Zoom info (from Oct 1st, 2020):
Bluejeans meeting info:
To join the Meeting: https://bluejeans.com/816517744
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1) D0 RAA in Isobar - Yuan Su
2) J/psi v2 in isobar (high-pT) - Yu-Ming Liu
3) J/psi v2 in isobar (low-pT) - Qian Yang
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au at 200 GeV- Jan Vanek
2) J/psi v2 in isobar - Qian Yang
1) J/psi v2 in isobar (HF stream, high-pT) - Yu-Ming Liu
1) Search for alpha + D in forward STAR - Cheng Wei Lin
2) Update on Au+Au 27 and 54 GeV NPE v2 paper - Yuanjing Ji
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au 200 GeV - Jan Vanek
2) Update on femtoscopic correlation function for D0-hadron in Au-Au @200 GeV - Roy Chowdhury Priyank
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au 200 GeV - Jan Vanek
2) J/psi RAA in Run18 isobar collisions - Ziyue Zhang
3) J/psi with jet activity - Hao Huang
4) J/psi production in isobar collisions - Yan Wang
- Video: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/vBhs4DLV4LAYm3swh3GANtgUg52GYvtrsa4YHjqX5K6i15Uu6_iKmc5v0jAxbn8.spAeHTF1m6CwZ1vkPasscode: 7?%Gb+Vr
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au 200 GeV - Jan Vanek
2) Quarkonia R+AA in isobar Run18 - Ziyue Zhang
3) J/psi production in isobar collisions - Yan Wang
- Video: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/akU6EY6j33iU2hc2G1smpjhfIxh2DiAO4A442ihrRNclk3ditiIq4F6B33o_Md2W.qjCt9P8WPrb3Ul5F(Passcode: *%1gp%4^)
1) Items from PAC to discuss - Yi Yang
2) J/psi production in isobar - Yan Wang
3) J/psi v2 in isobar - Yu-Ming Liu
4) J/psi RAA in isobar - Ziyue Zhang
5) Update of D+/- in Au+Au 200 GeV - Jan Vanek
6) Update on femtoscopic correlation function for D0-hadron in Au-Au @200 GeV - Roy Chowdhury Priyank
- Video: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/3Y4hKco3zXwSieTqDdSoysDpmeqhiphOIeopHnzbbUu-_YMbSAg7ZTjOKEiA6Lwy.KrvEfK-1-NWI0M0k
1) Update of D+/- in Au+Au 200 GeV - Jan Vanek
1) Embedding issue - Jian Zhou
2) J/psi v2 in isobar - Yu-Ming Liu
1) J/psi elliptic flow measurement in isobar collision - Qian Yang
2) Improvement on J/psi reconstruction in isobar collisions - Jieke Wang
1) D0 spectra and v2 in isobar - Yuan Su
1) Isobar Run18 for J/psi and Upsilon - Ziyue Zhang
2) Isobar for Upsilon - Shuai Yang
3) B to D0 analysis - Xiaolong Chen
1) D+/- in AuAu with HFT - Jan Vanek
2) Psi(2S) in isobar - Yan Wang
3) J/psi in AuAu at 54.4 GeV- Kaifeng Shen
1) D0 meson and hadrons at Au-Au 200GeV - Priyanka Roy Chowdhury
2) B to D0 analysis - Xiaolong Chen
3) J/psi raw yield in Ru+Ru/Zr+Zr collisions - Yan Wang
1) QM22 abstract discussion
Proposed abstracts:
* J/psi production with jet activity at p+p 200 GeV
(2) D+/- in AuAu with HFT - Jan Vanek
(3) J/psi RpAu in dielectron in Run15 - Ziyue Zhang
- minutes - Yi
1) D+/- in AuAu with HFT - Jan Vanek
2) Run22 Trigger - All
3) QM22 abstract
- minutes - Yi
1) D+/- in Au+Au with HFT - Jan Vanek
2) QA variables for BES-II - All
- minutes - Sooraj
1) D+- in Au+Au with the HFT - Jan Vanek
1) D+- in Au+Au@200Gev with the HFT - Jan Vanek
2) Trigger conditions for HF transverse spin asymmetry - Daniel Kikoła
- minutes - Yi
1) Update on J/Psi with jet activity - Hao Huang
2) MTD Trigger for Run 22 - Rongrong Ma
3) BEMC and EEMC triggers for transverse spin asymmetry studies with HF in Run 22 - Daniel Kikola
4) Measurement of Forward D* and Implications for Intrinsic Charm - Matthew Kelsey
slides; minutes - Sooraj
1) Update on electron hadron correlations in pp at 200 GeV - Yingjie Zhou
minutes - Barbara
1) Upsilon spectra at pp500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzewski
2) Inclusive J/psi production at 54.4 GeV - Kaifeng Shen
minutes - Yi
1) Update on the signal extraction for Run15 Jpsi RpA analysis - Rongrong Ma
1) Upsilon production vs. multiplicity in pp collisions - Leszek Kosarzewski
2) Inclusive J/psi production at 54.4 GeV - Kaifeng Shen
minutes - Barbara
1) Total charm cross-section in Au+Au 200 GeV from STAR - Xinyue Ju
1) Run21 QA report - Kaifeng Shen
2) Update on Upsilon production vs. multiplicity - Leszek Kosarzewski
2021/3/1-12 STAR Collaboration Meeting (agenda)
HF Parallel 1
HF Parallel 2
HF Parallel 3
1) D+/- in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV with the HFT - Jan Vanek
minutes - Barbara
1) J/psi v2 - Yu-Ming Liu
1) Update on the Upsilon analysis with Run15pp/pAu 200 GeV data - Zaochen Ye
1) Update on HFE analysis in AuAu collisions - Shenghui Zhang
minutes - Barbara
1) Paper proposal for J/psi in jet - Qian Yang
1) Update on trigger bias studies in 2015 p+p and p+Au data - Rongrong Ma
2) Feasibility study of reconstructing chi_c in Run-15 p+p data set - Aarif Chaudhary
minutes - Sooraj
1) Update on HFE analysis in p+p collisions - replies to PWGC preview - Shenghui Zhang
2) Update on D+/- reconstruction with the HFT - Jan Vanek
minutes - Barbara
1) Update on the trigger bias study for Run15 Jpsi RpA analysis - Rongrong Ma
2) Update on the study of J/psi production with jet activity - Hao Huang
minutes - Yi
J/Psi production with jet activity - Hao Huang
minutes - Sooraj
Running a collider mode during CeC for 2021, with 26.5 GeV/u beam - All
minutes - Barbara
1) D0 in d+Au collisions - Lukas Kramarik
minutes - Sooraj
1) Update on Heavy Flavor Decay Electron at high pT in p+p 200 GeV - Shenghui Zhang
BUR - J/psi v1 and v2, Psi(2S) R_AA projection
minutes -Yi
BUR - All
minutes -Yi
1) Update on J/psi in pAu - Rongrong Ma
2) BUR 2023-2025 - All
Xin Dong's Snowmass presentation: link
1) Update on D+- in Run16
- - Jan Vanek
1) Update on inclusive J/Psi with dielectron channel at 200 GeV (run15) - Ziyue Zhang
2) Update on the study of trigger bias factor in pAu collisions - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Sooraj
1) Update on D+- in Run16 Au+Au@200GeV - Jan Vanek
minutes - Zebo
1) Brief update on run15 BEMC J/psi analysis - Ziyue Zhang (cancelled)
1) Update on hot tower selection with Run15 pp and pAu BHT2 data - Zaochen Ye
2) Setup for full-event dAu - Lukas Kramarik
minutes - Yi
1) Update on inclusive J/psi analysis in pp and pAu @200 GeV (2015) - Ziyue Zhang
2) Run14+16 D+/- and preliminary plots - Jan Vanek
3) Analysis of sample of embedding to zerobias d+Au - Lukas Kramarik
4) NPE v2 non-flow estimation in Au+Au 54 GeV- Yuanjing Ji
minutes - Sooraj
1) Run14+16 D+/- - Jan Vanek
2) Update on Run15 J/psi->ee R_pAu - Ziyue Zhang
3) Run15 J/psi->ee R_pAu preliminary results - Ziyue Zhang
4) Update on trigger bias study for Run15 Jpsi->mu mu R_pAu - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Zebo
1) D+- in Run16 Au+Au@200GeV - Jan Vanek
2) Inclusive Jpsi analysis Run15 (ee) - Ziyue Zhang
3) Run15 Jpsi and Upsilon RpA - Zhenyu Ye
4) Hpt_HPE_Run12_pp_Shenghui_05142020.pdf - Shenghui Zhang
minutes - Yi
1) Systematic uncertainty for the trigger bias factor in pp collisions - Rongrong Ma
2) Study of J/psi production with jet activity - Hao Huang
3) Update on Au+Au 54GeV NPE reconstruction efficiency study - Yuanjing Ji
4) Update on inclusive Jpsi RpAu using Run15 data - Ziyue Zhang
1) Trigger bias factor for J/psi R_pAu with MTD 2015 - Rongrong Ma
2) Update on D+/- in Run16 Au+Au - Jan Vanek
3) Update on J/psi in a jet - Qian Yang
4) Update on multiplicity distribution in pp for Upsilon analysis - Leszek Kosarzewski
5) QA of J/psi in run15 pp HT1 and HT2 - Ziyue Zhang
minutes - Zebo
1) J/psi in 54 GeV AuAu collisions - Kaifeng Shen
2) J/psi in Jet production - Qian Yang
3) The projection of Upsilon measurement during 2023-2025 - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Yi
1) Update on the D+- analysis in Run16 Au+Au 200GeV - Jan Vanek
2) Paper proposal on low energy NPE v2 analysis - Yuanjing Ji
minutes - Sooraj
1) HFT NPE RAA/RCP paper proposal - Matthew Kelsey
minutes - Zebo
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au - Jan Vanek
2) Optimization of primary vertex selection J/psi and psi(2S) in 500 GeV p+p - Chan-Jui Feng
2020/3/11-15 STAR Collaboration Meeting (agenda)
HF Parallel 1
HF Parallel 2
HF Summary report
1) Update on D+/- in Au+Au - Jan Vanek
1) Efficiency calculation for D+/- in Au+Au - Jan Vanek
1) First look at J/psi and dielectron from Run18 Isobar runs - Kaifeng Shen
2011/12/20 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
o Barbara: E/p study from embedding and data in run09
o Leszek: update in J/psi in p+p
o Mustafa: embedding status report.
2011/12/13 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
o Daniel Kikola: NPE v2 projection from run12 U+U.
o Chris: low pt paper proposal
o Anthony: discussion on 2008 d+Au reproduction
o Mustafa: embedding status
2011/12/06 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
o Leszek: The effect of radiation tails on J/psi cross section in p+p
o Daniel Kikola: NPE v2 projection from run12 U+U.
o run12 trigger request: Wei and all
o Mustafa: embedding status
2011/11/08 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Leszek: Low pt J/psi.
2011/11/01 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Gang Wang: update on Collaboration meeting agenda.
Andrew Petersion: update on 2009 p+p Upsilon analysis
Greg Wimsatt: Update on the eID for Upsilon analysis
Daniel Kikola: NPE flow analysis
Mustafa: Embedding
2011/10/25 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Chris: low pt J/Psi Au+Au
Mustafa: NPE in 39 GeV
2011/10/18 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Chris: low pt J/Psi Au+Au
2011/10/4 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Chris: low pt J/Psi Au+Au
Yasser:J/Psi and B simulations
2011/09/13 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Leszek: J/Psi update
Hao:J/Psi flow
Andrew: Upsilon in p+p
Greg: Upsilon in p+p
2011/08/30 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.9emo Barbara: (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Leszek: J/Psi update
Barbara: J/Psi lineshapes
Mustafa: embedding news
2011/08/02 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Xiangli: Update on J/psi v2
Mustafa: embedding news
2011/07/26 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
2011/07/19 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 101116. Password: 7999
Embedding update
2011/07/12 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 101116. Password: 7999
Wenqin: Update on Run10 NPE
Chris: EPS HEP presentation and study on lineshape
Embedding update
2011/06/21 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 101116. Password: 7999
Leszek Kosarzewski: update on J/Psi
Mustafa: embedding update
2011/06/14 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 93871. Password: 7999
Leszek Kosarzewski: update on J/Psi
Mustafa: embedding update
2011/05/10 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 93871. Password: 7999
Wei Xie: Update on NPE Run10 AuAu
Hao: Update J/psi v2
Barbara: Update on J/psi polarization
QM presentations:
2011/05/03 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 93871. Password: 7999
Wei Xie: Update of NPE Au+Au Run10
Wenqin: Update on NPE
Zebo: High-pT J/Psi
Barbara: J/Psi polarization
Mustafa:Embedding update
2011/04/26 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 93871. Password: 7999
Chris: Update on J/Psi
Wenqin: Update on NPE
Wei Xie: Update of NPE Au+Au Run10
Zebo: High-pT J/Psi
Mustafa: Embedding update
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616
J/psi polarization paper proposal Barbara
NPE in d+Au Olga
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616
NPE v2 update - Daniel
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 1616
1. Upsilon trigger discussion for Run13 500 GeV Manuel
2. Upsilon analysis update Anthony
3. J/psi polarization update Barbara
4. NPE v2 update Daniel
5. Upsilon-h correlation Matt
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. D0 in 200 GeV U+U Zhenyu Ye
2. e-D0 analysis Witek Borowski
3. Upsilon-h analysis Matt Cervantes
3. embedding status update David and Mustafa
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. Upsilon update Anthony
2. Upsilon update Kurt
2. Embedding update David, Mustafa
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. NPE v2 Daniel Kikola
2. Embedding update David, Mustafa
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. NPE v2 Daniel Kikola
2. HF embedding priority list Jaro
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. NPE v2 Daniel Kikola
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. J/ps analysis in 500 GeV Qian Yang
2. run09 NPE analysis update Xin L, Yifei
3. update on NPE v2 Daniel Kikola
4. embedding priority list discussion Jaro
5. Hot datasets revisit all
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. update on D->e and B-> e Yifei Zhang
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. update on NPE v2 study. Dainel Kikola
2. update on J/psi in low energy Wangmeri Zha
3. embedding status David Tlusty and Mustafa.
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
1. HF PWG paper status and plan Wei Xie
2. NPE v2 jet correlation background Daniel Kikola
3. NPE v2 paper proposal. Daniel Kikola
4. run09 NPE update Xin Li
4. Who will be the next embedding helper?
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 14 0849
. Password: 7999
1. NPE AuAu200 Wei/Wenquin
2.e-D0 in pp500 Witek
3.J/psi 62 Wangmei
4. NPE 62 Mustafa
5. NPE v2 Daniel
2012/07/24 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. e-D0 analysis in 500 GeV Witold Borowski (conitue from last week)
2. Update on Upsilon analysis Anthony
3. NPE spectra 200 GeV Update Wenqin, Wei
4. NPE high pT v2 update Wenqin
5. NPE v2 update Daniel
6 NPE low energy spectra update Mustafa.
7. D0 analysis update David
2012/07/17 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. D0 analysis using run10 and run11 data Yifei Zhang
2. D0 analysis in p+p 500 GeV David Tlusty
3. NPE flow analysis in Au+Au collisions Daniel Kikola
4. NPE analysis in 62 GeV Au+Au M. Mustafa
5. J/psi paper in p+p and d+Au Chris Powell
6. e-D0 analysis in 500 GeV Witold Borowski
5. Embedding status M. Mustafa
2012/07/10 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Deadlines
2. Run 12 production priorities (need inputs)
3. Collaboration Meeting Agenda (update)
5. NPE v2 in 200 and 62 GeV Au+Au (Daniel)
6. NPE in 62 and 39 GeV Au+Au (Mustafa)
2012/07/03 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Lezsek: Low-pT J/psi
2. Collaboration Meeting Agenda (Preliminary)
2012/06/26 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Jonathan: update on TMVA analysis.
2. Daniel: update on NPE v2 analysis
3. Lezsek: J-psi
4. Anthony: Upsilon
2012/06/19 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Leszek: nsigma_e cut effcieincy in p+p 200 GeV
2. Anothey: Upsilon update
3. Wei: run10 200 GeV NPE update.
4. Mustafa: Embedding update.
2012/06/12 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Anthony: effect of h+/h- issue on Upsilon.
2. Wei: run10 200 GeV NPE update.
3. Chris: d+Au and p+p J/psi paper proposal.
4. Leszek: nsigma_e cut effcieincy in p+p 200 GeV
5. Mustafa: Embedding update.
2012/06/01 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Anthony: Upsilon update
2. Mustafa, Jaro: Embedding update.
2012/05/22 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Anthony Upsilon Update
2. Leszek Kosarzevski J/Psi
3. Mustafa Mustafa embeding update
2012/05/07 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Olga Hajkova dAu Update
2. Mustafa Mustafa ele 62GeV QA
2012/05/01 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1) Andrew Peterson: Upsilon pT Spectrum and fit
2). Chris Powell: Low pT J/psi paper proposal update
3). Greg Wimsatt:
4). Pibero Djawotho
2012/04/02 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1) Matt: Upsilon correlation and spin update.
2) Hao: J/psi v2 update.
3) Wei: NPE purity.
4) Yifei: D0 signal in Run11 Au+Au.
2012/04/02 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1. Spiros: HFT plan for run13.
2. Wei: NPE spectra requests in Cu+Au.
3. Daniel: NPE v2 request in Cu+Au.
4. all: HOT datasets request (last call).
5. Matt: Upsilon-h correlation update.
6. Wangmei: J/psi in 39 and 62 GeV Au+Au
7. Wenqin: J/psi->e contribution to NPE in 200 GeV Au+Au
2012/03/20 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1) Lijuan: MTD Run13
http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/lfspectra/ruanlj/BUR13/BUR13_MTD.pdf .
2) Wei: NPE Run10
3) David: D0,D* in pp500
4) Anthony: Upsilon in CuAu
5) Mustafa: NPE 62
6) Matt Upsilon-h
QM2012 abstracts:
1) Mustafa NPE
2) Yifei D in pp,AuAu 200 GeV
3) Anthony Upsilon
4) Wanqmei
5) David D,D* in pp200, pp500 (AuAu200?)
2012/03/20 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
1) Discussion on the QM abstract.
2) J/psi v2 paper?
3) Other topics?
4) Embedding status
2012/03/13 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
2012/03/06 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Daniel: K3e
Barbara:J/psi pol
Kurt: Upsilon eff
Mustafa: embedding update
2012/02/28 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
input for Cu+Au run
Mustafa: embedding update
2012/02/21 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
HP2010 abstract, e.g. J/psi
embedding request for Run11 data analyses.
Mustafa: embedding update
2012/02/14 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Barbara: J/psi polarization systematic errors
Olga: NPE in dAu update
HP2012 abstacts discussion
Mustafa: embedding update
2012/02/07 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Zebo: high pT J/psi
Chris: low pT J/psi
Mustafa: embedding update
2012/01/24 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Paper discussion: J/Psi v2 and High pT J/Psi
Jaro: Embedding priority list
Reproduction of previous data
Wenqin: NPE v2
Daniel: NPE v2
Leszek: Low pT J/Psi
Embedding news:
2012/01/24 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
2012/01/17 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Yifei: D in p+p 500GeV
Barbara: p+p 200GeV run9 E/p data x embedding
Reproduction list
Embedding update
2012/01/10 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
Mustafa: NPE in Au+Au 62GeV
QM12 plan
run11 data analysis plan
Embedding update
2012/01/03 Meeting Minutes
Time: 13:00 (EST), 10:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 104850. Password: 7999
o Xin Li: Run11 200 GeV Au+Au QA.
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) D* in pp 500 GeV David
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) 2S+3S Upper Limit in AuAu 2010 - Anthony
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) Upsilon in U+U - Robert
2) NPE in p+p (run 9) and d+Au (run 8) - Olga
3) NPE-h correlations in AuAu 200 GeV - Jay
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1). PID with TOF and dE/dx Lanny Ray
2). NPE spectra in run12 p+p Xiaozhi Bai
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) NPE in p+p and d+Au 200 GeV - Olga
2)Purity for NPE in Au+Au 200 - 39 GeV - Daniel
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) Upsilon spin alignment Matt
2) Upsilon embedding and E/p issue in U+U Robert
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) NPE in d+Au (run 8) and p+p (run 9) Olga
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1). Update on Upsilon Anthony
2). J/psi in U+U Ota
3). J/psi in U+U Guannan
4). Update on J/psi in d+Au Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) hadron nSigmaElectron calibration using ToF Daniel
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) Update on upsilon 1S Anthony
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) NPE in d+Au update Olga
2) Upsilon update Matt
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) D* in p+p 500 GeV with BHT1 trigger Witak and David
2) update on J/psi in d+Au Leszek
3) Isolation of Upsilon 1S from the excited states Anthony
4) Upsilon in U+U 193 GeV Todd Kinghorn
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) update on J/psi in d+Au Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) update on J/psi in d+Au Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1). update on J/psi in d+Au Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1). Upsilin in U+U Collisions Robert Vertesi
2). Update on 62 GeV J/psi sys. errors. Wangmei
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) D0 in U+U 193 GeV Zhenyu
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) Upsilon updates Anthony
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) Upsilon spin-aligment update Matt
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1). update on run11 J/psi analysis wangmei
2). Update on NPE analysis at 62.4 GeV Mustafa
3). J/psi v2 update Hao
4). discussion on systematic error Yifei
5). discussion on systematic error Daniel
6). Update on 500 GeV D meson analysis David
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) MTD BUR request - Lijuan
2) J/psi in Au+Au 62 and 39 GeV: systematic errors - Wangmei
3) Efficiency uncertainties in D0 analysis - Yifei
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) BUR 14/15 discussion with HFT Xin Dong
2) Run14 projection of J/psi Daniel
3) D0 Update Yifei
4) J/psi in U+U Ota
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
update on Upsilon-h and Upsilon spin alignment Matt
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
Upsilon: extending the AuAu measurement to |y| < 1.0 from |y| < 0.5 - Anthony
Upsilon: RdAu and its implications for theory and other experiments - Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez
Low-pT J/psi in p+p run 9: Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
NPE purity and photonic electron v2 Daniel (fit plot for NPE purity)
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
Upsilon paper: Update on the status Anthony
J/psi polarization: Systematic error estimation of HT trigger efficiency Barbara
NPE in d+Au: Update Olga
J/psi in p+p 500 GeV: Embedding QA Qian
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
Upsilon trigger request for p+p 500 GeV run 13 (Wei, Anthony ?)
J/psi WWND talk and request for preliminary status of J/psi results (pT spectra, RAA, RCP) for Au+Au 39 and 62 GeV Wangmei
Low-pT J/psi in p+p 200 GeV Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
NPE in d+Au Olga
NPE talk at Bormio 51st International Winter Meeting Olga
Upsilon in d+Au: preliminary vs requested-to-be-preliminary Anthony
Low-pT J/psi in p+p 200 GeV Leszek
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
NPE v2 update Daniel
D0 update Yifei
1) D* in pp 500 GeV Run11 HT - David
2) J/psi-h correlation in pp 500 GeV Run11 HT - Hui
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) ccbar → e+μ simulation and projection for Au+Au 200 GeV with HFT - Bingchu
1) NPE in most central Central U+U Collisions - Katarina
2) B->J/psi with HFT and MTD in MC Simulation - Bingchu
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon spin alignment paper proposal - Matthew
1) MTD data production strategy for Run 14 - Group discussion
2) Run14 PicoDst Structure Update - Rongrong
3) J/psi in Au+Au 200 GeV Run10 vs Run11 - Wangmei
4) Upslion in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek
5) NPE in p+p 200 GeV Run12 - Xiaozhi
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) MTD data production strategy for Run 14 - Rongrong
2) NPE in p+p 200 GeV - Xiaozhi
1) PicoDst for 2014 data - Rongrong
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
1) HQ2014 talk: Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV -Leszek
1) Disk space -Xin et al.
2) Upsilon Spin Alignment -Matt
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV -Leszek
Meeting minutes
1) Upsilon Spin-Alignment - Matt
Meeting minutes
1) Upsilon in pp 500 GeV - Leszek
Meeting Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon in pp 500 GeV - Leszek
1) Discussion on data production priorities
2) Upsilon spin alignment - Matt
Meeting minutes
1) discussion on data production priorities
Meeting minutes
1) discussion on data production priorities for QM15
Meeting minutes
1) discussion on data production and physics priorities for QM15
2) pp200 baseline study - Long
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
1) NPE pp run12 - Shenghui
Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
1) psi(2s) update run11 pp500 - Qian
2) D-meson update run12 pp200 - Mustafa
3) trigger efficiency run12 pp200 - Hao
4) J/psi update AuAu 200 GeV - Wangmei
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
1) Upsilon updates in U+U - Robert
Meeting minutes
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
1) J/psi in AuAu 200 - Wangmei
2) D* in p+p 500 Run11 - David
3) D0/D* in p+p 200 Run12 - Hao
4) J/psi polarization in p+p 500 GeV Run11 - Barbara
5) Upsilon in U+U Run12 - Robert
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
1) Upsilon in U+U - Robert
2) NPE in p+p 200 Run9 - Olga
3) Low pT J/psi in d+Au - Leszek
4) NPE in p+p 200 Run12 - Xiaozhi
5) J/psi in AuAu 200 - Wangmei
6) D0/D* in p+p 200 Run12 - Mustafa
7) D0/D* in p+p 200 Run12 - Hao
8) BUR15&16 - Daniel and all
BUR15&16 with HFT - Xin
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
Meeting minutes
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 4409 Password: 7999
1) low pT NPE in pp 2009 - Olga
2) high pT NPE in pp 2012 - Xiaozhi
Meeting minutes - Zhenyu
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 686 8556
1) Upsilon in Au+Au - Anthony
2) Jpsi Polarization in pp500 - Barbara
3) D* in pp500 - David
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:00 (PST). EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 686 8556
1) Upsilon in Au+Au - Anthony
Time: 11:00 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 1507
1) Upsilon in Au+Au - Anthony
2) Heavy Flavor triggers for Au+Au run 14
3) Embedding QA for J/psi in U+U - Ota
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 1507
1) NPE in p+p 200 GeV run 12 - Xiaozhi Bai
2) Upsilon in U+U Robert
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 1507
1) Nonflow in NPE v2 in Au+Au 200 GeV - Daniel
2) Low-pT NPE in Au+Au 200 GeV run 10 - Kunsu
3) NPE in p+p 200 GeV run 12 - Xiaozhi Bai
4) J/psi to NPE contribution at 62.4GeV - Mustafa
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 100 1507
1) NPE in p+p 200 GeV run 12 - Xiaozhi Bai
2) J/psi in U+U 200 GeV - Ota
Time: 11:30 (EST), 8:30 (PST). EVO password: heavy. EVO phone bridge #: +1 631 344 6100, +1 626 395 2112. Phone bridge Id: 15 2099
1) NPE in p+p run9 update Olga
2) D* in pp 500 GeV David
1) update of J/psi analysis in central UU collisions - signal corrections from data - Jana
2) Run16 triggers
3) projection for B->Jpsi in run16 - Bingchu
1) D0 v2{event plane} in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Hao
2) D0 v2{2 part. corr.} in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Liang
1) Jpsi-h correlation in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Qian
2) D-h correlation in Run11 p+p 500 GeV systematic uncertainties - Long
3) NPE-h correlation in Run12 p+p 200 GeV - Zach
minutes - Zhenyu
1) D0 analysis in Run 12 Cu+Au collisions - Pavol
1) BEMC performance in 2014 HF PicoDsts - Rosi
2) Issues with in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 data with HT trigger - Bingchu
1) Data production priority
2) Paper plans
3) Paper Proposal D0 v2 - Hao
3) D-h correlation systematic uncertainties in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Long Ma
minutes - Zhenyu
1) K0s spectra with the HTF and D0 double counting correction in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Xin
2) Ds v2 and spectrum in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Md. Nasim
3) Syst. uncertainties on J/psi->mu+mu- in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Rongrong
4) J/psi->mu+mu- v2 and trigger efficiency in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Takahito
5) J/psi v2 in Au+Au 200 GeV run 11 - Chensheng
2015/09/11 - Low pT NPE in p+p Run12
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Data Driven Fast Simulator - Mustafa.
2) Corrected K_s - Xin.
3) D^0 spectra - Guannan.
4) Ds analysis - Nasim
5) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek
1) J/psi-h correlation in run12 pp 200 GeV - Bingchu
2) Run 12 p+p 200 GeV, NPE-h deltaPhi Correlations - Zach
3) J/psi and Upsilon analysis using MTD data - Rongrong
4) J/psi->mumu v2 - Takahito
1) Systematic uncertainties for NPE from Run12 p+p 200 GeV MB - Shenghui
2) NPE from Run12 p+p 200 GeV - Xiaozhi
3) D0 Fast Simulation QA - Mustafa
4) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) pre-QM meeting agenda
2) D0 v2 from event plane - Hao
3) D0 v2 from 2-particle correlation - Liang
4) PID efficiency and Double-Counting for D0 Reconstruction - Xin
Minutes - Zhenyu
J/psi in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 with MTD -Rongrong
J/psi v2 in Au+Au 200 GeV Run 11 - Chensheng
MTD trigger efficiency study and J/psi->mumu v2 - Takahito
D0 v2{2} in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Liang
Upsilon in p+p 500 run 11 - Leszek
HFT Analysis and HFT+ Proposal Workshop
1) NPE analysis in central UU collisions - Katarina
2) D0 v2 - Liang
1) Ds efficiency and Rcp calculation- Nasim
2) Non-flow in Run14 D0 v2 - Malong
3) NPE analysis in central UU collisions - Katarina
4) D meson v2 - Michael
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) background sources from angular correlations in the D0 invariant mass spectrum - Alexander
2) NPE in central UU collisions - Katarina
3) reconstruction efficiency of dimoun events - Rongrong
4) MTD partial tracking and trigger efficiency - Takahito
1) Non-flow effect on D0 v2 - Hao
2) Vertex resolution studies with KFVertex and Minuit Vertex - Guannan
3) D0 Tree with KFVertex - Guannan
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) D0 production in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Guannan
2) Mixed event maker in RNC HF library - Micheal
3) K0S Efficiency calculation using toy MC model - Nasim
4) Purit estimation for NPE v2 in Au+Au 200, 62.4 and 39 GeV - Daniel
5) D0 foreground in Au+Au 200 GeV - Mustafa
1) NPE in central UU - Katarina
2) trigger efficiency correction in D-hadron correlation study - Long Ma
3) update on Ds meson analysis - Long Zhou
1) Run14 MTD results projection and data production strategy - Lijuan
2) Muon identification using J/psi signal in p+p 500 GeV - Te-Chuan/Yi Yang
3) Efficiency calculation for Ds in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 using Toy Monte-Carlo simulation - Md. Nasim
4) J/psi in Run12 central U+U collisions - Jana
5) KFVertex and Hijing Simulation - Liang He
6) Upsilon in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Leszek
Minutes - Zhenyu
Hard Probes 2015 talk - Li Yi
J/psi vs event activity in p+p 500 GeV: analysis update, Hard Probes 2015 talk - Rongrong
D0 v2{2} in Au+Au 200 GeV - Liang He
J/psi polarization in p+p 500 GeV - Barbara
J/psi in BES paper status - Wangmei
NPE in Run10 Au+Au 62.4 GeV paper status - Mustafa
Event Plane Calibration status for Run14 MTD J/psi v2 - Takahito
D0 NMFs from Run14 - Mustafa
Mixed Event package for the RNC-HF analysis library as well as a quick case study using Mixed Event with D0 - Michael
KFVertex resolution and D0 correlation v2 - Liang
tracking/matching efficiency study in D triggered correlation in p+p collisions at 500GeV - Long Ma
D0 reconstruction with KFParticle - Amilkar
1) Low pT NPE in Run12 p+p 200 GeV - Shenghui
2) NPE-h in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Wei Li
3) Upsilon in Run12 U+U 193 GeV - Robert
4) J/psi from MTD in Run13 pp 500 GeV - Rongrong
5) e-mu correlation from HT and emu triggers in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV - Bingchu
6) Run14 MTD data production strategy - Lijuan
7) KFVertex refitting I - Liang
8) KFVertex refitting II - Guannan
9) D0 Rcp Extraction - Mustafa
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon polarization paper proposal - Saskia
2) dsaAdc in the trigger simulator - Barbara
1) Introduction of D0 correlated v2 study - Leon
2) vertex refitting - Liang
3) Update centrality definition for Run14 AuAu200GeV - Guanna
4) Update on Charm correlation in pp 500 GeV - Long Ma
5) update on D+ and D- as well as some studies using a toy mc - Michael, Mustafa
6) the dsmAdc issue - Barbara
7) D0 reconstruction raw signals - Guannan
1) MTD Data production - Lijuan
2) PicoDST production - Xin
3) J/psi polarization analysis in pp 500 GeV - Barbara
4) D0 reconstruction using KFParticle - Amilkar
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) picoDst production for MTD data - Rongrong
2) J/psi v2 analysis for Run11 - Zhao
3) J/psi analysis in central U+U collisions - Jana
4) KF vertex refitting - Liang
1) Ds in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Nasim
2) picoDST QA and Centrality Definition in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Guannan
3) KF vertex refitting - Liang
4) Prospects of B-jet measurements with HFT - Yaping
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Gamma Conversion in Au+Au 14.5 GeV Run 14 - Mengzhen
2) E/p corrections of the Upsilons in U+U 193 GeV - Robert
3) D0 identification using TMVA - Jonathan
4) Charm correlation study with Pythia simulation -Long
5) D+/D- analsis in AU+Au 200 GeV with HFT - Michael
6) KF vertex re-fittiong - Liang
1) NPE v2 in Au+Au run 10 - purity vs momentum (postponed) - Daniel
2) NPE low-pT in p+p 200 GeV run 12 - Shenghui
3) Update on J/psi in BES paper status - Wangmei
4) B->J/psi projection for BUR16/17 - Bingchu
5) D analysis with HFT in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Long
6) How to run simulations with HF particles embedded in a hijing background - Michael
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Beam User Request 2016-2017
- Unofficial information: Option 1: 22-week RHIC run in 2016, and no run in 2017, Option 2: 22-week runs in both 2016 and 2017
2) D0 v2 in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Hao
3) Update on the picoD0Production and analysis code - Mustafa
4) Software package for general HF analysis with picoDsts - Jochen
5) Update on Upsilon Polarization paper proposal - Saskia and Yanfang
6) Update on Upsilon in U+U paper proposal - Robert
7) NPE pT spectrum in Au+Au 200 GeV run 10 - Kunsu
1) Run14 Au+Au picoDst production - Round table discussion
2) J/psi polarizaition in pp 500 GeV Run 11 - Barbara
3) NPE in pp 200 GeV Run12 - Xiaozhi
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon 2S/3S in U+U Run 12 - Robert
2) Upslion Npart weighting - Robert
3) Exercise with Kpis mass - Leon
4) D0 in Au+Au run 14 - Mustafa
5) PicoDst production for the Run14 AuAu200 GeV - Xin
6) J/psi production and J/psi-h correlation in p+p at 200 GeV - Bingchu
7) J/psi analysis using Run13 pp 500 GeV - Rongrong
2015/03/12 (postponed to next week)
1) D0/D* in pp 500 GeV Run11 Paper Proposal - David
2) Upsilon 2S/3S in U+U Run 12 - Robert
1) Upsilon in U+U - Robert
paper proposal
analysis update
2) J/psi pp reference at 39 and 62.4 GeV - Wangmei
3) Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 QA - Kpi pairs - Liang
1) Event-Plane Dependent NPE-h correlations in AuAu 200 GeV - Jay
2) NPE in most central Central U+U Collisions - Katarina
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Primary Vertex Refitting for D Meson Simulation Studies - Mikhail
2) D0 Reconstruction Efficiency in Simulations with HFT in 200GeV p+p Collisions - Liang
3) Upsilon in U+U 193 GeV Run12 - Robert
4) D* in pp 500 GeV Run11 - David
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) J/psi in pp 500 GeV Run13 MTD - Rongrong
2) J/psi and psi(2s) in pp 500 GeV Run11 - Qian
Minutes - Zhenyu
1) Consistency check between D0 and NPE v2 - Long Zhou
2) Run11 Au+Au Upsilon->ee - Zaochen ye
minutes - Zhenyu
One-slide status for QM2017
Alena Harlenderova Guannan Xie Takahito Todoroki Jakub Kvapil Zac Miller
Bingchu Huang Pavol Federic Miroslav Saur Liang He Alex Jentsch
Xiaolong Chen Long Zhou Zaochen Ye Kunsu OH Xinjie Huang
minutes - Rongrong
1) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzeski
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzeski2016/10/27
1) QA of Run16 st_hlt - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
minutes - Rongrong
1) Upsilon in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzeski
minutes - Rongrong
1) Combined Upsilon analysis - Shuai Yang
2) Jpsi and Upsilon embedding in Run11 AuAu 200 GeV - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Rongrong
1) Run15 p+Au st_physics data QA for NPE/Jpsi/Upsilon measurements - Zach
2) Run15 p+p 200 Jpsi polarization in dimuon channel - Zhen
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Run15 centrality study using MB data - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) QA for Run15 pAu (MTD) - Takahito
2) J/psi v2 in Run12 U+U - Alena
3) Upslion in Run11 and Run14 Au+Au (BHT) - Zaochen
minutes - Zhenyu
1) QA for Run15 st_physics pp/pA - Zachariah Miller
2) Non-prompt Jpsi using Run14 AuAu - Bingchu Huang
3) Quarkonium in Run15 pAu (BHT) - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Rongrong
1) Vertex distribution in Run15 pp/pA - Yanfang
2) Upsilon in Run14 AuAu dielectron - Zaochen
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Run-dependent QA of MTD events in Run15 pp 200 GeV - Takahito Todoroki
minutes - Rongrong
1) EvtGen Implementation in STAR - Zhenyu
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Centrality definition for Run14 AuAu 200 GeV, P16id - Xiaolong Chen
2) Jpsi in Run15 pp: how to determine the PID cuts range - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) Ds in Run14 Au+Au - Nasim
minutes - Zhenyu
1) OSU collaboration meeting
2) J/psi efficiency from PID cuts - Yanfang
minutes - Rongrong
1) data production priority and QM17 topics
2) Run14 Jpsi->dielectron embedding - Zaochen
3) PWG_TASK disk space request - Bingchu
4) Jpsi in Run15 p+p - Takahito
1) NPE-h in Run11 pp 500 GeV - Wei Li
2) Jpsi x-sec from Run13 pp 500 GeV MTD data - Te-Chuan Huang
3) Jpsi in Run12 Cu+Au - Pavla Federicova
4) D+/- in Run14 Au+Au (P16id) - Jakub Kvapil
5) Jpsi in Run15 pp 200 GeV MTD - Yanfang Liu
6) Upsilon in pp 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzewski
1) Jpsi v2 from Run14 MTD data - Takahito Todoroki
2) Jpsi RAA from Run14 MTD data - Rongrong Ma
3) D0 v3 from Run14 AuAu HFT data - Michael Lominitz
4) Jpsi and Upsilon from Run14 AuAu BHT data - Zaochen Ye
5) NPE-h in Run11 p+p 500 GeV - Wei Li
6) Low-pT Jpsi enhancement - Wangmei
1) D0 v2 with 2PC (P16id) - Liang He
2) Low-pT Jpsi enhancement in AuAu and UU - Wangmei
3) Jpsi v2 using Run14 MTD data - Takahito Todoroki
4) Jpsi cross section using Run14 MTD data - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Rongrong
1) Jpsi-h correlation in Run12 pp200 - Bingchu Huang
2) Jpsi yield vs event activity in Run12 pp200 - Bingchu Huang
3) Jpsi cross section in Run13 pp500 using MTD - Te-Chuan Huang
minutes - Rongrong
1) Jpsi polarization in Run12 pp200 - Siwei Luo
2) Jpsi-h correlation in Run11 pp500 - Qian Yang
3) Jpsi yield vs event activiity in Run12 pp200 - Bingchu Huang
4) MTD J/psi analysis in Run14 AuAu200 - Rongrong Ma
5) MTD Upsilon analysis in Run14 AuAu200 - Xinjie Huang
6) D0 v3 in Run14 AuAu200 - Michael Lomintz
1) MTD J/psi analysis in Run14 AuAu200 - Rongrong Ma
2) D0 v2 in Run14 AuAu 200 (P16id) - Michael Lomnitz
3) J/psi polarization in pp 200 - Siwei Luo
4) Ds reconstrcution in Run14 AuAu 200 (P16id) - Long Zhou
5) Ds reconstruction in Run14 AuAu 200 (P16id) - Nasim
minutes - Rongrong
1) J/psi polarization in Run12 pp200 - Siwei
1) NPE in Run14 AuAu 200 - Shenghui
2) J/psi polarization in pp 200 - Siwei
3) D0 reconstruction in Run14 AuAu 200 (P16id) - Mustafa
minutes - Rongrong
1) NPE v2 in 200, 62, 39 GeV - Daniel
2) Combinatorial Background Method study - Wangmei
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Jpsi event activities in Run12 pp 200 - Bingchu
2) QA of Run15 pp200 for D0 analysis - Pavol
minutes - Rongrong
1) sQM plan - Wangmei
2) Jpsi polarization in Run12 pp200 - Siwei
minutes - Zhenyu
1) New production priorities
2) Run14 D0 production status - Guannan
3) J/psi-hadron correlation in Run13 - Te-Chuan
minutes - Rongrong
1) Plan for MTD talk at sQM - Takahito
minutes - Rongrong
1) Updates of Upsilon in UU 193 GeV (already in GPC) - Robert
minutes - Zhenyu
1) D0 v3 in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV - Michael
2) bug found in StPxlRawHitMaker - Hao
minutes - Rongrong
1) D0 v2 in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 - Hao
2) High tower trigger rates in run 16 - Zhenyu
3) D0 v3 in Au+Au 200 GeV run 14 -Michael
1) NPE Raa in Run12 central U+U 193 GeV - Katarina
minutes - Zhenyu
1) To run or not to run with the pileup protection on the MB trigger in Au+Au collisions in 2016 - Xin
2) B->e study in p+p 200 GeV run 12 - Zach
1) Update on Upsilon production in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzewski
2) D+/- in d+Au collisions - Georgy Ponimatkin
minutes - Petr
1) J/psi polarization using Run15 MTD data - Zhen Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) Latest results with KF Particle Finder - Maksym Zyzak
2) KF-Particle test results from run14 - Guannan Xie
3) Paper proposal: J/psi polarization in 200 GeV p+p with MTD - Zhen Liu
4) Update on Paper proposal: J/psi polarization in 200 GeV p+p with run12 data (ee) - Siwei Luo
5) Upsilon vs. event activity - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes - Zebo
1) Systematic uncertainties study for D0 paper - Guannan Xie
2) Upsilon event activity studies - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes- Petr
1) Upsilon in Run14 200 GeV AuAu via di-electron channel - Oliver Matonoha
2) MB events estimation for BBCMB trigger in Run15 200 GeV pp - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Rongrong
Analysis Meeting
1) Systematic uncertainties study for Run 12 J/psi polarization - Siwei Luo
2) Systematic uncertainties study for Run 14 MTD J/psi - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Zebo
1) Upsilon production in p+p 500 GeV - trigger efficiency studies - Leszek Kosarzewski
2) Jpsi via the dimuon channel in Run14 200 GeV (slides 33+) - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Petr
1) Jpsi via the dimuon channel in Run14 200 GeV (slides 1-33) - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Rongrong
1) Update on D0 v1 for Run14+16 AuAu 200 GeV - Subash Singha
2) Trigger bias study for J/psi and Y in Run15 pp 200 GeV - Zaochen Ye
1) Systematic uncertainty study for J/psi polarization in run15 p+p - Zhen Liu
2) Multiplicity dependence of J/psi and D0 trigger bias - Takahito Todoroki
3) Simulation of VPD efficiency in run15 p+p - Takahito Todoroki
minutes - Zebo
1) Run14 D0 topological cuts re-tuning - Xiaolong Chen
2) Upsilon vs. event activity from Run11 pp500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes - Rongrong
1) J/psi v2 in Run12 UU 193 GeV - Alena Harlenderova
2) Embedding with HFT and open charm in y2016 data sample - Maksym Zyzak
3) Upsilon vs event activity from Run11 pp500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes - Zhenyu
minutes - Rongrong
1) J/psi v2 in Run12 UU 193 GeV - Alena Harlenderova
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Tuning Lc cuts with Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
2) Ds with Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Md. Nasim
minutes - Rongrong
1) Trigger bias study for jpsi events for Run15 pAu200 - Takahito Todoroki
2) Toy MC study for J/psi polarization - Rongrong Ma
3) J/psi polarization in Run15 pp 200 GeV - Zhen Liu
minutes - Zhenyu
1) D* from Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Yuanjiang Ji
2) Lc from Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Miroslav Simko
3) J/psi v2 in Run12 UU 193 GeV - Alena Harlenderova
4) Toy MC study for J/psi polarization - Rongrong Ma
5) J/psi polarization in Run15 pp 200 GeV - Zhen Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) Total charm cross section in AuAu200 - Xiaolong Chen
2) Upsilon vs event activity from Run11 pp500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
3) Centrality for Run15 pAu 200 GeV - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Trigger bias study for jpsi events for Run15 pp200 - Takahito Todoroki
2) Ds v2 for Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Md Nasim
3) D0 v1 for Run14+16 AuAu 200 GeV - Subash Singha
minutes - Rongrong
1) Trigger bias study for Run15 pp200 - Takahito Todoroki
2) Ds v2 from Run14 AuAu200 - Md. Nasim
3) D0 v1 from Run14+16 AuAu200 - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Paper proposal: low pT j/psi production in AuAu 200 GeV - Wangmei Zha
2) Centrality study in Run15 pAu - Yanfang Liu
3) Run14 AuAu D0 v1 - Subhash Singha
minutes - Rongrong
1) D0 v1 analysis with Run14+16 AuAu - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
minutes - Zhenyu
1) D0 v1 analysis in Run14 AuAu - Subhash & Nasim
2) D0 v1 analysis in Run14+16 AuAu - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
3) Vertex resolution correction for Ds in Run14 AuAu - Md. Nasim
minutes - Rongrong
1) MTD trigger efficiency - Rongrong
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Systematic uncertainty for Run12 pp Jpsi polarization - Siwei Luo
minutes - Rongrong
1) Centrality for 2015 p+Au 200 GeV - Yangfang Liu
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Vertex reconstruction for 2016 d+Au200 GeV- Sooraj Radhakrishnan
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Upsilon event activity study - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes - Rongrong
1) Centrality for 2015 p+Au 200 GeV - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Zhenyu
1) Ds efficiency using FastSim package - Md. Nasim
minutes - Rongrong
1) Request for storing Run16 KPiX tree on RCF - Shusu Shi
2) Jpsi RpA using Run15 MTD data - Takahito Todoroki
3) Upsilon di-electron analysis in Run14 AuAu - Oliver Matonoha
minutes - Rongrong
1) J/psi polarization in Run12 pp - Siwei Luo
minutes - Zhenyu
1) J/psi polarization in Run15 pp/A (MTD) - Zhen Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) D0 v1 from Run14 Au+Au - Subhash/Nasim
minutes - Zhenyu
1) pA centrality
1) D*-h in Run11 pp500 - Long Ma
2) Lc in Run16 AuAu200 - Sooraj
minutes - Zhenyu
session 1-2 (Thursday)
1) Charmonium in Run15 pp/pAu - Takahito Todoroki
2) Upsilon in Run14 AuAu dimuon - Xinjie Huang
3) Upsilon in Run11 AuAu and Run15 pp/pAu - Zaochen Ye
4) B->D in Run14 AuAu - Xiaolong Chen
5) B->Jpsi in Run14+16 AuAu - Bingchu Huang
minutes - Zhenyu
6) Ds in Run14 AuAu - Long Zhou
7) NPE in Run14 AuAu - Shenghui Zhang
8) B/D->e in Run14 AuAu - Xiaozhi Bai
9) B/D->e in Run14 AuAu - Kunsu Oh
minutes - Rongrong
session 3-4 (Friday)
10) D and Lc in Run14 AuAu - Guannan Xie
11) Ds in Run14 AuAu - Md Nasim
12) D+/- in Run14 AuAu - Jakub Kvapil
13) D0-h in Run14 AuAu - Alex Jentsch
minutes - Zhenyu
14) D0 in Run12 Cu+Au - Miro Saur
15) Jpsi v2 in Run12 U+U - Alena Harlenderova
16) Upsilon in Run11 p+p 500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
17) Charmonion in Run15 p+p/Au - Takahito Todoroki
minutes - Rongrong
1) Jpsi event activity in Run12 pp 200 GeV - Bingchu Huang
2) NPE in Run15 pp/pAu 200 GeV - Zach Miller
3) NPE without using HFT in Run15 AuAu 200 GeV - Shenghui Zhang
4) D0 v3 with HFT in Run14 AuAu 200 GeV - Michael Lomnitz
5) Jpsi polarization in Run 12 pp 200 GeV - Siwei Luo
6) Centrality study for Run15 pAu 200 GeV - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) J/psi and Psi(2s) from Run15 p+p and p+Au dimuon - Takahito
2) Upsilon from Run15 p+p and p+Au and Run11 Au+Au dielectron - Zaochen
3) D0 and Lc from Run14 Au+Au - Guannan
4) D0-h correlation from Run14 Au+Au - Alex
5) B->e from Run14 Au+Au - Xiaozhi
6) Upsilon from Run14+16 Au+Au dimuon - Xinjie
7) Upsilon from Run11 p+p 500 - Leszek
8) Upsilon from Run11 Au+Au - Zaochen
minutes - Zhenyu
1) J/psi v2 in U+U collisions - Alena Harlenderova
2) Non-prompt J/psi in Au+Au collisions - Bingchu Huang
3) J/psi event activity in Run12 pp 200 GeV - Bingchu Huang
4) Upsilon in Run15 pp and pA collisions - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Rongrong
1) Update on Upsilon in p+p - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes - Zebo
STAR 2018 Winter Analysis meeting (12/11-12/14)
HF Parallel 1: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/star-winter-analysis-meeting/heavy-flavor
HF Parallel 2: https://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/meetings/star-winter-analysis-meeting/heavy-flavor-0
1) MTD response efficiency in 2016 cosmics - Rongrong Ma
2) Update on J/psi polarization - Zhen Liu
3) Update on the single electron analysis - Matthew Kelsey
4) D+- analysis in Au+Au 200 GeV - Robert Licenik
minutes - Petr
1) Update on Lc analysis - Sooraj Radhakrishan
2) Run14 J/psi Raa analysis - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Rongrong
1) Update on D0 spectra paper - Guannan Xie
minutes - Zebo
1) Upsilon->mumu l in Run14 Au+Au @ 200 GeV - Zhe-Jia Zhang
2) Update on the D0 v1 analysis - Subhash Singha
3) Update on D0 v3 analysis in 2016 + 2014 Au+Au@200GeV -Yue Liang
minutes - Petr
1) Ds production in Run16 - Chuan Fu
2) Update on D* analysis - Yuanjing Ji
3) picoDst production of Run15 pAu st_mtd data - Yanfang Liu
minutes - Rongrong
1) psi(2S)->J/psi+pipi in 500 GeV p+p - Chan-Jui Feng
2) Run13 J/psi->mumu update - Te-Chuan Huang
minutes - Zebo
1) Update on the MB embedding for J/psi -> mumu analysis - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Petr
1) Electron PID using a likelihood classifier - Matthew Kelsey
minutes - Rongrong
1) Update on run14 MTD J/psi Raa Rongrong Ma
minutes - Petr
1) Update on Run14+16 Upsilon->mumu - Pengfei Wang
minutes - Zebo
1) Run15 Upsilon RpA - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Rongrong
1) Update on D+- in Run16 Au+Au@200 GeV - Jan Vanel
2) Status report of D* in Run16 Au+Au@200 GeV - Yuanjing Ji
minutes - Zebo
1) Update on run13 MTD J/psi cross-section - Te-Chuan Huang
minutes - Zebo
1) Run15 pAu Embedding Comparison - Yanfang Liu
2) Update on J/psi->mu+mu in Run13 pp510 - Te-Chuan Huang
minutes - Petr
1) Update on run14 MTD J/psi Raa - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Zebo
1) Update on KFParticleFinder - Maksym Zyzak
1) Update on pp reference for Run14 Jpsi Raa - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Rongrong
1) RUN15 pp/pAu NPE -Kunsu
2)Update on Open HF semileptonic decays - Yifei
3)HFT effects on Upsilon reconstruction - Oliver
4)Update on D+ in AuAu run16 - Jan
5)MTD matching study - Rongrong
1) D0 in dAu - Lukas
2) Lc analysis - Sooraj
3) D0 v2 in Run16 - Liang
4) D+/- in Run16 - Jan
5) Upsilon in Run14 BEMC - Oliver
6) D0 v1 - Subhash
7) D* in Run14 - Yuanjing
8) Upsilon from MTD - Pengfei
9) Lc+/Lc- - Miro
10) Update for D0 paper - Guannan
minutes - Petr
1) Run16 D0 measurements - Xiaolong Chen
minutes - Rongrong
1) D0 v2, v3 in Run16 Au+Au - Yue Liang
2) Run11 HT18 run-by-run QA - Shuai Yang
3) Upsilon from MTD in Run 16 Au+Au - Pengfei Wang, Shuai Yang
minutes - Zebo
1) D+/- production in run16 AuAu - Jan Vanek
2) D* production in run14 AuAu - Yuanjing Ji
3) Update - bottom analysis - Yifei Zhang
minutes - Rongrong
4) Signal extraction of Upsilon in run14 AuAu BHT2 - Oliver Matonoha
5) Update on the D0 v1 analysis - Subhash Singha
6) Status of my D0 in dAu - Lukas Kramarik
minutes - Petr
1) Systematics for J/psi in Run11 pp 500 GeV - Qian Yang
2) NPE in Run15 pp/pAu - Kunsu OH
3) Upsilon in Run16 AuAu 200 GeV (MTD) - Pengfei Wang
minutes - Rongrong
1) Summary of HFT embedding tuning and validation - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
2) Run16 Upsilon reconstruction efficiency - Pengfei Wang
minutes - Zebo
1)Upsilon->ee reconstruction efficiency and systematics in BHT2 AuAu14 - Oliver Matonoha
minutes -Petr
1) Run16 fastsim and D0 - Xiaolong Chen
2) J/psi polarization measurement in Run12 - Siwei Luo
minutes -Petr
1) MTD muon PID efficiency for Run15 pp & pAu - Rongrong Ma
2) Trigger bias factor for Run13 MTD Jpsi analysis - Te-Chuan Huang
minutes - Rongrong
1) D0 v1 in 200 GeV Au+Au - Liang He
minutes - Zebo
1) Upsilon->ee reconstruction efficiency study in AuAu14 BHT2 - Oliver Matonoha
2) QA of dAu data - Lukas Kramarik
minutes - Petr
1) Paper proposal: Jpsi cross section in p+p 500 GeV - Te-Chuan
minutes - Rongrong
1) Trigger bias of J/psi in Run15 p+p and p+Au - Takahito Todoroki
2) Update on Run14 MTD J/psi study - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Zebo
2018/01/24 - 28
STAR Collaboration Meeting
1) Vz diff cut study in dAu 200 GeV for picoDst production - Liang He
1) Centrality determination for Run14 prod_high - Xiaolong Chen
minutes - Rongrong
1) Bad run determination for Run14 AuAu 200 GeV MTD data - Rongrong Ma
2) D0 v1 with Au+Au Run14 and Run16 data - Liang He
minutes - Zebo
1)D+/- in Run16 Au+Au - Jan Vanek
2) J/psi in Jet with Run11 pp 500 - Qian Yang
3) Glauber MC for dAu centrality - Lukas
1) uncertainty estimation of p+p reference for Upsilon measurements -Pengfei
1) Update on the analysis on single electrons with HFT - Matthew Kelsey
2) Update on J/Psi and Psi(2S) via the dimuon channel - Feng Chan-Jui
3) Update on D0 v2 event shape analysis- Yue Liang
4) Update on J/Psi RpA analysis in centrality bins- Yanfang Liu
minutes - Sooraj
1) Systematic uncertainty of J/psi in pAu - Yanfang Liu
2) Systematic uncertainty of single electron in Au+Au with HFT - Matthew Kelsey
3) Update on D0 in d+Au - Lukas Kramarik
minutes - Zebo
1) D0 v2 with event-shape-engineering - Yue Liang
2) Update on c/b NPE anlaysis - Matthew Kelsey
3) Bottom in Run14 Central-5 Au-Au - Yingjie Zhou
4) Improvement on J/psi signal extraction - Rongrong Ma
5) Update on D0 in d+Au - Lukas Kramarik
minutes -Petr
1) Run 16 D+/- update - Jan Vanek
2) Update on NPE v2 in 54 GeV Au+Au - Yuanjing Ji
3) HF electron analysis with Run 16 Au+Au - Matthew Kelsey
4) D0 production in d+Au - Lukas Kramarik
5) Paper proposal for Run15 Jpsi RpA analysis - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Sooraj
1) NPE in Run16 with HFT - Matthew Kelsey
2) Jpsi->mumu in Run15 p+p - Rongrong Ma
1) Bad run determination for Run15 pp 200 GeV MTD data - RongRong Ma
1) Bug fix in Upsilon efficiency in dielectron channel - Shuai Yang
2) Update on Ds analysis- Chuan Fu
minutes - Sooraj
1) Study of non-flow effect in NPE v2 in 200 GeV Au+Au - Yingjie Zhou
2) Study with FMS in Run 16 - Matthew Kelsey
3) D+- reconstruction efficiency in Run16 Au+Au@200GeV sst+nosst streams - Jan Vanek
1) Update on the D+- in Au+Au@200GeV - Jan Vanek
2) MTD matching efficiency study in Run15 - RongRong Ma
3) NPE v2 in 54 GeV Au+Au - Yuanjing Ji
4) Update on Upsilon ->nu+nu in Au+Au - Pengfei Wang
minutes -Petr
1) Update on Upsilon studies in p+p 500 GeV - Leszek Kosarzewski
2) MTD trigger efficiency studies in Run17 p+p 500GeV - Feng Chan-Jui
3) Estimate of equivalent MB events for dimuon triggers in 2015 p+Au data - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Sooraj
1) TPC tracking efficiency for the Jpsi analysis using Run15 p+Au data - Rongrong Ma
minutes - Zebo
1) D0 v2 + event-shape-engineering - Yue Liang
2) Bottom electron RAA and v2 systematic uncertainties - Matthew Kelsey
minutes - Petr
1) NPE v2 at 54 and 27 GeV - Yuanjing Ji
minutes - Zebo
1) HF electron v1 in Au+Au 2014 - Matthew Kelsey
2) Update on Upsilon signal fitting - Leszek Kosarzewski
3) Update on J/Psi analysis in Run 15 p+Au- Yanfang Liu
4) Efficiency studies on J/Psi analysis in Run 15 p+Au - Rongrong Ma
1) Upsilon ->e+e in Au+Au date - Shuai Yang
2) Charm v2 in Au+Au run16 with KFP - Pavol Federic
3) Upsilon ->nu+nu in Au+Au- Pengfei Wang
4) Bad run determination for Run15 pAu - Rongrong Ma
1) Report on the Lambda_c paper - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
2) Update on single electron analysis with HFT - Matthew Kelsey
minutes - Zebo
1) HFT Embedding pT Resolution Studies - Jan Vanek
minutes - Sooraj
1) Update on La_c analysis - Sooraj Radhakrishnan
2) Upsilon paper proposal - Pengfei Wang
1) updates for the Uplsion->ee (run11 AuAu@200 GeV) analysis - Shuai Yang
2) update on the Run16 embedding QA - Jan Vanek
3) update on Upsilon analysis via di-muon channel in run14+run16 Au+Au@200GeV - Pengfei Wang
4) the effects of MC-RC embedding issue on the Upsilon analysis - Zaochen Ye
minutes - Zebo
STAR Collaboration meeting
1) PID efficiency for D+- in Run16 Au+Au@200GeV - Jan Vanek
2) Effect of RC-MC issue for very low pT Jpsi analysis - Wangmei Zha
3) Number of equivalent MB events estimation for run11 HT2 triggered data - Shuai Yang
4) Update on PID efficiencies studies for D0 in d+Au - Lucas Kramarik
minutes - Zebo
1) Run11 Upsilon update - Shuai Yang
2) Update on HF electron analysis Mathew Kelsey
1) Ds analysis update - Chuan Fu
2) Upsilon signal fitting in p+p 500 - Leszek Kosarzewski
minutes -Petr
1) QA of Run16 200GeV Au+Au pi+ embedding - Jan Vanek
2) Update on psi(2S) in run17 p+p@500GeV - Chan-Jui Feng
minutes - Zebo
1) Upsilon analysis using Run11 HT2 data: Shuai Yang
minutes - Sooraj
1) QA of run16 Au+Au@200GeV SL18f- Jan Vanek
2) K and pi PID efficiency for D0 in d+Au - Lukas Kramarik
3) Update on electron purity for Run14 single e analysis - Matthew Kelsey
minutes -Petr
1) D+/- in Run14 and Run16 : Jan Vanek
2) Vertex using MTD hits in Run17: Chan-Jui Feng
2010/10/03 Meeting Minutes
E/p show difference in width and shift MC/data. Should be investigated in different p bins to see p dependence
List will be ranked with priority based on possible impact/feasibility.
List will be revisited to push new paper low pt J/Psi further and also make sure that HF topics are covered.
New EH needed to make HF QM2011 embedding done
0) General
* Zhenyu has replaced Wei as a HF PWGC.
* Reminder of QM2014 deadlines
1) low pT NPE in pp 2009 - Olga
Olga updated the analysis to try to understand the enhancement at low pT w.r.t. Phenix and FONLL calculations.
She had previouly used a |eta|<1 cut and used a TOF matching efficiency as a function of pT integrated over
eta and phi from Babara. This time she derives the TOF matching eff by herself for different pT bins and phi
regions as a function of eta. She is using a |eta|<0.7 cut. Another change was to extract and use Gamma 2009
and Dalitz 2008 embedding samples to extract the photonic electron efficiencies. The third update was a
recaculation of the purity. With all these changes, the enhancement at low pT is now gone. A comment was made
on slide 4 where the eta-dependent tof matching efficiency shows rapid falling offs for -123<phi<-63. Suggested
to cut away these fall-off eta regions for -123<phi<-63
Action items:
1. Dalitz embedding 2009 samples for publication. Requests were in place but were not approved. The convenors
will follow this up. For conferences, using Dalitz 2008 samples are fine, as the photonic electron efficiencies
for gamma samples are similar between 2008 and 2009. For publication, Dalitz embedding 2009 samples are needed.
2. Olga will send around the purity extraction QA plots
3. Olga will put a cut to remove eta<0.3 and -123<phi<-63
2) high pT NPE in pp 2012 - Xiaozhi
Xiaozhi presented electron/gamma embedding QA plots. For data, he used photonic electrons with a requirement on
pair DCA and inv mass to select pure electrons, while for embedding he used the MC particle info to select pure
electrons. He found that nhitfit and global DCA distributions are different between data and embedding. Such a
difference should not have a large influence on the results, as the cuts he applied are far away from the majority
of the electron candidate distributions.
Action items:
1. Xiaozhi updates the study with the same selection cuts applied to both data and embedding to ensure there is
no bias introduced.