRSMaker | Yuri Fisyak for the TPC sub-system | Pibero Djawotho Jan Balewski |
Initiated October 14th 2009. Closed November 5th 2009. Action items includes study of the code performance (now a factor of 12 to 13 slower than TRS) and cleaning for hard-coded constants. |
StFmsDbMaker | Akio Ogawa | Matthew Walker Dmitry Arkhipkin |
Initiated October 14th 2009. Closed October 27th 2009. Action item include revisiting the documentation especially the doxygen self-documenting information. |
StVpdCalibMaker | Frank Geurts | Gene V. Buren Oleksandr Grebenyuk |
Requested October 27th, started 28th. Closed November 9th 2009. |
StBTofSimMaker | Frank Geurts (Dylan Thein) |
Akio Ogawa Gerrit V. Nieuwenhuizen |
Requested October 27th, started 28th. Closed December 9th 2009. |
StEmbeddingQAMaker | Hiroshi Masui for the embedding team | Andrew Rose Anthony Timmins |
Requested September 15th, delayed start until November 3rd (priority scheduling). Closed December 23rd 2009. Renamed StEmbeddingUtilities. |
StFmsHitMaker | Akio Ogawa (Jingguo Ma) |
Jerome Lauret Thomas Ullrich |
Rushed review on December 23rd 2009, closed February 2nd 2010. doxygen documentation to attend. |
StFilterMaker | Michael Betancourt Alice Bridgeman |
Victor Perevoztchikov Pibero Djawotho |
Started on March 4th 2010, closed March 22nd 2010. |
StTriggerUtilities |
Renee Fatemi Pibero Djawotho |
Dmitry Arkhipkin Jan Balewski |
Review started 2010/06/29 - main purpose: the code initially advertized as not for production is now included in spin PWG simulation request workflow via StTriggerSimuMaker. POC: Renee fatemi [This code moved forward but did exhibit issues such as direct access to DB that need to be periodically assessed] |
StEEmcSlowMaker |
Oleksandr Grebenyuk |
Jason Webb Andrew Gordon |
Started on June 29th 2010, closed August 2nd 2010. |
StHltMaker | Liang Xue for the HLT | Mike Betancourt Thomas Ullrich Anthony Timmins |
Discussion initiated 2010/10/29 but code goals were more than unclear (track addition expanded storage). Re-started officially 2011/01/10 after documentation was provided StHltEventis part of StEvent. Closed 2011/01/28. |
StMtdHitMaker | Frank Geurts | Joseph Seele Justin Stevens |
Review requested 2011/02/23. Reviewer could not attend before after the STAR analysis meeting. Started on 2011/03/28, closed 2011/04/21. |
StFgtRawMaker StFgtA2CMaker StFgtClusterMaker StFgtUtil StFgtDbMaker |
Anselm Vossen | Justin Stevens Thomas Burton |
Asked 2012/01/08 (but was on V-days). Picked back on the 25th. Review started on the 27th. Closed on 2012/03/23 but found that the StEvent structures were not passed to Thomas as initially recommended - all StEvent related reviews were done then and completed on 04/16. On 04/27, reviewers agreed with final changes. Constants to check again |
StFgtSimulator | Anselm Vossen (Jan Balewski) |
Jason Webb Jonathan Bouchet |
Asked 2012/04/01, reviewers ready the same day but instructions not ready. Started 2012/05/09. Review closed on 2012/06/06. No remaining actions items. |
P&P event generator framework - code TBC | Jason Webb for the S&C simulation R&D effort | Ming Shao Yuri Fisyak Thomas Burton |
Started July 12th 2012, closed 2012/11/02 for the reviewer's purposes but integration issues settled 2012/11/28 after agreement (pending OK, this is done). Documentation may need a revisit. |
StMtdMatchMaker | Frank Geurts | Jason Webb Alice Ohlson |
Requested 2012/09/24, reviewers search began later (2012/11/20), stated 2012/12/03, review done 03/07 and officially closed 03/21. No action item pending. |
StFgtPointMaker | Anselm Vossen | Jason Webb Mustafa Mustafa |
Requested 2013/01/16 - reviewers set on the 28th. Review done on 2013/03/04 and closed 03/13. Minor fix needed (constructor issue, new of a unused class + histogram booking issue) |
StPxlSimMaker | Spyridon Margetis (Mustafa Mustafa) |
Anselm Vossen Dmitry Arkhipkin Helen Caines |
Requested 2013/03/26 - reviewers set and review started 2013/04/02. Review closed 2013/05/03 and code put in place - last verification / confirmation asked (final feedback on 05/21). |
StMtdSimMaker | Frank Geurts | Mustafa Mustafa Jason Webb |
Requested 2013/08/22 but no "howto" provided. Reminded on 2013/10/01. Reviewers ready in 2013/10/09 but ... (??) Status: Pending the "how to test" |
Pxl review asked - but too many makers at once | Spyridon Margetis (Hao Qiu) |
Initial request CC was not seen (CC to list auto-sorted). Seen 2013/10/07 7 makers at once is not manageable (14+ reviewers to find). Suggested a split - we have a go on 2013/11/04 and the 5 entries below the FmsSimulationMaker represents this. |
StFmsSimulationMaker | Thomas Burton (Mriganka Mouli Mondal) |
Jason Webb Kevin Adkins |
Requested 2013/10/10. Was reminded on 2013/10/30 and started 2013/11/05. This review stopped in 2013/11 and had to be restarted due to availability in 2014/02/24. Review confirmed closed on 2014/04/22 and integrated on 2014/05/06. |
StPxlDbMaker, StPxlConstant | Spyridon Margetis (Hao Qiu) | Dmitry Arkhipkin Akio Ogawa |
PXL Part 1 - new opening 2013/11/04 - started 2013/11/07, closed 2014/01/13. Code deployed in "dev" on the 28th (cvs merging was needed) |
StPxlRawHit, StPxlRawHitCollection, StPxlRawHitMaker | Jason Webb Jeff Landgraf |
PXL Part 2 - new opening 2013/11/04 - started 2013/11/07. This review was closed on 2014/01/10. | |
StPxlCluster, StPxlClusterCollection, StPxlClusterMaker | Dmitry Arkhipkin Dmitri Smirnov |
PXL Part 3 - new opening 2013/11/04 - started 2014/01/10. All comments addressed by 2014/03/18? Confirmed 2014/04/15. Added to dev on 2014/05/06. |
StPxlHitMaker | Dmitri Smirnov Victor Perevozchikov |
PXL Part 4 - new opening 2013/11/04 - started 2014/01/10. This review was closed on 2014/02/08. Added to dev with previous code was actually done on 2014/05/06 (this was was definitly lagging behind) |
StPxlMonMaker |
Dmitri Smirnov Gene V. Buren |
PXL Part 5 - new opening 2013/11/04 - started 2014/01/29 Code submited for review was judged by the submitter as "below standard" - offered to move forward and provide internal help. Review aborted. |
StIstDbMaker StIstUtil | Spyridon Margetis (Yaping Wang) | Dmitri Smirnov Dmitry Arkhipkin |
IST Part 1 - code submitted 2013/12/12 - intended opening 2014/01/16 (but no Email sent). Sent on the 29th. We had then two versions of the DbMaker. Review essentially done on 2014/03/25, closed and integrated 201404/10 It was re-opened once more (as the interface changed for the 3rd time). New wave 2014/07/29. Closed again on 2014/08/08. |
StIstRawHitMaker StIstRawHit StIstClusterMaker StIstCluster | Dmitri Smirnov Victor Perevozchikov |
IST Part 2 - code submitted for review on 2013/12/12- chain based on a test SFS file (pending DAQ). DAQ file available on 2014/01/18. Asked we resume this on 2014/01/29 (Dmitri only) but was second priority as the geometry took a turn for the "not better" ... New try on 2014/08/19. Suggested to close on 2014/09/23 (explicit sign-off given but more changes appeared, confusing the state of matter). Code moved into dev on 2015/01/13. |
StIstHitMaker StIstHit | Dmitri Smirnov Jerome Lauret |
IST Part 3 - code submitted 2013/12/12 - assignement was made with one reviewer only and on the back-burner. Reminded on 2014/10/06 by Xin, not concluded. Inquiry from Yaping 2015/01/09 re-energized this. Second reviewer self-assigned. Review closed 2015/01/22. |
StIstFastSimMaker | Dmitri Smirnov Jason Webb |
IST Part 4 - code submitted 2013/12/12 - many pieces missing did not allow to evaluate/review this whenever submitted. Review opened 2015/01/22 and closed 2015/02/25. |
StIstQAMaker StIstCalibrationMaker | Dmitri Smirnov Gene V. Buren |
IST Part 5 - code submitted 2013/12/12 Review did not proceed - code was not considered essential. |
StMtdQAMaker | Rongrong Ma (Bingchu Huang) | Hao Qiu Mustafa Mustasfa |
Proposed for review on 2014/03/12 Review opened on 2014/07/29. Reviewer sign-off on 09/03 (doxygen ready headers asked to be added). Proposed integration and closure date 09/15, code fix on 19th was too close to the Friday cutt-off. Closed 2014/09/23. |
StSstDAQMaker | Spirydon Margetis (Long Zhou) | Hongwei Ke Jeff Landgraf |
Proposed for review on 2014/04/04 Review opened on 2014/08/06 - we did not yet close the loop on this one but review should be done ... Reviewers thanked and noted closed on 2015/06/10. Noted in public list 2015/08/18 only. |
StMtdCalibMaker | Rongrong Ma | Gene V. Buren Kevin Adkins |
Proposed for review on 2014/06/20 Review opened 2014/08/07 - closed 2014/09/25. |
StFmsPointMaker | Thomas Burton (Yuxi Pan) |
Rongrong Ma Jonathan Bouchet |
Proposed for review on 2014/08/04 Review opened on 2014/09/12. Reviewer sign-off on 2015/01/13, structure not in StEvent (requested before closing). Non-official closing on 2015/02/25 (requested to verify and make sure all compiles after StEvent data struct modifs). Integration check revealed an issue - C++11 construct used does not allow compiling under SL5.3. gcc 4.3.2 (informed 2015/03/09). Added to dev on 2015/08/28 after both 5.3 and 6.4 gcc 4.8.2 forward compatible compilers were made available (and showed to work). Closed 2015/08/18. |
StFpsRawHitMaker | Yuxi Pan (Akio Ogawa) |
Mustafa Mustafa Dmitri Smirnov |
Proposed for review o 2015/01/15 (confirmed by Yuxi on 01/20). Reviewers assigned 2015/02/25. Opened 2015/03/09 Closed 2015/03/20 and code in dev on 2015/03/23. |
StMtdEvtFilterMaker | Rongrong Ma | Jerome Lauret Gene V. Buren |
Proposed 2015/02/26, reviewers assigned 2015/03/09 - assignement changed 2015/03/11 (V-days) and review started. Closed 2015/04/06. |
StDataFilterMaker | Gene V. Buren for the MTD team | Jerome Lauret Victor Perevozchikov |
Proposed 2015/04/24, opened 2015/04/27, closed 2015/05/01 |
code below are reviewed using the 2015 / C++STAR coding standard | |||
StIstRawMaker | Spirydon Margetis (Bingchu Huang) |
Dmitri Smirnov Victor Perevozchikov |
Discussed 2015/11/19, general code change looked into by D.Smirnov before deciding if a review is appropriate. Re-factoring of the approach - decision is to do an internal review (2015/12/04) Review opened 2015/12/07, done 2015/12/31 and code deployed in CVS. Closed review officially on 2016/02/17. |
StIstSlowSimulator | Spirydon Margetis (Bingchu Huang) |
Jason Webb Kolja Kauder |
See comment above. This code needs to be reviewed as novel (though snapped into the same Sim directory). Decision 2015/12/04. Review opened 2015/12/07, done 2016/01/05 and officially closed on 2016/02/17. |
StFmsFpsMaker | Olge Eysser (Akio Ogawa) |
Rongrong Ma Daniel Brandenburg |
Requested 2016/01/26 (no special priority). Resumed search after Akio was available. Reviewers aligned 2016/02/25 but opened 2016/03/11 after Daniel back from WWND. Review sign-off 2016/06/09 but Akio not available. Reminded 2016/11/16. Integrated 2016/11/22 and closed 2016/11/30. |
StPicoDST |
Mustafa Mustafa (PWG) |
Kolja Kauder Dmitri Smirnov |
Requested 2016/08/11 - Opened 08/22. Closed / not announced (will do after adjustments pending). |
Mike Lisa, Prashanth Shanmuganathan (sub-system / PWG combined request) | Dmitri Smirnov, Dmitry Arkhipkin | EPD/BBC integration. Review opened 2017/07/26. Overall believed to be fine but pending EpdDbMaker (review closed 09/14, reminded reviewers of the pico part to resume review conclusion). 09/19, ping again for the Db connection. |
Peifeng Liu (PWG) Shengli Huang |
Dmitri Smirnov, ... | (pending testing from Peifeng / second reviewer not yet assigned) - Shengli reviewed the changes on 08/08, modifs should be all ready. Considered closed. | |
Daniel Nemes (PWG) | Jerome Lauret Dmitri Smirnov |
Opened 2017/07/26. Code and comments seem implemented 2017/08/30, reminded reviewers on 09/13. Some code modifs suggested but clearly, this is not yet complete (09/19 + Grigory added). |
EvtGen | |||
StVpdSimMaker StBTofMixerMaker |
Daniel Brandenburg (Nickolas Luttrell) |
Jason Webb Jinlong Zhang |
Requested 2016/11/02 - Opened 11/16 - some delays around hollidays, relaunched 01/18 and 02/23, reviewers sign-off on 02/23. Integration issue fixed on 2017/03/02 + Closed. |
StEmcADCtoEMaker | Jinlong Zhang | Akio Ogawa Victor Perevozchikov |
This code has not been updated for a while. The coordinator is asking for a review to help bring it to spec. Requested 2017/04/24, opened 2017/05/11. Closed 2017/06/02. |
StEpdDbMaker | Prashanth Shanmuganathan | Dmitry Arkhipkin Jerome Lauret |
Brought informally on 2017/08/25 but related to this comment. EpdDbMaker first pass review considered mostly done 2017/08/30 - sent OK to proceed 09/13 (code changes noted and handled by reviewers). Closed 09/14. |
StPxlSimMaker | Xin Dong |
Jason Webb Victor Perevozchikov |
Brought forward 2017/09/05. Review opened 09/13 (integration issues resolved before using branch). Merging happened 2017/10/19 along with an AgML commit. This is considered closed now. |
StEpdMaker | Mike Lisa (Prashanth Shanmuganathan) | Jason Webb Hongwei Ke |
Brought 2017/10/28 - code/repo in offline/users/lisa could be moved as-is after review. Not immediately critical but Mike requested focus time (when the review starts, focus) due to teaching schedule ... Started 2017/12/19 - Closed 2018/02/21 (no issues found, some documentation suggestions attended) |
StETofDigiMaker StETofUtil StETofQAMaker | Florian Seck | Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli Jerome Lauret |
Brought forward 2018/05/12, not started until after QM. Opened 2018/06/11, re-opened 2018/06/21 (re-assignment of peer reviewer). Review closed 2018/07/18 but some 64 bits compilation issues ("no known conversion for argument") delayed final commmit done on 07/25. |
KF Particle Finder | Maksym Zyzak (Ivan Kisel) |
Daniel Brandenburg Dmitri Smirnov |
Review was discussed 2018/01/24 (after a discussion S&C had with Maksym and Iouri Vassiliev during a visit). Also discussed, /star/u/mzyzak/Review/StRoot
has little to do with what is under StRoot/. 2018/02/06, code from Maksym verified by Guannan (compilation and compatibility with "dev"). Discussion went toward cov matrix info in picoDST (planned new analysis format). picoDST format settled around mid 2018/08. Review re-launched 2018/09/17 (missed it, away) and noted 2018/10/01. Reviewers contacted 10/01, accepted 10/04. Started 10/05. First wave of comment son 10/10, second on 10/24. No new version provided. Discussed with Maksym 2018/12/11 (was busy with CBM, GSI closing during holidays, need more time). Informed reviewers 2018/12/12 of possible delays. Reminder sent 2019/01/10. Resumed by Maksym 02/01 and we seemed to converge 02/19. Licensing issue discussed 2019/02/21 (pending). Licensing announced to be resolved 2020/02/11. Searching for integration candidates. |
KFParticlePerformance StKFParticleAnalysisMaker |
Maksym Zyzak (Ivan Kisel) |
Brought up 2018/02 for the first time. Depend on previous review + Analysis Maker not complete.KFParticlePerformance - code to collect histograms and run MC analysis; StKFParticleAnalysisMaker - maker and interface to the code [still need to add TMVA]
StRHICfDbMaker StRHICfRawHitMaker |
Minho Kim (Akio Ogawa) |
Dmitry Arkhipkin Florian Seck |
Review discussed or a while (new sub-system) but officially requested on 2018/12/03 Data model (StEvent) handled on 2018/12/11 Reviewer assembled during the analysis meeting 2018/12/13 and started. Reviewers sent feedback (last on 2018/12/18). No responses. Reminder sent 2019/01/10. |
Florian Seck | Gene van Buren, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli |
Review requested 2018/11/20 - delayed due to holidays. Opened 2019/01/11. Review ended 2019/02/15 with StEvent structure implemented and MuDST class asked to be added. Sign-off 2019/02/15 and closed 02/22. |
Florian Seck | Jason Webb, Jerome Lauret Xianglei Zhu |
Review requested 2018/11/20. Focused on previous series (data needed). Opened 2019/04/24 (small adjustments made prior). |
StFstSimMaker StFttSimMaker |
James Brandenburg | Dmitri Smirnov, Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli |
Review requested 2020/09/03, Opened 2020/09/08 Review closed 2020/11/23. Two external packages (GenFit, KiTrack) installed under /opt/star. |
StFcsFastSimulationMaker |
Akio Ogawa | Dmitry Arkhipkin, Jason Webb | Review requested 2021/02/10, Review closed 2021/03/17. |
StFcsWaveformFitMaker StFcsClusterMaker StFcsPointMaker |
Akio Ogawa | Hongwei Ke, Oleg Eyser | Review requested 2021/02/10, Review closed 2021/03/17. |
STAR code main repository moved from CVS to Git on 5/31/2021
| |
Daniel Brandenburg | Hongwei Ke, Jeff Landgraf | PR (#209, including StEvent containers) submitted on 2021/02/10, merged into main on 2021/11/29. |
StFstRawHitMaker |
Daniel Brandenburg (Xu Sun) |
Dmitry Arkhipkin, Hongwei Ke | PR (#266) submitted on 2021/12/20, review closed on 2022/01/18, PR merged into main on 2022/01/25 StEvent containers (PR#265) reviewed by Thomas and Jason |
StFstHitMaker StFstUtil |
Daniel Brandenburg (Xu Sun) |
Flemming Videbaek, Grigory Nigmatkulov | PR (#266) submitted on 2021/12/20, review closed on 2022/01/18, PR merged into main on 2022/01/25 StEvent containers (PR#265) reviewed by Thomas and Jason |
Daniel Brandenburg | Dmitry Arkhipkin | PR (#287) submitted on 2022/01/26. Originally used the local tables. New DB tables then requested and created. DbMaker updated accordingly. The review is closed and the PR is merged on 2022/03/21. |
StFttPointMaker StFttHitCalibMaker |
Daniel Brandenburg | Akio Ogawa, Grigory Nigmatkulov | PR (#287) submitted on 2022/01/26. approved on 01/31. merged on 2022/03/21. |
StFstCalibrationMaker |
Daniel Brandenburg (Xu Sun) |
Gene van Buren | PR (#282) originally submitted on 2022/01/17 (combined with PR#266). closed on 2022/02/14, PR merged into main on 2022/02/15 |
StFcsTrackMatchMaker |
Daniel Brandenburg | Zilong Chang, Victor Perevozchikov | PR (#398) originally submitted on 2022/09/13 (combined with PR#396 and 397). Review finished 2022/10/21. Later on PR was superseded by PR (#492) with new StFwdTrack model in StEvent. PR merged into main on 2023/04/19. |
StRHICfRawHitMaker |
Seunghwan Lee | Dmitry Arkhipkin, Jeff Landgraf | PR (#460) originally submitted on 2022/12/08. Updated PR (#511). Review finished and PR merged into main on 2023/03/31. |
The pages in this section will related to storage and contain statistics, testings and other useful information (some historical).
An access pattern usage statistics was gather in 2008 to estimate the %tage of files no accessed for more than 60 (2 months) days and 160 days (5.5 months) respectively. This estimate was done on BlueArc storage and their BlueArc data migration tool (we acquired an evaluation which only allowed to sort those estimates).
This page is only a snapshot of the disk space. For an up-to-date usage profile and usage scope, please consult the Resource Monitoring tools under Software Infrastructure.
filesystem | rule | data in f/s | amount migrated | files migrated | Percent Migrated | rule | amount migrated | files migrated | Percent Migrated |
User disk | |||||||||
/star/u |
>60 days |
731.13 GB |
493.88 GB |
4195712 |
67.55% |
>160days |
226.22 MB |
1670 |
30.94% |
User space (PWG, scratch) [back] | |||||||||
/star/data01 |
>60 days |
756.88 GB |
117.04 MB |
2303 |
0.01% |
>160days |
17.53 MB |
1785 |
0.00% |
/star/data02 |
>60 days |
772.28 GB |
47.31 GB |
53222 |
6.13% |
>160days |
0 |
0 |
0.00% |
/star/data05 |
>60 days |
2.12 TB |
499.59 GB |
441531 |
23.00% |
>160days |
2.52MB |
80 |
0.00% |
General space for projects [back] | |||||||||
/star/data03 |
>60 days |
854.42 GB |
713.03 GB |
1535 |
83.45% |
>160days |
0.00 Bytes |
0 |
0.00% |
/star/data04 |
>60 days |
702.38 GB |
372.76 GB |
67170 |
53.07% |
>160days |
0.00 Bytes |
0 |
0.00% |
/star/data06 |
>60 days |
609.42 GB |
560.95 GB |
105179 |
92.05% |
>160days |
254.42 GB |
21256 |
41.75% |
/star/data07 |
>60 days |
731.17 GB |
544.22 GB |
558413 |
74.43% |
>160days |
505.89 GB |
457460 |
69.19% |
/star/data08 |
>60 days |
989.15 GB |
815.23GB |
1205452 |
82.42% |
>160days |
0 |
0 |
0.00% |
/star/rcf |
>60 days |
873.58 GB |
369.68 GB |
41730 |
42.32% |
>160days |
152.46 GB |
123261 |
17.41% |
/star/simu |
>60 days |
235.25 GB |
225.87 GB |
33617 |
95.75% |
>160days |
225.80 GB |
33321 |
95.75% |
Data was gathered during FastOffline time (0% expected) | |||||||||
/star/data09 |
>60 days |
613.75 GB |
30.19 MB |
10 |
0.00% |
>160days |
25.80 MB |
5 |
0.00% |
/star/data10 |
>60 days |
483.96 GB |
28.92 MB |
272 |
0.00% |
>160days |
0.00 Bytes |
1 |
0.00% |
Institution's disks [back] | |||||||||
institutions/bnl |
>60 days |
3.39 TB |
2.08 TB |
3490235 |
61.36% |
>160days |
1.40 TB |
3082800 |
41.30% |
institutions/lbl |
>60 days |
9.60 TB |
5.19 TB |
3765404 |
54.00% |
>160days |
2.93 TB |
3130797 |
30.52% |
institutions/mit |
>60 days |
894.69 GB |
510.66 GB |
78058 |
57.01% |
>160days |
303.60 GB |
67989 |
33.93% |
institutions/ucla |
>60 days |
1.44 TB |
911.61 GB |
2770202 |
61.82% |
>160days |
761.95 GB |
2439251 |
51.61% |
institutions/iucf |
>60 days |
785.49 GB |
185.14 GB |
99491 |
23.57% |
>160days |
26.44 GB |
36131 |
3.37% |
institutions/vecc |
>60 days |
731.06 GB |
401.20 GB |
258056 |
54.88% |
>160days |
270.28 GB |
55105 |
36.94% |
institutions/ksu |
>60 days |
647.62 GB |
197.30 GB |
87715 |
30.47% |
>160days |
83.99 GB |
76374 |
12.97% |
institutions/emn |
>60 days |
881.67 GB |
80.91 GB |
37272 |
9.18% |
>160days |
36.51 GB |
9139 |
4.14% |
institutions/uta |
>60 days |
407.68 GB |
351.52 GB |
20807 |
86.22% |
>160days |
195.66 GB |
13628 |
47.99% |
Production space [back] | |||||||||
/star/data12 |
>60 days |
685.57 GB |
175.32 GB |
13967 |
25.57% |
>160days |
121.34 GB |
10674 |
17.70% |
/star/data13 |
>60 days |
1.64 TB |
388.72 GB |
20160 |
23.15% |
>160days |
307.55 GB |
17507 |
18.31% |
/star/data14 |
>60 days |
794.53 GB |
231.98 GB |
19797 |
29.20% |
>160days |
158.41 GB |
14020 |
19.90% |
/star/data15 |
>60 days |
791.08 GB |
231.74 GB |
16620 |
29.29% |
>160days |
128.60 GB |
11295 |
16.26% |
/star/data16 |
>60 days |
1.46 TB |
372.16 GB |
23055 |
24.88% |
>160days |
200.92 GB |
16978 |
13.44% |
/star/data17 |
>60 days |
869.25 GB |
229.98 GB |
14589 |
26,46% |
>160days |
128.80 GB |
10447 |
14.82% |
/star/data18 |
>60 days |
905.66 GB |
196.12 GB |
14115 |
21.66% |
>160days |
138.78 GB |
11227 |
15.32% |
/star/data19 |
>60 days |
696.64 GB |
156.17 GB |
12261 |
22.42% |
>160days |
88.87 GB |
8229 |
12.76% |
/star/data20 |
>60 days |
773.98 GB |
188.46 GB |
12299 |
24.35% |
>160days |
88.46 GB |
8298 |
11.39% |
/star/data21 |
>60 days |
710.00 GB |
189.90 GB |
12989 |
26.75% |
>160days |
111.88 GB |
9443 |
15.76% |
/star/data22 |
>60 days |
706.21 GB |
199.16 GB |
15688 |
28.19% |
>160days |
143.76 GB |
12504 |
20.36% |
/star/data24 |
>60 days |
798.54 GB |
213.04 GB |
17424 |
30.17% |
>160days |
151.88 GB |
13661 |
19.02% |
/star/data25 |
>60 days |
739.33 GB |
186.02 GB |
13804 |
25.17% |
>160days |
124.57 GB |
10678 |
16.86% |
/star/data26 |
>60 days |
798.36 GB |
528.72 GB |
13277 |
66.23% |
>160days |
497.14 GB |
11098 |
62.27% |
/star/data27 |
>60 days |
753.46 GB |
191.43 GB |
13667 |
25.36% |
>160days |
106.11 GB |
9768 |
14.08% |
/star/data28 |
>60 days |
797.47 GB |
204.35 GB |
13886 |
25.60% |
>160days |
118.36 GB |
9780 |
14.85% |
/star/data29 |
>60 days |
782.30 GB |
219.58 GB |
14096 |
28.08% |
>160days |
133.82 GB |
9763 |
17.11% |
/star/data30 |
>60 days |
812.72 GB |
122.56 GB |
8139 |
15.08% |
>160days |
61.27 GB |
4771 |
7.54% |
/star/data31 |
>60 days |
763.81 GB |
128.72 GB |
9629 |
16.78% |
>160days |
79.06 GB |
6735 |
10.35% |
/star/data32 |
>60 days |
1.54 TB |
353.22 GB |
23165 |
22.38% |
>160days |
178.26 GB |
14833 |
11.30% |
/star/data33 |
>60 days |
762.93 GB |
148.00 GB |
9974 |
19.42% |
>160days |
27.76 GB |
3957 |
3.64% |
/star/data34 |
>60 days |
1.45 TB |
428.74 GB |
26467 |
28.83% |
>160days |
208.23 GB |
15771 |
14.02% |
/star/data35 |
>60 days |
1.43 TB |
441.51 GB |
25620 |
30.15% |
>160days |
17.36 GB |
1251 |
1.19% |
/star/data36 |
>60 days |
1.42 TB |
476.07 GB |
28960 |
32.74% |
>160days |
256.63 GB |
21073 |
17.65% |
/star/data37 |
>60 days |
1.33 TB |
388.87 GB |
26653 |
28.55% |
>160days |
200.03 GB |
16368 |
14.69% |
/star/data38 |
>60 days |
1.52 TB |
449.63 GB |
27038 |
28.85% |
>160days |
164.45 GB |
13917 |
10.57% |
/star/data39 |
>60 days |
1.47 TB |
446.78 GB |
26317 |
29.63% |
>160days |
150.30 GB |
14513 |
9.98% |
/star/data40 |
>60 days |
1.62 TB |
446.26 GB |
22080 |
26.90% |
>160days |
134.60 GB |
10104 |
8.11% |
/star/data41 |
>60 days |
1.70 TB |
523.73 GB |
29711 |
30.04% |
>160days |
188.62 GB |
15561 |
10.84% |
/star/data42 |
>60 days |
1.56 TB |
409.76 GB |
26833 |
25.65% |
>160days |
140.44GB |
13362 |
8.79% |
/star/data43 |
>60 days |
1.68 TB |
434.58 GB |
28622 |
25.26% |
>160days |
213.89 GB |
17479 |
12.43% |
/star/data44 |
>60 days |
1.70 TB |
500.49 GB |
28955 |
28.75% |
>160days |
181.79 GB |
15550 |
10.44% |
/star/data45 |
>60 days |
1.58 TB |
538.92 GB |
31417 |
33.25% |
>160days |
259.11 GB |
19413 |
16.02% |
/star/data46 |
>60 days |
5.34 TB |
1.76 TB |
52450 |
32.96% |
>160days |
737.01 GB |
32405 |
13.48% |
/star/data47 |
>60 days |
6.07 TB |
3.14 TB |
74679 |
51.73% |
>160days |
564.87 GB |
23736 |
9.09% |
/star/data48 |
>60 days |
5.18 TB |
2.49 TB |
82906 |
48.07% |
>160days |
887.51 GB |
42679 |
16.73% |
/star/data53 |
>60 days |
1.34 TB |
492.05 GB |
30129 |
35.86% |
>160days |
248.89 GB |
23693 |
18.14% |
/star/data54 |
>60 days |
1.20 TB |
420.97 GB |
28666 |
34.26% |
>160days |
294.70 GB |
22135 |
23.98% |
/star/data55 |
>60 days |
759.39 GB |
475.69 GB |
20009 |
62.58% |
>160days |
258.48 GB |
17584 |
34.04% |
This page will contain results for different IO performance made on the RCF hardware. The performances tests are based on 2 programs
Two test nodes, named eastwood and newman, are configured for testing in summer 2008.
Testing is performed under Scientific Linux 5.1 unless otherwise stated.
See also You do not have access to view this node.
The basic hardware specs common to both nodes:
Manufacturer: Penguin Computing
Model: Relion 230
Dual Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.06GHz, w/ Hyper-threading
2 GB RAM, PC2100
6 IDE disks, 200GB each, all Western Digital "Caviar" series, model numbers starting with WD2000JB (there are some variations in the sub-model numbers, but I could find no documentation as to the distinctions amongst them). Manufactured in late 2003 or early 2004.
The disks are on two controllers:
--onboard, Intel Corporation 82801CA Ultra ATA Storage Controller with 2 channels
--PCI card, Promise Technology, Inc. PDC20268 (Ultra100 TX2)
There are some RAID configurations that would not make much sense, such as combining a master and slave from the same channel into an array, beacuse of the inherent limitation of IDE/ATA that the master and slave on a single channel cannot be accessed simultaneously.
Initial testing configuration is as follows:
On eastwood, no RAID is configured, and all drives are independent (other than the IDE master/slave connection). The drives are configured as follows:
On newman two software RAID arrays are confrigured in addition to the system disk:
Here are some additional tests that have occured to me, in no particular order:
( )
The original IOperf code would not compile:
[root@dh34 ioperf]# make
cc -lm -o Ioperf ioperf.c
ioperf.c: In function 'main':
ioperf.c:133: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
ioperf.c:133: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
ioperf.c:133: error: for each function it appears in.)
ioperf.c: In function 'get_timer':
ioperf.c:477: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
make: *** [Ioperf] Error 1
Comments in /usr/include/time.h and /usr/include/bits/time.h lead me to think that "CLK_TCK" is just an obsolete name for CLOCKS_PER_SEC, though this struck me odd, because ioperf code is also using CLOCKS_PER_SEC for CLK_SCALE.
I modified ioperf.h, changing
# define SCALE CLK_TCK
and it compiled, but there is clearly a problem with the real timing scale factor (perhaps simply off by 1 million?).
So for now, these "real time" results are obviously not realistic numbers, BUT, they are would probably be correct in relative (ratio) terms -- twice as fast is twice as fast. The CPU % is meaningless for the same reason.
Another limitation (and more important for our purposes) in the "stock" ioperf appears to be a 2GB file size limit. To get around this, I added "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" to the CFLAGS line in the makefile. I was able to write a 39GB file after this, but there is an overflow at some point in one or more variables, because the printed filesize was -1989672960 in the standard output. (Even at 8GB, the file size overflow appears). While the html output has a different filesize that the standard output, it too appears to be incorrect above a certain point. For instance, look at the third example below, in which the file size should be 8GB, but is instead only ~4GB.
With these two oddities (wrong real times and file sizes), I don't see much point in generating a lot of results at this time.
JUNE 27 update. With some wanton changes of int, long int and size_t to 'long long int' in declarations and casting of the ioperf code, I was able to get correct file sizes everywhere (?) for a test with 8GB file size. This still leaves the timing issue unresolved, so the actual rates are still not meaningful, I don't think, but now perhaps the results will at least be able to be contrasted amongst the different filesystems for relative differences.
On to some results:
Ioperf -l 5 -s 100 -n 100000 -html -w -m eastwood-hda:
Block IO | Character | Random | ||||||||||||||
fwrite | fread | putc | getc | seek | ||||||||||||
Machine | KB | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU |
eastwood-hda | 400000 | 372786579.68 | 141342.76 | 263746.51 | 2325581395.35 | 232558.14 | 1000000.00 | 275292498.28 | 40444.89 | 680660.70 | 507614213.20 | 50697.08 | 1001269.04 | 23418764.99 | 2341.88 | 1000000.00 |
eastwood-hda | 400000 | 376470588.24 | 141843.97 | 265428.39 | 2325581395.35 | 233236.15 | 997093.02 | 273130761.35 | 40120.36 | 680777.51 | 507292327.20 | 50664.98 | 1001268.23 | 23418764.99 | 2344.69 | 998800.96 |
eastwood-hda | 400000 | 377477194.09 | 142180.09 | 265503.81 | 2325581395.35 | 233009.71 | 998062.02 | 273473108.48 | 40053.40 | 682775.59 | 502512562.81 | 50209.21 | 1000845.49 | 23344123.51 | 2336.27 | 999200.64 |
eastwood-hda | 400000 | 377982518.31 | 142348.75 | 265541.52 | 2325581395.35 | 232558.14 | 1000000.00 | 273224043.72 | 40000.00 | 683062.62 | 500469189.87 | 50031.27 | 1000325.09 | 23320895.52 | 2332.09 | 999995.72 |
eastwood-hda | 400000 | 377073906.49 | 142450.14 | 264720.80 | 2322880371.66 | 232558.14 | 998843.93 | 273410799.73 | 39952.06 | 684352.77 | 499625281.04 | 49975.01 | 999763.80 | 23306980.91 | 2329.59 | 1000472.76 |
Ioperf -l 5 -s 100 -n 100000 -html -w -m newman-hda:
Block IO | Character | Random | ||||||||||||||
fwrite | fread | putc | getc | seek | ||||||||||||
Machine | KB | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU |
newman-hda | 400000 | 349650349.65 | 140350.88 | 249125.87 | 2325581395.35 | 232558.14 | 1000000.00 | 268456375.84 | 41025.64 | 654362.42 | 506970849.18 | 50697.08 | 1000000.00 | 23141291.47 | 2308.66 | 1002369.67 |
newman-hda | 400000 | 351185250.22 | 141843.97 | 247578.81 | 2325581395.35 | 232558.14 | 1000000.00 | 263504611.33 | 40962.62 | 643481.34 | 506970849.18 | 50729.23 | 999366.29 | 23086583.92 | 2305.93 | 1001184.83 |
newman-hda | 400000 | 355977454.76 | 141843.97 | 251054.37 | 2330097087.38 | 233009.71 | 1000000.00 | 259852750.11 | 41025.64 | 633791.60 | 507185122.57 | 50718.51 | 1000000.54 | 23086583.92 | 2308.66 | 1000001.87 |
newman-hda | 400000 | 353904003.54 | 142095.91 | 249160.34 | 2325581395.35 | 232558.14 | 1000000.00 | 261865793.78 | 41025.64 | 638715.02 | 507292327.20 | 50729.23 | 1000000.40 | 23086583.92 | 2307.29 | 1000592.42 |
newman-hda | 400000 | 354421407.05 | 142146.41 | 249417.40 | 2322880371.66 | 232288.04 | 1000000.00 | 263608804.53 | 41017.23 | 643131.80 | 507356671.74 | 50748.54 | 999746.51 | 23097504.73 | 2307.57 | 1000947.87 |
(All this shows is that the two machines perform almost identically, as expected,since they are the same hardware.)
Ioperf -l 5 -s 100 -n 2000000 -html -w -m eastwood-hda
Block IO | Character | Random | ||||||||||||||
fwrite | fread | putc | getc | seek | ||||||||||||
Machine | KB | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU |
eastwood-hda | 3805696 | 185888536.12 | 64921.46 | 286328.33 | 193546050.96 | 103697.44 | 186644.97 | 177961000.70 | 19129.87 | 930278.23 | 195073863.35 | 23687.89 | 823517.35 | 11054431.89 | 1105.44 | 1000000.00 |
eastwood-hda | 3805696 | 82291879.40 | 29158.53 | 282278.70 | 86875854.88 | 46547.99 | 186637.18 | 80702092.49 | 8594.50 | 939085.77 | 87483051.72 | 10636.85 | 822453.78 | 11054431.89 | 1105.31 | 1000118.98 |
eastwood-hda | 3805696 | 48867732.72 | 17233.71 | 283610.19 | 51358024.69 | 27474.19 | 186932.21 | 47592167.71 | 5070.20 | 938725.47 | 51647935.60 | 6283.02 | 822025.09 | 11033428.33 | 1103.21 | 1000118.75 |
eastwood-hda | 3805696 | 32029118.79 | 11267.06 | 284316.11 | 33571635.68 | 17943.67 | 187094.82 | 31230001.18 | 3316.26 | 941804.92 | 33758817.36 | 4104.79 | 822425.98 | 11039327.51 | 1103.87 | 1000059.31 |
eastwood-hda | 3805696 | 21913097.65 | 7686.38 | 285134.41 | 22880094.31 | 12236.46 | 186983.55 | 21257190.34 | 2260.60 | 940410.63 | 23025180.52 | 2798.51 | 822765.06 | 11040245.73 | 1103.97 | 1000047.45 |
No explanation why the Block IO and character results decreased so dramatically with each iteration... (FWIW, according to the ioperf man page, each iteration is an average of the current result with all previous results, so it would seem that the first iteration was much faster than subsequent iterations for some reason...) This may be a side effect of the incorrect filesize, since there is an overflowed variable going into the calculations.
June 27 update: at least the file sizes are now as expected with an 8GB file after some changes to make variables long long ints:
Block IO | Character | Random | ||||||||||||||
fwrite | fread | putc | getc | seek | ||||||||||||
Machine | KB | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU | KB/sec Real | KB/sec CPU | %CPU |
newman-hda | 8000000 | 389863547.76 | 123057.99 | 316812.87 | 516295579.22 | 171710.67 | 300677.64 | 367073506.47 | 39414.69 | 931311.37 | 409563303.13 | 49200.49 | 832437.41 | 171026707.53 | 17102.67 | 1000000.00 |
First, a note -- There is some duplication in testing, because I reran all the original tests (which did not include small file operations on large files) using full coverage in the second test round. For what it's worth, I have not seen any surprises in this region.
Attached Excel files include test results for the test filesystems, using the IOzone's default test suite with files up to 4GB. All test results are plotted in the attached files, however there is no attempt to make the vertical scales them identical, so be sure to check the vertical scales before making any comparisons! I may attempt to add a plotting routine that will find the maximum within all test results (eg, maximum of all Writer tests, maximum of all Reader tests, etc.) and plot all the individual test results with the same maximum (ie. all Writer graphs would have the same vertical scale and coloring), so the graphs can be directly compared without having to look at the vertical scaling, but this is a bit more work.
Typical commands are:
The meanings of the file name components:
"eastwood" or "newman" are the hostanmes
"hdX" or "raidX" are the device names. hda, hdg, hdh, raid0 and raid5 have ext3 filesystems, while hdc, hde and hdf have ext2.
"full" in the file name indicates test coverage throughout the test range. If "full" isn't in the file name, then the region of small operations on large file sizes was not tested.
"with_flush" indicates -e was used.
"4G" means the maximum file size tested.
"1GBRAM" means the system's RAM was reduced from 2GB to 1GB during the test. (NB -- these tests are underway as I write this.)
I have tried to make performance comparisons one by one between various filesystems and I'll describe some findings of the individual comparisons, followed by some summary thoughts. <Need to update this section more carefully>
eg, eastwood's hda (ext3/system disk) vs eastwood's hdc (ext2) or
eastwood's hde (ext2) vs eastwood's hdg (ext3) or
eastwood's hdf (ext2) vs eastwood's hdh (ext3):
Read performance is essentially indistinguishable, with a few anomolous variations here and there.
Writing to ext2 is almost universally faster than writing to ext3, which is to be expected because of the overhead to keep the journal on ext3. Somewhat surprising to me, in writing small files (in which most or all of the work is done in memory and flushed to disk later), ext2 writes could be 1.5-2.5 times faster than ext3 writes. As the file size gets larger (exceeding the system's available RAM for caching/buffering), ext2's writing advantage diminishes to only about ~15-25% for random writes and further down to about 10% for linear writes. Writing a bunch of small chunks to a large file is less efficient, especially when a journal is involved, than writing the same data in fewer large chunks When issuing a lot of write commands, ext2 will gain more over ext3.
eg. eastwood's hde (a "master" with ext2) vs eastwood's hdf (a "slave" with ext2) or
eastwood's hdg ("master"/ext3) vs eastwood's hdh ("slave"/ext3):
hde vs hdf is essentially indistinguishable in all tests. This is as expected -- the "master" and "slave" designations are not really meaningful terms anymore (and in fact, the terms are no longer used in recent ATA specifications). hdg has a slight (~5%) edge over hdh in most disk-bound operations -- I'm going to dismiss this as insignificant for the time being.
eg. eastwood's hda vs newman's hda:
Since the machines are identical (or very, very nearly so), little or no variation is expected, but it doesn't seem to have worked out that way... For the large file sizes (disk-bound operations), write performances are indistinguishable (if anything, eastwood has a slight edge), but for some reason reads on newman were consistently faster than on eastwood, by 20-25% (maxing out at ~55MB/sec compared to ~45MB/sec). I don't have any explanation for this. In fact, on eastwood, writing was faster than reading in comparable tests! This is certainly a surprising result...
eg., eastwood's hda (Intel 82801CA controller onboard) vs. eastwood's hdg (Promise Technology PDC20268 PCI card) or
eastwood's hdc (Intel 82801CA controller onboard) vs eastwood's hde (Promise Technology PDC20268 PCI card) :
(caveats about this comparison -- hda is a system disk (/), so may have some slight contention with system operations during the test, and the disks on the two different controllers are not exactly the same models -- the major model numbers are all the same, but the minor revision numbers are different. I couldn't find any documentation about the differences between the minor versions.)
The disks on the Promise Controller are consistently faster than those on the Intel controller. Typical performance comparison is 40-50MB/sec on the Intel controller vs 60-70 MB/sec on the Promise controller. To investigate if this is a controller difference, or a difference in the minor disk versions, I could swap some disks around and see if the performance stays with the Controller, or follows the disk around. If you read this and would like to see this tried, let me know, otherwise I won't give it a high priority. :-)
eg., eastwood's hdh vs newman's raid0 (Why cross machines instead of comparing newman-hda to newman-raid0? Because as we saw on eastwood (above), the drives on the Intel controller are consistently slower than the drives on the Promise controller. The RAID0 array on newman consists of two drives on the Promise controller, so it seems better to compare it to eastwood drives on the Promise controller, rather than a drive on the Intel controller on newman.)
The RAID0 array is 50-100% faster in almost all cases, pretty much as one would expect, when both disks are able to be issued commands simultaneously. The overhead of software RAID in this case appears negligible. Where the advantage is least is when the RAIDed disks are not necessarily accessible simultaneously, because subsequent accesses may be on a single drive. An extreme example of this appears to be in the stride-read results using small accesses, where the single disk is actually faster. (Stride reading is reading a chunk of size X, seeking ahead Y bytes, reading X bytes, seeking Y bytes again and repeating.) For certain values of X and Y (and depending on the RAID stripe size), reads may all occur on the same disk, negating the RAID0 advantage (or perhaps even giving the single disk the edge, may be the case for a couple of these test results, though the ouperformance of the single disk in these two cases is beyond any explanation I can come up with. The IOzone documentation does not explain the relation ship between the "chunk size" variable and X and Y.
The RAID5 array on newman includes disks on both controllers (specifically hdc on the Intel controller and hde and hdg on the Promise controller) and is also a mixture of minor disk versions, so there's no other filesystem to compare it to that is "fair". The hdc drive (or Intel controller) might be "crippling" it, or at least acting as a bottleneck. Compared to eastwood's hdg, the overall performance is relatively close, with the RAID5 array generally having an edge on reading, but falling behind in writing. I'm unwilling to try to draw any conclusions from these RAID5 test results, and I doubt there is any configuration of disks possible with this particular hardware to form a "good" RAID5 array. Ideally we should have three (or more) SCSI or SATA drives on a fast PCI (-X, -E, whatever) bus, which is the sort of thing we'd have with any recent server hardware.
We can look a bit at the effect(s) of parallel/multi-threaded applications on performance. I have run some tests with multiple threads accessing the disk, which is likely frequently the case with STAR offline database servers. Some analysis will follow shortly...
Five samples of the following:
On eastwood:
On newman:
Timing cached reads (MB/s) | Timing buffered disk reads (MB/s) |
eastwood - LV on hda | 1162.59 +/- 3.84 | 54.39 +/- 0.42 |
eastwood - hda1 | 1167.32 +/- 2.31 | 54.55 +/- 0.21 | |
eastwood - hdc1 | 1168.34 +/- 4.75 | 35.95 +/- 0.68 | |
eastwood - hdc1 *** | 1027.43 +/- 4.89 | 42.65 +/- 0.39 |
*** -- for this test, I moved this disk to the Promise controller in position hde1 to see if it would improve. While there appears to be improvement in this test, the IOzone results show no improvement. Even with this "improved" hdparm result, it is clear this disk really is inferior for some reason. |
eastwood - hde1 | 1167.39 +/- 3.41 | 57.5 +/- 0.04 | |
eastwood - hdf1 | 1167.72 +/- 2.03 | 59.34 +/- 0.26 | |
eastwood - hdg1 | 1166.46 +/- 2.63 | 57.27 +/- 0.09 | |
eastwood - hdh1 | 1166.20 +/- 3.59 | 54.36 +/- 0.10 | |
newman - LV on hda | 1180.26 +/- 10.32 | 51.70 +/- 1.51 | |
newman - md0 (RAID5) | 1211.01 +/- 43.51 | 66.67 +/- 0.30 | |
newman - md1 (RAID0) | 1197.65 +/- 15.77 | 113.67 +/- 0.45 |
Items of note:
Here are the test commands, using 1GB write/read and then 10GB write/read:
time dd if=/dev/zero of=/$drive/ bs=1024 count=1000000
time dd of=/dev/zero if=/$drive/ bs=1024 count=1000000
time dd if=/dev/zero of=/$drive/ bs=1024 count=10000000
time dd of=/dev/zero if=/$drive/ bs=1024 count=10000000
This sequence was run once on eastwood and five times on newman. (hda on eastwood was tested twice (by accident, but with surprisingly different results in the 10GB tests)). This is essentially an idealized test, the results of which are unlikely to be matched in a production system -- during this test there should be little or no rotational or seek latency (because the disks are mostly empty and the reading and writing proceeds sequentially, rather than randomly, plus there should be no contention from multiple processes.)
DRIVE | OPERATION | REAL (s) | USER | SYS | dd TIME | dd RATE (MB/s) |
eastwood - hda | 1GB write | 9.848 | 0.436 | 7.947 | 9.84596 | 104 |
eastwood - hda | 1GB read | 2.426 | 0.401 | 2.026 | 2.42409 | 422 |
eastwood - hda | 10GB write | 287.458 | 5.170 | 88.529 | 286.89 | 35.7 |
eastwood - hda | 10GB read | 289.671 | 3.647 | 24.788 | 289.328 | 35.4 |
eastwood - hda | 1GB write | 12.032 | 0.512 | 8.462 | 11.0798 | 92.4 |
eastwood - hda | 1GB read | 2.734 | 0.402 | 2.333 | 2.73233 | 375 |
eastwood - hda | 10GB write | 203.015 | 5.146 | 89.103 | 202.397 | 50.6 |
eastwood - hda | 10GB read | 192.057 | 4.195 | 24.033 | 191.866 | 53.4 |
eastwood - hdc | 1GB write | 6.242 | 0.386 | 4.273 | 6.22181 | 165 |
eastwood - hdc | 1GB read | 2.695 | 0.434 | 2.262 | 2.69342 | 380 |
eastwood - hdc | 10GB write | 232.640 | 3.874 | 44.764 | 232.588 | 44 |
eastwood - hdc | 10GB read | 253.590 | 3.583 | 26.264 | 253.474 | 40.4 |
eastwood - hdc (moved to Promise controller)*** | 1GB write | 4.594±0.011 | 0.4582±0.009 | 4.136±0.015 | 4.592±0.011 | 223±0.7 |
eastwood - hdc (moved to Promise controller)*** | 1GB read | 2.604±0.010 | 0.4512±0.015 | 2.154±0.015 | 2.602±0.010 | 393.4±1.5 |
eastwood - hdc (moved to Promise controller)*** | 10GB write | 231.193±0.923 | 4.3206±0.095 | 45.051±0.144 | 231.146±0.907 | 44.28±0.16 |
eastwood - hdc (moved to Promise controller)*** | 10GB read | 222.119±0.458 | 3.758±0.048 | 26.514±0.724 | 222.074±0.451 | 46.14±0.09 |
eastwood - hde | 1GB write | 5.920 | 0.377 | 4.295 | 5.86033 | 175 |
eastwood - hde | 1GB read | 2.680 | 0.415 | 2.266 | 2.67825 | 382 |
eastwood - hde | 10GB write | 185.871 | 4.072 | 44.518 | 185.808 | 55.1 |
eastwood - hde | 10GB read | 192.924 | 3.648 | 25.640 | 192.841 | 53.1 |
eastwood - hdf | 1GB write | 5.864 | 0.395 | 4.293 | 5.8289 | 176 |
eastwood - hdf | 1GB read | 2.691 | 0.401 | 2.290 | 2.68856 | 381 |
eastwood - hdf | 10GB write | 174.073 | 3.899 | 44.818 | 174.004 | 58.8 |
eastwood - hdf | 10GB read | 282.014 | 3.847 | 27.576 | 281.878 | 36.3 |
eastwood - hdg | 1GB write | 11.149 | 0.489 | 8.396 | 11.1013 | 92.2 |
eastwood - hdg | 1GB read | 2.721 | 0.440 | 2.281 | 2.71868 | 377 |
eastwood - hdg | 10GB write | 181.620 | 5.316 | 87.690 | 181.573 | 56.4 |
eastwood - hdg | 10GB read | 183.700 | 3.880 | 24.359 | 183.613 | 55.8 |
eastwood - hdh | 1GB write | 10.714 | 0.536 | 8.175 | 10.6598 | 96.1 |
eastwood - hdh | 1GB read | 2.710 | 0.427 | 2.284 | 2.7075 | 378 |
eastwood - hdh | 10GB write | 190.202 | 5.180 | 87.511 | 190.156 | 53.9 |
eastwood - hdh | 10GB write | 194.078 | 4.013 | 24.908 | 194.012 | 52.8 |
newman - hda | 1GB write | 10.670±1.308 | 0.504±0.026 | 8.242±0.065 | 10.628±1.281 | 97.6 ±12.99 |
newman - hda | 1GB read | 3.582±1.222 | 0.440±0.012 | 2.281±0.041 | 2.720±0.043 | 376.6 ±6.0 |
newman - hda | 10GB write | 269.355±5.300 | 5.173±0.131 | 88.529±0.373 | 268.738±5.294 | 38.1 ±0.7 |
newman - hda | 10GB read | 211.516±4.548 | 4.331±0.263 | 24.237±0.281 | 211.124±1.035 | 48.5 ±1.0 |
newman - raid0 | 1GB write | 10.012±0.459 | 0.525±0.029 | 8.605±0.128 | 9.972±0.453 | 102.9 ±4.6 |
newman - raid0 | 1GB read | 2.764±0.029 | 0.426±0.020 | 2.338±0.043 | 2.762±0.029 | 370.8 ±3.7 |
newman - raid0 | 10GB write | 123.691±3.427 | 5.130±0.378 | 86.677±0.700 | 123.636±3.427 | 82.9 ± 2.4 |
newman - raid0 | 10GB read | 88.485±1.196 | 3.969±0.198 | 25.252±0.263 | 88.415±1.180 | 115.8 ±1.5 |
newman - raid5 | 1GB write | 9.701±0.158 | 0.535±0.010 | 8.923±0.070 | 9.693±0.156 | 105.6 ±1.7 |
newman - raid5 | 1GB read | 2.974±0.103 | 0.439±0.029 | 2.535±0.115 | 2.971±0.104 | 345.0 ±12.2 |
newman - raid5 | 10GB write | 205.112±2.087 | 5.692±0.106 | 100.492±0.552 | 205.090±2.068 | 49.9 ±0.5 |
newman - raid5 | 10GB read | 156.661±0.334 | 4.528±0.343 | 38.091±1.381 | 156.623±0.347 | 65.4 ±0.2 |
Some conclusions and general suggestions, some based on the data, some on general principles:
1. RAID0 can significantly improve performance over a single drive, if it isn't bottlenecked by some other limitation of the hardware. Of course, for X drives in the array, it is X times more likely to suffer a failure than a single drive. From the test results so far, not much can be said about RAID5. On principle however, RAID5 should outperform bare drives and be a bit worse than RAID0. Like RAID0, it should improve as more drives are added (within reason).
2. The limitations of P-ATA/IDE drives and controllers are something to watch out for when planning drive layouts. (Fortunately, IDE is
obsolete at this point, so this is unlikely to be a factor in future purchases.)
3. Those filesystems that will be accessed the most should be put on disks in such a way as to allow simultaneous access if at all possible.
In the case of STAR database servers, /tmp (or wherever temp space is directed to), swap space and the database files (and if possible, system
files) should all be on individual drives (and in the case of IDE drives, on separate channels). (Of course, if servers are having to go
into swap space at all, then performance is already suffering, and more RAM would probably help more than anything else.)
4. For the STAR database server slaves, if they are using tmp space (whether /tmp or redirected somewhere else), then as is the case with using swap space, more RAM would likely help, but to gain a bit in writing to the temp space, make it ext2 rather than ext3, whether RAIDed or not. Presumably it matters not if the filesystem gets corrupted during a crash -- at worst, just reformat it. It is after all, only temp space...
A few tools and middleware and deployed on our nodes for monitoring, sanity or integraty checking purposes. We will describe here the basic setup of some of those with hope it will ease installation on your end.
Ganglia is a resource information gathering tools and a monitoring system in general. Ganglia was designed to be scalable but there are a few tips and tricks you may want to know and/or follow for a smooth deployment on your cluster. This page is meant to provide such help. Ganglia packages are available from
Note first that the BNL install of this tool is based on version 3.5.0 and so are the instructions below. It is likely you will find a copy of the package in the form of a Gzip TAR archive in the /afs/ tree (search for -name 'ganglia*')where miscellaneous packages are placed for setting up our environment.
First of all, grab the package from source force. The packages comes in three parts
A monitor core component which include client only (gmond) and collector(gmetad).
rrdtools - this needs to be installed ONLY on the node on which you will deploy the Ganglia collector gmetad.
Note that gmetad will be build only if a version of the rrdtools is installed on the system. There is NO need to start multiple collectors. The decision of if a gmetad has to be deployed or not is only a logical structure decision. For example, grouping all of your compute nodes together (one gmetad running on a chosen node) could be one choice, all of your generic servers together (db and other service/servers including your Web-Server) could be another choice. At the end, if this information has to be useful, you have to create that logical separation right away. Especially, the Compute nodes should be together and this group should NOT include processors and/or nodes where no user jobs will run. If your farm is logically separated in sub-cluster or resources allocated to different groups, I would suggest to create as many categories as necessary to re-create this logical sub-division of CPU resources.
Ganglia Web front-end - this is ONLY needed on the web front-end. Usually, there would be one such deployment per cluster (but you may also deploy on many nodes to create redundancies).
Each package is very straight forward and unless otherwise specified, use the usual software build/install procedure
% ./configure % make % make installI won't say anything here ... You chose to install the packages wherever you see fit for your cluster providing you take notes of a few aspects of changing the default location for installs.
I would first install the Ganglia collector(s). It was noted already how to decide where a collector needs to be deployed. At BNL, we have a few; one of them is running on the web server where the web front-end is deployed, creating a "server" category (see below) and one running on a dedicated node collecting information about the Analysis and Reconstruction farm. To install gmetad, do this
Install first rrdtools on all nodes which will do the data collection.
This should not be more that our Web server in the current offline STAR deployment.
Note from the 3.5.0: unlike the previous version of ganglia, version 3.x+ adds a dependency in libart.
The installation could be confusing as default locations are assumed and the recommendation is to do the following:
% ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-tcl ^_ because ganglia will be a pain otherwise ^_ because we don't care of tcl ^_ pain <=> because libart installed in /usr/local by default but ganglia will look into /usr (bummer!)
Install the core monitor package. Note that gmetad program is installed during the 'make install' process.
Create a round-robin database (rrd) file or rrds file.
I used a pseudo-device for the RRD database. This greatly improve Ganglia's efficiency as the IO is made at OS level to a single file which in terns, do not make the machine to slow down under intensive IO (it may).
The file was created using
% dd if/dev/zero of=/home/var/ganglia/rrds.img bs=1024 count=262144(count is proportional to the size you need ; this is for a 256 MB file which is plenty)
% mke2fs -F /home/var/ganglia/rrds.img % mkdir /var/lib/ganglia/rrds % chown -R nobody /var/lib/ganglia/rrds
The mount in fstab looks like
/home/var/ganglia/rrds.img /var/lib/ganglia/rrds auto looop 0 0
Install the start up files. On Linux, it goes something like this
% cp ./gmetad/gmetad /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmetad % chkconfig --add gmetad % chkconfig --list gmetad gmetad 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Copy the default configuration file
% cp gmetad.conf /etc/
Adjust your gmetad.conf according to your need. Little needs to be done so, don't be too inventive as a start and leave most of the values as default. A few things you MUST change or check
trusted_host should be if you install the collector on a node also running the web front-end. Note that because this is configurable, you do not necessarily need to have gmetad running on the Web server. It can be a totally dedicated node for monitoring purposes only. Trusted host would have to be set to the host IP which will however connect to the gmetad service for pulling the information out and displaying them on the web pages. trusted_host is also used to allow other gmetad to get the information (chain or proxy like structure). This allows for a tree structure and aggregation of information.
rrd_rootdir. According to our example, this should be /var/lib/ganglia/rrds
data_source: it has to have a name your CPU will be grouped under. At BNL, we have
data_source "STAR_RCF_Servers" 60 localhost
data_source "STAR CAS Linux Cluster" 60
There can be as many data_source as "groups" to be displayed on your page. There are all of the format $IP{:$PORT } (port is optional) ; the syntax localhost indicates to gmetad that it has to grab the information from a local service i.e. a gmond process running locally. The second syntax is a reference to a remote ganglia collector. In this case, the name "STAR CAS Linux Cluster" has little importance and will be ignored. That connection alone in fact could lead to displaying several groups by itself.
grid_name: a name you want to give to your groups. At BNL, we set this to "STAR Computing Resources" for the total aggregate of information.
To see how this configuration lead to an actual real structure, consult our BNL Ganglia pages. It will become more obvious.Now, deploy the web front-end on your web-server Just unpack the package and move the entire tree to a place were it can be accessed on your web server. For example
% mv we /var/www/html/Ganglia-3.0.5 % cd /var/www/html/ % rm -f Ganglia && ln -s Ganglia-3.0.5 ./GangliaYou should have this in place but it won't show anything until you get gmetad started and collecting. Before that, some adjustments need to be done. Note that for an update of the Web front-end, only the web directory need installing (so don't get over-zeleous replacing everything for a minor version correction).
In the web front-end directory, you will find a file named php.conf . If you have installed the RRD tools elsewhere than the default location, you may want to modify it. The value should be something like this for a /usr/local installation
You will have to make a few modifications to your PHP installation in case of a large cluster. This is done in /etc/php.ini. Two settings need adjustments
memory_limit = 16M
post_max_size = 16M
You should this only if the pages do not display or give an error about memory. The default values are 8 MB of memory which is little for a 400 nodes+ cluster.
You can now start gmetad
% /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmetad startObviously, it won't be exciting until you actually deploy the monitoring daemon gmond.
You are now ready to deploy gmond (and start it) on all the nodes in your cluster as defined by your logical groupings. You have to install the monitor core component but NOT the rrdtools. When installed, do the following
Usual install
% ./configure % make % make install
Copy the startup file and add the service (Linux example)
% cp ./gmond/gmond.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmond % chkconfig --add gmond % chkconfig --list gmond gmond 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Copy the configuration file
% cp ./gmond/gmond.conf /etc/Note that what I did is to create one gmond.conf (one common configuration per group is what you need, they should be different across groups) and then, pulled the appropriate configuration file on all the nodes. A few things to check in this configuration file
The block named cluster defines some parameters associated to the logical groupin you will be using
The field name MUST be set uniquely per group of nodes. For example
name = "STAR_RCF_Servers"
The next blocks of importance are udp_send_channel and udp_recv_channel
mcast_join is VERY important. mcast_join will tell Ganglia how to broadcast the information on the network. At BNL, I suggested the use a non-ambiguous yet unique set of number allowing to differentiate research groups or sub-groups within the department (so we would not sen information to each other). While this was in the old times of lose firewall/routing settings, the rule is good to keep and the convention I proposed was to use 239.2.$SUBNET.00 to those who are using Ganglia.
For the 88 STAR subnet, this would equate to
mcast_join = ""
In principle, you are done and ready to start
% /etc/rc.d/init.d/gmond start
Immediately after starting gmond, and providing you do have gmetad running, you should see the node appear on your web page. Note that all gmond collect information from each others (via multicast). The one running on your Web-server (if you have one) makes no difference. This explains our data_source entry to localhost.
Other Notes
Note again the syntax for data_source: you may specify several (redundant) gmond $IP:$PORT references for a given group.
.... udp_send_channel { host = localhost port = 8649 } /* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */ udp_recv_channel { port = 8649 }Then try to telnet again. If this time you get the matrix, you could be certain multi-casting is blocked on your node (revert to multi-cast setup and use the next tip).
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp -d --dport 8649 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p igmp -j ACCEPT
gmetric: you may add new matrices (customized) using the gmetric program. This could be useful to monitor extraneous features not covered by gmond. When you add or remove a matrix, you need to add it consistently to all nodes. Removing a matrix (or stopping it) on a few nodes DOES NOT make the graph associated to it disappear. In fact, you will have to go into the rrd database and physically remove the structure pertinent to a new matrix to have it gone from your web front-end regardless of if you have removed every instance of gmetric. Also, you will need to do that on ALL nodes having a copy of the data in their own rrd database. Shall a matrix appear even for a minute, a plot will appear and this manual removal will be needed.
Note that if you change the polling interval or any vital time bin information in gmond/gmetad, you will lose ALL historical data unless you take special care while doing so. At BNL, we changed the polling interval from 20 seconds to one minute to reduce network traffic and cope with CISCO deficient treatment of multi-cast requests. We then used script to modify the historical data without losing it.
% -v -H 180 -r /path/to/rrds/dirNote that the value 180 is 2-3 times the update interval. You have to do this operation in the following order
Start from the "slave" or mirror server first
Adjust the polling value in the configuration file (data_source)
stop gmetad
execute the convert script
restart gmetad
Only when all slaves or mirror of a collector are done shall you go up in the tree of gmetad dependencies
Content of
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Simple script to read ganglia's rrds and modify some of their configuration values.
# - Uses the tune and resize commands.
# Written by: Jason A. Smith <smithj4 {at}>
# Modules to use:
use RRDs; # Round Robin Database perl module (shared version) - from rrdtool package.
use RRDp; # Round Robin Database perl module (piped version) - from rrdtool package.
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
# Get the process name from the script file:
my $process_name = basename $0;
# Define some useful variables:
my $rrd_dir = '/var/lib/ganglia/rrds';
my $heartbeat = 0;
my $grow = 0;
my $shrink = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $num_files = 0;
# Get the command line options:
&print_usage if $#ARGV < 0;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; # Need this because I have two short options, same letter, different case.
GetOptions('r|rrds=s' => \$rrd_dir,
'H|heartbeat=i' => \$heartbeat,
'g|grow=i' => \$grow,
's|shrink=i' => \$shrink,
'v|verbose' => \$verbose,
'd|debug' => \$debug,
'h|help' => \&print_usage,
) or &print_usage;
# Recursively loop over ganglia's rrd directory, reading all directory and rrd files:
my $start = time;
chdir("/tmp"); # Let the rrdtool child process work in /tmp.
my $pid = RRDp::start "/usr/bin/rrdtool";
chdir("$rrd_dir") or die "$process_name: Error: Directory doesn't exist: $rrd_dir";
my $time = time - $start; $time = 1 if $time == 0;
my ($usertime, $systemtime, $realtime) = ($RRDp::user, $RRDp::sys, $RRDp::real);
my $status = RRDp::end;
# Print final stats:
warn sprintf "\n$process_name: Processed %d rrd files in %d seconds (%.1f f/p)\n\n", $num_files, $time, $num_files/$time;
# Exit:
exit $status;
# Function to read all directory entries, testing them for files & directories and processing them accordingly:
sub process_dir {
my ($dir) = @_;
my $cwd = getcwd;
warn "$process_name: Reading directory: $cwd ....\n";
foreach my $entry (glob("*")) {
if (-d $entry) {
} elsif (-f $entry) {
# Function to process a given rrd file:
sub process_rrd {
my ($file) = @_;
# Who owns the file (if resizing the file then I have to move the file & change the ownership back):
my ($uid, $gid) = (stat($file))[4,5];
# Read the rrd header and other useful information:
warn "$process_name: Reading rrd file: $file\n" if $debug;
my $info = RRDs::info($file);
my $error = RRDs::error;
warn "ERROR while reading $file: $error" if $error;
print "$file: ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$info], ['Info']) if $debug;
my $num_rra = 0; # Maximum index number of the RRAs.
foreach my $key (keys %$info) {
if ($key =~ /rra\[(\d+)\]/) {
$num_rra = $1 if $1 > $num_rra;
my ($start, $step, $names, $data) = RRDs::fetch($file, 'AVERAGE');
$error = RRDs::error;
warn "ERROR while reading $file: $error" if $error;
if ($debug) {
print "Start: ", scalar localtime($start), " ($start)\n";
print "Step size: $step seconds\n";
print "DS names: ", join (", ", @$names)."\n";
print "Data points: ", $#$data + 1, "\n";
# Set the heartbeat if asked to:
if ($heartbeat) {
foreach my $n (@$names) {
warn "$process_name: Updating heartbeat for DS: $file:$n to $heartbeat\n" if $verbose;
RRDs::tune($file, "--heartbeat=$n:$heartbeat");
$error = RRDs::error;
warn "ERROR while trying to tune $file:$n - $error" if $error;
# Resize the rrds if asked to (have to use the pipe module - resize doesn't exist in the shared version):
if ($grow or $shrink) {
my $action = $grow ? 'GROW' : 'SHRINK';
my $amount = $grow ? $grow : $shrink;
foreach my $n (0..$num_rra) {
my $cmd = "resize \"$file\" $n $action $amount";
warn sprintf "$process_name: %sING: %s:RRA[%d] by %d rows.\n", $action, $file, $n, $amount if $verbose;
my $answer = RRDp::read; # Returns nothing.
warn "$process_name: Renaming: /tmp/resize.rrd --> $file\n" if $verbose;
system("mv /tmp/resize.rrd $file");
chown $uid, $gid, $file if $uid or $gid;
# Print usage function:
sub print_usage {
print STDERR <<EndOfUsage;
Usage: $process_name [-Options]
-r|--rrds dir Location of rrds to read (Default: $rrd_dir).
-H|--heartbeat # Set heartbeat interval to # (Default: unchanged).
-g|--grow # Add # rows to all RRAs in rrds (Default: unchanged).
-s|--shrink # Remove # rows from all RRAs in rrds (Default: unchanged).
-v|--verbose Enable verbose mode (explicitly print all actions).
-d|--debug Enable debug mode (more detailed messages written).
-h|--help Print this help message.
Simple script to read ganglia's rrds and modify some of their configuration
exit 0;
# End file.
BNL uses BlueJean video conferencing for now.
However, STAR also uses the eZuce SRN (aka SeeVogh Research Network or SRN) as one of its video conferencing system. The information below pertain to eZuce (for BlueJean VTC, please consult the ITD pages).
Our research community STAR became part of the SeeVogh Research Network, managed by Evogh, Inc. in 2013, transitioning from EVO. The eZuce SeeVogh Research Network community subscription and authorization model was changed.
For our community, an authorization key is needed for a user to join the SRN "STAR community". The user will be prompted for this key when subscribing to the community via the SeeVogh Client.
The "key" is the older STAR protected password (not the current one as tSeeVogh seem to not accept special characters). You should NOT provide that key to a non-STAR member (obviously) and as usual, do NOT propagate it through Emails or widely distributed mailing lists - it should remain a local / internal to each group: if you do not know the "STAR protected password" in other words, ask your local colleagues.
Please note that the authorization is only for new users i.e. (a) new to STAR and/or a user creating a new account with aim to join the eZuce SRN STAR community or (b) existing users who wants to join our STAR/SRN community (many old EVO users were created under the "universe" community). If you were already registered as part of the EVO/STAR community, there is no action needed.
Note that joining the STAR/SRN community means having the right to book a meeting on behalf of STAR (hence, STAR and BNL will receive the bill at the end).
![]() |
The Point of Contact and administrator for the STAR SeeVogh community is J. Lauret (jlauret [at]
To achieve best conference quality, please make sure to follow the below rule of thumbs:
Each STAR users should have a personal web area on the RHIC/STAR cluster, starting from the physical location and directory /afs/$YOURUSERNAME/WWW . Since 2007 onward, you should NOT have administrative ACLs on this area. However, the area MUST have the following ACLs set for the Web server account tto be able to access your files:
Your personal pages will be accessible as If not, please send a note to starsofi Hypernews confirming and specifying you have followed the instructions above. In some instances, old ACLs get cached on the Web server side and your page may not be displayable before a service restart (AFS) is issued. For more information on setting ACLs in AFS, please consult the Guide to AFS and ACLs page.
Running CGIs on the STAR Web servers need to follow the below guidance and regulations:
More information is available below providing you are authenticated.
BNL Wireless or internal network are proxied network. Proxy is used to
Information explaining how to set a Web proxy for about all possible utilities and tools is available on The Information and Technology division (ITD) web server page Web Proxy configuration instructions. Instructions for other proxies (FTP, RealPlayer streaming,...) are also available.
Command line tools typically respect the value of http_proxy. The information for such manual proxy can be found as the IP provided here. As an example on how to set http_proxy,you will need to issue a command such as
setenv http_proxy # internal
setenv http_proxy # external
to have it all set. Note that on this page, by "outside BNL" one means outside the internal network (hence the Wireless).
AutoIndex provides the ability to have a directory structure automatically set with a nice browsing interface. There is no need to install this package in STAR. See You do not have access to view this node for more information.
In cgi-bin, We have a modified version of Frederic TYNDIUK's version of the Basic Graphical Counter. To set it up, just add lines similar to the below in your html page
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi?counter=test&digit=2">
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi?counter=test&digit=1">
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/counter.cgi?counter=test&digit=0&w">
The result would be:
This did set a three digits counter named test. Use a name appropriate for your page and be aware that changing names would make the counter reset to 0. Also, be careful to use only one &w as the counter needs to be incremented only once on the lowest digit.
counter.cgi accepts the following parameters
Parameter name |
Value |
Effect |
counter |
Any (string) |
Used to separate counters in classes. In the example above, all pages referencing counter=test if accessed, would share the same 'test' counter. |
digit |
(int) |
The digit to display. |
w |
This parameter do not need a value. Its effect is to increment the counter and it needs to appear only once per page (in short, use an arbitrary name relevant to your page). |
This is note is for STAR users only. External visitors of our Web pages do not need to accept cookies.
However, in order for several STAR-users tools to work (Hypernews, Drupal, RT, etc...), you MUST set your client to accept cookies from sites and (or the full domain {star.} To do this, here are a few recipes:
The Machine Learning focus group will span over PWG, hardware and computing activities that aim at developing and delivering machine learning techniques for STAR. As computational related, the pages starts under the S&C Drupal
Our main goal and is to see analysis techniques using ML to be presented and shared, discussed and improved as well as lesson learn and findings from analyzers passed from one to another for a mutually beneficial outcome. ML techniques are especially hard to optimize and your shared experience would be an asset to others. Similarly, we hope to see the development of GANs and other techniques that may propel the Physics capabilities of STAR (speed of GANs over standard simulator would be a huge step forward for STAR).
Jerome Lauret - S&C Leader 2018
First ML@STAR Workshop - March 7th 2019
ML Tools and Tutorials :
Tools -
Tutorials -
Useful Seminars/Workshops/Conferences :
For any questions/comments/suggestions please contact
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli ( & Daniel Brandenburg (
March 7th 2019
10:00 - 10:15 - Raghav and Daniel - News and Updates slides
10:00 - 10:30 [20+10] - George Halal (Lehigh) - Tagging Heavy Flavor Jets @ RHIC slides
10:30 - 11:00[ 20+10] - Georgy Ponimatkin (NPI, Czech Academy of Sciences) - slides
11:00 - 11:30 [20+10] - Nick Elsey (Wayne State) - slides
11:30 - 12:00 [20+10] - Te-Chuan Huang (National Cheng Kung University) - slides
Meeting URL
Meeting ID
710 170 152
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Cancelled talk -
[9:15 - 10:00 [30+15] - Abid Malik (BNL, CSI) ML Expertise and Capabilities @ Brookhaven] - cancelled today
Welcome to the STAR Embedding Pages!
Embedding data are generally used in STAR experiments for detector acceptance & reconstruction efficiency study. In general, the efficiency depends on running conditions, particle types, particle kinematics, and offline software versions. In principle, each physics analysis will need to formulate its own embedding requests by providing all the above relevant information. In STAR Collaboration, the embedding team is assigned to process those embedding requests and provide these embedding data, you can find out how the embedding team works in the Embedding structure page.
Over the past years, lots of embedding requests from different PWG's have been processed by the embedding team, please find the list in STAR Simulations Requests interface. If you want to look at some of these data, but do not know where these data are stored, please go to this page. If you can not find similar embedding request, you need to formulate your own embedding request for your particular study, please go to this page for more information about how to formulate an embedding request.
Please subscribe to the embedding mailing list if you are interested with embedding discussion:
And please join our weekly embedding meeting :
Embedding data were produced for each embedding request in the STAR Simulations Request page.
Normally, they will be stored in RCF NFS disks for a while for end users to do their analysis.
However, NFS disk space is very limited, and we have new requests constantly, the data will be finally moved
from disks to HPSS for permanent storage on tape, but they can be restaged to disk for analysis later.
In order to find the existing embedding either on disks or in HPSS. Please follow the procedures below:
1) Find the request ID of a particular request that you are interested in, in the STAR Simulations Request page.
You can use the "Search" box at the top right of this page. Once you find the entry, look at the 'Request History' tab for more information, usually the original NFS data directory (when the data was first produced) can be found there.
2) Currently, the RCF NFS disks for embedding data are /star/data105, /star/embed and /star/data18.
For the data directories of each request, please logon to RCF, look at '/star/data105', '/star/embed' or '/star/data18' to see whether the following directories exist:
/star/data105/embedding/${Trigger set name}/${Embeded Particle}_${fSet}_${RequestID}/
/star/embed/embedding/${Trigger set name}/${Embeded Particle}_${fSet}_${RequestID}/
/star/data18/embedding/${Trigger set name}/${Embeded Particle}_${fSet}_${RequestID}/
3) If they exist, you can further check whether all the ${fSet} from 'fSet min' to 'fSet max' are there. If all exist,
you can start to use it. If none of them are there or only some fraction of 'fSet' are there, write to the embedding list
and ask the Emebedding Coordinator to restage it to there from HPSS.
4) If you can not find the embedding data in this directory, the data must be in HPSS. Unfortunately, there is not a full list of data stored in HPSS yet. (For some data produced at RCF, Lidia maintains the list of embedding samples produced at RCF.) Please write to the embedding list, provide the request ID, Particle Name, file type (minimc.root, MuDst.root or event/geant.root), and ask the Embedding Coordinator to restage the data to NFS disk for you.
The full list of STAR embedding requests (Since August, 2010):
The operation status of each request can be viewed in its page and history.
The information below (and in sub-pages) are only valid to OLD STAR embedding requests.
Request status
- Currently pending requests
- Old Requests summary (circa Nov 2006)
New requests
Current Requests were either submitted using the cgi web interface before it had to be removed (September 2007) or via email to the embedding-hn hypernews list.
As such there is not a single source of information. The excel spreadsheet here is a summary of the known requests as of August 2008 (also pdf printout for those without access to excel). The co-ordinator should keep this updated.
Heavy flavour have also kept an up to date page with their extensive list of requests. See here.
[The spreadsheet was part of a presentation (ppt|pdf) in August 2008 on the state of embedding at the end of my tenure as EC - Lee Barnby]
In the near future we hope to have a dedicated drupal module available for entering embedding (and simulation) requests. This will have fields for all the required information and a work flow which will indicate the progress of the request. At the time of writing (August 2008) this is not available. A workable interim solution is to make requests using this page by selecting the 'Add Child Page' link. One should then write a page with the information for the request. Follow-up by members of the embedding team and requestors canthen use the 'Comment' facility on that page.
The following is required
This page is intended to provide details of embedding jobs currently in production.
ID | Date | Description | Status | Events | Notes |
1121704015 | Mon Jul 18 12:26:55 2005 | J/Psi Au+Au | Open | pgw Heavy | |
1127679226 | Fri Sep 16 20:34:17 2005 | Photon embedding for 62 GeV AuAu data for conversion analysis | Open | pgw High Pt | |
1126917257 | Sun Sep 25 16:13:46 2005 | AMPT full chain | Open | pgw EbyE | |
1130984157 | Wed Nov 2 21:15:57 2005 | pizero embedding in d+Au for EMCAL | Open | pgw HighPt | |
1138743134 | Tue Jan 31 16:32:14 2006 | dE/dx RUN4 @ high pT | Done | pgw Spectra | |
1139866250 | Mon Feb 13 16:30:50 2006 | Muon embedding RUN4 | Test Sample | pgw Spectra | |
1139868572 | Mon Feb 13 17:09:32 2006 | pi+/-, kaon+/-, proton/pbar embedding to RUN5 Cu+Cu 62 GeV data | open | pgw Spectra | |
1144865002 | Wed Apr 12 14:03:22 2006 | Lambda embedding for spectra (proton feeddown) | Open | pgw Strangeness | |
1146151888 | Thu Apr 27 11:31:28 2006 | pi,K,p 200 GeV Cu+Cu | Open | pgw Spectra | |
1146152319 | Thu Apr 27 11:38:39 2006 | K* for 62 GeV Cu+Cu | Open | pgw Spectra | |
1146673520 | Wed May 3 12:25:20 2006 | K* for 200 GeV Cu+Cu | Done | pgw Spectra | |
1148574792 | Thu May 25 12:33:12 2006 | Anti-alpha in 200 GeV AuAu | Closed | pgw Spectra | |
1148586109 | Thu May 25 15:41:49 2006 | He3 in 200GeV AuAu | Test Sample | pgw Spectra | |
1148586313 | Thu May 25 15:45:13 2006 | Deuteron in 200GeV AuAu | Done | pgw Spectra | |
1154003633 | Thu Jul 27 08:33:53 2006 | J/Psi embedding for pp2006 | Open | pgw Heavy | |
1154003721 | Thu Jul 27 08:35:21 2006 | Upsilon embedding for pp2006 | Open | pgw Heavy | |
1154003879 | Thu Jul 27 08:37:59 2006 | electron embedding for Cu+Cu 2005 | Test Sample | pgw Heavy | |
1154003931 | Thu Jul 27 08:38:51 2006 | pi0 embedding for Cu+Cu 2005 for heavy flavor group | open | pgw Heavy | |
1154003958 | Thu Jul 27 08:39:18 2006 | gamma embedding for Cu+Cu 2005 for heavy flavor group | open | pgw Heavy | |
1154004033 | Thu Jul 27 08:40:33 2006 | electron embedding for p+p 2005 for heavy flavor group (e-h correlations) | Test Sample | pgw Heavy | |
1154004074 | Thu Jul 27 08:41:14 2006 | pi0 embedding for p+p 2005 for heavy flavor group (e-h correlations) | Test Sample | pgw Heavy | |
1154626301 | Thu Aug 3 13:31:41 2006 | AntiXi Cu+Cu (P06ib) | Done | pgw Strangeness | |
1154626418 | Thu Aug 3 13:33:38 2006 | Xi Au+Au (P05ic) | Done | pgw Strangeness | |
1154626430 | Thu Aug 3 13:33:50 2006 | Omega Au+Au (P05ic) | Done | pgw Strangeness | |
1156254135 | Tue Aug 22 09:42:15 2006 | Phi in pp for spin-alignment | open | pgw Spectra | |
1163565625 | Tue Nov 14 23:40:25 2006 | muon CuCu 200 GeV | open | pgw Spectra | |
1163627909 | Wed Nov 15 16:58:29 2006 | muon CuCu 62 GeV | open | pgw Spectra | |
1163628205 | Wed Nov 15 17:03:25 2006 | phi CuCu 200 GeV | Test Sample | pgw Spectra | |
1163628539 | Wed Nov 15 17:08:59 2006 | K* pp 200 GeV (year 2005) | Open | pgw Spectra | |
1163628764 | Wed Nov 15 17:12:44 2006 | phi pp 200 GeV (year 2005) | Open | pgw Spectra |
Before submitting a new request, a double-check in the simulation request page is recommended, to see whether there are existing requests/data can be used. If not exist, one need to submit a new request. Please first read the 'Appendix A' in the embedding structure page for the rules to follow.
If the details of the embedding request has been thoroughly discussed within the PWG and hence approved by the PWG conveners. Please the PWG convener add a new request in the simulation request page and input all of the details there.
There are some key information that must be provided for each embedding request. (If you can not find some of the following items in the form, simply input it in the 'Simulation request description' box.)
Detailed information of the real data sample (to be embedded into).
vertex cut, and vertex selection method. for example, "|Vertex_z|<30cm", "Vr<2cm", "vertex is constrained by VPD vertex, |Vz-Vz_{VPD}|<3cm", "PicoVtxMode:PicoVtxVpdOrDefault, TpcVpdVzDiffCut:6" or "default highest ranked TPC vertex".
Details for simulation and reconstruction.
Finally, please think carefully about the number of events! The computing resources (i.e. the CPU cores and storage) are limited !
It is acceptable to modify the details of the request afterwards, although it will be of great help if all above detailed information can be provided when a new request is submitted, in order to avoid the time waste in communications. If this is inevitable, please notify the Embedding Coordinator immediately if the details of a request is modified, especially when the request is opened.
We start weekly embedding meeting at Tuesday 9am US eastern time, to discuss all embedding related topics.
The Zoom link can be found in below:
Topic: STAR weekly embedding meeting
Time: Tuesday 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 160 638 4145
Passcode: 597036
Meetings in 2025:
Passcode: #*36PhjP
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: &L7#Rj4u
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: g$*?022M
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: K2Dr%y8^
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: @8#A=1t$
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: P#F0jc&z
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: GL^CHK2*
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Meeting January 7, 2025
Passcode: w3Na*4r3
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Meetings in 2024:
Passcode: 7=hsgCj7
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: B*J1c.N8
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: MB4yxJ*y
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: hYA2MW=E
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: hL+B?#5@
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: i*g7YY3C
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: h6gZ^Znt
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: %F*9B1#.
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: RDNr&V%0
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: 0SN6F&E@
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: ^9bMy0Fs
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: tpV4ww^9
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: C*K#.$2U
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: P=.kN*94 (status around 15min~20minute)
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: y@2H0^xV
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: t9aA.3VJ
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: kD=&m2E!
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: @V*Ho39G
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production -
Passcode: 2!bipSh&
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production
Passcode: ^Z5u*E.h
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production -Xionghong Maowu, Xianglei
2) QA plot and discussion on e+e- embedding at 9.2 GeV, Zhen et al
3) Discussion on run12 jet substructure embedding set up, -Isaac, Youqi et al
Passcode: nF%2^bxU
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei, Pavel, Xionghong, Maowu
Passcode: F!wh0DTF
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: 9K*C!?KZ
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: KP*K5vNE
Agenda:1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: EAKp1*z%
1) Welcome Pavel Kisel to join the embedding team as deputy -Qinghua
2) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: ^$d54Gqm
1) Status of embedding production - Xianglei
2) Discussion of embedding planning -all
Passcode: bBQ=8@cS
1) Status of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: WwLTH@@7
1) Status of embedding production - Xianglei
2) Discussion of embedding plan for coming conferences -all
Passcode: +Z&Yn&A2
Agenda: 1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
Passcode: 5c+D0fVa
Agenda: 1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei et al
Passcode: %&d2nRb$
Agenda: 1) Status of embedding production-Xianglei; 2) Remaining embedding request & priority list- Sooraj and all
Passcode: %rGQ8w5%
Agenda: 1) Status and planning of embedding production - Xianglei
2) an example of base QA for embedding helpers -Yi Fang
Passcode: R7U@0z*D
1) Status of embedding production - Xianglei, all
2) Planning of remaining requests - all
Passcode: 50+kgTW*
Agenda: 1) Status of embedding (17.3 GeV production completed. ) Xianglei
2) embedding production planning
Passcode: y3?P.tPW
Passcode: 9EF4Y$ei
Agenda: 1) Status of embedding (found a DB tracking issue from Dec. 14, temporary patch applied. 17.3 GeV tuning underway. )
2) embedding production planning
*********************************Meeting in 2023***************************
Passcode: vcq*?*60
Passcode: Sbi46+=k
Agenda: 1) Status of embedding production - Xianglei (parameters tuned and testing sample for 11.5 GeV produced)
2) Discussion on the priority list of embedding request - Sooraj, Xianglei et al
Passcode: @3Q1yze!
Meeting Nov. 28, 2023,
Passcode: 90j9!kJ6
1) Status of embedding production -Xianglei
-summary: Testing sample available for 9.2GeV (pass base QA), need analyzer to look at them before official production. Started with 11.5GeV.
Passcode: jZP#xm61
1) Status of embedding production at 9.2 GeV Au+Au collision -Xianglei+all
- Brief summary: A few remaining issue-T0 offset tuning, iTPC gain tuning, transverse diffusion. Testing sample will be available in a few more days for QA.
2) Embedding planning, all
Passcode: Gz^g9*J3
ID |
% Complete | Duration | Start | Finish | Assigned people |
1 |
General QA consolidation
28% | 109 days? | Thu 11/16/06 | Tue 4/17/07 | |
2 | ||||||
3 |
25% | 37 days | Mon 12/18/06 | Tue 2/6/07 | |
4 |
Port old QA documentation to Drupal, define hierarchy
50% | 4 wks | Mon 12/18/06 | Fri 1/12/07 | Cristina Suarez[10%] |
5 |
Add general documentation descriptive of the embedding purpose
0% | 2 days | Mon 1/15/07 | Tue 1/16/07 | Lee Barnby[10%],Andrew Rose[10%] |
6 |
Add documentation as per the embedding procedure, diverse embedding
0% | 2 days | Mon 1/15/07 | Tue 1/16/07 | Lee Barnby[10%],Andrew Rose[10%] |
7 |
Import PDSF documentation into Drupal
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/17/07 | Tue 1/23/07 | Andrew Rose[10%] |
8 |
Review and adjust documentation
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/24/07 | Tue 1/30/07 | Olga Barranikova[10%],Andrew Rose[5%],Lee Barnby[5%] |
9 |
Deliver documentation to collaboration for comments
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/31/07 | Tue 2/6/07 | STAR Collaboration[10%] |
10 |
Drop all old documentation, adjust link (redirect)
0% | 1 day | Wed 1/31/07 | Wed 1/31/07 | Andrew Rose[15%],Jerome Lauret[15%] |
11 | ||||||
12 |
Line of authority, base conventions
84% | 52 days | Thu 11/16/06 | Fri 1/26/07 | |
13 |
Meeting with key personnel
100% | 1 day | Thu 11/16/06 | Thu 11/16/06 | Jerome Lauret[10%],Olga Barranikova[10%],Andrew Rose[10%],Lee Barnby[10%] |
14 |
Define responsibilities and scope of diverse individual in the embedding team
100% | 1 mon | Mon 12/4/06 | Fri 12/29/06 | Jerome Lauret[15%],Olga Barranikova[6%] |
15 |
Define file name convention, document final proposal
50% | 2 wks | Mon 1/15/07 | Fri 1/26/07 | Jerome Lauret[6%],Lee Barnby[6%],Lidia Didenko[6%],Andrew Rose[6%] |
16 | ||||||
17 |
Collaborative work
45% | 60 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 4/13/07 | |
18 |
General Cataloguing issues
0% | 9 days | Mon 1/29/07 | Thu 2/8/07 | |
19 |
Test Catalog registration, adjust as necessary
0% | 4 days | Mon 1/29/07 | Thu 2/1/07 | Lidia Didenko[20%],Jerome Lauret[20%] |
20 |
Extend Spider/Indexer to include embedding registration
0% | 1 wk | Fri 2/2/07 | Thu 2/8/07 | Jerome Lauret[10%] |
21 |
Bug tracking, mailing lists and other tools
69% | 60 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 4/13/07 | |
22 |
Re-enable embedding list, establish focus comunication at PWG level and user level
75% | 3 mons | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 4/13/07 | Jerome Lauret[10%] |
23 |
Establish embedding RT system queue
0% | 1 day | Tue 1/23/07 | Tue 1/23/07 | Jerome Lauret[5%] |
24 |
Exercise embedding RT queue, adjust requirement
0% | 4 days | Wed 1/24/07 | Mon 1/29/07 | Andrew Rose[10%] |
25 |
Establish data transfer scheme to a BNL disk pool
0% | 22 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Tue 2/20/07 | |
26 |
Define requirements, general problems and issues
0% | 1 wk | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 1/26/07 | |
27 |
Add data pool mechanism at BNL, transfer with any method
0% | 1 wk | Mon 1/29/07 | Fri 2/2/07 | |
28 |
Establish security schem, HPSS auto-synching
0% | 1 wk | Mon 2/5/07 | Fri 2/9/07 | |
29 |
Test on one or more sites (non-PDSF)
0% | 1 wk | Mon 2/12/07 | Fri 2/16/07 | |
30 |
Integrate to all participating sites
0% | 1 wk | Mon 2/12/07 | Fri 2/16/07 | |
31 |
Document data transfer schemeand procedure
0% | 2 days | Mon 2/19/07 | Tue 2/20/07 | |
32 | ||||||
33 |
CVS check-in and cleanup
4% | 17 days? | Mon 1/22/07 | Tue 2/13/07 | |
34 |
Initial setup, existing framework
0% | 17 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Tue 2/13/07 | |
35 |
Define proper CVS location for perl, libs, macros
0% | 1 day | Mon 1/22/07 | Mon 1/22/07 | Jerome Lauret[10%],Andrew Rose[10%],Lee Barnby[10%] |
36 |
Add existing QA macros to CVS
0% | 1 day | Tue 1/23/07 | Tue 1/23/07 | Andrew Rose[20%] |
37 |
Checkout and test on +1 site (non-PDSF), adjust as necessary
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/24/07 | Tue 1/30/07 | Lee Barnby[10%] |
38 |
Bootstrap on +1 site / remove ALL site specifics references
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/31/07 | Tue 2/6/07 | Cristina Suarez[10%] |
39 |
Commit to CVS, verify new scripts on all sites, final adjustments
0% | 1 wk | Wed 2/7/07 | Tue 2/13/07 | Cristina Suarez[10%],Andrew Rose[10%],Lee Barnby[10%] |
40 |
QA and nightly tests
17% | 7 days? | Mon 1/22/07 | Tue 1/30/07 | |
41 |
Establish a QA area in CVS
100% | 1 day? | Mon 1/22/07 | Mon 1/22/07 | |
42 |
Check existing QA suite
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/24/07 | Tue 1/30/07 | |
43 | ||||||
44 |
0% | 62 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Tue 4/17/07 | |
45 |
General QA consolidation
0% | 10 days | Wed 1/31/07 | Tue 2/13/07 | |
46 |
Gather feedback from PWG, add QA tests relevant to Physics topics
0% | 2 wks | Wed 1/31/07 | Tue 2/13/07 | |
47 |
Establish nightly test framework at BNL for embedding
0% | 1 wk | Wed 1/31/07 | Tue 2/6/07 | |
48 |
General improvements
0% | 35 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 3/9/07 | |
49 |
Requirements study for an embedding request interface
0% | 2 wks | Mon 1/29/07 | Fri 2/9/07 | Andrew Rose[10%],Jerome Lauret[10%] |
50 |
Develop new embedding request form compatible with Drupal module
0% | 4 wks | Mon 2/12/07 | Fri 3/9/07 | Andrew Rose[10%] |
51 |
Test new interface, import old tasks (historical purposes)
0% | 5 days | Mon 1/22/07 | Fri 1/26/07 | Andrew Rose[10%],Cristina Suarez[10%] |
52 |
Distributed Computing
0% | 20 days | Wed 2/14/07 | Tue 3/13/07 | |
53 |
Use SUMS framework to submit embedding, establish first XML
0% | 1 wk | Wed 2/14/07 | Tue 2/20/07 | Lee Barnby[10%] |
54 |
Test on one site
0% | 1 wk | Wed 2/21/07 | Tue 2/27/07 | Lee Barnby[10%] |
55 |
Test on all sites, adjust as necessary
0% | 2 wks | Wed 2/28/07 | Tue 3/13/07 | Cristina Suarez[10%],Andrew Rose[10%],Lee Barnby[10%] |
56 |
0% | 25 days | Wed 3/14/07 | Tue 4/17/07 | |
57 |
Test XML using Grid policy (one site)
0% | 1 wk | Wed 3/14/07 | Tue 3/20/07 | |
58 |
Establish test of data transfer method, GSI enabled HPSS access possible
0% | 1 wk | Wed 3/21/07 | Tue 3/27/07 | |
59 |
Regression and stress test on one site
0% | 1 wk | Wed 3/28/07 | Tue 4/3/07 | |
60 |
Test on +1 site, infrastructure consolidation
0% | 2 wks | Wed 4/4/07 | Tue 4/17/07 | |
61 | ||||||
62 |
Embedding operation
25% | 261 days? | Mon 1/1/07 | Mon 12/31/07 | |
63 |
PDSF support
50% | 261 days? | Mon 1/1/07 | Mon 12/31/07 | Andrew Rose[10%] |
64 |
BHAM support
10% | 261 days? | Mon 1/1/07 | Mon 12/31/07 | Lee Barnby[10%] |
65 |
UIC Support including QA
15% | 261 days? | Mon 1/1/07 | Mon 12/31/07 | Olga Barranikova[5%],Cristina Suarez[10%] |
![]() Eloss proximity from Olga
![]() Eloss idtruth from Olga
![]() Victor's P diff (proximity)
![]() Victor's P diff (idtruth)
![]() Victor's proximity plot
![]() Victor's idtruth
18 April 2007 12:21:56
Talked to Yuri on Monday (16th)
He would like 3 things worked on.
1. Integration of MC generation part into bfcMixer.C
Basically all kumac commands can be done in macro using gstar.
These would become part of "chain one"
Also need to read in a tag or MuDst file to find vertex to use for generating particles.
Can probably see how this works from bfc.C itself as bfc.C(1) creates particles and runs them through reconstruction.
- actually I could not it is inside bfc.C or StBFChain because it is part of St_geant_Maker
2. Change Hit Mover so that it does not move hits derived from MC info (based on ID truth %age)
3. [I forgot what 3 was!]
Rough sketch of chain modifications for #1
Current bfcMixer
(StBFChain)daqChain<--daq file
(StBFChain simChain<--fz file
<---.dat file with vertex positions
New bfcMixer
StBFChain)daqChain<--daq file
Geant-?-SetGeantMaker<--tags file
Break down into sub-tasks.
a) Run bfcMixer.C on a daq file with an associated fz and data file (to check that it works!)
b) Ignore fz file and generate MC particle (any!) on the fly
c) reading from tags file generate MC particles at desired vertex & with desired mult.
d) tidy up specify parameter interface (p distn, geant ID etc.)
Grab a set of daq files from RCF which cover the lifetime of the run, the luminosity range experienced, and the conditions for the production. |
bfc.C macros are located under ~starofl/bfc. Edit the submit.[Production] script to point to the daq files loaded (as above). |
The results of the previous jobs will be .tags.root files located on HPSS. Retrieve the files, set a pointer for the tags files in the Production-specific directory under ~starofl/embedding. |
mkdir embedding
cd embedding
mkdir Common
mkdir Common/lists
mkdir Common/csh
mkdir GSTAR
mkdir P06ib
mkdir P06ib/setup
cd /u/user/embedding
cp /u/starofl/embedding/getVerticesFromTags_v4.C .
cp -R /u/starofl/embedding/P06ib/EmbeddingLib_v4_noFTPC/ P06ib/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/P06ib/ P06ib/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/P06ib/bfcMixer_v4_noFTPC.C P06ib/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/P06ib/ P06ib/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/P06ib/setup/Piminus_101_spectra.setup P06ib/setup/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/GSTAR/phasespace_P06ib_revfullfield.kumac GSTAR/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/GSTAR/phasespace_P06ib_fullfield.kumac GSTAR/
cp /u/starofl/embedding/Common/ Common/
You now have all the files need to run embedding. There are further links to make but as you are going to export them to your own cluster you need to make the links afterwards.
Alternatively you can run embedding on PDSF from your home directory. There are a number of change to make first though because the various perl scripts have some paths relating to the starofl account inside them.
For those planning to export to a remote site you should tar and/or scp the data. I would recommend tar so that you can have the original package preserved in case something goes wrong. E.g.
tar -cvf embedding.tar embedding/
scp embedding.tar remoteuser@mycluster.blah.blah:/home/remoteuser
Obviously this step is unnecessary if you intend to run from your PDSF account although you may still want to create a tar file so that you can undo any changes which are wrong.
Login to your remote cluster and extract the archive. E.gcd /home/remoteuser
tar -xvf embedding.tar
The most obvious thing you will find are a number of places inside the perl scripts where the path or location for other scripts appears in the code. These must be changed accordingly.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
/dante3/starprod/daq/2005/cuProductionMinBias/FullFieldwhereas on Bham cluster it is
/star/data1/daq/2005/cuProductionMinBias/FullFieldand thus the pattern match in perl has to change in order to extract the same information. If you have a choice then choose your directory names with care!
changes to e.g.
changes to e.g.
-qoption provides the name of the queue to use, otherwise it uses the default which I did not want in this case. The other extra options are to make the environment and working diretory correct as they were not the default for us. This is very specific to each cluster. If your cluster does not have SGE then I imagine extensive changes to the part writing the job submission script would be necessary. The scripts use the ability of SGE to have job arrays of similar jobs so you would have to emulate that somehow.
line actually sets the same flags since Andrew and I had to change the same flags e.g. add GeantOut option after I made orginal copy
. This is also something that Andrew and I both changed after I made the original copy.
line!daq_dir_2005_cuPMBFF -> /dante3/starprod/daq/2005/cuProductionMinBias/FullField
daq_dir_2005_cuPMBRFF -> /dante3/starprod/daq/2005/cuProductionMinBias/ReversedFullField
daq_dir_2005_cuPMBHTFF -> /eliza5/starprod/daq/2005/cucuProductionHT/FullField/
daq_dir_2005_cuPMBHTRFF -> /eliza5/starprod/daq/2005/cucuProductionHT/ReversedFullField
tags_dir_cu_2005 -> /dante3/starprod/tags/P06ib/2005
tags_dir_cuHT_2005 -> /eliza5/starprod/embedding/tags/P06ib
data -> /eliza12/starprod/embedding/data
lists ->../Common/lists
csh-> ../Common/csh
LOG-> ../Common/LOG
That is it! Some things will probably need to be adapted to your circumstances but it should give you a good idea of what to do
Author: Lee Barnby, University of Birmingham (using starembed account)
Modified: A. Rose, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (using starembed account)
[Particle] is the particle type submitted (Piminus for GEANTID=9, as set inside file)
[set] is the file set submitted (more on this later)
[ID] is the embedding request number
QA P06ib (Phi->K +K)
This is the QA for P06ib (Phi- > KK). reconstruction on Global Tracks (Kaons)
1. dEdx
Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. Plot shows MOntecarlo tracks and Ghost Tracsks.
2. DCA Distributions
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots. (MonteCarlo and MuDst) (MuDst taken from pdsf > /eliza12/starprod/reco/cuProductionMinBias/ReversedFullField/P06ib/2005/022/st_physics_adc_6022048_raw*.MuDst.root)
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. NFit Distributions
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions. (MonteCarlo and MuDst)
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z) (Cuts of vz =30 cm , NFitCut= 25 are applied)
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. Pt
Embedded Phi meson with flat pt (black)and Reconstructed Kaon Daugther (red).
8. Randomness Plots
The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.
QA P06ib (Rho->pi+pi)
This is the QA for P06ib (Rho- > pi+pi). reconstruction on Global Tracks (pions)
1. dEdx
Reconstruction on Pion Daugthers.
2. DCA Distributions
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
2b. Compared with MuDst
3. NFit Distributions
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3b. Reconstructed compared with MuDsts
4. Delta Vertex
The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z) (Cuts of vz =30 cm , NFitCut= 25 are applied)
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. Pt
Embedded Rho meson with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Pion (red).
8. Randomness Plots
The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.
Some QA plots for Rho:
MiniDst files are at PDSF under the path /eliza13/starprod/embedding/p06ib/MiniDst/rho_101/*.minimc.root
MuDst files are at PDSF under /eliza13/starprod/embedding/P06ib/MuDst/10*/*.MuDst.root Reconstruction had been done on PionPlus.
DCA and Nfit Distributions had been scaled by the Integral in different pt ranges
Some QA Plots for D0 located under the path :
/eliza12/starprod/embedding/P06ib/D0_002_1216876386/ -> Directory empty
Global pairs are used as reconstructed tracks. SOme quality tractst plotiing level were :
Vz Cut 30 cm ;
NfitCut : 25,
Ncommonhits : 10 ;
maxDca :1 cm ; Assuming D0- >pi + pi
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QA P08ic J/Psi -> ee+
This is the QA for P08id (jPsi - > ee). Reconstructin on Global Tracks and just Electrons (Positrons).
1. dEdx
2. DCA Distributions
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. NFit Distributions
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z)
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. Pt
Embedded J/Psi with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Electrons (red).
8. Randomness Plots
The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.
AXi-> Lamba + Pion + ->P + Pion - + Pion +
(03 08 2009)
1. Dedx
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. Nfit
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. pt
8. Randomness
Omega-> Lamba + K - -> P + Pion - + K -
(03 08 2009)
1. Dedx
Reconstruction on pion Minus and Proton Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees.... Reconsructing on Kaon had very few statistics
Reco PionMinus | Reco Proton |
![]() | ![]() |
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
*.Reconstructing on Pion
*. Reconstructing on Proton
3. Nfit
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
*. Reconstructing Pion
*. Reconstructing Proton
4. Delta Vertex
When reconstructed in Pion Minus and Proton it turns out to have the same ditreibutions so I just posted one of them
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
Reco Pion | Reco Kaon |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
7. pt
8. Randomness
QA Phi->KK (March 05 2009)
1. Dedx
Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees....
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. Nfit
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. pt
8. Randomness
QA P08id (Phi->KK)
This is the QA for P08id (phi - > KK). econstructin on Global Tracks and just Kaons. Macro from Xianglei used (I found the QA macro very familiar). scale factor of 1.38 applied.
1. dEdx
Reconstruction on Kaon Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just to see how Montecarlo looks on top of the Ghost Tracks
2. DCA Distributions
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. NFit Distributions
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
The following are the Delta Vertex ( Vertex Reconstructed - Vertex Embedded) plot for the 3 diiferent coordinates (x, y and z)
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. Pt
Embedded Phi meson with flat pt (black)and Recosntructed Kaons (red).
8. Randomness Plots
The following plots, are to check the randomness of the input Monte Carlo (MC) tracks.
QA ALambda->P, pi (03 08 2009)
1. Dedx
Reconstruction on Proton and Pion Daugthers. 2 different plots are shown just for the sake of completenees....
Reco Proton | Reco Pion |
![]() | ![]() |
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
*.Reconstructing on Proton
*. Reconstructing on Pion
3. Nfit
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
*. Reconstructing Proton
*. Reconstructing Pion
4. Delta Vertex
When reconstructed in Proton and pions it turns out to have the same ditreibutions so I just posted one of them
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
Reco Proton | Reco Pion |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
7. pt
8. Randomness
Xi-> Lamba + Pion - ->P + Pion - + Pion -
(03 08 2009)
1. Dedx
Reconstruction on PI Minus
An original 3D histogram had been created and filled with pT, Eta and DCA as the 3 coordinates. Projection on PtBins and EtaBins had been made to create this "matrix" of plots.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
3. Nfit
Similarly An Original 3D Histogram had been created with Pt, Eta and Nfit as coordinates. Respective projections had been made in the same pT and Eta Bins as the DCa distributions.
Pt Bin array used : { 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0} (moves down) and
Eta Bin array : {0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0} (moves to the right)
For the Error bars, i used the option hist->Sumw2();
4. Delta Vertex
5. Z Vertex and X vs Y vertex
6. Global Variables : Phi and Rapidity
7. pt
8. Randomness
Please find the QA plots here
The data looks good.
Reconstructed phi meson has small rapidity dependence.
QA PionMinus
These are dedx vs P graphs. All of them show reasonable agreement with data.(Done on May 2002)
Pi Minus | K Minus | Proton |
Pi Plus | K Plus | P Bar |
PI PLUS. In the following dca distributions some discrepancy is shown. Due to secondaries?
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
PI MINUS. Some discrepancy is shown. Due to secondaries?
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
K PLUS. In the following dca distributions Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
K MINUS. In the following dca distributions Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
PROTON. The real data Dca distribution is wider, especially at low pT -> Most likely due to secondary tracks in the sample. A tail from background protons dominating distribution at low pt can be clearly seen. Expected deviation from the primary MC tracks.
Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | MinBias 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c | Central 0.7 GeV/c <pT < 0.8 GeV/c |
Pbar. The real data Dca distribution is wider, especially at low pT -> Most likely due to secondary tracks in the sample.
Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | MinBias 0.3 eV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c | Central 0.5 GeV/c <pT < 0.6 GeV/c |
PI PLUS. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
PI MINUS. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c |
K PLUS. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | MinBias 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Central 0.3 GeV/c <pT < 0.4 GeV/c |
K MINUS. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.1 GeV/c < pT < 0.2 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c |
PROTON. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c |
Pbar. Good agreement with data is shown.
Peripheral 0.2 GeV/c < pT < 0.3 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.3 GeV/c < pT < 0.4 Gev/c | Peripheral 0.5 GeV/c < pT < 0.6 Gev/c |
Cross reference to Reconstruction Code QA
STAR Computing | |
STAR Reconstruction Software | |
Hypernews forums: Tracking/Fitting Event Vertex/Primaries Subscribe | Y. Fisyak, S. Margetis, C. Pruneau |
SVT Alignment and June 2006 review
Summary pages
SVT+SSD Alignment, Run VII (2007)
Software for Tracking Upgrade (Challenge week 01/17/06-01/24/06)
Agenda Result of Kolmogorov's tests for QA histograms for different versions of STAR codes
New STAR magnetic field
When and what dEdx Prediction for P10 has to be used
Reconstruction plans
Usage of Truth information in reconstruction.
STAR track flags.
integration week January 2004 p-p software workshop at BNL 2001/11/19
Final Agenda and Talks . Minutes from the meeting are here. Integrated Tracking Task Force (ITTF)
The official web cite maintained by Claude Pruneau is here .
See also the STAR Kalman filter documentation created by Claude Pruneau. LBL Tracking review report
Available in MS-WORD and PDF format. Some talks given are linked here. Kalman in BABAR
A note on Kalman is here in .ps format. Kalman in ATLAS
Igor Gavrilenko's presentation for 5/22/00 in power point format, ATLAS internal note with xKalman description.
Spiros talk on video meeting about it on June/2/2000 is here in power point format. Flagging scheme for tracks failing Kalman fitter (Al Saulys) Kalman Fitter Evaluation page-I (Al Saulys) Kalman Fitter Evaluation page-II (Lee Barnby) Kalman Fitter for V0 search (Al Saulys) Kalman in STAR
A preliminary writeup of the Kalman implementation in STAR in use during 2001. Current Work on Tracking/Fitting Tools
The group is currently looking into some of the options for improving the global tracking and fitting. These options include an implementation of GEANE as a universal track propagation engine, providing an interface between tracking and geometry/material info, and using Kalman filtering techniques to obtain the best estimation of track parameters. Kalman Tracking/Fitting Tools
Kalman literature (Spiros Margetis)
Welcome to the Simulation Pages!
Please note that most of the material posted before October 2006 is located at the older web site which we'll keep for reference, for the time being. See sections below for most recent additions and information.
For making a new simulation production request, please consult the STAR Simulations Requests interface.
Users wishing to develop and integrate new detector models into the STAR framework will be intersted in the following links:
Tracking Interface (Stv)
Exporting detector hits
Implementing a custom seed finder
ID Truth
ID truth is an ID which enables us to determine which simulated particle was principally responsible for the creation of a hit in a detector, and eventually the physics objects (clusters, points, tracks) which are formed from them. The StHit class has a member function which takes two arguements:
Interface to Starsim
The interface between starsim and reconstruction is briefly outlined here
Information about geometries used in production and which geometries to use in simulations may be found in the following links:
Comparisons between the original AgSTAR model and the new AgML model of the detector may be found here:
AgML Project Overview and Readiness for 2012
HOWTO Use Geometries defined in AgML in STARSIM
AgML geometries are available for use in simulation using the "eval" libraries.
$ starver eval
The geometries themselves are available in a special library, which is setup for backwards compatability with starsim. To use the geometries you load the "" library in a starsim session, either interactively or in a macro:
starsim> detp geom y2012
starsim> gexe $STAR_LIB/
starsim> gclos all
HOWTO Use Geometries defined in AgML in the Big Full Chain
AgML geometries may also be used in reconstruction. To access them, the "agml" flag should be provided in the chain being run:
root [0] .L bfc.C
root [1] bfc(nevents,"y2012 agml ...", inputFile);
Geometry in Preparation: y2012Major changes: 1. Support cone, ftpc, ssd, pmd removed.
2. Inner Detector Support Module (IDSM) added
3. Forward GEM Tracker (FGTD) added
Use of AgML geometries within starsim:
$ starver eval
$ starsim
starsim> detp geom y2012
starsim> gexe $STAR_LIB/
starsim> gclos all
Use of AgML geometries within the big full chain:
$ root4star
root [0] .L bfc.C
root [1] bfc(0,"y2012 agml ...",inputFile);
Current (10/24/2011) configuration of the IDSM with FGT inside -- ![]() |
![]() |
Getting started developing geometries for the STAR experiment with AgML.
Setting up your local environment
You need to checkout several directories and complie in this order:
$ cvs co StarVMC/Geometry $ cvs co StarVMC/StarGeometry $ cvs co StarVMC/xgeometry$ cvs co pams/geometry$ cons +StarVMC/Geometry $ cons
This will take a while to compile, during which time you can get a cup of coffee, or do your laundry, etc...
If you only want to visualize the STAR detector, you can checkout:
$ cvs co StarVMC/Geometry/macros
Once this is done you can visualize STAR geometries using the viewStarGeometry.C macro in AgML 1, and the loadAgML.C macro in AgML 2.0.
$ root.exeroot [0] .L StarVMC/Geometry/macros/viewStarGeometry.C root [1] nocache=true root [2] viewall=true root [3] viewStarGeometry("y2012")root [0] .L StarVMC/Geometry/macros/loadAgML.C root [1] loadAgML("y2016") root [2] TGeoVolume *cave = gGeoManager->FindVolumeFast("CAVE"); root [3] cave -> Draw("ogl"); // ogl uses open GL viewer
Tutorial #1 -- Creating and Placing Volumes
Start by firing up your favorite text editor... preferably something which does syntax highlighting and checking on XML documents. Edit the first tutorial geometries located in StarVMC/Geometry/TutrGeo ...
$ emacs StarVMC/Geometry/TutrGeo/TutrGeo1.xml
This module illustrates how to create a new detector module, how to create and place a simple volume, and how to create and place multiple copies of that volume. Next, we need to attach this module to a geometry model in order to visualize it. Geometry models (or "tags") are defined in the StarGeo.xml file.
$ emacs StarVMC/Geometry/StarGeo.xml
There is a simple geometry, which only defines the CAVE. It's the first geometry tag called "black hole". You can add your detector here...
$ root.exe
root [0] .L StarVMC/Geometry/macros/viewStarGeometry.C root [1] nocache=true root [2] viewStarGeometry("test","TutrGeo1");
The "test" geometry tag is a very simple geometry, implementing only the wide angle hall and the cave. All detectors, beam pipes, magnets, etc... have been removed. The second arguement to viewStarGeometry specifies which geometry module(s) are to be built and added to the test geometry. In this case we add only TutrGeo1. (A comma-separated list of geometry modules could be provided, if more than one geometry module was to be built).
Now you can try modifying TutrGeo1. Feel free to add as many boxes in as many positions as you would like. Once you have done this, recompile in two steps
$ cons +StarVMC/Geometry $ cons
Tutorial #2 -- A few simple shapes, rotations and reflections
The second tutorial geometry is in StarVMC/Geometry/TutrGeo/TutrGeo2.xml. Again, view it using viewStarGeometry.C
$ root.exe root [0] .L viewStarGeometry.C root [1] nocache=true root [2] viewStarGeometry("test","TutrGeo2")
What does the nocache=true statement do? It instructs viewStarGeometry.C to recreate the geometry, rather than load it from a root file created the last time you ran the geometry. By default, if the macro finds a file name "test.root", it will load the geometry from that file to save time. You don't want this since you know that you've changed the geometry.
The second tutorial illustrates a couple more simple shapes: cones and tubes. It also illustrates how to create reflections. Play around with the code a bit, recompile in the normal manner, then try viewing the geometry again.
Tutorial #3 -- Variables and Structures
AgML provides variables and structures. The third tutorial is in StarVMC/Geometry/TutrGeo/TutrGeo3.xml. Open this up in a text editor and let's look at it. We define three variables: boxDX, boxDY and boxDZ to hold the dimensions of the box we want to create. AgML is case-insensitve, so you can write this as boxdx, BoxDY and BOXDZ if you so choose. In general, choose what looks best and helps you keep track of the code you're writing. Next check out the volume "ABOX". Note how the shape's dx, dy and dz arguements now reference the variables boxDX, boxDY and boxDZ. This allows us to create multiple versions of the volume ABOX. Let's view the geometry and see. $ root.exe root [0] .L StarVMC/Geometry/macros/viewStarGeometry.C root [1] nocache=true root [2] viewStarGeometry("test","TutrGeo3") Launch a new TBrowser and open the "test" geometry. Double click test --> Master Volume --> CAVE --> TUTR. You now see all of the concrete volumes which have been created by ROOT. It should look like what you see at the right. We have "ABOX", but we also have ABO1 and ABO2. This demonstrates the an important concept in AgML. Each <Volume ...> block actually defines a volume "factory". It allows you to create multiple versions of a volume, each differing by the shape of the volume. When the shape is changed, a new volume is created with a nickname, where the last letter in the volume name is replaced by [1 2 3 ... 0 a b c ... z] (then the second to last letter, then the third...). Structures provide an alternate means to define variables. In order to populate the members of a structure with values, you use the Fill statement. Multiple fill statements for a given structure may be defined, providing multiple sets of values. In order to select a given set of values, the <Use ...> operator is invoked. In TutrGeo3, we create and place 5 different tubes, using the data stored in the Fill statements. However, you might notice in the browser that there are only two concrete instances of the tube being created. What is going on here? This is another feature of AgML. When the shape is changed, AgML will look for another concrete volume with exactly the same shape. If it finds it, it will use that volume. If it doesn't, then a new volume is created. There's alot going on in this tutorial, so play around a bit with it. |
Tutorial #4 -- Some more shapes
Abstract: We compare the AgML and AgSTAR descriptions of recent revisions of the STAR Y2005 through Y2011 geometry models. We are specifically interested in the suitability of the AgML model for tracking. We therefore plot the material contained in the TPC vs pseudorapidity for (a) all detectors, (b) the time projection chamber, and (c) the sensitive volumes of the time projection chamber. We also plot (d) the material found in front of the TPC active volumes.
Decription of the PlotsBelow you will find four columns of plots, for the highest revision of each geometry from y2005 to the present. The columns from left-to-right show comparisons of the material budget for STAR and its daughter volumes, the material budgets for the TPC and it's immediate daughter volumes, the material budgets for the active volumes in the TPC, and the material in front of the active volume of the TPC. In the context of tracking, the right-most column is the most important. Each column contains three plots. The top plot shows the material budget in the AgML model. The middle plot, the material budget in the AgSTAR model. The bottom plot shows the difference divided by the AgSTAR model. The y-axis on the difference plot extends between -2.5% and +2.5%. --------------------------------
STAR Y2011 Geometry TagIssues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2010c Geometry TagIssues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2009c Geometry TagIssues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2008e Geometry TagGlobal Issues
Issues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2007h Geometry TagGlobal Issues
Issues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
Issues with SVT. |
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2006g Geometry TagGlobal Issues
Note: TpceGeo2.xml does not suffer from the overlap issue in TpceGeo3a.xml |
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
STAR Y2005i Geometry TagGlobal Issues
Issues with TpceGeo3a.xml
Issues with PhmdGeo.xml
(a) Material in STAR Detector and daughters | (b) Material in TPC and daughters | (c) Material in TPC active volumes | (d) Material in front of TPC active volumes |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Attached is a comparison of track reconstruction using the Sti tracker, with AgI and AgML geometries as input.
List of default AgML materials and mixtures. To get a complete list of all materials defined in a geometry, execute AgMaterial::List() in ROOT, once the geometry has been created.
[-] Hydrogen: a= 1.01 z= 1 dens= 0.071 radl= 865 absl= 790 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Deuterium: a= 2.01 z= 1 dens= 0.162 radl= 757 absl= 342 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Helium: a= 4 z= 2 dens= 0.125 radl= 755 absl= 478 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Lithium: a= 6.94 z= 3 dens= 0.534 radl= 155 absl= 121 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Berillium: a= 9.01 z= 4 dens= 1.848 radl= 35.3 absl= 36.7 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Carbon: a= 12.01 z= 6 dens= 2.265 radl= 18.8 absl= 49.9 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Nitrogen: a= 14.01 z= 7 dens= 0.808 radl= 44.5 absl= 99.4 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Neon: a= 20.18 z= 10 dens= 1.207 radl= 24 absl= 74.9 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Aluminium: a= 26.98 z= 13 dens= 2.7 radl= 8.9 absl= 37.2 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Iron: a= 55.85 z= 26 dens= 7.87 radl= 1.76 absl= 17.1 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Copper: a= 63.54 z= 29 dens= 8.96 radl= 1.43 absl= 14.8 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Tungsten: a= 183.85 z= 74 dens= 19.3 radl= 0.35 absl= 10.3 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Lead: a= 207.19 z= 82 dens= 11.35 radl= 0.56 absl= 18.5 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Uranium: a= 238.03 z= 92 dens= 18.95 radl= 0.32 absl= 12 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Air: a= 14.61 z= 7.3 dens= 0.001205 radl= 30400 absl= 67500 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Vacuum: a= 14.61 z= 7.3 dens= 1e-06 radl= 3.04e+07 absl= 6.75e+07 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Silicon: a= 28.09 z= 14 dens= 2.33 radl= 9.36 absl= 45.5 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Argon_gas: a= 39.95 z= 18 dens= 0.002 radl= 11800 absl= 70700 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Nitrogen_gas: a= 14.01 z= 7 dens= 0.001 radl= 32600 absl= 75400 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Oxygen_gas: a= 16 z= 8 dens= 0.001 radl= 23900 absl= 67500 isvol= <unset> nelem= 1 [-] Polystyren: a= 11.153 z= 5.615 dens= 1.032 radl= <unset> absl= <unset> isvol= <unset> nelem= 2 A Z W C 12.000 6.000 0.923 H 1.000 1.000 0.077 [-] Polyethylene: a= 10.427 z= 5.285 dens= 0.93 radl= <unset> absl= <unset> isvol= <unset> nelem= 2 A Z W C 12.000 6.000 0.857 H 1.000 1.000 0.143 [-] Mylar: a= 12.87 z= 6.456 dens= 1.39 radl= <unset> absl= <unset> isvol= <unset> nelem= 3 A Z W C 12.000 6.000 0.625 H 1.000 1.000 0.042 O 16.000 8.000 0.333
This page was merged with STAR Geometry in simulation & reconstruction and maintained by STAR's librarian.
Retired Simulation Pages kept here.
Immediate action items:
Documentation for the beampipe support geometry description development
After the completion of the 2007 run, the SVT and the SSD were removed from the STAR detector along with there utility lines. The support structure for the beampipe remained, however.
The following drawings describe the structure of the beampipe support as it exists in the late 2007 and probably throughout 2008
Here we present information about our datasets.
Description |
Dataset name
Statistics, thousands
Moved to HPSS
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
7Gev<Pt<9Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
5Gev<Pt<7Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
4Gev<Pt<5Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
3Gev<Pt<4Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
2Gev<Pt<3Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
35Gev<Pt<100Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
25Gev<Pt<35Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
15Gev<Pt<25Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
11Gev<Pt<15Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
9Gev<Pt<11Gev |
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 200 GeV minbias, 0< b < 20fm |
Tracking,new SVT geo, diamond: 60, +-30cm, Y2005D |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
35Gev<Pt<45Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
25Gev<Pt<35Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
15Gev<Pt<25Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
11Gev<Pt<15Gev |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
9Gev<Pt<11Gev |
CuCu 62.4 Gev, Y2005C |
same as 1242+ keep Low Energy Tracks |
CuCu 62.4 Gev, Y2005C |
SVT tracking test, 10 keV e/m process cut (cf. rcf1237) |
10 J/Psi, Y2005X, SVT out
Study of the SVT material
10 J/Psi, Y2005X, SVT in
Study of the SVT material
100 pi0, Y2005X, SVT out
Study of the SVT material
100 pi0, Y2005X, SVT in
Study of the SVT material
CuCu 62.4 Gev, Y2005C |
SVT tracking test, pilot run |
Herwig 6.507, Y2004Y |
Test run for initial comparison with Pythia, 5Gev<Pt<7Gev |
Pythia, Y2004Y |
MSEL=2, min bias |
Pythia, Y2004Y |
MSEL=0,CKIN(3)=0,MSUB=91,92,93,94,95 |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
4<Pt<5, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
3<Pt<4, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
2<Pt<3, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
35<Pt, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
25<Pt<35, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
15<Pt<25, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
11<Pt<15, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
9<Pt<11, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
7<Pt<9, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia, Y2004Y, sp.2 (CDF tune A) |
5<Pt<7, MSEL=1, GHEISHA |
Pythia special tune2 Y2004Y, GCALOR |
4<Pt<5, GCALOR
Pythia special tune2 Y2004Y, GHEISHA |
Pythia special run 3 Y2004C |
ENER 200.0, MSEL 2, MSTP (51)=7, MSTP (81)=1, MSTP (82)=1, PARP (82)=1.9, PARP (83)=0.5, PARP (84)=0.2, PARP (85)=0.33, PARP (86)=0.66, PARP (89)=1000, PARP (90)=0.16, PARP (91)=1.0, PARP (67)=1.0 |
Pythia special run 2 Y2004C (CDF tune A) |
ENER 200.0, MSEL 2, MSTP (51)=7, |
Pythia special run 1 Y2004C |
ENER 200.0, MSEL 2, MSTP (51)=7, MSTP (81)=1, MSTP (82)=1, PARP (82)=1.9, PARP (83)=0.5, PARP (84)=0.2, PARP (85)=0.33, PARP (86)=0.66, PARP (89)=1000, PARP (90)=0.16, PARP (91)=1.5, PARP (67)=1.0 |
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 200 GeV central 0< b < 3fm |
Statistics enhancement of rcf1209 with a smaller diamond: 60, +-30cm, Y2004a |
Hijing 1.382 CuCu 200 GeV minbias 0< b < 14 fm |
Geometry: Y2005x
Hijing 1.382 AuAu 200 GeV minbias 0< b < 20 fm |
Geometry: Y2004a, Special D decays |
Description | Dataset name | Statistics, thousands | Status | Moved to HPSS | Comment |
AuAu 200 GeV central | rcf1289 | 1 | Finished | No | upgr06: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV central | rcf1288 | 0.8 | Finished | No | upgr11: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1287 | 5 | Finished | No | upgr11: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV central | rcf1286 | 1 | Finished | No | upgr10: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1285 | 6 | Finished | No | upgr10: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV central | rcf1284 | 1 | Finished | No | upgr09: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 Gev min bias | rcf1283 | 6 | Finished | No | upgr09: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1282 | 38 | Finished | No | upgr06: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1281 | 38 | Finished | Yes | upgr08: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1280 | 38 | Finished | Yes | upgr01: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1279 | 38 | Finished | Yes | upgr07: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
Extension of 1276: D0 superposition | rcf1278 | 5 | Finished | No | upgr07: Z cut=+-300cm |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1277 | 5 | Finished | No | upgr05: Z cut=+-300cm |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1276 | 35 | Finished | No | upgr05: Hijing, D0 and superposition |
Pythia 200 GeV + HF | rcf1275 | 23*4 | Finished | No | J/Psi and Upsilon(1S,2S,3S) mix for embedding |
AuAu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1274 | 10 | Finished | No | upgr02 geo tag, |eta|<1.5 (tracking upgrade request) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1273 | 600 | Finished | Yes | Pt <2 (Completing the rcf1224-1233 series) |
CuCu 200 GeV min bias+D0 mix | rcf1272 | 50+2*50*8 | Finished | Yes | Combinatorial boost of rcf1261, sigma: 60, +-30 |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1233 | 300 | Finished | Yes | 4< Pt <5 (rcf1233 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | pds1232 | 200 | Finished | Yes | 3< Pt <4 (rcf1232 clone) |
Pythia 200 GeV | pds1231 | 240 | Finished | Yes | 2< Pt <3 (rcf1231 clone) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1229 | 200 | Finished | Yes | 25< Pt <35 (rcf1229 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1228 | 200 | Finished | Yes | 15< Pt <25 (rcf1228 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1227 | 208 | Finished | Yes | 11< Pt <15 (rcf1227 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1226 | 200 | Finished | Yes | 9< Pt <11 (rcf1226 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1225 | 200 | Finished | Yes | 7< Pt <9 (rcf1225 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV | rcf1224 | 212 | Finished | Yes | 5< Pt <7 (rcf1224 extension) |
Pythia 200 GeV Y2004Y CDF_A | rcf1271 | 120 | Finished | Yes | 55< Pt <65 |
Pythia 200 GeV Y2004A CDF_A | rcf1270 | 120 | Finished | Yes | 45< Pt <55 |
CuCu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1266 | 10 | Finished | Yes | SVT study: clams and two ladders |
CuCu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1265 | 10 | Finished | Yes | SVT study: clams displaced |
CuCu 200 GeV min bias | rcf1264 | 10 | Finished | Yes | SVT study: rotation of the barrel |
CuCu 62.4 GeV min bias+D0 mix | rcf1262 | 50*3 | Finished | Yes | 3 subsets: Hijing, single D0, and the mix |
CuCu 200 GeV min bias+D0 mix | rcf1261 | 50*3 | Finished | No | 3 subsets: Hijing, single D0, and the mix |
1 J/Psi over 200GeV minbias AuAu | rcf1260 | 10 | Finished | No | J/Psi mixed with 200GeV AuAu Hijing Y2004Y 60/35 vertex |
AuAu200 0<b<3fm, Zcut=5cm
ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
AuAu200 0<b<20fm, Zcut=30cm
QA run for the Y2007 tag
AuAu200 0<b<3fm, Zcut=10cm
Hijing,B0,B+,B0_mix,B+_mix, Y2007
AuAu200 0<b<20fm, Zcut=300cm
Pile-up simulation in the TUP studies, UPGR13
AuAu200 0<b<3fm, Zcut=15cm
Hijing,D0,Lac2,D0_mix,Lac2_mix, UPGR13
Pythia, photon mix, pi0 mix
Pythia, MSEL=4 (charm)
Pythia, MSEL=1, wide vertex
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(45,55)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(35,45)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(55,65)GeV
Upsilon S1,S2,S3 + Hijing
Muon Telescope Detector, ext.of 1296
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(25,35)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(15,25)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(11,15)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(9,11)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(7,9)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(5,7)GeV
pp200 Y2004Y
Di-jet CKIN(3,4,7,8,27,28)=7,9,0.0,1.0,-0.4,0.4
pp200 Y2004Y
Di-jet CKIN(3,4,7,8,27,28)=9,11,-0.4,1.4,-0.5,0.6
pp200 Y2004Y
Di-jet CKIN(3,4,7,8,27,28)=11,15,-0.2,1.2,-0.6,-0.3
pp200 Y2004Y
Di-jet CKIN(3,4,7,8,27,28)=11,15,-0.5,1.5,-0.3,0.4
pp200 Y2004Y
Di-jet CKIN(3,4,7,8,27,28)=11,15,0.0,1.0,0.4,0.7
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(4,5)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(3,4)GeV
pp200 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Minbias
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(4,5)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(3,4)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(5,7)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(7,9)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(9,11)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(11,15)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(15,25)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(25,35)GeV
pp62.4 Y2006C
Pythia for Spin PWG, Pt(35,45)GeV
Name | SystemEnergy |
Range | Statistics | Comment |
rcf9001 | pp200, y2007g | 03_04gev | 690k | Jet Study AuAu200(PP200) JLC PWG |
rcf9002 | 04_05gev | 686k | ||
rcf9003 | 05_07gev | 398k | ||
rcf9004 | 07_09gev | 420k | ||
rcf9005 | 09_11gev | 412k | ||
rcf9006 | 11_15gev | 420k | ||
rcf9007 | 15_25gev | 397k | ||
rcf9008 | 25_35gev | 400k | ||
rcf9009 | 35_45gev | 120k | ||
rcf9010 | 45_55gev | 118k | ||
rcf9011 | 55_65gev | 120k | ||
Name | SystemEnergy | Range | Statistics | Comment |
rcf9021 | pp200,y2008 | 03_04 GeV | 690k | Jet Study AuD200(PP200) JLC PWG |
rcf9022 | 04_05 GeV | 686k | ||
rcf9023 | 05_07 GeV | 398k | ||
rcf9024 | 07_09 GeV | 420k | ||
rcf9025 | 09_11 GeV | 412k | ||
rcf9026 | 11_15 GeV | 420k | ||
rcf9027 | 15_25 GeV | 397k | ||
rcf9028 | 25_35 GeV | 400k | ||
rcf9029 | 35_45 GeV | 120k | ||
rcf9030 | 45_55 GeV | 118k | ||
rcf9031 | 55_99 GeV | 120k |
Name | SystemEnergy | Range | Statistics | Comment |
rcf9041 | PP500, Y2009 | 03_04gev | 500k | Spin Study PP500 Spin group(Matt,Jim,Jan) 2.3M evts |
rcf9042 | 04_05gev | 500k | ||
rcf9043 | 05_07gev | 300k | ||
rcf9044 | 07_09gev | 250k | ||
rcf9045 | 09_11gev | 200k | ||
rcf9046 | 11_15gev | 100k | ||
rcf9047 | 15_25gev | 100k | ||
rcf9048 | 25_35gev | 100k | ||
rcf9049 | 35_45gev | 100k | ||
rcf9050 | 45_55gev | 25k | ||
rcf9051 | 55_99gev | 25k | ||
rcf9061 | CuCu200,y2005h | B0_14 | 200k | CuCu200 radiation length budget, Y.Fisyak, KyungEon Choi. |
rcf9062 | AuAu200, y2007h | B0_14 | 150k | AuAu200 radiation length budget Y.Fisyak ,KyungEon Choi |
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
This page documents the options in geometry.g which define each of the production tags.
The attached spreadsheets document the production tags in STARSIM on 11/30/2009. At that time the y2006h and y2010 tags were in development and not ready for production.
y2008a full and TPC only material histograms
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The R&D conducted for the inner tracking upgrade required that a few specialized geometry tags be created. For a complete set of geometry tags, please visit the STAR Geometry in simulation & reconstruction page. The below serves as additional documentation and details.
The TPC is present in all configuration listed below and the SVT is in none.
Tag |
SSD | IST | HFT | IGT | HPD | Contact Person | Comment | |
UPGR01 |
+ |
+ |
UPGR02 |
+ |
+ |
UPGR03 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Sevil |
retired | ||
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Everybody |
retired | |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Sevil |
retired | |||
UPGR07 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Maxim |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Maxim |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Gerrit |
retired Outer IST layer only | |||
UPGR10 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Gerrit |
Inner IST@9.5cm | |||
UPGR11 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Gerrit |
IST @9.5&@17.0 | ||
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Ross Corliss |
retired UPGR05*diff.igt.radii | |
UPGR13 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Gerrit |
UPGR07*(new 6 disk FGT)*corrected SSD*(no West Cone) | ||
UPGR14 | + | + | + | Gerrit | UPGR13 - IST | |||
UPGR15 | + | + | + | Gerrit | Simple Geometry for testing, Single IST@14cm, hermetic/polygon Pixel/IST geometry. Only inner beam pipe 0.5mm Be. Pixel 300um Si, IST 1236umSi | |||
UPGR20 | + | Lijuan | Y2007 + one TOF | |||||
UPGR21 | + | Lijuan | UPGR20 + full TOF |
Eta coverage of the SSD and HFT at different vertex spreads:
Z cut, cm |
eta SSD | eta HFT |
5 |
1.63 |
2.00 |
10 |
1.72 |
2.10 |
20 |
1.87 |
2.30 |
30 |
2.00 |
2.55 |
Material balance studies for the upgrade: presented below are the usual radiation length plots (as a function of rapidity).
Full UPGR05:
Forward region: the FST and the IGT ONLY:
Below, we plot the material for each individual detector, excluding the forward region to reduce ambiguity.
The attached PDF describes event filtering in the STAR framework.
$ cvs co StRoot/StarGenerator/macros
$ ln -s StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.pythia8.C starsim.C $ root4star -q -b starsim.C\(100\)This will generate two files. A standard "fzd" file, which can be reconstructed using the big "full" chain (bfc.C). And a root file, containing a TTree expressing the event record for the generated events.
root [0] TFile::Open("pythia8.starsim.root") root [1] genevents->StartViewer() root [2] genevents->Draw("mMass","mStatus>0")The event record contains both particle-wise and event-wise information. For the definitions of different quantities, see the documentation provided in the StarGenEvent links above.
$ cvs co StRoot/StarGeneratorAfter checking out the generator area you will note that the code is organized into several directories, containing both CORE packages and concrete event generators. Specifically:
INTEGER --> Int_t REAL --> Float_t REAL *4 --> Float_t REAL *8 --> Double_t DOUBLE PRECISION --> Double_tYou probably noticed that there are two differences with the way we have declared the arrays. First, the arrays all were declared with an "_" in front of their name. This was a choice on my part, which I will explain in a moment. The important thing to notice right now is that the indicies on the arrays are reversed, compared to their declarion in FORtran. "INTEGER K(4000,5)" in FORtran becomes "Int_t _k[5][4000]" in C++. The reason for this is that C++ and FORtran represent arrays differently in memory. It is important to keep these differences in mind when mapping the memory of a FORtran common block --
Event generators currently integrated into starsim using the root4star framework (11/29/12):
To run, checkout StRoot/StarGenerator/macros and modify the appropriate example ROOT macro for your purposes.
Event generators currently implemented in the starsim framework (11/29/12):
Material budget in the Y2013 (X) geometry. The top left plots number of radiation lengths encounted by a straight track at the given eta, phi. The top right (bottom left) compares the ROOT and STARSIM geometries generated by AgML plotted vs phi (eta). These are averaged over the other variable. ROOT geometry in black, STARSIM in red. The bottom right shows the difference in ROOT - STARSIM geometries vs phi and eta. Less than 0.01 radiation lengths difference found integrated over the entire cave.
Attached are material budget plots and differences for major subsystems. Each PDF contains the material budget plots displaying number of radiation lengths averaged over all phi for the ROOT (left) and STARSIM (right) geometries created by AgML. The material difference plot is as described above.
This page has been created with the purpose to systematize the various scripts currently used in the Monte Carlo production and testing. The contents will be updated as needed, however the codes are presumed to be correct and working at any given time.
When running on rcas, we typically use a legacy csh script named "alljobs". It parses the job configuration file named "catalog" and dispatches a single job on the target node, which can be an interactive node if run interactively, or a batch node if submitted to a queue. The alljobs script expects to see the following directory structure: a writeable directory with the name of the dataset being produced, and directly under it, a writeable "log" directory, in which it would deposit the so-called token files, which serve two purposes:
The catalog file is effectively a table, in white-space separated format. Each line begins with the dataset name which is a three-letter acronym of the site name (and thus either rcf or pds) followed by a 4-digit serial number of the set. The alljobs script expects to find a directory named identically to the dataset, under the "job directory", which in the current version of the script is hardcoded as /star/simu/simu/gstardata. This, of course, can be improved or changed.
The last field in each entry is used to construct the so-called tag, which plays an important role: it effectively defined the location of the Monte Carlo data in the HPSS, when the data is sunk there (this is done by a separate script). In addition, it also defines keys for the entries in the FileCatalog (reconstructed data). The alljobs script creates a file of zero length, with a name which is a period-separated catenation of the word "tag" and the contents of the last column in the line.
Here are the contents of the catalog file as it existed from the late 1990-s to the end of 2006
rcf0101 auau200/nexus/default/central evgen.*.nt
rcf0105 auau200/nexus/default/minbias evgen.*.nt
pds0101 auau200/vni/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.vni.default.b0_3.year_1h.hadronic_on
pds0102 auau200/vni/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.vni.default.b0_3.year_1h.hadronic_on
pds0103 auau200/vni/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.vni.default.b0_3.year_1h.hadronic_on
pds0104 auau200/vni/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.vni.default.b0_3.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0096 auau200/vni/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.vni.default.b0_3.year_1h.hadronic_on
pds0105 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_trigger/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.trigger.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0097 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_resonance/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.resonance.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0098 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_trigger/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.trigger.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0095 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_flow/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.flow.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0099 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_fluct/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.fluct.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0102 auau200/mevsim/vanilla/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0103 auau200/mevsim/vanilla/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0104 auau200/mevsim/vanilla_flow/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.vanilla.flow.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0100 auau200/mevsim/cascade/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.cascade.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0106 auau200/hbt/default/peripheral evgen.*.nt auau200.hbt.default.peripheral.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0107 auau200/hbt/default/midperipheral evgen.*.nt auau200.hbt.default.midperipheral.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0108 auau200/hbt/default/middle evgen.*.nt auau200.hbt.default.middle.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0109 auau200/hbt/default/midcentral evgen.*.nt auau200.hbt.default.midcentral.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0110 auau200/hbt/default/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hbt.default.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0111 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b0_3_jetq_on.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0112 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b0_3_jetq_off.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0113 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b8_15_jetq_on.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0114 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b8_15_jetq_off.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0115 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b0_3_jetq_on.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0116 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b0_3_jetq_off.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0117 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b8_15_jetq_on.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0118 none hijing.*.xdf auau200.hijing.b8_15_jetq_off.jet05.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0119 none hijing.*.xdf pau200_hijing_b0_7_jet15_year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0120 none hijing.*.xdf pau200_hijing_b0_7_gam15_year_1h_hadronic_on
rcf0121 pec/dtunuc dtu*.xdr auau200.dtunuc.two_photon.none.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0122 pec/starlight starlight_vmeson_*.t auau200.starlight.vmeson.none.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0123 pec/starlight starlight_2gamma_*.nt auau200.starlight.2gamma.none.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0124 pec/hemicosm events.txt auau200.hemicosm.default.none.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0125 pec/dtunuc dtu*.xdr auau200.dtunuc.two_photon.halffield.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0126 pec/starlight starlight_vmeson_*.t auau200.starlight.vmeson.halffield.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0127 pec/starlight starlight_2gamma_*.t auau200.starlight.2gamma.halffield.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0131 pec/beamgas venus.h.*.nt auau200.hijing.beamgas.hydrogen.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0132 pec/beamgas venus.n.*.nt auau200.hijing.beamgas.nitrogen.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0139 none hijev.inp auau128.hijing.b0_12.halffield.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0140 none hijev.inp auau128.hijing.b0_3.halffield.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0141 auau200/strongcp/broken/eb_400_90 evgen.*.nt auau200.strongcp.broken.eb-400_90.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0142 auau200/strongcp/broken/eb_400_00 evgen.*.nt auau200.strongcp.broken.eb-400_00.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0143 auau200/strongcp/broken/lr_eb_400_90 evgen.*.nt auau200.strongcp.broken.lr_eb_400_90.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0145 none hijev.inp auau130.hijing.b0_3.jet05.year_1h.halffield.hadronic_on
rcf0146 none hijev.inp auau130.hijing.b0_15.default.year_1h.halffield.hadronic_on
rcf0147 none hijev.inp auau130.hijing.b0_3.default.year_1e.halffield.hadronic_on
rcf0148 none hijev.inp auau130.hijing.b3_6.default.year_1e.halffield.hadronic_on
rcf0151 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_flow/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_flow.central.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0152 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_trigger/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_trigger.central.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0153 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_dynamic/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_dynamic.central.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0154 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_omega/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_omega.central.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0155 auau130/mevsim/vanilla/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla.central.year_1e.hadronic_on
rcf0156 auau130/nexus/default/central evgen.*.nt
rcf0159 rqmd auau_b0-14.*.cwn auau200.rqmd.default.b0_14.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0160 rqmd auau_b0-15.*.cwn auau200.rqmd.default.b0_15.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0161 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_flow/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_flow.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0162 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_trigger/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_trigger.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0163 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_dynamic/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_dynamic.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0164 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_omega/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_omega.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0165 auau130/mevsim/vanilla/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0166 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_resonance/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_resonance.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
pds0167 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_cocktail/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_cocktail.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0168 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_flow/mbias evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_flow.minbias.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0169 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_flowb/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_flowb.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0171 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_lambda_antilambda/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_both_lambda.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0172 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_lambda/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_lambda.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0173 auau130/mevsim/vanilla_antilambda/central evgen.*.nt auau130.mevsim.vanilla_antilambda.central.year_1h.hadronic_on
rcf0181 auau200/mevsim/mdc4/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.mdc4_cocktail.central.year2001.hadronic_on
pds0182 auau200/mevsim/mdc4/central evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.mdc4_cocktail.central.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0183 none hijev.inp auau200.hijing.b0_20.standard.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0184 none hijev.inp auau200.hijing.b0_3.standard.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0190 auau200/mevsim/mdc4_electrons evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.mdc4_electrons.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0191 none hijev.inp auau200.hijing.b0_20.inverse.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0192 none hijev.inp auau200.hijing.b0_3.inverse.year2001.hadronic_on
rcf0193 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.standard.year_2a.hadronic_on
# Maxim has arrived:
# the following two runs had the 1 6 setting for the hard scattering and energy
rcf0194 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.jet06.year2003.hadronic_on
pds0195 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.jet06.year2003.hadronic_on
# this one had 1 3
rcf0196 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.jet03.year2003.hadronic_on
# standard 0 2 setting
rcf0197 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.jet02.year2003.hadronic_on
# new numbering
rcf1197 none hijev.inp dau200.hijing.b0_20.minbias.year2003.hadronic_on
rcf1198 dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt dau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.year2003.gheisha_on
# dedicated wide Z run
rcf1199 dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt dau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias_wideZ.year2003.hadronic_on
# Pythia
rcf1200 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.minbias.year2003.hadronic_on
# Heavy flavor embedding with full calorimeter
rcf1201 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2003x.gheisha_on
# Pythia hi Pt>5
rcf1202 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.pt5.year2003.gheisha_on
# Mevsim fitted to 200GeV AuAu
rcf1203 auau200/mevsim/v2/central_6 evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.v2.b0_6.year_1e.gheisha_on
# Mevsim fitted to 200GeV AuAu, different geo
rcf1204 auau200/mevsim/v2/central_6 evgen.*.nt auau200.mevsim.v2.b0_6.year2001.gheisha_on
# Pythia hi Pt>15
rcf1205 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.pt15.year2003.gheisha_on
# Starsim maiden voyage, with y2004, 62.4 GeV
rcf1206 auau62/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau62.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2004.gheisha_on
# 62.4 GeV central
rcf1207 auau62/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau62.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2004a.gheisha_on
pds1207 auau62/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau62.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2004a.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias
rcf1208 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2004a.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV central
rcf1209 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2004a.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1210 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.minbias.y2004a.gheisha_on
# Pythia Spin group
rcf1211 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.minbias.y2004x.gheisha_on
# Pythia Spin group
pds1212 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.pt3.y2004x.gheisha_on
# Pythia Spin group
rcf1213 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.default.pt7.y2004x.gheisha_on
# Pythia Spin group
pds1214 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.pt15.y2004x.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias special D decays
rcf1215 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.speciald.y2004a.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias copper
rcf1216 cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu200.hijing_382.b0_14.minbias.y2005x.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias copper test
rcf1217 cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu200.hijing_382.b0_14.minbias.y2004a.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV central reprise of 1209, smaller diamond
rcf1218 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2004a.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 1
rcf1219 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.special1.y2004c.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A)
rcf1220 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.special2.y2004c.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 3
rcf1221 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.special3.y2004c.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 4<Pt<5 Gheisha
rcf1222 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.special2.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 4<Pt<5 GCALOR
rcf1223 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_203.default.special2.y2004y.gcalor_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 5-7 GeV 6/28/05
rcf1224 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.5_7gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 7-9 GeV 6/28/05
rcf1225 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.7_9gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 9-11 GeV 6/28/05
rcf1226 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.9_11gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 11-15 GeV 6/28/05
rcf1227 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.11_15gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 15-25 GeV 6/29/05
rcf1228 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.15_25gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 25-35 GeV 6/29/05
rcf1229 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.25_35gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) > 35 GeV 6/29/05
rcf1230 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.above_35gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 2-3 GeV 6/29/05
rcf1231 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.2_3gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 3-4 GeV 6/30/05
rcf1232 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.3_4gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 4-5 GeV 6/30/05
rcf1233 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.4_5gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 6/30/05
rcf1234 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.low_energy.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia min bias 9/06/05
rcf1235 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.min_bias.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 5-7 GeV 9/07/05
rcf1236 pp200/herwig6507/pt_5_7 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.5_7gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# 62.4 GeV minbias copper
rcf1237 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.minbias.y2005c.gheisha_on
# 100 pi0 per event SVT in
rcf1238 none run1238.kumac pi0.100per_event.200mev_15gev.svtt_on.y2005x.gheisha_on
# 100 pi0 per event SVT out
rcf1239 none run1239.kumac pi0.100per_event.200mev_15gev.svtt_off.y2005x.gheisha_on
# 10 J/psi per event SVT in
rcf1240 none run1240.kumac jpsi.10per_event.500mev_3gev.svtt_on.y2005x.gheisha_on
# 10 J/psi per event SVT out
rcf1241 none run1241.kumac jpsi.10per_event.500mev_3gev.svtt_off.y2005x.gheisha_on
# 62.4 GeV minbias copper low EM cut
rcf1242 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.low_em.y2005c.gheisha_on
# 62.4 GeV minbias copper low EM and keep tracks
rcf1243 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.low_em_keep.y2005c.gheisha_on
# Herwig 9-11 GeV 10/13/05
rcf1244 pp200/herwig6507/pt_9_11 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.9_11gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 11-15 GeV 10/13/05
rcf1245 pp200/herwig6507/pt_11_15 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.11_15gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 15-25 GeV 10/13/05
rcf1246 pp200/herwig6507/pt_15_25 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.15_25gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 25-35 GeV 10/13/05
rcf1247 pp200/herwig6507/pt_25_35 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.25_35gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 35-45 GeV 10/13/05
rcf1248 pp200/herwig6507/pt_35_45 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.35_45gev.special1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias
rcf1249 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2005d.gheisha_on
# New Herwig Wave
# Herwig 9-11 GeV new header 12/14/05
rcf1250 pp200/herwig6507/pt_9_11 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.9_11gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 11-15 GeV new header 11/10/05
rcf1251 pp200/herwig6507/pt_11_15 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.11_15gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 15-25 GeV new header 12/19/05
rcf1252 pp200/herwig6507/pt_15_25 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.15_25gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 25-35 GeV new header 12/19/05
rcf1253 pp200/herwig6507/pt_25_35 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.25_35gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 35-100 GeV new header 12/19/05
rcf1254 pp200/herwig6507/pt_35_100 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.35_100gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 2-3 GeV new header 12/14/05
rcf1255 pp200/herwig6507/pt_2_3 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.2_3gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 3-4 GeV new header 12/14/05
rcf1256 pp200/herwig6507/pt_3_4 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.3_4gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 4-5 GeV new header 12/21/05
rcf1257 pp200/herwig6507/pt_4_5 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.4_5gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 5-7 GeV new header 12/21/05
rcf1258 pp200/herwig6507/pt_5_7 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.5_7gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Herwig 7-9 GeV new header 12/21/05
rcf1259 pp200/herwig6507/pt_7_9 evgen.*.nt pp200.herwig6507.7_9gev.special3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Heavy flavor embedding with full calorimeter
rcf1260 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2004y.gheisha_on
# 200 GeV minbias copper
rcf1261 cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu200.hijing_382.b0_14.minbias.y2006.gheisha_on
# 62.4 GeV minbias copper
rcf1262 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.minbias.y2006.gheisha_on
# Specialized tracking studies
# 62.4 GeV minbias copper low EM and keep tracks
rcf1263 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.low_em_keep.y2005d.gheisha_on
# Same as prev, distortion
rcf1264 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.distort.y2005d.gheisha_on
# Same as prev, distortion with clams
rcf1265 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.clamdist.y2005d.gheisha_on
# Same as prev, clams and two ladders offset
rcf1266 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.clamlad.y2005d.gheisha_on
# Individual ladder offsets
rcf1267 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.indilad.dev2005.gheisha_on
# Global ladder tilts
rcf1268 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.ladtilt.dev2005.gheisha_on
# Individual ladder tilts
rcf1269 cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu62.hijing_382.b0_14.indtilt.dev2005.gheisha_on
# Spin PWG requests:
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 45-55 GeV 5/09/06
rcf1270 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.45_55gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 55-65 GeV 5/10/06
rcf1271 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.55_65gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
rcf1272 cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias evgen.*.nt cucu200.hijing_382.b0_14.D0minbias.y2006.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 0-2 GeV 7/20/06
rcf1273 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.0_2gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
# UPGR02 eta+-1.5
rcf1274 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr02.gheisha_on
# Pythia min bias 7/27/06
rcf1275 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.minbias.cdf_a.y2006.gheisha_on
# UPGR05
rcf1276 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr05.gheisha_on
# UPGR05 wide diamond (60,300)
rcf1277 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.wide.upgr05.gheisha_on
# UPGR07 wide diamond (60,300)
rcf1278 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.wide.upgr07.gheisha_on
# UPGR07
rcf1279 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr07.gheisha_on
# UPGR01
rcf1280 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr01.gheisha_on
# UPGR08
rcf1281 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr08.gheisha_on
# UPGR06
rcf1282 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr06.gheisha_on
# UPGR09
rcf1283 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr09.gheisha_on
# UPGR09 central
rcf1284 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr09.gheisha_on
# UPGR10
rcf1285 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr10.gheisha_on
# UPGR10 central
rcf1286 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr10.gheisha_on
# UPGR11
rcf1287 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr11.gheisha_on
# UPGR11 central
rcf1288 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr11.gheisha_on
# UPGR06 central
rcf1289 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr06.gheisha_on
# UPGR07
rcf1290 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr07.gheisha_on
Here is the actual version of the file used in the 2007 runs:
e w en b jq geom
# UPGR07 01/17/2007 ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
rcf1291 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.special.diamond10.upgr07.gheisha_on
# UPGR07 01/17/2007 ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
rcf1292 none pyth.dat pp500.pythia6_205.special.diamond10.upgr07.gheisha_on
# UPGR07 01/17/2007 ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
rcf1293 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.special.diamond30.upgr07.gheisha_on
# UPGR07 01/17/2007 ISUB = 11, 12, 13, 28, 53, 68
rcf1294 none pyth.dat pp500.pythia6_205.special.diamond30.upgr07.gheisha_on
# Min bias gold, pilot run for 2007
rcf1295 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.y2007.gheisha_on
# Central auau200 + B-mixing Central auau200 + Upsilon (S1,S2,S3) mixing
rcf1296 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2007.gheisha_on
# Minbias for TUP (wide vertex)
rcf1297 auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_20.minbias.upgr13.gheisha_on
# Central auau200 + D0-mixing, UPGR13
rcf1298 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.upgr13.gheisha_on
# Min bias Pythia
rcf1299 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.minbias.cdf_a.y2005.gheisha_on
# Pythia, UPGR13
rcf1300 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.charm.cdf_a.upgr13.gheisha_on
# Pythia wide diamond
rcf1301 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.minbias.wide.upgr13.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1302 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.45_55gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1303 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.35_45gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1304 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.55_65gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Placeholder XXXXXXXXXXX
rcf1305 auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central evgen.*.nt auau200.hijing_382.b0_3.central.y2007.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1306 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.25_35gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1307 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.15_25gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1308 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.11_15gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1309 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.9_11gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1310 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.7_9gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1311 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.5_7gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia CKIN(3)=7, CKIN(4)=9, CKIN(7)=0.0, CKIN(8)=1.0, CKIN(27)=-0.4, CKIN(28)=0.4
rcf1312 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.7_9gev.bin1.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia CKIN(3)=9, CKIN(4)=11, CKIN(7)=-0.4, CKIN(8)=1.4, CKIN(27)=-0.5, CKIN(28)=0.6
rcf1313 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.9_11gev.bin2.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia CKIN(3)=11, CKIN(4)=15, CKIN(7)=-0.2, CKIN(8)=1.2, CKIN(27)=-0.6, CKIN(28)=-0.3
rcf1314 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.11_15gev.bin3.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia CKIN(3)=11, CKIN(4)=15, CKIN(7)=-0.5, CKIN(8)=1.5, CKIN(27)=-0.3, CKIN(28)=0.4
rcf1315 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.11_15gev.bin4.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia CKIN(3)=11, CKIN(4)=15, CKIN(7)=0.0, CKIN(8)=1.0, CKIN(27)=0.4, CKIN(28)=0.7
rcf1316 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.11_15gev.bin5.y2004y.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1317 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.4_5gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1318 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.3_4gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1319 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_410.minbias.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1320 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.4_5gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1321 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.3_4gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1322 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.5_7gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1323 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.7_9gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1324 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.9_11gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia
rcf1325 none pyth.dat pp62.pythia6_410.11_15gev.cdf_a.y2006c.gheisha_on
# Pythia Special 2 (CDF A) 2-3 GeV 6/29/05
pds1231 none pyth.dat pp200.pythia6_205.2_3gev.cdf_a.y2004y.gheisha_on
When submitting jobs on the Grid, most of the functionality in alljobs is redundant. The simplified scripts can be found in the "Grid-Friendly" section of this site.
#! /usr/local/bin/tcsh -f
# remove the old list of files
if( -e process.list ) then
rm process.list
if( -e filter.kumac ) then
rm filter.kumac
ls gstar.*.fz | sed -e 's/[gstar.|.fz]//g' | sort -n > process.list
# clean the trash bin before the next run, re-create
rm -fr trash
mkdir trash
echo `du --block-size=1000K -s | cut -f1` MB in the current directory
echo `df --block-size=1000K . | tail -1 | sed -e 's/\ *[0-9]*\ *[0-9]*\ *//' | sed -e 's/\ .*//g'` MB available on disk
macro filter name
mess Start with filenames [input].*.fz, converting to [name]
ag/version batch
option stat
option date
option nbox
filecase keep
pwd =\$shell('pwd');
nfiles=\$shell('cat process.list | wc -l | sed -e "s/[\ ]*//g"');
message Starting to process [nfiles]
* trace on
ve/cr runs([nfiles]) I
ve/read runs process.list
ve/pri runs
if (\$Len([name]).eq.0) then
message cannot define current directory in [pwd]
out =\$env('OUTDIR')
if ([out].ne.'') then
namz = [out]/[name]/[name]
lenb = 1000
message reading
ve/cr id(3) I
* ve/read id N
message reading complete
nt=[nfiles] | total number of files to process
n1=runs(1) | first input file
n2=runs([nfiles]) | last input file
mm = 0 | number of output files
nn = 0 | number of processed files
cnt = 0 | total number of events in this job
cno = 0 | number of events when output has been opened
nev = 0 | number of events in this output
ii = 0 | input active flag
io = 0 | output active flag
len0= 1200 | minimum output file len
len1= [len0]+200 | average output file len - stop at end-of-file
len2= [len1]+200 | maximum output file len - stop always
ni = [n1] | first input file
no = 0 | skip up to this file
nd = [n1] | file to delete
ntrig = 10
if (\$fexist(nn).gt.0) then
ve/read id nn
na=id(1); message [na] input files already done
no=id(2); message first input files up to gstar.[no]
mm=id(3); message first output files up to [name].[mm]
hist = [name].his
if (\$fexist([hist]).gt.0) then
shell mv [hist] old.his
* call HRGET(0,\$quote([hist]),' ')
ghist [hist]
cdir //pawc
mdir cont
if (\$fexist(old.his).gt.0) then
call HRGET(0,\$quote(old.his),' ')
gfile p gstar.[n1].fz
mode control prin 1 hist 0 | simu 2
gexec ../.lib/
gexec ../.lib/
message loaded libs
title=merging runs [n1]-[n2] in [name]
fort/file 66 [name].ps; meta 66 -111
next; dcut cave x .1 10 10 .03 .03
Set DMOD 1; Igset TXFP -60; Igset CHHE .35
ITX 5 19.5 \$quote([title])
ITX .5 .1 \$quote([pwd])
* do ni = [ni],[n2]
ag/version interactive
do iev=1,1000000000000
* new input file ?
if ([ii].eq.0) then
do nfoo=[frst],[nfiles]
ni = runs([nfoo])
file = [input].[ni].fz
filz = [input].[ni].fz.gz
hist = [input].[ni].his
message processing index [nfoo] out of [nfiles]
ve/print runs([nfoo])
if (\$fexist([file]).gt.0) then
message loop with [file]
gfile p [file]
if (\$iquest(1).eq.0) then
ii = 1
nn = [nn]+1
if (\$fexist([hist]).gt.0) then
if (\$hexist(-1).eq.0) then
call HRGET(0,\$quote([hist]),' ')
call HRGET(0,\$quote([hist]),'A')
call indmes(\$quote([file]))
goto nextf
* iquest:
* fexist:
goto nexto
* new output file ?
if ([io].eq.0) then
mm = [mm]+1
if ([mm].lt.10) then
io = 1
cno = [cnt]
gfile o [output].fzt
iname = [name]_[mm].fzt
call indmes(\$quote([iname]))
* processing next event
call rzcdir('//SLUGRZ',' ')
trig [ntrig]
evt = \$iquest(99)
if (\$iquest(1).ne.0) then
ni = [ni]+1
ii = 0
if ([ii].eq.0) goto nexto
* get output file length in MB:
cmd = ls -s [output].fzt
len = \$word(\$shell([cmd]))
len = [len]/[lenb]
* mess wrquest len=[len] ii=[ii] evt=[evt]
if ([len].lt.[len0]) goto nextev
if ([len].lt.[len1] .and. [ii].gt.0) goto nextev
if ([len].lt.[len2] .and. [ii].gt.0 .and. [evt].eq.0) goto nextev
* output file done
cnt = \$iquest(100)
if ([cnt]<0) then
cnt = 0
nev = [cnt]-[cno]
io = 0
if ([nev].gt.0) then
if ([nev].lt.199999) then
* terminate last event, clear memory
call guout
call gtrigc
gfile o
* rename temp file into the final one:
cmv = mv [output].fzt [output]_[nev]evts.fzd
i = \$shell([cmv])
message files inp = [ni] out = [mm] cnt = [cnt] done
if ([ii].eq.0) then
nj = [ni] - 1 | this file was finished, ni is NEXT to read
mj = [mm] + 1 | this is next to start write after the BP
message writing breakpoint [nn] [ni] [mj]
ve/inp id [nn] [ni] [mj]
ve/write id nn i6
ntrig = 10
* moving files to TRASH
while ([nd].lt.[ni]) do
filed = [input].[nd].fz
alrun = *.[nd].*
if (\$fexist([filed]).gt.0) then
shell mv [alrun] trash/
nd = [nd] + 1
ntrig = [ntrig] + 1
if ([ni].gt.[n2]) goto alldone
* control histogram
if ([nn].eq.[nt]) then
shell touch filter.done
cdir //pawc
tit = files [n1] - [n2] in set [name]
title_global \$quote([tit])
next; size 20.5 26; zone 2 4;
hi/pl 11; hi/pl 12; hi/pl 13; hi/pl 14
if (\$hexist(1).gt.1) then
n/pl 1.ntrack; n/pl 1.Nvertx; n/pl 1.NtpcHit; n/pl 1.Ntr10
swn 111 0 20 0 20; selnt 111
ITX 2.0 0.1 \$quote([pwd])
close 66; meta 0
echo ------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Activating starsim for dataset $1
$STAR_BIN/starsim -w 1 -g 40 -b ./filter.kumac $1
# cleanup
rm ZEBRA.O process.list nn index paw.metafile *.his *.ps filter.done filter.kumac
$ cvs co StRoot/StarGenerator/macros $ cp StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.kinematics.C .Running the macro is straightforward. To generate 100 events, simply do...
$ root4star root [0] .L starsim.kinematics.C root [1] int nevents = 100 root [2] starsim(nevents)This will create an "fzd" file, which can be analyzed with the bfc.C macro as you normally would.
geometry("y2012"); command("gkine -4 0"); command("gfile o pythia6.starsim.fzd");
If you're familiar with the starsim interface, you probably recognize the arguements to the command function. These are KUIP commands used to steer the starsim application. You can use the gfile command to set the name of the output file, for example. The "gkine -4 0" command tells starsim how it should get the particles from the event generator (this shouldn't be changed.) Finally, the geometry function defined in the macro allows you to set the geometry tag you wish to simulate. It is the equivalent of the "DETP geom" command in starsim. So you may also pass magnetic field, switch on/off hadronic interactions, etc. Any command which can be executed in starsim can be executed using the "command" function. This enables full control of the physical model, the ability to print out hits, materials, etc... and setup p
Let's take a quick look at the "KINE" event generator and how to configure it. StarKinematics is a special event generator, allowing us to inject particles into the simulation on an event-by-event basis during a simulation run. The "trig" function in this macro loops over a requested number of events, and pushes particles. Let's take a look a this function.
void trig( Int_t n=1 ) { for ( Int_t i=0; i<n; i++ ) { // Clear the chain from the previous event chain->Clear(); // Generate 1 muon in the FGT range kinematics->Kine( 1, "mu-", 10.0, 50.0, 1.0, 2.0 ); // Generate 4 muons flat in pT and eta kinematics->Kine(4, "mu+", 0., 5., -0.8, +0.8 ); // Generate 4 muons according to a PT and ETA distribution kinematics->Dist(4, "mu-", ptDist, etaDist ); // Generate the event chain->Make(); // Print the event primary->event()->Print(); } }
The "kinematics" is a pointer to a StarKinematics object. There are three functions of interest to us:
[ 0| 0| -1] id= 0 Rootino stat=-201 p=( 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000; 510.000) v=( 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.000) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 1| 1| 1] id= 13 mu- stat=01 p=( 36.421, -7.940, 53.950, 65.576; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 2| 2| 2] id= -13 mu+ stat=01 p=( -2.836, 3.258, 0.225, 4.326; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 3| 3| 3] id= -13 mu+ stat=01 p=( -1.159, -4.437, -2.044, 5.022; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 4| 4| 4] id= -13 mu+ stat=01 p=( -0.091, 1.695, -0.131, 1.706; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 5| 5| 5] id= -13 mu+ stat=01 p=( 1.844, -0.444, 0.345, 1.931; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 6| 6| 6] id= 13 mu- stat=01 p=( 4.228, -4.467, -3.474, 7.065; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 7| 7| 7] id= 13 mu- stat=01 p=( -0.432, -0.657, 0.611, 1.002; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 8| 8| 8] id= 13 mu- stat=01 p=( -0.633, -0.295, -0.017, 0.706; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
[ 9| 9| 9] id= 13 mu- stat=01 p=( 2.767, 0.517, 1.126, 3.034; 0.106) v=( 0.0181, -0.0905, 26.381) [0 0] [0 0]
The printout above illustrates the STAR event record. Each row denotes a particle in the simulation. The 0th entry (and any entry with a status code -201) is used to carry summary information about the configuration of the event generator. Multiple event generators can be run in the same simulation, and a Rootino is introduced into the event record to summarize their configuration. The three columns at the left hold the primary event id, the generator event id, and the idtruth id. The next column shows the PDG id of the particle, followed by the particle's name. The particle's staus code is next, followed by the 4-momentum and mass, and the particle's start vertex. Finally, the last four columns denote the primary ids of the 1st and last mother particle and the 1st and last daughter particle.
The STAR event record is saved in a ROOT file at the end of the simulation run, allowing you to read back both particle-wise and event-wise information stored from the event generator and compare with reconstructed events. Here, the idtruth ID of the particle is useful, as it allows you to compare reconstructed tracks and hits with the particle which generated them.
STARSIM is the legacy simulation package in STAR, implemented in FORtran, MORtran and utilizing GEANT3 as the concrete MC package. For documentation on how to run simulations using STARSIM, see
The simulation group is evolving the framework towards using Virtual Monte Carlo. As a first step, we have implemented a new event generator framework which will be compatible with the future VMC application. The new framework allows us to run jobs within root4star. In order to run simulations in the new framework, see
$ cvs co StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.kinematics.C # check out the macro $ ln -s StRoot/StarGenerator/macros/starsim.kinematics.C starsim.C # create a link named starsim.C $ root4star starsim.C # run the code using STAR's version of ROOTYou're going to see alot of output here, but in the end you'll have two output files: starsim.kinematics.root and starsim.kinematics.fzd
$ ls starsim.kinematics.fzd starsim.kinematics.root starsim.C StRoot/
These two files are the so called "zebra" file (.fzd), containing the Monte Carlo hits, geometry and other associated event information, and the event generator record (.root), containing a ROOT TTree which saves all of the particles generated by the primary event generator.
Once we have the output files, it's time to run them through the reconstruction chain. STAR's reconstruction code is steered using the "big full chain" macro bfc.C. For most jobs you'll want to provide BFC three arguements: the number of events to produce, the set of chain options to run, and an input file. For more complicated tasks you're encouraged to ask questions on the STAR software list.
$ emacs runBfc.C # Feel free to use your favorite editor instead of emacs 0001 | void runBfc() { 0002 | gROOT->LoadMacro("bfc.C"); // Load in BFC macro 0003 | TString _file = "kinematics.starsim.fzd"; // This is our input file 0004 | TString _chain; // We'll build this up 0005 | _chain += "ry2012a "; // Start by specifying the geometry tag (note the trailing space...) 0006 | _chain += "AgML USExgeom "; // Tells BFC which geometry package to use. When in doubt, use agml. 0007 | _chain += "fzin "; // Tells BFC that we'll be reading in a zebra file. 0008 | _chain += "TpcFastSim "; // Runs TPC fast simulation 0009 | _chain += "sti ittf "; // Runs track finding and reconstruction using the "sti" tracker 0010 | _chain += "cmudst "; // Creates the MuDst file for output 0011 | _chain += "geantout "; // Saves the "geant.root" file 0012 | bfc(10, _chain, _file ); // Runs the simulation chain 0013 | } ctrl-x ctrl-s ctrl-x ctrl-q # i.e. save and quit $ root4star runBfc.C # run the reconstruction job $ ls -l ...
If all has gone well, you now have several files in your directory including the MuDst which you'll use in your analysis.
$ ls -1 *.root kinematics.geant.root kinematics.hist.root kinematics.MuDst.root kinematics.runco.root kinematics.starsim.root
C. idTruth and qaTruth
During the first phase of the simulation job we had full access to the state of the simulated particles at every step as they propagated through the STAR detector. As particles propagate through active layers, the simulation package can register "hits" in those sensitive layers. These hits tell us how much energy was deposited, in which layer and at what location. They also save the association between the particle which deposited the energy and the resulting hit. This association is saved as the "idTruth" of the hit. It corresponds to the unique id (primary key) assigned to the particle by the simulation package. This idTruth value is exceedingly useful, as it allows us to compare important information between reconstructed objects and the particles which are responsible for them.
Global and Primary tracks contain two truth variables: idTruth and qaTruth. idTruth tells us which Monte Carlo track was the dominant contributor (i.e. provided the most TPC hits) on the track, while qaTruth tells us the percentage of hits which thath particle provided. With idTruth you can lookup the corresponding Monte Carlo track in the StMuMcTrack branch of the MuDst. In the event that idTruth is zero, no MC particle was responsible for hits on the track.
With the MC track, you can compare the thrown and reconstructed kinematics of the track (pT, eta, phi, etc...).
Primary vertex also contains an idTruth, which can be used to access the Monte Carlo vertex which it corresponds to in the StMuMcVertex branch of the MuDst.
D. Taking it further
In starsim.kinematics.C we use the StarKinematics event generator, which allows you to push particles onto the simulation stack on an event-by-event basis. You can throw them flat in phase space, or sample them from a pT and eta distribution. These methods are illustrated in the macro, which throws muons and pions in the simulation. You can modify this to suit your needs, throwing whatever particles you want according to your own distribtions. The list of available particles can be obtained from StarParticleData.
$ root4star starsim.C\(0\) root [0] StarParticleData &data = StarParticleData::instance(); root [1] data.GetParticles().Print()
Additionally, you can define your own particles. See starsim.addparticle.C.
Primary Event Generation
StMc package create StMcEvent structure and fills it by Monte-Carlo information. Then create StMiniMcEvent structure
which contains both, MonteCarlo & Reconstruction information. Then provide matching MonteCarlo & Reconstruction info.
It allows user to estimate quality of reconstruction and reconstruction efficiency for different physical processes.
Actually, StMcEvent is redundunt, and exists by historical reasons.
StMc consists of:
Archive of old Simulation pages.
To use Hijing for simulation purposes, one must first run Hijing proper and generate event files, then feed these data to starsim to complete the GEANT part.
The Hijing event generator codes and makefile can be found in the STAR code repository at the following location:$STAR/pams/gen/hijing_382. Once built, the executable is named hijjet.x. The input file is called hijev.inp and should be modified as per user's needs. When the executable is run multiple times in same directory, a series of files will be produced with names like evgen.XXX.nt, where XXX is an integer. The format of the file is PAW Ntuple. The starsim application is equipped to read that format as explained below. If a large number of events are needed, a request should be made to the STAR simulation leader or any member of the S&C.
Listed below is the KUMAC macro that can be used to run your own GEANT simulation with pre-fabricated Hijing events . Unlike the Pythia simulation, events aren't generated on the fly but are read from an external file instead. Look at the comments embedded in the code. Additional notes:
gfile o my_hijing_file.fz detp geom y2006 make geometry gclose all * define a beam with 100um transverse sigma and 60cm sigma in Z vsig 0.01 60.0 * introduce a cut on eta to avoid having to handle massive showers caused by spectators gkine -1 0 0 100 -6.3 6.3 0 6.3 -30.0 30.0 gexec $STAR_LIB/ us/inp hijing evgen.1.nt * seed the random generator rndm 13 17 * trigger - change to trigger the desired number of times trig 10
gfile o my_pythia_file.fz detp geom y2006 make geometry gclose all * define a beam with 100um transverse sigma and 60cm sigma in Z vsig 0.01 60.0 * Cut on eta (+-6.3) to avoid having to handle massive showers caused by the spectators * Cut on vertex Z (+-30 cm) gkine -1 0 0 100 -6.3 6.3 0 6.29 -30.0 30.0 * load pythia gexec $STAR_LIB/ * specify parameters ENER 200.0 ! Collision energy MSEL 1 ! Collision type MSUB (11)=1 ! Subprocess choice MSUB (12)=1 MSUB (13)=1 MSUB (28)=1 MSUB (53)=1 MSUB (68)=1 * * Make the following stable: * MDCY (102,1)=0 ! PI0 111 MDCY (106,1)=0 ! PI+ 211 * MDCY (109,1)=0 ! ETA 221 * MDCY (116,1)=0 ! K+ 321 * MDCY (112,1)=0 ! K_SHORT 310 MDCY (105,1)=0 ! K_LONG 130 * * MDCY (164,1)=0 ! LAMBDA0 3122 * MDCY (167,1)=0 ! SIGMA0 3212 MDCY (162,1)=0 ! SIGMA- 3112 MDCY (169,1)=0 ! SIGMA+ 3222 MDCY (172,1)=0 ! Xi- 3312 MDCY (174,1)=0 ! Xi0 3322 MDCY (176,1)=0 ! OMEGA- 3334 * seed the random generator rndm 13 19 * trigger - change to trigger the desired number of times trig 10
gexec $STAR_LIB/apythia.soWith:
gexec $STAR_LIB/ gexec $STAR_LIB/
It is possible to simulate the production and propagation of the magnetic monopoles in the STAR experiment, using a few modification in the code base of GEANT 3.21, and in particular in our GEANT-derived application, the starsim. Our work is based on a few papers, including:
The flow of the GEANT code execution is illustrated by the following diagrams from the above publication:
Now, let's take a look at a minimum bias gold-gold event that contains a pair of magnetic monopoles:
Salient features can already be seen in these graphics: large dE/dx losses and characteristic limit on the maximum radius of the recorded monopole track (this is due to the fact that the trajectory of the mm is not helix-like, but rather parabole-like). Now, lets take a look at the phi distribution of the hits, for central and peripheral gold-gold events containing monopoles:
Again, the rather intuitive feature (large peaks in phi due to a very large dE/dx produced by the monopoles) is obviously borne out in the simulation.
This is work in progress and this page is subjec to updates.
echo commencing the simulation
export STAR=.
# >> run.$run.log 2>&1
node=`uname -n`
echo run:$run geom:$geom ntrig:$ntrig diamond:$diamond z:$z node:$node pid:$$
./starsim -w 0 -g 40 -c trace on .<<EOF
trace on
RUNG $run 1 $$
RNDM $$ $run
gfile o gstar.$run.fz
detp geom $geom
vsig 0.01 $diamond
gexec $STAR/
gexec $STAR/
gexec $STAR/
gclose all
gkine -1 0 0 100 -6.3 6.3 0 6.28318 -$z $z
ENER 200.0
CKIN 3=4.0
CKIN 4=5.0
MSTP (51)=7
MSTP (81)=1
MSTP (82)=4
PARP (82)=2.0
PARP (83)=0.5
PARP (84)=0.4
PARP (85)=0.9
PARP (86)=0.95
PARP (89)=1800
PARP (90)=0.25
PARP (91)=1.0
PARP (67)=4.0
MDCY (102,1)=0 ! PI0 111
MDCY (106,1)=0 ! PI+ 211
MDCY (109,1)=0 ! ETA 221
MDCY (116,1)=0 ! K+ 321
MDCY (112,1)=0 ! K_SHORT 310
MDCY (105,1)=0 ! K_LONG 130
MDCY (164,1)=0 ! LAMBDA0 3122
MDCY (167,1)=0 ! SIGMA0 3212
MDCY (162,1)=0 ! SIGMA- 3112
MDCY (169,1)=0 ! SIGMA+ 3222
MDCY (172,1)=0 ! Xi- 3312
MDCY (174,1)=0 ! Xi0 3322
MDCY (176,1)=0 ! OMEGA- 3334
trig $ntrig
143575 2007-05-31 18:02:47 agetof
65743 2007-05-31 18:02:39 agetof.def
44591 2007-05-31 19:05:34
5595692 2007-05-31 18:03:10
183148 2007-05-31 18:03:15
4170153 2007-05-31 19:05:27
0 2007-05-31 18:00:06 StarDb/
0 2007-05-31 18:00:59 StarDb/StMagF/
51229 2007-05-31 18:00:57 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_full_negative_2D.dat
2775652 2007-05-31 18:00:57 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_full_negative_3D.dat
51227 2007-05-31 18:00:57 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_full_positive_2D.dat
2775650 2007-05-31 18:00:58 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_full_positive_3D.dat
51227 2007-05-31 18:00:58 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_half_positive_2D.dat
2775650 2007-05-31 18:00:58 StarDb/StMagF/bfield_half_positive_3D.dat
1530566 2007-05-31 18:00:59 StarDb/StMagF/boundary_13_efield.dat
51231 2007-05-31 18:00:59 StarDb/StMagF/const_full_positive_2D.dat
1585050 2007-05-31 18:00:59 StarDb/StMagF/endcap_efield.dat
1530393 2007-05-31 18:00:59 StarDb/StMagF/membrane_efield.dat
15663993 2007-05-31 18:03:31 starsim
36600 2007-05-31 18:03:37
1848 2007-05-31 18:03:42 starsim.logon.kumac
21551 2007-05-31 18:03:48 starsim.makefile
As of spring of 2007, the Monte Carlo production is being run on three different platforms:
Example of setting the input file: StBFChain::ProcessLine ((StVMCMaker *) 0xaeab6f0)->SetInputFile("/star/simu/simu/gstardata/evgenRoot/evgen.3.root");
In general, StBFChain sets various attributes of the makers.
New chain options must be added in BigFullChain.h
First, FastOffline results are on
Note first as a reminder, production paths follows a convention
and that starting from 2006 data, an additional path $RunNumber is appended before the file names. This was added to avoid having large directories (and therefore, slow directory look ups) on heavy loaded file system.
All log files goes to /star/rcf/prodlog/dev/log/daq. FastOffline runs out of the dev library which is associated to a production tag dev. Running from dev has its inconvenience (code must run) but this allows for code developers to see the result of their changes (hopefully improvements and bug correction) the next day as dev is released using the AutoBuild framework (see the Library release structure and policy for more information as well as the code sanity pages and the AutoBuild last release report).
FastOffline works by sampling the data as follows:
All of the above numbers are adjustable so this pseudo-policy may change any time. Note that ANY additional selections such as selections on the number of events in a file (minimum), the beam energy, the magnet field type, the collision or the trigger setup name may be used to sub-select a sample of files to be used in a pre-processing pass or otherwise new algorithm.
You don't need to read this unless you are planning to help with production or understand how the system works ... It is simple. One needs to read perl only. But if you have read until here, it probably means you ant to know so here we go ...
For example, ezTree processing in 2005 included
This leads to a selection TrgSetup=='ppProductionMinBias' AND Status==0. The value of Status and meaning is as follow:
666: ... the jobs have died, disappeared or otherwise indicating a problem.
Ideally, you need to select ONLY on Status in (2,3). They are indicators of success (the rest being for internal bookkeeping only). Currently, the extended statuses for pre-processing are not updated to a value beyond 1. We can but one would need to know what to search for and parse from the logs to define success (it is not a framework limitation per say but any “decision” on OK or not implies a piece of code one has to write to validate the processing). Therefore, a safe assumption for selection pre-processed files from FastOffline is to check for Status in (2,3) AND XStatus$ID > 0 (where $ID is the ID assigned to you for your pre-processing pass i.e. 1 for ezTree, etc ...) and check for the presence of the expected output on disk.
All scripts for FastOffline are located in $STAR_SCRIPTS or $STAR_CGI depending on usage. FastOffline heavily rely on
Everything is concentrated in one unique perl module named Scripts developed around are merely using methods available via this module so, one change in the module, all changes (including one mistake = all broken).
Invoked in a cronjob via the DAQFill.csh, the sole purpose of this script is to read the online database and build a condensed summary information related to new records as they come (table DAQInfo. The perl script SHOULD NOT be invoked from the crontab since it works in an infinite loop mode of period 60 seconds.
At every cycle, only new records are updated. However, the current scheme meant to save precious time also causes to lose file sequences (this is a synchronization online/offline issue, nothing to do with FastOffline itself). Therefore, this script currently has an update mode where all records are scanned and missed ones are merged with the old ones.
There are currently 3 modes of operation for the csh wrapper :
All cron-jobs are currently running under starreco and on rcas6003. Note that the csh wrapper MUST be running on a Linux box or a box where the auwx options of the ps command are available.
This script takes care of submitting job description files to the CRS queue system. It MUST therefore run under the following conditions
The current cronjobs are running under starreco on rcrsuser4.
There are 2 useful lines in this crontab :
Some syntax options while invoking this script :
This script is still in development mode. It is meant to be executed regularly from a cronjob. Its purpose is to scan archive directory for finished jobs, compare the list with what is available in the target/destination directory and mark the entries in the DAQInfo table as processed. This is used for hand-shaking with QA (and let them know what is done or not). Possible arguments are the library version then the target directory to scan. Note that the standard directory structure is assumed. This script must be executed from a node which has access to both /star/u/starreco and the target directory. It is currently running under starreco on rcas6003. is the perl module at the heart of FastOffline processing. This module does about everything by providing other scripts ( , ) function interface.
All functions are documented in the module itself. Documentation is maintained in the code header and will not be replicated here. Click here to get more information.
In principle, you do not need to know SQL to use the module. Many selections are handled through defining a perl associative array of conditions with values and operator and pass it as-is to the methods accepting such argument and all queries will be generated for you.
Round offs are taken care off internally by conversion routines. You can specify for example an approximate beam energy as displayed by the FastOffline browser. This allows for consistency of treatment of the precision.
Tables exists in the operation database and are:
Because the CRS queue system is only a job-description based system, an extraneous script needs to be used in order to handle the running pass of root4star. There are many bfcXXX scripts around and we tried to make this one as general as possible.
The help was moved here: bfcca.
Datasamples and Production Summary for Tracking Upgrades | |
Geometry tag/ |
Detectors for tracking upgrades |
Library version and tag |
Production |
Number of events |
Location |
UPGR05 |
SL06f(SL06f) |
NO hits smearing for HFT,IST,HPD |
36K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr05/gheisha_on/p06if |
UPGR05 |
SL06f(SL06f_1) |
perfect SSD and |
36K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr05/gheisha_on/p06if_1 |
UPGR07 |
SL06f (SL06f_1) |
perfect SSD and |
36K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr07/gheisha_on/p06if |
UPGR07 |
SL06g(SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
19K x 5 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_03/central/upgr07/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR07 |
SL06g(SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
200K |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/pp200/pythia6_205/special/diamond30/upgr07/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR08 |
SL06f (SL06f_1) |
hits smearing for HFT, IST & HPD |
36K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr08/gheisha_on/p06if |
UPGR01 |
SL06f (SL06f_1) |
perfect SSD and |
36K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr01/gheisha_on/p06if |
UPGR06 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
5K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr06/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR06 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
1K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr06/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR09 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
5K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr09/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR09 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
1K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr09/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR10 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
5K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr10/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR10 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
0.8K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr10/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR11 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
5K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/upgr11/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR11 |
SL06g (SL06g) |
perfect SSD and |
1K x 3 |
on HPSS only /home/starreco/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr11/gheisha_on/p06ig |
UPGR13 |
SL07a (SL07a_1) |
perfect SSD and |
79K |
/star/data42/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr13/gheisha_on/p07ia /star/data46/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr13/gheisha_on/p07ia /star/data47/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr13/gheisha_on/p07ia /star/data48/reco/auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/upgr13/gheisha_on/p07ia |
UPGR13 |
SL07a (SL07a_1) |
perfect SSD and |
150K |
/star/data40/reco/pp200/pythia6_205/charm/cdf_a/upgr13/gheisha_on/p07ia |
o | |
Monte Carlo Production Datasets
- HIJING + embedded B0 mesons;
- HIJING + embedded B+ mesons;
- HIJING + embedded Upsilons(1S, 2S, 3S) ;
GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, updated tof, new upVPD, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd/fms, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field
files rcf1296*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
files rcf1296*70_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B0 mesons;
files rcf1296*72_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B+ mesons;
files rcf1296*70.MuDst.root - sinle B0 mesons;
files rcf1296*72.MuDst.root - single B+ mesons;
files rcf1296*164_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S1);
files rcf1296*165_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S2);
files rcf1296*166_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S3);
files rcf1275*evts.MuDst.root - pythia, no embedded data;
files rcf1275*160.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded J/Psi;
files rcf1275*161.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S1) ;
files rcf1275*162.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S2) ;
files rcf1275*163.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S3) ;
files rcf1261*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
files rcf1261*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
files rcf1261*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;
files rcf1272*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
files rcf1272*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;
files rcf1262*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
files rcf1262*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons ;
files rcf1262*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;
Lidia Didenko
Production path for real data inherites some parts from raw data pathes and has edditional information related to trigger set, magnatic field and production series. Conventional name is:
and added ../run_number subdirectory for year 2006 and next years.
Trirger set name is defined by trigger group in the online data taken.
Examples of real data production path:
-cuProductionMinBias and 2007ProductionMinBias are the names of trigger sets, description could be found on the pages:
trigger set for run year 2005
tigger set for run year 2007
-P05id and P08ic - reconstruction production series
-060 and 104 - days of data taken
-8104044 - run number
Name of path for MC data should contain fundamental definition of parameters set used for simulation and be standardized for automated cataloging.
MC path includes 7 subdirectories, each of them definds certain parameters and simulation options:
Examples of MC data path:
The meaning of notation is:
- auau200 - auau collisions with energy = 200GeV;
- pp200 - pp collisions with energy = 200GeV;
- hijing_1.382 - hijing event generator, version 1.382 was used for simulation;
- pythia_6.205 - pythia event generator, version 6.205 was used for simulation;
- b0_3 - impact parameter b is in the range 0-3 fm;
- 11_15gev - pt trigger interval;
- fullfield (halffield) - full or half magnetic field was used in simultaion;
- year2004 (y2007g) - geometry version used for simultaion;
- gheisha_on(gcalor_on) - GHEISHA or GCALOR code was used for simulation of hadronic interactions;
- p05ie - production series;
In the subdirectory "/parameters/" any parameters could be specified, other subdirectories should be defined according to conventional name.
For GEANT simulation files subdirectory "production_series" should be replaced by name "gstardata";
Name of path for embedding production follow name of path for real data production (some part) plus have information about embedded particle name and ID of embedding request. The path name has next structure:
and added ../run_number subdirectory for year 2006 and next years.
Example of embedding data path:
- cuProductionMinBias is trigger set name;
- Omega_703_1179173304 name of embedded particle (Omega) and request ID;
- P06ib.SL06b real data production series and library version used for embedding production;
- 2005 is year of real data taken;
- 050 is day of data taken;
This page will list datasets we have marked as bad or unavailable with the reasons listed below.
Removed Real Data Productions
After the discussions with PWG the following productions/triggersets have been removed from local, NFS, HPSS (only test productions) area and FileCatalog, for reference look at the Jamie's email.
Follow the link below to find the list of geometries implemented for a given year / RHIC run. In general, the most recent version of the geometry (highest letter) should be used for simulations. The availability of the geomtries in a given library ( or is indicated in the table. NOTE: is preferred for all production geometries since 2006. We do not support geometries after 2011 in the old library.
The geometry naming scheme is as follows:
Geometry tags take the form Y<year><revision> or Y<year>_<configuration><revision> where <year> is the 4-digit year, <revision> is a single letter denoting a different approximation of the detector in a given year, and <configuration> denotes a distinct reconfiguration of the detector. e.g. HFT installed or out.
starsim | Big Full Chain | ||||
---|---|---|---|---|---| | | AgiGeometry | AgmlGeometry | ||
1 | y2001 geometries | x | x | x | x |
2 | y2002 geometries | x | x | x | x |
3 | y2003 geometries | x | x | x | x |
4 | y2004 geometries | x | x | x | x |
5 | y2005 geometries | x | x | x | x |
6 | y2006 geometries | x | x | x | x |
7 | y2007 geometries | x | x | x | x |
8 | y2008 geometries | x | x | x | x |
9 | y2009 geometries | x | x | x | x |
10 | y2010 geometries | x | x | x | x |
11 | y2011 geometries | x | x | x | x |
12 | y2012 geometries | x | x | ||
13 | y2013 geometries | x | x | ||
14 | y2014 geometries | x | x | ||
15 | y2015 geometries | x | x | ||
16 | y2016 geometries | x | x | ||
17 | y2017 geometries | x | x | ||
18 | y2018 geometries | x | x | ||
19 | y2019 geometries |
x | x | ||
20 | y2020 geometries | x | x |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain options (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
year_1a |
approximation to year1 |
SD97 |
Sd97 |
19970101 T000000 |
year_1b |
better year1 |
TPC, CTB, FTPC, caloPatch, RICH, no SVT |
Y1b |
year_1b |
19990501 T000000 |
(no info) |
year_1c |
19991001 T000000 |
year_1s |
started in summer |
TPC, CONE, Al pipe |
Y1s |
year_1s |
0 T000000 |
(no info) |
year_1d |
19991101 T000000 |
year_1e |
even better year1 |
TPC, CTB,RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder |
Y1e |
year_1e |
19991201 T000000 |
year_1h |
complete year1 |
TPC, CTB,FTPC,RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder |
Y1h |
RY1h |
year_1h |
20000614 T175430 |
year2000 |
actual 2000 |
TPC, CTB, RICH, caloPatch, SVTLadder, ZDC |
Y2000 |
RY2000 |
year_1h |
20000614 T175430 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
year_2a |
old asymptotic STAR geometry |
TPC, FTPC, CTB(TOF), SVT(4 layers),full CALO, *two* EMC |
Y2a |
year_2a |
20010610 T000000 |
year_2b |
2001 geometry, first guess |
Y2b |
year_2b |
20010501 T000000 |
year2001 |
actual 2001 |
Y2001 |
RY2001 |
year_2b |
20010501 T000000 |
New TOF tray, TOFp, on the east side in front of RICH;
EMC - Barrel Calorimeter contains 24 modules;
PMD - Forward Pion Detector as part of ECAL;
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
year2003 |
Actual 2003 |
Y2003 |
RY2003 |
year2003 |
20021115 T000000 |
y2003a |
Year2003 geometry with corrected barrel EMC and SVT layer radii |
Y2003a |
RY2003a |
y2003a |
20021115 T000000 |
y2003b |
y2003a geometry with the extra material in the SVT |
Y2003b |
RY2003b |
y2003b |
20021115 T000000 |
y2003x |
used for AuAu 200 GeV/c HIJING with embedded J/Psi and Upsilon simulations (year 4 study) |
Y2003X |
RY2003X |
y2003x |
20021115 T000000 |
TPC : standard
SVT : 3 layers
EMC : half barrel
ECAL: one third of one cap, west cap
TOF: two trays, TOFp & TOFr, on the east side; TOFp tray in East Barrel at the position 32, covers about 1 unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth; TOFr tray in East Barrel at the position 23, the first full-scale MRPC prototype, covers in total ~30-40% of a unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
pVPD: at the Z positions -564.4388 (East volume) and +563.4069 (West volume), radiator is quartz;
PMD: Photon Multiplicity Detector consists of two sensitive planes of hexagonal gas detector cellsi, one layer represents Charge Particle Veto (CPV) plane and other Pre-shower plane. Cells are arranged in 12 super modules consisting of varying number of Unit modules each of 24 x 24 cells. Layers of Lead and support Iron plate is sandwiched between two sensitive layers. PMD front face is placed at a distance of 539cm from center of TPC.
year2003x is the same as year2003 but with full barrel EMC and two caps ECAL
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2004 |
Initial Year 2004 |
Y2004 |
RY2004 |
y2004 |
20031120 T000000 |
y2004a |
Year 2004 with some GEANT setting tuned for PMD detector to speed up simulation |
Y2004a |
RY2004a |
y2004a |
20031120 T000000 |
y2004x |
Year 2004 geometry but with full barrel EMC and two caps ECAL |
Y2004x |
RY2004x |
y2004x |
20031120 T000000 |
y2004b |
Year 2004a and reviewed SSD |
Y2004b |
RY2004b |
y2004b |
20031120 T000000 |
y2004c |
Year 2004b geometry plus final SSD, FTPC readouts and gas corrections |
Y2004c |
RY2004c |
y2004c |
20031125 T000000 |
y2004y |
Year 2004y based on the full barrel configuration of Y2004x but with geometry improvements described in y2005b, containes the correction for the structure of the TPC backplane, adding on average 20% radiation length worth of material; and the SVT copper cables mass |
Y2004y |
RY2004y |
y2004y |
20031120 T000000 |
y2004d |
Year 2004c geometry updates plus updated SVT wafer geometry |
Y2004d |
RY2004d |
y2004d |
20031125 T000000 |
TPC : standard
SVT : 3 layers
EMC : 3/4 of full barrel
ECAL: west cap
TOF: two trays, TOFp (at new location) & TOFr', on the east side;
TOFp tray in East Barrel at the position 33, covers about 1 unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
TOFr' tray in East Barrel at the position 23, new construction, the 2nd generation prototype, covers in total ~30-40% of a unit of pseudo rapidity and ~1/60th of the azimuth;
pVPD: at the Z positions -574.5688 (East volume) and +573.5669 (West volume), radiator changed from quartz to plastic;
SSD: Silicon Strip detector contains two groups of 5 ladders ( 10 ladders in total), which centered at 6 and 12 o'clock if looking at the cross section of the detector. The tilts and angles of ladders are year-specific and described in sisdgeo.g
PMD: Photon Multiplicity Detector consists of two sensitive planes of hexagonal gas detector cell si, one layer represents Charge Particle Veto (CPV) plane and other pre-shower plane. Cells are arranged in 12 super-modules consisting of varying number of Unit modules each of 24 x 24 cells. Layers of Lead and support Iron plate is sandwiched between two sensitive layers. PMD front face is placed at a distance of 539cm from center of TPC.
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2005 |
Initial Year 2005 |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005 |
RY2005 |
y2005 |
20041030 T000000 |
y2005x |
Year 2005 geometry but with full barrel EMC and West endcap |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC( full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005x |
RY2005x |
y2005x |
20041030 T000000 |
y2005b |
Year 2005 geometry with SVT hybrid chip definition corrected; |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005b |
RY2005b |
y2005b |
20041101 T000000 |
y2005c |
Year 2005 geometry with SVT hybrid chip definition corrected; |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005c |
RY2005c |
y2005c |
20041201 T000000 |
y2005d |
Year 2005c geometry plus new SVT geometry |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(3/4 barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005d |
RY2005d |
y2005d |
20041201 T000001 |
y2005e |
Y2005D, but with full barrel EMC and new SSD code
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005e | RY2005e | y2005e |
20041201 T000002 |
y2005f | Y2005E, dead area in SSD |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005f | RY2005f | y2005f |
20041201 T000003 |
y2005g | y2005f geometry + SVT dead material |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2005g | RY2005g | y2005g |
20041201 T000003 |
y2005h | y2005g+tpc2009 | y2005h | ry2005h | y2005h | 20041201,5 | |
y2005i | y2005h+suppport material | y2005i | ry2005i | y2005i | 20041201,5 |
All detectors in year 2005 have the same geometry as for year 2004 except for:
SVT - support cone: cable material added
SSD - more material added, 20 ladders
FTPC - readout cage added
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2006 |
y2005d+improved TPC backplane |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD, pVPD |
Y2006 |
RY2006 |
y2006 |
20051201 T000000 |
y2006a |
y2006 geometry but new FPD |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD (new), pVPD |
Y2006a |
RY2006a |
y2006a |
20051201 T000001 |
y2006b |
y2006a geometry + dead area in SSD + new FPD+SSD5/CALB2 |
same as above but streamlined barrel EMC |
Y2006b | RY2006b | y2006b |
20051201 T000002 |
y2006b |
y2006a geometry + dead area in SSD |
same as above but streamlined barrel EMC |
Y2006b | RY2006b | y2006b |
20051201 T000002 |
y2006c |
y2006 geometry + new FPD+SSD5/CALB2+noPMD |
same as above but streamlined barrel EMC |
Y2006c | RY2006c | y2006c |
20051201 T000002 |
y2006g |
y2006c geometry + SVT dead material |
same as above but streamlined barrel EMC |
Y2006g | RY2006g | y2006g |
20051201 T000002 |
y2006h |
y2006g geometry with added missing TPC material (TPCE04 model) plus some fixes (see below) and fixed ECAL geometry, version 6.1 ( see note at y2009a geometry) |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(streamlined barrel), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD (new), pVPD |
Y2006h | RY2006h | y2006h |
20051201 T000002 |
Fixes to TPC geometry:
- fixed several small extrusion / overlap issues
- fixed issue where gas volume overlapped TPC endcap, causing material to disappear
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2007 |
y2007+new FPD/FMS code, revised TOF |
TPC, SVT, SSD, CTB(TOF), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
Y2007 |
RY2007 |
y2007 |
20061105 T000000 |
y2007a |
y2007 geometry + the material of the water channels changed to carbon |
same as above |
Y2007a | RY2007a | y2007a |
20061105 T000002 |
y2007g |
y2007a geometry + SVT dead material |
same as above |
Y2007g | RY2007g | y2007g |
20061105 T000002 |
y2007h | y2007g +tpc2009 | y2007h | ry2007h | y2007h | 20061105,5 |
NOTE: y2008e geometry is the first geometry to have the correct EMC tracking cuts in 2008. Calorimeter sampling fraction will be incorrect for earlier geometries (using current BEMC/EEMC slow simulators).
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2008 |
base geometry for y2008: SVT/SSD out, cone in separate SCON |
TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
Y2008 |
RY2008 |
y2008 |
20071101 T000000 |
y2008a |
Y2008 geometry + fixes(SCON added, BTOF full) |
TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
Y2008a |
RY2008a |
y2008a |
20071101 T000001 |
y2008b | Y2008a geometry + fixes (new ECAL model + new cuts in E/BEMC). |
TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
y2008b | RY2008b | y2008b |
20071101 T000002 |
y2008c | Y2008b geometry + fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD | y2008c | RY2008c | y2008c |
20071101 T000003 |
y2008d | y2008c geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD | y2008d | RY2008d | y2008d |
20071101 T000004 |
y2008e | y2008d geometry with correct EMC tracking cuts in calorimeters. | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD | y2008e | RY2008e | y2008e |
20071101 T000005 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2009 |
base geometry for y2009 |
TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap), PMD, FPD/FMS |
Y2009 |
RY2009 |
y2009 |
20081215 T000000 |
y2009a |
base geometry for y2009 with fixed ECAL & TPC geometry |
TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS |
Y2009a |
RY2009a |
y2009a |
20081215 T000001 |
y2009b | Identical to y2009a, except transport cuts raised in ECAL. | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS | Y2009b | RY2009b | y2009b |
20081215 T000002 |
y2009c | y2009a plus fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS | Y2009c | RY2009c | y2009c |
20081215 T000003 |
y2009d | y2009c geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone | TPC, TOF, FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS | Y2009d | RY2009d | y2009d |
20081215 T000004 |
Fixes to ECAL geometry:
- fixed several material / medium relationship problems
- fixed issue where SMD strips extruded their mother volumes
- expanded the SMD gap from 34mm to 36mm as built
- added SMD spacer layers
- added material to front and back of SMD strips
- defined and used PbAlloy and Steel mixtures, to better match material in calorimeter
- thickness of preshower layers reduced to 4.75mm as built
Fixes to TPC geometry:
- fixed several small extrusion / overlap issues
- fixed issue where gas volume overlapped TPC endcap, causing material to disappear
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2010 |
base geometry for y2010 (y2009a+full TOF) |
TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
Y2010 |
RY2010 |
y2010 |
20091214 T000000 |
y2010a |
base geometry for y2010 (dependancy on y2009a removed) |
TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD |
Y2010a |
RY2010a |
y2010a |
20091214 T000001 |
y2010b | y2010a with fixes (reduced TPC envelope, BTOF sensitive volumes) | TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD | y2010b | RY2010b | y2010b |
20091214 T000002 |
y2010c | y2010b geometry with carbon-nomex sandwhich rods in support cone | TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel - streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, version 6.1), PMD, FPD/FMS, pVPD | y2010c | RY2010c | y2010c | 20091214 T000003 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2011 |
base geometry for y2011 |
TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, |
Y2011 |
RY2011 |
y2011 |
20101215 T000000 |
y2011a |
first y2011 production geometry (consistent with y2011 in SL11c and SL11d libraries) |
TPC, TOF (full), FTPC, BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.), MTD (prototype), PMD |
Y2011 | RY2011 | y2011 |
20101215 T000001 |
Notice - available in starsim using library
NOTE: From y2012 on, FTPC, PHMD, and SCON (aka SVT support cone) are removed.
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Reco options (real) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2012 |
base geometry for y2012 |
TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, |
Y2012 |
RY2012 |
y2012 |
20111215 T000000 |
y2012a |
First production geometry |
TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, |
Y2012a |
RY2012a |
y2012a |
20111215 T000001 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment | Geant Configuration | Reco Chain Option (simu) |
Reco Options (real) |
DB Maker Flag |
Timestamp |
y2013 | base geometry for 2013 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.), MTD (prototype),FGT(full), IDSM, PXST, HFT (...) |
y2013 | ry2013 | y2013 | 20121215 T0000000 |
y2013_1 | base geometry for 2013 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), FPD (latest v.), pVPD (latest v.), MTD (prototype),FGT(full), IDSM, PXST, HFT (...) |
y2013_1 | ry2013_1 | y2013_1 | 20121215 T0000001 |
y2013_2 | baseline geometry for 2013 | As above with pixel detector removed | y2013_2 | ry2013_2 | y2013_2 | 20121215 T0001001 |
y2013_1a y2013_2a |
First production candidate. (1a w/ pixel. 2a without) |
New cave (with walls, hole, and crates). New beampipe. |
y2013_1a y2013_2a |
y2013_1a y2013_2a |
20121215 T0000002 20121215 T0001002 |
y2013_1b y2013_2b |
Second production candidate (1b w/ pixel. 2b without) |
Adds pixel support structures. | y2013_1b y2013_2b |
y2013_1b y2013_2b |
20121215 T0000003 20121215 T0001003 |
y2013_1c y2013_2c |
Actual production geometries for y2013. Geometry is equal to the asymptotic geometries y2013_1x and y2013_2x as they were defined in SL14a. These are the reference geometries for production P14ia [*]. (1c w/ pixel. 2c without) |
Uses version 3.1 of the TPC, which increases the dead region in the gas volume. (Difference w/ b important only for simulation). |
y2013_1c y2013_2c |
y2013_1c y2013_2c |
20121215 T0000004 20121215 T0001004 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment | Geant Configuration | Reco Chain Option (simu) |
Reco Options (real) |
DB Maker Flag |
Timestamp |
y2014 | base geometry for 2014 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD (prototype), IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST Removed: FMS/FPD, FGT |
y2014 | ry2014 | y2014 | 20131215 T0000000 |
y2014a | Initial production geometry for 2014 |
TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD (v5), IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST Removed: FMS/FPD, FGT |
y2014a | ry2014a | y2014a | 20131215 T0000001 |
y2014b | Production geometry w/ HCAL | Added HCAL prototype | y2014b | ry2014b | y2014b | 0131215 T0000002 |
y2014c | Production geometry | No HCAL. IST updated to solve overlap issue |
y2014c | ry2014c | y2014c | 0131215 T0000003 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment | Geant Configuration | Reco Chain Option (simu) |
Reco Options (real) |
DB Maker Flag |
Timestamp |
y2015 | base geometry for 2015 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD, IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST FMS + FMS preshower |
y2015 | ry2015 | y2015 | 20141215 T0000000 |
y2015a | first production geometry | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD, IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST FMS + FMS preshower |
y2015a | ry2015a | y2015a | 20141215 T0000001 |
y2015b | corrections to MTD radii | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD, IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST FMS + FMS preshower |
y2015b | ry2015b | y2015b | 20141215 T0000002 |
y2015c | corrections to MTD radii | As above | y2015c | ry2015c | y2015c | 20141215 T0000003 |
y2015d | production geometry | As above, IST fixes overlap issue with cooling tubes (only relevant for simu). |
y2015d | ry2015d | y2015d | 20141215 T0000003 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment | Geant Configuration | Reco Chain Option (simu) |
Reco Options (real) |
DB Maker Flag |
Timestamp |
y2016 | base geometry for 2016 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD, IDSM, PXST, PXL, SSD, IST FMS + FMS preshower |
y2016 | ry2016 | y2016 | 20151215 T0000000 |
y2016a | production geometry | As above. IST geometry updated to fix overlap issues. |
y2016a | ry2016a | y2-16a | 20151215 T0000001 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment | Geant Configuration | Reco Chain Option (simu) |
Reco Options (real) |
DB Maker Flag |
Timestamp |
y2017 | base geometry for 2017 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), pVPD (latest v.), MTD, SCON FMS + FMS preshower |
y2017 | ry2017 | y2017 | 20161215 T0000000 |
y2017a | production geometry 2017 | TPC, TOF (full), BBC, ZDC, EMC(full barrel- streamlined), ECAL (West endcap, r. 6.1), VPD (latest v.), MTD, SCON FMS + FMS preshower |
y2017a | ry2017a | y2017a | 20161215 T0000001 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2018 |
2018 first approximation |
y2018 |
ry2018 |
y2018 |
20171215 T000002 |
y2018a | y2018a physics production version A | TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON iTPC not planned for physics production, and not included in this model. |
y2018a | ry2018a | y2018a |
20171215 T000003 |
y2018b | y2018b physics production version B | TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, FXT | y2018b | ry2018b | y2018b |
20171215 T000004 |
y2018c | y2018c physics and embedding, FXT @ measured position | TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, FXT | y2018c | ry2018c | y2018c |
20171215 T000005 |
y2018x | 2018 experimental | Above + experimental TPC geometry mdel | y2018x | ry2018x | y2018x |
20171215 T000000 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2019 |
2019 first approximation |
y2019 |
ry2019 |
y2019 |
20181215 T000000 |
y2019a | y2019a physics production version A |
TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade | y2019a | ry2019a | y2019a | 20181215 T000001 |
y2019b | y2019b physics and embedding production (FXT @ measured position) | TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade | y2019b | ry2019b | y2019b |
20181215 T000002 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
y2020 |
2020 first approximation |
y2020 |
ry2020 |
y2020 |
20191215 T000000 |
y2020a | y2020a physics production version A |
TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade | y2020a | ry2020a | y2020a | 20191215 T000001 |
y2020b | y2020b physics and embedding production FXT @ correct position | TPC bTOF eTOF BBC (inner only) EPD BEMC, EEMC, VPD, MTD, SCON, iTPC upgrade | y2020b | ry2020b | y2020b |
20191215 T000002 |
Geant Geometry |
Comment |
Geant Configuration |
Reco Chain option (simu) |
Db Maker flag |
Time Stamp |
complete |
new (currently frozen) complete STAR geometry |
0 T000000 |
Jason Webb, Lidia Didenko, Victor Perevoztchikov & Jérôme Lauret
This document describes the arguments for bfcca located in $STAR_SCRIPTS, a production script interface to the CRS reconstruction software and bfc.C. Please, refer to this page for the syntax of a job description ; this document will assume you are accustom to the syntax and will only describe the features implemented in bfcca itself.
bfcca is a script interface which handles running a chain, running a calibration pass and/or a chain and moving data to its final location. It includes features such as writ ting to local disk during run, log file compression, displaying information about the node the job runs on etc ... and will later be extended with automatic insertion of information in a FileCatalog.
This perl wrapper requires a few perl module, most of which are installed by default unless specified otherwise in the below list. If anything goes wrong with loading a module, please, check that you are using the proper perl version and have the modules installed.
use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Sys::Hostname; use Digest::MD5;
Digest:MD5; this one is to be checked and is not installed by default ...
The arguments of this script are as follows:
bit |
Component |
Meaning |
1 |
IO mode |
0 regular IO (immediate/un-buffered) |
2 | Tag file copy | 0 No copy 1 Copy file to /star/data20/tags (+2) |
3 |
Code Optimization |
0 non-optimized |
4-5 |
Compression |
00 uncompressed STDOUT/STDERR |
6-7 | Copy files to DD (XRootD) |
00 Not going to copy any file to DD 01 only picodst file will be copied to DD (+32) 10 only mudst file will be copied to DD (+64) 11 both, picodst and mudst files will be copied to DD (+96) |
8 | 32-bit vs. 64-bit | 0 32-bit 1 64-bit (+128) |
9 | AFS/NFS vs. CVMFS code source |
0 default (NFSv4 for Alma OS; AFS for prior OS) 1 CVMFS (+256) |
outputstreamtype | outputdir | destination | Effect |
UNIX | . i.e. local directory | . | Output streams will will be ignored and lost |
UNIX | . | PATH | Output streams will be created on local disk and then moved to the final destination $PATH |
HPSS | HPSSPATH | . or ./ | The choice of a local directory for $PATH will lead to ignore moving the outputstream. The files will be saved in HPSS only. |
HPSS | HPSSPATH | PATH | Output streams will be copied to HPSS in $HPSSPATH, in $HPSSPATH the base string /home/starreco will be substituted by $PATH. This means that $PATH only needs to specify a disk name (such as /star/data18). The directory thereafter /home/starreco will be preserved as-is on disk |
Later, we needed to extend this wrapper with some special features so the input (5) has been reshaped to accept special characters triggering special treatments. In those cases, all of the other options are shifted. It is better explained in the examples below but for now, let's review the possibilities in the next table:
Special Character | Mode | Expected arguments |
/ | Alternate script mode | The next argument after "/" will be a script to run instead of bfc.C, all subsequent arguments will be passed to that script as is. Note : string arguments will passed stringified. You should NOT add quotes around strings. Short example: 25,dev,/star/data05,-1,/,StMuDstMaker.C,0,1,1000, st_physics_2270049_raw_0088.event.root The disadvantage of this mode is that you have to pass the arguments known a-priori (which breaks the philosophy of a job description) |
+ | Alternate script mode with periodic input | The next argument after the "+" will be an input periodicity or modulo. What it will do is call the script with all of the other argument but the last which will be replaced by the input given as per the job description. In other words, it will loop on all inputs and call the script separately for each call. The periodicity is used to take one input every 'period'. For example, if your chain needs to only read and scan over an event.root file BUT requires the presence of a tags.root file, the periodicity you would use is 2 . |
@ | Alternate script with fixed generic output filename. | In this mode, arguments before the "@" are passed as expected and must be specified as usual . After "@", the expected arguments are the name of a script to run instead of bfc.C following by an argument which will be used as the very last argument of your script. Typically, this could be a an output filename which will be passed as the last argument to the script. An example is given in the below example list ... |
~ | Addiitonal setup scripts may be run. | This mode is intended for passing additional setup commands to bfc before running the jobs. All arguments until the next "~" will be considered as setup options. In addition, arguments will have any "-" replaced by space. The chain options will resume normally afterward. An example is provided below. |
Examples :
The option-mask is set to 25 which is 16+8+1 i.e. both standard input and output will be compressed and all IO to those files will be made in delayed mode. Then, the final disk destination is chosen to be /star/data05 .
The mode used is "+" indicating a periodicity mode. Periodicity applies to the input you have selected for the job description and is specified on the next argument. However, the script to be run is the next argument and in this case, StMuDstMaker.C . This script will be called with arguments 0,1,1000 and the last argument "-" will be replaced by each input file modulo, 2 in our case. This means that only one inut every two will be passed to the selected script and replace the the last argument "-". This mode may be used if your script requires only one file as input but requires the presence of other files (this is common in STAR as the IOMaker assumes and checks for the presence of other files based on the chain options used and the extensions).
In principle, the presence of $HOME/dbServers.xml would make our software pick this file as database configuration file. However, on the CRS nodes, the $HOME directory of the starreco is not its regular home-directory. bfcca will however respect this mechanism by using the STDB_SERVERS environment variable and setting it to the appropriate value.
In addition, note that bfcca if provided with an input file of type UNIX with a name matching /Loadbalancer/, this file will be ignored to first order except that the environment variable DB_SERVER_LOCAL_CONFIG will be over-written with the file name as value. For more information on this variable, consult Configuration File. When this mechanism is enabled, the use of $HOME/dbServers.xml as a possibility is by-passed.
inputstreamtype[1]=UNIX inputdir[1]=/afs/ inputfile[1]=dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_nightly.xml
This example would indicate to bfcca to ignore this input to first order (it will not be passed to the executable) and consider the file dbLoadBalancerLocalConfig_nightly.xml located in /afs/ as an alternate configuration file for running.
<br />
In addition, bfcca has the ability of running a calibration pass before a run pass or create a calibration directory on the farm local disk (or via a soft-link to an NFS area). Note that a single calibration pass alone may be accomplished by using the regular options and the appropriate chain-option(s). The mechanism is described as follow :
If one of the inputdir of type UNIX contains the string StarDb, this input is ignored and the inputfile is parsed. Several cases are then possible, in all cases, the file specified by inputfile MUST exists (remember that a staging is done for all input streams and, in the case of UNIX staging, the file presence is required).
inputstreamtype[1]=UNIX inputdir[1]=/star/data13/reco/StarDb inputfile[1]=PreTpcT0
In this example, inputfile is pre-fixed by Pre so a pre-calibration pass is requested. A local directory ./StarDb will be created and remain for the duration of the run (calibration and real-chain execution), the content of the file /star/data13/reco/StarDb/PreTpcT0 used as the calibration options. In the above example, the content was simply in TpcT0 RY2001 so the calibration pass would use those options.
In the above example, the CRS node needs to see the file /star/data13/reco/StarDb/PreTpcT0 for the staging to be a success. The job may fail in case of NFS problems. This IS NOT a misfeature but an advantage since it would be hazardous to have the job move along in case of NFS problems (jobs would inconsistently be running a calibration pass or not).
bfcca displays some informative messages about the job before and after a chain is executed. The header of each log file will contain a tabulated summary information showing the chain options you have asked, the requested output streams name (initial and as it should be at the end) as well as information about the node, CPU speed, directory where the job is running, node it is running on etc ...
After the header, the messages are of the form
bfcca:: Severity: message
where Severity can be on of Info, Warning or Error. Messages related to copying files are for example of Severity=Info, missing files (chain did not produce what was declared in the job description) are of the kind Severity=Warning while any failure (directory creation, file cleaning etc ...) are considered Error. Note that on Severity=Error are displayed in the error file (STDERR) while others are displayed in the log file (STDOUT).
Last update on 2010-06-21
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
physics2009_early_b | 7.4K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
production2009_500GeV | 175.6K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
production2009_500Gev_25 | 1.6K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
production2009_500Gev_b | 121.9K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
production2009_500Gev_c | 1.3M | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
production2009_500GeV_carl | 13.2K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
teest2009_carl_b | 18.4K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
test2009_carl | 18.9K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
test2009_carl_hi_thr | 5.9K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
testtier0325 | 1.3K | P09ig | 2009-12-30 |
Total = 1.56M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_500GeV | 6.6M | P09ig | 2010-01-18 |
production2009_500Gev_25 | 67.2K | P09ig | 2010-01-18 |
production2009_500Gev_b | 296.5K | P09ig | 2010-01-18 |
production2009_500Gev_c | 60.2M | P09ig | 2010-01-18 |
production2009_500GeV_carl | 698.2K | P09ig | 2010-01-18 |
Total = 67.8M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_500Gev_c/b | 246K | P09ig | 2010-06-20 |
Last update on 2010-06-14
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single, production2009_200Gev_nocal production2009_200Gev_noendcap tof_production2009_single |
2.38M 12K 29K 6K |
P10ic P10ic P10ic P10ic |
2010-03-15 |
Total = 2.38M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 1.16M | P10ic | 2010-03-15 |
production2009_200Gev_Hi | 191K | P10ic | 2010-03-15 |
production2009_200Gev_noendcap | 27K | P10ic | 2010-03-15 |
Total = 1.38M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 1.38M | P10ic | 2010-03-17 |
Total = 1.38M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 13.3M | P10ic | 2010-03-28 |
production2009_200Gev_Hi | 2.6M | P10ic | 2010-03-28 |
production2009_200Gev_noendcap | 214K | P10ic | 2010-03-28 |
Total = 16.1M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 2.09M | P10ic | 2010-06-07 |
production2009_200Gev_Hi | 243K | P10ic | 2010-06-09 |
production2009_200Gev_Lo | 65K | P10ic | 2010-06-12 |
production2009_200Gev_noendcap/nocal | 65K | P10ic | 2010-06-07 |
commission2009_200Gev_Hi/Lo | 26K | P10ic | 2010-05-30 |
Total = 2.5M |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
pp2pp_Production2009 | 13.3M | P10ic | 2010-03-20 |
pp2pp_VPDMB | 11.7M | P10ic | 2010-03-20 |
pp2ppStrawMan | 18K | P10ic | 2010-03-20 |
Total = 25M events |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 468M | P10ic | 2010-05-03 |
production2009_200Gev_Hi | 65M | P10ic | 2010-04-28 |
production2009_200Gev_Lo | 32M | P10ic | 2010-04-20 |
production2009_200Gev_nocal | 6.3M | P10ic | 2010-04-17 |
production2009_200Gev_noendcap | 5.7M | P10ic | 2010-04-27 |
low_luminosity2009 | 4.8M | P10ic | 2010-04-26 |
tof_production2009_single | 68K | P10ic | 2010-03-30 |
tof_prepost_himult | 230K | P10ic | 2010-04-02 |
Total = 582M events | |||
zdc_polarimetry | 370M | P10ic | 2010-06-14 |
productionZDCpolarimetry | 1.0M | P10ic | 2010-05-17 |
vpd_minbias | 1.56M | P10ic | 2010-05-14 |
commission2009_200Gev_Hi | 3.8M | P10ic | 2010-05-26 |
commission2009_200Gev_Lo | 2.1M | P10ic | 2010-05-26 |
Trigger set | number of events | production series | date of completion |
production2009_200Gev_Single | 251M | P10ic | 2010-05-08 |
production2009_200Gev_Hi | 45.4M | P10ic | 2010-05-08 |
production2009_200Gev_Lo | 220K | P10ic | 2010-05-08 |
production2009_200Gev_nocal | 2.9M | P10ic | 2010-05-08 |
production2009_200Gev_noendcap | 5.5M | P10ic | 2010-05-08 |
tof_production2009_single | 80K | P10ic | 2010-04-01 |
commission2009_200Gev_Hi/Lo | 902K | P10ic | 2010-04-01 |
Total = 306M events |
pp2pp_Production2009 | 58.2M | P10ic | 2010-03-19 |
pp2ppStrawMan | 98K | P10ic | 2010-03-21 |
pp2pp_VPDMB | 1.5K | P10ic | 2010-03-19 |
Total = 58M events |
Last update on 2011-06-13
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_hlt | 16.0M | P10ih | Done on 2010-06-18 |
Total 16M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_hlt | 4.4M | P10ih | Done on 2010-06-20 |
Total 4.4M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 22.0M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-20 |
st_hlt | 105K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-17 |
st_ht | 13.6M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-20 |
st_mtd | 85K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-17 |
st_monitor | 194K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-17 |
st_pmdftp | 6.2M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-19 |
st_zerobias | 42K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-17 |
st_upc | 390K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-19 |
Total 42.5M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 99.4M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-10 |
st_hlt | 4.6M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-09 |
st_ht | 2.9M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-09 |
st_mtd | 868K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-09 |
st_monitor | 14.7M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-09 |
st_pmdftp | 188K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-01 |
st_zerobias | 1.3M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-07 |
Total 124.0M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 55.4M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-10 |
st_hlt | 7.4M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-08 |
st_mtd | 400K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-08 |
st_monitor | 3.0M | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-08 |
st_zerobias | 429K | P10ih | Done on 2010-09-08 |
Total 67M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 118.3M | P10ij | 2010-12-20 |
st_ht | 19.1M | P10ij | removed |
st_gamma | 1.2M | P10ij | 2010-12-20 |
st_upc | 14M | P10ij | 2010-12-20 |
st_pmdftp | 5.2M | P10ij | 2010-12-20 |
Total 143M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 699M | P10ik | 2011-06-12 |
st_ht | 59.5M | P10ik | 2011-02-08 |
st_gamma | 5.2M | P10ik | 2011-05-31 |
st_upc | 38.2M | P10ik | 2011-06-08 |
st_mtd | 14.7M | P10ik | 2011-04-03 |
st_atomcules | 16.7M | P10ik | 2011-04-03 |
st_hlt | 16M | P10ik | 2011-03-06 |
st_pmdftp | 5.3M | P10ik | 2011-05-16 |
st_upsilon | 167K | P10ik | 2011-03-07 |
st_zerobias | 2.0M | P10ik | 2011-06-07 |
Total 857M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 257M | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_hlt | 1.4M | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_ht | 13.6M | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_upc | 376K | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_mtd | 1.4M | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_monitor | 6.6M | P10ih | 2011-04-11 |
st_pmdftp | 23.3M | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
st_zerobias | 522K | P10ik | 2011-04-11 |
Total 304M |
Stream data | number of events | production series | date of completion |
st_physics | 190M | P10ik | 2011-04-28 |
st_hlt | 4.4M | P10ik | 2011-04-26 |
st_ht | 33.1M | P10ik | 2011-04-28 |
st_atomcules | 1.3M | P10ik | 2011-04-27 |
st_monitor | 25M | P10ik | 2011-04-28 |
st_mtd | 3.3M | P10ik | 2011-04-26 |
st_upc | 3.2M | P10ik | 2011-04-26 |
st_pmdftp | 3.2M | P10ik | 2011-04-28 |
st_zerobias | 628K | P10ik | 2011-04-26 |
Total 264M |
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